E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2013 No. 47 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was quester from the Budget Reconciliation light rail, jobs cut immediately. I called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Act and to go to regular order because spoke this weekend to FAA members, pore (Mr. RIBBLE). the people of the United States are air traffic controllers. Don’t think it’s f hurting, and even more so, I would say not being felt, and it will be felt more that they are crying. and more in the summer increase of DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO It’s very easy for us to be able to say travel because of $637 million in losses, TEMPORE there is no impact; we see no impact. I and almost $500 million of that is jobs. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- hope for those who have been in their We are in trouble. $512 million cut fore the House the following commu- districts for the last 2 weeks that they from Customs and Border Patrol over nication from the Speaker: will realize how inaccurate and untrue the international ports of entry. We’re WASHINGTON, DC, that is. In fact, it hurts me to see the talking about comprehensive immigra- April 10, 2013. pain in my constituents’ faces and tion reform and border security. I hereby appoint the Honorable REID J. homes because of sequester—a reckless There’s your border security—cutting RIBBLE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this scheme to move Congress to act and it the very personnel that are ensuring day. did not work. the security of America. That’s wrong- JOHN A. BOEHNER, Some will say whose fault it was, headed, and it’s time to stop now. Speaker of the House of Representatives. whose idea it was. We really don’t care But it really pains my heart, if you f because right now there are people who will, to see the cuts to those innocent have lost Head Start seats, whose par- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE families with those children in Head ents have been told their children can- Start, to see the cuts to workers who The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- not come back to school anymore. have done nothing other than to come ant to the order of the House of Janu- Grown men crying—grown men crying to work every morning, those Federal ary 3, 2013, the Chair will now recog- because their little one cannot go back workers, and the impact on contractors nize Members from lists submitted by to a Head Start class, and they have to the Department of Defense, work the majority and minority leaders for nowhere else for them to go. that is forward-thinking in dealing morning-hour debate. The WIC program that is so des- with technology, cut to the bone, The Chair will alternate recognition perately needed for women, infants, slashing employees. We will see the between the parties, with each party and children—cut to the bone. This is a surge of the economy going down. limited to 1 hour and each Member scheme that is long overdue for us to other than the majority and minority get rid of. This is not the fault of the adminis- leaders and the minority whip limited Food inspectors. Just recently, a food tration. This is the inaction of us in to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall business was shut down in my district. the United States Congress, and I debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. The thought of it is horrible. Many of think it is immediately necessary for f their products in our local grocery Speaker BOEHNER to put on the floor of stores. If we had not had food inspec- the House for a full debate H.R. 900, ELIMINATE THE SEQUESTER tors from the FDA, which we probably eliminate the sequester, simple sen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The won’t have anytime soon because tence, and go to regular order. Begin Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from they’re being slashed and eliminated, the process of the budget. Whether you Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. this product would still be on the mar- like this budget or that budget, begin Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, ket. $85 billion in cuts is too non- the appropriate process of appropria- most of us came here to this place to descript. tions, for if you don’t think that we’re serve the American people and to en- The Federal emergency management going to have one of the darkest sea- sure that the most powerful law-mak- under Homeland Security, $1 billion sons forthcoming, you wait and see ing body answers the needs and the being cut, which means those who are what $85 billion in reckless cuts means. cries of those who cannot speak for still suffering from Superstorm Sandy, It’s a trickle-down effect. You cannot themselves, and yet, as we languish in many of whom are homeless, 40,000 are recoup. Jobs will not come back, and those values, they may be more on still in hotel rooms in New York, they we were moving up, creating jobs. paper than they are in action. won’t be able to be helped. Everybody wants to point the finger I rise today to ask, maybe even Department of Transportation, $1.943 as to whose fault it is, and I believe it plead, that this House puts on the floor billion, and that means the New Starts, is something where we have to come H.R. 900, which is to eliminate the se- mobility, people waiting in line for together.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.000 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1864 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 I want to finish on the note that must get it right, because he’s in viola- Despite the media sideshows about medical research funded by the Na- tion of Federal regulators if he doesn’t the artificial sequestration crisis, the tional Institutes is also being cut, and get it right. major issues we have to address to fix we were number one in medical re- The doctors I’ve talked to say this is the budget and our current deficit are search. The time is now. Get rid of the an expensive distraction from treating spending on defense, health care, and sequester and help the American peo- patients. Well, no kidding. It’s red the tax system itself. ple. tape, it’s bureaucracy, and this is what Although the administration has f happens when clueless Big Government started us down a path to manage Pen- here in Washington starts telling peo- tagon spending in the future, we have BUREAUCRATIC CODESPEAK ple out in the workplace—doctors and barely scratched the surface. There are The SPEAKER pro tempore. The patients—what they must do. And too many unnecessary bases at home Chair recognizes the gentleman from when the government intrudes into our and abroad that should be phased down Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. lives with more regulations, the gov- or closed. There’s far too much in- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, let’s ernment continues to make things vested in an antiquated nuclear arsenal say I take one of my 10 grandkids, Bar- more complicated. It finds problems in that we haven’t used in 68 years and rett Houston, to a basketball game he every solution. contains many, many times more is playing in. He gets hit in the face Doctors are really in the business of weapons than we would ever need for with a basketball, so we go to the doc- helping the sick and the injured and deterrence. The $700 billion scheduled tor to see if his nose is broken. The saving lives. Do they really have the to be spent over the next 10 years must doctor asks Barrett Houston this ques- time and money to translate a com- be reduced dramatically. We have yet tion: Is this the first time you’ve been plicated 140,000-codebook when they di- to come to grips with the long-term hit in the face with a basketball, the agnose everything that happens? But costs of an all-volunteer Army and the second time, or do you have a habit of they don’t have a choice. If they right balance between reserve and reg- being hit in the face by a basketball? miscode, they do not get paid. Even ular forces. Until these fundamental issues are addressed, the challenges of Barrett says, I don’t know. Doctor more so, they face the threat of being the future are going to be difficult to says, I’ve got to know because, you see, fined by the Federal Government. I’ve got this codebook here, and the There’s more. To set up this new face because we spend too much time law requires that I make sure I put in 140,000-code philosophy, it’s going to and energy and money preparing for the conflicts of the past while we avoid the codebook the way you were hurt by cost an average single practitioner doc- hard budget reality. the basketball and how many times be- tor $80,000. Now, isn’t that lovely? If Health care expenditures continue to cause there are five codes for being hit it’s a practice of 5 to 10 people, that’s be the greatest overall threat to the in the face by a basketball. And let’s going to cost that practice $250,000 to budget, but not because the United say he doesn’t know. Well, the doctor comply with Federal regulations, the States doesn’t spend enough money on has to be accurate in how he diagnoses new codebook. health care. We spend more than any- being hit in the face by the basketball In my opinion, Mr. Speaker, when body else in the world—twice as much or the doctor’s in trouble. regulators go to work every day down as many countries. But even spending Let’s say I take another one of my the street in one of these big office far more than anybody else, we’re still grandsons, Jackson, to go hunting, but buildings, they sit around a big oak not able to deliver quality health care he happens to get assaulted by a wild table, they pull out their lattes and for most Americans. Instead of fighting turkey. We go to the doctor, and the their iPads and they ask the question health care reform, we should be work- doctor says, Hey, I’ve got to know ex- to each other: ‘‘Who shall we regulate ing together to accelerate that process actly how you were hurt by that tur- today?’’ They type out a few regula- so that we can reward value over vol- key because there is a code for being tions and send it out to the fruited ume of health care. If the Oregon assaulted by a turkey for the first plain and the masses. They don’t care model of health care that we are work- time. There is a code for being as- about the cost or the effect or whether ing on diligently to implement were saulted by the turkey a second time. the regulations make any sense; they applied on a national scale, it could There is a different code for being just do it anyway. And we have to deal save over $1 trillion over the next 10 pecked by a turkey rather than being with it. years—as much as was fought about in bitten by a turkey. There are nine These new codes are not going to the battle over sequestration. codes. The doctor must get the right make one sick person well, but yet doc- We must also reform the Tax Code, code or he is in violation of the law tors must comply with these new codes which is unfair, complex, and costly, about being assaulted by that turkey. or the code police are going to punish with over $160 billion just to admin- It seems nine codes for a turkey as- them. Doctors want to take care of pa- ister it. I would suggest that we think sault is a bit silly. tients, but the Federal Government is about implementing a carbon tax, forcing 140,000 complicated, unreason- b 1010 which has the potential of reducing the able new codes on all of us that are deficit and tax rates for individuals and Right now, Mr. Speaker, there are hard to decipher. Maybe we should se- business in a fair and comprehensive 18,000 of these codes. Doctors must be quester these new codes. Where are form. The carbon tax has the added accurate when they fill out the diag- those World War II code breakers when benefit of being the most direct way to nosis of a patient who comes and sees we need them most? reduce the threat to the planet caused them. And that’s just the way it is. by extreme weather events promoted Stay with me, Mr. Speaker. f by carbon pollution. Soon, there will be 140,000 of these It’s very encouraging that the Presi- THE PRESIDENT’S BUDGET medical codes that doctors must get dent’s budget again speaks to infra- right or they’re in trouble by the Fed- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The structure improvement and invest- eral Government. The new code system Chair recognizes the gentleman from ment, but we need to be bolder and is called ICD–10. For example, you’re Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- more comprehensive in our approach, injured at a chicken coop; that’s code utes. especially at how we deal with funding number Y9272. You are injured at an Mr. BLUMENAUER. I welcome the rebuilding and renewing America. At a art gallery, you fall down; that’s President’s budget submission, which time when 17 States have stepped up to Y92250. There are even three new codes will mark the first time since 2009 that increase transportation funding, it’s for being injured when you walk into a the House, the Senate, and the Presi- unacceptable that we pay for the high- lamppost. You walk into a lamppost dent have all submitted budgets. It’s way trust fund with a gas tax that for the first time, that’s one code; you an encouraging development, but the hasn’t been increased since 1993 and is walk into a lamppost for the second larger question is whether Congress increasingly collecting less money as time, that’s a different code; you walk can actually use the budgeting process fuel efficiency improves. into a lamppost habitually, that is to show how we will do business dif- The introduction of the President’s even a different code. And the doctor ferently. budget is an important step forward. It

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.002 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1865 will hopefully spark an earnest, this money without any accountability Cup winning team, calling baseball and thoughtful, focused discussion about or very little to speak of. hockey games at his alma mater how we do business differently, how we Mr. Speaker, yesterday I visited a Michigan State before landing his first pay for the needs of a growing and soldier from my district in North Caro- professional job with the Grand Rapids aging America, and how we can get lina. He was at Walter Reed Hospital at Owls of the International Hockey more value for the investments we are Bethesda. His father called me 4 League. Pat joined the Hawks broad- already making, all while laying the months ago and said, I really would ap- cast team in 1980 at just 25 years of age foundation for a more prosperous fu- preciate if you would see my son. He’s and has been a fan favorite ever since. ture. lost a leg. He’s lost fingers. He’s badly The Glenview native has earned two f burned. Emmy Awards for his work and was in- Mr. Speaker, it was humbling to go ducted into the Chicagoland Sports AFGHANISTAN to Walter Reed yesterday and see this Hall of Fame, joining broadcast leg- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The young corporal, but he is what makes ends Jack Brickhouse and Harry Chair recognizes the gentleman from America great. His attitude is excel- Caray. He’s also been active in the North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- lent, not complaining about his inju- local community helping numerous utes. ries, and I just pray to God that we will charities, and he recently joined me on Mr. JONES. When I was home, like realize that if we don’t stop spending the ice in a game with wounded war- most Members, during the Easter the money we don’t have that young riors from the USA Warriors team. break, I had the opportunity to read in men and women like the corporal in For his hard work and dedication and the Raleigh, North Carolina, paper an the years to come will not get benefits for making some of the greatest mo- article that just really took me back- because we will be financially broke. ments in Blackhawks history even wards. The title of the article is: ‘‘Iran That will be a sin, and I hope it never more memorable, I say thank you to Is Victor in Post-War Iraq.’’ The first happens. Pat Foley. Lloyd Pettit would be paragraph says: So, Mr. Speaker, I will be back next proud. And, of course, go Hawks. Ten years after the United States-led inva- week. I will have the inspector gen- f sion to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, eral’s estimate on the cost to stay in the geopolitical winner of the war appears to Iraq for 2 more years, and I hope to IMMIGRATION REFORM be the common enemy: Iran. have some figures I can leave and put The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, I think most of us in in the RECORD, because it is time that Chair recognizes the gentleman from the House know that 25, 30 years ago, we have a debate on our foreign policy Illinois (Mr. KINZINGER) for 5 minutes. our Nation supported Saddam Hussein right here in the House of Representa- Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. Thank when he was fighting the Iranians. This tives. Maybe we will in May. I hope so. you, Mr. Speaker. is what frustrates the American people. With that, Mr. Speaker, as I always You know, in the midst of talking We create a bad policy; we continue to do, I ask God to please bless our men about immigration reform, which I support a bad policy. It makes no and women in uniform, to please bless think is something that we’re going to sense. the families of our men and women in be addressing very shortly and some- Yesterday, I had the opportunity to uniform, in His loving arms to hold the thing we ought to address very shortly, speak to the inspector general for the families who have given a child dying I want to just come forward and share Iraq Project, and when I get the report, for freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq. an experience I had over the last week. I would maybe like to share more in- I ask God to bless the House and Sen- I’m still a pilot in the Air National formation. Just for example, approxi- ate, that we will do what is rights in Guard. That’s a job I’ve kept while I’ve mately $11.7 billion in waste, fraud, and the eyes of God for God’s people today been in the Congress and a job I hope abuse. What makes this so ironic is and God’s people tomorrow. to continue to keep. Part of what I did that the Iranians are possibly becom- I ask God to please bless the Presi- last week is I actually went and ing the beneficiaries of this money. dent, that he will do what is right in worked on the border with the Air Na- The taxpayers now are spending money the eyes of God for God’s people today tional Guard. We do an ISR—intel- in Iraq that could possibly be going and God’s people tomorrow. ligence, surveillance, and reconnais- into the coffers of the Iranian people. I Mr. Speaker, three times, God, sance—looking for people that have guess that makes sense to most of my please, God, please, God, please con- crossed illegally into our country and, colleagues, but it doesn’t to me. tinue to bless America. frankly, looking for drugs and things I encourage the American people to f along that line. It was a unique trip for go to www.costofwar.com. If you can me, because most times when Con- FOLEY CELEBRATES 30TH SEASON get it on the Internet, you need to see gressmen go to the border, they actu- WITH BLACKHAWKS it. The American people need to under- ally probably would go in an official stand what is happening in Afghani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The capacity as a U.S. Congressman. We’ve stan and Iraq. You will see a combined Chair recognizes the gentleman from all experienced these trips. You see total of $1.4 trillion, and it’s a running Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. what the administration, frankly, total. It doesn’t stop; it doesn’t pause; Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise wants you to see. So they take you it just keeps running. So there we go today to celebrate Chicago Blackhawks somewhere like El Paso where there’s a again. Poor Uncle Sam can’t take care television announcer Pat Foley, who is very effective fence in place. of his bills, but we’re going to take celebrating his 30th season with the But where they don’t take you is a care of these foreign countries. It team. As the voice of the Blackhawks, place called Mac Pump. Mac Pump is makes no to sense to me. Pat has come to define the Chicago in McAllen, Texas, one of the areas Mr. Speaker, a total of 6,656 Amer- hockey experience. In fact, it’s impos- that I worked in my capacity as an Air ican troops have died in the Iraq and sible to imagine watching stars like National Guard pilot, and it really was Afghanistan wars, not to mention the Jonathan Toews or Pat Kane without actually kind of disheartening what we thousands of civilian lives lost and the his play-by-play running through your would see. You’d see folks cross the Rio veterans who return home physically head. Grande, that would stand in the United and mentally wounded. Whether it’s in The hockey bug bit Pat early in his States of America. As we would call Iraq or Afghanistan, we cannot con- life. As a child at bedtime he would Border Patrol to come and assess the tinue to spend money that we don’t hide his radio underneath his pillow situation, they would literally step have and neglect the American people. from his parents, Rob and Mary, so he back and put their ankles in the water could listen to his broadcasting idol, and at that point they are b 1020 Lloyd Pettit, a great in his own right, unapprehendable. And they would I hope the people of this country and call Blackhawks games, but only the stare, 5 feet away from U.S. Border Pa- my fellow colleagues share my outrage last two periods. trol, and maybe a hundred yards away and my concern, because it would be Much like the players, themselves, then another group, knowing that our almost a sin if we continue to spend Pat worked his way up to the Stanley Border Patrol agent was tied up, would

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.012 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 then cross the Rio Grande and make it So, Mr. Speaker, I agree with those are serious medical consequences di- free. Or they’d outlast the Border Pa- that are saying we need immigration rectly related to hunger. Specifically, trol agent and then they’d step back reform in this country, and I’m a be- this research found that there is likely onto U.S. territory and then the agent liever in that. I believe it’s time that to be higher rates of iron deficiency, would come back. They’d play this cat we understand and talk about the fact headaches, stomach aches, frequency of and mouse game. It could easily be that America is a nation built of immi- colds, activity-limiting health impair- solved with a border fence. It could eas- grants. My third or fourth generation ments, specific nutrient deficiencies, ily be solved with actually real border ahead of me came over from Germany. more hospitalizations, longer inpatient security. I respect that and I appreciate it, and stays, and poorer overall health status. This isn’t border security that we’re I think it’s a tradition we need to con- Along with these physical health going to do because we’re upset, be- tinue. But I believe the first step to issues, there are also mental health cause we’re angry, but because I be- real immigration reform is border se- conditions attributable to hunger, in- lieve that we have to have real immi- curity. And I will tell you, Mr. Speak- cluding anxiety and irritability, de- gration reform in this country. Things er, my trip to the border for a week as pression, withdrawn behavior, psycho- like high-skill visas are very impor- a pilot in the Guard opened my eyes to social dysfunction, suicidal thoughts tant, but allowing people who want an the fact that we are continually expos- and behaviors, and a need for mental opportunity to come to the United ing ourselves not just to dope and health services. States to do so through a legal process. drugs being run into this country but The response is clear, Mr. Speaker. The problem that we have set up into a potential of a terrorist attack on We must treat hunger as a health now, though, and really frankly the sad issue. It frustrates me that we in Con- part about it is a lot of these immi- the United States and a weapon that was run through the border of Mexico, gress still act like it’s a better option grants believe that the second they set to spend over $130 billion in hunger-re- foot in the United States of America, because it’s done every day. lated health costs than to actually pre- everything’s going to be good. Every- f vent hunger in the first place. thing’s going to be all right. And we END HUNGER NOW Last month, in March, ProMedica agree. This is the greatest country in and the Partnership to Fight Chronic the world. The problem is once many of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Disease released a white paper called, these immigrants step into the United Chair recognizes the gentleman from ‘‘Addressing Hunger Essential to Im- States of America, their journey has Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 proving Health.’’ This paper details just begun, because the other part of minutes. how critically important it is to treat where I worked in this mission over the Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, my hunger as a health issue. The white last week was about 50 to 100 miles in- grandmother used to say an apple a paper points out that hungry people of land in Texas, as we would find people day keeps the doctor away. I hated it all ages, from pregnant women to chil- hunkered down in moss, very thick when she said that, but you know, Mr. brush, as they would try to wade and Speaker, she was right. Good, nutri- dren to adults to seniors, suffer from a rely on their guides. In many cases tious food will keep you healthy. lack of nutrients found in healthy their guides would vacate when they’d That’s because food is medicine. foods. The lack of nutrients results in hear Border Patrol, and they’d run Fruits, vegetables and other healthy serious health issues, the very same away from these groups of people hid- foods like beans, legumes, grains and health issues that cost our Nation over ing in the brush and would leave them proteins are critical for proper develop- $130 billion in health care costs alone. stranded in the middle of the Texas ment. Simply put, healthy people eat That’s nuts. plains without water, without food, healthy food. Doctors and nurses should be looking without any knowledge of where The opposite is also true. The more for signs of hunger in their patients. they’re going. In fact, in this sector I junk food we eat, the less healthy we Medical students should have more was working last year, there were 200 are. But there are different reasons courses on nutrition. They should be dead bodies found, and that’s only a why people eat less nutritious food. treating hunger just like any other fraction of those that actually die on Many people choose to eat non-nutri- condition. If someone has high blood this journey. tious food, but there are many others pressure or a rash, they get a prescrip- So I believe that border security is who cannot afford to buy healthier op- tion to treat that problem. Doctors important so that we can set up a situ- tions. These low-income households should be writing food prescriptions, if ation in which those that want to come have to stretch their food dollars in that’s what it takes, to get nutritious here legally can do so and can go order to make ends meet. food to the food insecure. Health care organizations like through the legal process of living in b 1030 the United States or eventually becom- ProMedica in Ohio and Michigan, ing a United States citizen, and we’re This requires them to buy less nutri- UMass Memorial in Worcester, Massa- not creating a situation in which many tious, high-calorie foods that are more chusetts, and Children’s Health Watch of these immigrants are coming and affordable on a fixed income. This is in four locations, including Boston frankly losing their lives. why we can have an obese hungry per- Medical Center and Drexel University, I’ve talked to Border Patrol, and the son. They’re filling their stomachs are trying to right this wrong. They interesting thing is now I did it out of with food that isn’t good for them, sim- promote health and wellness in gen- the capacity as a U.S. Congressman, al- ply because it’s all they can afford or eral, but they are also treating hunger though of course they knew what I did all they have access to. as a health issue. They are working to in my other job, and I said, if I could This kind of diet has long-term nega- reduce the number of hospital readmis- take one thing back to Washington, tive effects on individuals and on the sions by including food security in what would it be? And they said, if you communities where they live. Mr. their patients’ discharge plans. They take back one thing to Washington, Speaker, when we talk about ways to want to make sure that people don’t tell them that even though the Sec- End Hunger Now, we must look at the need to be readmitted to a hospital be- retary is saying that the border is se- way the quality of food, or the lack of cause they suffer from a setback sim- cure, even though the administration quality, is impacting hunger in Amer- ply because they don’t have food to eat is saying the border is secure, it is not ica. once they leave the hospital. They are secure. Take that back. We need more In a 2011 report entitled, ‘‘Hunger in also working to raise awareness about border patrol agents, we need the America: Suffering We Are All Paying nutrition and exercise and to increase fence, we need the ability to do our job. For,’’ the Center for American access to healthier food in underserved They’re prevented from doing legal Progress estimated that the health areas. things that are humane to apprehend costs for hunger were at least $130 bil- Mr. Speaker, we need to learn from in many cases folks running with dope lion each year. $130 billion a year, just these organizations and others. That’s and trying to escape, giving them the for health costs related to hunger. why I believe it is so important that opportunity to do what they need to The authors of the report examined the White House convene a conference do. medical research and found that there on food and nutrition. We are not going

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.006 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1867 to end hunger now if we don’t bring the A recent survey done by the Commu- I believe, Mr. Speaker, I’m allowed to best and the brightest minds together nity Oncology Alliance shows the CMS read from the Bible. Is that correct? No in one place, including doctors, nurses, cuts will force 72 percent of community one will come and tackle me? I’m new nutritionists, dietitians, and other cancer centers to stop seeing new Medi- at this. It’s my first year here, and I health professionals. We need a na- care patients, or not see Medicare pa- hope I’m not violating any law. But if tional plan of action, and the best way tients without secondary insurance, I am, I’m going to do it anyway. to begin is with a White House con- and/or send Medicare patients else- I would like to read from Matthew 25, ference. where for treatment, such as costly because Matthew 25 speaks to the judg- Mr. Speaker, we know that healthy hospitals, where treatment costs more. ment. I think it’s very important for us food builds healthy bodies. We know When community cancer centers are to read this section. that by ignoring hunger, our Nation forced to close their doors or limit b 1040 pays hundreds of billions of dollars in services, access to cancer care is com- health care costs. We know that nutri- promised for all cancer patients, espe- It reads like this: tious food is good medicine for body cially the vulnerable population of sen- When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and mind. iors who rely on Medicare and those on escorted by all the angels of Heaven, He will Mr. Speaker, in the United States of fixed incomes and lower income indi- sit upon His royal throne and all the Nations America, the richest, most prosperous viduals whose options are already lim- will be assembled before Him, and then He nation on Earth, hunger should not be ited. will separate them into two groups as a shep- herd separates sheep from goats. The sheep an issue. We need to come together, Fortunately, the Secretary of Health and Human Services has the authority He will place on His right hand, the goats on Mr. Speaker. We need to come together His left. The King will say to those on His now. We need the President to lead on to protect against further destabiliza- right, ‘‘Come. You have my Father’s bless- this. We need to come together and end tion of the community cancer care ing. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you hunger now. safety net. from the creation of the world. For I was The Office of Management and Budg- hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty, f et, OMB, directed all Federal agencies and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and CANCER PATIENT PROTECTION to ‘‘use any available flexibility to re- you welcomed me. ACT duce operational risks and minimize ‘‘I was a stranger and you welcomed The SPEAKER pro tempore. The impacts on the agency’s core mission me.’’ Who is the stranger? Who is the Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from in service of the American people’’ and stranger among us that we welcome? North Carolina (Mrs. ELLMERS) for 5 to ‘‘identify and address operational I’ll tell you who the stranger is among minutes. challenges that could potentially have us who we welcome. The stranger is the Mrs. ELLMERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise a significant deleterious effect on the wife of the soldier that we spoke to 3 today to discuss H.R. 1416, the Cancer agency’s mission or otherwise raise weeks ago here in Washington when he Patient Protection Act of 2013. life, safety, or health concerns.’’ came and he testified and said: Further, the Social Security Act On April 1, 2013, the Obama adminis- I’m not afraid of dying in Afghanistan or tration reduced Medicare payments to compels the Secretary to adhere to the Iraq. I’ve been on three tours of duty. What the costs of cancer-fighting drugs. This Average Sales Price-based formula I’m afraid is that my wife will get deported is having a devastating impact on sen- that Congress established under the because she’s undocumented, and then who iors fighting cancer and the Nation’s Medicare Modernization Act of 2003. will take care of my children? cancer care delivery system, which is The Social Security Act expressly She is the stranger, the soldier’s mandates that the Secretary reimburse already in crisis. wife. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid physicians at 106 percent of ASP for of- Who is the stranger? Who is the Services, CMS, said that it does not fice-administered drugs, providing de- stranger among us? Who is this least tailed directions to the Secretary on have the authority to stop these dev- among us? I’ll tell you who it is. It’s how to calculate the average sales astating cuts to lifesaving chemo- the child and the parents who are here, price. where the child is born here. He’s an therapy drugs. That’s why yesterday I Congress has distinguished the Medi- American citizen, but the parents introduced the Cancer Patient Protec- care drug payment methodology, and weren’t, so the parents can get de- tion Act of 2013, H.R. 1416, to ensure these provisions warrant deference ported and you break the family apart. seniors, especially those on lower or under sequestration and guidance from We deport the parents and we don’t fixed incomes, get the treatment they the OMB. need. By passing this bill, we are ensuring know what happens to the children be- The cuts the Obama administration that everything can be done to prevent cause they go to strangers. We break is choosing to implement will jeop- these cuts from going into effect. I en- this family. ardize patient access to cancer care courage my colleagues to support this Who is the stranger? Those parents, and result in higher overall costs for important piece of legislation. that child. How we treat them is how both seniors and the Medicare program we’re going to be judged. f by forcing patients into costlier hos- We have an opportunity here before pital treatment settings. IMMIGRATION REFORM us, and I’m very thankful now for the The United States enjoys the most The SPEAKER pro tempore. The churches in this country. The Catholic respected and most successful cancer Chair recognizes the gentleman from Church for many years has been say- care delivery system in the world. California (Mr. VARGAS) for 5 minutes. ing, We need humane, comprehensive More than 60 percent of U.S. cancer pa- Mr. VARGAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in immigration reform. They’ve said it tients rely on Medicare; and, until re- favor of comprehensive immigration loud and clear. And now the evan- cently, over 80 percent of the Nation’s reform. gelical churches are out there saying cancer patients were treated by physi- I would like to thank my colleague the same thing. God bless them. And I cians in the community setting. from Illinois, who spoke earlier about know that they’re praying, and I know According to recent studies by his experience, saying that he believes that my parish is praying that we’ll all Milliman and Avalere, community on- in comprehensive immigration reform. open our hearts to this. cology clinics provide the most cost-ef- I do, too. I just wish that when he was I have to tell you, I haven’t been here fective model for delivering high-qual- asked, or when he asked the Border Pa- long, but I do get the opportunity to ity cancer services to elderly Ameri- trol agent, ‘‘If there was one thing you pray with my colleagues on the Repub- cans. Despite this, a series of changes could bring back to Congress, one lican side, and they are great people to Medicare reimbursements over the thing, what would it be?’’ I wish that with great heart, and I hope that God past decade have imperiled these vital that gentleman would have said his speaks to them at this point in time innovations. The administration has Bible, because that’s what he should and says: The stranger is the soldier’s decided to apply the sequester cut both have said, ‘‘Bring your Bible. That will wife; the stranger is the child whose to payments for part B drugs and to give you the best guidance. Bring your parents are going to be ripped away the 6 percent services payment. Bible.’’ from them. He is, in fact, the people

