UPDATES ON THE CRACKDOWN ON ISSUE #18 HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE GULF SEPTEMBER 2018 Inside: Bahrain: women detainees are subjected 03 to severe pressure Saudi Arabia: Repression reached 09new level Yemen: A further 1 million children 10 at risk of famine BAHRAINI AUTHORITIES ARE TIGHTENING GRIPS ON RELIGIOUS RITUALS & SAUDI FORCES ATTACKED MUHARRUM TENTS IN QATIF www.gidhr.org
[email protected] BAHRAINI DETAINEES DEPRIVED FROM THEIR BASIC RIGHTS & CONCERNS RAISED OVER THEIR HEALTH Mohammad Khatim, a formal em- charges of incitement of rioting. ployee at Bahrain’s Ministry of Mu- The family of Mohammed Faraj, a nicipalities Affairs and Urban Plan- patient who suffers from multiple ning, who was repeatedly arrested sclerosis, confirmed that he has as he staged protests over being been without medication for about unable to find work due to economic a week. He said in a telephone con- reprisals and discrimination in the versation that he was suffering from country. Khatim started a hunger head and eye pain because he was strike, on early September, for over deprived of his medication. In addi- a week and was hospitalised follow- tion to the fact that the prison ing the strike. administration is taking the prison- Family of cancer patient detainee ers out into the open field at noon, Elias Al-Mullah expressed concerns despite extremely high tempera- regarding the new symptoms that tures. appeared on him, calling to allow On 11 September, activists reported him receive treatment without that Sadiq Rida Hassan Abbas Abor- delay. The family demanded to have wais was being brutally beaten and a copy of the blood tests he under- electrocuted by guards at Bahrain’s went more than a month ago.