Ethnobiology and Conservation, 10:09 (2021) doi:10.15451/ec2020-11-10.09-1-35 ISSN 2238-4782

Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in

Daniel da Silva Ladislau1,2,∗; Pauliana Le˜aode Souza1,3; Paulo Henrique Rocha Aride4; Adriano Teixeira de Oliveira4 and Eder´ Andr´eGubiani1,2


Ethnoichthyology has been highlighting in several regions of the world, due to the collaboration of studies that seek to understand the traditional or local ecological knowledge about different uses and meanings of fish among different human groups. Therefore, we present a systematic review of the literature concerning the current situation of ethnoichthyological studies in Brazil. We examine the temporal and spatial citation trends in Brazil, as well as who are the research actors and the thematic areas covered in the articles. In all, 177 published articles related to the topic were found in Brazil. The number of published articles increased significantly in time, with most studies concentrated in the Northeast Region of the country (44.4%), especially in the state of Bahia (16.8%). The types of aquatic environments include both marine and freshwater, such as sea (46.3%) and rivers (70.2%). The articles mainly rely on the collaboration of artisanal fisherman (74.3%). The topic most frequently addressed in the studies was bio-ecological aspects of fish (33.8%). On the other hand, studies on morphological aspects (2.7%) represented the less frequently among the thematic areas. We concluded that ethnoichthyology is increasing significantly in Brazil. However, some issues needed to be better understand, especially the knowledge of the recreational fishermen, the morphological aspects of the fish species by local fishermen and there are few studies in South and Midwest in Brazil, which will indicate the future efforts to improve the species conservation and the resource management.

Keywords: ; ; Ethnosciences.

1 Programa de P´os-Gradua¸c˜aoem Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paran´a,Toledo, PR, Rua da Faculdade, 645, Jardim La Salle, 85903-000, Brazil. 2 Grupo de Pesquisas em Recursos Pesqueiros e Liminologia, Instituto Neotropical de Pesquisas Ambientais, Toledo, PR, Rua da Faculdade, 645, Jardim La Salle, 85903-000, Brazil. 3 Grupo de Estudos de Manejo na Aquicultura, Toledo, PR, Rua da Faculdade, 645, Jardim La Salle, 85903-000, Brazil. 4 Instituto Federal de Educa¸c˜ao,Ciˆenciae Tecnologia do Amazonas, Campus Centro, Manaus, AM, Av. Sete de Setembro, 1975, Centro, 69020-120, Brazil.

* Corresponding author . E-mail address: DSL ([email protected]), PLS ([email protected]), PHRA ([email protected]), ATO ([email protected]), EAG´ ([email protected])

1 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09


Ethnoichthyology has been emerging in several regions around the world in an attempt to understand the different uses and meanings of fish. We realized a systematic review of the literature concerning the current situation of ethnoichthyology in Brazil. We recorded a significantly temporal increase in the number of published papers and they are concentrated in the Northeast of Brazil. However, little studies have been realized on fish morphological aspects. As a recommendation, emphasis should be applied on understand the knowledge of the recreational fishermen and the morphological aspects of the fish species by local fishermen. Thus, we hope that it will serve as support for researchers, professors, students and stakeholders in future projects that involve interactions between men and fish.

INTRODUCTION the criteria for the classification and use of fish by fish- ermen in the middle Tocantins River. is a very useful approach for under- Ethnoichthyology has been considered by some standing the knowledge that human communities has Brazilian scientists as a new line of research that has about the environment where they live (Ramires and been gaining prominence in the country (Alves and Barrella 2004). Among the different areas of ethno- Souto 2011; Silvano 2013). In addition, this subject science is ethnozoology, which aims to study the dif- has been contributed significantly to the management ferent types of interactions between people and fauna of fisheries resources and to improve the implementa- throughout history (Alves and Souto 2015). Thus, tion of the fisheries management plans (Begossi et al. ethnoichthyology, a subdiscipline of ethnozoology, has 2011, 2012; Medeiros et al. 2018; Silvano and Valbo- been emerging in several regions around the world Jorgensen 2008). This is especially true for generating (Castillo et al. 2018; J´acome-Negrete2012; Olar- relevant information regarding the ecological and bi- inmoye and Olarinmoye 2013; Ruiz-Vel´asquezet al. ological aspects of fish species, both in marine and 2017) in an attempt to understand the different uses freshwater environments throughout Brazil (Silvano and meanings of fish, especially the cognitive and be- 2013). havioral aspects of interactions, in different human For that matter, Brazil is a country with a rich bi- groups (Costa-Neto et al. 2002; Marques 2012). ological and cultural diversity, a favorable scenario for In this way, the first studies with an ethnoichthy- the study of the relations between people and animals ological approach were carried out by Morrill (1967) (Alves and Souto 2011). However, ethnoichthyology and Anderson Jr. (1967). Morrill’s (1967) article ad- studies in the country are still recent and are concen- dressed fishermen’s knowledge of the ecological, taxo- trated in a few regions (Alves and Souto 2011; Silvano nomic, behavioral and toxicological aspects of marine 2013). In addition, much of the information surround- fish in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Morrill’s used ing this ethnoscience is still inconsistent, making it the term “ethnoichthyology”, following the model of difficult to assess the increase achieved over the past ethnobotanical studies (Marques 2012). In addition, few years, as well as the obstacles faced. Making it Anderson Jr. (1967) evaluated the nomenclature and necessary to conduct a study that answers such ques- taxonomy of fish used by Hong Kong fishermen using tions, as it will contribute to the development of fu- ethnographic tools aimed at studying the classifica- ture studies, demonstrating the main thematic areas tion of items, language events and thoughts. This employed and how studies in the area are established, was due to the influence of increased anthropological in addition to pointing out which regions are less at- studies directed at the native classification and termi- tended, thus directing researchers to new study ar- nology systems of his time. Since then, both studies eas, which will be able to generate new information have become references for ethnoichthyologists world- referring to fish species from different aquatic environ- wide. ments and describe the different ways of using fishing As a consequence, in Brazil, ethnoichthyology be- resources by local human . gan to stand out in the mid-1970s. The seminal pa- Given the gaps highlighted above, the purpose of per was published by Maranh˜ao(1975) on which him this paper was to perform a systematic literature re- evaluated the decision to navigate, the classification view to evaluate the current situation of ethnoichthy- of the tides and the identification of the productive ology in Brazil and, in addition, to direct future re- fishing areas by fishermen from the community of searches. Specifically, we intend to answer the follow- Icara´ı, Cear´a. This research became innovative for ing questions: i) What is the temporal trend in the Brazilian ethnoichthyologists. However, only since publications on ethnoichthyology studies in Brazil? ii) the early 1990s has ethnoichthyology increased sub- How is the number of publications distributed among stantially (Marques 2012). In particular, it has been the different regions of Brazil? iii) What types of driven by Begossi and Garavello (1990), who analyzed aquatic environments have been studied? iv) Who are

