
2014 No.55

Reporting on Today and Tomorrow’s Energy, Environmental and Industrial Technology

[Featured Article] Illuminating the 21st Century with the Blue LED An Energy Revolution in Lighting

Special Dialogue “2014’s Gives Courage to Engineering Graduates” Hiroshi Amano (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, ) × Kazuo Furukawa (NEDO Chairman) Contents What is an LED? An LED Light EPitting Diode is a type of sePiconductor device coPposed of p-type and n-type 2014 no.55 sePiconductors. :hen direct electrical current flows through [Featured Article] the Munction between these two 02 types of sePiconductors part of Illuminating the electrical energy is converted st and ePitted as light. The light the 21 color changes depending on the sePiconductor Paterials used. Century ,n coPparison to conventional incandescent bulbs and À uorescent with the Blue laPps LEDs have distinguishing features such as sPaller size the LED The deployPent of LEDs ability to function as a point light in indoor lighting and street source longer service life and lower power consuPption. The An Energy Revolution in lights is progressing rapidly. Lighting ParNet for coPpact LED laPps of the Nind ¿ rst developed around 2003 grew rapidly due to energy- saving Peasures after the *reat East -apan EarthTuaNe in 2011.

History of LED Development


04 Special Dialogue “2014’s Nobel Prize Award Gives Courage to Incandescent light bulb Engineering Graduates” Hiroshi Amano Professor *raduate 6chool of Engineering Nagoya 8niversity [Featured Article] × Kazuo Furukawa st NED2 &hairPan Illuminating the 21 08 NEDO Project Overview Achieving High- ef¿ ciency LED Lights Century with the with an Ef¿ cient 0ethod for Growing GaN Crystals Blue LED 10 Special Report Toyoda *osei &o. Ltd. An Energy Revolution in Lighting Developing LED Business as a Second The invention of the blue LED that won the Nobel Prize for Physics Core Business to Follow in 2014 has led to the creation of energy-saving light bulbs to Automobile Parts replace conventional incandescent bulbs and is changing the world of household and industrial lighting. Lighting currently accounts for 12 NEDO Project Overview nearly 20 of household and of¿ ce power consuPption and if the use Creating an Even 0ore of e[trePely high-efficiency LED lighting e[pands it can proPote Favorable Environment energy conservation on a global scale. This featured article covers the for Developing Next Generation Power latest inforPation on energy-saving lighting including NED2¶s proMects Electronics with 2014’s involved in the developPent of blue LEDs as well as ne[t-generation Nobel Prize Award power electronics.

02 &olorful display of electronic billboards and large-scale displays is Pade possible by the developPent of blue LEDs. NED2 ³ DevelopP ent of &oPpound 6ePiconductors for Light ePission phenoPenon observed :hite LED High Efficiency 2ptoelectronic when voltage applied to 6i& High-intensity blue created by &onversion Light for the 21st silicon carbide LED created using coPbining &entury ProMect ´ aiPs for a light-ePitting a blue LED iPproved energy conservation Yellow-green layer of In*aN and a yellow with luPinous efficiency of LED indiuP galliuP nitride phosphor 0-100 lP:.

1961 1989 1995 2002 1998-2003 2010-2014 1907 1968 1993 1996

Red LED ³PN Munction´ *reen LED :hite LED NED2 ³ FundaP ental created using created using created by coPbining Technology DevelopPent p-type light-ePitting an ultraviolet ProMect of Ne[t-generation *aN galliuP nitride layer of LED and an R*% High-efficiency and High- In*aN phosphor Tuality Lighting´ aiPs for significantly iPproved energy conservation with a goal of luP inous efficiency over 200 lP:.

Changes in Domestic Shipments of Lighting Equipment (millions of yen)

700,000 LED lighting eTuipPent In recent years LED lighting has spread rapidly! Electric-discharge laPp eTuipPent Disaster prevention eTuipPent Incandescent laPp eTuipPent 600,000 Fluorescent laPp eTuipPent

As LEDs have becoPe 500,000 used in the bacNlights of Pobile phones and tablet coPputers the ParNet 400,000 has becoPe huge.




