Cato the Elder on Old Age

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About Google Book Search Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and to make it universally accessible and useful. Google Book Search helps readers discover the world’s books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences. You can search through the full text of this book on the web at 1 3S,5t,7 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY Gift of the PUBLISHER f . "yh I » if V .'.I I I » 1 I • 1 »../ . i . * '«5i# ' *.* .-' '), I :w |.'; /$ K ''* ii 1 T ' ^ i <3 r- *il IV . G fl ClCERO'S CA TO THE ELDER ON OLD AGE LONDON : gilbert And bivington, limited, st. iohn's squAre. o WhiteS Kjrammar School 1 exi& ClCEROAS vCATO/THE ELDER ON OLD AGE \ WITH A VOCABULARY JOHN T. WHITE, D.D. OXON. NINTH THOUSAND LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1886 All rights reserved &.^SS.s<f| MAR 23 1889 ) rt PREFACE. For some long time past it has becn widely felt that a reduction in the cost of Classical Works used in schools generally, and more especially in those intended for boys of the middle classes, is at once desirable and not difficult of accomplish ment. For the most part only portions of authors are read in the earlier stages of education, and a pupil is taken from one work to another in each successive half-year or term ; so that a book needlessly large and proportionably expensive is laid aside after a short and but partial use. In order, therefore, to mect what is certainly a want, Portions of the Classical Writers usually read in Schools are now being issued under the title of Grammar School Texts ; while, at the request of various Masters, it has becn determined to add to the series some parts of the Greek Testa ment. Each Text is provided with a Vocabulary of the words occurring in it. In every instance — with the exception of Eutropius and vEsop — the origin of a word, when known, is stated at the commence ment of the article treating of it, if connected with vi PREFACE. another Latin, or Greek, word ; at the end of it, if derived from any other source. Further still, the primary or etymological meaning is always given. within inverted commas, in Roman type, and so much also of each word's history as is needful to bring down its chain of meanings to the especial force, or forces, attaching to it in the particular " Text." In the Vocabularies, however, to Eutropius and iEsop — which are essentially books for be ginners — the origin is given of those words alone which are formed from other Latin or Greek words, respectively. Moreover, as an acquaintance with the principles of GrAmmar, as well as with Etymology, is necessary to the understanding of a language, such points of construction as seem to require elucida tion are concisely explained under the proper articles, or a reference is simply made to that rule in the Public Schools Latin Primer, or in Parry's Elementary Greek Grammar, which meets the particular difficulty. It occasionally happens, how ever, that more information is needed than can be gathered from the above-named works. When such is the case, whatever is requisite is supplied, in substance, from Jelfs Greek Grammar, Winer's Grammar of New Testament Greek, or the Latin Grammars of Zumpt and Madvig. \ London : January, 1877. j f t CONTENTS. i. Dedication of the Treatise to Atticus.— ii. Subject introduced in a conversation between Scipio, Cato, and Lalrus.— iii. Loss of enjoyment and neglect of friends the result of disposition, not of old age. — iv., v. 15. Instances of a happy old age.— v. 15. Four objec tions to Old Age : viz., it withdraws men from active life; enfee bles the body 1 takes away nearly all enjoyment ; is the fore-runner of death. Answers to First Objection.— vi. — viii. Aged men have successfully conducted important affairs. The memory and mind not impaired by age. Answers to Second Objection.— ix. — xi. Instances of several di stinguished Jurists. Old men competent to instruct youth. Iniirmity caused by vices of youth, not by old age. Weakness the consequence not merely of old age. but also of ill health. Ansivers to Third Objection. — xii. — xviii. The thing objected is in truth an advantage, since pleasure is a deadly evil. Opinions in coniirmation hereof. Old age has its own pleasures, especially agri cultural pursuits. A nswers to Fourth Objection. — xix. — xxiii. A long life should teach men to disregard death. Youth, also, is liable to death. The old have enjoyed that, to which the young only look forward. The death of the old, being in accordance with nature, is in fact a blessing. That end of life is best, which comes by the course of nature. The greatest comfort of old age is a belief in the immortality of the soul. Several testimonies in support hereof. Profession of Cato's own belief. " i ClCERONlS CATO MAJOR DE SENECTUTE. I. I. O Tite, si quid te adjucro, curamve lev&sso, Quce nunc te coquit et versat in pectore fixa, Ecquid erit prami t Licet enim versibus iisdem mihi affari te, Attice, quibus affatur Flamininum I lie vir, hand magna cum re, sed plenus fidei. Quamquam certd scio, non, ut Flamininum, Sollicitari te, Tite, sic noctesque diesque. Novi enim moderationem animi tui, et aequitatem ; *eqv» non cognomen solum Athenis deportasse, sed humanitatem et prudentiam, intelligo. Et tamen te suspicor iisdem rebus, quibus meipsum, interdum gravius commoveri : quarum consolatio et major est, et in aliud tempus differenda. Nunc autem mihi visum est de Senectute aliquid ad te conscribere. 2. Hoc enim onere, quod mihi tecum commune est, aut jam urgentis aut certe adventantis senectutis, et Gato Majir. B 2 CICERONIS CATO MAJOR te et meipsum levari volo : etsi te quidem id modice ac sapienter, sicut omnia, et ferre et laturum esse certo scio. Sed mihi, quum de Senectute aliquid vellem scribere, tu occurrebas dignus eo munere, quo uterque nostrum communiter uteretur. Mihi quidem ita jucunda hujus libri confectio fuit, ut non modo omnes absterserit senectutis molestias, sed effecerit mollem etiam et jucundam senectuteiu. Nunquam igitur satis laudari digne poterit philo- sophia. Cui qui pareat, omne tempus aetatis sine molestia possit degere. 3. Sed de ceteris et diximua multa, et saepe dicemus : hunc librum de Senectute ad te misimus. Omnem autem sermonem trib- itimus non Tithono, ut Aristo Ceius, ne parum esset auctoritatis in fabula ; sed M. Catoni seni, qud majorem auctoritatem haberet oratio : apud quem, Laelium et Scipionem facimus admirantes quod is tam facile senectutem ferat, iisque eum respond- cntem. Qui si eruditius videbitur disputare, quam consuevit ipse in suis libris, attribuito Graecis literis, quarum constat eum perstudiosum fuisse in senec tute. Sed quid opus est plura? Jam enim ipsius Catonis sermo explicabit nostram omnem de senec tute sententiam. II. 4. Scipio. Saepenumerd admirari soleo cum hoc C. Laelio tum ceterarum rerum tuam excellentem, M.
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