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the research actors? and v) What are the thematic nitive and behavioral knowledge of the human popu- areas covered in the articles? lation on the various uses and meanings of ichthyofau- nistic resources”; b) the objective of the study should be directly or indirectly related to the uses and mean- MATERIAL AND METHODS ings of fish for the human ; and finally, c) the study should be carried out in Brazil. One hun- Search strategy dred seventy seven articles (Figure1) that met the In February 2020, a systematic review with a abovementioned criteria were selected and included in keyword-driven approach was performed using the our systematic review. The publication inclusion pro- databases of the following platforms: Google Scholar cess followed the PRISMA guidelines, which include (, Scopus (, Co- recommendations to follow when conducting system- ordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement atic reviews such as criteria for searching publications (CAPES Periodicals); and Web of Science (apps- and inclusion or exclusion of studies (Moher et al. webofknowledge), searching for all publications that 2009). addressed the topic of “ethnoichthyology in Brazil”. On the Web of Science and Scopus platforms, the Data collection and analysis search terms in the ”Topic” field were as follows: (Brazil*) AND (etnoichthyol*) AND (fish*) AND We systematically evaluated the publications us- (knowledge) AND (), and the period ing 17 quantitative steps for summarizing the current in which the publications were searched from January situation of ethnoichthyology in Brazil, as described 1990 (the decade of the first publication in Brazil) to in Table1. Some papers were classified in more than February 2020. While for searches with the CAPES one category; as a result, the data presented herein Periodicals and Google Scholar platforms, the fol- do not necessarily represent the number of papers. lowing search terms were used in Portuguese: eth- Rather, they include the information extracted in the noichthyology, fisherman ethno-knowledge, fish eth- studies, because not all the publications presented all nobiology, fisherman’s perception in Brazil, local eco- the information of interest. Also, the numbers in- logical knowledge of fisherman, knowledge of Brazilian cluded in the analyses are not always the same, be- fisherman, and ethnotaxonomy of fish in Brazil. The cause papers were counted multiple times when nec- terms fisherman and fisherwoman were also tested in essary (e.g., some studies were carried out in more combination with the keywords. than one region, environment, research actors or the- In addition, we used the All Databases level to matic area) (the total number of data per analysis is maximize the number of studies available in the available in Additional files1 and2). In this case, we databases (e.g., all environment types, all regions, and chose to record the relative frequency of information all types of publications). All database searches may for both categories. include not only journal articles but also other types In order to present the results, the 17 categories such as conference papers and book chapters. This were summarized in five quantitative variables as fol- resulted in an initial pool of 556 publications (Figure low: 1) Year was used to determine time trend in 1). Then, we refined the search by removing dupli- publications on ethnoichthyology in Brazil. 2) Region cates. This step produced 442 publications (Figure of Brazil (South, Southeast, Midwest, Northeast and 1). After this, we screened the abstracts to identify North) was evaluated to show the geographical range whether the publication met our criteria. of ethnoichthyological publications. 3) Aquatic envi- ronment was examined to determine the environment types in which ethnoichthyological studies are most Selection criteria frequently carried out. 4) Research actors were iden- Non-related articles with ethnoichthyology in tified to determine who are the people most frequently Brazil were excluded based on the title, abstract, or, studied in ethnoichthyological papers. And finally, 5) if necessary, after a careful reading of the entire text. thematic areas were registered to suggest key areas Previous reviews and meta-analysis, publications in needed for improving to direct future researches in the format of congress abstracts, course completion Brazil. papers, dissertations and theses were excluded. Sub- sequently, we reviewed the full text of 294 studies RESULTS (Figure1). Some publications were excluded in sub- sequent steps if they did not meet our three criteria In all, 177 published articles related to eth- as follows: a) the article should fit the concept of noichthyology in Brazil were recorded from January ethnoichthyology defined by Marques (2012), which 1990 to February 2020 (List of articles included in the states that “ethnoichthyology is the study of the cog- systematic review in Supplementary material2). The

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Figure 1. Flowchart of the process of identification, selection and eligibility of studies for systematic review. number of published papers increased significantly, in (8.4%) and Par´a(8.4%), Santa Catarina (5.7%) and a way exponentially, in time (nonlinear adjustment; Para´ıba(5.3%) also have recorded a high number of r = 0.81; p < 0.01; Figure2), with the number of published papers on ethnoichthyology compared to published papers increasing by seven articles by year that of other Brazilian states (Figure3b). Most stud- (Figure2). Most studies were carried out from 2000 ies were carried out in marine environments (57.7%). to 2018, reaching a peak in 2016, with 22 published These studies were concentrated in the coastal region, articles (Figure2). more precisely at inshore sites (Figure4a) while few The first articles on ethnoichthyology in Brazil studies have been carried out in coastal lagoons and were published in 1990, and only two papers were reefs (5.5% and 4.6%, respectively; Figure4a). On the published in that decade. Since then, several studies other hand, fewer studies were performed in freshwa- have been developed in different Brazilian geographic ter environments (42.2%), most of which were car- regions (Figure3a). Our results revealed that the ried out in rivers (Figure4b) and only 2.3% were per- largest number of published articles on ethnoichthy- formed in streams (Figure4b). ology occurred in the Northeast Region of the country Fishermen accounted for the largest share (94.6%) (44.4%; Figure 3a). On the other hand, the South and of research actors in ethnoichthyological surveys, es- Midwest Regions had the lowest percentage of pub- pecially artisanal fishermen (74.3%; Figure5). Other lished articles (11.1% and 3.5%, respectively; Figure types of fishermen, such as traditional (16.5%) and 3a). recreational (3.7%), had minor participatory roles in The largest number of articles by state was studies. In addition, other important players in the recorded from Bahia (16.8%; Figure3b). However, development of ethnoichthyology, such as fish traders S˜aoPaulo (11.1%), Rio de Janeiro (8.8%), Amazonas and consumers (2.1%), students (2.1%) and teachers

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Figure 2. Temporal trend in the number of published articles on ethnoichthyological issues in Brazil from January 1990 to February 2020.

Figure 3. Percentage (represented by different shades of colors, blue in (a) and different colors by region in (b)) of ethnoichthyological studies by region (a) and Federative Unit (UFs) of Brazil (b) evaluated from January 1990 to February 2020. The numbers in parentheses indicate the numbers of studies by place. As some studies involved more than one region, the total number in parentheses does not represent the total number of papers.

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Table 1: Categories and variables used in systematic analysis.

Categories Data variables Temporal distribution of eth- year of publication as indicated in the article. noichthyological studies in Brazil Percentage of production by re- the location of the study described in the article was considered. gions and Federative Units (UFs) in Brazil Marine environment sea, estuary, bay, beach, coastal lagoon, reef Freshwater environment river, lake, reservoir (supply or generation of energy), stream Artisanal fisherman professional fishermen, subsistence fishermen, ornamental fish fisher- man, fisherman and farmer, specialist fishermen, tour guides, riverine people Traditional fisherman artisanal fishermen belonging to indigenous, quilombola and caiˇzara (traditional inhabitants of the coast of the Southeast and South re- gions of Brazil) populations Recreational fisherman amateur fisherman, sport fisherman (catch and releasing), scuba diver Trader fish/Consumer traders and consumers interviewed at fish markets and fairs Student elementary, high school or university students Researcher/Teacher researchers or teachers from public educational institutions Bio-ecological aspects of fish aspects of feeding, reproduction, behavior, trophic interactions, migra- tory movements, habitats, mortality, growth, time-space distribution Environmental changes environmental impacts motivated by anthropogenic or natural causes, including the effects of dam construction, overfishing, changes in fish composition, habitat modifications Ethnotaxonomy (Folk monomials) popular classification of fish according to cultural criteria Food preferences and Taboos human diet, taboos and eating habits by fish techniques and equipment fishing gear, techniques and methods Use of icthyofaunistic resources medicinal, food, commercial, handicrafts, religious and spiritual pur- poses Morphological aspects ethnoknowledge related to fish morphology, anatomy and physiology

Figure 4. Number of published articles on ethnoichthyological subject in Brazil from January 1990 to February 2020 per type of aquatic environment; a) Marine and b) Freshwater environments. and scientists (1.0%), also had a small participation ichthyofaunistic resources, represented approximately in the studies (Figure5). 9.3% of the all studies. While, studies that evaluated the morphological aspects of fish species represented The ethnoichthyological studies addressed seven only 2.7% of the articles (Figure6). different thematic areas (Figure6). Most of them were related to the study of the bio-ecological aspects of fish (33.8%) (Figure6). In addition, studies related to fishing techniques and equipment and the uses of

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Figure 5: Main categories of research actors identified in ethnoichthyological studies in Brazil from January 1990 to February 2020.

