Nouvelles En Famille Noticias En Familia

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Nouvelles En Famille Noticias En Familia at seeing the spirit of St Michael alive and comes known it will enlighten us, his thriving in the Congregation: virtue will sanctify us and we shall bear NOUVELLES EN FAMILLE Fr Etchecopar continued: “In spite of the abundant fruits of light and life, in the NOTICIAS EN FAMILIA year th general in uence of what our Founder course of this century which is growing series, nr 85 September 2013 NOTIZIE IN FAMIGLIA th th used to call le mal du jour, I have noticed darker in its pride and is breaking up in its 14 10 111 that a breath from on high is lifting us and revolutions”. (15 August 1890) FAMILY NEWS carrying us along in the footsteps of our News bulletin of the Congregation beloved Father Garicoits. I am convinced Pierrre Duvignau, SCJ of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram that the better his spiritual doctrine be- (to be continued) Pensées du R.P. Garicoïts, this booklet was written by Fr Etchecopar from December 1888 to A WORD FROM THE SUPERIOR GENERAL February 1889, drawing from the notes he had taken himself during Saint Michael’s talks and from Saint Michael’s letters. The book will be published in 1890. Betharram through its Regions Sarrance, 1st December 1888. Fr Etchecopar wrote in a letter: and Vicariates “Dear Sister, I am wondering if divine Providence hasn’t brought me here at this point in time to enjoy a peace unknown so far and The Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to put in order some thoughts of Father Garicoits. It will be a small was founded one day in October 1835 when the volume but will be full of the most solid and most generous piety. In this issue rst companions decided to live in community I have written to Betharram about it and I shall wait and see what Page 4 • Saint Michael wrote ... under the leadership of Father Garicoits so as to advice they will give me. I am sure that I shall act wisely and accor- Page 5 • The World Youth Day put into practice what he had been sharing with ding to the will of Heaven. (L1068) them. The community grew and scattered be- 2013 (1) Here the solitude is so deep and the peace so total that I have taken cause of the nature of its mission in the service the resolution to make the best of it to note all the instructions and Page 13 • Narratio fidei... by Father of small colleges or in popular missions in the thoughts of our Founder which I have already collected. And since Michael Garicoits diocese of Bayonne. they continue to encourage me from Betharram to try, I am going Page 16 • Bird’s eye view of the In 1856 a small party set out for Argentina to prolong my stay in this residence at least for some time. (L 1069) Congregation where it formed a community at the service of On 16 February 1889, he completed his work and wrote a fo- Page 17 • Note from the General popular missions and, from 1858 undertook reword: “The content of this booklet is confi dential and only the the service of education in St Joseph’s college Council members of the Congregation should have access to it; it contains in Buenos Aires. In 1861 the community at Page 19 • History of the Rule of – so to speak – only family papers, the echo of the outpourings of Montevideo was founded. From then onwards a Father speaking to his children and words fl owing out of what Life (8) the growth of communities continued in other fi lled his heart”. places in Argentina. Then in 1904 it was the open- ing in Paraguay and in 1935 in Brazil. In order to facil- itate the government of these communities so far away Generalate House from Betharram, the Superior General would delegate a via Angelo Brunetti, 27 Vicar - Father Harbustan, successor to Fr Didace Barbe, 00186 Rome (Italy) called a Provincial. This maintained until 1890 when, af- Telephone +39 06 320 70 96 ter the nal approval of the Constitutions, the rst Amer- ican delegation came into being. Societas Smi Cordis Jesu 85 Fax +39 06 36 00 03 09 B E T H A R R A M 2013 Email - [email protected] HISTORY OF THE RULE OF LIFE CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS OF BETHARRAM 8 – The 1890 Constitution The 1877 decree of approval concerned members will have a special devotion to the Passion the Institute only and not the Rule. This had and death of our Saviour and for the suerings of the to be presented later on to obtain direct Queen of Martyrs. approval, in view of the changes demand- 6. They will practise and spread devotion for the Way of ed by