Media Watch on Hate Speech Report May - August 2015

Hrant Dink Foundation

Anarad Hığutyun Binası Papa Roncalli Sk. No: 128 Harbiye 34373 Şişli tel: 0212 240 33 61 fax: 0212 240 33 94 e-mail: [email protected]

Media Watch on Hate Speech Project Team Zeynep Arslan Pınar Ensari Ezgi Kan Funda Tekin

Analyst İdil Engindeniz Şahan

Translator Cansen Mavituna

Media Watch on Hate Speech Project is funded by Friedrich Naumann Foundation and MyMedia/Niras. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.






3) SWEARING / INSULT / DENIGRATION HE WAS SELAHADDIN, THIS ONE IS SALAHATTIN - Eyüphan Kaya 90 BE SPOILED FIRST! - Şok 92 BE A WOMAN AND SHUT UP! - Sefer Aşır Erarslan 94 Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


In Turkey, we frequently witness the use of biased, prejudiced and discriminatory language in the media. The provocative, racist and discriminatory language commonly used by the media – particularly in the headlines and news titles– is an instrument that entrenches stereotypes and incites hatred and discrimination in the society. Although there are universal and national principles of journalism and even some media outlets with their own code of ethics, many news contents violate these principles. With the use of such language, unrest and common prejudice against vulnerable groups take root in the society. Targeted individuals and groups become restless and silent and are forced to give up their right to participate in social and political life, which is indispensable in a democracy. Use of provocative and stigmatizing language sometimes lead to attacks against the members or gathering places of the groups that have been marginalized or portrayed as enemies.

Prejudice, racism, xenophobia, partiality, discrimination, sexism, and homophobia lie at the bottom of hate speech. Factors such as cultural identities and group characteristics induce the use of hate speech; yet certain circumstances such as rising nationalism or intolerance of the different further increase the frequency and impact of hate speech.

Recently, Turkey has been witnessing polarization between various sections of the society for various reasons, and intolerance against difference or the “other” is becoming increasingly more common. The decades-long conflicts in Southeast Anatolia, the sudden demographic changes caused by forced displacement of people due to conflicts, along with economic, social and cultural conflicts have all played a part in the escalation of tension between communities. Furthermore, presenting democratization efforts such as the initiatives regarding minority rights and dialogue between religions, or the discussions on the Cyprus issue as “foreign powers’ plots against Turkey” also nurture polarization and enmity. Besides, as a result of the developments in the Middle East, discussions concerning the Kurdish and Armenian questions and the peace negotiations that have currently been on the agenda, the people and institutions that have suggestions to resolve these issues have been targeted and certain ethnic groups are portrayed as enemies. Generated by particular publications with opposing views, such discourse paves the way for an atmosphere of conflict. Finally, to provide a recent example, the way the Taksim were covered in newspapers is important, since it reveals how media can intensify polarization in the society.

Due to the frequent use of discriminatory language in media, the manifestation of hostile feelings and attitudes against different groups and individuals, who are known or assumed to be the members of such groups, has become an important and ever-growing problem in Turkey. Even the opinion leaders such as government officials, opposition leaders and public servants use such racist and discriminatory language without any hesitation For instance, during Gezi Park protests, several government officials often made statements claiming that foreign powers and the “interest rate lobby” organized the protests and this claim caused certain groups, particularly Jews, to be targeted. This situation is going on in a way that deepens the division of Turks and Kurds in line with the conflicts in the eastern and southeastern regions of the country in recent months.

The media (press-broadcast), often referred as the fourth estate, is one of the most effective means for communicating culture. Therefore, insofar as it has the power to emphasize diversity and 1

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

difference, it can also be extremely directing and influential in spreading and banalizing a conflict. If the media behaves irresponsibly and carelessly, it could very easily trigger, nurture and deepen racism and hatred between people, and worst of all, it can legitimize and justify such attitudes.

For many years, the media in Turkey has been one of the active sources of nationalist and discriminatory discourse. Such media practices have substantially contributed to the polarization in the society. When we examine some of the hate crimes that took place in recent years, the influence of the media becomes easier to understand. Yasin Hayal, who is still tried as the instigator of the murder of Hrant Dink, said in his statement that “He did not know Hrant Dink personally, but had read in newspapers that he was an enemy of the Turks.” The person who was accused of attacking the priest of St. Sophia Church in Izmir on December 2007 stated that he carried out the attack to become a hero like Ogün Samast. One of the main objectives of the Hrant Dink Foundation, which was founded after the murder of Hrant Dink with the purpose of carrying on his dreams, ideals and struggle, is to contribute to ending polarization and enmity in the society.



Aim and scope of the study

The general purpose of the ‘Media Watch on Hate Speech’ study is to contribute to efforts of combating racism, discrimination and intolerance in Turkey. Considering the importance of civilian oversight on the media, the specific goal of this study is to strengthen respect for human rights and differences in the media, which is one of the most important means for producing and reproducing racism, discrimination and othering, draw attention to discriminatory language and hate speech against targeted people and groups on the basis of the certain characteristics of their identity, and thereby raise awareness.

In the long run, the study aims to support non-governmental organizations in combating hate speech and enhancing media watch skills, and also to work together systematically in order to ensure that the media respects social and cultural diversity and upholds equality in its language and methods. As part of the ‘Media Watch on Hate Speech’ study carried out by the Foundation in order to achieve these goals, the national and local press are scanned, news reports and columns that feature discriminatory, alienating and targeting discourse are determined, analyzed and brought to public attention through reports and website. The content published on the project’s website is also shared on Facebook1 and Twitter2. The report is sent to non-governmental

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Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

organizations, media outlets, occupational organizations of the media, and also published on our website.

Apart from monitoring newspapers, the project aims to raise awareness of hate speech by organizing research meetings, conferences, seminars and trainings with NGO representatives, jurists, academics, occupational organizations and journalists. Therefore, international panel discussions are held and meetings on hate speech are organized at universities to facilitate the discussion of project’s findings in order to inform people about the concept of “hate speech”, to provide opportunities for discussing the possible ways and methods for combating discriminatory and racist discourse, and to encourage media to use a more conscious and respectful language in discussions concerning human rights issues and minorities.

Furthermore, initiatives include cooperation with others for the development of lectures on hate speech, and theses and dissertations that study hate speech. In 2012, by closely cooperating with academics and representatives of non-governmental organizations, we prepared a one-semester syllabus draft titled ‘Discrimination, Hate Speech and Media’ and shared it with academics. Currently, we are working for improving the content of the syllabus and for its application in universities in accordance with the feedback from academics.

In parallel with the works on curriculum, ‘Media and Hate Speech: Concepts, Outlets, Discussions’ 3, a collective book that serves as a supplementary source for the syllabus and as an introductory source for the general reader, was published on December 2013. The book, which was edited by Mahmut Çınar from Bahçeşehir University Department of Communication and prefaced by Professor Fuat Keyman from Istanbul Policy Center, has the potential to be a reference work in this field.


Within the scope of the media monitoring work focusing on hate speech, all national newspapers and approximately 500 local newspapers are scanned based on pre-determined keywords (e.g. enemy of the Turks, traitor, deviant, zealot, giaour, refugee, etc.) via the media monitoring center.

While the main focus has been hate speech on the basis of national, ethnic and religious identities; sexist and homophobic discourses are also examined as part of the monitoring work. In this study, we mainly used the critical discourse analysis method, along with other related techniques that are commonly used in media studies. Textual and iconographic (by reference to photographs, pictures and other illustrations) context analyses are carried out in accordance with the type of content. In order to determine specific indicators for the content and discourse of the media items, we first conduct quantitative scaling and reveal where (in which newspapers), how and by which sources hate speech is generated most frequently and whom it targets.

Our definition of hate speech is based on the Recommendation on hate speech adopted by the Committee of the Ministers of the Council of Europe in 1997. Hate speech, as defined by the Council

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Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

of Europe, “covers all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance, including: intolerance expressed by aggressive nationalism and ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility against minorities, migrants and people of immigrant origin.”

In accordance with the purpose and scope explained above, news articles identified as featuring hate speech are categorized based on qualitative characteristics of the adopted discourse. The categories of hateful discourse, which are determined on the basis of international scientific studies and in consideration of the country-specific lingual and cultural differences, are as follows:

1) Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion: Any discourse that features negative generalization, distortion, exaggeration or negative attribution targeting a community as a whole, based on a specific individual or event (e.g. “Turkey is drowned into the sound of [church] bells!”, “Enough with Syrians”).

2) Swearing/ Insult / Defamation: Any discourse that contains swearing, insult or defamation about a community (e.g. use of words such as ‘treacherous’, ‘dog’, ‘of low birth’, etc.).

3) Enmity / War Discourse: Any discourse that includes hostile, war-mongering expressions about a community (e.g. The Cruelty of Giaour).

4) Using inherent identity as a basis for hate or humiliation / Symbolization: Any discourse that uses various aspects of one’s inherent identity as a basis of hate, humiliation or symbolization (e.g. pejorative use of phrases such as “Your mother is Armenian anyway” or “Is your surname Davutoğlu or Davutyan?”).


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015






Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


In the 4-month period of Media Watch on Hate Speech covering May - June - July - August 2015, 461 columns and news articles targeting national, ethnic and religious groups had been examined. Since hate speech against more than one group under different categories have been found in 8 publications, they were examined two times (for they featured two groups/categories) and that is why the total number of analyzed items reached to 469. A total of 693 hate speech items against 37 groups have been found in the analyzed articles.

In this period constituting the second four-month of 2015, it is observed that the number of publications featuring hate speech is significantly increased compared to the previous period. April 24 agenda, parliamentary election on June 7, 2015 and election results, Syrians who run away from the war and took refuge in Turkey and Israeli-Palestinian relations are the main issues that are covered by those publications. Another issue that was brought forward in May was the "Population Control Health Care Law” in Myanmar and its possible effects on the Muslims in Arakan. The news article that we included in the report was published in Vatan newspaper on May 26 with the title of “Terrorist Buddhist” on the front page and with the title of “Buddhist Bin Laden” on the 17th page. The article also featured an image from Time magazine, which featured Monk Ashin Wirathu on the cover in 2013 with the title of “The Face of Buddhist Terror”. The article by Time magazine had been criticized; some people found the title wrong, whereas some others noted that the real issue is the mistreatment of Muslim people. Checking whether one would feel disturbed when one’s own identity is replaced with the group subjected to hate speech is a criterion for detecting hate speech, which was our reason for including this article to the report. Though “disturbance” seems subjective, it should be understood as feeling attacked or threatened because of that expression. In this regard, thinking of titles like “Terrorist Muslim”, “Terrorist Jew”, “Terrorist lesbian” etc. might make it easier to understand an aggressive expression was used against the identities in question. When we try to point out some form of oppression against a certain group, we should specify the real perpetrators without facilitating any kind of hate crime instead of putting the blame on an entire group; in this way, we can avoid generating hate speech.

During the analyzed period, Suruç massacre (July 20) took place. Though it was a really important incident, we haven’t found many articles that deal with it. Şükrü Alnıaçık’s article published in Ortadoğu newspaper on July 22, 2015 is one of the few article mentioning Suruç massacre. In this article titled “If you sow hate, you reap violence”, hate speech is generated through Armenians and it is seen that the author thinks that the people killed in the massacre are indirectly responsible for their own deaths.

Considering the examples above and other article generating hate speech, we see once again that the articles do not exhibit arguments following certain logic; rather, they are full of the feeling of rage. The examples that are used as the basis of the articles are circulated without even being called to question in order to incite polarization between societies and beliefs. It can be said that “generating conspiracy theories” is one of the basic elements of hate speech, just like in the previous periods. Various religious and ethnic groups “operating secretly”, “dominating the world” have been claimed to be the cause of many adverse occurrences in the world during this period as well.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

In this period, the increase in the number of targeted groups was lower in proportion to the content and it is determined that 37 groups have been subjected to hate speech. 18 groups have been subjected to hate speech on the basis of national identity, 11 groups on the basis of religious belief or not having any religious belief, and 5 groups on the basis of ethnicity. 3 groups are evaluated under “Other” category. One of these 3 groups is “West” (Westerners-Europeans), which is subjected to hate speech on the basis of generalized geographical identity4 that was included in the previous reports. The other 2 groups are the Anzac and Freemasons; each was targeted in one article. In this period, “Yogis”, which is not a group targeted very often, are evaluated under the category of religious belief or not having any religious belief, because yoga was defined as “a new religious movement” and “deviant Far East trend” in the articles targeting them.

12 out of 37 targeted groups were subjected to hate speech in a single article. The details of distribution can be seen in the graphs below.

In the previous period, Armenians ranked first in terms of the number of items generating hate speech. In this period, Armenians and Jews shared the first place. A significant increase is observed in the number of items generating hate speech against both groups. Syrians rank second in this period.

In singular examples, the groups subjected to hate speech are examined in relation to event taking place in the related period and the incidental examples that are provided. On the other hand, it can be said that there is systematic hate speech and intentional hostile attitude against the groups that are frequently mentioned in different publications. The fact that hate speech that has been generated in many articles for a long period of time always targets the same groups provides significant evidence concerning the vulnerability of such groups and a rooted and relentless effort to create enmity. The fact that these groups include peoples and religious and ethnic groups living together in this land aggravates the potential risks of hate speech, as well as its power of facilitating hate crimes.

As seen in the following graphs, the groups which are relatively less subjected to hate speech have not been listed under the ‘Others’ category this time in order to reflect the diversity of the targeted groups;, in this way, we tried to show how the target of hate speech varies in accordance with the context. However, consistent with the ‘closeness’ criterion, which is one of the basic requirements for a certain subject to be covered by media in a certain territory, it was observed that hate speech was not generated against groups, ethnicities, etc. that are not closely related to the historical or current situation in Turkey. For instance, the British, the Germans and the French are frequently subjected to hate speech given the historical and current connections. On the other hand, it is observed that the groups that have almost never been mentioned in the reports of the previous periods, like Syrians, have become new targets of hate speech in the light of recent developments and the number of items targeting Syrians keep increasing. Regarding the case of Syrians, the

4 In fact, the aforementioned group (Westerners) are subjected to hate speech on the basis of their race and religion. However, since it is not expressed in that way and the groups are named by the lands and countries they live, we also used this name for categorizing. 7

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

previous reports reveal that the perceptions of ‘enmity’ and ‘crime’ have become very dominant. In the third four-month period of 2014, there were 10 items featuring hate speech against Syrians. Within a year, this number has risen to 97. In terms of the number of examined articles, the percentage of the items targeting Syrians has risen to 12.5% (which was 4% before).

Graph 1

Number of Items Containing Hate Speech per Periods Number of Items 500 469 450 400 350 313 300 278 250 200 249 150 100 50 0 2014(2) 2014(3) 2015 (1) 2015 (2)

Graph 2

Diversity of Target Groups per Period Number of Target Groups 38 37 37 36 36 35 34 33 32 32 31 30 31 29 28 2014(2) 2014(3) 2015(1) 2015(2)


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Considering the common characteristics of targeted groups, we see that hate speech has been generated primarily on the basis of religious identity again in this period. It is determined that hate speech has been generated in a total of 264 items against 11 different groups with non-Islamic beliefs, non-Sunni beliefs or without any beliefs. 18 groups were subjected to hate speech in 214 items based on national identity; and 5 groups were subjected to hate speech in 205 items based on ethnic identity. 140 articles evaluated under the latter category targeted Armenians. Kurds and Greeks in Turkey shared the second place with 26 items. Arabs ranked third with 7 items and Roma people ranked fourth with 6 items. In the category of national identity, Syrians ranked first with 87 items and the British followed them with 43 items. Though the number of items examined in this period is twice as much than the previous period, the number of items targeting Syrians increased more than five times. This significant increase reveals the fact that Syrians’ position in the country is becoming more and more fragile.

Another issue that should be noted is that a single item containing hate speech usually targets more than one group. Therefore, 693 instances of hate speech were found in 461 articles examined (469 when the repetitions are added). In addition, given the fact that 16 items targeted only Christians, 23 items targeted only Greeks, 53 items targeted only Jews, 73 items targeted only Armenians and 79 items targeted only Syrians out of 469 items examined, it is revealed that a total of 244 articles, that is 52% of all hate speech items, targeted only five groups.

Considering the groups associated with each other in terms of hate speech, we have seen that Jews are mentioned only with Christians in 28 items; only with Armenians in 8 items; only with the British in 7 items; and with more than one group 44 items. We see that Armenians have been associated with Russians in 8 items and with Greeks in Turkey in 5 items.

The majority of the articles that have been found to contain hate speech in the period covering May– August 2015 were featured in the national press. 294 out of 461 (63.7%) articles evaluated as part of the analysis were from 35 different national publications. The remaining 167 articles (36.2%) were featured in 95 different local newspapers. It is found that the number of items featuring hate speech in local publications increased 3 times compared to the previous period.