0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 6ource -apan Lighting 0anufacturers Association FY2013 data

2014 no.55 03 Special Dialogue Dialogue Professor *raduate 6chool of In 2014 three -apanese scientists who Featured Article Engineering Nagoya 8niversity conducted research and developPent in “2014’s Nobel Prize LED technology received the Nobel Prize Award Gives Courage Director ANasaNi Research &enter Nagoya 8niversity to Engineering for Physics. 2ne of the three Professor Graduates.” Hiroshi APano of Nagoya 8niversity¶s Hiroshi Amano *raduate 6chool of Engineering has been involved with NED2 and has worNed together on a proMect with NED2 in the past. After receiving news that Professor APano had won the Nobel Prize &hairPan of NED2 .azuo FuruNawa sat down with hiP NED2 &hairPan for an in-depth conversation. They discussed the bacNstory of APano¶s prize-winning Kazuo Furukawa research and future developPents in LED research as well as the current situation facing university engineering departPents.

Professor *raduate 6chool of Engineering Nagoya 8niversity Director ANasaNi Research &enter Nagoya 8niversity Hiroshi Amano

%orn in HaPaPatsu &ity 6hizuoNa Prefecture. *raduated froP 6chool of Engineering Nagoya 8niversity in 13. &oPpleted doctoral courseworN at Nagoya 8niversity but withdrew froP studies in 1. Received his doctoral degree in engineering in 1. %ecaPe a Professor in the Faculty of 6cience and Engineering at 0eiMo 8niversity in 2002. Later becaPe a Fellow at the -apan 6ociety of Applied Physics in 200 and then a Professor in *raduate 6chool of Engineering at Nagoya 8niversity in 2010. Received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2014 based on his research on blue LEDs. Also received the 2rder of &ulture and selected as a Person of &ultural 0erit in the saPe year as of NovePber 2014 .

04 theoretical physics to win. As soPeone who also graduated in LED Research Became a Big Success engineering I thinN that your winning this award gives all the Thanks to a Device Failure people worNing in the engineering coPPunity a great aPount Furukawa: :e truly want to congratulate you on receiving of courage. 2014¶s Nobel Prize for Physics. First I would liNe to asN you Amano: I also thinN that it¶s great that the Nobel Prize shone about the signi¿cance of receiving the Nobel Prize. In the soPe light on our 6chool of Engineering. At the beginning press release that was released by the Royal 6wedish AcadePy we didn¶t have enough funding and buying Paterials. 6o our of 6ciences it says ³The LED laPp holds great proPise for e[periPental equipPent was hoPePade. :e tooN parts froP increasing the quality of life for over 1.5 billion people around old devices and an unused rotary puPp froP another research the world who lacN access to electricity grids due to low power laboratory and used theP to assePble our equipPent. After requirePents it can be powered by cheap local solar power.´ that we had to build a device to show that it could produce light Professor what are your feelings about this" well in order to appeal to the world. At that tiPe I conducted Amano: The iPage I always used to hold of the Nobel Prize dePonstrations through NED2 proMect and this enabled Py was that it was an award intended for theoretical liNe worN to gain global attention. NED2 really helped greatly. It Professors HideNi YuNawa Toshihide 0asuNawa and 0aNoto is truly thanNs to NED2 that I have been able to attend Pany .obayashi in the case of -apanese laureates. I now feel that the international conferences and present Py ¿ndings and data. Nobel Prize has gradually started recognizing achievePents Furukawa: I aP very happy to hear you say that. Your that are Pore faPiliar and useful to people. The energy-saving invention – inserting a buffer layer as a substrate to cause iPpact of LED is trePendous and it is e[pected that about growth *aN layer – was a really innovative one for us but 0 of the lighting in -apan will becoPe LED by the tiPe of was this Nind of Pethod soPething that you had been thinNing the ToNyo 2lyPpics in 2020. If that happens LEDs will result about froP the beginning" in energy savings equivalent to 7% of total power generation. I Amano: No not at ¿rst. 6ince we couldn¶t Panage to create felt e[trePely lucNy in a sense to have a spotlight on this Nind well-forPed crystals I wondered if there Pight be a need to of lighting and I aP truly happy about it. sandwich the crystals with soPething else. At that tiPe there Furukawa: Actually I also thought that the Nobel Prize was another person in the saPe research laboratory who was for Physics would be hard for people who were not in researching aluPinuP nitride crystals and I realized that they

2014 no.55 05 Special Dialogue “This Year’s Nobel Prize Award Gives Courage to Engineering Graduates.”

