GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA COMMERCE & TRANSPORT (COM) DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (CIVIL) PORTS & IWT, SOUTH DIVISION, BERHAMPUR EIA/EMP study report for Establishment of Passenger Jetty & Public Rain Shelter at Baradia in Kendrapada District R E P O R T The Directorate of Ports & Inland Water Transport under Commerce & Transport (Com) Department in Government of Odisha provides landing & berthing facilities for launches, mechanized boats, country boats along the Odisha coast by improving the existing ferry ghat to passenger Jetty & Public Rain Shelter. Baradia in Kendrapada district is situated on the right bank of River Baitarani. Commerce & Transport (Com) Department has provided motor launches services from Chandabali to Talchua via Baradia & vice versa to facilitate the communication system through Inland Water Transport as there is no road connectivity to Baradia & its nearby villages from Chandabali, Dhamara & Talchua. Since long, there is a small stone masonry ferry ghat used by the local public. The passengers are facing a lot of difficulties to get-in & get-down especially in low tide situation throughout the year. Hence, it is proposed to improve the old existing ferry ghat into all weather RCC Jetty (for landing & berthing of launches) & Public Rain Shelter (for waiting & sheltering of passengers) for the convenience of the public with an estimated cost of Rs.208.00 Lakh. The area earmarked to establish Jetty & Public Rain Shelter at Kasturikana is coming under Part-II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) of dated the 6th January, 2011, Para- 3(i) (a)-Those directly related to waterfront or directly needing foreshore facilities & Para 8(I) CRZ-I-(ii) (b) -Construction of Jetty/Construction of public rain shelter is within the permissible activities which is not ecologically sensitive and the area adjoining is coming under CRZ-III. As the motor launch are already in service since long, no further environment impact is expected by constructing this small Jetty. Hence required environment clearance may please be accorded. Executive Engineer(C) Director Ports & IWT, South division Ports & IWT, Odisha Berhampur Bhubaneswar Page 1 of 18 Annexure-IV Form-I for seeking Clearance for project attracting CRZ notification Basic information : Commerce & Transport (Com) Department has decided to give facilities to the people of coastal belt those who are using water way for their lively hood in day to day life by constructing the passenger Jetty and Public Rain Shelter in different districts of coastal Odisha. Name of the Project : Improvement to Passenger Jetty & Public Rain shelter at Baradia in Kendrapada District. Location or site alternatives : Baradia Lat. 20°44'20.22" N Long. 86°45'07.87" E under consideration Size of the project (in terms : 0.200 acre. of total area) CRZ classification of the : CRZ-I(B) Intertidal & CRZ-III & CRZ-IV(B) (CRZ Map area attached in ANNEXURE-I ) Expected cost of the project : Rs.2.08 crore Contact Information : Executive Engineer (Civil), Ports & IWT, South Division, Berhampur, Ph No 0680-2404455 (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, and the like) Sl. No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land No The local land use plan stipulates as use, land cover to topography including Baitarani River. Infrastructure increase in intensity of land use (with proposed with regional need. respect to local land use plan) 1.2 Details of CRZ classification as per the CRZ-I(B) (Intertidal area) & approved Coastal Zone Management CRZ-III & CRZ-IV(B)-Tidal Plan? influence area 1.3 Whether located in CRZ-I area? Yes CRZ-I(B) along the tidal influence part of the Baitarani River 1.4 The distance from the CRZ-I areas. It is not within/near CRZ-I (A) but within CRZ-I (B)(Inter tidal area) & CRZ-III & CRZ-IV(B)-Tidal influenced part of the Baitarani River. Page 2 of 18 1.5 Whether located within the hazard zone as No The project itself is directly needed mapped by Ministry of Environment and foreshore facility (Jetty) Forests/National Disaster Management authority? 1.6 Whether the area is prone to cyclone, The area comes within the cyclones, tsunami, tidal surge, seduction, arising from Bay of Bengal and earthquake etc.? normal coastal flood plane seismic- III Zone and no record of Tsunami. (Disaster management report attached in ANNEXURE –II) . 1.7 Whether the area is prone for saltwater No ingress? 1.8 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and No The land is free from vegetation and buildings? buildings. 1.9 Creation of new land uses? No The site is presently used as passenger ghat. 1.10 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore Yes Standard Penetration Test for soil hole, soil testing? investigation executed. 1.11 Construction works? Yes Jetty & public rain shelter is to be constructed. 1.12 Demolition works? No 1.13 Temporary sites used for construction No works or housing of construction workers? 1.14 Above ground buildings, structures or Yes The water front structures with earthworks including linear structures, cut allied facilities as detailed in DPR and fill or excavations have been proposed above Ground Level. 1.15 Underground works including mining or No tunneling? 1.16 Reclamation works? No 1.17 Dredging/reclamation/land filling/disposal No of dredged material etc.? 1.18 Offshore structures? No 1.19 Production and manufacturing processes? No Page 3 of 18 1.20 Facilities for storage of goods or No materials? 1.21 Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid No waste or liquid effluents? 1.22 Facilities for long term housing of No operational workers? 1.23 New road, rail or sea traffic during No construction or operation? 1.24 New road, rail, air waterborne or other No transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? 1.25 Closure or diversion of existing transport No routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? 1.26 New or diverted transmission lines or No pipelines? 1.27 Impoundment, damming, culverting, No realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? 1.28 Stream and river crossings? No 1.29 Abstraction or transfers of water form No ground or surface waters? 1.30 Changes in water bodies or the land No The structure will be constructed surface affecting drainage or run-off? over the RCC pile foundation (framed structure) for free water movement & avoid siltation. 1.31 Transport of personnel or materials for Yes Transport of materials for civil construction, operation or construction required during decommissioning? construction period. 1.32 Long-term dismantling or No decommissioning or restoration works? 1.33 Ongoing activity during decommissioning No which could have an impact on the environment? 1.34 Influx of people to an area in either No The people will use the jetty as per temporarily or permanently? previous normal day to day use with better safety condition. 1.35 Introduction of alien species? No Page 4 of 18 1.36 Loss of native species or genetic No diversity? 1.37 Any other actions? No 2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply): Sl. No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data. 2.1 Land especially undeveloped or No Kissam- Jalachara, Govt. land agricultural land(ha) 2.2 Water (expected source & competing Yes 3-5 KLD for constructional phase users) unit: KLD from existing water supply and 0.50 KLD of Water for operational phase will meet from existing water source. 2.3 Minerals (MT) No 2.4 Construction material- stone, Yes During construction granite stone & aggregates, sand/soil (expected source- stone aggregates, Sand will be MT). meeting from nearby approved quarries. 2.5 Forests and timber (source-MT) No 2.6 Energy including electricity and fuels No Day time operation only (source, competing users) Unit: fuel(MT), energy(MW) 2.7 Any other natural resources(use No appropriate standard units) 3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. Sl. No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substances or materials, which No are hazardous( as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment(flora, fauna, and water supplies) Page 5 of 18 3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or No affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) 3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. by No Rather it will positively facilitate changing living conditions? living condition of the people. 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who could No Rather this group of people will be be affected by the project e.g. hospital benefited. patients, children, the elderly etc., 3.5 Any other causes, that would affect No local communities, fisher folk, their livelihood, dwelling units of traditional local communities etc. 4. Production of solid waste during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month) Sl. No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data. 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes No 4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and or No commercial wastes) 4.3 Hazardous wastes ( as per Hazardous No Waste Management Rules) 4.4 Other industrial process wastes No 4.5 Surplus product No 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge from No effluent treatment 4.7 Construction or demolition wastes Yes Construction garbage will be generated which will use to fill the low lying land.
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