It was observed that hate speech was mostly generated in columns by a significant majority in this period as well. The items examined consist of 241 columns and 182 news articles, excluding the republished ones. Article series, special reports, letters sent to the readers’ pages, items published on pages titled ‘Speaker’s Corner’ and ‘Time Tunnel’ were evaluated under the category of ‘Others’. 38 items were found in this category.

Although the ranking of the groups that have been subjected to hate speech, hostility and othering in Turkish press changed, the targeted groups remained almost the same in this period. In the second four-month period of the year, it is found that Armenians and Jews were the ones who were subjected to hate speech most with 140 items for each group. Syrians have the second place with 87 items, while Christians ranked third with 75 items. The British, Greeks, Greeks in Turkey, Kurds, Russians and atheists followed them with 43, 30, 26, 26, 18 and 18 items respectively as the groups subjected to hate speech.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

The following graph illustrates the distribution of hate speech in the examined items by the targeted groups:

Graph 35

Hate Speech per Target Groups 140








The groups who have less than 10 items generating hate speech against them are shown in the table below:

8 items West, non-Muslims

7 items Arabs, Buddhists, Serbians

6 items German, French, Roma people, Zoroastrians

4 items Americans,

3 items Bulgarians

2 items Alevis, Hindus, Italians

1 item Afghans, Alevis, Anzac, Albanians, Chechens, Georgians, Israelis, Kazakhs, Macedonians, Freemasons, Muslims, Shiites, Yogis

5 As an item may target more than one group, the total number of items targeting each group (693) is more than the total number of items (469), which is more than the number of the examined publications (461) (due to republished items). 10

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

In addition, 133 news articles and columns featuring hate speech against women and LGBTI individuals6 were not included in the statistical analyses and evaluated separately under the title of ‘Other Disadvantaged Groups’, like in previous reports. Various items with discriminatory content that facilitate hate speech are also covered in the same section.

Distribution of Content by Type, Newspaper and Categories

Although hate speech was generated predominantly in columns again in this period, the decrease observed in the previous period continued and the percentage of the columns decreased to 52.2%, which was 60% in the previous period. Accordingly, an increase was observed in the number of news articles featuring hate speech; while the news articles constituted 33% of all items in the previous period and 22% in the second four-month of 2014, it has risen to 39.4% in this period. As we stated in the previous periods, this change points out an important issue in terms of hate speech analyses as well. The fact that there is an increase in hate speech in news articles, which are supposed to be written as impartially and without comments as possible if not absolutely objective, indicates that there is a serious problem about journalism. On the other hand, it may be noted as a wish that this increase could lead to a rather positive consequence, if the occupational organizations grow more interested in this issue and such articles are more effectively tracked. Apart from news articles and columns, the number of articles under the title of “Others” (article series, special reports, letters sent to the readers’ pages, items published on pages titled ‘Speaker’s Corner’ and ‘Time Tunnel’) constitute 8.2%.

In this period, 35 out of 182 (19.2%) news articles were published with the reporter’s name; the news agency was stated in 25 items; 8 news articles were published with the name of one of the departments (“News Desk”, “World News Desk”); and in 8 news articles, names of the reporter and the agency were specified. It is found that only 41.7% of the news articles provided the reference.

6 LGBTİ: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex. 11

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Graph 4

Hate Speech per Type of Item %8

Opinion columns News articles %52 Others %39

In this period, 63.7% of hate speech (294 items) were found in the national press and 36.2% (167 items) were featured in the local press (it was 16% in the previous period).

Graph 5

Hate Speech in the National and Local Press


%64 National Local

In the process of listing the newspapers by frequency of hate speech, the publications generating hate speech under different categories against several groups in a single article were regarded as a single publication. Consequently, Vahdet newspaper ranked first among the national newspapers in terms of hate speech content (43 items, 9.3%). Vahdet is followed by Milli Gazete with 39 items (%8.4); Yeni Akit with 29 items (%6.2); Yeniçağ and Yeni Mesaj with 17 items(%3.6); Ortadoğu with 15 items (%3.2); Yeni Söz with 14 items (%3), Milat with 12 items (%2.6); Anayurt with 10 items (%2.1); Takvim and Yeni Şafak with 9 items (%1.9); Aydınlık and Star with 8 items (%1.7); Önce Vatan and Sözcü with 7 items (%1.5); Türkiye with 6 items (%1.3); and Habertürk with 5 items (%1). Diriliş Postası, Milliyet and Vatan newspapers featured 4 items (%0.8) generating hate speech.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Graph 6

Hate Speech in the National Press

Vahdet 43 Milli Gazete 39 Yeni Akit 29 Yeni Çağ 17 Yeni Mesaj 17 Ortadoğu 15 Yeni Söz 14 Milat 12 Anayurt 10 Takvim 9 Yeni Şafak 9 Aydınlık 8 Star 8 Önce Vatan 7 Sözcü 7 Türkiye 6 Habertürk 5 Diriliş Postası 4 Milliyet 4 Vatan 4 Günboyu 3 Yurt Gazetesi 2 Türkiye'de Vakit 2 Şok 2 Meydan 2 Korkusuz 2 Hürriyet 2 Akşam 2 Cumhuriyet 1 Güneş 1 Sabah 1 Posta 1 Milli İrade 1 Millet 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

In local press, Yeni Konya ranked first in terms of hate speech with 14 items (3%). It is followed by Ankara Anadolu with 7 items (%1.5); Kayseri Star Haber with 6 items (%1.3); Ankara Haber Vaktim and İstanbul Gazetesi with 5 items (%1). Samsun Denge featured 4 items (%0.8) generating hate speech; Adana 5 Ocak, Gazete Flaş, Gaziantep Olay, Günboyu, Kayseri Anadolu Haber, Kocaeli, Milliyet Ege, Muğla Gazetesi, Muğla Haber article, Yeni Alanya newspaper featured 3 items (%0.6) generating hate speech. 13

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Distribution of the items featuring hate speech in local press is as follows:

Graph 7

Hate Speech in the Local Press

Yeni Konya 14 Ankara Anadolu 7 Kayseri Star Haber 6 Ankara Haber Vaktim 5 İstanbul 5 Samsun Denge 4 Adana 5 Ocak 3 Gazete Flaş 3 Gaziantep Olay 3 Kayseri Anadolu Haber 3 Kocaeli 3 Milliyet Ege 3 Muğla Haber 3 Muğla Gazetesi 3 Yeni Alanya 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Considering the publications featuring at most two items that generate hate speech, 2 items in 26 publications and 1 item in 67 publications is detected. Distribution of those publications is as follows:

Number of items National Local

1 item 6 (Cumhuriyet, Güneş, Millet, Milli 617 İrade, Posta, Sabah)

2 items 7 (Akşam, Hürriyet, Korkusuz, 198 Meydan, Şok, Türkiye’de Vakit, Yurt)

7 Adana Ekspres, Adana Güney Haber, Adana Günlük, Adana İlkhaber, Akdeniz Beyaz, Akdeniz Gerçek, Akdeniz Manşet, Alanya Güneşi, Antalya Ekspres, Antalya Hürses, Batman Sonsöz, Bursa Kent, Bursa Sokak, Bursa'da Meydan, Büyük Kayseri, Demokrat Gebze, Denge, Diyarbakır Haber, Dokuz Sütun, Ege Telgraf, Eskişehir Yenigün, Flash Haber, Gap Gündemi, Gazete 2000, Gaziantep Çağdaş, Gaziantep Denge, Gaziantep Güncel, Gaziantep Oluşum, Gaziantep Pusula, Gaziantep Referans, Gerçek Medya, İzmir Yenigün, Karadeniz, Karadeniz'de İlkhaber, Karadeniz'de Son Nokta, Kayseri E Haber, Kayseri Haber 38, Kayseri Maç, Kayseri Meydan, Kayseri Vizyon Kent Haber, Kırıkkale Haber Kale, Kırşehir Çiğdem, Kocaeli Manşet, Konya Memleket, Konya Merhaba, Konya Rasyonel Haber, Konya Telgraf, Konya Yeni Meram, Konya Yenigün, Medya Yenigün, Muğla Devrim, Muğla Kent, Özgür Kocaeli, Posta Ege, Pusula Haber Konya, Sabah Güney eki, Taka, Tekirdağ Avrupa Yakası, Tokat Haber, Yedigün Ankara, Yeni Asır. 8 Anadolu’da Vakit, Ankara 24 Saat, Antalya Hilal, Çanakkale Kalem, Çorum Haber, Diyarbakır Söz, Karadeniz'de İstikbal, Kayseri Deniz Postası, Kayseri Gündem, Kayseri Hakimiyet, Kayseri Ülker, Kent (Kilis), Kocaeli Demokrat, Konya Hakimiyet, Manisa Hürışık, Samsun Halk, Yeni Adana. 14

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Hate speech instances in the newspapers were examined under four categories, which were determined methodologically in this period as well: (1) Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion, (2) Swearing / Insult / Defamation, (3) Enmity / War Discourse, (4) Using an inherent element of one’s identity as a cause for hate / Symbolization. 9

Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion comes first (255 items) among these four categories during the four-month period examined. Enmity / War Discourse (161 items) and Swearing / Insult / Defamation (53 items) categories followed it. No items were found in the category of Using an inherent element of one’s identity as a cause for hate / Symbolization within the period examined.

Graph 8

Hate Speech per Category


Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion Enmity / War Discourse

34% 55% Swearing / Insult / Defamation

When we consider the distribution of the groups on the top ranks within the last year, we see that hate speech against Armenians increased 1.5 times in the previous period especially because the anniversary of April 24 and the effects of the anniversary are also reflected in the second four-month of the year (this is also shown in the table below). Hate speech against Jews reached the same number with other periods and increased two times compared to the previous period, whereas there is a slight decrease in the number of items targeting Christians. The most significant change revealed in the table is about Syrians: compared to the previous period, hate speech against Syrians increased significantly and they have risen to the second place.

9 These categories were determined in order to make it easier to understand hate speech that is generated in various ways, explicitly or implicitly. It is undoubtedly possible to detect several categories in one item, and in such cases, the dominant category was regarded in order to make classification. 15

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Period/Rank 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place

2014 (2. Jews (130) Armenians (60) Christians (25) Greeks in Turkey Kurds (18) Dönem) (21)

2014 (3. Jews (143) Christians (115) Armenians (60) Kurds (59) Greeks in Dönem) Turkey (19)

2015 (1. Armenians (103) Jews (75) Christians (73) British (21) Syrians (16) Dönem)

2015 (2. Armenians (140) Syrians (87) Christians (75) British (43) Greeks (30) Dönem) Jews (140)

In the analyzed period, hate speech against Armenians, the most targeted group, has been generated mostly under the category of Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion with 66 items. It is followed by Enmity / War Discourse category with 58 items and Swearing / Insult / Defamation category with 16 items. 85 of the items featuring hate speech against Armenians were published in national press and 55 items were published in local press.

Graph 910

Hate Speech against Armenians


42% Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion Enmity / War Discourse

Swearing / Insult / Defamation 47%

10 Hesaplama sırasında virgülden sonrasının verilmemesi amacıyla %42 olarak gösterilen AYÇ kategorisi 41.42 olarak çıkmaktadır. 16

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Considering the distribution of categories by target groups, hate speech against Jews, which shares the first place with Armenians, has been generated mostly under the category of Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion with 76 items. While Enmity / War Discourse category follows it with 52 items, 12 items featuring Swearing / Insult / Defamation were found. 95 of the items in question were published in national press and 45 items were published in local press.

Graph 10

Hate Speech against Jews

%37 Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion Swearing / Insult / Defamation %54

Enmity / War Discourse


In the four-month period analyzed, hate speech against Syrians, the second group that targeted most, has been generated mostly under the category of Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion with 67 items. It was followed by Enmity / War Discourse category with 13 items and Swearing / Insult / Defamation category with 5 items. 34 of the items in question were published in national press and 53 items were published in local press. Considering the local press, 30 news articles were published in 5 cities: 5 items in Adana, Gaziantep and Muğla, 13 items in Kayseri, 2 items in Kilis. The high number in Kayseri caused by the fact that a news article by İhlas News Agency has been published in 12 publication with different titles. The others cities are the ones that are deeply affected by the migration from Syria. However, the fact that 20 different publications in cities like Konya, Ankara, Tekirdağ and Istanbul also published articles generating hate speech against Syrians indicates that this issue is becoming more and more covered all over Turkey, though not equally frequently in all cities. This fact also points out that there is a serious risk of hate crimes incited by hate speech. For instance, the news reports published by local press in Kayseri emphasized that “citizens” do not want Syrians and the content was designed to justify violence with the titles like the following: “SYRIAN WATCH WITH STICKS” (Deniz Postası, E Haber, Hakimiyet, Meydan); “DANGEROUS TENSION/ CITIZENS ON SYRIAN WATCH WITH STICKS” (Gündem); “SYRIAN HUNTING WITH STICKS” (News article 38); “Syrians chased away with sticks” (Maç); “TENSION OVER SYRIANS/ People on Syrian Watch with Sticks” (Star News article); Syrian Watch in Kayseri with Sticks” (Ülker); “WATCH WITH STICKS!” (Vizyon Kent News article); “SYRIAN WATCH” (Büyük Kayseri).


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Graph 11

Hate Speech against Syrians 6% 15% Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion Enmity / War Discourse

Swearing / Insult / Defamation


Hate speech against Christians, the third group that targeted most, has been generated mostly under the category of Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion with 43 items. It was followed by Enmity / War Discourse category with 25 items and Swearing / Insult / Defamation category with 5 items. 55 of the items in question were published in national press and 20 items were published in local press.

Graph 12

Hate Speech against Christians


%34 Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion Enmity / War Discourse

Swearing / Insult / Defamation



Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Considering the hate speech against the British, the fourth group that targeted most, we see that 33 items were published in national press and 10 items in local press. Only 11 items were news reports; hate speech has been generated in 31 columns and one special page. While 28 items fall under Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion category, 11 items were found in Enmity / War Discourse and 4 items were found in Swearing / Insult / Defamation category.

Graph 13

Hate Speech against the British %9

%26 Enmity / War Discourse

Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion Swearing / Insult / Defamation


30 items (24 in national press and 6 in local press) generating hate speech against Greeks, the fifth group that targeted most, were found. 13 of these items were columns. One item was published in a special page and 16 items were news articles, mostly related to refugees. While 17 items fall under Enmity / War Discourse category, 9 items in Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion category and 4 items in Swearing / Insult / Defamation category were found.

Graph 14

Hate Speech against Greeks

13% Enmity / War Discourse

Exaggeration / Attribution / 30% Distortion 57% Swearing / Insult / Defamation


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Considering 26 items generating hate speech against Kurds and Greeks in Turkey, which were in top five in previous period, we get the table below:

Categories/Groups Kurds Greeks in Turkey Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion 8 8 Swearing / Insult / Defamation 4 4 Enmity / War Discourse 14 14

Local publications 6 9 National publications 20 17

News article 3 2 Column 20 23 Other 3 1

As mentioned earlier, these four categories that are used to classify items were determined in order to provide a better understanding of how hate speech discourse is generated. The dominant category was regarded during the process of classification. Given the fact that the basis of all hate speech is “hostile” ideas regardless of how it is named, it would be misleading to regard these categories as mutually exclusive.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Date Newspaper Type Author Title Targeted Category Group(s)

01.05.2015 Takvim News Takvim Poison of Armenians Exaggeration/ article Armenian Doctor Attribution/ Distortion

01.05.2015 Diriliş Column Ercan The real issue Christians Exaggeration/ Postası Kartboğa Attribution/ Distortion

01.05.2015 Vahdet News Şerif Varol Armenians make Armenians Exaggeration/ Article their kids Attribution/ trample Turkish Distortion flag

01.05.2015 Yeni Söz News Yeni Söz Every family has Armenians Exaggeration/ Article a tragic story Attribution/ related to Distortion Armenian treason

01.05.2015 Yeni Söz News Yeni Söz Diplomats Armenians Exaggeration/ Article martyred by Attribution/ Armenians Distortion terrorist organizations

01.05.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Mustafa Two hands for a Christians, Enmity / War Aslan head British Discourse

01.05.2015 Anayurt Column Hamdi Leaving April 24 Bulgars, Enmity / War Yılmaz behind Armenians, Discourse Russians, Greeks

01.05.2015 Denge Column Tuncer The ones ruling British, Jews Exaggeration/ Altıntaş the world Attribution/ Distortion

01.05.2015 Karadeniz’d Column Murat Aydın Enough with Kurds Enmity / War e İlkhaber ethnic Discourse constituent talk!

01.05.2015 Yeni Çağ Special Kerrar Esat Armenian gangs Armenians Exaggeration/ page Atalay attacked and Attribution/ killed Muslim Distortion villagers around Karahisar


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

04.05.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet Özel Hürriyet and Armenians, Enmity / War article Sözcü FOUND IT Russians Discourse LONG

04.05.2015 Muğla News Hüseyin Real answers to Armenians Exaggeration/ News article Atılgan Armenian lies Attribution/ article Distortion

