75« . State Survey Bill Gets Senate's 0. K. France

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75« . State Survey Bill Gets Senate's 0. K. France Mrs. Ctaariotto Buckley imd Mrs. A number of the members of the ofttoe must ba ocated In the v i­ AL GENTILE Anna Orlbbon will be hosteoses at Mystic Review will attend the cinity of North Main atraet and the monthly buslnesa m letlng o f the Junior pageant In Odd Fellows hall M AY RE-LOCATE P .O . Depot Square. Measurements hava Ladies Sewing circle tomorrow af­ tonight In charge of Mrs. Kitty been taken o f two different places nl UM Audit and His Versatile Orchestra ternoon at the Highland Park Com­ Horsman of Hartford. This Is the : In addition to thu present location. NOTICE BareM nl Ureatottomi munity club. opening event o f the quadrennial The bids are to ba received up r rid «x , April IS, School St. Ree ON DEPOT SQUARE The annual meeting of the jconventlon at Hotel Bond,'Hartford, until May 1 and ore to be sent to E. shareholders of the Man­ Adnilaoion tSe. The Sunday school board o f the F. 8barJ>e at the general post of- tomorrow, at which the guest of chester Building & Loan A s­ Church o f the Nazarene will hold honor will be the founder and su­ dee in Boston, Haas. Until the no­ VOL. LIV„ NO. 163. Advortlntng oa Paca ld,| MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1935. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE rUKBR cum its monthly meeting at 7:30 tonight. tice comes from Boston the number sociation, lnc„ will be held at Tho regular meeting of the Em­ preme president of the order, Mrs. Blna W est M iller o f Fort Huron, Bids to Be Accepted Until that have applied anC the rental its office in the store of C. E. blem club will take place tomorrow The Junior choir of St. John's that is to be asked will not be afternoon at 2:30 at the Elks home Michigan. Mrs. Thomas D. Smith House & Son, Inc., Wednes­ Polish Church on Golway street will Is delegate from the local review known. The procedure Is to have all In Rockville. This will be an Im­ May 1— Less Floor Space day, AprU 10th, at 7 :30 P, M. have a rehearsal tomorrow night at and Mrs. Pauline Berrett, alternate. bids died and this will be followed Campaigminff WITH Each Other Now portant meeting as officers will be b.- a visit from an Inspector who for the purpose of electing PLAN REDUCTION CROSS GRANTS 6:30. A t 7:30 there will be a elected and- committees appointed Mrs. Grace West, field director for FRANCE ADVOCATES vesper service in charge of Rev. will look over the places offered, see STATE SURVEY BILL for the Installation which takes Connecticut will preside at the Is Specified. officers for the ensuing year .1 Francis B. Miklassewakl. business sessions tomorrow forenoon If they measure up to the require­ and 4 directors to serve 3 place May IS. and afternoon. ments both as to space and location, IN PLATES’ COST, REPRIEVE ON years. Also any other busi­ The Junior Sons of Italy will have light and the necessary sanitary W. F; Rlsley who for a period of The leaae o f the store in the Rose oonditlohs and also that fixtures are ness proper to come before a social time tomorrow night in the Mrs. Ellen Crossen and Mrs. Paul GETS SENATE’S 0. K. ARMS TO PRESERVE nearly 80 years owned and operat­ block on Depot Square, owned by provided to meet the requirements rooms on Birch street. Refreshments Ferris are co-chairmen of the said meeting. GAS TAX BOOST H IS m T H D A Y ed the farm at 775 Vernon street, Michael Coughlin In which la locat­ o f the office. will be served and an Informal pro­ monthly pariah supper tomorrow which he sold since the death of gram given. Louis OenovesI will be ed Station A post office expired on M A U D E R. H ILL, Mrs. Rlsley a few months ago, Is night at 6:30 at the South Method­ The Amaranth Sewing club will the master o f ceremonies. ist church. A t 7:15 Dr. Alexander March 31 and up to the present Secretary. Measure Would Create Fire PEACE IN EUROPE now making his home with Mrs. W. meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 Purdy of the Hartford Seminary time the lease has not been renew­ MID-NOVEIIIIBER BiO to Cut a Tkird from Auto Postpones the Hanging of R. Thompson of Wapping, a rela­ o'clock with Mrs. Mary Leavitt of ed. The apeclAcatlons for a lease tive. A ll members o f EHeanor Duse Foundation will speak in the chapel. 