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.007 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 that died crossing the border because tween the first episode of psychosis and Parents who are not informed and they want a better life for themselves. the onset of treatment with an average cannot get their children help or treat- Those are the strangers. We are going of 110 weeks before someone gets care. ment is another problem with HIPAA to be judged on how we treat them. So There are 100,000 young Americans who laws and the Family Educational we have an opportunity here. will have a first episode of psychosis Rights and Privacy Act, which creates But also, stepping apart from that, this year and will join over 2 million barriers between parents knowing what people say, But it’s illegal, what others with schizophrenia. is going on with their children in they’ve done is illegal. You know, the Look at this: one-sixth of murderers school when they have a severe mental law is interesting. I happen to be a law- in prison are mentally ill. Here are illness. Of course, there is the stigma yer. There are two ways to look at the some other quick facts. The number of of acknowledging there is a problem or law. There’s the law that says it’s murders in the U.S. in 2011 committed getting treatment. malum per se—it’s bad or evil in itself. with rifles: 323. In 2011, more murders Politicians refer to those committing Malum per se in itself. Murder is were committed with knives: 1,694; these murders as evil, as monsters. Tel- malum per se. It’s always evil, it’s al- hands, fist and feet: 728; and blunt evision shows where there’s tragedy or ways wrong to kill. weapons such as clubs and hammers: comedy mock them. This is not the On the other side you have malum 496, according to FBI data. way to deal with the underlying prob- prohibitum. What is malum A while ago I sent a letter to Sec- lem. We have a shortage of psycholo- prohibitum? Malum prohibitum means retary Sebelius, the Secretary of HHS, gists and psychiatrists throughout this it’s bad or wrong or illegal because we seeking clarification of the laws of con- country and in the military as well, prohibit it. For example, if you drive 56 fidentiality known as HIPAA, specifi- where suicides have overtaken combat miles an hour in a 55-mile-an-hour cally asking why we have not loaded as the number one cause of death. zone, you’ve broken the law. Have you 1.5 million more records into the Na- I am asking for an audit from the done anything illegal? Yes, you have. tional Instant Criminal Background Government Accountability Office of Have you done anything immoral? No. Check System so that these people can- every single penny spent on mental ill- The road was built to go faster than not purchase guns. I hope the Sec- ness diagnosis, research, and treatment that, your car was, the brakes are retary will respond soon. throughout our government, through Recently, I also handed a note to the good. You violated the law. What do we HHS, through the judiciary, through President of the United States and will often do? In fact we change the law and Labor, every branch. We need to know continue to pursue questions with the we say 55 miles an hour doesn’t make these answers. It is a shameful secret Government Accountability Office, any sense. We change it to 60 or 65 or in this country that we still refuse to asking where are we spending our 70. I’ve been through Texas; now it’s 75 deal with mental illness. And if we do money and is it effective in going to there. I’m from California. We only not, shame on us. help those with mental illness and se- have 70. Why? Because the law doesn’t vere mental illness. We simply don’t f make any sense. know. b 1050 Our immigration law doesn’t make In the United States, an estimated CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WIN- any sense. So, yes, they’ve broken the 11.4 million Americans, or about 4.4 NERS OF THE C–SPAN STUDENT law, but a law that doesn’t make any percent of all adults, suffer from seri- DOCUMENTARY CONTEST sense. Let’s change the law. Let’s open ous mental illness. What happens is our hearts. Let’s take this Bible and that States in many cases do not sub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The let’s take a look and see what it says mit those records to the National In- Chair recognizes the gentleman from to us. What it will say is this: that how stant Criminal Background Check Sys- Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON) for 5 minutes. we treat the stranger is how we are tem. There are many States that Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- going to be judged as a Nation. haven’t submitted any at all, and this er, most Americans watching these f is a problem because people who should proceedings today are watching them on C–SPAN. C–SPAN is a public service UNTREATED MENTAL ILLNESS not be purchasing weapons are. But underlying all of this, we had that was created by the cable industry The SPEAKER pro tempore. The better take off our blinders and deal in 1979 to carry our House proceedings Chair recognizes the gentleman from with the underlying root cause of mass and other public affairs programming. Pennsylvania (Mr. MURPHY) for 5 min- violence: untreated mental illness. It’s carried in my district by DirecTV, utes. Look at yesterday in the news when a Comcast, and the DISH Network. Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. While man went on a campus and attacked I won’t bore you with all of the con- the Senate argues about gun issues and people with a knife. Look at the other tent that appears on C–SPAN. Some is talking about what is in the hands of shootings that have taken place by very interesting and some is not. Nev- those perpetrators who commit hei- people with untreated or undertreated ertheless, every year C–SPAN holds a nous crimes, I want to talk about mental illness. Why aren’t we talking student documentary contest for mid- America’s shameful secret that people about our action on those? dle school and high school students. don’t want to be talking about, and Our current system is especially fall- Today, I am proud to announce that that is our willful ignoring of dealing ing short for those with a serious men- one of my constituents, a young man with mental illness. We have to start tal disorder who deny they’re ill. Half named Samuel Gladden, a 10th grade talking about not what is in people’s of those persons with severe psychosis student at Miller Grove High School in hands, but what is in their hearts and don’t even understand they have men- Lithonia, received $250 for his honor- minds. tal illness. They refuse their medica- able mention documentary: ‘‘Edu- Approximately 5 percent of individ- tion or simply cannot function in a cation: The Greatest Common Factor,’’ uals with schizophrenia will die by sui- community setting. So what have we about how education is related to the cide during their lifetime, a rate 50-fold done historically in this country? economy. greater than the general population. We’ve burned them as witches, we im- I also want to congratulate Mr. Zach Keep in mind now suicide has over- prison them as dangerous. We still Cohen, a seventh grade student at the taken all other areas of accidental have not dealt with the underlying Alfred & Adele Davis Academy in deaths. It is now the leading cause of needs. Sandy Springs, Georgia, who received death by injury, about 38,000 per year. There were 500,000 psychiatric beds in $1,500 for the second prize, a documen- We understand that mental disorders 1955. There are 40,000 now. We have a tary entitled: ‘‘Education: Take a are brain disorders with specific sys- lack of long-term treatment options. Spin,’’ which is about education in the tems that are rooted in abnormal pat- There are gaps in the care for young United States of America. He inter- terns of brain activity. Many of those adults. There are artificial limits and viewed me for this piece, and I want to with psychosis show up between ages 14 barriers to care under insurance. Four thank him for doing that. and 25 when there are changes occur- years ago plus we passed a mental I want to congratulate both Zach and ring in the branching and pruning of health parity law, and we still do not Samuel for winning these prizes out of brain cells. Yet, there is a delay be- have the regulations for that. nearly 2,000 entries.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.009 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1869 You can see these and other winning State who have a long history of sup- nicated to the House by Mr. Brian videos at studentcam.org. I would en- porting energy innovation as a smart Pate, one of his secretaries. courage everybody, once you finish investment for America. f watching C–SPAN, to go to We have the opportunity to restore studentcam.org. It will captivate you U.S. manufacturing jobs, to help our ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER to see what these young students have country remain competitive in the The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- done and to listen to their views on manufacturing industry and to invest tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute education and on how our future will in a wide range of clean energy produc- speeches on each side of the aisle. be affected by either our investment in tion. I ask that the body join me in f education or in our desire not to do supporting the SEAM Act of 2013. that. f GUN VIOLENCE f RECESS (Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio asked and SECURITY IN ENERGY AND The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- was given permission to address the MANUFACTURING ACT ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The declares the House in recess until noon Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from today. we all want to prevent gun violence, Arizona (Ms. SINEMA) for 5 minutes. Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 56 Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- but anything we do must start by re- today to introduce the Security in En- cess. specting the Second Amendment. ergy and Manufacturing Act of 2013. f Sadly, a Member of this House ig- nored that constitutional right last This bill will extend the Advanced b 1200 Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit pro- week. She claimed that banning cer- gram. The program provides a 30 per- AFTER RECESS tain kinds of gun magazines would cent tax credit, or a grant in lieu of a The recess having expired, the House somehow stop killers from killing. She tax credit, to companies that are con- was called to order by the Speaker at actually said that if Congress would structing, expanding, or retrofitting noon. ban gun magazines, they will simply disappear as they’re used up. Of course, their facilities that manufacture re- f that’s not true. You see, gun magazines newable energy. PRAYER We have seen our manufacturing base are reloadable, much like a stapler. erode as a result of increased global The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick Mr. Speaker, I hope I can be an asset competition. Not only will the SEAM J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: to my colleagues who may not know Act help us rebuild our manufacturing Eternal God, we give You thanks for how guns work. As a gun owner and an industry; it will also provide an oppor- giving us another day. Air Force veteran myself, I’ve actually The Members of Congress are power- tunity to do so while exploring respon- exercised my Second Amendment ful people. Their words bear weight and sible energy production. Energy inno- rights. Perhaps those of us who under- their positions before the people de- stand the subject matter should lead vation is quickly becoming one of the serve respect. Therefore, they need to world’s largest industries; and coun- the effort to stop gun violence. be steeled from arrogance on one side My colleague’s poor understanding of tries all over the world are purchasing and casual routine on the other. billions of dollars’ worth of wind tur- guns will lead to poor policy. Here’s Lord, only the two-edged sword of some reading material to help bring bines, solar panels and other green Your Word and Your purity of Spirit technologies. I want to see these prod- her up to speed. It’s called the Second can bring freshness to their spirits and Amendment. It says, ‘‘The right of the ucts made in the United States and for confirming hope to their constituents. our country to remain competitive. people to keep and bear arms shall not Strengthen their pledge to uphold the be infringed.’’ We know this program works. The Constitution against blatant and sub- first allocation of funding was ex- tle attacks and to serve the people f tremely successful in leveraging pri- with all their hearts. THE PRESIDENT’S BUDGET vate capital, and that led to the invest- Then may their speech, their deci- ment of over 180 energy manufacturing sions, and their working together with- (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was facilities across 43 States in our coun- in the pluralism of this democracy be given permission to address the House try. The number of wind turbines and for Your greater honor and glory. for 1 minute and to revise and extend their workable components made in Amen. her remarks.) the U.S. has more than doubled since f Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I then, and that is just one aspect of the too adhere to the Second Amendment, renewable energy field. THE JOURNAL as all of us do. I can assure the gen- Expanding this program also means The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- tleman that anything we do with sen- creating additional high-tech, high- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- sible gun legislation that will protect wage manufacturing jobs in our own ceedings and announces to the House the lives of babies whose lives were lost backyard. Companies like Tempe’s his approval thereof. in Newtown and Aurora and Virginia Monarch Power could expand and in- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Tech and Columbine will be fair and crease the creation of innovative prod- nal stands approved. just. I hope my colleagues in the Sen- ucts, ranging from energy generation f ate will hear from those of us who are to energy storage, even a mobile re- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE sending him a letter: no filibuster, but newable power system—all while re- real gun-sensible legislation. maining affordable. We must partner The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- Let me turn to the budget and indi- the power of American innovation with woman from Hawaii (Ms. GABBARD) cate that it is important that we rid the potential of American production. come forward and lead the House in the ourselves of the sequester and ask the My bill encourages just that. Pledge of Allegiance. Speaker to put on the floor H.R. 900. I Ms. GABBARD led the Pledge of Alle- In my home State of Arizona, renew- think it is good that the President has giance as follows: able energy enjoys broad bipartisan saved dollars out of the Iraq and Af- support. Democrats and Republicans, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ghan war of over $1 billion and pro- United States of America, and to the Repub- including Barry Goldwater, Jr. and our lic for which it stands, one nation under God, vided security for embassies and $222 own Governor, Jan Brewer, have advo- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. million for gun legislation enforce- cated for solar and renewable energy f ment, but we must not have to change because they know that the future of CPI. our State and the future of our country MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Many people don’t realize that in this depend on it. I stand today with a A message in writing from the Presi- instance of Social Security seniors are broad coalition of leaders from my dent of the United States was commu- paying more money for health care.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.011 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 They will not be able to compensate. Senator KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND of New destination on the waterfront, we Those who are poor and vulnerable will York has introduced a companion bill pushed back hard. This morning, I met be worst off after the changed CPI. in the Senate that is cosponsored by with Corps officials. They assured me I join with many, many Members of Senators JACK REED and SHELDON that public access to the site would the United States Congress to say we WHITEHOUSE. These are the kinds of continue. can make Social Security solvent, commonsense proposals that we need Western New Yorkers won two vic- Medicare solvent and Medicaid solvent, to support if we are going to get our tories in 2 weeks because we stood up but we must not have to change CPI. I economy back on the right track and for ourselves. Let this be a lesson to oppose it and many others. get folks back to work. our community and a warning to the f I urge my colleagues to support the Federal bureaucracy: when you make Make It In America agenda, and I look senseless decisions that hurt western TAX CODE forward to joining Whip HOYER for his New York, you’re going to have a fight (Mr. ROGERS of Alabama asked and announcement this afternoon. on your hands. was given permission to address the f f House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) PRESIDENT OBAMA’S BUDGET FATHER EMIL KAPAUN Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- (Mr. DESJARLAIS asked and was (Mr. POMPEO asked and was given er, April 15, the dreaded tax day, is al- given permission to address the House permission to address the House for 1 most here. According to the non- for 1 minute and to revise and extend minute and to revise and extend his re- partisan Tax Foundation, Americans his remarks.) marks.) will have to work 108 days this year Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, Mr. POMPEO. It is an honor today to just to be able to pay their taxes—108 President Obama’s budget is 65 days tell you about one really good man. He days. That’s just not right, and Ameri- late and trillions of dollars short. And was born in Pilson, Kansas, and later cans are sick of it. The good news is while his plan contains plenty of tax became an ordained priest in Wichita Congress has a chance to do something increases, budgetary gimmicks, and in 1940. about it this year. stimulus-style spending, it fails to ade- This very good man, a fellow named So what would the average American quately address our Nation’s Emil Kapaun, served as a military want to see in a new Tax Code? unsustainable deficits and debt. In fact, chaplain during World War II and again One, lower tax rates on individuals the President’s budget would never bal- in September 1948, this time entering and businesses, with an assurance that ance. the Korean battlefield with his unit, those rates would remain low; I share President Obama’s view of a the 3rd Battalion of the 8th Cavalry Two, no ridiculous special interest thriving middle class and strong manu- Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division. loopholes or giveaways, especially facturing base, but the policies put There we saw what comes of a good those that have nothing to do with cre- forth in his budget show the White man when placed in dangerous times. ating jobs; and House is more focused on increasing Father Kapaun became a hero. He died Three, making sure that everyone the size of government than growing after saving hundreds of lives on the pays their fair share. the private sector. If the President is battlefield and in a prisoner of war If Congress aims for these goals, truly serious about building a 21st cen- camp, having dedicated himself to the Americans should get a Tax Code that tury economy, then he should work physical and spiritual health of his fel- encourages work and investment, re- with House Republicans in eliminating low prisoners for a very long time. sulting in economic growth and job the roadblocks to innovation and en- Tomorrow, President Obama will be- creation. trepreneurship. That means reducing stow upon Father Kapaun, this very And let’s not forget, we cannot allow government red tape, creating a fairer good man, the Medal of Honor, Amer- any future growth-generated revenue and flatter Tax Code, and ending the ica’s highest military honor. to be spent on wasteful government deficit spending. I want to take this moment to recog- programs. Instead, the revenue should I urge the President to join us in put- nize his fellow POWs who never go toward eliminating the deficit and ting forth sound policies that will grow wavered in an effort to secure this then paying down our debt. jobs and put our country back on a sus- medal for Father Kapaun, to the Let’s cut spending, lower our deficit, tainable path. Catholic Diocese of Wichita, and every- and fix our loophole-ridden, work-pe- one else who has worked so hard for nalizing, and jobs-killing Tax Code f this recognition. once and for all. b 1210 Finally, I want to thank the fellow Members of this body who supported f WESTERN NEW YORKERS WILL my provision in the NDAA to allow a MAKE IT IN AMERICA FIGHT FOR WHAT THEY DESERVE waiver for the statutory time excep- (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given (Mr. HIGGINS asked and was given tion so that he could receive this permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 award. minute.) minute.) Father Kapaun is a true American Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, later Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, in west- hero, a hero of mankind and so deserv- today, I will join House Democratic ern New York, we don’t expect any- ing of this Medal of Honor. Whip STENY HOYER to announce our thing to be handed to us. History has f Make it In America agenda, a legisla- taught us that we have to fight for tive package that will help reinvigo- what we deserve. Our community just PLEASANT GROVE BASKETBALL rate our manufacturing sector and won two recent victories against Fed- (Mr. BERA of California asked and grow American manufacturing jobs. eral bureaucracies by standing up and was given permission to address the These bills will help to put our country demanding better. House for 1 minute.) back to work by helping to create When the Veterans Administration Mr. BERA of California. Mr. Speaker, good-paying jobs, the kind of jobs that decided to cancel the Golden Age I rise today to congratulate the Pleas- built the American middle class of this Games just 2 months before they were ant Grove High School boys basket- country. to be held in Buffalo and stick our ball’s team for recently winning the Earlier this year, I introduced one community with a $2.2 million loss, the Division 1 State Championship. such proposal, the Make It In America community fought back. Last week, In their hard-fought victory, they Manufacturing Act, which establishes a the VA reversed its decision and an- displayed sportsmanship and teamwork competitive grant program that will nounced that the games would proceed and became the first local team to host help small- to medium-sized manufac- as planned. the Division 1 State Championship. turers retool their facilities and re- When the Army Corps of Engineers When forward Matt Smreker was train their workers to compete in the decided to prohibit access to Squaw Is- asked about the victory, he told report- 21st century. land Pier in Buffalo, a popular fishing ers:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.014 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1871 We don’t have the biggest names, but we made up of warriors who are ready to b 1220 play hard and together with great chemistry, fight and who are already leading a and we won because we’re a team. THE PRESIDENT’S BUDGET majority of the security operations, PROPOSAL Matt was right, the Eagles won be- building confidence in their ability to cause they were accountable to each withstand the Taliban and insurgency (Mr. MESSER asked and was given other. The dedication and commitment threats. permission to address the House for 1 of the players, coaches, fans, and par- The U.S. drawdown is crucial for our minute and to revise and extend his re- ents made this victory possible. military and our resources to focus on marks.) The teamwork displayed by the addressing imminent and direct threats Mr. MESSER. The President’s budget Pleasant Grove boys basketball team is like North Korea. Along with Guam proposal reportedly would cap the an example for Washington. In Con- and Alaska, Hawaii’s families have amount of money people could save in gress we need to work together and been placed in the crosshairs of this individual retirement accounts. This is hold each other accountable and work threat. We cannot be complacent. We a very bad idea. More than a third of as a team. must take action to ensure that our people aged 55 and older are not saving Congratulations again to the Eagles families and assets are protected and for their retirements. Three-quarters for your tremendous victory. defended. have saved much less than they will f f need to retire comfortably. We should be encouraging people to THE DISTINGUISHED WARFARE THE BUDGET save. We need to encourage people to MEDAL (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- take more responsibility for their fu- (Mr. CALVERT asked and was given mission to address the House for 1 ture well-beings instead of discour- permission to address the House for 1 minute.) aging sound financial planning. We minute and to revise and extend his re- Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, the Presi- need to incentivize self-reliance in- marks.) dent finally decided to join the budget stead of government dependence. This Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, our discussion today. Good. It’s high time proposal fails on all of these fronts. country has a proud history of hon- he got off the sidelines. Rest assured, Mr. Speaker, the White oring our military heroes, and in doing The contrast between the President’s House has said that the savings cap so we place an emphasis on recognizing budget and the balanced House Repub- will allow ‘‘substantially more than is servicemembers whose actions placed lican budget is stark. The President re- needed to fund reasonable levels of re- them in harm’s way for the benefit of lies on stimulus and taxes; House Re- tirement saving.’’ My constituents our Nation and their fellow soldiers. publicans rely on government-spending don’t need the President deciding what It’s because of this proud history restraint and reform to achieve eco- is reasonable for them in their retire- that I have serious concerns about the nomic growth. If recent history is any ments. They don’t need him deciding Department of Defense placement of a indication, we chose the better path. anything else for them either. We need newly established Distinguished War- Examine this President’s track sensible reform. record of growing the economy: govern- fare Medal in the order of precedence. f Surely it is appropriate to recognize ment spending is up, workforce partici- servicemembers who make contribu- pation is down; national debt is up, IMPACTS OF THE SEQUESTER tions through technology-driven war- family take-home pay is down. If Presi- (Mr. CARTWRIGHT asked and was fare; however, I agree with the VFW dent Obama’s trillion-dollar stimulus given permission to address the House that we must continue to preserve the didn’t work, how is a shallow imitation for 1 minute and to revise and extend sanctity of our medals for those Ameri- going to help us now? The President’s his remarks.) cans who sacrifice their personal safety budget will never balance and will Mr. CARTWRIGHT. I rise today to for the safety of the country and their yield an endless string of deficits. address the sequester. The Republican Path to Prosperity brothers in arms. Many of those in this House have requires Washington to make due with That is why I strongly support the ef- been telling their constituents that the a little less and keeps money in the fort led by my friend, Congressman sequester doesn’t make any difference, private sector where it can be invested DUNCAN HUNTER, who is a decorated that nothing has really changed; but in job creation, expansion, and real veteran himself, to alter the rank of that simply is not true. economic growth. For example, a cut to the Federal the Distinguished Warfare Medal such The American people waited 65 days Aviation Administration’s budget will that it ranks below the Purple Heart in for the President’s budget. They de- result in the furloughing of most of precedence. serve more than stimulus and taxes. I would encourage all of my col- FAA’s 47,000 employees, or at least one leagues to join me by cosponsoring his f day per pay period through the end of bill, H.R. 833, and urge its passage. THE UNEMPLOYMENT CRISIS the fiscal year. Even those employees f (Ms. WILSON of Florida asked and who provide safety-critical services, like systems specialists and aviation AFGHANISTAN was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) safety inspectors, will be subject to the (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, furlough. As much as 10 percent of the permission to address the House for 1 it’s now been 829 days since I arrived in FAA’s workforce could be on furlough minute.) Congress, and the Republican leader- on any given day, resulting in reduced Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, last ship has not allowed a single vote on air traffic control, longer delays and week I had the chance to visit Afghani- serious legislation to address our un- economic losses for air transportation, stan to get a firsthand perspective of employment crisis. Mr. Speaker, I’m tourism, and the economy as a whole. the status of our withdrawal, as well as devastated by this because the Amer- Last week, I visited Lynn Evans- to visit some of our deployed Hawaii ican people are devastated. Biga, the executive director of the troops. Unemployment is depriving people of Luzerne-Wyoming County Head Start Our servicemembers continue to health care, higher education, and even in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, an serve with the highest level of profes- food and shelter. Does this sound like a agency which serves 1,000 students and sionalism, selflessness, and integrity. civilized Nation? has a waiting list of 700 already. It will I’m grateful to them and their families Mr. Speaker, the American Society have to accept 49 fewer students be- for their unwavering coverage and sac- of Civil Engineers gave the U.S. a fail- cause of the 5.2 percent sequester cut. rifice. ing grade for infrastructure. We have f Our military and civilian personnel no shortage of shovel-ready public in Afghanistan are committed to the projects that can put people to work, CONGRATULATIONS TO FLORIDA ongoing transfer of responsibility for but this Congress is unwilling to act. GULF COAST UNIVERSITY security to the Afghan National Secu- Mr. Speaker, our mantra should be: (Mr. DESANTIS asked and was given rity Forces. The Afghan forces are jobs, jobs, jobs. permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.015 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 minute and to revise and extend his re- Tucson shooter Jared Loughner told CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ST. marks.) his psychologists that he wished he had CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Mr. DESANTIS. Mr. Speaker, I am been taking his anti-psychotic medica- MEN’S HOCKEY TEAM here to congratulate a team that cap- tion. If he had been, Loughner, who has (Mrs. BACHMANN asked and was tivated the Nation with style, swagger, schizophrenia, says the Tucson shoot- given permission to address the House heart, and class. I’m talking about four ing might not have happened. for 1 minute and to revise and extend letters that few people have ever heard A psychiatrist treating James her remarks.) of until just March—that is FGCU—put Holmes told campus police a month be- Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, if on the map by their men’s basketball fore the Colorado theater attack that there is one thing the people of Min- team. As a Representative and servant Holmes had homicidal thoughts and nesota understand, it’s hockey. of southwest Florida, I am so proud to was a danger to the public. Holmes also That’s why I’m so excited to be able have Florida Gulf Coast University in exhibited signs of schizophrenia. to be here today to congratulate the my backyard—our backyard, our Those with mental illness are gen- St. Cloud State University men’s hock- home—now known as ‘‘Dunk City.’’ erally more likely to be the victims ey team. They’re making history. The men’s basketball team and the rather than the perpetrators of vio- Never before in their history have they university itself have only been around lence, but those with untreated mental advanced to the Frozen Four. I’m here for, basically, a few years. Heck, the illness are at increased risk of violent to congratulate them for the first time players are actually older than the behavior. Ten percent of all homicides in the program’s history. It has taken school itself. Now, this was only are committed by individuals with talent; it has taken teamwork; it has FGCU’s second year of Division 1 eligi- schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and taken dedication; and the men on this bility, and in their second year they other psychotic illnesses. team have shown it all. went all the way to the sweet 16—bust- When will we acknowledge that it is I know I speak for all of the people ing brackets, knocking down threes back home in St. Cloud when I say we and, of course, representing Dunk City not just what is in the killer’s hand that makes him dangerous, be it fist, are extremely proud of these young with a total of 148 dunks this year. men and what they’ve already accom- I am proud to represent Dunk City. I knife or gun, but what is in his mind? We must take off the blinders and ac- plished. The Cinderella story is going am proud of our young team and our to take place tomorrow evening. It has young campus of Florida Gulf Coast knowledge the importance of the diag- nosis of mental illness and severe men- captivated the community. We can’t University, and we all look forward to wait to cheer them on when they take another stunning season next year. tal illness. Let’s fix our mental illness system. on Quinnipiac in the Frozen Four. f So congratulations. Good luck. Go Huskies. FOSTERING MIDDLE CLASS f PROSPERITY f (Mrs. DAVIS of California asked and MARKING 30 YEARS OF SAN SEQUESTER was given permission to address the RAMON (Ms. HANABUSA asked and was House for 1 minute.) given permission to address the House Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- (Mr. SWALWELL of California asked for 1 minute.) er, we need to focus on fostering middle and was given permission to address Ms. HANABUSA. Mr. Speaker, we are class prosperity, and I feel investing in the House for 1 minute and to revise back from a 2-week recess in the dis- job training and education is the best and extend his remarks.) trict. Everyone must have been told or way to do that. Mr. SWALWELL of California. To- seen the impacts of the sequester. We recently had an opportunity to night, San Ramon celebrates its 30 When the sequester went into effect a revamp the Workforce Investment Act. years as an incorporated city. little over a month ago, people did not However, the consolidation approach It’s a city I know well. My mother see its immediate impact. Now it’s dif- that was taken with that bill was coun- grew up there, and my grandfather was ferent. Many of them, and us, were terproductive. That legislation could the editor of the Valley Pioneer news- hoping that the continuing resolution have been a bipartisan effort. Instead, paper. I went to elementary school would take care of the sequester, but it it has gone to the Senate to die. there, and I coached youth soccer there did not. Now many of them, and us, are So I propose, instead of belittling for years. hoping that the President’s budget— Federal employees, attacking unions unlike the Ryan budget, the Repub- and repealing environmental protec- Americans first came to San Ramon lican Study Caucus, or the minority tions, why don’t we focus on working in 1850 when Leo and Mary Jane Norris budget in the Senate, which kept the together across the aisle and doing purchased property there. The name sequester in place—will repeal the se- what we can to equip people with the ‘‘San Ramon’’ came from a Native quester. skills and the education they need to American sheep herder in the area We know for hospitals like those at fill the job openings that are out there. named Ramon. For many years, agri- home that have large numbers of Medi- That might sound warm and fuzzy, culture was a key part of San Ramon’s care patients a 2 percent cut to Medi- but that is what Americans want us to economy. Starting in the 1960s, subur- care is devastating; we know our do. My constituents have told me again ban development began there; modern friends who are still struggling with and again: let’s focus on practical solu- San Ramon emerged; and the popu- the recovery from Hurricane Sandy tions to the problems people are facing, lation took off. Eventually, the resi- will be affected by the $1 billion cut to not political ideology. dents voted to incorporate as a sepa- rate city. FEMA; and for our Federal employees, f It has grown from about 4,000 people the furloughs to cover the sequester FIXING AMERICA’S MENTAL in 1960 to over 70,000 today. It’s the will affect not only them and their HEALTH SYSTEM fourth largest city in Contra Costa families but our local economies. We (Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania asked County. It is the location of the head- need to recognize that slashing with and was given permission to address quarters of 24-Hour Fitness and Chev- the sequester is not the answer, but the House for 1 minute.) ron, and it is the west coast head- also know that we need to reduce our Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Yes- quarters of AT&T. Both of its high deficit sensibly. terday, Dylan Quick, a 20-year-old stu- schools, California High School and f dent at Lone Star College in Texas, Dougherty Valley High School, were b 1230 went on a rampage with a knife, hurt- ranked by U.S. News & World Report as ing more than a dozen people. He told being in the top 200 California high AMERICANS WANT A BALANCED police he had fantasized since elemen- schools. These are just a few examples BUDGET tary school about stabbing people to of the highly educated, hardworking (Mr. YODER asked and was given death. folks who live in San Ramon. permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.017 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1873 minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- A BALANCED BUDGET marks.) marks.) (Mr. TIPTON asked and was given Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, the Presi- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, this permission to address the House for 1 dent released his February 2014 budget morning was a remarkable time. The minute.) proposal this morning, and now for the President, even though it’s 65 days Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, we’ve all first time in over 4 years, the House late, came out with a budget today. heard the statement ‘‘a day late and a and the Senate and the President all And it is interesting to note that it is dollar short.’’ Well, the President is have submitted budget blueprints about $600 billion of new taxes, after now 2 months late with his budget and showing their priorities for getting our we’ve just had a $620 billion tax in- billions of dollars short. It’s clear, this Nation’s finances back in good stand- crease on this economy, with the President wants to balance the in- ing. health care bill, about another $1.2 tril- In the House, our budget balances crease of government on the backs of lion of new taxes and fees, and his the American people. He believes that within 10 years by slowing the growth budget proposal increases the size of of government, responsibly and care- government needs the resources more government 50 percent over the next 10 than hardworking Americans. fully reforming Federal spending, while years. strengthening and preserving Medicare We put forward a budget to be able to and Social Security for future genera- Mr. Speaker, I’ve been home for the protect our senior citizens, to be able tions. And the House budget pays down last couple of weeks talking to con- to build for the future for our children. the national debt to zero within our stituents, and what they tell me is the The real approach, when we’re talking lifetimes. fact that they want a balanced budget. about balance, is to have a budget that Just 12 weeks ago, taxes went up on The President’s budget never gets to truly balances. every American; yet, unfortunately, balance. Our budget does. They want a This administration continues to the President’s plan raises taxes again balanced budget. They want us to get grow government, continues to waste on Americans while increasing spend- control of spending in Washington be- the hardworking dollars of the Amer- ing, growing the size of government, cause they know how it affects them- ican taxpayer. and never, ever balancing. selves, their families, and the future of Let’s stand up and put politics aside Mr. Speaker, the American people this country. and stand up for the people of this want balance in Congress, and they The spending coupled with all of the country and put forward a budget that want a balanced budget. As we go for- new regulations, the health care man- will truly put America back to work. ward, let’s do our job and control dates coming down on small busi- f spending. Let’s balance our own books, nesses, they are stopping job growth. and let’s stop the constant push for We have got to get some common sense CREATING JOBS higher taxes on the American people. in this House. (Mr. VEASEY asked and was given ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE permission to address the House for 1 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- f minute and to revise and extend his re- bers are reminded not to traffic the marks.) well while another Member is under SEQUESTRATION Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise recognition. today about the urgent need to create (Mr. YARMUTH asked and was given f jobs and grow our economy, an issue permission to address the House for 1 that should be our number one focus PROTECTING EARNED BENEFITS minute.) right now. We are nearly a month and (Mr. NOLAN asked and was given Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, seques- a half into the sequester, which has im- permission to address the House for 1 tration has been in effect for 41 days, posed painful cuts to defense, transpor- minute and to revise and extend his re- and already it is hurting American tation, and education, and it’s hurting marks.) families. Just outside my district at our economy. Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Fort Knox, more than 5,000 civilian em- I’m disappointed the House Repub- set the record straight here with re- ployees face at least 2 weeks of fur- lican leadership chose the path of the gard to Social Security and Medicare: lough because of these indiscriminate sequester rather than working with First of all, neither one of them are cuts in Federal spending. House Democrats to stop these need- responsible for the debt and the cur- A constituent of mine whose husband less, across-the-board cuts. I’m also rent fiscal crisis that we find ourselves is a military technician for the Ken- disappointed that House Republicans facing; tucky National Guard said her family have chosen the politics of Secondly, neither of them are enti- will lose close to 20 percent of their in- brinksmanship and government shut- tlements. They’re earned benefits that come because of furloughs. He is one of downs rather than negotiate a com- people started paying for the very first at least 460 technicians in my district promise with Democrats. day, the very first hour they went to who will be furloughed. We must stop politicizing every func- work, and they have every right to ex- I’ve talked with a school principal tion of government from the debt ceil- pect those benefits; who’s forced to lay off special edu- ing to the budget. Creating jobs and Thirdly, there are some long-term cation teachers because of sequestra- strengthening our economy starts with problems with both, and they should tion. I’ve met with local social service the private sector and government and need to be fixed, but they can be organizations who are concerned that working together to ensure confidence done, clearly, without reducing the sequestration will eliminate entire and investment across the country. benefits. Let me remind all of us that nothing Federal grant programs, jeopardizing I encourage all of my colleagues to has done more in this country to lift jobs and essential services for Louis- come together and focus on jobs. Let’s more people out of poverty than Social ville families. And officials at the Uni- work on legislation that helps our con- Security, and nothing has done more to versity of Louisville are worried that stituents obtain jobs and grows our add more life and more years to life cuts to their research will interrupt economy. than Medicare. lifesaving medical advances. f Mr. President, my fellow Members, Mr. Speaker, sequestration was a PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE we must stand up for Social Security threat, not a policy. That’s why I voted and Medicare and protect those bene- against it. It now is clear that the real (Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky asked and fits going forward. threat of sequestration is to middle was given permission to address the f class families who can least afford an- House for 1 minute.) other recession. Congress should enact Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. CONTROLLING GOVERNMENT a budget that eliminates sequestration Speaker, prescription drug abuse is SPENDING and spares even more American fami- killing more people in this country (Mr. LATHAM asked and was given lies the pain of this ill-advised aus- than car wrecks. It’s hard to believe, permission to address the House for 1 terity. but it sneaked up on us.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.019 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 In my district 10 years ago, we start- PRESIDENT OBAMA’S BUDGET shall rise and report the bill to the House with such amendments as may have been ed an organization called UNITE, Un- (Mr. BISHOP of Utah asked and was lawful Narcotics Investigations, Treat- adopted. The previous question shall be con- given permission to address the House sidered as ordered on the bill and amend- ment and Education, a holistic ap- for 1 minute.) ments thereto to final passage without inter- proach, and it works. We’ve put in jail Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, vening motion except one motion to recom- about 4,000 pushers. We’ve got drug you can’t spend more money than you mit with or without instructions. counselors in schools. We’ve got clubs bring in. That’s a fairly simple con- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. POE in schools to entertain young people on cept, isn’t it? But apparently not for of Texas). The gentleman from Utah is nice things to do and the like, drug Democrats who run the administration recognized for 1 hour. courts in every county. It works, but in Washington. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, the problem persists. Under President Obama, we’ve had 4 for the purpose of debate only, I yield Last week, I had the great honor and years of government spending, each the customary 30 minutes to the gen- pleasure of helping host in Orlando, year spending over $1 trillion more tlewoman from New York (Ms. SLAUGH- Florida, a drug summit on prescription than we took in. That kind of spending TER), pending which I yield myself such drug abuse, almost a thousand people is not only irresponsible, it’s dan- time as I may consume. During the from 49 States and several foreign gerous. It drives up the national debt, consideration of this resolution, all countries focusing on the problem. It’s hurts families, neighbors, and our time yielded is for the purpose of de- the second year we’ve done that, the friends. bate only. second straight year. Mayor Bloomberg The time to rein in Washington This resolution provides for a modi- was there. The head of CDC was there, spending is now, a concept so obvious fied open rule for the consideration of the head of FDA, heads of all sorts of it has become a cliche. House Repub- H.R. 678, the Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Develop- Federal organizations, and we’re deter- licans understand this. That’s why we ment and Rural Jobs Act, and provides mined to help wipe out this big killer passed a responsible budget that keeps for 1 hour of general debate, equally di- in this country. our taxes low and balances spending. vided and controlled by the chairman That’s more money in your family’s and ranking minority member of the f pocket. Committee on Natural Resources. The President is going to introduce a It makes in order all amendments b 1240 budget that doesn’t balance and tries which were preprinted in the CONGRES- to raise taxes again. SIONAL RECORD and which otherwise CELEBRATING THE ACCOMPLISH- House Republicans know the way for- comply with the rules of the House. So MENTS OF KEVIN KRIGGER ward, a way forward to foster a this modified open rule is very fair, it’s (Mrs. CHRISTENSEN asked and was healthier economy and help create a generous rule, and it will provide for given permission to address the House jobs. It’s time for the President to get a balanced and open debate on the mer- for 1 minute and to revise and extend serious about this issue as well. its of this particular bill. her remarks.) f Mr. Speaker, I’m also pleased to Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION stand before the House and support this when the horses line up in Churchill OF H.R. 678, BUREAU OF REC- rule, as well as the underlying legisla- Downs for the running of the Kentucky LAMATION SMALL CONDUIT HY- tion, H.R. 678, which is the long title I Derby next month, all eyes in the U.S. DROPOWER DEVELOPMENT AND gave earlier. Virgin Islands will be on young Kevin RURAL JOBS ACT I appreciate the hard work of the Krigger, a jockey from my home island bill’s chief sponsor, the gentleman Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, by from Colorado (Mr. TIPTON), as well as of St. Croix, who will be riding the direction of the Committee on Rules, I horse, Goldencents. the chairman of the Natural Resources call up House Resolution 140 and ask Committee, the gentleman from Wash- We’re all proud of Kevin, who grew for its immediate consideration. up in LaVallee and attended Central ington (Mr. HASTINGS), and of the sub- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- committee of jurisdiction, Mr. MCCLIN- High School. Kevin always wanted to lows: be a jockey and grew up in the sport, TOCK of California, for allowing this H. RES. 140 riding horses on our beaches and coun- bill to move forward from the com- try roads, challenging anyone he could Resolved, That at any time after the adop- mittee and continuing the Natural Re- tion of this resolution the Speaker may, pur- to a race. source Committee’s record, under suant to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the Chairman HASTINGS’ leadership, of fur- Before he was recruited by other Vir- House resolved into the Committee of the gin Islanders who race in the States, he thering several important pieces of leg- Whole House on the State of the Union for islation which, if enacted, will greatly was well known on the tracks of St. consideration of the bill (H.R. 678) to author- Croix, St. Thomas, and Tortola as a ize all Bureau of Reclamation conduit facili- improve our Nation’s energy policies talent to watch. He proved himself ties for hydropower development under Fed- and provide a responsible, balanced ap- proach to further domestic energy de- riding on the west coast, in particular, eral Reclamation law, and for other pur- poses. The first reading of the bill shall be velopment. at Emerald Downs in Seattle, Wash- dispensed with. All points of order against With that, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the ington, before his historic win on Sat- consideration of the bill are waived. General balance of my time. urday at the Santa Anita Derby. debate shall be confined to the bill and shall Ms. SLAUGHTER. Good afternoon, On Saturday, Kevin Krigger became not exceed one hour equally divided and con- Mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman the first African American to win the trolled by the chair and ranking minority from Utah for yielding me the cus- Santa Anita Derby. Last fall, he was member of the Committee on Natural Re- tomary 30 minutes and yield myself the first African American jockey to sources. After general debate the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five- such time as I may consume. win a million dollar race in Louisiana’s Mr. Speaker, last Friday we received Delta Jackpot. If he rides Goldencents minute rule. The bill shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions the news that the economy had only to victory in the Kentucky Derby next in the bill are waived. No amendment to the added 88,000 jobs in the month of month, he will become the first African bill shall be in order except: (1) those re- March. The percentage of unemployed American to do so since 1902. ceived for printing in the portion of the Con- Americans dropped, but that is almost Mr. Speaker, Kevin Krigger’s family gressional Record designated for that pur- entirely because thousands of workers and fans in the Virgin Islands will be pose in clause 8 of rule XVIII dated at least have given up looking for jobs at all. cheering wildly on the first Saturday one day before the day of consideration of This slowdown is a warning to Con- in May. I congratulate his mother, the amendment; and (2) pro forma amend- gress, but we won’t take it, I feel sure, Averil Simmonds, and his father, Al- ments for the purpose of debate. Each amendment so received may be offered only since we’ve pretty much ignored it. Un- bert Krigger, Jr. We’re all proud of this by the Member who caused it to be printed less this majority reverses the spend- young man and his accomplishments, or a designee and shall be considered as read ing cuts contained in the sequester, the and wish him Godspeed in this and all if printed. At the conclusion of consideration health of our economy is only getting of his future endeavors. of the bill for amendment the Committee worse.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.020 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1875 Months ago, economists were warn- tive compromise and chosen the par- through modern technology. It’s the ing that the sequester will stall out our tisan path. And as a result, we are here highest source of non-carbon-emitting economy and lead to job loss, and as we spending time debating another par- energy in the world and accounts for can see by the March data, their pre- tisan bill that will not pass the Senate approximately 75 percent of the United dictions are beginning to come true. and turning our back on the pressing States’ total renewable electricity gen- With economic warning bells begin- economic needs of this country. eration, making it the leading renew- ning to toll, one would expect Congress I’ve said many times on the floor able energy resource of power. Canal- to make job creation our number one during rules debates that CBS News based hydropower can produce up to priority. But one would certainly be had estimated it costs $24 million a 1,400 megawatts of power in Colorado wrong because we haven’t done that at week to run the Congress of the United alone. Let’s put this in perspective. all. Unfortunately, such expectations States. And it has been embarrassing This is the equivalent of the power pro- don’t even come close. that we do so little work. But for mil- duced by the originally designed out- Instead of working on legislation to lions of Americans, the luxury of the put of the Glen Canyon Dam, just out grow our economy and to create some time that we take here is something of Colorado, not including the rest of good-paying jobs, we are wasting valu- they cannot afford. the western United States. able session time discussing yet an- I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on Increased conduit hydropower serves other bill that went nowhere in the the underlying legislation so we can a number of purposes: it produces re- last Congress, and I predict will go no- get back to the task of growing our newable and emissions-free energy that where in this one as well. But we seem economy, repealing the sequester, and can be used to pump water or sell elec- to have the time to waste. creating American jobs. tricity to the grid; it can offset diesel- The majority has decided that eras- I reserve the balance of my time. generated pumps; it can generate rev- ing environmental regulations for hy- GENERAL LEAVE enue for the hydropower developer to dropower companies is a better use of Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I help pay for aging infrastructure costs time than putting Americans back to ask unanimous consent that all Mem- and water/power facility moderniza- work and to help families pay their bers have 5 legislative days to revise tion; and it can create local jobs and bills. and extend their remarks. generate revenue for the Federal Gov- Furthermore, the bill before us today The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ernment. is a solution in search of a problem objection to the request of the gen- As it stands, Federal regulations that does not exist. Despite the rhet- tleman from Utah? hinder this development on Federal oric of the majority, small conduit hy- There was no objection. projects and subject job creators to un- dropower projects are rarely delayed Mr. BISHOP of Utah. I yield such necessary requirements which can because of environmental regulations. time as he may consume to the gen- render small hydropower projects eco- In fact, from 2006 to 2010, 13 exemptions tleman from Colorado (Mr. TIPTON), the nomically unfeasible. For this reason, I were completed in less than a year, and sponsor of this piece of legislation, to introduced H.R. 678, the Bureau of Rec- in 2011 there were nine exemptions that explain why it is so necessary that we lamation Small Conduit Hydropower were granted in an average of 40 days. do this, even though on paper it seems Development and Rural Jobs Act. This In addition, changes within the last like this problem is solved. legislation authorizes power develop- year have made the process even easier Mr. TIPTON. I thank Chairman ment at the agency’s conduits to clear for hydropower developers. Under the BISHOP for yielding. up multi-agency confusion and duplica- new regulations by the Bureau of Rec- When we’re talking about job cre- tive processes and reduces the regu- lamation, all a developer has to do to ation in this country, I think it’s wor- latory costs associated with hydro- avoid a full environmental assessment thy to note I just traveled through the power development. is to get a simple, 11⁄2 page form filled Third Congressional District of Colo- H.R. 678, as passed by the Natural Re- out with 15 boxes to check ‘‘yes’’ or rado visiting with people from Pueblo sources Committee with bipartisan ‘‘no.’’ That is certainly not a burden- to Alamosa, Durango, Cortez, support, would eliminate the require- some regulation. All they have to do is Montrose, Craig, Hayden, and Steam- ment of duplicative and unnecessary check the box ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no,’’ indicate boat. One of the greatest challenges environmental analyses for projects on the project is not in an especially sen- that they face is regulations coming manmade facilities which already un- sitive area. out of Washington when it comes to job derwent a full environmental review at Most small conduit hydropower creation. the time of their construction or when projects will easily pass this test be- The fact of the matter is we’re spend- undergoing rehabilitation. The bill cause the reclamation sites are already ing $1.75 trillion per year for businesses covers small hydropower generators in- developed. But despite what you may to be able to comply with government stalled on manmade pipes, ditches, and hear, there is little evidence that there mandates. Is it a sensible approach to canals; and the renewable energy devel- is even a problem with hydropower reg- be able to look at regulations that sim- opment promoted by the bill in no way ulation that needs to be solved. ply don’t work and are inhibiting job impacts the natural environment. By Contained within today’s legislation creation and our ability to be able to streamlining this process, we can fi- is a proposal to clarify the lines of au- achieve the most carbon-free, environ- nally make these small conduit hydro- thority between the Bureau of Rec- mentally friendly legislation that we power projects financially feasible and lamation and the Federal Energy Regu- can have? That’s hydropower. That is a unleash private investment in clean en- latory Commission. This is a worth- sensible approach. ergy that will reduce costs for rate- while effort that would receive bipar- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to encour- payers and increase tax revenue for the tisan support, and we made that very age my colleagues on both sides of the Treasury while putting people back to clear. Standing alone, though, this pro- aisle to vote in favor of House Resolu- work. posal could pass on suspension within a tion 140 and for an open discussion on I understand that some of my friends matter of minutes. That would, of how we’re going to be able to work to- on the other side have reservations course, leave us with nothing to do gether to be able to promote clean, re- about this provision; and as I have here today, so here we are. newable hydropower development in made clear in the past, I’m open to During the debate in the Natural Re- rural America and create much-needed working with my colleagues to be able sources Committee, the majority was jobs in the process. At a time when our to address their concerns with the given the opportunity to agree to the country needs to be able to focus on do- NEPA provision. However, failure to noncontroversial and bipartisan parts mestic energy production and job cre- address the existing regulatory uncer- of the legislation and drop their par- ation, hydropower can play a critical tainty would negate one of the primary tisan attacks on environmental safe- role in providing clean renewable en- purposes of the bill and would ensure guards. ergy while expanding job opportunities that the renewable energy development in some of our hardest hit rural com- envisioned by the bill remains in b 1250 munities. limbo. I’m optimistic that discussing Unfortunately, the majority has once Hydropower is the cheapest and this issue openly will allay any con- again rejected this chance for produc- cleanest source of electricity available cerns Members may have and allow us

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.022 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 to be able to arrive at a solution which 2011 that it would cost them $20,000 to Mr. Speaker, I will reserve the bal- ensures the implementation of a statu- install this generator that would cre- ance of my time unless the gentlelady tory framework that streamlines the ate energy in a Federal canal. Yet the has other speeches that she has re- project approval process and reduces NEPA analysis would cost them $50,000 quests for. costs. to check the boxes and do that simple Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I I’m proud to have the support of the paperwork, as we have heard about. have no requests for time, so I am pre- Family Farm Alliance, the National The environmental paperwork in this pared to close if my colleague is. Water Resources Association, and the case is almost three times the cost of Mr. BISHOP of Utah. I am prepared American Public Power Association, the capital that you would put into the to close when you are. among others. I think the broad sup- project. And it all is redundant since Ms. SLAUGHTER. I thank the gen- port this bill has seen among those the NEPA analysis was done in the tleman. most directly impacted indicates how first place for the entire canal. This is Mr. Speaker, today’s bill does noth- close we are to making this renewable a second project put in the same canal ing to address the pressing economic energy development a reality. I look that has already gone through this issues facing every American house- forward to an open discussion on the process. It’s a manmade canal. hold and fails to stop the sequestration merits of the bill, which I believe will Witnesses have testified this year cuts that are threatening our economy speak for themselves. that despite the Bureau of Reclama- as a whole. It’s rather ambiguous. On Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I tion’s claim of its categorical exclu- one hand it gives; on the other hand it have no further requests for time, and sions and having a policy in place, not takes back away, but we’ll get into I reserve the balance of my time until one project has utilized this project be- that in the general debate. my colleague is ready to close. cause of a potential legal uncertainty Instead, today’s legislation unneces- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Let me take a surrounding categorical exclusions. sarily attacks environmental protec- moment just to give my impression of b 1300 tions while doing nothing to create this particular bill, and then I’ll be new jobs. Today’s legislation includes a As a result, there is no new develop- ready to close at that time. blanket waiver for all small conduit ment that has occurred, and the gen- Mr. Speaker, this is a bipartisan bill hydropower projects that generate less tleman from Colorado’s amendment which had a bipartisan vote in this than 5 megawatts of power. The re- will improve this particular situation. body last time and a bipartisan vote in quirement is arbitrary and would fail So, once again, let this be done. the committee, sent to the Senate, This is not denying a NEPA review. to protect the environment. Environ- where an errant Senator was able to NEPA has already been done on every mental danger is not determined by the hold the process up. Fortunately, in one of these projects. This is saying megawatts produced but whether the this session, there is a new chairman of you don’t need to do the same thing a hydropower project is located where it that committee in the Senate from the second time, which is simply redun- is likely to do damage. A 1-megawatt West who clearly understands the dant, it is silly, it’s red tape, bungling project in the wrong location would be value and significance of hydroelectric by administrations that need not be more harmful to the environment than power. there. a 6-megawatt project in the right loca- So I think that everyone in this body The choice is very simple in this par- tion. on both sides of the aisle can agree ticular bill: Either you can give the ad- Perhaps most importantly, consider- that our Nation is in great need of ministration, the executive branch, the ation of this legislation is taking up more energy. If we want to create real right to make these kinds of decisions time that we could otherwise be using jobs, private sector jobs, there has to on moving us forward, in which case to repeal the sequester and create jobs. be a strong energy component to our the administration can make and can As I have mentioned repeatedly on the ability to do that. Our Nation has tre- take away their decision at whim, in House floor, my colleague and ranking mendous amounts of energy that are which case it invites litigation because member of the Budget Committee, Mr. locked away domestically in the forms of the uncertainty of an administrative VAN HOLLEN, has appeared at the Rules of oil and gas and low sulphur and policy, and also invites conflict within Committee repeatedly offering legisla- high-BTU coal reserves; but too often different administrative agencies. Or tion to repeal the sequester and reduce special interest groups and layers of we can do what we’re supposed to do our deficit in a responsible way. The bureaucracy have kept us from becom- and actually pass legislation to solve Rules Committee on at least three ing more energy self-sufficient with problems. The gentleman from Colo- times has never even allowed it to these areas. And we’re now seeing and rado’s approach is simply allowing the come to the floor. Despite voting on feeling the results every time some- legislature to make the decision, to in- hydropower legislation twice in the body tries to pay an electric bill. stitute what the policy will be and tell last 13 months, the majority has re- This administration seems to be the agencies how they will proceed into jected Mr. VAN HOLLEN, who, as I said, dragging its feet on energy develop- the future. We can either have the leg- is the ranking member on the Budget ment of everything from the Keystone islature stand up and do our job and do Committee, and his bill would save and Pipeline to the development of public it the right way or we can pass it all create thousands of jobs. lands. But there is also another source off and let the executive branch come Mr. Speaker, if we defeat the pre- of energy that is presently being un- up with regulations now which they vious question, I will offer an amend- used and can be put to good use with- could change and also are subject to ment to the rule to bring up H.R. 1426 out negatively impacting the environ- the fear of litigation. from Representative TIM BISHOP of New ment. The energy resource is what This is an easy thing to do. This bill York to roll back tax giveaways to big we’re addressing here in this particular actually should be a no-brainer. It will oil companies. The bill is known as the bill. This bill deals with electricity increase the energy production we have Big Oil Welfare Repeal Act. Mr. Speak- that can be generated from hydro, a re- in the country, it will increase the er, I ask unanimous consent to insert newable energy resource that is very ability of making sure that we have the text of the amendment in the clean and helpful to the environment. adequate water resources in the West, RECORD along with extraneous matter Numerous witnesses testified this it will also give a needed boost of reve- immediately prior to the vote on the year and last year that there is an un- nues to the canal companies, and it previous question. certainty on the NEPA costs, which will create ultimately more jobs, espe- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there throw these projects into limbo and cially with a cheap form of highly ef- objection to the request of the gentle- often render projects financially fective energy production. woman from New York? unfeasible and stifle private invest- This bill is reasonable, and it’s un- There was no objection. ment far beyond what has been able to derstandable why it passed with a bi- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I be done. Thus, this is stifling what partisan vote last time. I hope it passes urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ and could be done to produce self-suffi- with a bipartisan vote again, and I defeat the previous question so that we ciency in energy production. One wit- hope we can recognize that this will can get back to trying to grow our ness from Arizona simply testified in move us forward. economy and create American jobs,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.023 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1877 and I yield back the balance of my the Whole for further consideration of the Mr. BISHOP of Utah. With that, I time. bill. yield back the balance of my time, and Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, in SEC. 3. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not I move the previous question on the conclusion, let me state a couple of apply to the consideration of H.R. 1426. resolution. things. Number one, this is a good rule. THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Therefore, you should vote for this IT REALLY MEANS question is on ordering the previous rule. It is a fair and open rule—a fair This vote, the vote on whether to order the question. and modified open rule. More impor- previous question on a special rule, is not The question was taken; and the tantly, it is a rule that will allow us to merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- Speaker pro tempore announced that discuss a very good bill. This bill en- dering the previous question is a vote the ayes appeared to have it. courages energy production. We may against the Republican majority agenda and Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, on think of these as small energy projects, a vote to allow the Democratic minority to that I demand the yeas and nays. but I am told that all these small offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about The yeas and nays were ordered. projects already being held up in Colo- what the House should be debating. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the rado would create the amount of en- ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair ergy that comes from a large project House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- scribes the vote on the previous question on will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum like the Glen Canyon Dam. It’s a large the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the time for any electronic vote on the amount of energy that is clean energy consideration of the subject before the House question of adoption. that we will be producing. Number two, being made by the Member in charge.’’ To The vote was taken by electronic de- this bill gets rid of redundancy. It is defeat the previous question is to give the vice, and there were—yeas 236, nays not that we are doing away with envi- opposition a chance to decide the subject be- 190, not voting 5, as follows: fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s ronmental protection or a review for [Roll No. 93] environmental protection. That envi- ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that YEAS—236 ronmental protection review has al- ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- mand for the previous question passes the Aderholt Frelinghuysen McKinley ready been done. It is that we’re simply control of the resolution to the opposition’’ Alexander Gardner McMorris saying for these small projects you in order to offer an amendment. On March Amash Garrett Rodgers don’t need to do the same thing a sec- 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- Amodei Gerlach Meadows ond time and incur the cost, which is fered a rule resolution. The House defeated Bachmann Gibbs Meehan Bachus Gibson Messer an amazing amount of cost, and poten- the previous question and a member of the Barber Gingrey (GA) Mica tial litigation factors that go along opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, Barletta Gohmert Miller (FL) with it. asking who was entitled to recognition. Barr Goodlatte Miller (MI) If we do want to produce private sec- Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: Barton Gosar Miller, Gary Benishek Gowdy Mullin tor jobs, and that is a worthy goal, you ‘‘The previous question having been refused, the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- Bentivolio Granger Mulvaney have to have energy to do it. This bill gerald, who had asked the gentleman to Bilirakis Graves (GA) Murphy (PA) produces the energy which will be used Bishop (UT) Graves (MO) Neugebauer yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Black Griffin (AR) Noem to grow the economy to produce those the first recognition.’’ Blackburn Griffith (VA) Nugent jobs that we really want. That is why The Republican majority may say ‘‘the Bonner Grimm Nunes it is a bipartisan bill, and I expect a bi- vote on the previous question is simply a Boustany Guthrie Nunnelee partisan vote on this particular bill. vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Brady (TX) Hall Olson Bridenstine Hanna Palazzo It’s a good bill, and we should pass it vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] has no substantive legislative or policy im- Brooks (AL) Harper Paulsen today. This is a fair rule, and I urge its Brooks (IN) Harris Pearce plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what Broun (GA) Hartzler Perlmutter adoption. they have always said. Listen to the Repub- The material previously referred to Buchanan Hastings (WA) Perry lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative Bucshon Heck (NV) Petri by Ms. SLAUGHTER is as follows: Process in the United States House of Rep- Burgess Hensarling Pittenger AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 140 OFFERED BY resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s Calvert Herrera Beutler Pitts MS. SLAUGHTER OF NEW YORK how the Republicans describe the previous Camp Holding Poe (TX) At the end of the resolution, add the fol- question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- Campbell Hudson Pompeo Cantor Huelskamp Posey lowing new sections: though it is generally not possible to amend Capito Huizenga (MI) Price (GA) SEC. 2. Immediately upon adoption of this the rule because the majority Member con- Carter Hultgren Radel resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to trolling the time will not yield for the pur- Cassidy Hunter Reed clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House pose of offering an amendment, the same re- Chabot Hurt Reichert resolved into the Committee of the Whole sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- Chaffetz Issa Renacci House on the state of the Union for consider- vious question on the rule. . . . When the Coble Jenkins Ribble ation of the bill (H.R. 1426) to disallow the motion for the previous question is defeated, Coffman Johnson (OH) Rice (SC) Cole Johnson, Sam Richmond deduction for income attributable to domes- control of the time passes to the Member Collins (GA) Jones Rigell tic production activities with respect to oil who led the opposition to ordering the pre- Collins (NY) Jordan Roby and gas activities of major integrated oil vious question. That Member, because he Conaway Joyce Roe (TN) companies. The first reading of the bill shall then controls the time, may offer an amend- Cook Kelly Rogers (AL) be dispensed with. All points of order against ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of Costa King (IA) Rogers (KY) consideration of the bill are waived. General amendment.’’ Cotton King (NY) Rogers (MI) debate shall be confined to the bill and shall In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House Cramer Kingston Rohrabacher Crawford Kinzinger (IL) Rokita not exceed one hour equally divided and con- of Representatives, the subchapter titled Crenshaw Kline Rooney trolled by the chair and ranking minority ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal Culberson Labrador Roskam member of the Committee on Ways and to order the previous question on such a rule Daines LaMalfa Ross Means. After general debate the bill shall be [a special rule reported from the Committee Davis, Rodney Lamborn Rothfus considered for amendment under the five- on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Denham Lance Royce minute rule. All points of order against pro- ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- Dent Lankford Runyan visions in the bill are waived. At the conclu- tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- DeSantis Latham Ryan (WI) DesJarlais Latta Salmon sion of consideration of the bill for amend- jection of the motion for the previous ques- Diaz-Balart LoBiondo Scalise ment the Committee shall rise and report tion on a resolution reported from the Com- Duffy Long Schock the bill to the House with such amendments mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- Duncan (SC) Lucas Schweikert as may have been adopted. The previous ber leading the opposition to the previous Duncan (TN) Luetkemeyer Scott, Austin question shall be considered as ordered on question, who may offer a proper amendment Ellmers Lummis Sensenbrenner the bill and amendments thereto to final or motion and who controls the time for de- Farenthold Marchant Sessions passage without intervening motion except bate thereon.’’ Fincher Marino Shimkus Fitzpatrick Massie Shuster one motion to recommit with or without in- Clearly, the vote on the previous question Fleischmann Matheson Simpson structions. If the Committee of the Whole on a rule does have substantive policy impli- Fleming McCarthy (CA) Smith (NE) rises and reports that it has come to no reso- cations. It is one of the only available tools Flores McCaul Smith (NJ) lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- for those who oppose the Republican major- Forbes McClintock Smith (TX) tive day the House shall, immediately after ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- Fortenberry McHenry Southerland the third daily order of business under clause native views the opportunity to offer an al- Foxx McIntyre Stewart 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of ternative plan. Franks (AZ) McKeon Stivers

