As a student of modern nationalism, I have been painfully aware both of the need and of the lack of a critical bibliographical guide to the subject. To prepare such a guide is, of course, a difficult and hazardous undertaking. No reflective person and certainly no student of contemporary politics, economics, or inter­ national relations can fail to be impressed by the all-pervasive character and influence of nationalist phenomena or to entertain some curiosity as to what nationalism essentially is and how and why it has become an all-important factor in present-day thought and action. Yet, despite the obvious importance and pervasiveness of the subject, much of the literary treatment of it has been COPYRIGHT 1935 superficial in nature and propagandist in purpose, engendering more heat than light, and unfortunately serving to obscure the fact that some really scholarly COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS studies have latterly been made and published on various aspects of nationalism. The more these scholarly studies have multiplied, however, the more desirable PUBLISHED 1935 it has become to sort them out of the mass of ephemeral popular writing and to catalogue them. Five years ago, with the financial assistance of the Social Sci­ ence Research Council and the able personal assistance of Dr. Shepard B. Clough, Instructor in History in Columbia College, I made a preliminary survey of European and American research then being carried on in the field. Now, Dr.

Koupl ad ...... f'V" ...... ,. .. .. Koppel S. Pinson, utilizing the materials collected in that survey and greatly extending and supplementing them from his own research as well as from his od .::.. ;.. :.:.::.. ::--. experience as Assistant Editor of the Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, pre­ v sents the following annotated list of general treatises and special monographs as an introductory bibliographical guide to the serious study of nationalism. Inv cis: Dr. Pinson is not less aware than I of the provisional and tentative character of this bibliography. It is the first of its kind. It is frankly experimental. It Sign: has perfectly obvious limitations. For myself and for my own students, never­ theless, I am profoundly grateful to Dr. Pinson for preparing an original and truly serviceable guide and to the Columbia University Press for publishing it, and I believe that others will be similarly grateful.


0" ." A


The subject of nationalism is so broad in its scope, penetrates so deeply into all aspects of social, political, cultural and economic life, and is so amenable to purely propagandist purposes that the matter of selection in a bibliography of this kind is both delicate and difficult. Certain guiding principles for inclusion and exclusion have been adopted. Since this guide is intended primarily for the American student and reader it was considered advisable to include only works published in the English, French and German languages. Works published in other languages are included only if found in English, French or German trans­ lation. A difficult problem in the selection of titles resulted from the very wide ramifi­ cations of the subject of nationalism. It is impossible to study any specific aspect of nationalism without going into the broader political, economic and cultural backgrounds of the particular age, country or individual. To include general works of such a nature, however, would so extend the limits of this work as to make it a bibliography of universal history rather than of nationalism. There are, it is true, many large general works on history, literature, philosophy, etc., not included here, which the student will find indispensable for his own investi­ gations. It was considered wiser, however, to limit this bibliography to works which, either in whole or in part, deal specifically with the problems of na­ tionalism. Another group of works which has been omitted is comprised of books dealing with the purely juristic, administrative and formal political aspects of the nationality problem. There is a voluminous literature of such a character par­ ticularly with reference to the minorities problem. The reader is referred to Jacob Robinson's bibliographical guide to the minorities problem (see No. 56) and to the periodical, Nation und Staat, published in Vienna, for such references and accounts. A more difficult problem in selection was raised by the older literature on nationalism. The beginnings of the study of nationalism are most intimately bound up with the very growth of the national movements themselves. The earliest works on nationalism were, for the most part, by inspirers, theorists and political leaders of the national movements in the various countries of western Europe, who published their works as part of the national struggle. All such works are now more important as influences within the historical development of nationalism than as scientific and objective studies of the subject itself. They may, perhaps, be termed the source materials for the study of nationalism. Only a few of the earlier works, like those of John Stuart Mill, Ernest Renan, J. K. Bluntschli and , still retain their value as more or less objective treatments. In place of the large number of older works, therefore, the section on each geographical region has been prefaced by a list of writers whose works are of leading importance in the development of the nationalism and national spirit in their respective countries. In the case of most of these writers, more­ over, it is the collected literary activity of the individual which is to be studied PREFACE rather than any specific works. There is no single work of Herder, Schlegel, Chateaubriand or Barres, for example, which may be pointed to as representing their specific contribution to the development of nationalism. The spirit of nationalism permeates all their work, whether it be on language, religion, pol­ itics, race, etc. For this reason, therefore, only the names of these writers have been listed, not the titles of their works. Purely propagandist works, such as were produced during the World War, CONTENTS have also been excluded except where the material contained is valuable in itself or is not easily available elsewhere. In the case of periodical articles, only the THEORETICAL AND ANALYTICAL STUDIES (1-123) . 1 most important have been included and, wherever possible, these have been General Analytical Works (1-56) related to books on the same subject. Psychological Studies (57-66) The author feels indebted to very many individuals for making this work pos­ Nationalism and Race (67-73) sible. He would hardly have felt competent to undertake such a task vvithout the large store of material which he accumulated during his six years experience as Nationalism and Religion (74-78) Assistant Editor of the Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences. He feels thankful, Nationalism and Language (79-82) therefore, to the countless contributors and consultants of the Encyclpaedia as Nationalism and Politics (83-93) well as to the stimulating intellectual influence of his fellow editors. The author Nationalism and Economic Affairs (94-104) cannot refrain, however, from making special mention of a few people to whom Nationalism, Socialism and Communism (l05-10a) he is particularly indebted. Professor Carlton Hayes of Columbia University has been generous with his advice and assistance throughout the entire period of Nationalism, Education and Propaganda (111-15) the preparation of this work and I am profoundly grateful to him. I must also National Minorities and National Autonomy (116-23) express my deep appreciation to Professor Hans Kohn of Smith College for many HISTORICAL AND REGIONAL STUDIES (124-431) 19 valuable suggestions as to method and content, to Dr. Gaudence Megaro of the College of the City of New York for helping me to gain a clearer conception of NATIONALISM IN THE ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL WORLDS (124-29) 19 the problems of Italian nationalism, to Dr. Elsie Gluck of the Women's Trade MODERN NATIONALISM IN THE WEST (130-377) 20 Union League for helpful advice on the section on Jewish nationalism and to Mr. Donald Porter Geddes of the Columbia University Press to whom more than General Historical Surveys (130-41) to any other is due the practical realization of this project. Nationalism in Germany and Austria (142-261a) It is the intention of both the publishers and the author of this bibliographical The Nationality Problem in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (217-26) guide to issue a revised and supplementary edition approximately every five years. The author, therefore, would gladly welcome communications from stu­ Nationalism in the Slavic World (227-54) dents and authors concerned with the problem of nationalism regarding their Nationalism in France (255-98) publications. Nationalism in Belgium and the Netherlands (299-306) Nationalism in the Scandinavian Countries (307-13) KOPPEL S. PINSON New York Nationalism in (314-16) April 1, 1935 Nationalism in Italy (317-44) Nationalism in Spain, Portugal and Latin America (345--46) Nationalism in Great Britain and the Dominions (347~66) Nationalism in the United States (367-77a) NATIONALISM IN THE ORIENT (378-409) 55 General Studies on the Orient (378-81) Nationalism in the Near East (382-92) Nationalism in the Far East (393-400) Nationalism in India (401-9) NATIONALISM AMONG THE JEWS (410-31) 59 INDEX OF NAMES 63 THEORETICAL AND ANALYTICAL STUDIES

