President's Corner Mot Du Président

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President's Corner Mot Du Président Mot du Président President's Corner Paris, en Janvier, nous avons fait de la In Paris in January we enjoyed true philately vraie philate%lie. 5e haut niveau, at the highest level. These were dificult days A d2e/cellente 1ualite%. Ce furent des in Paris following the Charlie Hebdo attacks journe%es spe%ciales a6 Paris, car venait de se and all Parisians as well as ourselves were produire l7atta1ue de Charlie Hebdo, et tous shocked and sad in co on with the whole les Parisiens, ainsi 1ue nous tous, e%tions country. One way (and of course just one of incre%dules et tristes, et en tre6s grande several) to co bat terror and intolerance is solidarite% avec la 8rance. 4ne with education and culture. The fa9on (pas la seule, bien su:r) de Acade% ie Europe%enne de Phila- vaincre la terreur et te%lie certainly de onstrates l7intole%rance est la culture. these attributes. L7Acade% ie Europe%enne de Philate%lie a fait de la culture. (e had a convivial eeting in Nous l7avons faite en collaboration with the Acade% ie collaboration et en a itie% avec de Paris, another European phil- l7Acade% ie de Paris, une autre atelic body of great standing and institution philate%li1ue indeed so ewhat older than europe%enne prestigieuse; et ourselves. The Acade% ie de aussi beaucoup plus ancienne Philate%lie is now 89 years old 1ue la no:tre. L7Acade% ie de whilst we are just ,4. .ut new Philate%lie a aintenant 89 ans, serious philatelists who in due nous ,4. Mais les nouveau/ course will beco e e bers philate%listes de poids 1ui se for ent will in the ne/t 40 years be sure to celebrate aujourd7hui et 1ui, dans 1uel1ues anne%es three 1uarters of a century of AEP activity - seront e bres de l7AEP, ce%le%breront dans 40 which will certainly still be very uch alive ans trois 1uarts de sie6cle d7AEP - la1uelle sera and active, and they will re e ber us and certaine ent encore vivante et tre6s ani e%e - what we did and are doing for the benefit of et ils se souviendront de nous et de ce 1ue philately. nous avons fait et ferons encore pour le prestige de la philate%lie. The Acade ies stood for one inute2s silence Apre6s une inute de silence pour les victi es in e ory of the attacks and their victi s. de l7atta1ue, donc, l7at osphe6re e%tait intense The displays that followed provided uch in- et attentive. Personnelle ent, j2ai vrai ent terest for e with the diversity of the subjects appre%cie% autant les confe%rences sur des sujets presented. A special ention ust go to our philate%li1ues aussi diversiie%s, 1ue l7attention past President Henk Slabbinck who we have ressentie aupre6s de l7ense ble du public. pro oted to Honorary President. This is a 4n salut spe%cial va a6 l7ancien pre%sident de well erited honour which recognises his l7AEP, Henk Slabbinck, 1ue nous avons no e% philatelic and diplo atic work. 4nder his pre%sident honoraire. 4ne reconnaissance tre6s presidency the Acade y has changed greatly, Trait d74nion est la revue tri estrielle de l7Acade% ie europe%enne de philate%lie Trait d74nion is the 1uarterly journal of the European Acade y of Philately 1 JAN-MAR 2015 - 1ST C4ARTER 2015 e%rite%e, 1ui couronne un long travail tant and after so e difficult o ents, has reached philate%li1ue 1ue politi1ue. Sous sa pre%sidence, the level of recognition and authority it now notre Acade% ie a beaucoup change% et, apre6s enjoys. Now that he has retired fro the pres- une de%licate pe%riode, est arrive%e a6 idency, but not of course philately, he has l7i portance et l7autorite% 1ui la caracte%risent anaged to find the ti e to write a agnifi- aujourd7hui. Maintenant 1u2il est retire% de la cent philatelic book and with it gain an i - pre%sidence, ais pas de la philate%lie, il a pris portant award. le te ps d2e%crire un tre6s bel ouvrage philate%li1ue et de gagner un pri/ i portant D (e awarded the Pri/ de la Presse philate%li1ue Nous avons de%cerne% le Pri/ de la Presse europe%enne to Documents Philatéliques, a pub- philate%li1ue europe%enne a6 Documents lication of the first order in European philate- Philatéliques , un agaEine philate%li1ue ly. I a a great believer in the i portance of europe%en de pre ier plan. Je crois fer e ent the philatelic press and a particularly at- a6 la 1ualite% de la presse philate%li1ue et je suis tached to this honour