H 5490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 1995 Mr. Speaker, if you have no fear of average cost payout has gone from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the truth, do the right thing. $4,700 to $6,300. I hope that the Demo- objection to the request of the gen- f crats will join the Republicans in try- tleman from Virginia? ing to save Medicare rather than par- There was no objection. UNITED STATES-JAPAN AUTO tisan grandstanding. f DISPUTE f (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given AMERICAN OVERSEAS INTERESTS permission to address the House for 1 MEDICARE AND THE FEDERAL ACT OF 1995 minute and to revise and extend her re- BUDGET The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- marks.) (Mr. FORD asked and was given per- ant to House Resolution 155 and rule Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, as the mission to address the House for 1 XXIII, the chair declares the House in New York Times recently reported, it minute.) the Committee of the Whole House on is a steep, nearly insurmountable up- Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise in ref- the State of the Union for the further hill journey to Japan for United States erence to the budget that is before the consideration of the bill, H.R. 1561. House and the Senate, and to say as we autos and auto parts. It is also an ex- b 1043 pensive journey, as rigged prices in look toward the Medicare cuts that Japan serve as significant nontariff many of the new Republican majority IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE barriers to higher sales of our goods in in the House have indicated that they Accordingly, the House resolved it- that country. want these Medicare cuts for the pur- self into the Committee of the Whole In my hometown of Toledo, OH, the poses of giving huge tax cuts to the House on the State of the Union for the world-renowned Jeep Cherokee is man- well-to-do in America. I think when we further consideration of the bill (H.R. ufactured having a factory price of look around and we really study what 1561) to consolidate the foreign affairs $19,100. By the time that Jeep Cherokee these Medicare cuts are all about, $289 agencies of the United States; to au- clears customs, passes through Japan’s billion, we are basically saying that we thorize appropriations for the Depart- Byzantine distribution system, is are going to increase those premiums ment of State and related agencies for checked for compliance with 238 regu- on the elderly population of this Na- fiscal year 1996 and 1997; to responsibly lations and is inspected in no less than tion, those recipients of Medicare. reduce the authorizations of appropria- 3 places, the sticker price of the same Yes, we ought to reform Medicare. tions for United States foreign assist- Jeep Cherokee in Nagoya is $31,372, a Sure, we ought to look at some type of ance programs for fiscal years 1996 and 52-percent markup. national health care plan for this coun- 1997, and for other purposes, with Mr. Japan claims to be one of the world’s try. Sure, those things should happen. GOODLATTE in the chair. greatest competitors. This label seems But to say like the new Republican ma- The Clerk read the title of the bill. to be true in every market except their jority that we want to cut the Medi- The CHAIRMAN. When the Commit- own. The Clinton administration is care Program for the well-to-do in tee of the Whole rose on Tuesday, May right to keep its foot on the accelera- America, to give them a tax cut, that 23, 1995, amendment No. 10, offered by tor of the unfair trade practices of is wrong, it is mean to the elderly. the gentleman from Indiana [Mr. BUR- We should not let that happen. We Japan. TON], had been disposed of and the bill Open up your market, Japan. It is ought to take the budget that we have was open for amendment at any point. long overdue. before this House and the Senate and Eight hours and ten minutes remain move over the next 7, 8 to 10 years to for consideration of amendments under f try to bring about a balanced budget, the 5-minute rule. MEDICARE REFORM but let us not do it with the elderly Are there further amendments to the population and the Medicare Program. bill: (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 f AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. SMITH OF NEW minute and to revise and extend his re- JERSEY PERMISSION FOR CERTAIN COM- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Chair- marks.) MITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, even man, I offer an amendment. TO SIT DURING 5-MINUTE RULE The Clerk read as follows: though the third largest expenditure of Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Amendment offered by Mr. Smith of New the national budget is the interest on unanimous consent that the following Jersey: In title XXI (relating to authoriza- the national debt, there are still Mem- committees and their subcommittees tion of appropriations for Department of bers of Congress and the Senate and be permitted to sit today while the State and certain international affairs func- the administration who are debating House is meeting in the Committee of tions and activities) insert at the end the fol- the need to balance our budget. I think lowing new chapter. the Whole House under the 5-minute this is clearly irresponsible, particu- rule: CHAPTER 2—GENERAL LIMITATIONS larly in view of what we want to do for Committee on Agriculture; Commit- SEC. 2121. PROHIBITION ON FUNDING FOR ABOR- the future of America, for the future of tee on Banking and Financial Services; TION. (a) IN GENERAL.— children, students, senior citizens and Committee on Commerce; Committee so forth. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of on Economic and Educational Opportu- law or of this Act, none of the funds author- These same people are debating the nities; Committee on Government Re- ized to be appropriated by this Act for popu- need to change Medicare, even though form and Oversight; Committee on the lation assistance activities are authorized to the administration has told us that Judiciary; Committee on National Se- be available for any private, nongovern- Medicare is going to be out of money curity; Committee on Resources; and mental, or multilateral organization that, and broke within 6 years. The Repub- Permanent Select Committee on Intel- directly or through a subcontractor or subgrantee, performs in any for- lican Party is trying to transform Med- ligence. icare. If you want to help senior citi- eign country, except where the life of the Mr. Speaker, it is my understanding mother would be endangered if the fetus zens, you need to save Medicare. that the minority has been consulted We are working on insurance reform, were carried to term or in cases of forcible and that there is no objection to these or incest. trying to make insurance more afford- requests. (2) Paragraph (1) may not be construed to able and more accessible. We are work- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there apply to the treatment of injuries or ill- ing on some Medicare options so that objection to the request of the gen- nesses caused by legal or illegal abortions or senior citizens can keep their choice of tleman from Virginia? to assistance provided directly to the gov- doctors, so senior citizens can join a Mr. SKAGGS. Mr. Speaker, reserving ernment of a country. health maintenance organization if the right to object, and I do not intend (b) LIMITATION ON LOBBYING ACTIVITIES.— (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of they choose to, if they can get better to object, the majority has consulted law or of this Act, none of the funds author- care. with our ranking members on these re- ized to be appropriated by this Act for popu- We are trying to cut down on the quests and we have no objection. lation assistance activities are authorized to fraud and abuse in the Medicare system Mr. Speaker, I withdraw my reserva- be available for any private, nongovern- which has driven up the price of it. The tion of objection. mental, or multilateral organization that May 24, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 5491 violates the laws of any foreign country con- Mr. Chairman, is a crime against hu- voluntary program.’’ She also said that cerning the circumstances under which abor- manity. This House has gone on record has—and she gushed with this— tion is permitted, regulated, or prohibited, on two occasions to condemn it as a ‘‘has every reason to feel proud of and or that engages in any activity or effort to crime against humanity, and we recog- pleased with its remarkable achieve- alter the laws or governmental policies of any foreign country concerning the cir- nized in those resolutions that just as ments made in its planning pol- cumstances under which is per- in the Nuremberg war crimes tribunals icy, and control of its population.’’ mitted, regulated, or prohibited. forced abortion against Polish women ‘‘Now the country,’’ she goes on to (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to activi- was construed to be a crime against say, ‘‘could offer its experiences and ties in opposition to coercive abortion or in- humanity, forced abortions in China special experts to help other coun- voluntary sterilizations. likewise is such a crime, and sadly it is tries.’’ God forbid that that happen, SEC. 2122, PROHIBITION ON FUNDING FOR COER- on the rise in China and sadly as well that the Chinese policy, which has per- CIVE POPULATION CONTROL METH- ODS. the U.N. Population Fund is supporting vasive use of forced abortion and forced Notwithstanding any other provision of the program to the hilt. sterilizations, be exported to other law or of this Act, none of the funds author- Arrogant leaders, Mr. Chairman, in countries to impose that kind of ex- ized to be appropriated by this Act are au- Beijing have decreed that children ploitation on women. thorized to be available for the United Na- should not be born, and the population The CHAIRMAN. The time of the tional Population Fund (UNFPA), unless the control cadres march off in lockstep to gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. President certifies to the appropriate con- ensure that millions of women every SMITH] has expired. gressional committees that— year are shamelessly violated and their (By unanimous consent, Mr. SMITH of (a) the United Nations Population Fund New Jersey was allowed to proceed for has terminated all activities in the People’s children are poisoned and dis- Republic of China; or membered. 5 additional minutes.) (b) during the 12 months preceding such Last week the Subcommittee on Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Chair- certification there have been no abortions as International Operations and Human man, these kinds of statements make a the result of coercion associated with the Rights which I chair heard expert testi- mockery of human rights and the idea policies of the national gov- mony from Dr. John Aird, the former that the UNFPA says over and over ernment or other government entities within research specialist on China at the again that the Chinese program is vol- the People’s Republic of China. As used in United States Census Bureau. Dr. Aird, untary does not comport with reality. this section the term ‘‘coercion’’ includes It is a whitewash of very, very, serious physical duress or abuse, destruction or who is an advocate of abortion rights, confiscation of property, loss of means of who does not support my view on the crimes. livelihood, or severe psychological pressure. right to life, nevertheless testified that A police state, I would submit, could In section 2102(b)(2)(F), delete subsections the brutal, and I quote, ‘‘1991 crack- not ask for a better front. If the U.N. (iii), (iv), and (v). down is continuing.’’ And he also Population Fund was fronting for Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (during the pointed out that it took a turn for the international terrorists or perhaps a reading). Mr. Chairman, I ask unani- worse in February, and I quote that, drug cartel, we would not hesitate for a mous consent that the amendment be ‘‘contrary to the claims of some apolo- moment in redirecting U.S. taxpayer considered as read and printed in the gists for the Chinese program, it con- funds to more worthy recipients, which RECORD. tinues to rely on coercive measures to is exactly what Presidents Reagan and The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection achieve its objective.’’ He also pointed Bush had done when they were in of- to the request of the gentleman from out in his testimony that the Clinton fice. They, like me and like many New Jersey? administration’s resumption of funding Members of Congress, believe that There was no objection. for the U.N. Population Fund was seen fronting for crimes against women and Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Chair- by the Chinese Government as a ‘‘re- children is unconscionable. man, while the pro-life anti-abortion treat on the coercion issue and indeed Mr. Chairman, just let me remind policies I seek to reinstate in our for- that is what it was.’’ Members, and Mr. Mosher and others eign aid population control programs Mr. Chairman, a retreat on coercion have pointed this out—and again, he is are not new, recent experience suggests is a retreat on human rights. It is a re- the one who broke the story back in that these pro-life provisions are need- treat and abandonment of women who the early 1980’s—in China today women ed now more than ever before. In re- are exploited by their government with who have an unauthorized birth, be- cent months, the Government-imposed international organizations joining in cause again the government tells you nightmare of forced abortion and invol- and it is a retreat from the protection when and if you can have that child. untary in the People’s Re- and the advocacy of children. And you are only allowed one, they tell public of China has taken yet another The language in the bill now, Mr. you when and if, and if you fight that, turn for the worse. Chairman, and the substitute that will women are arrested, they are taken to be offered by the gentlewoman from abortion clinics in handcuffs, and they b 1045 Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA], would cod- are tied up and they are forcibly abort- In February of this year the Govern- ify that retreat by paying lipservice to ed. ment announced a new intensified cam- concerns about coercion, all the while Pregnant women are routinely incar- paign against women who attempt to facilitating U.S. taxpayer funds to the cerated, embarrassed until they acqui- have a child without explicit govern- U.N. Population Fund, which esce and make the voluntary decision ment permission. According to Steven unapologetically applauds the Chinese because they have nowhere else to Mosher, the Director of the Asian program. Make no mistake about it, turn. It is not voluntary, it is coercion. Studies Center, Claremont Institute, the substitute will allow the money to They are forced to attend study ses- ‘‘China’s population control policy, get there and adds some language that sions away from their until which is without question the most co- looks good. It is form without sub- they agree to have abortions. They are ercive in the world, is about to become stance. forced to carry out sterilizations with- more so.’’ Mr. Mosher explains on Feb- Let me remind Members that the out their consent. Infants’ skulls are ruary 14 the Chinese Government an- U.N. Population Fund cannot say crushed, very often late in the term of nounced a new campaign designed to enough good things about the Chinese the pregnancy as a routine. Often when ensure what Mr. Mosher termed as the program. In 1989, even when many children are being born to a woman most rigorous enforcement of its 16- abortion advocates in Congress had who has an unauthorized child she is year-old one child per couple policy. come to recognize the widespread coer- carrying. Can you imagine it, a coun- By now I think, Mr. Chairman, most cion in China, Dr. Sadig, the executive try where children are illegal? And people are aware of the fact that broth- director of UNFPA, continued to de- here we have—often have the injecting ers and sisters are illegal in China, and fend the programs as she does today, of iodine, alcohol, or formaldehyde into the one child per couple policy insti- but she said at that time, ‘‘the UNFPA the cranium of the child as the child is tuted in 1979 relies heavily on forced firmly believes, and so does the Gov- emerging from the womb. abortion and forced sterilizations to ernment of the People’s Republic of Also, Amnesty International just achieve its results. Forced abortion, China, that their program is a totally came to us with a chilling report on H 5492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 1995 how two villages are being focused gentlewoman from Maryland [Mrs. (2) Paragraph (1) may not be construed to upon because they refuse to comply, MORELLA] I like CONNIE MORELLA, she apply to the treatment of injuries or ill- and their homes have been bulldozed, is a good friend and colleague—is op- nesses caused by unsafe abortions. posed by all of the pro-life organiza- (b) LIMITATION ON LOBBYING ACTIVITIES.— their women have been raped, and (1)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision there has been torture to get compli- tions. It is form without substance. It of law or of this Act, none of the funds au- ance with forced abortions and with repeats some of the current law and thorized to be appropriated by this Act for the one-child-per-couple policy. tries to substitute that with the sub- population assistance activities are author- There is also the issue of missing stantive language that we are offering ized to be available for any private, non- girls, a whole generation of girls, and today. governmental, or multilateral organization you are only allowed one. Particularly Mr. JOHNSTON of Florida. Mr. that violates the laws of any foreign country in the Chinese culture, very often boys Chairman, I move to strike the last concerning the circumstances under which are the preference, and that is just the word. abortion is permitted, regulated, or prohib- ited. way they do it, but girls are screened Mr. Chairman, first, this amendment was defeated in the Committee on (B) Notwithstanding any other provision of out by way of an ultrasound or some law or of this Act, none of the funds author- other way, and they are killed because International Relations and was pro- ized to be appropriated by this Act for popu- they are only allowed one, and the fam- posed by the gentlewoman from Kansas lation assistance activities are authorized to ilies say if they are only allowed one it [Mrs. MEYERS]. I am prochoice, but I be available to lobby for or against abortion. is going to be a boy. There is a whole am adamantly opposed to forced abor- (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to activi- missing generation of girls. tions and certainly against steriliza- ties in opposition to coercive abortion or in- voluntary sterilization. is on the rise in China. tion and the policies of the Chinese We are poised, if the Morella amend- Government on these issues, but nei- SEC. 2122. UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND ther does the United Nations Popu- LIMITATIONS ON FUNDING. ment were to pass—and unfortunately (a) LIMITATION.—Notwithstanding any in the first 2 years of the Clinton ad- lation Control nor any other multilat- other provision of law or of this Act, none of ministration we are giving money to eral or nongovernmental organization the funds authorized to be appropriated by the group that is out there providing working in China fund abortions or this Act are authorized to be available for tangible assistance, people on the support coercive family planning prac- the United Nations Population Fund ground to help and assist these Chinese tices. (UNFPA), unless the President certifies to population-control zealots. But because there are forced abor- the appropriate congressional committees Mr. Chairman, let me remind Mem- tions and sterilizations taking place in that— China, the Congress, this Congress, pre- (1) either— bers as well that UNFPA, in addition (A) the United Nations Population Fund to providing cover and tangible assist- viously has mandated that no United does not support coercive abortion and that ance, has pumped over $100 million into States money provided to the United no United States funds have been used for this heinous program, and it is the Nations Population Control may be activities in the People’s Republic of China; kind of program that only a Nazi could used in China. That is the law today or be proud of. there, and I support this approach. (B) during the 12 months preceding such Mr. Chairman, let me also say that This amendment is totally unneces- certification there have been no abortions as the language that I am offering today sary. It goes far beyond the existing a result of coercion associated with the fam- ily planning policies of the national govern- also would restore longstanding policy law that we have. It has far-reaching implications for all United States-sup- ment or other governmental entities within as it relates to the so-called Mexico the People’s Republic of China; and City policy, which erected a wall of ported international health and family (2) the United States representative to the separation between family planning planning activities. governing board of the United Nations Popu- and abortion. I remember when Presi- The real purpose of this amendment lation Fund (UNFPA) has made an official dent Reagan first announced that back is to cut off all U.S. funding for popu- request that UNFPA censure Chinese coer- in 1984, Members said no one will ac- lation control worldwide without a cive practices and transmit a report of the action taken on such request to the appro- cept those clauses. Well, most of the doubt. The United Nations Population Con- priate congressional committees of the Con- family planning organizations said we gress. want to provide family planning, not trol is the leading multilateral organi- zation providing voluntary family (b) DEFINITION.—As used in this section the abortion, so they accepted it and they term ‘‘coercion’’ includes physical duress or and their subcontractees decided to get planning services in the developing abuse, destruction or confiscation of prop- out of the abortion business. world. In this bill we already repeat ex- erty, loss of means of livelihood, or severe This is especially important in light isting law, the Kemp-Kasten language psychological pressure. of the fact that most of the countries which ensures that no U.S. money go Mrs. MORELLA (during the reading). of the world protect their unborn chil- directly or indirectly to support these Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous con- dren. Between 95 and 100 nations, vir- Chinese programs. This language al- sent that the amendment be considered tually all of Central and South Amer- lows us to take a forceful stand against as read and printed in the RECORD. ica, have laws on their books that pro- China without undermining overall The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection tect their unborn children. We are out multilateral efforts in population plan- to the request of the gentlewoman of the mainstream of human rights ning worldwide. from Maryland? I strongly urge my colleagues to op- when we put those children at such There was no objection. pose this amendment, the same as they grave risk and allow them to be killed. Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, I did in committee. But let us not export it. offer this perfecting amendment on be- Again, family planning money during AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MRS. MORELLA TO half of the prime sponsor, the gentle- THE AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. SMITH OF the Reagan and Bush years flowed un- woman from Kansas [Mrs. MEYERS], NEW JERSEY who could not be here today because of interrupted. Only groups like Inter- Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, I illness. Mrs. MEYERS is a member of national Planned Parenthood Federa- offer an amendment to the amendment. tion of London, a London-based organi- The Clerk read as follows: the committee. The amendment of the zation, and PPF of America, their for- gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. Amendment offered by Mrs. MORELLA to eign-based organizations, would not ac- amendment No. 19 offered by Mr. SMITH of SMITH] was rejected by the full com- cept it, and I say this noting that a New Jersey: Page 1, strike line 4 and all that mittee, which supported Mrs. MEYERS. number of IPPF affiliates did accept it. follows and insert the following: This perfecting amendment states They countered what the national of- (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of that no American money may be used fice was doing and they said we want to law or of this Act, none of the funds author- to perform an abortion overseas except provide family planning and we want ized to be appropriated by this Act for popu- in the case of rape, incest, or lation assistance activities are authorized to endangerment of the mother’s life. No to get out of the abortion business. pay for the performance of abortions in any Mr. Chairman, let me just conclude foreign country, except where the life of the American money may be used to lobby by saying that this amendment is pro- mother would be endangered if the fetus either for or against abortion, and no life. It is backed by all of the pro-life were carried to term or in cases of rape or in- American money may be spent by the organizations. The amendment of the cest. UNFPA in China, and further, the May 24, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 5493 United States representative to the This version would go far beyond cut- UNFPA assistance is used for family UNFPA must ask UNFPA to condemn ting off family planning assistance, planning services and maternal and Chinese coercion. The bill already re- however. It would cut off any U.S. for- child health care in the poorest and duces our aid to UNFPA by the per- eign aid for child survival programs, most remote regions of the world. And centage of its budget which the UNFPA HIV–AIDS prevention programs, and since its founding, UNFPA has saved spends in China. other basic health services if a local the lives of countless women and chil- I want to also indicate exactly what hospital also provides legal abortion dren. it is we are talking about here. This is services. And I, frankly, think the amendment not, Mr. Chairman, whether or not U.S. Similarly, indigenous women’s orga- is unnecessary. Current law already de- taxpayers’ money should be going to nizations that receive U.S. aid to im- nies foreign aid funding to any organi- pay for abortions. This is already pro- prove, the status of women or to pro- zation or program that supports or par- hibited by current law. The Smith mote female literacy would also be ticipates in the management of a pro- amendment strikes directly at wom- defunded if they engage with their non- gram of coerced abortion or involun- en’s rights to access family planning U.S. funds in efforts to influence their tary sterilization, and this is in any information, to space and time their own country’s either for country under the so-called Kemp-Kas- pregnancies to suit the needs of their or against. ten amendment, which is restated in families, and to prevent pregnancy if And, quite frankly, Mr. Chairman, H.R. 1561. they do not want more children. Access the Smith amendment would have no And, further, current law also en- to family planning information and impact on access to abortion. Rather, sured that none of the United States contraception decreases abortions, and it would only hinder access to family contributions to UNFPA may be used we have many examples of that. planning and other health and develop- in its China program, including numer- The amendment of the gentleman ment programs centered on the needs ous penalties for any violation of this from New Jersey [Mr. SMITH], by cut- of women. requirement. ting out funding of organizations solely Despite its ostensible goal of reduc- So, current restrictions and condi- because they have an opinion on abor- ing abortion, during the time the Mex- tions are reiterated in H.R. 1561, as tion, will deny money to those groups ico City policy was in effect, which was amended by the gentlewoman from which have been most effective in pre- 1985 to 1993, there was no decrease in Kansas [Mrs. MYERS], in committee. venting unwanted pregnancies. the number of abortions worldwide, no So, frankly, for that and a lot of other reasons, if we want to avoid abortions, b decrease. 