GENERAL ANALYTICAL WORKS See also Nos. 105, 106, 117a, 120,233,410,421

1. HAYES, CARLTON JOSEPH HUNTLEY, on Nationalism (New York, 1926), Macmillan, 279 pp. This study is the most fundamental general analysis of the subject of nationalism. It is in large part responsible for the beginnings of the scientific investigation of the subject of nationalism in the United States. The author analyzes the theoretical bases of the concept, treats in broad outline of the rise and spread of nationalism, how it was propagated by groups of intellectuals among the broad masses, its similarities to a religious faith and its influence on international war, militarism and intolerance. See also the author's "Two Varieties of Nationalism: Original and Derived," in Association of History Teachers of the Middle States and Maryland, Proceedings (1928) No. XXVI, pp. 71-83. 2. GARNER, J. W., Political Science and Government (New York, 1928), American Book Co., x, 821 pp. Chapters VI and VII, pp. 109-54, of this textbook in political science contain an admirable brief introduction to the problems of nationality, nation state and national minorities. 3. BUELL, RAYMOND LESLIE, International Relations, 2d ed. (New York, 1929), Henry Holt and Co., xix, 838 pp. This work contains a cursory discussion of the "Sentiment of Nation­ ality" in Ch. I; of the various pan-movements in Ch. IV; of economic nationalism in Ch. V, and of minorities in Ch. VIII. 4. JOHANNET, RENE, Le Principe des nationalites, 2d ed. (Paris, 1923), Nouvelle Librairie N ationale, 454 pp. This is a thorough study of nationalism by an opponent of the nationalist principle and one who sees in it a source of great danger. The work contains an historical account of the use and development of the termi­ nology; a very detailed exposition of the historical development of French nationalism from earliest times; the contrast between the ethnic basis of German theories of nationalism and the French theories based on subjective choice, and the political and international aspects of the nation­ ality problem. 5. MITSCHERLICH, WALDEMAR, N ationalismus: Die Geschichte einer I dee (Leipzig, 1929), L. C. Hirschfeld, xi, 373 pp. This is a new but practically unchanged edition of Der Nationalismus Westeuropas, which appeared in 1920. It represents a genetic approach to the problem. The author distinguishes three social stages: (1) social life with unconsciousness of individuality of either the individual or of the social groups, which is the prenationalist stage; (2) social life with consciousness of individuality in the individual but not in social groups, which represents the period of early nationalism; (3) social life with consciousness of individuality of both persons and groups, which is the nationalist epoch. He attributes the rise of nationalism in modern times 1 GENERAL ANALYTICAL WORKS GENERAL ANALYTICAL WORKS own stand is that nationalism is a historical process which must be sub­ to (1) the growth of political centralization, (2) the unification of eco­ ordinated to a higher unity. nomic life, (3) the development of a general culture. Cf. No. 10. 11. JERUSALEM, FRANZ W., uber den Beg1'ijf der Nation (Jena, 1932), G. Fischer, 28 pp. 6. MITSCHERLICH, VI., "Volk und Nation," in Handworterbueh der Soziologie, The author holds that the nation is a product of the collective urge and ed. by Alfred Vierkandt (Stuttgart, 1931), Ferdinand Enke Verlag, its origin is therefore due not to common language, religion or history, but pp.644-52. rather to a common political organization under the absolutist state. This presents a good summary of No.5. 12. KIRCHHOFF, ALFRED, Zur Ve1'stiindigung iiber die Begrijfe Nation und 7. BOEHM, MAX HILDEBERT, Das eigenstiindige Folk: Volkstheoretische Nationalitiit (Halle a. S., 1905), Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, Grundlagen der Ethnopolitik und Geisteswissenschaften (G5ttingen, 64 pp. 1932), Bandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 389 pp. The author distinguishes between the ethnic concept Volk, and the political This is a very ambitious attempt at establishing a "science of nationalism." concept, Staat. The first represents the Kulturnation, the second the The author goes into the most minute analysis of the various aspects of Staatsnation. the problem of nationalism, a process which often results in the over­ Cf. Stavenhagen, Kurt, "Das Problem Kulturnation und del' Staats­ elaboration of very obvious facts and propositions. He takes a strongly nation," in Nation und Staat, V (1932), 666-718. national and conservative antidemocratic position; he attributes the evils of modern political nationalism to the French Revolution and the spread 13. ROSENBLUTH, FELIX, Zur Begrijfsbestim1nung von Folk und Nation (Ber­ of democracy, distinguishes sharply between the German idea of nation­ lin, 1910), Emil Ebering, 45 pp. alism and that of Western Europe, and is most vitally interested in the An analysis of the use of the terms, nation, people, national character, problem of national minorities. In this connection he develops the inter­ national consciousness, etc., in the older literature of nationalism. esting idea of conational ism which is to serve to unite the members of a 14. BOHN, ANDRE, Essai sur la notion de nationalite dans le principe des given nationality who are divided among more than one political state. nationalites (Nancy, 1923), Imprimerie Nanceenne, 97 pp. An excellent English summary of this author's views is found in his article A formalistic doctoral dissertation concerned chiefly with the problem on the theoretical aspects of nationalism in the Encyclopaedia of the Social of definition of terms. Sciences, XI (1933), pp. 231-40. 15. RENAN, ERNEST, Qu'est-ce qu'une nation? (Paris, 1882), C. Levy, 30 pp., 8. JOSEPH, BERNARD, Nationality, Its Nature and Proble1n,S (New Haven, reprinted in his Discou1's et conje1"enCeS (Paris, 1887), C. Levy, pp. 1929), Yale University Press, 380 pp. 277-310. The author, an ardent Jewish nationalist, proceeds from the conviction The classic French definition of nationality as based on a common cul­ "that the only satisfactory and enduring basis of society is the complete tural heritage and a common desire to persist as a nationality. recognition of the principle of nationality." The first part is a theoretical 16. BARTH, PAUL, Die Philosophie der Geschichte als Soziolo.gie, 3d and 4th discussion of the factors of nationality and the second half deals with eds. (Leipzig, 1922), O. R. Reisland. historical developments in Europe, the British Empire and India, and In pages 797-824 the author analyzes the idea of nationality as a leading among the national groups of the East, the Jews and the Americans. concept of the philosophy of history. He believes that nationality is The work in attempting too much is, as a result, very superficial in many neither the first stage nor the final goal of society. It has its roots in places and repeats many "nationalistic errors" rejected by most scientific other ideas and is only an intermediate stage to higher unities. Therefore writers. this concept cannot be taken as a fundamental one in historical develop­ 9. ZIEGLER, HEINZ 0., Die moderne Nation: ein Beitrag zur politischen ment. He traces the idea of nationality in sociological and anthropologi­ Soziologie (Tubingen, 1931), J. C. B. Mohr, viii, 308 pp. cal terms from the original feeling of kinship, through the corporate This is a sociological and philosophical analysis of contemporary nation­ feeling of belonging to a state developed among the Greeks, the widening alism with monographic studies on the contributions to nationalist theory of the concept to include humanity in the Hellenistic period, its various of Hegel, Ranke, Stahl, Lorenz von Stein, Gneist, Treitschke, and Con­ ups and downs in the Middle Ages and early modern times up to the stantin Frantz. The author regards the nation as the "concept which national struggle for power in the nineteenth century. provides the sanction of legitimacy to the modern state." He considers 17. SEIPEL, IGNAZ, Nation und Staat (Vienna, 1916), Wilhelm Braumuller, nationalism a purely modern manifestation brought about largely by xx, 195 pp. the French Revolution and the democratic idea. He draws a sharp dis­ A very penetrating and philosophical analysis, by a leading Austrian tinction between the German idea of a Kulturnation and the nationalism Catholic, of nationalism and religion, of the relation of nationalities to of the Western-European nations. each other in a multinational state and of international relations. Writ­ 10. FELS, JOSEF, Begrijf und Wesen der Nation: eine soziologische Unter­ ten during the World War, it shows the influence of the war spirit and suchung und Kritik (Munster, 1927), Aschendorff, xv, 147 pp. of the peculiar nationality problem in Austria-Hungary. "Deutschtum und Aussland," Heft VI. Cf. No.10. This is an extremely useful work for the clarification of the terms and 18. SCHELER, MAX, Nation und Weltanschauung, Vol. II of his Schriften z.ur concepts used in the literature on nationalism. The author analyzes in Soziologie und Weltanschauungslehre (Leipzig, 1923), Del' Neue GeIst detail in this connection the views of Franz Oppenheimer, Otto Bauer, Verlag, viii, 174 pp. Alfred Vierkandt, Ignaz Seipel, Friedrich Meinecke, and Waldemar A collection of essays containing "uber die N ationalideen del' grossen Mitscherlich and then applies the same sort of analysis to the various Nationen," pp. 1-18; "Das Nationale im Denken Frankreichs," pp. 19-65; distinguishing marks set up as tests of nationality-race, language, ter­ Del' Geist und die ideelen Grundlagen del' Demokratien del' grossen ritory, religion, state, common culture and common will. The author's 3 2 GENERAL ANALYTICAL WORKS GENERAL ANALYTICAL WORKS Nationen," pp. 66-116. Scheler attacks the subjective and political ideas political aspects of nationalism with the belief that territory and political of nationality. He defines a nation as a cultural unity and holds that unity are the essential physical bases of nationality. The national char­ the clash of peoples is due to the great opposition between Weltanschauung­ acter of the English, he concludes, consists of (1) energy, (2) initiative, en. In characterizing the missionary ideals of various nations, he main­ (3) individual responsibility before God in religion, (4) economic doctrine tains that German nationalism reveals the absence of this characteristic of voluntary enterprise, (5) liberty. more than any other nationalism. Cf. HERTZ, FRIEDRICH, "Die Allgemeinen Theorien vom Nationalcharak­ 19. TAGORE, RABINDRANATH, Nationalism (New York, 1917), Macmillan, tel'," in Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, LIV (1925) 1-35, 159 pp. 657-715. Tagore discusses nationalism in the West, in Japan and in India. He 26. PETRESCU, NICHOLAS, The Interpretation of National Differentiations presents a most appealing criticism of the concept of the national (London, 1929), Watts and Co., vi, 293 pp. state as developed in the West. National differentiations, the author holds, possess no permanent and 20. ZANGWILL, ISRAEL, The Principle of Nationalities (New York, 1917), essential forms of expression of social reality. They are like other actual Macmillan, 111 pp. or possible differentiations, only the temporary and gradual forms under AI~ho.ugh no m?re ~han a pamphlet, it is a very keen analysis of the which the social process manifests itself in time and place. They do not pnncIple of natIOnalIty. Zangwill defines nationality as "a state of mind represent absolute values and have no meaning and no function except corresponding to a political fact." in relation to the social conditions and conceptions of a certain environ­ 21. BENDA, JULIEN, The Treason of the Intellectuals, translated from the ment and under a certain stage of evolution. They are the effect and not French by Richard Aldington (New York 1928) William Morrow the cause of the actual organization of civilized society. xii, 244 pp. '" 27. MICHELS, ROBERTO, Der Patriotislnus: Prolegomena zu seiner soziologi- A scathing arraignment of modern nationalism and the part played in its schen Analyse (, 1929), Dunker und Humblot, viii, 271 pp. development by intellectuals whose profession should have led them to This is an attempt at a psychological analysis of the fatherland myth and extol the universal rather than the particular. The author's basic idea national pride, of the feeling of love of home land, of the antipathy to is that particularism itself is evil and leads to conflict and hatred. He foreigners, and of national folk songs and music. The book reveals a wide throws light on many implications involved in the development of na­ reading and acquaintance with the literature, but there is no integrated tionalism. The book is more interesting for its provocative character general conception of nationalism. than for its intrinsic soundness. 28. HERBERT, SYDNEY, Nationality and Its Problerns (London, 1920), Methuen, 22. BENDA, JULIEN, La Fin de l' eternel (Paris, 1929), Librairie GalIimard ix, 173 pp. 263 pp. ' The author bases nationality on geography, government, culture and re­ A reply to critics of the author's Treason of the Intellectuals. (See No ligion. Political nationalism must yield before cultural nationalism and 21.) . the national state before a multinational state. 23. BENDA, JULIEN, Discours Ii la nation europeenne (Paris, 1933), Librairie 29. V AN GENNEP, ARNOLD, Traite comparatif des nationalites, Vol. I, Les Gallimard, 237' pp. Elements exterieures de la nationalite (Paris, 1922), Payot, 228 pp. An attack on nationalism and national states as the creations of nine­ This is the first of a projected three-volume work on nationality. The teenth-century "dynamism," irrationality and romantic heroism. It is a author, rejecting the subjective factors of nationality, attempts to study plea for a return to clarity and rationalism and for the reconstruction the physical, ethnological, linguistic and demographic aspects of nation­ of a new ideal of Europe (to take the place of the national ideals) ality. In this volume, which is all that has appeared to date, he is con­ based on the Gallo-Roman cultural traditions. cerned chiefly with national symbols. 24. SPANN,. OTHMAR, Vom Wesen des Volkstums; Was ist deutsch, 3d ed. 30. LE FUR, LOUIS, Races, Nationalites, Etats (Paris, 1922), Felix Alcan, (Berlm, 1929), Widerstands-Verlag, 62 pp. viii, 156 pp. The nation. is a KuZturge1neinschaft based on common philosophy, morals, Neither race nor nationality, holds the author, is the uniting bond of social art and sCIence. But the concept is a graded one. Thus only the few groups. The state represents the synthesis of all common factors such as who are fully and thoroughly acquainted with German culture are the language, territory, religion, etc., and it keeps the group together. The "real nation," while the rest may be only 80 percent, 60 percent, 20 percent author condemns theories of nationality as inexact and dangerous. German, etc. 31. BOAS, FRANZ, Anthropology and Modern Life, 2d ed. (New York, 1932), The same ideas are developed systematically in the author's Gesell­ W. W. Norton, 255 pp. schaftslehre, 3d ed. (Leipzig, 1930), Quelle und Meyer, pp. 457-82. Chapter IV, pp. 81-105, on "Nationalism," is a plea for national idealism 25. BARKER, ERNEST, Ntational Clwracter and the Factors in Its Formation and purely cultural nationalism as against racial and aggressive nation­ (London, 1927), Harper and Bros., vi, 288 pp. alism. The author defines a nation as a material basis (consisting of race terri­ 32. BRUNHES, JEAN, and CAMILLE V ALLAUX, La Geog1"aphie de l' histoire tory and economic conditions) with a spiritual superstructure (l~w and (Paris, 1921), Felix Alcan. government, religion, language and literature, education). National The geographic aspects of the problem of nationalism are discussed on character is "the sum of acquired tendencies which a national society pp. 597-668. has built on the native basis of its racial blend, its territory and the mass 33. ZIMMERN, ALFRED E., Nationality and Government and Other War Time and social variety of its population." The book is an analysis of each Essays (London, 1918), Chatto and Windus, xxiv, 364 pp. of th~se fac~ors with special attentior; to the growth and development of This contains several war-time essays (pp. 32-100) on problems of na­ EnglIsh natIOnal character. There IS a good deal of emphasis on the tionalism. The author affirms a positive attitude toward the principle of 4 5 II GENERAL ANALYTICAL WORKS GENERAL ANALYTICAL WORKS nationality, but emphasizes its subjective and cultural character as opposed 43. STEINMETZ, SEBALD RUDOLF, Die Nationalitiiten in Europa, issued as sup­ to the objective character of the political state. plement No.2 to the Zeitschyift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu 34. KRONENBERG, H., Der politische Gedanke, 4 vols. (Berlin, 1922-27), Berlin (1927), 67 pp. Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fUr Politik und Geschichte. A survey of the nationalities in Europe with a general introduction to In Vol. I, Der Menschheits.gedanke, 79 pp., and Vol. II, De?' nationale the problem. This is a summary of the author's larger 'Nork, published in Gedank~, 72 PP:, th~ author~ a leading pacifist philosopher, attempts a Dutch, De Nationaliteiten in Europa (1920). sY.TIthesis of nationalIsm and mternationalism which he hopes will do away 44. ANIN, MAXIM, Die Nationalitiitenproble?ne de?' Gegenwart: eine staats­ WIth war. rechtliche-politische Stlldie (Riga, 1910), Schnakenburg, 103 pp. 35. STOCKS, J. L., Patriotism and the Super State (London, 1920), Swarth- The author analyzes the nationality problem in Switzerland, Austria­ more Press, 106 pp. Hungary, Russia, Turkey, and among the Jews. The author d~scusses the relation of the sentiment of patriotism to the state, the nation, and an international society of nations. He rejects the 45. TECHET, CARL, VolkM', Vaterliinder, und Fursten. Ein Beitrag zur Ent- proposal to dispense with nationalism and presents a good psychological wicklung Europas (Munich, 1913), Lothar Joachim, x, 480 pp. analysis of the patriotic sentiment. A plea for a European internationalism against the "Asiatic peril" and an 36. VEBLEN, THORSTEIN, An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms. analysis of the racial composition of European nationalities showing of Its Perpetuation (New York, 1917), Macmillan, xiii, 367 pp. their wide mixture and diffusion. Chapte~s ~-II, pp. 1-76, present a cosmopolitan and rationalistic analysis 46. WEINREICH, ECKART, Die Nation als Lebensgemeinschaft, (Munich, 1931), of patnotIsm and of such concepts as "national honor" and "national J. F. Lehman, 121 pp. culture." The acknowledgments to Paul Ernst, Leopold Ziegler and Nicholas Ber­ dayev are sufficient to indicate the religious-mystical, conservative and 37. MUIR, RAMS~Y, Nationalism and Inte1'nationalism, the Culmination of Modern Htstory (London, 1917), Constable, 229 pp. antidemocratic tendencies of the author. After analyzing and rejecting the solutions offered by Socialism, Fascism and Bolshevism, he calls upon ~his is a brilliant and very popular survey of the history of modern na­ the German nation to infuse a new regenerating religious spirit of group ~IOn~l movements and of .the growth of international thought and organ­ IzatIOn. It reflects the VIew held by liberals during the Wodd War that feeling into the world. the war was a step toward the triumph of liberty and justice. 47. BLAGOYEVITCH, VEDAN, Le Principe des nationalites et son application dans les traites de paix de Versailles et de Saint Germain (Paris, 38. HUNTE~" .EARLE LESLIE, A Sociological Analysw of Ce1;tain T'ypes of 1922), Editions de "la Vie Universitaire," 457 pp. Patrwttsm. ~ Study of Certain Patriotic Attitudes, Particularly as A thoroughly eclectic work. Together with a narrative account of the They Appear tn Peace-time Controversies in the United States (New York, 1932), Paul Maisel Co., 263 pp. attention given by the 'World War treaties to the various national "sore After a stud,Y of six types of patriotism (state supremacy, institutional spots" there is an account of the development of French nationalism and a theoretical section dealing with the concepts of nation and national lo~alty, natIOnal egocentrism, eclectic institutional loyalty, critical­ mmdedness toward the state and national self-sufficiency) the author factors, which is mainly interesting for its classification and listing of conclr:des that. loyalties are attached to specific ends and that patriotic the different types of definitions. loyalties are dIrected only to specific aspects of country. Wider national 48. BLUNTSCHLI, JOHANN KASPAR, Gesammelte kleine Schriften, 2 vols. patriotism is only a sentimentalized and fictitious notion of country. (Niirdlingen, 1879-81), C. H. Eeckschen Buchhandlung, 319 and 313 pp. 39. REIDEN.BACH, Friedrich Schlegel in Germany; liberal nationalism exemplified by Cf. also Koht, Haldvan, "L'Esprit national et l'idee de la souverainete Bentham in England, Guizot in France, Welcker in Germany and Mazzini du peuple," in International Committee of Historical Sciences. Bulletin, in Italy; integral nationalism developed in France by Comte, Taine, II (1929-30), 217-24. Barres and Maurras, and by Fascist theorists in Italy. Economic fac­ 138. FOURNOL, ETIENNE, Les Nations romantiques (Paris, 1931), Editions tors in nationalism are considered, in which the attitude of Socialists des Portiques, 253 pp. to nationalism is discussed as are the nationalistic economic doctrines The author distinguishes between where the move­ of Fichte, Friedrich List, Rodbertus and the Historical School in Ger­ ment came out of , and the nationalism of the classic na­ many. tions where nationalism was developed during the age of absolutism. A good summary of the author's views is found in the Encyclopaedia of The new nationalism is marked by democracy and traditionalism, and the Social Sciences, XI (1933), 240-48. Germany, Italy and the Slavic nationalities are examples of this type. 131. GOOCH, GEORGE PEABODY, Nationcdism (London, 1920), The Swarthmore There are good characterizations of the nationalism of Herder, Fichte, Press, 127 pp. and the Italian nationalism of Dante, Machiavelli, Mazzini, and Gioberti. A brief survey of national movements since the French Revolution, 139. HELLER, HERMAN, Politische Ideenkreise der Gegenwart (Breslau, 1926), treating nationalism as the aspiration toward political emancipation Ferdinand Hirt, 156 pp. and independence of a distinct cultural group. This work is colored The author treats the growth and development of the national idea in very much by the postwar slogan of self-determination of peoples. its relation to liberalism and democracy. He traces the cultural na­ 132. ROSE, J. HOLLAND, Nationality in Modern History (New York, 1916), tionalism of the eighteenth century, the national ideas of Fichte, Hegel, Macmillan, xi, 202 pp. and the men of 1848, the work of Bismarck, and finally the racial and This is superseded by later works. The author has a somewhat confused Teutonic nationalism of more recent times. His conclusion is that na­ idea of nationalism and the work is marred also by the influence of the tionalism in Europe must receive some sort of counterpoise in the form World War. of a European ideal. Cf. also Stephens, Henry Morse, "Nationality and History," in American 140. WECHSSLER, EDUARD, Esprit und Geist (Leipzig, 1927), Velhagen und Historical Review, XXI (1916), 225-36. Klasing, 604 pp. 20 21 G E R M A NY AND A U S T R I A GERMANY AND AUSTRIA This is a serious attempt at a comparison of French and German na­ part is concerned vlli.th the problem of the struggle between the universal tional cultures and intellectual reactions. aspects of cultural nationalism and cosmopolitanism and the national 141. BRYCE, VISCOUNT, "The Principle of Nationality and Its Applications," political idea, and how the latter triumphed. This is illustrated by in Essays and Addresses in War Time (New York, 1918), Macmillan, monographic expositions of the national ideas of Tepresentative figures pp. 140-75. such as Wilhelm von Humboldt, , Friedrich Schlegel, Fichte, A war-time essay on the principle of nationality and the nationality Adam Miiller, Stein, Gneisenau, Hardenberg, Haller, Hegel, Ranke and problems presented to the Peace Conference in all parts of the world. Bismarck. The second part of the book deals with the Prussian-German question and the triumph of the Prussian idea. It centers chiefly around the figures of 1848, but carries the discussion down to Bismarck and, in NATIONALISM IN GERMANY AND AUSTRIA the seventh edition, includes an essay on the same problem in the establishment of the Weimar Republic. See also Nos. 4, 7, 9, 18,24,46,48,81, 109,111, 112, 113, 114, 140. Cf. No. 10. 146. SCHNABEL, FRANZ, Deutsche Gesehiehte im neunzehnten Jahrhunde1"t, For the historical development of German nationalism, the writings Vols. I-II (Freiburg, 1929-33), Herder. of the following are important: the philologists, Jakob and Wilhelm A discussion of the transition from cosmopolitanism to nationalism, with Grimm; the litterateurs, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Novalis, Friedrich and special attention to the Romanticists, is found in I, 283-315. , Joseph Gorres, Paul Lagarde and ; the political philosophers, Johann Kaspar Bluntschli, Houston 147. NATORP, PAUL G., Der Deutsche und sein Staat (Erlangen, 1924), Verlag Stewart Chamberlain, , Heinrich Rudolph Gneist, del' Philosophischen Akademie, 120 pp. Ludwig Gumplowicz, Georg Wilhelm Hegel, Johann Gottfried Herder, This contains an address, "Volk und JVIenschheit," and an essay "Vom Wilhelm von Humboldt, Friedrich Karl von Moser, Adam Miiller, Staat," in which the author takes up the relations between individual, Friedrich Karl Savigny, and Rudolf Steiner; nationality and humanity. the historians, Johann Gustav Droysen, Max Duncker, Friedrich Giese­ 148. MOLISCH, PAUL, Gesehichte der deutsch-nationalen Bewegung in oster­ brecht, Heinrich Luden, Theodor Mommsen, Barthold Niebuhr, Georg reich von ihren Anfiingen bis zum Zerfall der Monarehie (Jena, 1926), Heinrich Pertz, August Ludwig SchlOzer, Heinrich von Sybel, Heinrich G. Fischer, x, 277 pp. von Treitschke and Georg Waitz i and the economist, Friedrich List. The author traces the development of a national consciousness among 142. JASTROW, 1., Geschichte des deutschen Einheitstra'Urnes und seiner Erfiil­ the Germans in Austria-Hungary to the time of the World War. It is lung, 4th ed. (Berlin, 1891), AllgemeinerVerein fiir Deutsche Literatur, written from a nationalist conservative viewpoint. viii, 400 pp. 149. RAPP, ADOLPH, Der deutsche Gedanke, seine Entwicklung im politischen One of the best of the older works, dealing with the growth of the idea und geistigen Leben seit dem 18. Jahrh:undert (Bonn, 1920), Kurt of a unified national German state and concerned exclusively with political Schroeder, 373 pp. "Biicherei del' Kultur und Geschichte," Vol. VIII. nationalism. The German idea is identified with the strong political Machtstaat. This 143. JOACHIMSEN, PAUL, Vom deutschen Volk zum deutschen Staat. Eine book is a strongly nationalistic account of the evolution of the idea, is Geschichte des deutschen Nationalbewusstseins (Leipzig, 1916), B. G. strongly prejudiced, and is for the most part unreliable. Teubner, 130 pp. 150. SCHMAHL, EUGEN, Der Aufstieg der nationalen Idee (Stuttgart, 1933), Although inspired by patriotic motives during the World War, this book Union deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 222 pp. gives a good popular survey of the growth of German national feeling A review of German nationalism as a background for the advent of from earliest times to the present. It is marked by a strong Protestant National Socialism. feeling. 151. ANDLER, CHARLES, editor, Collection de documents sur le lJangennanis11U3, See also Joachimsen, Paul, "Zur historischen Psychologie des deutschen 4 vols. (Paris, 1915-17), Louis Conrad. Staatsgedankens," in Die Dioskuren, I (1922), 160-77, and Hugelmann, These volumes are mainly extracts from German writers, given in French K. G., "Die deutsche Nation und del' deutsche Nationalstaat im Mittel­ translation, with long introductions to each volume by the editor. Their alter," in Hist010 isches Jahrbuch, LI (1931), 1-29, 445-84. general thesis is that Germany assumed the mission of organizing the world 144. PINSON, KOPPEL S., Pietism as a Factor in the Rise of German Nationalism into an integrated humanity, and the materials in illustration of this (New York, 1934), Columbia University Press, 227 pp. "Studies in are drawn from the works of German philosophers, poets and scholars Economics, History and Public Law," No. 398. since the time of Fichte. The work is to be used with great caution, as it The author aims to show that the religious emotions, psychological reac­ was obviously inspired by World War conditions. Vol. I, Les Origines du tions and intellectual ideas engendered in the Pietist movement came, in pangermanisme (1800 a 1888), lviii, 335 pp., contains extracts from the process of secularization, to be transferred to the nationality. He Dietrich von BUlow, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Friedrich Ludwig J aIm, Fried­ traces this process from the times of Spener and Francke, through the rich List, Helmuth von Moltke, Bismarck, Treitschke, Paul de Lagarde Moravian Brethren and Zinzendorf, to the "enlightened Pietism" of and Constantin Frantz. Vol. II, Le Pangermanisme continental sous Hamann, Lavater, Schleiermacher and Novalis. Guillaume II (de 1888 a 1914) xxxiii, 480 pp., contains texts on ecomonic 145. MEINECKE, FRIEDRICH, Weltbiirgerturn 'Und Nationalstaat. Studien zur nationalism from Julius von Eckardt, ·William II, Prince von BUlow, Genesis des deutschen Nationalstaates, 7th ed. (Munich, 1928), R. Paul Dehn, Friedrich Lange, Fritz Bley, Ernst Hasse, Count zu Reventlow, Oldenbourg Verlag, x, 558 pp. Albrecht Wirth, Paul Rohrbach and Maxmilian Harden. Vol. III, Le This is the classic work on the history of German nationalism. The first Pangermanisme colonial sous Guillaume II (de 1888 a 1914) c, 335 pp., 22 23 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA GERMANY AND AUSTRIA contains extracts from Alfred Zimmerman, Karl von Stengel Ferdinand nationalism is shown to be cultural and humanitarian, rather than polit­ 'Vohltmann, Bartholomaus von 'Verner, Bernhard Dernbu;g, Richard ical. The author has reconstructed from Herder's scattered writings Kranel, Al?e~t Schaeffie, Max Vosberg-Rekow, Friedrich Lange, Johannes Herder's conception of what constitutes a nationality, and he shows how l!nold, HeInrIch Class, Joachim von BUlow, Theodore Schiemann, Fried­ Herder applied his doctrines more specifically to the general questions of rwh Naumann, Gerhard Hildebrand, Paul Rohrbach and Maximilian language, literature and historical tradition, and their relations to GerIl1an Harden. ~ol. IV, Le Pangermanisme philosophique (1800 Ii 1914) cHi, 398 nationality. A useful general survey of German national feeling in the pp., contaIns tex~s from Fichte, Hegel, Goerres, F. Schlegel, Friedrich eighteenth century opens the volume, and a chapter on the subsequent Ra~zel,. Arthur DIX, Ka~l Lamprecht, Albrecht Wirth, Julius Langbehn, influence of Herder's doctrines of nationalism, particularly among the FrIe~rIch Lange, Lu~wlg ~oltmann, Heinrich Driesmans, H. S. Cham­ Slavs, Hungarians, and on Mazzini, brings the work to a close. The lengthy berla,In, Joseph LudwIg ReImer, Klaus Wagner and Friedrich von Bern­ quotations frcm Herder are particularly valuable to the English reader hardl. since very little of Herder's writings has been translated into English. 152. CAPPIS, OSCAR BERNHARD, Die Idee des Kleinstaates im Deutschland See also Hayes, Carlton J. H., "Contributions of Herder to the Doctrine des. 19. Jahrhunderts (Basel, 1923), Franz Mehr, 203 pp. of Nationalism," in American Historical Review, XXXII (1927),719-36. A serIes of monographic studies on K. L. von Haller Adam Miiller Fried­ 159, GOEKEN, W ALTHER,He1'der als DeutschM': ein literatu1'historischer Beitrag rich ~chlegel, Niebuhr, Rotteck, Carl Theodor W:lcker, Gervinu's, Con­ zur Entwicklung der deutschen Nationalidee (Tiibingen, 1926), Kohl­ stantIn Frantz, ,Jakob Bu:;ckhardt, J. G. Droysen, Mommsen, R. von Mohl, hammer, 131 pp. "Tiibingen Germanistische Arbeiten," Vol. 1. J. K. Bluntschh and, Treltschke, showing their views on the problem of A poor attempt at an evaluation of the political and nationalistic elements local state versus umfied German state, and federalism as an intermediate in Herder, consisting mainly of quotations. state, 160. BASCH, VICTOR, Les Doctrines politiques des philosophes classiqu6s de 153. ZEYDEL, E. H., Th.eHoly, Ro~an Empire in German Literature (New York, l'Allemagne: Leibnitz, Kant, Fichte, Hegel (Paris, 1927), Alcan, x, 1918), ColumbIa Umverslty Press, ix, 144 pp. 336 pp. The Holy Roman Empire presented one of the major problems in the The author refutes the contention of Boutroux and others that extreme development of a German nationalism. This book deals with the attitude German nationalism, as developed during and after the war, stems from toward the Empire as expressed in German literature from earliest times the great idealist philosophers. He compares to French to the age of Goethe and Fichte. Jacobinism and emphasizes its humanitarian character. See also Berney, Arnold, "Reichstradition UIid Nationalstaatsgedanke 161. BORRIES, KURT, Kant als PolitikM\ Zur Staats- und GesellschaftslehTe (1789-1815) ," in Historische Zeitschrift. CXL (1929) 57-86' and No des Kritizis1nus (Leipzig, 1928), Felix Meiner, vii, 248 pp. 155. ' , . Kant's views on nation and national feeling are discussed in Ch. III, Part 154. F~NCK!", KUNO, Weltburgertum in der deutschen Literatur von Herder IV, pp. 200-34. btB Nwtzsche. (Berlin, 1928), Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 140 pp. Cf. Meyer, Friedrich, "tiber Kants Stellung zu Nation und Staat," in Volume III of hIs Kulturwerte der deutschen Literatur. This is a beauti­ Historische Zeitschrift, CXXXIII (1926), 197-219. ful essay on the cosmopolitan strain in German literature of the nineteenth 162. HELLER, HERMANN, Hegel und der nation ale Machtstaatsgedanke century, which, however, proved to be a very weak counterpoise to the in Deutschland (Leipzig, 1921), Teubner, vi, 210 pp. stronger nationalist strain. This is one of the most important studies of Hegel. The author traces Cf. Lenz, Max, "Deutsche Nationalempftnden im Zeitalter unserer Klassi­ the transition from the ideal of Kulturstaat to that of Machtstaat in Ger­ ker," in Jahrbuch der Goethe Gesellschaft, II (1915), 265-300. many, and attributes it chiefly to the influence of Hegel. He presents a 155. RENNER, BRUNO, Die nationalen Einigungsbestrebungen Friedrich Karl brilliant analysis of Hegel's political and national ideas and his influence ~on Mosers, 176,5-1767 (Konigsberg, 1919), H. Schwarz, 103 pp. on subsequent political thinkers. Ch~efly an a;nalysls. o~ Moser's Von dem deutschen Nationalgeist, Reli­ 163. DITTMANN, FRIEDRICH, Der Beg1'ijj des Volksgeistes bei Hegel (Leipzig, quwn, and hIS Patrwttsche Briefe. 1909), R. Voigtlander Verlag, vi, 108 pp. "Beitriige zur Kultur und Universal Geschichte," Heft X. 156. GERLACH, OTTO, Die Idee der Nationalerziehung in der Geschichte der An able analysis of Hegel's concept of or "spirit of a people," preusstschen Volksschule. Vol. I, Die Nationalerziehung im 18. Jahr­ Volksgeist, of how he applied it in historical practice, and a comparison with the views hundert, dargestellt an ihrem Hauptvertretter Rochow, (Langensalza 1932), J. Beltz, vii, 158 pp. ' of Kant and Herder. A study of the most important pioneer of public-school and national educa­ 164. ENGELBRECHT, H. C., Johann Gottlieb Fichte. A Study of his Writings tion in Germany. with Special Reference to his Nationalism (New York, 1933) , Columbia University Press, 221 pp. "Studies in History Economics and Public 157. HAY, JOSEPH, Staat, Volk und Weltbu1'gerthum in den Berlinischen Monat­ Law," No. 383. schrif,t von Friedrich Gedicke und Johann Erich Biester (1783-96) A fine presentation of Fichte's ideas of nationalism against the background (BerlIn, 1913), Haude und Spener, vi, 83 pp. of his general political, economic and social views. It is particularly A .~octoral disserta.tion ~ealing with a leading journal of the Berlin Auf­ valuable for its analysis of the nationalist contents of Fichte's individual klarer and the natIOnalIst and cosmopolitan strains contained therein. works, and for the chapter on Fichte's influence in the nineteenth and 158. ERGANG, ROBERT R., Herder and the Foundations of German Nationalism twentieth centuries. It is weaker in relating Fichte to the general intel­ (New York, 1931), Columbia UniVersity Press, 288 pp. "Studies in lectual currents of his time. History, Economics and Public Law," No. 341. See also No. 264; and Binder, Julius, "Fichte und die Nation," in Logos, An exhaustive study of the first modern theorist of nationalism. Herder's X (1922), 275-315. 24 25 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA GERMANY AND AUSTRIA 165. WALLNER, NICO, Fiehte als politiseher Denker. Werden und Wesen seiner This book contains a discussion of the nationalist doctrines of the German Gedanken u?er den Staat. (Halle, 1926), 1\1:. Niemeyer, 280 pp. Romanticists, particularly Fichte, Novalis, Friedrich Schlegel and Adam The, author WIshes to show that Fichte cannot be claimed by Liberals Miiller, by an enthusiastic and uncritical Neo-Romanticist and disciple of S?Clal Democrats, Conservatives or Democrats, but that his politicai Othmar Spann. v~ews can ?e un~e~stood o~ly as part of his general religious, philosophical 173. SCHMITT, CARL, Politische R01nantik, 2d ed. (Munich, 1925), Duncker vIe~. ~hIS relIgIOus, phIlosophical character he also finds in Fichte's und Humblot, 123 pp. natIOnalIsm. He substantiates Meinecke's thesis however that the A thoroughly realistic analysis of German Romantic political philosophy, nat,i~nal state which Fichte talks about in his Reden is not 'a practical concerned chiefly with Adam Miiller, attempting to show the utter barren­ pol:tIcal c?nstruct, but rather the dictate of a universally oriented humani­ ness and lack of originality in Romantic political ideas and denying any t~rIan phIlosophy. Ch. V, pp. 189-220, is most important for the con­ contributions of Romanticism to national or historical feeling. SIderatIOn of his nationalism. See the review of the first edition of this book by Friedrich Meinecke in Cf. No. 145. Historisehe ZeitsehTijt, CXXI (1920), 292-96. 166. LEON~ XAVIER, Fichte et son temps, 2 vols. in 3 (Paris, 1922-27) Armand 174. BORRIES, KURT, Die R01nantik und die Geschichte. Studien zur r01nan­ ~. ' tischen Lebensform (Berlin, 1925), Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fUr V ~l. II! Part II, Chs. I-II, contains a detailed analysis of Fichte's Patri­ Politik und Geschichte, 235 pp. otw Dtalogues and his Addresses to the German Nation. A balanced and moderate treatment of the Romantic philosophy of history 167. REIDT, KONRAD, DaB Nationale und daB iibernationale bei Fiehte mit and the concept of Volksgeist. besonder~r Berucksichtigung seiner Padagogik (Giessen, 1926), Pri­ vately prmted, 87 pp. 175. SALOMON, GOTTFRIED, Das Mittelalter als Ideal in der Romantik (Munich, 1922), Drei Masken Verlag, 127 pp. Fi~hte's ~octrines of n~tionalism are studied in relation to his general A good discussion of as a factor in Romantic nationalism. phIlosophIc. s~stem. Fichte st,ands mid~ay between the Enlightenment and H~gehamsm. He. recogmzes the rIghts of individual personality, 176. SAMUEL, RICHARD, Die poetische Staats- und Geschichtsaujjassung but. claIms t~at these r:ghts can ,be ~ttained only through community of Friedrich von Ha1-denbergs (Frankfurt, 1925), Diesterweg, 302 pp. natIonal feelmg. SpecIal attentIOn IS devoted to his pedagogic views. "Deutsche Forschungen," VoL XII. 168. GOOCH, GEORGE PEABODY, Germany and the French Revolution (London This is the best study of the political doctrines of Novalis with consider­ ~92.o), Longmans, Green and Co., vii, 543pp.· ' able attention to the place of nationality and a very good discussion of the ThIS IS a good :v:ork on t?e general influences of the French Revolution medievalism of N ovalis. on German,polItIc,al and ~ntellectual life. It is arranged in the form of 177. BRANDT, OTTO, A. W. Schlegel. Der Romantiker und die Politik (Stutt- monographIc studIes and IS rather a collection of quotations than an inte­ gart, 1919), Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, viii, 258 pp. grated study. It does contain, however, a great deal of material on the An attempt to show how German national feeling overcame universalism. effects of the Revolution in stimulating German and Pruss ian national Schlegel is pictured as one of the first political Romanticists and the first consciousness. to espouse the cause of the medieval feudal state. It is a good treatment 169. STERN, ALFRE~, Der Einfiuss der franzosischen Revolution auf das of Schlegel in the setting of his times and makes use of much unpublished deutsehe ,ceMte,sl~ben (Stuttgart, 1928), J. G. Cotta, 248 pp. material. :rhe au~hor s thesIS !S that the French Revolution was the primary cause 178. VOLPERS, RICHARD, F1'iedrieh Schlegel als politischer Denker und deutscher m !urTImg Ge~man I~tell~ctual life from cosmopolitanism to nationalism. Patriot (Berlin, 1917), B. BehI's Verlag, x, 250 pp. ThIS process IS studIed m the reactions of the leading poets writers The author discusses Schlegel's attitude toward the state, people and na­ philosophers and pUblicists of the period. " tionality. He aims to show that Schlegel comprehended the idea of a 170. VERSCHOOR, A. D., Die altere deutsehe Romantik und die Nationalidee national state more deeply than did Schleiermacher. (~msterdam, 1928), H. J. Paris, viii, 150 pp. 179. WIENEKE, ERNST, Patriotis1nus und Religion in Friedrich Sehlegels Gedich­ The mfluence of the ~arly .R0manticist~, pll:rticularly the Schlegel brothers, ten (Dresden, 1913), Albert Hille, 104 pp. ?n the turn from ratIOnalIst cosmopohtamsm to German national patriot­ A brief discussion of Schlegel's political and national ideas and their Ism. expression in his poetic works. 171. KLUCKHOHN, PAUL, Personliehkeit und Ge1neinsehaft. Studien zur Staats­ 180. MUSEBECK, ERNST, Schleiennacher in der Geschiehte der Staatsidee und aujjassung der deutsehen Romantik. (Halle 1925) Max Niemeyer des Nationalbewusstseins (Berlin, 1927), Reimar Hobbing, 150 pp. 111 pp. '" A genetic study of Schleiermacher's political philosophy of nationalism This, ,,:ork ,is chiefly conc,e~ned with the elements of nationalism and and his patriotic activity, emphasizing particularly the Protestant char­ p~trIOtlsm In Ge~man polItIcal philosophy of the eighteenth and early acter of his ideas. nInetee~th centur~es, c,ontrasting the cosmopolitanism of the Enlighten­ See also Reuter, H., "Schleiermachers Stellung zur Idee del' Nation und ment WIth t~e n~tIOn~lIsm of the Romantic movements and its precursors. des nationalen Staates," in Theologisehe Studien und Kritiken, XXI Most attentIOn IS l?aId to Nova~is" Schleiermacher, Schelling, Friedrich (1918),439-504; Reinhard, J., "Friedrich Schleiermacher als deutscher Schleg~l, Ada:n Muller ~nd . The problem is dis- Patriot," in Neue Jahrbucher fUT Padagogik, IV (1899),345-60; Dilthey, cussed In relatIOn to questIOns of the new historical sense, medievalism etc. W., "Schleiermachers politische Gesinnung und Wirksamkeit," in Preus­ 172. BAXA, JAKOB, Einfuhrung i'!1' die r01nantische Staatswissenschajt, 2d ed. sische J ahrbueher, X (1862), 234-77; and No. 144. (Jena, 1931), Gustav FIscher, xv, 295 pp. "Erganzungsbande zur 181. BAUER, JOHANNES, Schleier1naeher als politiseher Prediger. Ein Beitrag Sammlung Herdfiamme," Vol. IV. zur Geschichte der nationalen Erhebung vor hundert Jahren (Giessen, 26 27 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA GERMANY AND AUSTRIA 1908), Topelmann, xii, 364 pp. "Studien zur Geschichte des neueren 189. CHUQUET, ARTHUR, Les Chants patTiotiques de l'Allemagne, 1813-1918 Protestantismus," Heft IV. (Paris, 1920), Ernest Leroux, 316 pp. The best and most elaborate analysis of Schleiermacher's patriotic A patriotic Frenchman studies the propagation of German patriotism sermons. in the German poetry of the nineteenth century. 182. UNGERN-STERNBERG, ARTHUR VON, SchleieT1n(wheTs volkische Botschaft. 190. HAUPT, HERMANN and PAUL WENTZCKE, editors, QueUen 'und Dantell­ Aus deT Zeit deT deutschen ETneuerung (Gotha, 1933), Leopold Klotz, 251 pp. ungen ZUT Gesehichte der Bursehensehaft und der deutsehen Einheits­ bewegung, Vols. I-XIII (Heidelberg, 1910-32), Carl Winters. A theologically colored interpretation of Schleiermacher's nationalist doc­ trines as revealed in his political, pedagogic and religious writings. A collection of studies by various German scholars on the Burschenschaft movement. Of particular importance is the general history of the 183. UHLMANN, JOHANNES, Joseph GOTTeS und die deutsche Einheits- und Burschenschaft by Paul Wentzcke and Georg Heel' in Vols. VI, X and XI, VeTfassungsfrage bis zum Jahre 1824 (Leipzig, 1912), Quelle und and the study of the German national colors by Paul Wentzcke in Vol. IX. Meyer, x, 155 pp. "Leipziger Historische Abhandlungen," Heft XXXII. On the background of his general political and philosophic ideas, the 191. LANGSAM, WALTER C., The Napoleonie Wa1's and German Nationalism in author traces Gorres's theories and nationalist activities as publicist Austria (New York, 1930), Columbia University Press, vii, 243 pp. between 1814 and 1819. "Studies in History, Economics and Public Law," No. 324. 