CASE c Tam T. Nguyen, MD San Joaquin General treatment: Easy ways Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program, French Camp, Calif to improve your care [email protected]

The author reported no For patients of any age, facial lesions can cause potential conflict of interest relevant to this article. considerable embarrassment and distress. Read on to discover what key component of acne treatment you should be using (but probably aren’t) and which dosage you can safely lower.

c Practice CASE Janis S, an otherwise healthy 19-year-old, is in your recommendations office, seeking treatment for acne. She reports she has tried various over-the-counter (OTC) creams in recent months, but › Use a classification system, has seen little improvement. The acne first appeared about such as that of the American 5 years ago, and her pediatrician prescribed topical Academy of Dermatol- and . The treatment helped, but she says her face ogy, to assess the severity never fully cleared up; over the past year, the acne has gotten of acne vulgaris. A worse. › Treat inflamma- On examination, you find several nodules and comedones tory lesions aggressively on the patient’s face, chest, and back. Ms. S confides in you to prevent scarring. A that the acne—particularly on her face—kept her from going › When is to the senior prom. indicated, consider prescrib- ing a lower dosage (but ore than 80% of adolescents and adults develop longer duration) than the acne vulgaris at some point in their lives, and in traditional regimen. B at least 15% to 20% of cases, the acne is moderate M1 Strength of recommendation (SOR) to severe. Although acne typically starts in early puberty, it 2 A Good-quality patient-oriented can continue well into adulthood. Females typically develop evidence acne at an earlier age than males. There are no other sex or  Inconsistent or limited-quality B 3 patient-oriented evidence racial differences. C  Consensus, usual practice, Regardless of the age at which acne develops, it has opinion, disease-oriented evidence, case series substantial psychological effects, including embarrassment, shame, depression, anxiety, social isolation—and in extreme cases, suicidal ideation.4 This evidence-based update will better prepare you to provide optimal medical therapy—and alleviate patients’ emotional distress—without delay.

The pathophysiology of acne vulgaris The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) defines acne as a “chronic inflammatory dermatosis which is notable for open and/or closed comedones (blackheads and white-

82 The Journal of Family Practice | February 2013 | Vol 62, No 2 Because most patients have both inflammatory and bacterial lesions, it is important to use combined therapies to treat P acnes and inflammation.

Clockwise, from top: closed comedones; open comedones; pustules; and scarring.

