Underwater Intervention, February 21-23 New Orleans, LA USA 2017Underwater MTS Intervention MUV 2017 Schedule CONFERENCE MTS MUV Symposium on Manned Rev. 2-14-17

DAY 1 - TUES DAY 2 - WED DAY 3 - THURS ROOM 222 2/21/2017 2/22/2017 2/23/2017

World Overview of Manned Safety aspects for manned submersible 2016 Industry Overview of UW Cables and Activity in 2016 development projects Connectors for MUVs 8:30-9:00 by: William Kohnen By: Jonathan Struwe By: Mike Chapman MTS MUVC, USA DNVGL, Germany MECCO Inc, USA

High Sealing Techniques for Subsea DSV Shinkai 6500 Update Returning a manned submersible to ABS class. Applications 9:00-9:30 By: Masanobu Yanagitani By: Jess Totten By: Lutz Mueller JAMSTEC, JAPAN American Bureau Shipping, USA GLENAIR Connectors, USA

Window Seat Reduction Advantages of Contactless (Induction) transfer Cyclops 1 Expeditions in 2016 with Non-Traditional Seat Geometry of Power& Data 9:30-10:00 By: David Lochridge By: Thomas Trudel By: Gary Reed OceanGate Inc., USA Stanley Submarines, Honduras ODU USA, USA Session Chair - Kip Peterson Kip - Chair Session Session Chair - Daniel Lance - Chair Session

ICTINEU 3 – 2016 Archaeological Expedition in Kohanowich Karen - ChairSession Making Deep-Sea Research Affordable: Aquatica Stingray 500 – Live Drop External Mediteranean Refurbishing Pisces VI Pressure Test 10:00-10:30 By: Pere Fores By: Scott Waters, V. Bradley, G. Young By: Erika Bergman, Gary Hancock Ictineu Submarins SL, SPAIN Pisces Sub, USA Aquatica Submarines, Canada

10:30 - 10:45 BREAK BREAK BREAK

Factors for Success of Research Submersible Standardizing Corporate Communications to Sea Trials of Huan Dao Jiao Long Submersible Operations get Press 10:45-11:15 By: Cong Ye, Shuai Liu By: Karen Kohanowich, Ph.D. By: Colleen Hahn CSSRC, P.R. CHINA NOAA, USA Gryphon Media Strategies, USA

Research & Application of One Man A Vision of the Future of Manned Submersibles Atmospheric System MTS Manned Underwater Vehicle 11:15-11:45 By: Graham Hawkes By: Lei Wang Committee HAWX Open Ocean, USA CSSRC, P.R. CHINA 11:15 to 12:15PM Pilot Training Program of Huan Dao Jiao Long Consensus Operating Standards to Augment Session Chair - Will Kohnen Will - Chair Session

Submersible Commercial Viability of MUVs Kohnen Will - Chair Session ANNUAL MUVC MEETING 11:45-12:15 Colleen Hahn- Chair Session By: Shuai Liu, Tony Yao By: Capt. Kip Peterson (USMM) SMART Seatech, P.R. CHINA Thorsborg Institute, USA


Deepflight Adventures 2017 Yearly Overview SHOWFLOOR Visit 1:00-1:30 By: Adam Wright Deepflight, USA SUPPLIER Area ON SHOWFLOOR

SEAmagine Submersible for Coast Guard in PVHO I - Replacement and Life Extension of PVHO South America Windows for Dive Chambers 1:30-2:00 By: Jason O'Rourke by: William Kohnen SEAmagine Hydrospace Corp, USA HYDROSPACE Group Inc, USA

The Deep Sub Pentarius Project - 2017 Status, PVHO II - In-Service Field Considerations for PVHO Missions & Risk Mitigation Window Certification 2:00-2:30 By: Chris Welsh by: Bret Faircloth Deep Sub/Pentarius LLC, USA FMS Engineering, USA Session Chair - Karl Stanley Karl - Chair Session

The Future of MTS: Overview of the Five Year How to choose Hydraulic and Electric Thrusters for Strategic Plan Subsea Vehicles 2:30-3:00 by: Kevin Traver Controls Arc Dickson, Cherie - Chair by: Omar Rafeh SHOWFLOOR Visit MTS HQ, USA Innerspace Corporation, USA


3:00-3:30 Investigation of Viewport Geometry Designed for over 10,000 psi By: Linda Cross, Bart Kemper Kemper Engineering Services, USA

SHOWFLOOR Visit Advanced LiPo Battery Systems for MUVs and applications to 6000m 3:30-4:00 By: Carme Parareda Ictineu Submarins SL, SPAIN

Strain Evaluation of PRM Falcon LARS Session Chair - Gard Clark Gard - Chair Session in Service Conditions 4:00-4:30 By: Chris Storey SWRI, USA

MTS Manned Submersible Reception 5:30 - 7:30 Cocktail Party - 2nd Floor ATRIUM MARRIOTT Hotel Underwater Intervention 2017

Welcome to the 2017 MTS MUV SYMPOSIUM

Dear Members and Colleagues,

It is with immense pleasure that the Manned Underwater Vehicles Committee of the Marine Technology Society welcomes you to UI 2017. Over the past 14 years, we have curated a venue to exchange information and identify new trends in innovation, technology and manufacturing. We welcome colleagues and professionals from a worldwide network for three days of networking, technical discussions and business transactions.

The MUV Industry understands that competitive engineering is required for long-term growth and the success of underwater intervention and ocean exploration. The industry thrives in extreme ocean environments, and is driven by a proud group that is the Marine Technology Society’s Manned Underwater Vehicles Group (MUV). Advancements by the MUV industry have impacted a number of programs including; space, defense, airborne and subsea initiatives. These technologies harness the physics of underwater propulsion, develop new material fabrication and re-invent energy storage. There are advances with optical cameras for subsea filming and data capture, as well as underwater navigation systems. Today, manned vessels work alongside Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) to complete successful ocean mission objectives.

Due to continued stagnation in the oil and gas industry, challenges abound, but finding the opportunities hidden within challenges is familiar territory for the MUV industry. We will review the latest developments in 2016, into 2017. Our session begins on Tuesday, February 21st at 8:30AM. It includes presentations, regulatory discussions, and a reception and cocktail party at the Marriott Hotel at 5:30pm on Tuesday evening. Of note this year is a series of three presentations on the state of the MUV industry in China, presented by leading engineers at the China Ship Scientific Research Center. Karen Kohanowich from NOAA will review a multi-year study of the MUV industry in the field of research, and continuing years of conversations about Consensus Operating Standards for MUV. Strategic actions to maximize benefits of media attention is a topic discussed by Colleen Hahn, a must-be-there session on Thursday. The MUV annual committee meeting follows. Everyone is in a hurry to leave but I encourage you to participate, share your opinions and help set the direction for future meetings.

Whether your business interactions are international or local, business-to-business or business-to- government, MUV is the intersection between engineering, technology advancements and the spirit of human subsea innovation. Thank you to all our dedicated speakers for their time and presentations. Thank you very much for attending and for your participation. Finally, thank you to our generous sponsors and to the Underwater Intervention personnel for making this all possible.

I look forward to meeting up with everyone. Don’t forget to visit the show floor. Enjoy the conference and the city of New Orleans, a great place to mingle.

William Kohnen Chair, Manned Underwater Vehicles Marine Technology Society

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DAY 1: Presentations 3

DAY 2: Presentations 7

DAY 3: Presentations 12

MUV 2017 Speaker Bios 14

MUV 2017 Company Directory 25

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Day 1 - Room 222 - Tuesday, February 21

8:30-9:00 World Overview of Manned Sub Activity in 2016 By: William Kohnen, Hydrospace Group, USA

A yearly review of the state of the Manned Submersible industry in 2016. The overview will look at developments in all branches, including international research, tourism activity, leisure and security developments. This will include a summary of submersibles under Classification, operating and in construction, review of the industry trends and regulatory highlights for the year.

9:00-9:30 DSV Shinkai 6500 Update By: Masanobu Yanagitani, JAMSTEC, Japan

DSV Shinkai 6500 has been diving for 26 years. Recently, the dive number of times is decreasing for a budgetary cutback. However, JAMSTEC decided to upgrade DSV Shinkai 6500 for equipment improvement. So, this purpose of this report is some topics of DSV Shinkai 6500 update. The first, the annual overhaul began from Nov. 21stabout for 4 months. In this overhaul, the inside layout of a pressure hull will be changed, because of the one-man pilot’s operation test dives and science cruises for 2017. The second, DSV Shinkai 6500 has an underwater navigation system. This system calls shinkai track. This report will introduce some topics of DSV Shinkai 6500 update.

9:30-10:00 Cyclops 1 Expeditions in 2016 By: David Lochridge, Oceangate, USA

OceanGate conducted three major expeditions in 2016: to the wreck of the Andrea Doria in Long Island Sound, in Desolation Sound, British Columbia and to the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary outside of the San Francisco Golden Gate. All of these expeditions used OceanGate’s Mobile Subsea Launch and Recovery Platform (Ms. Lars) to transport and deploy the Cyclops 1 submersible. The system was towed with vessels ranging from a 34’ catamaran to a 120’ Offshore Support Vessel (OSV). David Lochridge will present on the success and challenges of each of these expeditions including the unique mobilization and deployment issues related to operating the system in three very different locations and high sea states.

