The 62Nd ND Legislative Assembly Top Issues – Health Care Reform

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The 62Nd ND Legislative Assembly Top Issues – Health Care Reform North Dakota Medical Association Checkup ontents J u n e 2011 The mission of the North Dakota Medical C Association is to promote the health and well- being of the citizens of North Dakota and to President’s Message ........................ 3 provide leadership to the medical community. The NDMA Checkup is published quarterly by The 62nd North Dakota the North Dakota Medical Association, 1622 E. Interstate Avenue, P.O. Box 1198, Bismarck, ND Legislative Assembly ....................... 4 58502-1198, (701) 223-9475, Fax (701) 223-9476, e-mail: [email protected] NDMA Briefings ...............................10 Kimberly T Krohn MD, President A Michael Booth MD, Vice President Health Information Steven P Strinden MD, Secretary Treasurer Debra A Geier, MD, Speaker of the House Exchange Update ...........................12 Gaylord J Kavlie MD, AMA Delegate Robert W Beattie MD, AMA Alternate Delegate NDMA Alliance News .......................13 Councillors: Joseph E Adducci MD Debra A Geier MD MMIC Risk Management ..................14 Yvonne L Gomez MD Catherine E Houle MD Timothy J Luithle MD Steven R Mattson MD Rupkumar Nagala MD Fadel Nammour MD Mark W Rodacker MD Shelly A Seifert MD Rory D Trottier MD Harjinder K Virdee MD Derek C Wayman MD Dennis E Wolf MD alendar of Upcoming events Staff C Courtney Koebele, Director of Advocacy September 9-10 Leann Tschider, Chief Operating Officer ND Society of Obstetrics and Annette Weigel, Administrative Assistant Gynecology Annual Meeting Shelly Duppong, Designer & Production Manager Ramkota Inn, Bismarck with Clearwater Communications For more information contact Dennis Lutz, MD at 701-852-1555 SUBMISSIONS: The NDMA Checkup welcomes manuscript, photography and art submissions. However, the right to edit or deny September 22-23 publishing submissions is reserved. Submissions are returned only NDMA Annual Meeting upon request. Letters to the Editor with name, address and phone number of the author are welcome. All letters are subject to editing. Grand Forks, Alerus Center NDMA Alliance Annual Meeting ADVERTISING: NDMA accepts one-quarter, half page and full Grand Forks, Alerus Center page ads. Contact our office for advertising rates. Copyright 2011 North Dakota Medical Association. All rights reserved. NDMA Checkup is printed on recycled paper. 2 NDMA CHECKUP PresiDeNt’sMessage Kimberly Krohn, MD Replacing the Irreplaceable ithout change we never go anywhere. The North leaders. The selection committee met almost weekly WDakota Medical Association is going through a throughout December and January, culminating in inter- lot of change this year! One of the great things about hav- views of four finalists for the executive director position ing a great leader, such as our departed former Executive in early February. The selection committee made a recom- Director Bruce Levi, is that it brings great esteem to our mendation to the Council which resulted in hiring a suc- organization and comfort to the members of the organi- cessor to Bruce. Unfortunately, after a month’s delay for zation. The bad thing is that when he leaves to go on to notice, our new executive director resigned on his second well-deserved career advancement, we are left with a huge day with NDMA March 17. hole! Bruce represented us formally and informally on just We are fortunate to have Courtney Koebele, JD, as about every health-related group and issue occurring in our Director of Advocacy, Leann Benson as chief opera- North Dakota for more than a decade. I often stated that tions officer and membership director and organizational Bruce Levi represents North Dakota physicians better than memory among other duties, and Annette Weigel as our we could represent ourselves. And now my oft-repeated administrative assistant. They are working with the execu- phrase is, “we are finding someone to succeed Bruce, not tive committee regularly and carrying out the mission of replace him, as we cannot replace the irreplaceable.” our association. Courtney was at the Capitol daily and The Council of the North Dakota Medical Association is interfacing with the people and organizations that are so our board of directors. We are charged by our bylaws with important to us. She overlapped with Bruce by several naming an executive director of the organization. Each weeks and maintains contact. We have continued work district has representation on the Council. When Bruce with our affiliated organizations for which we provide resigned, I appointed an executive director selection com- administrative support, and work on our annual meeting mittee which included several past presidents along with scheduled for September 22 and 23 in Grand Forks. As the executive committee members and select other NDMA always, we have many projects going and will be main- taining them throughout the transition of directors. There has never been a better time to become involved in NDMA. I hope that each of our members reading this will think about committing to be a delegate to our House of Delegates in September, about agreeing to become an