Congressional Record
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September 12, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1253 clearly poignant as his horn vibrates through merce’s Award for Excellence, The Con- recorded over eighty albums as a sideman and through the intricate passage with preci- spicuous Service Award from the New York with a wide variety of jazz artists including sion. This explosive gem sets the tempo to re- State Council on the Arts, The New York City Jimmy Owens, Abdullah Ibrahim, Idris Muham- mind us that he [Owens] is more than capable Arts and Business Council’s Encore Awards, mad, Malachi Thompson and Freddy Cole. to form this collection of standards in a way Citibank’s Community Service Award, the New Ford joined Jerry Gonzalez’s pioneering Fort that hasn’t been done before.’’ York City Service Award, and several citations Apache Band in 1990: an ensemble of Puerto Mr. Speaker, it was Jimmy Owens who from Mayors Edward Koch, David Dinkins and Ricans and African-Americans, who enriched challenged me to bring Jazz into the legisla- Michael Bloomberg. the linkages between jazz and Afro-Latin tive arena, for consideration as a national But Jazzmobile’s greatest achievement is rhythms. Ford composed the title tracks for asset that must be preserved and promoted. that it serves as the model for thousands of their recordings, Crossroads, Pensativo and Jimmy Owens is a living national jazz treasure jazz-based organizations, from Pittsburgh’s Firedance, which garnered three Grammy of international acclaim and I urge all mem- Manchester Craftsman’s Guild, San Fran- nominations from 1994 to 1996. In late nine- bers to join me in commending him for his cisco’s SF JAZZ Center, to Jazz at Lincoln ties, Ford led two groups, The Black Art Sax magnificent contributions. Center in New York City. Mr. Speaker, Quartet, and a big band entitled The Thing. f Jazzmobile is a living jazz treasure and I urge Ford was inducted in the Buffalo Hall of Fame all members to join me in commending this or- in 2004, and he currently performs with Nasar HONORING JAZZMOBILE ganization for their magnificent contribution to Abadey and SUPERNOVA. American and world culture. Mr. Speaker, Joe Ford is a living jazz treas- HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. f ure and I urge all members to join me in com- OF MICHIGAN mending him for his magnificent contribution to HONORING JAMES ALLEN FORD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American and world culture. Monday, September 12, 2016 HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. f Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, Jazzmobile, OF MICHIGAN the world’s first not-for-profit organization sole- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS ly devoted to jazz, will be honored this year by Monday, September 12, 2016 Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation agreed to by the Senate of February 4, (CBCF), at the Jazz Issue Forum and Concert Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, tenor/soprano 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- that will take place during the 46th Annual saxophonist, composer, arranger, and educa- tem for a computerized schedule of all Legislative Conference (ALC). The Jazzmobile tor James Allen Ford, professionally known as meetings and hearings of Senate com- All-Stars will perform at the concert, which will Joe Ford, one of the most accomplished and mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- take place on Thursday, September 15th, inventive musicians in Jazz, will be honored tees, and committees of conference. 2016, at the Walter E. Washington Convention this year by the Congressional Black Caucus This title requires all such committees Center, in Washington, DC. Robin Bell-Ste- Foundation, at the Jazz Issue Forum and Con- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily vens, Director of Jazzmobile, and Kim Taylor- cert that will take place during the 46th Annual Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Thompson, daughter of Jazzmobile founder, Legislative Conference. Mr. Ford will perform mittee—of the time, place and purpose Dr. Billy Taylor, will accept the 2016 CBCF at the concert with the Washington Renais- of the meetings, when scheduled and ALC Jazz Legacy Award on behalf of the or- sance Orchestra, which will take place on any cancellations or changes in the ganization, for their five decades of contribu- Thursday, September 15th, 2016, at the Wal- meetings as they occur. tions to Jazz and world culture. ter E. Washington