SCOTLAND’S RIO: Preparations for WHEN A CHILD IS BORN: A woman youth event in Stirling to coincide fostered as a child starts an amazing with in chain of events after she becomes a gather apace. Page 7 mother herself. Page 12-13

No 5497 YOUR NATIONAL NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH Friday December 14 2012 | £1 Same-sex ‘marriage’ OH BABY, WHAT A CELEBRATION! must not be forced on Christian churches I Joseph Devine leads the condemnation of Prime Minister David Cameron’s plans to legalise same-sex ‘marriages,’ throughout UK, even in churches By Ian Dunn

BISHOP Joseph Devine of Motherwell leads a chorus of principled objection to Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement that he plans to force same-sex ‘marriage’ legislation across the UK by 2014. Bishop Devine (right) also said the Prime Min- ister was ‘devoid of moral competence,’ ‘out of his depth’ and could not be trusted as it emerged this week that the Coalition Government’s consultation on same-sex ‘marriage’ had discounted half a mil- lion objections to any redefinition of marriage. Cameron came after Bishop Devine wrote to the Glasgow City Council held a Baby’s First Christmas event at Glasgow City Chambers, on Saturday December Prime Minister and said he was a false friend of 8. At the event, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia presented Baby Keira Rose Graham with a silver snow flake and UK plans a certificate to mark her first Christmas. Approximately 240 silver snow flakes and certificates—to those Christianity, claiming to be an advocate for tradi- who registered—were handed out. The archbishop is pictured above with Keira Rose, her mum and dad, The UK Government, following the Scottish Gov- tional values while actually constantly undermin- Pauline and Lee, and big brothers, Jordan 9 and Lee 7. The family are parishioners of St , ernment’s lead, this week published details of its plan ing the family and religious freedom. Househillwood, where Jordan is an altar server and mum works for LIFE PIC: PAUL McSHERRY to legalise same-sex ‘marriage,’ with untested pro- “You vacillate, ambivalent about the role you tection for churches, after claiming its consultation wish to perform—the disciple of David or Nero,” had found a majority of respondents in favour of the bishop stated in his letter. “With such a con- The bishop also stressed that the said. “Such a change is of immense significance. such a radical change. This result was based on the tradiction between your statements and actions, on will endure much longer than any government. By this change, he is luring the people of England responses of around 228,000 people who took part what basis can you expect anyone—Christians in “The Christian Church is a fact of history, an away from their common Christian values and in the consultation earlier this year, the vast majority particular—to trust or respect you?” Incarnation of Christianity,” he told the Prime Christian patrimony, and forcing upon us a brave of whom submitted anonymous online forms to the Nero is known as the first-century emperor who Minister. “Christ created a Church for all time, not new world, artificially engineered.” government. However, petitions organised by cam- had Christians burned in his garden at night to pro- to suit the specific mores of an era. It embraces The bishop added that Catholic voters should paigners, in which more than 500,000 people vide a source of light. every nation and culture known to man and has never forget that Mr Cameron seems determined to opposed plans to redefine marriage to include same- Accusing the Prime Minister of acting with withstood the rise and fall of empires over two destroy marriage. “The institution of marriage has its sex couples—were ignored by the consultation. ‘indecent haste’ to legalise same-sex ‘marriage,’ millennia and all this without any direction and ups and downs,” he said. “But will we ever forget “We strongly oppose such a bill,” Archbishop the bishop said he was sure he had further plans to guidance from you or your peer group.” that it was the leader of the Conservative Party who Vincent Nichols of Westminster and Archbishop undermine Christianity. finally destroyed marriage as a lasting, loving and Peter Smith of Southwark said in a joint statement. “I suspect it is only a matter of time before you Opposition life-giving union between a man and a woman?” “Furthermore, the process by which this has hap- go one step further and outlaw the teaching of The UK Government’s plans to redefine marriage The Society for the Protection of Unborn Chil- pened can only be described as shambolic.” Christian doctrine on sexual morality on the follow in the footsteps of First Minister Alex dren (SPUC) pro-life group has written to every Culture secretary Maria Miller’s promise of guar- grounds of discrimination,” he wrote. “So what Salmond’s Scottish Government, which unveiled MP urging them to reject the Coalition Govern- antees that no religious groups would be required to next for David Cameron’s spiritual mission?” similar legislation earlier this year. ment’s same-sex ‘marriage’ bill, saying that the conduct same-sex ‘marriages’ against their will—a Mr Salmond was roundly criticised by the Scot- group will actively campaign against MPs who ‘quadruple lock’—is already the focus of potential Rift tish for his approach and Mr Cameron has back any redefinition of marriage. legal challenges. Meanwhile Scottish Ministers, who Bishop Devine said the Catholic Church in the UK now received similarly robust criticism from the A Conservative MP has called the UK Govern- have already decided they want to redefine marriage, could not and would not co-operate with a man of English hierarchy. ment’s plans to allow same-sex ‘marriage’ politi- are preparing to consult on proposed legislation to be Mr Cameron’s morals. “Despite huge opposition from Christians, Jews cally ‘barking mad.’ Monmouth MP David Davies put to the Scottish Parliament. “So far as the Roman Catholic Church is con- and Muslims alike, by attempting to change the nat- also said the party risks losing a ‘large number of cerned, you are out of your depth,” he said. “We ural meaning of marriage, he seems utterly deter- very loyal activists’ if it went ahead. False friend will take no finger-prodding lectures from anyone mined to undermine one of the key foundations of This latest undermining of Christian values by Mr or any group devoid of moral competence.” our society,” Bishop Philip Egan of Portsmouth I [email protected]

ARCHBISHOP PARISH PRAYS CATH DOHERTY ASKS Tartaglia calls for for nurse who if we are doing a renewed effort took her own life enough to form at spiritual growth after DJs’ call to young Catholics in during Advent pregnant Duchess the Faith? FORMATION ROYAL PRANK ROYAL

Page 3 ADVENT MESSAGE Page 8 Page 10 visit

SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 PICTURE NEWS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012


Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on children of Sacred Heart Primary School, Bridgeton, Homecoming celebration for the archbishop in Govan at a recent at the city’s St Andrew’s Cathedral. Mgr Christopher McElroy, administrator of the cathedral, joined Archbishop Tartaglia By Martin Dunlop there. And, if it is not stretching a point, there Archbishop Philip Tartaglia pictured alongside in celebrating the Mass, which was attended by staff, pupils, parents is another connection: my uncle, my Mum’s St Anthony’s parish priest Fr Peter Dowling, Sr and friends of Sacred Heart Primary School Christina and Sr Penny from St Anthony’s Nursing PICS: PAUL McSHERRY ARCHBISHOP Philip Tartaglia of Glas- brother, played for the famous St Anthony’s Home and parishioners from the Govan church gow marked the Second Sunday of football team, and there are photographs of PIC: PAUL McSHERRY Advent by celebrating Mass with the com- him proudly wearing the StAnthony’s colours. munity of StAnthony’s Church in Govan. “I know these connections don’t make me a Archbishop Tartaglia also noted that St The celebration also marked the 50th true Govanite, like Sir Alex Ferguson or Peter Julian was Canonised at the end of the anniversary of the Canonisation of St Peter Jimmy Reid, but I am pretty sure that I am the First Session of the , Julian Eymard, the founder of the Congre- firstArchbishop of Glasgow to have been born in December 1962. gation of the Blessed Sacrament, to whom in Govan. That must count for something!” “In our time, as we mark the 50th anniver- St Anthony’s parish is currently entrusted. The archbishop, who was joined in cele- sary of the Second Vatican Council in this Speaking to the congregation, Archbishop brating the Mass by Fr Peter Dowling SSS, Year of Faith, we are called to a New Evan- Tartaglia noted with surprise that, despite spoke to the congregation, including chil- gelisation, which wishes to build on the being from Glasgow and a priest of the arch- dren and staff from the local St Saviour’s authentic renewal set in motion by the coun- diocese, Sunday’s Mass marked the first Primary School, about St Peter Julian and cil, celebrating the Eucharist with a greater time he had ‘participated in an act of wor- the Blessed Sacrament Congregation. devotion, worshipping the Lord in the ship’ at St Anthony’s. “St Peter Julian, who lived in 19th century Eucharist with a greater intensity, and evan- “However, I can boast a connection with France, was initially a Marist Brother, a man gelising our communities with a deeper Govan and with StAnthony’s,” he said. “I was of prayer and penance and pastoral energy,” sense of mission, proposing once again to born in St Francis Nursing Home here in he said. “With that solid foundation, St Peter one another and to the people of our time, Govan, and I have always been very proud Julian founded the Blessed Sacrament Con- with joy, with candour and openness the per- and happy to acknowledge that. I think my gregation, an institute dedicated to living the son of Jesus Christ,” he said. Mum must have found it a good place to have mystery of the Eucharist in prayer, worship her babies, for the first four of us were born and in evangelising activity.” I [email protected] Scots College in Rome appoints five new lectors 'LRFHVH RI 3DLVOH\ BISHOP Emeritus Peter Moran of Aberdeen visited Carols in the Cathedral the Scots College in Rome last month as the number of $ &KULVWPDV FDURO VHUYLFH IRU DOO WKH IDPLO\ lectors at the college was increased by five. Bishop Moran, in his instruc- tion to the Lectorandi before their commissioning, under- lined the importance of the Word of God in the life of the Church and insisted, therefore, on the importance of adequate preparation and appropriate disposition in those who would be formally commissioned by the Church to proclaim the Word of God. The bishop also spent time making much of the concept of ministry and on the need for the ‘service’ of the Word to be a Thursday 27th December 2012 @ 2.30pm focus not just for any liturgical proclamation, but the need for every aspect of the lives of the 6W 0LULQ¶V &DWKHGUDO ZLWK FDUROV OHG E\ WKH GLRFHVDQ FKRLU Lectors to proclaim God’s Word. Fr John Hughes, the rector of 6SHFLDO FROOHFWLRQ IRU Scots College, had welcomed Bishop Moran at the beginning cerned with the preparation and commitment to the Church and The lectors with Bishop Moran: 635(' 3DLVOH\ of the Eucharist and, at the end celebration of the Liturgy. wished them well as they moved (from left) Paul Denney, Jonathan of Mass, the vice-rector thanked He thanked the new lectors into this new manner of living Whitworth, Mark McLean, Colum 'LRFHVDQ


NEWS pages 1-9 VATICAN NEWS page 9 INTIMATIONS pages 17-20 STRONG IN FAITH page 4 OPINION pages 10-11 BISHOPS’ ENGAGEMENTS page 20 LOCAL NEWS pages 2,3,5,7 FEATURES pages 12-13, 21 LAY READERS GUIDE page 22 SCHOOLS NEWS page 6 LETTERS page 14 GÀIDHLIG page 23 NATIONAL NEWS page 8 CHILDREN’S LITURGY page 16 VOCATIONS page 24 Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH NEWS 3 Catholics called to be brave this Advent Archbishop Tartaglia of Glasgow speaks of real ‘reason for the season,’ and preparations

By Ian Dunn should be ‘put again at the centre of the pastoral activity of the Church.” THE ARCHBISHOP of Glasgow has called on Catholics to embrace Veneration of Our Lady Advent as a season for spiritual Finally, he recalls that the other great fig- growth and to recall the real ‘reason ure of Advent is Our Lady and suggests for the season.’ that She should be specially venerated at In an Advent message, Archbishop this time of year. Philip Tartaglia (right) suggests Catholics “Early in the season, we celebrate Her should take on this challenge by reading being made ready for the role She would the Catechism of the Catholic Church, play in the salvation of the world through returning to the Sacrament of Reconcilia- Her which we God’s loving plan in schools tion with family and friends and renewing celebrate on December 8,” the archbishop devotion to Our Lady. says. “There is a lovely custom in Rome THE Scottish Catholic Edu- ing them for teachers.” “All around us seems to point to Christ- whereby the travels to the Spanish cation Service has released a He said that he hopes teach- mas, the music on our radios (and in the Steps each year on that date with a flower document called God’s Lov- ers will respond with ‘examples shops!); the decorated squares; the TV wreath to present to the statue of Our Lady ing Plan to give guidance on of resources and materials’ they adverts and the street markets selling dead’ may be hard to reconcile but it is which towers above. The wreath is handed the teaching of relationships have been using successfully baubles and toys,” the Archbishop’s well worth doing. over to the Rome Fire Brigade who ensure education in Catholic pri- that they could help ‘share Advent message reads. “Yet we have “During the Year of Faith why not pick its safe delivery with the help of a mary schools. across the country.’ another season to enjoy and to fully up again the Catechism of the Catholic turntable ladder! While such traditions The service is looking for The background for this doc- embrace before that Christmas season Church?” he also advises. “You will find may be a bit beyond us in Glasgow it parents and teachers to come ument is that Christian moral arrives—Advent. I have often thought there plenty of nourishment on these would be good to see families making a back to them with comments teaching positively affirms all that it is a shame that we tend to overlook themes for your own prayer life.” special effort to get to Mass on this day to and suggestions so they can human life as precious and wor- the great riches of the Advent period in Also he calls on Catholics and their honour Our Lady.” improve it. thy of development. The basis our eager anticipation of Christmas, just families to go to Confession. By taking these measures, the arch- Michael McGrath (above), of Christian morality is that as it is a pity that we pull down the shut- “Try to go to Confession and to receive bishop says the true meaning of Advent director of the Scottish Catholic God has a loving plan for each ters on the Christmas season on Decem- God’s mercy and forgiveness in the Sacra- can be restored. Education Service, said the of us—to help us to find love in ber 26, when in fact, there is so much ment of Penance,” he says. “And be “Please try to sustain the season in your move was a ncessary update to our relationships with family, more to celebrate and explore in the litur- brave—try to get your friends and family hearts and homes even when secular soci- bring lessons into line with the with friends and, for some, in gical season of Christmastide.” members to do likewise! There are many ety has long forgotten it,” he says. “For us, modern curriculum. the lifelong, exclusive loving extra opportunities for Confession in the Christmas is much more than a brief “In part, this is about bring- relationship that is marriage. Advent themes run up to Christmas. Please make use of moment of mid-winter goodwill, but is a ing the new health education In addition, the four key The archbishop says the two themes of them. At the recent Synod of Bishops, new engagement with the person of Jesus, material into a Catholic frame- themes promoted by the docu- Advent ‘preparation for the coming of which I attended in Rome, the bishops the best gift ever given and the unique work as that is essentially a ment are: God gives me life, Christ in the manger of Bethlehem’ and from all round the world asked the Holy hope of humanity.” moral issue for us.” he said. God delights in me, God calls also ‘the reminder of Christ’s final com- Father to encourage a renewed discovery “Updating resources that we me to love and God’s loving ing in glory to judge the living and the of the Sacrament of Penance, asking that it I [email protected] have been using and reconfigur- plan guides my choices.

Is your parish compliant Survey says Catholics can Thomas Marin James Scott Independent Funeral Directors Funeral Directors after the digital switch? benefit from Bible studies “Stay local... keep it in the Your local Independent Funeral Director family... offer a prompt Over eighty years of giving undivided attention, A SURVEY commissioned Bible as an act of prayer (21 per and personal service 24 24 hour care and a level of service DOZENS of Scottish new 4G mobile technologies. by the Bible Society has sug- cent), to seek guidance (16 per hours a day... make it parishes could unwittingly The effect is that many wireless gested that British Catholics cent) or because something they second to none. The only independent, be breaking the law come microphones legally in use may need greater help in read, heard or watched inspired affordable.” family-owned business in the area. January 1 as a result of the today will conflict with these deepening their knowledge them to read it (12 per cent). Thomas Marin 1926 Let our family look after your family recent digital broadcasting signals and will be outlawed and use of the Bible each day. Bishop Kieran Conry, chairman Three generations later, his words are just switchover. come the New Year. The survey involved more than of the English Bishops’ Depart- as important to our family business today. 314 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh EH15 2DA According to national spe- Not all equipment will be 1000 Catholics and found that 57 ment of Evangelisation and Cat- 62-64 St Mary Street, Tel: 0131 556 7192 or Edinburgh EH1 1SX Tel: 0131 669 6333 cialist retailer and installer affected by the changes, but the per cent of churchgoing Catholics echesis, expressed concern. 0131 556 6874 (24 hrs) or 0131 669 1285 (24hrs) EAV Pro Audio, many churches technicalities can be compli- do not read the Bible week-by- “This does encourage us to 7 Bridge Street, Musselburgh EH21 6AA which use wireless microphone cated by the number of micro- week outside of a Church setting provide further resources to help Tel: 0131 665 6925 systems could be unaware they phones in use, the location and and around eight in ten of non- Catholics and others to read the will be breaking the law. frequency settings that are cur- churchgoing Catholics (81 per Bible more and use it as a source Following the switchover this rently being used. cent) read the Bible seldom or of prayer and personal spiritual year, some of the radio frequen- never. growth,” he said. “A national cies currently used by wireless I Wireless microphone users Given a defined list of adjec- Scripture Working Group has microphones are being re-allo- can check their compliance by tives, churchgoing Catholics would been set up, in partnership with cated to allow the broadcast of using the special free tool at be most likely to describe it as the Bible Society. This working Freeview television signals and ‘guiding,’ ‘inspiring,’ and ‘impor- group has resourced Catholic tant;’ non-churchgoing Catholics Bible Sunday this weekend and MMancuniaancunia would use the words ‘tradi- also, during this Year of Faith, READ THE SCO BLOG CROSS WIRES AT tional,’ ‘historical’and ‘guiding.’ offered Scripture tweets, as well JJoinoin UUss in tthehe YYearear ofof FFaithaith When asked why they last read as making preparations for a the Bible, churchgoing Catholics National Bible Conference, on were more likely to be reading the April 24-26, 2013 in Durham. 22013013 BROCHUREBROOCHURE nnowow aavailable.vailable. PleasePlease CARDINAL KEITH O’BRIEN explains in his Our YEAR IN REVIEW pullout section takes a CARDINAL KEITH O’BRIEN explains in his Our YEAR IN REVIEW pullout section takes a Christmas comment how the Year of look back at some of the major Catholic Christmas comment how the Year of look back at some of the major Catholic Faith should signify a year of action for news stories that made the headlines at Faith should signify a year of action for news stories that made the headlines at Catholics. Page 10 home and abroad in 2012. Pages 21-28 Don’t miss the double Christmas and New Year edition of Catholics. Page 10 home and abroad in 2012. Pages 21-28 contactcontact usus forfor a copycopy No 5498 YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH December 21-28 2012 | £2 your Scottish Catholic Observer. No 5498 YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH December 21-28 2012 | £2 £2 £2 CHRISTMAS/ CHRISTMAS/ NEW YEAR NEW YEAR DOUBLE EDITION DOUBLE EDITION LLOURDESOURDES In parishes December 21, priced £2. FFlightslights everyeverryy SaturdaySaturday - MayMay toto SSeptembereptember - DDirectlyirectly iintonto LLourdesourdes You will find messages from Scotland’s bishops, the SCO WWee wwelcomeelcome iindividual,ndividual, andand ggrouproup enquiriesenquiries

THE NATIVITY PIC CNS/ART RESOURCE/ALBUM THE NATIVITY PIC CNS/ART RESOURCE/ALBUM SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] bumper Year in Review section rounding up the Catholic SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] RROMEOME news of 2012, Christmas short stories from James Barclay 4 & 5 NNightsights FFromrom ManchesterManchester HHOLYOLY LLANDAND and KT Brogan, the shortlist for the SCO art and poetry competition, 7 NightsNights fromfrom ManchesterManchester nativities from around the country and much, much more. FFATIMAATIMA 44,, 5 & 7 NightsNights ffromrom LLiverpooliverpool 00161161 790790 68386838 First edition in 2013 in parishes January 4. [email protected] 4 YOUNG CATHOLIC FORUM THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012

A fortnightly discussion chaired by our Catholic strong in faith university chaplaincies

DISCUSSION 4: How should a Catholic approach the issue of Scottish independence?

PIC: PAUL McSHERRY NEXT TIME: What can Catholics do to defend marriage?