heads) and inflammatory lesions, including are modulated by insulinlike-growth factor 1 papules, pustules, and nodules….”5 The under- (IGF-1) and insulin.8,9 Research to determine lying etiology is best described as a cascade of whether these receptors can be influenced by events involving the pilosebaceous unit. diet and melanocortins is ongoing.8,10 Normally, single keratinocytes are shed Evidence has also shown that inflam- into the follicular lumen for excretion. In mation around the follicles and follicular dif- acne, this process is disrupted and the kera- ferentiation precede bacterial overgrowth,7 tinocytes accumulate, becoming interwoven and that P acnes overgrowth exacerbates the with monofilaments and droplets. The blockage and inflammation by creating a bio- , cellular debris, and excessive sebum, film that plugs the follicles. Inflammation is as well as the overgrowth of Propionibacte- one of the main complications of acne, caus- rium acnes, block the follicles;6 the bacterial ing hyperpigmentation and scarring. overgrowth can generate inflammation, as well.7 Areas rich in sebaceous glands, such as These factors increase the risk the face, neck, chest, upper arms, and back, There are numerous risk factors for acne, are the sites at which acne is most likely to ranging from genetics to stress to certain develop. medications (TABLE 1).11 Although the exact genetic penetrance is unknown, acne often af- Androgen receptors play a role fects multiple family members;1,12 genetics is For many years, the underlying pathophysiol- also associated with an increase in androgens, ogy of acne vulgaris was thought to be lesion such as that found in patients with Cushing progression, with microcomedone forma- syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), I mage © © mage tion leading to both closed and open come- and congenital adrenal hyperplasia.13 dones. Emerging evidence has led to a deeper Emotional and physical stress can in- j oe gorman oe understanding of acne development. Sebum crease the risk for acne,14 with the latter of- is now known to have androgen receptors ten related to excessive friction on the (nuclear transcription factor Fox O1), which caused by sweat bands or helmet strips. Cos- Vol 62, No 2 | February 2013 | The Journal of Family Practice 83 TABLE 1 lar, nodulocystic), while others also consider Drugs that are potential the number of each type of lesion and areas affected.15 In 2002, the US Food and Drug Ad- acne triggers ministration (FDA) defined the components of a Global Acne Severity Scale as having Common drugs/drug classes 6 grades (0-5), with 0 for normal skin and 5 Anabolic steroids representing a predominance of highly in- (eg, danazol and testosterone) flammatory lesions with a variable number of Bromides and iodides papules/pustules and nodulocystic lesions.16 Corticosteroids (eg, prednisone) The AAD’S classification system has only Corticotropin 3 grades—mild, moderate, and severe—and is one of the easiest to use: Isoniazid and ethionamide • Mild cases have few to several papules Lithium and barbiturates and pustules, but no nodules Phenytoin and trimethadione • Moderate cases have more papules Less common drugs and pustules, with a few nodules • Severe cases have numerous papules, Azathioprine pustules, and nodules.5 Cyclosporine Disulfiram CASE c Ms. S is in obvious emotional distress, Phenobarbital and her acne needs to be treated aggressively. Quinidine Because of the emotional impact and the fact that she has lesions on several body parts, her Adapted from: Sterry W, et al. Dermatology. Thieme Clinical Companions. 2006.11 case is classified as severe (and would be even instant if her face had only a few lesions). poll metics that plug the follicles are a risk factor Treatment: Prevention Do you for acne, as well. of new lesions is paramount recommend Preventing new formations is a key focus of topical acne therapy, and patients should be ad- and benzoyl The patient has acne, vised that it may take weeks for results to be peroxide for but how severe? seen. Nonetheless, aggressive treatment of patients with Because acne is often diagnosed clinically, inflammatory lesions is necessary to prevent acne? there is often no need for routine testing. Nor scarring. Because most patients have both n Yes, on a routine is a bacterial culture for P acnes necessary. inflammatory and bacterial lesions, it is im- basis If the patient has signs and symp- portant to use combined therapies, including toms suggestive of an endocrine disorder, topical or oral , to treat P acnes and n Yes, if the acne however—eg, infertility, PCOS, or hirsut- inflammation TABLE( 2).13,17-23 is moderate to severe ism—consider checking free testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA), Topicals are the cornerstone of treatment n Only for patients luteinizing/follicle-stimulating hormones Retinoids and topicals are who have not (LH/FSH), 17-alpha-progesterone, adreno­ the foundation of therapy for both comedo- tried topicals 17 previously corticotropic hormone (ACTH), and/or dexa- nal and inflammatory acne, regardless of methasone suppression. Other indicators of severity. Both are recommended by the AAD. n Rarely; I’ve had a need for endocrine testing include male or But evidence suggests that only 55% of der- more success with female pattern balding, an abnormal men- matologists and 10% of primary care provid- other treatments strual cycle, acanthosis nigricans, and trun- ers recommend them.19,20 n Other ______cal obesity.5,6 z Retinoids inhibit microcomedone for- Numerous acne classification systems mation and regulate follicular keratinocytes, have been developed; some are based on the which have anti-inflammatory properties type of lesions (ie, comedonal, papulopustu- and help to prevent the formation of new le-

