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WEEKEND EDITION All the News Without Fear or Favor The CambODIa DaIly Volume 65 issue 70 Saturday-Sunday, October 1-2, 2016 2,000 riel/50 cents Kem Sokha to Leave Refuge To Register By Kuch NareN the cambodia daily Deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha said on Friday that he will leave his refuge at the CNRP’s headquarters in Phnom Penh next week to join the more than 3.7 mil- lion Cambodians who have regis- tered to vote in upcoming com- mune and national elections. “I will go to register next week,” Mr. Sokha announced on his Face- book page. The acting CNRP president has refused to leave the party’s head- quarters since police attempted to arrest him in May over charges re- lated to a “prostitution” case widely seen as being politically motivated. Last month, a municipal court Reuters judge sentenced Mr. Sokha to five Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte gestures during a news conference upon his arrival home from a state months in prison for failing to ap- visit to Vietnam at the International Airport in Davao City, Philippines, on Friday. pear for questioning at the court. Authorities have said they will not attempt to arrest Mr. Sokha until he Philippines’ Duterte Likens Himself to Hitler finishes appealing the case, even as they have staged military maneu- ReuteRS take a tougher line with the Philip- Noting that Hitler had mur- vers around the headquarters. MANILA - Philippines President pines leader. Duterte recently in- dered millions of Jews, Duterte Mr. Sokha did not say on which Rod rigo Duterte appeared to liken sulted U.S. President Barack Oba- said: “There are 3 million drug ad- day he would register, but called himself to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler ma and in a series of remarks he dicts [in the Philippines]. I’d be on voting age Cambodians to reg- on Friday and said he would “be has undermined the previously happy to slaughter them.” ister in their home communes and happy” to exterminate 3 million close relationship between Manila “If Germany had Hitler, the to “vote and choose the local lead- drug users and peddlers in the and Washington. Philippines would have...,” he said, ers that brothers and sisters are country. In a rambling speech on his ar- pausing and pointing to himself. wishing” to see elected. His comments triggered shock rival in Davao City after a visit to “You know my victims. I would “I hope you will take this time to and anger among Jewish groups Vietnam, Duterte told reporters like [them] to be all criminals to fin- in the U.S., which will add to pres- Continued on page 2 that he had been “portrayed to be ish the problem of my country and sure on the U.S. government to a cousin of Hitler” by critics. Continued on page 2 Program Looks to Keep Psychologists Sane BITTER By rayNa StacKhouSe ans coping with war-related post- gists to provide professional sup- CUCUMBERS the cambodia daily traumatic stress disorder—esti- port to their peers treating patients In a country with one of the mated at up to a third of the adult across the country. world’s highest rates of psycholog- population—and other mental ill- Lim Bouyheak, a 31-year-old ical stress, Cambodia has a re- nesses, as well as abuse, exploita- psychologist, and 10 other stu- markably low number of psychol- tion and domestic violence, has cre- dents are in the first supervision ogists, and is struggling to retain ated oversized workloads for the class. Over six months, the stu- those who go to work on the front- country’s trained professionals. dents will receive classroom train- lines of the field. The potential for burnout among ing and opportunities to put their An Excerpt From an Upcoming A new program at the Royal Uni- providers of psychiatric care is of skills into practice in the field. Graphic Novel by Sera Weekend cover Story versity of Phnom Penh (RUPP) is such a concern that the university Ms. Bouyheak knows firsthand hoping to change that. is offering a course in clinical super- how difficult it can be to handle an The sheer numbers of Cambodi- vision that aims to train psycholo- Continued on page 4 The Daily Newspaper of Record Since 1993 2 The CambODIa DaIly SatuRday-Sunday, octobeR 1-2, 2016 aNd also Newsmakers ■Grammy-Award winning pop singer Lady GaGa will play the halftime Putt-Putt Anti-Missile Defense show at next year’s Super Bowl, the musician and U.S. National Football ReuteRS would be deployed in the Seongju League said on Thursday. “The rumors are true. This year the SUPER SEOUL- South Korea’s military aims region, southeast