CATHOLIC social teaching has If independence can bring government closer to the governed Independence decision subsidiarity as a core principle. communities, that would be a good thing as Chris says. Whether This is the idea that authority is that would happen in reality depends on how the government of best placed as close to the people an independent Scotland would be constituted, what our relation- must be based on love as possible. Scottish independ- ship to the EU would be etc. Many of these issues might of course HERE is far more The argument goes that an ence seems to be in accordance be decided after the referendum. However, I do think we need to be said about a independent Scotland would with this idea. some idea of how these issues would be decided—how much Catholic approach be competent to take any CHRIS McLAUGHLIN Also, I think if we are to assess would be signed and sealed in the transitional period for example, to the issue of decisions currently being Glasgow University the Catholicity or otherwise of how much input would the people have? Scottish inde- made at the UK level and independence then we should We also need to ask the unionist side how they propose to tackle pendence than can possibly would be making them at a subject the union to at least the same degree of scrutiny. Scotland’s problems within the UK. If all was well currently, then be covered in a column of this more local level. Certainly, It should be remembered that the union was a Protestant proj- it would be sufficient for them to place the burden of proof on the size.T Nonetheless, there are many in Scotland have spo- ect devised in part as a military alliance between two Protestant pro-independence lobby, but as I said, it is clear the status quo in certain aspects that any ken of the advantage of nations against the Catholic counter-—to secure the the UK is not good. Therefore, we need to know what the union- Catholic considering the issue being able to lobby and would probably do well to address a parliament in Protestant crown against the perceived threat from Catholic ist vision really is too. consider. Here is a very brief Edinburgh rather than in France and , and as a coalition for the building of empire. I Furthermore, would independence lead to a healthier political overview of some of them. London. That being said, if find it difficult to find a coherent Catholic defence of either of scene? Would we see new parties arise and healthier debate? As Cardinal Keith O’Brien an independent Scottish these objectives. These are some of the questions I think Catholics should con- (above with First Minister Government were to retain sider to try to decide if dissolving the union will lead to more truly Alex Salmond) has pointed all powers centrally, it AS AN American with no real just government of this country. Sadly I do not see much difference out, the Church in Scotland would not really be an appli- opinion on the matter, I hesitate one way or the other when it comes to the advance of secularism. has always been separate cation of subsidiarity. to speak up on this particular dis- from the Church in England Catholic social teaching is cussion. Nonetheless, there was WITH a great deal of prayer, care and Wales, and so there is no about more than the system quite recently in my own country and respec... As Gerald Bonner argument against independ- of government: at its heart, an election which found many highlighted here, and Peter Kear- ence from that point of view. it is concerned with the But nor do ecclesiastical treatment of the human per- Catholics conflicted. Neither one ney, director of the Scottish boundaries have to follow son; in the way power is dis- EMERSON STEVENS of the candidates—though inter- Catholic Media Office said in a Strathclyde University civic ones, or vice versa. tributed, but above all in the estingly enough, both had recent Media Matters in the SCO: It seems quite clear that way it is used. There are cur- Catholic running-mates—was “Mass attendance has not col- there will be significant rently many threats to the without his flaws, and both subscribed to beliefs and practices lapsed in recent years to anything political upheaval in the most vulnerable in our soci- which Catholics find problematic. In short, there was not then, nor like the same extent as the decline coming years, whichever ety, at every stage of life. is there in this instance a perfect or obvious situation—if there in press and politics.” To para- way the referendum goes. Again, we must ask ourselves was, we really wouldn’t need to discuss it. phrase, people are still listening to the Word of God but are turn- The current political cli- whether we think that the I think Chris’s arguments are both valid—and indeed, I had not ing away from politics and current affairs. Perhaps it is time our mate, as demonstrated by most vulnerable in our soci- considered the circumstances surrounding the formation of the elected officials took note of this and realise that the increasingly issues such as same-sex ety would be better served by United Kingdom—though I could equally find myself being secular society that some of them aim to promote or preside over ‘marriage’ and euthanasia, an independent Scotland, or suggests that a new constitu- by continued union. It could swayed by convincing unionist arguments. is not capturing the imagination or interest of voters. tional settlement at this time be risky to take such a long- Ultimately, I think the matter should come down to the personal And Catholics need to stay active and involved as modern Scot- might not be particularly term decision based on conscience of the individual voter, and whichever course he or land takes shape and the future emerges, be it independent or favourable to religious free- potential short-term out- she best feels will promote the common good and the Kingdom of otherwise. dom and Christian morality. comes, but nor can such God on earth. But nor is the current situa- issues be ignored. I Have your say at tion, as Bishop Joseph One thing that is for sure THERE is currently a great dis- Devine made clear in his is that every Catholic must connect between the electorate Do you have a question you recent letter to Prime Minis- take a very serious look at and politicians. The low turnouts would like young Catholics to ter David Cameron, with the issue of independence, observed at most elections are criticism touching all three and reach a prudential deci- worrying, but also understandable answer or an issue you would main parties at Westminster. sion about the best way for- Would the constitutional set- when there are so few politicians like them to tackle? Call in with ward. That decision must be tlement for an independent based above all on love: of substance in any of the parties, suggestions on 0141 221 4956 or Scotland be better or worse love of God, and love of GERALD BONNER and there is significant corruption Strathclyde University e-mail: [email protected] than that for the UK? neighbour. In the coming as seen in the expenses scandals. Beyond any constitutional months, we should pray for settlement, however, it could guidance as we balance the be argued that an independ- issues on both sides of the ent Scotland would be a bet- debate. We should pray also ter application of the that, whatever the outcome JOIN STRONG IN FAITH, THE ONLINE DISCUSSION GROUP FOR principle of subsidiarity. of the referendum, God This is the idea that deci- might be glorified, the YOUNG CATHOLICS THAT WILL FEATURE IN THE SCOTTISH sions should be taken as inalienable dignity of every CATHOLIC OBSERVER DURING THE YEAR OF FAITH. locally or as ‘low down’ as human person might be possible: by the individual, respected, and the inherent VISIT HTTP://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SCOSTRONGINFAITH the family, the local commu- worth of every human life nity, the nation, and so on. might be valued.

EWTN CATHOLIC TV IS ON SKY EPG 589 Sky Freesat £175 total cost , no monthly charges. REFRESH YOUR FAITH BETWEEN MASSES WITH THE 200 Free channels including EWTN TV & Radio. Call Sky on 08442411602 for installation. Call EWTN on 020 83502542 or e-mail [email protected] for free monthly posted programme guide and visit for more info. Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH LOCAL NEWS 5 Ease suffering of asylum seekers Archbishop Tartaglia calls on civil leaders to do more to protect vulnerable immigrants

By Martin Dunlop was arranged by Glasgow-based voluntary organisation the UNITY Centre. ARCHBISHOP Philip Tartaglia of “It is still deplorable that dawn raids are Glasgow is calling on those in posi- taking place, the government has to put a tions of civil authority ‘to ease the stop to this,” Ms Clarke said. “Children are burden of suffering’ on refused asy- being taken from their beds and have to see lum seekers in the city, who have been their parents being put in handcuffs.” ‘forced into destitution.’ At Monday’s demonstration, UKBA The archbishop’s pending Christmas officials and police detained a man Asbestos find may derail former message will come as a peaceful demon- dressed as Santa (left), who had spent nine stration against dawn raids was held out- hours on a tripod blocking the entrance to side the UK Border Agency (UKBA) the UKBA reporting centre, at Brand seminary refurbishment plans headquarters in Glasgow on Monday. Street, Glasgow. The demonstration, which took place on “I am taking this action to stop any PLANS for the refurbish- opment: “Over the years International Human Rights Day, followed more children from being detained by the ment of one of Scotland’s numerous signs have been the dawn raid on Sunday December 2, UKBA like little 4-year-old Shahmer who, great modernist structures, installed by the archdiocese on which saw the Hussain family—a family pelled to scrape some sort of survival on with his two teenage sisters and mum and St Peter’s Seminary in the perimeter fencing around of five, whose youngest child is four years the street,” Archbishop Tartaglia will say dad, was arrested in his home last week by Cardross, have been hit after the building warning the public old—removed from their Glasgow home. in his message for Christmas. the UKBA,” the protestor said. “I am it was revealed that the of the danger of entering the “I would appeal to all those in positions shocked that children can be locked up in building contains asbestos. site, and obviously this is Shelter of civil authority to ease the burden of suf- this way when the government pledged Last year, Glasgow Archdio- another significant reason to In his Christmas message, Archbishop fering of these people, to allow them the they would never do this again.” cese, the owners of St Peter’s, stay away from the building.” Tartaglia notes that he has ‘particular con- basic human requirements of shelter and Ms Clarke added that she understands arranged the sale of the Cardross NVA said the asbestos cern for people in our own back yard who sustenance and to engage with them so that the Hussain family is currently being site to Scottish public arts charity removal is due to take place in may be forced to spend the festive period that they might make their contribution to kept at Cedars pre-departure accommoda- NVA, which aims to raise £10mil- spring next year, adding that it far from home and family, sheltering the common good. tion in the south of England. lion to help save and restore the is the first crucial step in bring- under a bridge, in a doorway or on a cold “All of us can reach out this Christmas, She described as a ‘partial victory,’ derelict seminary building. ing the building back into floor because they have been forced into not only to the destitute asylum seeker, but to however, the news that a Glasgow Asylum A report commissioned by public use. destitution.’ the many forgotten souls in our midst, per- Seekers eviction court case, which was the archdiocese has, however, “All asbestos must be treated “These unfortunate people are refused haps a lonely neighbour or elderly relative.” due to be heard on Tuesday December 4, found that fragments of the with extreme care, the building asylum seekers who came to this country has been adjourned until January 28. hazardous material asbestos are is open to the elements and all to escape war and persecution, who found Dawn raids present on every floor of the floors contain fragments of themselves in Glasgow, and who, after Carol Clarke, of Justice and Peace Scot- I Archbishop Tartaglia’s full message in former seminary building. materials which should not be several years here, must now face a Christ- land, a commission of the Bishops’ Con- the SCO next week Tony Davy, chairman of handled by the public,” a mas turned out of their meagre dwellings, ference of Scotland, attended the recent Cardross Community Council, spokesman for the charity said. their paltry benefits stopped and com- demonstrations against dawn raids, which I [email protected] said that councillors were “The removal of all potentially ‘amazed’ the asbestos had only hazardous material is included just been discovered and that NVA in the first phase of the on- had not reported it to the council. going capital development of Family heirlooms that make a difference Mr Davy added that the com- the project and is a positive munity council was extremely measure. The site is already concerned for the many ramblers cordoned off to the public.” By Canon Bernard Canning at St Mary’s, Calton. and dog walkers who routinely The A-listed Gillespie, Kidd He was remanded in custody visit the site, as well as members and Coia designed St Peter’s THE debt owed by the Scot- for almost three months after a of the public who travel specifi- building (above) was con- tish Church to Ireland is Sinn Féin prisoner escaped on cally to see the A-listed building structed in the 1960s as a train- widely acknowledged and May 4, 1921 from a prison van and venture inside. ing college for priests, but it the continuing legacy of in Glasgow, his prison officer A spokesman for Glasgow was deconsecrated in the 1980s Irish priests comes vividly was shot and killed. It was later Archdiocese said of the devel- and is currently lying derelict. home in the form of the fate proven that Fr Patrick Simon of two chalices. had been attending a sick parishioner at the time of the War legacy incident and all charges against FIND AND LIKE THE Kerry Diocese gave a total of 74 him were dropped on July 22, priests on loan to Scotland in the 1921. At that time he was pre- SCOTTISH CATHOLIC 150 years following the Catholic sented with a chalice bearing Emancipation Act of 1829 and Irish symbols by the congrega- OBSERVER PAGE ON 1979, a sizeable percentage of tion of St Mary’s. FACEBOOK the 713 priests Ireland’s 27 dio- He later died following sur- cese loaned in total. gery for appendicitis on April Two of the Derry group were 11, 1924 and was buried at St of the same surname—McRory, Mary’s Churchyard, Kill- McGory or MacCrory—James clogher, Omagh. McGrory (Glasgow 1909) and His chalice was taken across Patrick Simon MacCrory to the North of Ireland to sev- (Glasgow 1919). eral places, including Errigal LEISURE TIME TRAVEL One of Fr James McGory’s parish by Fr James Logan, a 2013 “SPECIAL DEPARTURES” 2013 final requests before he died on contemporary of Fr MacCrory Christmas Day last year was on loan to Scotland at St LOURDES By AIR that his chalice be returned to Mary’s Paisley. In the end, Fr Edinburgh - Toulouse the safe keeping of the McGory the Western Front and he sur- It arrived this year for the Patrick Simon’s family asked family in Dunree. And what a vived with war wounds that he safe-keeping of Fr James’ the archivist from Paisley Dio- 14 July - 4 days - £475 tale it tells. bore for the rest of his life. grand-niece, Tracey McGory, cese, myself Canon Canning, to Full Board in Lourdes James was born in 1881 in After convalescing he returned with the inspiring and challeng- find it a permanent home. Desertegney, Dunree, Bucrana, to active service in ing message ‘It’s your responsi- It was given to the Museum 3 Star Hotel. Airport Coach Transfers County Donegal and ordained a Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. bility now.’ of St Columb’s College Derry, priest in Rome in 1909. In the He recorded his experiences as where the late priest was a stu- ROME By AIR same year, he was appointed to he saw them in his war diary, Second chalice dent from 1910-1912. Glasgow - Rome Glasgow Archdiocese until now in the safe custody of the Fr Patrick Simon MacCrory’s Bishop Seamus Hegarty of 1914, serving at Holy Cross, Record Office Belfast, gifted by chalice (above in the hands of Derry used it at a Mass of dedi- 27 June - 6 days - £699 Crosshill until 1913, and St Derry Diocese. Canon Canning) tells a differ- cation of the new windows in Half Board in Rome Anne’s, Dennistoun 1913-14. The year before he died in ent but equally fascinating the college oratory. 3 Star Hotel. Airport Coach Transfers On recall to Derry, he was 1952, Fr James gifted a chalice story. He was born on Septem- appointed to St John’s, Col- that served him in the trenches to ber 12, 1984 in Deerpark, Cap- I Confusion surrounding the eraine 1915-1917 and then as his then recently ordained pagh, County Tyrone, and was MacRory the surname goes Go to Leisure Time Travel Pilgrimages chaplain to the British forces nephew, Fr Camillus McGory educated by the Christian back to the 16th and 17th on facebook for our pilgrims comments. century census of 1659. The 1917-1919 during the Second before he spent the rest of his brothers, Omagh then in Derry Our 2013 brochure is available soon. World War in France with the own life in the United States. Fr and Maynooth. true Gaelic sept of MacRory Connaught Rangers. Cammollus’ last wish before he Fr Patrick Simon was belongs to County Tyrone. LEISURE TIME TRAVEL Fr James was severely died on Christmas Day last year ordained a priest for Derry on Cardinal Joseph MacRory wounded in October 21, 1917 in was that his uncle’s chalice be July 6, 1919 and sent on loan to was born on March 1861 in 0151 287 8000 the Battle of Passchendaele on returned to his family in Dunree. Glasgow the same year, serving Ballgawley, County Tyrone 5097 6 SCHOOLS NEWS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012 St Mary’s Primary School celebrates a new beginning Cardinal O’Brien joins Lanark school community for a special Mass to mark the opening and blessing of a new school building and nursery By Martin Dunlop Cardinal O’Brien is joined by Fr Joseph Brannigan, acting headteacher Joanne Droy, Mrs Weightman, Mrs Martin—a STAFF and pupils of St Mary’s parent and the celebration’s pianist—St Primary School in Lanark were Mary’s pupils and Servers Abigail Wilson, delighted to welcome Cardinal Keith Chloe Anis, Hannah Nicolson and Niamh O’Brien as a special visitor lastThurs- Shanks PIC: PAUL McSHERRY day as the community’s new school and nursery building was blessed moved into earlier this year. during the celebration of Mass. Cardinal O’Brien recalled that his Despite the harsh winter weather, predecessor, Cardinal Thomas Win- Cardinal O’Brien made his way to ning, former Archbishop of Glasgow, Lanark, and was greeted with a warm had once said to him that ‘it must have reception by young pupils and mem- been great for our predecessors, going bers of the local community. around opening things while we are Speaking to the children during the now going around closing things.’ Mass, the cardinal informed them that “That is why it is great to be coming the history of their school goes way here today and opening a new school,” back to 1860. the cardinal—who, at the beginning of Sisters from the Daughters of Char- Mass, blessed every classroom in the ity order, representatives of which school individually—said. “This is were present at last week’s Mass, were such a wonderful and happy occasion.” the first teachers at the school, the car- Fr Joseph Brannigan, school chap- dinal informed pupils. lain and parish priest at St Mary’s Church, concelebrated the Mass and Fresh start thanked Cardinal O’Brien for attend- In 1939, a replacement school for St ing and taking the time to meet all St Mary’s was built, a building that still Mary’s children in their classrooms. partly serves as a parish hall at the Joanne Droy, acting headteacher at St special and memorable occasion for guests, participating in the Mass and who had given so much of her time in town’s St Mary’s Church. Mary’s, spoke on behalf of the whole everybody connected with the school.’ singing beautifully to the selected preparation for the Mass and to teach This building was to serve the school community when she said it had hymns. the children the hymns, as well as per- young Catholic community of Lanark been ‘an honour and a privilege’to have Top performance There remained time at the close of forming expertly on the piano. until today’s new school building was Cardinal O’Brien blessing the new St Mary’s pupils performed key duties the celebrations to make a special completed, which staff and pupils school building on what was a ‘very throughout the afternoon, welcoming presentation to parent Mrs Martin, I [email protected]

St Catherine’s pupils rewarded by city for foreign charity work

YOUNG pupils from St Catherine’s Primary School in Edinburgh have been recognised by the city coun- cil for their charity links with Mexico and Nicaragua. St Catherine’s won a highly commended award in the cate- gory of ‘Inclusion and Citizen- ship’ at the recent City of Edinburgh Council Achieve- ment Awards, which were held at the city’s Assembly Rooms. The ceremony, hosted by Scottish broadcaster Grant Irish eyes smile on Taekwondo champ Stott, celebrated the work done by schools and community AN S6 pupil from St Aidan’s The St Aidan’s pupil was one groups all over Edinburgh in a High School in Wishaw has of five in the squad that secured variety of categories. been celebrating after adding an the silver medal as a result of its St Catherine’s Justice and Irish title to her crown as Scot- fantastic performance. Peace group was recognised for tish Taekwondo Champion. Pamela also entered the indi- its work and links with the Pamela McGowan (above), vidual events at the champi- charity Casa Alianza in Mexico tion, they have won the Fair- issues,” the extract said. “They and People Planet and continue who has been the Scottish Taek- onships and was delighted to and Nicaragua. trade school of the year award. have established a cultural to develop their eco status.” wondo Champion for her age win the gold medal in the spar- An extract from the council’s “Pupils throughout the exchange with street children in Shown above, pupils Tobe group and belt grade since 2009, ring discipline, making her the official winners list commended school are involved in a num- Mexico through the charity Amamize, Phoebe MacKay and was selected to represent Scot- new Irish champion. St Catherine’s pupils for their ber of initiatives, which help Casa Alianza, managed a Fair- Morgan Logue pose happily land at the 40th Anniversary This success adds to Pamela’s responsibility in ‘developing the children to develop their trade stall, organised work- with St Catherine’s award in Irish Championships, which current status of Scottish Black global citizenship within the skills, knowledge, values and shops for all pupils with front of the school’s ‘Justice were held in Dublin at the begin- Belt Champion in the 14-17 age school’ and noted that, in addi- attitudes towards global organisations such as WaterAid and Peace’ wall display. ning of this month. group.

