Springfield, Millburn Join in Memorial Day Parade

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Springfield, Millburn Join in Memorial Day Parade COMPLETE OVERSiOOO— Coverage in News and People in Springfield Circulation - - - Read 1 It liTtbe Sun Read the Sun Each Week vni yyiii,KJn: 79 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER • ' SPRINGFIELD, N7"Jr,~ THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER . DOHOUGll OF MOUNTAINSIDE TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD 6c A COPY, $2.50 BY THE YEAR Full Principal Well Known Bike Rider DiesSchool Aid Tax LISTEN^ WFirsi'mFatarAccident Springfield, Millburn Join Haymond B" Puterbaugh, 33 Dengler. Death was attributed, to For Chisholm years old, of 52 Hudson, street, a fractured skull. For Springfield East- Orange, promlnont amateur Wllliam-H-0'Hern7-23~-of-E«st In Memorial Day Parade bicyclist and president of the Hanover, driver of the auto, ww Olympic Bicycle Roller Club, was arraigned . after the accident be- Totals $10,733 I School Urged instantly killed Sunday at 10 a. m., fore Recorder Spinning on a MUMPS EPIDEMIC Veterans, Scouts, Others to when hi» bicycle swerved into the charge of causing death, with a HERE IN APRIL rear end of an auto on Mountain motors-vehicle. Patrolman Nelson 'avenue, 800-feet south of Shunpike Stiles was the complainant. He Springfield passed through Need Stressed in Taxpayers Saved an epidemic stage of mumps Take Part in Ceremonies ~road;—- \ :• •--•-,—- . pleaded/not guilty and • was re- during April, according to_a Puterbaugh was taken to Over- le"o»ed ~fn—$500— bond for Grand iPlans are.nearing-completion for the annual Spring- Recommendation Large. Sum by report submitted-to-the.-Board look Hospital, Summit, in the Jury action. _..•.•• field-Millburn Memorial Day parade to be held Monday, May -of Health last night by Robert 31, All local participating units will assemble in the area of To Local Board township ambulance by Patrol- First PtttalHy This Year Cigarette Levy D. Treat, registrar of vital sta- man Wilbu^,, S.elander.'. He was Sunday's mishap was. the. first tistics. ' ihqtown hall at 8:45 a. m. Re commendation to pronounced dead by Dr. Henry P. motor vehicle fatality here this The taxpayers of Spring- • Local-unlts4nnd their alignment Reports of new cases—have 'follow: Springfield, Police dopart- FRIENDS!! creatc-thc^posfc^of— princi pal- year-and the_.firsLji!ncc_a three- field and other towns in dropped considerably during Plan Charter Nite in Raymond Chisholm. year-old child was struck and Union^County—will behefit "meritrReglorial High School Band, the past few days, Treat said. Battle Hill Post, Veterans of For- School will be' decided Tues-- killed by a car February 26, 1M7., this year to the' extent of A total of 45 cases were re- Church Will Mark : $812,706.96 through reven- For Rotary Group eign Wars, Springfield Fire De- Thorp's it l'cuf feud on between day'nfght at a special-irieet-- Born /In Scranton, Pa., Putet ported to the registrar during partment, Continental Post, Amer- W. R.'Tracy of tjic Comity Park ing of the~Board of Educa- baugh had lived . In Newark bo: ues produced ",'y the school-, tho one month period, he re- Springfield's, new Rotary Club ican ne"gIoh7"Daug}ilel;!,' of Amcr- fore moving to East Orange three vealed. has launched plans for its. charter , Commission and Springfield.' of- tion.. .' .. '. Battle Anniversary aid tax on cigarettes, ac- lea, Red Cross;- Junior Red years ago. He was ernployed In night celebration to-be held Mon- > —ficlale . .'Local authorities don't . Need for the position was Thc,j) 34th annuol service com- cording to a certification-to "Fifteen births were reported .Cross, Girl Scouts;and Brownies .want park employees burning the'bbttling plant of the Hoffman during April as compared to day, June 14, Harry Boughnef, vice- memorating the 168th anniversary the county by Education 10 and Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. stressed in a recommenda- Brewing Compnny. president °f " local group and -brush without a permit'. • threat tion to the school board1 at a of the Battle of Springfield, fought Commissioner Bosshart. five for the same period last • JKs the parade stops off, thn of court action wiis contained in I year. Five rriarriages and two Bo. Adlerbert of Hillside, instru- : June 23, 1780, will be' held in A private In thi Army during v Every school • district, .without wi eath bearer will lay the wreath meeting this week by the. 1 mental in. forming the Spring-field a letter on the subject • to Tracy, historic Presbyterian Church, Sun-- the Avar, ho was attached to a exception, receives funds from the deaths were also reported. government' committee. club, arc in charge of arrange- .at. the Honor Roll or? Morris and from Springfield . -A return day, at 3 p. m. • • > truck regiment .operating on—the go to Benjamin Newswanger, a levy to relieve the tax on homes in. ments. • Flcmer avenues, present arms and lotter from the park head