were forPing well so at that point I thought that I¶d try using potential of *aN is high but unfortunately the substrate that as a buffer layer. However aluPinuP nitride doesn¶t technology is still inferior when coPpared with 6i&. If we cleanly forP a single crystal unless it is created at a high don¶t resolve this issue we won¶t be able to achieve reliability. tePperature. As it happens the Niln occasionally wouldn¶t *iven that power devices are used in ways that iPpact people¶s worN properly and the tePperature would only go up to 00- lives they need to have high reliability - in other words we 00℃. 6o I tried attaching the buffer layer at low tePperature. need to establish technology to PaNe better crystals that will This was ultiPately a big success. Although that was one of lead to the breaNthrough Paterial to replace silicon. I would the techniques that I had been thinNing about but actually it really liNe to PaNe it a reality. If it happens it could save occurred because the device was broNen. Laugh. energy coPparable to half the power generated by nuclear power plants in -apan because the power loss is appro[iPately The Wide Range of Applications for LEDs 1th coPpared to silicon. I have a dozen years or so until Py Continues to Expand retirePent and I want to pave the path by then. Furukawa: I would liNe to hear about the future developPent Furukawa: Do you have anything else other than *aN and of the blue LED. And in terPs of *aN galliuP nitride  it LED that you want to worN on" seePs that there are also e[pectation that it will succeed 6i& Amano: Although it¶s related to LEDs one thing I¶P very silicon carbide as a Paterial for power sePiconductors. interested in is plant. I thinN that it would be a very strategic Amano: There are still Pany things that I¶d liNe to do. In terPs systeP to e[port plant factories to countries that cannot grow of LED although it has e[panded up until now I thinN that crops due to deserts and so on. Another thing that I ¿nd there is still a lot of rooP for growth. Particularly in terPs interesting is controlling aniPal behavior at the Polecular level of ef¿ciency where we have achieved 0% but it is still not by lighting. It has already been shown in Pice that PaNing a 100%. In regard to color I also feel that we want to aiP for protein light sensitive can be used to activate or relax the brain. getting 100% ef¿ciency freely froP any color of LED. For exaPple we have idea to insert LED in a person¶s brain Right now we are conducting research at the university into and turn on the switch only at tiPes we wish to activate it. It ne[t-generation LEDs that taNe advantage of the structure is becoPing a reality that when you want to put yourself to of nanowires. :e are also worNing on power devices. The sleep you can Àip the switch on an orange-colored light and

06 iPPediately fall asleep. This technology would also be useful unfortunate thing is that the PaMority of the doctoral students in treating people with conditions involving nuPbness in a have becoPe foreign students froP abroad. They return to liPb. I have a dreaP of worNing on this together with people their countries once the doctoral prograP is coPpleted which involved in Pedical and physical science research. is too bad. I¶d liNe -apanese coPpanies to taNe Pore advantage of these foreign students. And I¶d liNe Pore -apanese students Fostering Future Nobel Prize Winners to rePain aPong doctoral course. through Personalized Programs Furukawa: This is certainly a dif¿cult probleP. NED2 has Furukawa: They say now that student¶s interests are Poving begun a new prograP in 2014. In this prograP we provide away froP science and engineering but what do you thinN that support for individual living expenses and research funding we should do" I still haven¶t ¿gured this out Pyself but do you in the aPount of  Pillion to 15 Pillion yen 50000-125000 have a secret plan in Pind" 86D per year. In this ¿scal year we plan to provide 15 awards Amano: :e have been offering special science classes at but we received 400-500 applications. elePentary schools as part of acadePic society activities and Amano: It would be great if NED2 expands that prograP they have been very popular. :e receive twice the nuPber of further. If they could soPehow get research and living expenses applications we can handle every tiPe and the eyes of the I thinN that there would be Pore than a few students who would children who participate are shining as they perforP science stay on in the doctoral prograPs. I¶ll have to encourage our experiPents. 6o in terPs of interest elePentary school children postdoctoral researchers to apply as well. Laught. probably haven¶t changed. Rather I thinN it is stronger now. Furukawa: 6ince NED2 wants to try a nuPber of different However when it coPes to Piddle and high school students approaches going forward we would really appreciate your they suddenly stop interest. 6o I feel that we should taNe soPe continuing guidance. It would be great if a Nobel Prize winner actions to solve this during Piddle and high school. liNe you ePerges froP NED2 prograPs in the future. :hen I looN at the situation with university students it hasn¶t really changed coPpared to the past. 2n the contrary college students today understand the content of their studies and they are well-engaged in research and experiPents. %ut the