Figure 6. Main thematic areas addressed in the ethnoichthyological studies in Brazil from January 1990 to February 2020.

DISCUSSION obtaining short-term information and have a low ex- ecution cost compared with other studies on fishery resources. Our results showed that the number of articles on ethnoichthyology has increased exponentially in re- Other factors have also contributed to the increase cent years in Brazil, especially since 2000. This in- in publications on ethnoichthyology in the country, crease in published ethnoichthyological articles is not such as the importance of fish for human food and surprising, given that in recent decades, ethnoichthy- the absence of excessive restrictions on the capture ology has been prominent in the research involving and commercialization of fish compared with those of human relationships with animals (Albuquerque et al. other animals (Alves and Souto 2011). In addition, 2013; Alves and Souto 2011; Alves et al. 2017; Costa- the increase in researchers with training and special- Neto 2000; Lyra-Neves et al. 2015). Ethnoichthy- ization in ethnobiology and the emergence of specific ological studies are easy to apply, highly efficient for Brazilian journals for the publication of studies in

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the various areas of ethnobiology and et al. 2017). Understanding the ethnoichthyology of (i.e., Ethnobiology and Conservation and Ethnoscien- these regions can generate important information on tia) have made Brazil a reference in this field in Latin the behavioral, reproductive and dietary aspects of America (Alves and Souto 2011; Alves et al. 2017; fish species, as well as the use of fishing resources by Albuquerque et al. 2013). residents of the region, thus contributing to the pro- For studies of ethnoichthyology and other areas vision of data that will assist in the construction of of ethnozoology to continue to increase in number regional fisheries management policies. and be even more concentrated in Brazil, some points Our results revealed that artisanal fishermen were must be addressed: i) An improvement of the meth- the main research actors in ethnoichthyological re- ods, which are mostly descriptive, is needed, and ii) search in Brazil. According to Begossi et al. (2016), elaboration of studies with hypothesis testing and the who assessed the knowledge of fishers off the coast of use of quantitative analysis methods is also needed. Brazil, the choices of fishermen are associated with the According to Lyra-Neves et al. (2015), in a review wealth of information that these characters present of methodological problems in ethnozoology in Brazil, about the fish and the environments in which they most studies presented some type of sample deficiency. occur. Such knowledge provides scientists with im- In addition, these same authors suggest that the use portant data that complement fishery statistics and of tests and quantitative statistical analyses are in- contribute to the construction of fishery resource man- dispensable for the improvement of the articles. iii) agement plans (Ramires et al. 2012). Despite the real An increase in the number of scientists and research contributions that local fishermen’s ecological knowl- groups focused on ethnobiology will the increase the edge has made to ethnoichthyology studies, it is nec- knowledge of less studied regions. essary to have a greater participation of different ac- The accomplishment of some historical events in tors linked to the fishing activity to elaborate of the the country in recent decades has been fundamental studies, such as fish traders and consumers, students for the present scenario of growth that the studies and researchers/teachers. For example, Braga et al. of ethnoichthyology have shown. These accomplish- (2016), demonstrated through the registration of the ments include the first International Congress of Eth- local ecological knowledge of local fish traders and nobiology (1988), in which the International Society consumers in Santar´em,Amazon region, Brazil, that of Ethnobiology (ISE) was created, and later the first the changes in the food choices of these actors over Brazilian Symposium on Ethnobiology and Ethnoe- the years, ended up directly influencing the way in cology (1996), at which the Brazilian Society of Eth- which fish stocks are exploited. nobiology and Ethnoecology was created. This en- Our results revealed that understand the bio- tity has provided means for the dissemination of the ecological aspects of fish are the most studied the- studies carried out in the various clusters of ethno- matic in ethnoicthyological papers carried out in sciences, through its own publisher and the organi- Brazil. As a consequence, most of the studies car- zation of international events (Alves and Souto 2011; ried out in the country address consolidated thematic Albuquerque et al. 2013; Haverroth 2018). areas, for example, the use of local ecological knowl- Ethnoichthyological studies have considered differ- edge in obtaining information related to the biolog- ent regions and states of Brazil. However, some re- ical and ecological aspects of species of commercial gions, such as the Northeast and Southeast Regions, importance such as snappers Lutjanidae (Andreoli et have presented more articles than others. Consoli- al. 2014; Begossi et al. 2011; Cal´oet al. 2009), dated research groups and pioneering scientists are bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix Linnaeus, 1766 (Silvano present in these areas, and ethnobiology, ethnoecol- and Begossi 2005, 2010), Sardinella brasilien- ogy and their clusters (ethnozoology, , sis Steindachner, 1879 (Braga et al. 2018a,b) and and ethnoichthyology, among others) are the main the jaraqui Semaprochilodus spp. (Batista and Lima lines of research (Alves and Souto 2011). In addi- 2010) in the Amazon; or even species that are in a tion, these regions have extensive coastal areas where state of ecological vulnerability, such as the grouper Brazilian fisheries are concentrated. In this sense, Epinephelus spp. (Begossi and Silvano 2008; Zapelini there is the need to obtain information about fish et al. 2017), or of those that are still little studied species from the Brazilian coast and to give credi- as Elasmobranchs (Barbosa-Filho and Costa- bility to the data of local fishing landings (Begossi Neto, 2016; Barbosa-Filho et al. 2014, 2016) and sea- et al. 2016). On the other hand, despite the rich horses Hippocampus spp. (Rosa et al. 2005; Ternes et diversity of fish recorded in the South and Midwest al. 2016). regions of Brazil, our results indicated that few stud- In addition, our results also showed that the per- ies on ethnoichthyology have been conducted in these ception of environmental changes by research actors regions (Agostinho et al. 2001; Cavalli et al. 2018; have been an important thematic area addressed in Delariva et al. 2019; Florentino et al. 2016; Froehlich ethnoicthyological articles in Brazil. As a result, sev-

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eral authors have highlighted the identification of pos- conclude that topics that are rarely addressed, such sible environmental changes through the perception as the use of local ecological knowledge for the mor- of users of fishing resources, whether due to natu- phological identification of species, need further stud- ral or anthropic causes (Azevedo-Santos et al. 2010; ies and may also guide future approaches. We hope Bender et al. 2013; Hallwass et al. 2013; Lima et that the information contained in this study can con- al. 2010; Martins et al. 2018; Porcher et al. 2010; tribute even more to the increase in ethnoichthyology Santos and Alves 2016), even if in other countries in the country, and that it will serve as support for there are reported a disconnection in complex social- researchers, professors, students and stakeholders in ecological systems in the perception on environmen- future projects that involve interactions between men tal changes (see Rassweiler et al. 2019). Also, our and fish. results revealed that ethnotaxonomy of fish, in which it aims to study the forms of popular classification (folk nomenclature) in different cultures, has become ACKNOWLEDGEMENT a tool widely used by Brazilian researchers over the years, covering several regions of the country (Batista This study was financed in part by the Coordina- et al. 2016; Begossi and Garavello 1990; Begossi and tion of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES) - Figueiredo 1995; Begossi et al. 2008; Carvalho et al. Finance Code 001. We thank the Funda¸c˜aoArauc´aria 2018; Clauzet et al. 2007; Mour˜aoand Nordi 2003, for a scholarship granted to first author. We also 2002a, 2002b). thank the National Council for Scientific and Tech- Given this scenario, it is noted, in our results, nological Development (CNPq) for the continuous re- ´ that there are few studies on morphological aspects search productivity grants to EAG (PQ Process Num- of fish in relation to the other thematic areas of eth- ber: 308578/2017-1). noichthyology. Studies on morphological aspects have aided researchers in identifying signs of sexual dimor- phism in species in which sex cannot be precisely de- DATA AVAILABILITY termined. For example, this approach have been used The data used to support the findings of this study to Pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822 in the Ama- are available from the corresponding author upon rea- zon (Lopes and Queiroz 2009) and for Hoplias aimara sonable request. Valenciennes, 1847, as noted by Gama (2014) in his study carried out in the state of Amap´a,which re- ported evidence of external sexual characteristics in CONFLICT OF INTEREST this species for the first time based on the personal observations of local fishermen during scientific expe- The authors declare that there is no conflict of ditions in the region. interest.