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:26 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.025 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1878 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 Stockman Wagner Wilson (SC) ELECTING MEMBERS TO THE all Members may have 5 legislative Stutzman Walberg Wittman Terry Walden Wolf JOINT COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS days in which to revise and extend Thompson (PA) Walorski Womack ON THE LIBRARY AND THE their remarks and include extraneous Thornberry Weber (TX) Woodall JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING material on H.R. 678. Tiberi Webster (FL) Yoder The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Tipton Wenstrup Yoho Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Turner Westmoreland Young (AK) Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that objection to the request of the gen- Upton Whitfield Young (FL) the Committee on House Administra- tleman from Washington? Valadao Williams Young (IN) tion be discharged from further consid- There was no objection. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. NAYS—190 eration of House Resolution 142, and BARR). Pursuant to House Resolution Andrews Green, Al O’Rourke ask for its immediate consideration in 140 and rule XVIII, the Chair declares Barrow (GA) Green, Gene Owens the House. Bass Grijalva Pallone the House in the Committee of the The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Beatty Gutierrez Pascrell Whole House on the state of the Union tion. Becerra Hahn Pastor (AZ) for the consideration of the bill, H.R. Bera (CA) Hanabusa Payne The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Bishop (GA) Heck (WA) Pelosi objection to the request of the gentle- 678. Bishop (NY) Higgins Peters (CA) The Chair appoints the gentleman woman from Michigan? Blumenauer Himes Peters (MI) from Texas (Mr. POE) to preside over Bonamici Hinojosa Peterson There was no objection. the Committee of the Whole. Brady (PA) Holt Pingree (ME) The text of the resolution is as fol- Braley (IA) Honda Pocan lows: b 1338 Brown (FL) Horsford Polis Brownley (CA) Hoyer Price (NC) H. RES. 142 IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Bustos Huffman Quigley Resolved, Accordingly, the House resolved Butterfield Israel Rahall Capps Jackson Lee Rangel SECTION 1. ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO JOINT itself into the Committee of the Whole Capuano Jeffries Roybal-Allard COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS ON THE House on the state of the Union for the Ca´ rdenas Johnson (GA) Ruiz LIBRARY AND JOINT COMMITTEE ON consideration of the bill (H.R. 678) to Carney Johnson, E. B. Ruppersberger PRINTING. Carson (IN) Kaptur Rush (a) JOINT COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS ON THE authorize all Bureau of Reclamation Cartwright Keating Ryan (OH) LIBRARY.—The following Members are here- conduit facilities for hydropower devel- Castro (TX) Kennedy Sa´ nchez, Linda by elected to the Joint Committee of Con- opment under Federal Reclamation Chu Kildee T. gress on the Library, to serve with the chair law, and for other purposes, with Mr. Cicilline Kilmer Sanchez, Loretta of the Committee on House Administration POE in the chair. Clarke Kind Sarbanes and the chair of the Subcommittee on the Clay Kirkpatrick Schakowsky The Clerk read the title of the bill. Cleaver Kuster Schiff Legislative Branch of the Committee on Ap- The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the Clyburn Langevin Schneider propriations: bill is considered read the first time. Cohen Larsen (WA) Schrader (1) Mr. Harper. The gentleman from Washington (Mr. Connolly Larson (CT) Schwartz (2) Mr. Brady of Pennsylvania. Conyers Lee (CA) Scott (VA) (3) Ms. Zoe Lofgren of California. HASTINGS) and the gentlewoman from Cooper Levin Scott, David (b) JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING.—The California (Mrs. NAPOLITANO) each will Courtney Lewis Serrano following Members are hereby elected to the control 30 minutes. Crowley Lipinski Sewell (AL) Cuellar Loebsack Shea-Porter Joint Committee on Printing, to serve with The Chair recognizes the gentleman Cummings Lofgren Sherman the chair of the Committee on House Admin- from Washington. Davis (CA) Lowenthal Sinema istration: Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. Davis, Danny Lowey Sires (1) Mr. Harper. Chairman, I yield myself such time as DeFazio Lujan Grisham Slaughter (2) Mr. Nugent. I may consume. DeGette (NM) Smith (WA) (3) Mr. Brady of Pennsylvania. ´ I rise in support of H.R. 678, the Bu- Delaney Lujan, Ben Ray Speier (4) Mr. Vargas. DeLauro (NM) Swalwell (CA) reau of Reclamation Small Conduit DelBene Maffei Takano The resolution was agreed to. Hydropower Development and Rural Deutch Maloney, Thompson (CA) A motion to reconsider was laid on Dingell Carolyn Thompson (MS) Jobs Act. Doggett Maloney, Sean Tierney the table. Those of us from the Pacific North- Doyle Matsui Titus GENERAL LEAVE west know and understand the impor- Duckworth McCarthy (NY) Tonko Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Edwards McCollum Tsongas tance of hydropower and the signifi- Ellison McDermott Van Hollen Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that cant role it plays in our economy. In Engel McGovern Vargas all Members have 5 legislative days in my home State of Washington, hydro- Enyart McNerney Veasey which to revise and extend their re- power produces 70 percent of our power, Eshoo Meeks Vela Esty Meng Vela´ zquez marks and to include extraneous mate- and it helps keep electricity rates low Farr Michaud Visclosky rials on House Resolution 142. and affordable for our residents. Fattah Miller, George Walz The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there 1340 Foster Moore Wasserman objection to the request of the gentle- b Frankel (FL) Moran Schultz It is one of the cheapest and cleanest Fudge Murphy (FL) Waters woman from Michigan? Gabbard Nadler Watt There was no objection. forms of electricity, and helps make Gallego Napolitano Waxman f other intermittent sources of renew- Garamendi Neal Welch able energy, like wind and solar, pos- Garcia Negrete McLeod Wilson (FL) REMOVAL OF MR. SMITH OF NE- Grayson Nolan Yarmuth sible. BRASKA AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. Yet too often, as is frequently the NOT VOTING—5 1175 case with energy projects on Federal Castor (FL) Lynch Ros-Lehtinen Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I lands, the development of new hydro- Hastings (FL) Markey ask unanimous consent to withdraw power gets caught up in bureaucratic Mr. ADRIAN SMITH of Nebraska as a co- red tape and regulations. 1334 b sponsor of H.R. 1175. Today’s bill, sponsored by our col- Mr. PASCRELL changed his vote The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there league from Colorado, Mr. TIPTON, from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ objection to the request of the gen- would cut through that red tape to ex- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington tleman from Pennsylvania? pand the development of small conduit changed his vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ There was no objection. hydropower. Specifically, it clears up So the previous question was ordered. f Federal agency confusion by directly The result of the vote was announced authorizing hydropower development as above recorded. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION SMALL at almost 47,000 miles of Bureau of Rec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The CONDUIT HYDROPOWER DEVEL- lamation canals. It also streamlines question is on the resolution. OPMENT AND RURAL JOBS ACT the regulatory process for developing The resolution was agreed to. GENERAL LEAVE small canal and pipeline hydropower A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. projects on existing Bureau of Rec- the table. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that lamation facilities.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.002 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1879 Mr. Chairman, I want to stress the those things, but to the exclusion of everything that she can to help except point that these new projects will only NEPA. As the gentleman mentioned, by getting government out of the way. be at existing facilities. These existing H.R. 678 would amend the Reclamation The Federal bureaucracy has made it man-made facilities have already gone Project Act of 1939 and, thus, would fa- cost prohibitive for people to install through extensive environmental re- cilitate and expand the private devel- these small generators in these exist- view when they were initially built. opment of small conduit hydropower at ing canals and pipelines. Rather, they Requiring duplicative reviews on exist- the Bureau of Reclamation facilities. force them to conduct crushingly ex- ing facilities only imposes unnecessary The legislation seeks to accomplish pensive environmental reviews, navi- delays and, thus, administrative costs. several goals, the most important of gate time-consuming bureaucratic I realize that the Bureau of Reclama- which is authorizing reclamation to de- mazes, pay exorbitant administrative tion has come up with its own version velop and increase power at most of fees, and risk the uncertainties of end- of streamlining since we considered those facilities. less internal review and external liti- this bill in the last Congress, but it’s H.R. 678 also includes a provision gation. These bureaucratic obstacles only a theoretical version of stream- that waives NEPA for all conduit often cost more than the projects lining since it has never been used in projects generating less than 5 themselves and turn sensible, economic the 6 months after it was created. This megawatts. The bill waives NEPA, electricity projects into cost-prohibi- bill simply streamlines the regulatory which is on page 4, lines 14 to 18, even tive farces. and administrative process so that though the Bureau of Reclamation has As proposed to be amended, this bill water users can be free to develop hy- implemented a categorical exclusion requires the Bureau to categorically dropower at the Federal canals they al- on their own accord to apply to small exclude the installation of these small, ready operate and maintain. conduit projects. You may call it theo- hydroelectric generators in existing fa- This bill will help generate thousands retical, but it has only been there 6 cilities that have already undergone of megawatts of clean, cheap, abundant months, and it takes government a environmental review. It designates hydropower and, thus, will bring in long time to get the word out to those the central office within the Bureau to new revenue to the Federal Govern- parties. The waiver of NEPA in this provide uniform guidance on processing ment and, more importantly, Mr. bill is unnecessary, since Reclamation applications. It establishes a sensible Chairman, create new American jobs. has already implemented this guidance and streamlined process to determine Best of all, we can do this at no cost to through this categorical exclusion. The development rights. And it ensures the American taxpayer. This is exactly legislation seeks to solve a NEPA prob- that installation of hydrogenerators the type of commonsense proposal that lem that does not exist. Unfortunately, will not disrupt existing water oper- Republicans support as part of the all- some Members on the other side of the ations. of-the-above energy plan. Hydropower aisle have characterized the waiver of Mr. Chairman, think about the impli- must be part of the solution. Families NEPA as ‘‘the main purpose of this leg- cations just to farming as one example. and small businesses rely on access to islation.’’ Some irrigation districts are forced to The waiver in this bill is the exact affordable electricity, and this bill is a use diesel generators to pump water to same waiver that Republicans put into simple way to lower prices by expand- their fields. You put hydroelectric gen- the nearly identical bill last Congress. ing production on one of the best forms erators in existing canals and pipes, Just like the last time, the Senate will of clean, renewable energy. and they become virtually self-sus- not pass it, and the bill will again ex- Mr. Chairman, nearly identical legis- taining, while reducing reliance on pire in the Senate. This is totally un- lation passed the House last Congress other sources of electricity that do necessary. This is not what anyone on with bipartisan support. I hope the produce air emissions. this side of the aisle wants to see hap- House will once again do so today, and It is truly mystifying that a Nation pen, and we would support the bill that the Senate will take action on plagued by prolonged economic stagna- without the NEPA waiver. this job-creating energy bill. Mr. Chairman, I oppose this legisla- tion, chronic unemployment, and in- I want to thank particularly mem- tion and ask my colleagues to do the creasingly scarce and expensive elec- bers of the Natural Resources Com- same. tricity would adopt a willful and delib- mittee Mr. TIPTON of Colorado, Mr. I reserve the balance of my time. erate policy obstructing the construc- GOSAR of Arizona, and Mr. COSTA of Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. tion of these inexpensive and innoc- California for their tremendous work Chairman, I’m pleased to yield 3 min- uous generators in already-existing fa- on this bill and for being strong cham- utes to the gentleman from California cilities. Even FERC, a bastion of regu- pions of small-scale hydropower pro- (Mr. MCCLINTOCK), the chairman of the latory excess, agrees that these studies duction. subcommittee dealing with this legis- are unnecessary when conducted on I reserve the balance of my time. lation on the Natural Resources Com- similar non-Federal facilities. Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Chairman, I mittee. I believe this bill is a model for the yield myself 5 minutes. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I future. I hope that similar regulatory Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of the thank the gentleman for yielding. reforms will soon be extended to other general premise of this bill but oppose Mr. Chairman, the so-called stream- Federal and non-Federal facilities. the legislation as is due to the inclu- lining that the Bureau has pledged to Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Chairman, I sion of the NEPA waiver. do and has done has produced no new yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from Today we are debating H.R. 678, a bill projects for reasons that were made California (Mr. COSTA). that should be noncontroversial. In very clear to our Subcommittee on Mr. COSTA. Mr. Chairman, I want to fact, it should have already been en- Water and Power by numerous wit- thank the ranking member, Congress- acted into law. We all agree that add- nesses. NEPA is at the heart of the woman NAPOLITANO, for her efforts on ing small conduit hydropower projects problem. As the chairman said, the Bu- this legislation, Chairman DOC HAS- is a great idea—no, it’s really a won- reau of Reclamation operates 47,000 TINGS, as well as the chair of the sub- derful idea—and H.R. 678 could have miles of pipelines and canals that have committee, TOM MCCLINTOCK, and the easily been passed through the House already undergone extensive environ- author of this measure, Congressman with overwhelming bipartisan support. mental review. By installing small gen- TIPTON, for trying to bring folks to- But, unfortunately, my esteemed col- erators in the existing pipelines, we gether. leagues on the other side have chosen could add the equivalent generating ca- to turn this noncontroversial bill into pacity of major hydroelectric dams, b 1350 a partisan fight over ideology by meaning millions of dollars of new rev- Mr. Chairman, people from every waiving compliance with the National enue to the government, millions of walk of life are looking to Congress Environmental Policy Act, NEPA, for watts of new, clean, cheap electricity, today to see if we can come together to Federal conduit projects. and all the jobs these projects would deal with any of our problems, whether As my colleague from Washington in- produce. they be big, small, or in between. I rise dicated, it means jobs. It means the ad- The gentlelady has said that she sup- today to support legislation, I think, dition of clean energy. It means all of ports the objective and is willing to do that does that. This isn’t the biggest

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.031 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 legislation we’ll deal with this year, Our bipartisan bill, again, would generate revenue to the Federal Gov- nor is it the smallest; but it’s some- amend the Reclamation Act of 1939 to ernment. thing that will help America’s energy create a permanent process for how It’s as simple as this poster dem- policy. local irrigation districts and water onstrates, as easy as putting a portable Our bipartisan bill would amend the agencies develop this very valuable, re- generator into moving canal water. Reclamation Act, as has been stated, of newable, carbon-free resource for rec- Many irrigation districts and elec- 1939, to create a permanent process for lamation facilities. trical utilities seek to develop hydro- how local irrigation districts and water By streamlining the process, the irri- power on Bureau of Reclamation pipes, agencies develop this very valuable, re- gation districts would be empowered to ditches and canals; but regulatory un- newable, carbon-free energy at our rec- develop small conduit hydropower at certainty and the threat of unneces- lamation facilities. And as we’re put- no cost to the taxpayers. These sary bureaucratic requirements stand ting together an energy policy that projects typically are 5 megawatts and in the way. uses all-of-the-above, this becomes an less. This legislation seeks to remove du- important part. Harnessing the power of water al- plicative environmental analysis where H.R. 678, the Bureau of Reclamation ready flowing through reclamation fa- doing so will considerably reduce costs Small Conduit Hydropower Develop- cilities would stimulate rural econo- for hydropower developers, while re- ment and Rural Jobs Act, is a bipar- mies, reduce pumping costs for farmers taining the analysis necessary to pro- tisan bill that puts existing resources who face those pumping costs every tect valuable natural resources. and knowledge we already have to ex- year. While the Bureau of Reclamation has pand one of the most important tools I am proud to stand with my col- recently begun to inventory facilities in our Nation’s energy toolbox. Let me leagues who are supporting this legisla- suitable for small conduit hydropower repeat that: one of the most important tion. I want to thank Congressman TIP- generation and develop directives and tools in our Nation’s energy toolbox. TON for this effort, because it helps us standards to help promote that end, for Hydropower is the single largest take advantage of existing facilities far too long, duplicative review for source of clean, sustainable energy and that are already in place to provide ad- small hydropower projects on existing, has been powering our country for over ditional resource of power where we manmade facilities rendered these 100 years throughout the land. When need it. projects financially unfeasible, and sig- most people think about hydropower, If we want to strengthen our energy nificant uncertainty still remains. of course, they think about the big portfolio, let’s start with the low-hang- The generating units covered by H.R. projects, Hoover Dam and other mod- ing fruit. This is low-hanging fruit. 678 would be installed on entirely man- ern engineering marvels. Let me just give you some numbers. made waterways which have already However, the beauty of this hydro- In California there are 20 small hydro received a full environmental review power legislation is it can also be used projects, should this legislation be- when they were built or rehabilitated. on much smaller scaled, reliable come law, that would be available to Any transmission associated with projects in which we already have the this process. Let me underline that: 20 these projects that would result from infrastructure in place. Every day, projects in California that would qual- the passage of this bill must still un- water flows thousands of miles through ify. dergo full environmental review where canals, pipes and ditches across this In the Nation, the Bureau of Rec- they impact the environment. To re- country. I know—I happen to represent lamation has determined that there are quire a lengthy review for dropping a one of those places, the great San Joa- 373 projects throughout the country small generator into a pipe simply de- quin Valley, in which we have a vast that potentially would qualify should fies logic, and we cannot pursue an all- network of dams and reservoirs and ca- this legislation become law. of-the-above energy strategy if we con- nals that provide that water for those The bill does just that. I urge your tinue business as usual. who most need it, our cities and our support for H.R. 678. In addition to creating regulatory farms. We have an old saying: where water Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. certainty and removing duplicative flows, food grows. Every day we miss Chairman, I’m pleased to yield 5 min- processes, this legislation authorizes valuable opportunities to utilize this utes to the gentleman from Colorado power development at the agency’s resource’s full potential. This bill (Mr. TIPTON), the sponsor of this bipar- conduits to clear up multi-Federal changes that. tisan legislation. agency confusion and further reduces This water could easily be harnessed Mr. TIPTON. I thank Chairman HAS- the regulatory costs associated with to provide low-cost, renewable energy TINGS for yielding. hydropower development. This provi- to American families and help add to Mr. Chairman, H.R. 678 is a common- sion of the bill will provide the nec- the increment of energy that we need sense piece of legislation to foster essary statutory authority to be able in this country. clean, renewable energy development, to reduce litigation that the agency is Currently, small conduit hydropower create rural jobs in America, and to do sure to seek under the current frame- is largely untapped and underutilized; so without taxpayer cost, while return- work which relies on broad authorities and it’s also, obviously, a clean-energy ing revenues to the U.S. Treasury and, that do not specifically authorize hy- opportunity. The greatest barrier to by all measures, should be considered dropower development. unleashing the next generation of hy- low-hanging fruit, as our fellow Mem- This legislation ensures the contin- dropower is not technological, because ber has just noted, for congressional ued use of the Bureau facilities, pri- we have made great progress on the action. marily for water supply and irrigation, technological side. Unfortunately, it’s There’s been a lot of discussion on and protects the interests of those regulatory. both sides of the aisle about the need maintaining and operating these facili- Currently, the Federal Energy Regu- to be able to pursue an all-of-the-above ties by offering them the first right of latory Commission, otherwise known strategy. Hydropower, as the cleanest refusal to take advantage of small con- as FERC, maintains jurisdiction over and most abundant natural energy duit energy development projects. small projects like those that I am source, should be at the forefront of Non-Federal operators know the de- talking about. any comprehensive natural energy pol- tails of the facilities best and are lo- Serving on the Natural Resources icy. cally invested. As a result, it’s only Committee, I’ve heard from folks Increased conduit hydropower serves logical to offer them the first oppor- across the country say that these regu- a number of purposes. It produces re- tunity to develop this energy on facili- lations are too costly and too difficult newable and emissions-free energy that ties that they maintain. to navigate. Obtaining an exception can be used to pump water or sell elec- Additionally, those irrigation dis- from FERC’s permitting rules can take tricity into the grid; it can generate tricts with preexisting arrangements up to 6 months and cost nearly $50,000 revenue for the irrigation district to be with the Bureau or the Federal Energy for a local water district to pursue. able to help pay for aging infrastruc- Regulatory Commission for water de- That’s unnecessary, and it’s also a ture costs and facilitate moderniza- livery and hydropower development waste of valuable resources. tion; and it can create local jobs and will not be disturbed by this bill.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.033 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1881 I’m proud to have the support of the elements and instead make it here in sounds like it is a big, big issue now. I Family Farm Alliance, the National America. But in order for us to do this, suspect we may have, Madam Chair- Water Resources Association, the we need to invest in developing our man, that legislation again in front of American Public Power Association, technical workforce here at home. us, and I would hope that we could elic- and the National Hydropower Associa- Currently, the United States lacks it the gentleman’s support when that tion, among others. the necessary technical expertise to bill comes to the floor. I look forward to working with my ensure a reliable supply of energy crit- With that, Madam Chairman, I am colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ical elements. My bill, H.R. 1022, en- very pleased to yield 2 minutes to the be able to make this public law and to lists the talents of our university stu- gentlelady from Wyoming (Mrs. LUM- start putting rural America back to dents and encourages them to develop MIS), a valuable member of the Natural work and developing clean, renewable the technical expertise necessary to se- Resources Committee. energy. cure America’s access to these ele- Mrs. LUMMIS. I rise in support of Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair, I ments. We need to ensure that the best H.R. 678, of which I’m an original co- agree with my colleague, except some and brightest minds in our area and sponsor, and I want to thank Rep- of those projects were built in 1902 and our country have the tools and support resentative TIPTON, Chairman MCCLIN- through the 1970s. I think we do need they need to support America’s access TOCK, and Chairman HASTINGS for their NEPA protection. to energy critical elements. H.R. 1022 hard work on this bill, which unlocks I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman will promote collaboration and re- significant hydropower development from California (Mr. SWALWELL). search opportunities in the fields of en- potential in my home State of Wyo- ming. b 1400 ergy-critical elements for students at higher institutions, and coordination Congress and the Bureau of Reclama- Mr. SWALWELL of California. I of Federal agencies to promote a stable tion have over the years created hun- would like to thank the ranking mem- supply of energy-critical elements. dreds of canals and pipelines to serve ber for yielding me time. We also have in my congressional dis- water uses in the West. Most of these Madam Chair, I rise to object today trict what’s called the ‘‘Tri-Valley,’’ conduits were never envisioned as to the consideration of this bill and or, as I like to call it, the ‘‘I Valley,’’ power sources because the technology rather propose that we stand in this or the ‘‘Innovation Valley.’’ This area wasn’t there or it wasn’t yet cost-effec- House and we consider Mr. HOYER’s also would rely upon energy-critical tive. But technology has changed, and Make It In America package. We can elements. And as the ranking member now it’s feasible to harness and chan- come together and focus on real solu- said, we have an opportunity today to nel the energy byproduct of these tions that will get our economy mov- work in a bipartisan fashion. Unfortu- water flows. The Bureau of Reclama- ing again, and we should take up Mr. nately, I do not see us doing that. So I tion has identified 373 conduits in the HOYER’s Make It In America package would conclude by asking that we come West with hydropower potential. Wyo- because it will strengthen our economy together. ming leads the States with 121 of these and create non-outsourceable jobs at Also, in my bill there’s a loan guar- sites and is second only to Colorado in home, here in America. The Make It In antee for companies with new proc- terms of the potential energy output. America package includes bills like essing and refining technologies. The In Wyoming alone, the estimated po- mine, H.R. 1022, the Securing Energy Securing Energy Critical Elements and tential is 82 million kilowatt hours an- Critical Elements and American Jobs American Jobs Act of 2013 will help to nually from a clean, renewable energy Act of 2013 that will help secure Amer- spur private investment in companies source. Unleashing this potential, ica’s place as a leader in science and on the forefront of this critical field. while still protecting the environment technology with a 21st century work- It’s very important that we have the and end water users, is what this bill is force. Federal Government at the very incep- all about. What are rare Earth elements? Well, tion, in the beginning, providing the First, H.R. 678 eliminates bureau- these are 17 chemical elements—ele- research and Federal funding. But most cratic confusion by expressly author- ments that, prior to coming to Con- important is to get it out into private izing the Bureau to oversee hydropower gress and learning about how they af- industry. And that’s what this bill development in its conduits. fect our economy, I couldn’t point out calls upon. Second, it directs the Bureau of Rec- at pistol point—that are very critical So, again, I urge my colleagues to lamation to exempt small hydropower to making cell phones, to making our stop wasting time with partisan bills projects from duplicative environ- electric cars, and also to making our like this today. Instead, let’s come to- mental paperwork requirements. We’re antimissile systems. Despite the name, gether to train and secure a 21st cen- talking about placing small power gen- they are very abundant in our country tury workforce. Let’s harness our own erators in canals and ditches where the and they can be extracted in an envi- resources. Let’s Make It In America, ground has already been disturbed. ronmentally safe manner. and we can help all Americans make it. Fences have gone up. Environmental So what’s the problem? Well, today, Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. analysis has been conducted, some- 97 percent of rare Earth elements are Madam Chairman, before I yield time times multiple times because of the extracted and exported from China. to the gentlelady from Wyoming, I Bureau’s contract renewals with some Eighty percent of rare Earth magnets yield myself such time as I may con- water users. Requiring duplicative en- and almost 100 percent of related metal sume. vironmental analysis on preexisting production are coming from China. In I find the gentleman’s argument on conduits makes no sense, provides no 2010, China temporarily cut off rare the other side rather striking because environmental benefit, and imposes Earth supplies to , the European he’s talking about American-made jobs more costs and bureaucratic uncer- Union, and the United States, high- and another piece of legislation not as- tainty on potential developers. lighting the potential consequences to sociated with this. And I would just Third, the bill protects water supply the United States for relying so heav- point out, what could be more Amer- and delivery as the primary and funda- ily upon China for rare Earth produc- ican-made jobs than putting hydro- mental priority for these conduits, tion that is so crucial and critical to power facilities on American soil? That whose vital mission will not be dis- what we can create here in America. creates jobs. That’s what this bill is all rupted. My district includes northern Silicon about. I urge my colleagues to support this Valley, home of silicon chip processing, And the second point, the gentleman commonsense, jobs-creating bill. home of the technology boom, home of mentioned the rare Earth issue that we Mrs. NAPOLITANO. May I inquire as the Internet, and also home of many have. Last Congress, we passed legisla- to how much time I have remaining? advanced manufacturing production tion here so we could utilize the known The Acting CHAIR (Mrs. MILLER of sites. H.R. 1022, the Securing Energy rare Earth supplies we have in this Michigan). The gentlewoman from Critical Elements in American Jobs country, and it was the other body, California has 18 minutes remaining, Act of 2013 aims to help reduce our de- controlled by the gentleman’s own and the gentleman from Washington pendence on China for these critical party, that didn’t act on it. And he has 161⁄2 minutes remaining.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.034 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 Mrs. NAPOLITANO. I yield 5 minutes Mr. GOSAR. Thank you, Chairman homes simply by installing these small to the gentleman from California (Mr. HASTINGS. hydropower generators. That is a huge CA´ RDENAS). Madam Chairman, I rise in support of economic impact for the small rural Mr. CARDENAS. I thank the gentle- H.R. 678, the Bureau of Reclamation communities these irrigators serve. woman for giving me the opportunity and Small Conduit Hydropower Devel- They would provide a real economic to speak on this matter. opment and Rural Jobs Act of 2013. boost and lower energy costs. H.R. 678 could easily be a bipartisan, This legislation was one of Representa- There are many solutions to our Na- noncontroversial bill. But Republicans tive TIPTON’s and my top priorities in tion’s energy crisis, but hydropower is insist on including an unnecessary pro- the Natural Resources Committee last clearly part of our all-of-the-above vision to waive environmental review. Congress, so I am pleased to join him plan. It already accounts for about 75 It sets the wrong precedent. Nearly 100 again as an original cosponsor and ap- percent of this country’s total renew- days have passed since the 113th Con- preciate that the House is taking up able electricity generation, and we gress has been sworn in, and not one the legislation so quickly in the 113th haven’t even begun yet. bill has been brought to the floor that Congress. Early this Congress, the House would have a measurable effect of rein- Our country is failing to fully tap its unanimously passed the Hydropower vigorating our manufacturing sector. hydroelectric power generation poten- Regulatory Efficiency Act, which pro- In fact, quite the opposite has hap- tial. The Federal Government owns motes development on privately owned pened. over 47,000 miles of canals, laterals, infrastructure. We should do the same Democrats have announced the Make drains, pipeline and tunnels through- today on Congressman TIPTON’s and It In America initiative to focus on out the West that are perfectly suit- my legislation that does the same for four areas to help our economy grow. able for hydropower production, but publicly owned infrastructure. In order to strengthen the economy, hardworking irrigators and power pro- Congress would be doing the Amer- this Congress must: adopt and pursue a viders in our districts, already oper- ican people an injustice if we didn’t comprehensive manufacturing strat- ating and maintaining this infrastruc- move swiftly on this bill. Hydropower egy; promote the export of U.S. goods; ture on behalf of the Federal Govern- must be an integral component of the encourage innovation; and train a 21st ment, cannot install hydropower gen- long-term all-of-the-above energy century workforce. In addition to these erators because government regula- strategy in Arizona and for our Nation, four core components, we must work tions and bureaucratic confusion are and this bill will allow rural western together to address the equally impor- making it cost prohibitive. communities to play a major role in tant task of getting our small business H.R. 678 will clear away these bu- that future. I will continue to work owners access to capital they so des- reaucratic obstacles that stand be- with Congressman TIPTON to ensure perately need. Without capital, our tween our Nation and thousands of that this bill not only passes the House businesses are stagnant, cannot invest megawatts of clean, cheap, abundant, this year but gets through the Senate in their own growth, and will not hire and reliable hydroelectricity. The re- and is sent to the President’s desk for that unemployed person who has been sulting development will create jobs in his signature. Folks, it is that simple: searching for a job for months. rural communities hit hardest by the commonsense utilization of infrastruc- We must do more to get the financial recession, increase our country’s re- ture we already have. institutions back to lending in this newable energy portfolio, and even gen- Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair- country. Now it’s up to Republicans erate revenue for the Federal Treasury. man, I am glad that there are some vis- and Democrats to work together to The Members of this body opposing ual effects here. It is important. But I enact and pass Make It In America leg- this legislation claim it could cause don’t know how all the canal and for islation and help secure America as the harm to the environment. To be clear, the release, were there any levee world leader when it comes to job cre- this bill only allows for development issues. So it is important to have a ation and when it comes to innovation. on existing irrigation canals and ditch NEPA review. When it comes to hydropower, it’s very systems, not free-flowing rivers and I would now like to yield 5 minutes important for us to understand yes, we streams. These conduits have been in to my colleague, the gentleman from need more hydropower, yes, we need in- place for years, do not contain any en- California, Congressman TAKANO. novation, yes, we need to make sure Mr. TAKANO. I thank the gentlelady dangered wildlife or fish, and were sub- the small and large hydropower actu- from my own home State of California ject to environmental analysis at the ally moves forward. But doing it at the for yielding time. expense of the environment by waiving time of construction or rehabilitation. Madam Chair, this bill is something On the poster to my left is a clear ex- environmental review is just not the that Democrats could support if proper ample of what we are talking about. right way to do it. environmental review were not made a Folks, it’s concrete. It’s been sitting problem. I really believe this Congress b 1410 here with running water. I don’t see needs to get back to getting serious the need and I hope you don’t see the Many people in these Chambers about discussing how we’re going to need for a NEPA environmental assess- speak constantly of making sure that put our country back to work. we don’t put things on the backs of our ment. This canal is in the western part The national unemployment rate is children and our grandchildren. Every of my congressional district. We have 7.6 percent, and in my own district it’s time we waive environmental review, miles of this type of infrastructure nearly 11 percent. The Congress should every time that we don’t do things throughout the State, including the be focused on putting Americans back carefully, we move in a direction where Central Arizona Project. It provides to work. Democrats have a plan. It’s it takes sometimes a year or 2 or 3 to my constituents with the water nec- called Make It In America. This plan, essary to live in the desert and even go in the wrong direction, it takes dec- put together by Mr. HOYER from Mary- ades for us to correct those environ- grow a good portion of this Nation’s land, addresses the most pressing crisis mental problems. produce. that our Nation faces, the jobs crisis, So environmental review should be The experts on the ground say we are and it will put Americans back to part of the process and, yes, it should sitting on a hydropower gold mine work. It has four main points: be streamlined and, yes, we need to waiting for the needed clarifications Number one, adopt and pursue a na- make sure that we do things in a fash- and streamlining that will cut costs tional manufacturing strategy; ion that does put people back to work, and make this program more attrac- Number two, promote the export of but we have to do it carefully and re- tive. There are over 26 locations just American goods; sponsibly. like this one in my State alone—most- Number three, encourage manufac- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. ly in Yuma, Pinal, and western Mari- turers to bring jobs and innovation Madam Chairman, I am pleased to copa Counties—that are suitable for back to America; yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from this development. The Agri-Business Number four, train and secure a 21st Arizona (Mr. GOSAR), another valuable Council of Arizona believes its mem- century workforce. member of the Committee on Natural bers could produce enough low-cost We have the tools at our disposal to Resources. clean energy to power nearly 5,000 do these things.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.036 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1883 The legislation that I have intro- The Bureau of Reclamation has con- think, a lot of the country these days, duced that is a part of the Make It In structed 32 such projects in Montana, because renewable energy in most America plan is called the Jobs Skills and with the improved ability to har- cases is very expensive. So the same for America’s Students Act. It encour- ness the energy of moving water in people that are saying we can’t do this ages partnerships between employers conduits, the Rural Jobs Act would without NEPA, the same people that and educational institutions. Employ- allow each of these projects to generate are saying we can’t have fracturing, ers who participate are able to receive more than 26 million kilowatts per which is bringing very cost-effective a $2,000 tax credit per student partici- hour of power. There is no reason red electricity to many, many Americans pating in a qualified technical training tape should tie up that much alter- now, the same people that want to re- and skills program, with a total credit native energy potential. move hydroelectric dams in my part of amount cap of $10,000 per year. This bill will help lower energy costs, the district in northern California are Many of America’s fastest growing create Montana jobs, and provide our now wanting to oppose a commonsense industries, industries that will benefit Nation with a sustainable, renewable measure like this. from the Make It In America plan, like source of energy. This is common Sometimes I just don’t get it, but advanced manufacturing and clean en- sense. I believe that H.R. 678, the Rural this one here is really an opportunity ergy, require a highly skilled work- Jobs Act, is important for our country, to move forward with opportunity for force. These industries struggle to find and I strongly support its passage. our rural States, for rural areas to workers who possess the technical produce these projects with American b 1420 training that they require. The Na- know-how and more American jobs. We tional Association of Manufacturers es- Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair, I hear a lot about that here today. Let’s timates that 600,000 manufacturing reserve the balance of my time. put Americans to work with common- jobs remain unfilled due to a lack of Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. sense, reachable measures that are en- qualified candidates. Just today, we Madam Chairman, I am very pleased to vironmentally sound and certainly learned from the Department of Labor yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from good for our economy. that there are 3.9 million job openings California (Mr. LAMALFA), another Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair, in America, the most in almost 5 years. member of the Natural Resources Com- may I inquire how many minutes we Many of these jobs are unfilled because mittee. have remaining? The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman of the lack of training. Mr. LAMALFA. I thank the gen- The Job Skills for America’s Stu- tleman for yielding. from California has 12 minutes remain- dents Act partners key industries with Madam Chairman, once in awhile a ing, and the gentleman from Wash- 1 community colleges and other pro- bill comes through that even makes ington has 8 ⁄2 minutes remaining. Mrs. NAPOLITANO. May I inquire of grams to offer students the oppor- great sense in Washington, D.C., and my colleague how many other speakers tunity to obtain the training they need this is a really commonsense measure. he has? to thrive in the field of their choice. To I live on a farm in northern California where I’m surrounded by canals and Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I am grow our middle class and create a prepared to close general debate if the workforce for the future, we must close ditches and water moving all about in my daily life in producing rice, and so gentlelady is prepared to close. the skills gap and we must make train- Mrs. NAPOLITANO. I am. I thank ing affordable and effective. there’s all these opportunities we would have on installations like that. the gentleman. I urge my Republican colleagues to Madam Chair, as I’ve said before, this But we’re talking today about Bureau work with Democrats to pass each is a good bill with one bad provision in installations to put renewable power in piece of the Make It In America legis- it, and that is the NEPA waiver that is place that, according to this chart lation. not needed. It is not good environ- here, would affect many, many States Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. mental policy, and it is not good en- with many installations and provide Madam Chairman, I am pleased to ergy policy. yield 2 minutes to another member of many American jobs. NEPA is not just red tape. It is a the Natural Resources Committee, the The opportunities of this bill, just chance for the Federal Government to gentleman from Montana (Mr. DAINES). putting the bureaucracy and the red consider alternatives, to listen to not Mr. DAINES. Chairman HASTINGS, tape aside, for a commonsense measure only the opponent, but get input from thanks to you and to Mr. TIPTON for to take advantage of an opportunity to everybody impacted and to consider the opportunity to speak in support of do something that, on the heels of any possible impacts to the area. H.R. 678 today. This bill reflects an March Madness here, really, installa- At the appropriate time, I will offer issue that is of true importance to my tions would be no harm, no foul. These an amendment to fit the one flaw in home State of Montana. facilities already exist. It would be this bill. I hope my amendment is You know, when most people think of easy to put in place. If we could put adopted and we’ll send this to the Sen- our rivers and waterways in Montana, aside the red tape of NEPA require- ate for passage. they think of celebrities like Brad Pitt ments, it would be unnecessary. Madam Chair, I yield back the bal- standing in the Little Blackfoot River As I drive up and down my canals and ance of my time. casting for trout in the movie ‘‘A River my ditches, again, no harm, no foul Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Runs Through It.’’ here. We’re looking at an easy installa- Madam Chairman, I yield myself the Back in Montana, we rely on our riv- tion that would be a very valuable balance of my time. ers and our natural resources as an im- thing for, where I come from in Cali- This debate has been rather inter- portant part of our way of life. How- fornia, a renewable energy portfolio, esting, because it sounds like on the ever, I’m here today to focus on a very which is 33 percent kicking in. It’s floor there is widespread support for significant benefit of our waterways, pretty hard to find renewable energy, the concept of this bill. And why and that’s hydropower. Our waterways especially when most of those sources shouldn’t there be? After all, there are help power our homes, they irrigate are required to be solar or wind. 47,000 miles of canals and ditches that our farms and ranches, and they water Hydropower is a very important com- could be utilized for energy production. our livestock. In Montana, about a ponent in my part of the State here. There seems to be one problem, and third of our energy comes from hydro- We have so much water that we can that problem revolves around NEPA, power, generating 1,100 megawatts per take advantage of to produce, why the National Environmental Policy year. To put this in perspective, 1 aren’t we doing it in the commonsense Act, which was put in place, by the megawatt will power nearly 600 homes. areas? way, in 1969. I’m not going do say Six of Montana’s 10 largest generating H.R. 678—and I commend the chair- there’s a direct correlation between plants run on hydroelectric power. But man and Mr. TIPTON for bringing this NEPA and the lack of Bureau of Rec- we’re not here to talk about streams bill forward. This is, again, something lamation projects, but it is very inter- and rivers; we’re here to talk about that’s going to be very positive for esting that most of the great projects man-made canals and manmade water- rural America, for our renewable en- that were built in the West were built ways. ergy portfolio, which is affecting, I prior to NEPA.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.038 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 There were environmental statutes 5,000 kilowatts of potential hydropower devel- water for the original project purposes. on the book, Madam Chairwoman, back opment. Lease of power privilege shall be made only then, and they are all satisfied. I hap- This bill empowers local irrigation districts to when, in the judgment of the Secretary, the produce emissions–free energy which could exercise of the lease will not be incompatible pen to live in central Washington. with the purposes of the project or division There are two great projects in central be used by producers or sold to help pay for involved, nor shall it create any unmitigated Washington—the Columbia Basin aging infrastructure costs. financial or physical impacts to the project Project and the Yakima River Project; There are no government mandates and no or division involved, and shall be on such in total, probably over a million acres hidden costs, Mr. Chair. terms and conditions as in the judgment of of irrigated land. Sustainable, affordable energy is critical to the Secretary in consultation with the ap- Here is the truism, Madam Chair- growing our economy and this is common- propriate irrigation district or water users woman. What we are talking about are sense policymaking. association, will adequately protect the planning, design, construction, operation, our facilities where water is running The Acting CHAIR. All time for gen- eral debate has expired. maintenance, and other interests of the through them, water is running down- United States and the project or division in- hill. We all know that water running Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be volved. downhill creates a certain amount of considered for amendment under the 5- ‘‘(7) Nothing in this subsection shall alter energy. All we want to do is capture minute rule and is considered read. or affect any existing agreements for the de- that energy. With the prior chart that The text of the bill is as follows: velopment of conduit hydropower projects or the gentleman from California put up, H.R. 678 disposition of revenues. ‘‘(8) In this subsection: most of the States that will benefit by Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘(A) CONDUIT.—The term ‘conduit’ means this are from the West. That means resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, any Bureau of Reclamation tunnel, canal, that we can make the desert bloom pipeline, aqueduct, flume, ditch, or similar SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. even more in the West if we utilize This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Bureau of manmade water conveyance that is operated these facilities. Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower De- for the distribution of water for agricultural, municipal, or industrial consumption and Finally, I just want to make one velopment and Rural Jobs Act’’. other observation. My good friend from not primarily for the generation of elec- SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION. tricity. California was saying that, okay, this Section 9(c) of the Reclamation Project ‘‘(B) IRRIGATION DISTRICT.—The term ‘irri- is like a bill we had last year. We Act of 1939 (43 U.S.C. 485h(c)) is amended— gation district’ means any irrigation, water passed it; the Senate didn’t do any- (1) by striking ‘‘The Secretary is author- conservation, multicounty water conserva- thing. Well, I would just remind the ized to enter into contracts to furnish tion district, or any separate public entity gentlelady, and she should know this, water’’ and inserting the following: composed of two or more such districts and and I know she does, we are two dis- ‘‘(1) The Secretary is authorized to enter jointly exercising powers of its member dis- into contracts to furnish water’’; tricts. tinct bodies, the House and the Senate. (2) by striking ‘‘(1) shall’’ and inserting If they have a different view, for good- ‘‘(C) RESERVED WORK.—The term ‘reserved ‘‘(A) shall’’; work’ means any conduit that is included in ness sake, pass something. If it’s dif- (3) by striking ‘‘(2) shall’’ and inserting project works the care, operation, and main- ferent than our view, then we’ll figure ‘‘(B) shall’’; tenance of which has been reserved by the out how to come together. But to sim- (4) by striking ‘‘respecting the terms of Secretary, through the Commissioner of the ply say, this is a good piece of legisla- sales of electric power and leases of power Bureau of Reclamation. privileges shall be in addition and alter- tion but we don’t like NEPA, therefore, ‘‘(D) TRANSFERRED WORK.—The term don’t pass it because the Senate won’t native to any authority in existing laws re- ‘transferred work’ means any conduit that is lating to particular projects’’ and inserting take it up, is not doing our job. included in project works the care, oper- ‘‘respecting the sales of electric power and ation, and maintenance of which has been Madam Chairman, this is a good leases of power privileges shall be an author- piece of legislation. There are some transferred to a legally organized water ization in addition to and alternative to any users association or irrigation district. amendments that will be following. We authority in existing laws related to par- ‘‘(E) SMALL CONDUIT HYDROPOWER.—The can get into more detail on those. But ticular projects, including small conduit hy- term ‘small conduit hydropower’ means a fa- I urge my colleagues to support pas- dropower development’’; and cility capable of producing 5 megawatts or sage of this legislation, and I yield (5) by adding at the end the following: less of electric capacity.’’. back the balance of my time. ‘‘(2) When carrying out this subsection, the Secretary shall first offer the lease of power The Acting CHAIR. No amendment Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Chair, I rise privilege to an irrigation district or water to the bill shall be in order except today in support of H.R. 678, the Bureau of users association operating the applicable those received for printing in the por- Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower De- transferred work, or to the irrigation dis- tion of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD des- velopment and Rural Jobs Act, of which I am trict or water users association receiving ignated for that purpose dated at least a cosponsor, and I want to thank Mr. TIPTON water from the applicable reserved work. 1 day before the day of consideration of for his efforts. The Secretary shall determine a reasonable the amendment and pro forma amend- Expanding access to clean, affordable, reli- time frame for the irrigation district or ments for the purpose of debate. able energy is one challenge facing our Nation water users association to accept or reject a Each amendment so received may be lease of power privilege offer. today. And while visionaries are looking for so- offered only by the Member who sub- ‘‘(3) The National Environmental Policy mitted it for printing or a designee and lutions, outdated bureaucracy is stifling inno- Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) shall not vation. apply to small conduit hydropower develop- shall be considered as read if printed. Though its environmental impacts are neg- ment, excluding siting of associated trans- Are there any amendments to the ligible, small hydropower development remains mission on Federal lands, under this sub- bill? a financial challenge. section. AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. TIPTON By exempting small hydropower from NEPA ‘‘(4) The Power Resources Office of the Bu- Mr. TIPTON. Madam Chairwoman, I requirements, this bill substantially reduces reau of Reclamation shall be the lead office have an amendment at the desk. administrative costs and could help stimulate of small conduit hydropower activities con- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ducted under this subsection. designate the amendment. the economy of rural America at no cost to ‘‘(5) Nothing in this subsection shall obli- taxpayers. The text of the amendment is as fol- gate the Western Area Power Administra- lows: Let me be clear, Mr. Chair, this bill, like hy- tion, the Bonneville Power Administration, Page 4, strike lines 14 through 18, and in- dropower legislation I introduced last Con- or the Southwestern Power Administration sert the following: gress, is limited in scope. to purchase or market any of the power pro- ‘‘(3) The Bureau of Reclamation shall apply duced by the facilities covered under this We’re not talking about waiving environ- its categorical exclusion process under the subsection and none of the costs associated mental regulations for large, new infrastructure National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 with production or delivery of such power projects; we’re talking about streamlining the (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) to small conduit hy- shall be assigned to project purposes for in- process of developing clean, renewable en- dropower development under this subsection, clusion in project rates. excluding siting of associated transmission ergy on existing conduits. ‘‘(6) Nothing in this subsection shall alter facilities on Federal lands. According to a Bureau of Reclamation’s or impede the delivery and management of March 2012 report on conduit hydropower de- water by Bureau of Reclamation facilities, as The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman velopment, more than 30 irrigation sites in my water used for conduit hydropower genera- from Colorado is recognized for 5 min- home State of Nebraska contain more than tion shall be deemed incidental to use of utes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.040 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1885 Mr. TIPTON. Madam Chairwoman, I Mrs. NAPOLITANO. I rise in opposi- Unlimited, the Family Farm Alliance, the Na- offer this amendment in response to tion to this amendment. tional Water Resources Association, and the the concerns of my colleagues on the The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman National Hydropower Association. other side of the aisle and at the re- from California is recognized for 5 min- I urge you to support this amendment and quest of the broad range of irrigation utes. support the underlying bill. districts, water conservation and con- Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair, I The Acting CHAIR. The question is servancy districts, and public utilities rise in opposition to Tipton amend- on the amendment offered by the gen- that are supporting this bill and this ment No. 3 for the CONGRESSIONAL tleman from Colorado (Mr. TIPTON). commonsense amendment. I’m pleased RECORD. The amendment was agreed to. to have the support of my Democratic We are glad to see the author of the AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MRS. colleague JIM COSTA on this effort and legislation recognizes that in devel- NAPOLITANO the support of the National Hydro- oping conduit hydropower projects, Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair, I power Association, the Family Farm NEPA is not the problem and that the rise to offer the Napolitano amendment Alliance, the National Water Resources flat NEPA waiver included in the base identified as amendment No. 1 in the Association, and the American Public bill is not good policy. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. Power Association. We also welcome the apparent real- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will This amendment removes the NEPA ization that insisting on an unwar- designate the amendment. waiver in the bill and instead codifies ranted and unwise NEPA waiver has The text of the amendment is as fol- the application of the Bureau of Rec- been the anchor that has held this bill lows: back and prohibited this largely non- lamation’s categorical exclusion proc- Page 4, strike lines 14 through 18 (and re- ess under the National Environmental controversial measure from becoming designate subsequent provisions accord- Policy Act for small hydropower law. ingly). projects covered by this bill. But to be clear, this amendment only Page 7, line 13, strike ‘‘5’’ and insert ‘‘15’’. This alternative provision would still tweaks language that should be re- The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman ensure streamlining the approval proc- moved from the bill entirely. The Tip- from California is recognized for 5 min- ess for clean renewable energy and help ton amendment circles around the edge utes. provide certainty for investors and job of the problem while my amendment, Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair, creators, while providing flexibility to which I’ll offer in a few minutes, solves my amendment is very simple. It would the Bureau to adjust to changing cir- the problem by removing the waiver strike the NEPA, known as the Na- cumstances moving forward. By ad- completely so we can move forward and tional Environmental Policy Act, waiv- vancing these projects under the Bu- support the bill. er and give the Secretary of the Inte- Better yet, if the waiver is removed, reau’s categorical exclusion process, we rior, acting through the Bureau of Rec- there is no need for the artificially low ensure that all of the elements in that lamation, the authority to apply Rec- cap on the size of these projects con- process are retained, including agency lamation’s directives and standards for tained in the base bill, which is why discretion for examining extraordinary lease of power privilege projects, which my amendment will increase the cap circumstances. In addition, the amend- is known as LOPP. from 5 to 15 megawatts. The Tipton ment specifically mentions codifying The Bureau of Reclamation on its amendment does nothing to raise the the categorical exclusion process for own accord has applied a categorical cap on these projects. small conduit hydropower. The Tipton amendment is a signifi- exclusion, known as CE, to small con- This is an approach that is supported cant step in the right direction for the duit hydropower projects. In fact, their by Trout Unlimited in its March 19, bill’s sponsor, and we will not oppose it CE went even further. It can be used to 2013 letter, which states: and will work with the sponsor and expedite a wide variety of low-impact Congress should direct BOR to create a hydropower projects built on Reclama- categorical exclusion for small conduit hy- Senate to perfect the language. How- ever, my amendment, which we’ll see tion’s water infrastructure. The main dropower. point of the legislation is to clarify That’s exactly what this amendment momentarily, is better energy policy and better environmental policy. The that Reclamation has jurisdiction over does. the development of conduit projects on The use of a categorical exclusion for amendment is a start, this particular amendment, but I urge my colleagues Reclamation facilities. small conduit hydropower development As I have mentioned before, the spon- to vote ‘‘yes’’ on my amendment to can mean the difference between pri- sor’s amendment only tweaks the lan- vate investment in a public good with really fix this legislation. With that, I yield back the balance of guage that should be removed from the a multitude of benefits, and unreason- bill entirely. The Tipton amendment able financial costs and lengthy delays my time. Mr. COSTA. Madam Chair, the legislative tinkers around the edge of the problem that lead to untapped potential. while my amendment solves the prob- My hope is that this amendment, process is a two way street. It’s about listening and incorporating the concerns of our col- lem by removing the waiver com- which is broadly supported by the di- pletely. verse range of groups invested in the leagues to improve a bill. This amendment does just that. As a compromise, my amendment bill who are committed to ensuring also increases the megawatt limitation continued environmental protection, Environmental review is important, but it needs to be an appropriate level of review for from 5 to 15 megawatts for small con- will assuage any reservations about duit hydro projects. This would allow this effort to promote clean renewable the project involved. On these types of projects, there isn’t much chance of damage, for more power to be created at those energy and allow us to be able to move existing facilities. Without the NEPA forward united in our support. so there shouldn’t be much cost involved for review. waiver, the agency can utilize its own b 1430 Reclamation recognizes this and has made categorical exclusion, which has no Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Will great strides in easing the way for small hydro megawatt limitation, and therefore the gentleman yield? development on the agency’s projects. How- makes the cap on this legislation arbi- Mr. TIPTON. I yield to the gen- ever, potential legal conflicts have prevented trary. The NEPA waiver is unneces- tleman. them from fully implementing this process. sary, and I urge my colleagues to vote Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I This amendment would bridge the legal gap ‘‘yes’’ on my amendment. thank the gentleman for offering this and clarify questions that have kept the Bu- Let me point out that it is my under- amendment. I think it adds a great reau from moving forward. Specifically, the standing that there have been some deal to all the work that you and your amendment would codify the steps Reclama- projects built under the current—not bipartisan cosponsors had put into tion is already taking to ease the way for re- the CE—that have taken a lot more this, and I support the amendment. sponsible small conduit hydropower develop- time and have been costly. And with a Mr. TIPTON. Reclaiming my time, I ment while also resolving potential litigation categorical exclusion, there will be a thank the gentleman for his comments. concerns. cut not only in the cost but in time be- With that, Madam Chairman, I yield This is a commonsense amendment that cause it only involves staff and the back the balance of my time. has been endorsed by American Rivers, Trout cost will be diminished.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.043 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 With that, I yield back the balance of Now, are all regulations bad? No, electric projects back in September of my time. they aren’t. But redundant regulations 2012, but 6 months later, this new pol- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. which drive up costs, which inhibit our icy has resulted in precisely zero new Madam Chairman, I move to strike the ability to be able to create jobs to be projects moving forward. Even if last word. able to put Americans back to work projects were moving forward today, The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is and to be able to create clean, afford- this is only an administrative change recognized for 5 minutes. able energy should not stand in the and could be changed back at any time. Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. way. In addition, an expert witness who Madam Chair, I just want to make a Let’s put Americans back to work. happens to be a litigator testified to point because at the end of the general Let’s work together. our subcommittee that the current ad- debate, I brought up the issue of NEPA The purpose of my amendment is to ministrative process is full of legal that everybody says this is a wonderful be able to reach a reasonable com- holes that could be exploited by those bill except this part. Of course, the promise between the two opposing wanting to stop these projects. Inves- gentlelady’s amendment strikes the ideas in regards to the NEPA provision tors need certainty, and that requires a NEPA waiver, which I pointed out on manmade projects. As Chairman statutory and not an administrative again at the end of the general debate HASTINGS just ably noted, these are fix. there seems to be somewhat cause and manmade ditches. We have no impedi- I appreciate and support the gentle- effect of having NEPA and having ment that’s going to be looked at when lady’s effort to allow the Bureau to projects go forward. it comes to endangered species, be it consider units with 15 megawatts, but I But here is the important point on fish or wildlife. This has already gone would remind her that zero projects this, Madam Chairman, from my point through the desired process of environ- times 15 megawatts still equals zero of view: this bill deals with the Bureau mental review. So does it make good electricity. Indeed, there are prac- of Reclamation, the Bureau of Rec- common sense to say that an area tically no projects in this range to lamation that built ditches and con- that’s been reviewed that was made by begin with, which makes the amend- duits out of concrete generally. Again, men does not have to go through an ad- ment somewhat disingenuous. Even if I spoke of the Columbia Basin Project ditional review process in order to be there were, if the current regulatory in my district and the Yakima Project able to create those jobs and to be able scheme isn’t allowing 5-megawatt in my district, and virtually all of the to create American energy? I think units, it certainly won’t allow 15-mega- ditches are concrete. That means that that’s a sensible approach for us to be watt units. That’s the problem. the land has already been disturbed in able to pursue. Mr. TIPTON’s bill provides an auto- order to put these facilities in place. With that, I would urge opposition matic exclusion from this duplicative What the gentleman from Colorado’s and defeat of the Napolitano amend- and destructive NEPA requirement. bill does is simply put a power source ment. The gentlelady’s amendment takes it within the existing ditches that have Let’s get this job done and let’s truly back out again. That’s not construc- gone through environmental review. work to get Americans back to work. tive and it’s not helpful. Why, for goodness’ sakes, would you With that, I yield back the balance of To assure us that one supports small have to jump through more hoops, un- my time. hydropower but opposes the automatic less you wanted to slow the process Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Chair, I exclusion in Mr. TIPTON’s bill reminds down? Why you’d want to do that, I move to strike the last word. me of Leo Tolstoy’s observation when don’t know, because the end result of The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman he said: this is probably less expensive energy. from California is recognized for 5 min- I sit on a man’s back, choking him and It’s certainly American jobs, and it utes. making him carry me, and all the while, I as- sure him and anyone who will listen that I probably adds to a growing economy. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Chair- Yet there seems to be some idea that am sympathetic for his plight and I am will- man, this amendment strikes the ing to do everything I can to help—except by only NEPA can save us from all of NEPA exclusion for small hydro- getting off his back. that. electric projects. That’s the principal I yield back the balance of my time. Well, I reject that, and that’s why I point of the bill. The Acting CHAIR. The question is oppose the gentlelady’s amendment be- As the Subcommittee on Water and on the amendment offered by the gen- cause it would waive that requirement. Power has repeatedly been told, it is tlewoman from California (Mrs. Once again, Madam Chairman, this is precisely this process that has doubled NAPOLITANO). on existing facilities that have gone the cost of small hydro projects simply The question was taken; and the Act- through environmental review. It making them cost prohibitive. This is ing Chair announced that the noes ap- doesn’t need to jump through that akin to having a full environmental re- peared to have it. hoop one more time. view done when you build your home Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair, I With that, I urge opposition to this and then having to do it all over again demand a recorded vote. amendment, and I yield back the bal- when you want to install a microwave The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to ance of my time. in your kitchen. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- Mr. TIPTON. Madam Chairman, I b 1440 ceedings on the amendment offered by move to strike the last word. the gentlewoman from California will The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman One witness testified that installing be postponed. from Colorado is recognized for 5 min- 15 very small hydropower units on a AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. TIPTON nearby Bureau of Reclamation canal utes. Mr. TIPTON. Madam Chairwoman, I Mr. TIPTON. Madam Chairman, system would cost over $450,000, or have an amendment at the desk. we’ve heard talk today about creating $30,000 per unit, for additional NEPA The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will American jobs on American soil to be reviews that would ultimately con- designate the amendment. able to create American energy. No bill clude that there is no environmental The text of the amendment is as fol- better achieves that end than H.R. 678. impact. lows: The Napolitano amendment, by That means the paperwork costs Page 4, line 4, insert ‘‘(A)’’ after ‘‘(2)’’. striking the provision altogether that would be greater than the actual cap- Page 4, lines 8 and 10, strike ‘‘work’’ and she is offering, will allow no alter- ital cost of the hydropower units. No insert ‘‘conduit’’. native to be able to streamline the one in his right mind would invest in a Page 4, line 13, after ‘‘offer’’ insert ‘‘for a projects’ approval process, and this project with this kind of requirement. small conduit hydropower project’’. amendment literally will ensure that It simply makes no sense, and that’s Page 4, after line 13, insert the following: small investment in small hydropower the primary reason conduit hydro- ‘‘(B) If the irrigation district or water users association elects not accept a lease of projects would not be able to be power development is not happening. power privilege offer under subparagraph (A), achieved. I think it’s important to note It is true that the Bureau of Rec- the Secretary shall offer the lease of power we’re spending $1.750 trillion per year lamation instituted a new NEPA Cat- privilege to other parties in accordance with in regulatory costs in this Nation. egorical Exclusion for small hydro- this subsection.’’.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:37 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.046 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1887 Page 4, line 21, after ‘‘hydropower’’ insert that staff has brought to our attention, Pascrell Sa´ nchez, Linda Takano ‘‘policy and procedure-setting’’. and it addresses a few of the adminis- Pastor (AZ) T. Thompson (CA) Payne Sanchez, Loretta Thompson (MS) Page 5, line 18 strike ‘‘involved, and’’ and tration’s concerns. all that follows though line 25 and insert the Pelosi Sarbanes Tierney The amendment clarifies that the Perlmutter Schakowsky Titus following ‘‘involved. The Secretary shall no- Schiff Tonko tify and consult with the irrigation district projects already permitted under FERC Peters (CA) Peters (MI) Schneider Tsongas or water users association operating the would not see any regulatory uncer- Pingree (ME) Schrader Van Hollen transferred conduit before offering the lease tainty with this bill’s passage. We are Pocan Schwartz Vargas Scott (VA) Veasey of power privilege and shall prescribe terms also in agreement with the amendment Polis Scott, David Vela and conditions that will adequately protect Price (NC) changes that require greater consulta- Serrano Vela´ zquez the planning, design, construction, oper- Quigley tion with irrigation districts and water Sewell (AL) Visclosky ation, maintenance, and other interests of user associations prior to the approval Rahall Shea-Porter Wasserman the United States and the project or division Rangel of the Lease of Power Privilege. Sherman Schultz involved.’’. Richmond Sinema Waters Page 6, after line 4, insert the following: We have no objections to this tech- Roybal-Allard Sires Watt ‘‘(8) Nothing in this subsection shall alter nical amendment, and I yield back the Ruiz Slaughter Waxman or affect any existing preliminary permit, li- balance of my time. Ruppersberger Smith (WA) Welch cense, or exemption issued by the Federal Rush Speier Wilson (FL) The Acting CHAIR. The question is Ryan (OH) Swalwell (CA) Yarmuth Energy Regulatory Commission under Part I on the amendment offered by the gen- of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 792, et tleman from Colorado (Mr. TIPTON). NOES—232 seq.) or any project for which an application has been filed with the Federal Energy Regu- The amendment was agreed to. Aderholt Gosar Olson latory Commission as of the date of the en- AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MRS. Alexander Gowdy Owens Amash Granger Palazzo NAPOLITANO actment of the Bureau of Reclamation Small Amodei Graves (GA) Paulsen Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Bachmann Graves (MO) Pearce Jobs Act.’’. clause 6 of rule XVIII, the unfinished Bachus Griffin (AR) Perry Page 6, line 5, strike ‘‘(8)’’ and insert ‘‘(9)’’. business is the demand for a recorded Barletta Griffith (VA) Peterson Page 6, strike lines 14 through 20, and in- Barr Grimm Petri sert the following: vote on the amendment offered by the Barrow (GA) Guthrie Pittenger (B) IRRIGATION DISTRICT.—The term ‘‘irri- gentlewoman from California (Mrs. Barton Hall Pitts gation district’’ means any irrigation, water NAPOLITANO) on which further pro- Benishek Hanna Poe (TX) Bentivolio Harper conservation or conservancy, multicounty ceedings were postponed and on which Pompeo Bilirakis Harris Posey water conservation or conservancy district, the noes prevailed by voice vote. Bishop (GA) Hartzler Price (GA) or any separate public entity composed of The Clerk will redesignate the Bishop (UT) Hastings (WA) Radel two or more such districts and jointly exer- amendment. Black Heck (NV) Reed cising powers of its member districts. Blackburn Hensarling Reichert Page 6, line 21, strike ‘‘WORK’’ and insert The Clerk redesignated the amend- Bonner Herrera Beutler Renacci Boustany Holding ‘‘CONDUIT’’. ment. Ribble Page 6, line 22, strike ‘‘work’’ and insert Brady (TX) Hudson Rice (SC) RECORDED VOTE Bridenstine Huelskamp ‘‘conduit’’. Rigell The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Brooks (AL) Huizenga (MI) Roby Page 7, line 3, strike ‘‘WORK’’ and insert has been demanded. Brooks (IN) Hultgren Roe (TN) ‘‘CONDUIT’’. Broun (GA) Hunter A recorded vote was ordered. Rogers (AL) Page 7, line 4, strike ‘‘work’’ and insert Buchanan Hurt Rogers (KY) ‘‘conduit’’. The vote was taken by electronic de- Bucshon Issa Rogers (MI) vice, and there were—ayes 189, noes 232, Burgess Jenkins Rohrabacher The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman Calvert Johnson (OH) from Colorado is recognized for 5 min- not voting 10, as follows: Rokita Camp Johnson, Sam Rooney utes. [Roll No. 94] Campbell Jones Roskam Cantor Jordan Mr. TIPTON. Madam Chairwoman, I Ross AYES—189 Capito Joyce Rothfus offer this amendment to provide tech- Andrews Dingell Kilmer Carter Kelly Royce nical corrections and to eliminate Barber Doggett Kind Cassidy King (IA) Runyan Beatty Doyle Kirkpatrick Chabot King (NY) drafting inconsistencies between this Ryan (WI) Becerra Duckworth Kuster Chaffetz Kingston Salmon year’s bill and its counterpart in the Bera (CA) Edwards Langevin Coble Kline Scalise 112th Congress. Bishop (NY) Ellison Larsen (WA) Coffman Labrador Schock Blumenauer Engel Larson (CT) Cole LaMalfa This amendment reflects changes Schweikert Bonamici Enyart Lee (CA) Collins (GA) Lamborn sought by the Bureau of Reclamation Scott, Austin Brady (PA) Eshoo Levin Conaway Lance Sensenbrenner with respect to definitions, to more ac- Braley (IA) Esty Lewis Cook Lankford curately cover intended matters and Brown (FL) Farr Lipinski Cotton Latham Sessions Brownley (CA) Fattah Loebsack Cramer Latta Shimkus properly coincide with existing law and Shuster Bureau regulations. Furthermore, the Bustos Foster Lofgren Crawford LoBiondo Butterfield Frankel (FL) Lowenthal Crenshaw Long Simpson amendment clarifies that nothing in Capps Fudge Lowey Culberson Lucas Smith (NE) the bill affects existing arrangements Capuano Gabbard Lujan Grisham Daines Luetkemeyer Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) between irrigation and water districts Ca´ rdenas Gallego (NM) Davis, Rodney Lummis Carney Garamendi Luja´ n, Ben Ray Denham Marchant Southerland and the Federal Energy Regulatory Carson (IN) Garcia (NM) Dent Marino Stewart Commission. Cartwright Grayson Maffei DeSantis Massie Stivers Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Will Castro (TX) Green, Al Maloney, DesJarlais Matheson Stockman Stutzman the gentleman yield? Chu Green, Gene Carolyn Diaz-Balart McCarthy (CA) Cicilline Grijalva Maloney, Sean Duffy McCaul Terry Mr. TIPTON. I yield to the gen- Clarke Gutierrez Matsui Duncan (SC) McClintock Thompson (PA) tleman from Washington. Clay Hahn McCarthy (NY) Duncan (TN) McHenry Thornberry Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I Cleaver Hanabusa McCollum Ellmers McKeon Tiberi Tipton thank the gentleman for yielding. Clyburn Heck (WA) McDermott Farenthold McKinley Cohen Higgins McGovern Fincher McMorris Turner As you say, I think this is a technical Connolly Himes McIntyre Fitzpatrick Rodgers Upton amendment. It adds to the bill, and I Conyers Hinojosa McNerney Fleischmann Meadows Valadao support it. Cooper Holt Meeks Fleming Meehan Wagner Costa Honda Meng Flores Messer Walberg Mr. TIPTON. With that, Madam Courtney Horsford Michaud Forbes Mica Walden Chairwoman, I yield back the balance Crowley Hoyer Miller, George Fortenberry Miller (FL) Walorski of my time. Cuellar Huffman Moore Foxx Miller (MI) Weber (TX) Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Chair- Cummings Israel Moran Frelinghuysen Miller, Gary Webster (FL) Davis (CA) Jackson Lee Murphy (FL) Gardner Mullin Wenstrup woman, I move to strike the last word. Davis, Danny Jeffries Nadler Garrett Mulvaney Westmoreland The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman DeFazio Johnson (GA) Napolitano Gerlach Murphy (PA) Whitfield from California is recognized for 5 min- DeGette Johnson, E. B. Neal Gibbs Neugebauer Williams utes. Delaney Kaptur Negrete McLeod Gibson Noem Wilson (SC) DeLauro Keating Nolan Gingrey (GA) Nugent Wittman Mrs. NAPOLITANO. The gentleman’s DelBene Kennedy O’Rourke Gohmert Nunes Wolf amendment makes technical changes Deutch Kildee Pallone Goodlatte Nunnelee Womack