184. RUTH, PAUL HERMANN, Arndt und die Geschichte (Munich, 1930), R. The author considers a phase of German nationalism which has received Oldenbourg, xxviii, 188 pp. HistoTische Zeitschri/t, Beiheft XVIII. but scant treatment, most of the attention having been given to Prussia. The most complete analysis of Arndt's social, political and historical The work makes abundant use of manuscript and archive material and ideas, particularly illuminating in revealing the clash between cosmo­ is particularly valuable in showing the use of nationalist propaganda politanism and nationalism, individualism and social feeling, Swedish and consciously set in motion by the government through the press, theater, German patriotism, and the final victory of German national feeling. It and pamphlets. The spread of nationalism among the masses is shown also includes a good account of Arndt's influence on nationalist historical in folk songs. The book closes with a good summary of the views of writing. Metternich on nationalism, and the effects on the resulting settlement of the German situation. It is weak, however, in the treatment of the 185. RITTER, GERHARD, Stein, eine politische Biographie. Vol. I, DeT Re­ background and fails to take into account the work of Joseph II and ,the former; Vol. II, DeT VOTkiimpfC1' nationaleT Freiheitund Einheit, relations of Austro-German nationalism to the larger German questIOn. (Stuttgart, 1931), Deutsche VeilagsanstalIt, xi, 542 pp., and 408 pp. Ritter takes issue with Meinecke's interpretation of Stein's nationalism. 191a. ROBERT, ANDRE, L'Jdee nationale autrichienne et les guen"es de Napoleon; He denies any element of universal cosmopolitanism in Stein's ideas, l'apostolat du Baron de HorrnaYT e't le salon de Caroline Pichler (Paris, which Meinecke attributes to eighteenth-century influence and which 1933), Felix Alcan, ix, 604 pp. thus distinguishes him from the policy of the Realpolitik of Bismarck. The author treats of the influence of the French Revolution in stimulating Cf. the review by Otto Hintze in Historische ZeitschTi/t, CXLVI (1932), Austrian national consciousness in the period 1805-9, and of the chief 354-55; and that by Hans Rothfels in the Deutsche LiteratuTzeitung, LIII inspirer of this movement, Baron Hormayr. (1932), 742-56. 192. ULBRICHT, WALTHER, Bunsen und die deutsche Einheitsbewegung (Leipzig, See also Druner, H., "Del' nationale und der universale Gedanke bei dem 1910), Quelle und Meyer, xii, 146 pp. "Leipziger Historische Abhand­ Freiherrn vom Stein," in Historische VierteljahTschrift, XXII (1924-25), lungen," Heft XX. 28-69. The views on German national unity of Christian Karl J osias von Bunsen, 186. ANTONOWYTSCH, MICHAEL, FTiedrich Ludwig Jahn. Ein Beitrag Z'Ur one of the important leaders of 1848. Geschichte der Anfiinge des deutschen Nationalismus (Berlin, 1933), Emil Ebering, 82 pp. "Historische Studien," No. CCXXX. 193. DE JONGE, A. R., Gottfried Kinkel as a Political and Social Thinker (New An interpretation of J ahn as an opponent of liberalism, showing the in­ York 1926), Columbia University Press, xvi, 156 pp. fluence of the French Revolution in his emphasis on Volk, and of the The poiitical and nationalist theories of an 1848 Republican poet and Romantic movement in his emotionalism. The author emphasizes Jahn's patriot. importance as the first great popularizer of nationalism among the masses. 194. SCHROTH HAUSGEORG Welt- und Staatsideen des deutsehen Liberalismus 187. PREUSS, GEORG FRIEDRICH, Die Quellen des Nationalgeistes der Be/reiungs- in de1' Zeit der Einheits-'Und Freiheitskiim,pfe, 1859-1866. Ein Beitra[l kriege (Berlin, 1914), Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 74 pp. zur Soziologie des deutschen politischen Denkens. (Berlin, 1931), EmIl The author shows the interaction of the spirit of Frederick the Great, the Ebering, 120 pp. "Historische Studien," No. CCl. . classic spirit of civic duty, Romanticism with its national emphasis, and A poor attempt to analyze the po~itica.l ideas of. liber:"lism durmg the the philosophy of Fichte, to produce the national spirit of 1813. unification period and to show how lIttle mfluence lIberalIsm had. 188. GROMMAIRE, G., La LitteratuTe patriotique en Allemagne, 1800-1815 195. FENSKE, WALTER, J. G. Droysen und das deutsche N ;:ttionalstaats-problem. (Paris, 1911), A. Colin, viii, 305 pp. Ein Beitrag ZUT Geschichte der Frankfurter Natwnalversammlung von A very able study of patriotism in German literature up to 1815. It is 1848-49 (Erlangen, 1930), Palm und Enke, vii, 244 pp. "Erlanger concerned more with patriotism than with nationalism and also places Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte," Vol. II. more emphasis on the literary than on the general intellectual and philo­ This work is concerned mainly with Droysen's ideas and the role played sophic currents. It is nevertheless the best book on the subject and is by him during the period of the Frankfurt Assembly of 1848-49, the quite objective. influence of Hegel, and the evolution of his "Prussian" views. 28 29 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA GERMANY AND AUSTRIA 196. GILBERT, FELIX, J. G. Droysen und die pJ'eussische-deutsche Problem 203. KLAMROTH, ~URT, Staat .u,nd Nation. bei Pa,,:,l de Lagarde. Ein Beitrag (Munich, 1931), R. Oldenbourg, iv, 148 pp. Hist01'ische Zeitschrift, zur Geschwhte der poltttschen Ideenlehre tm 19. Jahrhundert (Leipzig Beiheft XX. . 1928), A. Deichert, 95 pp. ' This study shows the transformation of Droysen from a federalist before This. work presents an ac~ount o~ the nationalist theories of Lagarde, 1848 to a most ardent advocate of Prussian hegemony. and ~s partIcula~l:y useful m relatmg them to the other religious, philo­ 197. GASPARIAN, ASCHOT, Der Begriff der Nation in der deutschen Geschichts­ sopillcal and polrtical currents of nineteenth-century Germany, schreibung des 19. Jahrhunderts (Leipzig, 1916), R. VoigtHinders 204. SEILLI:ERE, ERNEST, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, le plus recent philo­ Verlag, viii, 64 pp. "Beitrage zur Kultur und Universal Geschichte," sophe du pange1"manisme mystique (Paris, 1917) La Renaissance du Heft XXXVIII. livre, 182 pp. ' An analysis of the use of the concept of the nation in the historical writings An €xp,osition vi the racialist pan-Germanism of H. S. Chamberlain, his of Ranke, Treitschke, Sybel, Droysen and Lamprecht. borrowmgs from Rousseau, Kant, Schopenhauer, Gobineau Nietzsche 197a. SCHMIDT, HERBERT, Friedrich Julius Stahl und die deutsche National­ and Wagner, and his influence on Emperor William II. ' staatsidee (Berlin, 1914), M. and H. Marcus, viii, 106 pp. "Historische 205. TOWNSEND, MARY EVELYN, Origins of Modern German Colonialism, 1871- Untersuchungen," Heft IV. !885. (New York, 1~21), Columbia University Press, 338 pp. "Studies The views of the theoretical founder of Prussian conservatism on German m HIstory, EconomIcs and Public Law," No. 223. political nationalism. ~ study of the beginnings of German colonial expansion as a manifesta­ 198. KATSCH, HILDEGARD, Heinrich von Treitschke und die preussisch-deutsche tlOn and expansion of German national patriotism. The book takes up Frage von 1860-1864 (Munich, 1919), R. Oldenbourg, 71 pp. both colonial theories and the actual administrative and political work­ The author discusses Treitschke's nationalist views as revealed in his ing. The ,nationalist a~pects of the pr.oblem are brought out more fully attitude toward domestic affairs in Prussia, 1860-63, his view of the role here ~han III the author s subsequent Rtse and Fall of Germany's Colonial of Prussia in German unification and his position on the Schleswig­ Emptre, 1884-1918 (New York, 1930). Holstein problem. 206. WERTHEIMER, M. S., The Pan German League, 1890-1914 (Niew York 199. SOMMER, ARTUR, Friedrich Lists System der politischen Okonomie (Jena, 1924), Columbia University Press, 256 pp. "Studies in History' 1927), Gustav Fischer, xii, 242 pp. "List Studien," Heft I. Economics and Public Law," No. 251. ' This is the best study of the economic a:ncipolitical doctrines of Friedrich The Pan German League, or the Alldeutscher Verband, is "an example List, and gives special attention to List's economic nationalism. par excellence of an organization founded to agitate for extreme na­ See also Baasch, Ernst, "Die deutschen wirtschaftlichen Einheitsbestre­ tionalism." It is, with the Action franc;;aise, probably the best known bungen die HansestKdte und Friedrich List bis zum Jahre 1821," in of the jingoistic societies. Its importance was exaggerated outside of Historische Zeitschrift, CXXII (1920), 454-85; and Albrecht, Gerhard, Germany and on the other hand was minimized considerably within Ger­ "Die Ausgestaltung des Listschen N ationalitKtsprinzips durch Eugen many. The author presents a moderate and sane appraisal of the work Diihring," in Zeitschrift filr die gesal1tte Staatswissenschaft, LXXXIII and activity of the league, the social and economic classes which made (1927), 1-32. up the membership, its organization, ideals and aims, and its activities in foreign lands, its foreign policy and, above all, its influence on govern­ 200. FRANZ, GUNTHER, Bismarcks NationalgefUhl, (Leipzig, 1926), B. G. mental policy. Teubner, vi, 125 pp. 207. KOSOK, PAUL, Modern Germany. A Study of Conflicting Loyalties This is the best study of the national ideas of Bismarck, and reveals the (Chicago, 1933), University of Chicago Press, xxi, 348 pp. great Prussian hero as lacking any deep feeli.ng of German ~~tionalism. One of the volumes in the series of "Studies in the Making of Citizens" What guided him chiefly was a strong feelmg for the polItIcal state, edited by Charles E. Merriam. Although more generally concerned with which found concrete expression in his Prussianism. The author tends the social and economic stratification of postwar Germany and the con­ to exaggerate the growth of Bismarck'~ national fe:lin~ to~ard. the flicting class loyalties of the various groups, the student of nationalism end of his life. Cf. the review by H. RItter von Srblk m Htstonsche will find valuable material in Ch. X on the schools, Ch. XIII on localism Zeitschrift, CXXXVII (1928), 327-32. and sectionalism, Ch. XIV on the relation of Germans to the non-German See also Rothfels, Hans, "Bismarck und die NationalitKtenfragen des minorities, and Ch. XVI, by Isidor Ginsburg, on the historical develop­ Ostens," in Historische Zeitschrift, CXLVII (1933), 89-105. ment and psychological significance of national symbols. The work 201. GAZLEY J. G. American Opinion of Gerlnan Unification, 1848-71 (New written before the advent of the Hitler government is nevertheless ver; York; 1926)', Columbia University Press, 586 pp. "Studies in History, useful for the background of the later events, Economics and Public Law," No. 267. See also Salz, Arthur, "Nationalismus und Sozialismus im heutigen A discussion of the attitude of American public opinion, as reflected in Deutschland," in Archiv fur Politik und Geschichte, IV (1925), 290-312. newspapers, periodicals and books, of the nationalist, movement in Ger­ 207a. Snyder, Louis L., From Bismarck to Hitler. The Background of Modern many; of the movement of 1848, of the Aus~ro-Prusslan War and of the Ge:man Na:tionalism (Williamsport, 1935), Bayard Press, xiv, 164 pp. Franco-Prussian War. There is also a sectIon on Hungary and France. StudIes of BIsmarck, Stoecker, Treitschke, Nietzsche, Wagner, William 202. BREITLING, RICHARD, Paul de Lagarde und der grossdeutsche Gedanke II, Bernhardi and Hitler. (Vienna, 1927), Wilhelm Braumiiller, viii, 116 pp. 208. KAWERAU, SIEGFRIED, Denkschrift uber die deutschen Geschichts und A very sympathetic treatment of the nationalist doctrines of one of the Lesebucher ~or a,llem seit ~923 (Berlin, 1927), Hensel, 208 pp. most influential nationalist theorists of the late nineteenth century. It A study of nahonalIst tendenCIes and propaganda in the history textbooks excels in placing Lagarde in the general setting of his times. used in German schools. 30 31 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN EMPIRE 209. SIEBURG, FRIEDRICH, Es werde Deutschland (Frankfurt, 1933). Societats Verlag, 327 pp. Written after the Hitler revolt of 1933, this is a defense of German na­ THE NATIONALITY PROBLEM IN THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN EMPIRE tionalism by a former liberal journalist. See also Nos. 17,44, 105, 106. The works on German National Socialism are for the most part partisan 217. AUERBACH, BERTRAND, Les Races et les nationalites en AUb'iche-Hongrie, propaganda either for. or against the movem~nt. The following works 2d ed. (Paris, 1917), Felix Alcan, xxvi, 492 pp. represent the most serIOUS attempts at analysIs: The most authoritative and comprehensive study of the nationalities in 210. HOOVER, CALVIN B., Germany Enters the Third Reich (New York, 1933), the old Hapsburg empire. It is very good on demographic aspects, on Macmillan, 243 pp. . . . the individual national movements, and on the problem of cultural con­ Chapters V-IX contain good material on the polItIcal and. psychol~gI~al tacts. aspects and principles of National Socialism. The book IS weak m ItS treatment of the history and development of the movement, and suffers 218. JASZI, OSCAR, The Dissolution of the Habsbu1'g Monarchy (Chicago, from its exaggeration of the anticapitalistic aspects of the movement. 1929), University of Chicago Press, xxiv, 488 pp. One of the volumes in the series, "Studies in the Making of Citizens," 211. HEIDEN, KONRAD, Geschichte des National Sozialismus. Die Karriere einer edited by Charles E. Merriam. Parts III-VII, pp. 133-457, present the Idee (Berlin, 1932), Rowohlt, 301 pp. ., . most authoritative recent treatment of the nationalist conflict in the old The best and most comprehensive history of German NatIonal SOCIalIsm Austro-Hungarian empire. The author is a leading Hungarian writer by a Liberal Democrat. It was written before Hitler's ad:vent to p~w~r. on the subject, who himself had worked for a democratic federalist solu­ The author's subsequent book, published after the NatIOnal SocIalIst tion of the problem. He holds that in its ultimate result the Hapsburg Revolution, is not so good. monarchy came to an end owing to its inability to solve the national prob­ 212. HEUSS, THEODOR, Hitler's Weg, (Stuttgart, 1932), Union Verlag, 171 p~. lem and he places that chief blame on the ruling classes of Hungary. The This work, by a German liberal and one of the leader~ ?f the Star:tsp'arte~, treatment is both historical and analytical. represents the best analysis of the ideology and polItIcal organIZatIOn of 219. SAMASSA, PAUL, Der Volkerstreit im Hapsburgerstaat (Leipzig, 1910), National Socialism. Dieterichsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, iv, 181 pp. The following are the most important theoretical writings by proponents The conflict of Slav, Hungarian and German nationalities is described in and leading advocates of National Socialism: a popular fashion by a patriotic German-Austrian. It is not intended 213. ROSENBERG ALFRED Das Wesensgefiige des Nationalsozialismus. as a scientific work. Grundla;en der d:utschen Wiedergeburt (Munich, 1932), Frz. Eher, 220. GEIST-LANYI, PAULA, Das Nationalitiitenproblem auf dem Reichstag zu 80 pp. . . 11 I f th Kremsier, 1848-49. Ein Beitrag ZU1' Geschichte der Nationalitaten in A short formulation of Nazi principles by the leadmg mte ectua 0 e Oesterreich (Munich, 1920), Drei Masken Verlag, 210 pp. movement. Interesting material is brought together on the attitudes of the various 214. FEDER GOTTFRIED Der deutsche Staat auf nationaler und sozialer Grund­ nationalities in Austria-Hungary during the 1848 period, with an intro­ lag;. Neue W~ge in Staat, Finanz und Wirtsehaft, 5th ed. (Munich, duction on the development of the nationality problem up to 1848. 1932), Frz. Eher, 142 pp. 221. RENNER, KARL, (Synopticus), Staat und Nation. Zur oste1Teichisehen This work is by the leading economic theoretician of the Nazi party. Nationalitatenfrage (Vienna, 1899), Josef Dietl, 42 pp. 215. LAUM, BERNARD, Die geschlossene Wirtsehaft. Soziologische GrundlafJ.­ This address of Renner's, delivered on February 9, 1899, represents the ung des Autarkieproblems (Tubingen, 1933), J.C.B. Mohr, XVI, first clear exposition of the idea of national autonomy as a constitutional 503 pp. means of solving the nationalities problem. The most thorough National Socialist study of autarchy or extreme 222. HERRNRITT, RUDOLF HERMANN VON, Nationalitat und Recht, da1'gestellt economic nationalism. nach der osterreichisehen und auslandischen Gesetzgebung (Vienna, 216. ROSENBERG, ALFRED, Der My thus des 20. Jahrhunde~ts. Eine Wert1!ng 1899), Hof-Verlag, x, 148 pp. der seelisch--geistigen Gestaltenkampfe unserer Ze2t, 4th ed. (MUnIch, Despite its age, it is still one of the most valuable works on the relation 1932), Hohenreichen Verlag, 696 p~. . . . of nationality to the political state. It is based chiefly on the considera­ The most ambitious attempt at a NazI mterpretatIOn of hIstOry and the tion of the situation in Austria-Hungary. historical process and providing the most detailed exposition of ~ ational 223. BERNATZIK, E., Die Ausgestaltung des Nationalgefiihls im 19. Jahr­ Socialist ideology. The book was not brought out by the officIal pub­ hundert. Rechtsstaat und Kulturstaat (Hanover, 1912), Helwingsche lishing house of the party, and the party has disclaimed. responsibi.lity Verlagsbuchhandlung, 94 pp. for some of the statements in the book, particularly those dIrected agamst The first essay (pp. 1-45) deals chiefly with the nationality problem in the Catholic Church. Austria and sets forth a moderate program of autonomy. See also Nadler, Josef, "Nation, Staat, Dichtung," in Corona, IV (1934), 224. STEINACKER, WOLFGANG, Der B egriff der V olkszugehorig keit und die 359-74. Praxis der Volkszugehorigkeitsbestim1nung i1n alt osterreichisehen 216a. UNGER ERICH, Das Sehrifttum des Nationalsozialismus, 1919-1934 (Ber- Nationalitatenrecht. Institut fur Sozialforschung in den Alpenlandern lin, i934), Junker und Dunnhaupt, xii, 187 pp. . of the University of Innsbruck, Schriften, IX Folge (Innsbruck, 1932), This is an official bibliographical list of all books, pamphlets and artIcles Universitatsverlag, xiii, 65 pp. of National Socialist writers or those ideologically allied to the move­ A study of the methods of determining nationality-the subjective and ment. objective tests. 32 33 THE SLAVIC WORLD THE SLAVIC WORLD A geographical interpretation of the Czech nationalist movement. The 225. VINCENTY, CHARLES, Les Nationalites en Hongrie 3d ed. (Geneva, 1918), author holds that "as a result of the surrounding of the Czech land by Edition Atar, 222 pp. ' Germans they were constantly driven to the offensive." The conflict of nationalities in Hungary is described by a liberal follower of the policy of Deak, emphasizing the primacy of the moral factor. 230. FISCHEL, ALFRED, Das tschechische Volk, 2 vols. (Breslau, 1928), See also No. 54. Priebatsch, xvi, 234 pp. and 108 pp. 226. HEVESEY, ANDRE DE, Nationalities in Hungary, 2d ed. (London, 1919), Volume II contains an essay on Czech national literature, an attempt T. Fisher Unwin, 247 pp. at an analysis of the national psychology of the Czechs, and a brief dis­ A brief survey of the national complexion of Hungary and the various cussion of Czech nationalism. national movements of the nineteenth century, with a plea for the smaller 231. MURKO, MATHIAS, Deutsche Einfiiisse auf die Anfiinge der boh1nischen nationalities in Hungary. The author is a follower of the liberal policy R01nantik (Graz, 1897), Styria Verlag, xii, 373 pp. of Deak. A study of the influence of on the Czech renais­ sance. Particular attention is given to Palacky, Safarik and Kollar. See also Oncken, Herman, "Deutsche geistige Einflusse in der europaischen NATIONALISM IN THE SLAVIC WORLD Nationalbewegung des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts," in Deutsche Viertel­ jahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, VII (1929), See also Nos. 44, 52, 99, 110, 110a. 607-27; Pfitzner, J., "Heinrich Luden und Frantisek Palacky," in Historische Zeitschrift, CXLI (1930), 54-96. For the historical development of nationalism in the Slavic countries 232. LEMBERG, EUGEN, Grundlagen des nationalen E1 h wachens in Bohrnen. the writings of the folloVi>1.ng are important: for the Czechs Joseph Geitesgeschichtliche Studie a1n Lebensgang Josef Georg M einerts Dobrowsky, Karl Havlicek, Joseph Jungmann, Jan Kollar, T. G. Massaryk, (1773-18.4..4.), "Veroffentlichungen der slawistischen Arbeitsgemein­ Franz Palacky and Paul Saffarik; for the Poles, and schaft an del' deutschen Universitat in Prag," Reihe I, Heft X (Reichen­ Hoene-Wronski; for the Russians, Peter Chaadayev, Nikolai Danilevsky Aleksei ~omiakov! Nikolai Karamzin, Michail Katkov, Ivan Kireyevsky: berg, 1932), Stiepel, 181 pp. Constantm Leonhev, Constantin Pobiednostzoff, Michail Pogo din and This study is concerned with the influence of Herder and German Roman­ Vladimir Soloviev; for the Ukrainians, Vladimir Antonovitch, Michail ticism on the beginnings of Slavic national movements, as revealed in Drahomanov, Ivan Franko, Nikolai Kostomarov TarasShevtchenko and the life and literary activity of the journalist and professor Mi~hail Hrusevs~y; for the Serbs and C1-oats,' Jovan Civijic, Liudewit Georg Meinert (1773-1844). Gar, Vuk KaradzIc, Janez Krek, Juri Krizanic., Dositey Obradovic, Vasa 233. RADL, EMANUEL, Der Ka1npf zwischen Tschechen und Deutschen, tr. Pelagic, Juray Strossmayer, F. Racki and Jovan Skerlic' for the Bul­ from the Czech by Richard Brandeis (Reichenberg, 1928), Stiepel, garians, Hristo. Botev, Lubin Karaveloff, Paissi and G~org Venelin; 208 pp. for the RU1namans, Georg Lazar, Michael Kogalniceaunu, Alexander This work, by a leading Czech philosopher, is marked by an honest effort Xenopol and N. Jorga; for the Greeks, Adamantios Koraes and Con­ at objectivity and truth. It is valuable for the theoretical discussions of stantin Rhigas. such problems as democracy and nationalism, and the general concept 227. FIS~CHEL, ~LFRED, Der Panslawis1nus bis ZU1n TV eltkriege. Ein geschicht- of nationalism. The author's standpoint is to make Czechoslovakia a l:cher uberblick (Stuttgart, 1919), J. G. Cotta, vii, 590 pp. multinational state of three nationalities (Czech, German, and Hun­ ThIS work, strongly pro-German in tone, is the most comprehensive sur­ garian). He makes a sharp attack on the "Czechization" attempts v~y ?f the nationalist c~rrents in Slavic Europe. The author's general directed at the Germans, and presents a good historical account of Czecho­ aIm IS to show pan-SlavIsm as one of the important causes of the World German relations since earliest times. War:. He traces the strong German influence of August Ludwig von 234. MOLISCH, PAUL, V01n Kantpf der Tschechen U1n ihren Staat (Vienna, Schlozer and Herder on the beginnings of Slavic national movements 1929), Wilhelm Braumuller, viii, 164 pp. and describes the Russians and the Poles as the bearers of the ideal of This work is valuable for its inclusion of much inaccessible material, and the political union of the Slavs, and the Slovaks as the bearers of the presents the story of the Czech movement in Austria from the Austrian cultural ideal. side. See also Mirtschuk, 1., "Del' Messianismus bei den Slawen," in Jahr­ 235. DENIS, ERNEST, La Qtwstion d'Autriche. Les Slovaques (Paris, 1917), bucher fur Kultur und Geschichte der Slawen, VI (1930), 223-38. Librairie Delagrave, 283 pp. 228. DENIS, ERNEST, La Bohe1ne depuis la Montagne-Blanche, 2 vols. (Paris, Although war propaganda, this book contains some good material on the 1903), Ernest Leroux, 644 and 675 pp. Slovak national movement of the nineteenth century. Volume II presents a thorough account of the Czech renaissance and na­ tional movement in the nineteenth century, its relations to other Slav 236. LOCHER, PH. J. G., Die nationale DifJerenzierung und Integrierung der movements and its political and cultural place in Austria-Hungary. The Slowaken und Tschechen in ihrent g6schichtlichen Vej'lauf bis 18.4.8 author is the leading French authority on Bohemia. (Haarlem, 1931), Willing, x, 208 pp. See also Herben, Jan, "Karl Havlicek, 1821-1856," in Slavonic Review, An interpretation of Slovak nationalism as distinguished from the III (1924), 285-303. Czech, and a plea for its elevation to actual equality of rank in the Czecho-Slovak state. 229. HASSINGER, HUGO, Die Entwicklung des tschechischen Nationalbewusst­ See also Prazak, Albert, "The Slavonic Congress of 1848 and the Slovaks," seins und die Griindung des heutigen Staates de?' Tschechoslawakei in the Slavonic Review, VII (1928), 141-59. (Kassel, 1928), Johannes Stauda Verlag, 30 pp. 35 34 THE SLAVIC WORLD THE SLAVIC WORLD 237. FELDMAN, W., Geschichte de?' politischen Ideen in Polen seit dessen ophile doctrines of Danilevski, Leontiev and Vladimir Soloviev (pp. 377- Teilungen (1795-1914) (Munich, 1917), R. O1denbourg, xii, 448 pp. 439). This book has a decidedly propagandist aim and is a war book. To 244. KOHN, HANS, Nationalisl1t in the Soviet Union, tr. from the German (New the non-Polish reader, however, it is useful for revealing the lines of York, 1933), Columbia University Press, xi, 164 pp. political thought in Poland and the conflicting problems of Polish nation­ The author views the problem as that of a conflict of two theologies, alism during the nineteenth century. nationalism and communism, or supranationalism. He gives an account See also Kiihne, Walter, "Von den Entwicklung des polnischen National­ of the views of Lenin and Stalin on the nationalities question, and the gefiihls," in Volk und Reich, IX (1933),623-37; Lednicki, W., "Poland evolution of the Soviet system of a supranational state which grants and the Slavophil Idea," in the Slavonic Review, VII (1928-29), 128-40, linguistic freedom and right of self-government to all the 185 nationali­ 649-62; Dyboski, Roman, "Literature and National Life in Modern ties comprisi;,g the Soviet Union, but which seeks to replace the national Poland," in the Slavonic Review, III (1924),117-30. cultures of these peoples, rooted in historical bourgeois tradition, by a new 238. GARDNER, MONICA M., Ada1n Mickiewicz, the of Poland supranational faith of communism. (London, 1911), J. M. Dent, xv, 317 pp. See also Cleinow, Georg, "Die Grundgedanken del' Nationalitatenpolitik This is a eulogistic literary biography, and not a study of nationalism. in del' Sowjetunion," in Osteuropa, I (1925-26), 65-73, 129-44; Dobra­ It is of some value, in view of the lack of material in English. nitzki, M., "Die Nationalitatenpolitik del' Sowjet-Union," in Europiiische See also Kallenbach, J., and others, on Adam Mickiewicz in the Monde Ges]Jriiche, IV (1926), 230-54; Biehahn, 'lv., "Marxismus und nationale Slave, n.s. VI (1932), 321-496. Idee in Russland," in Osteul'opa, IX (1934),461-76. See also Nos. 110, 239. GARDNER, MONICA M., Kosciuszko, a Biography (London, 1920), Allen 1l0a. and Unwin, 211 pp. 245. YARMOLINSKY, AVRAHM, The Jews and Other Minor Nationalities under An enthusiastic account of the famous Polish patriot and his uprising. the Soviets (New York, 1928), Vanguard Press, xiv, 193 pp. 240. MASSARYK, THOMAS G., The Spirit of Russia. Studies in History, Litera­ While chiefly concerned with the new position of the Jew in Soviet Russia ture and Philosophy, tr. from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul, and the attempts to change his place in society, the second part of the 2 vols. (London, 1919), Allen and Unwin, xxii, 480 pp. and xix, 585 pp. book (pp. 141-86) recounts briefly the nationalities policy of the Soviet These volumes present a mine of information on Russian Slavophilism Union and gives a table of the different peoples found in the Soviet and Panslavism. There are also brief sections, in the first volume, on Union. Panslavism among the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles and Southern Slavs. 246. HARPER, SAMUEL NORTHRUP, Civic Training in Soviet Russia (Chicago, 241. KOYRE, ALEXANDRE, La Philosophie et le probleme national en Russie au 1929) , University of Chicago Press, xvii, 401 pp. debut du xixe siecle (Paris, 1929), Champion, 212 pp. "Bibliotheque One of the volumes in the series, "Studies in the Making of Citizens," de l'Institut franc;aise de Leningrad," VoL X. edited by Charles Merriam. Ch. XVI, pp. 343-66, deals with the problem The author traces the influence of German idealistic philosophy on the of nationalism and internationalism in the Soviet Union. early development of Slavophilism. 247. TOBIEN, ALEXANDER VON, Die livliindische Ritterschaft in ihrem Ver­ See also Shmurlo, E., "From Krizanic to the Slavophils," in Slavonic hiiltnis zum Zaris1nus und russischen Nationalismus, 2 vols. Vol. I, Review, VI (1927), 320-35; Koyre, A., "Russia's Place in the World. (Riga, 1925), G. Laffier, xv, 523 pp; Vol. II (Berlin, 1930), Walter de Peter Chaadayev and the Slavophils," in the Slavonic Review, V (1927), Gruyter, xviii, 412 pp. 594-608 (this is an English translation of part of Koyre's above-men­ A very detailed and authoritative account of the attempts at Russification tioned book); Stojanvic, J. D., "The First Slavophils: Homyakov and in Latvia in church, schools and public administration, and a history of Kireyevsky," in the Slavonic Review, VI (1928), 561-78; Lanz, Henry, the rise and development of the Latvian national movement, to the "The Philosophy of Kirievsky," in the Slavonic Review, IV (1926), 594- creation of an independent Latvia and the resulting changes, especially 604. For the Ukrainian movement, see Dorosenko, D., "Die Entwicklung along agrarian lines. del' ukrainischen Geschichtsidee vom Ende des 18. J ahrhunderts bis zur 248. SETON-WATSON, ROBERT WILLIAM, The Rise of Nationality in the Gegenwart," in Jahrbiichel' fiil' Kultur und Geschichte der Slaw en, IV (London, 1917), Constable, viii, 308 pp. (1928), 363-79. A review of the eastern question down to eve of the Treaty of , 241a. TIANDER, KARL, Das E1'wachen Osteuropas. Die Nationalitiitenbewegung August, 1913. The author is the leading champion of the Southern Slavs in Russland und der Weltkrieg (Vienna, 1934), Wilhelm Braumiiller, in Great Britain. The work is chiefly concerned with political develop­ viii, 184 pp. ments. An attempt at a history of the national movements in Russia, up to the See also Ivanov, Yordan, "Le Peuple Bulgare et ses manifestations Bolshevist revolution. nationales et morales," in Comite national d'etudes sociales et politiques, 242. HECKER, J. F., Russian Sociology (New York, 1915), Columbia University Rapports et Confe1"ences (1921), 32 pp. Press, 311 pp. 249. GEWEHR, WESLEY MARSH, The Rise of Nationalism in the Balkans, 1800- While not primarily a work on nationalism, this is useful, as one of the 1930 (New York, 1931), Henry Holt, xi, 137 pp. few works available in English, for an intelligent discussion of the A brief outline, mainly on the evolution of the independent political states Slavophils and Westernists. in the Balkans. 243. MILIUKOV, PAUL, Le Mouvement intellectuel russe, tr. from the Russian 250. MURRAY, WILLIAM SMITH, The Making of the Balkan States (New York, by J. W. Bienstock (Paris, 1918), Editions Bossard, 449 pp. 1910), Columbia University Press, 199 pp. "Studies in History, Eco­ This famous work of Miliukov's contains an excellent essay on the Slav- nomics and Public Law," No. 102. 36 37 FRANCE FRANCE The author discusses the relations of the Balkan states to Turkey and to 255. SIEGFRIED, ANDRE, France, a Study in Nationality (New Haven, 1930), Russia, the attitude of the Great Powers, and the diplomatic history of Yale University Press, vi, 122 PP. the attainment of independence by Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Prefaced to a brilliant study of French politics is a provocative discussion Rumania. of French national character (Chs. I-II). 251. PASVOLSKY, LEO, Economic Nationalism of the Danubian States (New 256. SIEBURG, FRIEDRICH, Who Are These French? translated from the German York, 1928), Macmillan, xviii, 609 pp. by Allan Harris (New York, 1932), Macmillan, 303 pp. A detailed study of the economic results of the national dismemberment A brilliant study of French national character and also of the national of Austria-Hungary, the national economic policies of each of the succes­ mission idea in France, by a German journalist who has an intimate sion states, and the problem of a Danubian economic or customs union. acquaintance with the land. The American edition also includes a letter 252. WENDEL, HERMANN, Der Kampf der Sudslawen um Freiheit und Einheit to the author by Bernard Grasset, taken from the French edition, and a (Frankfurt, 1925), Frankfurter Societats-Druckerei, 798 pp. reply by the author. This is the most comprehensive account of the nationalist movement of the 257. BRUNHES, JEAN, Geographie humaine de la FTance, Vols. I and II of Southern Slavs from the first Serbian revolt to the erection of the Jugo­ Histoire de la nation frant;aise, edited by Gabriel Hanotaux, 15 vols. Slav state. The cultural renaissance, as well as political movements, (Paris, 1920-29), Librairie PIon. are dealt with adequately. The author is an enthusiastic but uncritical Volume I, Ch. III, pp. 105-50, is a discussion of the racial composition of admirer of the Southern Slavs as against their oppressors. France and the formation of a unified nation out of a diversity of races. See also Civijic, J ovan, "Studies in Jugoslav Psychology," in the Sla­ 258. BARZUN, JACQUES, The French Race (New York, 1932), Columbia Uni­ vonic Review, IX (1930-31), 375-90, 662-81, and X (1931), 58-79; MatI, versity Press, 275 pp. "Studies in History, Economics and Public Joseph, "Die Entstehung des jugoslavischen Staates," in Zeitschrift Law," No. 375. fur Politik, XVI (1926), 521-43, and "Materialien zur Entstehungsge­ This book treats of the origins of the French race as seen by Tacitus and schichte des siidslawischen Staates," in Jahrbucher fur Kultur und Ge­ Cresar; of the actual mixture of the races as seen by modern scholars, schichte der Slawen, II (1926), 53-80; Wendel, Hermann, "Marxism and the political forces that ushered in and perpetuated race theorizing and the Southern Slavs," in the Slavonic Review, II (1923),289-307. from the sixteenth century on. It presents a good account of the 253. WENDEL, HERMANN, Aus deln sudslawischen Risorgimento (Gotha, 1921), theories of the origins of French culture and institutions. Among the Friedrich Andreas Perthes, v, 199 pp. most important theorists considered are Gregory of Tours, Pasquier, Hot­ Biographical sketches of the Southern Slav nationalist leaders: Dositey man, Mezeray, Fenelon, Boulainvilliers, Freret, Dubos, IvIontesquieu, Obradovic, pp. 1-30; Ljudevit Gai, pp. 31-72; the Omladina, pp. 73-102; Mably and Sieyes. The book is particularly valuable in showing how this Josip Juroj Strossmayer, pp. 103-34; Svetozar Markovic, pp. 137-66; theorizing was used to defend or to attack particular social and political Janez Krek, pp. 167-94. ideas and institutions, and how the controversy, revived in more acute See also Loiseau, Charles, "La Politique de Strossmayer," in Monde Slave, form by the work of Gobineau, is still a living factor in French life and n. s., IV, Part I (1927),379-405; and "Un Precurseur de l'unite Yougo­ scholarship. It is significant as a history of French ideas as well as slave: Mgr. Strossmayer," in Vie des peuples, IX (1923), 941-57; Lalic, for the study of one of the great myths of nationalism, the race myth. N., "Les Idees de Strossmayer," in M onde Slave, n. s., VI, Part IV (1929), 259. BENDA, JULIEN, Esquisse d'une histoi1"e des Frant;ais dans leur volonte 442-49. d'et1"e une nation (Paris, 1932), Gallimard, 273 pp. 254. LAURIAN, MARIUS A., Le Principe des nationalites et l'unite nationale rou- The author holds that the French nation was formed, not by kings or maine (Paris, 1923), Jouve et Cie., 102 pp. governments, but by the will of France itself. This is revealed chiefly in A study of Rumanian nationalism concerned chiefly with demonstrating questions of territorial unity and central authority. This work is a the historical rights of Rumania to Transylvania, the Banat, Bukowina, philosophical interpretation of the formation of the French nation, in and the Dobrudja. which the rationalist author of The Treason of the Intellectuals betrays See also No. 372. a good deal of Jacobin nationalism. Cf. the review by Emmanuel Berl in Europe, XXX (1932), 272-75. 260. MARTIN-SAINT-LEON, Et., Les Societes de la nation. Etude sur les ele­ NATIONALISM IN FRANCE ments constitutifs de la nation frangaise (Paris, 1930), Edition Spes, See also Nos. 4, 18,47, 66,99,111, 112, 113, 114, 140. 415 pp. In Ch. IV, pp. 94-118, the author analyzes the racial composition of the For the historical development of French nationalism, the writings of French people and presents an attempt at a psychological study of the the following are important: the anthropological writings of Henri national characteristics of the regions and of the French as a whole. Boulainvilliers, Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, Julien Joseph Virey and 261. BRUNOT, FERDINAND, Histoire de la langue f1"ant;aise des origines a 1900 Vacher de Lapouge; the litterateurs, Maurice Barres, Leon Bloy, Paul Vols. I-IX (Paris, 1924-33), Armand Colin. Deroulede, , , Charles Maurras, Vol. VII, 360 pp., deals with the propagation of the French language Charles Peguy, Mme. de Stael and Hippolyte Taine; the political theorists, within France up to the revolution, and Vol. IX, Part I, 616 pp., covers Louis Gabriel de Bonald, Fran«ois Chatea ubriand, Joseph de Maistre, in great detail the emergence of French as the national language under Napoleon III, Ernest Renan, Abbe de Sieyes and Louis Adolphe Thiel'S; the Revolution and the Empire in education, public life and the Church. the historians, Fustel de Coulanges, Henri Martin, and See also Febvre, Lucien, "Langue et nationalite en France au xviiie Augustin Thierry. siecle," in the Revue de synthese histoTique, XLII (1926), 19-40. 38 39 FRANCE FRANCE 262. GROSJEAN, GEORGES, Le Sentiment national dans la Guerre de Cent Ans 269. MATHIEZ, ALBERT, Les Origines des cultes revolutionnaires, 1789-1792 \P~ris, 1928), Edition Bossard, 233 pp. (Paris, 1904), Societe nouvelle, 151 pp. ThIS I,S a treatm?nt .of patrioti~ feeling in France during the Hundred A study of the religion of patriotism in the French Revolution, with its Y~ars. War and IS dIrected agamst the thesis that there was no nation­ cults, symbols and ceremonial practices, and its conflict with Christianity. alIsm m France before the Revolution. It is more popular than scientific 270. WALSH, HENRY H., The ConcoTdat of 1801. A Study of the PToblem of and .con~erned more with patriotism than with nationalism. Joan of Nationalism in the Relations of ChuTch and State (New York, 1933), Arc IS pIctured as the great national heroine. Columbia University Press, 259 pp. "Studies in History, EconO'mics 263. AULAR~, A., Le Pat1"iotisme franr;ais de la Renaissance a la Revolution and Public Law," No. 387. (Pans, 1921), Chiron, 283 pp. A study of the clash between French nationalism and the internationalism This is a. war book, based on lectures delivered in 1914-16. It is motivated of the Catholic Church, its effect O'n the Concordat of 1801, and the ?y a. desIre to show ~hat French patriotism is reasonable, philosophic, and nationalist theorizing by leading French churchmen and politicians of the mspI~ed by love of lIb;rty and humanity. It traces French patriotism in time, who considered the problem of church and state. Those discussed Vol~alre, Rousseau, d Alembert, J au court, Turgot, Louis XVI and the at greater length are Chateaubriand, Jean-Etienne-Marie Portalis, Jean cahiers of 1789 up to the great federation 1790, when France really be­ Siffrein Maury, Henri Gregoire, Jacques-Andre Emery, Paul-Therese­ carr;e a patrw. The greater part of the book deals with the Revolutionary David d'Astros and Joseph de Maistre. perIOd. 271. ROHDEN, PETER RICHARD, Joseph de MaistTe als politischeT TheoTetikCT Cf. Kruscewski, 'V., "Der franzosische Nationsbegriff" in Nation und (Munich, 1929), Verlag del' Munchner Drucke, 280 pp. "Forschungen Staat, III (1929-30), 149-57. ' zur mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte," Vol. II. 264. HAYMANN, FRANZ, Weltbiirgertum und Vatm'landsZiebe in der StaatoZehre An excellent analysis of the traditionalism of de Maistre. Rous.seaJus .and Fich~es (Berlin, 1924), Rudolf Heise, 110 pp. U 272. STEWART, HUGH FRASER, and PAUL DESJARDINS, French Patriotism in the The chIef obJect of thIs study is to show that Rousseau's political philos­ Nineteenth CentuTY TTaced in ContempomTY Texts (Cambridge, 1923), ?P~y was not pU,rely ~osm?politan and that Fichte's not purely national­ Cambridge University Press, xliv, 333 pp. IStiC. Rousseau s n.,a:tronabsm was pragmatic and utilitarian, while Fichte One hundred and sixteen extracts from the writings of French patriots looked upon the na"IOn as the bearer of an ethical idea. from 1792 to 1830, in the original French, with an introductory essay in 264a. Cobban, Al~red, Rousseau and the Modern State (London, 1934) .A.J.len English on the origins of French nationalism. and Unwm, 288 pp. ' 273. PLATZ, HERMANN, Geistige Kiimpfe in mode1'nen FTankreich (Munich, Ch. VI, pp. 151-91, contains a good discussion of Rousseau and the nation state. 1922), Kosel and Pustet, xix, 672 pp. These essays, written from a Catholic standpoint, present an intimate 265. HOFFMANN-LINKE, EVA, Zwischen Nationalismus und Demokratie. Ge­ account of a cross section of intellectual currents in modern France and stalten ~.er franzosisc~en VOl'Tevolution (Munich, 1927), R. Olden- their interaction with nationalism and religious doctrines. It includes bourg, .Vll, 31~ pp. H~stoTische ZeitschTift, Beiheft IX. extended treatments of Taine and French nationalism, the political nation­ The the~Is o~ thIS J;iook is that 1789 did not bring about "a nation," but alism of Barres and Maurras, the literary nationalism of the Neo-Class­ ~hat natronalIsm eXIsted before. The author confuses the terms national­ icists, and the struggle between nationalist and internationalist currents. Ism and democracy, which she sets up as contradictory. The book is The author views all these movements as a return to traditionalism. very weak on ~he general ~re-Revolutionary social and economic history. 274. KUHN, JOACHIM, editor, Der Nationalis?nus im Leben deT dritten Republik :rh~ ~est part. IS the analysIs of cosmopolitan and nationalist ideas in the (Berlin, 1920), Paetel, ix, 373 pp. mdividual thmkers-Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, the encyclopre- All the contributors aim to show the extreme nationalist and warlike dists, Condorcet and Mirabeau. spirit of France in each of the fields they cover. The essays included are: 266. HYSLOP, BEAT~ICE FRY, FTench Nationalis111 in 1789 according to the (1) Kuhn, J., "Del' N ationalismus im politischen Leben del' dritten Re­ GeneTal Cah1eTs (New York, 1934), Columbia University Press xix publik," pp. 1-78; (2) Platz, H., "Del' Nationalismus im franzosischen 343 pp. ' , Denken del' Vorkriegszeit," pp. 79-126; (3) Gruber, H., "Del' Nationalis­ A v.ery ~areful study of nationality, democracy, etatisme, patriotism and mus in del' franzosischen Freimauerei," pp. 127-58; (4) Eberz, 0., "Die natI~nahsm as reflected in the general cahiers of 1789. The book is Gallikanische Kirche als Werckzeug der Revanche," pp.159-79; (5) Ruhl­ particularly valuable for its factual and statistical analysis. mann, P., "Del' Revanche Gedanke in del' franzosischen Schule," pp. 180- 267. BRINTON, CRANE, The Jacobins. An Essay in the New HistoTY (New 206; (6) Windelband, W., "Del' Nationalismus in del' franzosischen Ge­ York, 1930), Macmillan, x, 319 pp. schichtschreibung seit 1871," pp. 207-39; (7) Kuhn, J., and H. Platz, "Del' Th~ nationalist elem~nts o.f Jacobinism and how it turned from cosmopoli­ N ationalismus in del' franzosischen Dichtung seit 1871," pp. 240-84; (8) tamsm to' French natIOnalIsm are touched on in Ch. V; the patriotic ritual Becker, M. L., "Die franzosische Volksbuhne als Verhetzungsmittel," pp. and cults are treated in Ch. VI. 285-300; (9) Salm, M., "Del' Angriffsgedanke in del' franzosischen Mili­ See als~ Ge,~s?oy, Leo, '~~arere, Champion of Nationalism in the French tarliteratur seit 1871," pp. 301-27; (10) Kuhn, J., "Del' franzosische RevolutIOn, 111 the Pol1twal Science QuaTteTly, XLII (1927), 419-30. N ationalismus in seiner letzten Phase," pp. 328-73. 268. VAN DEUSEN, GL!ND0r-: G., fjieyes: His Life and Nationalism (New York, 275. FRANK, WALTER, Nationalismus und DemokTatie irn FTankTeich der 1932), Columbia Umverslty Press, 170 pp. "Studies in History Eco- dTitten Republik, 1871 bis 1918 (Hamburg, 1933) , Hanseatische Verlags­ nomics and Public Law," No. 362. ' anstalt, 652 pp. Chapte~s V-VIII .dea! with his nationalist doctrines, his role in the This is a reflection of extreme German conservative nationalism of the territorial reorgamzatIOn of France and his nationalistic foreign policy. postwar period in the. treatment of the history of the French Republic. 40 41