CONCLUSION CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT Although our word choices to search for publi- cations on ethnoichthyology in Brazil might produce Conceived of the presented idea: A.T.O., D.S.L., ´ bias and limitations to the generalization of the con- E.A.G. Carried out the experiment: D.S.L. Carried ´ clusions, we believe that our number of articles revised out the data analysis: D.S.L., E.A.G. Wrote the first can be a representative sample on current situation of draft of the manuscript: D.S.L., P.L.S. Review and fi- ethnoicthyology in Brazil. As a result, in summary, nal write of the manuscript: D.S.L., A.T.O, P.H.R.A., ´ ´ we concluded that ethnoichthyology currently shows E.A.G. Supervision: A.T.O., E.A.G. a significant increase in Brazil and that this scenario should continue in the coming years, since the coun- REFERENCES try has played a fundamental role in the consolida- tion of ethnobiology in Latin America. Therefore, it Albuquerque UP, Silva JS, Campos JLA, Sousa RS, is necessary that future studies include regions that Silva TC, Alves RRN (2013) The current status are still little studied by this ethnoscience, as they of ethnobiological research in Latin America: have a rich ichthyofaunistic diversity, which may favor gaps and perspectives. Journal of Ethnobiology the emergence of new information about local species. and . doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-9-72. We emphasize that it is necessary to include other ac- tors, such as fish traders and consumers, students and Alves RRN, Silva JS, Chaves LS, Albuquerque UP researchers, who can provide a different view regard- (2017) Ethnozoology: An Overview and Cur- ing the use of local fishing resources. In addition, we rent Perspectives. In: Alves RRN, Albuquerque

9 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09

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12 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09

Additional Files

Add File 1. Total number of data recorded in each analysis.

Analysis Total number of data Temporal pattern of number of articles (number of papers) 177 Number of studies by region (number of papers)* 177 Number of studies by Federal Units in Brazil (number of papers)* 177 Freshwater environment (number of papers)* 76 Marine environment (number of papers)* 104 Research actors recorded in the studies (number of papers)* 177 Thematic areas covered in the studies (number of papers)* 177

13 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1155/2013/670352 Journal Doi do Insti- tutoPesca de Journal oflogical Bio- Sciences Confron- teiras Based Comple- mentary andternative Al- Medicine entiarum. Biological Sciences Bio- Science publication 20092014 Boletim Brazilian 20082017 Biodiversidade 2013 Revista Evidence- 20052014 Acta Sci- Unisanta List of articles included in the systematic review. Add File 2. Abordagem etnoecol´ogicae da captura pesca Itacar´e,Bahia (Brasil) de esp´ecies n˜ao-alvo em Ethnoichthyology of fishermen commu- nity from the PraiaPessoa da City, Para´ıba,Brazil Penha, in Jo˜ao Aspectos do etnoconhecimentomunidade da de co- Bomsubs´ıdiopara a Sucesso-MT, educa¸c˜aoambiental como Amazˆoniabrasileira serva¸c˜aona Wild animals used asBrazil food medicine in Primeiro registro da utiliza¸c˜aomedici- nal de recursos pesqueirosS˜aoF´elix,Estado da nacidade Bahia, Brasil de Etnoecologia dehos) em Lutjanidae uma comunidade de (vermel- pescadoresartesanais (Bertioga-SP) Dˆamaso, R. C.C.; S. Schiavetti, A. Silva-Oliveira,C.; E. Alves, R. R. N. Valentini, C.A.; De M. Almeida,D. J. Oliveira, T. P.Rosa, I. R.; L. Costa Neto, E. M. B.;Clauzet, Begossi, M. A.; Order1 Authors Alarcon,2 D. T.; Almeida, D. M.; 3 Title Almeida, E.4 D.; Almeida,5 N. J. Year R. Etnoconhecimento of em Alves, unidade de con- R. R. N.; 6 Andrade,7 J. N.; Andreoli, T.

14 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1590/1981.81222018000200004 10.5007/2175- 7925.2010v23n4p135 7925.2016v29n3p41 10.1007/s10745-016-9873- 2 10.1186/1746-4269-10-54 10.1016/j.marpol. 2016.08.007 do Museu Para- nense Em´ılio Goeldi Biotemas Ecology of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine Policy detura Cul- 2018 Boletim 2010 Revista 201710.22276/ethnoscientia.v2i1.63 Ethnoscientia 20162016 Biotemas 10.5007/2175- 2014 Human Journal 2016 Marine 2014 Fragmentos Conhecimento ecol´ogicotradicional da ictiofauna pelosGuapor´e, quilombolas Mato nomeridional, Alto Brasil Grosso, Amazˆonia dosConcep¸c˜ao pescadores artesanais que utilizam oEstado reservat´oriode Furnas, de Minas Gerais,cursos acercados pesqueiros: re- tiol´ogico um estudoLocal etnoic- ecological knowledge andtion percep- of environmental impacts bywers dwell- of the rural zonefish about of stream and the upperGoi´as,Brazil Tocantins river basin, Conhecimentopescadores ecol´ogico artesanais do local sulBrasil, da sobre Bahia, as de tubar˜oes intera¸c˜oestr´oficasde Knowledge and practices of expertermen fish- of south Bahia, Brazil,the regarding international shark fin”Shark market is the man!”: ethnoknowledgeBrazil’s of south Bahia fishermening shark regard- behaviors Interactions betweenRhincodon typus whale Smith,tolobiformes, sharks, 1928 (Orec- Rhincodontidae),Brazilian fisheries: The and tive need conservation measures for effec- Aspectos culturais da zooterapia ealimentar dieta de pescadoreslitoral artesanais paraense do Silva, C. J.; Sander, N. L.;T. Pulido, M. M.; Costa-Neto, E. M.; Lima-Stripari, N. Souza, M. F.;dei, On- L. S.;F. B. Teresa, L. V.; Costa-Neto, E. M. L. V.; Costa-Neto, E. M.; Siciliano, S. L. V.;A.; Alarcon, Schiavetti, D.Costa-Neto, T.; E. M. L. V.;D. C.;S.; Tavares, Moura, Siciliano, Costa-Neto, J. F.; M.; Motta, E. Koike, F. C. D. S.; V. Barboza, M. S.Pezzuti, L.; J. C. B. 8 Arruda, J. C.; 9 Azevedo-Santos, V. 10 Barbosa, H. O.; 11 Barbosa-Filho, M. 12 Barbosa-Filho,13 M. Barbosa-Filho, M. 14 Barbosa-Filho, M. 15 Barboza, R. S. L.;