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.011 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1888 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 Woodall Yoho Young (FL) ticable, that all materials used for conduit provision written in that Amtrak was Yoder Young (AK) Young (IN) hydropower generation be manufactured in to have some new locomotives. Some- NOT VOTING—10 the United States. one put in an additional sentence that Bass Hastings (FL) Ros-Lehtinen The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- said these must be 100 percent made in Castor (FL) Kinzinger (IL) Walz tleman from California is recognized America. Siemens, the German com- Collins (NY) Lynch for 5 minutes. Franks (AZ) Markey pany, came forward and said: We can Mr. GARAMENDI. I suspect that, Mr. do that. And in Sacramento, California b 1514 Speaker, all of us would want to see today, a half-billion-dollar contract is more jobs in America. The great Amer- Messrs. HENSARLING, LAMALFA, being executed for numerous electric STEWART, and YOUNG of Alaska ican manufacturing sector over the locomotives for Amtrak, 100 percent changed their vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ last 20 years has lost about 9 million American made. jobs. Twenty-five years ago, no one Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of We can establish the policies to make throughout this world would doubt Texas, Ms. CLARKE, and Messrs. DOG- it in America and to rebuild the great that the greatest manufacturing Na- GETT and CICILLINE changed their American manufacturing sector. We tion in the world was America. Twen- vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye. ought to be using all of our tax money ty-five years later, and 9 million jobs So the amendment was rejected. whenever we purchase something to be having been lost, America has lost its The result of the vote was announced made in America. If we’re going to sub- preeminence—or is about to lose its as above recorded. sidize solar panels or wind turbines or preeminence. It would seem to me it’s Stated against: our job here as representatives of the even hydro projects, then let it be Mr. COLLINS of New York. Madam Chair, American public and the American American manufacturers that get that on rollcall No. 94, H.R. 678, Agreeing to the economy to do everything we possibly money—to be made in America. Sim- Amendment, had I been present, I would have can to rebuild and reestablish the great ple, but it’s up to us. It’s up to 435 of voted ‘‘no.’’ American manufacturing sector, to do us. The Acting CHAIR. There being no everything we can to restore to Amer- What is to be our policy? Are we further amendments, under the rule, ica those 9 million middle class jobs going to encourage American manufac- the Committee rises. that have been lost to outsourcing, to turing with something as simple as Accordingly, the Committee rose; our companies moving overseas, and to this amendment, or are we simply and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. some rather impractical and rather going to shrug our shoulders and ig- WOODALL) having assumed the chair, foolish laws that have been passed and nore the fact that 9 million American Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Acting Chair are on the books. manufacturing jobs have been lost? Are of the Committee of the Whole House we to ignore our responsibility to bring on the state of the Union, reported that b 1520 those jobs back here? I don’t think that Committee, having had under con- There is something we can do today there’s one of us among the 435 of us sideration the bill (H.R. 678) to author- with this bill. This bill, while seeming here, Mr. Speaker, that would say: not ize all Bureau of Reclamation conduit to be small, ought to be our very first to worry, let it be. No, I think all of us, facilities for hydropower development step this session to make sure that in Mr. Speaker, would want to bring the under Federal Reclamation law, and every piece of legislation we pass there American manufacturing jobs back. for other purposes, and, pursuant to would be an incentive, an obligation, or This amendment—which would be House Resolution 140, she reported the an advantage for American manufac- the final amendment to the bill and bill back to the House with sundry turers. which will not kill the bill or send it amendments adopted in the Committee Small hydro, who’s to care about back to committee—this amendment, of the Whole. small hydro? Well, there are four busi- if adopted, would proceed immediately The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under nesses in America that would care a to passage and give to American work- the rule, the previous question is or- great deal about small hydro. In New ers a small but significant opportunity dered. Mexico, the Elephant Butte Irrigation to have a well-paying middle class job Is a separate vote demanded on any District develops low-cost small hydro. and once again America being the un- amendment reported from the Com- Canyon Hydro in Deming, Washington, disputed leader in manufacturing. mittee of the Whole? If not, the Chair manufactures and produces small I yield back the balance of my time. will put them en gros. hydro. NATEL Energy Company in Al- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. The amendments were agreed to. ameda, California, manufactures small Speaker, I rise in opposition to the mo- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The hydro programs. And James Leffel & tion to recommit. question is on the engrossment and Company in Springfield, Ohio, manu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- third reading of the bill. factures the machinery for small tleman is recognized for 5 minutes. The bill was ordered to be engrossed hydro. This bill would provide an op- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. and read a third time, and was read the portunity for these four American com- Speaker, during the course of debate third time. panies to build these small hydro today, it was mentioned several projects, made in America, made by MOTION TO RECOMMIT times—which of course is true—that Americans. Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I virtually identical legislation passed in have a motion to recommit at the The amendment that I’m proposing simply says, in addition to what is in the last Congress with bipartisan sup- desk. port. I find it rather ironic that the au- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the this bill, that we add a simple para- graph that says: thor of this motion to recommit last gentleman opposed to the bill? year voted for this bill without the mo- In all practical purposes, the machinery Mr. GARAMENDI. I’m opposed in its tion to recommit language in it. So I current form. that is to be constructed and used in these projects shall be made in America by Amer- think we have some common ground The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ican workers. and we’re making some progress, and I Clerk will report the motion to recom- One small step, but a necessary step, thank the gentleman for his vote on mit. and one step along the way to rebuild- that. The Clerk read as follows: ing the American manufacturing sec- But let’s talk about what this bill Mr. Garamendi moves to recommit the bill tor. does. This bill takes existing American H.R. 678 to the Committee on Natural Re- We can do this. There are those who facilities, like irrigation ditches, and sources with instructions to report the same says, my goodness, water running back to the House forthwith with the fol- say that, well, we’re not making it. lowing amendment: Well, we are making it. And when we downhill has a sense of energy to it; we At the end of the bill, add the following: write laws that require that it be made ought to somehow capture that energy. SEC. 3. MAKE IT IN AMERICA. in America, guess what? Things are The gentleman from Colorado (Mr. TIP- Any lease of power privilege offered pursu- made in America. TON) says: Why don’t we put turbines in ant to this Act or the amendments made by In that stimulus bill—whatever you there and create American energy? this Act shall require, to the extent prac- may think it, good or bad—there was a Wonderful idea. So that’s what this bill

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:26 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.013 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1889 is all about. Nothing in this bill pre- Perlmutter Schakowsky Tierney NOT VOTING—11 Peters (CA) Schiff Titus vents anything that the gentleman is Amodei Cramer Markey Peters (MI) Schneider Tonko Bass Hastings (FL) Ros-Lehtinen proposing in his motion to recommit. Peterson Schrader Tsongas Castor (FL) Kinzinger (IL) Walz But I will just close by saying what Pingree (ME) Schwartz Van Hollen Collins (NY) Lynch this bill really does and what the es- Pocan Scott (VA) Vargas sence of what we’re talking about here Price (NC) Scott, David Veasey Quigley Serrano Vela b 1536 today. This bill creates American jobs Rahall Sewell (AL) Vela´ zquez and American energy at no cost to the Rangel Shea-Porter Visclosky So the motion to recommit was re- taxpayer. What else is there to say? Richmond Sherman Wasserman jected. Vote ‘‘no’’ on the motion to recommit. Roybal-Allard Sinema Schultz The result of the vote was announced Mr. GARAMENDI. Will the gen- Ruiz Sires Waters as above recorded. Ruppersberger Slaughter Watt Stated against: tleman yield for a question? Rush Smith (WA) Waxman Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. The Ryan (OH) Speier Welch Mr. COLLINS of New York. Mr. Speaker, on gentleman had 5 minutes to make his Sa´ nchez, Linda Swalwell (CA) Wilson (FL) rollcall No. 95, H.R. 678, On Motion to Re- case. No, I will not yield to the gen- T. Takano Yarmuth commit with Instructions, had I been present, Sanchez, Loretta Thompson (CA) I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ tleman. Sarbanes Thompson (MS) I yield back the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without NAYS—226 question is on the passage of the bill. objection, the previous question is or- Aderholt Graves (GA) Petri The question was taken; and the dered on the motion to recommit. Alexander Graves (MO) Pittenger Speaker pro tempore announced that There was no objection. Amash Griffin (AR) Pitts the ayes appeared to have it. Bachmann Griffith (VA) Poe (TX) Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bachus Grimm Polis question is on the motion to recommit. Barletta Guthrie Pompeo Speaker, on that I demand the yeas The question was taken; and the Barr Hall Posey and nays. Barton Hanna Speaker pro tempore announced that Price (GA) The yeas and nays were ordered. Benishek Harper Radel The SPEAKER pro tempore. This the noes appeared to have it. Bentivolio Harris Reed Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, on Bilirakis Hartzler Reichert will be a 5-minute vote. Bishop (UT) that I demand the yeas and nays. Hastings (WA) Renacci The vote was taken by electronic de- Black Heck (NV) Ribble vice, and there were—yeas 416, nays 7, The yeas and nays were ordered. Blackburn Hensarling Rice (SC) not voting 8, as follows: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bonner Herrera Beutler Rigell Boustany Holding Roby [Roll No. 96] ant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule XX, Brady (TX) Hudson Roe (TN) YEAS—416 this 5-minute vote on the motion to re- Bridenstine Huelskamp Rogers (AL) commit will be followed by a 5-minute Brooks (AL) Huizenga (MI) Rogers (KY) Aderholt Chu Fleischmann vote on the passage of the bill, if or- Brooks (IN) Hultgren Rogers (MI) Alexander Cicilline Fleming Broun (GA) Hunter Amash Clarke Flores dered. Rohrabacher Buchanan Hurt Rokita Amodei Clay Forbes The vote was taken by electronic de- Bucshon Issa Rooney Andrews Cleaver Fortenberry vice, and there were—yeas 194, nays Burgess Jenkins Roskam Bachmann Clyburn Foster 226, not voting 11, as follows: Calvert Johnson (OH) Ross Bachus Coble Foxx Camp Johnson, Sam Rothfus Barber Coffman Frankel (FL) [Roll No. 95] Campbell Jordan Royce Barletta Cohen Franks (AZ) Cantor Joyce Barr Cole Frelinghuysen YEAS—194 Runyan Capito Kelly Ryan (WI) Barrow (GA) Collins (GA) Fudge Andrews Doyle Kuster Carter King (IA) Salmon Barton Conaway Gabbard Barber Duckworth Langevin Cassidy King (NY) Bass Connolly Scalise Gallego Barrow (GA) Duncan (TN) Larsen (WA) Chabot Kingston Beatty Conyers Garamendi Schock Beatty Edwards Larson (CT) Chaffetz Kline Becerra Cook Garcia Schweikert Becerra Ellison Lee (CA) Coble Labrador Benishek Cooper Gardner Scott, Austin Bera (CA) Engel Levin Coffman LaMalfa Bentivolio Costa Garrett Sensenbrenner Bishop (GA) Enyart Lewis Cole Lamborn Bera (CA) Cotton Gerlach Sessions Bishop (NY) Eshoo Lipinski Collins (GA) Lance Bilirakis Courtney Gibbs Shimkus Blumenauer Esty Loebsack Conaway Lankford Bishop (GA) Crawford Gibson Shuster Bonamici Farr Lofgren Cook Latham Bishop (NY) Crenshaw Gingrey (GA) Simpson Brady (PA) Fattah Lowenthal Costa Latta Bishop (UT) Crowley Gohmert Smith (NE) Braley (IA) Foster Lowey Cotton LoBiondo Black Cuellar Goodlatte Smith (NJ) Brown (FL) Frankel (FL) Lujan Grisham Crawford Long Blackburn Culberson Gosar Brownley (CA) Fudge (NM) Crenshaw Lucas Smith (TX) Blumenauer Cummings Gowdy Bustos Gabbard Luja´ n, Ben Ray Culberson Luetkemeyer Southerland Bonamici Daines Granger Butterfield Gallego (NM) Daines Lummis Stewart Bonner Davis (CA) Graves (GA) Capps Garamendi Maffei Davis, Rodney Marchant Stivers Boustany Davis, Danny Graves (MO) Capuano Garcia Maloney, Denham Marino Stockman Brady (PA) Davis, Rodney Grayson Ca´ rdenas Grayson Carolyn Dent Massie Stutzman Brady (TX) DeFazio Green, Al Carney Green, Al Maloney, Sean DeSantis McCarthy (CA) Terry Braley (IA) DeGette Green, Gene Carson (IN) Green, Gene Matheson DesJarlais McCaul Thompson (PA) Bridenstine Delaney Griffin (AR) Cartwright Grijalva Matsui Diaz-Balart McClintock Thornberry Brooks (AL) DeLauro Griffith (VA) Castro (TX) Gutierrez McCarthy (NY) Duffy McHenry Tiberi Brooks (IN) DelBene Grijalva Chu Hahn McCollum Duncan (SC) McKeon Tipton Broun (GA) Denham Grimm Cicilline Hanabusa McDermott Ellmers McKinley Turner Brown (FL) Dent Guthrie Clarke Heck (WA) McGovern Farenthold McMorris Upton Brownley (CA) DeSantis Gutierrez Clay Higgins McIntyre Fincher Rodgers Valadao Buchanan DesJarlais Hahn Cleaver Himes McNerney Fitzpatrick Meadows Wagner Bucshon Deutch Hall Clyburn Hinojosa Meeks Fleischmann Meehan Walberg Burgess Diaz-Balart Hanabusa Cohen Holt Meng Fleming Messer Walden Bustos Doggett Hanna Connolly Honda Michaud Flores Mica Walorski Butterfield Doyle Harper Conyers Horsford Miller, George Forbes Miller (FL) Weber (TX) Calvert Duckworth Harris Cooper Hoyer Moore Fortenberry Miller (MI) Webster (FL) Camp Duffy Hartzler Courtney Huffman Moran Foxx Miller, Gary Wenstrup Campbell Duncan (SC) Hastings (WA) Crowley Israel Murphy (FL) Franks (AZ) Mullin Westmoreland Cantor Duncan (TN) Heck (NV) Cuellar Jackson Lee Nadler Frelinghuysen Mulvaney Whitfield Capito Edwards Heck (WA) Cummings Jeffries Napolitano Gardner Murphy (PA) Williams Capps Ellison Hensarling Davis (CA) Johnson (GA) Neal Garrett Neugebauer Wilson (SC) Capuano Ellmers Herrera Beutler Davis, Danny Johnson, E. B. Negrete McLeod Gerlach Noem Wittman Ca´ rdenas Engel Higgins DeFazio Jones Nolan Gibbs Nugent Wolf Carney Enyart Himes DeGette Kaptur O’Rourke Gibson Nunes Womack Carson (IN) Eshoo Hinojosa Delaney Keating Owens Gingrey (GA) Nunnelee Woodall Carter Esty Holding DeLauro Kennedy Pallone Gohmert Olson Yoder Cartwright Farenthold Holt DelBene Kildee Pascrell Goodlatte Palazzo Yoho Cassidy Farr Honda Deutch Kilmer Pastor (AZ) Gosar Paulsen Young (AK) Castro (TX) Fattah Horsford Dingell Kind Payne Gowdy Pearce Young (FL) Chabot Fincher Hoyer Doggett Kirkpatrick Pelosi Granger Perry Young (IN) Chaffetz Fitzpatrick Hudson