1100 The CHAIRMAN. The time of the if we want to allow these organizations This proposal is even more extreme gentlewoman from Maryland [Mrs. to help women and children in coun- than the Reagan administration’s Mex- MORELLA] has expired. tries throughout the world, then I ask ico City policy that denied funding (By unanimous consent, Mrs. this body to vote for the Morella-Mey- only to groups which actually per- MORELLA was allowed to proceed for 5 ers-Porter-Gilman amendment. formed abortions, and this amendment additional minutes.) Mr. HYDE. Mr. Chairman, I rise in will not just affect groups like Planned Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, in- sharp opposition to the amendment to Parenthood. The provisions threaten stead, it perpetuated the situation the amendment. (Mr. HYDE asked and was given per- any number of humanitarian assist- where women resorted to unsafe abor- mission to revise and extend his re- ance organizations sponsored by prolife tions in the absence of access to qual- marks.) religious institutions. After all, the ity family planning and information Mr. HYDE. Mr. Chairman, my col- U.S. Catholic Conference lobbies on about safe abortion. According to the leagues, if you think abortion is a good abortion. The proposal offered by the World Health Organization, 500,000 idea or if you think it is a neutral idea gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. women die each year of pregnancy-re- or if you think it is an acceptable solu- SMITH] will deny funds to Catholic Re- lated causes, 99 percent in the develop- tion to unwanted pregnancies, then lief Services. The United States foreign ing world, and up to one-third of these this amendment is for you. assistance funds have, to the greatest maternal deaths are attributable to But if you are troubled by abortion, extent possible, been channeled septic or incomplete abortion. if you understand the difference be- through nongovernmental organiza- Indeed, the only impact of the old tween family planning, which prevents tions, because they use the money as well as the new, a conception from occurring, or facili- more effectively and with greater ac- more sweeping version offered by the tate one if you want to get pregnant, as countability than Government agen- gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. distinguished from abortion, which cies. The Smith amendment will, by SMITH] is to interfere with the delivery kills the life of an unborn child once it default, require population assistance of effective family planning and other has begun, and those are the words of to be channeled through foreign gov- development programs whose purpose Planned Parenthood, which used them ernment agencies and less of the is to reduce the incidence of unwanted in a brochure for some years until they money will be available to assist those pregnancy and the need for abortion. got into the business of promoting that it is meant to assist. The prime target of the amendment abortions, then they backed away from The amendment that I offer today that the gentleman from New Jersey it, abortions kill a human life. They do will maintain current law. No U.S. tax- [Mr. SMITH], who is my friend, has of- not kill an animal, a vegetable or a payers’ money will be used to finance fered, the prime target concerning mineral. And so it you think that is a abortion. That is the current law. No China is the United Nations Population good idea and a helpful idea, there are U.S. taxpayers’ money will be used to Fund, UNFPA. The gentleman from just too many people in the world and lobby for more liberal abortion laws. New Jersey [Mr. SMITH] and the anti- once they get created in the womb, ex- That is already the law. No United abortion movement are using the terminate them, then this is a good States taxpayers money will be spent UNFPA’s presence in China as a pre- amendment. by UNFPA in China. This is currently text for pressing for United States But if you do not think American the law. withdrawal from supporting UNFPA al- money should go to pay for extermi- I would like to also point out, Mr. together, and, indeed, they succeeded nating unborn children, this is a ter- Chairman, the Smith amendment is ex- in convincing some administrations to rible amendment and ought to be op- treme because it would defund organi- boycott UNFPA for almost a decade posed. zations that perform legal abortions or until funding was resumed by the Con- Now, family planning is one thing. engage in abortion-related advocacy gress, with the support of the adminis- This country supports family planning. with their own funds. It is an attempt tration, in 1994. But it should not and ought not, and by to revive the so-called Mexico City pol- Operating in over 140 countries, be- defeating this amendment will not, icy and place a new twist on an old gag sides China, UNFPA is the principal support abortion. And those are 2 dif- rule. It is, in fact, an international gag multilateral organization providing ferent ideas. One prevents a concep- rule. And the gag rule has been repudi- worldwide family planning and popu- tion; the other exterminates it once it ated by Congress. lation assistance. Nearly half of has begun. H 5494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 1995 In this country, now, following, Roe United States commitment to critical the Smith amendment and in opposi- versus Wade, we have had over 33 mil- family planning programs in other na- tion to the Morella amendment, and I lion abortions. Is that a figure to be tions that are trying hard to struggle would also like to make clear that the proud of? with exponential population growth gentleman from Illinois [Mr. HYDE], I hope and pray and believe that this which makes their economic develop- who spoke so eloquently just a few Congress will back away funding orga- ment goals even more difficult to meet. minutes ago, when he was speaking out nizations that support abortion. The family planning portion of the bill against the amendment, he was refer- Now, the UNFPA, with all of its gim- before us today accomplishes these ring to the Morella amendment. The micks and its semantic gymnastics, at goals. It imposes strong policies to gentleman from Illinois [Mr. HYDE] the end of the day they support the confront the abuses, and imposes tough strongly supports the Smith amend- Chinese coerced abortion policy. Noth- restrictions on the use of United States ment. ing is more evil or inhuman that coerc- funds. We continue to ensure that no Mr. Chairman, my colleague from ing a woman to have an abortion be- UNFPA would be used in China. New Jersey, Mr. SMITH, is one of the cause it conflicts with the population One of the most important forms of great leaders of the pro-life movement, policy. And yet that is what China aid we promise to other countries is along with the gentleman from Illinois, does, and that is what the UNFPA sup- family planning assistance. No one can Mr. HYDE and also the gentlewoman ports. deny that the need for family planning from Nevada, Mrs. VUCANOVICH, who Oh, they have a bookkeeping gim- services in developing countries is ur- will be speaking shortly, and I want to mick, but money is fungible, and that gent and the aid we provide is both val- commend all three of them for their would not deceive anybody, and it uable and worthwhile. commitment over the years to the de- ought not deceive you. The world’s population is growing at fense of the innocent unborn. Now, we support population control an unprecedented rate. In 40 years our This amendment will simply restore if it is done through family planning, planet’s population will more than dou- the pro-life policies that served as the and by withdrawing the money from ble as a responsible world leader, the basis for U.S. international population the UNFPA, there are still some 350 United States must do more to deter policy during the Reagan and Bush ad- family planning organizations that will the environmental, political, and ministrations. Even though the Amer- receive the largesse, the taxpayers’ health consequences of this explosive ican people strongly oppose the use of money to pay for family planning growth. tax dollars for abortions, the Clinton around the world. But the two organi- And let us not forget what family administration has embarked on a zations that do not want to take the planning assistance means to women worldwide crusade to promote abortion money under those terms are Inter- around the world. Complications of in the developing world. The Smith national Planned Parenthood and the pregnancy, childbirth and unsafe abor- amendment attempts to curb that cru- Planned Parenthood Federation of tion are the leading killers of women of sade by preventing U.S. tax dollars America. Well, they get plenty of reproductive age throughout the third from going to any private, nongovern- money from other sources, from the world. One million women die each mental or multilateral organization abortion culture. Let them get it. But year as a result of reproductive health that directly or indirectly performs the taxpayers ought to make sure their problems. abortions in foreign countries. money does not go to support killing Each year, 250,000 women die from Mr. Chairman, I believe that the unborn children. . Smith amendment is a sensible amend- And, therefore, I urge you, with all Only 20 to 35 percent of women in Af- ment, it is a much-needed amendment, the vigor I can muster, to reject the rica and Asia receive prenatal care. and it is the right thing to do. I urge Five hundred million married women Morella amendment. I mean no reflec- my colleagues to support it. tion on the gentlewoman from Mary- want contraceptives but cannot obtain Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Chairman, I them. land [Mrs. MORELLA] or her cosponsors, move to strike the requisite number of Most of these disabilities and deaths who are all wonderful people. They just words. could be prevented. are not as offended by abortion as I am, Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to Today we have the opportunity to en- and I hope this amendment will be de- the Morella substitute and in support sure funding for the United Nations feated. of the Smith amendment and to com- populations fund, funding which has Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Chairman, I move pliment my colleague, the gentleman been held hostage to anti-abortion poli- to strike the last word. from New Jersey [Mr. SMITH], on his tics in the past. Today, we can make a Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong opposi- sustained, vigorous and forthright real difference in the lives of millions tion to the Smith amendment and in leadership on the issue of opposition to of women, and the future of our planet. support of the Morella perfecting Yet despite the opportunity to make abortions performed with U.S. funds amendment. The Smith amendment real progress in world health, some overseas. He has been vigilant on this would do nothing to stop China’s policy would punish UNFPA, developing na- issue and has led the way on the com- of coerced abortions to which I object tions, and many other public health or- mittee and in the House year after just as strongly as does the gentleman ganizations around the world for Chi- year. from New Jersey. It is merely an at- na’s policies. Approval of the Smith Mr. Chairman, we cannot allow U.S. tack on international family planning amendment would mean denying funds funds to be used for population control efforts which I strongly support. not only for UNFPA, but for critical programs in other countries where The coercive abortion policy in China projects all over the world. abortion is the means of population violates all principles of a modern soci- Let us be frank. The language cur- control. it is just that simple. ety. Despite overwhelming evidence of rently in the foreign aid bill makes If we do not support such policies at forced abortions and involuntary steri- clear that no United States funds shall home, and we do not—consistently lization, the Chinese Government de- be used in China. A vote for the Smith under the Hyde language year after nies it is conducting a campaign of in- amendment is a vote against sensible, year we have opposed the funding of timidation and violence against the cost-effective international family abortions with U.S. taxpayer dollars Chinese people. We must condemn this planning programs. here at home—we should not be pro- brutal policy, which deprives families I urge my colleagues to oppose the moting such practices or allowing such of real choices and threatens hundreds Smith amendment. And support the practices to take place overseas. An of thousands of lives. We must ensure Morella perfecting amendment. unborn human being is still a human that no United States funds contribute being whether American, or Chinese, or to China’s repression and violation of b 1115 African, or wherever in the world. individual liberties. Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Chairman, I move Clearly the language offered by our That is why we have a compromise to strike the requisite number of colleague from Maryland would open that strikes a sensible balance between words. the way for funds to be moved from one the need to censure China for its de- Mr. Chairman, as a member of the account to another, would make, as the plorable policies, while restoring the committee I rise in strong support of technicians say, those monies fungible May 24, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 5495 to be used for abortion support activi- tion all United States contributions to law already prohibits U.S. funds from ties in other countries, and particu- UNFPA on its pulling out of China, and going for abortions. larly in China. The language in the bill there is not anybody who does not un- Mr. Chairman, I would say that the is insufficient to prevent the use of derstand that a U.N. agency cannot Smith amendment is extreme, it pre- Federal funds for abortions overseas. pull out of a member country. It can- vents organizations from using their The Smith amendment will tighten not unilaterally pull out of China. own funds for their own legal purposes, that language up, will make it very Mr. Chairman, the Smith amendment and it would, together with the part clear that no U.S. funding to any pri- is a killer amendment for all U.S. fam- dealing with UNFPA, effectively de- vate, nongovernmental or multilateral ily planning programs. stroy U.S. voluntary family planning organization that directly or indirectly The UNFPA activity in China is min- programs in 139 countries that depend provides funding for or performs abor- uscule, and very little, or none, of it upon our support and are making real tions in a foreign country can be sup- goes to support the Government. The progress in this area voluntarily, not ported with U.S. taxpayer dollars in UNFPA is not supporting coercive with coercion. our foreign aid program. That principle practices. It has a total annual budget Mr. WOLF. Mr. Chairman, I move to should be maintained, should be set of $275 million. Only $4 to $5 million strike the requisite number of words. forth very clearly in law, and the goes to China. China’s own family plan- Mr. Chairman, I rise in very strong Smith amendment will do so. ning expenditures are $1 billion a year. opposition to the Morella amendment Support the Smith amendment. De- UNFPA is not part of the problem in and in very, very strong support of the feat the Morella amendment. China, it is part of the solution. Smith amendment. Mr. PORTER. Mr. Chairman, I move Mr. Chairman, the Morella amend- As a background, the gentleman from to strike the requisite number of ment would prohibit any United States New Jersey [Mr. SMITH] and I spent a words. funding going to UNFPA unless the week in China, the week we went into (Mr. PORTER asked and was given President would certify that the Beijing Prison No. 1, but we inter- permission to revise and extend his re- UNFPA does not support coercive abor- viewed all of the population people in marks.) tions in China. That is a reasonable China, and what they are doing is abys- Mr. PORTER. Mr. Chairman, the way to approach the problem. mal, it is just a disgrace. I say to my committee did not include in its bill a The bill also contains language colleagues, ‘‘If you look at the state- prohibition on funding for the UNFPA, walling off all United States funds into ment by Director of UNFPA, Nafis nor did it impose the Mexico City pro- a separate account that cannot be used Sadik, she said China has every reason hibitions on what international family in China, and United States law has to feel proud and pleased with its re- planning organizations can do with long prohibited funds in this bill from markable achievements made in family their own funds overseas. The Smith being used to perform abortions over- planning policy and control of its popu- amendment was specifically not adopt- seas. lation growth over the past 10 years. ed by the committee, and for good rea- These are reasonable protections. Now the country could offer its experi- son, because it is not in the best inter- They ensure that U.S. funds are not ence and especially experts to help ests of the United States, and that is used for coercion or for abortions, but other countries.’’ what any foreign policy bill is all allow truly voluntary family planning about. programs, the ones that we supported That is crazy. Let me tell my col- Mr. Chairman, the United States is in 139 other countries, to continue, all leagues what we have now found out. the largest international donor of of which would be cut off if the Smith We have found out in China, and I am funds for voluntary family planning. amendment were to be adopted. not going to show this picture, but I We recognize that a host of inter- Second, the Smith amendment pro- will show it to any Member that wants national issues, including economic de- hibits U.S. funds from going to the to see it, but we have found out in velopment, immigration, political sta- most active and effective voluntary China that in government hospitals, bility, health, and the environment are family planning organizations over- because of their forced abortion poli- all linked to population. Providing tar- seas, including Planned Parenthood, cies, they are selling, and I would urge geted family planning assistance to na- and it reinstates the so-called Mexico all Members to read this article from tions that request it is in our Nation’s City language keeping AID from fund- Eastern Express that says embryonic interest. ing the most experienced, successful food of life; they are selling aborted The U.S. voluntary family planning NGO’s in family planning. fetuses, or frankly they are selling program is a proven success. In Kenya The Smith amendment keeps U.S. aborted babies for money, for about there was a 20-percent reduction in funds from going to entities that use $1.25 in Hong Kong money. This money family size in just 4 year, done through their own funds for performing abor- will be used by the Chinese indirectly voluntary family planning. In Ban- tions or for engaging in any activity or to literally track down women. We gladesh the contraceptive prevalence effort to alter the laws of any foreign have heard, CHRIS and I, the gentleman rate went from 5 percent in 1975 to 40 country concerning the circumstance from New Jersey [Mr. SMITH] and I percent in 1993, and there was a decline under which abortion is performed, reg- have heard, of cases whereby they lit- in fertility from 6.7 births per woman ulated, or prohibited. erally track down women in the vil- to 4.9, voluntarily. In Egypt the aver- This is, in effect, an international lages, and bring them in and force age number of children per family has gag rule. them to have an abortion. declined from 5.8 to 3.9 between 1960 Now, Mr. Chairman, I do not say or This is a fundamental, important and 1994 through voluntary family support abortion as a legitimate family vote; it is much more important than planning. planning method; it is certainly not, population control. Let me just say, The gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. and we do not fund it. But this amend- too, that I support , I sup- SMITH] aims at an egregious practice of ment keeps organizations from promot- port money for birth control to India coercive that all of ing their own agenda with their own and places like that unable to gain con- us deplore, but the Smith amendment funds. trol of the population, but under no guts United States bilateral and multi- The CHAIRMAN. The time of the circumstances would I ever support, lateral population programs, and it gentleman from Illinois [Mr. PORTER] nor should this Congress support, nor would first effectively cut off all Unit- has expired. should any Member support, giving any ed States funds to UNFPA, which oper- (By unanimous consent, Mr. PORTER American taxpayer money indirectly ates not in China alone, but in 140 de- was allowed to proceed for 1 additional that goes to China. veloping countries, including the poor- minute.) Here is a picture of what is not bad to est countries in the world, only one of Mr. PORTER. It is the equivalent of show, of a young lady leaving, leaving which is engaged in coercive practices. in the United States prohibiting hos- with a container of aborted babies, He claims correctly that China is en- pitals using title X funds on the first leaving to go to Hong Kong. I say to gaged in a regime of coercive family floor from performing privately funded my colleagues, ‘‘When you read this planning practices, but he would condi- abortions on the third floor. Existing story and look at these pictures, which H 5496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 1995 I will not show, they will make you ing for abortion this amendment is des- prohibits the use of U.S. funds for abor- sick.’’ perately needed to clarify congres- tion-related activities. For 20 years This is a vote on a fundamental, ethi- sional intent so that it cannot be dis- there has been a protection in law and cal, moral issue. Under no cir- regarded by those who seek to fund policy against using U.S. funds to pay cumstances should any American abortion on demand throughout the for or advocate abortion. money go to UNPF and then go to world. I urge my colleagues to support U.S. population programs focus on China. the Smith amendment to H.R. 1561. So, the gentleman from New Jersey providing quality voluntary family b planning services. They are directed to- [Mr. SMITH] is right, and I commend 1130 ward improving maternal and child him for offering this, and I urge all my Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Chairman, I move care of health, slowing the spread of colleagues, those who have been follow- to strike the requisite number of AIDS and HIV and enhancing access to ing this issue and those who may be words. new, this is a vote that will be Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong sup- basic education. Population programs watched. The Chinese Government will port of the Morella amendment and, re- work. Since the 1960’s, births for watch what we will do, and by voting gretfully, in opposition to the Smith women in developing countries have for the Smith amendment we will send amendment. It is with the highest re- dropped by 37 percent, child mortality the strongest possible message we can gard for the gentleman from New Jer- by 50 percent, and primary school en- rollment is up by 38 percent. U.S. as- to the Chinese Government that their sey [Mr. SMITH] and others who support policy of tracking women down, of his amendment that I beg to differ. sistance has played an important role forced abortions, of selling aborted ba- I share the gentleman’s concern in these achievements. bies, is fundamentally wrong, and we about the number of abortions that As I said before, there are already will support it in no way. A vote for occur in our country, and I believe that strict prohibitions in U.S. funding for the Smith amendment is a vote, I if some strong language has been used abortion as a method of family plan- think, to help a lot of people. in this debate already, and I will use a ning or to motivate or coerce any per- Mrs. VUCANOVICH. Mr. Chairman, I couple strong words too, one being son to practice abortion. Also, there move to strike the requisite number of hate, which I do not like to use, but if are strict prohibitions against funding words. you hate abortion, as we all do, I think for organizations that support and par- Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to you should love family planning, be- ticipate in the management of coercive the amendment offered by the gentle- cause this is the way that we can reach abortion or in voluntary sterilization. woman from Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA]. the goals that I believe we all share, There are existing provisions in the I have a great deal of respect for the which is to decrease the number of law that prohibit the use of Federal gentlewoman from Maryland, but I abortions that occur in our country funds for lobbying on abortion. truly believe she is wrong on this and in the world. amendment. The Morella amendment In addition, Mr. Chairman, I want to The Morella amendment reasserts point out that, similar to that, indige- would facilitate taxpayer funding to the restriction against any U.S. funds organizations