Is your school or For this year’s SCO Christmas parish performing a Competition, schoolchildren are Nativity play or asked to use the Year of Faith as their Christmas show? If so, inspiration in answering the the SCO would like to question: Who is Jesus? Entries can hear from you and be submitted in the form of poetry, receive your art work or photography. The contest is open to primary and secondary photographs. school pupils and prizes will be Information and presented to the winning entries. photos can be sent Submissions can be sent to: to: martin [email protected] up until Friday December 14 Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH LOCAL NEWS 7 It’s hotting up for Scotland’s Rio Young Catholics can beat the winter blues by signing up for World Youth Day events

By Martin Dunlop PIC: PAUL McSHERRY

EXCITEMENT is building among young Catholics across Scotland ahead of next summer’s Scotland’s Rio event, which will be held to coin- cide with the international World Youth Day gathering in the Brazilian city of . Scotland’s Rio, which was launched by Archbishop Philip Tartaglia and the Catholic Youth Service Scotland (CYSS) earlier this year, aims to bring a flavour of the events from Rio to Scotland and pro- vide the opportunity for those who cannot make it to Rio to enjoy the unique atmos- phere of an international World Youth Day A Morning with Mary (WYD) gathering. It is not only young people, however, PARISH, school and family John , had defended that are looking forward to the event, as a came together to celebrate and promoted this doctrine in the number of Catholic organisations, charities the feast of the Immaculate 13th Century and as a result was and conferences will be invited to join the Conception, on Saturday known as The Marian Doctor. Scottish celebrations, which will take place be Catechesis sessions, Stations of the Catholic youths brought the Scottish Youth December 8, in the parish of Fr Edmund, encouraging the at Stirling University from July 25-28. Cross and Exposition.” Cross to St Mirin’s Cathedral in Paisley for the children to pray to Our Lady in launch of Scotland’s Rio to coincide with Blessed John Duns Scotus, World Youth Day 2013 Glasgow. their school work, told the chil- Community support Good response PIC: PAUL McSHERRY The Morning with Mary was dren that when Blessed John Christine Riddoch, chairwoman of the Large numbers of pilgrims have already presented by the Fatima Devo- was a little boy going to school, CYSS, told the SCO that the youth service signed up to take part in the four-day event Cup in the summer of 2014. tion Team. Close to 100 children he could not understand much of will contact Catholic groups and organisa- next summer, with around 400 young peo- Although many Scottish groups from the local St Francis Pri- what he was being taught. He tions in the coming weeks and months as ple expected to be present in Stirling when attended last year’s international WYD mary School attended the cele- prayed very hard to Our Lady well as ‘encouraging dioceses to speak to Scotland’s Rio kicks off. gathering in the Spanish capital city, bration with their parents, their and learning became a lot easier. their young people about Scotland’s Rio.’ Ms Riddoch added that the Scottish , the long distance traveling, the headteacher, Sharon McGeever, At the Mass, the entire congre- Ms Riddoch and her team of diocesan Youth Cross, which was blessed for the financial costs and the logistics of bring- and school staff and played cen- gation turned to the back of the youth advisers are also keen to hear from CYSS ahead of the Papal visit in 2010, ing large groups of young people to Brazil tral roles in the Liturgy. Six chil- church to greet the procession of anybody that is interested in helping to will tour the country ahead of next sum- means that the country will not have as dren led the congregation in Our Lady’s statue, followed by fund Scotland’s Rio, be it through offer- mer’s World Youth Day celebrations. large a presence at WYD 2013 in Rio. dramatising the Confiteor, I want all the children carrying roses. ing services or providing donations. “We hope to raise awareness of Scot- Scotland’s own event, however, aims to to be your Friend, a feature of At the end of Mass, six chil- Although the event’s programme is still land’s Rio and help make the Cross a focus bring some of the atmosphere of Rio 2013 school Masses in Duns Scotus. dren went up to the lectern with to be finalised, the youth service has had a for everyone,” she said. “We want the whole to young Catholics here through a number Fr Edmund OFM, guardian at Fatima Devotion Team member representative visit Rio to work on the of Scotland to pray for the event.” of faith-based and fun activities and events. the friary, explained to the chil- Frank Gallacher and led the con- World Youth Day programme with the An international World Youth Day gath- dren that Mary, from the very gregation in praying the Rosary. Brazilian Church. ering, which attracts hundreds of thousands I Anyone interested in fundraising first moment of Her conception The Fatima Devotion Team “We are hoping to follow the pro- of Catholics from around the world, is nor- can contact Christine Riddoch on was totally free from sin, pure hopes that a group of people gramme from Rio as closely as possible mally held every three years. WYD 2013 in 0141 8476133 and immaculate. The reason for from Blessed John Duns Scotus from the Thursday to Sunday of World Rio was brought forward by a year, how- everyone to be celebrating on parish will stay behind on first Youth Day,” Ms Riddoch said. “There will ever, as Brazil is hosting the football World I [email protected] this special day was that the Saturdays in 2013 to respond to patron of their parish, Blessed Our Lady’s wishes. A real chance to help others this Christmas

CATHOLIC charity SCIAF commented that ‘people in need is calling on parishioners not only need vital material sup- across the country to show port, they need our prayers too.’ ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. ANDREWS AND EDINBURGH their solidarity with families “This Christmas we are asking in developing countries such supporters in parishes across Archdiocesan Safeguarding Officer as Nicaragua in its Christmas Scotland to pray for the people The Archdiocese is invi*ng applica*ons to the above post to a appeal for 2012. of Nicaragua and other develop- qualified and professional individual, who in the spirit of As well as helping to raise ing nations, and in particular for compassion, will workwith current legisla*on, relevant vital funds for SCIAF’s life- disabled children and their fami- structures and safeguarding procedures of the Catholic changing work around the lies, for whom life can be Church, ac*ng as the named Archdiocesan Safeguarding world, the charity’s Christmas extremely difficult,” Ms appeal encourages parishioners Bonella said. Officer to provide professional safeguarding service to and on to reach out to people in need With the help of SCIAF and behalf of the Archdiocese. directly by writing Christmas its supporters, Special Families The specific tasks to be undertaken are:- messages and prayers. has set up a wheelchair work- • To provide a professional safeguarding service to and on behalf of the The focus of this year’s cam- shop, recycling schemes, an arts Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh paign is Nicaragua, where and crafts shop, as well as pro- • To make decisions in respect of PVG applica*ons and references where SCIAF works with its local part- ducing their own dairy products. there are ‘blemished’ returns or issues of poten*al concern ner, Special Families (Families Children receive physiotherapy • To manage individual cases according to the safeguarding policies and Especiales), to help disabled sessions, academic support, and procedures of the Sco,sh Catholic Bishops Conference and the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh children and their families. Sr lunch when attending the special • To liaise with external agencies and with parishes, Church bodies and Rebecca Trujillo SND, head of education centre. organisa*ons in respect of safeguarding ma+ers including the management Special Families, visited Scot- “I look at how far we have of individual cases. land in September and asked for come and the strength of some • Workin conjunc*on with the Na*onal Co-ordinator in implemen*ng Child prayers, solidarity and concrete of the people we work with and I Protec*on/Vulnerable Adult Database. support for families in need in am amazed,” Sr Rebecca said. mas gifts not only give support- I There are many more Real • To oversee the delivery of the Diocesan Personal Approved Listener (DPAL) Nicaragua and around the world. “There has been an element of ers something meaningful to Gifts to choose from online at: service by providing support and liaise with members of the DPAL team for the Archdiocese Christmas decorations made chance in almost every bit of pass on to friends and loved ones •To report to the Cardinal through the RiskManagement Group. by the children at Special Fami- good fortune that has come our but provide real help to some- Alternatively, you can call lies have been sent to SCIAF way but people have been pray- body in need in a developing SCIAF on: 0141 354 5555. In addi*on they will be responsible for overseeing certain administra*ve tasks and supporters so they can write Please note: SCIAF Real Gift e- responsibili*es including the processing of PVG and Disclosure Scotland forms; ing and looking for an opening country. approval of completed applica*ons, and working with Deanery trainers. messages and prayers on them and our prayers have been A full range of Real Gifts, cards can be purchased online before SCIAF returns them to answered.” including chickens, £14, bee- right up to Christmas Day and The successful candidates will be responsible to the Chancellor of the Archdiocese and responsible for line managing the Safeguarding Administra*ve assistant. Nicaragua to be placed on the In addition to taking part in its keeping £25, goats, £30, can be can be sent to a recipient with Special Families Christmas tree. Christmas Appeal, SCIAF sup- purchased through the charity, an email account. Real Gift For an applica*on packplease contact Speaking about the charity’s porters still have the opportunity which can help SCIAF’s mis- cards and fridge magnets can Mr. Robert Belderbos, Vice Chancellor, only be guaranteed to arrive Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB Christmas appeal, Philippa to purchase from the charity’s sion to assist people in the [email protected]. Bonella, SCIAF’s head of com- selection of Real Gifts ahead of developing world work their before Christmas if purchased by December 15. Closing date 31st December 2012. munications and education, Christmas. The ethical Christ- way out of poverty. Interviews week commencing 14th January 2013. 8 NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012 Prayers for nurse who took her own life after prank call

PRAYERS have been said at UK nine years ago. She had St Vincent and St Teresa’s worked at the King Edward VII Catholic Church, in South- hospital for four years and has mead, Bristol, for Jacintha been described by colleagues Saldanha, the nurse from as a very capable, kind, caring King Edward VII and dedicated nurse. Hospital in London, who The two Australian radio took her own life last Friday presenters who made the prank after passing on a prank call call have spoken of their dis- from an Australian radio tress at the apparent suicide of station, purporting to be the nurse who took their call. from Queen Elizabeth II, The 2DayFM Sydney-based asking to speak with the DJs Mel Greig and Michael Duchess of Cambridge. Christian said the tragedy had Mrs Saldanha, 46, leaves left them ‘shattered, gutted, behind her husband Benedict heartbroken.’ and two teenage children. The Ms Greig and fellow presen- family were regular church- ter Mr Christian have been in goers and parish priest Fr hiding since nurse Mrs Sal- Thomas Finnegan, said the danha’s death and the subse- community was in shock. quent social media outrage at “We are all deeply saddened their prank. at the loss of a loving and Ms Greig told Australian caring wife and mother and a television her first thought very good professional,” Fr when told of Ms Saldanha’s Finnegan said. “This is a death was for her family. Abortion cannot be forced on Ireland terribly sad time for her family “Unfortunately I remember and they have our support and that moment very well, our prayers.” because I haven’t stopped Bishop Buckley of Cork says that the Irish will not be forced into legislation by the EU Mrs Saldanha trained at the thinking about it since it hap- Father Muller’s School of pened,” she said. “I remember By Stephen Reilly suggest ending the life of a person as a defenceless child in her womb when the Nursing in Mangalore, south my first question was ‘was she solution to a problem.” life of either of these persons is at risk.’ west India, where she was a mother?’ THE Bishop of Cork and Ross has The fourth option of guidelines to ‘help “The Catholic Church has never taught remembered as a model stu- “I have wanted to just reach told all Irish Catholics that the Irish ensure consistency in the delivery of med- that the life of a child in the womb should be dent. After qualifying, she out to them and just give them cannot be forced by the EU to legalise ical treatment, could be a way forward preferred to that of the mother,” he said. “In worked in India and Kuwait, a big hug and say sorry. I hope abortion. provided the direct and intentional killing situations where a seriously ill pregnant winning a nursing award, they are okay, I really do. I In a letter read out in all Irish parishes of either person continues to be excluded,’ woman needs medical treatment which may before the family moved to the hope they get through this.” last Sunday, Bishop John Buckley said a the bishop added. put the life of her baby at risk, such treat- recent judgment of the European Court of He said the expert group failed to consider ments are morally permissible, provided Human Rights does not oblige the Irish the moral dimensions, even though they that every effort has been made to save the Government to legislate for abortion. The were included in the terms of reference. life of both the mother and her baby.” bishop said assurances were given before the Lisbon Treaty was passed, in October Abortion is wrong Understanding 2009, that Ireland had the right to deter- Bishop Buckley said ‘the deliberate med- He said that the Church understands ‘the mine its own policies on abortion. ical intervention to end the life of an anguish and distress of women in difficult Bishop Buckley (above) also criticised unborn child’ was ‘gravely wrong in all situations who might wrongly feel that the recent report of the government- circumstances.’ abortion is the only option open to them.’ appointed expert group on abortion, set up He distinguished between abortions and Attempts to force abortion on Ireland in the wake of the ECHR ruling, which ‘medical treatments, such as those to save the have run into difficulties after it emerged found there was no accessible and effec- mother, which do not directly and intention- there were ‘dicrepencies’ in the reporting tive procedure to establish the need for an ally seek to end the life of the unborn baby.’ of the death of Savita Halappanavar, a case abortion in accordance with Irish law. And he said current law and medical pro-abortion activists had hijacked for The report, published at the end of guidelines in Ireland ‘allow nurses and their own cause. November, set out four options for the doctors in Irish hospitals to apply this vital In response to the crisis, anti-abortion government: non-statutory guidelines, distinction in practice.’ groups in Ireland look set to receive a statutory regulations, legislation alone and He also said international statistics con- major financial boost from pro-life cam- legislation plus regulations. firmed that Ireland remained one of the paigners in the US. Pope Benedict XVI shows support for The bishop said three of those options safest countries in the world in which to The American Pro-Life Action League involved abortion, ‘the direct and inten- be pregnant and to give birth. has been fundraising to support groups the victims of typhoon in Philippines tional killing of the unborn child.’ He said society had a responsibility to opposed to abortion in Ireland and the “This can never be morally justified,” ‘defend and promote the equal right to life donations could amount to hundreds of POPE Benedict XVI on Satur- have also been left homeless he said. “In no other situation in life do we of a pregnant mother and the innocent and thousands of pounds. day issued a call for ‘brotherly (above), according to the Philip- solidarity’with the Philippines pine civil defence office. after a typhoon killed at least The number of people missing Poland’s most sacred icon in an ioners at St Nicholas Catholic and Religious Culture course 600 people and left tens of has risen dramatically after families NEWS IN BRIEF attack that failed to damage the Church are trying to focus on (ERC) at odds with Catholic thousands homeless in the and fishing companies reported Black Madonna of Jasna Gora the season of Advent and the teaching. south of what is Asia’s bas- losing contact with more than 300 HILLARY CLINTON CONDEMNS but shocked many in the true meaning of the Incarna- The Quebec court issued its tion of Catholicism. fishermen at sea. The fishermen NORTHERN IRISH VIOLENCE Catholic country. tion, in their hometown which decision on Monday overturn- Pope Benedict has led prayers from southern General Santos city US SECRETARY of State The 58-year-old attacker was is 1700 miles from the actual ing an earlier judgment of the for the ‘people of the Philippines and nearby Sarangani province Hillary Clinton last Friday con- detained by guards at the North Pole. The town attracts Superior Court, which sup- affected’ by Typhoon Bopha, left a few days before Typhoon demned a wave of street vio- monastery holding the revered many tourists at Christmas, but ported the request Loyola High which has already killed more Bopha hit the Philippines. lence during a trip to Northern depiction of Mary and the baby Catholic residents worry the School put to the education than 600 people. Rescuers are still searching for Ireland, saying it showed the Jesus in the southern city of true meaning of Christmas is minister to teach the course “I pray for the victims, their bodies or signs of life under peace process in the province is Czestochowa, police said. being ignored. “I do tend to rail objectives from a Catholic families and the many home- tonnes of fallen trees and boul- not yet complete. “The icon is shielded by a against Santa Claus particularly perspective. less,” the Pope said, adding that ders in the worst-hit town of “There can be no place in protective plate of glass and the 50 foot monstrosity down The Jesuit boys’ school, he hoped faith and Christian New Bataan, where rocks, mud Northern Ireland for any vio- was unharmed,” Czestochowa the street,” Fr Fath said. He located in Montreal, has been charity would help the country and rubble destroyed landmarks, lence, any of the remnants of police spokeswoman Joanna refers to a 50-foot permanent battling the provincial govern- get through the ordeal. making it difficult to search the past need to be quickly, Lazar added. statue of Santa in the town. Fr ment on this issue since 2008. At least 600 people were killed places where houses once stood. unequivocally condemned,” It is unclear why the man car- Fath jokes that someday he is Marie Bourque, vice-president and about 500 others are missing The Philippines is Asia’s Mrs Clinton told a news confer- ried out the attack or whether going to build a 51-foot statue of the Catholic Parents Associa- after Bopha smashed into the largest Catholic outpost, with 80 ence she held with First Minis- the paint cans were open. A of the real St Nicholas of Myra, tion of Quebec, said the decision east coast of the southern island per cent of the population adher- ter Peter Robinson and his statement on the Jasna Gora a fourth century bishop whose infringes on the rights of parents of Mindanao with gusts of up to ents to the Faith thanks to more deputy, Martin McGuinness. monastery website said the legend inspired the modern-day to choose an education for their 130 miles per hour last Tuesday. than three centuries of Spanish She said that the violence attacker had tried to deface the Santa. children in line with their faith Around 212,000 other people rule that began in the 1500s. was from ‘a small minority of icon with a ‘black substance.’ and values and ‘to rely on the people who try to stir up pas- IN CANADA collaboration of confessional ALASKAN PRIEST CRITICISES THE TAKES RE CASE TO COURT FOLLOW THE SCOTTISH sions or emotions. It is unac- schools’ to this end. ceptable and must be COMMERCIALISM OF CHRISTMAS A Catholic private school is Mr Bourque described the CATHOLIC OBSERVER AT repudiated by everyone.’ THE priest of the Alaskan town considering petitioning the ERC as a ‘totally superficial, SCO_NEWS ON . of North Pole, has railed Supreme Court of Canada, after folkloric and materialistic’ pro- ATTACK ON BLACK MADONNA against the commerialism of the Quebec Court of Appeal gramme, which ‘forbids any Be first to find out the ICON CAUSES SHOCK Christmas in the town. issued a decision obliging it to chronological or historical latest news. A MAN hurled cans of paint at Fr Robert Fath and parish- teach a state-imposed Ethics teaching of religions.’ Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH VATICAN NEWS 9

logue and peace in society. NEWS IN BRIEF “When you deny the opportu- nity for people to refer to an Don’t be consumed by consumerism POPE BENEDICT IN UNEXPECTED objective truth, dialogue is ren- VISIT TO ROME’S SPANISH STEPS dered impossible, and violence, Holy Father speaks about the spiritual importance of Christmas and the inner peace it brings POPE Benedict XVI, to the joy whether declared or hidden, of pilgrims and to the curiosity becomes the rule of law of By Stephen Reilly of visiting Christmas shoppers human relationships,” the Pope to Rome, made his way, in his said in comments to members POPE Benedict XVI has told new Pope mobile, to a square of the International Theological Catholics to remember that Christmas just a stone’s throw away from Commission. is much more than just a party. the famous Spanish Steps last “Without openness to the “Our aim today is listening to that voice Saturday. transcendent, which allows us to give space and welcome to the heart of He was there to pay homage to to find answers to questions on Jesus, the word that saves us,” Pope Bene- Mary on the feast of the Immacu- the meaning of life and how to dict said from his apartment window to late Conception. Following a live a moral life, mankind pilgrims gathered below in St Peter’s reading from the Book of Reve- becomes unable to act in accor- Square last Sunday. “Prepare to see with lation, the Holy Father addressed dance with justice and work for the eyes of Faith the humble stable of the gathered Faithful and visitors peace,” the Pope said. His com- Bethlehem, God’s salvation, in this time by the statue of Our Lady, telling ments came in a speech at the of Advent. them what a joy it was to be in conclusion of the theological “In the consumer society, in which we Piazza di Spagna on this feast commission’s plenary assembly seek joy in things, teaches day in the Year of Faith. at the Vatican Apostolic us to live in an essential way, so Christ- In the first of three points on Palace’s Hall of the . mas is experienced not only as an outward the Immaculate Conception, the party outside, but as the feast of the Son Pope noted that the encounter GEORG GÄNSWEIN PLACED IN of God who came to bring peace, life and between the divine messenger CHARGE OF PAPAL HOUSEHOLD true joy to people. John plays a great role, and the Immaculate Virgin goes THE Holy Father named Mgr but always in relation to Christ,” the Pope completely unnoticed; nobody Georg Gänswein, personal sec- said following the feast of Mary’s Immac- knows about it, nobody talks retary of the Holy Father, as Pre- ulate Conception. pares men for the worship of the spiritual Pope Benedict XVI delivers his Christmas about it. fect of the Pontifical Household, New Covenant inaugurated by Jesus.’ message from the balcony of St Peter’s Pope Benedict went on to say at the same time elevating him Young Jesus Building off the theme of John the Bap- Basilica at the Vatican. The Pope has spoken of that if this great event was to to the titular see of Urbisaglia, the true importance of the Christmas message The Holy Father explained that the four tist in the wilderness, the Pope also spoke happen in our time, ‘it would with the title of archbishop. place the figure of John the Bap- of migrants, saying they often encounter not leave traces in newspapers Archbishop-elect Gänswein tist at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, little understanding among those they no doubt still a celebration. and magazines, because it is a was born in 1956 in Waldshut, presenting him as His precursor. meet in foreign lands. The Halls of the Vatican may ring with mystery that happens in silence.’ Germany. In 1996, he was Quoting from his new book on Jesus’ ‘In preparation for Christmas,’ he urged music even more than usual this Christmas What often goes unnoticed and transferred to the Congregation infancy, Pope Benedict pointed out that people to have ‘a joyous and fraternal sol- as the Swiss Guards, in conjunction with is silent, said the Pope, ‘is more for the Doctrine of the Faith, “St Luke has further moved the connec- idarity to come to the aid of their needs harpist Daniela Lorenz, have released a fruitful than the frenetic pace where he later became personal tion between the two figures and their and support their hope.’ CD entitled Weihnachten mit der Schweiz- that characterises our city.’ Secretary of the Prefect, a posi- respective missions. Already in their con- He called on Catholics to ‘not forget ergarde (Christmas with the Swiss Guard). tion at the time filled by Cardi- ception and birth, Jesus and John are that every Christian is en route to his true “Most of them are German Christmas OBJECTIVE TRUTH IS NECESSARY nal Joseph Ratzinger. brought into relation with each other.” home, which is heaven,’ before greeting songs, so they are well known in the Ger- TO AVOID VIOLENCE IN A SOCIETY Since the election of Cardinal He noted that this helps understand that pilgrims in several languages. man part of Europe, but they are just POPE Benedict XVI has told a Ratzinger as Pope Benedict John ‘not only is the last of the prophets, instrumentals, without singing, without group of Catholic theological XVI, Archbishop-elect Monsi- but also represents the whole priesthood Celebration lyrics,” one of the five Swiss Guards who leaders that commitment to gnor Gänswein has continued to of the Old Covenant and therefore pre- While Christmas is more than a party, it is joined in recording the CD said. objective truth is not a cause for serve as his personal secretary violence, but necessary for dia- in the Vatican.

