, Weather and Irish Agriculture Second edition

Editors: T. Keane & J.F. Collins

Extensively updated An updated second edition of ‘Climate, Weather and Irish Agriculture’ was launched during 2004. The first edition of the volume was published in 1986 (General Editor, T. Keane), which has proved of great value to the agricultural, environmental, educational and scientific community of and elsewhere. The work has been extensively updated, new topics introduced, recent research included and a chapter added on impacts of climate change on temperate agriculture. The interrelationship of Irish weather and agriculture is comprehensively treated, taking cognisance of the research and great advances made in these disciplines over recent decades and of the new constraints imposed on agriculture by economic and environment considerations.

Content and Subject Matter:- A work of some thirty leading Irish scientists and experts, the book consists of thirteen chapters incorporating four main strands: climate and weather, soil management, crop production including forestry and indoor , and animal production. The subject is presented in a convenient and effective format and covers agro-meteorological and environmental factors pertaining to Ireland but also generally relevant to all mid-latitude, temperate, humid climates. The book is well organized, easy to follow and an index provides for quick reference to any particular topic. Its 400 pages have many figures in colour. Whom Intended for:- This second edition should be especially beneficial to all involved in agriculture, hydrology, environment and climate impact studies. Readers with a scientific background will find the book particularly useful. The publication is an essential source book for agricultural and environmental graduates and students. Decision makers who need to take weather and climate into account will find the book of great practical help.

Chapter Titles:- Introduction; Meteorological Measurements; ; Moisture Balance; Surface Energy Balance; Climate and Soil Management; Weather and Crop Production; Amelioration of Climate for Horticulture; Weather and Forestry; Influence of Weather on Diseases and Pests of Crop Plants; Effect of the Climatic Environment on Farm Animals; Weather, Pests and Epidemiology of Animal Diseases; Climate Change and Irish Agriculture.

Price (including postage):- Hard cover 75 EURO AGMET Soft cover 35 EURO The Joint Working Group in Applied Agricultural Copies may be ordered from: Meteorology (AGMET) was established in Ireland in 1984 and comprises scientists and practitioners AGMET Group, c/o Met Éireann, 9, interested in creating a forum for developing and promoting research, services and education in Ireland. agricultural meteorology.

Further information: This is the tenth publication of the group. [email protected] or [email protected]

Note on editors :- Tom Keane was Agricultural Meteorologist with the Irish Meteorological Service (Met Éireann) for over twenty years, and retired as Head Research and Applications in 2000. Dr Jim Collins lectures on Soil Science in the Faculty of Agriculture, University College Dublin. Both are founding members of the AGMET Group. Tom was a member of the European COST Management on Agricultural Meteorology; SuGrAm, Support Group on Agrometeorology to the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy; and long time Irish delegate to CAgM. Both he and Jim have written extensively and contributed to the work of CAgM.