• The ·aJ March 6, 1979 Vol. 111 No. 154 c 1979 Student Publications, Inc. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 10 cents' V_I'· DOT axes F-518 ,Briefly , Student dies; called accidental shooting .compromise plan feaslbillty and prudence" of the com· An apparently accidental shooting By ROD BOSHART Staff Writer promise alignment, Humphrey said. caused the death of a UJ student between "However, the staff, since last June, 5 and 6 p.m. Sunday, according to Iowa The lowa Department of Tran· has been consistently recorrunending the City police. original alignment," he said. [tis beUeved that David Jepsen,:T, 718 sportation (DOT) has rejected a com­ promise alignment for Freeway 518 Humphrey said the compromise carriage Hill Apartments, was cleaning alignment was scrapped because it a .410 gauge shotgun In his room when It through southwestern Iowa City, Robert In Humphrey, DOT project planning caused more "out of distance" travel discharged, shooting him the chest. engineer, said Monday. than the original alignment; because the Jepsen was a thlrd·year dental student environmental impact statement of the from Des Moines, Plans to proceed with the freeway's construction along the DOT's original original alignment has already been According to Iowa City Sgt.·Det. Ron approved: and because alternative Evans, the shooting appears accidental. proposed alignment will be presented to local governing bodies at a March 22 alignments were considered and rejected But Evans said he could not be sure until during the Intitial planning process. the medical examiner completes the meeting In Iowa City, Humphrey said. However, members of the Iowa City Perret said the OOT staff has been .autopsy . (terns used to clean the gun using deception and "backroom games" were found on the floor of the room. Council say the OOT is "reneging" on Its compromise offer and may consider ' instead of giving serious consideration to Jepsen's body was found by his taking legal action if the DOT proceeds the compromise alignment. full roommate, Robert Thompson, also a UJ with its original alignment. Erdahl said, "They (the DOT staff) dental student. Thompson left for work Councilor David Perret said, "I think it didn't follow our comprehensive plan and early Sunday afternoon, returned late Is a complete reneging of the spirit of 1 think what they are doing Is illegal. The Sunday evening and went stralght to bed, compromise that the city and the OOT only way to deal with this is to go to court Monday morning, when Jepsen failed to were involved in duriJig prior meetings. and see who actually has the authority." answer Thompson 's caUs, Thompson "f think the DOT staff Is reversing a Erdahl said the city may also request went to Jepsen's room and discovered (OOT) commission decision to work with assistance from Brock Adams, the U.S. )he body. the city to reach a compromise align· secretary of transportation. In a con­ ment that Is both compatible with our versation with Adams last December at comprehensive plan and with valid sta te the Democratic party mid·term con· City should defend interests." vention in Memphis, Erdahl said the 10, United Pres. International At its Nov . 2 meeting, the DOT Com· secretary made it clear that the tran­ mayor, Hayek says a place to grow craters mission discussed the compromise sportation deparUnent wants the cities to City Attorney John Hayek has Thle view of 10, _ 01 Juplt.r, IIICIOIW, _. 18ken SUna" M.-ch flUid. ha •• moved acroulhe aurt.e.. " geologllt Laurence Soder­ alignment with Councilors Mary decide the location of freeways that pass recommended that he be allowed to 4 from • 'l1li' of 500,000 mil.. by Voyeger 1. Clreul_ Ie ....,.. are blom 01 tIM JII Propulsion Labor.lOt'y In PallCllna ..Id, "but If. Neuhauser and Clemens Erdahl before within their jurisdictions. defend Mayor Robert Vevera against a ...,. Ihat may be metaortta Impact eral8rl or ...tur .. of Internal too Nrty , ..I wftat flu ...• The brlghl Irregular (MIchel, rellOw approving the compromise by a 6-1 vote . Perret said the council will discuss the charge of disorderly conduct filed In origin. Ir"gulll d .....on ••re ...,. that lndlcat. aurfaca anclJ)/'anga In color, appear 10 be roung_ depoe", milkIng .ur­ Since that meeting, Erdahl said the OOT decision to abandon the com­ modlflcetlon hal taken place. "There II. Incllcatlonl Ihat _ face deWlt. DOT staff "has kept us In the dark" and promise alignment and possible future Johnson County District Court last week. cOWlcil action prior to the March 22 Joseph Grant of Riverside has charged "are trying to do by intrigue what they that Vevera called him obscene names can't do in the light of day ." meeting. Councilors Neuhauser, Carol Erdahl said the commission does not deProsse and Glenn Roberts were not and threatened to punch him after Grant present for Monday 's informal council admitted in May 1978 that he had painted Carter sets Mideast peace trip favor the original alignment because a anti·war slogans on the war memorial motion to adopt that alignment at the meeting. WASHlNGTON (UPl) - President out on his surprise visit Wednesday at the Israeli acceptance of U.S. proposals in Nov. 2 meeting "died for lack of a Humphrey and C.1. Ma,cGillivray, DOT Old Jet. director of planning and research, plan to In a March 1 memo to the rowa City Carter announced plans Monday to fly to invitation of Egyptian President Anwar two areas. second." the Middle East this week in a dramatic Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister A White House statement said Carter "One thing is clear, the commission meet with the Iowa City, Coralville and Council, Hayek said he believed Grant's University Heights city councils and the charges are "without merit" alld "arise attempt to turn the flickering spirit of Menachem Begin. I decided on a personal visit to rsrael and recognized the old alignment was faulty Camp David into the reality of an Israeli· The president announced the trip at the Egypt to prevent "the prospects for In many respects by a 6-1 vote," Erdahl Johnson County Board of Supervisors in out of the course of Mayor Vevera's the Union Ballroom at 3 p.m. March 22. duties." Egyptian peace treaty. end of four days of talks with Begin - peace" raised by last fall's Camp David said. The Whlte House said Carter will set negotiations that apparently led to summit from continuing "to dim and However, Humphrey said the com· Humphrey said the OOT plans to bring " It would be in my opinion an Injustice local government officials up to date on for Bob Vevera to have to pay for the perhaps to vanish ." mission did not give final approval ta the The statempnt said, "The judgment of C' ompromlst" alignment -but me~ely the Jo'-51R project and to explain "where defense of the charges out ot his own we 're going from here ." funds, " Hayek 's memo states. history and of our children will rightly directed the DOT staff to look at the condemn us" if the United States were to compromise proposal. "'or Iowa City 's part, Perret said, the Vevera told The Dail y 1" wan last week -China begins withdrawal ))OT "had better be prepared to meet a that he intended to request a public give up its troubled, half-yearold effort to "Our director's (Raymond Kassel) interpreta tion of the commlssion's City Council that Is going to be more defender if the case should come to trial. and other necessities in addition to arrange a peace treaty between lsrael HONG KONG (UPI ) - China an· and Egypt. directive was to give consideration to the aggreslve .than it has been In the past." Hayek would not discuss the memo nounced its troops began withdrawing planning on evacuating dependents. Monday, saying be intends to seek the from Vietnam Monday, having ac· The Chinese announcement of an end council's advice on the matter at complished the goal of punishing to the 16-day-old invasion appeared to tonight's council meeting. Vietnam. But in what the Soviets caUed have defused for the time being the CAC cancels Refocus festival unprecedented impudence it said it immediate threat that the fighting Silkwood case starts reserved the right to strike back again could lead to a broader conflict that B,I' STE PH F. N HEDGES funds on "'eb. 19. Councilor Steve Hodge because of profits from Refocus' last film if necessary. cou{d involve the Soviet Union and Staff Writer of the Iowa Student Bar Association weekend . OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) - Jury A skeptical Vietnam signed into law China . argued that the senate failed to properly Some CAC councilors said they had not selection begins Tuesday in an $11 .5 an order for national war mobilization, However the official Soviet Tass news The Collegiate Associations Council inform CAG of its move to freeze heard the funds had been frozen until it million suit filed against a nuclear which puts the entire country on a war agency took a wait·and-cee approach I CAC) has canceled the .Refocus Com· .Refocus' funds. Hodge said that because was reported in Th e Daily Inwon "'eb. 2.1- energy company by the heirs of a worker footing for the first time since U.S. . toward the Peking withdrawal announ· fiSSion's Spring "'estival and is Refocus Is funded jointly by CAC and the Senate President Donn Stanley said that who was contaminated by radiation and troops pulled out six years ago, and told cement. [t said, "The next few days will currently deciding what to do about the senate, GAC should have been consulted he had assumed that some CAC coun­ later died In a car crash under of renewed heavy fighting In the In· show . what the New China News corrunission's frozen bank account and before the funds were fr