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the most sobering thought of all is that Proper, structured Faith formation must this hard-nosed commercialism is take place both inside and outside of our being directed at children. And just in classrooms case we haven’t noticed that retailers are attempting to steal Advent as well we can no longer afford to simply pay as Christmas, Lego are building a mon- lip service to its formation. ster Advent calendar, measuring 16 feet Of course religious education in our by 10 feet and incorporating more than Catholic schools is effective and bene- half a million Lego bricks. Behind its fitting from improved schemes of work. ‘windows’ or ‘doors’ are non-religious But in considering Church-based for- symbols. December 24 bears a picture mation and its possible improvement, of Santa with his sack of presents. “We there is an implicit intention or hope can’t do religion. It’s in Lego guide- that, thereby, that same formation might lines,” explained the man who is con- develop into being more family-led. BY CATH DOHERTY structing this monster. as Faith formation suffered o rage against this, to see it as because we have neglected it, DVENT is a time of another erosion of the tenets of become complacent? Some say preparation for Christ- faith, will not change things. We thatH we have done this for far too long mas, for the coming of the Tlive in a materialistic world. But now, and, as a result have a generation of Christ-child. There is a in Advent, as the Year of Faith begins, young parents who are not as well tranquillity about Advent, we might well take a long look at ways equipped as previous generations to a sense that it is a time of reflection of protecting the children who are pass on the Faith to their children. when things material are pushed away, being brought up in the Faith. And in Several explanations are offered for Awhen the real meaning of Christmas doing that, perhaps we should be look- this, among them the incursion of an can be explained to children. For many ing closely at faith formation itself. the crib was put up, the house deco- extent in these groups? Would periodic increasingly, materialistic and superfi- of us, this preparation was part of our To this end, I had a recent Advent rated with holly, the candle lit in the evaluation strengthen them? Would a cial world, inadequate religious edu- Faith formation, part of the very fabric discussion with a group of grandpar- window to welcome the Christ-child. more structured approach help to make cation teaching in schools in the past of our lives. Now, it would seem that ents, among their number a teacher of To this day, I observe those family tra- the best use of what we already have? this driven by similarly inadequate Advent, too, has been engulfed in the long experience. All of them agreed ditions of Christmas Eve. They are This structured approach could teaching material provided. tidal wave of commercialism which that the very nature of Faith formation inextricably linked to that childhood begin at diocesan level, with in-service Thoughts of this particular assertion long ago engulfed Christmas from mid- had changed in recent times. In the Faith formation. sessions, talks, periodic meeting of came to mind recently, as Advent October until the start of the January past, that formation was rooted in the And Faith formation today? The those directly involved, where actual began, when I was approached by a sales. Advent, it seems has been identi- family, a constant and significant part group held the view that the ‘family experiences could be shared. Is it also young mother who wanted to know fied as another retail opportunity. of family life, a strength which was dynamic’ had changed to such an possible that more could be done at why I was not in the habit of including Among the consequences of this is a nurtured and grew with the children. extent that Faith formation, generally parish level to assist parents, to make ‘Christmas songs’ in music for Mass veritable blizzard of ‘Advent gifts,’ Illustrating the point, memories were speaking, has not been ‘family-led’ in use of the wisdom of the older genera- during Advent. There followed quite a from candles to biscuits. There are exchanged of religious-based family recent years. And it was pointed out tion, of the grandparents among them, long discussion which encompassed Advent calendars, most of them with a traditions, especially those which that it is hard to maintain family tradi- to foster Faith formation not only in music for Advent, the proper place for small gift in the pockets beneath the related to preparation for Christmas. tions in an increasingly ageist society. children but in teenagers. Christmas carols and other relevant ‘windows.’And the windows generally My own memories are still vivid, The conclusion reached was that There are many ways in which matters. The young mother was not bear pictures of turkeys, elves, sprigs of such as the bedtime stories of Mary and there is an urgent need for the Church groups, events, dialogues between gen- convinced. She maintained that Christ- mistletoe, Christmas puddings. Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, the to focus on Faith formation. At present, erations could be setup. This would not mas carols should be sung at Mass A marketing expert is quoted as say- shepherds sighting fires on the hillside we have Children’s Liturgy, which be simply an exercise in reminiscence, throughout Advent, so that the children ing that all of this provides ‘a build up, to keep warm, to protect their flocks, includes, in some places, groups for it would be opening the door to the would have learned to sing them as part which counters the instant gratification the Magi... King Herod was airbrushed pre-school children. Are these as effec- past, to drawing on its strengths and of the build-up for the coming of... I culture of Christmas Day which is all out, however, because he was begin- tive as they could be if surrounded by a listening to people who know, from held my breath... ‘Santa,’ she said. about ripping presents open.’ That ning to upset me. Then there was the supporting structure? Are all available experience, about Faith formation. The As they say in legal circles, I rest remark doesn’t merit a comment. Here, rush and bustle of Christmas Eve, when teaching skills being used to their full present threats to the Faith mean that my case.

What do you think of CATH DOHERTY’S comments on Faith formation? Send your points of view to the SCO Write to Letters, SCO, 19 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6BT Or e-mail [email protected]

Continue to make the birth of Jesus the focal point of Christmas

I WONDER if Charles Dick- vived by his ability to write sto- ens, overwhelmed by the broken- ence that Scrooge had, so won- find some perspective. ens would have believed that ries but he remained for ever ness of oppressed humanity. derfully recorded in A Christmas The birth of Jesus is at the cen- a character, such as Ebenezer touched by lived experience. Just as there are differing views Carol, was redemptive. He con- tre of the celebration. That is the Scrooge, from his tale A Fr Eddie The experience of Dickens is of London, there are differing fronted his ghosts, his fears, his theory. Can we who call ourselves Christmas Carol, would have in sharp contrast with that of views of Christmas. In the world weaknesses. If we remember only Christians and make it the centre endured into the 21st cen- McGhee William Wordsworth, poet and of ‘television Christmas,’ every- Scrooge the miserly, then we for- rather than an afterthought? This tury? Not only has Scrooge near contemporary of Dickens. thing is wonderful. There is an ide- get the whole point of the story. does not exclude all of the rest of survived, his name has in an individual. Dickens, in the His poem, Upon Westminster alised world where everyone gets Scrooge rediscovered, from deep the things with which Christmas become synonymous with person of Scrooge, reaches in and Bridge written in 1802, begins: everything that their hearts desire within himself, the true meaning is associated. It gives meaning to miserliness and lack of good touches both our own inner dark- “Earth has not anything to show and everyone is incurably happy. of Christmas. If the Christ child is the giving and to the receiving of cheer, especially around the ness and our own inner light. more fair: dull would he be of Then there is reality. The poverty God’s gift to us, then we in our gifts. Jesus is God’s gift. He Christmas season. Early 19th century London was soul who could pass by a sight so may not be as grinding as it was in turn need to express our thankful- comes wrapped in a message of Such is the popularity of this no place for the faint hearted. touching in its majesty.” the time of Charles Dickens, but it ness for such a gift. We cannot hope and joy. If we want to give story by Dickens that has found it With around one million inhabi- The picture that Wordsworth is there and it is real in every one afford to be self focused and self- the message, we must first receive way onto the screen on several tants in 1800, the city would grow offers differs radically from that of our cities. Poverty is not going ish. Scrooge, however late in his the message in our own hearts. occasions. Scrooge has been at an alarming speed, trebling in of Dickens. Wordsworth offers a away for Christmas. We are also life, decided that there was a dif- Like Scrooge we may need a wonderfully portrayed by the late size in the next 100 years. With romanticised view of this city, that reliably informed that Christmas ferent and a better way to live. moment of redemption. Like Alastair Sim, probably more this almost uncontrolled growth, of Dickens is much more visceral time is one of the most significant Advent is heading rapidly Scrooge we can grasp the oppor- famous for his portrayal of the came incredible social problems. and therefore much more real for time of the year for the breakdown towards its conclusion. The tunity. Celebration with family headmistress in the original St Hunger, poverty and disease were all of us. Less than 50 years after of relationships. This is unsurpris- continues to remind us and friends is important. Doing Trinian movie. More recently, the norm for the ordinary poor of Wordsworth penned his lines, the ing given the level of expectation that we have choices to make. what we can for those less fortu- and less likely, by Patrick Stew- London, trying to grind out a liv- River Thames, already heavily and the level of pressure from all Certainly, we feel pressure form nate is important. Being aware of art, more famous for his role in ing in almost impossible circum- polluted, had become nothing sides but especially the pressure on all sides. That is our reality. How our own potential for doing good Star Trek. In giving this character stances. Dickens was familiar more than an open sewer. It is individuals and families from the we balance our choices at this is essential. Like Scrooge we have life, Dickens also gave him dura- with all of these. His own per- reported that such was the level of patently commercial. time is critical. We cannot afford a choice. Can we transform our bility. This speaks to his bril- sonal story, from his early days, pollution that the river went on As we move nearer Christmas, to get ourselves embroiled in ‘all lives? It takes courage. It takes liance as an author. In Scrooge, when his father found himself fire. Wordsworth appears to have there is one thing to remember, or nothing thinking.’ If we try effort. Surely it is worth a try? he has given us a sense both of imprisoned for debt, fringed the been a overawed by the majesty from the story of Ebenezer and remember why we are cele- the best and the worst to be found awfulness of this abyss. He sur- of magnificent buildings. Dick- Scrooge. He changed. The experi- brating Christmas then we can I [email protected] Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH COMMENT 11

W IRE Marking a 30th anniversary in print D IN This columnist knows 30 years is a long time to be dreaming the same dream, but he is happy to do so An SCO Diary

A 115-year-old Catholic Fr Ronald from the US state of Iowa is the oldest person in the Rolheiser world. Dina Manfredini is a longtime parishioner of Sacred Heart Parish in N LATE November 1982, while a West Des Moines, Iowa. graduate student in Louvain, Bel- She inherited the title gium, I began writing this col- when 116-year-old Besse umn. That makes for 30 years! Cooper of Georgia died When I began writing this, I had on December 4. She was no idea as to where this would go, no born in a small town in grand plan. I was putting notes into northern Italy called milk-bottles and floating them out to I Sant’Andrea in 1897 just sea, across an ocean in this case, hoping a few weeks before somebody might read them. The first Guglielmo Marconi sent person that actually pulled a note from the first wireless one of those bottles was Glenn Argan, communication over the the editor of the Western Catholic open sea. Ms Manfredini Reporter, in Edmonton, Canada. I will currently lives at the forever be in debt to him for being the Bishop Drumm first editor who took a chance on me. Retirement Centre in He is still editor at the Western Catholic Johnston, just north of today. Des Moines. Though her It took some years for the column to hearing is poor, she is attract any attention beyond that first relatively healthy and can newspaper, but eventually its audience move around with the began to widen. Here is a brief history help of a walker. She put of its development: The Green Bay her remarkable longevity Compass picked up the column in the down to her love of hard mid-1980s. Cardinal Adam Maida, now work. “I’m an old, old in Detroit, was Bishop in Green Bay at lady, but I work,” she the time. I met him at a conference sev- said, “I work hard. I like eral years ago and he reminded me that work.” A lesson for us all. it was under his watch in Green Bay that my column was taken up by their GGGGGGGGGGGGGG diocesan paper, my first American read- ership. In the early 1990s, I received ELECTRICITY company invitations to run the column from two Powershop in New national Canadian Catholic newspapers, Zealand claims a the Prairie Messenger and the Catholic Wellington billboard Register. That was a huge expansion: I depicting Pope Benedict was now in two countries, in four news- XVI marrying a male papers, and more than content with that couple is not targeted at as an audience. Catholics. Aye right. I have never had an agent, nor had the Powershop chief time or heart to actively try to solicit executive Ari Sargent said newspapers in terms of taking on the the billboard’s message column and was content to simply let it of freedom of choice find whatever life it might find on its aligned with the own. I relied on providence and chance, company's values. He and I got lucky, pure and simple. In said the billboard was not 1987, I taught a summer course in the- targeted at Catholics ‘per ology at All Hallows College in Dublin se,’ but that the Pope and one of the students in the course was an analogy of big was Delia Smith, famed in the UK for power companies. everything from theology to cooking to “(It’s) making the point football. At that time I had published that some larger only one book, The Loneliness Factor, institutions can often lose and had a modest portfolio of columns. touch with their Delia took the book to Hodder and constituents,” he added. Stoughton, a much-respected London Someone has their publisher, and my portfolio of columns wires crossed and no to Otto Herschan, the publisher then of mistake. the Catholic Herald in London. That one act forever changed the landscape GGGGGGGGGGGGGG of my writings. The Catholic Herald is a national newspaper in England, and is A DERANGED prisoner on newsstands as well in many cities took an unsuspecting worldwide. Moreover, at the time, Otto Geat oaks from little acorns grow, as has prison chaplain hostage Herschan, its publisher, also published untimely death two years ago, the agent doing so because they lack the financial this week. a national Catholic newspaper in Scot- Fr Ronald Rolheiser’s column over the past I never had. Today, the column is esti- resources to do so legally or because 30 years Kiaran Stapleton, 21, land, The Scottish Catholic Observer, mated to have a readership of more than they feel they are so far down the rung who was sentenced to 30 and Ireland. Hence the column was now one million readers. More recently the of importance with anyone that it does- years for murder, had published nationally in those countries contract with Doubleday in New York. column has been translated in Spanish n’t make a difference. Hats off to them. asked to speak to the as well. After Doubleday published The Holy and Vietnamese and is now available in Sitting at a desk in Belgium in 1982, chaplain in confidence Longing, dozens of newspapers began to those languages. pecking away on a typewriter, I had no after secretly fashioning a hat exposure led to other national ask for the column, particularly in the US, thoughts about longevity or world-read- weapon. Once they were audiences, in New Zealand, but in other English-speaking countries hat is its ‘legal’ availability. The ership. I was putting notes into milk- alone, the prisoner pulled among other countries. And Delia as well. column is also widely distributed bottles and hoping somebody would it on the terrified priest. TSmith’s kindness in taking The Loneli- After the release of The Holy Long- on the internet and within numer- find them. And, 30 years later, now with The priest hit a panic ness Factor to a major British publishing ing the number of newspapers that carry Tous newspapers, newsletters, and a laptop instead of a typewriter, the button to alert guards at house also had a huge, eventual, impact the column rose from around ten to church bulletins outside any permission effort and the dream remain the same. Full Sutton jail near York on the column. In 1988, Hodder & around 70, where it stands today. Part of or authorisation from anyone. This is I Fr Ronald Rolheiser is a Catholic who were able to Stoughton re-released the book under a that growth was also due to the efforts particularly true in some parts of Asia, overpower the prisoner. new title, The Restless Heart, and it went of the late Kay Lagried who, having where copyright laws are not as strict as priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. He is presi- An extremely reminder on to win a major book award in the brought the column to the diocesan here. Overall, I am okay with this kind of the dangerous work United Kingdom. That led to a publish- newspaper in Seattle, Washington, of pirating. I am writing as a ministry dent of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. Visit his website at done by the heroes of ing contract with Hodder and Stoughton began to solicit other newspapers to and in most cases the people running the cloth. and eventually that contract itself led to a take it on. She became, until her the column without permission are 12 REUNION THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012 Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH REUNION 13

Many adopted and fostered children retrace their early years after they become adults. MARTIN DUNLOP discovers the extraordinary story of a Catholic foster father and the young charge who found him 42 years later after she became a mother and had her own son Baptised

HEN Glasgow man Bill Carlton Carltons—and the Sacrament of Baptism were both to received an e-mail late on Thursday play key roles in the reunion between Mrs Fahey and August 30 this year, he had no idea her foster parents. that what he was about to read would In 2005, in her mid 30s, Áine, who knew from a have such a joyful, lasting and moving young age that she had been adopted, decided that she impact on himself and his wife. wanted to find out more about her earlier life. Awaiting him in his e-mail inbox was a message “At that age I really wanted to know things about my Wfrom an East Kilbride woman, Áine Fahey, who intro- past, it had been a long time,” she told the SCO. “I think duced herself as somebody that Mr Carlton and his wife, fear was the only thing that was stopping me from find- Alison, had fostered during the first weeks of her life, 42 ing out.” years ago. She recalled that—during a lunch break from Although a very welcome piece of news, the initial work—she made a call to the then St Margaret’s Adop- introduction was, in itself, not extraordinary, given that tion Society, and from her research of documents with the Carltons had fostered a number of babies in the first the society discovered for the first time that she had weeks of their lives before—at the age of around six been in foster care prior to her adoption. weeks—the babies were either taken into adoptive care “I wasn’t even thinking if anybody had fostered me, or returned to their mothers. There is always the possi- I was looking for birth information,” Mrs Fahey said. bility that a former foster child will be back in contact “The names, Mr and Mrs Carlton, were there though, in future years, with the hope of tracing back the earli- written on my file.” It was also noted that Mrs Fahey est years of their life. It was, however, when Mr Carlton had been Baptised on November 15 at St Gabriel’s continued reading the e-mail and Áine explained that Church and had been sponsored by Ellen O’Neil. she became Áine Boyle after leaving the Carltons’ care “I was told that it was quite unusual for a foster baby that something began to click that would prove to be to be Baptised,” she said. even more extraordinary. Little did she realise that she had made contact with the man who had not only been her foster father but her he news that she had been fostered and Baptised, adoptive father’s best friend from a young age. however, ‘lay dormant’ with Mrs Fahey until she had a son, Elliot, who was born in 2011. t was after 11pm at night and I replied to Áine, T“My son, Elliot, was Baptised in March of this year thanking her very much for getting in touch, but and he was Baptised in what came to be my father’s I needed to ask her if her adopted parents were parish, St Anne’s in Hamilton,” she said. “My father called‘I Don and Maureen,” Mr Carlton told the SCO. died 12 days after my son was born, which was a great Leaving Áine his phone num- sorrow and loss for me because ber to get in contact with him, Mr it took me a long time to Carlton awaited her reply with I cannot quite believe become a parent so for one of anticipation. He did not receive a my parents to die just after I response that night, nor did he get that of all the foster had become one was a great much rest. parents that I could have sorrow.” “I never slept at all that night,” Witnessing the Sacrament he said. “I left a copy of Áine’s e- had in the world I had of Baptism being bestowed on When a child is born... mail on the table for my wife to her son, however, was a deeply read, which she got to the next my dad’s best moving and emotional feeling able to inform her that there was a Mr and Mrs Carlton Mass but to me I did not know who this was, other than (Above) Áine Fahey (second from right) and her son Elliot morning.” for Mrs Fahey. in his parish and was very receptive to the idea of Mrs the person reading at that time.” friend...People say ‘it’s a and husband (left) with Bill When Mrs Fahey telephoned Almost immediately she Fahey making contact with them. The Carltons, who were foster parents for a number Carlton (right) and his wife the Carltons the next day and small world’... a recalled that she, herself, had of years—in addition to raising three children of their Alison. The Carltons fostered informed Bill that her adoptive the privilege of the same expe- t sends a shiver down my spine, my jaw drops own—could never have imagined that the baby girl who Mrs Fahey through the then parents were, indeed, Don and world driven by higher rience all those years ago, cour- every time I think about how remarkable the left their house 42 years ago would now be enjoying St Margaret’s Adoption Soci- Maureen Boyle from Hamilton it powers. tesy of her foster parents, and, story is,” Mrs Fahey said of finding her foster sharing her life stories with them, and, in particular, ety as a child, and unbe- left him in a state of shock and at that point, decided she ‘Iparents and them knowing her late adoptive father. sharing the joy of bringing up her own baby boy. known to the couple, she disbelief. needed to try and reunite with After making contact by e-mail and telephone, Mrs “I would never have thought something like this was later adopted by a “I didn’t just know Áine’s parents, it turned out that the couple who had cared for her in the first weeks of Fahey arranged to meet the Carltons. Also present when would have happened,” Mr Carlton said. “Everybody I childhood friend of Mr she had been brought up by Don Boyle, my best friend her life. they met for dinner were Mrs Fahey’s husband, Mike, meet and tell the story to says it is incredible, ‘you could Carlton. The group were growing up,” Mr Carlton said. “At that time [of adopt- “I think what hit me then was the thought that some- Elliot, and her adoptive father’s second wife, Betty, not make that up’ they say to me.” reunited when Mrs Fahey ing Áine] he was in Hamilton and I was in Glasgow and body who was my foster parent had taken enough time Áine’s stepmother, following the death of Maureen in He added that the story represents a reunion in more came looking for the we were both bringing up families. We weren’t going and interest in me to actually have me Baptised in my 1996. ways than one. Carltons (left) after she out together or seeing each other often but I would pop birth name, despite the fact that I have gone on to be “It was as if we had know each other all our lives,” “It is a reunion that Áine met us as adoptive parents herself had her son Baptised in and see him from time to time. I knew he and his wife somebody else, that was incredibly important to me,” Mr Carlton said. “I got on like a house on fire with and it is a reunion that she has met her dad’s pal.” had adopted a girl and the name Áine sounded very Mrs Fahey said. “It was an incredible acknowledgement young Elliot, who was sitting beside me in his high- Áine added: “I cannot quite believe that of all the familiar to me when I first read the e-mail.” of a mother and her child. chair. foster parents that I could have had in the world I had “After I had my son Baptised—and it was very “It was strange to know that I had met Áine before, my dad’s best friend. hen Áine was just a few weeks old, Mr and immediate—I wrote to Fr Michael Woodford [parish but each of us had not known at the time who the other “That connection for me is quite phenomenal. Mrs Carlton had taken her to be Baptised at St priest at St Gabriel’s], the thought to do so hit me like a was or thought that we would have such a connection “People say ‘it’s a small world,’ but for me it’s not Gabriel’s Church, Merrylee Glasgow. thunderbolt.” with each other. just a small world but—with regards to this particular WSt Gabriel’s—which is still the home parish of the Mrs Fahey was delighted when Fr Woodford was “I remember Áine reading at her father’s funeral matter— a world driven by higher powers.” 12 REUNION THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012 Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH REUNION 13