10:00-10:30 – 2016 Archaeological Expedition in Mediterranean By: Pere Fores, Ictineu Submarines SL

After completing certification by DNV-GL and by French Maritime Affairs, the ICTINEU 3 has completed more than 80 dives at sea between 30 and 1.000 meters depth. In October 2016 the ICTINEU 3 was on archaeological expedition in Baix Empordà, 100Km North of Barcelona. The mission was led by the Subaquatic Archaeological Centre of Catalonia, CASC, the Catalan Government agency for underwater . The mission goal was to explore an area that had been poorly explored by divers before which limited work for only 30 minutes at 40m.

During this mission three new wrecks were discovered from the Roman Imperial era. One of them is of great importance, because althought it is completely covered by sand, it seems to be carrying 1.000 to 2.000 amphorae which appear full of garum a fish paste that was very popular in the era among the roman court. The lids of the amphorae are still visible and sealed.

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The team also experienced significant weather conditions that drove the logistics to include long underwater transects at depth using the submersibles, going from harbor to harbor some 11km distance. The performance of the LiPo battery system was thoroughly tested and confirmed the vehicle’s capacity to cover 20 miles range underwater. The battery design was recently qualified and tested to 6000m depth for unmanned vehicles. The presentation will discuss the expedition, the findings and the logistics challenges encountered. It will also present the latest developments in the certification and qualification of the LiPo pressure tolerant battery system.

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-11:15 Sea Trials of Huan Dao Jiao Long Submersible By: Cong Ye, Shuai Liu, Dongsheng Wang, China Ship Scientific Research Center, P.R. China Acrylic-hulled submersibles have the potential to offer maximum visibility to passengers for underwater observation. Today, acrylic-hulled submersibles are becoming the development trend. The Huan Dao Jiao Long is an acrylic-hulled tourist submersible, designed and built by the China Ship Scientific Research Center. It is the first acrylic-hulled submersible in China. Project Huan Dao Jiao Long overcame old classification rules, lack of management regulations and other difficulties. In 2016, the submersible’s general assembly was completed and all sea trials were completed. In this paper, the development process of Huan Dao Jiao Long is briefly introduced. Then, the emphasis is given on items and issues of the sea trials. Finally, the future developments of Huan Dao Jiao Long are proposed.

11:15-11:45 Research & Application of One Man Atmospheric System By: Lei Wang, China Ship Scientific Research Center, P.R. China

One Man Atmospheric System (OMAS), is an articulated anthropomorphic single person submersible which consists of the Suit, Tether Management Systems (TMS), Launch and Recovery Systems (LARS) and Surface Control Systems (SCS). The submersible is presently capable of allowing a pilot to operate at the worksite. OMAS maintains the internal pressure at one atmosphere. There is no need for schedules and it increases the bottom times. Meanwhile, the pilot is put directly at the worksite where they can observe dexterously and control tools directly. So OMAS are most effective. The images in operation which are transferred synchronously to the surface can be used to monitor and guide the operation. With the development and utilization of Marine resources and the critical technology already gradually mature, OMAS, with its lightweight, flexible sailing, directly observation, high working efficiency, play an irreplaceable role in the field of deep sea exploration, rescue, and underwater emergency maintenance. OMAS is an important equipment for submarine underwater rescue. In China, OMAS is also an important equipment for deepsea emergency maintenance. This OMAS is developed to meet the needs of maritime emergency maintenance in 2010, and its deepest diving depth is 500m at sea trail in 2015.

11:45-12:15 Pilot Training Program of Huan Dao Jiao Long Submersible By: Shuai Liu, Tony Yao, SMART Seatech, P.R. China

There are not any certification standards of submersibles pilot in China, before Huan Dao Jiao Long program. Now the temporary certification standards for submersible pilot were published by Hainan Maritime Safety Administration of P.R.C, profit from promotion of China Ship Scientific Research Center and the support of Maritime Safety Administration of the People’s Republic of China. This paper initially reviews the process of the administrative permission for Huan Dao Jiao Long submersible. Then, briefly introduce the certification standards for submersible pilot. Finally, emphatically illustrates theory, training structure and practical training structure of the submersibles pilot.

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12:15-1:00 Lunch on the SHOWFLOOR

1:00-1:30 Deepflight Adventures 2017 Yearly Overview By: Adam Wright, Deepflight, USA

DeepFlight has partnered with Shanghai-based Rainbowfish Ocean Technology to form DeepFlight Adventures, which will provide piloted submersible experiences at resort locations around the world using the new DeepFlight Super Falcon 3S. This presentation will introduce DeepFlight Adventures and provide a status report on its upcoming operations.

1:30-2:00 SEAmagine Submersible for Coast Guard in South America By: Jason O’Rourke, SEAmagine, USA

SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation delivered in 2016 its latest manned submersible to the Prefectura Naval Argentina (Coast Guard) for its Search & Rescue Efforts. The submersible’s application in Argentina is two fold. First, the vessel is an additional tool for the Prefectura Naval for its search and rescue operations for both offshore and inland lakes. Second, the submersible is to be shared with the country’s scientific community for its increased marine studies in the Patagonia and South Atlantic region. This dual usage of the manned submersible provides the country’s scientific community access to an economical HOV (Human Occupied Vehicle) setup while at the same time providing a powerful additional deep water tool for the Prefectura Search and Rescue efforts.

2:00-2:30 The Deep Sub/Pentarius Project - 2017 Status, Missions & Risk Mitigation By: Chris Welsh, Deep Sub/Pentarius, LLC, USA

After a long gestation period, all of our equipment is in hand and we are in the final assembly steps for Pentarius. The 2017 dive program is a mix of expedition & testing - missions designed to simultaneously bring back exploration insights while collecting hull technical test data. UI 2016 played a key part in improving our trajectory; we will talk about what came out of that meeting and how that knowledge has been incorporated to better the project. We will briefly cover the risks and mitigations we are using to make the dives safer. Lastly, we will address how the findings from this year’s work will be leveraged into the future of Pentarius and our future missions.

2:30-3:00 The Future of MTS: Overview of the Five Year Strategic Plan By: Kevin Traver, Marine Technology Society, USA

Section 1: Organizational Vision - Our planet is dependent upon the oceans and on technology. Marine Technology Society (MTS), are a growing group of industry subject matter experts dedicated to exploring and expanding how humanity, through technology, can solve our Ocean planets problems, support long-term health of the Oceans and utilize the treasures of Oceans for the advancement of society.

MTS will become in the future a technology incubator for young entrepreneurs, small and medium sized business, investors and government agencies. The one organization that is focused on solving problems and building the Blue Economy.

Section 2: Mission Statement - The Mission of MTS is to facilitate a broader understanding of the relevance of marine technology to wider global issues by enhancing the dissemination of marine technology information and to promote

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and improve marine technology and related educational programs by advancing the development of the tools and procedures required to explore, study and further the responsible and sustainable use of the oceans.

Section 3: MTS Core Values • Protect the Ocean though technology • Innovate and constantly improve • Drive Change, Pursue Growth and Learning • Honesty, hard work, transparency

3:00-4:30 SHOWFLOOR Visit

Please Join Us for the MTS MUV Cocktail Reception Tuesday, February 21 Marriott Hotel, 5:30-7:30pm

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Day 2 - Room 222 - Wednesday, February 22

8:30-9:00 Safety Aspects for Manned Submersible Development Projects By: Jonathan Struwe, DNV GL, Germany

When it comes to the design and layout of manned submersibles, some essential safety aspects need to be observed already from the beginning of each project. Are appropriate materials used for their intended purpose as part of the life support system, and rescue systems? Is the structural integrity of the submersible ensured in case of a single failure?

Are the safety measures, applied for the use of Li-Ion battery systems, sufficient? Which buoyancy reserves need to be observed? Which operational procedures and rescue equipment need to be taken into account to ensure a safe manned submersible?

The presentation will summarize some important safety aspects for submarine design and construction, and related technical requirements that should be observed for ensuring the safety of manned submersibles. Specifically, it will address issues related to: • the integration of Lithium-Ion Battery systems for manned submersibles • design and operational requirements for systems • and emergency aspects for buoyancy systems, and • recovery and emergency procedures which should already be defined in early project stages

The objective of the presentation will be to provide the audience with an impression on the areas that need particular attention during submersible design and development. It will be based on DNV GL Rules for design and construction of manned submersibles and the Class systematics which can be applied to Newbuilding projects for ensuring that a systematic safety approach is applied over the whole lifetime of submersibles.

9:00-9:30 Returning a Manned Submersible to ABS Class By: Jess Totten, American Bureau of Shipping, USA

Discussion of requirements and procedures for reactivating ABS class for a manned submersible that was either never issued a class certificate or for which class has been suspended or cancelled. Factors considered include the age of the submersible as well as the condition, available documentation and any outstanding technical or survey requirements.

9:30-10:00 Window Seat Weight Reduction Exploration with Non-Traditional Seat Geometry By: Thomas Trudel, Stanley Submarines, Honduras

This paper provides an overview of the design and feasibility testing of a non-traditional submersible window seat design. Typically, window seat geometry is guided by the revision of the ASME-PVHO-1 engineering standard as well as other references by the ASME, Stachiw, etc. As viewing area increases, window seat geometry is driven by the size of the acrylic window and not by the requirements for a hull penetration of equivalent size. The discrepancy in strength between the submersible hull materials and the weaker acrylic window can result in a window seat that is overbuilt for the required hull integrity and cause mass budget penalties as viewing area increases. The research presented in this paper focuses on non-traditional window seat geometries that decrease weight while performing comparably, in some respects, to designs that conform to the current ASME-PVHO-1 design standards. A new type of

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window seat is proposed with reductions in window seat weight between 22% and 33% at the expense of a shorter window service life. Design methodology, assumptions, FEA results, deviations from the standard, and empirical design studies are summarized in detail. Two model flanges and windows designed using this new methodology were built and tested. One of the designs was tested in the field near its design depth on 102 dives where it showed signs of wear but did not fail. FEA constraints were validated using strain gauge and displacement measurements on the conical and low pressure faces of the windows. STCP is scheduled to be evaluated in a hydrostatic pressure chamber prior to the UI 2017 conference presentation.