Convention Center, in As an additional procedure along Jazzmobile began in 1964, when Harlem Washington, DC. Ford will also receive the with the computerization of this infor- was besieged by racial unrest. It was in that 2016 CBCF ALC Jazz Legacy Award for his mation, the Office of the Senate Daily turbulent time that the great jazz pianist and four decades of contributions to Jazz and Digest will prepare this information for educator, Dr. William ‘‘Billy’’ Taylor, had an world culture. printing in the Extensions of Remarks idea to use Jazz as a culturally enriching anti- Born on May 7, 1947 in Buffalo, New York, section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD dote to the urban blight that inner-city children Ford began playing piano at age of seven and on Monday and Wednesday of each were exposed to. Drawing on the New Orle- switched to the saxophone four years later, week. ans street parade tradition, Dr. Taylor—along eventually studying with Makanda Ken McIn- Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, Sep- with arts patron Daphne Arnstein, founder of tyre, Jackie McLean and Frank Foster. He tember 13, 2016 may be found in the the Harlem Cultural Council—turned an un- also studied percussion with drummer Joe Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. used float into a floating Jazz stage, and took Chambers. He played in a number of local Jazz directly to the youth, who, because they funk bands and campus groups in high school, could not afford to hear the music in clubs, and at Central State University in Ohio, where MEETINGS SCHEDULED were not exposed to it in school, and did not he received his BA in Music Education in SEPTEMBER 14 hear it on the radio, were now able to hear the 1968. After graduation, Ford returned to Buf- 9:30 a.m. music for free in their neighborhoods. falo and worked as a music teacher, directing Committee on Foreign Relations Designated as a major cultural institution by a school band and chorus, and played piano Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Secu- the New York State Council on the Arts in with local bands, and national groups including rity, Democracy, Human Rights, and 1977, and a recipient of the Emergency The Miracles. Global Women’s Issues School Aid Act, Jazzmobile applied the prin- In 1973, Ford was the co-leader and co-pro- To hold hearings to examine protecting ciples of jazz improvisation and the arts to un- ducer of Buffalo’s influential John Coltrane/ girls, focusing on global efforts to end derserved children so they can have positive Miles-Davis-influenced Birthright jazz ensem- child marriage. means of self-expression and cultural pride. ble, with tenor saxophonist Paul Gresham, SD–419 To date, Jazzmobile has presented Jazz to all and drummer Nasar Abadey. The group re- 10 a.m. of New York’s five boroughs, with over four leased two critically acclaimed albums for Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Ac- million people attending their free concerts. Freelance Records: Free Spirits and Breath of tion, Federal Rights and Federal They also provide lecture demonstrations, clin- Life. Ford also played with the Buffalo Jazz Courts ics, symposiums, workshops, a vocal competi- Ensemble, a group that featured members of To hold hearings to examine protecting tion, and their Summerfest mini-festival. the fusion group, Spyro Gyra. Invited by Internet freedom, focusing on the im- Throughout their five decades, some of the McCoy Tyner to join his group, Ford moved to plications of ending United States greatest musicians in jazz performed, worked New York City, and was a key member of that oversight of the Internet. and studied with Jazzmobile including, Dizzy band, which extended and elaborated on John SD–226 Gillespie, Duke Ellington, Herbie Hancock, Coltrane’s innovations. Two of the seven al- 2:15 p.m. Committee on Foreign Relations Horace Silver, Jimmy Owens and Wynton bums Ford recorded with Tyner’s Big Band— To hold hearings to examine North At- Marsalis, to name a select few. The Turning Point and Journey—won Grammy lantic Treaty Organization expansion, Jazzmobile has received a number of awards for Best Large Jazz Ensemble Per- focusing on the accession of Monte- awards including, the National Jazz Museum formance in 1992 and 1994. Ford released his negro. in Harlem & Great Harlem Chamber of Com- first solo recording Today’s Night in 1993, and SD–419 VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Sep 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12SE8.041 E12SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.