WEATHER FORECASTS For 36 hours ending 6 p. m Saturday! Victoria and vicinity—Light to moder­ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT ate wind*, generally fair^and moderately Fantagee—Vaudeville. warm, with who were on Sunday or Mon­ Princess—Musical Revue. day Royal Victoria—Douglas. Fairbanks. J lx>wer Mainland—Light to moderate mtu Dominion—-"Woman and the Law." wind*, generally fair and warm, with Variety-V'Playing the (lame .” «showers on Sunday or Monday. Romano—“The Red. Red Heart." Columbia—"The Tenderfoot.” VOL. 53. VICTORIA, B. C„ FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1918 EIGHTEEN" PAGES MOVES TO FRUSTRATE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICAN TEUTONS’ DESIGNS IN GROUND WON BY AUSTRALIANS ON UNION TAKES STEPS TO CRUSH S»AFRICA; GEN. BOTHA FRONT EAST OF AMIENS IS HELD ATTEMPT ENGINEERED BY GERMANS AGAINST ENEMY COUNTER-EFFORT Serious Disturbance Planned by Teutons Prevented Reports Announce Attack on New British Positions East ot Hamel Easily ., by Prompt Military Measures, Says General Botha; Ninety-Five Ships Repulsed; In Successful Operation Yesterday Haig's ^ German Agents Intrigued Among the People Launched in States Men Took Over 1,300 Germans Pretoria, July 5.—Qen. Botha, Prime Minuter of the Union of Washington, July 6.—Merchant London, July 5.—German troops last night delivered a counter- Boutât Africa, has issued a statement showing that serious unrest ex­ ships launched at points in the Cars Still Idle in Victoria and attack upon the new positions gained by Australian troops os the ists in South Africa. Strong police and military measures are being United States yesterday, Indepen­ Vancouver, but Power Amiens front to the east of the village of Hamel. The War Office an­ taken to cope with the situation. dence Day, numbered ninety-five, Available nounced to-day that the enemy was repulsed ih this attempt and left Qen. Botha says in the statement that had not prompt and effec­ with a deadweight tonnage of prisoners in the hands of the British troops. —.—1 tive military measures been taken, the situation would have culmin­ 474,464, reports to thé Shipping More than 1,300 prisoners were taken by the British forces in yes- Board to-day showed. Vancouver. July 6.—With the expect- ated in a grave disturbance and probably serious loss of life. He adds ed extension of Vancouver's labor trou terday s operation in the Somme area. In addition 100 machine guns that the Government Has information pointing to the existence of a blee postponed until Monday at least and a number of trench mortars were captured. the way is left open for further negoti / movement having for its object the submersion of the constitution by ations towards a settlement- t*he coun­ The text of the statement follows : violent methods. CANADIAN NORTHERN BOGEY cil of the Board of Trade last night The total number of prisoners taken by us in yesterday's suc­ passed a resolution recommending to cessful operation on the Somme exceeds 1,300. One German field Continuing, Gen. Botha says: K the City Council that the B. C. Electric “There is good reason for suspecting that enemy agencies are at DRESSED UP IN TERMINAL Railway Company “be permitted to In- gun, more than 100 machine guns and a number of trench mortars - W>fft’"Tir tills rmim). lëriwi sesrt «le fanes," la uiew nf the feet I bans so fas been taunted. ■ ....... ..... ... that It has been operating its transiter are Intriguing to stir up strife, not "A hostile counter-attack against only among the Europeans, but also 1769633^042^ tation lines at a loss." A committee Finland Repented of citisens was appointed to work to­ our new positions east of Hamel last among the natives, and no means or night was easily repulsed; a few pris­ measures are deemed too .despicable LAND GARMENTS OF DELAY wards a solution of the difficulties be oners being taken by ue. by them so long as they can attain tween the B. C. Electric Railway Com About to Declare their object." — pany and its employees. “A successful raid was carried out B08$:9^^ A conference arranged by Mayor by ui In the Beaumont-Hamel sector. Premier Oliver is now informed by the Hon. J. D. Reid, Federal Gale was held to-day between the of­ Against the Allies An attempted hostile raid In the Minuter of Railways and Cauala. that consent to action in re*|>eet of ficials of the Western Canada Power neighborhood of Strazeele. Flanders, further construction of Canadian .Northern Railway tracks on Van­ Company and Its striking electrical was repulsed." workers. The management of the B. C. Stockholm, July 6.—The news- French Report. couver Islam! must be obtained from officiale of the company. He is Ki.-.-tric Railway company atand, papers here gay a declaration of Paris, July 5.