04.05.2015 Milli Gazete Column Burhan Who killed the Armenians, Exaggeration/ Bozgeyik people of Van? Russians Attribution/ Distortion

04.05.2015 Yeni Söz Column Ahmet Parallel Armenians, Exaggeration/ Gemici Heimetlos Greeks in Attribution/ people Turkey, Jews Distortion

04.05.2015 Anayurt Column Mustafa Armenian Armenians, Exaggeration/ Nevruz atrocities and Christians, Attribution/ Sınacı internal enemies Jews Distortion 04.05.2015 Konya Column Hüzeyme Unpleasant, Armenians, Enmity / War Merhaba Yeşim Koçak disturbing Christians, Discourse poems Russians, Jews 04.05.2015 Adana Column Abdurrahim Genociders Armenians Exaggeration/ News Haklıkul Attribution/ article Distortion 04.05.2015 Yeni Konya Column Bekir Abdülhakim Armenians, Exaggeration/ Akdemir Arvasi - 6 Russians Attribution/ Distortion 04.05.2015 İstanbul News Şamil Kucur Armenians are Armenians Enmity / War Gazetesi article the real Discourse genociders/ Armenians are the real genociders IN THE PAST AND PRESENT 04.05.2015 Milli Gazete Special Ahmet ARMENIAN Armenians Enmity / War page Anapalı GENOCIDE Discourse 04.05.2015 Yeniçağ Special Kerrar Esat Armenian gangs Armenians, Exaggeration/ page Atalay stored many Russians Attribution/ armes provided Distortion by Russians 05.05.2015 Ankara News Vahdet SO-CALLED Armenians, Enmity / War Haber article newspaper TURKS Russians Discourse Vaktim 05.05.2015 Anayurt Column Mustafa Armenian Armenians, Enmity / War Nevruz atrocities and Russians, Discourse Sunacı internal enemies Serbians, -2 Greeks


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

05.05.2015 Bursa Column Abdullah Armenian Armenians, Enmity / War Sokak Karadağ imposition Greeks in Discourse Turkey 05.05.2015 Kayseri Column Selim WESTERN Armenians, Enmity / War Anadolu Akdoğan UNDERSTANDIN Serbians, Discourse Haber G OF GENOCIDE Greeks -2 05.05.2015 Kayseri Column Osman İkinci PRICE OF Greeks Enmity / War Hakimiyet CYPRUS Discourse 05.05.2015 Yeniçağ Special Kerrar Esat Attacking the Armenians Exaggeration/ page Atalay defenseless Attribution/ villages, gangs Distortion killed Muslims 06.05.2015 Yeni Konya News Anadolu Burin Village in Jews Exaggeration/ Article News the grip of the Attribution/ Agency Jew Distortion 06.05.2015 Günboyu Column Tevhit Accomplices of Armenians Enmity / War Gülseven Armenians! Discourse 06.05.2015 Vahdet Column Ali Eren New Prime Armenians Exaggeration/ Minister and his Attribution/ chief consultant Distortion 06.05.2015 Manisa Column Cüneyt Century-old French Swearing/ Insult Hürışık Aybey events / Defamation 06.05.2015 Pusula Column Abdullah CLOPS OF Armenians Exaggeration/ Haber Yıldırım HISTORY Attribution/ Konya Distortion 06.05.2015 Yeniçağ Special Kerrar Esat Torturing Turks Armenians Enmity / War page Atalay before killing Discourse was a usual practice 07.05.2015 Anayurt Column Fuat “Turkish nation Armenains Enmity / War Yılmazer did what was Discourse necessary at the time” -1 07.05.2015 İstanbul Column Necdet “Armenians are Armenians Enmity / War Gazetesi Buluz the slave of Discourse foreign powers. Slaves don’t make nations” 07.05.2015 Karadeniz’d Column İsmet WHAT IS THE Atheists Enmity / War e İstikbal Nusret MEANING AND Discourse Mollamehm PURPOSE OF etoğlu LIFE? 07.05.2015 Kocaeli Column Erdem Övüç SIRAT Armenians Exaggeration/ Attribution/ Distortion 07.05.2015 Samsun Column Zekai Gül THE REAL Armenians Exaggeration/ Halk ENMITY, Attribution/ ARMENIAN Distortion ATROCITIES AND WESTERN IMPERIALISM


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

07.05.2015 Taka Column Turan UNSCIENTIFIC Americans, Enmity / War Bahadır DECISIONS Armenians, Discourse French, British, Russians 07.05.2015 Yeniçağ Special Kerrar Esat The primary Armenians Exaggeration/ page Atalay targets of Attribution/ massacre were Distortion religious leaders and governors 08.05.2015 Yeni Mesaj News İhlas News Syrians snatcher Syrians Exaggeration/ article Agency caught by police Attribution/ Distortion 08.05.2015 Milli Gazete Column Burhan We don’t cry! Armenians Enmity / War Bozgeyik Discourse 08.05.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmet The ones on the Christians, Exaggeration/ Şevki Eygi verge of Jews Attribution/ exploding Distortion 08.05.2015 Yeni Asya Columns Halil Uslu Thoughts after Hindus Exaggeration/ Nepal disaster Attribution/ Distortion 08.05.2015 Yeni Akit Column Şevki Yılmaz My Kurdish Armenians Enmity / War brother, know Discourse your enemy! 08.05.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Akın Aydın The ones raised Christians, Exaggeration/ with Quran Jews Attribution/ don’t do such Distortion things 08.05.2015 Milli Gazete Column Abdülkadir The real West Exaggeration/ Özkan problem is to be Attribution/ trapped Distortion between east and west 08.05.2015 Anayurt Column Fuat “Turkish nation Armenians, Enmity / War Yılmazer did what was Jews Discourse necessary at the time” -2 08.05.2015 Adana Column Mustafa Promise to Armenians, Exaggeration/ Günlük Baygın establish a state Russians Attribution/ between two Distortion seas 08.05.2015 Kayseri Star Column Ali Ceran FIRING LINE/ Armenians Enmity / War Haber Pope and Discourse Armenians talk, we remian silent 08.05.2015 Ankara Column Enver Baltaş We don’t Armenians Swearing/ Insult Anadolu address / Defamation Gazetesi ourselves to Armenians (1) 08.05.2015 Vahdet News A. Bahadır OUR GOAL 40% Zoroastrians Exaggeration/ article Çalık Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

08.05.2015 Yeniçağ Special Kerrar Esat HISTORIAN Armenians, Enmity / War page Atalay PERSPECTIVE TO Kazakhs, Discourse THE MASSACRE COMMITTED BY ARMENIANS -11- 11.05.2015 Habertürk News Müslüm Tension over Syrians Enmity / War article Sarıyar Syrians in Discourse Başakşehir 11.05.2015 Milliyet News Damla Güler Single Syrians Syrians Enmity / War article riot Discourse 11.05.2015 Yeni Asya Column Tülay What happened Christians Swearing/ Insult Demircan to us? / Defamation Koyuncu 11.05.2015 Milli Gazete Column Burhan Deaf, mute and Armenians Enmity / War Bozgeyik blind Europe! Discourse See the occupation of Karabakh and Hocali Massacre! 11.05.2015 Milat Column Bekir Fuat The center of Westerners, Swearing/ Insult Gazetesi the fight non- / Defamation Muslims, the British, Russians 11.05.2015 Muğla Column Cenap Özsoy Eastern Anatolia Armenians, Exaggeration/ News issue Georgians, Attribution/ article Jews Distortion 11.05.2015 Yeni Akit Special Yeni Akit What Armenians Armenians Enmity / War page did to Muslims Discourse was cruel 13.05.2015 Milliyet Ege News Mustafa Riot over Syrians Syrians Exaggeration/ article Oğuz DHA in Basmane Attribution/ Distortion 13.05.2015 Posta Ege News Mustafa Syrian shop Syrians Exaggeration/ article Oğuz DHA disturbed the Attribution/ shop keepers Distortion 13.05.2015 Yeni Söz News Erdal Şimşek Proofs of Christians Enmity / War article Christian Discourse terrorism 13.05.2015 Yeni Söz News Yeni Söz Soma is a Jews Exaggeration/ article sabotage Attribution/ Distortion 13.05.2015 Ege Telgraf News Ege Telgraf Shop keepers’ Syrians Exaggeration/ article endless Attribution/ problems caused Distortion by Syrians 13.05.2015 Yeni Söz Column Ali Yaşar 301 people of Jews Exaggeration/ Yılmaz Soma Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

14.05.2015 Milliyet Ege News Mustafa Dangerous Syrians Enmity / War article Oğuz - İzmir escalation Discourse DHA 14.05.2015 Adana News Adana News Fed up by Syrian Syrians Exaggeration/ News article article beggars Attribution/ article Distortion 14.05.2015 Yeni Akit Column Hasan For whom the Atheists Swearing/ Insult Karakaya Kurds will vote: / Defamation Atheist brother or Muslim brother? 14.05.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Hayrettin Armenian Armenians Enmity / War Karaman atrocities Discourse 15.05.2015 Diriliş Special Bekir Fuat Train to Non-muslims Swearing/ Insult Postası page Germany / Defamation 15.05.2015 Milli Gazete Column Burhan Why did these Jews, Greeks Exaggeration/ Bozgeyik hairs turn gray Attribution/ so early? Distortion 15.05.2015 Gazete Flaş column Mesut Honesty and Westerners Enmity / War Mezkit virtue of Muslim Discourse Turks 18.05.2015 Yeni Akit News Yeni Akit Intruder Jews Jews Exaggeration/ article entered Al-Aqsa Attribution/ Mosque again Distortion 18.05.2015 Türkiye column Mehmet Ali Response to Atheists Swearing/ Insult Demirbaş Atheists’ / Defamation aspersion 18.05.2015 Yeniçağ Special Kerrar Esat Armenians killed Armenians Enmity / War page Atalay whoever they Discourse found along the retreat routes 19.05.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete Jews celebrated Jews Exaggeration/ article the occupation Attribution/ Distortion 20.05.2015 Milat Column Halil Mert Sedition is Christians, Exaggeration/ Gazetesi Muslims’ worst Jews Attribution/ enemy Distortion 21.05.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete Zionist atrocity Jews Exaggeration/ article knows no Attribution/ boundaries Distortion 21.05.2015 Habertürk News Kenan Racist murder/ Russians Exaggeration/ article Taşkın They beat the Attribution/ Turkish truck Distortion driver to death and shout “Go home Turk”


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

26.05.2015 Yeniçağ News Yeniçağ Armenian Armenians Enmity / War article massacres to be Discourse discussed in Van 26.05.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete Buddhists Buddhists Enmity / War article declared war Discourse against the Muslims of Arakan 26.05.2015 Sabah News Sabah Muslim Buddhists Enmity / War article massacre Discourse 26.05.2015 Star News Star Orphan children Buddhists Enmity / War article of migrant Discourse tragedy 26.05.2015 Vatan News Vatan Terrorist Buddhists Enmity / War article Buddhists Discourse 26.05.2015 Aydınlık News Aydınlık 5 reasons Syrians Exaggeration/ article eroding AKP Attribution/ Distortion 26.05.2015 Milliyet News Milliyet Syrian smuggling Syrians Exaggeration/ article bullets to Turkey Attribution/ caught on the Distortion border 26.05.2015 Muğla News Süleyman Erbay point out Syrians Exaggeration/ Devrim article Akbulut the danger of Attribution/ Syrians Distortion 26.05.2015 Ankara 24 News VAN AA 1915 events to Armenians Enmity / War Saat article be discussed in Discourse Van 26.05.2015 Anadoluda News VAN AA 1915 events to Armenians Enmity / War Vakit article be discussed in Discourse Van 26.05.2015 Vahdet Column Mehmed 1864 Great Jews Exaggeration/ Şevket Eygi Cherkess exile Attribution/ Distortion 26.05.2015 Yeni Akit Column Hüseyin This election is Christians, Enmity / War Öztürk the one what Jews Discourse will free us from the century old Crusader captivity 26.05.2015 Yeni Asya Column Faruk Çakır People just Buddhists Exaggeration/ watch the killing Attribution/ of people Distortion 26.05.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmet Thoughts about Jews Enmity / War Talu Miraç night - 3 Discourse 26.05.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Muharrem Cross-loving Christians, Exaggeration/ Bayraktar politics Jews Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

26.05.2015 Star Column Ahmet From Bosnia to Christians, Exaggeration/ Taşgetiren Jerusalem The British, Attribution/ Jews Distortion 26.05.2015 Samsun Column Ali Kayıkçı Muslim worlds is The British, Enmity / War Denge silent and they Jews Discourse keep rattling 26.05.2015 Yeni Konya Column Kazım Eclipse of the Armenians, Swearing/ Insult Öztürk reason The French, / Defamation Christians 26.05.2015 Kocaeli Column Çetin Abi Syrian children Syrians Exaggeration/ Demokrat Attribution/ Distortion 26.05.2015 Milat Special Şükrü Crescent’s fight Christians Enmity / War Gazetesi page Kahraman against cross Discourse 27.05.2015 Vahdet News News Desk Jews is lying Jews Exaggeration/ article again Attribution/ Distortion 27.05.2015 Akdeniz News DHA Giaour torment Non-Muslims Exaggeration/ Gerçek article to people Attribution/ protesting the Distortion hydroelectric power plant 27.05.2015 Anadolu'da News Anadolu'da Greek abuse to Greeks Exaggeration/ Vakit article Vakit Turkish jet over Attribution/ Aegean Distortion 27.05.2015 Milat Column Seyit Selocan’s hero Zoroastrians Exaggeration/ Gazetesi Mehmet Robin is a bandit Attribution/ Deniz Distortion 27.05.2015 Yeni Akit Column Ali İhsan Would night Atheists Enmity / War Karahasano namaz make Discourse ğlu voting for a homosexual forgotten? 27.05.2015 Aydınlık Column Rıza Zelyut Enemy of Christians Exaggeration/ Ottoman Turks Attribution/ Distortion 27.05.2015 Gazete Flaş Column Mesut I was actully Christians, Enmity / War Mezkit defeated when Jews Discourse the lion ate the white ox 27.05.2015 Çorum Column Selahattin 7 June 2015 Armenians Exaggeration/ News Aydemir Election (1) Attribution/ article Distortion 27.05.2015 Alanya Column Rıfat Would they feel Armenians, Exaggeration/ Güneşi Serdaroğlu ashamed? The British, Attribution/ Syrians Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

27.05.2015 Ankara Column Aydın Batur Morbid legacy of West Exaggeration/ News 20th century Attribution/ Haber Distortion Vaktim 27.05.2015 Gaziantep Column Abdullah Çanakkale is not Jews Enmity / War Referans Beşer impassible Discourse anymore 27.05.2015 Gaziantep Column Ramazan Muslim Jews Swearing/ Insult Çağdaş Budak brotherhood / Defamation 27.05.2015 Muğla Column Mustafa İnci Syrians came, Syrians Exaggeration/ Gazetesi locals of Muğla Attribution/ lost their jobs Distortion 27.05.2015 Karadeniz Column Aras Perekli Why criticizing Alevis, Swearing/ Insult the Directorate Armenians, / Defamation of Religious Kurds Affairs? 28.05.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet Will intellectuals Armenians Exaggeration/ article sayeither politics Attribution/ or guns? Distortion 28.05.2015 Yeni Konya News AA Jew strike from Jews Exaggeration/ article the air Attribution/ Distortion 28.05.2015 Adana News Pelin Erkocu It is beneath Syrians Exaggeration/ Günaydın article Adana Attribution/ Distortion 28.05.2015 Çanakkale News Utku Yaşar Beggars dwelling Syrians Exaggeration/ Kalem article Cüce in the streets! Attribution/ Distortion 28.05.2015 Ortadoğu Column Şükrü The ones who Greeks Enmity / War Alnıaçık slept and the Discourse ones who were awakened by bayonets in history 28.05.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Bayram Who? Who? Jews Exaggeration/ Coşkun Who? Attribution/ Distortion 28.05.2015 Türkiye Column Rahim Er Sentencing to Christians, Exaggeration/ nothingness Jews Attribution/ Distortion 28.05.2015 Kayseri Column Ali Taştan Enemies of Armenians Exaggeration/ Anadolu religion and Attribution/ Haber piety Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

28.05.2015 Karadeniz'd Column İsmet Election on Jews Enmity / War e İstikbal Nusret December 7 and Discourse Mollamehm our future. etoğlu Presidential system would enhance Turkey -2

