Two Rooms Lauren Winstone Born 1976, Auckland Lives and Works in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand Master of Fine Arts, Elam Scho
Two Rooms Lauren Winstone Born 1976, Auckland Lives and works in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand aster of "ine Arts, #lam $c%ool of "ine Arts &niversit' o! Auckland ()*1*+ Bac%elor o! ,esign, &nitec Institute o! Tec%nolog' Auckland (1999+ $elected solo e.%i/itions0 )*16 Leanings, Two Rooms, Auckland )*11 Pieces, Two Rooms, Auckland )*1) 3olding 3oles, ,owse Art useum, Lower 3utt )*1* 3umming on a windless slo4e, 5/6ects4ace Window 7aller', Auckland )**7 Grou4 wit% Note4a4er 3older, ,e48art8ment, Auckland )**9 ,'nast', Rear Window, ,unedin Pu/lic Art Galler' $ummer $%ow, $%owcase, Amsterdam )**1 T%e 5ld Timer, 5/6ects4ace, Auckland Lauren Winstone, ic%ael Lett Galler', Auckland )**: Pie in t%e $ky, Rm1*:, Auckland )**1 Recentis% Works, Black ;u/e 7aller', ;%ristc%urc% 5 v l o v, ;&;<55 (5ccu4ation at Pilot 7aller'+, Auckland $elected grou4 e.%i/itions0 )*19 Two Rooms, Auckland Art "air, Auckland )*1= &nder ;ontrol, Two Rooms, Auckland )*17 "ill and "ull, Iso/el T%om and Lauren Winstone, T%e National, ;%ristc%urc% >anis%ed ,elft, Pa% 3omestead, Auckland, curated /' Anna iles )*16 All Lines ;onverge, Govett8Brewster Galler', New Pl'mout%, curated /' $o4%ie 5?Brien Recent Ac@uisitionsA T%e &niversit' of Auckland Art ;ollection, Gus "is%er Galler', Auckland )*19 Rea44raisal, ;or/an #state Art ;entre, Waitakere )*11 ,o I ,are ,istur/ t%e &niverse, Window 7aller', Auckland $li4 ;ast, ,owse Art useum, Lower 3utt )*1) $ingular ;om4anionsA $cul4ture from t%e ;ollection, Govett8Brewster Art Galler', New Pl'mout% ,ugout, 3o4kinson ;und' Galler',
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