OpinIOns expre,sed on these pages are the opinions 01 the signed NAVY authors and may not necessarily be thos~ of The Daily fOWln . Publ"hPd b, Student Publications. Inc . III Communications Cen­ NUCLEAR PROPULSION. ter Iowa CIl;' Iowa S2242 . dally except Saturdays. Sundays. legal hol;da,'s and ~nlverSllY vacations Second·class postage paid at tht THE FASTEST WAY UP Post (irr,cr at Iowa (',tv under the Act of Congress of March 2.1879. Subscription faits , io ....' a City and CoralVille. 16-3 months : f1H IN NUCLEAR ENGINEERING. month, $21 ·12 monlh~ ~1ail subscriptions $9-3 months : '1604 months S2511 month, For best selecti change your

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Court scraps males-.only alimony Gr.. t Br.ald.,. "DOUBLE-UPI" Ell on a muffin WASffiNGTON (UPI) - The marriage who needs financial The "old notion" that "'gen. Orr bears a burden he would not high court's decision would with canadian Supreme Court ruled 6·3 assistance. " erally it is the man 's primary bear were he female," he ad· result In terminating his and cheeM. AN IOWA CITY TRADITION Monday It Is unconstitutional Justice William Brennan, responsbility to provide a home ded. bacon aUmony obligation. The majori­ 7lm· l0lm for a state to require that Just writing for the maJority, held and its essentials' can no longer ty returned this question to the husbands pay alimony, saying that a state could accompUsh its justify a statute that Justice William Rehnquist, lower courts to consider wheth· 121 Iowa Ave. such 8 restriction unfairly purpoee "without placing the dtscriminates on the basis of one of three dissenters, said Orr er he must continue to pay the THE places the whole burden on a burdens solely on the hus­ gender," Brennan said. had failed to show there was "a alimony worked out as part of FIELD HOUSE divorced man. bands." "There Is no question that Me . suilstantiallikelihood" that the hts divorce. The justices said the Alabama Jaw In question Improperly provides differing treatment to men and women - solely on the ARM's Cox attends to lights, PR basis of sex. By LEE SEVIG Iowa Cilian. But when she necessary to make ARH nominations at Monday's T BE rC=-;. The ruling, which may affect Staff Writer became a t1l student, she found executive positions more meeting. But former ARH 17th similar laws in Arkansas, that reputation was false, she competitive with other on· President Steve Sabin said that 8 JeKE LOB £ 0 I ::: ~,,~."n ~~~~ I Georgia, Mississippi, South One of the first things Kim said. campus employment and would would be out of order. Carolina , Tennessee, Idaho, Cox did after she was elected " I live in the residence halls attract more qualified people to .Help i. lared Maine, New York, South Dakota Ashby, who has been ARH president of the Associated because [ want to and [ really the ARH. secretary for the past year, said and Wyoming, leaves It up to Residence Halls (ARH) Mon­ like it. The dorms are a very "Economically, it's suicide to on the Is state courts to decide whether he would work for more Quacks day was turn off the lights in good and positive place to live," leave the (presidential) job's publicity through an ARH way at ... both husbands and wives may empty meeting rooms at the she said. "The ARH has more of salary at $300," she said. get alimony - or both be newsletter and work for more Old Style Union. a responsibility to make the If the salary were not raised representation from dormitory elempted. "My money is going to pay for residence halls look good." to the proposed $1,000 level, Cox The court Monday also: associations without $100 this," she said, "and it will look Cox said she would work for a said, she would have to take an "sacrificing efficiency." -Struck down a portion of the good in the article." "responsible allocation of additional Job and take a light Ml.!!ouri abortion law requiring Building a good Image for the money" throughout the ARH course load. DeLarm said he "wasn't sure doctors to warn women seeking ARH and dorm living ts one of and better communication with Cox defeated fonner ARH what the important Tom Seaver's abortions that their babies will Cox's goals as president. She the students. Vice Presloent Steve Burrow teammates qualifications are for treasurer. become "abandoned" wards of said she has been wanting to Cox said she supports the and Karl Wiederaenders, an [ have had accounting and some The Friends of Old Time Music present Diamondback 'the state If born alive. and sideWinder build tha t Image since her first proposed pay hike for ARH ARH representative. math." Dimness - Refused, 5-4, to extend the days in freshman rhetoric two executives. rhe pay hikes, if The other ARH executive Sea horse, for right of court-appointed counsel years ago. approved, would raise the office seats were won unop­ •••••••••••••••••••• one to poor criminal defendants in "One of our first assignments president's salary from $300 to posed by Tom Ashby for vice More extensive In rhetoric was to give a speech. $1000, the vice president's president, Rob DeLann for Puccini opera any case that does not lead to RED VellOlis flUid actual imprisonment. Many students talked on the salary from $100 to $600, and the treasurer and Bart Bycroft for for Venus noise in Burge Hall. Stories like treasurer's and secretary's secretary. StALLION Rural crossi", - Turned down challenges to that have got to be stopped. from $100 to $200. The proposed Ashby said he was "kind of Sketched mandatory retirement laws by That's bad PR for us," Cox said. increases are now being studied sorry ['m running unopposed LOUNGE dl'rpy Pan or sack two teachers and a lawyer. Its Cox was familiar with Burge in committee, and proponents for this office," and said he live Pilaster action does not establish legal The Great English Singer and Hall's reputation of being a claim the salary hikes are wouldn't object to additional Country Music Castle. in chess precedent, but coming after a "zoo" because she is a native Guitarist and Member of Steeleye Merchandising recent ruling upholding a 60- Nightly event • Span. Son of Seth and·out retirement law for NO COVER UiARGE ~'oreign Service employees, it Middie: Comb. Monday thru Thursday Sunday March 11, 8:00 pm form provides further ammunition for states defending such FI.EE~! This Week : Macbride Hall statutes. Patty Brown • Adults $2.50 Children Free The alimony case began when • Show • William and Lillian Orr were ~~ • divorced in 1974. Orr was oh Pitchers $1.25 • JAM & HANCHER ENTERTAINMENT PROUDLY PRESENT directed to pay $1,240 a month in Monday & Tuesday • • Their Only Iowa Appearance alimony. Two years later his . . former wife sued, alleging Orr JJ.VJlCHVHal. Wednesday, e •• ~Kt~o.H~.~~;c:~•••• was delinquint in payments. He /o-/{ p.m. March 7 at 8 pm asked the court to find the state law unconstitutional because it 71.I:SMy- TH~SlJIIY Paramount Theatre denied him equal protection /#J..7H~Y(J)(!AA)1:1f'r under the 14th Amendment. In Cedar Rapids The high court agreed, MTH TH~ IU~!JVI6E·tJF rejecting the state's argument WIAJ~CJtIlClXKf1lI"­ Tickets: $10, 6.50. 5, 4 from Box Office, 366·&')91 or at the lhat its statutes were "designed 8m., Door. for the wife of a broken ¥Jt /J1JJ..E S4()1: HIW OA) ~g The BIJOU Maedchen in Uriform The Story 01 senslUVI! students pit. ted against an authoritarian hllSd· mistress. MAEDCHEN IN UNIFORM (193 11 points toward the crumbling of traditional social structuras In pra·Hltler Germany. The Inten8e. ambiguous love relationship between a woman teacher and her Sludant Is sen· Special Guest: Sammy Hagar sltlvely handled by director Leon­ tine Sagan. Voted tha beat film 01 Sunday, March 18, 7:30 PM PEER GYNT the year by the New York press. In UNIVERSITY OF IOWA FIELDHOUSE German with subtitles. (Iowa City. Iowa) Monday. Tuetday 7:00 Tickets: $8.50/$7,50 Reserved $6.50 General Admission by Henrik Ibsen Film Nolr No Personal Checks Panic In the Streets On Dangerous Ground Please note: Drinking or Smoking Is not permitted In the Fieldhouse. Panic Is one 01 the mott aucceasful Hollywood locallon thriller • . Jack Palance Is the psychOtic killer whO has unknowingly been exposed to the Tickets on sale at IMU Box Office, 11 :00 am·3:00 pm and CooP Tapes & Records bubonic plague. Richard Wid mark Is the detec;tive who must eave New University regulations prohibit non·university minors from attending FieldhOuse Con· 8:00 pm March 9,10,14-17 Orl8ans. Directed by Elle Kazan. On Dangerous Ground la one of Nicholas certs unless accompanied by parents. Ray's early dlllrioualy mythic maaterplaces. Robert Ryan Is the Impoulbly 3:00 pm March 11 Intense pollee detectlva who. disgusted by his exlt1ence as the master of a cluale nolr cityscape. goes to the country and almost re8lizee a kind 01 bizarre alternative with a blind and otherworldly Ida Luplno. Scora by Benrard Herrman. Monday and Tue.day 8:45 ENDS WED. H.E.C. Presents: TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE AT HANCHER BOX OFFICE Halloween APPEARING Tickets 353-6255 AatectA TONIGH11 The Still Available 1:30-3:30-5:30 7:30-9:30 SEASON TICKET HOLDERS - - For best selection of seats, please ex­ Deert change your tickets as soon as possible. Series intet END. WED. 7:00-':00