14 Munroe street. Man Board to Study Reor* Lodge, Daughters of Italy, are re­ o f a building In which the station Registration Fee and Add 'M Bridgeport Man for at quested to meet tonight at 8 o'clock Memorial Temple Pythian Slaters may be located calls for 600 square TO SEE HEIGHT Officials Gatbering fo r Stresa The Ladles Aid society of the tonight at the comer of Birch and will have as their guests at the sup­ feet of door space. This la leas ganization of A ll the State RHODE ISLAND North Methodist church’ will meet Spruce streets, from whence they per tonight in Odd Fellows hall, o f­ space than provided by the present tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock In One Cent to Gasoline Im­ Least Two Months— First will proceed to the home of Mrs. ficers and members of the Knights office and Is taken bj some to Conference Regard Sitna- the social room of the church. OF a ^ R E U E F Santtoa Raimondi at 139 Birch of Pythias, including some of the mean that there may be a change In "Departments. Hostesses who will serve are Mrs. JW.HALC FAILS TO AH) street. Mrs. Raimondi who was a grand officers. Plans are being location. post to Be R ep ortei Since in Office. Thomas. D. Smith, Mrs. Walter member of the society died last made to entertain 200. One of the speclAcatlona la that tkm Dangerous Becanso Shipman and Mrs. T. J. Shaw. ^ bars night after a long Illness. state Capitol, Hartford, April 10. Goyemment Agencies to 4 1 CONN^POUCE 2 U Post Noble Grands Mrs. Minnie — (A P)—Billa creating a five-man Hartford, April 10.—Senator Wil­ Hartford, April 10—-(A P ) — Gov. of Germany’s Determina­ Krause and Mrs. Emma Dowd, have Mrs. Herbert Mitchell of Bell ^commission to study reorganization liam C. Hungerford, Republican, of Wilbur L. Cross, 73 years old today, Great Northern Golden street. In the Addison district, who Speed Up Work to Assist been elected as delegates by Sunset state departments with a view Watertown, chairman of the Motor granted his first reprieve since be­ Rantam Corn, O C Rebekah lodge, to the Rebckah recently underwent an operation at tion to Rearm— Italy to Vehicles committee, reported that a coming chief executive of Connecti­ Estranged Husband Kidnaps SPECIALS 2 c a n s.............. i w O C state assembly to be held at Hotel the Hartford hospita'. Is making WHY blue coal bward effecting economies and as- Needy, President Dis­ Dromedary Grapefruit Bond, Hartford, Tuesday and Wed­ good progress toward recovery. ''tabllshtng a state highway motor bill that would take approximately cut In 1681. The action postpones Press Britain for a Con* It will pay yon to read thU ad nesday of next week. Mrs. Dowd patrol were reported favorably to­ one-third from the registration cost the hanging o f a 65-ycar-old man Son and Takes Him to Juice, , O C ^ for at least two months. earetully. and buy many of has also been honored with appoint Headquarters Company No. 3 of GIVES CLEANER HEAT day during a busy Senate session closes m Press Parley. of all motor vehicles except trucks these thrifty values . 2 No. 2 cans .... roent to the credential committee. the South Manchester Are depart­ would be acted upon favorably by Arriving at tbe State C!apltol even Crete Program. marked by frequent debatea. ment responded to a still alarm at hla group. earlier than, usual, the governor as Neighboring State; Must Hormel’s Tomato Bean Temple Chapter, O.E.8., will bold 9:30 laat night to extinguish a The re-organlzatlon bill, incor­ The bill also would provide for one o f bis first official acts of the Wonderfully Freoh Crisp REASON NO. 35 Washington, April 10.—(A P)— day, announced he had granted a Soup— or its regular meeting tomorrow night chimney Are at 149 Oak street. It porating one of the principal recom­ an Increase of one cent a gallon in Stresk, Italy, April 10 — (A P )—• *blae coal’ ii taken from the rlchcit mendations of Governor Wilbur L. Plana for using existing government reprieve to William H. Dodez, of Await His Extradition. Hormel's Vegetable at the Masonic Temple. The busi­ was the third chimney Are for the the gaaoline tax to make up for the France's move to put teeth in the GREEN ness session will be followed by a company during the day, the others Kami of the PenniyKania anthracite Cross, provides for a thorough sur­ agencies to spend the $4,000,000,000 loss in revenue from registrations, Bridgeport, convicted slayer of League of Nations covenant by sketch entitled "The Old-Fashioned coming early yesterday. 6eldi. It if cleaned and lereened vey of the present governmental work-relief program to an operating it was said, but Senator Hungerford I 1 .
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