of the capital, BOWL goes GAGA!” the musician said on Twitter. The NFL retweeted to deploy an advanced U.S. missile Seoul, to defend the country. But the message, adding “Can’t wait. Let’s do this!” Super Bowl LI is slated defense unit on a golf course, a De- residents of the melon-farming to be held in Houston on February 5. The NFL said this would be the fense Ministry official said on Fri- area protested over the likelihood second appearance for Lady Gaga on the Super Bowl stage, opening day, after it had to scrap its initial it would be a target for North Ko- last February’s game with a performance of the national anthem. The site for the battery in the face of op- rea if war broke out. Super Bowl is the most-watched event on U.S. television drawing more position from residents. It was not clear how the military than 100 million viewers and the most expensive TV program for adver- In July, South Korea agreed with would acquire the new golf-course tisers, who pay millions to secure 30-second commercial spots. Last the U.S. that a Terminal High Alti- site, however, reportedly worth year’s half time show featured BeyoNce, coLdpLay and BruNo marS. tude Area Defense anti-missile unit about $91 million. (Reuters) that more than 3.79 million, or 39 of migrants workers from cities and Some 1,644 commune council Sokha... percent, of Cambodia’s 9.66 mil- nearby countries who return home seats will be up for grabs in the lion eligible voters had registered for the festivities of the ancestral June 4, 2017, commune elections, coNtiNued from paGe 1 as of Thursday evening, but that holiday. CNRP officials unsuccess- which have historically swung register for the election and decide the process would be paused on fully petitioned the NEC to register heavily in favor of the ruling CPP, our destiny and future,” he said. Friday and Saturday. voters throughout the holiday. with its grassroots networks that Sam Sokong, an attorney on Mr. “During the Pchum Ben holi- Overhauling the voter roster with first took root in the socialist 1980s. Sokha’s legal team, said on Friday day from September 30 to October a new, electronic system was a key The CNRP has urged support- that his client would register to 1, 2016, there is no temporary tal- piece of the CNRP’s 2014 political ers to register in their hometowns vote in Phnom Penh’s Tuol Kok lies of voters registrations,” it said, compromise with the ruling CPP. rather than Phnom Penh, which district, where his home is located, citing vacationing election officials. The rolls used in the 2013 national has long been a bastion of opposi- adding that an appeal in his case Registrations will resume again on elections were marred by irregular- tion support, in an effort to increase would be filed next week. Sunday, the NEC said. ities, including hundreds of thou- the number of seats it captures in The National Election Commit- The holiday period offers a rare sands of names appearing multiple the National Assembly during the tee (NEC) reported on its website window to register for the millions times or not appearing at all. 2018 general election. Two days before the Philippines country.” the latest remarks from Duterte, Duterte... election, outgoing President Be- He also reiterated there will be said Washington had an “ironclad” nigno Aquino had warned that no annual war games between the alliance with Manila. coNtiNued from paGe 1 Duterte’s rising popularity was Philippines and the U.S. until the A senior U.S. defense official, save the next generation from akin to that of Hitler in the 1920s end of his six-year term, placing also speaking earlier, told reporters perdition.” and 1930s. the longstanding alliance under a that the U.S. had a long enduring Duterte was voted to power in a “I hope we learn the lessons of his- cloud of doubt. It also may make relationship with the Philippines re- May election on the back of a vow tory,” Aquino said in widely reported Washington’s strategy of rebalanc- gardless of who was president. to end drugs and corruption in the remarks. ing its military focus toward Asia in “It’s going to continue to survive country of 100 million people. He “We should remember how the face of an increasingly as- based on what we think are strong took office on June 30 and over Hitler came to power.” sertive China much more difficult U.S.-Philippines common security 3,100 people have been killed to achieve. interests, so we’ll be engaging since then, mostly alleged drug Still, U.S. Defense Secretary Pres ident Duterte further,” the of- users and dealers, in police opera- Ash ton Carter, speaking before ficial said.