—French patrol parties firmly by its refusal to compromise w Teutons So Offensive That also told by the Minister that the officials in question object to pay­ were active last night in many sectors pending the report of the conciliation war by Finland against the En­ ing any more for terminal lands on the Songlieea Reserve than the board. of the front from l»lcardy to Lorraine, Royal Family is Living in according to to-day's War Office re­ Urged to Return. tente Powers is expected at any price t>aid to the Province of British Columbia by the Canadian port. Prisoners were taken by the Remote Village Telegraphing from Ottawa on behalf Pacific Railway Company. It is argued by the officials, according t6 hour. numerous raiding parties. The text of of the Minister of Labor. F. A. Acland, the statement follows: the Hon. Mr. Reid, that the arbitration Deputy Minister of Labor, urged the proceedings proposed by the Provincial “French patrol detachments ope rat- 1 Says Gutman People Are Ready labor leaders here to have the men re Ing between Montdidier and the Oise, Premier would be an unfair procedure turn to work immediately and |>ermit London. July S.—Germany's plana In view of the precedent set by the in the Champagne, on the right bank for a ^Speedy Peace for a "peaceful penetration” of Rou­ their differences to be adjusted "by of the Meuse (Verdun region> and in Province in Us treatment of the Can means provided by law." Loss of food M'S SUIT manie have gone ahead very rapidly OBLIGATORY HITE Lorraine took prisoner»." ad Ian Pacific The Federal Minister, occasioned if the storage plants were Witfr-tionor" since the signing of the treaty of however, does not take into account American Front. peace, according to adVices from an without power would be "not a local, the amount of money already spent on With the American Army In France, authoritative source in Roumanie. The but a national calamity." The reply Reserve, Improvements or the July 4.—(Via London. July 5.)—4By resumption of railway traffic with the went tor the Minister that while the hanced values of sites as a consequence strikers appreciated the gravity of the AGAINST TWO EDITORS the Associated Press.)—July 4 was an Amsterdam, July 5.—In pleading ar­ districts occupied by the Central Pow SYSTEM IN RUSSIA thereof, while his telegram received by situation, they suggested that a spread ere was followed by a great inrush of the Premier last night and reprinted unusually quiet day In the normally ticle. the Socialist nt-wsyaper Vor- of the strike could be «averted only by Inactive sectors occupied by American waerts, of Berlin, declare* thüt the German merchants, politicians and below Is Uie first indication given to triguers. Mr. Oliver that he had been dealing, the company making an immediate troops from the Woevre to the Swiss settlement with the employees. German Foreign Secretary's border. Even tbe artillery and air ser­ desire of the German people for Within a few weeks the pushing and unwittingly, with unnamed officials of Bolsheviki Leaders Ask Forth •I»eedy peace with honor is so strong the Canadian Northern Railway Com­ The telegram from the Deputy Min vices were less busy than usual, overbearing- Germans had become tster of Labor read as follows Libel Case to Be Heard that a sensible accommodation from-Imuimuch In evidence in Jassy that the pany through the Hon. Mr. Reid. coming Soviet Congress cloudy weather and poor visibility "Information reaching the Minister hampering them. the other side would be bound to lead |Vtoy al Family, including the King, the What Portends? in Secret to Its realisation. to Pass Measure shows that the Industrial situation Queen and the Crown Prince, felt com To know exactly where the province Vancouver and Victoria is one of ex “Our enemies to-day,” continues the pelled to leave the city. The Royal stands the Premier has asked for the treme gravity. Serious food destruction newspaper, "have the opportunity of Family now Is living in what amounts names of the officials of the Canadian threatened by the loss of power sup­ to self «Imposed OidUe in the r.-more obtaining a peace not prescribed by the Northern Railway ComVany to whom plied to storage plants would be at the Amsterdam. July-6.—Because publi­ war map but based on the equipoise of frontier village of Blcax. There, in he may look for consent. In reply to Moscow. July 4.—The Internal situ­ GREAT FIRE DAMAGE present time of the world’s crisis not a city might endanger the security of the military and economic forces on the depths of a Carpathian forest, the this request sent to Dr. Reid last night ation in the Russian Soviet Republic i* local but a national calamity, bringing both sides.
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