which provide and pro- nous women’s organizations that re- being used to fund abortion except ceive U.S. aid to improve the status of mote abortion on demand. where the life of the mother would be I rise in support of the amendment women or to promote female literacy endangered. No taxpayer dollars should offered by the gentleman from New would also be defunded if they engage be used to fund abortion, nor would Jersey [Mr. SMITH]. Now, some may with their non-U.S. funds, with their they be. The amendment also reasserts claim that this amendment is a gag non-U.S. funds, in efforts to influence the restriction against U.S. funds being rule on family planning assistance. their own country’s abortion laws, ei- used for lobbying on the abortion issue. Nothing could be further from the ther for or against. The Morella amendment further truth. This amendment would not pre- reasserts our strong opposition to the Those are some of the reasons I urge vent groups from merely advising my colleagues to support the Morella women as to what the laws are in each coercive population practices in China. On the Smith amendment, Mr. Chair- amendment and oppose the Smith country regarding abortion. Further- man, I believe it is inappropriate to amendment. more, abortion is not considered a fam- pass this amendment because there are On the subject of China, I am ada- ily planning method and should not be mantly, as all of our colleagues have promoted as one, especially by the some general setbacks that we would United States. Recently the State De- suffer should it become the law. Sta- declared, adamantly opposed to forced partment decided that the promotion bilizing population growth is vital to abortion and sterilization and to poli- of abortion should be a priority in ad- U.S. national interests. Rapid popu- cies of the Chinese Government on vancing U.S. population-control ef- lation expansion is a major source of these issues. Neither the UNFPA nor forts. This is unacceptable to the mil- political instability in developing other multilateral or multigovernment lions of Americans who do not view countries as well as a drain on the organizations working in China fund abortion as a legitimate method of global environment. That does not abortion or support coercive family family planning and do not support mean that we perform abortions in planning practices. But because forced Federal funding of abortion except to order to control population growth. It abortion and sterilization may be tak- save the life of the mother or in cases means that we should instead be edu- ing place in China, and indeed I believe of rape and incest. cating people in methods of family they are, the Congress has mandated This is just one reason why this planning so that we, again, can control that no United States money provided amendment is important. This amend- population growth and reduce the num- to UNFPA may be used in China. I sup- ment will simply ensure that none of ber of abortions. port this approach. This amendment, the moneys sent to the UNPF may be Rapid population growth makes suc- the Smith amendment, has far reach- used to fund any private, nongovern- cessful development and democratiza- ing implications for all U.S.-supported mental, or multilateral organization tion much less likely. It reduces the health and family planning activities. that directly or through a subcontrac- quality and availability of health serv- Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues tor performs abortions in any foreign ices, limits employment opportunities, to support the Morella amendment and country—except to save the life of the and undermines economic and social reluctantly to oppose the Smith mother or in cases of rape and incest. progress. There has been tremendous amendment. Most recipients of U.S. population as- progress already achieved in stabilizing sistance readily agreed to these terms world population, but we can do better The real purpose of this amendment is to from 1984 to 1993 and this amendment and indeed we must. cut off U.S. funding for UNFPA. UNFPA is the does not reduce the funding level for The new international consensus in leading multilateral organization providing vol- real international population assist- support of population planning pro- untary family planning services in the develop- ance. vides an opportunity to achieve global ing world. In a time when 69 percent of the population stabilization within the In this bill, we already repeat existing law American public opposes Federal fund- next generation. Existing law already (the Kemp-Kasten language) which ensures May 24, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 5497 that no United States money directly or indi- not have that much room on the plan- restricted so that it cannot go directly rectly supports the Chinese program. This lan- et. to abortion services, but since money guage allows us to take a forceful stand con- Mr. Chairman, population con- is fungible, it means it frees up other cerning China, without undermining overall ferences such as the Bucharest Con- money of that program to go into the multilateral efforts in population planning. ference, the Mexico City Conference, provision of those services. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Chairman, we have and the Cairo Conference in 1994, all be- It is very important that we under- now gone 50 minutes with regard to came mired in this controversy about stand what is at stake here. We simply this issue. We have about three speak- the abortion issue. I really think it is want to return to the Mexico City pol- ers on our side. I think the other side time, people are pleading with us icy enunciated by President Reagan in has about three speakers. I ask unani- around the world and people are plead- 1984 that we will not use taxpayer fund- mous consent that all debate on this ing with us in this country, it is time ed dollars to fund any program in any amendment be limited to 12 noon for us to stop the argument and for foreign country that provides abortion today, and that the time be equally di- those who are pro-choice, if I can label services. So it is a very simple point vided between both sides of the issue. that, and pro-life, if I can label that, to here. What the Morella amendment This is with regard to the Smith get together and think of creative, would like to do is change that policy amendment and all amendments there- thoughtful solutions to this most dif- or actually preserve the now existing to. ficult problem. policy that we will fund those pro- The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection I do not think there is anybody in grams. I believe very strongly we to the request of the gentleman from this Chamber that favors abortion. But should return to that Mexico City pol- New York? the people who are discussing this issue icy and not fund programs that provide There was no objection. today recognize the serious, severe po- abortion services. The CHAIRMAN. The time will be tential calamity if we do not reduce Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Chairman, I yield equally divided between the minority the number of people, the huge bur- the balance of my time to the gentle- and the majority to manage. geoning population growth, especially woman from Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA], Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I ask in underdeveloped countries, where and ask unanimous consent that she be unanimous consent to control the time they will never have an economy that allowed to control that time. on this side. The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection can support the people, they do not to the request of the gentleman from to the request of the gentleman from have resources right now that can sup- New York? Missouri? port their population. There was no objection. So it is necessary for us to sit down There was no objection. The CHAIRMAN. Who will control together, pro-choice people, pro-life Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, I time for the majority? people, and think of thoughtful, cre- yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Chairman, I will ative solutions that can solve the prob- Pennsylvania [Mr. GREENWOOD]. lem, so that abortions will become un- control the time until the gentle- b 1145 woman from Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA] necessary as a result of the funds that returns. we provide through education. Mr. GREENWOOD. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. Chairman, I yield 3 minutes to Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues rise in very strong support of the the gentleman from Maryland [Mr. to support the gentlewoman from Morella amendment to the Smith lan- GILCHREST]. Maryland’s amendment. guage. Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I I believe that every Member of this thank the gentleman for yielding. yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from body who calls him or herself pro- Mr. Chairman, I rise today in support South Carolina [Mr. INGLIS]. choice should be a yes vote on the of the amendment of the gentlewoman Mr. INGLIS of South Carolina. Mr. Morella amendment but so should from Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA]. The Chairman, I thank the gentleman for every Member of this body who calls amendment continues the policy of yielding. him or herself pro-life but also sup- preventing funds provided to UNFPA Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong sup- ports family planning, who also sup- from being spent in China. Further, the port of the Smith amendment and in ports child survival programs around United States representative to the strong opposition to the Morella the world. UNFPA must seek condemnation of amendment, and to make three very The language in the bill gives every China’s coercive population policy, and brief points. Member of this body who is pro-life the amendment prevents funds to First, I think we need to approach anything they could possibly want. It groups that lobby for changes in abor- this, every time the word ‘‘abortion’’ is prohibits use of U.S. funds for abortion. tion laws in other countries. It does mentioned on this floor, with tremen- But it also, unfortunately, produces a just about everything that anybody dous compassion for the victims of result that no Member of this body wants it to do. abortion that are walking around could possibly want, and that is to This amendment is the reasonable today. Unfortunately, most of us have deny life saving services to innocent approach that our foreign policy should had experience with abortion. Some- people around the world, many of them take with respect to family planning where in the family there is somebody children. programs. The aid provided by the hurting from this tragedy of abortion. Mr. Chairman, whether we are talk- United States for the purpose of im- So every time it comes up on the floor, ing about a hospital in Russia, a com- proving knowledge and access to fam- I think it is important to indicate com- munity center in India or Bangladesh, ily planning methods is an important passion for those for whom this is a a hospital in Kenyatta, where on one investment in helping people improve very painful memory. The question side of the hospital, with private funds, the quality of their lives. then becomes why would we export this abortions are being performed and they Just listen to some of these statis- pain to other countries? will continue to be performed with or tics. In 1830, the world’s population The second point I would like to without this language, precisely be- reached 1 billion people. Today the make is, is it not wonderful to have a cause those nations lack family plan- world’s population is close to 6 billion bipartisan discussion here? It is sort of ning services. And on the other side of people. In the year 2020, 8 billion people a break here on the floor where you the hospital services are being provided are expected to live on earth. In 40 have Republicans and Democrats of that all of the Members in support of years the population is expected to good faith working together to restore my friend’s amendment say they sup- double, to about 12 billion people. Dur- the right policy created in 1984 under port, family planning services, also ing the years 2000 to 2025, the poorest Ronald Reagan. providing services of child nutrition, countries will grow the fastest, ac- The third point I would like to make child inoculation, services to save counting for 5.1 billion people of the is money is fungible. Any time you young lives. world’s population. have funding for a program, the money This amendment would cut off funds Twenty-five percent of the Earth is is fungible. That means if the money to those institutions, simply because in land, and that is where we live. We do comes to that program, yes, it may be another wing of the hospital, unrelated H 5498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 1995 to those services, not using American Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, I Clinton also outright repealed the money at all, abortions are performed. yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman Mexico City policy, which prohibited For that reason, Mr. Chairman, those from Connecticut [Mrs. JOHNSON]. United States funding from going to of us who do not want to see abortion (Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut asked nongovernmental organizations which used as a method of birth control or and was given permission to revise and perform abortions and which lobby family planning but do want to see extend her remarks.) internationally for the repeal of laws that family planning continues inter- Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. Mr. protecting unborn children and their nationally along with American funds Chairman, I rise today in support of mothers from abortion. for child survival programs should sup- the Morella amendment to the Smith Now, regardless of one’s personal port the Morella amendment. The amendment. Family planning money view of whether abortion is right or Morella amendment amending the that the United States contributes an- wrong, one generally agreed-upon prin- Smith amendment is a good com- nually to the United Nations Popu- ciple is that taxpayers’ dollars should promise that we should all support. lation Fund has had an extremely posi- not be used for its promotion. These Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I tive impact in developing countries drastic policy changes made by the yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from throughout the world. In the 28 coun- Clinton administration completely fly New Jersey [Mr. SMITH]. tries with the largest U.S. AID-spon- in the face of this principle. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Chair- sored family planning programs, the The Smith amendment contains man, let me point out to my friends average number of children born per nothing radical—it simply puts into that on the Child Survival Program, I family has dropped from six in the law what was practiced prior to Clin- take a back seat to nobody. In the mid- 1960’s to about four today, a decline of ton’s coming to office. It is Clinton’s 1980’s, I authored the continuation of nearly one-third. policy that is radical, forcing U.S. tax- that program and made sure that Providing women with the means to payers to fund organizations that pro- money for immunization and oral control fertility enables them to better mote or lobby for abortion as a method rehydration and the like was available. provide for the children they choose to of family planning overseas. This language comports, I am not have. Thailand has made controlling To my colleagues, I say let us stick talking about the Morella language, the rate of population growth a prior- to the principle that has served U.S. the Smith language, with that whole ity issue in their development, and it family planning funding overseas well idea that children born and unborn are has paid off. The average number of for so many years—that taxpayers precious and valuable. When the Mex- children born to Thai women has de- should not be forced to support coer- ico City policy was in effect during the clined from 6 in the 1960’s to the re- cive population control or the pro- Reagan and Bush years, child survival placement level of 2.1 now. That means motion of abortion as a method of fam- was not hurt. Family planning organi- better health; that means less poverty; ily planning. zations had agreed to put a wall of sep- that means less tragedy in the lives of Mr. Chairman, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on aration between abortion, and family women and children in Thailand and a the Morella amendment and a ‘‘yes’’ planning got their money. Only the far better future for everyone. vote on the Smith amendment. crusaders for abortion disqualified Let me point out to my colleagues Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I themselves by not agreeing to the that current law already prohibits the yield 1 minute to the gentleman from walls. use of U.S. funds to either pay for or Mississippi [Mr. WICKER]. Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, how lobby for abortion. We do not need the (Mr. WICKER asked and was given much time remains on both sides? Smith amendment. The Smith amend- permission to revise and extend his re- The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman ment, however, would cut off all for- marks.) from Missouri [Mr. VOLKMER] has 81⁄2 eign aid not just for family planning Mr. WICKER. Mr. Chairman, I thank minutes remaining, and the gentle- but to any organization that performs the gentleman for yielding time to me. woman from Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA] abortions so that local hospitals This debate has nothing to do with has 5 minutes remaining. throughout the world that legally per- family planning. It has everything to Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I form abortions would be denied any do with coerced family planning. The yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman foreign aid for child nutrition pro- Smith amendment has everything to from California [Mrs. SEASTRAND]. grams, disease prevention or other do with funding of forced abortions and Mrs. SEASTRAND. Mr. Chairman, I basic health services for women and everything to do the use of American rise in strong support of the Smith families, simply because those institu- taxpayer dollars to support organiza- amendment and strongly oppose the tions, according to their national law, tions which perform abortions overseas Morella amendment. perform abortions. and which lobby for pro-abortion poli- The Smith amendment is a straight- This is tragic. This is a stunning ex- cies. forward attempt to make sure that the ample of U.S. hubris that we are will- As my colleague from Texas just American people are not forced to use ing to micromanage the domestic and pointed out, the Smith amendment their tax dollars to subsidize abortions health policies of developing nations. reenacts, simply reenacts, a policy around the world. I think all Ameri- I urge my colleagues to support the which was in effect during the Reagan cans, virtually all Americans, no mat- Morella amendment, maintain the ban and Bush years. I hope my colleagues ter where they stand on the issue of against any U.S. dollars for abortion, can agree that the United States abortion, agree that millions of abor- maintain the ban against any U.S. dol- should not be spending American tax- tions around the world is a human lars used to lobby for abortion, but pre- payer dollars promoting abortion any- tragedy and what makes this tragedy serve health services for women and where or promoting China’s forced even worse is the fact that some na- children and population growth pro- abortion policy. tions impose abortion. grams, population control programs I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on The Chinese population control pol- throughout the world. the Morella amendment and to vote icy forces women to have abortions. I Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I ‘‘yes’’ on the Smith amendment. can think of few established policies yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, I that are more antiwoman or policies from Texas [Mr. DELAY]. yield 1 minute to the distinguished that are making women victims. Mr. DELAY. Mr. Chairman, when gentlewoman from Texas [Ms. JACK- This is not about family planning. President Clinton took office in 1993, SON-LEE]. Most Americans support responsible he changed U.S. family planning policy Ms. JACKSON-LEE. Mr. Chairman, I family planning. But support for fam- overseas in fundamental ways. thank the distinguished gentlewoman ily planning does not mean support for He reinterpreted law with regard to from Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA] for her subsidizing abortions around the world. funding for the U.N. Population Fund leadership on this issue. There is no reason why this Congress so that United States dollars could be I simply ask the question, Mr. Chair- should continue to provide financial used in China, where it is well-known man, are we in fact our brothers’ and support for these types of international that a brutal and coercive birth quota sisters’ keepers? And yes, we are. This organizations. policy is in place. Nation has been in the forefront of May 24, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 5499 seeking peace but as well of helping It is inconceivable to me that as we Mrs. SMITH of Washington. Mr. those who cannot help themselves. Un- debate the American Overseas Interest Chairman, I thank the gentleman for less we implement the Morella amend- Act—a bill which attempts to support yielding time to me. ment, 139 countries across this world basic human rights across the globe— Mr. Chairman, I want to talk about a will lose opportunities for informed, that the Congress would even consider woman who, except for being in an- educated family planning. And yes, denying the most basic human right, other country, would look a lot like millions of families across this inter- LIFE. me. Her name is Chee An. She is a Chi- national family will lose the oppor- Mr. SMITH’S amendment will codify nese citizen. I want to give the Mem- tunity to be informed and educated the Mexico City policy and ensure that bers her words as she came back from about the ability to do wise family United States tax dollars do not sup- an abortionist. planning. port China’s coercive population con- She said: Where are we in this instance? Are trol policies. The Smith amendment is The population control official gave me an we willing then to cause the annihila- not a gag rule and will have no effect ultimatum. ‘‘I have made an appointment for tion of young children, through hunger on private organizations that merely you tomorrow at 8 a.m.,’’ she told me. ‘‘If and disease simply because we have not you miss it, the party secretary swears the advise, counsel, or refer women for consequences will be serious.’’ I knew I had further informed these families of the whatever types of abortions are legal no choice, and the next morning, escorted by opportunities of sure family planning? within a given country. Rather, the the population control officials, I went to Mr. Chairman, this is a wise amend- Smith amendment will simply ensure the hospital. The following days passed in a ment. I encourage us to support the that the United States will not pay for haze of emotional pain. Morella amendment that aids us in abortions or impose a proabortion doc- I want to tell the Members, under the providing support for our brothers and trine in foreign countries. Smith amendment we would be assured sisters across the world for family I urge my colleagues to support the that our tax dollars would not go to planning. Smith amendment. The right to life is that. I ask American women to listen Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I the most fundamental human right— carefully. After Clinton changed the yield 1 minute to the gentleman from both here and abroad. policy, money can be shifted and shuf- Missouri [Mr. EMERSON], who has been Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I fled to where money that is given for an outstanding advocate for the pro- yield myself 30 seconds. birth control, as we know it, IUDs, life position. Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong opposi- condoms, and such, forces women like (Mr. EMERSON asked and was given tion to the Morella amendment and in Chian into stirrups. permission to revise and extend his re- favor of the Smith amendment. I will tell the Members, I started in marks.) I would like to cut through all the the proabortion, and none of us ever Mr. EMERSON. Mr. Chairman, I rise rhetoric that has been heard here believed our tax dollars would go to in strong opposition to the Morella today for a little over the last hour and forcing a woman into stirrups. I have amendment and in support of the put it very simply. If you are in favor to tell the Members, if there is one Smith amendment. of using taxpayers money to kill ba- woman that is kept from this inhu- Mr. Chairman, I rise today to give mane position, we have done great my strong support to the Smith bies, then I say vote for Morella. If you are in favor of saving those babies and things today by passing the Smith amendment to the bill which codifies amendment. the Mexico City policy and prohibits not using taxpayers money to kill ba- bies, then I say vote for Smith. Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I funding to the U.N. Fund for Popu- yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from lation Activities unless that organiza- Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Nebraska [Mr. CHRISTENSEN]. tion discontinues all activities in Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Chairman, I California [Mr. BERMAN]. China. thank the gentleman for yielding time Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Chairman, I think During the 1970’s and early 1980’s, for- to me. eign nongovernment organizations the gentleman from New Jersey and Mr. Chairman, 95 nations, including were the major source of funding for a the proponents of the Smith approach all, I repeat all, of Latin America, most number of groups which promoted have some obligation to explain to the of Africa, and much of the rest of the abortion and the legalization of abor- body the effectiveness of their strat- developing world have laws that are tion in developing countries. Adopted egy. protective of unborn children. We have in 1984, the Mexico City policy substan- Coercive abortion and coercive poli- allowed our own proabortion laws to tially changed the United States posi- cies are going on in China. We pulled undermine American values at the ex- tion on funding such organizations by out for many years. Nothing changed. pense of 4,000 children killed every day. stipulating that the Agency for Inter- Things got worse. Meanwhile, you cut The Clinton administration arrogantly national Development will NOT fund out a whole bunch of positive, impor- believes we should require this poison any private organization which partici- tant profamily planning programs all to be spread to other nations. We need pates in performing or promoting abor- over the world. to defeat the Morella amendment and tion as a method of family planning. The Morella amendment in this bill pass the amendment offered by the A year later, in 1985, the House ap- reduces the amendment by the amend- gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. proved the Kemp-Kasten amendment ment they put in to China, requires SMITH]. which denies funds to organizations them not to support any process and Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I that support coercive population pro- allows the other programs to go on. yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman grams. Funding is denied the UNFPA You cannot keep pushing things on from New Jersey [Mr. SMITH], our out- due to its active participation in Chi- rhetorical and ideological basis with- standing leader. na’s population control program—its out some look at the consequences of Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Chair- one-child-per-family program. what you are doing. Your policy did man, I thank my good friend for yield- Today, the Clinton administration is not work. You tried it. China went on, ing time to me. conducting an ideological crusade to continued to do it, and all you have Mr. Chairman, I would like to ask my expand access to abortion throughout done is hurt important and good pro- colleagues how they would think they the developing world. The Clinton ad- grams all around the world. would feel if they, their loves ones, in- ministration’s policy was announced I urge a vote for the Morella amend- cluding families and friends, were by Under Secretary Tim Wirth in a ment and defeat the Smith amend- forced to live in a land where brothers speech to a U.N. population meeting in ment. and sisters were officially declared ille- 1993. Mr. Wirth stated that the Clinton gal; where only one child per couple is b administration’s position was to, ‘‘sup- 1200 permitted; where children, if not ex- port reproductive choice, including ac- Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Chairman, I plicitly authorized by a birth quota cess to safe abortion’’ and to make yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman system, engineered by the Government, such ‘‘reproductive choice’’ available from Washington [Mrs. SMITH], who is are literally stolen from their moms to every woman by the year 2000. a strong advocate of life. and killed with poison by population H 5500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 1995 control fanatics; where, as we talk, a support of the Smith amendment. The Smith worldÐand the U.S.Ðfaces. We must not new policy of reminiscent of amendment will reinstate the long-standing adopt a policy that would cut off funding to the the Nazis has just gone into effect prohibition on providing taxpayer dollars to any organizations that are the most effective in re- across the country, and then to know private organization that performs or promotes ducing unwanted pregnancies, as the Smith that the United Nations Population abortion in foreign countries. amendment would do. To do so would be ut- Fund is there whitewashing these The Smith amendment is correct in rec- terly senseless. crimes against humanity in all kinds of ognizing that promoting abortion is never in At this moment, nearly 5.7 billion people international fora where apologists the true interests of our Nation. Over 95 coun- share our planet. By this time tomorrow, an- will stand up and say, ‘‘But our money tries in Central and South America and Africa other quarter of a million will be added to that is not going to do that.’’ have laws on the books against abortion on number. We all know money is fungible. The demand. The Hyde amendment, prohibiting Ninety-five percent of the newcomers will be Morella amendment allows the FPA to taxpayer funded abortions here in the United born in the developing world. Many of them take the United States donation, put it States, has been in effect for years. will die in childhood of malnutrition or disease, The United States has no business using in their right pocket, and it frees up and most of the rest will live out their lives in American taxpayer dollars to overturn abortion other money that they would send to countries that cannot begin to adequately take laws in other countries. Why would we, as a China where this terrible crime and ex- care of their existing populations, where there nation, encourage a practice that is so divisive ploitation of women is daily practiced. are already too few jobs, inadequate schools, and controversial in our own country? Remember, too, that the U.N. FPA inadequate health care, inadequate amounts Executive Director has said that this is The Smith amendment provides clear rules that will ensure that no taxpayer dollars will be of food and, usually, very little, if any, individ- a totally voluntary program. That is a ual freedom. big lie, Mr. Chairman. It is not true. It diverted for any form of abortion promotion. The outrageous practice of forced abortion in By the year 2020, the world's already is a terrible crime against women. strained and overexploited resources will have She has always said we need to ex- China demands such clear and strong rules as to sustain life for more than 8 billion peopleÐ port the experience of the Chinese Gov- proposed by the Smith amendment. an increase of 21¤2 billion, most of them des- ernment. God forbid. We would never It should be noted that the Smith amend- perately poor, in just 25 years. allow it to happen here. If we were told ment will not prevent private individuals from In much of the developing world, high birth that women had to be forcibly aborted, promoting family planning or abortion around rates, caused largely by the lack of access of there would be rioting in the streets. the globe. Rather, the Smith amendment rein- women to basic reproductive health services Defeat the Morella amendment. I urge states a sound policy that was in effect under and information, are contributing to intractable Members to support the underlying the Reagan and Bush administrations. It is a poverty, malnutrition, widespread unemploy- amendment, the Smith amendment. policy that reflects the views of most Ameri- Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, I cans. Family planning is important but killing ment, urban overcrowding, and the rapid yield myself such time as I may the unborn is just as wrong in Africa, Asia, or spread of disease. Population growth is out- consume. Latin America as it is in the United States. stripping the capacity of many nations to make Ms. FURSE. Mr. Chairman, the con- Mr. Chairman, I am really very sur- even modest gains in economic development, sequences of rapid population growth include prised about the rhetoric, not only the leading to political instability and negating poverty, unemployment, hunger and malnutri- hyperbole, but the accuracy of what other U.S. development efforts. tion, economic degradation, and urban decay. The impact of exponential population the amendment would do. These conditions may very well worsen be- Under the bill already, Mr. Chair- growth, combined with unsustainable patterns fore they improveÐespecially in countries ex- man, none of the funds authorized of consumption, is also evident in mounting periencing high rates of population growth. would be used to help manage a pro- signs of stress on the world's environment. Forty-five percent or more of the populace in Under conditions of rapid population growth, gram of any coercive abortion. No several developing countriesÐincluding Libya, funds can be used for abortion. No renewable resources are being used faster Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Cam- than they can be replaced. Other direct, and funds can be used for lobbying. In fact, bodia, Guatemala, and HondurasÐhave not there is a reduction of the percentage catastrophic, environmental consequences of yet reached their reproductive years. the world's burgeoning population are tropical that the United States would give to We must mobilize resources to achieve sta- deforestation, erosion of arable land and wa- U.N. FPA for any funds that go to bilization of our human numbers through mod- tersheds, extinction of plant and animal spe- China. We have spoken against China’s ern, safe, effective family planning. Abortion is cies, and pollution of air, water, and land. policies. The amendment would also di- not a means of family planning. It is a proce- rect the United States representative dure resorted to when people lack access to Overpopulation, however, is not a problem at the U.N. FPA to censure Chinese modern family planning methods or appro- for developing countries only. Rapid popu- policies. priate information and knowledge about such lation growth in already overcrowded and un- Mr. Chairman, I want to reflect on methods. derdeveloped areas of the world has given the previous reference to the woman Those voting on the Smith amendment rise to an unprecedented pressure to migrate, looking for an abortion. She may well should know that it is really not about abortion. as people seek decent, and more hopeful lives be a Russian woman. Russian women It would not prevent a single abortion. It is an for themselves and their families. According to have an average of 9 abortions during amendment to limit funds for the U.N. Popu- a report by the United Nations Population their lifetime. Why? Because they do lation FundÐthe largest multilateral provider of Fund [UNFPA], over 100 million people, or not have access to family planning. We family planning services for poor women. nearly 2 percent of the world's population, are are not talking about any proabortion Thus, its approval would limit access to family already international migrants, and countless policies, we are talking about policies planning, which is what it would indeed to. I others are refugees within their own countries. that are going to enable people to have intend to vote against it and call on my col- Many of the world's industrialized nations are the ability to manage their lives and leagues to do the same. now straining to absorb huge numbers of peo- their families, and to avoid the need Mr. BEILENSON. Mr. Chairman, I rise in ple, and in the future, as shortages of jobs for any abortion. strong support of the amendment offered by and living space in urban areas, and re- The amendment of the gentleman the gentlewoman from Maryland [Mrs. sources such as water, agricultural land, and from New Jersey [Mr. SMITH] is not MORELLA], and in opposition to the amend- new places to dispose of waste grow even about cutting off China; it is about cut- ment offered by the gentleman from New Jer- more acute, there will be even greater pres- ting off family planning aid to 139 sey [Mr. SMITH]. sure to emigrate. other countries. We know the world The effect of the Smith amendment would Population growth is an enormous problem, population tops 5 billion. Many of us be to cripple the ability of such organizations but one we can solveÐif we make a deter- will live to see it double by 2025. I urge as the UNFPA and International Planned Par- mined effort to do so. Over the last three dec- adoption of the amendment. The enthood to make available family planning ades, population programs have been remark- Morella amendment is endorsed by the services to millions of women and men around ably successful. Since the early 1960's, con- committee of jurisdiction and I hope the world, at a time when we need these serv- traceptive use worldwide has gone up from by this House. ices more than ever, not less than before. roughly 10 percent of couples to over 50 per- Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong The rapid growth of the world's human pop- cent today. And over the same period, the opposition to the Morella amendment and in ulation is the most serious problem the number of births per woman dropped from 6 May 24, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 5501 to 3.3, almost half the fertility of just one gen- family planning assistance are used as effec- Schroeder Thomas Ward eration ago. Much of this progress is a direct tively as possible is one of the most humane Schumer Thompson Waters Scott Thornton Watt (NC) result of U.S. involvement. In the 28 countries and farsighted efforts we can undertake. Pro- Serrano Thurman Waxman with the largest USAID-sponsored family plan- viding adequate funding now will save many Shaw Torkildsen White ning programs, the average number of chil- times this expense in future U.S. foreign as- Shays Torres Williams dren per family has dropped from 6.1 in the sistance, will greatly reduce human suffering, Sisisky Torricelli Wilson Skaggs Towns Wise mid-1960's to 4.2 today. and will promote global peace and security. Slaughter Traficant Woolsey These international trends, however, while I urge our colleagues to support the Morella Spratt Upton Wyden highly encouraging, conceal great demo- amendment. Stark Velazquez Wynn graphic diversity among countries and regions. The CHAIRMAN. The question is on Stokes Vento Yates In most of sub-Saharan Africa and some Pa- the amendment offered by the gentle- Studds Visclosky Zimmer cific Island countries, where family planning woman from Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA] NOES—227 services are not yet widely available, contra- to the