10:00-10:30 Making Deep-Sea Research Affordable: Refurbishing Pisces VI, the Deepest-Diving Privately-Owned Submarine By: Scott Waters, Vance Bradley and Grace Young, PISCES VI, USA

Exploration has always been an expensive endeavor, but mankind’s curiosity has driven us to push the boundaries of knowledge. Tightening budgets and greater focus on space exploration have made the ocean’s depths beyond most scientists’ reach. For this reason, Deep Water Research will make an affordable deep-sea submarine. Founder Scott Waters acquired and is refurbishing Pisces VI, a Cold War-era submarine built by International Hydrodynamics Co. Ltd. (HYCO) in 1976. Her sister vessels, Pisces IV and Pisces V, are two of only five deep-diving submarines still operating in the world. With refurbishment well underway and operations expected to commence in 2019, Pisces VI’s capabilities will far exceed any other privately-owned submersible: She will have an operational depth of 2000 m and test depth of 2500 m; hold one pilot and 3 observers; weigh only 15,000lbs (allowing for a signicantly less expensive support ship); and will fit, along with all support equipment, inside a 20’ shipping container. Every aspect of Pisces VI is designed to meet or exceed every safety rule and insurance requirement while keeping costs minimal. She will have 120 hours of emergency life support for each person on board, and a built-in- system (BIBs) and re extinguishing system. She will also boast powerful underwater and surface communications as well as locating beacons so the support ship will always know exactly what is going on with the vehicle.

Our talk will detail the technical upgrades to the submarine, including the steps taken to modify the submarine from a three person to a four person and fitting it with scienticequipment, including a slurp gun, dredge, manipulator arm, and maintaining personal sphere. The preview will not only be of interest to other submarine operators, but also help interested researchers begin planning expeditions that they otherwise thought were financially infeasible.

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-11:15 Factors for Success of Research Submersible Operations By: Karen Kohanowich, Ph.D., NOAA, USA

Manned submersibles have been an important component of U.S. government-sponsored marine science since the U.S. Navy’s purchase of the DSV Trieste in 1958, but today only one operation, the National Deep Submergence Facility (NDSF)’s ALVIN, remains fully funded. Numerous interagency studies have addressed the value of submersible science infrastructure –occupied, robotic, and autonomous – to particular research priorities, but none have encompassed the full range of technical, operational, functional, and societal influences that impact the ability to successfully and efficiently sustain research operations. This talk will introduce a quadrant model that enables consideration of these factors. It will also present insights into the lifecycles of U.S. manned research submersible operations that can be gained through use of the model, and discuss the value of these insights for future marine science and research submersible activity.

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11:15-11:45 A Vision of the Future of Manned Submersibles By: Graham Hawkes, Hawx Open Ocean, USA

Over the past few decades manned submersibles have seen major changes that will continue unabated as the industry completes its sea change, from almost exclusively commercial use to mostly private use—where the new purpose is adventure, exploration, and education. This forth coming shift will dramatically disrupt the industry, an industry unfamiliar with change causing for example, designed based regulations and old methods and materials to become quickly outdated.

The future evolution of submersibles from the classic working manned submersible outfitted with manipulators and reliant on negative buoyancy to dive and sit heavy on the bottom, to todays first positively buoyant manned craft designed exclusively for human experience, with no manipulators or bottom contact. Such changes are particularly important for users and regulators in environmentally sensitive regions of the world, where bottom disturbance and sub sea intervention of any physical kind maybe outlawed.

The author will share his latest thinking and rationale about the next generation of manned submersibles that draws on the best characteristics of existing design, new technologies and innovations to best meet future needs of users and regulators.

11:45-12:15 Consensus Operating Standards to Augment Commercial Viability of Manned Underwater Vehicles By: Kip Peterson, Thorsborg Institute, USA

Recognizing the new developments in material science, fabrication and safety standards through various international Class Societies have created a new and dynamic commercial Manned Underwater Vehicle industry. Specific Industry consensus operating standards will enable the Manned Underwater Vehicle industry to operate commercially and find new, more efficient ways to provide underwater intervention, research and exploration with the various regulatory institutions that control all maritime activities. The long-term objective must be to make Manned Underwater Vehicle subsea access/intervention an expanded competitive industry to attract new investment, manufacturers and operators with an industry baseline of operations that augment the technical specifications controlled by the classification agencies.

The Manned Underwater Vehicle Operations Consensus Standard aims at identifying and segmenting the different sectors of the Manned Underwater Vehicle industry. These standards are to provide clear operational regulatory definitions to allow the Manned Underwater Vehicle industry to operate in a viable commercial methodology under the guidelines of Flag State and Classification societies. Establishing accepted operating standards will be an evolutionary industry-sponsored asset to foster new technology and productivity tools that will acceptable to the various global regulatory organizations that have the statutory control of maritime activities within their jurisdiction.

Manned Underwater Vehicle Operations Consensus Standard [version 1.3] is an evolving document that is available for the comments/ inputs of the members of the Manned Underwater Vehicles Committee for inclusion in subsequent versions.

12:15-1:00 Lunch on the SHOWFLOOR

1:00-1:30 SHOWFLOOR Visit

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Supplier Discussions on Showfloor Area 1

1:30-2:00 PVHO PART I - Replacement and Life Extension of PVHO Dive Chamber Windows By: Will Kohnen, HYDROSPACE Group Inc., USA

A basic PVHO for dummies introductory presentation. All windows for hyperbaric chambers, dive re-compression chambers, submersibles and pressure vessels that hold human occupants are subject to ASME PVHO rules. PVHO windows have limited life and must be periodically replaced or re-certified. This presentation will review the basics of the PVHO rules, the certification process, the required documentation to replace old windows and the new approved PVHO process to extend the life of existing in-service windows reaching their end of life.

2:00-2:30 PVHO PART II: In-Service Field Considerations for PVHO Windows Used in Diving Chambers By: Bret Faircloth, FMS Engineering, USA

This presentation will provide guidance to end users on the requirements for installation, inspection, and documentation for PVHO windows used in diving chambers. While the presentation is geared towards typical windows used in diving chambers, the information is applicable to other systems using PVHO windows. End users will gain a better understanding of the PVHO window in-service requirements.

2:30-3:00 How to Choose Hydraulic and Electric Thrusters for Subsea Vehicles By: Omar Rafeh, Innerspace Corporation, USA

All types of underwater vehicles require a propulsion system, whether hydraulic or electric. Hydraulic thrusters have their advantages and used to be the primary form of propulsion on vehicles 10-15 years ago. They are still used but there is a significant shift to electric propulsion systems. This presentation will review the basic parameters that need to be specified and established to determine performance of each type, make appropriate comparisons and understand the true performance of various thrusters.

Advanced Underwater Engineering Session on Showfloor Think Tank Area

3:00-3:30 Investigation of Viewport Geometry Designed for Over 10,000 psi By: Linda Cross, Bart Kemper, Kemper Engineering Services, LLC, USA

As the exploration of our oceans continues in both manned and unmanned systems, advanced engineering techniques become more critical. The established method for sizing viewports is using the codes in ASME Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy. Those methods were pioneered by Dr. Jerry Stachiw of the US Navy. Dr. Stachiw’s work indicates there are significant issues regarding the included angle for conical frustum viewports. This presentation (and the accompanying paper) will examine the recommended 90 degree windows versus the more cost-efficient 60 degree window, including the previous research as well as using Finite Element Analysis.

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3:30-4:00 Advanced LiPo Battery Systems for MUVs and Extended Applications to 6000m By: Carme Parareda, Pere Forès, Miquel Àngel Rodríguez, Ictineu Submarines SL, Spain

The Ictineu pressure-tolerant lithium-polymer batteries were initially designed to provide the ICTINEU 3, a human occupied submersible rated 1.200 meters depth and DNV GL certified, with a high power, high density energy system. After 4 years in use in the ICTINEU 3, they have proven a high performance, endurance and reliability, and at the same time new systems have been developed for other vehicles.

Each Ictineu li-po battery can be used as a standalone module that is easy to implement in any type of vehicle and is safe in operation as it has all the required control and safety elements built in. As the industry evolves, new functionalities and depths are required to fulfil new applications, either in AUVs, instrumentation or underwater stations. For this reason the batteries have been recently qualified up to 6.000m operational depth and have incorporated new functions such as simultaneous charge and discharge. In addition, a new type of cells’ chemistry has been validated at 6.000m depth too, based in the ferro-phosphate chemistry which offers a longer life cycle to the battery (7000 cycles), is less reactive than the lithium cobalt-manganese type, and preferred in some industry sectors.

Up to date the use of li-po pressure-tolerant batteries is showing as the definitely solution for deep water applications where they will play an important role to radically reduce the weight of the vehicles as well as improve their performance and operability. The presentation will discuss the procedures and the extensive testing program followed by the company to fulfil both clients requirements and DNV GL approval (more than 500 pressure cycles on cells, 1.000 on electronics and 1.200 on other components). Also some case studies will be presented as well as new challenges in energy systems for underwater vehicles and applications.

