The meeting was held virtually via Zoom and was recorded. The recording will be destroyed by the Clerk once the minutes have been approved.

PRESENT Members: Mr H Gopsill (Chair), Mr C Booth, Mrs A Burrell, Ms J Cohen, Mrs E Hale, Mr R Lamming, Mrs V Poole and Mrs M Wakley County/District Councillors: Mr S Galton and Mr P Elliott Clerk: Mrs S Bloy Members of the public: There were two members of the public present. In addition, Mr S Swinden was in attendance for agenda items 16 and 17.

21/48 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Mrs K Goodacre. 21/49 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION FROM MEMBERS ON MATTERS IN WHICH THEY HAVE A DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST No requests had been received. 21/50 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2021 The minutes were approved. The signed copy will be retained by the Chair for inclusion in the minute book once “actual” meetings have been resumed. It was noted that the recording of the meeting will now be destroyed by the Clerk. 21/51 MATTERS ARISING FOR INFORMATION There were no matters arising for information. 21/52 MEMBERSHIP OF THE PARISH COUNCIL It was reported that no requests had been sent to the Returning Officer at HDC for an election to fill the casual vacancy following the resignation of Mr J King. The Parish Council can now co-opt to fill the vacancy. 21/53 MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A member of the public stated that they were in attendance with a view to putting their name forward for co-option to the fill the casual vacancy on the Parish Council. Another member of the public stated that they were present for item 16 (Report from Indoor Sports Working Group and resolution of next steps). It was agreed to bring this item forward. A report from the Indoor Sports Working Group had been circulated prior to the meeting. The following recommendations were considered: ▪ the PC should not proceed at a cost of c £1.9 million as provided in the Feasibility Study from the SCAPE contractors; and ▪ the PC should consider a maximum budget of £1.3 million, including approximately £300,000 s106 funding from developer contributions. It was noted that the budget figure recommended would require a reduction in the size of facilities as well as ‘value engineering’ of the building specifications. It was reported that a meeting had been held with Council. Officers had been positive that, should the PC be able to present a viable proposal, then the District Council would look favorably at offering a long lease, providing the existing leaseholder ( and Bushby Sports and Social Association) were willing to surrender the current lease.



The PC was advised that before it could proceed to a point at which it would incur financial liabilities, it needed certainty on the following four matters, the first three of which will need to be subject to public consultation: ▪ an appropriate facility could be built at an acceptable cost; ▪ there was a firm commitment over the granting of a long lease; ▪ the s106 funding had been allocated to the project; and ▪ borrowing approval had been given by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. The PC was invited to confirm that the intention was to provide a multi-purpose indoor sports facility for community use. One member questioned whether such a facility was necessary given the proximity to facilities within the parish and the surrounding area, including the Leisure Centre in the City. Reference was made to HDC’s Built Sports Facilities Strategy, against which the proposed building would only provide half of the recommended space to serve local needs within the district. It was proposed by Mr H Gopsill and seconded by Mr R Lamming that the PC continue with negotiations with the SCAPE contractor regarding costs and specification for a multi-purpose community indoor sports facility. This was RESOLVED with 6 members in favour and two abstentions. It was further agreed that a virtual question and answer session be arranged for Councillors, with a particular view to providing new members with background to the Wadkins Pavilion and the SCAPE procurement process. 21/54 CLERK’S REPORT The following planning decisions were reported: 20/01882/PDN – prior approval for proposed enlargement of dwelling by construction of an additional storey – 1A Wadkins Way. APPROVED. 20/01851/FUL – part demolish existing bungalow and part extension to form 3-storey dwelling and outbuilding gym facility 27 Dalby Avenue. WITHDRAWN. 20/02037/FUL – erection of single storey front and rear extensions and 2-storey side/rear extensions – 62 Sedgefield Drive, Thurnby – APPROVED. 21/00056/NMA – change of house types and movement of two properties to allow for site levels (NMA to 18/01968/FUL – Charity Farm, Bushby. APROVED. Incident at MUGA, Manor Field – it was reported that a teenager had fallen while playing in the MUGA. Coincidentally, there was a police patrol car in the car park and a member of FCC who was carrying out routine checks, alerted the police officer who administered first aid and an ambulance was called. Friends of the teenager reported that he had been standing on a football and fell. This was again corroborated when Mr H Gopsill, Chair of the Parish Council went to the MUGA shortly after the incident. - Holiday Sports Club – it was reported that to date 15 applications have been received. The club has been advertised via Fernvale and St Luke’s schools and through the TABS Facebook page with attendance being restricted to residents of Thurnby and Bushby. The closing date is 22 March when places will be allocated. - Free Elm tree from Goscote nursery – it was note that it had originally been suggested that this be planted on the green in the centre of the Jelson development. However, Mark Goddard has advised that the tree would be better placed elsewhere in the parish and has agreed to suggest alternative positions. - Maintenance of trees on Jelson development – it was reported that a resident had expressed concern regarding damage to trees on the Jelson development. The Clerk had given reassurances that when the Parish Council takes over the POS, it will