15 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1186/1746-4269-6-15 10.1086/527437 Re- vista de Antropolo- gia Entorno Ge- ogr´afico of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine Amazon- ica Anthro- pology of Marine Science 2011 Sitientibus 2012 Amazˆonica- 20162010 Revista Journal 20052008 Acta Current 19921995 Amazoniana Bulletin Etnoictiologia dossanais pescadores da aspectosTapera¸cu,Par´a: relacionados arte- Resexcom etologia, Marinha peixesgra¸c˜aode da usos fam´ıliaSciaenidae de Caet´e- h´abitat e mi- trativista Riozinho do do Anfr´ısio-Terra Meio, Amazˆonia,Brasil Etnotaxonomia edos tabus pescadores artesanaisAraras alimentares e nos Edson a¸cudes Acara´u,Cear´a,Brasil Queiroz, bacia doIn rio search ofknowledge traditional bio-ecological usefulmanagement: forSemaprochilodus the spp. fisheries case (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) co- in of centralBrazil jaraquis Amazon, Conhecimento dosmunidade moradores da deJanauac´a-Amazonas,sobre co- Boas os h´abitos Novas,alimentares dos peixes no daAre regi˜ao lago biologicalranking categories species real?onomy Fish on and folk Brazil’s tax- atlanticand higher- forest in coast the Amazon Food taboos andfishermen folk medicine from among (Brazil) the TocantinsEthnoichthyology River of southernfishermen: coastal casesand Sepetiba from bay (Brazil) B´uzios Island Pezzuti, J, C. B. Botero, J.Paula, E. I. O.; Silva, E. V. S.; Lima, L. G. Castro, C. P.; Vale, J. D. Clauzet,Figueiredo, J.Garuana, L.; L.; Lima, M.; R. V.;P. Maccord, F.;M.; Silva,Silvano, Ramires, R. A. A. M. L.; F. M. S. Figueiredo,L. J. 16 Barboza, R. S. L.; 17 Barros, F. B.18 Etnoecologia da pesca na Batista, Reserva Ex- L. P.19 P.; Batista, V. S.; 20 Batistella, A. M.; 21 Begossi, A., 22 Begossi, A.;23 Braga, Begossi, A.;

16 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1186/1746-4269-7-11 10.1590/S1519- 69842012000500030 10.1186/s13002-016-0091- 1 10.1186/1746-4269-8-22 10.1186/1746-4269-4-20 Amazon- ica Applica- tions of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine Jour- nalBiology of of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine 19902004 Acta 2011 Ecological Journal 2012 Brazilian 2016 Journal 2012 Journal 2008 Journal Notes on the ethnoicthyologymen of from fisher- the Tocantins river (Brazil) Food chain and the reasonstaboos for fish among food amazonianforest and fishers atlantic (Brazil) Ethnobiology of snappers (Lutjanidae): target species and suggestionsagement for man- Fishers (Paraty, RJ) andlation time: fish a manipu- variable associatedchoice to for the consumption and sale Fishers’ knowledgeBrazil on the coast of The paraty artisanal fishery (southeast- ern Brazilian coast):management ethnoecology of and atem social-ecological (SES) sys- Ecology andgrouper ethnoecology ofmarginatus dusky (garoupa,the (Lowe, coast of Brazil 1834)) Epinephelus along avello, J. C. Hanazaki,Ramos, R. M. N.; Salivonchyk,V.; S. G.; Araujo, Andreoli,B.; L. T. Clauzet,Martinelli, C. M.; Ferreira, M.; A. G.Oliveira, L.; L. E.Silvano, R. C.; A. M. Salivonchyk,V.; Hanazaki, S. Martins, N.; Bueloni, I. F. M.; Salivonchyk,V.; Lopes, S. M.; Silvano, P. R.M. F. A. Salivonchyk, S. V.; Nora, V.; Lopes, P. F.; Silvano,M. R. A. vano, R. A. M. 24 Begossi,25 A.; Gar- Begossi,26 Begossi, A.; A.; 27 Begossi,28 A.; Begossi,29 A.; Begossi,30 A.; Begossi, A.; Sil-

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18 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v35i3.18418 10.12819/2015.12.2.4 entiarum. Biological Sciences da Gest˜ao Costeira Integrada Brasileira de Lingu´ıstica Antropol´ogica fsa entiarum entiarum 20082013 Uakari 2008 Acta Sci- Revista 20082017 Biotemas Revista 2015 Revista 20112002 Tellus 2002 Acta Sci- Acta Sci- Conhecimento ecol´ogicotradicional dos pescadores daAmap´a Floresta NacionalLocal ecological do knowledge is notful a source of use- information concerning im- pacts caused by non-nativeon Nile fishery tilapia stocks An´alise ecol´ogica da pescaem artesanal quatroda comunidades costasubs´ıdiospara a de pesqueiras gest˜aoterritorial Itacar´e, Bahia, Brasil: O manguezaldos na pescadores vis˜ao artesanais etnoecol´ogica Santa do Canal Cruz, de Itapissuma,Brasil Pernambuco, Ospescadores conhecimentos Terra Xikrin-Mebˆengˆokre, Ind´ıgena ecol´ogicos Trincheira dos Brasil Bacaj´a, Par´a, Entre Mex e P‘yn‘yre:comer, peixe peixe bom bom para ind´ıgena Trincheira para Bacaj´a-PA, viver povo naXikrin terra O conhecimentopescadores etnoecol´ogico yudj´a,Paqui¸camba, dos Volta Terra GrandeXingu, PA Ind´ıgena do Rio fragmento da plan´ıciede inunda¸c˜aodo alto rio Paran´a:dos ecol´ogica pescadores percep¸c˜ao do alto riopogˆenicasexpressas Paran´a: na altera¸c˜oesantro- linguagempescadores dos Silva, L. M. A. F.; Mour˜ao,J. S. avetti, A. Farrapeira, C.R.; M. Silva, K. M. E. R.; Carvalho, J. R. S. S. R.;L. Nunes, J. G.;M.; Rocha, Nakayama, L. R. R.; Carvalho, J. R. S. S. R.; Silva, T. R. M.; Barros, F.Nakayama, L. B.; R.; Fonseca, M.C.; J. Santana, A. R.; Nakayama, L. 40 Brand˜ao,41 F. C.; Brasil, J.; Bastos, 42 Burda, C. L.; Schi- 43 Carneiro, M. A. B.; 44 Carvalho J´unior,J. 45 Carvalho J´unior,J. 46 Carvalho J´unior,J. 47 Carvalho, A. R.48 Conhecimento ecol´ogicotradicional no Carvalho, A. R. Conhecimento ecol´ogico no ”varj˜ao”

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24 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.5380/dma.v37i0.45595 10.1016/j.fishres.2017.10.008 10.1111/jfb.12667 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.03.014 Brasileira de Agroe- cologia and Society eAmbiente Meio entia Research Brasileira degenharia En- de Pesca ofBiology Fish Coastal Manage- ment 20152006 Revista 2016 Ecology 2014 Desenvolvimento Gaia Sci- 2018 Plos One 10.1371/journal.pone.0193969 20182014 Fisheries Revista 20152018 Journal Ocean e Valor e categorias de uso dosde apetrechos pesca e das etnoesp´eciesde peixescomunidade da dede pescadores Saca´ı,Caracara´ı-RR,Brasil artesanais Dietary changes over timecommunity in from a the Cai¸cara BrazilianForest Atlantic N˜aoh´apeixe para pescar nesteefeitos ver˜ao: socioambientais durante destru¸c˜ao a grandes con- barragens-oBelo Monte caso ”Todo peixemido”: no o marsobre discurso come o do uso e sujeitoartesanais marinhos de coletivo de ´e Recife co- iscas (Pernam- buco, pelos Brasil) pescadores Analysis of theservation supply chain status andbranchii: con- of sharks Superorderbased on Selachimorpha) (Elasmo- fisher knowledge What fishers’ localveal knowledge about the can changes in re- catches exploited fish Etnoictiol´ogia dossanais pescadores da Vila Cachoeira, arte- Ilh´eus-BA Occurrence andhabitat use by ofbirostris giant an manta estuarine Combining ray local fishers’ Manta ecological and knowledge: scientific implicationscomanagement for Souza, J. M. Begossi, A. Silva, Y. Y. P.;dal, Vi- C. L. A. C. F.eira, S. F.; F.; Campos, Teix- S. S.; Lucena, R.P.; F. Alves, R. R. N. B.;M.; Feitosa, Lessa,Almeida, R. L. P.; Heupel, Z. M.;W. Silva, S.; M.;L.; Nunes, Tchaicka, J. L. S. Medeiros, R.Domenico, M. P.; Hanazaki, D.; N. Ramos,Mirotti, P. F. I.;vizan, Tre- L.; S.Wibelinger, L. M. D. P.; Luiz, O. J.; Domit, C. Barboza,D.; R.Mour˜ao,J. S. R. Martel, G.; 91 Lopes, P.92 L. J.; MacCord,93 P. L.; Magalh˜aes, S. B.; 94 Mariz, D.; Souza, 95 Martins, A. P. 96 Martins, I.97 M.; Massena, F. S.; 98 Medeiros,99 A. M.; Medeiros, M. C.;