4:00-4:30 Strain Evaluation of PRM Falcon LARS in Service Conditions By: Chris Storey, Southwest Research Institute, USA

SwRI monitored and recorded LARS structural member strain and frame accelerations during transit and launch/ recovery operations as well as deck accelerations in an attempt to more accurately track the in-service loading of such marine structures critical to the submersible industry. Several inclinometers were also used to track frame position relative to vessel deck. Recorded data can later be compared to remote buoy data to track frame response to sea- state, locate issues during operations, discover refinements for procedures or as feedback as part of existing training programs. Collecting the data presented several technical and logistical challenges from restricted access to desired instrumentation locations, instrument survivability in sea environment, to stowage of data acquisition equipment to avoid interference during mobilization and regular operations. These data can be used as part of a broader analysis technique in conjunction with finite element to refine predictive models for fatigue or fracture mechanics and for implementation into maintenance or other fitness-for-service programs.

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Day 3 - Room 222 - Thursday, February 23

8:30-9:00 2016 Industry Overview of UW Cables and Connectors for Manned & Unmanned Systems By: Mike Chapman, MECCO, USA

Connectors for underwater use are an important component of any submersible or subsea systems. Underwater connectors come in a variety of types and configurations, in either dry-mate or wet-mate having electrical or optical contacts or a combination of both, typically called hybrid connectors. These commercial connectors have been developed over the past decades for underwater vehicles, naval acoustic arrays, ocean science observatories, umbilical’s and control equipment for offshore oil and gas facilities. The evolution and complexity of designs keeps increasing and so has the regulatory environment that certifies them for use on underwater vehicles.

The presentation will provide an overview of the state of technology in the industry, which is currently supported by a handful of well-known companies. Considering the critical nature of these components to any complex system, reliability of operation as well as reliability of on-time delivery remains a key issue. The year 2016 has seen some significant challenges from industry which were not helped by the current economic situation in the oil & gas industry. This overview and Q&A session is intended for MUV members to get a better idea of what is going on in the industry and ask some questions to find out what happened in 2016.

9:00-9:30 High Pressure Sealing Techniques for Subsea Applications By: Lutz Mueller, Glenair Connectors, USA

This presentation takes a deep dive into the variety of different high pressure sealing techniques used across most subsea applications. Welding, Glass Sealing, O-ring sealing, Epoxy Sealing, and Boot Sealing are all deconstructed and explained on an approachable yet technical level and their advantages and disadvantages are all examined and analyzed. We will investigate the mechanics and chemistry that make each seal work and the limits of their performance given , time, pressure, and material choice. We will highlight an important distinction between process tolerant and process sensitive seals and consider the appropriate quality control measure for each type.

9:30-10:00 Advantages of Contactless (Induction) Transfer of Power & Data By: Gary Reed, ODU, USA

Examination of the failure mode of traditional connector and contact systems. Included is the discussion of electrical and mechanical mechanisms for A discussion of the benefits to environmental sealing with removal of mechanical contacts, eliminating another connector failure mode.

10:00-10:30 Aquatica Stingray 500 – Live Drop External Pressure Test By: Erika Bergman, Gary Hancock, Aquatica Submarines, Canada

Aquatica Submarines will be presenting an overview of its Live Drop External Pressure Testing, as completed under survey for the Stingray 500 submersible. The testing was completed on West Coast in Howe Sound, British Columbia, Canada. The presentation will cover General logistical considerations and program execution walk through.

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

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10:45-11:15 The Power of Communications to Drive Investment, Influence Markets and Engage Audiences By: Colleen Hahn, Gryphon Media Strategies, USA

The ability to leverage earned, owned and paid media to achieve the right marketing mix for a MUV company can help drive awareness, influence markets, engage audiences and help secure investment. Although social media has quickly emerged as a powerful platform for journalists gathering news, traditional media continues to reign supreme as the most trusted news source. In a recent survey, almost half of all business-to-business purchasing decisions stated earned media was a key driver. Along with purchasing decisions, earned media helps to create a “paper trail” to validate your business. Earned media is generally perceived as more credible than the other media types, in that journalists and editors choose to cover the brand and therefore validate its significance. Earned media also allows for more complex stories – consider a story placement in a trade publication such as Sea Technology vs. regular advertisement. The former allows for a rich story, with nuances and different viewpoints while the latter is quick sales pitch. In addition, the majority of journalists (65%) agree or strongly agree that the more the media covers a brand, the more credible the brand appears. This also applies to an industry. If an industry is not getting “play” or delivering results for its customers, then the industry is considered marginal or on the decline.

This discussion will cover a quick overview of earned, owned and paid media using examples from both the manned underwater vehicle industry and the subsea sensor technology industry. The discussion will focus on creating market recognition through trade publications, targeted journalists, etc., and how that “paper trail” influences markets. We will use examples and use cases from the following:

• Manned Underwater Vehicle Industry • Recent coverage of Ocean News and Technology • Feature, editorial, advertisement and advertorials • Next steps as an industry: • Setting up Dropbox for reporter ready stories • Press and media collection • Outreach to journalists • Subsea technology: prepping a market for a new innovation • Press releases, history and features • Tradeshows, advertorials, editorials • Consumer based social media and film to drive awareness • Project Nekton Film/Video and imagery for general public outreach

11:15-12:15 MTS Manned Underwater Vehicles 2017 Yearly Committee Meeting

By: William Kohnen, Chair, Manned Underwater Vehicles, MTS, USA

ALL MTS MUV Members and Industry delegates are invited to attend, participate and join in the planning for the committee work for 2017.

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Erika Bergman Aquatica Submarines Inc. Submersible Pilot 418, 1489 Marine Drive Aquatica Submarines West Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V7T 1B8 Tel: 403-809-4278 Email: erika @aquaticasubmarines.com

Erika Bergman is a submersible pilot, a virtual reality engineer, and an enthusiastic ocean explorer. She is currently the Director of Operations and Chief Pilot for Aquatica Submarines in Vancouver, B.C. She began her career in chemical , studying at the University of Washington, while working as a diesel engineer and a steam ship engineer. In 2013 she was named a National Geographic Explorer for her “Classrooms Under the Sea” Expedition -- live streaming video from submersibles. She now produces 360 video for National Geographic as well as writing for NG publications. Weaving together her passions for submersible engineering, rich media storytelling, and outreach, she founded GEECs, Global Engineering & Exploration Counselors, providing a network of engineering camps and mentorship to girls around the world.

Vance Bradley PISCES VI Submarine Pisces VI Submarine Salina, Kansas USA Tel: (772) 812-0260 Email: [email protected]

Vance Bradley is an accomplished submarine pilot and crew chief. He has worked for Perry Submarines, Harbor Branch, and has over 2000 dives in 9 different submarines. Having logged over 2000 dives, Vance is no stranger to deep water exploration. Originally from Nashville, he now resides in Port St. Lucy, Florida. Vance is excited to be working again with Pisces VI.

Mike Chapman MECCO Inc. Chair MTS Cables & Connectors Cmtee 14244 Man Street NE MECCO Duvall, WA 98019 Tel: (425) 788-4522 Email: [email protected]

Mike Chapman Studied Oceanography and Fisheries at the University of Washington 1970 to 1978. He started MECCO Inc. in 1982 and has been designing, integrating, and selling underwater connector systems since 1985. Customers include US Navy, NOAA, US Army COE, Oceanographic Universities, Marine construction companies and Manned Submersibles.

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Linda Cross Kemper Engineering Services, LLC Kemper Engineering PO Box 80674 Baton Rouge LA 70898 USA Tel: 225-923-2945 Email: [email protected]

Linda Cross, EI has previous work in semi-autonomous boats as well as advanced engineering techniques. She has led the detailed simulations investigating the impact of the two geometries for deep sea applications.

Bret Faircloth FMS Engineering, LLC Managing Principal Engineer 2509 Commercial Park Drive FMS Engineering Mobile, AL 36606 Tel: (251) 706-5503 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Faircloth is a Managing Principal Engineer and co-owner of FMS Engineering located in Mobile, Alabama. His primary responsibility is overseeing the design pressure vessels, structural support frames, and handling systems for the industry. He also has extensive experience with materials testing and metallurgy. Mr. Faircloth is a member of the ASME Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (PVHO) Committee. He holdsa Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Alabama and is a Registered Professional Engineer.

Pere Fores ICTINEU Submarins SL Co-founder, Administrator and Director Industria 12, 08980 Ictineu Submarines SL St. Feliu de Llobregat, Spain Tel: +34 933 094 274 Email: [email protected]

Industrial Designer. Co-founder, administrator and director of ICTINEU Submarins SL and co-founder of the Ictineu Institute, Catalan Submarine Research Centre in 2004. He has conceived and designed the ICTINEU 3 manned submersible for 1.200m. He has worked as an industrial designer, model maker, modeller, and after studying naval design has worked in the construction of recreational sailing and racing vessels for 15 years. He specialized in construction materials and processes involving composites and new materials. He built his first submarine at the age of 11, and later has designed and built his own sailing boats, being the last one an open racing ship with which he has crossed the Atlantic ocean twice. He co- wrote the book l’Atlàntic a quatre mans (The Atlantic four hands).

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Colleen Hahn Gryphon Media Strategies President & CEO 1653 Brook Hill Lane Gryphon Media Strategies Middleburg, VA 20117 Tel: +1 (703) 851-6944 Email: [email protected]

Colleen Hahn is the President and CEO of Gryphon Media Strategies, a strategic marketing, sales, communications and sponsor procurement company. For over 25 years, Hahn’s strategic insight and innovative programming have helped to build, launch and sustain strong corporate brand reputations. She has worked closely with executive management teams and CEO’s on marketing plans to guide business profitability and growth. Hahn’s expertise has helped identify gaps in the market to launch new and emerging technology for defense, energy and commercial industries. Gryphon Media Strategies serves clients that span a wide range of industries with one common value: affecting change through technological, creative and strategic innovation. In addition, to Gryphon Media Strategies, Hahn founded Halowix in 2015, an independent development and production company creating literary properties and scripted entertainment for film, tv, digital media and print. Halowix develops projects that cross a range of genres with a thematic focus on change.