officer for a district medical society, and about becoming more active in our association. I hope that non-members will consider membership in the only organization in the state that can possibly speak for physicians as a group. The Council continues to meet to discuss the next steps in replacing the irreplaceable. Right now we are in good hands with a stable mission and progress towards it. Thanks for your continued leadership on the front lines for our profession and the communities we serve. Bruce and Kathy Levi at the North Central Medical Caucus Conference dinner in Minneapolis on March 19th. J U N E 2 0 1 1 3 The 62nd ND Legislative Assembly Top Issues – Health Care Reform Courtney Koebele, JD, Director of Advocacy he 2011 North Dakota Legislative Assembly met day at the capitol to roam the halls and watch the action. Tfor 78 legislative days, adjourning sine die on This program was so greatly appreciated by legislative April 28, 2011. leaders and all legislators, really showcased the importance The NDMA legislative agenda was adopted by of primary care physician services, and gave the volunteers NDMA members, participating as delegates from their an inside look at the legislative process. NDMA hopes that District Medical Society and state specialty societies we can continue this highly appreciated program with even to the NDMA House of Delegates, at the 2010 NDMA more participation in the special legislative session in the annual meeting in Fargo. The NDMA Commission on fall. Legislation chaired by Fadel Nammour, MD, recom- On March 16 and 17 NDMA and Altru Clinic offered mended policy priorities and worked with members of free health screenings to legislators and their staff. Dr. Jim the NDMA Council to refine the agenda prior to the Brosseau of Altru Clinic provided those medical consulta- session and take positions on other bills as they were tions. Over 100 people participated in the screenings. introduced. NDMA priorities include physician recruitment and MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT retention strategies, Medicaid payment issues, national NDMA priorities with respect to Medicaid reimbursement health system reform implementation and opposing issues were to work to maintain the proposed Department inappropriate expansions of allied professional scope of of Human Services budget maintaining the level of reim- practice including the proposed elimination of collabora- bursement achieved last session, with proposed 3% increas- tive prescriptive agreement for nurse practitioners, and es in each year of the upcoming biennium. the licensing of naturopaths and lay midwives. This leg- Last session, NDMA was successful in rebasing physi- islative session was active regarding the Medicaid reim- cian Medicaid payment through $39 million in additional bursement issues, and several bills attempted to address state/federal funding to rebase physician payments to 89% a number of issues involving national health system of cost, resulting in a substantial increase. This session’s reform. executive budget in SB 2012 maintained that level of reim- What was new this session was the addition of a sec- bursement with proposed 3% increases in each year of the ond physician in the Legislative Assembly: Spencer upcoming biennium. NDMA testimony encouraged law- Berry, MD, a family medicine physician from Fargo. Dr. makers to further rebase physician payments. The Senate Berry served on the Senate Human Services Committee Appropriations Committee confirmed the 3% increases. and provided a good daily perspective on issues for the Unfortunately, the House eliminated both the 39 million committee as well as the Senate floor as those issues dollars in funding given last session and the 3% increase relate to physician practice. Along with Senator Ralph in the governor’s budget, despite protests from a number Kilzer, Senator Berry was an active participant in floor of physicians and administrators throughout the state. discussions and committee hearings on a variety of Questions were raised in the House of Representatives issues impacting physicians and public health. about the substantial increase from last session. Because of Physicians were able to sign up directly for the Doctor the reduction, the bill went to conference committee with of the Day program on the NDMA website to spend a members from both the House and the Senate. We greatly appreciate the Bismarck Center for Family Medicine for covering the Doctor of the Day program each Wednesday. A special thank you to physicians who participated in the NDMA Doctor of the Day program during the 62nd Legislative Assembly: Hani Alboushi, Gary Betting, Charles Breen, James Brosseau, A. Michael Booth, Jessie Carlson, Linda Getz-Kleiman, Jeff Hostetter, Ted Kleiman, Kimberly Krohn, Prabin Lamichhane, Tom Magill, Sarah McCullough, Fadel Nammour, Jeremiah Penn, Jackie Quisno, Sarah Schatz, Robert Sticca, Tom Strinden, Guy Tangedahl, Stephanie Traxinger, Karen Willis, Dennis Wolf and Joshua Wynne. 4 NDMA CHECKUP Through the efforts of NDMA, the North Dakota with the Department of Health during the interim to craft Hospital Association, the Health Policy Consortium a proposal.
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