1IiIioiIiI.~ ______~ _____ FRANCE FRANCE It is extremely antidemocratic and much more sympathetic with the 284. DUCRAY, CAMILLE, Paul Deroulede, 1846-1914 (Paris, 1914), Librairie integral nationalism of Barres and Maurras, to which the author devotes Ambert, xiii, 275 pp. a very long section of the book. A biography of the extreme French patriot by an admirer and follower. 276. ISRAEL, ALEXANDRE, L'Ecole de la republique: la grande muvre de Jules 285. THARAUD, JEROME and JEAN, La Vie et la mOl't de DeroulMe (Paris, 1925), Ferry (Paris, 1931), Librairie Hachette, x, 273 pp. PIon, 281 pp. The educational activities of one of the most important creators of French A popular, sympathetic biography. national education. 285a. MOUNIER, EMMANUEL, MARCEL PEGUY and GEORGES IZARD, La Pensee de 277. HAYES, C~RLTO~ J. ~., France, a Nation of Patriots (New York, 1930), Charles Peguy (Paris, 1931), PIon, viii, 424 pp. ColumbIa UmversIty Press, x, 487 pp. "Social and Economic Studies This volume contains three sympathetic essays on the general thought of of Post-War France," Vol. V. Peguy, his political and social views and his Catholicism. The nationalist A very impartial and objective study of the current manifestations of aspects of his thought are treated only in scattered passages through the French. nationalism.. An analysis of the French national psychology, volume. root~d III the CatholIc Church and in centralized government, and a dis­ c~ssIOn of the inculcation of patriotism by the government, the educa­ 286. BRUN, CHARLES, Le Regionalisme, 3d ed. (Paris, 1911), Bloud, 289 pp. tIOnal system, the army and navy, church, press, radio and movies This is the classic treatise on French regionalism by its most dis­ national societies, and symbols and ceremonies. There is a good dis~ tinguished leader. cussion of French regionalism and also a very valuable appendix on See also No. 53, and Hintze, Hedwig, "Del' franzosische Regionalismus textbooks used in the schools, with a digest of their contents. und seine Wurzeln," in the Preussische Jahrbiichel', CLXXXI (1920), 347-76. 278. CURTIUS, E~.N~T ROBERT,. Mau;rice Barres und die geistigen Grundla.gen des franzostschen Natwnaltsmus (Bonn, 1921), Friedrich Cohen, viii, 287. HINTZE, HEDWIG, Staatseinheit und Fodemlismus im alten Fl'ankreich und 255 pp. in del' Revolution (Stuttgart, 1928), Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, xxx, This is th~ best trea~I?ent of Ban'es and recent French nationalism, by a 623 pp. German hterary cntIc possessed of a most intimate acquaintance with The author conceives of French history as a struggle between the unitary French civilization. centralization and federal regionalism, which reached its climax in the See also Guerard, Albert Leon, "Maurice Barres and the Doctrine of revolutionary struggle between the Jacobins and Girondists. The French Nationalism," in the Texas Review, I (1916),275-90. nation arose from the federations of 1790. This is the most exhaustive 279. GURIAN, WALDEMAR, Der integrale Nationalismus in. FrankTeich. Charles treatment of the subject. Maurras und die Action f1'angaise (Frankfort, 1931), Klostermann Ver­ 288. BERLET, C., Les Tendances unitaires et provincialistes en France ii la fin lag, 131 pp. du xviiie siecle (Nancy, 1913), Imprimeries Reunies de Nancy, 280 pp. The author traces the development of Maurras from the advocate of A study of the influence of nationalism on political and administrative nihilism and anarchism to the disciple of order and monarchy. He decisions in France; the struggle between national centralizing interests attributes the lack of influence of the Action fran<;aise to its aristocratic and localism, crowned by the nationalist act of the French Revolution character as a club of doctrinaires and literati. The book is one of the and the National Assembly. best analyses of the doctrines of the Action fran<;aise, bringing out its universal interest as the oldest antidemocratic and antiparliamentarian 289. DUBREUIL, LEON, L'Jdee regionaliste sous la Revolution (Besancon, 1919), movement. Maillot Freres, 123 pp. See also Mitchell, M. Marion, "Emile Durkheim and the Philosophy of A study of public opinion on the question of centralization during the Nationalism," in the Political Science Quarterly, XLVI (1931),87-106. French Revolution. The author aims to show that it was brought about by necessity only, and not because of a desire on the part of the Revo­ 280. Roux, MARIE DE, Charles Maur1'as et le nationalisme de l'Action. fran.- lutionary leaders to stifle local autonomy. gaise (Paris, 1927), Bernard Grasset, 272 pp. A sympathetic exposition of the doctrines of Maurras, pointing out the 290. P ARISET, GEORGES, Etudes d' histoire revolutionnai1'e et eontemporaine differences between his personal doctrines and the general doctrines of (Paris, 1929), Societe d'edition des Belles Lettres. the Action fran\;aise, and their relation to the Catholic Church. Pages 287-313 contain a brief survey of French regionalism from the 281. MURET, CHARLOTTE T., French Royalist Doctrine since the Revolution centralization under the monarchy up to the modern regionalist reaction. (New York, 1933), Columbia University Press, viii, 326 pp. 291. GOOCH, R. K., Regionalism in Fmnee (New York, 1931), Century Co., A comprehensive study of royalist doctrines in France, with special atten­ 129 pp. tion to Chateaubriand, Royer-Collard, , Guizot, the This work is mainly concerned with the question of administration, con­ various royal claimants, La Tour du Pin and the Action fran\;aise. trol and decentralization, and is written from a viewpoint favorable to 282. GUy-GRAND, GEORGES, La Philosophie nationaliste (Paris, 1911), Bernard decentralization. It also touches on the nationalist implications of the Grasset, 223 pp. problem, especially in Ch. VI on "Sentimental Manifestations of Region­ A critique of the philosophy of the Action fran<;aise by a liberal demo­ alism." cratic philosopher. 292. BRUN, CHARLES, Mistral (Paris, 1930), Editions du Monde mod erne, 283. CHENU, C., La Ligue des patriotes (Paris, 1916), Recueil Sirey, ix, 137 pp. 84 pp. The program and history of Deroulede's Ligue des Patriotes, by one of its A eUlogistic appreciation of Mistral and his relation to the regionalist leaders. movement. 42 43 BELGIUM AND THE NETHERLANDS THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES

