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Nayo Apum.Cdr NGJI, An International Peer-Reviewed Journal NGSI-BHU, ISSN: 0027-9374/2020/1730 Vol. 66, No. 1, March 2020 Population Status and Conservation Efforts of Bos frontalis (Mithun) in Adi Tribe Inhabited Areas of Arunachal Pradesh, India Nayo Apum1, Gibji Nimasow2, Oyi Dai Nimasow3, Tashi Dorjee Bapu4 and Dhoni Bushi5 1Assistant Professor, Government Degree College, Jemi Notko, Roing, Arunachal Pradesh 2Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh 3Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh 4Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh 5Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh (Corresponding author's email: Abstract Mithun (Bos frontalis) is a semi-wild animal which is highly priced among the tribal people of Arunachal Pradesh. This rare livestock is facing threats of extinction. In this paper, attempt has been made to know the population status and the prevailing conservation efforts of Mithun in the area. A questionnaire-based survey was carried out covering the households possessing Mithuns. The study found a good number of Mithuns in the area. However, a declining population trend was observed due to its multiple uses in social, economic, cultural and political life of the people. As it is associated with their culture, there is a rising concern among the people for its conservation. Conservation initiatives by the Adi Baane Kebang, Adi Cultural and Literary Society and Adi Students Union have been discussed and interpreted. Finally, constructive suggestions have been made for ensuring future sustainability of the species. Keywords: Mithun, socio-cultural significance, population status, extinction, threat, conservation Introduction The Mithun (Bos frontalis) is a semi-wild 49,000 (83.48%) are found in Arunachal animal which is distributed in South and South- Pradesh (Livestock Census of India, 2012). In east Asian countries like India, Nepal, Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, the highest population of Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Mithun was recorded in Lower Subansiri some regions of China mainly in subtropical district with 31,262 and the lowest in Upper evergreen forests. In India, it is found in Dibang Valley district with 1,735. Mithun is a Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, rare livestock that is facing threat of extinction. Mizoram and Jammu and Kashmir. India has 2, Domestication of Mithun is reported to be since 98,264 population of Mithun, of which 2, more than 8,000 years (Das et al., 2008). The 60 Nayo Apum, Gibji Nimasow, Oyi Dai Nimasow, Tashi Dorjee Bapu and Dhoni Bushi origin of Mithun remained unsolved however it participant observation, group discussions is considered as the hybrid descendent of wild were made to record their views on importance gaur and domestic cattle (Payne, 1970). Mithun and need for conservation of Mithuns. Audio- is also believed to derive its ancestry from wild visual tools like cameras and tape recorders gaur (Simoons, 1984) and Indian bison were also used to collect the reliable (Rajkhowa et al., 2004). The tribes of information and visual appreciation. The Arunachal Pradesh have their own myths on its information of total population, sex origin. The tribal communities who possess the composition, fertility and mortality of Mithun Mithun are considered to be a sign of prosperity collected through the survey has been in the society (Shisode et al., 2009). Mithun is analyzed, interpreted and represented by deeply rooted in the culture of the people and suitable tables and maps. plays an important role in the society due to its Study area inherent socio-cultural and economic The study area comprises of the four dynamism. Mithun is regarded as a symbol of central districts of Arunachal Pradesh which prestige and used as a medium of exchange, a are inhabited by Adi tribe viz. West Siang, East means of settling disputes, and as a bride price Siang, Upper Siang and 3 (three) circles of (Apum and Nimasow, 2015). However, in the Lower Dibang Valley district. It has a total recent years, the uses of Mithun in the state is geographical area of 22,418 km² and located in found to be largely commercial than cultural. between 27˚ 32’ N to 29˚ 20’ N latitudes and 93˚ The uncountable killings of Mithuns during 56’ E to 95˚ 45’ E longitudes (Figure 1). Siang marriages have drastically reduced their and Dibang are the major rivers in the study population in the recent decades (Moyong, area. The total population of the area was 2, 2012). In the back drop of above, an attempt has 71,864 as per Census of India, 2011. been made in this paper to investigate the Results and discussion population status and conservation efforts of Origin, uses and importance of Mithun Mithun in the study area. Mithun is considered to have originated on Data sources and methodology the