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EndI WIdIllldlJI lt2PRICE Nomlllllid for • AcIdIm, AWlrdII DRAFT BEER ' NDR Symphony of Hamburg BAR LIQUOR One of the world's lines! orchestras, this symphony, conduc· ted I7y Maestro Zdenek Maca!, brings to the concert hall a rich WINE tradition of line music making. Thursday, March 8, 8 pm Program: Trumpeter Woody Shaw's Quintet consists of Clrter Jefferson. saxophonhst; Symphony No. 35 In D Major, KV 385/Mozart Omaje Allan Gumbs, pianist; , ballisl; and Viclor LewI., drummer. Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes by The Quintet is an anachronlsm- In I period of fusion and electric mUllc they pre- Weber/Hlndemlth sent contemporary accustlc pieylng It Its finelt. They will cut Icr08l11l Cltegorlel Symphony No. 7 In A MaJor, Op. 92/Beethoven to connect directly 10 your held and helrt. Do yourse" a favor by seeing the Woody Shaw Quintet. Mlrch 6. BONUS UI Students: $7.50, $6.50, $5.50, $4.50, $3.00 -FREE DRIf\t( TICKET Nonstudents: $9.50, $8.50, $7.50, $6.50, $5.00 UNTlL 10PM. Tues.,March 6

Closed Mondays Clapp Hall-8:30 7:30 pm-2:00 am Tues-Sat Tickets: General Admission: $5.00 Master Charge Accepted 223 E, Washington Order your tkkelilOday. Wrile or pboM: TIcllItII,,1I/IbIe II HIDCher 10. 0fIIce. Mill & phon. ordera accepted. Hlllcher Audllorium Box Office . Send cashier's check or money order (no perlOnli checks) to Hincher Iowa City The Unlftflity of IOWI, 10WI City, 10WI 5un Auditorium Box Office, Iowa City. Iowa 52242. Phone 353-6255. 10WI retllftnll call 1.800-1'1-6458 Drinking or smoking Is not permitted in lhe hall. lowl ell)' retlden.. pleue call 555-6155. ,... '-The Del., ....-Iow. City, Io.. -TII ..... ', M.rch" 117. The Daily lowan------"-~~ 'Oownt Two versions of Tuelda" March 8, 1979 .acoustil Vol. 111, No. 154 By ALLEN WELSH • • • SpecIal to The Dally /Owel (lponoont .....- ... _"'"" ...... -- "' ... ~- ...... , "'" --.tw lie "-01 "'" 00I\I "'-' 'total co'mmitment' p-..,"Y_P_.Inc . 111 ~c.. . _0Iy , It rarely happena that Iowo 1liiy _ .. ~ ...... yo . IogoI ~ ... ~ _2 _cal style standa In a cl - SecoI..-...... P... OMN!"_ClIy_ ... "'" ViewpOints commitment. " Iowa basketball coach Lute Olson and "'c....""'_2, lin II. one. But to lIaten to WOo his c1oee-knit band I>f 13 players have To Olson, wtal commItment is being Shaw's trumpet Is to hear redefined the meaning of "total com­ able to tie for the Big Ten title with a InItrument played more viti mitment" - a word pl>pularized last fall team that everyone else around the and vIruIenUy than anyone In 10 years. I ~ by banished football boss Bob Com­ conference described as one made up of mings. one superstar and 12 throw-ins. To Olson, There was DIzzy In the " To Coromings, wtal commitment was total commitment Is the desire to show Mllea Davis and Clifford Drl something he never had. To Commings, up all those who pick your team for When retreating is moving forward ill the '5011, and Davis and eighth place. To Olson, total commitment Morgan In the '60s. The total commitment was an indoor finds a dlstinctlve voice, practice facility, a comprehensive is being able to reverse the conference WASHINGTON (Kit'S) - Sears-Roebuck has house lawyers, has retained Charles Morgan to The Sears suit puts the question of put only in Shaw's jazz trumpet, weight-training program and a full-time record from the year before, from ~13 to given up trying to be an equal opportunIty em­ fight this suit. Morgan is a white man who got discrimination in a different llgh!. Sears qulll in his group as a whole. 1 13-5. To Olson, total commitment is a recruiter. To Commlngs, total com­ ployer, at least as that phrase has been used by run out of Birmingham, Ala., In the early 60s for accurately observes that the number of minority band boasts Clint Hou mittment was something that should ~ team believing it can win 20 games no the federal functionaries who enforce af­ (basa), Onaje Allen , I standing up for black people and then went to and female employ abIes with the skJlla and expected from the UT, its athletic matter how hard people laugh. firmative action. That Sears, of all major cor­ work for the American CivU Uberties Union training Sears needs has been shaped and (), I' department, or the alumni with the big To Olson, total commitment, or the porations, should fiwnp down In the middle of the where he handled many controversial cases, limited by several generations of govemmeut and Ill). Their music Is money that bankrolls It. To Commlngs, lack of it, is not an excuse for losing. Nor road and say, "Sorry, fellas, We just can't do it," representing the side corporate America would actions and policies. Through the G. I. Bill ¥d is most discouraging . total commitment, or the lack of it, was is it the efforts of the university ad­ be unlikely tl> approve of. other mechanisms, the government has trained an excuse for not winning in five years. For decades, Sears has been the corporate ministrators, the athletic department Some of Morgan's friends are whispering that far more white men than black men or WOOlell According to Coromings' definition, did leader In the human relations field. The man who of any hue. This Is owlnS to federal bosses or the big spenders with the best more than anyone else built Sears, its late board the fight has gone out of the old boy and that he's Music Lute Olson and the Iowa basketball team seats in the It'ield House. now using his civil rights expertise to make the discriminatory policies, enacted by Congreas have total commitment? Of course not. dollars he couldn't make when he was defending and approved by the federal courts. The new basketball arena promised so To Olson and his team, total com­ the guys in the white hats. Liberal colwnnist F;ven If you ~Ieve tha t groups previously discriminated against should be specially long ago has yet w see the blueprint mitment is an attitude of excellence, a ~;nen Goodman writes, "The suit IS ... a perfect stage. The Hawkeye practice and desire to achieve the lofty goals set In nicholas New Conservative brief. It contains an effective, compensated for past wrongs, even If you believe training facilities are by no means the preseason, that is harbored by every jabbing, anti-government analysls ... the lawyers livIng white males should be punished for the best in the Big Ten. And where 's that full­ member of the squad, from the one for Sears can develop terribly intricate and wise sins of their fa thers and grandfa thers, the least time recruiter chasing after all those superstar down to the injured redshirt. von hoffman analyses for anything and then use them to practical way to do it is through individual bllJe-(!hip high school cagers? It's an ideal that gets one to the NCAA rationalize our inaction - to call for retreat." private corporations. The danger of damaginc But even without Commings' "total tournament instead of to the back of the chairman Julius Rosenwald (1862-1932), put them and impairing the abillty to function is too commitment," Lute Olson and his unemploymenlline. millions into black education In the South, It doesn't necessarily have to do any such great. The best thing to do is to toss the white thing. The suit might help us define what Is basketball team have still been able tl> pioneered low-income model housing and per­ males out of the Department of Commerce and sonally helped lead Chicago back from its retreating, what's standing stlll and what's replace them with the new preferred grOUJll. win. That's because Lute Olson uses a ROGER THUROW terrible 1919 race riot which saw mobs of whites moving forward . The sult, for example, alleges This suit may not be the retreat Ms. Goodman different dictionary when defining "total City Editor drag blacks off the streetcars and beat them to that a much higher percentage of women than fears it is. It may be the way to force the wrilin( death with bricks and cobblestones, men desire part-time employment only. If Sears of equitable rules and regulations which aren'tso ~'or decades after Rosenwald's death, Sears has its facts straight then it makes to sense to ask politically Impossisble, administratively serelly a large employer to read! affirmative action I continued to be the major corporation that would and demographlcaUy unreal they can't be en­ put money into race relations. Often they were levels which presume there is an equal desire on forced. We have been in retreat for several years bold: seldom did they have Rosenwald's the part of both genders for the same kind of now with the stumbling failure of the ERA and ERA ~ sideshow courage, but to the extent a huge corporation employment. Would it not be better to set these ludicrous debates about allowing females cen, Sears had his spirit. The heart was in the realizable goals and insist they be met than do to tryout for the wrestling team. Getting while right place, the money would sometimes be what we do now? That's to set unrealizable goals males to call you Ms., the chief accomplishment Equal rights for women, specifically discrimination may be an invitation for found where the mouth was, and In comparison and then allow the issue to languish In litigation of the 70s, isn't an advance. They've been doinc guaranteed by the u.s. Constitution, is further erosion of the prerogatives of with DuPont or the millionaire Mellons or and Ineffectual paper stacking at the Equal that down South since Rhett Butler walked out 011 not a debatable issue. The proposed individual states. In any event, specifiC General Motors, Sears has always looked out­ Opportunity Commision, an agency of govern­ Scarlet. Equal Rights Amendment as the means laws and court tests will be needed to standing. ment which rivals the Department of Energy In not getting anything done. CI'pyrighl /979 by King Fealures Syndic ate, Inc. to guarantee women's rights is implement the spirit of the ERA. The , [t still may be. For Sears, Instead of using debatable. The difference was not ap­ resistance to the ERA will not melt away I parently understood by some persons at when the states