28.05.2015 Kocaeli Column Nihal The problem of Syrians Exaggeration/ Özgirgin migration Attribution/ Distortion 29.05.2015 Meydan News Bünyamin A Syrians Exaggeration/ article Köseli NEIGHBORHOO Attribution/ D ABOUT TO Distortion BLOW: GÜVERCINTEPE 29.05.2015 Ortadoğu News Ortadoğu No end of Afghans, Exaggeration/ article catching them Syrians Attribution/ Distortion 29.05.2015 Vatan News Foreign Kos refugee Syrians Exaggeration/ article news desk camp! Attribution/ Distortion 29.05.2015 Yeni Konya News AA Jew is plotting Jews Exaggeration/ article against Attribution/ Distortion 29.05.2015 Yeni Akit Column Şevki Yılmaz Our votes are Christians, Exaggeration/ the new arrows! Jews, Attribution/ Freemasons Distortion 29.05.2015 Vahdet Column Nusret Çiçek They try to Armenians, Enmity / War overthrow the The British Discourse ruling party with coalition 29.05.2015 Ortadoğu Column Neval If you want to Greeks Enmity / War Kavcar celebrate the Discourse conquest of Istanbul, then you should be worthy of it 29.05.2015 Gerçek Column İsmail Hadiths about The British Exaggeration/ Medya Hünerlice the signs of the Attribution/ doomsday Distortion 01.06.2015 Milli Gazete Special Ahmet A single mistake Greeks Enmity / War page Anapalı caused the Discourse occupation of the country


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

01.06.2015 Anayurt Column Mustafa Rush of lies, Europeans, Enmity / War Nevruz aspersions and Armenians Discourse Sınacı division 02.06.2015 Ankara Column Duran Internal and Armenians, Enmity / War Anadolu Erdoğan external Greeks in Discourse Gazetesi enemies Turkey, Jews 02.06.2015 Gaziantep Column Ali İhsan NATO is like a Christians Exaggeration/ Olay Türkyiğit gyve Attribution/ Distortion 02.06.2015 Yeni Alanya Column M. Rüştü HDP could never Armenians, Exaggeration/ Mat represent the Christians, Attribution/ Kurds (1) Jews Distortion 02.06.2015 Vahdet News Selim Ercan They killed him Armenians Enmity / War article by saying we are Discourse all Armenians 02.06.2015 Yeni Mesaj News Yeni Mesaj / Churches will be Greeks in Exaggeration/ article Lefkoşa built in Turkish Turkey Attribution/ territory Distortion 03.06.2015 Aydınlık Column Sabahattin Toilet seat and Greeks in Exaggeration/ Önkibar the sex of angels Turkey, Attribution/ Syrians Distortion 03.06.2015 Vahdet Column Nusret Çiçek Let’s assume Armenians Enmity / War today is June 8 Discourse 03.06.2015 Milliyet Column Güneri Alaçatı/Dance of Syrians Exaggeration/ Civaoğlu politics Attribution/ Distortion 03.06.2015 Yeni Akit Column Serdar Exposed: Turkish Greeks in Exaggeration/ Arseven intelligence Turkey Attribution/ agency’s ship Distortion carried guns to Cyprus 03.06.2015 Ortadoğu Column Şükrü I bought apples Armenians Exaggeration/ Alnıaçık from ığdır Attribution/ Distortion 04.06.2015 Önce Vatan Column Ata Atun DERİNYA GATE Greeks in Enmity / War (2/2) Turkey Discourse 04.06.2015 Yeni Söz Column Zihni Çakır Nationalists will Atheists Exaggeration/ vote with this Attribution/ picture Distortion 05.06.2015 Yeni Konya News Yeni Konya Jews hit Gaza Jews Enmity / War article from the air Discourse 05.06.2015 Milliyet Column Melih Aşık Syria tornada Syrians Enmity / War Discourse 05.06.2015 Diyarbakır Column Eyüphan What’s next: Atheists Exaggeration/ Haber Kaya Voting is not Attribution/ permissible, Distortion they say


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

05.06.2015 Kocaeli Column Osman We know you Atheists Exaggeration/ Demokrat Saraç Attribution/ Distortion 05.06.2015 Samsun Column Dursen INSIGHT to CHP Westerners Exaggeration/ Denge Özalemdar (8) Armenian Attribution/ question and Distortion CHP 05.06.2015 Yeniçağ Column Arslan Tekin Islamism is The British Exaggeration/ suicide! Attribution/ Distortion 05.06.2015 Ortadoğu Column Fikri Atılbaz Liars of the Americans, Swearing/ Insult world of lies Syrians / Defamation 05.06.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete If the murderer Jews Exaggeration/ article were a Turk Attribution/ Distortion 05.06.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Yusuf Kaplan British said, Westerners, Exaggeration/ “Muslims The British, Attribution/ shouldn’t be Jews Distortion allowed to govern Turkey.” Please! 05.06.2015 Ortadoğu Column Şükrü We have never The British, Exaggeration/ Alnıaçık made that Jews Attribution/ distinction Distortion 05.06.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete Don’t make me Atheists, Exaggeration/ article an accomplice to Buddhists Attribution/ AKP’s sins Distortion 05.06.2015 Flash Haber Column Ferit Syrians beggars Syrians Exaggeration/ Tepeköy cause distress Attribution/ and disturbance Distortion 05.06.2015 Yeni Akit Special Yeni Akit If this what most Non-Muslims Swearing/ Insult page giaour / Defamation journalists say, then we should do the opposite 05.06.2015 Türkiye Column Nuri Elibol Not voting Germans, Swearing/ Insult comes with a Americans, / Defamation price Israelis Jews 05.06.2015 Gaziantep Column Ali İhsan Heroism and our Jews Swearing/ Insult Olay Türkyiğit miserable / Defamation condition 05.06.2015 Vahdet Column Mustafa Trend to Yazidis, Exaggeration/ Özcan become a Zoroastrians Attribution/ Zoroastrian Distortion 05.06.2015 Çanakkale Column vildan abla Some likes Syrians Exaggeration/ Kalem Syrians Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

05.06.2015 Ortadoğu Special Orhan Who did these Jews Exaggeration/ page Karataş “firsts”? Attribution/ Distortion 05.06.2015 Adana Column Mustafa Fight for bread Syrians Exaggeration/ Günaydın Özke Attribution/ Distortion 08.06.2015 Antalya News www.milliga Jerusalem Christians Enmity / War Hilal article belongs to Discourse Muslims 08.06.2015 Önce Vatan Special Roza Kurban Russian trap and Russians Enmity / War page the truth behind Discourse Turkish Tatars 08.06.2015 Yeni Akit Column Hasan I confess: I was Kurds Exaggeration/ Karakaya wrong about Attribution/ Kurdish people Distortion and HDP! 08.06.2015 Kayseri Column Musa Unemployment Syrians Exaggeration/ Ülker Kirazgiller in Kayseri won’t Attribution/ end, as long as Distortion Syrians are there 08.06.2015 Ortadoğu Column Ali Öncü Grey wolves Armenians Exaggeration/ have something Attribution/ to say to Figen Distortion Yüksekdağ 08.06.2015 Samsun Column Dursen The balance on The British, Exaggeration/ Denge Özalemdar the top of the Jews Attribution/ pyramid Distortion 08.06.2015 Ortadoğu Column Neval Cry of Turkmens Kurds Enmity / War Kavcar Discourse 08.06.2015 Milli Gazete Column Burhan Where the Bulgarians Enmity / War Bozgeyik cannons of Discourse conquest hit: Demirköy 08.06.2015 Muğla Kent Column Mustafa İnci Governor’s Syrians Exaggeration/ office finally Attribution/ took action Distortion 08.06.2015 Muğla Column Mustafa İnci Governor’s Syrians Exaggeration/ Gazetesi office finally Attribution/ took action Distortion 09.06.2015 Kayseri Special Mustafa Winners and Armenians, Enmity / War Gündem page Söke losers of the Jews Discourse election and Nerons 09.06.2015 Bursa'da Column Alim Şahin The ones who Christians, Exaggeration/ Meydan are out of joint! Jews Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

09.06.2015 Star News Star Triumph of Christians Exaggeration/ article Crusader Attribution/ alliance Distortion 09.06.2015 Yeni Akit News Yeni Akit Sorrow in Christians, Exaggeration/ article Muslim world Jews Attribution/ Distortion 09.06.2015 Yeni Söz Column Kemal Özer New York Times: Christians, Exaggeration/ vampire face of Jews Attribution/ the West Distortion 10.06.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Tamer Crusader-Zionist Christians Exaggeration/ Korkmaz alliance against Attribution/ the land of Distortion crescent 10.06.2015 Tekirdağ News Levent Who will stop Syrians Exaggeration/ Avrupa article Silistre the Syrians? Attribution/ Yakası Distortion 11.06.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmed Crypto- Armenians Exaggeration/ Şevket Eygi Armenians won! Attribution/ Distortion 15.06.2015 Anayurt Column Mustafa Sahur-İmsak Jews Swearing/ Insult Nevruz contradiction / Defamation Sınacı and the divine truth 15.06.2015 Posta News Posta Taxi drivers are Syrians Exaggeration/ article worried Attribution/ Distortion 16.06.2015 Günboyu News ANKA Refugees going Syrians Swearing/ Insult article too far / Defamation 17.06.2015 Gap Column Mustafa Before Christians, Exaggeration/ Gündemi Küçük secularism and Jews Attribution/ nationalism Distortion destroy us! 18.06.2015 Yeniçağ Column M. Citizenship of Armenians Swearing/ Insult Uluğtekin Turkish world / Defamation Yılmaz and Hocali massacre 18.06.2015 Kayseri Star Column Ahmet Rise up you all! Armenians Swearing/ Insult Haber Sıvacı / Defamation 18.06.2015 Yedigün News AA Not Muslims, Armenians Exaggeration/ Ankara article but Armenians Attribution/ committed the Distortion massacre 18.06.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Hayrettin By whom and Non-Muslims Swearing/ Insult Karaman how should this / Defamation country be governed?


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

18.06.2015 Türkiye News AA Armenian Armenians Enmity / War article torment to Discourse people of Kars along the border 19.06.2015 Ankara News Ankara They are as bad Kurds Exaggeration/ Haber article Haber as Israel Attribution/ Vaktim Vaktim Distortion 19.06.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Nurullah Captivity or Christians, Swearing/ Insult Çetin independence of The British / Defamation Turkish flag 19.06.2015 Dokuz News AA Armenians Armenians Exaggeration/ Sütun article attacked, police Attribution/ forces just Distortion watched 19.06.2015 Diriliş Special Neşe Kehf Suresi-2 Christians Swearing/ Insult Postası page Kutlutaş / Defamation 20.06.2015 Çorum News Çorum News Saadet Atalay Armenians, Enmity / War News article article and Selahattin Christians, Discourse article Aydemir will give Russians autographs to their readers 21.06.2015 Medya Column Hakkı Çiftçi You are just The French, Swearing/ Insult Yenigün entertaining Armenians, / Defamation yourselves Greeks in Turkey

, Jews 21.06.2015 Konya Special Konya My soul is Armenians Exaggeration/ Yenigün page Yenigün uprising Attribution/ Distortion 21.06.2015 Milli İrade Column Ahmet Deception Armenians, Exaggeration/ Göksan Greeks in Attribution/ Turkey Distortion 22.06.2015 Yeni Alanya Column Ahmet Kutlu What is Armenians, Exaggeration/ republic? (2) Greeks in Attribution/ Turkey Distortion 22.06.2015 Ankara Column Sefer Aşır About the Armenians Exaggeration/ Anadolu Eraslan current agenda Attribution/ Gazetesi Distortion 23.06.2015 Gazete News Gazete 2000 The British pees The British Exaggeration/ 2000 article in the pool Attribution/ Distortion 23.06.2015 Sözcü News Osman Uras Uprising in Syrians Exaggeration/ article Bodrum Attribution/ Distortion 23.06.2015 Korkusuz News Osman Uras Uprising in Syrians Exaggeration/ article Bodrum Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

23.06.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mahmut Being clean Buddhists, Swearing/ Insult Toptaş inside and Christians, / Defamation outside Jews

23.06.2015 Aydınlık Column Rıza Zelyut Children of hell Armenians, Swearing/ Insult The British, / Defamation Greeks in Turkey, Greeks 23.06.2015 Türkiye'de Column Ebru That is the Kurds Exaggeration/ Vakit Okanlar human Attribution/ Distortion 23.06.2015 Yeni Söz Column Binnur Güay Global tools: Armenians, Exaggeration/ ISIS, YPG and The British, Attribution/ PYD Jews Distortion 23.06.2015 Yeni Söz News Yeni Söz German Germans Swearing/ Insult article incitement in / Defamation northern Iraq 23.06.2015 Kocaeli Column Gökhan Syrians became Syrians Swearing/ Insult Manşet Karabulut a thorn in our / Defamation flesh 23.06.2015 Milli Gazete Column Ekrem Şama İSRA, MİRAC Christians, Exaggeration/ AND AL-AQSA Jews Attribution/ MOSQUE Distortion 23.06.2015 Türkiye'de Special Muhammed Is an Islamist Christians, Exaggeration/ Vakit page Berbidek foreign policy is Jews Attribution/ possible? Distortion 23.06.2015 Yeni Söz Special Betül Aslan Massacres in Armenians, Exaggeration/ page Erzurum and the Russians Attribution/ perpetrators Distortion 23.06.2015 Gazete Flaş Column Mesut For God’s sake! Christians Exaggeration/ Mezkit Please be Attribution/ respectful Distortion 24.06.2015 Büyük News İHA Syrian watch Syrians Exaggeration/ Kayseri article Attribution/ Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA - Ali Göç Syrian watch Syrians Exaggeration/ Deniz article with sticks Attribution/ Postası Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri E News İHA Syrian watch Syrians Exaggeration/ Haber article with sticks Attribution/ Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA Dangerous Syrians Exaggeration/ Gündem article tension Attribution/ Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA Haunting Syrians Syrians Exaggeration/ Haber 38 article with sticks Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA Syrian watch Syrians Exaggeration/ Hakimiyet article with sticks Attribution/ Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA Chasing Syrians Syrians Exaggeration/ Maç article away with sticks Attribution/ Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA Syrian watch Syrians Exaggeration/ Meydan article with sticks Attribution/ Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri Star News İHA Tension over Syrians Exaggeration/ Haber article Syrians/ Syrian Attribution/ watch with Distortion sticks 24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA Syrian watch Syrians Exaggeration/ Ülker article with sticks in Attribution/ Kayseri Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA Watch with Syrians Exaggeration/ Vizyon Kent article sticks Attribution/ Haber Distortion 24.06.2015 Kayseri News İHA-Ali Göç Syrian watch Syrians Exaggeration/ Anadolu article with sticks Attribution/ Haber Distortion 24.06.2015 Muğla Column Mustafa İnci We have warned Syrians Exaggeration/ Gazetesi you Attribution/ Distortion 24.06.2015 Ankara News Ankara Yoga scandal in Yogis Swearing/ Insult Haber article Haber Ramadan / Defamation Vaktim Vaktim 24.06.2015 Akşam News Mustafa İnci A boat sinks in Syrians Exaggeration/ article Bodrum: 6 Attribution/ people killed Distortion 24.06.2015 Takvim News Takvim vacation in Syrians Exaggeration/ article Bodrum/ two Attribution/ faces of Bodrum Distortion 24.06.2015 Karadeniz'd Column Ebru Tavşan Bleak situation Syrians Exaggeration/ e Son on the streets Attribution/ Nokta Distortion 24.06.2015 Özgür Column Alaettin We stopped the Christians, Exaggeration/ Kocaeli Köksal new Selahaddin Jews Attribution/ Eyyubi and Distortion overthrew the new Abdulhamid 24.06.2015 Yeni Konya News AA UN slap to the Jews Exaggeration/ article Jew Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

24.06.2015 Milli Gazete Column Prof. Dr. Süleymaniye Jews Exaggeration/ Cevat Akşit lessons / division Attribution/ is the incitement Distortion of Period of Companions and our times 25.06.2015 Kayseri News Şeref End is near Syrians Exaggeration/ Deniz article Kahraman Attribution/ Postası Distortion 25.06.2015 Yeni Konya News AA The Jew Jews Enmity / War article attacked Gaza Discourse again 25.06.2015 Manisa Column Seyfettin Political parties Armenians Enmity / War Hürışık Ayakyay and state’s Discourse policy 25.06.2015 Yurt News Yurt Syrian exposition Syrians Exaggeration/ Gazetesi article Gazetesi peaked Attribution/ Distortion 25.06.2015 Meydan News CİHAN Syrian worker Syrians Exaggeration/ article boom in Attribution/ agriculture Distortion 25.06.2015 Sözcü News Sözcü Be grateful to Armenians, Exaggeration/ article this republic Yazidis, Attribution/ founded by Kurds, Distortion Atatürk! / Muslims, Diversity in the Roma people parliament is the gift of the republic 26.06.2015 Eskişehir News İHA Trouble in date Jews Exaggeration/ Yenigün article palm Attribution/ Distortion 26.06.2015 Vahdet News Enes Zionists are Jews Swearing/ Insult article Babacan grateful to Sisi / Defamation 26.06.2015 Adana 5 Column Halil You deserve hell Greeks Swearing/ Insult Ocak Altıparmak / Defamation 26.06.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete They couldn’t Christians Exaggeration/ article stand for the Attribution/ Ramadan logo Distortion 26.06.2015 Milat Column Selahattin We rock Armenians, Enmity / War Gazetesi Gezer together Christians Discourse 26.06.2015 İstanbul Column Necdet Who uses whom Arabs Swearing/ Insult Gazetesi Buluz in Middle East / Defamation 26.06.2015 Samsun Column Tekin Akın Thought Syrians Exaggeration/ Halk provoking and Attribution/ disquieting Distortion Syrians...