25 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.21707/gs.v10.n04a09 Neotrop- ica do Insti- tutoPesca de entia Extens˜ao 20062007 Geografares 2008 Biota 2003 Biotemas 2002 Boletim 2006 Interciencia 2002 Interciencia 2016 Interciencia Gaia Sci- 2011 Agroecossistemas 2017 Expressa O espa¸co e de dinˆamicasazonalcep¸c˜ao pescadores na tradicionais per- APA da Marimb´us- Iraquara,Diamantina - Chapada BA Conhecimento decionais pescadores sobretemporal tradi- de recursos a naturaispada Diamantina, na Bahia Cha- dinˆamica”Peixes espa¸co- sabido, que enxergaconhecimento de ictiol´ogicotradicional na longe”: Chapada Diamantina, Bahia Etnoictiologia de pescadores artesanais do estu´arioPara´ıba,Brasil do rio asCompara¸c˜oesentre Mamanguape, taxonomias folk e cient´ıficapara peixesrio do Mamanguape, estu´ariodo Para´ıba-Brasil Pescadores, peixes,uma espa¸co abordagem e etnoecol´ogica tempo: Principais crit´eriospescadores utilizados artesanaisfolk na por dosMamanguape, taxonomia peixes Para´ıba-Brasil doPescadores e ”currais”: estu´ario do umnoecol´ogico enfoque rio et- Queda dano produtividade rio depescadores Tocantins: pescado de Marab´a-Par´a a dos percep¸c˜ao A ambiental educa¸c˜ao ena a universidade:bre extens˜ao um a garoupa breve verdadeiramarginatus) olhar (Epinephelus e os so- peixes costeirostremo no sul ex- do Brasil Marques, J. G. W. Marques, J. G. W. Marques, J. G. W.; Nogueira, E. M. S. Nordi, N. Nordi, N. Nordi, N. Nordi, N. C.; C´ordula, E. B. L.; Lucena,P.; R. F. Rosa,Mour˜ao,J. S. R. S.; F.; Mello,Oliveira, A. H.; Pereira, G. V. D.Mendes, F.; A. N.; S. dini, M. V.; Garcia, A. M.; Botelho,G. J. 100 Moura, F. B.101 P.; Moura, F. B.102 P.; Moura, F.103 B. P.; Mour˜ao, J.104 S.; Mour˜ao,105 J. S.; 106 Mour˜ao, J. Mour˜ao, S.; J.107 S.; Nascimento, G. C. 108 Nascimento, S. 109 Neves, K. R.; Con-

26 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.18561/2179- 5746/biotaamazonia.v5n3p108- 111 10.1086/667717 10.1590/1981.81222016000300004 Bio- Science do Insti- tutoPesca de Amazˆonia Brasileira de Zoociˆencias Anthro- pology Ciˆencias daciedade So- do Museu Paraense Em´ılio Goeldi of Ethno- biology 2012 Unisanta 20112015 Boletim Biota 20132012 Revista 2017 Current 2016 Revista Boletim 1996 Journal Aspectos ecol´ogicose etnoecol´ogicosso- bre a alimentartropomus composi¸c˜ao de undecimalis, Cen- (Centropomidae) (robalo) Bloch, emRJ 1792 Paraty, Conhecimentocient´ıfico sobre ecol´ogico osartesanal local no peixes sul do Brasil na e de as popula¸c˜oesnaturais pesca Rela¸c˜aoentre arraias de ´aguadoce (Myliobatiformes: Potamotrygonidae) ebaixo rio pescadores Juru´a,Estado doBrasil no Amazonas, Conhecimento ecol´ogicotradicional de pescadores profissionais sobre peixes de Mato da ba´ıaCai¸cara,Pantanal Grosso, C´aceres,Brasil Prototypes and Folksanal fishers taxonomy: and snappers on arti- ian the brazil- coast um territ´oriodestru¸c˜aode pesca numa perspectiva etnoecol´ogica Mulher e mercado: con- hecimentos participa¸c˜aoe no- femininos na inser¸c˜aode vas pescado esp´eciesde no mercado e na dieta alimentar dossex pescadores M˜aeGrande da em Curu¸c´a(PA) Re- Ethnoichthyology ofmen Galviboa of Sepetiba fisher- bay, Brazil A.; Mesquita,Clauzet, F.; M.;tundo, M. Ro- Hartz,Silvano, R. A. S. M. M.; Lima, E. C.;L. Paes, S.;M.; Santos, Ara´ujo,R. L.; Pantoja-Lima, S. J.; Aride, P. H. R. Silva, C. J. C.;Begossi, Barreto, A. T.; S.;Canete, V.Cardoso, D. R.; M. A. 110 Nora, V.; Begossi, 111 Nunes, D.112 M.; Oliveira, A. T.; 113 Oliveira, G.114 Z.; Oliveira,115 L. E. Oviedo, A. F. P.116 Pescadores de Manoel Urbano Palheta, e a con- M. K. 117 Paz, V. A.; Begossi,

27 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.18561/2179- 5746/biotaamazonia.v6n2p110- 119 10.1007/s10668-016-9758- y 10.1186/s13002-015-0007- 5 Amazˆonia entiarum eAmbiente Meio of Etno- biology and Eth- nomedicine Develop- ment and Sustain- ability of Ethno- biology of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine do Insti- tutoPesca de 2016 Biota 2004 Acta Sci- 20032013 Desenvolvimento Journal 2017 Environment, 20162015 Journal Journal 2010 Boletim Conhecimento ecol´ogicoMero local Epinephelus sobre stein, itajara 1822)Amazˆonico (Lichten- no Nordeste Paraense saberes populares, percep¸c˜aoambiental e senso de comunidade conserva¸c˜aoem ribeirinha do rio Estado Pira´ı,Joinville, de Santa Catarina The fishing systemon of the north BabitongaBrazil: coast bay an of ethnoecological Santa approach Ethnotaxonomical Catarina, considerationsusage and of ichthyofauna inmunity a in fishing Cear´astate, Northeast com- Brazil Animal source foodsfishing consumed communities in two oncoast of the Brazil northeast How do artisanal fishermenna name ethnotaxonomic study fish? in Northeast- ern Brazil Use of ichthyofauna by artisanalmen fisher- at twocoast protected of areas Northeast Brazil along the moradoresPercep¸c˜aodos sobre os im- pactos ambientais epesca em as uma mudan¸cas lagoa na sul costeira do Brasil do litoral Fernandes, S. C. P.; Gon¸calves, F. M.; Maia, R.Barboza, R. C. S.Silva, B. N.; L.; B. mer, M. Mour˜ao, J.Alves, R. R. N. S.; Mour˜ao, J.Alves, R. R. N. S.; Mour˜ao, J.Alves, R. R. N. S.; Mour˜ao, J.Alves, R. R. N. S.; Poester, G.; Lopes, M.; Schonhofen, P.; Silvano, R. A. M. 118 Pereira, L. J. G.; 119 Pinheiro, L.120 Da ictiologia Pinheiro, ao L.;121 Cre- etnoconhecimento: Pinto, M. F.; 122 Pinto, M. F.; 123 Pinto,124 M. F.; Pinto, M. F.; 125 Porcher, L. C. F.;