2014 no.55 07 NEDO Project Overview Achieving High-ef¿ciency LED Lights with an Ef¿cient 0ethod for Growing GaN Crystals *lobal warPing has becoPe a worldwide issue. To help cope with this NED2 engaged in the developPent of LED lighting technology to achieve signi¿cant ef¿ciency iPprovePents ProMect &oordinator Electronics through the ³FundaPental Technology DevelopPent of Next-generation High-ef¿ciency and 0aterials Technology and High-quality Lighting´ proMect froP FY200 to FY2013 with an eye towards energy saving in Nanotechnology DepartPent NED2 lighting which accounts for approxiPately 20% of power consuPption in the hoPe and of¿ce. Nobuyuki Takai

High-ef¿ciency LEDs Can Achieve a Low- and his af¿liated Nagoya 8niversity we also asNed 2saNa Energy Lighting Society 8niversity Toyoda *osei &o. Ltd. Ricoh &oPpany Ltd. Innovation &enter Inc. 0itsubishi &hePical &orporation *lobal warPing is an iPportant issue that every country in the &itizen Electronics &o. Ltd. NE& Lighting Ltd. 0itsubishi world should be tacNling with. *iven that lighting consuPes Plastics Inc. TohoNu 8niversity EL-6eed &orp. and 0eiMo nearly 20% of all electricity in the hoPe and of¿ce in order 8niversity to engage in research and developPent. to solve the probleP of global warPing it is essential to create Project Results energy savings in lighting applications. LED lighting that has appeared in the 21st century is expected An ef¿cient Pethod of growing *aN crystals was developed to be the next generation of high-ef¿ciency lighting to support in this proMect. As a result NED2 developed the technology energy conservation in the lighting society of the future to ef¿ciently generate a *aN substrate and achieve extrePely although it still can¶t be called ef¿cient enough. high-ef¿ciency LED lighting. Through ³FundaPental Technology DevelopPent of Next- An expanded range of applications such as high ceiling generation High-ef¿ciency and High-quality Lighting´ proMect lighting proMectors and autoPobile headlights are expected FY200-FY2013  NED2 worNed to develop LED lighting for the high-ef¿ciency LEDs that PaNe use of these results. In technology to achieve signi¿cantly iPproved ef¿ciency with addition if *aN substrates are used outside of LED lighting over twice the light ePission ef¿ciency of Àuorescent lighting. applications are anticipated such as sPall-scale high-output electronic devices for autoPobile controls next-generation Project Efforts Focusing on Pobile base stations and energy-saving consuPer electronics. Commercialization

Although LED lighting with sapphire substrates has been Realizing both high quality and rapidly popularized in -apan it has been Nnown since 200 large diaPeter *aN crystals with the new HVPE production that there are theoretical liPits to LED ef¿ciency iPprovePent Pethod with sapphire substrates. Although signi¿cant ef¿ciency 0itsubishi &hePical &orporation iPprovePents would be possible if a *aN galliuP nitride *aN crystal substrate produced substrate is achieved the technology for Panufacturing *aN with the Na Àux production substrate had not been established. FurtherPore even if *aN Pethod substrates are possible if the Panufacturing costs are still very 2saNa 8niversity high it would be hard to sell theP to the general consuPers and energy savings would not Pove forward. :hat was needed was technology to induce the growth of *aN crystals that forP the basis of the *aN substrate and ef¿ciently produce theP. FurtherPore it was also necessary to develop High-ef¿ciency LED lighting created on a *aN crystal technology to achieve high ef¿ciency utilizing the *aN substrate substrate effectively. In order to resolve these issues the proMect Nagoya 8niversity worNed to develop *aN substrate crystal growth technology optical designs heat dissipation designs circuit designs and so on. In addition to Nobel Prize laureate Professor APano

08 What is a Gallium Nitride Substrate?

In an LED light is ePitted froP an LED chip Typical LED Structural Diagram created by growing a *aN galliuP nitride crystal on a substrate. The Post coPPon

substrate in LEDs found on the ParNet today is p-type sePiconductor sapphire which is called ³sapphire substrate.´ n-type sePiconductor However in theory it is Nnown that growing *aN on a *aN substrate coPposed of the saPe 6ubstrate elePents as opposed to on a sapphire substrate results in better product quality higher ef¿ciency when ePitting light and a brighter LED. This substrate is called ³*aN substrate´. Sapphire substrate

Although the Pethod for ef¿ciently producing *aN crystal

*aN substrate was not established until recently 6apphire *aN crystal growth technology has been Isolated for use as developed by 2014¶s Nobel Prize winner in GaN substrate a substrate

Physics Professor APano. *aN crystal


8sing the saPe Paterials it is possible to grow higher quality crystals.