the Holy See or those which the Con- the Cross. gregation itself might judge useful to add. 7. With great zeal they will establish the practice of the The usual time lapse was 12 years. Rosary. The General Chapter of 1887 specically 8. They will have great devotion for St Joseph, patron of asked the Superior General and his Coun- the universal Church and protector of the Institute. cil “to request as soon as possible that Approval for these Constitutions was giv- the Sacred Congregation for Bishops and en by Pope Leo XIII in the decree of 28 Regulars grant the canonical approval of April 1890; this wasn’t the nal approval our Constitutions”. but for a 10 year trial only. “Our Constitu- There were fewer requests for changes tions have been approved but for a ten than in 1877. Part II, entitled Life Style was year trial period, as you know” said Fr Et- divided in two: one part consisted in a checopar to the 1890 Chapter. Nearly all series of chapters dealing with the vows, the modications proposed by the Gener- and the second part dealing with the al Chapters – they met every three years practice of the corresponding virtues. – have been approved by the Holy See.” Diversity in the Church, which is a genuine blessing, is to be founded on harmony in unity. The Chapter entitled “Particular devotions To complete the Constitutions a new Like a great mosaique where the pieces mingle so as to form the great plan of God. of the Institute” was reduced in size once Coutumier was composed to which he at- more and the three sections reduced to tached great importance. Between 1930 and 1940 the Congrega- Four years later in 1951 the General eight articles: Speaking in the same Chapter Fr Etcheco- tion knew such expansion that at the 1947 Council modied this organisation of the 1. The Institute is called after the name of the Sacred par said: “The Coutumier applies the Con- General Chapter it was decided to create provinces as follows: the French Province Heart of Jesus. stitutions in all the details of our daily life; provinces. There was then the French Prov- remained as in 1947, the Province of St 2. All the members of the Congregation consider this it stresses the scope, the range, the spirit ince constituted by French communities Joseph of Rio de la Plata comprising the divine Heart to be their special model, their treasure and the character. together with the community in Morocco communities in Argentina, Spain, Para- and their heritage, the seal which they must imprint In view of such connections and the impor- and the two communities in the Holy Land. guay and Uruguay; nally the Vice-prov- on their whole life. tance of the Coutumier for us in establish- The Province of Argentina was linked with inces of England, Italy and Brazil. In 1958 3. For motto they will have his cry of devotion: Behold, ing the characteristics of our Fathers and to Spain, that of America was constituted the Vice-province of Italy became a prov- here I come! Let us go! preserve, if I may say so, the primacy of the with the communities in Uruguay, Para- ince in its own right. 4. Every year in all the houses of the Institute the feast of spirit of our early Fathers, we have made a guay and Brazil. The vice-provinces of Italy, The Rule of Life, drawn up in 1969 af- the Sacred Heart will be celebrated with the greatest collection of our habits and customs which England, the mission to China and the Pro- ter the Council Vatican II decided on the solemnity. I am placing in your hands.” cure community depended directly on the creation of delegations, attached directly 5. The birthplace of the Institute is the miraculous shrine He had just published the little book Superior General. to the Superior General or to a Provincial of Our Lady at the foot of the hill known as Calvary, all “Pensees” and he made no secret of his joy 2 • Family News n.85, 14th September 2013 • 19 2013 ANNIVERSARIES Superior. This is how in 1977 delegations Central-Southern Italy, the Holy Land, 14 10 ans de profession PP. Emmanuel Congo Winonga, Omer Koutouan Nanghy, Arsène of Paraguay and Spain were created fol- Ivory Coast and Central African Republic; Noba, F. Alfred Christian Nandjui lowed by that of Uruguay in 1986 and Father Etchecopar Region with the vicari- 5 ans de profession FF. Marius Huberson Angui, Hya- nally the Holy Land and Ivory Coast. In ates Argentina-Uruguay, and those of Bra- cinthe Ali Konan 1983 came the Vice-province of Paraguay zil and Paraguay; nally the Blessed Mari- 16 Buon compleanno P.
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