(Iowa City, Iowa), 1979-03-06
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• The ·aJ March 6, 1979 Vol. 111 No. 154 c 1979 Student Publications, Inc. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 10 cents' V_I'· DOT axes F-518 ,Briefly , Student dies; called accidental shooting .compromise plan feaslbillty and prudence" of the com· An apparently accidental shooting By ROD BOSHART Staff Writer promise alignment, Humphrey said. caused the death of a UJ student between "However, the staff, since last June, 5 and 6 p.m. Sunday, according to Iowa The lowa Department of Tran· has been consistently recorrunending the City police. original alignment," he said. [tis beUeved that David Jepsen,:T, 718 sportation (DOT) has rejected a com promise alignment for Freeway 518 Humphrey said the compromise carriage Hill Apartments, was cleaning alignment was scrapped because it a .410 gauge shotgun In his room when It through southwestern Iowa City, Robert In Humphrey, DOT project planning caused more "out of distance" travel discharged, shooting him the chest. engineer, said Monday. than the original alignment; because the Jepsen was a thlrd·year dental student environmental impact statement of the from Des Moines, Plans to proceed with the freeway's construction along the DOT's original original alignment has already been According to Iowa City Sgt.·Det. Ron approved: and because alternative Evans, the shooting appears accidental. proposed alignment will be presented to local governing bodies at a March 22 alignments were considered and rejected But Evans said he could not be sure until during the Intitial planning process. the medical examiner completes the meeting In Iowa City, Humphrey said. However, members of the Iowa City Perret said the OOT staff has been .autopsy . (terns used to clean the gun using deception and "backroom games" were found on the floor of the room. Council say the OOT is "reneging" on Its compromise offer and may consider ' instead of giving serious consideration to Jepsen's body was found by his taking legal action if the DOT proceeds the compromise alignment. full roommate, Robert Thompson, also a UJ with its original alignment. Erdahl said, "They (the DOT staff) dental student. Thompson left for work Councilor David Perret said, "I think it didn't follow our comprehensive plan and early Sunday afternoon, returned late Is a complete reneging of the spirit of 1 think what they are doing Is illegal. The Sunday evening and went stralght to bed, compromise that the city and the OOT only way to deal with this is to go to court Monday morning, when Jepsen failed to were involved in duriJig prior meetings. and see who actually has the authority." answer Thompson 's caUs, Thompson "f think the DOT staff Is reversing a Erdahl said the city may also request went to Jepsen's room and discovered (OOT) commission decision to work with assistance from Brock Adams, the U.S. )he body. the city to reach a compromise align· secretary of transportation. In a con ment that Is both compatible with our versation with Adams last December at comprehensive plan and with valid sta te the Democratic party mid·term con· City should defend interests." vention in Memphis, Erdahl said the 10, United Pres. International At its Nov . 2 meeting, the DOT Com· secretary made it clear that the tran mayor, Hayek says a place to grow craters mission discussed the compromise sportation deparUnent wants the cities to City Attorney John Hayek has Thle view of 10, _ 01 Juplt.r, IIICIOIW, _. 18ken SUna" M.-ch flUid. ha •• moved acroulhe aurt.e.. " geologllt Laurence Soder alignment with Councilors Mary decide the location of freeways that pass recommended that he be allowed to 4 from • 'l1li' of 500,000 mil.. by Voyeger 1. Clreul_ Ie ....,.. are blom 01 tIM JII Propulsion Labor.lOt'y In PallCllna ..Id, "but If. Neuhauser and Clemens Erdahl before within their jurisdictions. defend Mayor Robert Vevera against a ...,. Ihat may be metaortta Impact eral8rl or ...tur .. of Internal too Nrty , ..I wftat flu ...• The brlghl Irregular (MIchel, rellOw approving the compromise by a 6-1 vote . Perret said the council will discuss the charge of disorderly conduct filed In origin. Ir"gulll d .....on ••re ...,. that lndlcat. aurfaca anclJ)/'anga In color, appear 10 be roung_ depoe", milkIng .ur Since that meeting, Erdahl said the OOT decision to abandon the com modlflcetlon hal taken place. "There II. Incllcatlonl Ihat _ face deWlt. DOT staff "has kept us In the dark" and promise alignment and possible future Johnson County District Court last week. cOWlcil action prior to the March 22 Joseph Grant of Riverside has charged "are trying to do by intrigue what they that Vevera called him obscene names can't do in the light of day ." meeting. Councilors Neuhauser, Carol Erdahl said the commission does