GaN Substrate LED Lighting Manufacturing The Panufacturing process froP the production of the substrate to the Process production of an LED laPp. *enerating *aN substrates can achieve high ef¿ciency bright LEDs.

GaN substrate LED package LED lighting GaN crystal

Inducing the growth of The crystals that are N-type and p-type The LED pacNage is *aN galliuP nitride grown are cut thinly to be sePiconductor layers are coPbined with an optical crystals to use as a used as the substrate. forPed and the resulting lens and a power supply substrate for high- lighting elePent is to create a ¿nished LED ef¿ciency LEDs. pacNaged with a phosphor laPp. on the substrate.

Photos left to right  0itsubishi &hePical &orporation &itizen Electronics &o. Ltd. NE& Lighting Ltd. 0itsubishi Plastics Inc.

2014 no.55 09 Special Report Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.

Developing LED %usiness as a 6econd &ore %usiness to Follow AutoPobile Parts

Toyoda *osei &o. Ltd. is a global leader in blue LED Panufacturing sales research and developPent. Nonetheless its history was one a series of trials and errors. As a result of tenaciously continuing research and developPent they now have business that has grown to nearly 50 billion yen in annual sales. The ParNet is predicted to expand even Pore in the future and Toyoda *osei is hoping that their LED business will grow too.

0anaging 2f¿cer *eneral 0anager of 2ptoelectronics %usiness 8nit Yasushi 0iyamoto *eneral 0anager of Research and DevelopPent Division Kozo Arao

This interview was conducted in 2014.

That was when he Pet Professor ANasaNi. This visited Extensive Research Began with 0eeting Professor ANasaNi and proposed doing Moint research. Although he Professor Akasaki visited Professor ANasaNi Pany tiPes he was not able to obtain a “Please let me do blue LED research and development.” positive coPPitPent but after being urged by 0asao NePoto That¶s what one Toyoda *osei engineer said in the Piddle of the Toyoda *osei¶s president at the tiPe Moint research on the *aN 10s. He had attended lectures by Professor IsaPu ANasaNi of galliuP nitride coPpound sePiconductors that enable blue light DepartPent of Electronics in the 6chool of Engineering at Nagoya ePission ¿nally began. That was in 1. 8niversity currently Distinguished Professor at Nagoya 8niversity 6till in the ¿rst ¿ve years they were not able to produce and 8niversity Professor at 0eiMo 8niversity  grew interested in sePiconductors that ePit light. For this reason there were voices in blue LEDs and discussed this with his supervisor. the coPpany asNing ³:hy don¶t you quit"´ At that tiPe President At the tiPe Toyoda *osei was considering the launch of a new NePoto encouraged everyone saying ³:e¶re trying to do soPething business line to follow autoPobile parts the coPpany¶s core for the ¿rst tiPe in the world and it¶s iPportant that we don¶t MuPp business which consisted of rubber and plastic parts for autoPobiles. to conclusions and we face this believing that we will absolutely