293. HENNESSY, JEAN, Regions de France (1911-1916) (Paris, 1916), Georges 303. BAHRENS, KURT, Flanderns Kampf um die eigene Scholle. Eine Studie Cres, vii, 284 pp. seiner wirtschaftlichen St1"uktur (Breslau, 1930), K. Vater, 204 pp. A collection of articles and addresses by one of the leading champions of A brief summary of the nineteenth-century Flemish movement, with the economic regionalism in France. chief emphasis on the development of an independent Flemish economy. 294. JEAN-DESTIEUX, F., L'Evoluti.on regionaliste: du j6librige au j6deralisme It is very favorably disposd to the Flemings. (Paris, 1918), Bossard, xv, 239 pp. 304. DESTREE, JULES, Wallons et Flanwnds, la querelle linguistique (Paris, A regionalist program for France by a prominent regionalist leader. It 1923), PIon, 187 pp. is based mainly on collections of extracts from other writers. The Walloon-Flemish problem is treated by a prominent Walloon Socialist 295. JEAN-DESTIEUX, F., LEvolution 1"egionaliste: Produire (Paris, 1919), leader, who denies the existence of a Belgian nationality and advocates Editions Bossard, 335 pp. the recognition of Belgium as a binational state, with administrative The economic aspects of French regionalism. autonomy for each nationality. See also Vandervelde, E., "Belgian Foreign Policy and the Nationalities 296. HAUSER, HENRI, Le Probleme du 1"egionalisme (Paris, 1924), Les Presses Question," in Foreign Affairs, XI (1933), 657-70. universitaires, xii, 176 pp. A detailed study of the effects of the World War on the development of 305. FOULON, F., La Question wallone (, 1918), A. Leempoel, xi, . economic regionalism in France up to 1921. 203 pp. The dual-nationalism problem in Belgium by an enthusiastic Walloon, 297. PREVET, FRANQOIS, Le Regionalisme economiq~w: Conception et realisa­ tion (Paris, 1929), Recueil Sirey, vi, 295 pp. strongly anti-Flemish. A valuable complement to the work of Henri Hauser (No. 296). 306. HUIZINGA, J., Wege der Kulturgeschichte, translated from the Dutch by 298. DUHAMEL, MAURICE, La Question b1"etonne dans son cad1"e europeen (Paris, Werner Kaegi (Munich, 1930), Drei Masken Verlag, 405 pp. 1929), Andre Delpeuch, 238 pp. The essay "Aus del' Vorgeschichte des niederlandischen Nationalbewusst­ A history of the regionalist movement in Brittany and an exposition of its seins," pp. 208-80, is a masterly study of the conditions and factors in doctrines and relation to French national unity, by a leading exponent the early modern period which brought about the differentiation of Holland of the Breton autonomist movement. from what is now Belgium. The main factor was not ethnic nor eco­ nomic, but rather the political policy of Burgundy. See also No. 54, and Geyl, P., "Einheit and Entzweiung in den Nieder­ NATIONALISM IN BELGIUM AND THE NETHERLANDS landen," in the Historische Zeitschrift, CXXXIX (1929),48-61. See also Nos. 54, 82. NATIONALISM IN THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES 299. KURTH, G., La Nationalite belge (Namur, 1913), Picard, 213 pp. The author insists that there is a Belgian nationality, despite the absence For the historical development of nationalism in Norway, the writings of natural frontiers and racial or linguistic unity. What unites the of the following are important: Bjornson, Keyser, Peter Andreas Munk, people of Belgium is the "common enjoyment of a regime of liberty and J. E. Sal's, Welhaven and Hendrik Wergeland; for Sweden: Lorenzp fidelity to the same institutions." He attributes the progressive develop­ Hammarskiild, Per Daniel Atterbom, Vilhelm F. Parmblad, Erik Geijer, ment of Belgian nationality to Brabant, and considers Flanders as the Essaias Tegner and Anders Fryxell; for Denmark: Holberg and home of provincial particularism. Grundtvig; for Finland: I VOl' Aasen, Adolf Arwidson, Johann Runeberg, See also Grosse, F" "Die belgische N ationalitatenfrage," in the Johann V. Snellmann and G. Z. Yrjo-Koskinen. Europiiische Revue, X (1934), 348-52. 307. ELVIKEN, ANDREAS, Die Entwicklung des norwegischen Nationalismus 300. CLOUGH, SHEPARD BANCROFT, A History of the Flemish Movement in (Berlin, 1930), E. Ebering, 132 pp. "Historische Studien," No. Belgium; A Study in Nationalism. (New York, 1930), Richard R. CXCVIII. Smith, vii, 316 pp. An interpretation of the rise of Norwegian nationalism down to the This is the most complete work on the Flemish nationalist movement, beginnings of the lands mal movement. The author attacks the thesis tracing it from its origins up to present day, and taking up all the of Halvdan Koht that Norwegian nationalism is the product of the class linguistic, cultural, economic, political administrative and international struggle of the peasantry. He presents it as a product of the opposition aspects. between urban and agricultural population, peasantry and Danish 301. HAMELIUS, P., Historie politique et litteraire du mouvement fiamand au officialdom, pietistic popular Christianity and the Danish state official xixe sieGle 2d ed. (Brussels, 1924), L'Eglantine, 335 pp. church, and traces the influence of Montesquieu, Voltaire, the Physio­ This is the 'best French study of the Flemish movement, giving most crats and the German Romanticists. Particular attention is given to attention to the question of language and cultural movements. Wergeland, vVelhaven, Keyser and Munch. A portion of this book was See also Leemans, Victor, "Zur Soziologie des flamischen N ationalismus," published in the J (Jumal of Modem History, III (1931), 365-91. in the Europiiische Revue, X (1934), 344-47. Cf. No. 309. 302. DAUMONT, F., Le Mouvement fianwnd, 2 vols. (Brussels, 1911), Societe 308. FALNES, OSCAR JULIUS, National Romanticism in N01"Way (New York, BeIge de Librairie, ix, 377 and 335 pp. 1933), Columbia University Press, 399 pp. "Studies in History, A detailed survey of linguistic, social, economic and educational aspects of Economics and Public Law," No. 386. the Flemish problem, but very partial and often inaccurate. This is the most detailed study of Norwegian nationalism, with particu- 44 45 SWITZERLAND ITALY lar reference to the intellectual influences of Romanticism as revealed A historical study of the solution of the language problem in the multi­ in the works of historians, folklorists and philologists. lingual Switzerland. 309. KOHT HALVDAN Les Luttes des paysans de Norvege du xvi" au 316. BROOKS, ROBERT CLARKSON, Civic Training in Switzerland. A Study of xix~ sieiJle, tr~nslated from the Norwegian by E. Guerre (Paris, Democratic Life (Chicago, 1930), University of Chicago Press, xxi, 1929), Payot, 315 pp. ., . . 436 pp. An interpretation of the rise of NorwegIan natlOnalIsm m terms of A volume in the series, "Studies in the Making of Citizens" edited by the class struggle, particularly as the result of the peasant movements. Charles Merriam. The author is concerned chiefly with Switzerland as Cf. No. 307. a political state, rather than with the problem of nationality or the con­ 310. BENSON, A. B., The Old Norse Element in Swedish Romanticism (New flict of nationalities in the multilingual Switzerland. Some interesting York 1914), Columbia University Press, xii, 193 pp. pages related (;0 the subject of Swiss nationalism are found, however in This w'ork reveals a phenomenon common to all national movements Ch. X on patriotic societies, Ch. XII on national symbolism, and Ch. XV _ the return to a heroic past. In Sweden this was the work of the on traditionalism and local patriotism. Fosforists and the Gothic school, who brought back into the con­ sciousness of the Swedish intellectual classes the life, customs and the literature of the old Norse elements. The author also traces the NATIONALISM IN ITALY interacting influence of German authors like Herder, Tieck and Novalis. 311. BEGTRUP, HOLGER, HANS LUND, and PETER MANNICHE, .The Folk H~gh See also Nos. 99, 112, 138. Schools of Denmark and the Development of a Farmtng Communtty, newed. (London, 1929), Oxford University Press, 176 pp. For the ~istorical .development of Italian nationalism, the writings of Book II, by Holger Begtrup, is on the history of the folk high scho?ls the followmg are Important: , Cesare Balbo Carlo and contains an account of the life and work of N. F. S. GrundtV:Ig. Botta, Giosue Carducci, Enrico Corradini, Vincenzo Cuoco Massimo This is the most important section of the book for the problem of Damsh D'Azeglio, Giuseppe Ferrari, , Vincenzo Gioberti: Giaccomo nationalism. L~opardi, Niccolo Machiavelli, Pasquale Mancini, Vmcenzo Monti, ~enito Mussolini, Pellegrino Rossi, Bertrano and Silvi~ 312. CAMPBELL OLIVE DAME The Danish Folk School. Its Influence in the Spaventa, and Nlccolo Tommaseo. Life of 'Denmark and'the North (New York, 1928), Macmillan, xvi, 359 pp. .' 317. KING, BOLTON, A History of Italian Unity, 2 vols. (London, 1899), Nisbet, Contains a few pages on the nationalist ideas of BIshop Grundtvig. x, 416 pp. and 451 pp. See also Paul-Dubois, L., "Grundtvig et Ie relevement du Danemark au While chiefly a political history of the Risorgimento this work also xixe siecle," in the Revue des deux mondes, 5th series, LII (1909),656-76. deals in detail with the cultural and social aspects of the various shades 313. WUORINEN, J. H., Nationalism in 1l-1odern Finland (New York, 1931), of the nationalist movement of 1814-71. It is a standard work on the subject. Columbia University Press, x, 302 pp. This is not only a history of the nati~malis~ movement,. but a hist~ry <;f 318. THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE, The Dawn of Italian Independence, 2 vols. Finland in the nineteenth century, m whIch the natIOnal questIOn IS (Boston, 1892), Houghton Mifflin, 453 pp. and 446 pp. all dominant. The author shows that nationalism in Finland did not This is primarily a political history of Italy from 1814 to 1849. It deals begin until the separation from Sweden in 1808-9, and that it arose only with the external aspects of the Italian national movement. from the apprehension that Finland mi.ght be absorbed into tI:-~ Rus­ 319. BOURGIN, GEORGES, La Formation de l'unite italienne (Paris 1929) sian empire. He discusses the peculIar problem of t~e bIlmgual Armand Colin, 220 pp. ' , character of the nation, and the struggle between the F.mn and the A popular survey of Italian unification from the eighteenth century to Swede-Finn the contributions of the scholars and the lIterary men, 1919. The author stresses chiefly the influence of Napoleon and the the studies 'in history and folklore and national literature, and carries French, with a brief introduction on the indigenous intellectual back­ the story down to the postwar period and the creation of an independent grounds of the Risorgimento in the eighteenth century. Finland. 320. BERKELEY, G. F. H., Italy in the Making, 1815-1846 (Cambridge 1932) See also No. 52. Cambridge University Press, 292 pp. ' , The early story of the Risorgimento revolving chiefly around the revolu­ NATIONALISM IN SWITZERLAND tionary movement of Mazzini, the reaction of Metternich, the work of Charles Albert of Sardinia, the moderates, Gioberti, D'Azeglio and Balbo See also Nos. 44, 48. and the papacy of Pius IX. Not enough attention is given to th~ general literary currents, which were important at the time. 314. DUMUR, LOUIS, Les deux Suisse, 1914-1917 (Paris, 1917), Editions Bos- 320a. GREENFIELD, KENT ROBERTS, Economics and Liberalism in the Risorgi- sard, 320 pp. . t" 1nento. A Study of Nationalism in Lombardy, 1814-1848 (Baltimore A war book by a strong Pro-French Swis~ jou~na~ist, b1;lt mteres mg. m 1934), John Hopkins Press, xiv, 365 pp. ' revealing the divergence of national feelmg withm SWItzerland durmg The author sees a great discrepancy between the attention paid by histori­ the World War. ans of the Risorgimento to Mazzini and to the actually negligible influence 315. WEILENMANN, HERMANN, Die vielsp1'achige Sch;veiz. Eine Los'ung des of Mazzini upon the eventual unification of Italy. He has looked for the Nationalitaten-problems (Basle, 1925), 1m Rhem Verlag, 301 pp. sources of Cavour's liberal nationalism in the economic and industrial 46 47 ITALY ITALY conditions of the time and in the activities of the liberal journalists A narrative and rather enthusiastic account of the religious nationalist and publicists. doctrines of Gioberti, as revealed in his writings and public activities. 328. KING, BOLTON, The Life of'lVIazzini, 2d ed. (London, 1911), J. M. Dent, 321. MARRIOTT, J. A. R., The Makers of Modern Italy. Napoleon-Mussolini xv, 380 pp. "Everyman's Library". (Oxford, 1931), Clarendon Press, xii, 228 pp. Despit.e its age, it is still the best English life of l\i[azzini, especially from A story of Italian unity from the French Revolution to Mussolini. The the pomt of view of a deeper analysis of his ideas and career. Ch. XVII author fails to take into account all the work of the new Italian scholar­ deals specifically with his theories of nationality. ship on the Risorgimento, which gives an autochthonous interpretation of See also Brown, Sydney M., "l\i[azzini and Dante," in the Political Science the Risorgimento and which finds its beginnings in the period between Quarterly, XLII (1927), 77-98. 1 ~48 and 1789. Marriott still persists in the old tradition of beginning wIth the French Revolution. He is favorably disposed to Fascism and 329. VOSSLER, 0'1''1'0, Mazzinis politisches Denken und Wollen in den geistigen considers the Lateran Treaty of 1929 as the crowning point of Italian Strihnmungen seiner Zeit, (Munich, 1927), R. Oldenbourg 94 pp. unity. Hist01"ische Zeitschrift, Beiheft XI. ' This :,o.lu:ne co~tains a short survey of the national idea in Italy before See also Cantalupo, Roberto, "Enrico Corradini and Italian Nationalism" MazzmI! Ir: wh:c? the a~thor a~tac~s the th~sis of Napoleon's great in­ in the National Review, LXXXIII (1924),767-78; and Vallis, M., "U'n fluence m mspIrmg ItalIan natIonalIsm. It IS particularly valuable for Imperialiste italien: Enrico Corradini," in the Grande Revue, CIX (1922), tracing the German influence, especially that of Herder on the early 596-622; Nothomb, P., "Enrico Corradini, theoricien du nationalisme Risorgimento. ' italien," in the Revue Generale, LIX (1926), 539-60. Cf. No. 158. 322. SOLMI, ARRIGO, The Making of Modern Italy, translated with introduction, 330. VIDAL, C., Charles-Albert et le Risorgimento italien (1831-1848) (Paris, by Arundel del Re (London, 1925), E. Benn, xxi, 231 pp. 1927), E. de Brocard, 632 pp. A popular survey definitely influenced by the World War. This is a A narrative account of the national policy of Charles Albert of Sardinia translation of Il Risorgimento Italiano, 1814-1918 (Milan, 1919). and his reactions to the nationalist currents. 323. HAZARD, PAUL, La Revolution franr;aise et les lettres italiennes, 1789- 331. HANCOCK, W. K., Ricasoli and the Risorgimento in Tuscany (London, 1815 (Paris, 1910), Hachette, xviii, 572 pp. 1926), Faber and Gwyer, x, 320 pp. A classic study of the influence of the French Revolution on Italian in­ A narrative biography of the leader of the Risorgimento in Tuscany. tellectual life and on the stimulation of Italian nationalism. Special 325. TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY, Garibaldi and the Making of Italy attention is given to such figures as Monti, Alfieri, Foscolo and Cuoco. (London, 1911), Longmans, Green and Co., xx, 390 pp. 324. BULLE, OSKAR, Die italienische Einheitsidee in ihrer literarischen Ent­ A narrative account of the exploits of Garibaldi. There is little in this wicklung, von Parini bis Manzoni (Berlin, 1893), Paul Huttig, xii, account to contribute to the understanding of nationalism as such. 345 pp. 333. THAYER' WILLLIAM ROSCOE, The Life and Times of Cavour, 2 vols. (Bos­ The national ideas of Giuseppe Parini, Vittorio Alfieri, Vincenzo Monti, ton, 1911), Houghton Mifflin Co., xvi, 604 pp. and 562 pp. U go Foscolo, and Allesandro Manzoni. The classic life of Cavour. See also Bouvy, E., "De Dante a Alfieri. L'Idee de patrie dans la poesie 334. MATTER, PAUL, Cavot~r et l'unite italienne, 3 vols. (Paris, 1922-27), italienne du xiv au xvii siecle," in the Annales de la Faculte des Lettres de Bordeaux et des UniversiMs du Midi, Bulleti:-a ItaLien, XIV (1914), Felix Alcan, iv, 364 pp., 415 pp., and 499 pp. 285-99; and "Alfieri, Monti, Foscolo. La Poesie patriotique en Italie de Chiefly an account of the diplomatic and political policies of Cavour. 1789 a 1815," ibid., XVII (1917),36-49; and XVIII (1918),81-94. 335. WHYTE, ARTHUR JAMES, The Political Life and Letters of Cavour, 1848- 1861 (London, 1930), Oxford University Press, xv, 478 pp. 325. GARDNER, EDMUND GARRATT, The National Idea in Italian Literature This work is chiefly concerned with Cavour's diplomatic career. The (Manchester, 1921), Manchester University Press, 51 pp. author's thesis is that Italian unity was brought about by England, The author has no real conception of what nationalism is. He merely Cavour and Napoleon. The book has been criticized for misinterpreta­ picks at random some expressions of patriotism in Dante, Petrarch, tion of Italian texts and for failure to use all available archive material. Machiavelli, Alfieri, Mazzini, Gioberti and Carducci. Cf. the articles by Alessandro Luzio in Corriera della Serra, October 326. MEGARO, GAUDENCE, Vittorio Alfieri. A Fore1'unner of Italian National­ 11 and 21, 1930. ism (New York, 1931), Columbia University Press, 175 pp. "Studies in 336. MARRARO, HOWARD R., American Opinion on the Unification of Italy, History, Economics and Public Law," No. 336. 1846-1861 (New York, 1932), Columbia University Press, xii, 345 pp. Alfieri is the most typical early exponent of nationalism based on hate. An interesting collection of comments and expressions of opinion by In his case it was hatred of the French. This book is a very able analysis Americans on the various stages of the Italian nationalist movement of the nationalistic elements in Alfieri's writings, particularly in the from 1846 to 1861, and the reception accorded to Italian political exiles tragedies and Il Misogallo, showing the influence of the ancients on his in America. ideas concerning tyranny and liberty, and revealing his passionate demand not only for cultural but for political nationalism in Italy. He is pictured On Italian Fascism the following works are the most relevant and most as one of the most important inspirers of the nineteenth-century Risorgi­ important: mento, influencing alike Catholics and liberals, centralists and federalists. 337. SCHNEIDER, HERBERT W., Making the Fascist State (New York, 1928), 327. ZBINDEN, JEAN, Die politischen Ideen des Vincenzo Gioberti. Studie zur Oxford University Press, 390 pp. Geschichte des Fruhrisorgiments (Bern, 1920), Paul Haupt, 96 pp. The most comprehensive attempt at studying both the ideology and the 48 49 SPAIN, PORTUGAL AND LATIN AMERICA GREAT BRITAIN AND THE DOMINIONS practical political administration of Italian Fascism. It is uneven, how­ 346. DWELSHAUVERS, GEORGES, La Catalogne et Ie probleme Catalan (Paris, ever, in its result. 1926), Felix Alcan, viii, 236 pp. See. also Rocc~" A~fredo, "The Political Doctrine of Fascism," in Inter­ A general survey of Catalonia, its language and institutions, and the natwr:a;l Conc~ltatwn, No. CCXXIII (1926), which is an official Fascist autonomist movement and the development of a Catalan culture. The exposItIon. author concludes that Catalonia represents an ethnic, economic, cultural 338. STURZO, LUIGI, Italy and Fascisl1w, translated from the Italian by B. B. and political unity-in short a Catalan nationality. Carter (London, 1926), Faber and Gwyer, ix, 305 pp. Important articles on Spain and Latin America are: Jeschke, H., "Angel A profound philosophical interpretation by the leader of the Catholic Ganivet," in the Revue hispanique, LXXII (1928), 102-246; Haas, Partito Popolare. Albert, "Der pan-hispanische Gedanke in Amerika," in the Zeitschrift 339. HELLER, HERMANN, Europa und der Fascismus, 2d ed. (Berlin, 1931), fur Politik XVI (1927), 1-31. Walter de Gruyter, 159 pp. This work is by a Socialist critic of Fascism. The author, who reveals a complete mastery of the subject, denies to Fascism any personification NATIONALISM IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE DOMINIONS o~ great social, ?r political ideas. The only ideas present, according to See also Nos. 8, 25, 66, 82, 99, 111, 112, 113. hIm, are OppOSItIOn to democracy and the will to power over the masses. 340. BECKERATH, ERWIN VON, Wesen und Werden des fascistischen Staates For the historical development of English nationalism, the writings (Berlin, 1927), Julius Springer, 155 pp. of the following are important: Henry St. John Bolingbroke, Edmund This is a solid work, particularly strong on the theoretical and ideo­ Burke, , Joseph Chamberlain, Charles W. Dilke, Benjamin logical side and without any outspoken tendency. The author treats Disraeli, Edward A. Freeman, James A. Froude, John R. Green, John Fascism, however, with serious respect. M. Kemble, Charles Kingsley, Thomas Babington Macaulay, John Stuart 341. BERNHARD, LUDWIG, Der Staatsgedanke des Fascismus (Berlin 1931) Mill, John Milton, John Ruskin, John R. Seeley and Sharon Turner. Julius Springer, 44 pp. ' , 347. OAKESMITH, JOHN, Race and Nationality. An Inqu,iry into the Origin A very penetrating and objective analysis of Fascist political ideology. and Growth of Patriotisrn (London, 1919), Heinemann, xix, 299 pp. 342. SCHN~IDER, HERBERT -:;V., ~nd SHEPARD B. CLOUGH, Making Fascists A critique of the theories of an immutable national soul, based on race. (ChIcago, 1929), Umverslty of Chicago Press, xv, 211pp; Chapters VI-XIV analyze in detail the historical development of English One of the volumes in the series, "Studies in the Making of Citizens" nationality and national literature, showing the variety of cultural tradi­ edited by Charles Merriam. A study of the infusion into, and utiliz~­ tions that entered into its composition. tion .of,. econom~c g;I:OUpS, religious institutions, education, the press and See also Hertz, F., "Del' englische Nationalismus VOl' dem Kriege," in patrIOtIc orgamzatIOns, to develop and foster the nationalistic ideals of Der Kampf, XXI (1928), 615-19; Aronstein, Philipp, "Patriotislnus und Fascism, which are inspired by the ideals of ancient Rome. Region­ Staatsgefuhl del' Englander," in the Neue Jahrbuc;her fur Wissenschaft alism and national symbolism are also discussed. und Jugendbildung, V (1929), 558-78. 343. SILONE, IGNAZIO, Der Fascismus. Seine Entstehung und Entwickl'ung 348. WINGFIELD-STRATFORD, ESM:E, The History of English Patriotism, 2 vols. (Zurich, 1934), Europa Verlag, 294 pp. (London, 1913), John Lane, xl, 614 pp. and xii, 672 pp. The best social interpretation of Fascism, ,,\'ith very keen general re­ This work contains a great deal of material on the growth of English marks and comparisons on Fascism as a worldvl'ide manifestation. The national patriotism, but the author has no real understanding of the author is a Left-Socialist. nature of nationalism and no central concept except a vague religious and mystical antagonism to materialistic philosophies, and a spiritual 344. MARRARO, H~WARD, R., Nationalism in Italian Education (New York, idealization of patriotism. 1927), Itahan DIgest and News Service, xxviii, 161 pp. A pro-Fascist account of the nationalist educational reforms of Gentile. 349. DRINKWATER, JOHN, Patriotism in Literature (London, 1924), Williams and Norgate, ix, 255 pp. This is a popular study of patriotism, as reflected in the works of poets NATIONALISM IN SPAIN, PORTUGAL AND LATIN ANl:ERICA and novelists. The examples are drawn chiefly from English literature. The author's viewpoint is a positive affirmation of patriotism as "a See also No. 66 spiritual force, a mood, an energy that aims at no material advantages, a delight as natural and as uncalculating as the pleasure we take in For the his~orical de:relopment of Spanish nationalism, the writings sunlight or sound limbs." of ~he followmg are Important: Joaquin Costa y Martines, Angel 350. BOUT MY, EMILE, The English People. A Study of Their Political Psychol­ Galllvet, Lafuente y Zan;alloa, ~iccardo Macias Picavea, Pi y Margall, ogy, translated from the French by E. English, with introduction by and the. Catalans Valentm AlmIrall, Torras y Bages and Enrique Prat J. E. C. Bodley (New York, 1904), G. P. Putnam's Sons, xxxvi, 332 pp. de la RIba. For Portugal, the works of Theophil Braga, Jose da Silva One of the more serious attempts, by a disciple of Taine, to present a Carvalho and Guerro Junqueiro are important. general view of English national psychology and English political traits. 345. MADARIAGA, SALVADOR DE, Spain (London, 1930), Ernest Benn, 507 pp. 351. GAUS, JOHN MERRIMAN, Great Britain. A Study of Civic Loyalty (Chi­ Chapters XVI-XVIII, pp. 246-310, contain an admirable discussion of cago, 1929), University of Chicago Press, xxi, 329 pp. the psychological and historical background of the Catalan question A volume in the series, "Studies in the Making of Citizens," edited by and an analysis of its present-day significance. ' Charles Merriam. For nationalism in Great Britain, the chapters on 50 51 GREAT BRITAIN AND THE DOMINIONS GREAT BRITAIN AND THE DOMINIONS the king, the empire, the school system, the press and the church as economic policy, and suggesting means of adjus~ing British policy to the forces molding nationalist opinion are relevant. growing economic nationalism of other countrIes. 352. EINSTEIN, LEWIS, Tudor Ideals (New York, 1921), Harcourt, Brace and 359. HACKETT, FRANCIS, he land. A Study in NationaiiS1n, 4th ed. (New York, Company, xiii, 366 pp. 1920), B. W. Huebsch, xx, 395 pp. Part III, Ch. III, and Part IV, Chs. IX, X, XI and XIII, present a dis­ Despite its immediate relation to the events. of the time,. this .volume cussion of the beginnings of English patriotism and national feeling, is still valuable for an analysis of the varIOUS factors III IrIsh na­ and their interaction with a new cosmopolitanism. This interaction, the tionalism, especially the economic factor. While. an !rish ?ationalist, author holds, was responsible for the flowering of English civilization the author is also fully alive to the danger of natIOnalIst polIcy. in the Elizabethan period. 360. CLARKSON J. DUNSMORE, Labour and Nationalism in Ireland (New 353. COBBAN, ALFRED, Edmund Burke and the Revolt against the Eighteenth York, 1925), Columbia University Press, 502 pp. "Studies in History, Century (London, 1929), Allen and Unwin, 280 pp. Economics and Public Law," No. 266. Chapter IV is a discussion of Burke's nationalist views. The major part A very good interpretation of Irish nationalism from the viewpoint of of the book is a discussion of the reaction in England against sensation­ the labor movement and an attempt to correlate the development of the alism in psychology, naturalism in religion, utilitarianism in ethics, in­ labor movement with the nationalist struggle. The author takes up dividualism in economics, and cosmopolitanism in politics. Wordsworth, the attitudes toward labor within the leading nationalist currents and the Coleridge and Southey are also discussed in these connections. share of labor in the nationalist movement. He is concerned more with See also Hayes, Carlton J. H., "Bolingbroke: the Philosopher Turned urban than with rural labor. His thesis is that the national aspira­ Patriot," in Essays in Intellectual History (New York, 1929), pp. 189- tions of Ireland "derived their motive power from oppression." 206. 361. HANLY, JOSEPH, The National Ideal. A Practical Exposition of Tnt.e 354. FAIRCHILD, HOXIE NEALE, The Romantic Quest (New York, 1931), Colum- Nationality Appertaining to heland (London, 1932), Sands, XVI, bia University Press, viii, 444 pp. 275 pp. While almost exclusively a literary study, this work is valuable for the A propagandistic work by an ext~eme ~rish ~a~ionalist, fo~ the com­ intellectual backgrounds of British Romanticism and nationalism. Of plete "Gaelicization" of Irish life III all ItS polItIcal, economIC and cul- particular importance are Ch. VI on Romantic intellectualism and Chs. tural aspects. XIV, XV and XVI on the medievalism of Scott, and on Wordsworth, 362. SHEEHY-SKEFFINGTON, F., Michael Davitt, Revolutionary. Agitator and Coleridge and Keats. Labour Leader (London, 1908), T. Fisher Unwin, xix, 291 pp. 355. PEARDON, THOMAS PRESTON, The Transition in English Historical The best life of the most important leader of Irish laborite and agrarian Writing, 1760-1830 (New York, 1933), Columbia University Press, nationalism. It is strongly anti-Catholic in sentiment. .. . 340 pp. "Studies in History, Economics and Public Law," No. 390. Cf. J. Keir Hardie and T. M. Kettle on Davitt in the Soctaltst Revtew, This study shows the turn from rationalist cosmopolitan history to na­ I (1908) 410-21. tionalist history, and traces the influence of primitivism and medievalism. 363. BEASLEY, PIERCE, (Beaslai, Piaras), Michael Collins and the Making of 356. KAYSER, ELMER LOUIS, The Grand Social Enterprise, a Study of Je1'emy a New Ireland, 2 vols. (London, 1926), George Harrap and Co., xv, Bentham in His Relation to Liberal Nationalism (New York, 1932), 458 pp. and 484 pp. . . Columbia University Press, 109 pp. "Studies in History, Economics An enthusiastic and intensely nationalistic biography, by an mtrmate and Public Law," No. 377. friend of Collins. It is primarily a factual account of the later stages The works of Bentham, the supreme exponent of liberal nationalism, of the Sinn Fein movement. were seized upon by a considerable number of active nationalists in the 364. GWYNN, DENIS R., Edward Martyn and the hi$h Revival (London, early nineteenth century and became their textbooks and models for legislation. In this way the utilitarian liberalism of Bentham was 1928), Champion, iv, 384 pp. . . ., The story of one of the leading figures III the natIonal IrIsh lIterary and joined with the Romantic nationalism, and thus constituted an important factor in the liberal nationalism which was so conspicuous among the artistic movement. "oppressed" peoples in the middle of the nineteenth century. This was 365. WALLACE, WILLIAM STEWART, The Growth of Canadian National Feeling not a chauvinistic nationalism. It recognized the validity of nationalities (Toronto, 1927), Macmillan, 85 pp. .... and claimed for each the right of self-determination. But liberal princi­ The author affirms the existence of an All-CanadIan natIOnalIsm WhICh, ples were to govern the nation and its relations with other nations. though young, is the product of historical conditions ~nd political ,unity. 357. BODELSEN, C. A., Studies in Mid-Victorian Imperialism (Copenhagen, See also Ziehen, Edward, "Canadianism. Zur GeneSIS del' kanadlschen 1924), Nordisk forlag, 230 pp. Nation," in the Historische Zeitschrift, CL (1934), 497-558. There are some revealing pages on the heroic nationalism of Carlyle, 366. VATTIER, GEORGES, Essai sur la mentalite canadienne~franyaise (Paris, on the racial Anglo-Saxonism of Charles Wentworth Dilke, on the ex­ 1928), Champion, iv, 384 pp. pansionism and idealization of the national state by Seely, and on the A study of French-Canadian national psychology ~y a .Frenchman who "social" imperialism of Froude. The author points out the complete looks upon the French-Canadians as Fre~ch by natIOnalIty. Pa!?es 245- neglect by all these writers of colonial nationalism. 37'8 are particularly important for theIr treatmen~ of the attItude of 358. BATTEN, EDWARD, Nationalism, Politics and Economics (London, 1929), French-Canadians toward France, England, the Umted States, and the P. S. King, 145 pp. problem of autonomy. Mainly a discussion of the influence of economic nationalism on British Cf. No. 57. 52 53 THE UNITED STATES THE ORIENT A volume in the series, "Studies in the Making of Citizens," edited by Charles Merriam. A study of textbooks in history, civics, sociology, NATIONALISM IN THE UNITED STATES economic and political problems, geography, reading, music and foreign See also Nos. 8, 84, 99,111,384 languages, used in elementary and high schools in various states of the Union, showing the attitudes toward other nationalities and the For nationalism in the United States, the writings of the following ideals of Americanism indoctrinated into the minds of the young. are important: George Bancroft, Edward Bellamy, Charles Beard, 375. PIERCE, BESSIE LOUISE, Citizens' Organizations and the Civic Training Randolph Bourne, Henry Clay, Herbert Croly, Madison Grant John of Youth, Part III of the Report of the Commission on the Social Hay, Homer Lea, Francis Lieber, Walter Hines Page, Francis Parkman, Studies of the American Historical Association (New York, 1933), W. H. Prescott, Theodore Roosevelt, Lothrop Stoddard and Woodrow Charles Scribner's Sons, xvii, 428 pp. Wilson. A very valuable report of the influence on the teaching of history and 367. BOUTMY, EMILE, Elements d'une psychologie politique du peuple amer- civics in the schools of the United States by various patriotic organiza­ icain (Paris, 1920), Armand Colin, xl, 367 pp. tions, military groups, peace organizations, fraternal orders, religious A semijournalistic but very interesting discussion of the American and racial groups, youth movements, business and labor groups and feeling of nationality (see particularly pp. 77-105). prohibition and antiprohibition groups. See also Michels, Roberto, "uber den amerikanischen Nationalitiits­ 376. TURNER, FREDERICK J., The Significance of Sections in American His­ begriff," in the Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, XXVIII (1928) 257-99. tory (New York, 1933), Henry Holt, ix, 347 pp. 368. HUMPHREY, EDWARD FRANK, Nationalism and Religion in America, A regionalist approach to American history. 1774-89 (Boston, 1924), Chipman Law Publishing Co., viii, 536 pp. Cf. the review by L. M. Hacker in the Nation, CXXXVII (1933), 108-10. The author's object is to throw Ught on the part religion played in 377. BEARD, CHARLES A., The Idea of National Interest. An Analytical Study creating an American nationalism. in American Foreign Policy (New York, 1934), Macmillan, ix, 583 pp. 369. FAIRCHILD, HENRY PRATT, The Melting-Pot Mistake (Boston, 1926), An inquiry into "the things and patterns of conduct covered by the Little, Brown and Co., vi, 266 pp. formula national interest" in their American development from 1787 A denial of the possibility of the assimilation of alien racial and to the present, as revealed in the Constitution of the United States, national elements into American life, anda. plea for the maintenance of and in territorial and commercial expansion. American group unity by a strong check on alien immigration and See also Shepardson, VVThitney H., "Nationalism and American Trade," alien influences. in Foreign Affairs, XII (1934),403-17. 370. DRACHSLER, JULIUS, Democracy and Assimilation (New York, 1920), 377a. BEARD, CHARLES A., The Open Door at Home; A Trial Philosophy of Macmillan, xii, 275 pp. National Interest (New York, 1934), Macmillan, 331 pp. An American Jewish sociologist analyzes the problem of the clash of This is the most significant attempt at a formulation of a philosophy of nationalities among immigrant groups in the United States, their liberal nationalism as a basis for American public policy. intermarriage and the attempts at assimilation. He urges the broad­ ening of the concept of democracy to include also cultural autonomy and democracy for alien cultural groups. NATIONALISM IN THE ORIENT 371. KALLEN, HORkCE MEYER, Culture and Democracy in the United States. Studies in the Group Psychology of the American Peoples (New York, GENERAL STUDIES ON THE ORIENT 1924), Boni and Liveright, 347 pp. The case for cultural pluralism in the United States. See also Nos. 8, 19 372. GALITZI, C., A Study of Assimilation among the Roumanians in the United States (New York, 1929), Columbia University Press, 284 pp. 378. KOHN, HANS, A History of Nationalism in the East, translated from A study of the interaction of two national cultures, and the effect on the German by Margaret M. Green, (London, 1929), Routledge, xi, Rumanian national characteristics and peculiarities of their contacts 476 pp. and transplantation to American soil. The author raises the problem The most authoritative study of the national movements in Egypt, of national and ethnic assimilation and Americanization. The book is Turkey, Arabia, Persia, Afghanistan and India, and their relations to a good source of information on Rumanian national customs and char­ Great Britain and Russia. The book is most valuable for the study acteristics. of nationalist ideology. The author is chiefly concerned with the 373. HAPGOOD, N., editor, Professional Patriots (New York, 1927), Albert and development of the national idea, and traces movements in the East Charles Boni, vii, 217 pp. analogous to those in Europe between the seventeenth and nineteenth An expose of the nationalistic and patriotic propaganda carried on by centuries. organizations in the United States, such as the National Civic Fed­ 379. KOHN, HANS, Die Europiiisierung des Orients (Berlin, 1934), Schocken eration, National Security League, American Defense Society, American Verlag, 356 pp. Legion, their connections with business, military organizations and The author presents a most interesting analysis of the process of the labor, and their influence on education. Europeanization of the Orient. He considers this process. in large 374. PIERCE, BESSIE LOUISE, Civic Attitudes in American School Textb,ooks measure the equivalent to the emergence of Western Europe from (Chicago, 1930) , University of Chicago Press, vxi, 297 pp. medievalism, and he shows clearly how this progress of Europeaniza- 54 55