Gary Hancock Aquatica Submarines Inc. Naval Architect & Lead Designer 1489 Marine Drive Aquatica Submarines Inc. West Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V7T 1B8 Tel: 587-333-6062 Email: [email protected]

Gary Hancock is the Naval Architect and Lead Designer for Aquatica Submarines Inc. Gary Holds a Diploma of Technology in Naval Architecture from the Fisheries and Marine Institute/Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. As a Structural/Industrial Designer experienced with Marine Vessels from passenger ferries to large freighters and land based Oil and Gas facility design and retrofit, Gary lead the Naval Architecture and Design operations for the Stingray 500 for Aquatica Submarines Inc., while continuing to design and develop additional Manned Underwater and surface Vehicles for future implementation. Gary has been with the Stingray 500 project from concept through completion, testing, sea trials and Certification under DNV-GL.

Graham Hawkes Hawx Open Ocean HAWX Open Ocean 1122 Brickyard Cove road #202 Point Richmond CA 94801 USA Tel # (415) 497-4193 Email: [email protected]

Considered one of under sea’s most experienced and innovative engineers. His manned submersibles include the Wasp, Mantis, Deep Rover and DeepFlight series, more than 60 craft. Founder of several companies: OSEL WASP Ltd, Deep Ocean Engineering Inc., Hawkes Ocean Technologies Inc. Within the remote technologies Mr. Hawkes pioneered lightweight military remotely operated weapon system today known as Ultra lightweight ROW”s. Mr. Hawkes has several awards, patents and records, for example holding the deepest solo ocean dive for over 20 years. Notably, Mr. Hawkes and the late Steve Fosset collaborated on the full ocean depth experimental sub Challenger. Most recently, Mr. Hawkes founded HAWX Open Ocean Inc., a company who’s mission is to responsibly and safely advance mankind into ocean space.

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Bart Kemper Kemper Engineering Services, LLC Principal Engineer PO Box 80674 Kemper Engineering Services, LLC Baton Rouge LA 70898 USA Tel: 225-923-2945 Email: [email protected]

Bart Kemper is the Principal Engineer for Kemper Engineering Services. He has over two decades of experience in applying advanced engineering techniques in a variety of industries as well as in government service. He has authored numerous papers and patents, including previous work involving applying nonlinear Finite Element Analysis to acrylic marine viewports. He is a member of the ASME Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (PVHO) Codes and Standards Committee.

Karen Kohanowich, Ph.D. NOAA OAR/OER NOAA SSMC3 Rm 10312, 1315 East West Hwy Silver Spring MD 20910 Tel: (301) 734-1010 Email: [email protected]

Karen Kohanowich has been a marine research and undersea technology director and manager at NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research and NOAA’s Undersea Research Program since 2005. She has served as NOAA program manager for the Aquarius undersea habitat and Hawaii’s Undersea Research Laboratory, chaired NOAA’s AUV Working Group, and co-chaired the National Ocean Partnership Program (NOPP) federal working group and an interagency Task for Ocean Research and Technology (TFORT).

In 2016, Karen was awarded a doctorate in Environmental Science and Public Policy from George Mason University, with a focus on undersea research technology assessment. She has also earned a Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy from Johns Hopkins University, a Master of Science in Air Ocean Sciences from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, and a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Vanderbilt University.

Karen began her career as a U.S. Navy Diving and Salvage Officer, serving onboard USN and Canadian diving ships in the Western Pacific, Caribbean, and North Atlantic. She completed her Navy service as Navy Meteorology and Oceanography Officer, and specialized in ocean policy at the Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Environment, and as Naval Deputy to NOAA. She has qualified as a NAUI SCUBA instructor, Navy parachutist, and pilot of the Pisces IVsubmersible. Karen was Marine Technology Society’s first Vice President for Government Affairs (2005-2010), and is a member of the Women Diver’s Hall of Fame, and the Society of Woman Geographers.

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William Kohnen Hydrospace Group Inc. President/CEO 9559 Center Avenue, Ste P Hydrospace Group Inc. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 USA Tel: +1 ( (909) 989-7773 Email: [email protected]

Over the past 30 years, William Kohnen has developed a portfolio of engineering projects, managerial experience and professional contacts in the submersible and aerospace industries. He is co-founder of SEAmagine Hydrospace Corp and currently President and CEO of Hydrospace Group Inc. where he directs business development projects in the fields of manned submersible design, human occupied pressure vessel systems, high reliability electric motor systems and intelligent control devices for manned and unmanned underwater vehicles. He is a fellow for the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and is current chair of the MTS Manned Underwater Vehicles Committee, since 2003. He is also ASME PVHO (Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy) Committee member for 12 years, member of the PVHO Viewports Sub-committee overseeing the rules for acrylic windows, and chairman of the ASME PVHO Submersibles sub-committee, a regulatory arm overseeing rules for construction of submersibles which provides guidelines for the US Coast Guard and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). Mr. Kohnen has worked 20 years with the US Coast Guard and is a member of the ABS Special Rules Committee for Underwater Systems and Vehicles.

Shuai Liu China Ship Scientific Research Center Structural Engineer No.222 East Shanshui Road CSSRC Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214082 China Email: [email protected]

Shuai Liu is a Structure Engineer, currently responsible for general design of manned submersibles at department of underwater engineering research and development in China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSR). His experience includes work on the deep submersible, the twin tourism submersibles Huan Dao Jiao Long No. 1 and No. 2 as well as new vehicles in development. He was the main participator in project for the final assembly of the Huan Dao Jiao Long No. 1 and No. 2 and of its sea trials, under CCS (China Classification Society) performed from its mothership stationed on Hainan Island in China. His experience also includes general design and acrylic structure design of Huan Dao Jiao Long submersible, he also did a lot of work to push on the maritime laws and regulations of tourist submersibles.

David Lochridge Oceangate Inc. Director of Marine Ops 1205 Craftsman Way, Suite 112 Oceangate Everett, WA 98201 Phone/Fax: +1 (425) 595-5013 Email: [email protected]

David has a diverse 25 year career in marine operations around the world as a manned submersible pilot, commercial diver, ROV pilot, and marine engineer. Prior to OceanGate, David began his career as a marine engineer and ship’s diver in the Royal Navy. He is an expert in the field of submarine operations and submarine rescue including experience as a manned submersible pilot tasked with maintaining and operating the LR5 manned submersible under contract to the Royal Navy to perform rescues to depths of 400 meters, operating the DSAR6 on contract for the Singaporean Navy, and as lead submersible pilot for the refit and commissioning trials of URF MK11 manned submersible for the Royal Swedish Navy. David was also the chief sub pilot aboard M/Y Octopus and the submersible Pagoo. As a commercial diver and ROV pilot, David has performed , inspection and salvage on myriad projects including trenching, rock cutting, cable and chain inspection, and seabed cutting. During his diverse international career, David has performed marine operations in Iran, Qatar, Sweden, South Pacific, Gibraltar, Singapore, Israel, West Africa, and the United States.

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Lutz Mueller Glenair Inc. Product Manager 1211 Air Way Glenair Connectors Glendale, California 91201-2497 USA Email: [email protected] Tel: 818 247 6000

Lutz Mueller is Product Manager for Pressure Products at Glenair Inc, a Connector Solutions OEM specializing in mission critical applications in the Sub-Sea, Down Hole, Aerospace, and Military industries. Previous roles have been Senior Technical Staff and Sr. Design Engineergenerallyon research and development programs in the Automotive Industry, Alternative Energy, and Interconnect Industry.

Jason O’Rourke SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation Product Development Manager 1420 N. Claremont Blvd., Suite 111B SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation Claremont, CA 91711 USA Tel: +1.909.626.6262 Email: [email protected]

Jason O’Rourke is a Product Development Managerat SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation; based in Claremont, California. He has been part of the in-house engineeringteam since 2008andhas contributed to the design and operation ofthree new ABS classed SEAmagine submersibles. With a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from DeVry University, Mr. O’Rourke has lead the development of many custom productsfor the growing SEAmagine submersible fleet.

Carme Parareda ICTINEU Submarins SL Co-founder, Administrator and COO Industria 12, 08980 ICTINEU Submarins SL St. Feliu de Llobregat Spain Tel: +34 933 094 274 Email: [email protected]

Co-founder, administrator and COO of ICTINEU Submarins SL. As a Surveying Engineer she worked in the service of the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia for 15 years, since 1992, in the field of geodesy, high accuracy positioning and GPS navigation techniques. In 2004 she re-oriented her career to ocean observation and underwater technology, co-founding in 2004 the Ictineu Institute, Catalan Submarine Research Centre, and in 2007 ICTINEU Submarins SL where she develops her main professional activity as chief operations manager, sales, certification procedures and pilot in training. In parallel from 2007 to 2009 she coordinated the Argo Maris Foundation activities (sea exploration and outreach) and from 2009 to 2016 she was a board member of the Catalan Maritime Cluster. Member of the Marine Technology Society since 2009. A traveller who loves adventure sports and mountaineering, after crossing Mongolia by bike, she sailed across the Atlantic twice. She co-wrote a book l’Atlàntic a quatre mans (The Atlantic four hands).

