Glycolic Acid 2 Gabriella Fabbrocini, Maria Pia De Padova,Antonella Tosti

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Glycolic Acid 2 Gabriella Fabbrocini, Maria Pia De Padova,Antonella Tosti Chapter 2 Glycolic Acid 2 Gabriella Fabbrocini, Maria Pia De Padova,Antonella Tosti The author has no financial interest in any of the products or equipment mentioned in this chapter. Contents agents has been extended to other hyperkera- totic conditions. Glycolic acid became available 2.1 History . 13 in the late 1980s as a peeling agent. 2.2 Chemical Background . 13 2.3 Properties . 13 2.4 Formulations . 13 2.2 Chemical Background 2.5 Indications . 14 Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid, soluble 2.6 Contraindications . 14 in alcohol, derived from fruit and milk sugars. 2.7 Peeling Preparation . 14 It can be produced with ethylene glycol-oxidiz- 2.8 Peeling Technique . 16 ing microorganisms such as Pichia naganishii 2.9 Post-peeling Care and Complications . 19 AKU 4267 and Rhodotorula sp. 3 Pr-126. Under 2.10 Disadvantages . 19 optimized conditions, they form 105 and 110 g/l of glycolic acid (corrected molar conversion 2.11 Side Effects . 19 yields 88.0 and 92.2%) during a 120-h reaction, 2.12 Results . 20 respectively [2]. 2.13 Informed Consent . 20 References . 21 2.3 Properties It has been shown that glycolic acid has a kerat- olytic, germinative layer and a fibroblast stimu- 2.1 History lating action. Reported studies have shown its anti-in- In a study of more than 60 substances chosen flammatory effects and anti-oxidant action. It for their possible antikeratinogenic properties, acts by thinning the stratum corneum, promot- Van Scott and Yu [1] found that the most effec- ing epidermolysis, dispersing basal layer mela- tive drug belongs to the group of alpha-hydroxy nin and epidermal and dermal hyaluronic acid acids. A three times a day application of citric, and collagen gene expression that increases glycolic, lactic, malic, pyruvic and glucuronic through an elevated secretion of IL-6 [3]. acid, for instance, gave excellent results in all forms of ichthyosis except epidermolytic hy- perkeratosis.The substances were applied at 5% 2.4 Formulations strength in a hydrophilic ointment, though the base was a matter of the patient’s preference. The absorption of glycolic acid in human skin Sustained remission was obtained as long as is pH-, strength- and time-dependent. Seventy the treatment continued. The use of these percent glycolic acid solutions are commonly 14 Gabriella Fabbrocini et al. used as superficial chemical peeling agents, the 2.6 Contraindications pH of these solutions ranges from 0.08 to 2.75. Peeling solutions with a pH below 2 have dem- 2 onstrated the potential to induce crusting and Glycolic acid peels are contraindicated in con- necrosis, which has not been seen with the par- tact dermatitis, pregnancy and in patients with tially neutralized solutions with a pH above 2 glycolate hypersensitivity. Moreover, they can [4]. The higher concentration acid (70%) creat- increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light. ed more tissue damage than the lower concen- tration (50%) compared to solutions with free acid. An increase of transmembrane perme- 2.7 Peeling Preparation ability coefficient is observed with a decrease in pH, providing a possible explanation for the Patients with photodamage can apply a lotion effectiveness of glycolic acid in skin treatment. containing 25% glycolic acid for 6 months. In such cases an increase in total skin thickness of approximately 25% was reported, accompanied 2.5 Indications by an increased thickness of viable epidermis and dermis, an increased content of acid muco- Glycolic acid has been recognized as an impor- polysaccharides, a greater collagen density and tant adjunctive therapy in a variety of condi- an improved quality of the elastic fibers. This tions including photodamage, acne, rosacea, could be defined as self-treatment. striae albae pseudofolliculitis barbae, hyper- However,a better efficiency in peeling can be pigmentation disorders, actinic keratoses, fine achieved with a concentration of 50–70% of wrinkles, lentigines, melasma and seborrheic glycolic acid and, for maximum benefit, glycol- keratoses [5]. Moreover, it can reduce UV-in- ic acid peels are combined with retinoids and duced skin tumor development and it has been other antioxidants. Some studies have evaluat- proposed as a therapeutic modality against ed the efficacy of a cream containing 4% hydro- skin exfoliative conditions such as ichthyosis, quinone and 2% glycolic acid used alone or xeroderma and psoriasis. In post-menopausal with salicylic acid in reversing actinic damage women a cream containing 0.01% estradiol and on the neck and upper chest for 12 weeks; sali- 15% glycolic acid, applied to one side of the face cylic acid peelings are performed every 3 weeks. for 6 months, induces a significant improve- This treatment induces a 33–71% improvement ment in reversing markers (rete peg pattern, in cases of photodamage (Figs. 2.1a, b and 2.2a, epidermal thickness) of skin aging [6]. b), hyperpigmentation, texture problems, fine Glycolic acid chemical peels are an effective lines, dryness, tone and clarity [9]. treatment for all types of acne, inducing rapid Other studies have demonstrated that the improvement and restoration of normal-look- application of 50% glycolic acid peels mildly ing skin. In these patients glycolic acid is more improves photoaging of the skin. Generally, for widely used than Jessner’s solution,considering a light peeling, glycolic acid (50%) was applied the equal treatment effect but a reduced exfoli- topically for 5 min to one side of the face, fore- ation in glycolic acid [7]. Although the treat- arms, and hands, once weekly for 4 weeks. The ment of atrophic acne scars is difficult and gen- improvement observed was significant and in- erally unsatisfactory, many clinical studies