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Lieferung & Zahlungsart

Lieferung: frei Haus Bestellung auf Rechnung SZABO-SCANDIC Lieferung: € 10,- HandelsgmbH & Co KG Erstbestellung Vorauskassa Quellenstraße 110, A-1100 Wien T. +43(0)1 489 3961-0 Zuschläge F. +43(0)1 489 3961-7 [email protected] • Mindermengenzuschlag • Trockeneiszuschlag • Gefahrgutzuschlag • Expressversand ANAPC2 293T Cell Transient Overexpression Lysate(Denatured)

Catalog # : H00029882-T01 規格 : [ 100 uL ] List All

Specification Application Image

Transfected 293T Western Blot Cell Line:

Plasmid: pCMV-ANAPC2 full-length

Host: Human

Theoretical MW 90.53 (kDa):

Quality Control Transient overexpression cell lysate was tested with Anti-ANAPC2 Testing: antibody (H00029882-B01) by Western Blots. SDS-PAGE Gel

ANAPC2 transfected lysate. Western Blot

Lane 1: ANAPC2 transfected lysate ( 90.42 KDa) Lane 2: Non-transfected lysate.

Storage Buffer: 1X Sample Buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 2% SDS, 10% glycerol, 300 mM 2- mercaptoethanol, 0.01% Bromophenol blue)

Storage Store at -80°C. Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Instruction:

MSDS: Download


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Gene Information

Entrez GeneID: 29882

GeneBank BC032503 Accession#:

Protein AAH32503 Accession#:

Gene Name: ANAPC2

Gene Alias: APC2,RP11-350O14.5

Gene anaphase promoting complex subunit 2 Description:

Omim ID: 606946

Gene Ontology: Hyperlink

Gene Summary: A large complex, termed the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), or the cyclosome, promotes metaphase-anaphase transition by ubiquitinating its specific substrates such as mitotic cyclins and anaphase inhibitor, which are subsequently degraded by the 26S . Biochemical studies have shown that the vertebrate APC contains eight subunits. The composition of the APC is highly conserved in organisms from yeast to humans. The product of this gene is a component of the complex and shares sequence similarity with a recently identified family of called , which may also be involved in -mediated degradation. [provided by RefSeq

Other OTTHUMP00000022692,anaphase-promoting complex subunit 2 Designations:

Gene Pathway Cell cycle Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis

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