amendment offered by the gen- Allard Gekas Norwood ceptive use is below 15 percent, and women tleman from New Jersey [Mr. SMITH]. Archer Geren Nussle bear an average of six or more children. At The question was taken; and the Armey Gillmor Oberstar the global level, an estimated 350 million cou- Chairman announced that the noes ap- Bachus Goodlatte Ortiz ples do not have access to a full range of Baker (CA) Goodling Orton peared to have it. Baker (LA) Goss modern family planning information and serv- Oxley RECORDED VOTE Ballenger Graham Packard ices. One indication of the large unmet de- Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Chairman, I de- Barcia Gutknecht Parker mand for more and better family planning Barr Hall (OH) Paxon mand a recorded vote. services is the estimated 50 million abortions Barrett (NE) Hall (TX) Peterson (MN) Bartlett Hancock that occur every year, many of them unsafe. A recorded vote was ordered. Petri The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to clause Barton Hastert Pombo But time is of the essence. How quickly we Bateman Hastings (WA) 2(c) of rule XXIII, the Chair announces Portman provide worldwide access to family planning Bereuter Hayes Poshard and reproductive health services is crucial. that he may reduce to not less than 5 Bevill Hayworth Quillen Like compound interest applied to financial minutes the period of time within Bilirakis Hefley Quinn which a rollcall vote by electronic de- Bliley Heineman Radanovich savings, high fertility rates produce ever-grow- Blute Herger vice may be taken without intervening Rahall ing future populations. For example, if a Boehner Hilleary Regula woman bears three children instead of six, business on the amendment offered by Bonilla Hoekstra Riggs and her children and grandchildren do like- the gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. Bonior Hoke Roberts SMITH]. Bono Holden Roemer wise, she will have 27 great-grandchildren Borski Hostettler The vote was taken by electronic de- Rohrabacher rather than 216. Brewster Hunter Ros-Lehtinen That is why it is absolutely essential that we vice, and there were—ayes 198, noes 227, Browder Hutchinson Roth adopt the Morella amendment and continue not voting 9, as follows: Brownback Hyde Royce Bryant (TN) Inglis the progress we have been making toward re- [Roll No. 349] Salmon Bunn Istook Sanford ducing population growth. At the International AYES—198 Bunning Johnson, Sam Saxton Conference on Population and Development Burr Jones Scarborough Abercrombie Fawell Lewis (GA) Burton Kanjorski [ICPD], held in Cairo last year, the United Ackerman Fields (LA) Lincoln Schaefer Buyer Kasich Andrews Filner Lofgren Seastrand States was instrumental in helping to build a Callahan Kildee Baesler Flake Lowey Sensenbrenner broad consensus behind a comprehensive Camp Kim Baldacci Foglietta Luther Shadegg Canady King program of action, which was signed by al- Barrett (WI) Foley Maloney Shuster Chabot Kingston most all of the 180 countries that participated Bass Ford Markey Skeen Chambliss Klink Becerra Fowler Martinez Skelton in the conference, and which will help guide Chenoweth Knollenberg Beilenson Frank (MA) Martini Smith (MI) the population and development programs of Christensen LaFalce Bentsen Franks (CT) Matsui Smith (NJ) Chrysler LaHood the United Nations and national governments Berman Franks (NJ) McCarthy Smith (TX) Clinger Largent into the next century. Central to this plan is Bilbray Frelinghuysen McDermott Smith (WA) Coble Latham the recognition that with adequate funding this Bishop Frost McHale Solomon Boehlert Furse McKinney Coburn LaTourette decade for family planning and reproductive Collins (GA) Laughlin Souder Boucher Gejdenson Meehan Spence Brown (CA) Gephardt Meek Combest Lewis (CA) health services, as well as educational, eco- Stearns Brown (FL) Gibbons Menendez Cooley Lewis (KY) nomic, and social opportunities necessary to Stenholm Brown (OH) Gilchrest Mfume Costello Lightfoot Stockman enhance the status of women, we can sta- Bryant (TX) Gilman Miller (CA) Cox Linder bilize world population in the first half of the Cardin Gonzalez Mineta Crane Lipinski Stump next century. Castle Gordon Minge Crapo Livingston Stupak Talent The ICPD program of action represents a Chapman Green Mink Cremeans LoBiondo Clay Greenwood Moakley Cunningham Longley Tanner historic opportunity to address adequately the Clayton Gunderson Moran de la Garza Lucas Tate causes and effects of the world's rapidly grow- Clement Gutierrez Morella Deal Manton Tauzin ing population, while placing an emphasis on Clyburn Hamilton Nadler DeLay Manzullo Taylor (MS) Taylor (NC) individual choice and freedom. To meet this Coleman Harman Neal Diaz-Balart Mascara Collins (IL) Hastings (FL) Obey Dickey McCollum Tejeda challenge, the international communityÐdevel- Collins (MI) Hefner Olver Doolittle McCrery Thornberry oping and industrial countries alikeÐhas Condit Hilliard Owens Dornan McHugh Tiahrt agreed to increase spending dramatically to Conyers Hinchey Pallone Doyle McInnis Tucker Volkmer achieve universal access to family planning Coyne Hobson Pastor Dreier McIntosh Cramer Horn Payne (NJ) Duncan McKeon Vucanovich and basic reproductive health services. In Danner Houghton Payne (VA) Ehlers McNulty Waldholtz order to fulfill our responsibility under the Davis Hoyer Pelosi Emerson Metcalf Walker Cairo agreement, the United States would DeFazio Jackson-Lee Pickett English Mica Walsh DeLauro Jacobs Pomeroy Ensign Miller (FL) Wamp need to allocate $850 million in fiscal year Dellums Jefferson Porter Everett Molinari Watts (OK) 1996 for international population programs, an Deutsch Johnson (CT) Pryce Ewing Mollohan Weldon (FL) increase of more than $260 million over this Dicks Johnson (SD) Ramstad Fields (TX) Montgomery Weldon (PA) Dingell Johnson, E. B. Rangel Flanagan Moorhead Weller year's level. Dixon Johnston Reed The U.S. contribution under this bill will no Forbes Murtha Whitfield Doggett Kaptur Reynolds Fox Myers Wicker doubt fall short. The fiscal reality of our Na- Dooley Kelly Richardson Frisa Myrick Wolf tion's fiscal situation has eroded our ability to Dunn Kennedy (MA) Rivers Funderburk Nethercutt Young (AK) Durbin Kennedy (RI) Rose fully fund even the most effective and cost-effi- Gallegly Neumann Young (FL) Edwards Kennelly Roukema Ganske Ney Zeliff cient programs. But we should still do as Ehrlich Klug Roybal-Allard much as we can. The Morella amendment will Engel Kolbe Rush Eshoo Lantos Sabo NOT VOTING—9 prevent the crippling of our efforts in this area. Evans Lazio Sanders Calvert Hansen Meyers Mr. Chairman, combating rapid population Farr Leach Sawyer Cubin Kleczka Peterson (FL) growth by ensuring that our limited dollars for Fattah Levin Schiff Fazio McDade Rogers H 5502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 1995 b 1223 LaHood Norwood Smith (MI) Wilson Wyden Zimmer Largent Nussle Smith (NJ) Wise Wynn ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN Latham Oberstar Smith (TX) Woolsey Yates The CHAIRMAN. The Chair advises LaTourette Obey Smith (WA) Laughlin Ortiz Solomon NOT VOTING—13 Members that there has been a problem Lewis (CA) Orton Souder Calvert Johnston Meyers with one of the voting machines, so the Lewis (KY) Oxley Spence Cubin Kleczka Peterson (FL) Members are asked to please confirm Lightfoot Packard Stearns Fazio Klink Rogers their vote with the screen and in the Linder Parker Stenholm Franks (NJ) McDade Lipinski Paxon Stockman Hansen McDermott voting machine. Livingston Peterson (MN) Stump LoBiondo Petri Stupak b 1235 b 1225 Longley Pombo Talent The Clerk announced the following Lucas Portman Tanner Messrs. MOORHEAD, DORNAN, and Manton Poshard Tate pairs: BUYER changed their vote from ‘‘aye’’ Manzullo Quillen Tauzin On this vote: to ‘‘no.’’ Mascara Quinn Taylor (MS) Mr. Calvert for, with Mr. Johnston of Flor- Messrs. SABO, CLAYBURN, and McCollum Radanovich Taylor (NC) ida against. McCrery Rahall Tejeda DAVIS changed their vote from ‘‘no’’ McHugh Regula Thornberry Mrs. Cubin for, with Mr. McDermott to ‘‘aye.’’ McInnis Riggs Thornton against. So the amendment to the amendment McIntosh Roberts Tiahrt Mr. DAVIS and Mr. THOMAS McKeon Roemer Tucker changed their vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ was rejected. McNulty Rohrabacher Volkmer The result of the vote was announced Metcalf Ros-Lehtinen Vucanovich So the amendment was agreed to. as above recorded. Mica Roth Waldholtz The result of the vote was announced Miller (FL) Royce Walker as above recorded. f Moakley Salmon Walsh Molinari Sanford Wamp f PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mollohan Saxton Watts (OK) Montgomery Scarborough Weldon (FL) PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Chairman, on roll- Moorhead Schaefer Weldon (PA) Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Chairman, on roll- call No. 349, I was unavoidably de- Murtha Seastrand Weller tained. Had I been present, I would Myers Sensenbrenner Whitfield call No. 350, I was unavoidably de- have voted ‘‘no.’’ Myrick Shadegg Wicker tained. Had I been present, I would Neal Shaw Wolf have voted ‘‘aye.’’ The CHAIRMAN. The question is on Nethercutt Shuster Young (AK) The CHAIRMAN. The Committee will the amendment offered by the gen- Neumann Skeen Young (FL) rise informally in order that the House tleman from New Jersey [Mr. SMITH]. Ney Skelton Zeliff may receive a message. The question was taken; and the NOES—181 Chairman announced that the ayes ap- f Abercrombie Furse Moran peared to have it. Ackerman Gejdenson Morella MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT RECORDED VOTE Andrews Gephardt Nadler Baesler Gibbons Olver The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Chair- Baldacci Gilchrest Owens LAHOOD) assumed the Chair. man, I demand a recorded vote. Barrett (WI) Gilman Pallone The SPEAKER pro tempore. The A recorded vote was ordered. Bass Gonzalez Pastor Chair will receive a message. The CHAIRMAN. This is a 5-minute Becerra Gordon Payne (NJ) Beilenson Green Payne (VA) f vote. Bentsen Greenwood Pelosi The vote was taken by electronic de- Berman Gunderson Pickett MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT vice, and there were—ayes 240, noes 181, Bilbray Gutierrez Pomeroy Bishop Hamilton Porter A message in writing from the Presi- not voting 13, as follows: Boehlert Harman Pryce dent of the United States was commu- [Roll No. 350] Boucher Hastings (FL) Ramstad nicated to the House by Mr. Edwin Brown (CA) Hefner Rangel AYES—240 Brown (FL) Hilliard Reed Thomas, one of his secretaries. Allard Clinger Ganske Brown (OH) Hinchey Reynolds The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Archer Coble Gekas Bryant (TX) Hobson Richardson Committee will resume its sitting. Armey Coburn Geren Cardin Horn Rivers Bachus Collins (GA) Gillmor Castle Houghton Rose f Baker (CA) Combest Goodlatte Chapman Hoyer Roukema Baker (LA) Condit Goodling Clay Jackson-Lee Roybal-Allard AMERICAN OVERSEAS INTERESTS Ballenger Cooley Goss Clayton Jefferson Rush ACT OF 1995 Barcia Costello Graham Clyburn Johnson (CT) Sabo Barr Cox Gutknecht Coleman Johnson (SD) Sanders The CHAIRMAN. Are there further Barrett (NE) Cramer Hall (OH) Collins (IL) Johnson, E.B. Sawyer amendments? Bartlett Crane Hall (TX) Collins (MI) Kelly Schiff AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MS. MC KINNEY Barton Crapo Hancock Conyers Kennedy (MA) Schroeder Bateman Cremeans Hastert Coyne Kennedy (RI) Schumer Ms. MCKINNEY. Mr. Chairman, I Bereuter Cunningham Hastings (WA) Davis Kennelly Scott offer an amendment. Bevill Danner Hayes DeFazio Klug Serrano The Clerk read as follows: Bilirakis de la Garza Hayworth DeLauro Kolbe Shays Amendment numbered 16 offered by Ms. Bliley Deal Hefley Dellums Lantos Sisisky Blute DeLay Heineman Deutsch Lazio Skaggs MCKINNEY: After chapter 5 of title XXXI of Boehner Diaz-Balart Herger Dicks Leach Slaughter the bill, insert the following new chapter Bonilla Dickey Hilleary Dingell Levin Spratt (and redesignate the subsequent chapter ac- Bonior Doolittle Hoekstra Dixon Lewis (GA) Stark cordingly and make other appropriate con- Bono Dornan Hoke Doggett Lincoln Stokes forming amendments): Borski Doyle Holden Dooley Lofgren Studds Brewster Dreier Hostettler Durbin Lowey Thomas CHAPTER 6—ARMS TRANSFERS CODE OF Browder Duncan Hunter Edwards Luther Thompson CONDUCT Brownback Dunn Hutchinson Ehrlich Maloney Thurman SEC. 3174. SHORT TITLE. Bryant (TN) Ehlers Hyde Engel Markey Torkildsen This chapter may be cited as the ‘‘Code of Bunn Emerson Inglis Eshoo Martinez Torres Conduct on Arms Transfer Act of 1995’’. Bunning English Istook Evans Martini Torricelli Burr Ensign Jacobs Farr Matsui Towns SEC. 3175. FINDINGS. Burton Everett Johnson, Sam Fattah McCarthy Traficant The Congress finds the following: Buyer Ewing Jones Fawell McHale Upton (1) Approximately 40,000,000 people, over 75 Callahan Fields (TX) Kanjorski Fields (LA) McKinney Velazquez percent civilians, died as a result of civil and Camp Flanagan Kaptur Filner Meehan Vento international wars fought with conventional Canady Foley Kasich Flake Meek Visclosky weapons during the 45 years of the cold war, Chabot Forbes Kildee Foglietta Menendez Ward demonstrating that conventional weapons Chambliss Fowler Kim Ford Mfume Waters Chenoweth Fox King Frank (MA) Miller (CA) Watt (NC) can in fact be weapons of mass destruction. Christensen Frisa Kingston Franks (CT) Mineta Waxman (2) Conflict has actually increased in the Chrysler Funderburk Knollenberg Frelinghuysen Minge White post cold war era, with 34 major wars in Clement Gallegly LaFalce Frost Mink Williams progress during 1993.