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

26.06.2015 Vahdet Special Yiğit RADAR Jews Exaggeration/ page Doğaner Attribution/ Distortion 26.06.2015 Milat News Milat Syrian architect Syrians Exaggeration/ Gazetesi article Gazetesi arrested Attribution/ Distortion 26.06.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Faruk Beşer Being a judge or Christians, Swearing/ Insult lawyer in a Jews / Defamation secular system 26.06.2015 Konya Column Serdar Your admiration Atheists, Exaggeration/ Hakimiyet Usman of foreigners has Christians Attribution/ no limits Distortion 26.06.2015 Adana 5 News Haber Armenians Armenians Enmity / War Ocak article Merkezi collect Discourse documents in Turkey 26.06.2015 Adana News Adana (İHA) Armenians Armenians Enmity / War Ekspres article collect Discourse information in Turkey 26.06.2015 Ortadoğu News Ortadoğu Armenians Armenians Enmity / War article collect Discourse documents in Turkey 26.06.2015 Yeni Konya News AA “Detention” Jews Exaggeration/ article torment by the Attribution/ Jew continues Distortion 29.06.2015 Akdeniz Column Ercan Arslan Unbearable Alevis, Exaggeration/ Manşet lightness of Armenians, Attribution/ selling escargot! Christians, Distortion Greeks in Turkey, Jews 29.06.2015 Antalya News Antalya Dirty plot of the The British Exaggeration/ Ekspres article Ekspres British Attribution/ Distortion 29.06.2015 Türkiye News İrfan Fire cannot burn Serbians Enmity / War article Özfatura / him Discourse Bosna Hersek 29.06.2015 Ankara Column Duran Impudent ones Armenians Exaggeration/ Anadolu Erdoğan ruling the people Attribution/ Gazetesi Distortion 29.06.2015 Kırıkkale Column Ülkü Kaya Go on my Turkey Christians, Enmity / War Haber Kale Çelik Jews Discourse 29.06.2015 Yeniçağ Column Hasan Demir Eat the Turks, Armenians Exaggeration/ not the dogs Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

29.06.2015 Önce Vatan Column Cumhur 9th President of Christians, Enmity / War Evcil Turkey Greeks in Discourse Süleyman Turkey Demiral passed away 29.06.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmed The only way for Christians, Exaggeration/ Şevket Eygi salvation is the Jews Attribution/ declaration of Distortion Islam 29.06.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mahmut They draw our Christians, Exaggeration/ Toptaş borders with the Jews Attribution/ blood of Distortion Muslims 29.06.2015 Muğla Column Cenap Özsoy Before fixing the Christians, Enmity / War News ground Jews Discourse article 29.06.2015 Konya Column Naciye We are the Armenians, Exaggeration/ Telgraf Görpe citizens of Syrians Attribution/ Republic of Distortion Turkey 29.06.2015 Vatan Special Süleyman Is it right to Germans Exaggeration/ page Ateş tolerate the Attribution/ insults of Distortion Germans and live here? 29.06.2015 Batman Column Şehmus Butchers of Christians, Exaggeration/ Sonsöz Temiz Ramadan Jews Attribution/ Distortion 29.06.2015 Vahdet Column Mustafa Defamation Kurds, Şiiler, Swearing/ Insult Özcan brothers and Jews / Defamation and masters of lies 29.06.2015 Milat Column Seyit Did you say the Christians, Exaggeration/ Gazetesi Mehmet fellowship of Jews Attribution/ Deniz peoples? Distortion 30.06.2015 Diriliş News NEWS Memory of Armenians Enmity / War Postası article ARTİCLE Sarıkamış Discourse MERKEZİ martyrs will in the this center 01.07.2015 Vahdet Special Cübbeli They are Greeks in Enmity / War page Ahmet Hoca directed by the Turkey, Jews Discourse Jew 02.07.2015 Yeni Söz News Yeni Söz British plot to The British Exaggeration/ article Greeks Attribution/ Distortion 02.07.2015 Yeni Akit News Muhammed Madımak: name Atheists Enmity / War article Uzun-Faruk of tormenting Discourse Aslan Muslims


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

02.07.2015 Anayurt News Anayurt They want to Syrians Enmity / War article steal our jobs Discourse 02.07.2015 Aydınlık Column Sabahattin West is done Greeks Enmity / War Önkibar with Chipras, Discourse because… 02.07.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mahmut Thinking Christians, Swearing/ Insult Toptaş “nothing would Jews / Defamation happen to us” 02.07.2015 Günboyu News ANKA Refugees want Syrians Enmity / War article to replace the Discourse shop keepers 02.07.2015 İzmir News Seda Pirate Syrians Syrians Enmity / War Yenigün article Sönmez shaking the Discourse market 02.07.2015 Ortadoğu News CHA Syrians want to Syrians Enmity / War article replace the shop Discourse keepers 02.07.2015 Şok News Şok Syrians want to Syrians Enmity / War article replace the shop Discourse keepers 02.07.2015 Ankara 24 News NEWS Syrians want to Syrians Enmity / War Saat article ARTİCLE replace the shop Discourse MERKEZİ keepers 03.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Şevki Yılmaz Plans with plans! Armenians, Exaggeration/ Christians, Attribution/ Jews Distortion 08.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Mustafa Conquest is Westerners, Enmity / War Çelik made by Quran, Jews Discourse not by blood 09.07.2015 Vahdet Column Burak Yılmaz Atheism and Atheists, Enmity / War congratulation Jews Discourse 09.07.2015 Yeni Akit News Muhammet Turkish slap to Armenians Swearing/ Insult article Kutlu the lying / Defamation Armenian 09.07.2015 Yeniçağ News Yeniçağ Endless British The British, Exaggeration/ article hatred against Greeks Attribution/ Turks Distortion 09.07.2015 Yeni Söz Special Erdal Şimşek Fetullah terrorist Christians, Exaggeration/ page organization’s Jews Attribution/ inspiration Distortion 09.07.2015 Milat News Milat Another British The British Exaggeration/ Gazetesi article Gazetesi plot Attribution/ Distortion 10.07.2015 Takvim Column Bekir Hazar Collar of the Christians, Enmity / War shirt Jews Discourse 10.07.2015 Vahdet News Selim Ercan The Jews Jews Exaggeration/ article support the Attribution/ perversion Distortion 41

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

10.07.2015 Vahdet News Çınar Turkish blow to Armenians Exaggeration/ article Coşkunserçe Armenians in Attribution/ OSCE Distortion 15.07.2015 Antalya News İHA Thief with tents Roma people Exaggeration/ Hilal article are caught Attribution/ Distortion 15.07.2015 Kayseri Star Column Mustafa TURK = ISLAM? Christians, Exaggeration/ Haber Temizer WHAT DOES Jews Attribution/ MEHMET AKİF Distortion SAY? 15.07.2015 Aydınlık Column Rıza Zelyut Arabism or Arabs Exaggeration/ Ramadan? Attribution/ Distortion 15.07.2015 Kent (Kilis) News Kent (Kilis) Syrian thief is Syrians Exaggeration/ article caught Attribution/ Distortion 15.07.2015 Habertürk Column Murat For treating the Jews Exaggeration/ Bardakçı Pasha, first they Attribution/ gave an amulet Distortion and then had him kicked by donkeys 15.07.2015 Kent (Kilis) News Kent (Kilis) Syrian Syrians Exaggeration/ article pickpocket Attribution/ caught on action Distortion 15.07.2015 Diyarbakır Column Mehmet Ali Islam or Armenians Swearing/ Insult Söz Altındağ Islamism? (II) / Defamation 15.07.2015 Gaziantep Column Hakan Yağlı How happy the Arabs, Kurds, Exaggeration/ Pusula one who says I Syrians Attribution/ am a Turk Distortion 15.07.2015 Samsun Column Ali Kayıkçı Gun in one hand Armenians, Swearing/ Insult Denge and vote in the Non-Muslims / Defamation other hand 15.07.2015 Yeni Şafak Column İbrahim You will end up Kurds Enmity / War Karagül under that Discourse threshold 15.07.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Bayram National voice Christians, Exaggeration/ Coşkun rising from The British, Attribution/ Afyon Jews Distortion 15.07.2015 Antalya News İHA Thieves caught Roma people Exaggeration/ Hürses article in the tent Attribution/ hiding Distortion 15.07.2015 Demokrat News Demokrat Thieves with Roma people Exaggeration/ Gebze article Gebze tents arrested in Attribution/ Antalya Distortion 15.07.2015 Konya News İHA Thieves with Roma people Exaggeration/ Rasyonel article tents arrested in Attribution/ Haber Antalya Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

16.07.2015 Sözcü News AA Greeks made it Greeks Exaggeration/ article sunk, Turks Attribution/ saved Distortion 16.07.2015 Habertürk News Sedef Şenkal Swindled with Roma people Exaggeration/ article Demir fake prays, left Attribution/ by her husband Distortion 16.07.2015 Vatan News Mehmet Greeks made it Greeks Exaggeration/ article Yavaş / AA sunk, Turks Attribution/ saved Distortion 16.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Hasan Would AKP and Greeks in Enmity / War Karakaya CHP form a Turkey Discourse coalition? Would it work? 16.07.2015 Milliyet Ege News DHA Greeks makes Greeks Exaggeration/ article them sunk, Attribution/ Turks save Distortion 16.07.2015 Önce Vatan Column Atilla Çilingir Why did we Greeks in Enmity / War come to Cyprus Turkey Discourse on July 20, 1974? 16.07.2015 İstanbul Column Arif Do not abuse Serbians Enmity / War Gazetesi Gündoğdu people’s Discourse sufferings 16.07.2015 Yeni Söz Column Ali Yaşar From Megalo Jews Exaggeration/ Yılmaz Idea to collapse Attribution/ Distortion 16.07.2015 Yeniçağ Column Haydar Srebrenitsa and Serbians Enmity / War Çakmak Western Discourse criterion for morals 16.07.2015 Önce Vatan Column Ata Atun Who bankrupted Greeks Swearing/ Insult Greece? / Defamation 16.07.2015 Yurt News Yurt Confession of a Chechens Exaggeration/ Gazetesi article Gazetesi jihadist Attribution/ Distortion 16.07.2015 Sözcü Column Yılmaz Özdil Ramadan in Arabs, Swearing/ Insult Leros, holiday in Russians, / Defamation Rhodes Syrians 16.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Şaban As the Kurdish Kurds Exaggeration/ Şimşek question losing Attribution/ my tolerance Distortion 20.07.2015 Star Column Sevil USA's Middle The British, Exaggeration/ Nuriyeva East move called Christians, Attribution/ Iran Jews Distortion 20.07.2015 Vahdet Column Mehmet non-religious Atheists Swearing/ Insult Şevket Eygi and religious / Defamation


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

20.07.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet Germans Germans Exaggeration/ article returned to their Attribution/ racist legacy Distortion 20.07.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet Italians go off Italians Swearing/ Insult article their heads / Defamation 20.07.2015 Star Column Ahmet Dependent Arabs Swearing/ Insult Hamdi Çamlı mentality wants / Defamation a dependent slave state, 21.07.2015 Vahdet News Muhammed Baby killers / Greeks in Enmity / War article Erdoğan GREEKS IN Turkey Discourse TURKEY TOOK IT OUT ON ‘SELCEN’ 21.07.2015 Vahdet Column Kerime Yıldız A moment of Armenians Swearing/ Insult delay / Defamation 21.07.2015 Konya Yeni News Adem Serin Are you sure Syrians Enmity / War Meram article these are the Discourse guests? / Unrest in Syrian neighbothood 22.07.2015 Ortadoğu Column Şükrü If you sow hate, Armenians Exaggeration/ Alnıaçık you reap Attribution/ violence Distortion 24.07.2015 Vahdet Column Mehmet Are Sunni Kurds Armenians, Exaggeration/ Şevket Eygi forced to leave Yazidis, Jews, Attribution/ some places? Zoroastrians Distortion 24.07.2015 Vahdet Column Nusret Çiçek Esed in Syria, Greeks Swearing/ Insult ISIS in Turkey / Defamation 24.07.2015 Yeni Akit News İsmail Uğur Cyrpto- Armenians Exaggeration/ article Armenians use Attribution/ Distortion 24.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Yeni Akit Intelligence Armenians Exaggeration/ power of Attribution/ Abdulhamid Distortion 24.07.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Yusuf Kaplan Mind games of The British Exaggeration/ malevolent Attribution/ powers can only Distortion be foiled by the Turks 26.07.2015 Yeni Akit News Yeni Akit No humanity in Christians Enmity / War article crusader Discourse mentality 27.07.2015 Anayurt News AA Memorial for Armenians, Exaggeration/ article martyr Turkish Christians Attribution/ diplomats Distortion 27.07.2015 Hürriyet News Orhan Uzun A Syrian like a Syrians Enmity / War article bomb Discourse


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

27.07.2015 Akdeniz Column Ahmet Warning about Syrians Enmity / War Beyaz Dökdök Syrians Discourse 27.07.2015 Güneş News Güneş Insolent German Germans Swearing/ Insult article / Defamation 27.07.2015 Bursa Kent Column Orhan Çelik Result of Armenians, Swearing/ Insult election is tear Jews / Defamation and blood 27.07.2015 Milat Column Saim Mind your steps Jews Enmity / War Gazetesi Kayadibi Discourse 27.07.2015 Konya Column Dursun Seyis PKK - ISIS and Armenians, Enmity / War Hakimiyet INITIATION Greeks in Discourse Turkey 27.07.2015 Yeni Konya News AA Know your Jews Enmity / War article place, Jew Discourse 27.07.2015 Yeni Konya News AA Jewish violence Jews Enmity / War article in Al-Aqsa Discourse Mosque 28.07.2015 Kayseri Star Column Ahmet What happened Armenians, Swearing/ Insult News Sıvacı to that spring The British / Defamation article that was supposed to come to my country? (1) 28.07.2015 Yeni Konya News AA The Jew killed Jews Exaggeration/ article Attribution/ Distortion 28.07.2015 Yeniçağ Column Şuayip Who is Armenians Exaggeration/ Özcan terrorists? Attribution/ Distortion 29.07.2015 Millet News Millet Syrian father Syrians Exaggeration/ article spread terror Attribution/ Distortion 31.07.2015 Yeni Akit Special Halis The one who Kurds, Swearing/ Insult page Arlıoğlu supports Zoroastrians / Defamation terrorism is a terrorist and the one who supports a non- believer is a non- believer 31.07.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Murat Çabas The Great Israel Jews Exaggeration/ is built with the Attribution/ help of Turkey Distortion 31.07.2015 Gaziantep News Gaziantep “Syrian” Syrians Exaggeration/ Olay article Olay usurpers cannot Attribution/ run away Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

31.07.2015 Gaziantep News İHA Syrian usurpers Syrians Exaggeration/ Denge article are detained Attribution/ Distortion 31.07.2015 Gaziantep News Gaziantep Syrian usurpers Syrians Exaggeration/ Güncel article Güncel are detained Attribution/ Distortion 31.07.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Yusuf Kaplan Turkey’s great The British, Enmity / War Ottoman slap to Jews Discourse the British 31.07.2015 Diyarbakır Column Mehmet Ali Plot within the Armenians, Exaggeration/ Söz Altındağ plot (V) Christians, Attribution/ Jews Distortion 31.07.2015 Gaziantep News İHA Syrian usurpers Syrians Exaggeration/ Oluşum article are detained Attribution/ Distortion 03.08.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Bayram Great invasion, Syrians Exaggeration/ Coşkun great cost Attribution/ Distortion 03.08.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Bayram Sunni rage Christians, Exaggeration/ Coşkun Jews Attribution/ Distortion 04.08.2015 Ortadoğu Column Ali Öncü What kind of a Syrians Swearing/ Insult refugee is this? / Defamation 04.08.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmet As soon as the Armenians, Enmity / War Şevket Eygi war against PKK Kurds, Jews, Discourse is over Zoroastrians 04.08.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete Israel is the real Jews Enmity / War article criminal Discourse 04.08.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Gülden Who is the real Non-Muslims Exaggeration/ Topçu Muslim? Attribution/ Distortion 04.08.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Murat Çabas Jewish Barzani Jews Exaggeration/ and Great Israel Attribution/ mission Distortion 06.08.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmet Two faces of Armenians, Enmity / War Şevket Eygi Turkish regime Kurds, Jews Discourse 06.08.2015 Ortadoğu Column Bahadır Law should be Armenians Enmity / War Çoban implemented Discourse 07.08.2015 Milat Column Selahattin They made Armenians Enmity / War Gazetesi Gezer blood run from Discourse the faucets 07.08.2015 Aydınlık Column Sabahattin Armenian-Greek Armenians, Enmity / War Önkibar plot along the Kurds, Discourse ways to plateaus Greeks in Turkey