28 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1186/s13002-015-0012- 8 Ichthyol- ogy Ceciliana of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine Neotrop- ica do Insti- tutoPesca de Neotrop- ica detudos Es- Amazˆonicos Neotrop- ica 201710.22276/ethnoscientia.v2i1.84 Ethnoscientia 20132012 Neotropical 2015 Revista Journal 20122012 Biota 2007 Boletim 2012 Biotemas 2007 Biota 2010 Revista Biota Preferˆencias, tabus alimentares emedicinal uso deDesenvolvimento Barra Sustent´avel peixes do naUma, S˜aoPaulo Reserva de Fisheries monitoring in Babel:notaxonomy fish eth- in anames hotspot of pescaCaracteriza¸c˜aoda common artesanal econhecimento o pesqueiro localda Ribeira no e Vale litoralFishers’ sul de knowledge S˜aoPaulo aboutinteractions in fish the trophic southeasternian Brazil- coast Folk taxonomysanal of fishermenPaulo/Brazil) fishes ofA of pesca Ilhabela eIlhabela arti- os (SP), pescadores Brasil (S˜ao artesanais de Etnoecologia cai¸cara: odos conhecimento pescadores artesanaistos sobre ecol´ogicosda aspec- pesca The usePaulo/Brazil): preferences, of food taboos and fish medicinal indications inEtnoconhecimento de IlhabelaAmazˆoniaCentral: pescadores (S˜ao estudo de na munidades trˆesco- nosLouren¸co,Manacapuru lagos (AM) GrandeFish e diet from S˜ao complex Manacapuru (Amazon): Big aing Lake from approach the start- traditional knowledge Zeineddine, G. C.; Vieira, M. C.;rella, Bar- W.; Ramires, M. Minte-Vera, C. V.; Moura, R. L. rella, W.;A. Esteves, M. Clauzet, M.;rella, Bar- W.; Rotundo, M. M.; Silvano,A. R. M.; Begossi, A. Clauzet,Begossi, A. M.; Clauzet, M.;tundo, Ro- Begossi, A. M. M.; Molina, S.Hanazaki, M. N. G.; tundo,Begossi, A. M. M.; Fraxe, T.Silva, J. S.Witkoski, A. P.; C. C. P.; Freitas, C.Soares, E. M. G. C.; M. 126 Prado, D. P.; 127 Previero,128 M.; Ramires, M.;129 Bar- Ramires, M.; 130 Ramires,131 M.; Ramires,132 M.; Ramires,133 M.; Ramires, M.;134 Ro- Ramos, P. M. S.; 135 Rebelo, S. R. M.;

29 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.3354/esr00711 Species Research da Gest˜ao Costeira Integrada emsino En- Ciˆencias de Simp´osio Nacional desino En- Ciˆencia e de Tecnolo- gia Academia Brasileira de Ciˆencias 2016 Endangered 2008 Revista 20142010 Investiga¸c˜oes II 2008 Interciencia 2012 Anais da Traditional fisher perceptions on thegional re- disappearance ofsawfish the Pristis largetooth pristiscoast from of the Brazil central Etnoconhecimentoca¸cadoressubmarinos de Ilh´eus,Bahia, ecol´ogicocomo subs´ıdio `apreserva¸c˜aodo mero dos (Epinephelus1822) itajaraEtnosaberes Lichtenstein, pescadores e sobre professores alto dainunda¸c˜aodo rio plan´ıciede Paran´a peixesConhecimento por etnoictiol´ogico ambiental ecep¸c˜ao de per- regi˜aoda pescadores do plan´ıciealag´avel alto da rio Paran´a O usoestu´ariodo rio Mamanguape, dos estado da Para´ıba,Brasil recursos pesqueiros no Use of fishingthe Mamanguape resources river estuary, by Para´ıba state, women Brazil in ´ Freitas, R.Loiola, H. A.; M.;L.; Leite, Oliveira, Soeiro, H. H.Sampaio, Q.; C. G.; L.Nunes, S.; J. A. C.Leduc, C.; A. O. H. C. M.; M. Assun¸c˜ao, F. A. T.; Suzuki, H. I. hashi,Obara, B.Suzuki, A.Avila, T.; K. H. P. T.; I.; Mour˜ao, J.Souto, W.Barboza, S.; M. R. R. S.; Alves, D.; R. R. N. Santiago, I. M.L.; F. Cortez,Trindade, C. S.; P.Mour˜ao,J. S. M.; 136 Reis-Filho, J. A.; 137 Reuss-Strenzel, G. 138 Riva, P. B.; Obara, 139 Riva, P. B.; Taka- 140 Rocha, M. S. P.; 141 Rocha, M. S. P.;

30 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1186/1746-4269-1-12 7925.2016v29n2p101 10.1186/s13002-015-0076- 5 10.5894/rgci428 of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine Coastal Manage- ment do Museu Paraense Em´ılio Goeldi of Etno- biology and Eth- nomedicine de Gest˜ao Costeira Integrada Amazo- nia 2005 Journal 20142014 Ocean e Boletim 20062016 Sitientibus Biotemas 201610.5007/2175- Journal 20132014 Revista Scientia Fishers’ knowledge andservation in seahorse Brazil con- Integrating fishermenscientific knowledge analysis and tofish assess diversity changes and food in web structure A pescalocal e o dos(Symphysodon conhecimento pescadores ecol´ogico aequifasciatus, degrin 1904: Pelle- acar´a-disco Desenvolvimento Cichlidae) Piaga¸cu- Sustent´avel naPurus, Reserva baixo rio de Purus,Os Brasil peixes eestudantes a do pesca. povoadoBahia, Brasil Porto Concep¸c˜oesde Alegre, Conhecimento dossanais sobre pescadores a dieta composi¸c˜aoda dos pacus arte- (Characiformes:na Serrasalmidae) Floresta NacionalAraguari, Amap´a,Brasil do Amap´a,Ethnoichthyology rio ofTruk´apeople, Northeast Brazil the indigenous A pesca Macei´o(Alagoas, Brasil): artesanalFern˜aoVelho, na comunidadede tradicional de a marginal Habitat de arraias em riosacidentes e valorado o perigo pelo de bacia acidentado Tocantins na Araguaia Alves, R.Bonif´acio, K. R. M.; Mour˜ao, N.; J.Os´orio, F.Oliveira, S.; T. P.Nottingham, M.; R.; M. C. A. R.; Angelini, R. reira, E.;J. Zuanon, Juca-Chagas,Teixeira, R.; P. M. M.; Boccardo, L. Cunha,Soares, F.M.; M. C.; Souza,Florentino, A. L. C. G. P.; Alves, R. R. N. paio, C. L. S. ert, C. S.;G. C.; Ara´ujo, Bertolin,O.; A. Marques, E. E. 142 Rosa, I. M. L.; 143 Rosa, R.; Carvalho, 144 Rossoni, F.; Fer- 145 Sampaio, F. A. C.; 146 Santos, A. L.; 147 Santos, C. A. B.; 148 Santos, E. C.; Sam- 149 Santos, J. M.; Seib-