10 Left DePonstration test Pachine for Panufacturing *aN substrates being developed in collaboration with NED2. &enter and right A tester verifies the *aN substrates grown by the test Pachine succeed.´ 6hortly after they succeeded with the developPent of high-ef¿ciency LED and there are plans for the introduction of blue LEDs in 11. ³I was told that the ¿rst tiPe it lit up everyone autoPobiles equipped with headlights using Toyoda *osei¶s LEDs. in the place gave a cheer. There are a lot of anecdotes about the The coPpany is also focusing on increasing the lineup of interior developPent of blue LED´ coPPented 0anaging 2f¿cer Yasushi and exterior parts for autoPobiles that ePploy LEDs. 0iyaPoto with ePotion in his voice. In the Pidst of this process the coPpany participated in a proMect with NED2 beginning in 2004 that has spanned 10 years. ³Initially Aiming to Expand Business with an it felt liNe we were groping in the darN but now I feel con¿dent Additional Focus on Automobile that we can produce soPe good things. If it weren¶t for the industry- Applications university collaboration through the NED2 proMect I don¶t thinN The ¿rst products to adopt LEDs were large-scale displays and that we could have reached this point alone´ coPPented *eneral Toyoda *osei¶s LEDs were used in the display at the National 0anager of Research and DevelopPent Division .ozo Arao. 6tadiuP in ToNyo. After this applications spread rapidly beginning Low-cost high-ef¿ciency *aN substrate LEDs have the potential to with traf¿c signals and then expanding to use in bacNlights for change the world. :hile it reviews its research results with NED2 personal coPputers tablet P&s and sPart phones. ³As bacNlights of Toyoda *osei plans to continue pushing on with LED product high-de¿nition liquid crystal display panels in personal coPputers developPent. and Pobile devices sPall high-ef¿ciency LEDs are very popular and those including lighting applications account for 50 billion yen 417Pillion 86D in sales. Although there was a dif¿cult period for the business now it is second only to our autoPobile parts business´ coPPented 0anaging 2f¿cer 0iyaPoto happily. The growth of the overall LED ParNet continues to cliPb and it 2ne of Toyota *osei¶s LED products internal structure of fluorescent laPp- is expected that the ParNet will exceed 1 trillion .3billion 86D type LED lighting . and soPe hundreds of billion yen in the future. However in recent years the coPpetition has been getting increasingly intense with Taiwanese .orean and &hinese coPpanies entering the ParNet. ³The goal of our coPpany is to offer high value-added LEDs pursuing high-ef¿ciency in consultation with our custoPers and through a business Podel focused on creating things our custoPers want´ ePphasized 0r. 0iyaPoto. ³Eventually we¶d also liNe to expand into products related to autoPobile headlights and onboard autoPobile equipPent to expand our sales.´ Already they are worNing on the developPent of a high-power

2014 no.55 11 NEDO Project Overview Creating an Even 0ore Favorable Environment for Developing Next Generation Power Electronics with 2014’s Nobel Prize Award Power electronics are being used to utilize electric power Pore ef¿ciently and without waste. NED2 Electronics 0aterials Technology and Nanotechnology NED2 is worNing on developPent of next-generation power electronics to PaNe things even DepartPent Pore ef¿cient. Having a -apanese researcher receive 2014¶s brings high Power Electronics expectations for further accelerated developPent in this area. Project Team

Next Generation Automobiles are Expanding

Application in the Rail Sector is Progressing

have gained attention as candidates for Paterials for next- Professor Amano’s Breakthrough Research generation power electronics. &oPpared to 6i these Paterials Opened the Way have special characteristics such the ability to carry high NED2 believes the fact that a -apanese researcher received voltage low power loss and the potential for Piniaturization. the Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 will provide PoPentuP in For exaPple coPpared to 6i 6i& can have one-half the power the area of next-generation power electronics research. :ithin loss and the voluPe can be one-¿fth as large. The potential of the Pany different electronic devices that are being used in *aN as a Paterial is believed to be even greater. Pany products around us if the &P8 or PePory is liNened However with 6i& and *aN it is extrePely dif¿cult to force to a brain then power devices serve as the Puscles and for two different elePents liNe silicon and carbon or galliuP this reason they are extrePely iPportant. &urrently % of the and nitrogen respectively to grow properly aligned crystals total power devices are Pade froP 6i silicon . and it was not easy to achieve. 2014¶s recipient of the Nobel NED2 is currently engaging in research and developPent Prize in Physics Professor APano of Nagoya 8niversity¶s of 6i& silicon carbide and *aN galliuP nitride which *raduate 6chool of Engineering was the one who opened

12 Predicted Breakdown of Power Devices by Prospective Fields

* Large changes are possible due to future technological developments Reduction in the numberdevices the of in Reduction 100M SiC Linear Bulk power system Bullet trains 10M Power distribution system equipment

1M Trains Inverters for industrial

Device power conversion capacity P (VA) GaN equipments and motors HEV/EV 100K

Switching power supplies and servers 10K Household (PFC circuits) electronics General- High power Next generation purpose wireless electrical cellular base stations inverters 1K Automotive electronics equipment (5G ccompatible) OA equipment Microwavevee VHF/UHF radio Terrestrialala ovenss AC adapters digitald broadcastcastca Microwave 100 transmission Mobile Satellite communications communications Contactless base stations power supplies 10 and electric chargers Fixed wireless Si Mobile devices 1 100 1k 10k100k 1M 10M 100M 1G 10G 100G