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.053 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 Huelskamp Mica Scalise DUCKWORTH changed their vote from This Budget seeks to answer each of Huffman Michaud Schakowsky ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ these questions. Huizenga (MI) Miller (FL) Schiff Hultgren Miller (MI) Schneider So the bill was passed. Our first priority is making America Hunter Miller, Gary Schock The result of the vote was announced a magnet for new jobs and manufac- Hurt Miller, George Schrader as above recorded. turing. After shedding jobs for more Israel Moran Schwartz A motion to reconsider was laid on than 10 years, our manufacturers have Issa Mullin Schweikert Jackson Lee Mulvaney Scott (VA) the table. added more than 500,000 jobs over the Jeffries Murphy (FL) Scott, Austin Stated for: past 3 years. Companies large and Jenkins Murphy (PA) Scott, David Mr. COLLINS of New York. Madam Chair, small are increasingly deciding to Johnson (OH) Nadler Sensenbrenner Johnson, E. B. Napolitano on rollcall No. 96, H.R. 678, On Passage, had bring jobs back to America. Serrano To accelerate this trend, the Budget Johnson, Sam Neal Sessions I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Jones Negrete McLeod Sewell (AL) builds on the success of the manufac- Jordan Neugebauer f Shea-Porter turing innovation institute we created Joyce Noem Sherman Kaptur Nolan BUDGET OF THE UNITED STATES in Youngstown, Ohio last year, and Shimkus Keating Nugent GOVERNMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR calls for the creation of a network of 15 Shuster Kelly Nunes Simpson 2014—MESSAGE FROM THE PRESI- of these hubs across the Nation. In Kennedy Nunnelee these innovation hubs, businesses will Kildee O’Rourke Sinema DENT OF THE UNITED STATES Kilmer Olson Slaughter (H. DOC. NO. 113–3) partner with universities and Federal Smith (NE) agencies to turn regions around our Kind Owens The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- King (IA) Palazzo Smith (NJ) country into global centers of high- Smith (TX) fore the House the following message King (NY) Pallone tech jobs. Kingston Pascrell Southerland from the President of the United Speier The Budget also includes new initia- Kinzinger (IL) Pastor (AZ) States; which was read and, together Kirkpatrick Paulsen Stewart tives to support manufacturing com- Kline Payne Stivers with the accompanying papers, referred munities, including a new tax credit to Kuster Pearce Stockman to the Committee on Appropriations strengthen their ability to attract in- Labrador Pelosi Stutzman and ordered to be printed: LaMalfa Perlmutter Swalwell (CA) vestments and jobs. And it expands my Lamborn Perry Takano To the Congress of the United States: Administration’s SelectUSA initiative Lance Peters (CA) Terry Thanks to the hard work and deter- to help draw businesses and investment Langevin Peters (MI) Thompson (CA) Lankford Peterson Thompson (MS) mination of the American people, we from around the world to our shores. Larsen (WA) Petri Thompson (PA) have made significant progress over If we want to make the best prod- Larson (CT) Pingree (ME) Thornberry the last 4 years. After a decade of war, ucts, we also have to invest in the best Latham Pittenger Tiberi our brave men and women in uniform ideas. That is why the Budget main- Latta Pitts Tierney tains a world-class commitment to Lee (CA) Pocan Tipton are coming home. After years of reces- Lewis Poe (TX) Titus sion, our businesses have created over science and research, targeting re- Lipinski Polis Tonko six million new jobs. We buy more sources to those areas most likely to LoBiondo Pompeo Tsongas American cars than we have in 5 years, contribute directly to the creation of Loebsack Posey Turner transformational technologies that can Lofgren Price (GA) Upton and less foreign oil than we have in 20 Long Price (NC) Valadao years. Our housing market is healing, create the businesses and jobs of the Lowenthal Quigley Van Hollen future. Lowey Radel our stock market is rebounding, and Vargas consumers, patients, and homeowners No area holds more promise than our Lucas Rahall Veasey Luetkemeyer Rangel investments in American energy. The Vela enjoy stronger protections than ever Lujan Grisham Reed Budget continues to advance my ‘‘all- Vela´ zquez before. (NM) Reichert Visclosky of-the-above’’ strategy on energy, in- Luja´ n, Ben Ray Renacci But we know that there are millions Wagner vesting in clean energy research and (NM) Ribble of Americans whose hard work and Walberg development; promoting energy effi- Lummis Rice (SC) dedication have not yet been rewarded. Maffei Richmond Walden ciency in our cars, homes, and busi- Walorski Our economy is adding jobs—but too Maloney, Sean Rigell nesses; encouraging responsible domes- Wasserman many people still cannot find full-time Marchant Roby tic energy production; and launching Marino Roe (TN) Schultz employment. Corporate profits have Waters new efforts to combat the threat of cli- Massie Rogers (AL) skyrocketed to all-time highs—but for Matheson Rogers (KY) Watt mate change. Matsui Rogers (MI) Waxman more than a decade, wages and incomes Modeled after my successful Race to Weber (TX) McCarthy (CA) Rohrabacher have barely budged. the Top education reform effort, the McCarthy (NY) Rokita Webster (FL) It is our generation’s task to reignite McCaul Rooney Welch Budget includes a new Race to the Top McClintock Roskam Wenstrup the true engine of America’s economic energy efficiency challenge for States, McCollum Ross Westmoreland growth—a rising, thriving middle class. rewarding those that implement the Whitfield McDermott Rothfus It is our unfinished task to restore the most effective policies to cut energy McGovern Roybal-Allard Williams basic bargain that built this country— McHenry Royce Wilson (FL) waste. And it establishes a new Energy McIntyre Ruiz Wilson (SC) the idea that if you work hard and Security Trust funded by royalty rev- McKeon Runyan Wittman meet your responsibilities, you can get enue from oil and gas leases to support McKinley Ruppersberger Wolf ahead, no matter where you come McMorris Rush Womack initiatives to shift our cars and trucks Rodgers Ryan (OH) Woodall from, no matter what you look like, or off oil, cutting our Nation’s reliance on McNerney Ryan (WI) Yarmuth whom you love. foreign oil. Meadows Salmon Yoder It is our unfinished task to make Over the last 4 years, we have begun Meehan Sa´ nchez, Linda Yoho sure that this Government works on Meeks T. Young (AK) the hard work of rebuilding our Na- Meng Sanchez, Loretta Young (FL) behalf of the many, and not just the tion’s infrastructure. We have built or Messer Sarbanes Young (IN) few; that it encourages free enterprise, improved over 350,000 miles of road and rewards individual initiative, and NAYS—7 more than 6,000 miles of rail. And we opens the doors of opportunity to every have repaired or replaced over 20,000 Dingell Maloney, Sires child across this great Nation. Johnson (GA) Carolyn Smith (WA) bridges. But to compete in the 21st Levin Moore A growing economy that creates Century economy and become a mag- good, middle class jobs—this must be net for jobs, we must do more. We need NOT VOTING—8 the North Star that guides our efforts. to repair our existing infrastructure, Castor (FL) Hastings (FL) Ros-Lehtinen Every day, we should ask ourselves and invest in the infrastructure of to- Collins (NY) Lynch Walz Cramer Markey three questions as a Nation: How do we morrow, including high-speed rail, attract more jobs to our shores? How high-tech schools, and self-healing do we equip our people with the skills power grids. These investments will b 1546 they need to get those jobs? And how both lay the foundation for long-term Messrs. PALLONE, POCAN, do we make sure that hard work leads economic growth and put workers back SWALWELL of California and Ms. to a decent living? on the job now.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.028 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1891 My Budget includes $50 billion for up- prepare students with the real world cludes passing a background check, front infrastructure investments, in- skills they need to find a job right paying taxes and a meaningful penalty, cluding a ‘‘Fix-it-First’’ program that away or go to college. The fund re- learning English, and going to the back makes an immediate investment to put wards schools that develop new part- of the line behind the folks trying to people to work as soon as possible on nerships with colleges and employers, come here legally. The Budget makes our most urgent repairs, like the near- and create classes focusing on science, investments that will make our immi- ly 70,000 structurally-deficient bridges technology, engineering and mathe- gration system more efficient and fair across the country. And to make sure matics (STEM)—the skills today’s em- and lay a foundation for this perma- taxpayers do not shoulder the whole ployers seek to fill the jobs available nent, common-sense reform. burden, the Budget creates a Rebuild right now and in the future. The Budget also builds on the America Partnership to attract private Even with better high schools, most progress made over the last 4 years to capital to upgrade what our businesses young people will still need some high- expand opportunity for every American need most: modern ports to move our er education. Through tax credits, and every community willing to do the goods; modern pipelines to withstand a grants, and better loans, we have made work to lift themselves up. It creates storm; and modern schools worthy of college more affordable for millions of new ladders opportunity to ensure that our children. students and families over the last 4 hard work leads to a decent living. It The Budget also supports efforts I an- years. But skyrocketing costs are still rewards hard work by increasing the nounced earlier this year to modernize pricing too many young people out of a minimum wage to $9 an hour so an hon- and improve the efficiency of the Fed- higher education, or saddling them est day’s work pays more. It partners eral permitting process, cutting with unsustainable debt. And tax- with communities by identifying through the red tape that has been payers cannot continue to subsidize Promise Zones to help rebuild from the holding back even some of the most higher and higher costs for higher edu- recession. It creates pathways to jobs carefully planned infrastructure cation. for the long-term unemployed and To encourage colleges to do their projects. These efforts will help us to youth who have been hardest hit by the part to keep costs down, the Budget in- achieve the new goal I set to cut downturn. And it strengthens families cludes reforms that will ensure afford- timelines in half for infrastructure by removing financial deterrents to ability and value are considered in de- projects, while creating new incentives marriage and supporting the role of fa- termining which colleges receive cer- for better outcomes for communities thers. and the environment. tain types of Federal aid. My Adminis- All of these initiatives in manufac- tration has also released a new ‘‘Col- We also know that economic growth turing, energy, and infrastructure will lege Scorecard’’ that parents and stu- can only be achieved and sustained if help entrepreneurs and small business dents can use to compare schools. America is safe and secure, both at owners expand and create new jobs. To further ensure our educational home and abroad. At home, the Budget But none of it will matter unless we system is preparing students for ca- supports my initiative to help protect also equip our citizens with the skills reers in the 21st Century economy, the our kids, reduce gun violence, and ex- and training to fill those jobs. Budget includes additional measures to pand access to mental health services. And that has to start at the earliest promote STEM education, such as We can protect our Second Amendment possible age. But today, fewer than 3 in launching a new STEM Master Teacher rights while coming together around 10 4-year-olds are enrolled in a high- Corps, to leverage the expertise of reforms like eliminating background quality preschool program, and the some of America’s best and brightest check loopholes to make it harder for high cost of private preschool puts too teachers in science and mathematics, criminals to get their hands on a gun— much of a financial burden on middle and to elevate the teaching of these common-sense reforms that will help class families. subjects nationwide. It also includes a protect our kids from the scourge of The Budget therefore includes a pro- reorganization and consolidation of gun violence that has plagued too posal that ensures 4-year-olds across STEM education programs to improve many communities across the country. the country have access to high-qual- the effectiveness of Federal invest- To confront threats outside our bor- ity preschool education through a land- ments in this area. ders, the Budget ensures our military mark new initiative in partnership The Budget takes other critical steps remains the finest and best-equipped with the States. And it increases the to grow our economy, create jobs, and military force the world has ever availability of early learning for our strengthen the middle class. It imple- known, even as we wind down more youngest children to help their growth ments the Affordable Care Act, giving than a decade of war. and development during the formative every American access to the high- Already, we have brought home more early years of life. quality, affordable health care cov- Providing a year of free, public pre- erage they deserve, and reducing the than 30,000 of our brave school education for 4–year-old chil- deficit by more than $1 trillion over servicemembers from Afghanistan. Our dren is an important investment in our the next two decades. It implements remaining forces are moving into a future. It will give all our kids the best Wall Street reform, ending too-big-to- support role, with Afghan security start in life, helping them perform bet- fail and protecting consumers against forces taking the lead. And over the ter in elementary school and ulti- the abuses and reckless behavior that next year, another 34,000 American mately helping them, and the country, contributed to the financial collapse in troops will come home. This drawdown be better prepared for the demands of 2008. And it includes measures to will continue and, by the end of next the global economy. Not only that, it strengthen our housing market and en- year, our war in Afghanistan will be could save hard-working families thou- sure that every responsible homeowner over. Beyond 2014, the Budget supports sands of dollars each year in child care has the opportunity to refinance at to- our continued commitment to a unified costs. This is an investment we need to day’s rates, saving $3,000 a year on av- and sovereign Afghanistan. make, and it is fully paid for in this erage. To maintain our national security, Budget by imposing a new tax on every Our economy is stronger when we the Budget supports our ongoing fight pack of cigarettes sold. harness the talents and ingenuity of against terrorists, like al Qaeda. The The Budget also builds on the his- striving, hopeful immigrants. That is organization that attacked us on 9/11 is toric reforms made during my first why I have proposed a plan to fix our a shadow of its former self. But dif- term to improve our elementary and broken immigration system that se- ferent al Qaeda affiliates and extremist secondary school system by rewarding cures our borders, cracks down on em- groups have emerged—from the Ara- excellence and promoting innovation. ployers who hire undocumented work- bian Peninsula to Africa. We will con- To help ensure that our high schools ers, attracts highly-skilled entre- front these emerging security chal- are putting our kids on a path to col- preneurs and engineers to help create lenges through the full range of U.S. lege and a good job, the Budget in- jobs and drive economic growth, and capabilities and tools, including diplo- cludes a new competitive fund that will establishes a responsible pathway to matic, security, intelligence, and eco- help redesign America’s high schools to earned citizenship—a path that in- nomic development.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.030 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 The Budget also provides the re- deficit in a balanced way that protects Century. It builds on my Campaign to sources we need to act on our commit- the investments in education, manu- Cut Waste by further targeting and ment to and interests in global devel- facturing, clean energy, and small busi- eliminating wasteful spending wher- opment, by promoting food security nesses we need to grow the economy ever we find it. It reorganizes and con- that reduces dependence and increases and strengthen the middle class. There solidates agencies and programs to prosperity; by investing in the increas- is more work to do, and this Budget is make them leaner and more efficient. ingly successful drive toward an AIDS- designed to finish the job. It increases the use of evidence and free generation; and by maintaining But we should not do it by making evaluation to ensure we are making our leadership as a global provider of harsh and arbitrary cuts that jeop- smart investments with our scarce tax- humanitarian assistance that saves ardize our military readiness, dev- payer dollars. And it harnesses new lives and reflects American values. astate priorities like education and en- technologies to allow us to do more We must also confront new dangers, ergy, and cost jobs. That is not how to with less. like cyber attacks, that threaten our grow the economy. We should not ask No single Budget can solve every Nation’s infrastructure, businesses, middle class senior citizens and work- challenge and every problem facing the and people. The Budget supports the ing families to pay down the rest of our country. But this Budget shows how we expansion of Government-wide efforts deficit while the wealthiest are asked can live within our means while grow- to counter the full scope of cyber for nothing more. That does not grow ing our economy, strengthening the threats, and strengthens our ability to our middle class. middle class, and securing our Nation’s collaborate with State and local gov- The American people understand future. It is not a Democratic plan or a ernments, our partners overseas, and that we cannot just cut our way to Republican plan. It is an American the private sector to improve our over- prosperity. That is why I have repeat- plan. And it is a plan that I hope can all cybersecurity. edly called for a balanced approach to serve as an outline for us to write the The Budget also focuses resources on deficit reduction. And that is why I next great chapter of the American the Asia-Pacific region, reasserting have offered proposals on multiple oc- story . . . together. American leadership and promoting se- casions that cut wasteful spending, BARACK OBAMA. curity, stability, democracy, and eco- strengthen entitlements, and eliminate THE WHITE HOUSE, April 10, 2013. nomic growth. special tax breaks and loopholes so the f Importantly, the Budget upholds our wealthiest pay their fair share. solemn obligation to take care of our In my negotiations with House ACCESSING NATURAL GAS servicemembers and veterans, and to Speaker BOEHNER in December over the (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania protect our diplomats and civilians in so-called ‘‘fiscal cliff,’’ I again offered a asked and was given permission to ad- the field. It keeps faith with our vet- compromise proposal that was bal- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- erans, investing in world-class care, in- anced and comprehensive, and would vise and extend his remarks.) cluding mental health care for our achieve our $4 trillion deficit reduction Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. wounded warriors, supporting our mili- goal. That proposal is still on the Mr. Speaker, yesterday it was reported tary families, and giving our veterans table. I am including it in this Budget that the United States has 2.4 quadril- the benefits, education, and job oppor- to demonstrate my commitment to lion cubic feet of natural gas that can tunities that they have earned. making the kind of tough and balanced be recovered by current drilling tech- The Budget does all of these things choices that are needed to put our Na- niques, according to a study by compa- as part of a comprehensive plan that tion’s finances in order. nies working in various shale basins reduces the deficit. All of these initia- To be clear, the package I am offer- across the country. That’s 26 percent tives and ideas are fully paid for, to en- ing includes some difficult cuts that I higher than the previous assessment, sure they do not increase the deficit by do not particularly like. But these and at current consumption rates, a 90- a single dime. measures will only become law if con- year supply. The Marcellus shale has By making investments in our people gressional Republicans agree to meet the largest share of resources, with an that we pay for responsibly, we will me in the middle by eliminating spe- estimated 741,320 billion cubic feet. strengthen the middle class, make cial tax breaks and loopholes so mil- What has caused such a jump in re- America a magnet for jobs and innova- lionaires and billionaires do their fair sources and production? Not the Fed- tion, and grow our economy, which will share to cut the deficit. I will not agree eral Government, that’s for sure. Ac- in turn help us to reduce deficits. But to any deal that seeks to cut the def- cording to the Congressional Research economic growth alone will not solve icit on the backs of middle class Fami- Service, production of natural gas has our Nation’s long-term fiscal chal- lies. I am willing to make tough decreased on Federal lands by 33 per- lenges. choices that may not be popular within cent. It’s the hard work and innovation As we continue to grow our economy, my own party, because there can be no of private industry, a combination of we must take further action to cut our sacred cows for either party. And I technological and drilling advances deficits. We do not have to choose be- look forward to working with any that have allowed us to access re- tween these two important priorities— member of Congress who takes a simi- sources that were previously inacces- we have to do both. lar, balanced approach. This plan is sible, all in a responsible and environ- Over the last 4 years, both parties built on the kind of common ground mentally friendly way. In fact, just have worked together to reduce the that Democrats and Republicans last week, the Energy Information Ad- deficit in a balanced way by more than should be able to reach. ministration stated that expanded use $2.5 trillion. That is more than halfway In total, the Budget will cut the def- of natural gas has driven down energy- toward the goal of $4 trillion in deficit icit by another $1.8 trillion over the related U.S. carbon dioxide emissions reduction that economists say we need next 10 years, bringing the deficit to their lowest level since 1994. to stabilize our finances. As we wind below 2 percent of GDP by 2023 and put- America is just beginning to realize down two wars, we have protected our ting our debt on a declining path. This the opportunity of this growing and military families and veterans while is not an end in and of itself—the best economically beneficial resource. cutting defense spending on outdated way to grow the economy and cut the military weapons systems. Domestic deficit is by creating good middle class f discretionary spending is approaching jobs. But this plan to reduce the deficit b 1610 its lowest levels as a share of the econ- in a balanced way is a critical step to- omy since President Eisenhower was in ward ensuring that we have a solid RECOGNIZING THE WORLD’S FORE- office; and we have moved aggressively foundation on which to build a strong MOST CLIMATOLOGIST, DR. to cut waste, fraud, and abuse. And to- economy and a thriving middle class JAMES HANSEN gether, we have begun to ask the for years to come. (Mr. COHEN asked and was given per- wealthy to do their fair share while Finally, this Budget continues my mission to address the House for 1 keeping income taxes low for middle commitment to reforming and stream- minute and to revise and extend his re- class families. Overall, we have cut the lining our Government for the 21st marks.)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.031 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1893 Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise We’re not aware of any Republican $60 billion, which taxpayers are being today to recognize the storied career of Member who’s spoken on the floor of forced to help assume the burden. America’s foremost climatologist, and the House about the dangers of climate Here in Washington, D.C., we set an- the world’s, Dr. James Hansen. Last change or the need to reduce emissions other record, 90 degrees today, for week Dr. Hansen retired from his posi- and prepare for its impact in this en- April 10. At the same time, there are tion as head of the NASA Goddard In- tire session of Congress. In fact, as snowstorms in Colorado. stitute for Space Studies. After 46 near as we can determine, no Repub- 2012 was the 36th consecutive year years at NASA, he’s leaving the agency lican Member of Congress has even ut- with a global temperature above the to focus his efforts on the political and tered the words ‘‘climate change’’ on 20th century average. The last time legal efforts to limit greenhouse gases. the floor in this Congress. there was a year with a global tem- He started his career by working on It’s, I suppose, better that they’re perature that wasn’t above average was the atmosphere of the planet Venus in not talking about it at all than what 1976, before Jimmy Carter was elected the sixties. Luckily for the world, he we had in the last Congress where the President. We were celebrating the Bi- changed his emphasis to the atmos- Republican-led House of Representa- centennial. Most of our staff here in phere of the Earth. tives voted 53 times to block action on Washington, D.C., on Capitol Hill, has Dr. Hansen is perhaps known best for climate change. My Republican col- never experienced a year where tem- his 1988 testimony to the Senate com- leagues voted to defund research, to peratures weren’t above average. mittees that helped raise the initial block action by the EPA to control pol- Now, just because our Republican broad awareness of global warming lution, to prevent energy efficiency friends don’t want to debate it, just be- across the United States. He sounded measures from going into effect. cause they have fought to prevent our the warning bell of the effects of cli- Remember, one of the most comical initiative, doesn’t mean that it’s not mate change, and can be credited with was the assault on light bulb effi- having an economic impact. The bringing the issue to the forefront of ciency, an efficiency standard that was United States Congress has appro- the American conscience. developed, admittedly, when Demo- priated $188 billion for climate-related Dr. Hansen, who fittingly called the crats were in charge, but signed with disasters over the last 3 years. Just 2 months ago, the Government proposed building of the Keystone XL legislation that we worked out with Accountability Office released a GAO pipeline akin to the ‘‘lighting of the the Bush administration. That was cer- report listing the Federal Govern- carbon bomb,’’ is one of the world’s tainly a travesty. ment’s vulnerability to climate change leading advocates of decreased fossil It was interesting. The industry impacts as one of its greatest areas of fuel consumption. looked at them and shrugged and said, While his departure from the Federal potential risk. Climate change could we’re moving on, we’re not going back climate research community will un- increase investment portfolio risk by to produce less energy-efficient light doubtedly leave a gaping hole in 10 percent over the next 2 decades by bulbs. NASA’s climate program, I look for- disrupting supply chains. They voted to stop the administra- ward to the role Dr. Hansen will take Those of us in Congress who are no- tion from encouraging developing on his retirement as he pursues actions ticing these problems, these changes, countries to do their part. these challenges, are not alone. Ac- to limit emissions and his fight against This year, the Republican members the development of Keystone and other cording to the Gallup poll last month, of the Energy and Commerce Com- tar sands pipelines. 58 percent of the American public mittee, which is the committee of pri- The future of our planet rests in the worry a fair amount or a great deal mary jurisdiction over energy policy, hands of scientists like Dr. Hansen, and about climate change and its impacts. even voted against holding hearings I ask my colleagues to join me in wish- Sixty-two percent of Republicans be- with scientists who could explain the ing him the best of luck in his retire- lieve that America should take steps to role of climate change in causing ex- ment. I truly hope he can continue the address climate change. work that he has successfully pursued treme weather, drought, heat waves Monday, Arnold Schwarzenegger throughout his storied career in this and wildfires. That’s why we’ve created joined the list of Republican politi- new capacity. the Safe Climate Caucus, to work to cians who now acknowledge that cli- end the conspiracy of silence here in f mate change is a serious concern, the House about the dangers of climate speaking at the Price School of Public THE SAFE CLIMATE CAUCUS change. Policy in California. Governor The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. But we hope, we sincerely hope, that Schwarzenegger said, if we’re smart, MULLIN). Under the Speaker’s an- our Republican colleagues would join we listen to our doctors. If we’re stu- nounced policy of January 3, 2013, the us here on the floor of the House in one pid, we ignore our doctors, and it takes gentleman from Oregon (Mr. BLU- of these Special Orders to discuss our a heart attack to realize that we MENAUER) is recognized for 60 minutes various approaches. If they don’t agree should listen. as the designee of the minority leader. with human-caused impacts of extreme Schwarzenegger said the national cli- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I weather events, engage in the debate to mate assessment report is our physical, appreciate the comments we just heard explain why. If they do agree that we and these scientists can give us a pre- on the floor from my colleague from are at least having extreme weather scription for what we need to do to im- Tennessee talking about Dr. Hansen’s events, whether or not they’re human- prove our climate. It’s our duty to lis- retirement, a gentleman who has faced caused, let’s debate what we should do ten to them and encourage action, ac- a great deal of criticism, including to be protecting us from those impacts. tion all over the country. And Repub- many from this Congress, because of The American public deserves no less. lican Governor Schwarzenegger is to be his forceful presentation of his point of So until we’re able to engage our Re- commended for his vision and stepping view. And time after time after time, publican colleagues in a spirited, forward. Dr. Hansen has been proven correct. thoughtful debate on the floor of the Another of my colleagues from Cali- This is the most important issue that House, we will continue pointing out fornia is with us here this evening, and we’re really not debating in Congress. the problems that we face, the risks, I notice that he may be willing to step There are a group of us here who have the danger, the paths forward, because in. He’s been greatly concerned about formed the Safe Climate Caucus to be in 2012, there were over 3,500 weather- infrastructure, climate, the environ- able to promote this discussion. Today related records set due to extreme ment in a long and distinguished career we extended an invitation to the lead- heat, rain, drought, cold and wind. The in California politics and now here in ership of the Commerce and Energy American public has seen that. They’ve Congress. Committee to join us on the floor of suffered the consequences. They’re con- the House for a bipartisan debate, en- cerned. b 1620 couraging our Republican colleagues to Hurricane Sandy was one of just 11 We’re honored that you would be come to the floor to be able to deal weather disasters last year in the willing to join us, and I would be happy with this issue that, frankly, deserves United States that caused more than a to yield to you if you would like to join to be in the spotlight. billion dollars in losses, a total of over in this conversation.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.060 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. BLUMENAUER, power plants as we generate elec- point. Your observation is that there’s I would be honored to participate in tricity, moving initially to gas-fired a great deal of economic opportunity. this conversation. And, Mr. Speaker, power plants, which have significantly The installed wind energy has exploded it’s always a great pleasure and, in less carbon emissions, and in that proc- in recent years. In fact, not only are we fact, important that those of us 435 ess, taking the steps to move to renew- producing the energy here in the that have been elected to represent the able power sources of all kinds—hydro, United States, it’s American wind. It’s American citizens rise on the floor to where it makes sense. not dollars that we’re exporting. speak to issues of great importance. How about wind turbines? I don’t Mr. GARAMENDI. If I might inter- When all is debated, at the end of have the statistics with me today, but rupt you for a second, there are those those debates I suppose we ought to we’ve made an enormous advancement that would claim that this place is also say, Was that important? We debated in wind energy and solar energy. And a windy Chamber. earlier about a piece of this puzzle, but by the way, if we’re going to do that in Mr. BLUMENAUER. And part of this is the most consequential issue the United States with our tax policies what we need to be harvesting. That’s facing the entire globe. Climate change and give a tax rebate or credit, then we why I have a small wind energy tax is a very, very real challenge for the ought to make it in America. Have credit that I think we can install here human race. those turbines and solar panels made in in the House Chamber. But part of In the early nineties, I was Deputy America so that we not only do what is what we’ve done with the Recovery Act Secretary at the Department of the In- right by the environment, but we also has increased dramatically the amount terior and was asked by the President do what it right by the American work- of manufacturing that’s here in the and Vice President at the time to join ers so that we can rebuild our Amer- United States for that installed energy. in developing a strategy for America at ican manufacturing. We are joined by one of our col- the Kyoto Conference, which was the There are many, many other con- leagues, Congressman TONKO from New second international effort to come to cepts, all of which grow the economy. York. Before he came to Congress, grips with this issue. We studied the They don’t harm the economy at all where he’s been very active in these various ramifications of climate but, rather, grow the economy. Reduc- areas, he’s had his own series of activi- change and we predicted that what you ing emissions, not only carbon emis- ties providing leadership and tech- just described in your opening state- sions, but from the coal-fired power nology and energy efficiency. ment, Mr. BLUMENAUER, would happen. plants, reducing rather dangerous sub- We’d be honored for you to join in And, indeed, it is happening—the cli- stances like mercury and arsenic. the conversation. mate is changing. It is warmer. So we should move these things for- Mr. TONKO. Thank you, Representa- There are more extreme events, and ward. Unfortunately, we are running up tive BLUMENAUER, for leading us in this the impact is already being perceived against a block of votes on the right discussion. I appreciate the fact that in those things that are most unno- side of this House—not right on policy you’ve brought together this thought- ticed, which is the change in the vege- but, rather, in location—where they ful discussion, this dialogue on how we tation and in the flora and fauna are blocking the efforts that we must need to embrace a stronger sense of throughout the United States. As you make to come to grips with this. My stewardship with our environment that hike through the mountains of the Si- point here is that, while this is a fun- ties to our energy policy, that ties to erras, you have to go a little higher to damental problem for this Nation, it’s our economic recovery opportunities. see species, both animal and fauna, also a fundamental opportunity for I have to first and foremost mention that lived at a lower elevation. They’re America to grow a new economy. that you’re right; I headed the New moving up the mountain, those that We just heard read here on the floor York State Energy Research and De- can. Those that can’t, for example, not more than 30 minutes ago the velopment Authority in the State of some species of trees and plants that statement by the President of his new New York, my last workstation before aren’t able to remove their roots and budget in which he makes the point serving here in the House. I was totally move up the mountain, and they’re that, by addressing climate change, we surrounded by consummate profes- simply going to become extinct. also address the need to rebuild the sionals who make it their role, their Now, what do we do about it? Well, American economy and to set it on a job, their advocacy, their vocation to there are many things we can do with- path where we can compete and sell make a difference with energy policy out actually harming the economy. In these technologies and products all that allows us to be stronger stewards fact, there are many things we can do around the world. Because this is not of our environment and to advance this that will cause the economy to grow, just an American problem, this is a na- effort for renewables, for innovation for example, conservation. Conserva- tional-international problem, and all of that allows us to reduce that mountain tion of energy is an enormously impor- us, wherever we are, whatever country of electrons that we require for the tant way to conserve our money, our we are in, we must take action. We workplace, the home place, for quality energy supplies, and reduce carbon must take action. We cannot let this of life, and allows us to use that in emissions, because much of the energy slide. much more useful, measured terms so in the United States actually comes And my plea, as you made yours, Mr. that energy efficiency is seen as our from carbon emissions. BLUMENAUER, to our Republicans col- fuel of choice and that that comes be- For example, how about better mile- leagues is: let’s debate this. If you fore any of our energy thinking. And age in our cars? Thankfully, we have don’t believe this is a problem, come to that provides for a greener outcome President Obama and the Democratic the floor and tell us why this is not a that allows us to address this phe- administration that has taken very ag- problem. If you do not believe that we nomenon of climate change. gressive steps to reduce the consump- should manufacture wind turbines and Now, whether or not you believe in tion of gasoline and diesel in our auto- solar panels here in the United States climate change—and to me, the sci- mobiles and trucks, thereby conserving and deploy them rather than con- entific evidence is insurmountable— and saving us money and simulta- tinuing with the coal-based economy, but see it as an opportunity for good- neously reducing greenhouse gas emis- then tell us why. I wait for that debate, paying jobs, jobs that advance research sion. and I’ll join you in it, Mr. BLU- and innovation and intellect and ideas There are many, many other things. MENAUER. as an economy that can then transition One bill we took up on the floor today Thank you for the privilege of join- us into a very powerful economic re- that passed—and my amendment ing you. I see that we have another col- covery. wasn’t adopted—but, nonetheless, it is league. We may reopen the West Coast- But I want to make certain that I in- the small hydro. It’s using hydropower East Coast show, Mr. BLUMENAUER. troduce onto this floor the discussion wisely where we can, without harming Mr. BLUMENAUER. Thank you, Con- about Mother Nature and its grip on the environment, but also adding to gressman GARAMENDI. Thank you for the 20th Congressional District and, be- the energy production. Moving away your comments and for your leadership fore redistricting, when I represented from coal, which we know to be the in your native State of California on so the 21st, as major storms Irene and Lee single biggest source of carbon from many different levels in pressing this impacted my region. People had lost,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.062 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1895 Representative BLUMENAUER, every- I’ll say this—and I know we have oth- ported to keep our energy agenda alive, thing for which they ever worked— ers that want to speak. When I first ar- has got to stop. We need to move for- houses swept into the river through rived here in 2009, after the 2008 elec- ward—again, with the progressive storms that just, through the force of tion for my first term to serve in the thinking that I know we can embrace Mother Nature, overpowered commu- House, I was able to sit at the table in this House. Get it done. So I thank nities. when we formed, as Democrats, SEEC, you again for your leadership in this b 1630 the Sustainable Energy and Environ- dimension. ment Coalition. It’s a group of like- Mr. BLUMENAUER. That last ele- Many houses were destroyed. Herit- minded thinkers who want to take us ment is one that makes it so surprising age crown jewel items in the region in a green direction, with progressive that my Republican friends don’t want that were visitation centers and des- politics, and enable us to think outside to talk about dealing with climate tinations, destroyed. Covered bridge, the barrel, to be able to be clever in change, energy efficiency on the floor, historic in nature, wiped away through our approach to provide for new ways especially given the fact that an amaz- the ravages of water. ing stellar array of distinguished for- This was a profound impact. Lives to meet society’s needs, to open the eign policy and military experts who lost, many injured. Communities are door to job creation, to provide for have identified climate change and fos- still rebuilding, businesses are coming soundness of outcomes in a sustainable sil fuel dependency as a strategic vul- back, households are still abandoned. way that allows us to make a very bold nerability for this country, and why The efforts have been powerful. We’ve and noble statement, and that is typi- witnessed volunteerism to the Nth de- cally this: that we inherit this environ- they have argued that we ought to gree, a tremendous statement about ment for the moment, and it is our move forward aggressively dealing with the human heart to respond to the task, I believe, morally to hand it over climate change, dealing with energy ef- needs of neighbors and at times total to the next generations in even better ficiency because it strengthens Amer- strangers. And then this year, seeing stead. ica, rather than sending dollars, as you what had happened with the ravages of That is a daunting challenge these point out, to people who don’t nec- Sandy, Superstorm Sandy, that im- days. It’s a daunting challenge. But in essarily share our interests or our be- pacted New England, impacted metro my heart I believe that we can accom- liefs. It has been pointed out more than New York, New Jersey and beyond, plish what we need to accomplish. We once that we are financing both sides Pennsylvania. These are atypical situa- can respond to the challenge by open- of the war on terror. tions. Tornadoes, tropical storms, hur- ing up to new thinking, and to not be But I would like to turn, if I could, to ricanes as far north as upstate New restrained and restricted by status quo my friend from Memphis, Congressman York had been unheard of. or by the disbelief that these things are COHEN, who started us off this evening So there is a statement that Mother happening right before our very eyes, with a terrific 1-minute observation Nature is making. We are faced with right in the heart of our communities. about Dr. Hanson’s retirement. We this climate change phenomenon, a I wanted to make certain that I would welcome your thoughts and fur- concept that we need to address in sci- shared the impact on my district of ther observations about our moving entific measure, in ways that allow us Mother Nature and the clarion call to forward. to constructively build a plan that al- respond with urgency and with in- Mr. COHEN. Thank you. I appreciate lows us to move forward, again, by en- depth knowledge, driven by the passion your leadership on this issue and your hancing the opportunities for job cre- to make a difference because there is scheduling this Special Order. ation. always that pioneer spirit in America, Dr. James Hansen did retire. He is What I had seen through the advo- and we’re at our best when we embrace considered the foremost climatologist cacy at NYSERDA, the State Energy that inspiration and move forward as a in the world. As I understand it, he Research and Development Authority, Nation. shared in a Nobel Prize in 2007 on this was this effort for us to be the keepers Mr. BLUMENAUER. Thank you, Con- general type of issue. He’s been the of the funds that would go towards in- gressman TONKO. I appreciate your leading proponent of watching out for novating and transitioning into a bet- comments. I appreciate your leadership the future. ter reliance on renewables, using in a on this issue before and after you The Keystone pipeline, he’s the clar- benign way the environment qualities joined Congress. And I like the notion ion call, I guess, on the problems that that surround us—the winds, the sun, about thinking outside the barrel. that would cause to the environment in the soil, the water—in a way that al- Mr. TONKO. You’re a great leader the future. Because the tar sands, to lows us to respond to the needs that we also, so thank you for leading us in mine, is a very carbon-intensive activ- have as a society for energy and to do this discussion and leading us rou- ity. You take away the forest. You also it through intellect. The intellectual tinely on sound transportation quar- have to use a lot of water and a lot of capacity of our Nation is something we ters, including those bicycles that energy in the production. Just the pro- constantly cultivate through edu- don’t pollute. duction of the tar sands causes great cation, training, higher ed, apprentice- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Indeed. Well, damage to the environment, let alone ship programs. These are forces that the cheapest electron is one that we the potential for damage to our coun- can then bear good news of invention, don’t have to use. If we just double try when they would travel through of innovation. American energy efficiency, we can cut the pipelines. Then, when they’re I have the renewable center for GE, carbon emissions 22 percent by 2020— burnt, that’s, I guess, lighting the car- the international center in the heart of and, by the way, that would save Amer- bon bomb and letting it go off. But Dr. my district. We have the R&D lab in ican consumers $327 billion a year. This Hanson studied climate and was one of Niskayuna. All of these places are is a tremendous opportunity to achieve the first to warn on this issue. He has working in a way to allow for us to savings, generate economic activity, retired, so we will have his voice. look at new battery design, the and pay a dividend, economically as I live in Memphis. It’s kind of the linchpin to innovation that allows us well as environmentally. center of the region, Oklahoma over, to embrace, perhaps, storage of inter- Mr. TONKO. Representative, if I for tornadoes. Tornadoes have been mittence power, that it makes it more might just add to that statement, the much, much more prominent in the predictable and of more useful capac- many discussions I have had with con- United States. This just isn’t a quirk. ity. Investment in cable that allows for stituents who say where is the wisdom Mother Nature can have her times and less line loss in the delivery, in the in sending hundreds of billions of dol- certain variances in her schedule, but transporting of electrons to the source. lars to foreign nations—oftentimes en- it’s obvious what’s been happening There are many, many ways that we emies of this country—who are using with the increase in tornadoes, the can be significantly sensitive to the de- American energy consumer dollars to droughts, the floods. The Mississippi mands on our society for energy and train troops to fight our son and River, it’s been the lowest it’s ever not to be wasteful, to be innovative in daughters on the battlefield. been in spots—and it’s flooded. It had our approach, and to green up our This is a no-brainer. This gluttonous the worst floods in Memphis ever about thinking. dependency on fossil-based fuels, im- 2 or 3 years ago, and this year the river

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.063 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 was its lowest. We’ve gone from its world. Energy supply, energy cost, en- shellfish industry. There’s a thriving highest to its lowest, and something’s ergy efficiency is a matter of military fishing community there. There’s dun- happening; it’s obvious something is readiness and operational efficiency. geness for sale on the commercial mar- happening. Scientists, almost to one, When we spend $18 billion for air-condi- ket and recreational crabbing that tell us that this is because of what tioning in Iraq and Afghanistan, that’s helps draw tourists over to the coast. we’ve done to the environment. a drain on the budget. When we are In recent years, the changes have b 1640 sending to the front tanker trucks, be- caused low oxygen content in the cause we are so dependent on fossil water. Hypoxia is the condition that There might be two out of 100 sci- fuel, they might as well have a great results. It is creating dead zones in our entists. It seems so unfortunate that big bull’s-eye on them. We’ve lost thou- ocean that kill fish, crab, and other the other side always grabs one or two sands of Americans on these fuel con- marine life. of those people, rather than the 98. voys. This is a serious problem that’s af- We all have a debt and a duty to pro- Being able to be energy efficient, tect the Earth and, I think, looking fecting the industry over there. There’s being able to stretch the dollars, being a shellfish hatchery, Whiskey Creek, out for issues where we do conserve, as able to promote American security is you’ve said. I’ve got a company in over in Tillamook that supplies three- all part of an equation where these ex- quarters of the oyster seed used to Memphis I met with last week—they’re perts are saying, it ought to be a no- really in Mississippi—called Griffin, produce shellfish up and down the West brainer to move forward with energy Coast. It’s an industry worth $110 mil- and they have found a way to come up efficiency. Security experts are deeply with a system that when a vehicle lion annually. Their stock of oyster concerned about the disruptive impact seed is being threatened by the rising idles—and they’re talking about, in globally of this uncertain climate ef- their specific situation, armored cars acidity of the ocean, which is, again, a fect. serious impact of climate change. So that have a lot of going around and I notice that we are joined by my col- right there in Oregon there’s two ex- they idle their engines when they pick league from the State of Oregon, Con- amples, economic examples, of how our up their financial deposits—it costs a gresswoman BONAMICI, who has long local industry is being affected. lot to the environment in burning of exercised leadership in areas of envi- oil when the car is running. They’ve ronment and energy in her previous ca- Oregonians, I know, as well as people got a way where the car can be turned reer as a distinguished State legislator around this country, they’re looking to off and the idling of the engine can in Oregon. I welcome her and would in- us for solutions. They’re looking to us stop, but, nevertheless, the vehicle still vite comments in conversation with us. for leadership. So we need to discuss gets air-conditioning and power. It can Ms. BONAMICI. Thank you so much, how we are going to mitigate and begin save a tremendous amount of gasoline Mr. BLUMENAUER, for leading this dis- to reverse these environmental and and protect the environment. Hope- cussion about such an important topic. economic effects. We have a great re- fully, they can come within some The reality of what we are talking sponsibility, not only to our own home grants that are already available to about is really impossible to deny. States, but to our country and the rest make companies that need to retrofit We’ve had numerous scientists testify of the world, and we need to take a their vehicles to use that, but it is like in Congress. You mentioned Dr. Han- leadership role. raising our CAFE standards. The best sen. I want to mention that his first Mr. BLUMENAUER. I appreciate way to save energy is not to have to testimony in Congress was 25 years that comment. I was just thinking, as use it and to conserve on that. ago. 1988 was the first time that Dr. you were describing the threats on our There are opportunities we have. Ob- Hansen, a well-renowned NASA sci- Oregon coast, to what we just read in viously, we have to concentrate on entist, testified about the problems of the Washington Post a couple of days this. We’ve got to look to alternatives, climate change—25 years ago. Since, so ago here where the impacts of climate and wind and solar are two of them. many peer-reviewed studies have change are having a profound effect on It’s a disaster waiting to happen, and shown the reality of what we are facing the blue crab, breeding a super crab we just can’t close our eyes to it. It’s and the human impact, a significant that’s actually growing more rapidly; important that we take a leadership contributing factor. at the same time, climate impacts are role in the world. Not only do we have a lot of impacts weakening the oysters, making them Mr. BLUMENAUER, I would like to ask on the planet, from glacial withdrawal more vulnerable, so the potential here you, the Defense Department that and loss of sea ice, ocean acidification, of completely disrupting this critical raised those issues about it being im- rising temperatures and rising sea lev- part of the ecosystem in the Chesa- portant to our national defense, were els, we are feeling the impact here in peake Bay. they referring to the droughts that our country with record droughts in they foresaw coming in the future with the American Southwest and historic I appreciate very much your joining climate change and what might happen severe weather events. You probably in this conversation. I wish that my in some of those countries where they have already mentioned that, accord- Republican friends would join us in the have less opportunity to produce food ing to the National Oceanic and At- invitation to actually debate this issue and have water, et cetera? mospheric Administration, NOAA, and in the finest tradition of the House of Mr. BLUMENAUER. Well, the NASA, last year, 2012, was the warmest Representatives. There was a time threats are manyfold. year on record for the United States. when, in this Chamber, there were One is just when we are subjecting The 9 warmest years on record have all echoes of great challenge, debate, our armed services to try and deal with occurred since 1998. where people went back and forth with the extremes that you talked about, I want to talk for a minute, Mr. BLU- ideas to be able to bring out the best in it’s unpredictable. They have to be MENAUER, about some of the effects we us. We actually saw that when the Re- dealing with drought and with flood ex- are feeling in our home State of Or- publicans took control 23 months ago, treme weather events. When we find egon. We have a reputation for quality one of the first things they did was the disruption that occurs in other wine grapes, including the world-re- abolish the Special Committee on Cli- parts of the world with drought and nowned pinot noir grape. The quality mate Change and Global Warming, and with famine, it provides an instability of wine is attributable to the climate since then we haven’t really had an op- that creates a security challenge for in Oregon. The pinot grapes grow in a portunity to engage in this fashion. us. And the fact that we are vulnerable temperature range between 57 and 61 Mr. COHEN. I appreciate your bring- still, in terms of energy supply for the degrees, and a minor variation threat- ing up the idea of the hottest year. In United States and for our allies and the ens the quality of the grapes and the Memphis, it does occasionally get hot, world economy can be held hostage, all value, significant value, to Oregon’s but it also does in Washington. I think of these were part of this challenge. economy. it’s supposed to be 90 today. I suspect, Last but not least, the Department of Also, the district that I represent, and somebody is going to be able to Defense, the United States military, is and I know you’ve been out to our Or- prove me wrong, but this may be the the largest consumer of energy in the egon coast frequently, includes the hottest——

