CONSUMER INFORMATION ON FILING A COMPLAINT In accordance with requirements issued by the U.S. Department of Education, The Kings University is “providing its students or prospective students with contact information for filing complaints with its accreditor and with its state approval or licensing entity and any other relevant State official or agency that would appropriately handle a student’s complaint.” It is subject to revision. STUDENT COMPLAINT LOCATIONS FOR THE USA Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36130-2000 Website: Form: Alabama Commission on Higher Education PO Box 30200 Alabama Montgomery, AL 36130-2000 Website: State of Alabama Attorney General P.O. Box 300152 Montgomery, AL 36130-0152 Tel: 800-392-5658 or 334-242-7335 Website: Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education PO Box 110505 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0505 Email:
[email protected] Website: Alaska State of Alaska Office of the Attorney General Consumer Protection Unit 1031 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 Tel: 888-576-2529 (toll free) Website: Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education 1400 W Washington, RM 260 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Form: Office of the Attorney General Arizona Consumer Information and Complaints 1275 W.