have cluded decrease in rough texture and fine been performed to investigate the efficacy of wrinkling, fewer solar keratoses and a slight glycolic acid in the treatment of acne vulgaris. lightening of solar lentigines. Histology showed It is now widely used to treat many defects of thinning of the stratum corneum, granular the epidermis and papillary dermis in a variety layer enhancement, and epidermal thickening. of strengths, ranging from 20 to 70%, depend- Longer treatment intervals may result in colla- ing on the condition being treated [8]. gen deposition as suggested by the measured increase in mRNA. Glycolic Acid Chapter 2 15 a b Fig. 2.1a, b. Improvement of photodamage after chemical peeling a b Fig. 2.2a, b. Lateral view of the same patient before and after peeling 16 Gabriella Fabbrocini et al. 2.8 Peeling Technique Since TCA in higher concentrations tends to produce increased scarring and hypopigmenta- tion, 70% glycolic acid solution was applied to 2 Before applying glycolic acid the skin is cleaned the entire face of patients and diluted with water with alcohol to reduce the acid neutralized by after 2 min. This was followed by the sequential oily skin. Glycolic acid is applied in any cosmet- application of EMLA cream (lidocaine 2.5% and ic unit order, rapidly covering the entire face prilocaine 2.5%) or ELA-Max cream (lidocaine within about 20 s with a large cotton applicator. 4%) to selected areas on the face for 30 min with- A starting application time for weekly or out occlusion. These agents were then removed monthly applications with 50 or 70% unbuf- and 35% TCA was applied to the entire face [10]. fered glycolic acid is generally in the range of Patients with melasma (Fig. 2.3) applied top- 3 min,and the time is increased with subsequent ical sunscreens (sun protection factor 15) and peels. Neutralizers with sodium bicarbonate 10% glycolic acid lotion at night for 2 weeks. marketed to the physician have no advantage They were then treated with 50% glycolic acid over water rinsing as long as all acid is re- facial peels once a month for 3 consecutive moved thoroughly from all rhytidis and cos- months. At regular intervals and at the end of metic units. the follow-up period (3 months) after the last Glycolic acid applied simultaneously with peel, the degree of improvement in pigmenta- TCA represents another technique for a medi- tion was assessed by measuring MASI (Melas- um-depth peel. Several weeks prior to a peel the ma Area and Severity Index) [11]. skin may be prepared with topical tretinoin or In patients with acne (Fig. 2.4), the chemical glycolic acid, and immediately prior to the peel peels were performed with a 70% glycolic acid the skin may be degreased with a variety of solution, for 2 to8 min. The number and fre- agents. Some studies demonstrated that glycolic quency of the applications depended on the in- acid-trichloroacetic acid peels, called combina- tensity of the clinical response. The most rapid tion medium-depth peeling, are usually per- improvement was observed in comedonic acne, formed as a single procedure to remove actinic in the papulo-pustular forms. An average of six keratoses,mild rhytidis,or pigmentary dyschro- applications were necessary (Fig. 2.5a, b). mias or to flatten depressed scars. These peel- Although nodular-cystic forms required eight ings can be repeated approximately every 6 or to ten applications, a significant improvement 12 months based on the amount of actinic dam- of the coexisting post-acne superficial scarring age still remaining or recurring after the peel or was noted. The procedure was well tolerated for continued scar effacement. The classic peel and patient compliance was excellent [12]. In for this depth category was the 50% TCA peel. the treatment of atrophic acne scars (Fig. 2.6), Fig. 2.3. Melasma of the forehead Glycolic Acid Chapter 2 17 Fig. 2.4. Papulo-pustular acne Fig. 2.6. Atrophic acne scars a b Fig. 2.5a, b. Papulo-pustular acne before and after peeling 18 Gabriella Fabbrocini et al.

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    SKIN ACTIVE WINNER 2017 COSMECEUTICAL RANGE/SKIN ENLIGHTEN TREATMENT OF THE YEAR RESURFACE RESTORE REFINE TARGETED PROSYSTEM NEOSTRATA® IS SCIENTIFICALLY ADVANCED, CLINICALLY PROVEN SKIN CARE RECOMMENDED BY YOUR DOCTOR TO VISIBLY RESURFACE, RESTORE AND REFINE YOUR SKIN. YOU WILL LOOK AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL AS YOU SEE A DRAMATIC, NOTICEABLE CHANGE IN YOUR SKIN. NEOSTRATA® HAS BEEN PROVEN EFFECTIVE ACROSS A WIDE VARIETY OF SKIN TYPES AND SKIN CONDITIONS INCLUDING PHOTOAGING, ROSACEA, HYPERPIGMENTATION, SEVERE DRYNESS AND ACNE. Discover Dermatologist-Developed Skin Care Recommended and Highly Regarded by Experts Around the World. The creators of NeoStrata®, Drs. Van Scott and Yu, have been recognised with the most prestigious accolades in the field: THE FIRST GOLD MEDAL GIVEN BY THE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY THE MASTER OF DERMATOLOGY AWARD FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY THE FIRST HEAD OF THE DERMATOLOGY BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH 3 Unprecedented and unsurpassed in the field, with continuous advancements, scientific innovations, clinical studies published in major peer-reviewed medical journals of dermatology and numerous U.S. and foreign patents. Dr. Eugene J. Van Scott, MD, Dermatologist, and Dr. Ruey J. Yu, OMD, PhD, Dermatopharmacologist Advance to Healthy, Radiant Skin with the Science of NeoStrata®. Core Technology Platforms ALPHA HYDROXY ACIDS Glycolic Acid, a natural constituent of sugar cane, exfoliates the skin by enhancing cell turnover, evens the distribution of pigmentation, refines the appearance of pore size and helps smooth the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Our Glycolic Acid products deliver optimal efficacy at an ideal pH and concentration.
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