have finished ratifying , the U[ Lecture Committee-sponsored it : those who have an interest in per­ ERA debate last Thursday night, and the petuating sex discrimination will have to Readers: proxy votes have no effect cause of the ERA proponents suffered for be dragged, kicking and screaming, Into it. a new era. 1'(1 tl1 ~ Editor: such a claim. As Karen DeCrow pointed ou\ Women in America, since this nation Unfortunately, this debate was In response to the letter written by Richard Increase the profit, not curtail it. The university administration has attempted to courts in states which have state ERAs have not was founded, have shared Karen overshadowed Thursday night by the Hindman of Leavenworth, Kans . (01, Feb. 26), reform corporate policies for two years, We have cast reason to the wind. For instance, Maryla!ll DeCrow's outrage at the embarrassment boorishness of some members of the HIndman states opposition to the U [ divesting courts determined that the ERA did not prohibit itself stock in corporations Invovled In South seen their effects. They also know the effect and and hwniliation she feels. Women have audience. Local women's groups ob­ must act accordingly. The time has come for a separate toilets for men and women. Vennoot man, Shaw, now 34, unjusUy been treated 88 leu valuable,. jeQtitQJo the debate on the grounds that it Africa. He states, "The Ul must So on the r~c~rd Royster of Th~ Wall t,u Journal reported II his personal JavOJl '- I ~ of stockholders as opposing racism and sup­ higher level of pro\4:st on this issue. The UI must I , • less' human aQd, therefore, less deser­ was a rehearsed spectacle that reduced sell its stock. And alter that, further actions can opinion on this subject by William Aycock, I boyhood idols ' ving of rights before the law than men. the issue of women's rights to the level of I" pression and in favor of legislative action to University of North Carolina law profess«. Jackie McLean, Art The argwnents that Phyllis Schlafly a sideshow. The sideshow did not occur change the apartheid system." Aycock concluded that, in his opinion, no court and McCoy Tyner. In offers to support the exclusion of women on stage, however . These are fine sentiments, but only words. We would apply the language of the ERA to achie~ form~ a from constitutional protection do not Demonstrations and leaflelting, , agree that it is a commendable action for the UI an absurdity and stated, "Some laws beneficial group to experiment with and rhythm, Shaw was lighten the burden of sexism borne by all placards and t-shirts, slogans and ap­ to vote against apartheid, to vote against the to women will survive so long as there is factual unfair labor practices on the part of U.S. Letters women. The fear of change, of respon­ plause are all legitimate means of ex­ justification for their extstance." If SchlaDy.is so mutinationals - an honorable action, but an concerned with reason, perhaps she should 19! sibility, of equality as expressed by the pressing support for the ERA. Cream ineffective one. The UI and many other in­ opponents of the ERA is not reason pies, booing, hissing and heckling are not more of it herself. stitutions, church and labor groups have been "'In ally , Schlafly condemned the boycott d enough to deny women constitutional only inappropriate in supporting the voting these proxy votes for several years now, non-ratifying states because of its impact 011 protection for their human rights, and issue of women's rights, they are wholly and their results have been negligible. [n 1978, upon this point there can be no debate. out of place on a university campus. A workers. She would be more convincing if sm the shareholder resolutions against apartheid had had a reputation for concern for hotel What is debatable is the amendment lynch-mob mentality toward speakers received an average of only 4.5 per cent itself. Does the language of the amend­ who espouse points of view, no matter wl>rkers before the boycoU began. As it is, her shareholder support. Their effect on corporate compassion rings hollow, and I wonder who she's I ment provide women with the rights they how detestable, is not in the tradition c.f practices in South Africa - minimal. Their ef­ more worried about, the hotel workers or tilt seek? Does the amendment grant ad­ this university nor of the women's fect on apartheid, when compared to overall hotel owners whose profits are down. ditional power to the federal government movement in general. foreign investment (i.e., beefing up South at the expense of states' rights? Would If "anatomy is not destiny," then Africa's economy) - nil. be taken to support the people of South Africa. Sarah Wt'II~e specific legislation and a case-by-case equality is not tyranny . The struggle for Mr . Hindman, you suggest that by selling The university has limitless educational 130 E. Jefferson review of sex discrimination complaints an Equal Rights Amendment has been stocks, the Ul will lose its only means of facUities which can be put to use educating provide more relief for women than a long and the end is not yet in sight. The gu¥,anteeing the corporations' attention to its students and the general populace as to con­ constitutional amendment? 1':Rt\ will become a reality, but the objections, thus stopping the UI from further ditions in South Africa, to oppose currenl U.S. These questions have some merit and events of last Thursday night did not effective protest. The point, sir, is not to curtail corporate and government policy there and need to be considered. The shackles of advance the cause that so many here protest, but to escalate it. The university, by many other actions as well. This is the type of Disco menace sexism cannot be reasonably expected to suppnrt. selling the stocks, will be stating what has action that needs to be taken, rather than once a Tn Ihe Edilor: "drnp liff" the day the ERA is added to already been shown to be true - that corporate year sitting down in some corporate meeting Jeffrey Miller's "Pro-dlsco" column disturbed the CIlRstitution. The provision allowing .JOHN MORRISSEY investment in South Africa serves to strengthen room somewhere to check off boxes on proxy me greatly, He missed the entire point Ii federal actinn to eliminate sex Staff Writer apartheid, not weaken it, and the only way to statements, . [nternational Disco. Disco music is obviously I effectively weaken apartheid is to withdraw pinke>-liberal plot to undermine the youth Ii Investment; that corporate practices In South Ine PIal! America , The simllarities bet)'een disco a,.J Africa are anything but laudable; that cor­ President, African Liberation Support Com· communism are starUing, These foUo~ porations are involved there for profit, not to mittee examples should convince every God-fearin8 work for social change ; and that students at the American that disco is a true threat to the Ul have no interest In that profit gained from American way. racial oppression. ERA debate Have you ever noticed how much Jobll Tn Ihe Edllor: Travolta and Chairman Mao have in commoo! Phyllis Schlafly made several points last They are both god figures to their followers, they Thursday evening which deserve response. both have little books on which they _ First, she expressed concern that the Equal I Mao's is red, John's is black), they even wHI Rights Amendment (ERA) wllJ open up a whole funny suits that identify them as pinko sub­ new realm of federal power which could be uted versives. to weaken individual and state rights. Yet later Oisco has as many splinter groups as cOllI' she contended that the ERA will do nothing to munism: Studio 54ism, Travoltaism and the end discrlmlnation that current legislation VIllage People's Liberation ~'ront are only a fe' doesn't already do. If this were true, that federal of them. Communism calla for 8 cJassleSl laws already cover aU aspects of leX worker's state. DiscophUes want a worldftll discrimination, then how could the passage of the dance floor where everyone will wear silk v-neti Jo:RA lead to the Incredible Increase in federal shlrts or velvet gowns. Disco, like commlJtlilnl, power that she fears? Both cannot be true. To calls for violent revolution . I am sure that If carry the argument further ,If her major concern have all heard the dIaca SOIII! that says, "Il\rII, ill thls new imposition of federal power, which we baby, bum, disco Inferno," We know what tile)' now see would not occur, then she would have no want to bum, don't we? hesitation in supporting the ERA as a statement Disco Is a threat to all that we hold dear, of a phU080phical principle towards which we Perhaps President Nixon would organize an iDI' I are working through our already-enacted American committee to round up the dlscophileS. legislation. He could send them to China - I hear that ]ben i8 a diIcoclub In Peking, Now Is the time to defelt Schiafly stated her belief In the right to choose them. Sid Vicious was only the first aoldlertodle to attend single-eex schoola and Institutions, a in the war against International Discoe. right she feela the ERA would take away. But her tolerance Is misleading, for If she were really Dueon lewarl committed to this freedom of cholce,lt eeema she Oxford would alao support gay rights, which has not been the cue. We can only conclude that what she calls freedom of choice Is the freedom to Lell.r, 10 the edllor MUST b9 Iyped. prf/tr.