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

07.08.2015 Milli Gazete Special Milli Gazete Their aim is not Armenians Enmity / War page to protect the Discourse Kurds / This is the second round of Sevres power; the power of Great Israel 07.08.2015 Takvim Column Bekir Hazar Erosion Christians, Enmity / War operation Jews Discourse 07.08.2015 Vahdet Column Mustafa Fighters of hate Americans, Enmity / War Özcan The British, Discourse Kurds, Jews 07.08.2015 Yeni Akit Column Hüseyin For the ones Christians Exaggeration/ Öztürk who have Attribution/ foresight and Distortion understanding 07.08.2015 Yeniçağ News Salim Same mentality The British Exaggeration/ article Yavaşoğlu for ages / same Attribution/ old plot of the Distortion co-conspirators 07.08.2015 Yeni Akit Special Yeni Akit Regime in Armenians, Enmity / War page Turkey is like a Kurds, Jews Discourse coin with Kemalism on the one side and political Islam on the other side 10.08.2015 Star Column Ahmet Hodjas going Atheists Exaggeration/ Hamdi Çamlı into circulation Attribution/ Distortion 10.08.2015 Takvim Column Bülent Great plot Christians, Exaggeration/ Erandaç The British, Attribution/ Jews Distortion 10.08.2015 Vahdet Special Cübbeli Our army is the Armenians Swearing/ Insult page Ahmet Hoca home of the / Defamation prophet/ May Allah give revelation to our generals! 11.08.2015 Anayurt Column Orhan Selen Plot for Arabs, The Exaggeration/ destroying British, Attribution/ Turkey Syrians Distortion 11.08.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete Israel broke up a Jews Enmity / War article family once Discourse again


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

11.08.2015 Vahdet News Cihan Özkan Armenians Armenians Exaggeration/ article attacked young Attribution/ Turks Distortion 11.08.2015 Vahdet News NEWS Anzac treachery ANZAC Swearing/ Insult article ARTİCLE / Defamation MERKEZİ 11.08.2015 İstanbul News İstanbul Syrians brothers Syrians Exaggeration/ Gazetesi article Gazetesi caught on action Attribution/ Distortion 11.08.2015 Ortadoğu Column Şükrü Death of Turkish Armenians Enmity / War Alnıaçık folks songs Discourse 11.08.2015 Cumhuriyet Column Mustafa Syria tourism Syrians Exaggeration/ Balbay Attribution/ Distortion 12.08.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmet Where are we Armenians, Enmity / War Şevket Eygi heading to? Kurds, Jews Discourse 12.08.2015 Milli Gazete Column İsmail Hakkı If we really want Christians, Enmity / War Akkiraz to end terrorism Jews Discourse 12.08.2015 Önce Vatan Column Özcan Martyrs are Albanians, Exaggeration/ Pehlivanlıoğl dying! Bulgarians, Attribution/ u Armenians, Distortion Christians, Kurds, Macedonian s, Greeks in Turkey, Serbians 12.08.2015 Takvim News Takvim Soros got the US Jews Exaggeration/ article into trouble / Attribution/ SOROS RebelIion Distortion 13.08.2015 Takvim Column Bekir Hazar Head of the Christians, Enmity / War snake The British, Discourse Jews 13.08.2015 Takvim News Takvim Grudge of the The British Exaggeration/ article British Attribution/ Distortion 13.08.2015 Vahdet Column Nusret Çiçek Kemal Karanfil Armenians, Enmity / War Yazidis, Discourse Christians, Jews 13.08.2015 Vahdet Special Cübbeli Peace Armenians, Enmity / War page Ahmet Hoca negotiation Christians, Discourse nonsense made The British, them stronger Serbians, Jews 13.08.2015 Yeni Akit Column Mustafa Treason after Armenians, Exaggeration/ Akgün treason The British, Attribution/ Jews Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

14.08.2015 Aydınlık Column Rıza Zelyüt Proselyte Şevki Armenians, Swearing/ Insult cannot criticize Kurds, / Defamation Atatürk Greeks in Turkey 14.08.2015 Sözcü News Ankara - 7.000 Syrians Syrians Exaggeration/ article Sözcü got involved in Attribution/ crime Distortion 14.08.2015 Milli Gazete News Taylan Neighbor, send Greeks Exaggeration/ article Yıldırım/DH them back, but Attribution/ A not sink them / Distortion Greeks made them sink fishermen saved 14.08.2015 Vahdet News Selim Ercan Anatolian Alevis Armenians Enmity / War article cannot be Discourse terrorists 14.08.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet PKK is a project Jews Enmity / War article of the Jew for Discourse destroying Kurds 14.08.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet Another attack Jews Enmity / War article by Jewish Discourse terrorists 14.Ağu.15 Korkusuz News Taylan Greeks left them Greeks Enmity / War article Yıldırım/DH to die in the sea Discourse A 14.Ağu.15 Sözcü News Taylan Greeks left them Greeks Enmity / War article Yıldırım/DH to die in the sea, Discourse A Turkish fisherman saved 14.Ağu.15 Star News Star Greeks made Greeks Enmity / War article them sink, Turks Discourse saved 14.Ağu.15 Türkiye News Türkiye Greeks made Greeks Enmity / War article them sink, we Discourse saved 14.Ağu.15 Yeni Asır News Yeni Asır Greek coast Greeks Exaggeration/ article guard were Attribution/ about kill 58 Distortion 14.Ağu.15 Yeniçağ News Yeniçağ The Greeks Greeks Enmity / War article made a refugee Discourse boat sink 14.Ağu.15 Yeni Mesaj News İHA Greek soldiers Greeks Enmity / War article spread terror Discourse 14.Ağu.15 Yeni Şafak News Yeni Şafak Greek police Greeks Exaggeration/ article made them sink, Attribution/ Turkey saved Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

17.08.2015 Ankara Column Duran My concerns Kurds Enmity / War Anadolu Erdoğan about MHP Discourse Gazetesi 17.08.2015 Star News Star German support Germans Exaggeration/ article to terrorism Attribution/ Distortion 17.08.2015 Yeni Akit News AA Atheist PKK used Atheists Exaggeration/ article a mosque as an Attribution/ armory Distortion 17.08.2015 Yeni Akit Column Ali To religious Armenians, Enmity / War Sandıkçıoğlu officials working Jews Discourse in the east and southeast 17.08.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete İsrael’s Jews Enmity / War article massacres Discourse continue 17.08.2015 Kırşehir Column Sefer Aşır An issue of Armenians, Enmity / War Çiğdem Eraslan honor Greeks in Discourse Turkey, Jews 17.08.2015 Konya News AA Jewish settler Jews Exaggeration/ Memleket article torment Attribution/ continues Distortion 17.08.2015 Yeni Adana News İHA Scammed by the Syrians Exaggeration/ article promise of Attribution/ marriage Distortion 17.08.2015 Yeni Konya Special Yeni Konya Cannot keep Armenians Exaggeration/ page watch without Attribution/ religious Distortion ablutions 17.08.2015 Yeni Adana Special Cumali Mourning of the Armenians Exaggeration/ page Karataş century Attribution/ Sarıkamış -17 Distortion 17.08.2015 Yeni Konya News AA Jewish settler hit Jews Exaggeration/ article a Palestinian kid Attribution/ Distortion 17.08.2015 Yeni Akit Column Ali İhsan Both treating Atheists Exaggeration/ Karahasano the terrorist like Attribution/ ğlu that and calling Distortion him honorable are wrong 17.08.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmet Cost of leaving The French, Exaggeration/ Talu Haj without an Christians, Attribution/ excuse The British, Distortion Italians, Jews 17.08.2015 Şok News Şok Syrian woman’s Syrians Exaggeration/ article scam with the Attribution/ promise of Distortion marriage


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

17.08.2015 Vahdet Column Asım Autonomous Kurds Exaggeration/ YeniNews canton of Attribution/ article ditches Distortion mahlasıyla 17.08.2015 Adana News İHA Scammed by the Syrians Exaggeration/ Güney article promise of Attribution/ Haber marriage Distortion 17.08.2015 Yeni Asya Special Şükrü Bulut An organization Jews Exaggeration/ page called ISIS Attribution/ Distortion 18.08.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete Jewish terrorists Jews Enmity / War article attacked the Discourse tent 18.08.2015 Önce Vatan Column Atilla Çilingir You don’t exist, Greeks in Enmity / War if you don’t have Turkey, Discourse a homeland Greeks 19.08.2015 Vahdet News NEWS Yoga class by Atheists Exaggeration/ article ARTİCLE Atheists/ Yoga Attribution/ MERKEZİ trap to Muslims Distortion 19.08.2015 Vahdet News NEWS Their purpose is Armenians, Exaggeration/ article ARTİCLE different / Şalon Jews Attribution/ MERKEZİ and Agos don’t Distortion care 19.08.2015 Vahdet Special Cübbeli Our security Armenians, Enmity / War page Ahmet Hoca forces are Jews Discourse fighting against heretics 20.08.2015 Ankara Column Duran I began to swear Armenians, Enmity / War Anadolu Erdoğan Greeks in Discourse Gazetesi Turkey, Jews 20.08.2015 Milli Gazete Column Mehmet Hidden Jews and Armenians, Enmity / War Şevket Eygi crusaders Christians, Discourse among us Jews 21.08.2015 Ankara News İHA Syrian scams at Syrians Exaggeration/ Anadolu article work Attribution/ Gazetesi Distortion 21.08.2015 Vahdet Column Nusret Çiçek Supreme Armenians Enmity / War Electoral Board Discourse says they are ready for election, but... 21.08.2015 Hürriyet News Erdem Now, Arabs are Arabs Exaggeration/ article Özcan/DHA stealing Attribution/ Distortion 24.08.2015 Vahdet News News Desk Greek torment Greeks Enmity / War article to refugees Discourse 25.08.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete 5 intruder Armenians Enmity / War article Armenians killed Discourse 51

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25.08.2015 Vahdet Column Mustafa Overcoming the Christians, Enmity / War Özcan honor by Kurds Discourse fighting side by side! 25.08.2015 Yeni Akit Special İsmi Mahfuz Because of the Kurds Enmity / War page mahlasıyla idiots among us Discourse 25.08.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Mehmet War is in the Christians Enmity / War Emin Koç nature of the Discourse west 26.08.2015 Adana 5 News İHA Citizen’s Armenians, Exaggeration/ Ocak article reaction against Jews Attribution/ PKK: worse will Distortion come for you 26.08.2015 Habertürk News Muhammet Armenian flag to Armenians Enmity / War article Erdoğan Ağrı and Nemrut Discourse 26.08.2015 Tokat Column Mustafa Holding an early Jews Enmity / War Haber Yolcu election Discourse 26.08.2015 Yeni Alanya News Yeni Alanya Syrians stole car Syrians Exaggeration/ article and money Attribution/ Distortion 26.08.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Murat Çabas Barzani-İsrael Jews Exaggeration/ alliance Attribution/ Distortion 26.08.2015 Kocaeli Column Hakan Referee... Jews Exaggeration/ Yağcıoğlu Attribution/ Distortion 26.08.2015 Kayseri Star Special Ahmet Do you know Jews Enmity / War News page Sıvacı that Mossad was Discourse article established in Istanbul? 26.08.2015 Milat Special Erdal Şimşek Russians forced Armenians, Enmity / War Gazetesi page Armenians to Russians Discourse migrate 26.08.2015 Yeni Mesaj Column Mehmet Successors of Christians, Exaggeration/ Emin Koç Islamists with The British, Attribution/ machetes Jews Distortion 26.08.2015 Yeniçağ Column Hasan Demir Same old Armenians, Enmity / War treasons Greeks in Discourse Turkey 26.08.2015 Ankara Column Mustafa Overcoming the Christians, Enmity / War Haber Özcan honor by Kurds Discourse Vaktim fighting side by side! 26.08.2015 Adana News Adana (İHA) Citizens reacted Armenians, Exaggeration/ İlkhaber article against the PKK Jews Attribution/ supporter Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

27.08.2015 Vahdet Special Cübbeli PKK is a Jewish Jews Enmity / War page Ahmet Hoca project / PKK is a Discourse Jewish project for destroying the Kurds 28.08.2015 Vahdet Special Cübbeli There is no Armenians, Swearing/ Insult page Ahmet Hoca Kurdish Non- / Defamation question, but a Muslims, giaour problem Jews 28.08.2015 Akşam News Akşam PKK plot of the The British Exaggeration/ article British Attribution/ Distortion 28.08.2015 Milli Gazete Column Burhan reason for the The British, Enmity / War Bozgeyik miserable Jews Discourse situation (1) 28.08.2015 Sabah Column Sırrıberk We would make Armenians, Enmity / War Güney eki Arslan history again, if Jews Discourse necessary 28.08.2015 Milli Gazete News Milli Gazete Claim of the The British Exaggeration/ article British: "Young Attribution/ Kurds join the Distortion fight" 28.08.2015 Takvim News Abidin Yel, British terrorism The British Enmity / War article Hüseyin Discourse Kaçar, Musa Düzenci, Barış Arslan 31.08.2015 Milat Column Seyit Now, they call us Armenians, Enmity / War Gazetesi Mehmet dos Christians, Discourse Deniz Jews 31.08.2015 Milli Gazete Column Burhan Reason for the Atheists, Enmity / War Bozgeyik miserable Christians, Discourse situation i (2) Hindus, The We forgot that British, Jews we are brothers and sisters 31.08.2015 Sözcü News Saygı Öztürk An agony in our Greeks Enmity / War article victory day / Discourse Atatürk took it, AKP gave it back


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Swearing / Insult / Defamation

Title: A century-old events Newspaper: Manisa Hürışık Date: 06.05.2015 Type: Column Author: Cüneyt Aybey Targeted group: the French

Cüneyt Aybey opens his column by stating that some important events took place in 2015 and notes that 2015 is “very important for us”, since it is the centennial. The author contributes to language of conflict by establishing a difference between “us and them” and assumes that all the readers belong to this “us” in his mind. Aiming to discuss who should really apologize in his column, Aybey uses countries as examples. When it comes to France, Aybey defines the French as an “inglorious, heartless and cruel”, including all French citizens. Thus, by associating the results of state/government politics with a nation and labeling all people with that nationality as “inglorious, heartless and cruel”, he generates hate speech. Though it is possible to discuss the same arguments more rationally and with a different language, he facilitates the incitement of hatred among peoples with his provocative voice dominant in the column.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Swearing / Insult / Defamation

Title: Turkish slap to lying Armenian Newspaper: Yeni Akit Date: 09.07.2015 Type: News article Author: Muhammet Kutlu Targeted group: Armenians

The article is written in a way that approves violence and conflict starting from its title. Furthermore, the title generates hate speech by defining a nation as “liar”. Considering the content of the article reporting that “The Chair of Turkish National Assembly Foreign Affair Committee and AKP Istanbul MP Ahmet Berat Çonkar stated that Armenian delegation wanted to add the word ‘genocide’ to the resolution text in the meeting of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, but this request is refused thanks to the efforts of Turkish delegation”, we see that Çonkar’s statement doesn’t contain any expression that labels or targets Armenians. However, reporter and/or newspaper added their interpretations of Çonkar’s statement to the title and some subtitles (for instance, the request by the Armenian delegation is presented as a plot that should be foiled) and designed an article that incites enmity among peoples.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Swearing / Insult / Defamation

Title: Who uses whom in Middle East Newspaper: İstanbul Gazetesi Date: 26.06.2015 Type: Column Author: Necdet Buluz Targeted group: Arabs

The main theme of the columns is the idea that people running away from the civil war in Syria is a part of the “plot for weakening Turkey”. However, the column is included in the report, because it defines Arabs as “traitors” at the beginning, thus circulating an expression that strengthens the prejudices against Arabs.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Swearing / Insult / Defamation

Title: Italians went nuts Newspaper: Vahdet Date: 20.07.2015 Type: News article Author: not specified Targeted group: Italians

This article by Vahdet newspaper reports the developments concerning a parliamentary resolution in Italy, which includes cultivating cannabis in houses. An identity based on nationality is insulted with the title and hate speech based on insult is generated against Italians.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Swearing / Insult / Defamation

Title: Anzac treachery! Newspaper: Vahdet Date: 11.08.2015 Type: News article Author: News desk Targeted group: the Anzac

“Anzac”, which is the abbreviation of Australian and New Zealand Army Corps under British Army that fought in Turkey during World War I, is used for referring to Australians and New Zealanders today in Turkey. In this article, hate speech is generated against the identity defined above with words like “treacherous”, “giaour” etc. because of an Australian politician’s actions. In other words, negative connotations of the word “Anzac” in the memory of the society are strengthened through an Australian politician.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Enmity / War Discourse