Many adopted and fostered children retrace their early years after they become adults. MARTIN DUNLOP discovers the extraordinary story of a Catholic foster father and the young charge who found him 42 years later after she became a mother and had her own son Baptised

HEN Glasgow man Bill Carlton Carltons—and the Sacrament of Baptism were both to received an e-mail late on Thursday play key roles in the reunion between Mrs Fahey and August 30 this year, he had no idea her foster parents. that what he was about to read would In 2005, in her mid 30s, Áine, who knew from a have such a joyful, lasting and moving young age that she had been adopted, decided that she impact on himself and his wife. wanted to find out more about her earlier life. Awaiting him in his e-mail inbox was a message “At that age I really wanted to know things about my Wfrom an East Kilbride woman, Áine Fahey, who intro- past, it had been a long time,” she told the SCO. “I think duced herself as somebody that Mr Carlton and his wife, fear was the only thing that was stopping me from find- Alison, had fostered during the first weeks of her life, 42 ing out.” years ago. She recalled that—during a lunch break from Although a very welcome piece of news, the initial work—she made a call to the then St Margaret’s Adop- introduction was, in itself, not extraordinary, given that tion Society, and from her research of documents with the Carltons had fostered a number of babies in the first the society discovered for the first time that she had weeks of their lives before—at the age of around six been in foster care prior to her adoption. weeks—the babies were either taken into adoptive care “I wasn’t even thinking if anybody had fostered me, or returned to their mothers. There is always the possi- I was looking for birth information,” Mrs Fahey said. bility that a former foster child will be back in contact “The names, Mr and Mrs Carlton, were there though, in future years, with the hope of tracing back the earli- written on my file.” It was also noted that Mrs Fahey est years of their life. It was, however, when Mr Carlton had been Baptised on November 15 at St Gabriel’s continued reading the e-mail and Áine explained that Church and had been sponsored by Ellen O’Neil. she became Áine Boyle after leaving the Carltons’ care “I was told that it was quite unusual for a foster baby that something began to click that would prove to be to be Baptised,” she said. even more extraordinary. Little did she realise that she had made contact with the man who had not only been her foster father but her he news that she had been fostered and Baptised, adoptive father’s best friend from a young age. however, ‘lay dormant’ with Mrs Fahey until she had a son, Elliot, who was born in 2011. t was after 11pm at night and I replied to Áine, T“My son, Elliot, was Baptised in March of this year thanking her very much for getting in touch, but and he was Baptised in what came to be my father’s I needed to ask her if her adopted parents were parish, St Anne’s in Hamilton,” she said. “My father called‘I Don and Maureen,” Mr Carlton told the SCO. died 12 days after my son was born, which was a great Leaving Áine his phone num- sorrow and loss for me because ber to get in contact with him, Mr it took me a long time to Carlton awaited her reply with I cannot quite believe become a parent so for one of anticipation. He did not receive a my parents to die just after I response that night, nor did he get that of all the foster had become one was a great much rest. parents that I could have sorrow.” “I never slept at all that night,” Witnessing the Sacrament he said. “I left a copy of Áine’s e- had in the world I had of Baptism being bestowed on When a child is born... mail on the table for my wife to her son, however, was a deeply read, which she got to the next my dad’s best moving and emotional feeling able to inform her that there was a Mr and Mrs Carlton Mass but to me I did not know who this was, other than (Above) Áine Fahey (second from right) and her son Elliot morning.” for Mrs Fahey. in his parish and was very receptive to the idea of Mrs the person reading at that time.” friend...People say ‘it’s a and husband (left) with Bill When Mrs Fahey telephoned Almost immediately she Fahey making contact with them. The Carltons, who were foster parents for a number Carlton (right) and his wife the Carltons the next day and small world’... a recalled that she, herself, had of years—in addition to raising three children of their Alison. The Carltons fostered informed Bill that her adoptive the privilege of the same expe- t sends a shiver down my spine, my jaw drops own—could never have imagined that the baby girl who Mrs Fahey through the then parents were, indeed, Don and world driven by higher rience all those years ago, cour- every time I think about how remarkable the left their house 42 years ago would now be enjoying St Margaret’s Adoption Soci- Maureen Boyle from Hamilton it powers. tesy of her foster parents, and, story is,” Mrs Fahey said of finding her foster sharing her life stories with them, and, in particular, ety as a child, and unbe- left him in a state of shock and at that point, decided she ‘Iparents and them knowing her late adoptive father. sharing the joy of bringing up her own baby boy. known to the couple, she disbelief. needed to try and reunite with After making contact by e-mail and telephone, Mrs “I would never have thought something like this was later adopted by a “I didn’t just know Áine’s parents, it turned out that the couple who had cared for her in the first weeks of Fahey arranged to meet the Carltons. Also present when would have happened,” Mr Carlton said. “Everybody I childhood friend of Mr she had been brought up by Don Boyle, my best friend her life. they met for dinner were Mrs Fahey’s husband, Mike, meet and tell the story to says it is incredible, ‘you could Carlton. The group were growing up,” Mr Carlton said. “At that time [of adopt- “I think what hit me then was the thought that some- Elliot, and her adoptive father’s second wife, Betty, not make that up’ they say to me.” reunited when Mrs Fahey ing Áine] he was in Hamilton and I was in Glasgow and body who was my foster parent had taken enough time Áine’s stepmother, following the death of Maureen in He added that the story represents a reunion in more came looking for the we were both bringing up families. We weren’t going and interest in me to actually have me Baptised in my 1996. ways than one. Carltons (left) after she out together or seeing each other often but I would pop birth name, despite the fact that I have gone on to be “It was as if we had know each other all our lives,” “It is a reunion that Áine met us as adoptive parents herself had her son Baptised in and see him from time to time. I knew he and his wife somebody else, that was incredibly important to me,” Mr Carlton said. “I got on like a house on fire with and it is a reunion that she has met her dad’s pal.” had adopted a girl and the name Áine sounded very Mrs Fahey said. “It was an incredible acknowledgement young Elliot, who was sitting beside me in his high- Áine added: “I cannot quite believe that of all the familiar to me when I first read the e-mail.” of a mother and her child. chair. foster parents that I could have had in the world I had “After I had my son Baptised—and it was very “It was strange to know that I had met Áine before, my dad’s best friend. hen Áine was just a few weeks old, Mr and immediate—I wrote to Fr Michael Woodford [parish but each of us had not known at the time who the other “That connection for me is quite phenomenal. Mrs Carlton had taken her to be Baptised at St priest at St Gabriel’s], the thought to do so hit me like a was or thought that we would have such a connection “People say ‘it’s a small world,’ but for me it’s not Gabriel’s Church, Merrylee Glasgow. thunderbolt.” with each other. just a small world but—with regards to this particular WSt Gabriel’s—which is still the home parish of the Mrs Fahey was delighted when Fr Woodford was “I remember Áine reading at her father’s funeral matter— a world driven by higher powers.” 14 LETTERS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012

Bishop Emeritus Ian Murray of Argyll and the Isles celebrated a SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER Mass last Thursday marking his upcoming 80th birthday. The bishop was joined at the S CHRISTMAS approaches, and the value Mass—which was celebrated at St of family comes into sharp focus at this joy- Columba’s Church in Edinburgh, ful spiritual time, the bizarre and dangerous where the bishop is in path our elected officials are on with residence—by priests from Argyll regards to marriage legislation can be seen and the Isles and Glasgow all the more clearly at odds with our society’s wishes. Archdiocese. It is often said that individuals are like tea, you do not Bishop Murray was nominated know how strong they are until you put them in hot water. PICTURE and ordained Bishop of Argyll and A the Isles in 1999. He remained as Well, the Prime Minister David Cameron is certainly in OF THE bishop until his retirement in 2008. hot water if he believes that he can enforce same-sex He celebrates his 80th birthday ‘marriage’ on Christian churches, and he is as weak as tomorrow water in his reasoning for pressing ahead on this contro- WEEK PIC: PAUL McSHERRY versial and unpopular path. Indeed a storm is brewing. It would also appear that Mr Cameron has also shown that fundamental weakness of politicians backed into a corner by mistaking arrogance for strength in his recent corre- spondence with Bishop Joseph Devine of Motherwell. I cannot help but go detail the agreement drawn up Following in the footsteps of First Minister Alex tell everyone between the Bishops of Salmond, Mr Cameron’s government has chosen to I WAS one of the lucky Scotland and the Aberdeen ignore the fact that the majority of respondents to his Catholics who was able to University on for the transfer government’s consultation on redefining marriage in fact attend the St Andrew’s of the Historic Catholic oppose any change to the status quo of marriage as a Conference at Glasgow City Letters Archives from their present union between one man and one woman. Chambers and I am still SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT home at Columba House in And given the fact that neither the Coalition Govern- telling everyone I meet about [email protected] Edinburgh to Aberdeen ment nor the Scottish Government put the policy of this amazing event. University Library. redefining marriage on its last election manifesto—there- When I woke to the first Among other matters, the fore neither has a mandate from the electorate to change frosty, bitterly cold Saturday agreement identifies the this fundamental building block of our society—both will morning in Glasgow in significant financial be punished by the electorate the next time at the ballot December, I will admit I was media, the political classes, ‘anti-Catholic’ can be quite a commitments that the bishops box if they continue down this path of ignoring voters’ tempted to stay warm in doors and in every office and bar in major overreaction. are required to make— wishes. and not attend the event. I am the land. Our enemies are While I agree with the sharing, for example, the cost If this was not such a serious, dire state of affairs it truly glad, though, that I everywhere and they wish bishops’ opposition to the of the valuation of the one would be nonsensical and laughable that politicians pan- ventured out to the conference. with all their dark hearts to proposed legalisation of million Historic Archives and dering to fad and fashion—to the point of allowing this I had not heard about it, I was see every church razed to the same-sex ‘marriage’ and the cost of their transportation threat to marriage and family, keystones in our culture— not organised, I did not have a ground and every Catholic understand that, clearly, to Aberdeen. have been allowed to proceed this far. ticket in advance, but a friend ‘converted’ to their way of Crown Office statistics show It becomes clear that As Bishop Devine pointed out, should this ill-guided had a spare one and invited me thinking. an increase in attacks on critical to the transfer is the legislative attempt to legalise same-sex ‘marriage’ pass in along at the 11th hour. I did not As Jesus teaches, our Catholics in Scotland, I still presence of the keeper of the any shape or form in the UK, how long would it be before think it would be ‘my thing’ but response must be to love our do not agree with Archbishop Scottish Catholic Archives, an

Same-sex ‘marriage’ bids highlight our democracy is failing this loophole would be used as a fundamen- I cannot put into words the enemies and live our Catholic Tartaglia’s comments that experienced professional who tal, all-out assault on our religious free- sense of hope for the future the Faith more truly with each ‘popular culture is inventing must arrange and supervise dom in parishes, preventing us from conference gave me, and not day that passes. Only by all kinds of new reasons to the valuation of the one passing on Catholic social teaching in only for the Year of Faith, but living lives filled with prayer marginalise and hate million documents and their our schools and putting Catholic teach- for the years to come. and devotion to the Lord can Catholics.’ transfer by road to Aberdeen. ers in an impossible situation? Cardinal Pell and the young we hope to come through to This is not the popular The keeper will also help It has been said we live in a post- Catholics who spoke were this difficult time. culture I recognise. identify the preservation Christian British society, even an inspiring, but for me it was the That is why the Year of I can honestly say that, needs of the historic archives, anti-Catholic Scotland. But to lecture by Professor George Faith and New Evangelisation living in Scotland, I have formulate a scheme for their legally set aside more than 2000 Weigel that made the lasting are so important, this is our never been a victim of a progressive digitisation, and years of Christian tradition with leg- impression. I never thought of great calling to gather religiously aggravated offence draw up applications to islation that the electorate has not myself as an Evangelical together all those who are or at any point felt potential sources of funding to voted for is a sign we are failing as a Catholic, a term he used Catholics and stop them marginalised. I am a Catholic pay for both these processes. democracy. repeatedly through his speech, slipping into the black pit of in my 20s, I hold down a full Key to the success of the As Bishop Devine told Mr but perhaps I am, or perhaps I immorality that is the rest of time job, I can socialise transfer is well-designed Cameron upon identifying the Prime could be. the population. wherever I want at my leisure application for Government Minister’s double dealing: “You vacil- I may not have the best If we follow the Pope’s and I can also attend Sunday indemnity to cover the late, ambivalent about the role you wish education in the world but instructions and the Mass wherever I want, safe in insurance of the documents

Opinion to perform—the disciple of David or when it comes to my Faith and instructions of our own the knowledge that I can do so during the 30-year loan period Nero. With such a contradiction between the Church, it feels like the hierarchy we can ensure the without fear of attack. Is this and meet its terms and your statements and actions, on what basis Holy Spirit is working through next generation grows up how it feels to be conditions. However, given can you expect anyone—Christians in particular me, giving me confidence, and Catholic, honest and true safe marginalised for living your the profound opposition of —to trust or respect you?” I come alive when I talk about from the seeping, stinking Faith? archivists and researchers Catholicism. I only wish more secularism that pervades I would like to know if (including many of the most people could have heard the every corner of British life. Pakistani Catholics, who have eminent historians in Britain conference speaker. I was not This is our great challenge had to flee to countries such and abroad) to the proposed expecting, and was most and all of us must rise to it, no as our own, for fear of being transfer, there is no guarantee grateful for, the lunch that was matter how difficult it may tortured and killed because of that national indemnity will SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER provided, but a morning and seem at times! Yours in Faith. their Faith, feel they are living automatically be granted. afternoon coffee break would David Monitor in an anti-Catholic country? The posts of Keeper of the have been appreciated instead EDINBURGH S Donnelly Scottish Catholic Archives and MAIN SWITCHBOARD during such a lengthy event. GLASGOW that of Assistant Archivist have Tel: 0141 221 4956• Fax: 0141 221 4546 My Scotland is not And perhaps next time such an anti-Catholic Last call on future of recently become vacant, EDITOR event in Glasgow could be leading to mounting concern moved to an even larger venue? I CANNOT help but think Catholic archives among the community of Liz Leydon—Tel: 0141 241 6109 Marie MacDonald some of the rhetoric espoused AS COURTESY of the historians as to the viability of [email protected] PAISLEY by the Scottish hierarchy and Freedom of Information the transfer agreement signed DEPUTY EDITOR some high-profile Catholics (Scotland) Act, it has recently last month on behalf of the Help in rising to about our country being been possible to examine in Scottish Bishops by Cardinal Ian Dunn—Tel: 0141 241 6107 challenges [email protected] Keith O’Brien. WHAT a joy it is to be alive G SCO reserves the right to edit letters to conform with space or The Rubicon will definitely REPORTER in this, the Year of Faith. It style requirements be crossed when the Historic Martin Dunlop—Tel: 0141 241 6103 seems to be increasingly G This page is used solely for reader opinion and therefore views Archives are physically likely that this may be one of expressed are not necessarily shared by SCO [email protected] shipped out of Columba the most important years in G If you would like to share your opinion, send your House. Nevertheless, there is SUB-EDITOR the entire history of the correspondence to the above address still time for the Scottish Church. Like never before the Bishops to [recosnsider]. Gerard Gough—Tel: 0141 241 6115 G Whether you use e-mail or post, you must provide your full name, Michael TRB Turnbull [email protected] Church is assailed by dark and address, and phone number or your letter will not be used malevolent forces in the EAST LOTHIAN Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH THAT’S LIFE 15 Lord, make me wise, but not just yet! THAT’S LIFE looks at marking ‘big birthdays’ and inspiration for the best ambitions to put on your own ‘bucket list’

ugly, black, winged creatures. to how to celebrate these middle years I found plenty year or even next but before my next ‘big birthday,’ It is said that middle age is the time when you of outlandish suggestions. Some of the less wacky if God spares me, I hope to go to Mexico City to begin the shift from seeing the future in terms of and more financially affordable ones caught my eye. make my own special pilgrimage to Our Lady. your potential and start viewing it in relation to your Discounting the more prosaic recommendations In the meantime, Himself is treating me to a few By Mary limitations. Not exactly uplifting. Then, again, I have such as visiting a museum, which, frankly, I have days in Venice with our daughter who is coming also heard it said that age is merely a number after done enough times with my culture-vulture family home from university in Padua for Christmas. While McGinty your name on a police charge sheet. Having so far when I would far rather be chatting or reading a in Padua I will visit St Anthony’s Basilica, and managed to stay on the right side of law that does book in the café, I quickly moved on. recalling the Pope’s words on a visit to a retirement not apply to me, but I warm to the thought that mid- Likewise, I disregarded the one about serenading home last month when he said ‘it is necessary to dis- N THE very day Pope Benedict XVI dle age is merely a state of mind. Strictly speaking I someone. Speaking as the girl who was asked to cover in every age the presence and blessing of the was embracing his youth by sending can still claim that middle age is still a way off as a mime in music lessons at school I can tell you that Lord and the riches it contains,’ I will give thanks his first tweet at the ripe old age of recent report concluded that middle age starts at the that is just the sort of activity that could have me well for all the graces I have received, for my good 85, I was celebrating what is age of 55. and truly huckled and with my name on a charge health, the love of my family and friends and I will euphemistically known as a ‘big The dreaded midlife crisis should not be too much sheet. Further down the list getting tipsy in good ask Our Lady to continue to intercede for me and for birthday.’ The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on of a worry as only around one in ten of us succumbs company does have a certain appeal. But not test- the Holy Father. the auspicious date of 12.12.12 was cause for cel- to that torment but if it strikes it can last for several driving a Ferrari—so last century. In the years to come I hope I will be able to strike ebrationO although it is ironic that just as I am cross- years, which is worrying as the years are rolling on So I have decided to make my own bucket list of a balance between growing old gracefully and aging ing over to the north side of 50, everything else is and the plan is to enjoy ones that are left. ‘things to do while I still can.’ It won’t be composed with attitude. going south, if you know what I mean. It stands to reason that in a culture that so prizes on a whim but for my number one wish I am taking In time I might just ‘wear purple with a red hat Middle age seems to be a kind of no man’s land youth that maturity and its associated attributes are inspiration from the Holy Father and his devotion to which doesn’t go’ like the poem says. Just not for a between young and vibrant adulthood and the rarely craved. Women mourn the loss of their youth- Our Lady of Guadalupe. It probably will not be this while yet. onset of old age. But, I am told, it has its advan- ful looks and attempt to assuage the ravages of times tages. Apparently I will be the possessor of new- with various lotions and potions. For men mid-life found wisdom and I will have earned the right to crises seem to manifest themselves in the purchase be the sage dispenser of advice to anyone younger of cars that only the young and agile can enter with CROSSWORD Gordius No 69 and in need of my guiding hand. Less positively, ease, dubious hair colouring and defining age-related the first grey hairs are making their appearance aches and pains as old sports injuries. and crow’s feet are no longer things that belong to Looking on the internet for some for some tips as