ensure that the PC’s contractor will follow good practice. - Damage to TPO elm tree situated partly on Randles Close and partly in adjacent properties – it was noted that it had been previously confirmed that the tree had not been planted by LCC and was most likely a sapling which established itself in one of the adjoining properties. It was agreed to refer this matter to the tree wardens. Ms J Cohen declared an interest. 21/55 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS There were no matters to report. 21/56 UPDATE ON THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PARISH Mr S Galton reported that positive tests have fallen following a surge in cases in the Thurnby and Houghton Ward after Christmas. There are ongoing concerns about gatherings at Manor Field in contravention of social distancing rules. However, the difficulty the police have in enforcing the rules was acknowledged. It was noted that under the regulations made under the Coronavirus Act 2020, Parish Council meetings can be held virtually until 7 May 2021. It is not known whether this will be extended. It was therefore agreed to bring forward the date of the Annual Parish Council meeting currently scheduled for Monday 10 May to Wednesday 5 May, commencing at 19:00. In addition, it was noted that guidance is still awaited with regard to the requirement to hold an Annual Parish Meeting and agreed that this be provisionally scheduled to also take place on 5 May, commencing at 18:30. Both meetings will be held virtually via Zoom. Application for a mobile vehicle activated sign (MVAS) – it was reported that funds are being transferred to the Parish Council. Confirmation regarding exact locations for poles to which the signs can be fixed is awaited. 21/57 NATIONAL CENSUS 2021 It was noted that the above will take place on Sunday 21 March 2021. 21/58 COUNTY COUNCIL AND POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER ELECTIONS 2021 It was noted that the above will take place on Thursday 6 May 2021. There is an awareness raising campaign promoting alternatives to voting in person at a polling station, either by postal or proxy vote. 21/59 FINANCIAL MATTERS It was agreed to bring forward agenda item 13 (Appointment of Internal Auditor). It was reported that following a virtual meeting via Zoom, Mr R Lamming and the Clerk recommended that Tracey Bettles Accountancy be appointed as the internal auditor for 2021-22. It was proposed by Mr R Lamming and seconded by Mrs E Hale that Tracey Bettles Accountancy be appointed. This was RESOLVED. Approval of financial schedule - one Councillor stated that they wished to abstain with regard to approval of the payment for twice yearly weed spraying to the perimeters of the MUGA at Manor Field and the tennis courts at Wadkins (see list of purchases below). It was proposed by Mrs A Burrell and seconded by Mr H Gopsill that the following be approved. This was RESOLVED. Payments i) LRALC (Councillor training) - £160.00 ii) JCS (External windows at Hill Court, Feb 2021) - £21.78 (18.15 + 3.63 VAT) iii) Leicestershire County Council (Street lighting recharges) - £229.01 (190.84 + 38.17 VAT) ii) DCK Accounting Solutions (Payroll) - £30.00 (25.00 + 5.00 VAT) 3


v) S R Bloy (Salary - including backdated increment to 1 April 2020) - £1417.97 vi) S L Swinden (Payment for 25 hours input to Wadkins project 1 January to 17 February 2021) - £264.80 Direct Debits i) ESPO (Gas at Hill Court) - £29.53 ii) HDC (Grass cutting and monthly maintenance contract at Hill Court) - £440.51 iii) EMH (service charge and insurance at Hill Court) - £146.67 iv) BT (Clerk and PCIC phone and internet) - £116.71 v) Total Gas and Power – Elec at Hill Court) £27.85 Purchases i) HDC (FCC as contractor) (2x yearly (April and Sept) weed spraying to perimeter of Wadkins tennis courts and MUGA at Manor Field) - £123.30 ii) Reids Playground Maintenance (line painting of Wadkins tennis courts) - £620.00 iii) Mark Goddard (planting of elm tree donated by Goscote Nurseries) - £107.10 iv) Soar Valley Press (signage for MUGA and redesigned logo for Parish Council) £371.27 + additional signage for Wadkins tennis court (additional cost to be confirmed) v) Tracey Bettles Accountancy (internal auditors report 2021-22 (£175.00) + hourly rate for ongoing advice and support (£28.00)) 21/60 APPOINTMENT OF INTERNAL AUDITOR This item had been brought forward (minute 21/59 refers). 21/61 PLANNING APPLICATIONS There were no new planning applications for consideration. However, the following matters were noted: a) 20/01632/FUL - erection of a first floor front extension, single storey rear extension and conversion of part of garage to habitable accommodation (8 Newstead Avenue, Bushby). It was noted that the Parish Council had objected to the application (minute 20/213(d), meeting held on 9 November 2020 refers) on the following grounds: overdevelopment of the site; massing; and, inadequacy of off street parking. Subsequently, revised plans were submitted and were approved by the planning authority as reported to the Parish Council (minute 21/33, meeting held on 8 February 2021 refers). It was reported that the Clerk had been contacted by the owner of the property with a request that the PC review its original objection. The Clerk had informed the resident that the PC’s objections will have been taken into account by the planning authority in considering and approving the revised plans. It was further reported that the planning authority have confirmed that they will monitor the application to ensure adherence to the revised plans. b) 21/00381/FUL – erection (replacement) of a new building following unauthorised demolition. It was reported that the Clerk has requested an extension for comments by the PC to allow consideration at the meeting to be held on 12 April 2021. 21/62 PLANNING ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE MATTERS It was reported that a new case had been opened in relation to the construction of a porch without permission at a property on Telford Way. It was noted that the owner has been required to submit a retrospective planning application by 26 March 2021. 21/63 REPORT FROM INDOOR SPORTS FACILTIES WORKING GROUP This item had been brought forward (minute 21/53 refers). 21/64 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN It was noted that previous activities by the NP Steering Group had reached a stage where work had begun to create a comprehensive questionnaire to be circulated to all 4