~ly choose what II within the moral parameters she trlple-.paced, and MUST be .I,ned. No un,lpH and her allOClate. have adopted. leltsrl wUl be can. Ide red lor publication. L'/fIrI Schiafly charged that with the puaage of the .hnuld Include rhe writer', phone number, whit. ERA the courts would no longer be aUowed to will 1101 be publl,/t.d. and addr.... which will k use reaaon In makln& deciliona. That II palpable withheld from pub/lcal/on upon reque,t. TItt 0/ nonsense, and I think It Irreaponsible of her ... ru,rYtI Ihe rl,hllo edit 01/ lell,r./or len"It.1IfI lawyer and an inIull to her audience to make clarlly. ------~'I------'Downbeat' favorite Shaw: _H_E_LP_W_A_N_TE_D__ J HELP WANTED WANTED: Part·tlme ltudent lab .....• DI Classifieds 111 Communications Center taot to aalst In IWellet 01 Ion trIDaport ICI'OIII InteaUnaI epllllella. l're¥ioUiIab TEACHERS experience duirable but ~ required. 20 B,... your rouilne. G.t a new acoustic jazz at its finest lIra/wt at $3.5Othr. Preler aome full peqpectlwon your own ca_r.... d dI" InIUally to learn tecllnlque. Conltct perII8pt lilt world . T.. ch. or trlln I.tchtr. II a P_ eorp. YOIunt_ By ALLEN WELSH choice 81 trumpeter In the Dam' Intultlon rarely falls Dr. Dlvld Dlwson. S53e1. 3-12 "BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES ROOMMATE aesaions, which can be hurd on ------~ and UN your .klNa whert thty art Special to The Dally Iowan him or Columbia. Roaewood. moat nttdtcl. Plid trawl; monlhly WANTED Corea's '"ner Space. In Europe. dedicated tq Davis. succeeded PARENT COUNSEWR living altooftnce; httttn caN; 48 daY' It rarely happens that a Shaw teamed with many musically and monetarily. Two Married couplet to live In with live pa/d vacallon. MUit be U.S. dU.n. mualcal style stands In a cia. American jail expatriates. He more excellent albums developmentally dl.lbled children. alngle/marrltcl with no dependent.. ____---: ______ONE or two r-.nalel to Ibaft ODe Salary plut benellts. Syllelnl Unlimited No upper IIIIt 11m" . COntact tht ! IW'E C1UIIS LINI: bedroom 01_ twHledroom apanu.t ct one. But to \laten to Woody crOlled the AUantic frequently. fonowed. The demand for public Inc .• Io.a City. lo.a. '111-_11212. H2 Pttct COrp. March 7.8 & 8. MISCELLANEOUS sa-. In Unlven1t, Helplt &reII. f75 IDODW, Shaw's trumpet Is to hear the but enjoyed great IUccees In appearances Increased. WORK IlUdy poelUon aVIUabie lor a Educational P'-mant OIIIca. SIgn ------~ lor two or ItJO IIIOIItIIIy for _ . _ InItrument played more vitally 1976 with the triumphal return laboratory 11 ....uber. l4 per hour.l_up_f_or_In_IIMtw___ NO_W_I____ A.Z ------'1 _1801_.______U_ and virulently than anyone has to the States of tenor sax giant Shaw knows euctly what he wants to do: play music open to f1ealble\lOUn. 353-tH11. H 1______- AUTOS FOREIGN SIIAU two bedroom aad ~ ; in 10 years. Dexter Gordon. with whom he ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT· 1llAJl1lE8. TEAC A4IJOO.S reel to reel tapa ded; TOWDCr'IIt ....; 1135lDODtbl,. :137-6111. There was DIzzy In the '408, then toW'ed. By that time the future, pick up where ru.EIS previous Innovators left off. and Alliat, in preparation of Irant remote control. Paid •• IIkiDc 1250. lfII Toyota Coroaa w.,.. & Ipttd. air. keep tryInc. S-IJ MUes Davis and CUfford Brown Shaw's style had fully flowered. propollls Ind progrell report•• PttcaCorpenttdavolunt_.wtth 1$4-2102. alter I pm. S-18 AM/FM . aea.. I'1I1II very well, iDapec- _:...... c:....:::...... c ______advance the art. His quintet In the '~, and Dam and Lee After the Gordon date. his days monitor. requilltioo. Ind crut eapen- BAIBS dtg_. U.. your talen" OLYMPUS OM.I .itb 3~mmU, ted.~. S-12 IBAIlE ..ap boule. ~ . IIIree plays both inside and outside Morgan In the '6OfI. The '701 81 a sideman ended. ditures. Alao aal.1l1n oilier ,.oeral 01· now In dttlgnlng or renovaUng to_ 5OmmU. 100nun2.I. 354-5178. Bnt oIfer MOVING. mutt lei! I'" Opel GT. 30 "l1li. baIeoaIet. pnce. 1111.87 aad l/t lice duUes. Some clerical elperieoce or cltIta. Develop plana lot' zonlftca- "'_. " mPi. S38-8882. evenI.... 1-7 U finds a distinctive voice, not The leader role wun't new to modem jazz forms, always with aIlIiUes.~ . taste and a clear sense of neceuary. Work·study prelerred. tion. rattltltment. f.... blllly .tUditL ""'" U. d I II I only In Shaw's jazz trumpet, but Shaw. As early 81 1971 he $4/bOUr. 20 houra/ we8. Contact Kallly Plldtravel;montf1lyllvlngallowanc:t; BIG SALE-Swivel rocker. f/9. Love ,LUX nY up n. rep au. direction. It's uncompromlalng In hIa group 8lI B whole. ThIs recorded Blac/tslone Legacy Sandutky. Unlvertlty Hoapltal School. hellth care; 48 day. paid vacation. teIIt. f/9. Sola and dIaIr. mil. HldH· AUTO SERVICE : ;a-r/dryer. tarace. quiet. S3U1... I- ~'417 . S-12 Mull be U.S. cHllen. alnglt/marrttcl beds . 11511 . Herculoo lOla aDd dIaIr willi I ______band boasts Clln t Houston under his own name. That group jazz, acce.ible to most people's (basa). Onaje Allen Gumbs musical tastes. SECRETARY to ana.er phone. handle :l~~=~:"~~C:!:M::h liIeUme .smnty. recularly - DOW IF Ylare'1OkIni lor quallty.ort and' ______Included Davis alumni Ron .... t29U5. Goddard I Furniture. Wett lair Ices. caU Leonard Krots. Solon. (plano). Victor Lewis (drums). correspondence and normal offic. 7. 8 , II. Placement Office. Student Liberty. 827-2815. E·Z Ierma. .23 (owa . lor repllra 00 III mode .. of Carter and ; also The Woody Shaw QuIntet will duties. $3 .50 /hr . • ork Itudy poIIUon. Ap- Union. 'Slgn-up tor Inlotrvtlw NOW! APARTMENTS and Carter J efferaon ( tenor Bennie Maupin and Lenny perfonn at Clapp Recital Hall pty at KRUI Radio. ~70 S. Quad or call ---______TRREE 1'00IIII_ Iurnlture ... Qo6. VOIbwI,_. Dial .....1. dI" or M4-- FOR RENT sax). Their music Is acutely WhIte, who later joined Harble at 8:30 tonight. 35s-S5OO. 3-l2 eIard', FW1Ilture. Wett LIberty. Opm _. everuOCI. S-tl aano AND PEO .eek nlSbtl until 8 pm. Saturday. 11-4. I .-______Hancock and Chick Corea. .MASSAGE technician needed· May COllEBE annuo • Sund 1-4 W dell ..23 Several albwns followed on mate ,17& plUS/wt. Apply after 1 pm at PLE WITH EXPERIENCE IY . ever. AUTOS DOMESTIC SUMMER .ublet. Ian option; two- small labels. But then the big 33&-8423 or 331-1317. .23 BEST BUY IN TOWN - Slit pI«e bed tel )Iedroom. flll'llillled CIart. air. dote. Music break - Miles Davis caned the WANTED NOW FOR NEW .Ith mattrea and boIl2!I8. v. too all 1------337·7114. S-II I=fii ~. wood bed tel uve l400 Goddard'l Fur- ImCbevy Impala l-door. air. power. 111- president of Columbia Records .. apected IOod hlcbway car PboIIe 331- NICE tine bedroom CIart ape.rt.meot. ~I=I;:;I PEACE CORPS PROJECTS oiture. WetlUberty. lourieen mIIet eut IIIIZ • . 1-12 Jrelt loc:aUOII. ama.ble mld-M.ay. Goad focuaed and charged with fused with some advice - "Sign • I ~I!.. SCHOOL If you have txparlenca In farming. I of Mall 001. ..23 . deal! 3:1.nh. . 3-11 and compelling energy. Woody Shaw. He's the only one .kllied trade. have a college dtgr" FOR sale: 55 plloo aquarium. Diltom 11'71 CUt1att. air; power brateI•• Ieer· ==-:::~~-:-:------:­ Downbeat magazine credits this playin' anything." BUS DRIVERS In tetchlng. mllh. the aclencea. or IUter. MUit seD. bett oller. 3S'I-87&2. 34 Inc; low milea; IOodtblpe. price. 3$1· SUIILEAIIE ooa-IIedroom apartment. 1476 1-1. lurnItbecI, .ater and beat paid. air eDt- band with acoustic playing at Its Part·time Work are. heaHh prof_lonal and want to worlc In uttlul and exciting work FOR sale : 2R tumlable MII&ED car­ . eIlUmer. latiDdry and aIOrace fadUUet. finest; "SImultaneously tender 7·8:30 am: 2:45-4:15 pm IHI Ed .... 20 mPi blcbway. People will W.lAine distance to UDivenily HoapItaJ. OWrHII. con.lder becoming a tridCe. l35. 337·Vl52. U smile and wave .... 337·7181. I-IJ 00 bolll baa ",-,. No pelt. availlble 1m- and tough, Shaw cuts across all ChauHer's license required Peace COrp. YOIunteer. MUll be 18. categories to coMect directly to DI CLASSIFIEDS we will train . ,Ingle or marrltcl - no dependenll. PrtI0~E~~pec7'1~1 preamp. ltate of?: CLEAN'7& Vega. only ••000 mllet.1Ood :::"-~~IY. 1200. 3$l;-tut; _7143. ~ the head and the heart." Shaw Earnings 10 $300 no upper age IImH. Contact a • ...... •. ... IIIPI. • ofler. 353-2203. U Recruit ...: March 7. 8 & 9. PIece· himself, who feels It important a month plus bonus FOR ut.: Kaman Sciences neutroD SUMMEA aublet - Three bedroom. l1li­ mant 0It1ct. Student Union. Sign up generator Model A.710 SIN 5001 com. 1m Capri V4. automatic. air. AM/FM. fumltbed. eIlsh.uber. air. laoalry. to uphold the black heritage In apply al lor InterYlaw NOWI p1ete with accelerator bead and down ::Uent coodlUon. $1.lIII0. 3$1-M4I. 3$i:, parktnc. _r Handler. $355. a3UdOO. s.II Jazz, describes his music as . bole mount. Submit bid to J.W. Osborne. __. ______&.~ IOWACnY '17& -Super oat becIrocJ. Ilr. carpeted. soulful: "We all fit together. We (. BUSINESS PEOPLE RadlaUon Reaearch Laboratory. UDlver· 1175 DUlter· power It"rine. po.er tpaclGul yard, Rental D1....,lDry. _ an Interact wen together. The COACH BUllnN.I.con grad. now wanttd for lity 01 10.1. lo.a City. Iowa prior to braket. air. Il10. Urea. V... AM/FIII. 7WI. telepathy on stage Is in· •• bu.lntt8 poaltion. ov.r.... . Ex- March 13. 11m. HII mutt tell. l2.100. 3:1-&018 or 33I-l2lS. 511 IOWA AVENUE COMPANY, INC cellent opportunltlN with great REALISTIC STA·76 stereo receiver. ex. ruPia. 3-16 credible." Tile AmerIcan College•• Tilling Program (ACT) Is currently NEWEA efllclency apartment for oat or Down beat readers voted accepting applications for lemporary clerical work. Hlway 1 West rNponllblMty lor highly motivated In- cellent.18O or bett oller. 331-1103%. '·7 CHEVROLET Impala 187S ; air COlI- two Ivallable M.ardl I. CoraMIle .... dlvldual •. Challenging work In Africa. eIltloned ; power IlM'iOC. bnket; 4 Ilne. 1185. 351.