Title: “Turkish nation did what was necessary at the time” -1 Newspaper: Anayurt Date: 07.05.2015 Type: Column Author: Fuat Yılmazer Targeted group: Armenians

In this column, which is about the 100th anniversary of 1915, Yılmazer disapproves authorities’ moderate statements and efforts for establishing dialog by referring them as “saddening”, “eclipse of reason” etc. He states that without the deportation decision “Turks would not have let Armenians to further their violent activities and then no Armenian might have survived.” Thus, the author poses a threat that might have effects on the present day based on a tragic event happened in the past and circulates a dangerous war discourse targeting Armenians. He also incites enmity between peoples.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Enmity / War Discourse

Title: Tension over Syrians in Başakşehir Newspaper: Habertürk Date: 11.05.2015 Type: News article Author: Müslüm Sarıyar Targeted group: Syrians

This article published in Habertürk newspaper goes beyond associating Syrians with theft and beggary, which is a common attitude in press, and uses a language that justifies violence against Syrians. When we read the article, we see that a group of people set a home on fire where a group of people stays; there is an obvious attempt on life, an act of violence beyond hate speech. In the summary on the front page, it is stated that “a fight with sticks and stones erupted after a Syrian stabbed a neighborhood resident”; in the caption of the image on 14th page, it is stated that “the incident caused by a Syrian stabbing a neighborhood resident”; and in the article, it is stated that “a neighborhood resident is stabbed by a Syrian.” So, a Syrian’s alleged act is presented as the cause of the incident three times, establishing a causal relation that justifies the act of violence. The article continues with the accounts of “neighborhood residents”, which report claims about the disturbance caused by Syrians. However, Syrians’ point of view is not included in the article. Furthermore, the article ignores the social context and doesn’t say anything about why Syrians are in Turkey, in Istanbul and in that neighborhood, which is an instance of clash-oriented journalism. Though reporting an existing social problem is a journalistic activity, a one-sided approach escalates the social polarization and generates dangerous hate speech that might lead to violence against a group that is already fragile.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Enmity / War Discourse

Title: Single Syrians riot Newspaper: Milliyet Date: 11.05.2015 Type: News article Author: Damla Güner Targeted group: Syrians

The article in Milliyet, unlike Habertürk, does mention the reason why Syrians are in Turkey by referring them as “Syrians running away from the war, but it facilitates the justification of an act of violence by repeating the abuse allegations three times and the fact that Syrians are “single” two times. In the article, the information on stabbing is reported as “A reportedly Syrian person is hospitalized after being stabbed”. This information leads to some suspicions whether the Syrian is the victim or the perpetrator, which makes this article published in mainstream media as an instance of poor journalism. It is also seen that Syrians’ point of view is not included, the claims of one side are reported as the absolute truth and those claims are reported with verbs like “state”, “say” instead of verbs like “claim”, “assert” that might imply the partiality of the account.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion

Title: Be grateful to this republic founded by Atatürk! / Diversity in the parliament is the gift of the republic Newspaper: Sözcü Date: 25.06.2015 Type: News article Author: not specified Targeted group: Armenians, Yazidis, Kurds, Muslims, Roma people

This headline article published in Sözcü deals with the religious and ethnic identities of the MPs who are elected to the Turkish parliament in the election on June 7 and put all the people sharing the same identity with those MPs in a position of a “minority that should be grateful”. The article emphasizes the religious and ethnic identities and warns the MPs to be grateful, since they are given those seats “despite” their identities. Using capital letters and exclamation point, repeatedly defining Dilek Öcalan as “the niece of Apo, the murderer of 30.000 people” and “the Kurdish MP”, using an expression like “doesn’t matter if you carry the banner of religionists or if you belong to a minority” attribute negative meanings to the identities in question in the name of praising the republic and make the fragile groups in the society even more fragile. MP Ravza Kavakçı is defined as “Islamist”, “political Islamist” and she is a woman covering herself in accordance with Islam. Using Kavakçı as an example to an “Islamist” in the parliament instead of any other MP from the same party aims to target all people that have the same belief with Kavakçı.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion

Title: No end of catching them Newspaper: Ortadoğu Date: 29.05.2015 Type: News article Author: not specified Targeted group: Afghans, Syrians

The article reports that people trying to go abroad illegally are rescued from a damaged boat by the coast guard as part of an operation in Aegean and human traffickers are caught. Dealing with an important issue, the newspaper degrades the people in question into “preys” and define them as “beings supposed to be ended”.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion

Title: Churches to be built on Turkish territory11 Newspaper: Yeni Mesaj Date: 02.06.2015 Type: News article Author: not specified (Yeni Mesaj/Nicosia) Targeted group: Greeks in Turkey

The article reports the developments in the negotiations between Turkish and Greek sides of Cyprus and states that the opposition party in the Greek side and Greek media discuss the financial cost of establishing a federation with two societies. The article summarizes what will happen in case both sides agree on holding a referendum for finding a solution as follows: “The lands on which Turks live will be given to Greek and churches will be built there.” Furthermore, Greek Politis newspaper’s comments on the issue are given under title of “Greeks aims to seize the properties of Turks.” The comment in question reads: “Let’s consider the financial problems that emerge right after the solution. With the approval of exchange and resettlement agreement, Cypriot Turks will have to evacuate Greek properties and new sites should be built for them to settle in. And Greek properties should be renovated in order that Greek can return and live in them. Then, infrastructure works like roads, sewage systems, water and electric network should be carried out. New schools and churches should be built.” On the other hand, Politis also states that “Similar works should be carried out by Greek administration for Cypriot Turks who will choose to return to the southern Cyprus.” Though Yeni Mesaj also cites this comment, it totally ignores it. Thus, by highlighting certain parts of Politis’ report, it is implied that Greeks wants the lands and properties of Turks and Greeks are targeted.

11 The explanation of this examples is taken from 69

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Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


128 items, which consist of 109 items that were not included in the first part since different groups (women, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex / LGBTI12) are targeted and 19 articles that were already analyzed in the first part on the basis of the other targeted group in the item, were analyzed in terms of the discourse used. As seen below, both LGBTIs and women are targeted in 7 of these articles, thus the total number of items is 135, when the groups are dealt with separately.



13 4



The increase in the number of items targeting LGBTI individuals is caused by the Pride March that is held in Taksim every year on last Sunday of June. In previous years, Pride March was held without any trouble. However, its coincidence with Ramadan, which is an important month for Muslims, police attack with teargas and water cannons, combined with the general social and political atmosphere in the country, lead newspapers to cover the march more broadly this year. In addition, some newspapers covered the issue in reference to HDP’s putting a LGBTI individual in for the parliamentary election. Any support of HDP and CHP to the issues related to LGBTI is used for discrediting those parties by various publications.

Apart from Bülent Arınç’s response to HDP MP Nursel Gürsel in the parliament (“Be a woman and shut up”), there was no certain development that increased hate speech against women. Women have been subjected to hate speech on the basis of the values attributed to women, social/moral norms and acting appropriately in accordance with such values and norms.

83 (64.8%) out of 128 items analyzed under “Other disadvantaged groups” category targeted only LGBTI individuals. When other articles that targeted them along with other groups added, the number rises to 103 items (76.2%) out of 135. Hate speech only against women is found 21 times

12 Although the analyzed articles still use the word “transvestite”, we have preferred to use the acronym LGBTI for all articles, since the articles use the word falsely. In these articles, transgender individuals were meant by “transvestite”. Transvestism involves the enjoyment of cross-dressing and behaving as members of the opposite sex, whereas transgender individuals define themselves as a member of the opposite sex, whether or not they had a sex change operation. 71

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

(16.4%) in the analyzed period and when the articles targeting multiple groups added, this number rises to 32 in 135 items (23.7% of all items).

Graph 15

LGBTİ ve Kadınlara Yönelik Nefret Söylemi


%76 LGBTİ Kadın

There were 45 news articles, 68 columns and 15 articles included in the ‘Other’ (archive, special page, editorial) category among 128 publications that were determined to contain hate speech. We see that the number of columns and news articles are relatively closer in this period. As we mentioned in the previous part, although this is an unfavorable development in terms of journalism, it may also be regarded as a positive element since the ways for intervention is increased as well.

8 of the articles were published with reporter’s name. It is seen that 18 articles (40%) out of 45 were published with reference to the source. Like in the previous period, Vahdet is the with the highest number of items generating hate speech against LGBTIs and women with 29 items and Milli Gazete ranked second with 24 items. Yeni Akit follows them with 17 items generating hate speech against LGBTIs and women in the national media. In local media, 24 items were found in 19 publications (in the previous period, only a single item was found). The complete list of the newspapers that generated hate speech against women and LGBTIs with less than 10 items is as follows:


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Milat 8 Diriliş Postası 5 Yeni Söz 3 Ortadoğu 3 Yeniçağ 2 Türkiye 2 Şok 2 Yeni Şafak 2 Aydınlık 2 Milliyet 1 Sözcü 1 Star 1 Vatan 1 Zaman 1

Apart from Diyarbakır Haber that generated hate speech LGBTIs and women in 4 articles and Ankara Haber Vaktim that generated hate speech in 3 articles, 17 publications13 generated hate speech with one item.

13 Adana Günlük, Ankara Anadolu Gazetesi, Ankara Haber Vaktim, Antalya Gündem, Çanakkale Kalem, Çorum Kent Haber, Denizli Deha 20, Diyarbakır Haber, Diyarbakır Özgür Haber, Diyarbakır Söz, Eskişehir Sakarya, Gazete İstanbul, Gerçek Medya, Kayseri Gündem, Konya Hakimiyet, Özgür Kocaeli, Samsun Denge, Yeni Konya, Dokuz Sütun. 73

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Date Newspaper Type Author Title Targeted Category Group(s) 01.05.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet They made martyrs turn over LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article in their graves / Homosexual Defamation discussion session in the mosque 04.05.2015 Vahdet Column Mehmet Muslim ladies Women Exaggeration/ Şevket Eygi Attribution/ Distortion 06.05.2015 Vahdet News KÜLTÜR Perversion all around LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article SERVİSİ Defamation 06.05.2015 Diyarbakır Column Eyüphan Kaya He was Selahaddin, this one LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Haber is Salahattin Defamation 08.05.2015 Zaman Special Zaman A golden generation doesn’t Women Exaggeration/ page use excuses / great virtue of Attribution/ mothers Distortion 08.05.2015 Milli Column Abdülkadir The real problem is to be Women Swearing/ Insult / Gazete Özkan trapped between east and Defamation west 11.05.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet State-backed perversion LGBTI article 11.05.2015 Vahdet Special Yiğit Doğaner Mothers, please return to Women Exaggeration/ page your homes Attribution/ Distortion 11.05.2015 Türkiye Column Ömer Advices from men Women Swearing/ Insult / Söztutan Defamation 12.05.2015 Milli Column Şakir Tarım You can knock a door at most LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete 3 times Defamation 13.05.2015 Ankara News Ankara Haber A shock to homosexual LGBTI Haber article Vaktim designer! Vaktim 13.05.2015 Diriliş Column Selahaddin E. Forgetting the reality while LGBTI Exaggeration/ Postası Çakırgil seeking for the ideal Attribution/ Distortion 13.05.2015 Şok News Şok Be spoiled first! Women Swearing/ Insult / article Defamation 13.05.2015 Ortadoğu Column Şükrü Alnıaçık Watch dogs of the palace! Women Swearing/ Insult / Defamation 14.05.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete Pervert prime minister is LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article getting married Defamation 15.05.2015 Diyarbakır Column Eyüphan Kaya Shame on you TÜSEV! LGBTI, Swearing/ Insult / Haber Women Defamation 19.05.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete Church’s approval to LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article perverted marriage Defamation 19.05.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet Perverted march in the public LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article university Defamation

21.05.2015 Yeni Akit News Serdar HDP is eroding day by day LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Arseven- Defamation Mehmet Aytekin 25.05.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Hikmet Genç Vote for HDP LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Defamation 26.05.2015 Yeni Akit News Haber Merkezi HDP embraced the homos LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Defamation 26.05.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete Europe is the contemporary LGBTI Enmity / War Gazete article Lot Discourse


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

26.05.2015 Yeni Akit Special Yeni Akit Perverts demanding LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / page homosexual marriage will Defamation vote for AKP 26.05.2015 Diyarbakır Column Eyüphan Kaya Don’t humiliate HDP LGBTI, Swearing/ Insult / Haber Women Defamation 26.05.2015 Yeni Akit Column Hasan Will you walk on Sirat with LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Karakaya Audis and homomobiles? Defamation

26.05.2015 Yeni Akit News Serdar We are ashamed of Demirtaş LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Arseven / Defamation Mehmet Aytekin 27.05.2015 Yeni Akit News Hüseyin Support to homos by CHP LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Kulaoğlu and HDP Defamation 27.05.2015 Yeni Akit Column Ali İhsan Would night namaz make LGBTI Enmity / War Karahasanoğlu voting for a homosexual Discourse forgotten? 27.05.2015 Milat Column Seyit Mehmet Selocan’s hero Robin is a LGBTI, Swearing/ Insult / Gazetesi Deniz bandit Women Defamation 27.05.2015 Aydınlık Column Rıza Zelyut He was an enemy of Ottoman LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Turks Defamation 27.05.2015 Milli Column Mahmut We try to keep clean in dirt LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete Toptaş Defamation 28.05.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete Vatican chops and changes LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article Defamation 29.05.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete The church opened its doors LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article to perversion Defamation 29.05.2015 Yeni Söz Column Ömer Evsen Transsexual and gay LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / candidates Defamation 29.05.2015 Vahdet News Muhammet They are worse than the LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Erdoğan Russian Defamation 29.05.2015 Gerçek Column İsmail Hadiths about the signs of Women Exaggeration/ Medya Hünerlice the doomsday Attribution/ Distortion 31.05.2015 Eskişehir Column Hakkı Sağlam Nothing LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Sakarya Defamation 01.06.2015 Denizli Column Atilla Sezener Sanity goes away with anger Women Swearing/ Insult / Deha 20 Defamation 02.06.2015 Vahdet Column İsmail Aybey Working Women Syndrome Women ns göremiyorum ben burada 02.06.2015 Milat News Özlem Doğan They want Kurdish votes for a LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazetesi article homosexual Defamation 03.06.2015 Vahdet Column Nusret Çiçek Let’s assume today is June 7 Women Swearing/ Insult / Defamation 03.06.2015 Vahdet News Haber Merkezi Stop this disgrace LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Defamation 04.06.2015 Şok News Şok These women would turn you Women Exaggeration/ article into a killer! Attribution/ Distortion 04.06.2015 Milli Column Meryem Nida ONE MINUTE-2 LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete Defamation 04.06.2015 Yeni Söz Column Zihni Çakır Nationalists will vote with LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / this picture Defamation 05.06.2015 Vahdet Special Vahdet Nudity will destroy Women Exaggeration/ page faithfulness Attribution/ Distortion 05.06.2015 Milat Column Ramazan Sexuality mania Women Swearing/ Insult / Gazetesi Kayan Defamation 05.06.2015 Çanakkale Column vildan abla Some likes Syrians Women Exaggeration/ Kalem Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

05.06.2015 Diyarbakır Column Mehmet Zeki Is this people the Lot? LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Haber Özer Defamation 05.06.2015 Ortadoğu Column Fikri Atılbaz Liars of the world of lies LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Defamation 05.06.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete Don’t make me an LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article accomplice to AKP’s sins Defamation 05.06.2015 Dokuz Column Ergun Kaftancı With one sentence for each LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Sütun Defamation 08.06.2015 Milat Column Muhammed Uprising instead of being Women Enmity / War Gazetesi Özkılınç grateful Discourse 08.06.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete Uproar in Ukraine during the LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article march of perverts Defamation

08.06.2015 Milat Column Seyit Mehmet Revolution of the people LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazetesi Deniz Defamation 09.06.2015 Vahdet Column Mehmet Nudity and covering Women Enmity / War Şevket Eygi Discourse 12.06.2015 Vahdet Special Cübbeli Tolerating people is a great Women Exaggeration/ page Ahmet Hoca way of worship / Order your Attribution/ children to perform namaz Distortion 12.06.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet Perverts are delighted LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Defamation 15.06.2015 Vahdet News HABER US support to perverts LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article MERKEZİ Defamation 15.06.2015 Yeni Akit News Mehmet They targeted AKGÜNDÜZ LGBTI Exaggeration/ article Özmen Attribution/ Distortion 16.06.2015 Vahdet News HABER Perverted incitement LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article MERKEZİ Defamation 21.06.2015 Yeni Şafak Column Hayrettin Worship would be open and LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Karaman the mistake would be Defamation covered 22.06.2015 Vahdet Special Hayrettin Government, back to duty LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / page Karaman Defamation 24.06.2015 Çorum News Çorum Kent “Spreading perversion cannot LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Kent Haber article Haber be a right” Defamation 26.06.2015 Kayseri Column Vedat Önal Life of negligence of people Women Swearing/ Insult / Gündem living in metropolises Defamation 26.06.2015 Diyarbakır Special Diyarbakır Söz Covering in Islam -2 Women Exaggeration/ Söz page Attribution/ Distortion 26.06.2015 Samsun Special Samsun Is a Muslim permitted to LGBTI, Exaggeration/ Denge page Denge diet? Women Attribution/ Distortion 26.06.2015 Vahdet News Enes Babacan Perverted concert in martyrs LGBTI Enmity / War article lodge Discourse 26.06.2015 Adana Column Süleyman Your admiration of foreigners LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Günlük Canbolat has no limits Defamation 26.06.2015 Konya Column Serdar Usman Preserving the morals of the LGBTI Enmity / War Hakimiyet society is a duty Discourse 26.06.2015 Diriliş Column Selahaddin E. Did you say brotherhood of LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Postası Çakırgil peoples? Defamation

