ISSN 0972-2173 RNI Regd. No: ORIENG/2000/2296 Vol. 16 • June 2015 • No. 1 EDITORIAL BOARD EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBERS (2013-2015 term) EDITOR President Dr. S.K. Sarangi Dr. S. K. Sarangi 102, Royale Residency Vice-Presidents Plot No. VIP -48, IRC Village, Prof. M.C. Dash Bhubaneswar – 751 015 Prof. Omkar Nath Mohanty Phone: 0674-2551080 General Secretary (I/c) Fax: 0674-2551687 Shri Sujit Kumar Mohanty E-mail:
[email protected] Jt. Secretaries
[email protected] Dr. S.C. Mahala Shri Sujit Kumar Mohanty ADVISORS MEMBERS Treasurer Shri T. Mohanta Prof. Dr. S. Acharya Dr. More Ramulu Members Chairman Principal Scientist Shri Nalini Ranjan Patnaik 155, VIP Colony CSIR-Central Institute of Dr. B. M. Faruque Bhubaneswar – 751 015 Mining & Fuel Research Shri Rajib Lochan Mohanty Nagpur - 440006 Shri Jiban Mohapatra Dr. Rabindra Nath Hota Prof. Dr. Madhab Ch. Dash Prof. Dr. R.N. Hota Dr. R.C. Mohanty 101, Ananda Villa P.G. Dept. of Geology Shri R.N. Patra 45, VIP Area, IRC Village Utkal University Dr. Subhransu Bhusan Ray Bhubaneswar 751015 Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Shri Ardhendu Mohapatra Shri Subhransu Mishra Shri K.C. Pradhan Shri S.N. Padhi Dr. B.K. Mohapatra Shri M.V. Rao A/8, Palaspalli Former Scientist Shri G.C. Das B.D.A. Complex Institute of Minerals and Mrs. Nirupama Das Bhubaneswar – 751 020 Materials Technology Shri S.K. Das Bhubaneswar – 751 013 Shri Pravakar Rout Shri J. K. Hota Shri G.S. Khuntia Dr. S.K. Biswal Shri Sudhakara Adhikaree Shri Sanjay Patnaik Shri Alok Behari Panigrahi Shri Lalit Kumar Tewari, IFS Publication of the Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists Complementary for Members of the Society The statements made or views expressed in articles in this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinion of SGAT SGAT Bulletin Vol.