-. S-II Shaw the No. 1 trumpet player No experience neceasary Alia and LaUn America. Paid travel; USED vacuum cleanera. rellOnably door ' lnapected excellent condItioo ' of 1978. Ro.ewood. his first LP Day and evening shifts available monthly living allowanct; hea"h care; priced. Brandy's Vacuum. 3$1·1453 . .1' moo' or betlolle~ . 3$4-104f. U LARGE. one bedroom apartment; bett. OIl a major label, was rated the Full or part lime hour. arranged 48 daya paid vtcatlon. Mull be U.S. . =-=--::--::-::-_-:--:--::--:-_ .ater plld; c1o •• to University citizen. alngle/marriad wttn no LaRae:1 Typlnc Service: Pica or ElIte. 1m Ponillc· Power steerlnc, braket; HotpItaI ; 011 but route. Call alter 4:30 best album of the year In the Work consists of performing various clerIcal (asks aSSOCiated The Dan, Iowan needs depend,nll. No upper age limn. • Expenenced and reasonable. Call : lir; vinyl top. lnIpected.l$OO. S5s.27_. pm. 351-1 lSI. H2 same poll. But Shaw didn't pop with the proceSSing of student applications for Financial Ald. carriers for the following COntact the Peace Corps March 7. 8 6369. 34 ,1M. C101e In etrlclency. III blllt JIIld. onto the scene overnight. At the Apply: Personnel Department areas: & 9. Placement OHIet. Student Un- STEREO equipment · Low prices on alii =:=::::::=:=:=::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;::- no lease. pet DeIOtlable. Rental DIrec- The American College Testing Program Ion . Sign up lor Interview. NOWI topbrandhl·flcomponenla. Formorefn. HOUSING WANTED tory. _7W7. age of 18, he joined Eric • Carriage Hili. W. Benton 2201 North Dodge Streel. Box 168 (ormaUon and price quotes call Randy. 511 IOWA AVENUE U Dolphy's revolutionary group. • Beldon. McClean. Ridgeland. ASSISTANT supervisor - Temperary 353-2528. 3-7 ______Iowa City. Iowa 52243 He recorded the famous "Iron Ellis. N. Riverside Dr. River computer project March llI-October I. FOUR .bedroom houle wanted by SUMMER SUblet. fall optioo. Two Interview hour. are 9;00 am to 4 pm. Monday through Friday. Must have supervisory and library ex· MAG N E P LAN ART Ym pan 1· 1C medical students starUn, summer or bedroom. fumlahed . dOte. 337.5022 Man" sessions with Dolphy In • 3rd-6th Aves. 71h St. Coralville .'ter ACT Is an Equal Opportunity Employer MfF perlence. accurate typing. Computer ex- loudspeakers. Black. year old . Five year Iail. Deb. 337-31~7 . U S pm. 3-l1 1963. Though influenced by the • Westgate. KeSWick Dr .• 14 bebop masters of the past, Shaw perience desirable. t6 .25/hr .. 40 hr./wk. warranty. 338-7585. 3- 1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::::::::::;:;;;;;, SUMMER sublet . Two bedroom. fur. ,Wheaton some evening and Saturday hours. lo.a PAIR Hell AMT·I speakers. three yeart HOUSE FOR SALE , alahed. air conditioned. live minute w.1t readily accepted Dolphy's open To pItce r- cIattIIItd ad In tht 01 • S. Clinton. S. Dubuque. S. City Public Library OIlice. 307 E. old. $450 each new. want l600 lor pair. • toPentacreston DubuqueSt. 3:JI.3S11. ,. musical conception. He learned come 10 room"'. Communications DI CLASSIFIEDS Gllberl. Prentiss. S. linn CoUege. 10 am-5 pm. Deadilne Thursday. Firm. 14143-2457 ; S53.f444 . during dly. I- - 16 March 8. Equal opportunity employer 13 CONDOMINIlJw. flO, IS' 000 _____--=- _,.-._--:_ to handle the wide Intervals that Center. corner 01 College & Madison. 1-======• louise. Bradford . Arthur. Dolphy used, and the pentatonlc \ '1 am is the deadline lor placing and I~ M/F. 3-7 ""4 thl •..:· ..... 0·7room:· . .0; AVAILABLE now · Two bedroom. lur· cancelling classlfledl. HOIn: 8 am - 5 Muscatine. Towncrest SHARP I~ walt recelverlcassette deck. - mon y. ....,.... pm ... pm. oro . nIshed. l2IS/month. CoralvUle. l5i-2523. scales that John Coltrane in­ pm. Monday thru Thurtd.y; 8 am - 4 BUSINESS • Gilbert. Brown. Ronalds. N. PIANO player needed · Tryioc to es- .ixmonth5old . 'I50 . 353~ . '·IS dlY" 351~4i eveninp. " troduced to jazz. These pm on Friday. Open during the noon tablisb a cocktail hour piano bar Irom . UPLEX -"_.__ _.___ _ - __ OPPORTUNITIES Van Buren. Church techniques freed Shaw's style hour. classical to ragtime. Call for audition POKER table. Beata e'gbt. lour n. D ONE bedroom. unlurnlthed apartment. • E. Fairchild. Church. Reno. between ~ pm and 7. alk lor Keith . M$- diameter. $30. 3:1·2081 . evenings. 3-6 117~ per month. on Cortlville but Hne. from the chromatic constraints MINIMUM AD 10 WORDS No r.lUndI If --.a Brown. N. Johnson. N. Dodge 21140. 3-14 YAMAHA CA-810 intecrated amp. one 'I"· Spacloul. all bllIl paid. Ilr. car· 354-7132; II noaoswer. ~1-8404 . 3-8 ct other trumpet players. 10 WdL - 3 deY' · $3.40 • E. College. S. Summit. E. IMMEDIATE openings lor lull time ells- year old . ms or bettofler. AsIt for Jerry peted ••asher /dryer. creat yard. Rental SUMMER sublet. Fall opUoo . Three While be was sUll a young , 0 wde. - 5 daY'· $3.80 ·"· nd shllt · rt t' . nit at 338«36. U Directory. 331-798'1. . . Wa.hlngton h.wa ..... seoo • pa • une]a or. 5ll10WA AVENUE'" bedroom apartment. walkon, dlltance. to wda. · 10 daya - $4.80 r ~ man. Shaw, now 34. played with • Grant. Rundell. Maple. fIrst sbllt. Contact Jesl McCleery. heat and water paid . dlsbwasher. air Hawk·1 Truck Slop. 354-S335. 3-7 MUST sell two Pioneer speakers. TW(),bed dunlex J230\'ward qulel condltloned 337-5992 3-18 bis.. personal .IavOlli1es and ,PI C...... ~~ IItIII"-1 ,,, • ,.~, , . oakhi ~ d Ave . boyhood idols' . Pioneer adtomatlc turntable. Maranlz . room..,. . , ." .. GREEN .. THUMBS • Pln41. §pruce, Broo~wood . CHILD care needed lor occasional or m~ receiver. $575. 354-3610. 3.. Apr,ll or sooner. 338-4618,evenoop.3-15 SUMMER tliblet . Fall option. Two Jackie McLean. , PERSONALS Highland Ave . Ridge. Yewell. weekend maht. good pay . Call alter S bedroom unfurnished Clark apartment. and McCoy Tyner. In 1966, GARDEN plot wanted to rent. Sunny. Downey, Broadway pm. 62&-6248. 3-12 THESIS eaperlence· Former university ROOM FOR RENT Dishwasher. air condlUoninc. laundry. Chick secretary. IBM Correctln· Selectric U. Io~ to downtown bus "0<710 ' t6 Corea fonned a studio ------access to water. Margaret. 354-5204. H • Yewell. Deforest. Franklin. PHO'TO model wallted . Modeling fee 338-8996. • 3.15 c - ....,.,...... group to experiment with time UNIVERSrrV of Jowa class tin,s by « Ash. Spruce. Pine Kirkwood paid or portfOlio photos . Sl&-366·01m . SUMMER lublet. lall option . One and rhythm. Shaw was an easy Jooten Co .• Tuesday and Thunday from Cedar Rapidl. 3-12 IBM correctioc Selectric. Elperienced BEDROOM ••uller. dryer, central air. bedroom. 338-1302 ; 3$4-2426. Larry. 3-1~ 12 :30 to 3:30 pm and Wedne!lday from TICKETS Routes average ~ hr. 8a. No 1------lhesiJ. manuacripts. reswnes. papera. fuil bathroom. Iroot lree relricerator. 2:30to3:30. Contact Martha. " ______WANTED nOOll luncheon .altresses- 338-1962. own entrance. 00 bus line. 1120 equare COUNTRY Uvlne . Two bedroom bu•• weekends. No collections. Call walters. Please apply In peraon at The ------leel. 351-3048. 3-111 ment apartment. ,arl,e and prden. DOONESBURV BIRTHRIGHT· J3I.8Ie TWO superb ilckell to NCAA wresUinc the DI Circulation Dept 353- Fieldhouse. 3·12 Call 351.7148. 1-14 SMALL fumisbed room near Hindler. Prepnancy Teat finals. Reasonable. 351·3482. H 6203 or 354-2499. the boycott It Confidential Help IOWA River Power Company now hlrinC TYPING relrigerator. uUlltiespald. f1IO .33f. TWO bedroom. ciote In. low monthly 4·13 TICKETS: NCAA wrestling tickets. Any . combination busperson /dishwashers. ______I=3307:=:· ==:--_-:-::--:--_:-::-_3-8_ utlliUes. available Immediately. SJ&.tOI3 of its impacl 00 ------.:..:::. or all sessions. Ca1l3WI535. S.. IIELP wanted housekeeping. 354-4200. 3· Apply In person bet.een 2:30-4:30. H EFFICIENT. prolessional typlnl for FURNISHED room . kltchell privllecet. alterS. H4 convincing if she COCKROACHES In YOllr parlor? For I~ E I h theses. manuscripts. etc. IBM Selectric 00 buJ line. utilities included • • vallable bouIln, problems and Inlormatlon. con· . ------WORK IN JAPAN I Teach n,l. con· SUMMER lublet . Fall option. two concern for botel tact Prot ~lve A··~latl~ lor Tenants. RIDE.RIDER IMMEDIATE opening for YOllth care versaUon. No experience. degree. or or IBM Memory (automatic typewriter) Immediately. Call belore 4 pm . 337- "'. ~~. J Ired Send Ion tamped gives you first time originals lor 3827. U bedroom. air conditioned. lurnlshed began. As it is, her 353·3013. Tuesday·Friday. lo..S.IMU. S-7 specialist In group home for adolescent apanese requ . g. • • rtm t CI to ...... ~ 3- ----,.--~~---- sell·addressed envelope for detail.. resumes and cover lellel'l. Copy Center. SE E apa en. Ole ampul . ....-""". I wonder who she', - women In W.shiocton. Iowa . Some~ver too. 338-8800. 34 V RAL rooms and efficiency. 000II. 14 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous·12 ooon. RIDE needed to Kirkwood Community night work. BA preferred. Phone 653· Japan-20A . P.O. Box338. Centralia.WA ___~- _____~ Ingprivlleget . ~to'I40 . 3:1.f1OS . 3-20 -::--:--::-.,--_-:--:--,-_-:-::- hotel workers or tilt Wednetday. Wesley HOute . Saturday. College. Monday throuch Friday. round 324~ . 3.. 98531 " EXPERIENCED. fast. carbon. electric. AVAILABLE now. One bedroom. '140. are down. 124 North Hali. 351-9813. 4-l1 trip. 7:30 am-4 :30 pm. $10 per week. Cali w-•• 'r d ..... r ""r"' •• CaD Hope If"r 1 LEt\D8-LEAIJS.LEADS edltinc. reasonable rates. Phone 351- -- . • ,-.,...... "" M- lIS-.-La- ur-a-. -pa-lm- .-nd- ca-rd- rea- de-r. :~==' ===:::;====3-8: I Over the counter . in home sales. top 3466. SharI. 3-7 ROOMMATE 7 pm. ~1.4Jm. 3-14 Advice on all problems. Phone 351· - HOM E ECONOMISTS commission. Encyclopaedia Britallllia. LaRae'. Typlne Service: Pica or Elite. WANTED LARGE , one-room lumished unit In VIc- 9&62__ . ______3-6 CH ILD CARE Your degree In home economics. 