Gregory Bennett
Two Rooms Gregory Bennett Born 1965, Tauranga, New Zealand Master of Fine Arts 1st !lass "ons#, $niversity of Au&kland ())*# Ba&+elor of Fine Arts, $niversity of Au&kland 1989# -olo ./+i0itions1 ()1, ./os2+ere, Tauranga Art Gallery, &urated 0y 3arl !+it+am ()14 Nature Morte, Two Rooms, Au&kland .&tomor2+ia, Nig+t Pro6e&tion 7indow, !entre for !ontem2orary 5+otogra2+y, Mel0ourne, &urator Pi22a Milne8 ()16 T9T.M ::, 7alla&e ;igital, 7alla&e Gallery, Morrinsville ()15 Pano2ti&on, Two Rooms, Au&kland ()1< ;romos2+eres, Two Rooms , Au&kland ()1( 9mni2olis, Two Rooms, Au&kland T+e ;igital Multitude, Pa+ "omestead, Au&kland !rowd !ontrol, ;igital Art =ive, Aotea !entre, Au&kland ()11 $to2ia, Two Rooms, Au&kland ()1) Totem, Two Rooms, Au&kland ()), Bla&knoise, >a%asour Godkin Gallery, Au&kland ())6 Automato2ia, >a%asour Godkin Gallery, Au&kland Gregory Bennett, =ooking Awry, Arts2a&e, Au&kland 199< 7indow 7or', Au&kland !ity Art Gallery, Au&kland 199) Gregory Bennett, Arts2a&e, Au&kland -ele&ted Grou2 ./+i0itions & -&reenings ()19 Ren&ontres Internationales 5aris@BerlinA !ontem2orary Moving Images, Forum des images, 5aris & "aus der 3ulturen der 7elt, Berlin ()1, $n0eara0le InfiniteA Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Gregory Bennett, AAB=A Gallery, =os Angeles, &urated 0y Ari =i2kis, -$5.RN9>A ()1, Invitational !om2etition, -u2ernova ;igital Animation Festival, ;enver, &urated 0y :%ar Zeile $r0an 7orlds, Aigantig+e Art Gallery, Timaru, &urated 0y "amis+ Pettengell ()14 Custin Art "ouse Museum, ;igitalA T+e 7orld of Alternative Realities, Pra+ran,
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