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.065 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1897 b 1650 not well positioned to address the fis- Pipeline reliability is something that Mr. BLUMENAUER. It is an all-time cal exposure presented by climate we all need to be concerned about. record for today. change. More fundamentally, we need to deal Mr. COHEN. I figured it was, and it’s As a Nation, we’ve become too famil- with the sources of energy, what is just unbelievable. And last week it was iar with the consequences of waiting driving them, how we reduce carbon cold. I mean, I had my winter suit until the 11th hour to develop solu- emissions, not sort of how we shift the when I went home, and I brought my tions. The time is now to work to- pieces around. The priority, I think, summer stuff here today. gether, to begin to reverse these ought to be sustainable energy, more The heat does have effects, and you changes, to develop alternative tech- economic investment, reducing green- brought up some of the other issues. nologies, to come up with policies that house gas emissions, not cooking the It’s not just the polar bears. I’m a big will begin to take on this very serious planet. fan of the polar bears, but they’re problem and build our economy at the I recently had my first two grand- going to be eliminated because they’re same time. children in a course of a few months. It going to lose their ability to survive in And even for those who dispute or ig- was interesting to me—some of these their natural climate. Also, the flora nore the scientific evidence of climate dry debates that we have that talk and the fauna are at risk. change, we can still discuss the eco- about by 2100, sea levels may rise 3 or What Mr. BLUMENAUER mentioned nomic gains we can make by investing 4—that always seemed kind of remote about defense made me think of a long in a clean-energy economy and mod- to me until I realized that these two time ago when I was in college. There ernizing our infrastructure and seeking young men, if they live as long as their was a man I thought a lot of named energy independence, which is also a great-grandmother, will be alive in the Don Wolfson. He was a smart man from national security issue, as you had year 2100, and what we do as a Congress a family that had knowledge of power mentioned, as well. helps shape the world that they in- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Absolutely. in this country. We were talking about herit. Those 11 weather disasters last year That’s our responsibility. That’s why who was the most powerful person in cost us over $60 billion. It’s also cre- I deeply appreciate both of you being a the country and what were the most ating uncertainty in agriculture and in part of this discussion this evening and powerful interests. I had said some- the business of insurance where it’s why I hope that our Republican friends thing about the military industrial more difficult for them to be able to will join us in an actual debate of these complex and how President Eisenhower calculate what they’re doing. It places policies, practices, what the choices had warned us in his last address about more burden on the Federal Govern- the military industrial complex. What ment because in many cases there are. Hopefully, it may actually lead to he warned us about really was the im- aren’t private alternatives available. action in the floor of the House for a pact they would have on the budget That’s why we had to create flood in- more sustainable future. Ms. BONAMICI. I know we join you and all those things. But what Don surance. You’re touching on an area Wolfson told me was the military in- that has profound economic con- in that. I also wanted to mention, while dustrial complex is all tied to one sequences because of this environ- you’re talking about renewable energy, thing: oil. That’s what it’s about. mental instability. The military runs on oil. And as Mr. Mr. COHEN. Mr. BLUMENAUER, let me the great promise of wave energy as BLUMENAUER so well pointed out, ask you this—and we’ve worked to- well with the coast. they’re the most consuming user of oil, gether on the Keystone XL issue— ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE and they also at the same time are When people come to you and say that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- spending much of their efforts defend- it’s going to create all these jobs, we tlewoman will suspend. ing the trade routes to get oil. That’s need jobs and they can get this oil, Members are reminded to address why the 5th Fleet is over there in Bah- these tar sands to China if they need to their remarks to the Chair and not to rain, and it is defending the Strait of by going to the West, what do you tell others in the second person. Hormuz and why Iran has particular folks about those jobs and the effect it The gentlewoman may continue. significance in the Middle East. will have on the future? Ms. BONAMICI. Thank you, Mr. It’s amazing what President Eisen- Mr. BLUMENAUER. It’s very impor- Speaker. hower warned us about, and I don’t tant for us to take a step back and I know that Mr. BLUMENAUER has know if that was part of his warning, evaluate exactly what the economic grandchildren. I don’t yet. We owe it but maybe there was more truth to employment opportunities are because not only to the current generation, but what he said and we probably should things that we do to rebuild and renew to future generations to take action on spend a part of each day reflecting on America in a sustainable way—Key- these important issues. President Eisenhower’s warning about stone has a few thousand temporary Mr. BLUMENAUER. I’m prepared to the military industrial complex and construction jobs and maybe a hand- yield back, unless my friend from what it has done to our Nation, because ful—I’ve heard various estimates—a Memphis wants any concluding com- that’s where the budget has really got few dozen, a couple hundred permanent ment. a great problem, and that all goes back jobs and has, as you pointed out, sig- Mr. COHEN. I just want to thank you to our dependence on foreign oil. nificant environmental consequences. for your leadership, and it’s been an Ms. BONAMICI. If I may add, too, But when we’re investing in wind, honor to join you today on the floor on that it calls out for continued invest- solar, geothermal, these are areas that this issue. It’s important to be ad- ment in alternative technologies and are producing far more jobs already dressed. energy from electric vehicles to hybrid and that they are using a sustainable Mr. BLUMENAUER. With that, Mr. vehicles to alternative fuels, solar source of energy that pays a con- Speaker, I yield back the balance of power, wind power, and bicycles. We tinuing dividend over time. This wind my time. need to continue that research and in- is American. This geothermal energy is f vestment in those alternative tech- American. It’s renewable, and it CLEARING THE NAMES OF JOHN nologies to decrease our dependence on doesn’t cost us anything. foreign fuel. Mr. COHEN. Memphis borders Arkan- BROW AND BROOKS GRUBER One of the things that I want to men- sas, and there was some kind of a pipe- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under tion too and what we have debated here line problem over there recently. I the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- on the floor is how much we’re going to think it might have been Exxon. They uary 3, 2013, the gentleman from North spend to clean up after disasters. That had a leak. That’s kind of an expensive Carolina (Mr. JONES) is recognized for is something that we have debated here process. That’s similar to the Keystone 60 minutes as the designee of the ma- on the floor. pipeline; isn’t it? It gives us kind of a jority leader. I want to point out that a recent warning of what could occur. Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, on April 8, GAO report for the first time lists cli- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Well, energy which was 2 days ago, 13 years ago, 19 mate change as a significant financial transmission is something that is a marines crashed and burned in Marana, risk to the Federal Government. We’re part of the broader equation. Arizona. It was a very tragic time.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.068 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 The Osprey, Mr. Speaker, is the plane her letter and that I would do every- By the way, Mr. Speaker, I actually that goes from a helicopter mode to a thing I could to clear the names of contacted the three marine investiga- plane mode. At the time of the acci- Colonel John Brow and Major Brooks tors for the JAGMAN report. That is dent, it was actually in an experi- Gruber. the official evaluation of the accident. mental phase. I’m not a pilot, Mr. Speaker—and I Major Phil Stackhouse, Colonel Ron Two years after the accident—I was don’t know—but I cannot really under- Radish, and Colonel Mike Morgan have here at the time the accident took stand being a pilot or a copilot in a sit- all given me letters in the last year. place—I received a letter from the wife uation where you have not been Each one clearly states that nothing in of Brooks Gruber. He’s on my far left. trained, where you didn’t understand the JAGMAN report should indicate He was the copilot. At the time of the the vortex ring state and how it would that the pilots did anything in a delib- accident, Colonel John Brow was flying impact the V–22 and what you should erate way, because the pilots had not the plane. The sad thing about it is do. That’s the fault of the United been trained. why they had 19 marines on the back. States Marine Corps, and that’s the Bell-Boeing, after being sued, hired The families do not know. And quite fault of Bell-Boeing. Again, the law- an experimental test pilot, Tom Mac- frankly, the former commandant of the suits are settled, and Bell-Boeing set- Donald, who is pretty well known in Marine Corps during the time of this tled for big bucks, if I can say it that the area of planes. Tom MacDonald accident, General Jim Jones, not a re- way. spent 700 hours studying one issue: lation to me, but I think the world of I want to give you just another idea. What happens when the V–22 gets in him, he said to me, I don’t know why in I have talked to so many people in 10 the vortex ring state? In 700 hours, he the world they did not have sacks of years that sometimes it gets confusing; discovered how they should handle it, weight in the back instead of those 17 but I think what I’m going to read, Mr. and he received a national award marines sitting back there. Speaker, probably tells the story as known as the Kincheloe. well as anything. It’s from a publica- I’ve talked to a lot of people in the 12 b 1700 tion called ‘‘V–22: Wonder Weapon or years on this issue, and the one thing Mr. Speaker, the problem is the law- Widow Maker.’’ I’ll read: that God has allowed me to understand suits are over. I’ve spoken to the law- That the tests addressing flying qualities is that His children deserve to be yer in Texas, Jim Furman, himself a and a phenomenon called ‘‘vortex ring state’’ cleared. I am hopeful. We have back helicopter pilot during the Vietnam were reduced from 103 mandated test condi- and forth sent a letter that the Marine war, and he represented the families of tions to the 33 actually flown represents a Corps is reviewing and that the two Connie Gruber and Trish Brow. In addi- cancellation of almost 68 percent of the tests wives have said they would be satisfied in this key area, including the crucial two at tion, Brian Alexander of New York rep- 20 and 40 knots at high gross weight specifi- with, and our hope is that sometime in resented 17 families. Mr. Speaker, I al- cally applicable in this accident. the next few weeks we will get that let- ways believe this—I might be wrong be- This article further states: ter. I will go to the Secretary of De- fense, Chuck Hagel, whom I know and cause I’m not an attorney—that when a That aircrews were tasked with partici- substantial settlement is made, then pating in that April 8 night operation with- have a friendship with, and I will ask somebody was seen as being at fault. out benefit of such highly relevant test re- him to assign someone on his imme- The press release has created the sults and experience represents real—and diate staff to work with me on this problem. On July 27 of the year 2000, in what some might label criminal—negligence issue. the release, they make reference to a on the part of those NAVAIR and Marine I hope that the Marine Corps under- combination of human factors that Corps leaders who knew both the parameters stands that I do not want to do that, caused the April 8 accident. Further of the missing tests and the nature of this because it would bring more peace to nighttime exercise. Without this prior test- Trish and Connie if the Marine Corps stated by Marine Corps Commandant ing experience, data and subsequent anal- General James Jones: ysis, these pilots should not have been flying writes the letter. Again, we’re probably The tragedy is that these were all good such a mission. talking about at most three sentences. marines joined in a challenging mission. Un- Mr. Speaker, what makes this so Trish has said, for the public, I do not fortunately, the pilots’ drive to accomplish ironic is that, as I’ve shared with you, want my children, Michael and Mat- that mission appears to have been the fatal thew, to go on Google and read that factor. I’m in my 12th year of trying to get a letter from the United States Marine pilot error was the cause of this acci- What the family and myself have Corps that clearly states—and the facts dent on April 8 of 2000. been battling for since the year 2000 is support this—that Colonel John Brow, b 1710 that the experts have said that the pi- pilot, and Major Brooks Gruber, copi- lots did not understand vortex ring Quite frankly, Mr. Speaker, that is lot, were not prepared to handle vortex state and how it impacts the V–22. Vor- what would happen if any of us on this ring state in the V–22 Osprey. That’s tex ring state is understood in most floor tonight Googled ‘‘Osprey’’ and all the wives want. You would think helicopters, but the V–22 was new, and ‘‘April 8,’’ you would see that. It indi- that we were going to be sued or some- they had not done any testing at all. cates it was pilot error. Mr. Speaker, I want to read the para- thing. I’ve got letters from the lawyers Sometimes I have some kids in my graph from Connie Gruber when she who say, No more suits. It’s over. office, as I did today from my district, Trish has two young boys, Michael asked me to look into this. This was some 4–Hers, and they were asking and Matthew, and Connie has a little dated December 10 of 2002: about the things that a Member of Con- girl who is just as precious as she can gress gets involved in. And I said not With so many wrongs in the world we can- be. It’s just one of those things that, as not make right, I ask that you prayerfully everything we get involved in should be consider an injustice that you can help make a man of faith, you just wonder: Where or needs to be in the press. Some right. I realize you alone may not be able to is the guilt of those who ordered that things that we get involved in, it’s sim- amend the report, but you can certainly sup- mission that night? It made no sense. ply because our heart tells us that if port my efforts to permanently remove this Dick Cheney was opposed to the Os- you don’t do it, who is going to do it? black mark from my husband’s honorable prey, and he was really trying to scrap Who’s going to do it if you, Congress- military service record. Military leaders con- the program. He was Secretary of De- man WALTER JONES, don’t take it up? tinue to refuse to amend this report, but I fense at the time. So the Marine Corps I hope and pray that John Brow and am certain there must be other means of ordered a mission where these three making this change. Given the controversy Brooks Gruber and the 17 marines in of this aircraft and the Marine Corps’ vested planes would go to Marana, Arizona, the back will be able to rest in peace, interest, surely there is an unbiased, ethical and they would play that they were Mr. Speaker. way to rightfully absolve these pilots. Please going to recapture some Americans Voltaire said: help me by not only forwarding my request being held by terrorists. Really, some- We owe the living respect; we owe the dead but by also supporting it. times you just wonder: Where is the the truth. When I received that letter from Mrs. heart? Where is the feeling? These gen- That’s all we’re asking, is that these Gruber, I called and told her that I am tlemen, truthfully, were known as two two marines can rest in peace. a strong man of faith, and there was of the best Osprey pilots that the Ma- Mr. Speaker, I have said if this comes some reason that God put my name in rine Corps had at that time. to be a reality, that I want to go to the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.069 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1899 graves—John is buried in Arlington— Iraq in the Anbar province where the CENTCOM has overseen the Afghan with his wife and their two boys, and bloody battles of Fallujah and Ramadi war with a level of confidence and say, Colonel Brow, it’s over. Then with roared. strategy that is indicative of General Major Gruber, with his wife and little General Mattis was able to make Mattis’ touch. Aspiring leaders would girl—he’s buried in Jacksonville—is to friends with those sheiks and with be smart to take a lesson from General go with them and say, Sleep, you’re those elders and brought about the Mattis. He well served the United not at fault. Sleep. awakening where those local tribes re- States Marine Corps and America for Mr. Speaker, I apologize for getting alized that al Qaeda was their enemy more than 40 years. emotional, but I just feel so passionate and not the Americans, and they then I would argue, Mr. Speaker, that this about this. turned on al Qaeda in Iraq and that was administration with this Commander With that, I yield back the balance of able to precipitate the surge and the in Chief likes military leaders who my time. drawdown from Iraq where we won, agree with it, military leaders that largely as a testament to General f give this administration the answers Mattis’ leadership. that they like to get about the way HONORING GENERAL JAMES There were a lot of other great gen- that the world is today. And they are MATTIS erals—General Odierno, General opposed, frankly, to military leaders Petraeus, General McChrystal, General The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under who give their honest opinions, regard- Kelly, General Dunford, who’s now in the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- less of who is Commander in Chief. Afghanistan in charge of the Inter- uary 3, 2013, the gentleman from Cali- General Mattis is the type of person national Security Assistance Force, a fornia (Mr. HUNTER) is recognized for that our military needs now more than lot of great generals. But General the remainder of the hour as the des- ever before. And as he prepares to leave Mattis stands out to me, and I would ignee of the majority leader. CENTCOM, for reasons that appear to like to relay a quick experience. Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, how possibly hinge on politics and this ad- much time remains? When I got to Iraq in 2003, I was driv- ing north to join the 1st Marine Divi- ministration and General Mattis’ take The SPEAKER pro tempore. Twenty- on Iran, I can say that I speak for the two minutes. sion, and we got ambushed. My marine that was on the Mark 19 in the gun tur- marines who have served under Mattis Mr. HUNTER. Thank you, Mr. Speak- that a leader of his kind is near impos- er. ret got shot in the arm. And at that point as a lieutenant, we were taught sible to replace. And this is probably appropriate I would like to read a couple of coming after Mr. JONES speaking about to drive out of an ambush as quick as possible and link up and go back and quotes. This book is called ‘‘Victory in the United States Marine Corps. I come Iraq: How America Won.’’ before you today, Mr. Speaker, to talk prosecute the enemy if we were able to. about a great marine, a marine who We weren’t able to at this point. It was was just in charge of Central Command 2003. There was no radio communica- b 1720 and has retired and resigned after dec- tion at this point in time. We couldn’t The opening page, General Mattis is ades of service to this Nation, and let talk with higher headquarters. So me featured speaking to his Marines, the me start at the point where I was able being the highest ranking officer in 1st Marine Division, in Iraq, or in Ku- to meet him. this convoy, and I was brand new in wait before the invasion. Here’s what Ten years ago today, the war in Iraq Iraq and, frankly, didn’t know much he said: about anything, we continued north to was under way. Nineteen days after the When I give you the word, we will cross the invasion, marines and soldiers had dis- where the 1st Marine Division was line into Iraq. For the mission’s sake, our mantled Saddam Hussein’s regime. The headquartered in a little place called country’s sake, and the sake of the men who takedown of Baghdad and Iraq was pre- Diwaniyah. carried the division’s colors in past battles, General Mattis happened to be in the cise and supremely coordinated, much who fought for life and never lost their command operations center when I got nerve, carry out your mission and keep your to the credit of Marine General James there and dressed me down for not honor clean. Demonstrate to the world that Mattis, who led the 1st Marine Division prosecuting the enemy that had am- there is no better friend, no worse enemy in Baghdad, and just recently com- bushed my convoy. He was angry not than a United States Marine. pleted his tour as the commander of that a marine was shot or not that we I would like to give General Mattis Central Command. had escaped; he was angry because we the appreciation of the entire United On March 20, 2003, Mattis led the 1st didn’t get after the guy that got after States House of Representatives and Marine Division to the borders of Iraq. us. That’s a real trait of General every single Marine, past, present and The marines’ success and effectiveness, Mattis. But for a lieutenant like me future, and every single American that sustaining light casualties, was due to who had been in country for a few owes, at least partly, the safety of this the intellect and the skill of one of the hours, it was a stark awakening to, Nation to people like him and to him, most cerebral warfighters of our life- hey, you’re in the war, and you have to literally and explicitly, for what he’s time, General Mattis. General Mattis is live up to the expectations and the done for this Nation. a tough man, exactly what you would presence and the example set by people Semper Fi, General Mattis. We hope expect from a United States Marine. like Jim Mattis. that retirement treats you as well as He’s practical in combat while laser-fo- I got to meet General Mattis again in your Marine Corps did. cused on securing the objective. 2004 when I returned to Iraq in the bat- I yield back the balance of my time. Let me give you an example, Mr. tle of Fallujah. We would call General Speaker. On the march to Baghdad, Mattis ‘‘Chaos.’’ That was his call sign f General Mattis landed C–130s on the because not only was he the cerebral highway to keep vehicles and tanks and intellectual architect regarding a REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- moving. Mattis’ marines outsmarted lot of what the Marine Corps did in the VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF and overpowered Saddam’s forces. In Anbar province, but he was also fear- H.R. 1120, PREVENTING GREATER the aftermath, Mattis took a totally less. He would drive alone and unafraid UNCERTAINTY IN LABOR-MAN- different tactic. It was harder to win by himself in his own light-armored ve- AGEMENT RELATIONS ACT the peace in Iraq to a certain extent hicle, and he would show up anywhere than it was to win the war, but that is he wanted to, day or night, in any kind Ms. FOXX, from the Committee on when Mattis let his intelligence and his of situation, whether there was a fire Rules, submitted a privileged report outside-of-the-box thinking show fight going on or not. And I tell you, he (Rept. No. 113–32) on the resolution (H. through. In the aftermath, General earned the respect, rightfully so, of Res. 146) providing for consideration of Mattis and his commanders, working every single marine and every single the bill (H.R. 1120) to prohibit the Na- to build trust, establish alliances, and soldier who saw him on the front lines tional Labor Relations Board from tak- support projects that were important during those wars. ing any action that requires a quorum to the Iraqi people, befriended what General Mattis is now CENTCOM of the members of the Board until such some thought were the worst people in commander. Through his leadership, time as Board constituting a quorum

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.071 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 shall have been confirmed by the Sen- ing from the Republican Conference, this is—our approach is not to punish ate, the Supreme Court issues a deci- the Republican Study Committee, the anybody, but what we’re saying is, sion on the constitutionality of the ap- Republican Budget Committee, how when the income for the top 1 percent pointments to the Board made in Janu- some of these policies will hit the goes up over the last 10, 15, 20 years so ary 2012, or the adjournment sine die of ground. dramatically that the average CEO is the first session of the 113th Congress, In my opinion, we seem to be gov- making 300-plus times what the aver- which was referred to the House Cal- erning by bumper sticker. So we want age worker is making, when you have endar and ordered to be printed. smaller government, we want less of the rich people that are making hun- f this and less of that, and more of this dreds of millions of dollars, the top 1 and more of that, that can be phrased percent, but then you also have the top 30-SOMETHING WORKING GROUP to sound really good on a bumper .1 percent of the Americans who are The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. sticker to where you would drive by making massive amounts of money, PERRY). Under the Speaker’s an- and you would look at the bumper hedge funds and whatnot. nounced policy of January 3, 2013, the sticker and you’d think, it makes a lot b 1730 Chair recognizes the gentleman from of sense. Ohio (Mr. RYAN) for 30 minutes. But what we want to do with this What we’re saying is, when you have Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I ap- working group and the folks who will that imbalance and that level of in- preciate the opportunity to be here. We be joining me here tonight and over the equality or it becomes a threat to the are re-establishing the 30-Something next several weeks and months is to democratic way of life, that’s the de- mocracy piece, but we also have the Working Group, which some may re- say, how does this hit the ground? How economic piece. When you get a high member. Many—it seems like many does the Republican budget hit the concentration of wealth, then the aver- years ago, Congressman Kendrick ground? age person doesn’t have the amount of Meek and I and Congresswoman DEBBIE How does it affect you? How does it money in their pocket to be able to go WASSERMAN SCHULTZ came to this floor affect your family? How does it affect out and spend in the economy. in 2003 and 2004 and 2005 and 2006, and your mom and dad? How does it affect So this is a supply side argument, cut we were talking about issues of the day your grandma and grandpa? And that’s taxes for the wealthy, this approach and how they applied to people in their what we would like to talk about here that our friends on the other side, the thirties or people in their twenties, and today. Republican Party, the Tea Party, has tried to take, at that point, some of I think, and say this, knowing that been pitching since 1980: cut taxes for President Bush’s policies and make many of the folks on the other side of the rich and hopefully something posi- them understandable to young people the aisle are friends of mine, dear tive will happen for the middle class. in our society. friends, good friends. Some I like to Democrats are saying we’ve got to And so we had many conversations, hang out with, some I don’t get an op- invest in the middle class. We’ve got to many late night conversations here on portunity to hang out with, but are all help the middle class with health care this House floor, sometimes an hour a good people trying to do good things. costs, with the cost of going to school night, sometimes 2 hours a night, But why we need to come here and and going to college, getting a trade, sometimes 3, 4, 5 hours a week, coming have this debate and discussion and going to a community college, helping to help deliver the message. And at conversation is that we need to figure poor school districts, making sure that that time, back in 2004 and 2005 and out how we’re going to move forward families who send their kids to college 2006—and let me just take a second to as a country. And our arguments on and take out a student loan, that those thank all the staff that was here for our side are that the Republican budg- loan repayment rates are reasonable. those late hours, for always being et, the Republican approach, the Re- Those are the reforms we made as around for us, and some are still here publican philosophy has caused a lot of Democrats here while the Democrats today, as we are still here today. But the problems that we have in our econ- were in charge of the Chamber in 2007, today, we want to re-establish this. omy today. The financial deregulation, 2008, 2009, and 2010, and those are the Back then it was the privatization of looking the other way while Wall investments we made. Social Security, Mr. Speaker. And Street turned into a crap game, with- We’re talking about two separate President Bush wanted to take the So- out any regulation at all, no cops on philosophies. One philosophy on the cial Security program and privatize it, the beat keeping an eye on things. Republican Tea Party side is to cut put it in the stock market and allow We saw two wars put on a credit card, taxes for the wealthy, deregulate Wall that to be a part of the private invest- Afghanistan and Iraq, no taxpayer, no Street, and look the other way while ment system and not the insurance citizen, other than the families of the there’s a crap game going on on Wall system that we have with regard to So- military, were asked to make any sac- Street; have two wars, one of them cial Security. And fortunately, we were rifice at all, and funding for the two very questionable in why it started in able, through the leadership of Minor- wars was put on a credit card. And then the first place, and a prescription drug ity Leader PELOSI, at that time, before you throw in a prescription drug bill bill that all went on the credit card. she was Speaker, encouraged us to go that was not paid for on the credit So cut taxes, start two wars, and put out and do this, and we were able, with card. a prescription drug bill on the credit her leadership, the 30-Something Group So this is what happened from 2000 to card, drive up the debt, deregulate the and other Members going out across 2008, where we were running up the def- financial markets until the taxpayer the country, we were able to put a stop icit, running up the national debt. And has to come in and bail out and the to the privatization of Social Security. here we arrived in 2009, after having to economy collapses, that’s what hap- And fast forward just a few years, to save the banks and do the TARP pro- pened. And so we don’t really have to 2008, 2009, I think there were a lot of gram in order to plug this trillions of have the argument. Those are the facts Americans who were very happy that dollars of a hole in our economy to of a Republican Presidency, House, and we did not, at that time, have the So- make sure that the banks don’t lock up Senate that got to implement their tax cial Security program in the stock and not loan money and everything package. They got to implement their market. Many people would have lost else, so we had to go to the taxpayer, financial regulatory packages. They their retirements. and the taxpayer had to foot the bill got to pass budgets that did or did not So today, we have a whole new set of for the two wars, the prescription drug make certain investments. And what challenges, and we have a new crop of bill, and the massive deregulation of happened is, after a decade of that phi- very talented, young Members of Con- the financial markets, the too-big-to- losophy being implemented, the econ- gress, members of the Democratic Cau- fail, and then they failed. And so the omy collapsed. It was not just a normal cus, who want to come to the floor and taxpayer was asked to foot the bill. recession, it was a financial recession, talk about the issues of the day as they What we are saying here on our side which a lot of economists now are tell- pertain to young people and people who is that that’s the wrong approach. Cut- ing us how difficult and how much have been around a little bit, and how ting taxes for the wealthiest in our so- longer it takes to get out of these fi- some of these proposals that are com- ciety, this is not to punish the wealthy, nancial recessions.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.073 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1901 So the discussion that we’ve had in going to be the United States? Is it 70 percent of those are women. So as the last Presidential election and the going to be China? Is it going to be we age, women will see those cuts. discussion that we want to have here in India? Is it going to be Europe? That’s We have proposals from the other this Chamber as to what philosophy the question. Who’s going to shape this side about abolishing Planned Parent- should prevail in the United States of future? And America has always had a hood, about saying that Planned Par- House of Representatives, the body recipe, from post-World War II until enthood does not serve women well. that is most directly elected—the Fed- roughly in the 1980s, where we made in- It’s many, many women who get basic eral piece, anyway—most directly vestments in infrastructure, we made health care from Planned Parenthood— elected, every 2 years, by the people of investments in research and develop- screenings, birth control, family plan- this country, what philosophy shall we ment, we made investments in edu- ning, all done through Planned Parent- take? And the Democrats are offering, cation, because we knew that those hood. The other side wants to abolish under the leadership of Leader PELOSI, were public investments that would it, defund it completely. a different world view, a world view yield huge benefits for the United These are some basic things that we that says we make investments in the States of America. need to do in order to protect the mid- infrastructure, we make investments And now we have a Republican phi- dle class. in education, we make sure that we losophy that says those investments So here we are, in the next few weeks have a fair Tax Code that is simpler are a waste of money and that any in- and months, we’re going to have a dis- and fairer, that it doesn’t take forever vestment that the government makes cussion about where this country goes to fill out your taxes. Keep it simple. must be a bad one; that the space pro- and where the House of Representa- And at the same time, we ask those gram, that the research investments tives goes and what’s our philosophy. people who have benefited so much that we make, that making sure that So we will be coming here week after over the last decade or two, whose in- school is affordable, the public-private week after week to compare this phi- come went up and they now make 300- partnerships that lead to new develop- losophy, the philosophy of cut taxes for plus times what the average worker ments, the research that no one com- the top 1 percent, to keep the Tax Code makes, that they help pay their fair pany will make must be made by the very complicated so the wealthiest share and help us pay for the debts that public. Those are quality investments benefit from it, or Democratic philoso- the Republican Party has incurred by that help build our economy for a gen- phies and Democratic proposals that putting two wars on a credit card and eration, whether it was post-World War say we want a fairer Tax Code, we want a prescription drug bill. II with the GI Bill and we take all of a simpler Tax Code, and we want a Tax So that’s the discussion. That’s what these soldiers and we make sure that Code that doesn’t have so many loop- we want to do. And the President and they can go to college, we make sure holes that only if you have high-pow- the Democrats have made these invest- they can go to law school, we make ered accountants will you be able to ments. And if you think that things sure that they can go to medical take advantage of the Tax Code. like only paying a certain percentage school, we make sure they can become The Tax Code should benefit middle of your income back for your student engineers. class families. We all need to con- loan is what is part of your philosophy, tribute, but it shouldn’t be so com- b 1740 then you fall in our camp on that issue. plicated that if you have a lot of If you think that the CEO that’s mak- Or the space program, in which pub- money or you’re a big corporation ing 300 times more, or $300 for every lic money, with private ingenuity and you’re somehow going to get out of dollar the person on the factory floor is know-how, came together. That invest- paying taxes or you’re somehow going making, needs to be balanced out, ment in the space program led to a to be able to hide your taxes overseas maybe they need to help us pay down booming economy in the high-tech sec- and not pay your fair share. That’s one the debt more and shouldn’t have all tor, the other public investments that group’s philosophy versus ours. kinds of tax loopholes, then you’re led to the Internet and satellites and We are saying that, yes, we need to going to side with what the Democrats all of these other things, and private balance the budget, but we want to do want to do. companies come in and benefit from it like President Clinton did it and the So long story short, we are now in a that and then invest in a workforce Democrats did it in 1993. We want to do position where we can talk about the that can take those technologies and it in a fair way that continues to make Republican budget. And we all are in make them better and increase produc- investments in those essential invest- agreement, I think, Democrats and Re- tivity so that we have a strong middle ments that will lead to long-term eco- publicans, that budgets are documents class. nomic growth. that represent our values. And we all Invest in our infrastructure, make One of the things we’re doing in are in agreement that we need to take sure that we rebuild our country. Youngstown, in my congressional dis- care of our long-term debt. We need to We’ve got combined sewer systems, trict, is a program that President reduce our deficits. It is an issue, and we’ve got roads, we’ve got bridges that Obama had to put together administra- one that we all need to take very seri- need done. We need to make sure that tively—that we want to push for more ously. we invest in the smart power grids so of these—public-private partnerships Now, the Republican plan is pre- that we can get alternative energy and innovative institutes. The innova- sented to the American people, and it pumped into our grids, so that we can tion institute that we have now in is taking needed investments and cut- have a more conservative approach to Youngstown is in additive manufac- ting them so deeply that we are going how we expend energy, a smarter ap- turing, three-dimensional printing, the to get leapfrogged by China and India proach because of a smart grid where cutting edge of manufacturing, the cut- and Europe in some of the coming in- we’re wasting less energy. These are ting edge of additive manufacturing, dustries. These cuts, in order to try to the kind of investments that we need partnering with big companies like balance the budget in a short period of to make, and all the while protecting Lockheed and Boeing and other smaller time, are going to be pushed off. The what’s happening and what may hap- companies in the Mahoning Valley. But burden of these cuts will be on the mid- pen if the Republican budget would be public money from the Department of dle class—education, economic devel- signed into law. Defense or Department of Energy, the opment, which are the kind of invest- The dramatic cuts in the Medicare Department of Commerce, public-pri- ments that we need to make. Also, program, asking those going into their vate partnerships to help position these cuts are going to be cut out of senior years to not have a guaranteed America—not just our region—in the programs that help the poorest among benefit that they paid into. Many of next generation of additive manufac- us, and that is not a recipe for success. those folks who would be hurt by the turing help drive the cost down for We have 300-plus million people in program, the Republican budget pro- these printers so that everyone that the United States. We are competing gram, would be women, many of them has a desktop computer now can have a against India and China on who’s going older women. Fifty-five percent of the desktop printer that prints products to determine who’s going to shape the Medicare population—women. The old- that could revolutionize health care, future of the global economy. Is it est Medicare beneficiaries, 85 and over, revolutionize energy, revolutionize

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.075 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 manufacturing in the defense industry. That voucher becomes worthless at respect that. I believe that the Fram- But this is a public-private partner- some point. The cost will be pushed off ers and Founders of this great country, ship. onto seniors. They’re going to have to its ideals that were based upon truth as What we cannot do is say, ‘‘Oh, my come out of pocket. Their kids are they determined truth to be, as they God, that’s government money; it’s got going to have to help them. understood it, truth coming from the to be bad,’’ these investments that we You see these huge cuts in the Med- revealed word of God that they de- make for the poor in the Medicaid pro- icaid program, which in many States clared to be found in the Bible at that gram so we can make sure that these help senior citizens get into a nursing time, and they were not ashamed to kids have basic health care in the home and pay for a nursing home. say that and quoted many times from United States of America. b 1750 Scripture, even without reference, be- And, yes, we do need education re- cause it was clearly understood by the form; yes, we do need innovation with- So the middle class, again, people 40, citizens of that day that the basic in the health care system. We’ve got a 50, 60 years old who have parents in a ideals that this new government was long way to go, even with the health nursing home, are going to have to established upon were ideals found and care reform bill and how we can revolu- come out of pocket. That’s bad for the written down in the Bible and clearly tionize health care, how we can revolu- economy, less consumer demand. understood to be the word of God. tionize education, how we can revolu- All of these things fit together. We’re I’d wrestle with the fact that I under- tionize the way we take care of our going to come back and continue to stand that there are filters, and the veterans. I will be back on this floor talk about many of these issues over moment that I let it out of the bag, as talking about some of those ways that the course of the next few weeks and it were, Mr. Speaker, that I’m a pastor, we can go about doing that. months and compare. As I said at the I’m a Christian, I come from a Judeo- But the issue I have with the Repub- beginning, I’ve got a lot of Republican Christian value system, that that’s my lican proposals are they’re all about friends in this Chamber, I’ve got a lot filter, that I would lose the oppor- the budget. Listen, we all know we of Republican friends in my congres- tunity to speak to society in general. have a demographic problem—we all sional district, but I also have a lot of Well, I assume that risk this evening, know we have the baby boomers mov- Republican friends in my congressional because we have come to a time in our ing into the Social Security and the district that would disagree with the history where the unified under- Medicare system—but how are we approach of the disinvestment in the standing, whether we acknowledged it going to drive down Medicare costs? United States that’s coming from the or fully agreed with it or certainly How are we going to drive down health other side. lived by it, because I know, as one who care costs? That’s the question. That’s Mr. Speaker, I look forward to com- has feet of clay, that though I under- what’s important. Of course we need to ing back in the next week and months, stand truth, I don’t always live by it, bring the cost down of health care, but and I’m sure you’re excited for that, yet our country is at crossroads in a you just don’t say, well, we’re not too. battle along those principles. going to have any reforms, the free I yield back the balance of my time. I read in this greatest man-made doc- market is somehow going to take care f ument ever penned, the Constitution of of it and it should be pushed off on the RELIGIOUS LIBERTY the United States, I read the First backs of the citizens. That’s not going Amendment, the Second Amendment, to work. That’s not humane. There is a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Third Amendment, and on through better way to go about it, when you the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- the Tenth Amendment, which are clas- look at the field of integrative health uary 3, 2013, the Chair recognizes the sified as the Bill of Rights, Bill of care, for example, how you can help gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Rights that were given and acknowl- prevent a lot of issues from arising WALBERG) for 30 minutes. edged by the Framers and Founders that make people sick. Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I appre- and the implementers of these amend- When you look at 70 or 75 percent of ciate the opportunity to address this ments, the Bill of Rights, as really health care costs are caused by things Chamber and to address an issue of stemming from God, Himself, that are behavioral in nature, so how great concern to me. I just heard my unalienable rights, God given, not man do we shift the health care system to colleague and friend from Ohio and given, recognizing these rights as even more prevention like we tried to what he had to say, and certainly there above simple human reasoning. do in the health care reform bill? How is a debate that’s going on that’s worth In recent days, I’ve read and reread do we make investments into areas in being had, a debate about the progres- our First Amendment that says: sion of this great country, the greatest medical schools and hospitals that are Congress shall make no law respecting an looking into driving down health care on this Earth, in the history of this establishment of religion, or prohibiting the costs in these other ways? Not just Earth, a country that has distinguished free exercise thereof; or abridging the free- talk about, oh, we’re going to have dra- itself in just a few short years, 236, 237, dom of speech, or of the press, or the right of conian cuts to the Medicare program as a Nation that understands what lib- people peaceably to assemble, and to peti- and then we’re going to push it all off erty is about, but also understands the tion the government for redress of griev- on the Medicare recipient to foot the authority that we come under. ances. bill and we’re going to give them a Mr. Speaker, I have wrestled with And I go on to the final, the 10th, voucher. coming to the floor tonight, because that gives the States the authority Ladies and gentlemen, that is what since I first began my legislative ca- that they should have. And I see what’s happens with this Republican Tea reer back in 1982 in the Michigan House taking place in relationship at this Party budget. You will get a voucher, of Representatives, and when I stood in point in time to one complex bill that Mr. Speaker. These folks will get a front of people and asked for their op- was passed, called the Affordable voucher. My friends on the other side portunity or their support to give me a Health Care Act, but with specifically say, well, yeah, but that voucher will privileged position in that great body, one mandate that I clearly believe runs help you pay for it. The problem is the I stated clearly, and I have from that roughshod of this First Amendment voucher that the seniors will get point in 1982 to this very day, I’ve stat- when it, in fact, is a law that prohibits doesn’t go up, doesn’t rise with the cost ed that, as a Christian and as a former the free exercise thereof of religious of health care. So the voucher only pastor, while I would not flaunt my re- beliefs. Now, again, that’s my perspec- goes up a small bit while health care ligion, I would not hide my faith. tive, but it’s a perspective I think is costs have been going up four, five, six, I’ve continued that in coming to the backed up by the Framers and Found- seven, depending on the plan, more per- U.S. House of Representatives as well. ers in their writings and their speeches cent. So you get a voucher today and I truly believe that all laws are moral. and their beliefs that they imple- it’s worth $100 and your health care bill Some of us would consider morality mented into this great, great country. is $150, but next year your voucher is one way and others of us would con- Just recently I read an article that, worth $102 and health care costs are sider it another. We all come through more than just simply being an article, $170. That happens every single year. filters in life. I understand that, and I gave names of fellow citizens,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.076 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1903 businesspeople, who through no fault of with the money that he developed to faith beliefs—and I’m not talking their own, except for the fact that they provide a Christian rehabilitation pro- about one religion over another. I cer- were religious, they were people of gram for men and women battling drug tainly come from a Judeo-Christian faith that had firm convictions, convic- and alcohol addiction, and a boarding viewpoint, and I believe it to be true. I tions that they believed went beyond school for troubled youth, with his own would not have given my life to that themselves but went to the God that money. Yet, if he falls under the man- belief if it weren’t. It impacts society they honored, people like Chris and date, the employees that are employed as a whole. Paul Griesedieck—I hope I pronounced running this organization, but more Alexander Solzhenitsyn understood it that name right. I don’t know them importantly the lives that are im- with his life. He said: personally, but I know they run a 105- pacted positively by this ministry, will All individual human rights are granted year-old company started by their be impacted and the ministry will go because man is God’s creature; that is, free- great-grandfather, a company in St. under. dom was given to the individual condi- tionally in the assumption of his constant Louis that employs 150 people. They As I said, I could go on and on with religious responsibility. Two hundred or even are sincere Christians that believe to other illustrations of how this First 50 years ago, it would have seemed quite im- be forced to supply health insurance Amendment liberty is being violated possible in America that an individual could that provides abortifacient coverage, by a country that made this as the first be granted boundless freedom simply for the agents that will produce abortions, is of the Bill of Rights. satisfaction of his instincts and whims. against their firmly held Christian be- Just recently we all heard, I believe, Mr. Speaker, I submit to you that liefs and would be a violation of their a concern that a briefing had been seems to be the point in time where responsibility to their God. given to U.S. Army Reserve recruits we’re at right now, where we’re willing Now, that’s their morality, that’s which classified Catholics, some Jews, for our whims, our instincts, our de- their filter, but from the inception of evangelical Christians and Sunni Mus- sires, our own purposes to give in to this country, believed that that, along lims as religious extremists along with the baseness of those hedonistic phi- with all other religious beliefs, was the KKK, Al Qaeda and Hamas. In losophies. And it’s proven to be true. protected under the Bill of Rights. America, religions strongly held, firm- The results are there. Here are just a They are at a point right now, if they ly believed religious beliefs, are being few of them. violate the mandate of the law, which attacked as extremist, along with ter- Since 1960, we have the end of the so- they are attempting to get an injunc- rorist organizations like Al Qaeda, called ‘‘Christian America,’’ as the tion and attempting ultimately to see Hamas and KKK. media has called it in Newsweek. The themselves covered just like churches Mr. Speaker, I submit to you this is U.S. illegitimacy rate has rocketed and Christian colleges, but if they not America. I don’t care what the from 5 percent of all births to 41 per- aren’t, they’re looking at a $5 million courts have said at this point. They’ve cent. Among African Americans, the fine under that mandate, annually. ruled on a tax. But on a constitutional share of births out of wedlock is 71 per- They’ve indicated that that will put question, I think it’s clear for us who cent. That’s up from 23 percent in 1960. them out of business. read it to understand it is more than The percentage of households that were There’s another company run by just the document, but to understand married couple families with children David Green—we all know it well— it as a warning to us and a reminder under 18 had plummeted by 2006 to just Hobby Lobby. We’ve seen their ads at that the blessings of the freedom of 21.6 percent. Since Roe v. Wade, 50 mil- Easter and Christmastime, full-page this great Nation come with a commit- lion-plus abortions have been per- ads that he pays for with his own ment to ideals that are beyond us, that formed. The Declaration of Independ- money, to declare the meaning of are timeless, that are important, that ence? We are all endowed with the Christmas and the meaning of Easter we often call religion but are beyond right to life, liberty and the pursuit of in his faith. He pays for it, long- that. They are faith that goes to our happiness. standing, and yet if he doesn’t fall integrity, our convictions, our char- Between 1960 and 1990, the teenage under this mandate and bow the knee acter. suicide rate tripled, though the number to the government and not keep his John Adams, one of the Founders of then fell. As of 2006, suicide was the knees bowed to his God that he serves, our country, John Adams, who de- third leading cause of death of young he’ll pay a $1.3 million per day fine, fended liberty even when he defended adults and adolescents age 15 to 24, just which will take the 13,000 employees the Red Coats under the same premise behind homicide. that he employs and potentially put that we believe that all people deserve And I could go on with the tragic re- them out of a job, many of whom agree a hearing and a just trial, John Adams, sults of going away from religious be- with his personal strong faith. who was willing to give his life, his for- lief, faith belief, truth, a moral char- acter. Again, all laws are moral—right, 1800 tune, his sacred honor, said: b wrong or indifferent. We all have fil- He said, It’s come down to the point Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inad- ters. that I’m forced to either abandon my equate to the government of any other. I submit to you, Mr. Speaker, that beliefs in order to stay in business or we are challenged economically, we are Why in the world would he say that? abandon my business in order to stay challenged socially, we are challenged There is huge wisdom there, but it true to my belief. That’s not the Amer- in our security and we are challenged came from an understanding that hu- ica that was founded by people who put in our liberty because we have wan- manity wasn’t enough in itself. Human the Bill of Rights together, and specifi- tonly walked away from or in compla- beings weren’t wise enough in their cally the First Amendment. cency have given away the own right, but rather had to flow from I could go on with other illustrations underpinnings that allowed God to some truth wiser than that. about other business owners. Well, let bless this great country, which is still Social critic Irving Kristol I think me point out one business owner here receiving the results of much of that encapsulated it when he said: who is doing significant work not only blessing. as a very successful 85-year-old insur- This appears to be a sociological truth. It The Founders argued very clearly ance executive of an insurance com- is religion that reassures people that this that ‘‘virtue derived from religion is world of ours is a home, not just a habitat, pany, but he’s taken those resources— and that the tragedies and unfairness we all indispensable to limited government.’’ like Mr. Green, who has given over $500 experience are features of a more benign, if The American model of religious lib- million to charitable causes, living out not necessarily comprehensible, whole. It is erty takes a strongly positive view of his faith—but this gentleman has done religion that restrains the self-seeking hedo- religious practice, both private and the same thing in reaching out to nistic impulse so easily engendered by a suc- public. Far from privatizing religion, it many needy people and developing a cessful market economy. assumes that religious believers and in- business that impacts peoples’ lives We are a successful market economy stitutions will take active roles in soci- who are in difficult circumstances. His here in the United States, and I’m ety, including ministers, including en- name is Charles Sharpe. He is 85 years grateful for that, and we need to do a gaging in politics and policymaking old. He founded Heartland Ministries lot of work to continue that. But our and helping form the public’s moral