I 1 l THE NEAR EAST THE FAR EAST tion, industrialization and secularization has contributed to the devel­ 387. SABRY, MOUSTAPHA, La Genese de l'espTit nationrkl egyptien, 1853-1882 opment of nationalism in the Orient. (Paris, 1924), Rene Picart, 288 pp. 380. GROUSSET, RENE, Le Reveil de l' Asie,. l'imperialis1Jte brittanique et la Important chiefly for the treatment of the contacts of Egypt with 1'evolte des peuples (Paris, 1924), PIon, 251 pp. Europe, its Europeanization, and the effects on the rise of a nationalist This volume takes up Turkish, Egyptian, Hindu and Persian nationalism movement. and the relations thereof to Great Britain. The author attributes the 388. ADAMS, CHARLES C., Islam and Modernism in Egypt. A Study afthe check to British domination to British failure to understand the legiti­ ModeTn Reform Movement Inaugurated b1J Muhammad Abduh (Lon­ mate needs of the native peoples. don, 1933), Oxford University Press, ix, 283 pp. 381. EDDY, GEORGE SHERWOOD, The Challenge of the East (New York 1931) While primarily devoted to the analysis of changes in Moslem theological Farrar and Rinehart, xx, 265 pp. ' , doctrines, this buok is valuable as revealing the connections between An account of the political unrest and national movements in India modernism and westernization and the growth of nationalism and Pan­ Chi~a, Jap~n? ~orea, ~h,e ~hilippines, Turkey and Palestine, by ~ Islamism in the Near East. It deals chiefly with the life and works pacIfist SOCIalIst JournalIst wIth a deep sympathy for the native national of Muhammad Abduh and Muhammad Rashid Rida, but also has a movements and a decided anti-imperialist attitude. good chapter on their spiritual father, Jamal AI-Din AI-Afghani and another on the younger Egyptian modernists. Cf. also Horten, M., "Muhammed Abduh," in BeitTage ZUT Kenntnis des NATIONALISM IN THE NEAR EAST Orients, XIII (1916), 83-114, and XIV (1917),74-128. For the historical development of nationalism in the Near East the 389. BROCKELMANN, KARL, Das N;ationalgefuhl der TUTken im Licht de?' writing~ of the following are important: for Egypt, Jamal al-Di~ al­ Geschichte (Halle, 1918), Max Niemeyer, 22 pp. "Hallische Uni­ Afgham, Muhamad Abduh, Muhammad Rashid Rida, Mustapha Kemal versitatsreden," No. X. and Abdullah al-Mamun SuhrawardYi for Turkey, Jussuf Bey Akst­ A very brief survey of the major currents in Turkish nationalism from churB: Gasprinskis, Schinasi Effendi and Zia Gok Alp; for Syria and early times to the present. ArabIa, Butros el Bustani. See also No. 53, and Deny, J., "Zia Goek Alp," in the Revue du monde mussulman, LXI (1925), 1-41. 382. KOHN, HANS, Nationalism and Imperialism in the Hither East, trans­ lated from the German by Margaret :tV£' Green (London. 1932). 390. EMIN A., Develop1nent of Modern TUTkey as Measured by Means of Routledge, viii, 339 pp. . . the' Press (New York, 1914), Columbia University Press, 143 pp. A detailed study of the nationalist movements in Egypt Palestine "Studies in History, Economics and Public Law," No. 142. Transjordania, Syria and Iraq. " This is a detailed study of the development of the press in Turkey, and its influence on the growth of the nationalist movement. 383. YOUNG, GEORGE, Nationa.lism and War in the Near East (Oxford, 1915), Clarendon Press, XXVI, 428 pp. 391. GAULIS, B. G., La Question arabe (Paris, 1930), Berger-Levrault, 309 pp. This book, written before the World War, was published anonymously A journalistic account of the activities of Ibn Saud, the Wahabi move­ by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace under the pseu­ ment, Syrian nationalism and its relation to the French mandate. donym "Diplomatist." The author's view is that nationalism is the 392. MACCALLUM, ELIZABETH, The Nationalist CTusrkde in Syria (New York, "main motive of the history of Western Europe of yesterday and of 1928), The Foreign Policy Association, xii, 299 pp. Eastern Europe to-day." He analyzes in this light the eastern Almost exclusively concerned with political events in Syria and their question, the Macedonian problem, the Turkish national movement relations to France as the mandatory of Syria. and the wars resulting from these conflicts. Although much of the book For nationalism in Armenia and Georgia, see Boyajian, Zabelle C., is now outdated, the historical sections are still valuable. ": The Armenian National Writer," in the Contemp01'aTY Review, CX (1916), 223-28; and Van Gennep, Arnold, "La Nationalite geor­ 384. PAGE, KI,RBY, I1nperirklis1n rknd Nationalism. A Study of Conflict in the.Near East rknd of the Te1'ritoTial rknd Economic Expansion of the gienne: les causes de sa formation et de son maintien," in the Revue Umted Strktes (New York, 1925), George H. Doran, vii, 92 pp. de l'Institut de Sociologie, I, No.3 (1920), 7-46. Chapters I-III present a very sketchy and unoriginal account of the conflicts of nationality in the Balkans and Turkey. The rest of the NATIONALISM IN THE FAR EAST book is an attack on aggressive American national expansion, and a plea for international cooperation. See also Nos. 19, 99, 112 385. CHI.~OL, VALENTINE, The Egyptian PToblem (London, 1920), Macmillan, Xll, 331 pp. For the historical development of nationalism in China, the writings This work is chiefly political, but it also has a short resume of the of the following are important: K'ang Yu We, Li'ang Ch'i Ch'ao, Sun genesis of Egyptian nationalism from the time of Mehemet Ali. It Yat Sen and Hu Shih; for Japan, Kada, Mabuchi, Motoori and Okuma. stresses the benefits of British rule, but tries also to be fair to the 393. VI NACKE, HAROLD M., A HistoTY of the Far East in Modern Times, Egyptian nationalists. 2d ed. (New York, 1933), F. S. Crofts, xv, 502 pp. 386. GAULIS, B. G., Le Nationalisme eg'yptien (Paris, 1928), Berger-Levrault, This is chiefly a political history of the Far East, but Chs. XIII, XV, 205 pp. XVI XVIII and XXII contain good summary treatments of the devel­ A collection of periodical articles concerned with the events of the opm~nt of Chinese and Japanese nationalism, both in the political and years 1924-27. cultural spheres. 56 57 INDIA THE JEWS See al~o. Suranyi:Ung1l:r, T., "Wirtschaft und Nationalismus im fernen aspirations. The volume covers political events, economic conditions, Osten, m the Zettschnft fur die gesammte Staatwissenschaft, LXXXIX administrative measures, etc. (1~20), 27~-311; and Sato, E. M., "The Revival of Pure Shinto," in 402. TOPA, ISHWAR NATH, The Growth and Development of Na,tional Thought ASIatIc SocIety, Transactions III (1874), Appendix. in India (Hamburg, 1930), J. J. Augustin, xiv, 176 pp. 394. OWEN, DAVID EDWARD, hnpM'ialism and Nationalism in the Far East The economic and political background of the Indian nationalist move­ (N.ew York, 1929), Henry Holt, xii, 128 pp. ment and the story of the movement up to 1918. A ?rIef summary o.f the westernization and growth of nationalism in 403. CHITAMBAR, JASHWANT R., Mahatma Gandhi, His Life, Work and Influ­ Chllla and Japan, wlth considerable attention to intellectual and cultural ence (Philadelphia, 1933), John C. Winston, xvii, 266 pp. currents. An uncritical account of the life and activities of India's most famous 395. HOLcO~BE, ARTHY,R N., The Chinese Revolution. A Phase in the Regen­ nationalist. eratwn .~( a 11 odd Power (Cambridge, 1930), Harvard University 404. BANNERJEA, D. N., India's Nation Builders (London, 1919), Headly Press, Xlll, 401 pp. Bros., 234 pp. The m?st ~ompetent ~tudy of recent developments in China, providing an Short sketches of Tagore, Ram Mohan Roy, Keshab Chandra Sen, Day­ extens.Ive lllterpretatlOn of Sun Yat Sen's theories and the work of the ananda Saraswati, SyM Ahmad Kahn, Dadabhoy Naoroji, Vivekananda, K uomlllgtang. Gokhale, Gandhi, Banuyi, Tilak, Chandra Pal, Ghose, Lala Lajpat Rai, 396. T'ANG LEANG-LI, China in Revolt. How a Civilization Became a Nation and Surendranath Bannerjea. (London, 1927), Noel Douglas, xvii, 176 pp. 405. RoY, MANABENDRA NATH, Indien, translated from the English manu- The best ~ork by a Chinese scholar on the Chinese national problem script by W. S. Schulz (Hamburg, 1922), C. Hoym, xv, 191 pp. treated malllly from the aspect of relations with the western powers. ' A Communist exposition of the national movement in India in which the 397. T'ANG LEANG-LI, The Foundations of Modern China (London 1928) nationalist ideology is interpreted as only an intellectual superstructure Noel Douglas, x, 290 pp. ' for the economic and social interests of the democratic bourgeoisie. ~n excellent complement to the author's China in Rev,olt, treating of the 406. DUTT, R. PALME, ModM"n India (London, 1927,), Communist Party of mterna~ development of the Chinese national movement, the intellectual Great Britain, 174 pp. ~evolutlOn, the work of Sun Yat Sen and the Kuomingtang, and the A Communistic interpretation of the Indian national movement as an mfluence of western culture. anticapitalist, and anti-imperialist movement for better living conditions. 398. PEAK~, CYRUS H., Nat~onalis.m a~d Education in Modent China (New The specifically "national" elements are denied as too vague and unde­ YOlk, 1932), ColumbIa UmversIty Press, xiv, 240 pp. finable. A survey of the faJ;-reaching revolution in education since 1860. The 407. LAJPAT RAI, Young India. An Interpretation and a History of the second part deals wlth the indoctrination of nationalism in the Chinese Nationalist Movement from Within, 2d ed. (New York, 1917'), B. W. government schools by the use of nationalist textbooks. Huebsch, xxvi, 257 pp. 399. Roy, MANABENDRA NATH, Revol'ution und Konterrevolution in China A history of the nationalist movement in India by one of the leaders translated from the English manuscript by Paul Frohlich (Berlin' of the extreme wing of the Indian nationalist movement, colored by a 1930), Soziologische Verlagsanstalt, 480 pp. ' deeply religious tinge of the Vedas and the Upanishads. A Marxist interpretation of the Chinese nationalist movement. The 408. MOOKERJI, RADHAKUMUD, Nationalism in Hindu Culture (London, 1921), author ~as for a long time active in China on behalf of the Communist Theosophical Publishing House, ix, 104 pp. InternatlO~al and much of his work is based on personal observations A very popular series of lectures ,on patriotism and nationalism in and eXl?erIe~ce~. Of particular interest is his class interpretation of Sanskrit literature. the natlOnahst Ideology of Sun Yat Sen and the Kuomingtang. 409. RAY, PRITHWIS CHAKDRA, Life and Times of C. R. Das (London, 1927), 400. RODES, JEAN, La Chine nationaliste, 1912-1930 (Paris, 1931), Felix Oxford University Press, xvi, 313 pp. Alcan, v, 193 pp. A biography of the famous bourgeois liberal Bengal National leader. Chiefly a narration of political events. The work fails, however, to go deeply into the various transformations which Das underwent.

