SCOTLAND’S RIO: Preparations for WHEN A CHILD IS BORN: A woman youth event in Stirling to coincide fostered as a child starts an amazing with World Youth Day in Brazil chain of events after she becomes a gather apace. Page 7 mother herself. Pa ge 12-13 No 5497 YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLICwww.sconews.co.uk NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH Friday December 14 2012 | £1 Same-sex ‘marriage’ OH BABY, WHAT A CELEBRATION! must not be forced on Christian churches I Bishop Joseph Devine leads the condemnation of Prime Minister David Cameron’s plans to legalise same-sex ‘marriages,’ throughout UK, even in churches By Ian Dunn BISHOP Joseph Devine of Motherwell leads a chorus of principled objection to Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement that he plans to force same-sex ‘marriage’ legislation across the UK by 2014. Bishop Devine (right) also said the Prime Min- ister was ‘devoid of moral competence,’ ‘out of his depth’ and could not be trusted as it emerged this week that the Coalition Government’s consultation on same-sex ‘marriage’ had discounted half a mil- lion objections to any redefinition of marriage. Cameron came after Bishop Devine wrote to the Glasgow City Council held a Baby’s First Christmas event at Glasgow City Chambers, on Saturday December Prime Minister and said he was a false friend of 8. At the event, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia presented Baby Keira Rose Graham with a silver snow flake and UK plans a certificate to mark her first Christmas. Approximately 240 silver snow flakes and certificates—to those Christianity, claiming to be an advocate for tradi- who registered—were handed out. The archbishop is pictured above with Keira Rose, her mum and dad, The UK Government, following the Scottish Gov- tional values while actually constantly undermin- Pauline and Lee, and big brothers, Jordan 9 and Lee 7. The family are parishioners of St Robert Bellarmine, ernment’s lead, this week published details of its plan ing the family and religious freedom. Househillwood, where Jordan is an altar server and mum works for LIFE PIC: PAUL McSHERRY to legalise same-sex ‘marriage,’ with untested pro- “You vacillate, ambivalent about the role you tection for churches, after claiming its consultation wish to perform—the disciple of David or Nero,” had found a majority of respondents in favour of the bishop stated in his letter. “With such a con- The bishop also stressed that the Catholic Church said. “Such a change is of immense significance. such a radical change. This result was based on the tradiction between your statements and actions, on will endure much longer than any government. By this change, he is luring the people of England responses of around 228,000 people who took part what basis can you expect anyone—Christians in “The Christian Church is a fact of history, an away from their common Christian values and in the consultation earlier this year, the vast majority particular—to trust or respect you?” Incarnation of Christianity,” he told the Prime Christian patrimony, and forcing upon us a brave of whom submitted anonymous online forms to the Nero is known as the first-century emperor who Minister. “Christ created a Church for all time, not new world, artificially engineered.” government. However, petitions organised by cam- had Christians burned in his garden at night to pro- to suit the specific mores of an era. It embraces The bishop added that Catholic voters should paigners, in which more than 500,000 people vide a source of light. every nation and culture known to man and has never forget that Mr Cameron seems determined to opposed plans to redefine marriage to include same- Accusing the Prime Minister of acting with withstood the rise and fall of empires over two destroy marriage. “The institution of marriage has its sex couples—were ignored by the consultation. ‘indecent haste’ to legalise same-sex ‘marriage,’ millennia and all this without any direction and ups and downs,” he said. “But will we ever forget “We strongly oppose such a bill,” Archbishop the bishop said he was sure he had further plans to guidance from you or your peer group.” that it was the leader of the Conservative Party who Vincent Nichols of Westminster and Archbishop undermine Christianity. finally destroyed marriage as a lasting, loving and Peter Smith of Southwark said in a joint statement. “I suspect it is only a matter of time before you Opposition life-giving union between a man and a woman?” “Furthermore, the process by which this has hap- go one step further and outlaw the teaching of The UK Government’s plans to redefine marriage The Society for the Protection of Unborn Chil- pened can only be described as