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Kip Peterson Thorsborg Institute, LLC CEO P.O. Box 2017 Thorsborg Institute, LLC Brunswick, Georgia 31521 USA Tel: 770 518-0704 Email: [email protected]

Kip Peterson is the founder and CEO of Thorsborg Institute, LLC an international consultancy firm with a global strategic consultancy practice that works with governments, the World Bank and other institutions and has an active hydrospace division that is involved with undersea research and training. Kip has done business in 97 countries; been a presidential appointee for trade development; is a World Bank expert consultant and is an experienced offshore US Merchant Marine Master and professional diver and has sailed on the world’s oceans in commercial and research vessels. His decades of professional maritime expertise are augmented by a degree in , a graduate degree in international policy and management and his certifications as a professional research diver/instructor with 43 years of experience.

Omar Rafeh Innerspace Corporation Director of Operations 1138 East Edna Place Innerspace Corporation Covina, CA 91724 USA Tel: (626) 331-0921 Email: [email protected]

Omar Rafeh is the Director of Operations at Innerspace Corporation. Omar is responsible for Innerspace’s engineering, manufacturing and R&D with a focus on developing the next generation of propulsion system solutions for all types of Subsea Vehicles. Omar has written several engineering articles on various vehicle propulsion systems. He has helped many companies solve their VehicleHydrodynamic Problems, Propulsion Problems and has designed specific Propulsion Systems to meet their requirements.

He obtained his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona in 2000. While in school he met Professor Sam Kelly in charge of the Ocean Engineering Department. He took several of Professor Kelly’s ocean engineering courses and designed a test rig for testing thrusters. For one of the tests, Professor Kelly invited his friend, the late Calvin A. Gongwer, who was President and owner of Innerspace, to observe and comment. Cal then hired Omar before he graduated who has been at Innerspace ever since 1999.He mentored under Cal and Robert Gongwer for 18 years and is responsible for overseeing the operations of Innerspace reporting to Robert C. Gongwer, President and CEO.

Gary Reed ODU-USA, Inc. Head of Product Management 4010 Adolfo Road ODU USA Camarillo, CA 93012 USA Tel: +1 (805) 437-0516 Email: [email protected]

Louis (Gary) Reed III started college like most students but left to enlist in the Navy. He attended the Navy Nuclear Power School and eventually detached after his enlistment in 1997. Afterwards he was hired by Trompeter Electronics (now a division of Cinch) in 1997. He continued his education both in business and technology, earning degrees in Marketing and Nuclear Engineering Technology and eventually an MBA from California State University – Long Beach.

He has been in the connector industry for 20 years and most notably has worked with companies such as Amphenol, ITT, TE Connectivity. Currently he is employed at ODU USA (a subsidiary of ODU Gmbh) as the Head of Product Management, North America.

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Chris Storey Southwest Research Institute Manager, Ocean Simulation Lab 6220 Culebra Rd. SWRI San Antonio, Texas 78238-5166 USA Tel: (210) 522-3992 Email: [email protected]

Chris Storey is the Group Lead for the Ocean Simulation Lab at Southwest Research Institute where he manages subsea, various Oil & Gas, Submersible, Navy and other industries testing. Mr. Storey gained his MS in Mechanical Engineering in 2014 and has 10 years of experience with design and design verification testing of surface and subsea structures/components from conceptual design to prototype. Chris was a team member in the design and fabrication of the pressure hull for the new Alvin deep submergence vehicle and recently served on the strain evaluation team for the submarine rescue vehicle for the U.S. Navy, the PRMS. He is skilled with analytical methods, the characterization of Titanium 6Al-4V ELI material properties, including creep and the Krenzke and Kiernan method for spherical pressure vessel design, applying ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 1, 2 and 3 requirements and with pressure vessel inspections and state code compliance. Mr. Storey has also lead several turn-key pressure chamber systems design, testing and initial commissioning projects. He is active in the areas of fatigue testing of subsea and other oil industry equipment involving strain gage, cryogenics and oil plume/dispersant behavior as well as hydrate formation. Mr. Storey’s current research interests include scale projects focused on ‘live oil’ and free gas flow streams and of material testing with specific emphasis in titanium low temperature creep behavior.

Jonathan Struwe DNV - GL Inspection Engineer, Pressure & Underwater Technology Brooktorkai 18 DNV-GL SE 20457 Hamburg, Germany Tel: +49 40 36149 8925 Email: [email protected]

Jonathan Struwe, an Inspection Engineer for Underwater Technology, is part of the Underwater Technology Section of DNV GL and was mainly involved in the recent manned submersible classification activities of DNV GL. The technical experts at DNV GL’s Underwater Technology Section are dealing with approval and analysis of a wide range of underwater systems and provide, besides approval according to the GL Rules for Underwater Technology, technical expertise based on an engineering approach.

Jess Totten American Bureau of Shipping Senior Engineer Underwater Systems and Lifting Appliances Group ABS Ship Engineering Department, ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston, Texas 77060 USA Tel: 1-281-877-5800 Email: [email protected] Jess G. Totten is a Senior Engineer with the American Bureau of Shipping. Jess has worked for ABS for 8 years and is the subject matter expert on underwater vehicles and systems for the North Americas division. Jess graduated from UT Austin with a BS in Mechanical Engineering in 2004. Before coming to ABS he worked a variety of jobs in Houston, ranging from reverse osmosis to pipeline intervention to pizza delivery. Jess was born in Panama City, Panama, is married, and is the father of a four year old boy.

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Kevin Traver Marine Technology Society Executive Director 1100 H St., NW, Suite LL-100 Marine Technology Society Washington, DC 20005 Email: [email protected] Phone: (202) 827-7171

A native of Mystic, CT, Kevin joined the United State Marine Corps directly out of high school in 1985. After almost 10 years of active service, Kevin returned home to attend the University of Connecticut and completed his BA in Diplomatic History in 1994 and MA in History in 1996. After graduating, Kevin worked in the Connecticut legislature, as a lobbyist, Congressional campaign manager and the Campaign Director, for Congressman Rob Simmons (CT-2) during the 2002 election cycle. After a successful campaign, Kevin relocated to Washington, D.C. in January 2003 and accepted a position as Senior Director, Corporate Relations, with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

In September 2004, Kevin joined the National Maritime Heritage Foundation as Executive Director. The foundation underwent amazing growth under Kevin’s leadership – expanding from a $350K budget to $1.7 million and from less than one hundred program participants to over 1,200 on a yearly basis. In October 2010, Kevin became the Senior Director, Corporate Relations and Marketing for the Navy League of the United States and in 2013 was named Vice President. During his tenure at the Navy League, managed the international Sea- Air- Space Exposition and grew the event from 5000 attendees in 2010 to over 15,000 in 2016.

Kevin joined the Marine Technology Society as its Executive Director in June 2016.

Thomas Trudel Stanley Submarines Aerospace Engineer Half Moon Bay, Honduras Outside Innovation/Stanley Submarines Tel: 011-504-3359-2887 Email: [email protected]

Thomas Trudel is an Aerospace Engineer from Denver, Co. He currently works for Outside Innovation performing contract engineering work throughout the U.S. and internationally. Stanley Submarines first hired Outside Innovation in 2012 to perform a variety of engineering tasks and design studies. The two companies have since collaborated on a multitude of projects focused on innovative designs for subsea systems. Through Outside Innovation, Thomas has completed numerous engineering projects ranging from aerospace propulsion system design to consumer product development. His true passion lies in empowering human exploration of the earth and space so he primarily focuses on projects related to these disciplines. He specializes in engineering design, analysis, and testing for new products.

Lei Wang China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC) Senior Engineer No.222 East Shanshui Road China Ship Scientific Research Center Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214082 China Email: [email protected]

Lei Wang, Senior Engineer, has the B.E. in Electronic Information Engineering from Harbin Engineering University and has the M.S. in Shipbuilding and Oceanography Engineering from China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC). Working on Manned Submersible more than ten years in CSSRC and Deputy Chief Designer of OMAS. OMAS is a One Man Atmospheric System, which includes an articulated anthropomorphic single person submersible which consists of the Suit, Tether Management Systems (TMS), Launch and Recovery Systems (LARS) and Surface Control Systems (SCS).

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Scott Waters PISCES VI Submarine Pisces VI Salina, Kansas USA Tel: (772) 812-0260 Email: [email protected]

Scott Waters is a CEO of a chain of retail stores and has built 3 submarines. He is an accomplished pilot, machinest, fabricator, and business man. Scott has been fascinated by the undersea world since he saw 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Pisces is his third and most ambitious submarine project yet to date.

Chris Welsh Deep Sub/Pentarius LLC Owner/Operator 2130 Santiago Dr Deep Sub/Pentarius LLC Newport Beach, CA 92660 USA Tel: +1 949-278-2012 Email: [email protected]

Chris Welsh is a life long mariner, licensed captain and submersible operator. DeepSub LLC owns the 11KM Challenger submersible and the mothership Cheyenne with a goal of worldwide. Chris is also a pilot with Single Engine, Multi-Engine, IFR, Glider, Seaplane and Helicopter ratings and has flown extensively in the Western United States, Alaska and Baja. He has flown his twin engine plane and his helicopter across the continental U.S.

Adam Wright Deepflight CEO 1150 Brickyard Cove Rd, Suite 102 Deepflight Point Richmond, CA 94801 Tel: +1 (510) 236-3422 Email: [email protected]

Adam Wright has dedicated his career to the development and commercialization of manned underwater systems. He is currently Chief Executive Officer of DeepFlight, and Managing Director of DeepFlight Adventures. Adam graduated from UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He began his career at DeepFlight in 2000, and has been instrumental in leading the company’s focus on recreation and tourism. Adam has lived and worked in China, speaks fluent Mandarin, and sits on the Board of Rainbowfish Ocean Technology.