3011-786·/418. 4·10 EIperIenced and reasonable. Cali 826- torlan bouse ; share flcIllU .. ; '150 BLUE Cross Blue Shield individual con· ---______nutrition or dletetlca mey qU.11Iy you 6389 . 2.15 ______uUIiUet IlIduded ; 3:1·W. 3-14 tracU27 monthly. Phone 351.fi88&. 4·2 BOLEO Chlldcare CooperaUve has open· for a wide variety of opportunltl.. In VOLUNTEER FOR OWN roonn In lhared houIe ••alller. SUBLET with lali option . Two bedroom Ings for children two yeart and up. the Peace Corps. Teach In high PEACE ~RPS TYPING -. Carbon ribbon electriC. dryer. $60. 338-0052. Jim. 3-8 apartment. carpet. air conditioned. belt FRUSTRATED school. and COllegN . work with Get two years experoence Uvlne and editing. experienced. Dial 338447. 3-11 aDd wal... furnished . IOod location. We listen· Crisis Center Hours 01 operation 7:30 am·12 ::IO am. women's group. giving practletl working overseas. Science Majors and . MALE lhare small hou.ae. own room • .., 351.(1140 (24 houl'l) Monday·Friday. Call Maureen at 353· demonstration, In cooking. nutrnlon. Minors Math Majon needed in Alrlca JERRY NyaU Typing Service· IBM! pius \\ utilUel. 337-7874. 3-12 Mana,erOlJCIoo .. ~ montbly . S38-45V1. 112 \\ E. Wasblneton 4658. H beby care. ptan new hvglene. health Latin America. Asia. Oceanta. U.S: Pica or Elite. Phone 351-4798. 3-23 ! MALE share two bedroom ho_ larp ______3-_14 11 am·2 am and family planning program •. Paid Citizens. singles ~nd ~Iet . See Doril FREE ENV(RONMENT TYPING yard. quiet oelpborhood. 1100' rent. ONE bedroom. unfurnished. '18&. near colwnn disturbed '·I~ . INSTRUCTION travel ; monthly living allowance; ~!::!OII. Is. 351 Phys,cs Bluldins. 353- 3.22 SERVICE . Resumes. papers. Activities depotlt. 3S4'l70. evenlnp,. 1-111 Unlvertity Hooplltll. 3:1.f11OO after I.U health care; 48 deY' paid vtcatlon. w.. Cen IMU 353 _ 4-3 the en tire point Ii Must be U.S. citlren. ,Ingle/marrled ter. . . . SRARE downtown lpartmetlt. own SUMMER sublet. lin option. Clark. two- QUALIFIED inatnaction by university music Is obviously a I: D~I;;S;CO;;;U;N~T;;:;D;:;AN~:;;'S;- witf1 no dependentl. No upper age ' DES. MOINES REGISTER TYPING: Former secretary. thetil ex. room. $76 monthly. available April I. bedroom.lurnlahed. air. close. 351-4621. the youth ci Irraduates in all phases of banjo. plano. IImll COntact the Peace COrp. March needs ~rroers for lIIe followlnc area.: rience .ants typinc at home. M4- 338-8010. S-12 1-15 SeU-Serve Saves guitar and percussion. 7 8 & 9 Placement OHlce Student Muscatone·llt Ave. area. '100-,150. pe " 7 F ""''- .... _. bet)\'een disco and " . Burlin ... ~.Dod.e area '165 Coralville 22511 . ... NONS MOiliNG mile ahare two SUMMER Iublet· IU :.:;::'...:,:~ . These following Ga. I' 'You Ca$h THE MUSIC SHOP Union. Sign up tor Interview NOWI .~'. " bedroom Clark apartment ...... " ...... • DOWNTOWN area. $I~O . Oakcrelt area. '150 . bedroom .Iib one other. Norib DodCe. Ir' "-".--.'r' ftarpet . Ia'undry .....: Do to ,180 E W •• ,.... ~ S3U8&2after 5 U a • ....., ...... '. . ,.... every God-fearing Ii 351-17&5 wn wn area. . . a_~,· . IOC ' near downtown Camblll 3:1. true threat to IJIe 933 S. Clinton ENGINEERS College area. 'IBO. ROIItes take an hour WHO DOES IT' QUIET CODHrvativ. male lor apaclGul 7'1'1'i • . U to I ~ hours dlUy-. Profits are lor a lour 1 two bedroom apartment $127 pial ~ __. ______Peace COrpa need civil. waler week period. Profits ficure between trlclt . 337-S04S. • 3-11 THREE beIkoom apartment. 1IDfur. SroRAGE.sTOUGE reeource .. eltctrlcal. mechanical. In- 13.75 aDd 14 an hour. Call Jonl. Bill or y niIhed. UM eacludl •••til1tles . IOI4 Cot. Mlnl·warehoule unit.· All ' Illes. ANTIQUES dullrl.1 eng I".,. tor volunt"r pro- bI f _.. ."_. ~ ... Dan. 337-22811 ; 338-3865. 4-3 Statl.tlcal eon.ultl .... center, SUMMER au et. emale ....re WMW IGllwood .33U224. 1-1 Monthly ratet u low "' '15 per moot/l. U 1______lecta In 68 natIOn •. H.. p conalruct ...." M • __ HaU-- bedroom CIaJt 1m S. Jobmon. own room . -=~--~-:-:::__:_=-::_:_:_ Store All . dial 3:1-3501 . 3·15 BLOOM Antiques. Downtown Weltman. dims. road •. dlapoaal plant •• Irrlga- A'M'ENTlON: Merrl.Mac needa llllper- ...... , aC~D • offen air. dllll.aaber. laundry. parldOC. $115 TWO bedroom Coralvllle. a. available DlVORCED/".,..rat".Q_. ,.• Women •s Group IOWl . Th ree bu, ' Id In' ..•• Iu II . 3.• tionPaid eyllem.lntr.v .... montf1ty developing living lilowance;countr.... vllors" demon.tra(ora to lell our a ••lstaICe In pl __•••'.8 •• r- .,.-'...... thly plutelectrldty. 33$._. "Aprilt. 351-5U4; 3514124 alter t. ,.. I ;•• at .k. W-'I Center 130 cua ranteeCI Une of toy,,, atftl on home LIST hon.'...... -'th Prot~, now OMn...... -.~.. • • healh cart; 48 day. paid vacation. party plan. Compare our program! veYI and experimeDtl and ID IMMEDIATELY shire th~bedroom --. I .. """' w, ",.. ve Norib Madison. Call 353-6265 to reellte:" TRAVEL Musl be u.s. c_lHn. "ngillmarrled YOII 'U see why Merri.Mac: II the leader data aaaly.I •. Call 353-5113 for Pentacre,t Apartment. own larl' =lation lor ~::ts . 104. T\letdal; with no dependents. No upper age in the loduslry. Experienced dealera bedroom.,looa month. 331-2481. S-15 y.S5s.Jl1,. . SENSmVE. ahy. honeat. colored male I==::::;:======tim". COntact the P.. ee Corpa March may qualify for FREE KIT .. more!! appolDtmut or laformatioD. SHARE house with _ other lemale. groups COII1- as forelper (2&) teekI carinI. white male 7.8 & 9. Placement 0IItce. St~:t Call collect now lor details: Ann Buter RESUMES'. Indlvldual-oraUon. f- own room. completely (urnll~ed . MOBILE HOMES Travoltsism and till companion under S\) . Wrltepoulblywlth ANNOUNCING OUR NEW - Union. SIgn-up for In1ervlew. N 31'·~1 or write Nerri·Mac. 801 estimates futservlce . 337~ . i.it W~~her / dryer .. Near bu •. qUiet )<'ront are only a feW pboto. Poet OIlIce Bol taM.lowl City.3· Jackaon. Dubuque. Iowa 52001. U' avaolable Immechately. 33H031. ~15 . . __ _ . __ for a cl8Sl1e!1 7 COMPUTERIZED AIR AllRlCULTUIE EXTEISIOIIST BARTENDERS AND BLAClt" white procealng and prinUoc. TWO fennalet to abue t-wroont fur. FOR ule: Two bedroom modular home. 8 worldwide sun cia .. : The Neauge Of Hazrat In· RESERVATION SYSTEMI &-Iculture exten.lon prnnrame In COCKTAIL SERVERS S5mm and all t20 I'ClIlllIm lites. RaiIIy. nlshed apartment. III .• per IIIOiIIb, =~fter~tIoD.~.!...odian~. want ayat Khan be,illl March •. A Sll week .".... Top pay. flexible hours. Call 351·t514 bet- ,338-_7488_.-c--______._ 1-:-3 beat paid. Summer and fall . CIote In...... • or_. dtv"opIng nltlona need you 10 help I - will wear silk V-ned oourae. Re,llstraUon information. 354· Call our e.perlenctcl Tr.vet COnaul- .timulate rural development. Worlc .een ..nd 1 pm (or an appointment. " : SE WIN G • Weddln, 10.01 and SS1.23M. 1-7 Itdi trailer III ereeIIent cooditlm with likecommunlln, U . 3.. tant. 'or aU your Ilr r_vatlof\S. with farm ... planting dtmonllratlon . , , ~ridetmald's dreaet. ten yeart' ex· MALE or Female to abue IWIHIedroom ad)olalac 1bed.12.800. 3$lo4m. 4.:8 I am Sin thai WI EXPERIENCED drummer/vocllilt Amtrak dckllll and other travel plOI .. Inllruct on the u.. ot crop 1------1perience . ~ . Latealde Aparlmellt with ooa olber. seekl pelltlon In ellablished rock. need.. PIooM (lit' Jl4.IW proItcIlon mlterlal •• r.rtllizwa. MUSICAL ALTERiNG AND MENDING .anted. Move maJl7tlme. *-71112. 1-7 NICE tWlHledroom mobile home••• country·rock or jlo "nd. Cau :\54.2f/7 .~~il1lrrlll ..on method •. Inlroduce '- DlaI3:1.TIII. ~I' buI.pool. Loc:alcall. M$-27ft. 1-11 lNarc). 3... . high yield crop •• Impro ... l..... tOCk INSTRUMENTS ______FEMALE tbare tWlHlalroom apart. --'------feeding. management and brtadlng GOLDSMITH. Je.eler: Individually', ment. cl_. uUllti. paid. Call 317"'1. EXCEUENT 121M with two room 15115 PIIBGNANCY tcNenlne and co_I· 'IIIihd Pflctlcts. Paid trav"; monthly living designed and commlilioned .ork.' 1-1 _. two aIMdI. wuber-dryer. aII.p' Iu. Emma Gotdman Clinic for Women. 10.. _. . allowance; hetlth cara; 48 deya paid WANTED : Drummer and/or rebetraal Iacea pIIancet partially fuaiIIIed air .... U7-1II1. .11 M be US cll apace for loc:aI funk and ralllf011P. 337· WeddIn&r\np •. COIItemporaryneck .! OWN room In Iarte twa bedroom. line. ~ lot and lecatlm: _12; WROLE GRAIN BAKED GOODS : 1011 Willi,,,, 51_I·T_NtI ~:~~Irr: wttn ~~ ~t.. 11246 ; 337-9804 . U brace~E' Bn' N:IaX-IGL ·.~18TO·I74:D U. ::.~~/~~~~::'-:::50~I~':'~ JM.6&17. 1-15 No upper agt limit. COntact the • n .. "" .... Breadl. cooklel, cakes, mulllna.. . . 1 Ptaoa COrps March 7 .• & 8. Plaoa- I'" GlblOn ES43$. natural !Intah. C.. tom labrlcation lor medical S-14 IMMEDIATE pGIItIIioD: 10d0. U~t.. crackers. ~noIa. candles. Mornloc ' PETS I ment Offlct. Student Union. Sign up played twice. _ willi liard cue. The home ...... w- PIe...... llllfunsiahed DeW ~ u.ro.poat: GIoryBak'ry.CetlltrEaIl.3:1".S·21 MUlleSilop.31U.17I6. H ..-rdI. - . --a FEMALE: Own roam In boute willi eoIor TV, cirapes, ..... 1IIed. SmaD. -..:.--..:.------:----:- .. j l!or::....::ln.:::lt::,rvi.:::tw:;;.:,•.:::N.:.OW.:.:::.,.I _____ tIIeetI. rod. WhlOC. Un\qlle cifts· The tbree women. cine. parkin,. ,., _ ... cuurt Oil but IiDe ...... _ 117. VINERAL dll.... screentn. for FULL blooded Irtafi Setter pappie:I woo- 1 . Un-Frame picture frame. Do-It· available MardlU. D7-DM. "'IS" · . ... .,--.. fall women. EDIIIlI Golclrnal\ Clinic. 3S'I- derfulhuntera/pets • . f1e.2&N . . ..II COMIUI"'" BICYCLES YouneIl.PLElW'OIUIS IOIl~ GUbert 2111 . .11 ' II , Court . • 1.... ~lS NEED foartb eruUve penon In produc- lbtt, ~t COiIIIItIcII. CIiItrai air. PROFESSIONAL do, ,roomln,· ~ICE WO.I:IIO 1 Uft bou ... IfouIe oeq rtmodelad" .tUlly IIItd I'oItaaIGo _ CI' July I OARSMEN. oarawomtII. eou.alnl or. Puppies kit.. tropIcallllll pet tup- . OUt...... FOil •.. 