C 0 2007 03A212fl b IY. V. California Stale Library Accession Jfo. THjlpGEST Of MOTION PICTURE IN YEAR B " — — . u».tiavnWI In Lob Angeieo. - m INDEX 28 Mot.o. Picture.. By S. 2f B.r.y Day. of f^^^fcl By Jo8epb Calder^--— S. pS3-« of th. WU.rd. 80 George Fawcett g it.„ and Screen. By 11 «~ St ssx. «* ss=i— Writer* "/ ™ S3 Why !• rScenario lI— . 34 . 35 " Preaa Agent . 36 Th, preia and the t&2&~ ~ . 37 Edltorlal — ~ ,. „ ..,, Productlona of the Year— _ . 78 . - 74 _ 74 , «--"-- M - _ 78 Arr.nglns Photoplay " b; Hampton Del Ruth-.. *"| Sunday, or The *" n _ 78 Dark %"\£Harry BttrJ «~ Movlee. By » ._ 78 Athletes end the „„., .a, ._ 81 ^^^^^^^^^ ... 83 85 rz": By a « ^—zzzz^z ... - — ' war Service Work—— — _— ,~108 By ™° A _„11t The Movlea l« Japan. Writer.f Byvvu^v^5^_ Scenario ^ 117 ulrementa of T,^ R.a - " ,etu ™—' 119 Book, on Motion P MlM Parklnaou By __1t1 _122 .._123 —188 By Arthur btua Th. Pula. of the Studio. DOROTHY GISH Since her immortal characterization of the Little Disturber in Griffith's "Hearts of the World, Miss Gish has made for Paramount: "Battling Jane,'" "The Hope Chest/' "Hoots " "Peppy Polly "111 Get Him Yet" and "Nugget Nell." the Picture /n^us/rj," Page Four "The Digest of Motion CAMERA! YEAR ROOI ( FRANK KEENAN PRODUCTIONS, Inc. During 1918—— "The Bells," "Todd of the Times," "More Trouble," "The Silver Girl," "The Midnight Stage." 1919 Five- reel Productions "The Master Man," drama of political intrigue and tragedy; "The dates of Brass," drama of crooked exploitation of desert lauds in the Southwest; "The Tide Book," drama of the shipping industry ; "Yankee Yorke," drama of the old-time wagon show.
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