NATIONALISM IN INDIA NATIONALISM AMONG THE JEWS See also Nos. 8, 19 See also Nos. 8, 44, 52 For the historical development of nationalism in India the writings For the historical development of Jewish nationalism, the writings of the following are important: Mahatma Gandhi G.' K. Gokhale of the following are important: Ber Borochov, Martin Bubel', S. M., Dadabhoy Nao~oji, Lajpat Rai, Ram Mohan Ray, M~hadeo G. Ranade' Dubnow, Achad Haam (Asher Ginzberg), A. D. Gordon, Theodor Herzl, S. D. SaraswatI, Bal G. Tilalc, and Swami Vivekenanda. ' Moses Hess, Moses L. Lillienblum, Max Nordau, Leo Pinsker, and 401. POLE, D. GRAHAM, India in Transition (London 1932) Leonard and Chayim Zhitlovsky. Virginia Woolf, xii, 395 pp. " 410. KOHN, HANS, Nationalismus. tJber die Bedeutung des Nationalismus A luci? prese~tation o~ the facts of the Indian national struggle and im Judentum und in der Gegenwart (Vienna, 1922), R. L6wit Verlag, the BI'ltIsh-IndIan relatIOns by one in sympathy with the Indian national 128 pp. 58 59 THE JEWS THE JEWS A collection of essays on Zionism, Achad Haam, nationalism in Asia, 419. STEIN, LEONARD, Zionism (London, 1925), Ernest Benn, vii, 218 pp. and a general essay on the theory of nationalism. A concise account of the history, aims and achievements of the Zionist 411. RUPPIN, A., Soziologie del' Juden, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1930-31), Jiidischer Ver- movement by an official Zionist publicist. lag, 522 pp. and 336 pp. 420. SIMON, LEON, Studies in Jewish Nationalis1n (London, 1920), Longmans, Chapters I-I V deal with the racial composition of the Jews and their Green and Co., xi, 174 pp. national characteristics; Ch. XXVI with the Jews as a national minor­ A collection of essays on Jewish nationalism and religion, particularly ity; Chs. XXXI-XXXVIII with the question of Jewish national survival; concerned with Hebraism, Zionism and Palestine. The author is a and Ch. XXXIX with the question of Zionism. leading Anglo-Zionist publicist. 412. KLATZKIN, J., Probleme des modern en Judentum8, 3d ed. (Berlin, 1930), 421. MARGULIES, HEINRICH, Kritik der Zionismus, 2 vols. (Vienna, 1920), Lambert Schneider, 208 pp. R. L6wit, Vol. I, Yolk und Gemeinschaft, 171 pp. i Vol. II, Del' Zionis­ A discussion of Jewish assimilation, Diaspora nationalism and Zionism, mus als Volksbewegung, 267 pp. by a keen philosophic Hebraist and Zionist. On the basis of an elaborate sociological and philosophical analysis of 413. JANOWSKY, OSCAR 1., The Je,ws and Minority Rights, 1898-1919 (New national group feeling outlined in the first volume, the author presents, York, 1933), Columbia University Press, 421 pp. "Studies in History, in his second volume, a detailed theoretical critique of Jewish nationalist Economics and Public Law," No. 384. ideologies, and attempts to set up a synthesis of Palestinian Zionism This is the only book of its kind in any language and perhaps the most and Diaspora nationalism. important book on the subject of Jewish nationalism in the English 422. ZLOCISTI, THEODOR, Moses Hess der Vorkiimpfer des Sozialis1n'us una language. It gives an admirable survey of the intellectual development Zionis1nus, 2d ed. (Berlin, 1921), Welt Verlag, 441 pp. of Jewish nationalism and the organizations formed to further it. The best work on one of the earliest theorists of Jewish nationalism. Whereas Zionism has often been treated, the various currents working His views on Judaism are discussed, together with his place and activities for national autonomy have never been adequately treated before. in pre-Marxian socialism. The work of Zhitlowsky, Dubnow, the Bund, the Poale Zion and Boro­ 423. HAAS, JACOB DE, Theodor Herzl, 2 vols. (Chicago, 1927), The Leonard chov and all the other factions and currents are discussed in a most Co., 371 pp. and 376 pp. intelligent fashion. The effects of the Russian Revolution and activity A full life of the founder of political Zionism. The author was Herzl's after the World War are presented in a dramatic style. The author secretary and is a leading American political Zionist. draws on unprinted material and oral communication with many· of 424. GINSBERG, ASHER, (Achad Haam) , Ten Essays ·on Zionism and Judais1n, the leaders involved. The influence of Jewish activity on the minority translated from the Hebrew by Leon Simon (London, 1922), George provisions in the postwar treaties is clearly brought out, as is the Routledge and Sons, xxiii, 256 pp. significance of the Jews as a nonterritorial nationality. A translation of some of the most important essays by the leading 414. KAUTSKY, KARL, Are the Jews a Race? translated from the 2d German philosopher of cultural Zionism. ed. (New York, 1926), International Publishers, 256 pp. 425. BUBER, MARTIN, Die Jiidische Bewegung. Gesam1nelte AUfsiitze und This book is directed against racial anti-Semitism on the one hand and Anspmchen, 1916-1920, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1920), Jiidischer Verlag, against Jewish nationalism and Zionism on the other. The author 254 pp. and 223 pp. predicts the disappearance of the Jews as a distinct entity. Collected essays on Jewish nationalism by the leading German Jewish 415. BLITZ, SAMUEL, Nationalis1n, a Cause of Anti-Se1nitis1n (New York, 1928), theoretician of Zionism. The essays cover a wide range of topics, in­ Bloch Publishing Co., xiii, 157 pp. cluding theoretical discussions of nationalism, Hebrew literature, Jewish A rather superficial survey of anti-Semitism since earliest times, re­ national art and Jewish traditionalism. The polemical articles addressed ducing it all to the clash between an international Jewry and the to Hermann Cohen on the theories of Jewish nationalism (Vol. II, nationalistic aspirations of the dominant groups. pp. 26-70) are particularly important. In connection with this, see 416. KOHN, HANS, L'Humanisme juif. Quinze essais sur le juif, le 1nonde Cohen, Hermann, Jiidische Schriften, 3 vols. (Berlin, C. A. Schwetschke et Dieu (Paris, 1931), Rieder, 276 pp. und Sohn, 1924), Vol. II, pp. 318-40. Contains very illuminating essays on Herzl, Nathan Birnbaum, Moses 426. KOHN, HANS, Martin Bubcr, sein Werk und seine Zeit. Ein Versuch Hess, Achad Haam, A. D. Gordon and Martin Bubel'. iiber Religion und Politik (Hellerau, 1930), Jakob Hegner, 411 pp. 417. BOHM, ADOLF, Die zionistische Bewegung, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1920-21), Welt An exhaustive study of the most important philosopher of nationalism Verlag, 190 pp. and 364 pp. in German Jewry. A very able survey of the Zionist movement from its precursors to the 427. SPIEGEL, SHALOM, Hebrew Reborn (New York, 1930), Macmillan, 479 pp. postwar period. It is good both on the ideological and on the practical A very able and sympathetic account of the Hebrew literary and lin­ organizational and socio-economic aspects. guistic renaissance and its connections with the growth of the Zionist 418. HOLDHEIM, GERHARD, and WALTER PREUSS, Die theoretischen Grundlagen movement. des Zionis1nus (Berlin, 1919), Welt Verlag, 82 pp. 428. KLAUSNER, JOSEPH, A History of Modern Hebrew Literature (1785- A good, brief historical summary of the leading Jewish nationalist doc­ 1930), translated from the Hebrew by Herbert Danby (London, 1932), trines from earliest times to the present, and a systematic study of the M. L. Cailingold, v, 204 pp. relations of Zionism to such other problems as socialism, imperialism, This is a textbook of Hebrew literature, but Chs. IV-VI present a cosmopolitanism, anti-Semitism, assimilation, religious ideas, and ethnic discussion of the neo-Hebraic literature in terms of the Jewish national considerations. The authors are Zionists. revival. 60 61 THE JEWS 429. BIRNBAUM, N., Ausgewiihlte Schriften zur jiidischen Frage, 2 vols. (Czernowitz, 1910), Buchhandlung Dr. Birnbaum und Dr. Kohut, 336 pp. and 397 pp. Collected older writing of one of the most important theorists of Jewish nationalism. These include writings on Jewish autonomy, Zionism and the language question. 430. BORocHov, BER, Sozialis1nus und Zionismus. Eine Synthese, edited by Mendel Singer (Vienna, 1932), Verlag Zukunft, 398 pp. INDEX OF NAMES Collected essays by the leading theoretician of the Socialist-Zionist move­ Achad Haam, See Ginsberg, A. Baxa, J., ..• Romantische Staatswissen­ ment, who gives a class interpretation of anti-Semitism and Jewish Acton, Lord, "Nationality," 86 schaft, 172 nationalism, and who seeks to harmonize international Marxism with Adams, C. C. Islam and Modernism in Beard, Charles A., The Idea of National Egypt, 388 Interest . ..• 377; The Open Door at Jewish nationalism. The volume also contains a series of articles Albrecht, G., "Die Ausgestaltung des List- Home. 377a on Borochov by M. A. Borochov, J. Ben-Zwi, S. Kaplansky and S. Her. schen Nationalitatsprinzips . ," 199 Beasley, P., Michael Collins . •. , 363 See also the author's Klass!! und Nation: Zur Theorie und Praxis des Alembert, d', 263 Becker, M. L., "Die franzosische Volks­ jiidischen Sozialisrnus (Berlin, 1932), Hechaluz, 108 pp; and the articles Alfieri, V., 323, 324, 325, 326 biihne .•. ," 274 Allport, F. H., "Psychology of Nation­ Beckerath, E. von, W,esen und Werden by A. Tartakower, "Zur Geschichte des jiidischen Sozialismus," in alism," 59 des fascistischen Staates, 340 Der Jude, VII (1923), 503-16, 591-618, and VIII (1924), 16-38, 148-73, Ammende, E., Die Nationalitiiten in den Begtrup, H., The Folk High Schools of 386-99, 455-72. Staa,ten Europas, 116 Denmark .•. , 311 Andler, C., ... Le Pangermanisme, 151 Belloc, H., 77 431. DUBNOW, S. M., Die Grundlagen des Nationaljudentums, Partial transla­ Anin, M., Die Nationalitiitenprobleme der Benda, J., The Treason of the Intellectu­ tions from the Russian by I. Friedlaender (Berlin, 1905), Jiidischer Geg·enwart ... , 44 als, 21; La Fin de l'eternel, 22; Discours Verlag, 69 pp.; and by Elias Hurwicz, "Das Alte und das neue Antonowytsch, M., Friedrich Ludwig Jahn a La nation europeene, 23; Esquisse .. .., 186 d'une histoire des Frangais ..• , 259 Judentum, in Der Jude, Sonderheft No.3 (Berlin, 1926), pp. 32-57. Apponyi, Count, 77 Benson, A. R, The Old Norse Element in The theoretical exposition of Jewish Diaspora nationalism, by its leading Aristotle, 125 Swedish Romanticism, 310 exponent. Arndt, E. M., 151, 184 Bentham, J., 130, 356 Cf. Friedlaender, Israel, "Dubnow's Theory of Jewish Nationalism," in Aronstein, P., "Patriotismus und Staats­ Berkeley, G. F. H., Italy in the Making, gefiihl der Englander," 347 1815-1846, 320 his Past and Present (Cincinnati, 1919), Ark Publishing Co., pp. Artois, J., d', "Die nationale Entwicklung Berl, E., review of Julien Benda, 259 371-98. der Wallonen," 54 Berlet, C., Les T·endances unitaires et Astros, P.-T.-D. d', 270 provincialistes en France ••. , 288 Aucamp, A. J., Bilingual Education and Bernatzik, E., Die Augestaltung des Na­ Nationalism . . . , 82 tionalgefuhls ... , 223 Auerbach, B., Les Raoes et les nationalites Berndt. F.. "Nationalitatenfragen in en Autriche-Hongrie, 217 Finnland," 52 Aulard, A., Le Patriotisme frangaise Berney, A., "Reichstradition und Nation­ 263 alstraatsgedanke ... ," 153 Azelglio, M., d', 320 Bernhard, L., Der Staatsuedanke des Fas- cismus. 341 Baasch, E., "Die deutschen wirtschaft- Bernhardi, F. von. 151, 207a lichen Einheitsbestrebungen . . . ," 199 Bernstein, Eduard, 49 Bahrens, K., Flanderns Kampf ... , 303 Biehahn, W., "Marxismus und nationale Balbo, Cesare, 320 Idee ...." 244 Bannerjea, D. N., India's Nation Builders, Biester, J. E .. 157 404 Binder, J., "Fichte und die Nation." 164 Bannerjea, S., 404 Birnbaum, N., 416; Ausgewiihlte Schriften Banuyi,404 ... ,429 Barere, Bertrand. 267 Bismarck, 139, 145, 151, 200. 207a Barker, Ernest, National Character ... , Blagoyevitch, V., Le Principe des na­ 25; Christianity and Nationality. 74 tionalites . • . , 47 Barnes. H. E., History and Social Intel­ Bley, F., 151 ligence, 55; " ... Gustave Le Bon ...• " Blitz, S., Nationalism, a Caus.e of Anti­ 62 Semitism, 415 Barres, M., 130, 273, 275, 278 Blondel, M., 77 Barth, P., Die Philosophie der Geschichte ... , 16; "Die Nationalitat in ihrer Bluntschli, J. K., The Theory of the State, soziologischer Bedeutung," 49 85; Kleine Schriften, 48; 152 Barzun, J., The French Race, 258 Boas, F., Anthropology and Modern Life, Basch, V., Les Doctrines politiques des 31 philos·ophes classiques de l' Allemagne Bodelsen, C. A., Mid-Victorian Imperi­ .•. , 160 alism, 357 Batten, E., Na,tionalism, Politics and Boehm, M. H., DaB eigenstiindige Volk Economics, 358 ... , 7; "Die Nationalitatenfrage." 50; Battifol. L., 77 EthnopolitiBcher Almancwh, 52; "Staats­ Bauer. Johannes. Schleiermacher als poli­ gewalt und Nationalitatenproblem," 53; tischer Prediger ... , 181 Europa irredenta ... , 137 Bauer. Otto. Die Nationalitiitenfrage und Bohm, Adolf, Die zionistische Bewegung, die Sozialdemokratie, 106; 10, 107 417 63 INDEX OF NAMES INDEX OF NAMES

Bohn, A., Sur la Notion de nationalite Chirol, V., The Egyptian Problem, 385 Drinkwater, J., Patriotism in Literature, Foulon, F., La Question wallone, 305 · .. , 14 Chitambar, J. R., Mahatma Gandhi .. 349 Fournol, E., Les Nations romantiques, 138 Bolingbroke, 130, 353 403 Droysen, J. G., 152, 195, 196, 197 Francke, A. H., 144 Bonald, Vicomte de, 130 Chuquet, A., Les Chants patriotiques de Driiner, H., "Der nationale und der uni­ Francke, Kuno, Weltbiirgerthu.m in der Borochov, B., 413; Sozialismus und Zionis­ l'Allemagne, 1813-1918, 189 versale Gedanke bei dem Freiherrn vom deutschen Literatur . . . , 154

mus 0 •• , 430 Cihlar, S., "Der Zusammenbruch des Jugo­ Stein," 185 Frank, Walter, Nationalismus und Demo-

Borries, K., Kant als Politiker . 0 • , 161; slavismus," 52 Dubnow, S. M., 413; Die Grnndlagen des kratie im Frank;'eich . . . , 275

Die Romantik und die Geschichte . 0 0 , Civijic, J., "Studies in Jugoslav Psychol­ Nationaljudentums, 431 Frantz, Constantin, 9, 151, 152 174 ogy," 252 Dubos, J. B., 258 Franz, G., Bismarcks Nationalgefuhl, 200 Boulainvilliers, 258 Clarke, Fred, 112 Dubreuil, L., L'Idee regionaliste sous la Frederick the Great, 187 Bourgin, G., La Formation de l'unite Clarkson, J. D., Labour and Nationalism Revolution, 289 Freret, N., 258 italienne, 319 in Ireland, 360 Ducray, C., Paul Deroil.lede, 1846-1914, Friedlander, I., "Dub now's Theory of Boutmy, E., The English People ... , Class, H., 151 284 Jewish Nationalism." 430 350; Elements d 'une psychologie poli­ Cleinow, G., ". 0 • Nationalitatenpolitik Duhamel, M., La Question bretonne ... , Froude, J. A., 357 . tique du peuple americain, 367 in del' Sowjetunion," 244 298 Furniss, S., The Position of the Laborer Boutroux, E., 136 Clough, S. B., A History of the Flemish Duhring, E., 199 in a System of Nationalism, 100 Bouvy, E., "De Dante a Alfieri. ," Movement ..• , 300 Dumur, L., Les deux Suisse, 1914-1917, 324 Cobban, A., Rousseau and the Modern 314 Gai, L., 253

Boyajian, Z. C., "Raffi 0 •• ," 392 State, 264a; Edmund Burke . ..• 353 Dunning, W. A., A History of Political Galitzi, C., Assimilation among the Rou-

Brandt, Otto, A. W. Schlegel . . 0 , 177 Codignola, E., 112 Theories .. 0 , 135 manians •.. , 372 Breitling, R., Paul de Lagarde ... , 202 Cohen, Hermann, Jiidische Schriften, 425 Durkheim, E., 279 Gandhi, M., 403, 404

Brinton, C., The Jacobins . 0 • , 267 Coleridge, S. T., 353, 354 Dutt, R. P., Modern India, 406 Ganivet, A., 346 Brockelmann, K., Das Nationalgefiihl der Collins, Michael, 363 Dwelshauvers, G., La Catalogne ... , 346 Gardner, E. G., The National Idea in Tiirken •.. , 389 Comte, Auguste, 130 Dyboski, R., "Literature and National Life Italian Literature, 325 Broecker, R., "VOlkerrecht-Minderheiten­ Condorcet, 265 in Modern Poland," 237 Gardner, M. M., Adam Mickiewicz, 238; recht-Volksrecht," 52 Constant, Benjamin, 281 Kosciuszko, 239 Brooks, Ro C., Civic Training in Switzer­ Corradini, E., 321 Eberz, D., "Die gallikanische Kirche als Garibaldi, 332 land . .. , 316 Culbertson, W. S., "Raw Materials and Werkzeug der Revanche," 274 Garner, J. Wo, Political Science and Gov­ Brown, S. M., "Mazzini and Dante." 328 Foodstuffs in the Commercial Policies Eckardt, J. von, 151 ernment, 2 Brun. C., Le Regionalisme, 286; Mistral, of Nations," 103 Eddy, G. S., Challenge of the East, 381 Gasparian, A., Begriff der Nation in der 292 Cunow, H., Marxche 0 •• Staatstheorie, Einstein, Lewis, Tudor Ideals, 352 deutschen Geschichtsschreibung 0 • 0 , Brunhes, J., La GeogJ'aphie de l'histoire, 108 Eisenmann, L., "Quelques Aspects nou- 197 32; GeogJ:aphie humaine de la France, Cuoco. V .. 323 veaux de l'idee de nationalite." 56 Gaulis, B. G., Le Nationalisme egyptien, 257 Curthis, E.R., Maurice Earres ... , 278 Elviken, A., Die Entwicklung des no)'­ 386; La Question arabe, 391 Brunot, F., Histoire de la langue frangaise wegischen N ationalismus, 307 Gaus, J. M., Great Britain ... , 351 Gazley, J. G., American Opinion of German • • 0 , 261 Dadabhoy Naoroji, 404 Emery, J. A., 270 Bryce, James, "The Principle of Nation- Danilevski, No, 243 Emin, Ao, Development of Modern Turk,cy, Unification, 201