1 •• Three apeed _'. bike. elf. FlX·lt Carpenlry. Electrical. Plumblni. bedroam offered II ... Ii_ lUI ..... SI.IUhller S. U inleretted In rowIaa. call Guy W_r. plies. h~ Seed Store: 1100 lit Gr_roollproltc:tUntwelllnglor celleDt Ib peed _'. bike Two' Masonry. Ptuterlnc. Solar Heat . • 1· moallll,. no ullllllet. DO depo.1t 1-:____ -,.-.-:---,.-.-=-,.-.- .a.u14 or 33$.1*. H, Avail.. Soulll. _I. 2-1. your know-how. "'lIIua1Um. . reed ....":~ ttII by Thunda,: Call 18711. 4·1' I Wllller/clrJer. Oil .... 11M. Call Jerry l1'li 12dI two bed.- iiIObIIt '-. --'lvlly J I VIST" 'V I Ittr1 I •• 33W64O. S-7 Eacellant c:ondltiOil. Fireplace. ap- IlTUDYING COfIImIInicatlon 01 JIIIrried . - -. c._. . 0 n ". 0 un n...... CHIPPER'S Tailor ShOP. I.~ E. pllancea. 1._ .... BaIt after .... be typed. pre/.r.bly • ervlce to Amtrlca) and gIvt your S DIal I lat .... FDlALK 10 tbart willi n -P coupIaa. WIU paywlunleen. Call1l :SO-2 HELP WANTED .klil. to ahaplng and devaIoplng WulllftIIOD I. 3$ • ...... tame- ... ..;...... N be ",ntel. No un.i",­ pm. 353..... , _, IICYllIr--IUl-I' ~ • .ru.1eI fnm HandItr. 011 .... 1lne,1---:;~--______pllbllcotlon. L,tW' . program. In publIC httllll. hOu ..ng. ~ v,,_ .... - ALTERATIONS WANTBD _try tide atmoapbere. FlimtIbed, IlEAUTIJI'UL I". Artcraft 1U70. two 1lAl1NTED800KSHOP ',Opeo'l'loeedaYi -ANTED· 0 and bu pi youth counttllng. oommunlty ee.t the Sprfng Ruah 3$1 ..1115...... ClWllbecIroom.t1ODpI.utlUlIlI.JM.II! bednlOlll. ill balll ••ppIlucea. c.tom phon, number. w~lel tIu'wIJI FrIdIy. 4.. pm and Saturday. 12" f"or malos:t~mmeroc: "'nd. To' urayetl~ dwelopm ...t or ..Mctt lor eglng Wlnt.r. R...... 10 or 1-'. ... baIIt ...... " . I-U • 217 S Joa-It 117'- 3-1' ,~,... .. and handletpptd. Trlvel. IIYIng tX- ,_ ~ addr,... which wiU ", pm. . '.' . ; perlence willi Dooble Bro •. denDilely pen .... medical btntllll. For mort "C.II Now" aIllTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY SHAAE t-.bedroom IowDIIouIa wI~ MUST sell 1m Frttdam 141'11· Two' upon requllt. Tilt 01 HYPNOSIS for Wellht RNUelloft. not required. Oaty people who tate their Informallon: March 7.• II. PIaw- ..... " OF 1m GIJITII oat otIIV. ball block from ... BalIreat, bedroom phil front cia. aII~, IIleller,/or I,n,thllll 1ImoItIaI. Impmtd M-r. 8eIf Hypo lllllle, but not tllelllMlves. IIrIouaIy; IIIII\t OffIOt. Student Union. Slgn-up ••IIIM Art\It·. portralla: Cllarcaal. III; paat.! . uUDU.. Gnd ttadeII 01' ...... diapotaI. -WI air ...... uk .. 1l0III .• 1...... FIaIbl. Rout. S·I. pleall. Call IMII 3:1-8138. 1-11 for Interview. NOWI 725 S. Gilbert 351.8337 _ $311; 011. ,100 and up . 1151.-. f.I .....1I'nd.3M-a7Z. ' ~1 NIkt. ,... ,... I-The 0.1, ....-10 .. CItr, IoWI-Tu..a" Mlrch 1,1171 Hawks drop to 11th ~~ U ofl Belated Wedding ·f IDternadc»nal Indiana State tops final cage poll Invitations ~ , ~ Birthday and SUpplies~ Students Organization rh~ NEW YORK (UPI) - Indiana State, mOving up a notch to No.2. The Bruins, led against the Utah-Pepperdlne winner at Los gunning to become the first undefeated by their own All-America forward, David Angeles. Salel 1- Any person Interested In Inter·cultural activities is In~ NCAA champion since the 1975-76 Indiana North Carolina was third, followed by to attend the ftrst organizational meeting for a NEW un· University squad, Monday became the Tea 111 /-,olnt. Michigan State, Notre Dame, Arkansas, CARDS first Mlasouri Valley Conference team in 1. Indiana St. (35) (29-0) 566 Duke, DePaul, Loulsillna State and lverslty wide Internatlon Students Association, Mem· 16 years , to be sel.,cted UPI's national 2, UCLA (3) (23-4) 510 Syracuse to round out the Top 10. ET CETERA bership I. open to All. U of I students & their famllie. Vol. 111 No. , 109 S. Dubuqu. champion. 3. North carolina (23-5) 500 North Carolina jumped four places to DATE: March 7, Wednesday s The Sycamores, 29-0, collected 35 of the 4. Michigan St. (21-6) 364 third on the basis of a 23-5 record and a 38 fIrIt-place ballots cast by the 42- 5. Notre Dame \ 22-5) 331 victory over Duke Saturday night in the TIME: 7:00 pm member UPI Board of Coaches and 6. Arkansas (23-4) 318 Atlantic Coast Conference title I(ame. The PLACE: International Centre received 566 overall points in the final 7. Duke (22-7) 303 Tar Heels, top seeds in the NCAA East THE 219 N. Clinton balloting of the season. 8. DePaul (22-4) 238 Regional, received 500 points. Michigan Come to the meeting for more Information Indlana State, led by star forward Larry 9. Louisiana St. (22-5) 207 State, 21-6, remained fourth with 364 points BOTTOM Bird, moved into the No.1 ranking for the 10. Syracuse (25-3) 201 after closing out the season sharing the Big first time last week. This week Indiana 11 . Iowa (2M) 171 Ten crown with Purdue and Iowa. , State became the first MVC team chosen 12. Georgetown (24-4) 149 Notre Dame, 22-5, slipped three places to D atop the final UPI ratings since the 1962~ 13. Marquette (21-6) 128 fifth with two losses last week . The in­ Cincinnati squad. The Sycamores, winners 14. Purdue (23-7) 98 dependent Fighting Irish, however, are of the Missouri Valley Conference tour­ 15. Texas (21-7) 87 still tolHleeded for the NCAA Mideast nament last weekend, have been seeded 16. Temple (25-3) 83 Regional. Arkansas, 23-4, leaped three first in the NCAA Midwest Regionals and 17. San Francisco (21-G) 55 spots to No. 6 after nipping Texas in a "where nobody Sunday will face the winner of the Virginia 18. Tennessee ( 2~1l) 46 slowdown game for the Southwest Con­ goofed on Tech-Jacksonville game in Lawrence, 19. Louisville (23-7) 45 ference title. Kan. ' 20. Detroit (22-5) 41 Rounding out the final top 20 were Iowa, prlcesl" UCLA, 23-4 and winner of the Pacific 10 Georgetown, Marqlfette, Purdue, Texas, conference, received the three other first­ Greenwood, are tolHleeded in the NCAA Temple, San Jo'rancisco, Tennessee, place votes and 510 points overall in Western Regional and will play Sunday Louisville and Detroit. WINTER 1M playoffs begin CLEARANCE SALE Tickets on s~le; ALL LADIES' WINTER CLOTHES & As the Idlva Hawkeyes enter ) \1 , Field House) to verify post-season play in the NCAA game times and location. ALL MEN'S LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS tourney, Intramural basketball Bowling excitement continues Gannon signs teams begin the race for the with quarterfinal competition to any stereo 50lfo Off system, gain d~, Tickets for Iowa's NCAA mi tmen t official. coveted championship crown. beginning today. Semlfinals wUl SELECT MEN'S & WOMEN'S PANTS regional tournament game at The Regina product was one Today's round of action In­ be held March 13 with the finals more thrilling baaa. Bloomington Ind. Saturday of the (nost sought-after high volves men's independent slated for March 20 a t the IMU will go on sale at 10 a.m. today school players in the state's teams after Monday 's donn bowling alleys. 30-7590 Off In the quarterfinal round, top­ WOODBURN in the Iowa Athletic Ticket history. He led the Runnin' contests. Midnite Express faces from the Fieldhouse Siwash as Alpha Kappa Kappa contender Psi Omega faces the Downtown - across Office. Regals to two state cham­ OPTONICA 351-7231 Tickets may also be ordered pionships and his team Is meets Fys and the P Kings M-Hawks. Psi Omega, which SOUND ba ttie Powerhitters. The Other had the top score going into by mail through the Indiana bidding for a third this season. • Sweet Highs 400 Highland CI. Athletic Department with. Gannon broke into the Team challenges "'iremen with playoff action, defeated Delta phone number included. Regina starting lineup as a High Hompers tangling with Sigma Delta while the M-Hawks Full Bass Identification will be needed freshman in the state tour­ Mulberry Molars. Coors and dwnped Pi Kappa Alpha . • MaSSive 15 Ib to pick up tickets at Indiana's nament and led his club to the Dad come up against Bwanas Tau Kappa Epsilon, winner Assembly Hall. title . He has broken many while Indemnity plays Wrag. over Alpha Kappa Kappa , Power Supply While sights are set on the Regina schooi records set by Like Stealing and Burlington meets the Scooter Squad, which • Reg. $240 7, NCAA contest with either fonner teamma te and now Northern meet Range Rats and disappointed seagram's Phi t1 Central Michigan or Toledo, 'Hawkeye player, Randy Toledo, respectively, as Gamma Delta and Mudville will • Now $159 Marianna f'aithful is matched battle following triumphs over Mark Gannon became Iowa's Norton, and has already Every Friday... I first official recruit Monday. scored over 600 points this up with Artie Bowser. Delta Upsilon and Big Deal, GaMon, a 6-foot-7 forward year. The women and cI tw.11 TOOO.I . • Philodendrons • Yuccas Injured and no dalllAj BELlZE}~NIN •• ,GABOO} RWANDA AND FIJI. IN , Zopf Auditorium • and more the helicopter, accord UI Hospitals Informal AFRI~~ASIA}LATIN Aft£RICA. n£V LIVE IN Acclimated Tropical Plants Direct (room' 100) From Florida at Wholesale Price. "«e no patients abol AtYERICA} TOO. IN CRaUD CITlES/FOROOTIEN I • Borg said the heUco HILLS. Tt£IR mEAMS ARE C~I NEEDS BASIC: Pharmacy Building Plants for dorms, apartments, offICes, from Wa tA!rloo after rn FOOO AND WATER}t£ALTH AND IQJSING1 JOBS} "' restaurants an~ other indoor locations map out future IandI Sponaored by Student American Pharm . Aaao. , approximately 6 p.rn AND YOUII.TO f£LP AS A PEACE CORPS 'OR VISTA Plants provided by : WLltfTEER. helicopter l08t JlIlwer and the pilot radioed ~ Mlrch ., •• , • PllCement OIIIot, 11 :00-5:00 FLORIDA PLANT MARKET the Cedar Rapids All 351·1113 101 Street P5