not deProsse and Glenn Roberts were not and threatened to punch him after Grant present for Monday 's informal council admitted in May 1978 that he had painted Carter sets Mideast peace trip favor the original alignment because a anti·war slogans on the war memorial motion to adopt that alignment at the meeting. WASHlNGTON (UPl) - President out on his surprise visit Wednesday at the Israeli acceptance of U.S. proposals in Nov. 2 meeting "died for lack of a Humphrey and C.1. Ma,cGillivray, DOT Old Jet. director of planning and research, plan to In a March 1 memo to the rowa City Carter announced plans Monday to fly to invitation of Egyptian President Anwar two areas. second." the Middle East this week in a dramatic Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister A White House statement said Carter "One thing is clear, the commission meet with the Iowa City, Coralville and Council, Hayek said he believed Grant's University Heights city councils and the charges are "without merit" alld "arise attempt to turn the flickering spirit of Menachem Begin. I decided on a personal visit to rsrael and recognized the old alignment was faulty Camp David into the reality of an Israeli· The president announced the trip at the Egypt to prevent "the prospects for In many respects by a 6-1 vote," Erdahl Johnson County Board of Supervisors in out of the course of Mayor Vevera's the Union Ballroom at 3 p.m. March 22. duties." Egyptian peace treaty. end of four days of talks with Begin - peace" raised by last fall's Camp David said. The Whlte House said Carter will set negotiations that apparently led to summit from continuing "to dim and However, Humphrey said the com· Humphrey said the OOT plans to bring " It would be in my opinion an Injustice local government officials up to date on for Bob Vevera to have to pay for the perhaps to vanish ." mission did not give final approval ta the The statempnt said, "The judgment of C' ompromlst" alignment -but me~ely the Jo'-51R project and to explain "where defense of the charges out ot his own we 're going from here ." funds, " Hayek 's memo states. history and of our children will rightly directed the DOT staff to look at the condemn us" if the United States were to compromise proposal. "'or Iowa City 's part, Perret said, the Vevera told The Dail y 1" wan last week -China begins withdrawal ))OT "had better be prepared to meet a that he intended to request a public give up its troubled, half-yearold effort to "Our director's (Raymond Kassel) interpreta tion of the commlssion's City Council that Is going to be more defender if the case should come to trial. and other necessities in addition to arrange a peace treaty between lsrael HONG KONG (UPI ) - China an· and Egypt. directive was to give consideration to the aggreslve .than it has been In the past." Hayek would not discuss the memo nounced its troops began withdrawing planning on evacuating dependents. Monday, saying be intends to seek the from Vietnam Monday, having ac· The Chinese announcement of an end council's advice on the matter at complished the goal of punishing to the 16-day-old invasion appeared to tonight's council meeting. Vietnam. But in what the Soviets caUed have defused for the time being the CAC cancels Refocus festival unprecedented impudence it said it immediate threat that the fighting Silkwood case starts reserved the right to strike back again could lead to a broader conflict that B,I' STE PH F. N HEDGES funds on "'eb. 19. Councilor Steve Hodge because of profits from Refocus' last film if necessary. cou{d involve the Soviet Union and Staff Writer of the Iowa Student Bar Association weekend . OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) - Jury A skeptical Vietnam signed into law China . argued that the senate failed to properly Some CAC councilors said they had not selection begins Tuesday in an $11 .5 an order for national war mobilization, However the official Soviet Tass news The Collegiate Associations Council inform CAG of its move to freeze heard the funds had been frozen until it million suit filed against a nuclear which puts the entire country on a war agency took a wait·and-cee approach I CAC) has canceled the .Refocus Com· .Refocus' funds. Hodge said that because was reported in Th e Daily Inwon "'eb. 2.1- energy company by the heirs of a worker footing for the first time since U.S. toward the Peking withdrawal announ· fiSSion's Spring "'estival and is Refocus Is funded jointly by CAC and the Senate President Donn Stanley said that who was contaminated by radiation and troops pulled out six years ago, and told cement. [t said, "The next few days will currently deciding what to do about the senate, GAC should have been consulted he had assumed that some CAC coun later died In a car crash under of renewed heavy fighting In the In· show .