84 The Journal of Family Practice | February 2013 | Vol 62, No 2 improving acne treatment

sions. Patients should be warned that topical antibiotics have both antimicrobial and anti- retinoids can cause irritation, erythema, des- inflammatory properties. quamation, pruritus, and burning. To reduce antibiotics (ie, doxycycline the adverse effects, advise patients to start and ) are first-line oral therapy.21 therapy slowly, at a reduced frequen- Minocycline has been found to be the most cy (eg, every other day or every third day) and potent agent in this drug class; tetracycline shorter contact (washing it off after one to 4 is the least.22 can cause tooth hours for a week, then increasing the contact discoloration and inhibit skeletal growth, time). When it is clear that the medication is and are contraindicated for children younger well tolerated, the frequency and amount can than 10 years and pregnant women. be increased. Use of the topical, as tolerated, Photosensitivity is an adverse effect of should continue as long as the potential acne , so patients should be problem remains. advised to cover up and avoid sun exposure. There are 3 retinoid formulations on the Other adverse effects, particularly of minocy- market—adapalene, , and tazaro- cline, include dizziness, lupus-like syndrome, tene—all of which have been shown to be ef- pseudotumor cerebri, skin and mucosal pig- fective. Adapalene is the least irritating and mentation, serum sickness, and hepatitis. If the most stable, and can be safely combined the patient is taking an oral contraceptive pill with benzoyl peroxide and topical antibiot- (OCP) concurrently for family planning, she ics. If tretinoin and benzoyl peroxide are used should be advised that oral antibiotics have concurrently, tretinoin should be applied at the potential to reduce the efficacy of the OCP. night and benzoyl peroxide during the day. Other oral antibiotics sometimes used To reduce the risk of inactivating the topical to treat acne include , trimeth­ agents, advise patients not to use other skin oprim-sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin, and products in conjunction with topical therapy. azithromycin, but data on their efficacy are z Benzoyl peroxide, which is available limited. Erythromycin has similar potency as a cleanser, gel, or wash, affects keratino- to tetracycline, but may need to be taken 2 to cyte dysmaturation, P acnes, and inflamma- 4 times a day and may cause more gastro- tion.11 The antibacterial activity is due to its intestinal disturbances. Cephalosporins, oxidation. Benzoyl peroxide is available both OTC and by prescription, with concentra- tions ranging from 2% to 10%. (2%-3%), a well-tolerated agent, Diagnostic challenge is often used with benzoyl peroxide, as well. Is it acne? Test your skill , sodium , and dap- sone are other topicals that have been found to be effective in treating acne. z Topical antibiotics, most commonly 1% or sodium sulfacetamide, also affect both P acnes and inflammation,24 I although the exact mechanism is unknown. cour mage Available in solution or as a gel or lotion, topi-

cal antibiotics can be combined with benzoyl t e s peroxide. Use of topical erythromycin has de- richar of: y clined in recent years because it has a higher rate of bacterial resistance.9,21 d

p . u . s a

When to add oral antibiotics t ine, m ine, When topical treatment does not produce the desired result or cannot be tolerated, oral d antibiotics may be introduced, either as an Turn the page to check your results addition or replacement. Like topicals, oral Vol 62, No 2 | February 2013 | The Journal of Family Practice 85 TABLE 2 Acne classification helps guide treatment decisions13,17-23

Severity of acne Treatment Mild Moderate* Severe* Dietary/lifestyle modifications (eg, reduce √ √ √ dairy intake, minimize use of , reduce stress) PLUS benzoyl peroxide (2%-10%) PLUS retinoid (tretinoin, adapalene, or ) OR azelaic or salicylic acid Combined OCPs √ √ PLUS oral antibiotics OR topical antibiotics (for males and females who are not candidates for OCPs) Although acne is Isotretinoin† √ often diagnosed Other therapies, as needed (eg, intralesional √ √ √ clinically, testing injections, chemical peels, or laser therapy)‡ is indicated for *Treatments for moderate or severe acne are also appropriate for acne that extends to other parts of the body and/or does patients with not respond to topical therapy. signs and †Monitoring and counseling on adverse effects and teratogenic potential are required. symptoms ‡Should not be used concurrently or within 6-12 months of isotretinoin due to increased risk of keloid formation. suggestive of OCPs, oral contraceptive pills. an endocrine disorder. fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, chlor- Initiating isotretinoin therapy: amphenicol, sulfonamides/, and gyrase An evidence-based approach inhibitors should not be used for acne be- Oral isotretinoin is the only potential cure for cause of a lack of efficacy.6 acne vulgaris. The cure rate is about 30% to Regardless of the type of oral antibi- 40% (with about 20% of patients developing otic prescribed, it should be tried for about a recurrence that requires retreatment within 3 months (8-16 weeks) and discontinued one to 3 years).25 once improvement occurs. If no improve- Isotretinoin is FDA approved for severe ment is seen within 3 months, consider nodulocystic acne, but several organizations, changing antibiotics due to resistance or add- including the AAD and the Global Alliance ing antifungal therapy for Pityrosporum and to Improve Outcomes in Acne, recommend Malassezia species.6 its use for milder cases.25,26 It is also an ex-

Diagnostic challenge Is it acne?

