The EL34 Power Tube HI-'I

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The EL34 Power Tube HI-'I The EL34 Power Tube HI-'I .... o.l"r A lp Musical Evaluations of a Classic Design .... A_I . 4.551 Single. Ended EL·84 Stereo Amp ~ _ .... ,���\� . -""" ".. - ...-., p.,.��",-, �. 1""""' -�,�.. � . oPf' ' ".".. ._ '" "'� .,_ "'�•• '" "'� ...- ' ,t\1".' ,w ' � "'\)U'�..,. ,\ 1\ ' ��-;---""\.\. ",.-" " ".,... "", ""�_ " tt"�" ,....-" ...........,...1"'" '�" ""t\1 _,.,.""" ....'" 'r·\ �'� . � ......,. �,,,. � ,..' ",...., \PJOl8'i .... �,�oPf',.,....;:.. O\ �,cl\ ., .... " , � ...,,.. AA �r- . · :::- ,,<,<, ,. ..""'"':k ...0'\1. � ':;: "",;: .. .._ " r ,...,.. _ "" " .-;.,,...""".... ",.... ......,.,.,,, -;;. ,... :;..,� _ """;.... -� . 0 """ " . ,,..,. ,t" ,,'" <""" , .-_,.;.;.''' � .. '''''''-o<f' _ ....;;; .,;::; , -- '" " ,.,...,.. "" .'" ::, ,t"� ��. ...,.,..,.;.;."1"" ''/'''' � _.� "" f"'� . � ' M'''" ' "- """",,; ,.of .,.,..� .. ...,. ' "' 1" '". '_1"""' . .. " ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ f"""";""';..::: .,... " '�,;;.;:' ' ......,,..,..,. _-:: -__':1oPf' ::;;'", --''''"", ""","" ", ' �':::', � ' ""r; """"-"' .''''''''�}.. ,t\1 \ �·, � ot ,;: "" � ,.,. ---� ," � t\JV" �� � 'i"'f'- " .::... .. .... �. , ,�,....,.' .....;. _ ...-:> ".... JC8'I\\ -, \�..- WOl\ """,.""''1"'"- �""'" � '-,�� 6<1\"""- ' ""'..,... � ...... � 6U'." �. - ,t\1 , . _ , "'" 1J>b\"� ��, oPf''' .,..-._ " "" .0. " ..... ���_���\t"�'".. ' ....... "" "",",. N ��:L [\l\'J � ��i y< • D T 0 • , 5 P A G • A N D N D u 5 T • y N • w 5 Beware of FakeNOS Tubes! CE Distribution US Distributor for Electronic Tubes VTV Issue # 1 6 JJ Over the last year or so, we have JJ Electronic, a manufacturer of high Table of Contents: been hearing about and seeing an quality tubes, has appointed CE increase in fake NOS tubes. This phe­ Distribution ofTempe, AZ, as US dis­ Ultropoth, Parallel Feed ..•..4 nomenon is nothing new and has triburor. The JJ tubes are hand-made Tube Dumpster.................. 10 been going on for decades. However, in the reorganized Tesla facwry, relo­ the rapid price increases in premium cated in the Slovak Republic. This leg­ Doting Phi lips Tubes .......... 13 vinrage audio tubes has encouraged endary tube factoryhas built many more activiry and potential for profit. OEM tubes comparable to brand Life & Times of the EL34 •••• 16 The Internet and more specifically names such as Amperex, Mullard, Siemens, etc. Current tube rypes avail­ Interconnects in Review..... 22 eBay have become a hotbed for illegit­ imate tube sellers looking for unsus­ able include EL34, 6L6GC, KT88, EL84, 12AX7-S, 12AU7, 12ATl, Hogerman Vocu-Troce••••••• 24 pecting prey. Unscrupulous rube dealers from Hong Kong, Europe and 6922, 300B and 7027 A. IAG SE Amp Review•••••••••• 27 Florida arc shilling this trash in all For further information, contact: Jon directions now. Most of [he tubes are Headphone Amp Project ... 28 Bosaw, CE Distribution, 425-744- recent manufacture Chinese, Russian 1053, 425-744-1052 (FAX) 0' jbo­ and Tungsram tubes rcbranded as EL34 Shootout - Hi Fi •••••••• 30 [email protected] Mullard, Amperex, Tu ng-Sol, RCA, EL34 Shootout for Hi Fi ••••• 32 Telefunken, Valvo, etc, They are even Ei Still in the Audio Tube Business reprinting replicas of the old boxes. Located in Nis, Serbia, the Ei-RC Advemsers •..•..•.•••••...•..•..