123 4 5 6 7

Everyday evangelising can be for all 89

By Patricia Carroll see I’m too busy, it’s just nice to on the Year of Faith know others are doing this!” 10 11 12 1314 ANOTHER great resource I In the workplace First entry out the hat next have come across recently is the This is often the most difficult place TUESDAY will be the winner to live out our faith and to give wit- Everday Evangelising take 15 16 17 home leaflet from the Home ness to it. This leaflet makes the fol- Send your completed Mission Desk of the Bishops’ lowing suggestions: 18 crossword entries—along with Conference of England and 19 20 Wales. Here are some of the G In business dealings always act your full name address and suggestions in it for making with honesty and integrity. 21 22 23 daytime phone number—to evangelisation real in the home, G Make sure you pray before mak- CROSSWORD CONTEST SCO 19 parish and work place. ing decisions which will affect other WATERLOO ST GLASGOW G2 people’s lives. 24 25 6BT Reaction G Be ready to talk about your rela- This section connects with habits of different place in church and tionship with Jesus and the differ- The winner’s name will be the heart which we can form in each exchange names with those around ence He makes in your life. 26 27 printed next week other as a family, some of which you. This is an interesting one, I G Be open about your Catholic look really familiar but have waned was thinking about my own habits, Faith, for example, don’t be afraid The editor’s decision is final in practice in many Catholic homes. I always sit in the same place in to wear ashes on Ash Wednesday. ACROSS The first suggestion is about pray- church and have probably never 1 Pub (3) ing together beginning with simply spoken to someone who sits at the These suggestions are simple, but 3 Will this tell you how long the cassette is? (4,7) LAST WEEK’S saying grace before and after meals, other side of the church. are provoking us to think about how 8 & 18d They light up when Christmas is coming! (6,7) SOLUTION this can often be difficult when This is about gently moving us our faith is lived in our everyday 9 A check on attendance at school (4,4) today families come and go at all out of our comfort zones. After all if lives, making practices and customs 10 Rotates (5) ACROSS sorts of times and often do not sit we can’t disturb ourselves enough which we perhaps have dropped 11 Little Sarah's a saucy type! (5) 1 Concelebrate 7 Van together to eat. to move our seat, then how can we more intentional. Perhaps this week 13 Air-filled cavity in the skull associated with the nose (5) 9 Anil 10 Motive 11 Blur The next suggestion connects to expect that we will move anything you could take some time to reflect 15 Can this person’s abhorrence of technology 14 Sport 5 Litre 16 Etna symbols or images of our Faith, else! Another suggestion is to pray on new ways that you can make your be diluted? (7) 18 Arrow 21 Idaho many households are into modern regularly for parish leaders, this faith more explicit in your home, 16 Sum of money put by (4,3) 22 Obeys 23 Nasty 20 The board is quiet and lifeless (5) 24 Cane 25 Actor minimalism or colour coordinated includes not just the priest or a dea- your parish and your workplace. 26 Often 29 Arms décor, the challenge here is to find con if there is one, but all those who 21 Haughty (5) G 33 Little 34 Make images which connects us readily to daily are reaching out to others in What prevents you from praying 23 At Christmas, he may be confused with Satan (5) 36 Sun 37 Trigonometry remembering that God is with us in all sorts of quiet ways, but whose as a family? 24 On time (8) our homes creating an environment contribution keeps us all going. G What stops you from getting 25 The cave got broken with rot inside (6) DOWN where prayer happens naturally. Another obvious one is about more involved in events and activi- 26 The musicians who played Abide With Me as this order 1 Con 2 Null 3 Emma When we reviewed the preparation getting involved in events and ties in your parish community? was given on the Titanic? (7,4) 4 Eat up 5 River 6 Evil for children’s initiation here in St activities, we are great at announc- G What holds you back from mak- 27 Perish (3) 8 Norway spruce Andrews and Edinburgh Archdio- ing gatherings but often we think ing it known that you are a person 9 A gulf in class cese this was actually one of the someone else should take part. of faith in your workplace? DOWN 12 Strain 13 Lemon key recommendations, that Catholic There is the classic story of the 1 Restorative rest that sounds like the jump of Sewell’s 14 Soaks 17 Twenty heroic horse (6,5) 19 Rayon 20 Woman families are encouraged to have a man who questioned the priest about These are questions we can all 27 Fling 28 Elton Crucifix on display, icons and why benediction at 4pm on a Sun- ask ourselves as we continue to 2 Get the minister’s title right always, to the end (8) 3 An aid to picking up Oriental gangs (5) 30 Mint 31 Germ images in bedrooms and even a day had stopped. The priest replied journey together in this Year of 32 Omit 35 Key holy water font at the door. that he was now looking after two Faith because the essential key to 4 I garner together a singular piece of jewellery (7) Do you remember the days when parishes and for two years there had this year is about sharing faith and 5 Book of maps (5) we blessed ourselves before we left only been two ladies, the organist if we cannot do this naturally in our 6 Incapable of breaking up a nebula (6) Last week’s winner was: the house? Another idea from this and himself taking part. The man everyday lives where else will we 7 Snakelike fish (3) Gerry McFarlane, Motherwell Everyday Evangelising leaflet is replied: “This is such a pity as bene- do it? 12 With a pap I go KE—there’s no knowing what you’ve about celebrating feast days, what diction is part of our Catholic tradi- If you want to order leaflets bought! (1,3,2,1,4) might that look like in your house? tion and a great opportunity for aboutEveryday Evangelising go to 13 Establish (3,2) 14 Meat made of Southern hardwood (5) Do you have a special family meal on prayer.” So the priest then said: “I the following website: www.home- Scottish Catholic Observer: 17 It emerged as a name—Ted—was written about (8) big feasts, might that be something agree with you wholeheartedly, so if mission Scotland’s only national 18 See 8 across you could begin to do as a family? we re-instated this time of prayer 19 A bison wanders here (6) Catholic weekly newspaper would you spread the word and I Patricia Carroll is the Episcopal 22 Had romantic meetings (5) printed by Trinity Mirror, Oldham. In the parish encourage people to come and pray, Delegate for Pastoral Resources in 23 Just a bit of a fight (5) Registered at the Post Office Here are some of the ideas for as well as yourself.” At this the man the Archdiocese of St Andrews and 24 Vegetable found in a pod (3) as a newspaper. parishes, from time to time sit in a replied: “Well, father, not really, you Edinburgh 16 CHILDREN’S LITURGY THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012

Our weekly series on Children’s Liturgy has lesson plans and activity suggestions for use with young people who are on the path to Christ Each week, Catechists will find readings and Psalm responses, complemented by prayer, reflection, FAITH discussion questions, and activities. Please feel free to use them as you wish The lessons are created by Adorer-theologians using the lens of the spirituality of St Maria de Mattias, which also embraces precious blood spirituality FIRST While this is the starting point for the lessons, readers are invited to approach them however the spirit moves you The Church is concerned with the availability and understanding of scripture for children who have their rightful place in the Church. In light of this SCO aims to provide a useful tool in drawing children closer to KIDS the Catholic Faith courage—not to Her mother or the Shepherd of Israel, you sit on your throne temple. above the winged creatures. Both these stories make it clear that Listen to our prayer and let your light Fourth Sunday of Advent God’s ways are with the simple, humble shine. Save us by your power. and good people of the earth—not the You keep me safe and I always trust you. —First Reading powerful, rich or most popular. Why does (R) Rouse your power, O Lord, and come our God, time and again, choose the to save us. Out of you will be born the one who is to rule over Israel. ordinary to be the way of manifesting the God All-Powerful, please do something! A reading from the book of the prophet Micah 5:1-3. Divine? Perhaps it says more about us Look down from Heaven and see what is being surprised and not realising God is happening to this vine. Town of Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are not about anything else! With your own hands you planted its roots. one of the smallest in the nation of (R) Rouse your power, O Lord, and come Activities to save us. Judah. But I will choose one of your G We can give the gift of God’s love. people to rule the nation. And His family Review the process of coming to this Alleluia Sunday: The signs of the coming of the Luke 1:38 goes back to ancient times. Son of Man, John the Baptist, Mary and (R) Alleluia, alleluia. The Lord will abandon Israel only until Elizabeth. I am the servant of the Lord: let it be done this ruler is born and the rest of His G Talk about all the ways the children to me according to your word. have prepared for Jesus’ birth. Then point (R) Alleluia, alleluia. family come back to join Israel. out the significance of the angels, He will stand like a shepherd feeding shepherds, creation, being sent away from Gospel His sheep by the power and glorious the inn, as well as Mary, Joseph and Jesus’ Why should I be honoured with a visit from the humble beginnings. mother of my Lord? A reading from the Holy name of the Lord his God. His people G Remind the children to be thankful for Gospel according to Luke 1:39-45. will live in peace, and everyone on earth the presence of their loved ones even as Mary hurried to a town in the hill country will know how great the Lord is. much as they are appreciative of their of Judea. She went into Zechariah’s home, presents. where She greeted Elizabeth. When The Word of the Lord Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, Prayer her baby moved within her. Dear God, we love you so much. We know The Holy Spirit came upon Elizabeth. you love us very much too because you Then in a loud voice she said to Mary: sent Jesus to us. Jesus was born with your “God has blessed you more than any other The Children’s Liturgy page is published one life and love and so are we. Help us to woman! He has also blessed the child you grow to be like Jesus—to be full of love. will have. Why should the mother of my week in advance to allow RE teachers and those Reflection Thank you, God for loving us. Amen. Lord come to me? As soon as I heard your taking the Children’s Liturgy at weekly Masses to greeting, my baby became happy and MICAH expresses joy that the Messiah Responsorial Psalm moved within me. The Lord has blessed use, if they wish, this page as an accompaniment will come from among the people of this 80:1 acdef and 2c, 14-15ab. you because you believed that He will keep to their teaching materials little town of shepherds. Mary turns to (R) Rouse your power, O Lord, and come His promise.” Her cousin Elizabeth for comfort and to save us. The Gospel of the Lord Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH CHURCH NOTICES 17 CHURCH&PUBLICNOTICES EXPERTSERVICES

PASSIONIST COMMUNITY MOTHERWELL DIOCESAN CHOIR SCOT-COVER ST MUNGO’S CHURCH directed by John Pitcathley present: 52 Parson Street, Glasgow RE-UPHOLSTERY "O Earth Be Hushed" Freephone: 0800 389 8084 CHRISTMAS SERVICES 2012 in Suites and church kneelers re-covered. TH For quality and expertise, all types of CHRISTMAS EVE,MONDAY 24 DECEMBER High Blantyre Parish Church upholstery work undertaken - 6pm - Vigil Sunday 16th December contract, commercial and domestic. 11.30pm - Carol Service at 7.30pm 12 Midnight - Solemn Concelebrated Mass of The Cathedral, Motherwell the Nativity Wednesday 19th December CHRISTMAS DAY,TUESDAY 25TH DECEMBER at 7.30pm Masses at 10am and 12 noon only. There will be NO Evening Mass until ALL WELCOME 29th December.

WEDNESDAY 26TH TIL FRIDAY 28TH DECEMBER Masses at 10am and 12.15pm only. The Sisters of the Gospel of Life ST invite you to a MONDAY 31 DECEMBER 6PM Mass of Thanksgiving for 2012 Monthly Mass for Life At Our Lady of Consolation Church TUESDAY 1ST TIL FRIDAY 4TH JANUARY 2013 Inglefield Street, Govanhill, Glasgow, G42 7PZ Masses at 10am and 12.15pm only. Celebrant: Fr Joseph Lappin CONFESSIONS Priests wishing to concelebrate please bring Alb 17th -22nd December Wednesday December 19th Confessions at usual times Exposition 6pm, Rosary 7pm, Mass 7.30pm Wednesday 19th December Followed by tea, coffee & a chance to meet 7.30pm Parish Reconciliation Service up with pro-life friends ALL WELCOME Monday 24th December 10.30am - 12noon only Wednesday 26th - Friday 28th December No Confessions

th Saturday 29 December ADVERTISING LEGION OF MARY TERMSAND Confessions at usual times CHRISTMAS CRIB CONDITIONS IN SCOTLAND Advertisements Monday 31st December APOSTOLATE 2012 submitted must contain complete and accurate Confessions at usual times information and comply Dates and venues where the Holy Rosary will be prayed in public: with requirements of all relevant legislation, the Tuesday 1st - Friday 4th January 2013 GLASGOW EDINBURGH British Code of FALKIRK Advertising Practice, and No Confessions Barra’s the Advertising Sunday 16th December, 1 – 3pm Howgate Shopping Centre Standards Authority. Friday 14th December, 10am – 6pm The publisher has the Saturday 5th January Knightswood Shopping Centre right, at its discretion, to Saturday 22nd December, 11am – 1pm Saturday 15th December, 9am – 6pm Sunday 16th December, 10am – 5pm refuse, omit, suspend, or Confessions at usual times Partick - St Peter’s, Hyndland St change the position of PORTOBELLO advertisements, or Sunday 16th December, 10.30am – 12.30pm require artwork or copy St John the Evangelist Church to be amended to comply Wayside Club – 32 Midland Street Saturday 22nd December,10.45am – 12.30pm with any moral or legal Cribdisplayed from 15th December obligations. The St Augustine's Choir PAISLEY publisher will not be Possilpark - Saracen Cross GOUROCK - “The Pier” liable for any loss of A Celebration of Christmas Saturday 22nd December, 12noon – 2pm Saturday 22nd December, 11am – 12noon revenue to the advertiser Royston Square incurred as a GREENOCK consequence of St Augustine's Church, Saturday 15th December, 12noon – 2pm Town Centre, Westburn St. non-publication or Clarkston – St. Joseph’s Church incorrect reproduction of Dundyvan Road, Coatbridge Saturday 15th December, 11am – 12noon an advertisement. th grounds, Clarkston Road JOHNSTONE Houston Square Advertisements may be Monday 17 December, 2012 Saturday 15th December, 11am – 4pm Saturday 22nd December, 11am – 1pm cancelled within 14 days of an order being Castlemilk Arcade PAISLEY – DUNN SQUARE received and not less 7.30pm Saturday 22nd December,11am – 1pm Saturday 22nd December, 11am – 1pm than a minimum of 24 hours before deadline for Admission free Shawlands Arcade PORT GLASGOW entry. Any cancellations Saturday 15th December, 12noon – 2pm Princes’ St. Gardens outside this period will Prayer Group PERSONAL Saturday 22nd December, 10.30am -11.30am not affect the buyer’s Meeting Times MOTHERWELL liability for payment for COATBRIDGE - Brintana Shopping DUNDEE the advertisement. Payment for Archdiocese of UNATTACHED? Centre Wellgate Shopping Centre Glasgow Monday 17th December, 11am – 1pm advertisements must be N Rhema Prayer Saturday 15th December, 12noon – 3pm received within 30 days. Join the Wednesday 19th December, 1pm – 3pm Any order, verbal or Community HAMILTON CENTRE (bandstand) St Mary’s RC Church, 89 CATHOLIC Friday 21st December, 11am – 1pm written, which is placed Saturday 17th December, 12noon - 3pm for the insertion of an Abercromby Street, UNATTACHED ABERDEEN advertisement amounts Calton, DIRECTORY Saturday 22nd December, 12noon - 3pm St Nicholas Church, Union St (Civic Crib) to an acceptance of these Glasgow. G40 2DQ conditions. Tel: 01322 222 213 Monday 24th December, 12noon - 3pm Friday 14th December,11am - 1pm Wednesday 8.00pm for free brochure 18 FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012


DEATHS BUNCE CRUM Treasured memories of my 26th Anniversary dear mother, Ellen Caulfield, In loving memory of our dear BRADY, John Patrick who died on December 16, mother, Betty, who died Peacefully at the Marie Curie 1991, also my dear father, December 16, 1986. Hospice, on Saturday, Decem- Peter, who died on February 6, Deep in our hearts a memory ber 8, 2012, John, beloved 1991. R.I.P. is kept, husband of Mary, much loved No one knows the broken heart, Of a mother we loved and will father of Anne Marie, Tom and That lies behind my smile, never forget. Terese, loving grandfather, No one knows the loneliness, St Anthony pray for her. brother and uncle to the family. That’s with me all the while, Inserted by her children. Fortified by the Rites of the Silent tears do gently fall, Holy Church. R.I.P. MacNEIL SWEENEY Which others do not see, DARROCH JENKINS Funeral Mass took place on 44th Birthday 11th Anniversary For the kind and loving mum Of your charity, please pray for 10th Anniversary Friday, December 14, in St Loving memories of my hus- Please remember in your and dad, the repose of the soul of our Precious memories of Anthony Matthew’s, Bishopbriggs, band, John Martin, who died prayers Father Peter Sweeney, Who meant the world to me. mother, Catherine Darroch, (Tony), a dear and loving hus- thereafter to St Peter’s Dalbeth November 25, 2001, and late Parish Priest of St John In the shelter of Thy Sacred who died on December 13, band, dad and papa, who died Cemetery. whose 44th birthday occurs on Ogilvie’s, Easterhouse, who Heart, 1965, father, Edward Darroch on December 17, 2002. Donations in lieu of flowers to December 18. died on December 19, 2001. Dear Jesus, may they rest. and our brother Edward. R.I.P. God has you in His keeping, Marie Curie Hospice. In my heart you will always St John Ogilvie, pray for him. Inserted by their loving daugh- On their souls, sweet Jesus, We have you in our prayers, stay, ter Elizabeth. have mercy. and our hearts. MacNEIL Loved and remembered every On his soul, sweet Jesus, have Deeply shocked by the sudden BURNS day. MEMORIAM DEEGAN mercy. loss of life in France of our son, 15th Anniversary In loving memory of Kathleen, Love you always. xxx In loving memory of Michael, Maureen, Pauline, Linda and Michael, on November 1, 2012. AITCHISON our beloved sister, died His loving wife Mairi, Taobh Na who died December 18, 1997. Martin, Aisling and Gabriel. Safe in the hands of your 17th Anniversary December 19, 2001. Mara, 445 Lochboisdale. In the shelter of Thy Sacred brother Domhnall. In loving memory of a dearly Miss you every day. Happy Birthday Dad. Heart, LEES Mum, dad, Clare-Anne, loved wife, mother and grand- St Jude pray for her. Love and miss you Dad. xxx Dear Jesus, may he rest. 32nd Anniversary of our dear Mairead, Sarah Ann and daddy mother, Mary (Brown) Aitchi- Owen, Anne and all the family. Darren and Kerri. We miss him much but still we mother, Margaret (Maggie of young Domhnall. son, who died at home on know, Wilson), who died on Decem- December 18, 1995. R.I.P. FERRIE MacNEIL Thy Holy will is best. ber 20, 1980. Sadly missed. 3rd Anniversary BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE In loving memory of our Inserted by the family. We had a mother with a heart beloved son and brother, John Always in our thoughts and Remembering with love, my of gold, prayers. husband Joe, who died Who was more to us than MacDONALD Martin, who died on November Inserted by her loving family. December 18, 2009. A loving Treasured memories of our 25, 2001, whose birthday wealth untold, occurs on December 18. father, brother and uncle. If we had all the world to give, precious son, Colin, who died Death leaves a heartache no on September 16, 2002, and Loved and remembered every ARMSTRONG We’d give it, yes and more, Please pray for the repose of one can heal, whose birthday occurs on day in our hearts. To hear her voice and see her the soul of our dear brother, Love leaves a memory no one December 17. St Martin de Porres, pray for smile, Joseph Armstrong, who died can steal. Watch beside him Guardian him. And greet her at the door. December 16, 1984, our dear , pray for Angel, From Mum, Roddy, Seonag Little Flower at this hour, pray mother Jennie, died October him. Virgin Mother light his way. and Neil. for her. 19, 1956, and our dear father, Loved and remembered every Heart of Jesus grant him Son Bobby, grandchildren and Thomas, died March 12, 1973. day. mercy, MacNEIL great-grandchildren. Our Lady of the Assumption, Liz, Danielle Katie and Martin. That’s our prayer for Colin Remembering with love our Forever treasured are memo- each day. son-in-law, John Martin, who pray for them. CAMPBELL ries of you. died November 25, 2001, and Treasured memories of Peter, FRENCH Today, tomorrow and all life Loved and missed and forever In loving memory of my dear whose 44th birthday occurs on BALLANTYNE who died on December 17, through. in our hearts. parents, Frank, who died on December 18. In loving memory of our dear 2009. St , pray for her. Mum, Dad and all the family. December 15, 1954, and You left us quietly, your thought mother, Mary Tweedie, who So sadly missed, so dearly Son Andrew and Agnes Julie. Catherine, who died on July unknown, died December 19, 1996, and loved. You were always there when 24, 1978, also my dear sisters, You left us memories we are our dear father, John, who died Our Lady of the Isles, pray for we needed you, Mary, who died on July 12, proud to own. April 22, 2001. him. No task too great or small, 1994, and Margaret, who died Remembered by Ernie and Inserted by Beth, Cath, John Inserted by his loving wife and With willing hands and a heart on February 13, 2003. Seonag, 445 Lochboisdale. and Charles. family. of gold, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for For us you did them all. them. BLAKE CAMPBELL St Anthony, pray for her. RELIGIOUS MEMORIAM Treasured memories of our In loving memory of Iain May they rest in peace. From Tress, Dave, grandchil- darling granddaughter, Claire Matheson, a precious son, 38 Ladybank Drive. dren and great-grandchildren. Ashley, who died December brother and uncle, who died on A thought for all, a heart of 20, 1989, aged 11 months. December 16, 2007, aged 29 GALLACHER gold, You are always in our thoughts. years, and also his father, Iain, In loving memory of our dear One of the best this world Gran and Grampa Coyle and a loving husband, father and mother, Ann Jane, who died on could hold, McGUNNIGLE Aunt Camille. Gen who died on December December 17, 1983, also our Never selfish, always kind, Treasured memories of my 27, 1994. R.I.P. dear father, Michael, who died These are the memories you beloved husband, Hughie, BRADLEY Silent thoughts of time together, on December 10, 1962. Also left behind. father, granda, great-granda, 25th Anniversary Hold memories that will last Mrs Betty Connachan, died St Margaret, pray for her. father-in-law, whose birthday In loving memory of our much forever. July 19, 2011. Son Peter. occurs on December 16. loved mother, Agnes (Mackie), Mum, Annmarie, Marion and In the shelter of Thy Sacred Hughie, I know you must be in who died December 15, 1987. families. Heart, McBRIDE Heaven because you loved Gone is the face we loved so Dear Jesus, may they rest. 11th Anniversary God so much. DENNEHY dear, St Anne, St Michael and St In loving memory of our dear Pray for us. CARDEN 32nd Anniversary Silent the voice we loved to Treasured memories of my Anthony, pray for them. mother, Alice, who died From your Lily and loving In loving memory of Monsignor hear, devoted husband, William Inserted by the family. December 12, 2001, and also family. John Brendan Dennehy, who But in our hearts and thoughts Anthony (Bill), who died our dear father, John, who died died December 17, 1980. She is always near. December 18, 2007. GRANT December 3, 1947. Will those who think of him Eternal rest grant unto her O St Anthony, pray for him. Please remember in your Eternal rest grant unto them, O DEADLINEDEADLINE today, Lord. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, prayers my dear husband, Lord. A little prayer to Jesus say. From all the family. pray for him. John, who died December 15, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for for iinnsertionsertion Inserted by Terence. In my thoughts and prayers 1989, a loving dad and granda. them. BRADY always. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Susan, Pat and Rosemary and of him. family. Place Your Intimation In loving memory of Danny, a Maureen. inti intim mationsations beloved husband, father and Frances and family. Announcing, grandpa, who died on Decem- COLEMAN Remembering, ber 20, 2004, also Michael, a 1st Anniversary in JaJanuarynuary Thanking Births, Marriages, beloved son, brother and Treasured memories of a lov- 4th eedditionisitionis Deaths,Anniversaries uncle, who died on May 11, ing wife, mum and gran, Jane 1990, aged 23. Coleman (née McGloin), also no nnooon In our hearts you are always known as Jean, who died there, December 7, 2011. Thu Thur rsdaysday Loved and remembered in Rest in peace. 27 th every prayer. Inserted by her husband Joe, 27th To place a Family Announcement Contact Loving wife Kathleen and all daughter Clare and her six DecDe cemberember Patricia Cairney: 0141 241 6106 the family. granddaughters. Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS 19