31 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.20950/1678- 2305.2018.272 10.1007/s10668-007-9126- z 10.19180/2177- 4560.v11n22017p59-77 do Insti- tutoPesca de Journal of Devel- opment Research Policy of Ethno- biology Develop- ment and Sustain- ability Ouricuri do Insti- tutoPesca de doservat´orio Ob- Ambi- ental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego 2018 Boletim 2018 International 20082001 Marine 2009 Journal Environment, 20182014 Revista 2017 Boletim Boletim Fishing practices and ethnoichthyologi- cal knowledge in the fishingof community Miguel Alves, Piau´ı,Brazil Ethnoicthyology offrom Nossa artesanal Senhora island fishers middle in part the of lower the S˜aoFrancisco river artisanal fishing areasecological and knowledge: the traditional casethe study artisanal of fisheries ofgoon estuary the (Brazil) Patos La- Ethnozoology offrom fishing Ilha Grande (Atlantic communities forestBrazil) coast, Biodiversity, foodecological consumption nichecase dimension: and of the athe rio riverine study Negro, populations Amazonia, Brazil from Narrativas de pescadores artesanaisbre so- aspesca ocorridas transforma¸c˜oes de peixes na Todos estuarinos os da Santos, Bahia Ba´ıade Conhecimento ecol´ogicolocal (CEL) na pesca artesanal da Estadualvolvimento Sustent´avel Reserva Ponta de Desen- do Tubar˜ao-RN,Brasil O saberde dos Maca´e econserva¸c˜ao (RJ): pescadores manejo subs´ıdios artesanais pesqueiros para dos marinhos recursos a Vieira, I. R.;car, Alen- N. L.;R. R.; Soares, Barros, R. F. M. Santos, C. A. B. Reis, E. G. Begossi, A. Begossi, A. Costa-Neto, E. M. Oliveira,Schiavetti, A. J. E.; cher, L. G.; Mincar- ine, M. M. 150 Santos, K. P. P.; 151 Santos, K. S. S.; 152 Schafer, A.153 G.; Seixas,154 C. S.; Silva, A.155 L.; Silva, A. R.156 G.; Silva, E. F.; Lins 157 Silva, E. R.; Fis-

32 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1007/s10745-014-9698- 9 10.18561/2179- 5746/biotaamazonia.v6n3p55- 62 2 Ecology Amazˆonia Re- vista de Antropolo- gia Bio- Science Amazo- nia Ouricuri Ichthyol- ogy Research 2014 Human 20162017 Biota Amazˆonica- 20162014 Unisanta Scientia 20122010 Revista 10.1007/s10750-009-9979- Hydrobiologia 20122005 Neotropical Fisheries Traditional ecological knowledge about dietary and reproductive characteristics of Tupinambis merianaemalabaricus and in Hoplias Brazil semiarid northeastern pesca naCaracteriza¸c˜aoda comunidade de Surucu´a(Resex Tapaj´osArapiuns) Etnoictiologia de pescadores artesanais da comunidade Surucu´a(Reservatrativista Ex- Tapaj´os-Arapiuns) Aspectosnoecol´ogicos socioeconˆomicos dapraticada e naPeru´ıbe/SP pesca Vila et- Preferˆencias Barra esportiva e alimentares do restri¸c˜oes de moradores Uma, doAmazonas de munic´ıpio Juru´a, Aspectos etnoecol´ogicos da dospercep¸c˜ao pesca pescadores na deBahia, Brasil Gl´oria, What canan be integrated learnedcal survey ecological from of knowledge(Pomatomus fishers? saltatrix) and fishers’ biology bluefish brazilian on lo- coast the Fishermen’s localedge on ecological Southeastern Brazilianfishes: coastal knowl- contributions toservation, and research, management con- Local knowledge on a cosmopolitanethnoecology fish of(Pomatomidae) Pomatomus in Brazil saltatrix and Australia A. C.G. A.; J. Moura, R. B.; R.querque, U. Alves, N.; P. Albu- T. M. P. T. M. P. T. R.;R.; Barrella, Molitzas, Ramires, M. W.; P. H.S. R.; M.; Santos, L.; Ara´ujo, R. Pantoja-Lima, J.; Oliveira, A. T. Nogueira,M. S. E. Begossi, A. Begossi, A. Begossi, A. 158 Silva, J. S.; El-Deir, 159 Silva, J. T.;160 Braga, Silva, J. T.; Braga, 161 Silva, L. F.; Souza, 162 Silva, M. A.; Aride, 163 Silva,164 S. Silvano, P.; R. A. M.; 165 Silvano, R. A. M.; 166 Silvano, R. A. M.;

33 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1007/s10641-006-9043- 2 10.1002/aqc.825 10.15451/ec2016-7-5.4-1- 16 Biology of Fishes Conser- vation: Marine and Fresh- water Ecosys- tems and Con- servation do Insti- tutoPesca de Interface do Insti- tutoPesca de Eletrˆonica de Biolo- gia 20062008 Environmental Aquatic 20162011 Ethnobiology 2015 Sitientibus 2016 Boletim 2001 Revista 2009 Boletim Revista When does thismen’s local fish knowledge of ? migrationreproduction and of Brazilian Fisher- coastal fishes Contributions of ethnobiologyconservation to of the streams tropical rivers and Trophic relationships betweenand resources: people fishartisanal consumption fishers neighborhood in in an south- ern Brazil Percep¸c˜ao morfol´ogica deaqu´aticos pela animais comunidadede pesqueira Acupe, Santoabordagem Amaro, etnozool´ogica Bahia: guildasRela¸c˜aoentre uma de peixes, ambi- entes e petrechos deconhecimento tradicional pesca de pescadores baseadoda no Amazˆoniacentral Do rio Tocantins a hidrel´etricade peixe Angical: osmem´oriados pescadores peixes e as pescariasConhecimento na popularnuma comunidade sobre cai¸caradaEcol´ogicade peixes Jur´eria-Itatins/SP Esta¸c˜ao Conhecimentopescadores etnoictiol´ogicosuperior desportivos dos da bacia do do rio Sorocaba trecho MacCord,L.; P. Lima, F. Begossi, A. R. V.; Silva, A. L.; Ceroni, M.; Begossi, A. Martins,Hanazaki, I. N. M.; Pacheco, R. S. itas,Garcez, C. R. C. S. E. C.; Marques,Miranda, E. E.; Araujo, E. A. F. B.; rella, W. Barrella, W. 167 Silvano, R. A. M.; 168 Silvano, R. A. M.; 169 Sousa, M.170 C.; Souto, F. J.171 B.; Souza, L. A.; Fre- 172 Souza, M.173 F.; Souza, M. R.; Bar- 174 Tarcitani, F. C.;

34 Ladislau et al. 2021. Current situation and future perspectives of ethnoichthyology in Brazil Ethnobio Conserv 10:09 10.1186/s13002-016-0125- 8 of Ethno- biology and Eth- nomedicine do Museu Paraense Em´ılio Goeldi of Ethno- biology 2016 Journal 1990 Boletim 2017 Journal Seahorses inknowledge focus: of seahorse-watching opera- tors local in a tropical ecological estuary pesca Assessing fishing experts’ knowledgeimprove to conservation strategiesendangered for grouper an inern the atlantic southwest- Gerhardinger,C.; Schiavetti, L. A. V. J.; Carvalho, R. C.; Bender, M.Gerhardinger, G.; L. C. 175 Ternes, M. L. F.; 176 Velthem, L. H.177 Os Wayana, as ´aguas, os Zapelini, peixes C.; Giglio, e a