•35 Many of the fake tubes are marked (Electronic Industry) Radio Tube fac­ "Foreign Made." We have never seen tory was reportedly not damaged by this marking on genuine European recent military activities in that coun­ NOS tubes. There are even cheap try. According to an email from Kosta Chinese 6550 knockoffs in green and Matejic, President of Ei, rhe company PM Announces New Ve nture yellow Amperex boxes marked "KT88 is still making glass tubes for audio - Made in England." PM has negotiated the exclusive applications. world-wide rights to distribute vac­ If tubes are priced lower than rypi­ uum cubes made by Svcdana SPb of cal prices on the web, be sure to get a The Ei factory produced its first St. Pcrcrsburg, Russia under its money back guarantee from the seller tube in 1951, and in 1959 Ei manage­ international brand name, PM. PM in the event the tubes are found ro be ment signed a contract with Philips Components of America will act as fake. Always buy from legitimate tube covering the transfer of the manufac� the sole importer of Svetlana audio sellers who arc knowledgeable about turing technology for "Naval" tubes. and power tubes for the US and their products. The peak of production at Ei was in Canadian market. The PM Group 1977 when 12 million tubes were will continue the Se. Petersburg tra­ Mojo Music Under New Ownership made with Philips, Siemens and dition of high qualiry at a reason­ Relocated and under new owner­ Telefunken as the main buyers. Today, able COSt to the tube indusuy. ship, Mo·o Music now has a new cat­ the facrory has 282 employees, includ­ alog avai able. They carry Ei, JJ/Tesla, ing 28 engineers. For more information conract: / Svedana, NOS tubes and lots of parrs. The current Ei audio tube line-up is For more information, contact: Mojo PM of America, Inc., 1687 Shelby as fo llows: ECC81, ECC82, ECC83, Oaks Drive, Suite 8, Memphis, TN Musical Supply, 828 West 4th Sr., EL34, EL84, GCA7, GLGGC, 12BH7, 38134 Phone - 901-388-2424 Winsron-Salem, NC 27101. 800-927- 6FQ7, 12DW7, KT90 and a few other [email protected] 6656 or types. Ei audio tubes are available from most new tube sellers. EDITORIAL STABB '" Vacuum Tube Valley is published quarterly Copyrig,t 2001 Vacuum Tube Valley farelectronic enthusiasts interested in the All rights reserved. Charles Kittleson . Editor in Chief colorful post, pre$t1ntand rutvre of vacuum No pari of this publication may be reprinted o electroni a y reproduced without written tvbe electronics. John Atwood - Technical Editor r c ll permission 0/ the publisher. Sub�ription Rote: US$40/4 issue5 3rd CIoss-$49 Eric Barbour . Senior Editor Send circulation and editorial 1 st Class; CanOOa/$52; Asia/$68; Europe/$60 Ran Veil · Guitor Amp Te<h Editor correspondence to: Dovid Bardes - Associote Editor US Bank Check, Credit Cards or Cash Vacuum Tube Valley are accepted for payment. SievePalT . Art Director p.c. Box 1499, Julie P. Wemer . Copy Editor Lokeporl, CA 95453 USA phone - (707) 263 - 5881 e-mail [email protected] FAX - (707) 263 - 7648 Website - ISSN # 1095-4805 VA CUUM TUBE VA LLIY ISSUE 16 • ULTRAPAT H PARALLIL F I I D AND w • through two capacitors. and in typical circuits, these are Ultrapath, Parallel Feed low·quality polar dectrolyt. ies, and nOt even of the same type or value. If the cathode and Western Electric capacitor is omirted, the dynamic resistance (Rp) of By Lynn Olson Rewrved 11>2001 All Rights the tube will probably rise three times or more. with In the last [Wo years, independent developments in the disastrous consequences for Single-Ended Triode (SET) movement have revealed a bet· the bandwidth of the transformer. If the B+ filter cap is ter way to design vacuum·tube amplifiers. Although it omitted, the power supply will become much noisier. and appears at first glance that they only apply to certain SET more seriously. the impedance seen by the primary will amplifiers, there is a common thread that ties all of them become extremely high, since the Rp of the tube and the together. By analyzing the complete AC signal path from main power supply B+ choke then become series-connect­ ,d. plate to cathode, existing circuits can be examined in a dif­ fer ent light. and new circuits created, both Single-Ended Both cathode bypass and B+ filter eaps arc essential for (SE) and Push·Pull (PP). correCt operation in a conventional transformer·coupled SE circuit. I don't need to emphasize in this magazine the All of the combinations - conventional, Ultrapath, low-quality