26.06.2015 Diyarbakır News Ömer Evsen Disgrace step by step LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Özgür article Defamation Haber 29.06.2015 Milat News Seyit Mehmet Perverts have honor too! LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazetesi article Deniz Defamation 29.06.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete America went completely LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article mad Defamation


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

29.06.2015 Milli News Milli Gazete About to collapse LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article Defamation

29.06.2015 Milli Column Milli Gazete If Berkin were alive, he would LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete throw rocks to Gamze Defamation 29.06.2015 Ankara News Ankara Haber With this CHP? LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Haber article Vaktim Defamation Vaktim 29.06.2015 Yeni Akit News Ali İhsan One cannot be such a faggot LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Karahasanoğlu Defamation 29.06.2015 Vahdet Column HABER Escargot mall LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / MERKEZİ Defamation 30.06.2015 Gazete Column HABER We are aware of the danger LGBTI Exaggeration/ İstanbul MERKEZİ to humanity Attribution/ Distortion 30.06.2015 Diriliş News İbrahim Kılıç HDP took the perverts to the LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Postası article parliament Defamation 30.06.2015 Diriliş Column Arzu Erdoğral Rainbow alliance against LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Postası Tayyip Erdoğan and AKP Defamation

01.07.2015 Vahdet News Vahdet Homosexuality is perversion LGBTI Enmity / War article Discourse 01.07.2015 Diriliş Column Nihat Nasır As if people of Lot LGBTI Enmity / War Postası resurrected and came to Discourse Taksim! 02.07.2015 Milli Column Milli Gazete A cursed crowd in Taksim LGBTI Enmity / War Gazete Discourse 02.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Hasan How can you not think about LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Karakaya it? Defamation 02.07.2015 Milli Column Ahmet Efe The last dark utopia: an LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete immoral and disgraceful Defamation society 02.07.2015 Milli Column Meryem Nida AKP, new Turkey and our LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete current situation Defamation 02.07.2015 Yeni Akit News Kenan Alpay Criminal complaint against LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article the perverted protest Defamation 02.07.2015 Yeniçağ Column İsrafil Which pride? LGBTI Enmity / War Kumbasar Discourse 03.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Yeni Akit Confrontation LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Defamation

03.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Merve Kavakçı Plots with plots LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / İslam Defamation 03.07.2015 Milat Column Selvigül LGBTI ultimatum to HDP LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazetesi Kandoğmuş Defamation Şahin 03.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Şevki Yılmaz Homosexuality virus LGBTI Enmity / War Discourse 06.07.2015 Milli News Ahmet Yavuz Perverts marched again LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article Defamation 07.07.2015 Özgür Column Zeki Canşi Violence against women LGBTI Exaggeration/ Kocaeli reports encourage Attribution/ homosexuality Distortion 07.07.2015 Milli Special Milli Gazete Fetullah terrorist Women Swearing/ Insult / Gazete page organization’s inspiration Defamation 08.07.2015 Vahdet News Sema Maraşlı CHP's admiration for perverts LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article reached peak Defamation

09.07.2015 Yeni Söz Column Erdal Şimşek Allah saves the country that LGBTI Exaggeration/ shares Attribution/ Distortion 77

Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

09.07.2015 Vahdet Yazı Vahdet Homosexuality as a LGBTI Enmity / War Dizisi movement of perversion Discourse following the devil -1 09.07.2015 Yeni Akit News Serdar The Jew behind the LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Demirel perversion Defamation

10.07.2015 Milli News Burhanettin A perversion with tradition LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete article Can Defamation

10.07.2015 Vahdet Special Selim Ercan Don’t blow the problem out Women Exaggeration/ page of proportion, don’t hold on Attribution/ to resentment Distortion 13.07.2015 Vahdet Special Vahdet LGBT march in regard to Lot LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / page Defamation 15.07.2015 Sözcü Column Ramazan Holiday and election/ Women Exaggeration/ Güntay Parents, be careful Attribution/ Distortion 15.07.2015 Vatan News Süleyman “Trans house” for the LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Ateş perverts Defamation 16.07.2015 Milliyet Column Doğan Heper The problems that the youth LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / cannot handle/ perversion Defamation has increased 16.07.2015 Vahdet Yazı Haber Merkezi Homosexuality as a LGBTI Enmity / War Dizisi movement of perversion Discourse following the devil -2 / Is homosexuality perversion or a life style? 16.07.2015 Milli Column Mehtap Freedoms and reverse LGBTI Exaggeration/ Gazete Kayaoğlu freedoms Attribution/ Distortion 17.07.2015 Milli Yazı Burhanettin Homosexuality is a major sins LGBTI Enmity / War Gazete Dizisi Can leading to destruction of Discourse peoples

20.07.2015 Aydınlık News Doğu Perinçek February 28 traces in terrorist LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article attacks Defamation 24.07.2015 Milli Special Burhanettin The one who supports LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete page Can terrorism is a terrorist and Defamation the one who supports a non- believer is a non-believer 31.07.2015 Vahdet Column HABER Be a Woman and shut up! LGBTI, Swearing/ Insult / MERKEZİ Women Defamation 31.07.2015 Yeni Akit Column Halis Arlıoğlu Hodjas getting into LGBTI Abartma / circulation Yükleme Çarpıtma

05.08.2015 Ankara Column Sefer Aşır Deceived by the organization LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Anadolu Eraslan Defamation Gazetesi 10.08.2015 Star Column Ahmet Hamdi FİGEN YUKSEKDAG WOMEN Women Swearing/ Insult / Çamlı WITH SOUL CANCER Defamation 11.08.2015 Yeniçağ News Özcan Yeniçeri What else did you expect? LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / article Defamation 13.08.2015 Türkiye Column Fuat Uğur Selocan before the election; LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / bloody Selo after passing the Defamation threshold 14.08.2015 Vahdet Column HABER Both treating the terrorist LGBTI Exaggeration/ MERKEZİ like that and calling him Attribution/ honorable are wrong Distortion 17.08.2015 Yeni Konya Column Alaettin Ekizer Overcoming the honor by LGBTI, Exaggeration/ fighting side by side! Women Attribution/ Distortion


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

17.08.2015 Yeni Akit Column Ali İhsan Headscarf, Covering, Being Women Swearing/ Insult / Karahasanoğlu Covered and shorts Defamation

25.08.2015 Vahdet Column Mustafa Overcoming the honor by LGBTI, Exaggeration/ Özcan fighting side by side! Women Attribution/ Distortion 26.08.2015 Antalya News Sabiha Nevin Meeting of perverts in UN LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gündem article İslam Defamation

26.08.2015 Ankara News Mustafa Illegal meeting in UN LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Haber article Özcan Defamation Vaktim 26.08.2015 Vahdet Column Vahdet The last knee-bender! LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Defamation 26.08.2015 Milli Column Milli Gazete Now, they call us dogs LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazete Defamation 29.08.2015 Ortadoğu Type Şükrü Alnıaçık Title Targeted Category Group(s) 31.08.2015 Milat News Seyit Mehmet They made martyrs turn over LGBTI Swearing/ Insult / Gazetesi article Deniz in their graves / Homosexual Defamation discussion session in the mosque


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Enmity / War Discourse

Title: Nudity and being covering Newspaper: Vahdet Date: 09.06.2015 Type: Column Author: Mehmet Şevket Eygi Targeted group: Women

Mehmet Şevket Eygi gives some advices about how women should dress. Claiming that “free and self-respecting women cover themselves in Islam”, Eygi says that “One of the reasons of rape is provocation of men by immodest dresses” and thus justifies the sexual assaults that women are subjected every day by associating such assault with the way women dress. He claims that women are responsible for the violence that they are subjected. With these statements, Eygi does not only generate hate speech against women by justifying the action that violates right to life, but also he threatens one the most basic human rights. Eygi portrays women who don’t live within the limits he determines as dangerous elements that might “corrupt” the society and turns women into targets open to any kind of violence.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Enmity / War Discourse

Title: Homosexuality is perversion Newspaper: Milli Gazete Date: 02.07.2015 Type: News article Author: not specified Targeted group: LGBTI

The title of this article that covers the opinions of Diyanet-Sen Chair Mehmet Bayraktutar is also a quotation from Bayraktutar. However, it looks like it is directly written by the newspaper, since it is not put in quotes. This suggests that the newspaper approves this opinion. In the summary, Pride March is defined as “marches during which LGBTI perverts commit all kinds of immoral actions and mocks with religious values” and hate speech is generated by associating LGBTI identity with perversion and immorality. The article also reminds “many peoples perished because of perversion”, which is a threat to LGBTI individuals’ right to life. Though finding homosexuality unacceptable in accordance with the Islamic references might be considered as freedom of belief, emphasizing the “destruction” part of those references may lead to risking the lives of LGBTIs and their existence in public sphere.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Enmity / War Discourse

Title: As if people of Lot resurrected and came to Taksim! Newspaper: Yeni Akit Date: 02.07.2015 Type: column Author: Hasan Karakaya Targeted group: LGBTI

Hasan Karakaya, in his column inspired by Pride March, uses insulting expressions while he tries to what LGBTI is in the first paragraphs. The column goes on with “Are they human?” subheading. This subheading and statements like “state should lock these people in some institutions, make them go through ‘psychological treatment’ and not let them out until they are healed” advocates limitation of right to life of people with a certain identity. He doesn’t define that group as “human”, mentions them as “creatures lower than animals”, he emphasized that their defining characteristics should be “rehabilitated” and that one cannot tolerate and support such a “herd”. All of these statements and emphasis contains a very dangerous call for destruction. As we noted in previous reports and examples, many people with different opinions about a certain matter have the right to express those opinions; however, when the personal rights of others are violated and right to life is threatened, this cannot be accepted as “freedom of expression”. Tolerating such discourse facilitates major social fractures and hate crimes. And Karakaya’s column is an example to this with his call to violence, along with his swearing and insults.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion

Title: Freedoms and reverse freedoms Newspaper: Aydınlık Date: 20.07.2015 Type: Column Author: Doğu Perinçek Targeted group: LGBTI

Doğu Perinçek published a book titled “Homosexuality and Alienation” in 2000, which was the compilation of his columns published in Cumhuriyet newspaper in 1999. This column refers to that book. LGBTI groups reacted against his columns back then and some responses to Perinçek were published in Cumhuriyet. In this column, though Perinçek seems like he puts coherent arguments forward, he actually commits fallacies. Presenting his inference “There are two opposing freedoms lists in the modern history” like an indisputable fact, Perinçek categorizes these freedoms as “human rights of democratic revolution” and “freedoms that were declared in the process of globalization after 1990”. He defines the latter as “freedom to destroy national sovereignty order and national states that democratic revolutions made possible”. Perinçek goes on to name those freedoms, which includes various things from ethnic groups to drug, from homosexuality to incest. Incest, meaning sexual intercourse between immediate-family members, is legally defined and determined in Turkey and many other countries. In Turkey, civil marriage of immediate-family members is prohibited by law. Thus, Perinçek uses a form of relationship that is assumed to be disapproved by society and limited by law in order to discredit ethnic groups and homosexuals. It can be said that there is misguidance by making unequal situations look like equal.

Since the theme of the column is directly related to homosexuality, “reverse freedoms” expression in the title and text refers to male homosexuality and anal intercourse.

The following question is also repeated in the column: “The ones who do not recognize the right to life of people in Iraq and Syria are carrying out campaigns for the freedom of homosexuals. Does not it strike you as strange?” Thus, the author tries to throw suspicion on the reader and to convince that homosexuality is something that “imperialism is trying to inflict”. However, he needs to expand, explain and prove who those people he mentions are and whether they are really ignoring the right to life of certain people.

Author also states that people are alienated from their own sex and humanity “is faced with an ideological threat encouraging man to become woman and woman to become man”; here, author distorts Marxian notion of alienation in order to disapprove homosexuality. In order to support this argument, he compares some figures that haven’t lived in the same period and under the same social and political conditions in order to weaken the contemporary examples in the face of powerful historical references.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Exaggeration / Attribution / Distortion

Title: Overcoming the honor by fighting side by side! Newspaper: Vahdet Date: 25.08.2015 Type: Column Author: Mustafa Özcan Targeted group: Kadın/LGBTI

The column starts with DBP (Democratic Regions Party) member Sırrı Sakık’s response to Governor of Ağrı Musa Işın who claimed that “around 40 girls were kidnapped and raped on the mountains”. The author associates this discussion with his inference “Honor of girls is sacrificed in exchange for ‘salvation of Kurds’ by Apo with his fake savior title or as the anti-Christ.” Claiming that Kurds overcome the traditional notion of honor, the author uses “men and women staying together in the mountains” as a proof. If we eliminate “Apo” and “mountains” issues from the column, we see that the author directly targets co-existence of women and men, sees women as “beings whose honor should be protected” and thus doesn’t see women as equal to men. Starting with a true story and statements, the author uses them for justifying his own world view and limiting the existence of women in accordance with the places and ways that he deems appropriate. The author ignores women’s free will and right to make decisions about their own lives. He also exclude LGBTI from the notion of honor and associate them with rape by statements like “Given that they are inviting homosexuals to their party, it is already understood that they have overcame the part of honor concerning togetherness of women and men”, “For a structure that can even stomach homosexuality, adultery and rape wouldn’t mean anything” and makes a wrong attribution. By associating adultery, which was prohibited by law in the past and seems to be disapproved by the majority, and rape, which is an unacceptable attack to human body and requires serious legal sanction, with homosexuality, he makes it look like there is a real connection and generates hate speech against a group by fallacious reasoning.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Swearing / Insult / Defamation

Title: He was Selahaddin, this one is Salahattin Newspaper: Diyarbakır Haber Date: 06.05.2015 Type: Column Author: Eyüphan Kaya Targeted group: LGBTI

The column discusses the support to LGBTIs by using HDP co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş. Defining transgender individuals as “a different kind whose sexuality is vague”, Kaya defines “L-G-B individuals” as the following: “Hedonist groups that commit all kinds of immoral actions, each is worse than the other. They are the perfect example to immorality and supporting them is nothing to do with democracy and tolerance. They are just perverts.” The author notes that homosexuals put posters reading “homosexuals everywhere” two years ago in Diyarbakir. He also states that he already said that it was immorality and some people defined his statement as hate crime. This statement shows that the distinction between hate crime and hate speech is not properly made; his statement generates hate speech, since he defines the existence of a group as “immoral” and “perverted”.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Swearing / Insult / Defamation

Title: Be spoiled first! Newspaper: Şok Date: 13.05.2015 Type: News article Author: not specified Targeted group: Women

Having the purpose of providing examples to different approaches to sexuality in different countries, the article uses “Be spoiled first!” title, while reporting that “young girls can get married before losing their virginity” in Guam. With this title, the first sexual intercourse of women is associated with “spoilage” and defines a woman who has extramarital sex as “spoiled”. A physical action that is considered a basic need is defined as physical spoilage. In other words, identity of woman is limited by social moral norms based on “virginity” and women are insulted by assuming they are “spoiled” after a sexual experience, whereas they are “pure, clean, unspoiled” when they are virgin.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015

Swearing / Insult / Defamation

Title: Be a woman and shut up! Newspaper: Ankara Anadolu Date: 05.08.2015 Type: Column Author: Sefer Aşır Eraslan Targeted group: Women/LGBTI

Sefer Aşır Eraslan, in his column about Bülent Arınç’s response to HDP MP Nursel Gürsel inthe parliament (“Be a woman and shut up”), limits womanhood to an essentialist approach and attributes certain ways of behavior to women in accordance with his approach. Stating that “We act as nicely as possible when talking to a woman, even though that woman is not worthy of it”, Eraslan also defines “easy” and “disrespectable” woman as the following: “Kindness, grace, equanimity become women. A woman who joins all conversation, speaks when it is not necessary and turn out everywhere is an easy woman. A woman who speaks loudly and makes noise is seen as disrespectable. A women who is doing a man’s job is seen as acting inappropriately.” These statements insult the women who don’t agree with his definition and limits women’s existence in social life.


Media Watch on Hate Speech: May - August 2015