MacLEAN MARTIN THANKSGIVING 5th Anniversary In loving memory of my dear Treasured memories of my mother, Susan, who died stepfather, Donald Roderick, December 14, 1989, brothers, POWERFUL NOVENA who died December 16, 2007. Alex, who died May 23, 1989, Of Childlike Confidence R.I.P. Allan, who died May 16, 1998, (This novena is to be said at Just a prayer from the ones and sister, Mary, who died July the same time, every hour, for who loved you, 23, 1999; also loved ones gone nine consecutive hours – just Just a memory fond and true, before. one day). O Jesus, who hast In our hearts you will live forever, To us you were someone special, said, ask and you shall receive, Because we thought the world Someone good and true, seek and you shall find, knock of you. You will never be forgotten, and it shall be opened to you, McGILLIGAN St Martin de Porres, pray for him. For we thought the world of you. through the intercession of McDERMOTT McKEON Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I 36th Anniversary Remembering Michael, who 33rd Anniversary Inserted by Neil and Morag. St Martin, pray for them. knock, I seek, I ask that my Treasured memories of my died December 13, 2000. In loving memory of our Susan, George, John and Paul. prayer be granted (make your dearly loved husband, and our I’m thankful for the times we beloved parents, Elizabeth, MacLEAN PITCATHLEY request). O Jesus, who hast shared, died December 18, 1979, and 5th Anniversary much loved father, Andrew 41st Anniversary said, all that you ask of the And the priceless memories Francis, died July 20, 1981, In loving memory of our dear McDermott, died December 16, Of your charity, pray for the Father in My name, He will too, also our dear brothers, Jim, pappy, Donald Roderick, who 1976. R.I.P. repose of the soul of William grant you through the interces- For those memories are a who died May 7, 1995, and died December 16, 2007. A heart of gold stopped beat- Pitcathley, who died Decem- sion of Mary, Thy Most Holy comfort now, Pat, who died September 17, Never more than a thought away, ing, ber 19, 1971. Mother, I humbly and urgently When I lovingly remember 1995. Loved and remembered every Hard working hands at rest, ask Thy Father, in Thy name, you. Much loved and sadly missed. day. For each and every one of us, RUDDY that my prayer be granted You always did your best, Alice. x Donna, JR and Ronalda. 25th Anniversary Gentle Jesus up above, (make your request). O Jesus, As time goes by without you, MacKINNON In loving memory of our da and who hast said, Heaven and Give my dad all my love. 28th Anniversary MacLEAN And days turn into years, granda, Charles, died Decem- Earth shall pass away but My Jennifer. x In loving memory of my dear 5th Anniversary They’ll hold a million ber 15, 1987. Joined in heaven word shall not pass, through One in a million, husband and father, Ronald, For our beloved pappy, Donald memories, by our wee mammy and the intercession of Mary, Thy Never more than a thought who died on December 19, Roderick MacLean, who died And a thousand silent tears. granny, Lily, died September Most Holy Mother, I feel confi- away. 1984. R.I.P. on December 16, 2007. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for 22, 2011. dent that my prayer shall be Elizabeth, Michelle, Megan, Softly from the shadows, Sadly missed. him. Much loved and so sadly granted (make your request); Ciaran, Mikey and Abbie. There came a gentle call, From Neil John, Rhoda, Marion Inserted by his loving wife and missed by their loving family publication promised. – L-NB. family. xxxxxx With farewells left unspoken, and Louise. here and Australia. You quietly left us all. GRATEFUL thanks to Our McGURK Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for MacLEAN, Mairi TIMONEY Lord Jesus, Blessed Mother, St 25th Anniversary him. 6th Anniversary 30th Anniversary Joseph, St Anthony, St Jude Of your charity, please pray Inserted by his wife Betty and Remembering with love, my In loving remembrance of our for prayers answered. – P.G. for the repose of the soul of family. wife Mairi, who died on very dear mother and grand- my dear husband and father, December 11, 2006. mother, Jean, who died on DEAR HEART OF JESUS Andy, died December 17, Deep in my heart you will December 18, 1982; also all Dear Heart of Jesus in the past 1987; also loved ones gone always stay, loved ones gone before and I have asked you for many before and after. Loved and remembered every after. R.I.P. favours, this time I ask you for In the shelter of Thy Sacred day. Treasured forever are memo- this special one (mention Heart, From your loving husband Ang. ries of you, favour), take it Dear Heart of Dear Jesus, may they rest. We think of you with love today Today, tomorrow and all life Jesus, and place it within Your St , pray for Mam, through. broken heart where your them. But that is nothing new, Little Flower of Jesus, pray for Father sees it, then in his mer- McDONALD Inserted by his loving wife Nan We think about you every day, them. ciful eyes it will become Your 3rd Anniversary of William. and family. We will our whole lives through. Venerable Margaret Sinclair, favour, not mine. Amen. Say Loving son of Bessie, devoted In our hearts you are always pray for them. for three days, publication brother, father and granda. MacINTYRE there. Very Reverend Father Francis promised. - T.M. Also my husband Ronnie and Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Timoney and all the family. In loving memory of our dear MacLEAN son-in-law John. mother, Christina, who died her. O DEAR ST JOSEPH OF 5th Anniversary , who, by your We think about you always, December 14, 2004, also our From Mesh and Mike, Peggy CUPERTINO In loving memory of a much ACKNOWLEDGEMENT prayers, did seek from God We talk about you too, dear father, Ronald, who died and Parlan, Archie and Linda, loved and sorely missed hus- that you should be asked at We have such precious memo- on June 1, 1994, and our Dooch and Peigi and Joan. band, Donald Roderick, who MacNEIL your examinations the only ries, loving brother, Patrick Iain, The gates of heaven opened died December 16, 2007. Donald Joseph, Morag, Clare- propositions you knew, pray But wish we still had you. who died January 31, 2005. wide, To hide my sorrow I always try, Anne, Mairead, Sarah Ann and that I too, like you, may suc- St Roch, St Joseph, pray for Remembering Alison, who The angels lined up side by side, To laugh with others, alone I young Domhnall would like to ceed in the examination for them. died suddenly on September A special guest was on her way, cry, express their heartfelt thanks which I am preparing. In return 10, 2006. The day God took our gran With aching heart I whisper to all who comforted and sup- I will make you known and McELENEY Rest in peace. away. ported them following the loss Please pray for the repose of low, cause you to be invoked; publi- St Joseph, pray for them. Inserted by her grandchildren of their dear Michael. Special the souls of our dear father and God Bless you, Donald, I miss cation promised. - L.M. We hold you close within our and great-grandchildren. thanks to Fr Lappin, St Paul’s, granda, Dan, who died Decem- you so. hearts, Whiteinch, Fr P. Dowling, St PRAYER TO THE BLESSED ber 16, 1997, and our dear Our Lady of the Isles, pray for And there you all remain, Anthony’s, Govan, Bishop J. VIRGIN mother and granny, Mary, who him. To walk with us throughout Toal and Mgr J. MacNeil, St O Most Beautiful Flower of died September 15, 1997. Inserted by his loving wife Rod- our lives, Columba’s Cathedral, Oban, Mount Carmel, fruitful in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant ina. Until we meet again. and Fr M. Hutson, St Andrew’s, splendour of Heaven, Blessed them eternal rest. So rest in peace dear loved Rothesay for rosary, Masses Mother of the Son of God, St Joseph and St Roch, pray MacLEAN ones, 5th Anniversary and spiritual comfort. Grateful Immaculate Virgin, assist me in for them. And thanks for all you have In loving memory of a much thanks to Canon MacQueen this my necessity. O Star of From the family. done, loved father and father-in-law, and Fr John Paul MacKinnon the Sea, help me and show me We pray that God has given Donald Roderick, who died for unfailing spiritual comfort herein You are my Mother. O you, December 16, 2007. and uplifting Requiem Mass in Holy Mary, Mother of God, The crown you have truly Deep in our hearts your mem- St Barr’s, Northbay, Barra; to Queen of Heaven and Earth, I won. ory is kept, the choir, altar server, readers, humbly beseech You from the Forever in our thoughts and To love, to cherish, to never MacNEIL soloist, piper and all who pre- bottom of my heart to succour prayers. forget. 4th Anniversary of our dearest pared the church and hall; to me in my necessity. There are Inserted by John Lachie, Sacred Heart of Jesus, have brother, brother-in-law and Caledonian MacBrayne staff none that can withstand Your Ewan, Michael, John Angus mercy on him. uncle, Angus John (Dian) who and crew; Angus B. MacNeil, power. O show me herein You and Marybell. Inserted by Patricia and Dun- died at home in Ardveenish, M.P; undertakers Alec MacIn- are my mother. O Mary, con- can, Askernish. Isle of Barra, on December 18, tyre and Gavin Henshelwood ceived without sin, pray for us McKEE 2008, aged 38 years. for their dignified services and who have recourse to Thee In loving memory of Patrick His life earnest, his actions kind, the gravediggers. To all family, (three times). O thank you for McKee, who died on To place an A willing hand, an active mind, relatives, friends and neigh- Your mercy to me and mine. December 14, 1971, and his Anxious to please, loath to bours and the wider community Amen. Say for three days; pub- McGROARTY beloved wife, Violet, who died intimation offend, who visited and those who pro- lication promised. Rita, who died on December June 20, 1993; also their son, A loving brother and faithful friend. vided food and baking for the Thanks also to the Sacred 12, 2004. Terence, who died August 11, St Barr, pray for him. home; all who sent floral trib- Heart, Our Lady, St Martin, St Sadly missed, never forgotten. 1988. Call: 0141 Fois shiorruidh thoir dha a utes and cards and all who Pio, St Anthony, St Jude and Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Loved and remembered Thighearna. travelled from near and far to all other great saints for great her. always. 241 6106 Inserted by his family home attend the Requiem Mass and favours received. Publication Inserted by the family. Inserted by the family. and away. graveside. promised. - R.T. 20 FUNERAL DIRECTORY THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012 FUNERAL DIRECTORY BISHOPS ENGAGEMENTS CARDINAL O’BRIEN Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh

Our caring staff are here to listen and advise you, TUE DEC 18 10AM Meeting of Heads of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Agencies, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh. WED 19 11AM Meeting of Vicars General, A sign that we care 53 Morrison Street Glasgow St Bennet’s, Edinburgh; 2PM Meeting of Trustees of Archdiocese, Trustees Office, 0141 429 4433 Gillis Centre; 7PM Golden Jubilee of St Teresa’s Parish, Craigmillar, Edinburgh. THU T&RFUNERAL O’BRIEN DIRECTORS 20 12NOON Advent Mass and Christmas ESTABLISHED 1890 meal with staff, Gillis Centre. It is our business to care. Every member of staff is dedicated to delivering the best service possible—with ARCHBISHOP TARTAGLIA professionalism, compassion, and sensitivity. Archbishop of Glasgow, Dignity Caring Funeral Services We are members of the National Association of Funeral Directors SUN DEC 16 11AM Confirmations, St Philip’s, Ruchazie; 3PM Carols for Peace, Woodside Funeral Home, 110 Maryhill Road City Chambers. MON 17 1.30PM Retreat for Tel. 0141 332 1708/1154 East End Funeral Home, 676 Edinburgh Road, Glasgow Primary Headteachers (Archdiocesan Primary Tel. 0141- 778 1470 Headteachers’ Association.) THU 20 7.30PM Springfield Cambridge Festival Chorus VOCATIONS Concert, Royal Concert Hall. FRI 21 Lunch John Clark Funeral Service with the staff of the Curial Offices. Frank J Lynch Ltd. All Arrangements Do you feel that BISHOP DEVINE Completed Funeral Directors ToYour Satisfaction God is calling you to the Gorbals 156 Crown Street, Glasgow, G5 9XD Motherwell, 24 Hour Service Missionary Tel 0141 429 0300 Pre-Payment Funeral Priesthood 323 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, G11 6AL MON DEC 17 11AM Pre-Confirmation visit, St Plans Then Partick Bride’s PS, Cambuslang. Professional & caring Staff we can Tel 0141 339 1122 help you Possilpark Gilchrist & Lynch BISHOP CUNNINGHAM Tel: 136 BalmoreRoad, Glasgow, G22 6LJ 01698 842233 Tel 0141 336 2300 Galloway, 10 Jubilee Way, Contact: Bellshill, ML4 1SA The Vocations Director One of the few privately owned companies left in Glasgow SMA FATHERS Golden Charter Pre-Payment Plans available WED 19 7.30PM Carol Service, Cathedral. St Theresaʼs Clarendon Place, Dunblane Perthshire FK15 9HB MEMORIAM CARDS BISHOP GILBERT Organist Aberdeen, JERICHO “The MEMORARE MEMORIAM CARDS LTD & Compassion of SUN DEC 16 11.15AM Mass, St Mary’s Full colour traditional Hand Finished Double Folder, Cathedral. MON 17 6.30PM Christmas Jesus.” Wallet, Bookmarker and Single cards. Cantor Drug & Alcohol Rehabs., Reception, Prof Ian Davidson, Aberdeen *Full Colour Order of Service Booklets (Fast Service)* University Principal, Chanonry Lodge. Available for weddings Refuge for Victims of For your free Sample Pack posted 1st Class Domestic Violence, WED 19 1.10PM Light of the North editorial and funeral services Supported Accommodation Telephone 0141 812 4491 meeting, Ogilvie Centre. THU 20 7.45PM Listen online at: for the Destitute, the *Cheaper than competitors, every time* Service of Readings and Carols, St Mary’s Cathedral. Distressed, and all being visit our website: ‘passed by on the other side.’ T. 01698 325 493 A COMMUNITY OF AUXILIARY BISHOP ROBSON MEN OF PRAYER FOR of St Andrews and Edinburgh OUR TIMES (founded 1970) Vocation info from MON DEC 17 7PM Penitential Service, St Bro Patrick Mullen, MEMORIAM CARDS The Jericho Society, Mary’s, Bathgate. WED 19 11AM Meeting of To aadvertise:dvertise: Mater Salvatoris, Harelaw Farm, Vicars General, St Bennet’s; 2PM Meeting of Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, PA10 2PY designed & printed to your exact requirements the Archdiocesan Trustees. THU 20 12NOON 014 01411 241241 Scottish Charity SC016909 Tel: 01505 614669 we can produce order of service for Requiem Masses Cardinal’s Advent Mass and lunch, Gillis 61056105 Email: and also design and print jubilee cards, bookmarks, [email protected] and acknowledgment/thank-you cards Centre, Edinburgh. please call for full details of the personalised service we can provide BISHOP TOAL Send your message Argyll and the Isles, of congratulations 0141 569 4724 • 07818 645 863 mobile To place your HTTP://WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK message simply To advertise with the email: Scottish Catholic Observer FIND AND LIKE THE intimations@ NEW SCOTTISH email: advertising@ CATHOLIC OBSERVER or Call: PAGE ON FACEBOOK 0141 241 6106 Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH A 21 Real reform led by progressive Popes DR HARRY SCHNITKER, in his series on the history of the Papacy looks at the Popes who held the Chair of St Peter at the time of the Reform Movement A HISTORY OF THE PAPACY

HE old order of corruption, stätt was soon renowned for the quality violence and clerical abuse of its clergy and the piety of its laity. threw one last hurrah in the person of Pope Benedict IX, hen Pope St Leo IX died, Car- who managed to occupy the dinal Hildebrand led a Roman Papal Throne for no fewer than three delegation to the Emperor separate periods. In 1032, his father, requestingW the appointment of the Bishop TAlberic III, Count of Tusculum, whose of Eichstätt to the Papal throne. Like Pope family had dominated the corrupt Leo before him, Pope Victor hesitated and Papacy for generations, elevated his son had to be cajoled before he accepted. This to the Chair of St Peter. His reputation may have been a clever bit of dissem- and behaviour is summed up perfectly bling: the Emperor agreed to restore to the in the writings of that great champion Holy See all lands lost during the century of reform, St Peter Damian. “Benedict and a half of the ‘bad Popes’ as one of IX was feasting on immorality,” he Pope Victor’s conditions. wrote. The Catholic Encyclopedia Pope Victor continued where Pope tersely and succinctly describes him as Leo had left off. However, he took the ‘a disgrace to the Chair of Peter.’ worldly influence of the Holy See to new The disgrace was removed by the levels. He forced the Spanish King to German Emperor, Henry III, and the acknowledge the suzerainty of the way was paved for desperately needed emperor and when Henry III died reform. All around, there were clergy became the official regent of the Empire. living in sin, bishops who had bought The very brief reign of his successor, their office, monasteries that resembled Pope Stephen X (1057-8) was noticeable businesses or worse, brothels. As the for the elevation of that other pillar of the Church had expanded, so its moral Reform Movement, St Peter Damian, to compass had gone awry. After Henry the cardinaliate. St Peter was a hermit, III’s intervention, there followed a whose prolific writings have earned him period of quite remarkable renewal, the title of Doctor of the Church. Active headed by a cast of some of the most in Church reform before this became able Popes in the Church’s history. fashionable, he was Pope Stephen X’s man in Milan, where his thorough s we saw last week, the prestige reform left behind a new Church. of the office had not suffered Even St Peter Damian was unable to because of its incumbents. As prevent those trying to preserve the sta- soonA as dynamic leaders began to tus quo to install an unworthy candidate occupy St Peter’s Chair, they could use on the Papal throne in the form of Anti- that prestige to herald reform. The first Pope Benedict X. The absent Cardinal significant Pope of the Reform Move- Hildebrand became the centre of oppo- ment was Pope St Leo IX (1049-54), sition, and supported by the Empire the first Pope to be Canonised since managed to oust the Anti-Pope and 867AD. Pope Leo was born as Bruno in install Pope Nicholas II. Egisheim, in what is now Alsace, in In his brief, four-year Papacy, Pope 1049. He was related to the Emperor, Nicholas II’s most noteworthy act was Conrad, and his family was noted for its to regulate the succession in Rome. He piety and fidelity. ordered that only the College of Cardi- This is more than the usual footnote to nals could elect a new Pope, with the history: the family as the foundation Emperor’s role reduced to mere stone of Faith, regardless of the moral approval. On the principal of ‘if you state of the world or the Church is an cannot beat them, join them,’ he con- important fact in Catholic renewal, and ducted an alliance with the Normans in St Leo’s background is an iconic repre- southern Italy, and obtained their assis- sentation of that fact. He became a canon tance in finally defeating the military at Toul, and moved to the Imperial chapel power of the anti-reform party. when Conrad was elected Emperor. Ironically, his decree on the Papal In 1026 he led the Imperial army into succession caused great consternation northern Italy, where the emperor wanted amongst the German Imperial family, to make good his claim to the Italian hitherto the main protectors of the crown. This may strike us as unusual, but Reform Movement. They declared martial clergy were the norm at the time. Pope Nicholas deposed, but the military He was rewarded with the Bishopric of might of the Normans had made the Toul, which he administered with Pope safe from any threat. notable vigour for two decades. affairs of the Holy See. In 1049, the first idly expanding Scandinavian Church, ema of 1054 was just another step The accession of Pope Alexander II in In 1048, the new Emperor, Henry III, of many synods was held, condemning and appointed a first Bishop for Iceland. towards total rupture. Arguably it was 1061 severely tested the new regime. An was asked by the Romans for a new the purchasing of clerical offices and Pope Leo’s only real failure was in not until the sack of Constantinople by alliance of recalcitrant Italian Bishops Pope, and his choice fell upon Bruno. clerical vices. Next, Bruno, who had southern Italy. There, the various Lom- Crusaders in 1204 that relations finally and clergy, the German Imperial family Whether from modesty or fear, Bruno taken the name of Leo, travelled bard principalities, as well as the Islamic ground to a halt. However, it is rather and the Roman nobility, now also took an immense amount of persuasion throughout Christendom, holding syn- rulers of Sicily and other enclaves, were sad that this great reforming Pope deprived of their influence on the before he accepted. He entered Rome ods at Pavia, Cologne and Reims. in the process of being conquered by the should have been the one remembered Papacy, tried to prevent him from acced- barefoot as a pilgrim, in the company of The latter has become celebrated, for Normans. Pope Leo regarded them as for the symbolic parting of the ways of ing to the Throne of St Peter. They failed. Cardinal Hildebrand. Cardinal Hilde- there assembled the prelates of Eng- feudal subjects, but they proved less pli- the ‘two lungs of the Church.’ Norman support, and military aid brand, the future Pope Gregory VII, land, France and the Spanish lands for able than their English counterparts. He died that same year, and was suc- from the powerful Marchionessa of was one of the pillars of the Church’s their first taste of the reforms to come. They defeated his army, and the Pope ceeded by three short-lived Popes, who Tuscany, ensured that the Papacy was Reform Movement, and the entrance Pope Leo (above) flexed his muscles, simply had to accept that the Normans were, nevertheless, all very able. Pope now becoming freed from direct Impe- into Rome was full of portent. and trusting on the prestige of his were, for now, out with his sphere of Victor II was another German, and rial interference. The process would They set to work almost immediately. office, excommunicated bishops and influence. It greatly dented the Pope’s another kinsman of the Imperial family. take some time to complete, but spiri- A final attempt by the dissolute Pope prevented William of Normandy, the confidence, and may have influenced It is odd how this rather nepotistic tual and structural reform began to gain Benedict IX to regain the Papacy— future conqueror of England, from mar- his decision the next year (1054) to arrangement for electing Popes produced the breathing space it required. Pope which he at one point had sold in order rying his cousin. Amazingly, both bish- break communion with the Patriarch of so many talented and dedicated Holy Alexander died in 1073, and it fell to to get married—was put down, and Car- ops and kings obeyed Papal decrees. At Constantinople. Fathers. He became a bishop aged only the formidable Cardinal Hildebrand, for dinal Hildebrand was made responsible Mainz on his way back, he met with the Relations with the Orthodox had 24 and immediately proved himself as a so long the soul of the Reform Party, to for organising the ruined financial Archbishop of Bremen, head of the rap- been poor for some time, and the anath- zealous reformer. His diocese of Eich- complete his work. 22 CELEBRATING LIFE THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012 Celebrating Life Do you have a special occasion from your parish or a celebration at your school that you wish to share with the SCO? If so, e-mail Dan McGinty: [email protected]


