January 2007 VolVol. 23, NoNo. 1 EARSHOTA MirrorMirror andand FocusFocus fforor tthehe JJazzazz CCommunityommunity JASeattle,SeZattle, WashingtoWaZshington Greg Williamson Art of Jazz Tom Baker Quartet Greg Williamson Practice This: Rick Mandyck Photo by Daniel Sheehan Notes EARSHOT J A Z Z A Mirror and Focus for the Jazz Community Art of Jazz Series struments are welcome, as fi nding homes Th is month in the series, held at Seattle for them with students eager to play is not Executive Director: John Gilbreath Asian Art Museum in Volunteer Park, at a problem. Earshot Jazz is collecting in- Earshot Jazz Editor: Peter Monaghan 5pm: Th e Victor Noriega Trio, featuring struments, indefi nitely, at 3429 Fremont Contributing Writers: Andrew Bartlett, the fi ne pianist, on January 10. Admis- Place #309, Seattle WA 98103. For more information, call 206-547-6763, or email Paul Harding, Josie Holtzman, Peter sion to the events is free with museum Monaghan, Lloyd Peterson admission by modest suggested donation.
[email protected]. Coming February 8: Rochelle House, Events Listings Photography: Daniel Sheehan and on March 8: Blue Street Voices. Layout: Karen Caropepe Please send gig listings to Mailing: Lola Pedrini Call for Unwanted Instruments
[email protected]. Also send Program Manager: Karen Caropepe Earshot Jazz asks that people who have links to your own websites, so we can Program Assistant: Josie Holtzman instruments that are unused and are sim- update our links page. Please format your ply taking up space to consider donating gig listings in keeping with the way they Calendar Information: mail to 3429 them to needy students.