households. However, work had been put on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Given the improved health situation, it was agreed to reconvene the Steering Group. It was noted that the Steering Group is a community group, which includes residents, District Councillors and representatives of the Parish Council. It was agreed to seek confirmation whether existing resident members wish to continue and call for additional membership. Mr C Booth expressed an interest in joining the Group. 21/65 TRANSFER OF POS ON JELSON DEVELOPMENT It was reported that the solicitor acting for Jelson Ltd has not agreed to a request for a Certificate of Title. The implications of this are to be presented to the PC at the next meeting. It was noted that a draft letter to residents of the Jelson development regarding the public open space has been drafted by Mrs A Burrell, Ms J Cohen and Mrs M Wakley. This will be circulated for comment prior to distribution. 21/66 REVIEW OF COMMUNITY RESILIENCE PLAN It was agreed that this will be undertaken by the Chair and the Clerk and circulated to members for comment. 21/67 HIGHWAYS MATTERS a ) Request from a resident for a salt/grit bin on Foxglove Avenue – in considering the request the Highways Authority criteria for the installation of a bin were noted. It was reported that Mr R Lamming had visited the site and concluded that it did not meet the HA criteria and this had been concurred by Mrs E Hale and the Clerk. It was proposed by Mr R Lamming and seconded by Mrs S Hale that the PC would not submit a request for a salt/grit bin. This was RESOLVED. b) Other matters – the following were reported: ▪ Footpath D22 (Main Street to A47) – overgrown vegetation at southern entrance reported. ▪ Footpath D19 (A47 to Hollies Way, past Randles Close) – remainder of root system to tree which fell across the A47, located to the west of the entrance to D19. This under investigation. ▪ Slabbing in front of PC notice board on Main Street opposite Hill Court – this was put on hold due to Covide-19. The HA have re-confirmed approval and a further request has been submitted to HDC for the works to be completed. 21/68 ISSUES RELATING TO LITTER PICKING It was noted that interest has been raised by a resident regarding establishing volunteer litter picking groups. The resident has been alerted to support via the South Leicestershire Litter Wombles. In addition, HDC Environmental Services are able to provide plastic bags and will collect filled bags left by litter bins and funding is available to support local voluntary groups through LCC at It was noted that while community litter picks organised by the Parish Council are covered by the PC’s public liability insurance, litter picking undertaken by residents on a voluntary basis is undertaken at their own risk. 21/69 APPOINTMENT OF TREE WARDENS It was noted that Mr J King and Mrs K Goodacre have stood down as tree wardens. Mrs M Wakely and Mrs E Hale put their names forward and Mrs J Cohen indicated that she may be interested in joining them. It was noted that guidance has previously been available through LCC Stepping Stones together with access to resources and events. It was agreed that the Clerk will ascertain the current status of Stepping Stones. In addition, it was agreed that a Code of Practice for tree wardens acting on 5


behalf of the Parish Council will be compiled. It was agreed that the tree wardens be asked to address issues relating to the TPO elm tree on Randles Close (minute 221/54 above refers). 21/70 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM WORKING GROUPS/COMMITTEES a) Environmental Working Group – the Group was thanked for notes of the latest meeting which had been circulated. The following matters were highlighted: ▪ the location of existing bulbs are being recorded with a view to registering these with the HA and identifying future planting areas; ▪ a letter to residents of Telford Way regarding the central green has been drafted by TABS; ▪ the letter to residents of the Jelson development has been drafted and will be circulated; In addition, the issue of an Environmental budget was raised. It was noted that there is current budget of £5k but this has been a greater sum in the past as the heading has been used to cover wider issues than trees – for example the provision of benches. It was agreed that the Environmental Working Group put forward a project proposal, including outline costings, for consideration by the Parish Council. b) Festive Lights Working Group – it was reported that LCC no longer undertake testing of electrical supplies and have provided information regarding potential contractors. It was agreed that Mr H Gopsill and Mr C Booth will take this forward. c) Pay and Personnel Committee – Mr H Gopsill reported that he had spoken with the LRALC regarding undertaking a governance review of the parish council. In addition, it was agreed that membership of the various Working Groups will be circulated. 20:59 It was agreed to continue the meeting and complete the agenda. 21/71 AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING The following items were agreed: ▪ Dog bins. ▪ Community Fibre Partnership. ▪ Membership of Working Groups. 21/72 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 12 April 2021, commencing at 19:00. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.

The meeting closed at 21:05.

Signed by Chair

Date: 12 April 2021