SUN 16 DECEMBER 1PM 8.30AM HOLY MASS LIVE PASTORAL VISIT TO THE 7.30PM ROMAN PARISH SAN PATRIZIO CHRIST COMES IN HISTORY, Mossend youth give Malawian children a helping hand AL COLLE PRENESTINO MYSTERY AND MAJESTY: By Dan McGinty Young Catholics from Mossend alongside Holy 11AM REFLECTIONS ON ADVENT local participants to organise the parish backpack appeal. Family parish priest Fr James Grant and Mary’s THE ANGELUS WITH POPE WITH HIS EMINENCE, TIMOTHY Meals volunteer Tony Begley. The group collected BENEDICT XVI CARDINAL DOLAN YOUNG Catholics in Mossend showed Encouraged and aided by Tony Begley, a backpacks to send to less fortunate children in Mary’s Meals volunteer worker, the Caritas 11.30AM 9PM their commitment to the charitable Malawi efforts of their parish as they organised team produced their own publicity and ADVENT REFLECTIONS: POPE BENEDICT XVI WORLD a backpack appeal for Mary’s Meals. addressed the congregation at all Sunday IRELAND YOUTH DAY LIVE The young people from Holy Family Masses on weekends, asking for their fellow 1PM THURS 20 DECEMBER parish launched the appeal as part of their parishioners to support their efforts not only quality and quantity of backpacks and their LIVE SUNDAY MASS 1PM Caritas Award scheme, for which they must to participate fully in the Caritas awards, but contents donated. 2.30PM HOLY MASS become involved in the work of their parish. also to have a real and lasting impact on the With the backpacks collected, the young CATHOLICISM 8PM Through the scheme—which encourages poor children of Malawi, where the back- people prepared them for dispatch to Malawi 6PM EWTN LIVE the young people of Scotland to experience, packs were to be sent. with the help of Fr Grant and Mr Begley, THE WORLD OVER 9PM witness, learning and reflection in their A fortnight after their appeal, the five where they will arrive in time to be an extra 8PM LORETTA YOUNG SHOW Catholic Faith—schools and parishes co- young participants were again present at Christmas present for the Malawian children. GUADALUPE: A LIVING IMAGE FRI 21 DECEMBER ordinated participation, and Fr Jim Grant, every Sunday Mass, this time to collect the I [email protected] 10PM 1PM parish priest of Holy Family, invited the five backpacks, and were overwhelmed by the VATICANO HOLY MASS 11PM 8PM BENEDICTION & DEVOTIONS THE WORLD OVER MON 17 DECEMBER 9PM 1PM FOWLER SISTERS: CHRISTMAS LIVE HOLY MASS GIFT 9PM 9.30PM ALBANIA: MY WONDERFUL LIFE ON THE ROCK DAILY GRIND SAT 22 DECEMBER TUES 18 DECEMBER 1PM 1PM LIVE HOLY MASS HOLY MASS 7PM 8PM GIFT OF PEACE: THE FIRST SIX THE JOURNEY HOME CHAPTERS OF THE GOSPEL OF 9PM LUKE JANEY MARY 9PM WED 19 DECEMBER CANDLES & CAROLS


SUNDAY DEC 16 Advent 3/C. Zephaniah 3:14-18. Response: Sing Archbishop Philip Tartaglia helps pupils from St Helen’s Primary School celebrate their Sacrament of Confirmation at St Dominic’s Church in and shout for joy for great in your midst is the Holy Bishopbriggs. The archbishop is pictured alongside P4 pupils, Fr Nicholas Monaghan, headteacher Maureen O’Connor, Mr Gallagher and Mrs One of Israel. Philippians 4:4-7. Luke 3:10-18. Langan PIC: PAUL McSHERRY MONDAY Genesis 49:2.8-10. Response: In His days justice shall flourish and peace till the moon fails. Matthew BBC Alba make Fort William pupils into Christmas stars 1:1-17. TUESDAY CHILDREN from Fort Jeremiah 23:5-8. Response: In His days justice William RC Primary School shall flourish and peace till the moon fails. Matthew Gaelic unit went before the 1:18-24. cameras as BBC Alba visited the school to film the chil- WEDNESDAY dren’s nativity play (right). Judges 13:2-7. 24-25. Response: My lips are filled The play will be featured in with your praise, with your glory all the day long. the station’s Christmas Service, Luke 1:5-25. broadcast from St Mary’s and St Finnan’s Church in Glenfinnan. THURSDAY The service this year will be Isaiah 7:10-14. Response: Let the Lord enter! He led by Mgr James Macneil, is the king of glory. Luke 1:26-38. cathedral administrator in Oban, assisted by the local Free FRIDAY Church minister and a retired Song of Songs 2:8-14. Response: Ring out your Church of Scotland minister, in joy to the Lord, O you just, O sing Him a song that the iconic church on the shores is new. Luke 1:39-45. of Loch Shiel, near the place where Bonnie Prince Charlie raised the standard to start the SATURDAY Jacobite rising. 1 Samuel 1:24-28. Response: My heart exults in PIC: ANTHONY MacMILLAN the Lord my Saviour. Luke 1:46-56. Friday December 14 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH GÀIDHLIG 23 Companaidhean Breatannach a’ dèanamh cron air Innseanaich Cholombia? GÀIDHLIG In his Gaelic column this month, ANDREAS WOLFF gives us an insight into hardships faced by native Colombians and work that is being done to safeguard human rights

IG amannan tha teagamh a’ nochdadh slighean aca a choiseachd. a bheil a' Ghàidhlig gu bhith beò san àm ri teachd. Chaidh a chur sìos oirre han eil sin gu leòr ge-tà. Tha Colombia fad linntean gu ìre agus nach urrain- beartach a thaobh gual, òr agus eile. Tha near a bhith cinnteach. Ach tha i an- mèinean air feadh na dùthcha mar-thà. Leis diugh a’ faighinn taic de dh'iomadach seòrsa. Chan Cmar tha an stàit lag sna sgìrean dùthchail tha arm eil an taic sin cho làidir agus a tha e sa Chuimrigh, aig na companaidhean fhèin airson tearainteachd a Aagus tha gu leòr fhathast nàimhdeil dhi. Ach chan bhith aca. Ged a tha laghan ann a tha a’ toirt air an eil an nàimhdeas sin càil coltach ris na tha cuid a stàit co-chomhairleachadh a chumail ris na h- mhion-shluaghan a’ fulang ann an Colombia an Innseanaich cha dèan iad sin ach às dèidh dhaibh Aimearaga a Deas. làmh a chur ri cùmhnant le companaidh. Le sin Thadhail mise air Colombia ceithir tursan agus chan eil roghainn aig na h-Innseanaich a bhith na cha b’ ann mar neach-turais. Bha mi an còmhnaidh aghaidh. Tha cuid dhe na companaidhean sin a’ fuireach comhla ri muinntir na dùthcha. Tha stèidhichte ann am Breatainn. Gu tric tha obair na iomadach trioblaid aig an dùthaich sin: Tha eu-coir mèinearachd a’ ciallachadh gum feum daoine an cumanta air sràidean a’ phrìomh-bhaile Bhogotà, dachaighean fhàgail. Mar sin tha an dòigh beatha ach a dh’aindeoin sin feumaidh mi ràdhn gur e aca ann an cunnart. A-nis dh'innse an riaghaltas gu dùthaich bhreàgha a th’ innte. bheil iad airson an obair mèinnearachd àrdachadh Is e Colombia an deamocrasaidh as sine ann an le trì uidhir. Tha mèinnean cuideachd a' truailleadh Aimearaga a Deas. Ach chan eil fios aig sluagh an àrainneachd ge-tà. nam bailtean mòra air na trioblaidean air an tuath. Dh'fhaodadh gur e buille-bàs a tha seo dha na h- Thachair mi ri dithis a tha beò ann an sgìre Awa. Tha mu 20000 beò san sgìre shònraichte a dhùthchail an Colombia ann an Glaschu bho chaidh a thoirt dhaibh. Dh'innse Alex dhomh gu chionn ghoirid. Bha iad an seo le cuireadh bho bheil an dàrna leth dhiubh air a' chànan thùsanach ABColombia, carthannas Breatannach a tha a’ strì aca a chall mar-thà ach gu bheil an riaghaltas air lagh airson còirichean a’ chinne daonna san dùthaich a thoirt a-steach a cheadaicheas leotha foghlam a sin, agus SCIAF. Bha Robert Daza Guevara a’ thoirt seachad tron a' chànan aca fhèin. Ma thèid an riochdachadh tuathanaich ‘campesinos’ agus Alex obair mèinnearachd a leudachadh bidh aig cuid ri Guango na riochdaire airson an t-sluaigh falbh dha na bailtean mòra ge-tà agus bidh mòran Innseanaich Awa. Tha iad le chèile a’ fulang le beò an sin ann am bochdainn. Tha an riaghaltas ag fòirneart bho eu-coirich a tha an sàs ann an dru- ràdhn gu bheil iad airson daoine a thoirt a-mach à gaichean mì-laghail. Tha an stàit a’ feuchainn ri bochdainn leis an airgead a gheibh iad bho na com- cur às dha na drugaichean agus iad a' cur itealan panaidhean mèinnearachd ann an cìsean.Ach tha na dhan sgìre le puinnsean. Marbhaidh sin gach cìsean gu math ìseal agus an obair a' cruthachadh seòrsa lus ge-tà a’ toirt a-steach am biadh a tha barrachd bhochdainn sa chiad àite. Tha dochas ann daoine a’ fàs. Bidh an t-arm cuideachd a’ dol dhan ge-tà agus an Eaglais gan cuideachadh. sgìre agus tha an sluagh a’ fulang bho ionn- Tha iad cuideachd a' tòiseachadh a chaismeachd saighean bho ghach taobh. gus aire an t-sluaigh a thogail. Chan fhacas mòran Tha buidhnean Guerilla air a bhith ag obair san sna meadhanan ann an Colombia mu dhèidhinn gu dùthaich airson deichean de bhliadhnaichean agus ruige seo, ach dh'fhaodadh gun atharraich sin. Tha iad ag ràdhn gu bheil iad airson dùthaich comunach ABColombia airson is gun sgrìobh daoine dha na a stèidheachadh. Bidh iad sin a’ cleachdadh clann buill-pàrlamaid aca agus gun iarr iad orra ìmpidh dhe na treubhan Innseanach mar shaighdearan is a chur air Riaghaltas Bhreatainn rudeigin a iad cuideachd a’ sabaid an aghaidh an airm. Tha dhèanamh mu dhèidhinn. èigneachadh agus muirt cumanta. Thairis air an trì Sin e bhuamsa an turas seo à Glaschu. Gus an bliadhna mu dheireadh chaidh 200 Awa a mhuirt. ath-mhìos: Beannachd leibh. Bidh iad cuideachd a’cur mèinnean pearsanta agus mar sin chan urrainn dha na h-Awa cuid dhe na I [email protected]

THE Gaelic language was under to triple mining activities. They say they attack for centuries, but it is now Ann am Beurla (In English) intend to spend some of the money col- getting widespread support. Native lected in taxes to combat poverty. But taxes tribes in Colombia still face multiple are very low, and more mining is likely to hostilities today. campaigns for human rights there—and with the central government in Bogotà, and create more poverty. I recently met two representatives (pic- SCIAF. only afterwards some kind of consultation ABColombia encourage people here to tured above right) from rural areas, one of They suffer violence from the drug mafia, exercise is carried out. Mining displaces write to their MPs asking them to put pres- whom was a campesino farmer and the marxist Guerillas, paramilitaries, the army people living in the area, and some move to sure on the government to make sure British other was a member of the indigenous Awa as well as having to put up with mining the cities where they often live in poverty. It mining companies respect human rights and people. Both were here on invitation by companies, some of them operating out of destroys their way of life and their culture. to try and get the Colombian Government ABColombia,—a British charity which Britain. These companies sign a contract Now the Colombian government wants to think again.

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St Aloysius’Aloysius’ KG: w/c Mon 28th Jan The College is now welcoming applicationsapplicationscations fforor entry in AAugustugust 2013. Forms canan be downloaded ffromroom our websitewebsite or obtained P1: w/c Mon 21st Jan CoCollegellege from the Admissionsssions ManagerManager,r,, Mrs MarMargaretgaret WWrightright (m(mwright@wright@ P2-P7: Sat 26th Jan 9.30am, 0141 331 9269), whoo would be happyhappy to ofofferfferer Building on S1-S3: Sat 26th Jan 9.30am any further assistance.istance. 45 Hill St, GlasgowGlasgow G3 6RJ Strong Tel: 0141 332 3190 Email:ail: [email protected] FoundationsFoundations Company Ltd byy Guarantee NNo.o. SC4059511 RRegisteredegistered Charity NNo.o. SCO42545 24 VOCATIONS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012 Advent gives pause to those called by God In this Advent season, DAN McGINTY looks at the importance of this time of year to those involved with vocations, and explores the crucial role in Christianity played by such people, bearing witness to today’s world, overcoming divisions and settling conflicts

N the season of Advent, ‘called’voluntarily leaves every- Young men pray during daily Mass when all Catholics are thing and submits himself to the at a residence for seminarians and encouraged to reflect on teaching of the divine Master; other men considering the priesthood. Advent is an important the coming of Christ, the hence a fruitful dialogue between time for those who are drawn to a thoughts of many of those God and man begins, a mysteri- religious life involved with vocations and reli- ous encounter between the love gious formation turn to the spe- of the Lord who calls and the cialI calling given to those drawn freedom of man who responds in to the religious life, preparing love, hearing the words of Jesus cration belonging to the priest- always for Christ’s arrival and echoing in his soul, ‘You did not hood and the religious life,” con- ministering to His flock. choose me, but I chose you and tinued Pope Benedict’s message, Speaking last week, the Holy appointed you that you should go “is the complete gift of oneself Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and bear fruit and that your fruit to God. again affirmed the special time should abide.’” “In following Jesus, everyone of preparation before Christmas. called to a life of special conse- “Advent reminds us, in the his call by Pope Benedict cration must do his utmost to midst of many difficulties, to for young men and testify that he has given himself renew the assurance that God is women to ‘bear fruit’ as completely to God. This is the present,” he said. “He came into Tpriests or religious was echoed source of his ability to give him- the world, becoming man like by the Holy Father a year later self in turn to those whom Prov- us, to fulfil His plan of love and as he spoke at the World Day of idence entrusts to him in his God demands we become a sign Prayer for Vocations in 2010. pastoral ministry. of action in the world.” Returning to the theme of bear- “The story of every vocation is In this Year of Faith, Catholics ing witness and serving as signs almost always intertwined with are called to show, by their Faith of action, the Pope outlined the the testimony of a priest who and by their actions, the Chris- three characteristics which joyfully lives the gift of himself tian message, but the message of define vocations to the priest- to his brothers and sisters for the Pope Benedict has particular hood and the consecrated life. sake of the Kingdom of God. significance for those discerning “A fundamental element,” he This is because the presence and a vocation, who feel they are said, “one which can be seen in words of a priest have the ability being called to be a sign of every vocation to the priesthood to raise questions and to lead Christian action and witness in and the consecrated life, is even to definitive decisions. the world today. friendship with Christ. Jesus “The knowledge of being lived in constant union with the third aspect,” con- saved by the love of Christ, Father and this is what made the cluded Pope Benedict, which every Mass nourishes in disciples eager to have the same “which necessarily the Faithful and especially in experience; from Him they ‘Acharacterises the priest and the priests, cannot but arouse within learned to live in communion and consecrated person, is a life of them a trusting self-abandon- unceasing dialogue with God. communion.” ment to Christ, who gave His “If the priest is a ‘man of “Jesus showed that the mark life for us,” Pope Benedict said God,’ one who belongs to God of those who wish to be His dis- at the World Day of Prayer for and helps others to know and ciples is profound communion in Vocations in 2009. love Him, he cannot fail to culti- love: ‘By this all men will know “To believe in the Lord and to vate a deep intimacy with God, that you are my disciples, if you accept His gift, therefore, leads abiding in His love and making have love for one another.’ us to entrust ourselves to Him space to hear His Word. Prayer “In a particular way the priest with thankful hearts, adhering to is the first form of witness which must be a man of communion, His plan of salvation. When this awakens vocations. open to all, capable of gathering does happen, the one who is “Another aspect of the conse- into one the pilgrim flock which the goodness of the Lord has entrusted to him, helping to over- come divisions, to heal rifts, to FRANCISCAN settle conflicts and misunder- standings and to forgive offences. “Here I would like to recall joy—their fraternal unity and the words of my venerable pred- zeal for the evangelisation of the MISSIONARIES ecessor, Pope John Paul II: ‘The world are the first and most con- OF ST. JOSEPH very life of priests, their uncon- vincing factor in the growth of ditional dedication to God’s vocations.’ It can be said that Are you called like Francis of Assisi flock, their witness of loving priestly vocations are born of service to the Lord and His contact with priests, as a sort of to live the Gospel radically? Church—a witness marked by precious legacy handed down by Want to know more? DO YOU FEEL THAT GOD IS free acceptance of the Cross in word, example and a whole way CALLING YOU TO THE the spirit of hope and Easter of life.” Email Sister Noel – MISSIONARYPRIESTHOOD? THEN WE CAN HELP YOU [email protected] The Society of African Missionaries (SMA Fathers) JERICHO is an international group of Missionary Priests. “The Reg. Charity no. 1135474 Today we are active in Liberia, Compassion of To advertise Ghana, Benin, Nigeria, Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa and other Jesus.” African countries working as partners in the rapidly Drug & Alcohol Rehabs., in the next growing Church. Refuge for Victims of WILL YOU Domestic Violence, vocations JOIN US? Supported Accommodation Congregation of Alexian Brothers Send the for the Destitute, the feature on The Alexian Brothers, as followers of Jesus the coupon for more details Distressed, and all being Healer, dedicate their lives to serving the sickand I wish to know more about our ‘passed by on the other side.’ January 11, those on the margins of society. They do this with the about the work of the lifestyle Society of African Missions A COMMUNITY OF support of prayer and community life. MEN OF PRAYER FOR 2013, OUR TIMES (founded 1970) NAME...... AGE...... Vocation info from telephone ADDRESS...... Bro Patrick Mullen, The Jericho Society, Is Jesus calling you? ...... Mater Salvatoris, Harelaw Farm, 0141 Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, PA10 2PY For information contact: POSTCODE...... Please print clearly and send to: Scottish Charity SC016909 Director of Vocation Alexian Brothers FR. PATRICK McGUIRE Tel: 01505 614669 241 6105 website: SMA, St Theresaʼs, Clarendon Place Email: Contact: [email protected] Tel: 00353 94 937 6996 Dunblane, Perthshire FK15 9HB [email protected]