
1. Source Indications

Names of biblical books, Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and Qumran writings are abbreviated according to the usage of the Journal of Biblical Literature (see JBL 95 [1976] 334f.). For Philo's works the usage of the Loeb edition is followed. For rabbinic literature see following list:

Ah. Ahilut Ar. A.R.N. alb Avot de-Rabbi Natan, version A/B Av. Zar. Avoda Zara Bava K./M./B. /Metsia/Batra Bekh. Ber. Bikk. B.T. Babylonian Cant. R. Canticles Rabba Dem. Deut. R. Deuteronomy Rabba Eccl. R. Ecclesiastes Rabba Ed. Er. Exod. R. Exodus Rabba Gen. R. Genesis Rabba Gitt. Hag. Hagiga Hor. Hull. Hull in Kel. Kelim Ker. Ket. Ketubbot Kidd. Kil. Kilayim


Kinn. Lam. R. Lamentations Rabba Lev. R. Leviticus Rabba M. Mishna Maasr. Maasrot Maas. Sh. Maaser Sheni Makhsh. Makk. Meg. Megill a Meg. Taan. Megillat Taanit Mekh. Mekhilta (de-R. Yishmael) Mekh. de-R. Sh.b.Y. Mekhilta de-R. Shimon ben Yohai Men. Menahot Midr. ha-Gad. Midrash ha-Gadol Midr. Prov. Midrash Proverbs Midr. Ps. Midrash Psalms (Shohar Tov) Midr. Tann. Midrash Tannaim Mikw. Mikwaot K. Moed Katan Naz. Ned. Neg. Negaim Num. R. Numbers Rabba Oh. Ohalot Pes. Pesahim Pes. R. Pesikta Rabbati Pes. de-R.K. Pesikta de-Rav Kahana Pirkei de-R. El. Pirkei de-R. Eliezer P.T. Palestinian Talmud Rosh H. Rosh ha-Shana S.E.R. Seder Eliyahu Rabba S.E.Z. Seder Eliyahu Zutta Sanh. Shabb. Shek. Shev. Sheviit Shevu. Shevuot Sifrei Deut. Sifrei Deuteronomy Sifrei Num. Sifrei Numbers Sifrei Z. Sifrei Zutta S.O.(R.) Seder Olam (Rabba) T. Taan. Taanit Tam.