Vote for Governor

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Vote for Governor TOE MORNING OREG ONIAN, TUESDAY, . SEPTE3IBER 14, 1920 IS cers. and Barnett Goldstein repre- ':illii!l!lll!IiilS!!iiIll!I!!!llllil!I!!I!ll!lI!!l!i!IIIi!liII!ll!!Ilil!!!lH OLYMPIC ATHLETES BUT sented the widow of the deceased JURY CENSURES Following the Inquest Mr. Goldstein HuaMttMtirmu ntniniuaxranrcnutuiu! declared that he would file charges against the officers and push the (Fa id Advertisement.) matter further, taking it before the IKE E(DERATES AGENTS grand Jury. FAMILY COURTS URGED Belgian Nation Unfriendly, nquest Conducted Into Death Tribunal Would be Vested With Vote Power to Safeguard Home. for Say Yankee Team. of R. W. Hedderley. WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Estab- " lishment of family to -- y courts deal with 4 matters concerning the home was urged by Edward J. Dooley. presiding justice of the Brooklyn court of do- A. A. U. DRAWS HOT SHOT USE OF GUNS HELD HASTY mestic relations, in an address today fell at the national conference of Cath- olic charities. Such court. Judge Dooley declared, would serve as "a sheet anchor to Jack Merchant "Writes of Condi t.' Lawjer Declares Case Will Be Car society." The court should be so constituted, he added, that it would lions Saying Men Got Xo Care ried Farther and Charges "protect henceforth the right of aban- doned and neglected wives, children, or Proper Training. Against Officers Pushed. parents and grandparents: that It would safeguard the home and exe- cute with vigor the marital, parental. OF WASHINGTON moral and legal obligations imposed - agents police upon man in his relation to the It is doubtful if such a boomerms . m - If Federal and family." as is now pounding the heads of the w t- S4 lothes men who conducted the raid American union has Friday night at the entranceto the Amateur Athletic Moore - apartment on Union avenue. ever rent the air as the complaints between Stark and Washington, w hich CITY BLAMED FOR FIRE now being registered on every side by resulted In the death of Robert W. un- were American athletes who competed t "J Hedderley, an alleged bootlegger, Lack of Equipment Held at Fault der the colors of the United States in 8 W--- , i?Jjv5 xonerated from any guilt in connec-io- n the Olympic games at Antwerp, Bel- with the death by the coroner's for Port Coquitlan Blaze. gium. The rumblings began to emit ury last night, altnougn tne jury VANCOUVER, B. Sept. 13. long before the athletes arrived on the One of the many Interesting momenta from "The Devil's Pans Key." a officially expressed the opinion that C. Re se- sponsibility for the fire which wiped other side of the Atlantic, continued Krlc von Strobelm production, allowing tfcla week at the Rivoll theater. the officers were to be censured greate during progress games and verely and hasty use of out the portion of the busi the of the wife and at the same time get her for reckless ness section of the city of Port Co broke out full force on the return into an even worse predicament. Una firearms. quitlan, B. C, several weeks ago is home again. .On several occasions dis- TODAVS FILM FEATURES. Trevelyn depicts the wife, while Sam The case attracted wide attention. placed on the Coquitlan city council putes and troubles between the ath- and when the inquest was called last in a report by A. Majestic Mary Pickford, De Grasse is the playwright. o submitted J. Thomas. letes and the Olympic games commit- night, bo great was the crowd that investiBated the fire for tee reached such a height that they "Suds" he hearing flad to be moved into provincial the to People May Allison, "The Screen Gossip. testimony government, it was learned threatened jeopardise the chances Cheater." ourtroom 520. Following here today. of the American team in the competi- Col- by Dr. B. N. Wade, who made an Mr. Thomas Liberty Norma Talmadge, Marshall Neilan has .signed body; G. Lewis, who bases his charge on al tion. "Yes or No." leen Moore, talented young screen autopsy of the J. leged failure of the Coquitlan civic The following bellow found its way ' actress, on a long-ter- m arrangement. was with Hedderley at the time; the government to provide a to light not many hours after the first Columbia Fannie Hurst's widow. Mrs. Hedderley, and by four brigade volunteer shipload "Humoresjue." This contract was awarded Miss were connected fire and to enforce city laws returning of athletes had RIvoli Kric Von Stroheim's Moore as a result of her exceptional of the five officers ho regulating use of stovepipes through docked : "Dinty." new picture now with the raid, Federal Officers Wood, roofs and partitions. Olym- "The Devil's Passkey." work in the