Assam-Burma border; however, it is not The information was collected from certain when they were domesticated. It has both published and unpublished works also been postulated by some workers that available in various government agencies, Mithun has resulted from a cross between wild newspapers, books, journals and magazines. gaur and domestic cattle with Bos javanicus Data published by the Government of blood, or Bos indicus in ancient times (Gupta et Arunachal Pradesh like Directorate of al., 2009). There are two major hypotheses on Research, Department of Animal Husbandry, the origin of the mithun: (i) they were directly State Library, etc. are major sources of the domesticated from wild gaur (Simoons, 1984) information. A detailed survey was carried out and (ii) they were a hybrid descendant from by filling up interview schedules. About 10,000 crossing of wild gaur and domestic cattle, households of 150 villages who were either B. indicus or B. taurus (Payne, 1970). reportedly possessing Mithuns during the The practice of hybridization with cattle period of survey were interviewed to derive the complicates the understanding of the information (total, male, female, number of domestication, origin and definition of Mithun. births and deaths during last one year) of The coat color of adult Mithun is mostly dark Mithun. Besides, personal interviews, brown to black with white-stockinged legs Population Status and Conservation Efforts of Bos frontalis (Mithun) in Adi ... 61 Figure 1: Location of the study area in Arunachal Pradesh Source: Generated from the political boundary map of Arunachal Pradesh using ILWIS 3.4. similar to wild gaur; however, some animals and mostly left open in jungle, especially have white patches and a few lack the stocking during summer season. Therefore, it is difficult pattern (Figure 3). The Mithun has a pride to count their number accurately. As per the possession symbolizing wealth, power, and field survey, the total population of Mithun was status (rich and poor) in the society. It is a 21,988 with 8,980 male and 13,008 female. An medium of exchange in the form of trade uneven distribution and higher number of between the tribes. The universality of Mithun Mithuns with increase in altitude has been as an important animal in their socio-cultural observed in the study area. Out of the total life has earned the status of state animal. Today, population of 21, 988 about 45% (9,886) were the cost of Mithun ranges from Rs. 15,000 to found in Upper Siang followed by 28% (6,179) 60,000 but it varies from tribe to tribe. in West Siang, 26.90% (5,914) in East Siang Population characteristics and 0.04% (09) in Lower Dibang Valley district Mithun is found in almost all the districts of (Table 1; Figure 2). The higher population in Arunachal Pradesh. It is a semi-wild animal these districts may be attributed to vast stretch 62 Nayo Apum, Gibji Nimasow, Oyi Dai Nimasow, Tashi Dorjee Bapu and Dhoni Bushi Figure 3: A female Mithun (Bos frontalis) in her natural habitat. of land, hilly mountainous area, moderate when it loses fertility. climate, fodder availability, water sources, salt Fertility rate lick spots and socio-cultural significance. The general fertility trend has been Lower Dibang Valley district recorded only 9 calculated as number of Mithun births per Mithuns probably due to the unsuitable habitat. respondent during last one year. As per the field The Adi inhabited circles of Lower Dibang survey, a total of 6,458 of Mithun births have Valley are more or less plain and thus, people been recorded. Upper Siang district recorded prefer cultivation of crops over Mithun rearing the highest births with 2,673 followed by West as it is more remunerative. Further, the younger Siang with 1,911, East Siang with 1,871 and generations are less interested in strenuous task Lower Dibang Valley with only 3. The numbers of Mithun rearing. However, the Idu Mishmi of female births were more in all the districts tribes who inhabit the northern part or higher except East Siang. The highest birth of 703 with altitude zones rear large number of Mithuns. 351 male and 352 female was recorded in The survey reveals higher female Mariyang + Mopum circle of Upper Siang population than the males with a ratio of almost district (Table 2). 60:40 due to unchecked killing of male Mithuns Mortality rate in various social, economic, cultural and The mortality has been also recorded as political activities. It was reported that the number of Mithun deaths per respondent female Mithuns are killed only during the during last one year. The deaths caused by Solung festival and after attaining old age or natural factors like disease, wildlife predation, Population Status and Conservation Efforts of Bos frontalis (Mithun) in Adi ... 63 Table 1: Distribution of Mithun in the study area Source: Field survey, 2013 – 2014.
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