No, it isn’t. Pustules on the face, like those on the patient pictured here, are a common manifestation of acne. But facial lesions alone are not sufficient for a definitive diagnosis.I n fact, the pustules that this 59-year-old woman sought treatment for were correctly diagnosed as perioral dermatitis. The tip-off? The lack of comedones and the distribution of the lesions, which were concentrated around the mouth.

86 The Journal of Family Practice | February 2013 | Vol 62, No 2 improving acne treatment

cellent treatment for other forms of severe ing was previously thought to be associated acne, such as acne fulminans and acne con- with greater risk of relapse, this appears to be globata. Accutane is no longer available, but related less to the cumulative dose of 120 to 5 other formulations of isotretinoin are on 150 mg/kg and more to the duration of seba- the market. ceous gland suppression.30 Because isotretinoin is a category X te- Based on the latest evidence, important ratogen, all providers and patients must reg- changes in isotretinoin administration are ister with iPLEDGE (www.ipledgeprogram. called for—specifically, using a much lower com), an FDA-approved mandatory risk dose (0.25-0.5 mg/kg, divided into 2 daily management program. Before starting to take doses) for a longer period of time.30 While the isotretinoin, females of childbearing age are traditional dosing generally requires a 3- to required to undergo 2 pregnancy tests; they 5-month course of treatment, the lower dos- must also agree to use 2 forms of program- ing can take 6 to 8 months. approved birth control and submit to month- ly pregnancy tests. Patients on isotretinoin also need to be Who’s a candidate monitored for depression.27 Other potential for hormonal therapy? adverse effects include hepatitis, hypertri- Any hormone that has antiandrogenic proper- glyceridemia, arthralgia, myalgias, and in- ties can have a beneficial effect on acne. flammatory bowel disease.28,29 Dry skin and The most common hormonal therapy is Tetracycline mucosa are the most common adverse ef- an -progestin combination OCP.23,31 antibiotics fects, and patients should be advised to use Progesterone-only OCPs should not be used should not be moisturizers regularly. as they can worsen acne. prescribed for In theory, any OCP that contains estrogen children younger A better dosing regimen? can work because of its androgenic properties. than 10 years The standard starting dose of isotretinoin is The estrogen appears to suppress sebaceous or for pregnant 0.25 to 1 mg/kg/d, divided and taken twice a gland activity. OCPs with FDA approval for the women. day, then titrated upward monthly to a maxi- treatment of acne include Estrostep Fe (nor- mum daily dose of 2 mg/kg. The goal is for ethindrone/ethinyl [EE]), Ortho Tri- the total intake of isotretinoin to be 120 to cyclen (norgestimate/EE), and Yasmin and 150 mg/kg. So, for example, the goal for a pa- Beyaz (/EE). With any OCP, the tient weighing 60 kg might be a cumulative effect is gradual, and it can take 3 to 4 months intake of 7200 mg (120 mg/kg × 60 kg), taken for patients to see an improvement. OCPs are in doses of 20 mg BID (40 mg/d) for 180 days. an excellent choice for women with moderate- The medication should be taken with to-severe acne or those suffering from hirsut- food (especially with fatty food) for better ism and seborrhea. absorption. Treatment duration has typically Other hormonal therapies—which are been 16 to 32 weeks, with an average of 20 not FDA approved for acne treatment—in- weeks, with the daily dose lowered in patients clude , cyproterone, and flu- requiring treatment for a longer period of tamide.24 There is no evidence to support the time. Continuous use of isotretinoin is more use of finasteride or cyproterone. effective than taking it intermittently.26 Spironolactone is the most studied and z Lower dosages? While that standard has modest benefits at 100 to 150 22mg/d. regimen has been adequate in the manage- Caution is needed when using spironolac- ment of acne vulgaris, emerging evidence tone, as gynecomastia, hyperkalemia, and suggests that dosages of isotretinoin as low as agranulocytosis are potential adverse effects. 