given y involve ent particulie6re ent attache% a6 ce pri/, parce 1ue with the first awards when I was on the Co - j2e%tais dans la Co ission des pre ie6res ission. The places associated with the e%ditions. Le pal are6s de ce pri/ est un presentations include an i pressive array of i pressionnant tableau tire% des bibliothe61ues so e of the finest libraries in Europe and the europe%ennes, appele% a6 grandir cha1ue anne%e D list of these can only grow with the passing Ces derniers ois, le Conseil d7Ad inistration yearsD de l7AEP a beaucoup travaille%. Nous avons e%tabli les nouvelles re6gles de principe pour The AEP .oard has been very active in recent l7ad ission de nouveau/ e bres, 1ue nous onths. (e have established new criteria for publierons dans le prochain nu e%ro. Nous the selection of new e bers which will be avons choisi 1uel1ues nouveau/ e bres, published in the ne/t issue. (e have accepted au/1uels je donne un accueil chaleureu/, et a nu ber of new additions to our ranks so e leur souhaiterai la bienvenue a6 la re%union AEP of who we hope to see at our ne/t eeting 1ui se tiendra a6 Londres. Je vous donne a6 tous in London and to who I offer a war wel- rendeE -vous à Londres 2015 Europhilex, l'un co e. Europhile/ 2015 is one of the ost i - des événements les plus importants de portant events of the philatelic year at which l'année philatélique où, bien sûr, nous serons of course we are represented and for which présents. En effet, l'AEP a été l'une des we were one of the earliest societies to act as premières associations à adhérer à la sponsors. demande de patronage. Nombreux ont été les prix aux nouveaux Many European awards have been obtained membres en Europe. Félicitations à tous du by our new e bers and I heartily congratu- fond du cœur (vous lirez les noms dans les late all of the (their na es can be found fur- pages intérieures). Mais pardonnez-moi si je ther on in this Td4). .ut forgive e if I ake fais des félicitations particulières à Jean- particular ention of Jean-8ran9ois Logette François Logette, non que sa reconnaissance not because he is ore i portant but because dépasse les autres, mais parce qu'il a reçu le he has received the great honour of beco ing grand honneur de Commandeur de l'Ordre du a Co ander of the Order of Merit of the Ital- Mérite de la République italienne, et j’ai le ian Republic to which I also have the honour plaisir d'avoir le même honneur. C’est donc to belong. A new co panionshipD une nouvelle camaraderie ! Enin, une nouveaute%: biento:t, la cravate de 8inally the new AEP tie is ready with full de- l2AEP sera pre:te. Hous la de%couvrireE dans le tails in the ne/t Td4. At Monaco when we are prochain nu e%ro. A Monaco, 1uand nous all gathered for the 2015 AIM we can all wear serons tous a6 l7Asse ble%e 2015, nous it with pride. AEP pourrons l7arborer avec ierte%. Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi AEP Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi AEP 2 Trait d'Union Message de l'éditeur Editor's Message La pre%sente e%dition de Trait -d74nion vous This Trait d24nion has reports on the ordinary rend co pte de nos asse ble%es e/traordi- and e/traordinary Ieneral Meetings held in naire et ordinaire tenues ce de%but Paris at the beginning of the year. d7anne%e a6 Paris. A co:te% de cette lec- Along with ore for al accounts ture pluto:t for elle, notre a i Igor our colleague Igor Rodin President Rodin, pre%sident de la Co ission of the 8IP Co ission on Astro Phi- 8IP d7Astrophilate%lie, nous fait vivre lately brings to life so e of the vi- les pe%ripe%ties du courrier spatial D cissitudes of space ailD A nu ber Plusieurs de nos e bres se sont a6 of our e bers have received fur- nouveau distingue%s, en Europe et ther accolades both in Europe and A e%ri1ue du Nord, 1u7il s7agisse de North A erica whether it be with publications, de pre%sentations, de new publications, displays or si ply savoir-faire... Ne an1ueE pas enin with their philatelic abilityJ 5o not les appels lance%s par Iuy Coutant au overlook the appeals fro our edi- sujet de notre publication phare OP4S, ainsi tor Iuy Coutant on the subject of our leading 1ue par Anthony Hirvilis 1ui attend vos publi- publication OP4S and Anthony Hirvilis who cations en litte%rature philate%li1ue pour NO- needs your philatelic literature articles for TOS 2015 en nove bre.
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