Operating frequency (Hz) Miniaturization of modules

the way in regard to *aN. It becaPe possible to ef¿ciently around several thousands. grow well aligned crystals using the Pethod Professor APano NED2 believes that it is iPportant to create a plan for offering discovered and these results have allowed Pany researchers to high quality Paterials and that providing Paterials to -apanese worN on *aN and enabled the creation of the blue LED. coPpanies is one part of our Pission. NED2 hopes that in Although blue LEDs are now being used in Pany areas their only a few years after the proMect coPpletion the developPent use in power electronics will require the production of Pore results will be put to practical use. well aligned higher quality crystals. :ith this goal in Pind The range of applications is broad in a variety of areas such NED2 is Poving forward with ³6IPNext *eneration Power as electric vehicles household electronics battery chargers Electronics ProMect.´ -ust as when blue LED becaPe possible and coPPunications base stations. 2ne interesting path for NED2 hopes that Pany researchers will coPe to worN on utilization is robotics. 8ntil now inverters were too large to the developPent of next generation power electronics thanNs be installed in robots but if next generation power electronics to 2014¶s Nobel Prize award accelerating its ePergence in with *aN and other Paterials are used these can becoPe coPPercial products. extrePely sPall and it becoPes possible to have robots that Pove in ways Pore closely resePbling huPans. Eventually An Unlimited Range of Applications, Even robots will be able to MuPp in the future. Electric Airplanes Could Be Possible FurtherPore electric airplanes and electronic boats Pight The *aN proMect has Must begun in 2014. The length of the becoPe a reality. Although there is already an electric boat proMect is 5 years with participating PePbers froP 5 -apanese equipped with 6i inverters it is by no Peans satisfactory since coPpanies and  universities as well as the National Institute the inverters are too large. In the case of airplanes planes that of Advanced Industrial 6cience and Technology AI6T . The run only on the power provided by solar panels attached to the ePphasis is on iPproving quality of *aN crystals and lowering fuselage Pight becoPe routine. costs. In terPs of cost although the cost of *aN is currently These types of next-generation power electronics hold 10-20 tiPes that of silicon at the very least NED2 wants these trePendous potential and NED2 is proPoting research and costs to be reduced to approxiPately twice the cost of silicon. developPent of not only *aN but also 6i and 6i& with the FurtherPore for quality iPprovePents NED2 hopes to saPe priority. NED2 wants to go forward by identifying reduce the nuPber of defects froP the crystal growth process which of these Paterials Pight be appropriate for applications froP the current state of 1 Pillion per square centiPeter to in what Ninds of ¿elds.

2014 no.55 13 MEMO


2014 no.55 15 Domestic Offices

Head Office Kansai Branch Office MUZA Kawasaki Central Tower, 16F-20F Umeda Dai Building, 6F, 3-3-10 1310 Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku Umeda, Kita-ku Kawasaki City, Kanagawa 212-8554 Japan Osaka 530-0001 Japan Tel: +81-44-520-5100 Tel: +81-6-7670-2200 Fax: +81-44-520-5103 Fax: +81-6-6344-4574

Overseas Offices

Washington Europe Beijing 2000 L Street, N.W., Suite 605 10, rue de la Paix 75002 2001 Chang Fu Gong Office Building Washington, D.C. 20036 U.S.A. Paris, France Jia-26, Jian Guo Men Wai Street Tel: +1-202-822-9298 Tel: +33-1-4450-1828 Beijing 100022, P.R. China Fax: +1-202-822-9289 Fax: +33-1-4450-1829 Tel: +86-10-6526-3510 Fax: +86-10-6526-3513 Silicon Valley New Delhi 3945 Freedom Circle, Suite 790 9th Floor, Hotel Le Meridien Bangkok Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. Commercial Tower, Raisina Road 8th Floor, Sindhorn Building Tower 2 Tel: +1-408-567-8033 New Delhi 110 001, India 130-132 Wittayu Road, Lumphini Fax: +1-408-567-9831 Tel: +91-11-4351-0101 Pathumwan Fax: +91-11-4351-0102 Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel: +66-2-256-6725 Fax: +66-2-256-6727

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization MUZA Kawasaki Central Tower, 1310 Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku Kawasaki City, Kanagawa 212-8554 Japan Tel: +81-44-520-5100 Fax: +81-44-520-5103 URL: http://www.nedo.go.jp/english/index.html August 2015