5 mg/d are equally effective and have signifi- It is important to closely monitor the blood cantly fewer adverse effects.30 Relapse contin- pressure, chemistry, and cell count of pa- ues to be a problem. Risk factors for relapse tients taking spironolactone. include a macrocomedonal pattern of acne, smoking, and age, with patients <14 years and CASE c Because Ms. S is sexually active and >25 years at higher risk.30 While lower dos- does not wish to become pregnant, she is a Vol 62, No 2 | FEBRUARY 2013 | The Journal of Family Practice 87 candidate for an OCP. You prescribe a pill con- duced into each lesion until the lesion is dis- taining norgestimate and EE, add a topical tended and/or blanched. There are limited retinoid to her regimen, and schedule a return data on the use of corticosteroid injections visit in 3 months to evaluate the effectiveness for acne, however, and these injections are of therapy. If there is little improvement, you reserved for severe cases to reduce inflam- will recommend isotretinoin at that time. mation. Potential adverse effects include hy- perglycemia, obesity, and Cushing traits. z Chemical peels are used to decrease Talk to patients about lifestyle both inflammatory and noninflammatory le- modifications sions, and are typically well tolerated. In one Although the role of lifestyle changes in acne study, more than 95% of patients were satis- treatment is controversial, there is some evi- fied with the results.11,34 dence to suggest that these modifications are Various chemicals have been used, in- worth considering: cluding alpha-hydroxyl acid (glycolic acid), z Glycemic load. In Western society, beta-hydroxyl acid (salicylic acid), and Jess- where the typical diet includes foods with a ner’s solution, with equal efficacy.35-38 Chemi- high glycemic index, there appears to be a cal peels can be used on patients with darker higher prevalence of acne compared with re- skin, but caution is required to avoid dyschro- gions where foods with a low glycemic index mia.39 Other adverse effects include dry skin, Before taking (≤55-60) are the mainstay. A low glycemic crusting, and facial erythema. More adverse isotretinoin, load appears to reduce both the occurrence effects have been reported with glycolic acid females of and severity of acne.17 Thus, patients who are vs salicylic acid.37 childbearing age willing to make dietary changes should be ad- z Laser therapies include photodynam- must have vised to consume foods with a lower glycemic ic therapy—blue light with amino-luvanic 2 pregnancy index, such as peanuts and green vegetables. acid—and phototherapy (blue light alone).40-42 tests and agree z Dairy. Milk is believed to have an an- P acnes accumulate photosensitizing por- to use 2 forms of drogenic effect, and dairy products in general phyrins in the comedones; when the laser contraception. have a positive correlation with acne. Thus, therapy is applied, the porphyrins absorb the a reduction in milk intake has been found to light source and destroy the bacteria. improve acne.18,32 Stress the importance of Laser treatment can also be used for calcium supplementation for patients whose scarring. Ablative laser resurfacing signifi- dairy consumption is reduced or eliminated. cantly improves acne scars; nonablative and z Fish oil. Omega-6 fatty acid, found in fractional CO2 laser modalities can also be fish oil, has anti-inflammatory properties, used, with minimal downtime and no serious and an increase in foods rich in omega-3 fatty complications.43 acid (eg, salmon, sardines, walnuts) has been Other complementary therapies, includ- associated with improvement of acne.17 ing aloe vera, pyridoxine, kampo, tea tree ex- z Probiotics. There is limited evidence for tract, and fruit-based acids, have little or no probiotics as a therapy for acne. They do ap- data regarding their efficacy. pear to regulate inflammatory cytokines with- in the skin and to upregulate the IGF-1, both of which influence the formation of acne.10,33 The importance of maintenance therapy With the exception of patients whose acne was Other treatment options cured or who achieved remission with isotreti- to consider noin, maintenance is required once the desired Injections, chemical peels, and/or laser treat- appearance is reached. Without it, recurrence ments may be considered as adjunctive ther- is likely—possibly within as little as 4 weeks. apy or when standard therapies fail. For most patients, a topical retinoid is the z Steroid injections. This treatment regi- only medication that should be continued. men centers around a midpotency steroid Tell patients to apply it nightly and to call for that is diluted with normal saline and is intro- an appointment if an acne flare-up occurs.

88 The Journal of Family Practice | February 2013 | Vol 62, No 2 improving acne treatment

CASE c When Ms. S comes in for a follow-up en even in women who continue to take OCPs visit, her acne is cleared except for a couple of and topicals. You agree to initiate isotretinoin lesions on her back and she is happy with the if this occurs. JFP

results. You advise her to continue on the OCP CORRESPONDENCE to avoid a recurrence but caution her that in a Tam T. Nguyen, MD, San Joaquin General Hospital, 500 West Hospital Road, Suite 1103, French Camp, CA 95231; small percentage of cases, the acne may wors- [email protected]

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