shambolic.” Christian doctrine on sexual morality on the follow in the footsteps of First Minister Alex dren (SPUC) pro-life group has written to every Culture secretary Maria Miller’s promise of guar- grounds of discrimination,” he wrote. “So what Salmond’s Scottish Government, which unveiled MP urging them to reject the Coalition Govern- antees that no religious groups would be required to next for David Cameron’s spiritual mission?” similar legislation earlier this year. ment’s same-sex ‘marriage’ bill, saying that the conduct same-sex ‘marriages’ against their will—a Mr Salmond was roundly criticised by the Scot- group will actively campaign against MPs who ‘quadruple lock’—is already the focus of potential Rift tish bishops for his approach and Mr Cameron has back any redefinition of marriage. legal challenges. Meanwhile Scottish Ministers, who Bishop Devine said the Catholic Church in the UK now received similarly robust criticism from the A Conservative MP has called the UK Govern- have already decided they want to redefine marriage, could not and would not co-operate with a man of English hierarchy. ment’s plans to allow same-sex ‘marriage’ politi- are preparing to consult on proposed legislation to be Mr Cameron’s morals. “Despite huge opposition from Christians, Jews cally ‘barking mad.’ Monmouth MP David Davies put to the Scottish Parliament. “So far as the Roman Catholic Church is con- and Muslims alike, by attempting to change the nat- also said the party risks losing a ‘large number of cerned, you are out of your depth,” he said. “We ural meaning of marriage, he seems utterly deter- very loyal activists’ if it went ahead. False friend will take no finger-prodding lectures from anyone mined to undermine one of the key foundations of This latest undermining of Christian values by Mr or any group devoid of moral competence.” our society,” Bishop Philip Egan of Portsmouth I [email protected] ARCHBISHOP PARISH PRAYS CATH DOHERTY ASKS Tartaglia calls for for nurse who if we are doing a renewed effort took her own life enough to form at spiritual growth after DJs’ call to young Catholics in during Advent pregnant Duchess the Faith? FORMATION ROYAL PRANK ROYAL Page 3 ADVENT MESSAGE Page 8 Page 10 visit www.sconews.co.uk SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 PICTURE NEWS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday December 14 2012 SPOTLIGHT ON... Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on children of Sacred Heart Primary School, Bridgeton, Homecoming celebration for the archbishop in Govan at a recent Mass at the city’s St Andrew’s Cathedral. Mgr Christopher McElroy, administrator of the cathedral, joined Archbishop Tartaglia By Martin Dunlop there. And, if it is not stretching a point, there Archbishop Philip Tartaglia pictured alongside in celebrating the Mass, which was attended by staff, pupils, parents is another connection: my uncle, my Mum’s St Anthony’s parish priest Fr Peter Dowling, Sr and friends of Sacred Heart Primary School Christina and Sr Penny from St Anthony’s Nursing PICS: PAUL McSHERRY ARCHBISHOP Philip Tartaglia of Glas- brother, played for the famous St Anthony’s Home and parishioners from the Govan church gow marked the Second Sunday of football team, and there are photographs of PIC: PAUL McSHERRY Advent by celebrating Mass with the com- him proudly wearing the StAnthony’s colours. munity of StAnthony’s Church in Govan. “I know these connections don’t make me a Archbishop Tartaglia also noted that St The celebration also marked the 50th true Govanite, like Sir Alex Ferguson or Peter Julian was Canonised at the end of the anniversary of the Canonisation of St Peter Jimmy Reid, but I am pretty sure that I am the First Session of the Second Vatican Council, Julian Eymard, the founder of the Congre- firstArchbishop of Glasgow to have been born in December 1962. gation of the Blessed Sacrament, to whom in Govan. That must count for something!” “In our time, as we mark the 50th anniver- St Anthony’s parish is currently entrusted. The archbishop, who was joined in cele- sary of the Second Vatican Council in this Speaking to the congregation, Archbishop brating the Mass by Fr Peter Dowling SSS, Year of Faith, we are called to a New Evan- Tartaglia noted with surprise that, despite spoke to the congregation, including chil- gelisation, which wishes to build on the being from Glasgow and a priest of the arch- dren and staff from the local St Saviour’s authentic renewal set in motion by the coun- diocese, Sunday’s Mass marked the first Primary School, about St Peter Julian and cil, celebrating the Eucharist with a greater time he had ‘participated in an act of wor- the Blessed Sacrament Congregation.
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