ality 0 •• ," 141 Dante, 138, 324, 325, 328 390 Gedicke, F., 157 Buber, M., 416; Die Jiidische Bewegung, Das, C. R., 409 Engelbrecht, H. C., J. Go Fichte .. Geist-Lanyi, P., Das Nationalitiitenprob­ 425; 426 Daumont, F., Le M01Woement fiamand, 302 164 lem auf dem Reichstag zu KremsieT, Bubnofi', N. von, "Der Begrifi' del' Nation Davitt, M., 362 Engeln, O. D., Inheriting the' EaJ·th, 71 220 · . . ,"56 Dayanandi Saraswati, 404 Engels, F., 108 Gerlach, E. L. von, 156 Buck, C. Do, "Language and the Senti­ Deak, F., 225, 226 Ergang, R. R., Herder . .. , 158 Gershoy, L., "Barere 0 • 0 ," 267 ment of Nationality," 80 Dehn, Paul, 151 . Erler, G. H. J., Das Recht der nationalen Gervinus, G. G., 152 Buell, R. L., lnternational Relations, 3 De Jonge, A. R., Gottfried Kinkel . .• , Minderheiten, 120 Gewehr, Wo M., Rise of Nationalism in Bulle, 0., Die italienische Einheitsidee 193 Ernst, R., "Der Autonomiegedanke in the Balkans, 249 · .. ,324 Delaisi, F., Political Myths and Economic Elsass-Lothringen," 54 Geyl, P., "Einheit und Entzweiung in den Bulow, Prince von, 151 Realities, 94 Niederlanden," 306 BUlow, Dietrich von, 151 Delle-Donne, 0., European Tariff Policies Fairchild, H. N., The Romantic Quest. 354 Ghose, 404 BUlow, Joachim von, 151 since the War, 104 Fairchild, H. P., The Melting-Pot Mistake, Gibbons, H. A., Nationalism and Inter­ Bunsen, C. K. J. von, 192 Denis, Ernest, La Boheme depuis la Mon­ 369 nationalism, 133 Burckhardt, J., 152 tagne-Blanche, 228; La Question d' Falnes, O. J., National R01nanticism in Gilbert, F., J. G. Droysen ... , 196 Bureau, Po, 77 A1~triche . 0 0 , 235 Norway, 308 Gill, Co, National Power and Prosperity, Burke, Edmund, 130, 353 Dernburg, B., 151 Febvre, L. "Langue et nationalite en 102 Deroulede, P., 283, 284, 285 France," 261 Ginsberg, Asher, 410, 416; T,en Essays Campbell, Olive Dame, The Danish Folk Desjardins, P., See Stewart, H. F., 272 Feder, G., Der deutsche Staat 0 •• , 214 on Zionism, 424 School ... , 312 Destree, J., Wallons et Flamands ...• Feldmann, W., Geschichte der politischen Ginsburg, L, 207 Cantalupo, R., "Enrico Corradini and Ital­ 304 Ideen im Polen, 237 Gioberti, V., 138, 320, 325, 327 ian Nationalism," 321 DUke, C. W., 357 Fels, J., Begriff und Wesen der Nation, 10 Gneisenau, 145 Cappis, O. B., Die Ide.e des Kleinstaates Dilthey, W., "Schleiermachers politische Fenelon, 258 Gneist, R., 9 Gesinnung ..• ," 180 Fenske, W., J. G. Droysen ... , 195 Gobineau. Arthur de, 204. 258 • • 0 , 152 Carducci. G., 325 Dittmann, F., Dcr Begriff des Volksgeistes Ferry, Jules, 276 Goeken, W., Herder als Deutscher, 159 Carlyle, Thomas. 357 bei Hegel. 163 Fichte, J. G., 130, 138. 139, 145. 151, 153, Goerres, J., 151, 183 Cavour, 320a. 333, 334, 335 Dix, A .. 151 160, 164, 165, 166, 167, 172, 187, 264 Goethe, 153 Cecil. Lord Hugh. Richard Heathcote, Na- Dobranitzki, M., "Die Nationalitatenpoli­ Finot, J., Race Pr.ejudice, 70 Gokhale. 404 tionalism and Catholicism. 76 tik der Sowjet-Union," 244 Fircks. Woo "Minderheitenautonomie in Gooch, Go Po, Nationalism, 131; Germany Chaadayev. Poo 241 Dominian, L., The Frontiers of Language Lettland," 54 and the French Revolution, 168 Chamberlain, H. S., 151, 204 and Nationality . .. ," 79 Fischel, A., Der Panslawismus •.• , 227; Gooch, R. K., Regionalism in France, 291 Chandra Pal, 404 Dorosenko, D .. "Die Entwicklung del' uk­ Das ·tschechische Yolk, 230 Gordon, A. D., 416 Charles Albert of Sardinia, 320. 330 rain is chen Geschichtsidee ... ," 241 Fischer, Aloys, 112 Goyau. G., 77 Chateaubriand. 270, 281 Drachsler. J., Democracy and Assimila­ Foscolo, U go, 322, 323 Greenfield, K. R., Economics and Liberal­ Chenu. C., La Ligue des patriotes, 283 tion, 370 Fouillee. A., Esquisse psychologique ism in the Risorgimento, 320a Chevalier, J., 77 Driesmanns, H,. 49, 151 63; 70 Gregoire, Abbe, 270 64 65 INDEX OF NAMES INDEX OF NAMES Gregory of Tours, 258 Haymann, F., Weltburgertum und Vater­ Jahn, L., 151, 186 Koyre, A., La Philosophie et Ie probliJme Grentrup, T., Religion und Muttersprache, lands lie be ... , 264 Jakabssy, E., "Ungarische Minoritaten," national en Russie ... , 241 75 Hazard, 1:'., La Revolution frangaise et les 54 Kranel, R., 151 Grommaire, G., La Litterature patriotique lettres italiennes, 323 Jamal aI-Din aI-Afghani, 388 Krehbiel, E. B., Nationalism, War and en Allemagne, 188 Hecker, J. F., Russian Sociology, 242 Janowsky, O. L, Jews and Minority Society, 41 Grosjean, G., Le Sentiment national dans Heer, G., 190 Rights, 413 Krek, J., 253 la Guerre de Gent Ans, 262 Hegel, 9, 139, 145, 151, 160, 162, 163, 195 Jastrow, 1., Geschichte des deutschen Krizanic, J., 241 Grosse, F., "Belgische Nationalitaten­ Heiden, K., Geschichte des National Sozi- Einheitstraumes, 142 Kronenberg, M., Der politische Gedanke, frage," 299 alismus, 211 Jaszi, 0., Dissolution of the Habsbu1'g 34 Grousset, R., Le Reveil de l'Asie, 380 Heissenbiitel, K. H. T., Volk und Nation Monarchy, 218 Kruscewski, W., "Der franzosische Na­ Gruber, H., "Nationalismus in der fran­ ... , 127 Jaucourt, 263 tionsbegriff," 263 zosischen Freimaurerei," 27 Heller, H., Sozialismus und Nation, 109: Jean-Desthieux, F" 7iJ1)olution regionaliste, Kiihn, J., Der Nationalismus in Leben der Gruntvig, Bishop, 3li, 312 Politische Ideenkreise, 139: Heg,el, 162: 294; Produire, 295 dritten Republik, 274 Guerard, A. L., "Maurice Barres •. Europa und der Fascismus, 339 Jerusalem, Franz, BegrifJ der Nation, 11 Kuhne, W., "Entwicklung des polnischen 278 Hennessy, J., Regions de France, 293 Jeschke, H., "Angel Ganivet," 346· Nationalgefiihls," 237 Guizot, 130, 281 Herben, J., "Karl Havlicek," 228 Joachimsen, P., Vom deutschen Volk zum Kurth, G., La Nationalite beige, 299 Gurian, W., Integrale Nationalismus in Herbert, S., Nationality and Its Prob­ deutschen Staat, 143 Frankreich, 279 lems, 28 Joan of Are, 262 Lagarde, Paul de, 151, 202, 203 Guy-Grand, G., La Philosophie nation­ Johannet, R., Le Principe des nationalites, Lajpat Rai, 404; Young India, 407 Herder, J. G., 130, 138, 154, 158, 159, 163, Lalic, N., "Les Idees de Strossmayer," 253 aliste, 282 227, 310, 329 4; 51,77 Gwynn, D. R., Edward Martyn . .. , 364 Herrnritt, R., Nationalitiit und Recht, 222 Joseph, Bernard. Nationality, 8 Lamprecht, K., 151, 197 Hertz, F., "Allgemeine Theorien vom Na­ Junghann, 0., National Minorities, 118; Langbehn, J., 151 Haas, Albert, "Der pan-hispanische Ge- tionalcharakter," 25: "Wesen und Wer­ See also Boehm, M. H., 52 Lange, F., 151 danke in Amerika," 346 Juthner, J., Hellenen und Barbaren, 125 Langsam, W., The Napoleonic Wars and den der Nation," 50: Race and Civili­ German Nationalism in Austria, 191 Haas, Jacob de, Theodor Herzl, 423 zation, 67: "Englischer Nationalismus," Lanz, H., "The Philosophy of Kirievsky," Hacker, L. M., 376 347 Kallen, H. M., Culture and Democracy Hackett, F., Ireland . •• , 359 Herzl, Theodor, 416, 423 ... , 371 241 Kallenbach, J., "Adam Mickiewicz," 238 Laski, H. J., Grammar of Politics. 90 Halecki, 0., 77 Hess, Moses, 416, 422 Nationalism and the Future of Civil­ Halevy, Elie, 51 Hettick, E. L., A Study in Ancient Na- Kandel, 1. L., Educational Yearbook . .. , Haller, K. L. von, 145, 152 tionalism, 126 112 ization, 91 Kant, 160, 161, 163, 204 La Tour du Pin, 281 Hamann, J. G., 144 Heuss, T., Hitler's Weg, 212 Laum, B., Die geschl08sene Wirtschaft, Hamelius, P., Histoire politique et litter­ Hevesy, A., Nationalities in Hungary, 226 Karman, E. von, "Psychologie del' Inter­ nationalismus," 50 215 aire du mouvement /iamand, 301 Heyking, A., La Conception de l'Etat Laurian, M. A., Le Principe des National- Hancock, W. K., Ricascoli ... , 331 ... , 93 Katsch, H., Heinrich von T1'eitschke ... , Handelsmann, M., "Le Role de la nation­ Hildebrand, G., 151 198 ites, 254 Kautsky, K., "Nationalitiit und Interna­ Lavater, J. K., 144 alite dans l'histoire du moygen age," Hintze, H., "Der franzosische Regional­ Le Bon, G .. The Psychology of Peoples, 62 128 ismus," 53; "Der franzosische Regional­ tionalitiit," 107, 108; A1'e the Jews a Handman, M., "The Sentiment of Nation­ alismus und seine Wurzeln," 286; Race?, 414 Lednicki, W., "Poland and the Slavophil Kawerau. S., Denkschrift ... , 208 Idea," 237 alism" 56 Staatseinheit und Fiideralismus, 287 Leemans, V., "Soziologie des flamischen Hankin~, F. H., Racial Basis of Civiliza,- Hintze, Otto, 185 Kayser, E. L., Jeremy Bentham . .. , 356 Keats, J., 354 Nationalismus," 301 tion, 68 Hitler, A., 207a Le Fur, L., Hanly, J., The National Ideal . .. , 354 Hobson, J. A., Psychology of Jingoism, 61; Keith, A., Nationality and Race, 72 Races', Nationalites, Etats, Hapgood, N., Professional Patriots, 373 Imperialism, 98 Keshab Chandra Sen, 404 30; 77 Kettle, T. M., "Michael Davitt," 362 Leibnitz, 160 Harden, M., 151 Hoffmann-Linke, E., Nationalismus und Lemberg. E., Grundlagen des nationalen Hardenberg, Prince von, 145 Demokatie •.• , 265 Keyser, R. J., 307 Hardie, J. Keir, "Michael Davitt," 362 Holcombe, A. N., Chinese Revolution, 395 King, Bolton, History of Italian Unity, Erwachens in Biihmen, 232 Harper, S. N., Civic Training in Soviet Holdheim. G., Theoretische Grundlagen 310; Mazzini, 328 Lenin, N., tJb,er die nationale Frage, 110; Russia, 246 des Zionismus, 418 Kinkel, G., 193 244 Kirchhoff, A .. Die BegrifJe Nation und Lenz. M .. "Nationalitat und Religion," 74; Harris, Hugh, "Greek Origins of the Idea Homyakov, A., 241 "Deutsche Nationalempfinden im Zeit­ of Cosmopolitanism," 124 Hoover. Calvin B., Germany Enters the N ationalitiit, 12 Hartmann, L. M., "Die Nation als politi- Third Reich, 210 Kireyevsky, I. V., 241 alter unserer Klassiker," 154 scher Faktor," 49 Hormayr, Baron de, 191a Kjellen, R .. Statt als Lebensform, 88 Leon, X., Fichte, 166 Hasse, Ernst, 151 Horten, M., "Muhammed Abduh," 288 Klamroth, K., Paul de Lagarde, 203 Leontiev. K., 243 Hasselblatt, W., 52, 54 Hotman, F., 258 Klatzkin, J., Probleme des modernen Ju- Lieber, Francis, On Nationalism and In­ Hassinger, H., Entwicklung des tschechi­ Hugelmann, K., "Anschlussbewegung," dentums, 412 ternationalism. 84 schen Nationalbewusstseins, 229 54: "Mittelalterliches und modernes Na­ Klausner, J., History of Modern Hebrew List, F., 130, 151. 199 Locher, P. J. G., National DifJerenzierung Haupt, H., Quellen •.. zur Geschichte tionalitatenproblem, 128; Deutsche Na­ Literature, 428 ... der Slowaken und Tschechen, 236 der Burschenschaft, 190 tion ... im Mittelalter," 143 Kleist. H. von, 171 Hauser, Henri, Le Principe des nation­ Huizinga, J., Wege der Kulturgeschichte, Kluckhohn, P., Per80nlichkeit und Gemein­ Loesch, K. C., Volk unter Viilkern, 53: alites, 136; Probleme du r,egionalisme, 306 schaft, 171 Staat und Volkstum, 54 296 Humboldt. Wilhelm von. 145 Kohn, Hans, Nationalism in the Soviet Loiseau. C.. "La Politique de Stross- Haushofer, K., Geopolitik der Pan-Ideen, Humphrey, E. F., Nationalism and Re­ Union, 244: History of Nationalism in mayer," 253 89 ligion in America, 368 the East, 378: Die Europiiisierung des Louis XVI, 263 Havlicek, K., 228 Hunter. E. L.. Sociological Analysi8 of Orients, 379; Nationalism and Imperial­ Luden, H., 231 Hay, Joseph, staat, Volk und Weltbilr­ Patriotism, 38 ism in the Hither East. 382; National­ Lund, H., See Begtrup, H., 311 gertum •.. , 157 Hyslop, B. F .. French Nationalism in ismus ... , 410: L'Humanisme juif, Luzio, A., 335 Hayes, Carlton J. H., Essays on Nation­ 1789 ..• , 266 416: Martin Buber ... , 426 alism, 1: "Two Varieties of National­ Koht, H., "L'Esprit national ..." 137: Mably. 258 ism," 1: Historical Evolution of Modern Isocrates, 125 Les· Luttes des paysans, 307, 309 Macartney, C. A., National State8 and Nationalism, 130: "Contributions of Israel, A., L'Ecole de la republique .. Kollar, J., 231 National Minorities, 117a Herder to the Doctrine of Nationalism." 276 Kosciuszko, T., 239 MacCallum, E., Nationalist Crusade in 158; France. a Nation of Patriots, 277; Ivanov, Y .. "Le Peuple bulgare," 248 Kosok, P., Modern Germany, 207 Syria, 392 "Bolingbroke," 353 Izard, G., See Mounier, E., 285a 67 66 INDEX OF NAMES INDEX OF NAMES McDougall, W., Group Mind, 64; Ethics Moser, F. C. von, 155 Platz, H., Geistige Kiimpfe in modernen Roy, M. N., Revolution und Konterrevolu­ and Some Modern World Problems, 65 Mounier, E., Charles Peguy, 285a Frankreich, 273; "Del' Nationalismus tion in China, 399; Indien, 405 Machiavelli, 138, 325 Muhammad Abduh, 388 im franzosischen Denken," 274 Royar-Collard, P. P., 281 Madariaga, S. de, Englishmen, French­ Muhammad Rashid Rida, 388 Pole, D. G., India in Transition, 401 Ruhlmann, P., "Revanche Gedanke .. men, Spaniards, 66; Spain, 338 Miihl, M., Antike Menschheitsidee, 124 Pollard, A. F., Factors in Modern History, 274 Mair, E., Psychologie de?' nationalen Min- Muir, R., Nationalism and International- 134 Ruppin, A., Sozi%gie der Juden, 411 derheit, 121 ism, 37 Pollock, F., 51 Ruth, H., Arndt • •• , 184 Maistre, J. De, 270, 271 Miiller, Adam, 145, 152, 171, 172, 173 Portalis, 270 Ruyssen, T., 51 Manniche, P., See Begtrup, H., 311 Munch, P. A., 307 Powers, G. C., Nationalism at the Council Ryan, John, 77 Manzoni, A., 324 Muret, C. T., French Royalist Doctrine of Con8tance, 129 Margulies, H., Kritik der. Zionismus, 421 ... ,281 Prazak, A., "The Slavonic Congress of Sabry, M., La Genese de l'esprit national Markovic, S., 253 Murko, M., Deutsche Ein!lusse ••• , 231 1848" 236 egyptien, 387 Marraro, H. R., American Opinion on Uni­ Murray, Gilbert, 51 Preuss; G. F., Quellen des Nationalgeiste8 Sadler, M., 112 fication of Italy, 336; Nationalism in Murray, W. S., Making of the Balkan der Befreiungskriege, 187 Safarik, P., 231 Italian Education, 344 States, 250 Preuss, W., See Holdheim, G., 418 Salm, M., "Angriffsgedanke in der fran­ Marriott, J. A. R., Makers of Modern Miisebeck, E., Schleiermacher • •• , 180 Prevet, F., Regionalisrrte economique, 297 z6sischen Militarliteratur," 274 Italy, 321 Pribram, K., "Deutscher Nationalismus Salmon, Lucy, Newspaper and Authority, Martin-Saint-Leon, E., Societes de la Na- Nadler, J., "Nation, Staat, Dichtung," 216 und deutscher Sozialismus," 108 115 tion •.. , 260 Natorp, P. G., Der Deutsche und sein Salomon, G., Nation und Nationalitiit, 50; Martyn, E., 364 Staat, 147 RadI, E., Kampf zwischen Ts·chechen und Das MUtelalter ... , 175 Marx, Karl, 108 Naumann, F., 151 Deutschen, 233 Salz, A., "Nationalismus und Sozialismus Massaryk, T. G., Spirit of Russia, 240 Niebuhr, B. G., 152 Raffi,392 ... ," 207 Mathiez, A., Origines des cultes revolu- Nietzsche, F., 154, 204, 207a Ram Mohan Roy, 404 Samassa, P., Volkerstreit im Hapsburg.M·- tionnaires, 269 Nothomb, P., "Enrico Corradini ," Ranke, L. von, 9, 145, 197 staat, 219 MatI. J., "Entstehung des jugoslawischen 321 Rapp, A., Doer deutsche Gedanke, 149 Samuel, Richard, N ovalis ... , 176 Staates," 252 Novalis, 144, 145, 171, 172, 176, 310 Raschhofer, H., "Die nation ale Kurie Sato, E. M., "Revival of Pure Shinto," 393 Matter, P., Cavour . .. , 334 · •• ," 52 Schaeffie, A., 151 Maurras, C., 130, 273, 275, 279, 280, 281 Oakesmith, J., Race and Nationality, 347 Ratzel, F., 151 Scheler, M., Nation und Weltanschauung, Maury, J. S., 270 Obradovic, D., 253 Ray, P. C., C. R. Das, 409 18 Mausbach, J., "Nationalismus und christ- Omladina, 253 Redslob, R., Principe des nationalites Schelling, 171 licher Universalismus," 78 Oncken, R., "Deutsche geistige Einfliisse • •. ,92 Schiemann, T., 151 Mauss, M., 51 ... ," 231 Reidenbach, C., Critical Analysis of Pa­ Schlegel, A. W., 170, 177 Mazzini, G., 130, 138, 158, 320, 325, 328, 329 Oppenheimer, Franz, 10; "Rassentheo­ .trioti8rrt, 39 Schlegel, Friedrich, 130, 145, 151, 152, 170, Megaro G., Alfie1'i, 326 retische Geschichtsphilosophie," 49 Reidt, K., Nationale und Vbernationale 171, 172, 178, 179 Meinecke, F., 10; Weltburge,·tum und Na- Oudendijk, K. E., "Grossniederlandische bei Fichte •.. , 167 Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 144, 171, 178, tionalstaat, 145; 173; 185 Bewegung," 54 Reimer, J. L., 151 180, 181, 182 Meinert, F., 232 Owen, D. E., Irrtperialism and National­ Reinhard, J .. "Schleiermacher ... ," 180 Schlozer, A. L., 227 Merriam, C. E., Making of Citizens, 87 ism in the Far East, 394 Reisner, E. H., Nationalisrrt in Education Schlund, E., Katholizismus und Vater/and, Metternich, 191, 319 · .. ," 111 78 Meyer, F., "Kants SteHung zu Nation und Page, Kirby, National Defense, 40; Dol­ Renan, E., Qu'est-ce qu'une Nation, 15; Schmahl, E., Aufstieg der nlLtionalen Idee, Staat," 161 lars and World Peace, 101; Imperialism 70, 136 150 Mezeray, M., 258 and Nationalism, 384 Renner, Bruno, F. K. von Moser . .. , Schmid, F., "Recht del' Nationalitaten," 49 Michels, R., Der Pa,triotismus, 27; "Ent­ Palacky, F., 231 155 Schmidt, H., F. J. Stahl . .. , 197a wicklung des Vaterlandsgedankens," 49; Parini, G., 324 Renner, Karl, Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Schmidt-Rohr, G., Die Sprache ... , 81 "Amerikanischer Nationalitats Begriff," Pariset, G., Etudes ... , 290 Nationen, 105; Staat und Nation, 221 Schmitt, Carl, Politische Romantik, 173 367 Partridge, G. E., Psychology of Nations, Reuter, H., "Schleiermacher " 180 Schnabel, F., Deutsche Gcschichte ... , Mickiewicz, A., 238 58 Reventlow, Count, 151 146 Miliukov, P., Mouvement intellectual Pasquier, E., 258 Ricasoli, B., 331 Schnee, H., Nationalismus und I1nperialis­ rU88e, 243 Pasvolsky, L., Economic Nationalism of Ritter, G., Stein . 185 mus, 99 Mill, John Stuart, Representativ.e Govern­ the Danubian States, 251 Robert, A., L'idee nationale autrichienne Schneider, Herbert, Making of the Fascist ment, 83 Paul-Dubois, L., "Grundtvig .... 312 · .. , 191a State, 337; Making Fascists, 342 Miller, H. A., Races, Nations and Classes, Peake, C. R., Nationalism and Education Robinson, J., "Altjiidische Autonomie Be­ Schopenhauer, A., 204 57 in Modern China, 398 griff," 52; Minoritriiten Probleme. 56 Schroth, H., Welt-und Staatsideen der Mirabeau, 265 Peardon, T. P.. Transition in English Rocco, A., "Political Doctrine of Fascism," deutschen Liberalismus, 194 Mirtschuk, L., "Messianismus bei den Historical Writing, 355 337 Scott, J. F., Menace of Nationalism Slaven," 227 Pearson, Karl, National Life , 73 Rochow, F. von, 156 113; Patriots in the Making, 114 Mises, L., Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft, Pecaut, F., 112 Rodbertus, Karl, 130 Scott. Walter, 354 96 Peguy, C., 285a Rodes, J., La Chine nationaliste, 400 Seely, R., 357 Mistral, 292 Peguy, M., See Mounier, E., 285a Roffenstein, G., "Zur Soziologie des Na- Seilliere, E., 77. 204 Mitscherlich, W., Nationalismus, 5; "Volk Perla, L., National Honor, 42 tionalismus ... ," 50 Seipel, r., 10; Nation und Staat. 17 und Nation," 6; 10; Nationalstaat und Petrarch, 325 Rohden, P., De Maistre •.. , 271 Seton-Watson, R. W., Rise of Nationality Nationalwirtschaft, 97 Petrescu, N., Interpretation of National in the Balkans, 248 Rohrbach, P., 151 Sheehy-Skeffington, F., Michael Davitt Moeller van den Bruck, A., 137 Differ.entiation8, 26 Rose, J. Holland, Nationality in Modern Mohl, R. von. 152 Pfitzner, J., "Luden und Palacky," 231 History, 132 ... , 362 Molisch, P., Deutsch-nationale Bewegung Pierce, Bessie, Civic Attitudes· . . . , 374; Shepardson, W. H., "Nationalism and Rosenberg, Alfred, Wesengefuge des Na­ American Trade," 377 in Oesterreich, 148; Kampf der T8che­ Citizens' Organizations ... , 375 tionsozialismus, 213; My thus des 20. chen . .. , 234 Pillsbury, W. B., Psychology of Nation­ Shmurlo, E., "From Krizanic to the Slav­ Moltke, Helmuth. 151 ality, 59 Jahrhunderts, 216 ophils," 241 Mommsen. T., 152 Pinon, R., 77 Rosenbluth, F., Volk und Nation, 13 Sieburg, F., Es Werde Deutschland, 209; Montesquieu. 258. 265 Pinson, K. S., Pietism and German Na­ Rothfels, H., 185; "Bismarck ... ," 200 Who Are These French?, 256 Monti, V., 323, 324 tionalism. 144 Rotteck, Karl von, 152 Siegfried. A., France, 255 Mookerji. R., Nationalism in Hindu Cul­ Pius IX. 320 Rousseau, 130, 204, 263, 264, 264a, 265 Sieyes, Abbe, 258, 268 ture, 408 Plato, 125 Roux, M., Charles Maurras ..• , 280 Silone, I., Der Fascismu8, 343 68 69 INDEX OF NAMES INDEX OF NAMES Simar, T., "La Doctrine des races .•• ," Townsend, M. E., Modern German Colo­ Wendel, R. J., Kampf der Sudslawen ... , Wuorinen, J. R., Nationalism in Modern 69 nialism . . . , 205 252; Sudslawischen Risorgimento, 253 Finland, 313 Simon, Leon, Studies in Jewish National­ Trampler, K., Staat en und nationale Ge­ Wentzcke, P., QueUen zur Geschichte ism, 420 meinschaften, 122; Krise des National­ der Burschenschaft, 190 Yarmolinsky, A., Jews and Other Minori­ Snyder, L. L., From Bismarck to Hitle?', staats, 123 Wergeland, H., 307 ties . .. , 245 207a Treitschke, H. von, 9, 151, 152, 197, 198, Werner, B. von, 151 Yoshida, Kumaji, 112 Solmi, A., Making of Modern Italy, 322 207a Wertheimer, M. S., Pan-German League, Young, George, Nationalism and War in Soloviev, V., 243 Trevelyan, G. M., Garibaldi .... 332 206 the Near East, 383 Sommer, A., Friedrich List 199 Trotsky, L., "Nationalism and Economic Whyte, A. J., Cavour . .. , 335 Southey, R., 353 Life," 95 Wieneke, E., Friedrich Schlegel . . . , 179 Zangwill, I., Principle of Nationalities, 20 Spann, 0., Wesen des Volkstums, 24; 172 Turgot, 263 Zbinden, J., Gioberti ... , 327 William II, 151, 204, 207a Zeydel, E. R., Holy Roman Empire Spener, P. J., 144 Turner, F. J., Sections in American His­ Windelband, W., 274 Spiegel, S., Hebrew Reborn, 427 tory, 376 153 Wingfield-Stratford, E., Histo?'y of British Zhitlovsky, C., 413 Srbik, H. R. von, 200 Patriotism, 348 Stahl, F., 9, 197a Uhlmann, J., Giirres .•. , 183 Zia Goek Alp. 389 Stalin, J., 110; Leninism, 110a; 244 Ulbricht, W., Bunsen . .• , 192 Winkler, W., Handbuch der Nationalitii- Ziegfield, A. R., See Loesch, K. C. von, 53 Stavenhagen, K., "Kulturnation und Ullmann, R., "Anschlussbewegung ," ten, 117 Ziegler, H., Moderne Nation, 9 Staatsnation," 12; "Muttersprache," 80 54 Wirth, A., 151 Ziehen, E., "Canadianism," 365 Stein, Baron vom, 145, 185 Unger, F., Schrifttum des Nationalsozial­ Wohltmann, F., 151 Zimmermann, A., 151 Stein, Leonard, Zionism, 419 ismus, 216a Woltmann, L., 151 Zimmern, A., Nationality and Govern­ Stein, Lorenz, 9 Ungern-Sternberg, A. von, Schleiermacher Wolzendorff, K., Grundgedanken des ment, 33 Steinacker, W., B.egrijJ der Volkszuge­ ... , 182 Rechts der nationalen Minderheiten, 119 Zinzendorf, 144 hOrig keit . . . , 224 Un old, J., 151 Wordsworth, W., 353, 354 Zlocisti, T., Moses Hess . .. , 422 Steinmetz, S. R., Nationalitaten in Eu­ ropa, 43; "Die Nationalitat und ihr Vallaux, C., See Brunhes, J., 32 Wille." 50 Vallis, M., "Enrico Corradini ...." 321 Stengel; Karl von, 151 Vandervelde, E., "Belgian Foreign Policy Stephens, H. M., "Nationality and His­ ... ," 304 tory," 132 Van Deusen, G., Sieyes ... , 268 Stern, A., Einfluss der franziisischen Rev­ Van Gennep, A., Traite comparatif des olution .•• , 169 nationalites, 29; Le nationalite geor­ Stewart, R. F., French Patriotism . .. , gienne, 392 272 Vattier, G., Mentalite canadienne-fran- Stocks, J. L., Patriotism and the Super gaise, 366 State, 35 Vaussard, M., Enquete ... , 75 Stoecker, A., 207a Veblen, T., Nature of Peace . ... :=\6 Stojanovic, J. D., "The First Slavophils Verschoor, A. D., Altere deutsche' Roman- ... ," 241 tik. 170 Stratton, G. M., Social Psychology of In- Vidal, C., Cha?'les-Albert ... , 330 ternational Conduct, 60 Vierkandt. A .. 10 Strossmayer, J., 253 Vinacke, R. M., History of the Far East, Sturzo, L., 77; Italy and Fascismo, :<38 393 Sulzbach, W., "Begrifl' und Wesen der Vincenty, C., Nationalites en Hongrie, 225 Nation," 56; Nationales Gemeinscha/tR­ Vivekananda. 404 gefuhl und wirtschaftliches Interesse, 95 Volpers, R., F. Schlegel •.. , 178 Sun Yat Sen, 395, 396. 399 Voltaire. 263, 265 Suranyi-Ungar, T., "Wirtschaft und Na­ Vosberg-Rekow, M., 151 tionalismus ... ," 399 Vossler, Karl. Language and the Spirit Sybel, H. von, 197 of Civilization, 80 Syed Ahmad Khan, 404 Vossler. Otto, Mazzini ... , 329 Vries, A. de. "Nationalitatenpolitik Sow­ Tagore, R., Nationalism, 19; 404 jetenrusslands," 53 Taine, R., 70, 130, 273 T'ang Leang-Ii, China in Revolt, 396; Wagner, K., 151 Foundations of Modern China, 397 Wagner. Richard, 204, 207a Tartakower, A., "Geschichte des jUdichen Walek-Czernecki. T., "Nationalite dans Sozialismus." 430 l'antiquite." 126 Techet, C., Viilker, Va,terUinder und Fur­ Wallace, W. S., Canadian Nationalism. ;1115 sten. 45 Wallach. R., Abendliindische Gemein­ Tharaud, J., Deroulede •.. , 285 schaftsbewuss·tsein ... , 128 Thayer, W. R., Dawn of Italian Independ­ Wallner, N., Fichte, 165 ence, 318; Cavour, 333 Walsh, R. H., Concordat of 1801 ... , Tiander, K., Erwachen Osteuropas .•• , 270 241a Tieck, L., 310 Weber, Alfred, 49 Tilak, 404 Weber, Max, 49 Tobien, A., LivUindische Ritterschaft ... , Wechssler, E., Esprit und Geist, 140 247 Weilenmann, R., Vielsprachige Schweiz, Tonnesen, J., "Volkstum und nation ale Ge­ 315 danke" 54 Weinreich, E., Nation als Lebens·g,emein­ Tonnies: F., 49 schaft, 46 Topa, I. N., National Thought in India, Welcker, F .. 130, 152 402 Welhaven, S. C., 307 70 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS






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