Two Rooms Lauren Winstone Born 1976, Auckland Lives and works in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand aster of "ine Arts, #lam $c%ool of "ine Arts &niversit' o! Auckland ()*1*+ Bac%elor o! ,esign, &nitec Institute o! Tec%nolog' Auckland (1999+ $elected solo e.%i/itions0 )*16 Leanings, Two Rooms, Auckland )*11 Pieces, Two Rooms, Auckland )*1) 3olding 3oles, ,owse Art useum, Lower 3utt )*1* 3umming on a windless slo4e, 5/6ects4ace Window 7aller', Auckland )**7 Grou4 wit% Note4a4er 3older, ,e48art8ment, Auckland )**9 ,'nast', Rear Window, ,unedin Pu/lic Art Galler' $ummer $%ow, $%owcase, Amsterdam )**1 T%e 5ld Timer, 5/6ects4ace, Auckland Lauren Winstone, ic%ael Lett Galler', Auckland )**: Pie in t%e $ky, Rm1*:, Auckland )**1 Recentis% Works, Black ;u/e 7aller', ;%ristc%urc% 5 v l o v, ;&;<55 (5ccu4ation at Pilot 7aller'+, Auckland $elected grou4 e.%i/itions0 )*19 Two Rooms, Auckland Art "air, Auckland )*1= &nder ;ontrol, Two Rooms, Auckland )*17 "ill and "ull, Iso/el T%om and Lauren Winstone, T%e National, ;%ristc%urc% >anis%ed ,elft, Pa% 3omestead, Auckland, curated /' Anna iles )*16 All Lines ;onverge, Govett8Brewster Galler', New Pl'mout%, curated /' $o4%ie 5?Brien Recent Ac@uisitionsA T%e &niversit' of Auckland Art ;ollection, Gus "is%er Galler', Auckland )*19 Rea44raisal, ;or/an #state Art ;entre, Waitakere )*11 ,o I ,are ,istur/ t%e &niverse, Window 7aller', Auckland $li4 ;ast, ,owse Art useum, Lower 3utt )*1) $ingular ;om4anionsA $cul4ture from t%e ;ollection, Govett8Brewster Art Galler', New Pl'mout% ,ugout, 3o4kinson ;und' Galler', Auckland )*11 ;ollected "ictions, Waikato useum, 3amilton Pro6ect Network --, A44le%ouse 7aller', Guldagergaard ;eramics Researc% ;entre, $kaelskor, ,enmark )**8 Rock, ;u4, Bo.A Lauren Winstone and Bronw'nne ;ornis%, $now%ite Galler', &nitec, Auckland ;la' #conomies, 5/6ects4ace, Auckland, curated /' Ric%ard "a%e' )**7 54en t%e ,oor, $eoksu arket International Residenc' #.%i/ition, $tone and Water 7aller', An'ang, $out% <orea )**6 ,'nast', ;eramics Grou4 $%ow, Te Tu%i 7aller', 2akuranga, Auckland, curated /' #mma Bugden )**9 Nelson Potters Association $till Life #.%i/ition, T%e $uter Galler', Nelson Lauren Winstone and Bronw'nne ;ornis%, ar' Newton 7aller', Wellington Trust Waikato National ;ontem4orar' Art Award, Waikato useum, 3amilton )**1 International #merging Artists, "u4ing Potter' Art >illage, "u4ing, $%aan.i, ;%ina New New Zealand Art, 5P, $'dne', curated /' Ben ;urnow )**: one' "or Not%ing, ART$PA;#, Auckland & ;it' Galler' Wellington, curated /' To/ias Berger )**) 3eralds and 3ar/ingers, Lo4dell 3ouse Galler', Titirangi, curated /' o'ra #lliott Awards & residencies0 #merging Artist Award, T%e Portage ;eramics Award, Lo4dell 3ouse, Waitakere ()**1+ $eoksu arket International Residenc', A"I, $tone and Water 7aller', $out% <orea ()**7+ ;ritical $tudies PriCe, #lam $c%ool o! "ine Arts ()**9+ Pro6ect Network Residenc', Guldagergaard ;eramics Researc% ;entre, $kaelskor, ,enmark ()*11+ Guest Artist, ;la' Gulgong )*16: International ;eramics "estival, Gulgong Australia ()*16+ $elected 4u/lications0 Anna iles, >anis%ed ,elft: 3andmade aterial ;ulture at t%e Pa% 3omestead, Auckland, )*17 $o4%ie 5?Brien & ;%loe ;ull, All Lines ;onverge, Govett8Brewster Art Galler', New Pl'mout%, )*17 o'ra #lliot, DAgainst t%e Tide?, Bower/ank Ninow, Auction No7, :* Novem/er )*17 ark Amer', DLauren WinstoneA ,e/utantes?, Art ;ollector, 71, Ean0 ar )*19 #mma Eameson, D$cul4ted ;or4orealit'?, #'e;ontact, 1 August, )*11 eredit% Ro/erts%awe (ed+, $ingular ;om4anionsA $cul4ture from t%e ;ollection, Govett8Brewster Art 7aller', New Pl'mout%, )*1) Eustin Paton, DT%e 5/6ect -?m T%inking 5!?, in 2eter Lange & $tuart New/' (eds+,Pla'ing Wit% "ire: Auckland $tudio Potters $ociet' Turns 9*, ;entre for New Zealand Art Researc% and ,iscover', Auckland, )*11 ette Blum arc%er, Pro6ect Network, Guldagergaard International ;eramic Researc% ;entre, ,enmark, )*11 ;%aneung Park, ,oing Art in t%e arket, Ac%im edia, <orea, )**9 )**7 $eoksu arket Pro6ect, Ea8'eon <won, Artists "orum International )**7, A"- )**7 5rganising ;ommittee <orea, )**= TE cNamara, DT%e galleries: @uiet works and loud statements?, New Zealand 3erald, )9 a' )**1 3anna $cott, DBirds of a "eat%er?, New Zealand 3erald, 16 arc% )**1 ,ave Burgess & Eanina Nicoll, D>alue Art?, ;a4ital Times, 11 Eune )**: Eon Bywater, DAnd 'our c%i4s for free?, New Zealand Listener, )) arc% )**: o'ra #lliot, 5f 3eralds and 3ar/ingers, Lo4dell 3ouse Galler', Auckland, )**) Eon Bywater, D#.%i/tions: Auckland?, Art New Zealand, 1*1, $4ring )**) 3anna $cott (ed+, 3onestl'A New Artists )**), Arts4ace, Auckland, )**) ,ouglas Llo'd Eenkins, DTalent $4otting?, >iva in New Zealand 3erald, 17 5cto/er )**1 ,'lan Rainfort%, DAuckland Round &4?, Log Illustrated, 11, )**1 ;%arlotte ;raw, D;uckoo?, Like agaCine, D16, )**1(F+ $elected 4u/lic collections0 Auckland War emorial useum T%e Eames Wallace ;ollection, Auckland Govett8Brewster Art Galler', New Pl'mout% useum of New Zealand Te Pa4a Tongarewa T%e Auckland &niversit' ;ollection .
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