said he T Alcan highway to Alaska. After -thaJ; community, Dr. -Bosshartr return to his unit. All units will, teacher In the school, now serving- The affair is expected to at- "noted stipulations with interest," 1 his discharge from the service, he pointed out. on passing the Honor Roll, ren- in a part-time capacity "ns~prirt- ' -Br-otheFs—Golloge,—Dr-ew—Univcr-- -tract-Uioarly 200 Rotarians to burheTlllln'tsay-he would comply "organized the Olympic Bicycle "Of course, it is a fact that funds Salary Increases der a solute by performing - a clpiil. ., aity, will be the principal speaker. Springfield from other sections v . Township Attorney- Darby has Channing R. Dooley, .president of_ Roller Club, a frbup which ppr- disbursed as State'.financial aid right face. been assigned to.. dis"cusur~the"~flUb:r 'Charles Runcie, chairman of the "formed with~bTcycles"on stationary of. ..the county, state and nation. government committee-, (wild the Pnssflic Valley Chapter, Sons to schools come out of the general Grave ceremony procoduro h ject'with park commission law- •rollers. With this group he enter- State—fund," the Commissioner Voted at Regional Several past district governors Ncwswnngcr could, not administer of American ^Revolution, will prc- will bo in attendance as well as bech^ altered this year. Each yers'. tained servicemen at numerous said.. , . • . ' Effective September." 1 the jani- cemetery on the route of the pa^— the elementary school in a part- their.wives. $ hospitals' and camps.' Ho was a torial and clerical forces of Re- Tadc-wllt~be visited and a. concise timc.-capin.cily-.-nnd stin.attend to' The aervicc will include the in- "But without this tux on cigar- That reappraisal survey of lo- member of the Bay View Wheel- ettes there simply woUld not have gional High School will receive The'. Springfield Club;"~which ceremony will be performed by the. _li i8_.cln_W»fi9. Newawanger's teach-. vocation by the Rev. Elmer F. cal industries will take place men of Newark, Vailsburg Post, boon sufficient money to provide Increases In salarlos, according to holds weekly luncheon meetings flr'e -dop'artmerila', firing 'squads, • ing assignments—will—be—taketi- Franclsr-chaplain, Pqssaic Valley pretty urtoii ft VFW, andjl^oca] 843 of tlio Brew- the additional aid which the State action taken by the Board of Bd- Tuesdays at the Ivy Tea Room, color bearers and blind. Other pa- Chapter, SAR; scripture "reading Turk; who initiated the .-move to J>vcr by Robert S, Bailey, another ery Workers' Union. now-is giving local districts. a.tlon at'Its meeting last week. was granted aits charter three rade participants and spectators —have $2.5(10 placed' hrtheTiUdBet-pwcher-at-the- school. If the board by the Rev. Bruce Evans, pastor Two clerkehlps and.four jani- weeks ago following an organiza- will remain beyond cemotory— approves the recommendation. of the local church; an address, Puterbaugh had raced on the "The. alternative would ' have for that purpoHc, wilt probably I been a greater tax burderrojrlocal- torial—positions were raised $200 tion .period of two months. Mil- gates. While • it was not indicated "Our Heritage," by Dean Lankard, dirt track at W-eequahic Park and recommend the appointment of' { municlpalltlca. New tax rates for each and a-third clerkship $300; ton Keslicn, owner of the Beacon whether the post would entail a and the benediction by Mrs. Fred- was. a timer at the New York six- Line of March an appriiisifl expert at the next day bicycle races held recently. 1948'which now are being certi- The clerical posts now pay $1,500, Hill Company, is p,r e s I d c n t ; Local .phuac_of the parade will ' meeting of (he governing body salary adjustment, Runele said he cxlclL_ML__Roflaeland, chaplain, fied would have been considerably $2,000 and $2,050 each annually 'Bougliner; vice-president; Lew- would submit detailed recommen- N. J. Society, DAR. Ho leaves his wife, Mrs. Jos- start «t the Town Hall green and - .... the move Is Intended to In- ephine L. Puterbaugh and _'._hid_ higher without tho school-aid tax and the janltori_ .receive $2,280, Sandlcr, secretary, and Charles proceed east on' Rlcmcr avenue, crease assessment vnluutioiiH, dations to the "board. .. Members of the committee in on cigarettes.1' $2,750, $2,860 and $3,500. The $300 Mayer, treasurer. The Raymond Chisholm School fathor, Joseph Puterbaugh, Sr., of east on Main street to Parkview thereby lowering the overall tax chnrgc Include Mrs. Raymond South Orange, and five brothers, "In many instances, the action increase will be applied ~to~thc~ 7Princlpal speaker at this week's drive, Millburn; south on Park- rate ... it .caused quite a hit of nnd the town'n other elementary Gucnther, regent; Mr. Dooloy, of the Legislature in making avail- lowest paid clerkship,. New ap- meeting" wasFDon G. Maxwell, of achool, the -James Cnldwell School, Harold, Joseph and Laurence, all view' drive to Whittlngham tor- controversy back in Jariuary.
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