Biggins, "For the protection of future Star Harry Carey, "Blue Streak. being completed at the Hollywood Smith and and Patrolman pic teams the Amateur Athletic Union and in which Wesley Barry Morris of the police force, the Jury wfyo McCoy." tudlos an of must do something to find out Circle Bryant "The plays the stellar role. adjourned and. after half hour CLERK PLEADS TO watf to blame for the terrible condi- Washburn. Moore ap deliberation, brought in the following THEFT 5 Sins of St. Anthony." Miss made her first tions this year's Olympic team had Globe Tom Moore, pearance on the screen in "The Bad report : suffer," declared one of the local mem- "Duds." Boy," with Bobby Harron. Her work Robert w. Hedderley came to nis Xavy Sends Youth lo Iowa Re bers of the Olympic team shortly after attracted considerable attention and death on September 11, 1920, while formatory for 15 Months. his arrival from Antwerp, Belgium. it was not long before her services evading arrest, by reason of one or The athlete was very much upset over that will stay with one. were in great demand. Among the more shots fired by officers of the SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 13. Leroy the conditions the Yankee athletes APLOT will com to mind long pictures in which Miss Moore has law on September 10, 1920. We exon- Fleming. 21, former mail clerk at the had to contend with, all of which veri- one leave the theater and appeared with particular success are erate the officers, but we are of the Puget sound naval station at Bremer fies the story anent the Olympic "The Savage," with Monroe Salisbury; opinion they are to be censured se- ton, Wash., pleaded guilty in hockey will again set one pondering, wonder- verely seemingly and federal trip, which at the time the ing imagining plot of "The Busher." with Charles Ray; for the reckless court here today to having absconded Amateur Athletic Union officials de- and that is the "The Wilderness Trail," with Tom hasty manner In which they used with postal funds last month and was nounced as impossible. "The Devil's Passkey" showing this Mix; "The Egg Crate Wallop," with their firearms." to serve 15 week at the Rivolt theater. sentenced months in the lttMUt..mmW Cattle Quartern Given. von producer. Charles Ray, and "When Dawn Came," Officer Refuses- - Testimony. Iowa state reformatory. Fleming is Eric Stroheim is its all-st- ar production. por alleged $1500 "According to this athlete, the men He collaborated with the Baroness de an Her One of the officers in the case, to have taken and to were to Belgium a of trayals in Christie comedies and have deserted, but later surrendered taken like herd Mayer on the plot and of their united recently Chick Sale in "The E. M. Jackson, declined to testify be cattle. They lived in the hold of the has been born a photoplay with fore jury, exercising his consti-tutlona- L to naval authorities. transport upon efforts Smart Aleck" are well known. Her the The Iowa reformatory was selected Manitoba and their fascinating of theme which dominates appearance is in .right, which gives a man Conceded arrival in Antwerp were far away all of the characters and almost latest for Christie the privilege of so declining if his because of unusual educational fa- to be the best fitted man from the condition needed such "So Long Letty," a special feature himself. cilities available there, the court an for dominates the ultra lavishness which adapted from the popular play. Big testimony might implicate nounced strenuous games. In, Antwerp the is noteworthy from the very first planned The testimony of the four officers conditions were not any better. The scene. things are being for Colleen and of Lewis coincided in the main as- school-hous- Moore by Mr. Neilan. athletes were herded into a e The story has been most carefully particulars and showed that the of for governor. His nomination and It was impossible for them worked out and while based on the ficers had stationed themselves in MINE CASE IS APPEALED to keep in trim because of the crowd- eternal triangle tells with amazing A star of motion pictures, a star of the vicinity of the Moore apartment - ed conditions. It was a case of the novelty the story of an American musical comedy and a girl who has hortly after 8 o clock Friday night Claims In Cocur D' Alcne, Valued athletes suffering a great handicap playwright and hia wife. The play- starred in both met in California the in the. belief that two men, supposed sures Republican success in No- from the start of the trip. The wright was idealistic, looking at life other day. Priscilla Dean is the pic to be Hedderley and Lewis, would at $1,000,000, Involved.
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