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Masanobu Yanagitani JAMSTEC Senior Engineer, Marine Technology & Engineering Center 2-15 Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka JAMSTEC Kanagawa, Japan 237-0061 Tel: +81-46-867-9914 Email: [email protected]

Mr. Masanobu Yanagitani is Senior Engineer of Marine Technology and Engineering Center in Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). Currently he is in charge of an operation and maintenance control and planning for JAMSTEC fleet in Research Fleet Dept., but he had joined SHINKAI operations team as a pilot and mechanic, so he has an experience 11 years in a field of deep-sea research. He has an experience of join the short cruise of IFREMER Submersible.

Tony Yao WUXI SMARTSEA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Managing Director Room 403/404/408 , United Creative Building, SMART Seatech East Tower No.901, Yin Xiu Road, Wuxi, China Tel: +86 - 13585008620 Email: [email protected]

Tony Yao is the founder and Managing Director of SMARTSEA TECHNOLOGY since 2013 Oct. and now set up four subsidiary companies at Wuxi, Shanghai and Hong Kong for the ROV & HOV related sales and service business in China market. Tony was joined CSSC in 2003 from Northwestern Polytechnic University and have more than 12 years’ experience in marketing promotion, project sales, and technical service of acoustic and underwater vehicles related business. After received the ROV training certification of SAAB Seaeye and Teledyne SeaBotix, Tony will be more focus on the ROV and HOV training and local support projects in China which cooperate with CSSRC and Shanghai Ocean University and OceanGate.

Grace Young PISCES VI Submarine Pisces VI Salina, Kansas USA Tel: (772) 812-0260 Email: [email protected]

Grace C. Young is an Oxford PhD Scholar in Ocean Engineering at the University of Oxford, has worked for CERN, NOAA, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and was a member of Fabian Coustou’s .

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ALS Marine Battelle Spyridon Volonakis, Managing Director Tim Rennick, P.E., Manager, Maritime Systems 85 Vouliagmenis Ave Glyfada 505 King Avenue Athens, GR 16674, Greece Columbus, Ohio 43201, USA Tel: +30 210 9607077 Tel. +1 614.424.5865 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.alsmarine.gr www.battelle.org

ABS Blanson Ltd. American Bureau of Shipping Andy Turner, Managing Director Roy Thomas, Engineering Manager Unit B, Coventry Road Narborough ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive Leicester LE19 2GG UK Houston, Texas 77060 USA Tel. +44(0) 0116 286 7007 Tel: 1-281-877-5800 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.blanson.com www.eagle.org

M/V Alucia Blue Marble Exploration LLC Mark (Buck) Taylor Guillermo Sohnlein, Co-Founder & CEO Beta Maritime Ltd, 1 Glendinning Pl 310 Westbury Lane Westport, Connecticut 06880 USA Alpharetta, GA 30005 Tel: +1 510 940 3416 Tel: +1 (703) 346-3041 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.mvalucia.com www.bluemarbleexploration.com

Aquatica Submarines Int’l Inc. Blue Turtle Engineering Harvey Flemming, President Lee Frey, President & Chief Engineer 418, 1489 Marine Drive 6430 Floridana Avenue West Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V7T 1B8 Melbourne Beach, FL. 32951 USA Tel: 587-333-6062 Tel. +1-321-917-1624 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.aquaticasubmarines.com www.blueturtleengineering.com

Atlantis Submarines Int’l Inc. Brownies Global Logistics John Witney, VP Engineering Robert Carmichael, Director of Global Logistics West 6th Avenue 3005 NW 25th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y-1K8, Canada Pompano Beach, FL, 33069 USA Email: [email protected] Tel: 1-954-299-8181 www.atlantissubmarines.com Email: [email protected] www.globalsubdive.com

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Bulgarian Academy of Sciences DNV - GL Institute of Oceanology Harald Pauli, Department for Pressure Iliya Shtirkov, Head of Research Vessels & Underwater Technology Submersible Department Brooktorkai 18 PO Box 152 Varna 9000 Bulgaria 20457 Hamburg, Germany Tel. +359-52-370-483 io-bas.bg Tel: +49 40 36149 8925 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.io-bas.bg www.dnvgl.com

Cayman Islands Shipping Registry DOER Marine John Aune, Deputy Director, Global Liz Taylor, President Operations and Commercial Services 1827 Clement Ave. 133 Elgin Avenue, P.O. Box 2256 Building 19, Alameda CA 94501 USA Grand Cayman KY1-1107 Cayman Islands Tel: (510) 530-9388 Tel: +1 345-949-8831 Email: [email protected] [email protected] www.doermarine.com www.cishipping.com

China National Deep Sea Center Evonik Cryo LLC Feng Liu Britt Nordby, Strategic Markets Manager #6 Xianxialing Road 299 Jefferson Road Qingdao P.R. China Parsippany, NJ 07054 USA Email: [email protected] Tel: 973-929-8200 www.ndsc.org.cn Email: [email protected] www.evonik.com

China Ship Scientific Research EYOS Expeditions Ltd. Center Rob McCallum, Founding Partner Ye Cong, Director Engineering Kissack Court, 29 Parliament St. 222 East Shanshui Road, Binhu District Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 1AT, British Isles Wuxi, Jiangsu 214082 P.R. China Tel: +1 801 390 7025 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.cssrc.com.cn www.eyos-expeditions.com

DeepFlight FAU Harbor Branch Adam Wright, CEO Oceanographic Institute 1150 Brickyard Cove Rd #102 5600 US 1 North Point Richmond, CA 94801 USA Fort Pierce, FL 34946 USA Tel: +1 (510) 236-3422 Tel: (772) 466-9876 Email: [email protected] www.fau.edu/hboi www.deepflight.com

Deep Sub/Pentarius LLC FMS Engineering Chris Welsh, Sub Owner Bret Faircloth, P.E. PO Box 12723 2509 Commercial Park Drive Newport Beach, CA 92658 USA Mobile, AL 36606 USA Tel: +1 949 278 2012 Tel: (251) 450-2377 Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.deepsubllc.com www.fmsengineering.com

26 mtsmuv.org Underwater Intervention 2017

General Dynamics Electric Boat GSE Trieste Dan Gietzen Giunio Santi 75 Eastern Point Road Piazza Bergamo, 18 Groton, CT 06340 USA 24040 Ciserano BG, Italy Tel: 860-433-3000 Tel. +(39) 035 882629 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.gdeb.com www.gsetrieste.it

GEOMAR Helmholtz Hawaii Undersea Research Karen Hissmann, Tauchboot-JAGO-Team Laboratory (HURL) Zentrum fuer Ozeanforschung Kiel Terry Kerby, Chief Pilot, Director of Wischhofstr. 1-3, Geb. 8D/134 Submarine Operations, 1000 Pope Road 24148 Kiel, Germany Marine Science Building (MSB) 303 Tel. +49 -431-600-2253 Honolulu, HI 96822 USA Tel: (808) 956-6335 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.geomar.de www.soest.hawaii.edu

Glenair Connectors Hawx Open Ocean Lutz Mueller, Product Manager 1122 Brickyard Cove road #202 1211 Air Way Point Richmond CA 94801 USA Glendale, CA 91201-2497 USA Tel. (415) 497-4193 Tel: (818) 247-6000 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.Hopenocean.com www.glenair.com

Global Dynamix Hickey Underwater Vehicle Peter J. Fitzgerald, CEO. Consulting LLC 7 Sycamore Way, Unit 1 Patrick Hickey Branford, CT 06405 USA 1061 Cobb Hill Road Tel: (860) 434-5997 Waterbury, Vermont 05676 USA Email: [email protected] Tel. +1 (802) 272-7530 www.gdynx.com Email: [email protected]

Global Ocean Design Heinz Fritz Kevin Hardy Kunststoffverarbeitung 7955 Silverton Ave. Suite 1208 Heinz Fritz San Diego, CA 92126 USA Gewerbestraße 11 Tel: 858-560-1799 DE-89542 Herbrechtingen, Germany Email: [email protected] Tel: +49 7324 988-0 www.globaloceandesign.com Eamil: [email protected] www.heinz-fritz.de

Gryphon Media Strategies Hellenic Center for Marine Colleen Hahn, President & CEO Research P.O. Box 1252 Dimitris Sakellariou, Research Director Middleburg, VA 20118 USA Geologist, Coordinator of Underwater Tel: 703-851-6944 Operations Department Email: [email protected] 19013 Anavyssos, Greece www.gryphonmediastrategies.com Email: [email protected] www.hcmr.gr

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Hoffman Marine iXBlue Pete Hoffman Olivier Cervantes, Vice President 2585 SE 12th Street 34, rue de la Croix de Fer Pompano Beach, FL 33062 USA 78100 Saint Germain en Laye France Tel: (954) 943-2417 Tel. +33 1 30 08 88 88 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.subdive.com www.ixblue.com

Hydrospace Group Inc. James Fisher Defence William Kohnen, President/CEO Ben Sharples, Technical Director 9559 Center Avenue, Ste P Cartside Avenue Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 USA Inchinnan Business Park Tel: +1 (909) 989-7773 PA4 9RW, United Kingdom Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)141 812 8700 www.hydrospacegroup.com Email: [email protected] www.jfdefence.com

ICTINEU Submarins SL James Fisher Defence Sweden Carme Parareda, COO Carl Hagman, Technical Director Industria 12, 08980 Rindö Västra St. Feliu de Llobregat, Spain 185 41 Vaxholm, Sweden Tel: +34 933 094 274 Tel: +46 8 541 318 80 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.ictineu.net www.theseal.se