Parallel-Feed. Western Electric (WE), and others · are disastrous impact of clectrolyties on the audio signal, yet as can be seen from the analysis of the AC sig. shown in a "Periodic Table of Topologies. " The table nal, the electrolytics used in most designs arc directly in shows simplified versions of each circuit, which can be preamplifiers, line amplifiers. drivers, or OUtput stages. the audio path. Conventional Single-Ended (A) The best that can be dOAe with a conventional SE cir· non- olar caps, such as rradi· cuit is specify better.quality, p Asjack ElIiano explained in his VTV#10 (pp.l1-12) tional oil·filled caps, and use fixed bias. Ulrraparh article, a triode is simply a vohage.controlled resistor. To be more exact. the potential difference between Ultrapath (B) the cathode and the grid controls the dynamic resistance jack Elliano's Ulrrapath circuit solves the problem in a of the plate-cathode circuit. When a steady DC current is remarkably simple and elegant way; replace the cathode­ impressed on the plate-cathode circuit, the tube simulates bypass electrolytic with a high-quality oil cap. and move an AC generator connect"ecl to the primary of the trans­ the grounded end of [he cap to the B+ side of the OUtpUt former. Note the "ends" of the virtual AC generator arc transformer. That's it. That one change alters the entire the plate and the cathode, not the plate and ground. For operation of the circuit. that marter, a ground reference is simply a matter of con­ venience in circuit design, a common low·impedance With a cathode-transformer (KT) bypass cap in place, point that can be shared, but is not necessary for the oper­ the AC generator [hat the tube represents has a direct ter­ ation of the tube. minal-to-terminal path. from plate, to transformer, back to the cathode again, courtesy of the KT bypass capacitor. When the tube is amplifying an audio signal, the AC There is no need for the AC signal to traverse twO back· current flows along the doned lines in the table. It passes to·back electrolyties. Instead of completing the AC cir­ cuit, all the B+ filter cap does is shunt noise away from the audio circuit, a much less demanding application. At a single stroke, the strong colorations of the power sup· ply components are gready reduced.
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  • Getter Pumping
    Getter pumping C. Benvenuti R&B Energy Research, Geneva, Switzerland Abstract A surface may provide a useful pumping action when able to retain adsorbed gas molecules for the duration of a given experiment. To fulfil this condition at room temperature, strong binding forces, as those resulting from chemical reactions, are required. Materials able to react with gases to form stable chemical compounds are called getters. The two main families of getters (evaporable and non-evaporable, or NEG) are presented and discussed. Special emphasis is placed on the NEG strips currently used for the vacuum systems of particle accelerators, and on the newly developed NEG thin-film coatings, in view of their possible future applications. 1 Generalities 1.1 Molecular mean free path λ 7.3T λ = cm 20π 2 10 rp0 π 2 where T is the absolute temperature (K), p the pressure (Torr) and r0 the collision cross-section 2 π 215= − 2 λ = 3 –3 6 (cm ). For N2, r0 4.26 × 10 cm . At 295 K, 5 × 10 p (i.e. 5 cm at 10 Torr, or 5 × 10 cm at 10–9 Torr). Only molecular flow ( λ >> wall distance) will be considered hereafter. 1.2 Conductance and surface pumping The conductance C of an orifice (zero wall thickness approximation) may be expressed as CTM= 3.64()12A s−−12 cm with T = absolute temperature (K), M = molecular weight. If all molecules impinging on a surface are captured, C represents the specific pumping speed S of the surface. More generally STM= α 3.64()12A s−−12 cm where α is the sticking probability ()01≤≤α .
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