IFREMER, Underwater Systems JAMSTEC Department Itaru Kawama, Senior Engineer for Marine Viorel Ciausu, Director of Operations Technology Zone Portuaire de Brégaillon 2-15 Natsushima-cho 83507 La Seyne sur Mer, France Yokosuka 237-0076, Japan Tel. +33 (0)494304966 Tel: +81-46-867-9936 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.ifremer.fr www.jamstec.go.jp

Innerspace Corporation Kemper Engineering Services Omar Rafeh, Engineering Manager Bart Kemper, Principal Engineer 1138 East Edna Place 4520 Jamestown Ave, #3 Covina, CA 91724 USA Baton Rouge, LA 70808 USA Tel: (626) 331-0921 Tel: (225) 923-2945 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.innerspacethrusters.com www.kempereng.com

International Maritime Inc. Lockheed Martin Don Walsh Dan Mcleod, Senior Program Manager Myrtle Point, Oregon USA Riviera Beach, FL 33404 USA Tel: +1 (541) 572-2313 Tel. +1 (561) 494-2064 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.lockheedmartin.com

28 mtsmuv.org Underwater Intervention 2017

MECCO Inc. NAVSEA Mike Chapman, PMS399 - Special Operations (SOF) Chair MTS Cables & Connectors Cmtee Undersea Mobility Program Management 14244 Man Street NE Tommy Beals Duvall WA 98019 USA Tel: +1 (202) 781-0518 Tel: (425) 788-4522 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.navsea.navy.mil www.meccoinc.com

Mobimar National Institute of Ocean Hannu Tiainen, Marketing Manager Technology Pansiontie 56, 20240 Dr. M. A. Atmanand, Project Director Turku, Finland Velachery – Tambaram Road, Pallikaranai Tel: +358 20 7698500 Chennai 600, 100 India Email: [email protected] Tel: +91 44 6678 3303 www.mobimar.com Email: [email protected] www.niot.res.in

Monterey Bay Aquarium Nekton Research Institute (MBARI) Oliver Steeds, Mission Director Megan Davis, PhD, Interim Executive Director Tel: :+44 7984 677509 7700 Sandholdt Road Email​ :​ [email protected] Moss Landing, California 95039-9644 USA www.nektonmission.org Tel: (831) 775-1700 Email: [email protected] www.mbari.org

Moog Space & Defense Group NOAA Office of Ocean Plant 26, 400 Jamison Road Exploration and Research Elma, NY 14059 Karen Kohanowich, Acting Director of the Tel: 1 (716) 652-2000 National Undersea Research Program Email: [email protected] 1315 East West Highway, SSMC III, 10th Floor www.moog.com Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 USA Tel:: (301) 734-1010 Email: [email protected] explore.noaa.gov

MSUBS Nuytco Research Ltd. Brett Phaneuf, Managing Director Phil Nuytten 42 Sina Park Road, Estover 216 East Esplanade Plymouth UK PL6 7FH North Vancouver, B.C. V7L 1A3 Tel: +44 1752 696069 Canada Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 (604) 980-6262 www.msubs.com Email: [email protected] www.nuytco.com

NAVSEA Oceaneering Advanced Technologies Roger Schaffer, Deputy Director, Submarine David Reid, Deputy Program Manager of Safety and Quality Assurance Submarine Rescue Systems Naval Surface Warfare Center 1333 Isaac Hull Ave, SE 7001 Dorsey Road Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376-7101 USA Hanover, Maryland 21076 USA Tel: (202) 781-5425 Tel: (443) 459-3700 Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.navsea.navy.mil www.oceaneering.com

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OceanGate Inc. Rayotek Scientific Inc. Stockton Rush, CEO Bill Raggio, CTO & President 1205 Craftsman Way, Suite 112 11499 Sorrento Valley Rd Everett, WA 98201 USA San Diego, California 92121 USA Tel: +1 (425) 939-8409 Tel: +1 858-558-3671 Email [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.oceangate.com www.rayotek.com

OceanWorks International Rebikoff-Niggeler Foundation Phil Reynolds, Senior Account Manager Joachim and Kirsten Jakobsen #120-6741 Cariboo Road Rocha Vermelha, Apt. 249 Burnaby BC, CANADA V3N 4A3 Praia do Almoxarife Tel: +1 604 418 2813 P - 9900-451 Horta, Portugal Email: [email protected] Tel.: +351-91 985 8539 www.oceanworks.com Email: [email protected] www.rebikoff.org

Pacific Subsea Saipan, Inc. Remote Ocean Systems John F (Jack) McClure, Vice President/ COO Bruce Sutphen, Director of Engineering Lowerbase, Mangrove Place, Seaplane Ramp and Technology PMB 672 PPP, PO 10,000, Saipan MP 96950 5618 Copley Drive Tel: 670 322 7734 San Diego, CA 92111 USA Email: [email protected] Tel: (858) 565-8500 x 148 www.saipansubmarine.com Email: [email protected] www.rosys.com

Patriot Engineering Co. RINA - USA Fred Jensen, Co-Founder Bruce Garabaghi 16937 Munn Road 13450 W Sunrise Blvd #350 Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33323 USA Tel: 1-440-543-3100 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.rina.org www.patriotengineeringco.com

Phoenix International Holdings Russian Academy of Sciences, P.P. Wally Jones, SRDRS Maintenance Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Manager/PRM Pilot Anatoly Sagalevich, Head of Deep P.O. Box 181110 Manned Sub Laboratory Coronado, CA 92178 USA Nakhimovsky prospect 36 Tel: (619) 545-6901 Moscow 117997, Russia Email: [email protected] Tel: +7 (499) 124 79 94 www.phnx-international.com Email: [email protected] www.ocean.ru/eng

PSUBS SEAmagine Hydrospace Corp. Jon Wallace, Co-Founder Charles Kohnen, Co-Founder PO Box 53 Weare, NH 03281 USA 1420 N. Claremont Blvd., Suite 111B Tel: (603) 232-9157 Claremont, California 91711 USA Email: [email protected] Tel:+1 909 626 6262 www.psubs.org Email: [email protected] www.seamagine.com

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Shanghai Ocean University Submergence Group Dr. Weicheng Cui, Dean, Hadal Science and Brett Phaneuf, President Technology Research Center 4 Water Street No.999, Hucheng Huan Road Chester, CT 06412 USA Shanghai, 201306 P.R. China Tel: (860)526-4911 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] en.sjtu.edu.cn www.submergencegroup.com

Southwest Research Institute Joe Crouch, Program Director Tank Doctor Aquatic Systems Mike Caudle, President 6220 Culebra Rd. 209 Aerotech Drive, Unit # 8 San Antonio, Texas 78238 USA B2T 1J4 Canada Tel: +1 (210) 522-4295 Tel: (902) 873-3939 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.swri.org

Stanley Submarines Thorsborg Institute, LLC Karl Stanley Captain Kip Peterson (USMM), CEO Half Moon Bay, Honduras P.O. Box 2017 Tel: 011-504-3359-2887 Brunswick, Georgia 31521 USA Email: [email protected] Tel: 770 518-0704 www.stanleysubmarines.com Email: [email protected] www.thorsborg.com

State Marine Technical Teledyne Brown Engineering University, St. Petersburg Earl Presson, Director Kyrill V. Rozhdestvensky, D. Sc., Vice-Rector, 300 Sparkman Drive NW International Science & Education Huntsville, AL 35805 USA 3, Lotsmanskaya Tel: 256-726-1000 Saint Petersburg, 190008 Russia Email: [email protected] Tel: +7 (812) 714-2923 www.tbe.com Email: [email protected] www.smtu.ru

Sub Aviator Systems Triton Submarines Jay Wade Patrick Lahey, President 336 36th Street, Suite #379 9015 17th Place Bellingham, WA 98225, USA Vero Beach, Florida 32966 USA Tel: +1-888-809-7948 Tel: +1 (772) 770-1995 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.subaviators.com www.tritonsubs.com

Sub Mare Technologies U-Boat Worx B.V Fredrik Gerhardsson Erik Hasselman, Sales and Marketing Manager Sweden Oosterhoutseweg 77 Tel: +46 491 760 217 4816 KC Breda Email: [email protected] The Netherlands www.submaretechnologies.com Tel: +31 (0)76 5713096 Email: [email protected] www.uboatworx.com

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Undersea Hunter Group XPrize Shmulik Blum Jyotika Virmani #SJO 314 Senior Director in Prize Operations PO Box 025331 800 Corporate Pointe, Suite 350 Miami, FL 33102-5331 USA Culver City, CA 90230 USA Email: [email protected] Tel: +1.424.228.1945 www.underseahunter.com Email: [email protected] www.xprize.org

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Bruce Strickrott, Manager and Senior Submersible Pilot, DSV Alvin 266 Woods Hole Road Woods Hole, MA 02543-1050 USA Tel: (508) 289-2252 Email: [email protected] www.whoi.edu

MTS MUV Membership - Join Today! www.mtsociety.org/membership


Chairman: William Kohnen Hydrospace Group Tel. (909) 989-7773 Email: [email protected]

Co-Chair: Vance Bradley Tel. (772) 812-0260 Email: [email protected]

Treasurer Marketing-Sales Secretary Kip Peterson Colleen Hahn, CEO Daniel Lance Thorsborg Institute, LLC Gryphon Media Strategies Lance Industries Tel. (770) 518-0704 Tel. (703) 851-6944 Tel. (609) 805-1644 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Committee Web Site: mtsmuv.org MTS Website: mtsociety.org