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.077 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 consensus. In fact, the American I want to say to you, Mr. Speaker, in this Congress, House or Senate, who Founders considered religious engage- that I come to this floor very troubled are prepared to sacrifice the rule of law ment in shaping the public morality es- here this evening. I am troubled at the in order to start a conversation, that’s sential to ordered liberty and the suc- current inertia that seems to have been enough to get me to come here to the cess of their experiment in self-govern- created in the minds and in the posi- floor tonight, Mr. Speaker, to start the ment. tions of a number of people who are conversation about restoring the rule here in the House and in the Senate, of law and reestablishing the pillars of b 1810 primarily those on my side of the aisle, American exceptionalism and making John Witherspoon, a minister who who seemed to wake up on the morning sure that this great Nation that we are signed the Declaration of Independ- of November 7 and decided that Mitt can go on to our destiny beyond the ence, said in talking about our Repub- Romney would be President-elect if he shining city on the hill to a place that lic, ‘‘a republic once equally poised just hadn’t said two words, ‘‘self-de- actually does realize American destiny must either preserve its virtue or lose port,’’ and if he hadn’t said two other with all of the pillars of American its liberty.’’ words, ‘‘47 percent.’’ They had done exceptionalism intact, not sacrificing Mr. Speaker, as I began, I will never this analysis, apparently, before there the rule of law for political expediency, intend to flaunt my religion, but I will were any kind of exit polls that could which is the bargain that is being nego- not hide my faith; and I believe, in this have been considered. tiated over on the Senate side and be- country where we’ve given the greatest They persist in sticking with this hind closed doors here on the House amount of freedom to all religious be- opinion that something must be done side, although not even publicly admit- liefs, we would do well to remember about immigration in this country and ted to. that ourselves—to not hold it back but that there needs to be comprehensive So, Mr. Speaker, in the earlier part to encourage faith and to encourage immigration reform passed and that, if of this discussion, I would be very laws that respect that to the fullest de- that doesn’t happen, then there’s going pleased to yield to a very strong leader gree and say to people like David Green to be a kind of calamity that might on the rule of law, to one who has led or to the Griesediecks or others: we re- eliminate or badly weaken the bipar- within his own community in Hazleton spect you for what you do, your beliefs, tisan, two-party system that we have and who has been a clear and articulate and we will certainly honor your free- in this country. voice on protecting and defending dom. We will not impinge upon you by I reject those principles or those America’s rule of law destiny, and mandates, no matter how good the law opinions, Mr. Speaker, because what I that’s the gentleman from Pennsyl- might seem, because there is some- know about the facts refutes them vania (Mr. BARLETTA). thing higher than health, physical completely. There are no facts that up- Mr. BARLETTA. Thank you, Con- health—and that’s our spiritual health, hold such a position. It is true that the gressman KING. our character health, in this country. people in my party have lost a growing Recently, there has been a lot of talk in Washington about illegal immigra- There is a stone above you, Mr. share of the vote of the list of minority tion. As the mayor of Hazleton, Penn- Speaker, that’s there tonight and that coalitions that there are in the coun- sylvania, after it was estimated that 10 has been here since this great Chamber try. It’s also true that the other party percent of our entire population was was put together, and it’s a quote of has demagogued this issue mercilessly, there illegally, I created the first law Daniel Webster’s. I read it often, and it and the effect of their tens of millions of its kind in the country. Now, I don’t says simply this: of dollars has shown in the polls. My need to be briefed about illegal immi- ‘‘Let us develop the resources of our colleagues on my side of the aisle don’t gration—I have lived it. Because Wash- land, call forth its powers, build up its seem to recognize that. Perhaps they ington has failed to protect our bor- institutions, promote all its great in- haven’t thought this through, and I ders, cities like mine have been over- terests—’’ Daniel Webster could be hope they do, Mr. Speaker. But the come. I had to deal with it myself be- speaking to us tonight and to our coun- most essential pillar of American cause of Washington’s failure. try, Mr. Speaker— ‘‘and see whether exceptionalism that is affected by this Our immigration laws were created we also, in our day and generation, debate over immigration is the rule of for two reasons: one, to protect the may not perform something worthy to law. American people and our national secu- be remembered.’’ It appears to me that there are a rity; and two, to protect American I submit to you, Mr. Speaker, that if number of people on my side of the workers. we would restore liberty and justice for aisle who say—even though they recog- Now, in 1986, Ronald Reagan had all, if we were to restore the oppor- nize that the comprehensive immigra- promised the American people that if tunity to live under our spiritual lib- tion reform agenda, which has been we’d give amnesty to 1.5 million illegal erties and beliefs and not mandate peo- around since the George W. Bush ad- aliens that we would secure our borders ple to go against that—bow their knees ministration and perhaps before—they and that this would never happen to almighty government as opposed to believe that somehow, even though it’s again. After the declaration of am- bowing to Almighty God—this Nation fifth or sixth on the list of issues that nesty, that 1.5 million actually doubled will be a blessed Nation under God, would be important and relevant to mi- to over 3 million. Now, a quarter of a with liberty and justice for all. norities that look at the path to citi- century later, over 11 million people Mr. Speaker, I thank you for the op- zenship and at a path to staying in the are in our country illegally, and our portunity tonight, and I yield back the United States and working and raising borders are still not secured. balance of my time. their families and being productive This isn’t just about the southern f here, that jobs and the economy are border. There is a lot of focus about, if more important. A whole list of things we secure the southern border, our bor- RESTORING THE RULE OF LAW are more important, but it’s fifth or ders are secure. Forty percent of the AND REESTABLISHING THE PIL- sixth on that priority list. Those who people who are in the country illegally LARS OF AMERICAN advocate for this Gang of Eight’s did not cross a border—they didn’t EXCEPTIONALISM version, which seems to be emerging cross the southern border; they didn’t The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under from the Senate in comprehensive im- come across Canada. Forty percent of the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- migration reform, seem to think that the people who are in the country ille- uary 3, 2013, the Chair recognizes the we should do something, that we gally came on visas and overstayed gentleman from Iowa (Mr. KING) for 30 should pass some type of amnesty be- their visas. In fact, one of the men who minutes. cause that’s what’s required to ‘‘start was granted amnesty in 1986 was in- Mr. KING of Iowa. Thank you, Mr. the conversation.’’ volved in the 1993 attack on the World Speaker. I took an oath to uphold this Con- Trade Center. Now, my city is 2,000 As always, it’s an honor to be recog- stitution. This Constitution is the su- miles away from the nearest southern nized to address you here on the floor preme law of the land, and the rule of border, and I have an illegal immigra- of the United States House of Rep- law is an essential pillar of American tion problem. Any State that has an resentatives. exceptionalism; and if there are people international airport is a border State.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:57 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.078 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1905 b 1820 So as our immigrant population grew, me, to be honest with you. It was pret- There are 22 million Americans who we also realized that the most impor- ty refreshing because nobody came to are out of work. We should not be en- tant issues to those that were there Hazleton. And I thought I was standing couraging millions more to come here were good opportunities, were good there alone until I started getting illegally when so many Americans can- jobs. It wasn’t about granting amnesty cards and letters and checks from peo- not find jobs. Medicare and Social Se- or a pathway to citizenship. They ple all over the United States. In fact, curity are going broke, and yet the wanted good jobs and a good education I got checks from every State, includ- Heritage Foundation did a study that for their children. They came to Amer- ing Alaska and Hawaii, to help defend said that if we give a pathway to citi- ica for that better life. Offering am- our city in that lawsuit. We raised over zenship to the 11 million or more who nesty wasn’t going to make their life half a million dollars, most of it in $10 any better, and they understood that. are here, it will cost over $2.6 trillion and $20 donations, from people all over They also understand that allowing 20 over the next 20 years. We should not America who felt the same way. I am or 30 million more people to come into even be talking about offering am- not alone. The American people under- nesty. There should be no bill that this country illegally is not helpful for stand what illegal immigration means. talks about a pathway to citizenship. people who are starting out, who need It doesn’t mean that we roll up the We should be securing our borders first. the jobs that they came here for, or This is something that we should all many Americans who can’t find work. welcome mat to new immigrants. We be able to agree upon, Democrats and Mr. KING of Iowa. I’m curious, since ask them to come here through the Republicans, the Senate and the House, you came to Congress here, Mr. proper channels, respect the rule of if we are sincere, if we’re not trying to BARLETTA, and I’m going to presuppose law, and then give them the oppor- fool the American people a second that you have strong personal relation- tunity that they came to America for. time. We promised them that we would ships among the entire spectrum of the Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my secure our borders before we give am- community of Hazleton, have any of time, I remain curious to the wealth of nesty. Offering a pathway to citizen- them in any appreciable number experience that the former mayor and ship will make matters worse. It will changed their position on the immigra- the gentleman from Pennsylvania has tion issue since they sent you to Con- encourage millions more to come here provided here, Mr. Speaker. I would gress? And can you speak on some of illegally. ask also, of the illegal drug distribu- You know, you don’t replace your your relationships with your constitu- tion links that exist in this country carpet at home when you still have a ents today and those who were your hole in the roof. constituents when you were mayor? and that which I’m going to presume Mr. KING of Iowa. I thank the gen- Mr. BARLETTA. The position has also shows up in Hazleton, illegal drugs tleman from Pennsylvania for coming not changed. And, in fact, I believe the and violence, and I will make this to the floor to deliver this presen- fact that I stood up for the rule of law statement into the RECORD, Mr. Speak- tation, this hands-on presentation from and I speak for the importance of pro- er, and that is, in my meetings with the gentleman, Mr. BARLETTA. If you tecting our national security and our the Drug Enforcement Agency and a would yield to a question, I’m curious American jobs here, it has allowed me number of others that are involved in as to the percentage of the population to win elections, getting both Demo- enforcing the laws against illegal of Hazleton that is a minority popu- crat and Republican support. I ran in a drugs, they tell me that at least one lation, perhaps Hispanic population, district that was 2:1 Democrat, and I link in every illegal drug distribution and how your election results turned won by over 10 percent of the vote. I chain in America, at least one link in out the last time you ran for mayor of really believe the fact that I was able that chain, is carried out by someone Hazleton? to stand up when Washington had let who is unlawfully present in the United Mr. BARLETTA. Sure. When I was us down was really the reason why States. The cost of those illegal drugs mayor of Hazleton, over 40 percent of Democrats, Republicans, immigrants, to our society, I don’t know has been the entire population of Hazleton was and non-immigrants supported me. quantified. That trade itself has been Hispanic, and I won with over 90 per- Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my estimated to be something above $40 cent of the vote. And I don’t know of time, the individuals that come here to billion, perhaps something above $60 anyone at the time who took a harder this Congress from various districts, stance against illegal immigration and surely there are many that come billion a year, and I would ask the gen- than I had at that time. So this talk from blue collar-type districts—I’m tleman from Pennsylvania if his expe- that you cannot stand up for the rule going to presume that’s a fair amount rience would reflect that to be true? of law, that you cannot stand up of the Democrat constituency that you Mr. BARLETTA. Well, it is abso- against illegal immigration and still represent, me being a blue collar kind lutely true. I’ll give you an example. welcome new immigrants, new Amer- of a guy and a hands-on fellow—I start- We had arrested a young man for sell- ican citizens, is totally false. ed out as an earth-moving contractor, ing cocaine on a playground. The man Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my actually in the labor part of the con- was in the country illegally. It took time, just doing a quick calculation off struction business—how do you sup- our detectives 5 hours to determine of that, 40 percent of the population of pose the constituents of other Members who he was. He had five Social Secu- Hazleton being Hispanic, presuming of Congress that don’t have this same rity cards. He had five identities. Law that represented a percentage of the position that you have on the rule of enforcement has no idea who they are voting population that was Hispanic, law and immigration and protecting dealing with; many, many are here and you carried 90 percent of the vote, legal immigrants, what are they hear- under fraudulent documentation. which would indicate that somewhere ing do you suppose in those similar dis- Those who are involved in the criminal in the area of 75 percent of the His- tricts to the one you have? element, in the gangs or drug trade, I panic population voted for LOU Mr. BARLETTA. I believe that peo- don’t believe will be coming forward no BARLETTA for mayor of Hazleton; would ple all over the country understand matter what laws we pass here. And we that be close to correct? what I’m saying, that illegal immigra- Mr. BARLETTA. I believe it would. tion is crushing our cities. Our popu- can pass all the laws in the world; if we And again, what I found in my hands- lation in Hazleton grew by 50 percent, don’t enforce the laws of this country on experience as a mayor in dealing but our tax revenue remained the and if we don’t allow States and local with the problem of illegal immigra- same. Our population grew by 50 per- law enforcement to work in harmony tion, plus a city whose Hispanic popu- cent, but our tax revenue remained the with the Federal Government, we will lation had exploded, for example, to same. Small cities, small towns like never stop the problem of illegal immi- show you how fast our population had Hazleton, Pennsylvania, are crushed by gration. But what we shouldn’t do is grown, in the year 2000, English as a the burden of illegal immigration. make the same mistake we made in Second Language, the budget for I was sued for creating the first law 1986 and give a green light to people all English as a Second Language was $500. of its kind in the country, and I over the world to come here illegally Just 5 years later, it was $1.5 million. couldn’t find politicians to come near while our borders are still open.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.081 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 b 1830 ing, a 29-year-old city man, father of All the programs that the Heritage If you were a family waiting to come three children, was shot in the head. Foundation talks about that will be to the United States because you want- He was shot by one of the gang mem- impacted by this pathway to citizen- ed to obey the law, but you hear a dec- bers in the city. ship are programs that the most needy laration like we’re hearing here in That one homicide, it took our police need to live. Why are we going to hurt Washington, offering a pathway to citi- department 36 hours to bring the peo- people that need these programs? zenship and protection while you’re ple forward that committed that crime. I feel very strongly about this issue. here, why would you wait? Why would We spent half of our yearly budget in I feel very strongly, and that’s why I’m you wait with your family? overtime in the police department on here to speak up. It would be a green light for people to that one murder. Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my And enough was enough. If the Fed- come. That’s why the problem will be- time, I very much thank the gentleman eral Government wasn’t going to do come worse. from Pennsylvania for coming to the Mr. KING of Iowa. And reclaiming anything, then I had to. I took an oath, floor and voicing his opinion. And I my time, it was reported to me today and I had an obligation to do so. And know that he’s also occupied with a here on the floor, a Representative that’s what began my crusade. very tight schedule, so I appreciate I was sued, by the way. I was sued for that represents an area very near the that a great deal. creating the law. In fact, the plaintiffs southern border said to me that the il- Mr. Speaker, the attention that I’ve that sued the city of Hazelton, many of legal border crossings are up 20 percent given Mr. BARLETTA, I hope that you the plaintiffs were admitted illegal since the dialog on comprehensive im- and America have given LOU BARLETTA aliens who sued the city. They had migration reform, that euphemism as well. And I hope that he’s rewarded, their identities kept confidential. They not only by his constituents, but by a began. had asked if their identities could be So the encouragement for people to policy of protection of the rule of law kept confidential, which they were. We get into the United States on the that can be re-established here in this were not allowed to ask their names. chance that this Congress will pass country. They then asked if they could be ex- The idea that we should somehow some kind of an act that would ulti- cused from showing up at the trial be- mately be amnesty is bringing more suspend our good judgment, and we cause they were in the country ille- should waive the rule of law, all for people into the United States. gally and didn’t want to go to a Fed- But I wanted to circle back and ask some idea of political expediency, is eral courthouse. It was granted. not compatible with the principles of another question of the gentleman I never saw our accusers. I took the our political party. And sacrificing the from Pennsylvania, and that is that stand for 2 days. I testified for 2 days, rule of law for political expediency there’s a GAO study, a General Ac- but never saw the people that sued the seems, to me, to be a foolish idea. countability Office study, of about 2 city of Hazelton. I felt that illegal It needs to be precious to be an years ago that went back through our aliens were given more rights than a American citizen. Citizenship should be prison system and asked the question, United States citizen would be given. valuable. And throughout all of the a number of questions about the popu- You cannot sue your city and remain years that people have come into the lation of our prison system that are anonymous. criminal aliens. And that number was I vowed to appeal this and fight this United States legally—and the distinc- at least 28 percent. Some numbers to the Supreme Court, which we did. tion between legal and illegal has been show 30, depending on how you define So what brings me here is a life of ex- conflated by the open-borders crowd, that. perience as a mayor who tries to bal- both Republicans and Democrats. But there also was a number in there ance a budget, provide a good quality But you’ll watch, Mr. Speaker, how that was stark to me. The people in of life for the people that live there, they conflate the language. A few years prisons in the United States, both Fed- and realize what happens when illegal ago they started blending the term eral and State, all together, who have immigration, not at the border, not ‘‘health care’’ and ‘‘health insurance’’ been convicted of homicide, now that just at the border, not just in Texas. till it became one thing, and we got prison population, according to that I’m 2,000 miles away from that south- ObamaCare out of that, because people study, was 25,064. And when I think of ern border. could no longer draw the distinction a number that large, multiples of all of We have good reason to enforce our between health care and health insur- our casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, immigration laws, and we should not ance. that is American population, most of be encouraging people to come to this And we’ve also watched during a it, that’s a number, but it’s human. It’s country illegally by granting amnesty. similar period of time, as the dialog of very, very personal. We did it in 1986, and we’re talking the distinction between illegal immi- And I would ask the gentleman from about this again. grant and immigrant, the distinction— Pennsylvania if he would have any per- Why obey our immigration laws if we immigrant means someone who came sonal accounts that might reflect a have an administration that won’t en- to the United States legally and fol- component of that 25,064. force the laws and a Congress that lowed our laws, that saw the image of Mr. BARLETTA. Well I did, actually. wants to give amnesty every time the the Statue of Liberty, was inspired by The final straw for me that made me problem comes up again? that image, and found a way to come realize that I needed to do something We need to enforce our laws. We need to America to exercise all the God- to protect the people in my town actu- to make E-verify mandatory. Protect given liberties that are here, that were ally happened on May 10, 2006. It was a American jobs. We need to make sure defined so well in our Declaration of day that I’ll never forget. we’re protecting our national security. Independence and protected in our Con- Earlier in the day we had arrested a There are people around the world that stitution. That’s ‘‘immigrant.’’ 14-year-old for shooting a gun into a want to harm us. That’s where the vigor comes from, crowded playground. The 14-year-old And we need to give the immigrants for the American population and civili- was in the country illegally. And it was that come here the opportunity that zation, among our brothers. It’s God- interesting: he had his lawyer on speed they waited for, those immigrants that given liberty, but it’s also the vigor of dial on his cell phone, which I thought stood and waited because they wanted those who were inspired to come to I don’t know how many 14-year-olds to obey America’s laws and they are America. carry their lawyer on a speed dial. here, and we are stealing that oppor- So, Mr. Speaker, I recognize there I remember going home that day and tunity away from them. Yet we’re tell- are only about 3 minutes left, but I’d telling my wife that I had—I didn’t ing them we’re doing this for the immi- be very happy to yield to the gen- know what to do anymore. We were grants that are here. tleman from Texas, who is very reli- losing control of the city. We didn’t They’re smarter than that. And able and a very clear voice, as much have the resources to deal with the that’s why immigration is not the time as there may remain. problem. most important issue to the people Mr. GOHMERT. Well, thank you. And That same night I got a call from the that are here. They want that edu- I’ll just take a moment because what chief of police, 1 o’clock in the morn- cation; let’s give it to them. you’re talking about is so very critical.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.083 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1907 And just to reiterate the point that’s EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- been coming out in a couple of hear- ETC. cy’s final rule—Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Idaho: Sandpoint ings, I was shocked that 34.9 percent of Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive all prosecutions by this administration PM 10 Nonattainment Area Limited Mainte- communications were taken from the nance Plan and Redesignation Request were not for drugs; they were for peo- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: [Docket No: EPA-R10–OAR–2012–0017; FRL– ple reentering this country after 999. A letter from the Director, Regulatory 9796–5] received April 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 they’ve been deported. Management Division, Environmental Pro- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- b 1840 tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s ergy and Commerce. final rule—Castor Oil, Polymer with Adipic 1008. A letter from the Director, Regu- They’re prosecuting people for illegal Acid, Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid and Ricin- latory Management Division, Environmental entries. You don’t even prosecute—this oleic Acid Tolerance Exemption [EPA-HQ- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- administration—people that just come OPP–2013–0057; FRL–9381–2] received April 2, cy’s final rule—Approval and Promulgation across one time. And when you think 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the of Implementation Plans; South Carolina: about all the detention, all the prison, Committee on Agriculture. New Source Review-Prevention of Signifi- the jail space, the prosecutors. We pay 1000. A letter from the Under Secretary, cant Deterioration [EPA-R04–OAR–2012–0837; for the defense attorneys. You think Department of Defense, transmitting author- FRL–9797–1] received April 2, 2013, pursuant ization of Brigadier General Thomas W. about all of the prisons around Amer- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Bergeson and Colonel David B. Been, United Energy and Commerce. ica which contain so many people who States Air Force, to wear the authorized in- came in illegally, when this adminis- 1009. A letter from the Director, Regu- signia of the major general and brigadier latory Management Division, Environmental tration says it cannot afford to secure general; to the Committee on Armed Serv- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the border, then they have not taken ices. cy’s final rule—Delegation of National Emis- 1001. A letter from the Under Secretary, stock of how much money that this sion Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Department of State, transmitting the Na- country is having to spend on prisons, for the States of Kentucky and Louisiana, tional Defense Stockpile (NDS) Annual Ma- prosecutors, jails, defense attorneys, Correcting Amendments [EPA-R06–OAR– terials Plan (AMP) for Fiscal Year 2014, 2006–0851; FRL–9796–8] received April 2, 2013, all of the costs that come with that, along with proposed plans for FY 2015 pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- because they’re not doing their job. through 2018, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 98h-2(b); mittee on Energy and Commerce. And I know it goes back to the Bush to the Committee on Armed Services. administration. That is not a defense. 1002. A letter from the Director, Regu- 1010. A letter from the Director, Regu- And they need to take care of their latory Management Division, Environmental latory Management Division, Environmental job—and I hope and pray they will—in- Protection Agency, transmitting the Depart- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- stead of using the issue of a secure bor- ment’s final rule—Adequacy of Oregon Mu- cy’s final rule—Greenhouse Gas Reporting nicipal Solid Waste Landfil Permit Program Rule: Revision to Best Available Monitoring der as ransom. No, we will only secure Method Request Submission Deadline for Pe- the border if you will give us amnesty [EPA–R10–RCRA–2013–0105; FRL–9796–6] re- ceived April 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. troleum and Natural Gas Systems Source so people can vote for Democrats. That 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Category (Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule) is outrageous. And Jay Leno had it Commerce. [EPA-HQ-OAR–2011–0417; FRL–9796–9] re- right. 1003. A letter from the Director, Regu- ceived April 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my latory Management Division, Environmental 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and time and thanking the gentleman from Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Commerce. Texas, I add up those numbers and it cy’s final rule—Approval and Promulgation 1011. A letter from the Director, Regu- looks like a number approaching 60 of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; latory Management Division, Environmental percent of the resources used by the Ohio Ambient Air Quality Standards; Correc- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Federal Government to prosecute have tion [EPA-R05–OAR–2009–0807; FRL–9783–6] cy’s final rule—Protection of Stratospheric received April 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Ozone: Adjustments to the Allowance Sys- to do with something coming cross the 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and tem for Controlling HCFC Production, Im- border, whether it’s people, or it’s 90 Commerce. port, and Export [EPA-HQ-OAR–2011–3454; percent of the illegal drugs consumed 1004. A letter from the Director, Regu- FRL–9797–5] (RIN: 2060–AQ98) received April in America is the other component of latory Management Division, Environmental 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to that presentation. So if we control this Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. border, Mr. Speaker, we can control cy’s final rule—Approval and Promulgation 1012. A letter from the Director, Regu- the 34.9 percent of the prosecutions of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Penn- latory Management Division, Environmental sylvania; Determinations of Attainment of Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- about reentry. We have roughly a quar- the 1997 8–Hour Ozone Standard for the Pitts- ter of that prosecution that has to do cy’s final rule—Reconsideration of Certain burgh-Beaver Valley Moderate Nonattain- New Source Issues: National Emission with illegal drugs. And the Drug En- ment Area [EPA-R03–OAR–2012–0409; FRL– Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from forcement Agency does tell us that be- 9797–8] received April 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 Coal- and Oil-fired Electric Utility Steam tween 80 and 90 percent of the illegal U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- Generating Units and Standards of Perform- drugs consumed in America come from ergy and Commerce. ance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Electric Utility, or through Mexico. 1005. A letter from the Director, Regu- Industrial-Commercial-Institutional, and If there’s a universal position on this latory Management Division, Environmental Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- side of the aisle, Mr. Speaker, it has to Steam Generating Units [EPA-HQ-OAR–2009– cy’s final rule—Approval and Promulgation 0234; EPA-HQ-OAR–2011–0044; FRL–9789–5] do with secure the border, prove you of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Penn- secured the border, establish that, rees- (RIN: 2060–AR62) received April 2, 2013, pursu- sylvania; Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee tablish respect for the rule of law. At for the Pennsylvania Counties in the Phila- on Energy and Commerce. delphia-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE 1997 Fine that point, we can have a conversation 1013. A letter from the Director, Defense Particulate Matter Nonattainment Area about some of the ideas that are Security Cooperation Agency, transmitting [EPA-R03–OAR–2012–0954; FRL–9796–3] re- emerging over on the Senate side and Transmittal No. 13–0A, pursuant to the re- ceived April 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. in the secret meetings here in the porting requirements of Section 36(b)(5)(C) of 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and the Arms Export Control Act, as amended; to House of Representatives. Commerce. With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back 1006. A letter from the Director, Regu- the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the balance of my time. latory Management Division, Environmental 1014. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Department of Defense, transmitting report f Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- cy’s final rule—Approval and Promulgation on Cooperative Threat Reduction Programs ADJOURNMENT of Implementation Plans; Florida; Prong 3 of in Russia; to the Committee on Foreign Af- Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) Infrastructrue Re- fairs. move that the House do now adjourn. quirement for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particu- 1015. A letter from the Acting Assistant The motion was agreed to; accord- late Matter National Ambient Air Quality Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Department ingly (at 6 o’clock and 42 minutes Standards [EPA-R04–OAR–2012–0814; FRL– of State, transmitting a report pursuant to Section 804 of the PLO Commitments Com- p.m.), under its previous order, the 9797–4] received April 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- pliance Act of 1989 (title VIII, Foreign Rela- House adjourned until tomorrow, ergy and Commerce. tions Authorization Act, FY 1990 and 1991 Thursday, April 11, 2013, at 10 a.m. for 1007. A letter from the Director, Regu- (Pub. L. 101–246)), and Sections 603–604 (Mid- morning-hour debate. latory Management Division, Environmental dle East Peace Commitments Act of 2002)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.084 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 and 699 of the Foreign Relations Authoriza- 1027. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- H.R. 1458. A bill to designate the facility of tion Act, FY 2003 (Pub. L. 107–228), the func- cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- the United States Postal Service located at 1 tions of which have been delegated to the De- mitting the Department’s final rule—Air- Walter Hammond Place in Waldwick, New partment of State; to the Committee on For- worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Jersey, as the ‘‘Staff Sergeant Joseph eign Affairs. Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA–2013–0210; Direc- D’Augustine Post Office Building‘‘; to the 1016. A letter from the Acting Assistant torate Identifier 2012–NM–053–AD] (RIN: 2120– Committee on Oversight and Government Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Department AA64) received March 26, 2013, pursuant to 5 Reform. of State, transmitting the Senate’s Resolu- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on By Mr. BISHOP of Utah (for himself, tion of Advice and Consent to the Treaty Transportation and Infrastructure. Mr. GOSAR, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. WAL- with the United Kingdom Concerning De- 1028. A letter from the Director, Regu- DEN, Mr. PEARCE, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. fense Trade Cooperation (Treaty Doc. 110–07); latory Management Division, Environmental AMODEI, and Mr. STEWART): to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- H.R. 1459. A bill to ensure that the Na- 1017. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- cy’s final rule—Water Quality Standards; tional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 ap- ment of Transportation, transmitting the Withdrawal of Certain Federal Water Qual- plies to the declaration of national monu- Department’s annual report prepared in ac- ity Critera Applicable to California, New ments, and for other purposes; to the Com- cordance with section 203 of the Notification Jersey and Puerto Rico [EPA-HQ-OW–2012– mittee on Natural Resources. and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination 0095; FRL–9795–8] (RIN: 2040–AF33) received By Mr. GRAVES of Missouri (for him- and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), April 2, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); self, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. LUETKE- Pub. L. No. 107–174; to the Committee on to the Committee on Transportation and In- MEYER, and Mr. LONG): H.R. 1460. A bill to direct the Chief of the Oversight and Government Reform. frastructure. 1018. A letter from the Assistant General Army Corps of Engineers to revise certain Counsel, General Law, Ethics and Regula- f authorized purposes described in the Mis- tions, Department of the Treasury, transmit- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON souri River Mainstem Reservoir System Master Water Control Manual; to the Com- ting five reports pursuant to the Federal Va- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS cancies Reform Act of 1998; to the Com- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- mittee on Oversight and Government Re- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of ture. form. committees were delivered to the Clerk By Mr. GOODLATTE (for himself, Mr. 1019. A letter from the General Counsel, for printing and reference to the proper SCALISE, Mr. MATHESON, Mr. FLORES, Government Accountability Office, trans- calendar, as follows: Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. SAM mitting the Office’s annual 2012 report of the JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. Ms. FOXX: Committee on Rules. House Notification and Federal Employee Anti- NUNES, Mr. OLSON, Mr. SENSEN- Resolution 146. Resolution providing for con- discrimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) BRENNER, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. sideration of the bill (H.R. 1120) to prohibit Act of 2002; to the Committee on Oversight VALADAO, and Mr. WEBER of Texas): the National Labor Relations Board from and Government Reform. H.R. 1461. A bill to repeal the renewable taking any action that requires a quorum of 1020. A letter from the Director, Office of fuel program of the Environmental Protec- the members of the Board until such time as Equal Employment Opportunity, National tion Agency; to the Committee on Energy Board constituting a quorum shall have been Archives, transmitting a copy of the Admin- and Commerce. confirmed by the Senate, the Supreme Court istration’s Fiscal Year 2012 Notification and By Mr. GOODLATTE (for himself, Mr. issues a decision on the constitutionality of Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and WOMACK, Mr. COSTA, Mr. WELCH, Mr. the appointments to the Board made in Jan- Retaliation (No FEAR) Act Annual Report; CAMPBELL, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. uary 2012, or the adjournment sine die of the to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- CUELLAR, Mr. FARENTHOLD, Mr. first session of the 113th Congress. (Rept. 113– ment Reform. GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. GRIFFIN of 1021. A letter from the Auditor, Office of 32). Referred to the House Calendar. Arkansas, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. HURT, Mr. the District of Columbia Auditor, transmit- f LAMALFA, Mr. LONG, Mr. MATHESON, ting a report entitled, ‘‘Audit of the Fraud Mr. MORAN, Mr. PITTS, Mr. AUSTIN Prevention Fund’’; to the Committee on PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. SENSEN- Oversight and Government Reform. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public BRENNER, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. 1022. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- bills and resolutions of the following VALADAO, and Mr. YOHO): fice of Regulatory Affairs & Collaborative H.R. 1462. A bill to amend the Clean Air titles were introduced and severally re- Act to eliminate certain requirements under Action, Department of the Interior, trans- ferred, as follows: mitting the Department’s final rule—Resi- the renewable fuel program, to prohibit the Administrator of the Environmental Protec- dential, Business, and Wind and Solar Re- By Mr. CLEAVER (for himself and Mr. tion Agency from approving the introduction source Leases on Indian Land (RIN: 1076– GRAVES of Missouri): into commerce of gasoline that contains AE73) received March 28, 2013, pursuant to 5 H.R. 1454. A bill to make supplemental ag- greater than 10-volume-percent ethanol, and U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Nat- ricultural disaster assistance available for fiscal years 2012 and 2013, and for other pur- for other purposes; to the Committee on En- ural Resources. ergy and Commerce. 1023. A letter from the Principal Deputy poses; to the Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. CARSON of Indiana (for him- Assistant Attorney General, Department of By Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi (for self, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. HASTINGS of Justice, transmitting the annual report enti- himself, Mrs. LOWEY, and Mr. RICH- Florida, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. RYAN of tled, ‘‘Prioritizing Resources and Organiza- MOND): Ohio, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. GRIJALVA, tion for Intellectual Property Act of 2012’’ H.R. 1455. A bill to prohibit subsidiaries of Mr. TAKANO, and Mr. ENYART): for fiscal year 2012; to the Committee on the foreign owned corporations from obtaining contracts for the performance of passenger H.R. 1463. A bill to amend title 10, United Judiciary. States Code, to improve the mental health and baggage security screening at domestic 1024. A letter from the Fiscal Assistant assessments provided to members of the commercial airports, and for other purposes; Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Armed Forces deployed in support of a con- to the Committee on Homeland Security. transmitting the Fiscal Year 2012 Report to tingency operation; to the Committee on By Mr. COLE (for himself, Mr. MULLIN, the Congress on U.S. Government Receiv- Armed Services. Mr. LONG, and Mr. LATTA): ables and Debt Collection Activities of Fed- By Mr. CARSON of Indiana (for him- H.R. 1456. A bill to make improvements to eral Agencies; to the Committee on the Judi- self, Mr. RANGEL, Ms. WILSON of Flor- the Children’s Gasoline Burn Prevention ciary. ida, Mr. CONYERS, Ms. MOORE, Mr. 1025. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Act; to the Committee on Energy and Com- BUCSHON, and Mr. MCGOVERN): ment of Transportation, transmitting a Re- merce. H.R. 1464. A bill to amend title 10, United port on Recommendations of the Advisory By Mr. FARENTHOLD: States Code, to provide notice to members of Committee on Aviation Consumer Protec- H.R. 1457. A bill to provide that certain es- the Armed Forces, beginning with recruit tion as Required by Public Law 112–95, Sec- tablishments of the Federal Government basic training and the initial training of offi- tion 411; to the Committee on Transpor- shall submit to the Committees on Appro- cer candidates, regarding the availability of tation and Infrastructure. priations budget plans that reflect a 5 per- mental health services, to help eliminate 1026. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- cent reduction from the amount proposed for perceived stigma associated with seeking cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- such an establishment in the President’s and receiving mental health services, and to mitting the Department’s final rule—Air- budget submission, and for other purposes; clarify the extent to which information re- worthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft In- to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- garding a member seeking and receiving dustries GmbH Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA– ment Reform. mental health services may be disclosed; to 2013–0247; Directorate Identifier 2013–CE–001– By Mr. GARRETT (for himself, Mr. AN- the Committee on Armed Services. AD; Amendment 39–17397; AD 2013–06–02] DREWS, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. RUNYAN, By Mr. GIBSON (for himself and Mr. (RIN: 2120–AA64) received March 26, 2013, pur- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. PAL- THOMPSON of California): suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- LONE, Mr. LANCE, Mr. SIRES, Mr. PAS- H.R. 1465. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- CRELL, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. FRELING- enue Code of 1986 to provide for an energy in- ture. HUYSEN, and Mr. HOLT): vestment credit for energy storage property

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connected to the grid, and for other pur- the Committee on Rules, and in addition to By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself, Mr. LAB- poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means. the Committee on the Budget, for a period to RADOR, Mr. WAXMAN, Ms. BONAMICI, By Ms. LEE of California: be subsequently determined by the Speaker, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. HARRIS, H.R. 1466. A bill to establish the Social in each case for consideration of such provi- Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. Work Reinvestment Commission to provide sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the ADERHOLT, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. independent counsel to Congress and the committee concerned. MCHENRY, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. GARRETT, Secretary of Health and Human Services on By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, Mr. JONES, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. policy issues associated with recruitment, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. GRIMM, Mr. ROSKAM, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. retention, research, and reinvestment in the HUIZENGA of Michigan, Ms. WILSON of FINCHER, Mr. HOLT, Mr. MCGOVERN, profession of social work, and for other pur- Florida, and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Il- Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. BENISHEK, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Education and linois): STOCKMAN, Mr. HUELSKAMP, Mr. the Workforce. H.R. 1476. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- CRAMER, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. By Mr. BARBER: enue Code of 1986 to allow penalty-free with- BENTIVOLIO, Mr. PITTS, Mr. H.R. 1467. A bill to reduce the annual rates drawals from individual retirement plans for BRIDENSTINE, Mr. NEUGEBAUER, Mr. of pay of Members of Congress by 20 percent adoption expenses; to the Committee on SCHOCK, Mr. LATTA, Mr. NUNNELEE, and prohibit further adjustments to such Ways and Means. Mr. BURGESS, Mr. KING of New York, rates; to the Committee on House Adminis- By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of Mr. WEBSTER of Florida, Mr. JOHNSON tration, and in addition to the Committee on New York (for herself, Mr. WAXMAN, of Ohio, Mr. PALAZZO, Mr. SCALISE, Oversight and Government Reform, for a pe- Mr. RANGEL, Mr. GRIMM, and Mr. Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. OLSON, Mrs. LUM- riod to be subsequently determined by the PIERLUISI): MIS, Mr. MULLIN, Mr. LONG, and Mr. Speaker, in each case for consideration of H.R. 1477. A bill to authorize the Secretary WOLF): such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- of Education to award grants to educational H. Res. 147. A resolution calling for the re- tion of the committee concerned. organizations to carry out educational pro- lease of United States citizen Saeed Abedini By Mrs. BLACKBURN: grams about the Holocaust; to the Com- and condemning the Government of Iran for H.R. 1468. A bill to improve information se- mittee on Education and the Workforce. its persecution of religious minorities; to the curity, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Ms. NORTON (for herself, Mr. LAN- Committee on Foreign Affairs. mittee on Science, Space, and Technology, GEVIN, and Ms. DELBENE): By Ms. LEE of California (for herself, and in addition to the Committees on Over- H.R. 1478. A bill to amend part C of the Mr. ELLISON, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, sight and Government Reform, the Judici- Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. RANGEL, Ms. ary, Armed Services, Intelligence (Perma- Control Act of 1985 to include the pay of NORTON, Mr. PAYNE, Mrs. nent Select), and Energy and Commerce, for Members of Congress within the coverage of CHRISTENSEN, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. a period to be subsequently determined by the provisions of such Act which provide for CLAY, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Mr. the Speaker, in each case for consideration budget enforcement through sequestration; HASTINGS of Florida, Ms. CLARKE, Mr. of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- to the Committee on the Budget. CONYERS, Mr. CUMMINGS, Ms. tion of the committee concerned. By Mr. SENSENBRENNER (for himself WATERS, Ms. BORDALLO, Ms. SCHA- By Mr. BURGESS: and Mr. MATHESON): KOWSKY, Mr. TAKANO, Mr. LEWIS, and H.R. 1469. A bill to repeal certain amend- H.R. 1479. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Mr. CICILLINE): ments to the Clean Air Act relating to the enue Code of 1986 to remove the deduction H. Res. 148. A resolution supporting the expansion of the renewable fuel program, and for charitable contributions from the overall goals and ideals of National Youth HIV & for other purposes; to the Committee on En- limitation on itemized deductions; to the AIDS Awareness Day; to the Committee on ergy and Commerce. Committee on Ways and Means. Energy and Commerce. By Mrs. CAPPS: By Ms. SHEA-PORTER: By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of H.R. 1470. A bill to amend the Omnibus H.R. 1480. A bill to amend chapter 83 of New York (for herself, Mr. KING of Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to title 41, United States Code (commonly New York, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN): enhance the safety of America’s schools; to known as the Buy American Act), to require H. Res. 149. A resolution expressing support the Committee on the Judiciary. each department or independent establish- for designation of April as Parkinson’s By Mr. COURTNEY (for himself, Mr. ment to conduct an annual audit of its con- Awareness Month; to the Committee on En- NEAL, and Mr. MCGOVERN): tracts for compliance with such chapter, and ergy and Commerce. H.R. 1471. A bill to designate the for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. RADEL: Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley Na- Oversight and Government Reform. H. Res. 150. A resolution congratulating tional Heritage Corridor as ‘‘The Last Green By Mr. SHUSTER (for himself, Mr. the Florida Gulf Coast University Eagles for Valley National Heritage Corridor’’; to the TURNER, Ms. TSONGAS, and Mr. COFF- becoming the first 15 seed to advance to the Committee on Natural Resources. MAN): ‘‘Sweet 16’’ 4th Round in the NCAA Men’s By Mr. GINGREY of Georgia (for him- H.R. 1481. A bill to direct the Secretary of Basketball Tournament; to the Committee self, Mr. HARPER, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Defense to reprogram amounts appropriated on Education and the Workforce. Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. for fiscal year 2013 for the Department of De- ROE of Tennessee, Mr. TERRY, Mr. fense for the Medium Extended Air Defense f SCHOCK, and Mr. LANCE): System; to the Committee on Armed Serv- H.R. 1472. A bill to restore the long- ices. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY standing partnership between States and the By Mr. WOMACK (for himself, Mr. STATEMENT Federal Government in managing the Med- GARAMENDI, Mr. CRAWFORD, and Mr. icaid program; to the Committee on Energy GRIFFIN of Arkansas): Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of and Commerce. H.R. 1482. A bill to amend the Clean Air the Rules of the House of Representa- By Mr. GINGREY of Georgia (for him- Act to eliminate certain requirements under tives, the following statements are sub- self and Mr. CUELLAR): the renewable fuel program, and for other mitted regarding the specific powers H.R. 1473. A bill to prevent certain Federal purposes; to the Committee on Energy and granted to Congress in the Constitu- health care laws from establishing health Commerce. tion to enact the accompanying bill or care provider standards of care in medical By Mr. MCCAUL (for himself and Mr. joint resolution. malpractice cases, and for other purposes; to ANDREWS): the Committee on Energy and Commerce, H. Con. Res. 29. Concurrent resolution ex- By Mr. CLEAVER: and in addition to the Committee on the Ju- pressing the sense of Congress that the H.R. 1454. diciary, for a period to be subsequently de- United States should resume normal diplo- Congress has the power to enact this legis- termined by the Speaker, in each case for matic relations with Taiwan, and for other lation pursuant to the following: consideration of such provisions as fall with- purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Af- clause 3 of section 8 of article I of the Con- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- fairs. stitution. cerned. By Mr. RADEL (for himself, Ms. MENG, By Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi: By Mr. ISRAEL: Mr. KING of New York, and Mr. H.R. 1455. H.R. 1474. A bill to reauthorize the ban on SCHNEIDER): Congress has the power to enact this legis- undetectable firearms, and to extend the ban H. Con. Res. 30. Concurrent resolution rec- lation pursuant to the following: to undetectable firearm receivers and ognizing the 65th anniversary of the inde- The U.S. Constitution including Article 1, undetectable ammunition magazines; to the pendence of the State of Israel; to the Com- Section 8. Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. COLE: By Ms. JENKINS: By Ms. SHEA-PORTER (for herself and H.R. 1456. H.R. 1475. A bill to amend the Congres- Ms. PINGREE of Maine): Congress has the power to enact this legis- sional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for sup- H. Res. 145. A resolution recognizing the lation pursuant to the following: plemental estimates of certain revenue bills 50th anniversary of the sinking of U.S.S. Congress has the power to enact this legis- or joint resolutions that incorporates the Thresher (SSN 593); to the Committee on lation pursuant to Article I, Section 8, macroeconomic effects of that measure; to Armed Services. Clause 5 which allows Congress to ‘‘fix the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L10AP7.100 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 Standard of Weights and Measures.’’ This to provide for organizing, arming, and dis- Under Article I, Section 8, Clause 18, Con- legislation would set the standards of port- ciplining the militia. gress has power ‘‘To make all Laws which able fuel containers. By Mr. CARSON of Indiana: shall be necessary and proper for carrying Additionally, Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 1464. into Execution the foregoing Powers’’ when allows Congress to ‘‘regulate Commerce . . . Congress has the power to enact this legis- the need exists to clarify existing law. among the several states.’’ As portable fuel lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. ISRAEL: containers are objects of interstate com- Article I, section 8 of the United States H.R. 1474. merce, it is appropriate for Federal stand- Constitution, clauses 12, 13, 14, and 16, which Congress has the power to enact this legis- ards to be set. grants Congress the power to raise and sup- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. FARENTHOLD: port an Army; to provide and maintain a This bill is enacted pursuant to the powers H.R. 1457. Navy; to make rules for the government and granted to the Congress by Article I. Section Congress has the power to enact this legis- regulation of the land and naval forces; and 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: to provide for organizing, arming, and dis- By Ms. JENKINS: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 ciplining the militia. H.R. 1475. To make all Laws which shall be necessary By Mr. GIBSON: Congress has the power to enact this legis- and proper for carrying into Execution the H.R. 1465. lation pursuant to the following: foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8: ed by this Constitution in the Government of lation pursuant to the following: The Congress shall have Power To lay and the United States, or in any Department or Article 1, Section 8, clause 1. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, Officer thereof. By Ms. LEE of California: to pay the Debts and provide for the common By Mr. GARRETT: H.R. 1466. Defense and general Welfare of the United H.R. 1458. Congress has the power to enact this legis- States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: shall be uniform throughout the United lation pursuant to the following: This bill is enacted pursuant to the power States. Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 (‘‘To establish granted to Congress under Article I of the By Mr. KING of New York: Post Offices and post Roads’’) and Article I, United States Constitution and its subse- H.R. 1476. Section 8, Clause 18 (‘‘To make all Laws quent amendments, and further clarified and Congress has the power to enact this legis- which shall be necessary and proper for car- interpreted by the Supreme Court of the lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 rying into Execution the foregoing Powers, United States. The Congress shall have Power to lay and and all other Powers vested by this Constitu- By Mr. BARBER: collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, tion in the Government of the United States, H.R. 1467. to pay the Debts and provide for the common or in any Department or Officer thereon. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Defence and general Welfare of the United By Mr. BISHOP of Utah: lation pursuant to the following: States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises H.R. 1459. Congress is required by Article I, Section 6, shall be uniform throughout the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- of the Constitution to determine its own States; lation pursuant to the following: pay. The constitutional authority of Congress By Mrs. BLACKBURN: By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- H.R. 1468. New York: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1477. cle IV, section 3, clause 2 (relating to the lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- power of Congress to dispose of and make all Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3: To regulate lation pursuant to the following: needful rules and regulations respecting the Commerce with foreign Nations, and among Spending Authorization territory or other property belonging to the the several States, and with the Indian Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 United States). Tribes. The Congress shall have Power * * * To By Mr. GRAVES of Missouri: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: To make all regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, H.R. 1460. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for and among the several States, and with the Congress has the power to enact this legis- carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- Indian Tribes. lation pursuant to the following: ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- By Ms. NORTON: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 stitution in the Government of the United H.R. 1478. ‘‘Congress shall have the power to regulate States or in any Department or Officer Congress has the power to enact this legis- commerce with foreign nations, and among thereof. lation pursuant to the following: the several states, and with the Indian By Mr. BURGESS: clause 1 of section 6 of article I of the Con- Tribes’’ H.R. 1469. stitution. The management of the Missouri river by Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. SENSENBRENNER: the Army Corps of Engineers directly im- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1479. pacts commerce. The river is a source of The attached legislation falls under Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- barge traffic carrying a variety of goods. gress’ enumerated constitutional authority lation pursuant to the following: Article I. Section 8. Clause 1. The Congress By Mr. GOODLATTE: to regulate interstate commerce pursuant to shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, H.R. 1461. Article I, Section 8, clause 3. Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mrs. CAPPS: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1470. Debts and provide for the common Defence Article I, Section 8, clause 3. Because the Congress has the power to enact this legis- and general Welfare of the United States; but federal government has stretched Article I, lation pursuant to the following: all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- Section 8, Clause 3 (the commerce clause) be- The Constitutional authority in which this form throughout the United States. yond its intended boundaries, it follows that bill rests is the power of the Congress to reg- By Ms. SHEA-PORTER: efforts to rein in excessive federal govern- ulate Commerce, as enumerated by Article I, H.R. 1480. Congress has the power to enact this legis- ment encroachment in this area can be justi- Section 8, Clause 3 of the United States Con- lation pursuant to the following: fied by Article I, Section 8, Clause 3. stitution. Article 1, Section 8 By Mr. GOODLATTE: By Mr. COURTNEY: By Mr. SHUSTER: H.R. 1462. H.R. 1471. H.R. 1481. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, clause 3. Because the Article I, section 8, Clause 1 and Article federal government has stretched Article I, Clause 3 of section 8 of Article 1 of the Con- IV, section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution of stitution: To regulate commerce with for- Section 8, Clause 3 (the commerce clause) be- the United States grant Congress the author- yond its intended boundaries, it follows that eign nations, and among the several states, ity to enact this bill. and with the Indian Tribes. efforts to rein in excessive federal govern- By Mr. GINGREY of Georgia: ment encroachment in this area can be justi- By Mr. WOMACK: H.R. 1472. H.R. 1482. fied by Article I, Section 8, Clause 3.’’ Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CARSON of Indiana: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1463. The constitutional authority on which this Article One, Section Eight of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- legislation is based is found in Article I Sec- States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: tion 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution which Article I, section 8 of the United States grants Congress the power to provide for the f Constitution, clauses 12, 13, 14, and 16, which general Welfare of the United States. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS grants Congress the power to raise and sup- By Mr. GINGREY of Georgia: port an Army; to provide and maintain a H.R. 1473. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Navy; to make rules for the government and Congress has the power to enact this legis- were added to public bills and resolu- regulation of the land and naval forces; and lation pursuant to the following: tions as follows:

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H.R. 3: Mr. MILLER of Florida and Mr. POCAN, Mr. MCINTYRE, Mr. TERRY, and Mr. H.R. 1030: Mr. MCGOVERN and Ms. MCCOL- GOSAR. CARNEY. LUM. H.R. 24: Mr. BENISHEK, Mr. SALMON, Mr. H.R. 725: Mr. FARR and Mr. LANGEVIN. H.R. 1078: Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. DUFFY, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, and Mr. STEW- H.R. 728: Mr. CONNOLLY. H.R. 1081: Mrs. ROBY. ART. H.R. 732: Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, Mr. GIBBS, H.R. 1087: Mr. PAYNE, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. H.R. 79: Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. KINGSTON, and Mrs. ROBY. POLIS, and Mr. MORAN. H.R. 139: Ms. KUSTER, Mr. DEUTCH, Mrs. H.R. 742: Mr. DEUTCH. H.R. 1090: Mr. LOWENTHAL. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York, Mr. H.R. 755: Mr. MILLER of Florida and Mr. H.R. 1097: Mr. FLEMING. LOEBSACK, Mr. NOLAN, and Mr. TONKO. TAKANO. H.R. 1122: Mr. FINCHER, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. H.R. 147: Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. H.R. 783: Ms. EDWARDS, Mr. GRIJALVA, and DAINES, and Mr. JORDAN. H.R. 164: Mr. DAINES and Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. MCDERMOTT. H.R. 1124: Ms. CLARKE, Ms. FUDGE, and Mr. H.R. 176: Mr. ALEXANDER and Mr. H.R. 784: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. CONNOLLY. BENISHEK. H.R. 786: Mr. HOLT, Mr. NADLER, Mr. CART- H.R. 1146: Mr. BUCSHON. H.R. 180: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. WRIGHT, and Mr. MORAN. H.R. 1148: Mr. SCHOCK. H.R. 182: Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, H.R. 792: Mr. COBLE and Mr. COLLINS of H.R. 1150: Ms. DELAURO, Mr. LANGEVIN, Ms. and Ms. HANABUSA. New York. DEGETTE, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. Rangel, H.R. 184: Mr. BURGESS. H.R. 794: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida and Ms. Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mrs. CARO- H.R. 197: Mr. RANGEL, Mr. CONYERS, and MCCOLLUM. LYN B. MALONEY of New York, Mr. HOLT, Ms. Ms. WILSON of Florida. H.R. 808: Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. MARKEY, and MOORE, Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. CLARKE, Ms. LOF- H.R. 198: Ms. JACKSON LEE and Mr. HONDA. Ms. NORTON. GREN, Mr. HIMES, Mr. MORAN, Mr. WAXMAN, H.R. 207: Mr. ROSKAM. H.R. 812: Mr. PERLMUTTER and Mr. TAKANO. Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Mr. PRICE of H.R. 828: Mr. PERRY, Mr. HALL, Mr. H.R. 262: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New North Carolina, and Ms. MCCOLLUM. MULVANEY, Mr. PITTS, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. York and Mr. ROSKAM. H.R. 1151: Mr. FARENTHOLD, Mr. HOLDING, FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. COLLINS of Georgia, H.R. 274: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. and Ms. BORDALLO. H.R. 303: Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. HASTINGS of Mr. YOHO, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, Mr. ROKITA, H.R. 1155: Mr. HURT and Mr. SEAN PATRICK Florida, and Mr. MASSIE Mr. MESSER, Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. MALONEY of New York. H.R. 311: Mr. LOEBSACK. PITTENGER, and Mrs. BLACKBURN. H.R. 1179: Mrs. CAPPS, Ms. MOORE, Mr. KEN- H.R. 845: Mr. WALBERG. H.R. 411: Mr. DAINES. NEDY, Ms. BONAMICI, Ms. SCHWARTZ, and Mr. H.R. 850: Mr. KILMER, Ms. WASSERMAN H.R. 421: Mr. BENISHEK. ELLISON. SCHULTZ, Ms. BONAMICI, and Mr. KLINE. H.R. 435: Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. H.R. 1187: Mr. CONYERS and Mr. ELLISON. H.R. 853: Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD, Mr. H.R. 447: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia and Mr. H.R. 1205: Mr. NEUGEBAUER. TAKANO, and Mr. GOSAR. RIBBLE. H.R. 1243: Mr. ELLISON. H.R. 863: Mrs. NAPOLITANO and Ms. H.R. 450: Mr. GRAVES of Georgia. H.R. 1250: Mr. YODER, Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. H.R. 485: Mr. FARR and Mr. HORSFORD. HIGGINS, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. HARRIS, MR. H.R. 864: Mr. COBLE and Mr. PRICE of North H.R. 503: Mr. TIBERI and Mr. BRIDENSTINE. ROYCE, Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mexico, Carolina. H.R. 508: Mr. MICHAUD. Ms. MCCOLLUM, and Mr. COTTON. H.R. 868: Ms. WILSON of Florida. H.R. 517: Ms. CLARKE. H.R. 1288: Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. POSEY, Mr. H.R. 880: Mr. POCAN. H.R. 519: Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. MORAN, Mr. RYAN, of Ohio and Mr. WOLF. H.R. 918: Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD. SHERMAN, and Mr. CLAY. H.R. 1304: Mrs. BLACKBURN. H.R. 935: Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. DENHAM, Mr. H.R. 523: Mr. PEARCE, Mr. SMITH of New H.R. 1314: Mr. OLSON. MCCAUL, Mr. JONES, Mr. HUELSKAMP, MR. Jersey, Mrs. ROBY, and Mr. MILLER of Flor- H.R. 1331: Mr. LONG and Mr. BURGESS. KINZINGER of Illinois, Mr. HUIZENGA of Michi- ida. H.R. 1333: Mr. BLUMENAUER and Ms. CHU. gan, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. YODER, Mr. WALDEN, H.R. 543: Mr. LOWENTHAL and Mr. DELANEY. H.R. 1340: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, and Mr. FORBES, Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. BISHOP of H.R. 544: Mr. MULVANEY. Mr. SIRES. Georgia, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. BONNER, Mrs. H.R. 556: Mr. MILLER of Florida and Mr. H.R. 1389: Mr. PAYNE. LUMMIS, Mr. NUNNELEE, Mr. SMITH of Ne- FLEMING. H.R. 1406: Ms. FOXX, Mr. MCKEON, Mr. HECK braska, Mr. VALADAO, Mr. MARINO, Mr. KING- H.R. 559: Mr. WELCH. of Nevada, Mr. WALDEN, Mr. MESSER, Mrs. STON, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. JOHNSON H.R. 565: Mr. LYNCH. WAGNER, Mr. BONNER, Mr. BROOKS of Ala- of Ohio, Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. STOCKMAN, H.R. 574: Mr. QUIGLEY. bama, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. BUCSHON, Ms. JENKINS, Mr. HUDSON, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. ENYART, H.R. 580: Mr. SALMON. Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, Mrs. Mr. GUTHRIE, and Mr. CRAWFORD. H.R. 597: Ms. NORTON and Mr. HASTINGS of BROOKS of Indiana, Mr. WILSON of South H.R. 940: Mr. ROKITA, Mr. ROGERS of Ken- Florida. Carolina, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, Mr. CAS- tucky, Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, and Mr. COLE. H.R. 627: Mr. LAMBORN and Mr. HURT. SIDY, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mrs. ELLMERS, H.R. 946: Mr. TIPTON, Mrs. ROBY, and Mr. H.R. 630: Mr. PALLONE, Mr. NEAL, Mr. GENE Mr. HUNTER, Mr. ROSKAM, Mrs. HARTZLER, SESSIONS. GREEN of Texas, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. GOWDY, Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. H.R. 949: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. OSTA OUTHERLAND OHRABACHER OBLE and Mr. C . H.R. 958: Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- S , Mr. R , Mr. C , H.R. 633: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia and Mr. fornia. Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. GOODLATTE, PETERS of California. H.R. 960: Mr. GIBSON and Mr. RUNYAN. Mr. BACHUS, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. THORNBERRY, H.R. 647: Mr. POCAN, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. H.R. 961: Mr. QUIGLEY, Ms. HAHN, Mr. Mr. GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. BRADY of Texas, TIERNEY, Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. CULBERSON, Ms. SIRES, Mr. ENYART, Mr. BRADY of Pennsyl- Mr. FORBES, Mr. MCCARTHY of California, CASTOR of Florida, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, vania, Mr. PASCRELL, and Mr. HOLT. Mr. REED, Mr. NUGENT, Ms. HERRERA Mr. VEASEY, Mr. HALL, Ms. WASSERMAN H.R. 973: Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. KINGSTON, and BEUTLER, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. SCHULTZ, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. DELANEY, Mrs. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. CAMP, Mr. CARTER, Mr. CULBERSON, and Ms. BLACKBURN, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. TUR- H.R. 974: Mr. GARAMENDI, Mr. SCHIFF, and GRANGER. NER, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. LYNCH, Mr. COLE, Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD. H.R. 1420: Mr. PETERS of California. Mr. LOWENTHAL, and Mr. THOMPSON of Cali- H.R. 975: Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. H.R. 1433: Mr. ELLISON, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. fornia. KUSTER, Mr. WHITFIELD, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. H.R. 655: Mr. TURNER. MCGOVERN, Ms. SINEMA, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. ENYART, and Mr. MCINTYRE. H.R. 656: Mr. TURNER. POCAN, Mr. BISHOP of New York, Mr. HAS- H.R. 1449: Mr. GERLACH. H.R. 659: Mr. TIBERI and Mrs. LUMMIS. TINGS of Florida, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. H.J. Res. 31: Mr. COHEN. H.R. 661: Mr. POCAN and Mrs. NAPOLITANO. LOEBSACK, Mr. RUSH, Mr. LYNCH, Mr. H. Con. Res. 17: Mr. RANGEL. H.R. 669: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. CICILLINE, and Ms. BONAMICI. H. Con. Res. 23: Mr. GIBBS, Mr. RIBBLE, Mr. H.R. 675: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Ms. H.R. 997: Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. MASSIE, and Mr. PITTS. LEE of California, and Mr. JOHNSON of Geor- H.R. 1007: Ms. JACKSON LEE. H. Con. Res. 26: Mr. NUNNELEE. gia. H.R. 1008: Mr. PASTOR of Arizona, Mr. H. Res. 19: Mr. PETERS of California. H.R. 679: Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. SHEA-POR- FARR, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. HORSFORD, Mr. H. Res. 24: Mr. O’ROURKE. TER, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. TAKANO, Mrs. NOEM, WOLF, and Mr. SCHOCK. H. Res. 36: Mr. GOWDY, Mr. GIBSON, Mr. Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. KEATING, H.R. 1014: Ms. SCHWARTZ, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. DAINES, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mr. WOMACK, Ms. BROWN, of Florida and Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. PERRY, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. PITTENGER, Mr. GRIMM, and Mr. PEARCE. KILDEE. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, Mr. RUIZ, H. Res. 69: Mr. SCHIFF and Mrs. DAVIS of H.R. 684: Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. FOSTER, Ms. and Mr. HARPER. California. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, and Mr. H.R. 1020: Mr. LATTA and Mr. GARDNER. H. Res. 89: Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mr. BUR- POCAN. H.R. 1025: Ms. MATSUI. GESS, Mr. HALL, Mr. RUSH, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. H.R. 705: Mr. MARCHANT and Mr. PEARCE. H.R. 1026: Mr. GIBBS, Mr. WALZ, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. COOK, Ms. CHU, Mr. VARGAS, H.R. 714: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. LAMALFA, and Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. CAPUANO, Ms. SINEMA, H.R. 724: Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. CONNOLLY, H.R. 1028: Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. NEUGEBAUER, and Mr. SIRES. Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. H.R. 1029: Ms. MCCOLLUM and Mr. H. Res. 90: Mr. SCHIFF, Ms. WILSON of Flor- CONYERS, Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Mr. CICILLINE. ida, Mr. PETERS of Michigan, Ms. TITUS, Mrs.

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MCCARTHY of New York, Mr. THOMPSON of H. Res. 109: Mr. ROSKAM. H. Res. 136: Mr. PALLONE, Mr. SARBANES, Mississippi, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. POCAN, Ms. BASS, Mr. MCGOVERN, and Ms. TSONGAS. H. Res. 112: Ms. MATSUI, Mr. WHITFIELD, Mr. TONKO, Mr. HINOJOSA, Ms. CHU, Ms. JACK- and Mr. GOSAR. f SON LEE, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. GALLEGO, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. H. Res. 134: Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. NUNNELEE, DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM FATTAH, and Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. POCAN, Mr. BRIDENSTINE, Mr. MULLIN, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H. Res. 94: Ms. CLARKE, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mrs. Mr. LONG, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. ENYART, Mr. DAVIS of California, and Mrs. CAROLYN B. ROSS, and Mr. COBLE. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors MALONEY of New York. H. Res. 135: Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. GRI- were deleted from public bills and reso- H. Res. 95: Mr. SALMON. JALVA, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. MORAN, lutions as follows: H. Res. 108: Mr. MORAN. and Ms. LEE of California. H.R. 1175: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.018 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2013 No. 47 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was Senator from the Commonwealth of Massa- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- called to order by the Honorable WIL- chusetts, to perform the duties of the Chair. pore. Objection having been heard, the LIAM M. COWAN, a Senator from the PATRICK J. LEAHY, bills will be placed on the calendar. President pro tempore. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. f Mr. COWAN thereupon assumed the PRAYER chair as Acting President pro tempore. IMPACTS OF SEQUESTER The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f Mr. REID. Mr. President, for many fered the following prayer: RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY months now my Republican friends Let us pray. LEADER have promised the impacts of the se- quester’s arbitrary cuts would be mini- Almighty God, take from us any- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- mal—don’t worry about them. When thing that doesn’t honor You. Remove pore. The majority leader is recog- they voiced any concern at all about covetousness, pride, anger, or anything nized. that is unlike You. Replace our nega- the sequester cuts, it was over the po- f tives with positives, making us lowly, tential impact on the U.S. military. peaceable, patient, and kind. SCHEDULE The impact on middle-class families Lord, fill our lawmakers with faith, a Mr. REID. Mr. President, following and the national economy wouldn’t be firm hope, and a charity, that they leader remarks the Senate will resume that drastic, they promised in Feb- love nothing that displeases You. Raise consideration of the motion to proceed ruary and in March. them up to be seated with You in heav- to the gun safety legislation. The first Well, now it is April and contrary to enly realms, as they strive to be in- hour will be equally divided with the Republican promises, Americans in struments of Your purposes. Republicans. They will control the first communities from Massachusetts to Thank You for being rich in mercy half, and we will control the final half. Nevada, from coast to coast, in red and for Your grace that never gives up Last evening I filed cloture on a mo- States and in blue States, are begin- on us. tion to proceed to that legislation. ning to feel the pinch of those across- We pray in Your merciful Name. Hopefully, today we can reach an the-board cuts. Amen. agreement to begin debate on this In the District of Columbia, tourists bill—even today. traveling from home to here for the f We also hope to formalize an agree- National Cherry Blossom Festival ex- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ment for the confirmation of Sarah perienced long lines to go through air- Jewell to be Interior Secretary. port security because of these fur- The Honorable WILLIAM M. COWAN led loughs. Coming home from Nevada on the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: f Sunday there were mobs of people. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the MEASURES PLACED ON THE When anyone sits down to talk to any United States of America, and to the Repub- CALENDAR—S. 680 AND S. 691 of them, they will speak about how lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I am told— indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. miserable it is getting through secu- and I believe this is right—there are rity checks at airports all over the f two bills at the desk due for a second country. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING reading. In Murray, UT, a food pantry that The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE feeds more than 1,000 people every pore. The Senator is correct. month has closed because of these cuts. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The clerk will read the bills by title In Durham, NC, scores of employees at clerk will please read a communication for a second time. a medical research facility will get The assistant legislative clerk read to the Senate from the President pro pink slips. In central Maine fewer sen- as follows: tempore (Mr. LEAHY). ior citizens will be able to participate The assistant legislative clerk read A bill (S. 680) to rescind amounts appro- with Meals on Wheels. In Bethlehem, the following letter: priated for fiscal year 2013 for the Depart- ment of Defense for the Medium Extended PA, more than 100 children are going to U.S. SENATE, Air Defense System, and for other purposes. be kicked off Head Start. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, A bill (S. 691) to regulate large capacity Now, maybe my Republican friends Washington, DC, April 10, 2013. ammunition feeding devices. To the Senate: don’t feel this, but I guarantee my col- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I object to leagues the parents of these little chil- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby any further proceedings with respect to dren in Bethlehem, PA, feel it. People appoint the Honorable WILLIAM M. COWAN, a these two bills. waiting in these airport lines feel it.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.000 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 Why, at this medical research facility, The overwhelming majority of Amer- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- should these people get pink slips? Are icans wanted us to compromise before pore. Without objection, it is so or- they unnecessary? Of course not. If the their friends and family members got dered. food pantry in Utah closes, are the peo- pink slips or furloughed or were told THE PRESIDENT’S BUDGET ple still hungry? Of course they are— there is no more treatment for them Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, in about more of them than before this cut took even though they have cancer. For an hour the President of the United place. some it is already too late. But we can States will release his budget—65 days In central Nebraska emergency re- repair that damage, perhaps, and we after the statutory deadline of Feb- sponse times have increased signifi- should do it immediately, to put Amer- ruary 4, the first Monday in February. cantly since the local airport control icans back to work—no more fur- Since taking office, President Obama tower closed. In southern Ohio the di- loughs. has raised taxes roughly $1.7 trillion— rector of the local public defender’s of- To give our economy a foundation for a number that I know none of us can fice—a man by the name of Steve growth, we must replace the sequester actually comprehend. But now he Nolder—fired himself. He did that rath- with a balanced approach to deficit re- wants to raise taxes once again. er than lay off other members of his duction. A balanced approach is one I heard the majority leader on the staff. He figured: I am one; I can save that asks the richest among us to con- floor this morning advocating for an- the jobs of three people. And that is tribute a little bit more—their fair other tax increase. The President’s pro- what he did. That is quite unbelievable, share—to deficit reduction. The rich posed budget will ask for another $800 but it is true. He has worked there for are willing to do this. If we did this, we billion, and that is on top of $600 bil- 18 years in the public defender’s office. would avert cuts that hurt American lion that was the subject of the fiscal I repeat, he gave up his job so three families, harm our military readiness, cliff negotiations at the end of last could keep theirs. and hinder our economic recovery. year. Perhaps most concerning of all, com- I want everyone within the sound of The President’s budget, which will be munity cancer centers around the my voice to doublecheck my statistics, released in an hour but which we have country are facing difficult choices. but I heard on the radio on the way to heard a lot about already, will never, For the people who have experienced work the Pentagon has decided that ever actually balance. Every household cancer or experienced cancer in their one-third of all of our aircraft simply in America, 49 States, every munici- families, this is something that is will not be used because they don’t pality, county government, everyone noted. Community cancer centers have enough resources to fuel them. So else in America has to live within their around the country are facing a very that training just will not go forward. means but not the Federal Govern- difficult choice: send Medicare patients That is what I heard on the radio, and ment. away or just close their doors. The someone can doublecheck what I heard, The President’s budget, as I said, Washington Post reports that because does not purport to live within our fis- of the sequester cuts to Medicare reim- but I am confident that is right. In the House and in the Senate, both cal means, and it does not balance, but bursements, cancer centers around the Republicans and Democrats voted to the President says this is a com- country can no longer afford to admin- impose these cuts quite a long time promise. I heard his spokesman on tele- ister many common drugs. For people ago, so it is going to take Republicans vision say this is not the President’s who have watched loved ones have and Democrats working together to ideal budget; this is what he views as a chemotherapy—it was just a few avert them. That is what we need to compromise. But here is the simple re- months ago when people worried about ality: America cannot afford this budg- whether they were going to be able to do. It is senseless to go on as we are get the chemo drugs because there was done with these cuts that are done with et, and America cannot afford the a shortage. Well, now it is widespread. a meat cleaver, not a scalpel. President’s so-called compromise. The Post reports, I repeat, because of f Let’s review some recent history. In November and December of last the sequester cuts to Medicare, reim- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME year, Republicans were asking the bursements for these cancer centers Mr. REID. Mr. President, would the around the country have to make a President to embrace serious entitle- Chair announce the business of the day choice: close or change their hours, ment reform. Everyone who has looked this Wednesday. at Medicare and Social Security real- which is tough on patients. These clin- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ics, where two-thirds of the cancer pa- izes that both of those programs are on pore. Under the previous order, the tients receive treatments, would lose a path to insolvency and that they will leadership time is reserved. so much money so quickly they could not be there for future generations. have to go out of business. So providers f And we asked for some smart reduc- are sending cancer patients to over- SAFE COMMUNITIES, SAFE tions in Federal spending—what we crowded hospitals instead, not to the SCHOOLS ACT OF 2013—MOTION have come to know as wasteful Wash- cancer centers. For patients in clinical TO PROCEED ington spending—in exchange for more revenue. The President refused, citing trials for these new cancer drugs—life- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- saving experiments—the situation is the need for a ‘‘balanced’’ approach. pore. Under the previous order, the But I do not want anyone to confuse really dire. Some in these clinical Senate will resume consideration of trials are going to have to travel across that with a balanced budget; the Presi- the motion to proceed to S. 649, which dent calls for a ‘‘balanced’’ approach the country, to Washington, DC, Bos- the clerk will report. ton, or New York. People can’t afford but never a balanced budget. The assistant legislative clerk read Meanwhile, his Treasury Secretary that, especially when they are sick. as follows: As I said last month, the effects of made clear that the White House was Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 32, S. the so-called sequester didn’t break absolutely prepared to go over the fis- 649, a bill to ensure that all individuals who cal cliff—this was in December—unless over us like a big wave, they sneaked should be prohibited from buying a firearm up on us like a rising tide, and that are listed in the national instant criminal Republicans agreed to raise taxes. tide is here now. But the effects are background check system and require a Well, we did not have much choice be- devastating, even though we didn’t feel background check for every firearm sale, and cause after the expiration of the so- them immediately, and there is more for other purposes. called Bush tax cuts, they were going pain to come. That is the sad part Mr. REID. I note the absence of a to go up by operation of law. But now, about it. quorum. after getting more than $1 trillion in In the coming months, meat inspec- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- new tax revenue as part of ObamaCare tors, FBI officers, and Border Patrol pore. The clerk will call the roll. and after getting a separate $620 billion agents will be furloughed. We haven’t The assistant legislative clerk pro- tax increase on January 2, which I have even begun to see the worst of the job ceeded to call the roll. just talked about, as a result of the fis- losses. There will be 750,000 jobs lost Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask cal cliff negotiations, the President is because of sequester across the coun- unanimous consent that the order for back for more. It seems as though that try. the quorum call be rescinded. is his knee-jerk solution to every fiscal

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.001 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2513 issue: more taxes, more spending, and basketball team for an impressive na- something needs to be done to save en- more debt. tional championship win. Today I titlements from their inevitable slide Not only would his proposed budget would like to recognize Coach Walz and toward bankruptcy. I am glad to see raise taxes by more than $800 billion, it the Lady Cardinals for playing their him begin to come to grips with the would increase annual spending by $2 hearts out last night. You know, these math. It is well past time for reform, trillion by 2023 and increase our na- women were the lowest seeded team to and it is something the President tional debt even more, by $8 trillion. make it all the way to the title game ought to want to do because he pre- For those keeping score, our gross debt in decades—and that is really quite an sumably cares about saving entitle- has already increased by more than $6 achievement. ment programs, not just because he trillion since the President was sworn So my sincere congratulations to wants yet another excuse to raise into office. It is already larger than our you, Lady Cards. Keep up the hustle for taxes. entire gross domestic product—in other next year’s tournament. And to the As we start to think about reforming words, our entire economy—and we are Connecticut Huskies, congratulations entitlement programs, we should think already spending more than $200 billion on your hard-fought victory last night. about reform this way: Will the a year just on interest payments. You earned it. changes we make help modernize enti- Here is the risk—one of the risks—of THE PRESIDENT’S BUDGET tlements over the long term in order to this huge overhang of debt: If interest Mr. President, later today we will re- eventually meet the needs of a rapidly rates were just to go up by 1 percent- ceive the President’s budget. Like aging population in a realistic way or age point that we had to pay our credi- nearly every one of his budgets so far, will they just kick the can down the tors, such as China, to buy our debt, it is late—really late. In the extra 2 road without actually solving the prob- that would be $1.7 trillion in additional months he has kept the country on lem? Remember, kicking the can down interest we would have to pay on the hold, both the House and the Senate the road is how we got to this point in debt for each percentage point over a have actually already passed their own the first place. So we need to have the 10-year period of time. So you can budgets. So it is hard to see what the courage to finally make the tough de- begin to see very quickly how payment White House plans to accomplish. I cisions Americans sent us here to of interest and payment of mandatory want to believe the intention is not to make. programs would quickly crowd out ev- purposely blow up the budget process If the President and his allies care erything else, including national de- so the President can campaign against about Social Security and Medicare— fense expenditures. the very budget process he blew up, but and I take them at their word that A serious long-term fiscal plan must from the reports we are seeing, it is they do—then they need to prove that include three elements: progrowth tax getting harder and harder not to draw commitment by proposing ambitious, reform, which we stand ready to do; that conclusion. After all, the docu- forward-leaning structural reforms to structural Medicare reform, which we ment headed our way does not appear save them. This budget is their chance stand ready to do because we believe designed to bridge the differences be- to do that, and I hope they will. But if we need to preserve and protect Medi- tween the House- and Senate-passed they choose to continue using these care for future generations; and, No. 3, budgets. That is the role Americans programs as campaign weapons in- a realistic strategy for reducing our would expect the President to play at stead, then the math points to a clear long-term debt burden before we expe- this stage. But his budget simply does outcome: The entitlement programs so rience a European-style debt crisis. Un- not represent some grand pivot from many Americans rely upon will go fortunately, President Obama’s budget left to center; it is really just a pivot bankrupt, and today’s Washington does none of that. from left to left. Democrats will have to live with that Last year, speaking about America’s I mean, if these reports we are seeing legacy. We cannot get to that point. national debt, President Obama’s are correct, it is mostly the same old But Republicans only control a tiny Treasury Secretary told the Repub- thing that we have seen year after year sliver of the Federal Government, so lican chairman of the House Budget after year, and that is really too bad there really is not much we can do Committee: because it is not as if we do not know until the President and his allies get We’re not coming before you to say we the kinds of things that need to be serious about reform. It is way past have a definitive solution to our long-term done to get our budget back to balance time they did. [debt] problem. What we do know is we don’t and Americans back to work. We need We do not need another reheated like yours. to provide families and businesses a budget. We have had enough of those in Since that time, our national debt fairer and flatter Tax Code so they can the past few years. We need a serious has grown by $1.4 trillion. Now more save for the future and create jobs. We reform-oriented budget. Sadly, I do not than ever, America needs a definitive do not need a budget that piles on tax believe we will see that one today. solution to our debt problem. Now increase after tax increase. We need to Mr. President, I yield the floor. more than ever we need a balanced get government out of the way so the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- budget amendment to the U.S. Con- private sector can actually grow again. pore. The Senator from Ohio. stitution, like one that has been co- We do not need a budget that spends Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today, sponsored by every Member on this more money we do not have. We need a finally, we are going to see the Presi- side of the aisle. Now more than ever, balanced budget that encourages dent’s budget—so we are told. When we amid the longest stretch of high unem- growth and job creation. We do not look over the history of the last few ployment—the highest unemploy- need an extreme, unbalanced budget decades, never has there been a budget ment—since the Great Depression, we that will not balance in your lifetime submitted so late. The budget is due in need innovative, progrowth tax reforms or mine. February, as we know. With the excep- that encourage investment and pri- The White House initially made some tion of the first year of a President’s vate-sector job creation. Yet the Presi- fantastic claims about the amount of term, when a new President comes in, dent is still offering more of the same— deficit reduction supposedly contained when we give that new administration more taxes, more spending, and more in its budget. But when you cut some time to put together its own debt. To paraphrase a famous diplomat, through the spin and get to the facts, it budget, this will be the latest budget it seems the President never misses an looks as though there is less than $600 submission in decades. opportunity to miss an opportunity. billion worth of reduction in there— I hope the wait will have been worth RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER and that is over a decade—all of it it. In other words, I hope what the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- coming, not surprisingly, from tax in- President submits today is something pore. The Republican leader is recog- creases. In other words, it is not a seri- serious, that helps us address the cen- nized. ous plan—for the most part, just an- tral challenge of our time. I see there CONGRATULATING THE LADY CARDINALS other leftwing wish list. Let me clarify: are some young pages on the floor. I Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- a wish list, actually, with an asterisk. also met with lots of young people terday I was proud to congratulate The President seems prepared to fi- from the Ohio State University this Coach Pitino and the Louisville men’s nally concede this time that at least morning. I told them the same thing I

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.003 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 will say today, which is their future is This year we are told we can expect commend the President for putting it at stake. a deficit of $1 trillion again or more. in the budget, as I am told he will. But It is about our economy, but it is also This is the fourth year in a row. Never having said that, this is just one step truly about the future. Are we going to in the history of our country have we in the right direction. get control of the record debt and defi- had debts and annual deficits of $1 tril- Unfortunately, even with that pro- cits and begin to turn our country to- lion. Yet the President’s budget, it ap- posal, Social Security will continue to ward the America that has been some- pears, will not fundamentally change have these enormous shortfalls. On the thing we so much have taken for grant- the course we are on. I think from health care side, I am told the Presi- ed over the past century, which is an what I have heard from the media re- dent may make a proposal to reduce America that is growing, that is pros- ports and so on, it is likely to add some spending in health care. That is a pering, where wages are going up, about $7 trillion to our debt over the good thing but again not adequate to where we have the ability to chart our next 10 years, putting our debt that is the task before us. I am told it will be own course and are a beacon of hope already at over $16 trillion, again, at a $400 billion. We can argue about where and opportunity for the rest of the level where it is at the entire size of that $400 billion comes from. But it world? Or, are we going to continue the our economy, where we have unfortu- looks like most of it will come out of slide we are on now, where wages have nately continued economic doldrums providers; in other words, the people actually gone down, where America’s because we cannot get out of this huge who are providing health care to lower deficit and debt continue to grow at overhang of debts and deficits. their reimbursement at a time when unacceptable levels, where we risk a fi- It is time to make a change. It is a more and more providers are saying, nancial crisis as we have seen in South- moment for truth. It is an opportunity we are not interested in providing care ern Europe, in countries such as to address the challenge. My fear is the under Medicare and Medicaid because Greece, places where they did not President’s budget will not be adequate the reimbursement is already too low. watch what was happening in terms of to meet the challenge. So we need to be careful how it is There are some things in the budget their fiscal house. done. But let’s assume we could agree These countries allowed their debts I think will be positive. I want to say on the $400 billion. What would that and deficits to grow to such a large ex- that. I understand the President is mean? That would mean that instead tent that they became as large as the likely to propose a more accurate of rising 110 percent over the next ten entire economy of those countries. measure of inflation, when we are talk- years, Federal health care expenses Guess what? As of this year, we are ing about how to adjust for cost of liv- would go up 100 percent. The point is we have a challenge in told our debt—our gross debt in this ing and our programs, including the important and vital but unsustainable front of us that requires a much more country—is now the size of our entire program Social Security. aggressive approach. It requires us to economy. There are studies out there Social Security this year is actually be honest with the American people. It that indicate that when we get to that in deficit, meaning that $77 billion is requires us to tell the American people: kind of a level, there is a big impact on projected to be spent for benefits in So- things are not going well. We are not economic growth. We are certainly see- cial Security greater than the amount turning the corner because these in- ing it, are we not? of payroll taxes coming in. So people credible debts and deficits do not en- We are living through the weakest who say Social Security is OK, it is in able us to do that. It is a shadow over economic recovery since the Great De- fine shape—a $77 billion shortfall is not the economy. It is a wet blanket on the pression, whether it is measured in OK. Also, we are told the disability economy today. Unfortunately, for the terms of our economic growth or trust fund will be insolvent, bankrupt, young people listening today, it is whether it is measured in terms of belly up by 2016. That is just a few going to affect their futures in very jobs. We just had a very disappointing years from now. More people have gone significant ways if we do not address report last month on the jobs front on disability, unfortunately, than have the problem. showing that we only gained about been added to the work rolls in the last We will see what happens with this 88,000 jobs, disappointing all the projec- 4 years. Yet this trust fund is going budget proposal today. I am hopeful it tions. bankrupt in just a few years. will have more in terms of savings than But significantly, one-half million Even if we include all the IOUs in the has been suggested in the media. Those people—almost 500,000 people left the trust fund for the Old-Age and Sur- savings that are in there, I think we workforce. We now have the lowest vivors Trust Fund, the fundamental ought to support, as Republicans and labor participation rate—meaning that trust fund for Social Security, that Democrats alike, and then encourage as a percentage of people working or will be insolvent by 2033. That is not the President to work with us on tak- seeking work—that we have had since that long from now. Folks who are re- ing it to the next level, to truly ad- the days of Jimmy Carter. That is over tiring today, many of whom are likely dress this challenge. three decades. In some ways, the poli- to live to that point, in other words, On the tax side, we are told the cies of Jimmy Carter have been rep- for retirees today, they are looking at President is likely to recommend addi- licated over the last few years in the the possibility of this trust fund going tional increases in tax. Remember, sense of larger government, more bankrupt. taxes were increased about $620 billion taxes, more regulations. What happens under law when that already this year, just a few months What we are seeing is, frankly, an goes bankrupt? There is a 25-percent ago. So the ink is barely dry on that economy that is starting to resemble cut in benefits. That is the law. So huge tax increase—some would argue what happened back in the Carter days. with this hemorrhaging every year, the largest tax increase in the history That is unacceptable. We need to pro- this year again about $77 billion with of our country. Yet the President is ap- vide opportunities for Americans who these trust funds heading toward insol- parently likely to recommend taxes at are on that first rung of the economic vency, Social Security does have to be about that level again, $600 billion or ladder to get to the second and to the addressed. I commend the President for more. Some say it is more like $1.5 tril- third and to the fourth. Those are the saying let’s use the right measure of lion, which was in the Democratic one folks who are being hurt the worst with inflation. It also happens to affect the offered on the Senate floor. But I am this economic malaise we have with benefit side and the tax side. So it ac- told maybe it is more like $600 billion. this anemic economic growth, with tually increases taxes as well because But whatever it is, we have to ac- these job numbers that are so dis- there will not be the same adjustment knowledge that increasing taxes again appointing. for the rates for indexing on the in- is going to hurt the economy. There is They do relate back to the budget come tax side. So there is both revenue no question about it. The question is deficit and debt. There is a study by a gained through this proposal and also whether it is appropriate to have a couple economists named Rogoff and there are some savings on the pro- higher level of taxation in our econ- Reinhart that indicate we would have grammatic side because the more accu- omy. about 1 million more jobs this year rate measure of inflation is used. Let’s think about that for a moment. alone if we did not have debt at these This is a controversial issue among We are told by the Congressional Budg- incredibly high levels. some folks. I understand that. Again, I et Office, which is the nonpartisan

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.011 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2515 group that analyzes all these budget and action that must take place in the There is the good, the bad, and the proposals, that currently we have taxes next several months. ugly. I would prefer to say there is the as a percent of our economy, which is We have wide differences on of how good, the not so good, and the why are probably how you ought to look at it, we need to get to where we need to ar- we doing this in the first place. How- at levels in 2015 which would be below rive, but at least now we have some- ever we categorize this, first of all, our historic average. So in a few short thing from which to work. I urge my let’s give the President some credit for years, we are looking at taxes that colleagues and the President to work taking that first small step toward they say are 19.1 percent of the econ- together to achieve what is necessary raising the issue of mandatory spend- omy. What does that mean? Typically, to put this country on a path to fiscal ing. My understanding is the President it is about 18.3 percent. So it is higher health. It may be over a period of will suggest a modification of the Con- than the average. We are already, years. It may be measured out in terms sumer Price Index, which is used to under current law, looking at higher of where we are now in the economy, provide for increases each year in these taxes, partly because of the fiscal cliff what needs to be applied now versus various programs. agreement and the $620 billion in new what needs to be applied later. Once again we get this doomsday taxes that were raised over 10 years. I have said over and over from this warning: You can’t touch this. This is The spending, on the other hand, platform and others, if we do not incor- an index which is not correctly applied. which is already at levels higher than porate discipline in our spending, we We are still simply trying to bring this the historic average—which is about 20 will have clearly out-of-control spend- in line with the actual cost of living for percent, today it is at about 23 per- ing which will continue to grow year our seniors. cent—is projected to go up and up and after year. This will also grow the def- Suggesting this gets the printing up. In fact, over the next three decades, icit and lead to more borrowing each presses rolling and all of the interest according to the Congressional Budget year, putting our country in an ever- groups saying to send us $10 to save So- Office, it goes from 20 percent to, on an more difficult position. If we do not in- cial Security and everything else. Even average over the last 50 years, about 39 clude disciplined spending within this this correction which the President has percent. budget, we will not achieve what we proposed is being criticized, which is Then, frankly, they stop counting be- need to achieve. beyond description in terms of how cause they cannot imagine spending at Secondly, if we do not address our people try to take advantage of our that level because we have no sense of out-of-control mandatory spending, we seniors and those on these programs. how to get revenue at that level. No will never achieve what we wish to Let’s give the President credit for one is talking about taxes that would achieve and we will continue to find putting this in play. It is a small step. be increased that high. It would be tri- ourselves in ever deeper holes. The pre- It is not nearly as far as we need to go. pling the taxes, at least. So these are vious speaker, Senator PORTMAN of There are other structural reforms we issues we need to talk about as a coun- Ohio, spoke about the need to make need to address. Let’s at least acknowl- structural reforms in mandatory try. How much taxation do we want to edge the President has come forward spending programs. have on our economy? How much with something sustentative as a mod- To those who say: You can’t touch est first step. spending do we want to have? I think this. This has been promised to the Next is the not so good, the call for what we ought to do is come up with a American people and we cannot even new spending, new stimulus. We have plan. Ten years from now, where do we begin to address this issue because been through this. We have had nearly want to be? Republicans are calling for these programs should be exempt— $1 trillion of stimulus, about nine- a balanced budget. We think true bal- those individuals are immune to the re- tenths of which is now documented as ance means we balance the budget. We ality of the current situation which stop spending more than we take in. stands before us. The situation is these not stimulating. It is turning out to be Democrats would like to see more programs are going broke. Spending on a poor, government-selected, so-called taxes and fewer spending reductions. these programs is unsustainable. investment in the future, which the We need to come up with something Those organizations—and I will not market has basically said doesn’t that makes sense for the American name them here, but I will at some work. people. We need to acknowledge the point in time; we all know who they We have solar manufacturing plants fact that our issue is not the revenue. are—are flooding seniors with mailings closing all over the world. We see wind The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- saying: Don’t let them touch your So- farms being raised through subsidies. pore. The Senator’s time has expired. cial Security. Don’t let them touch one Yet they cannot connect to the grid. It Mr. PORTMAN. Instead, it is the dime of your Medicare. You deserve ignores the new discoveries in natural spending. That must be addressed. I every penny. gas and fossil fuel reserves in America. say to my colleagues on both sides of They are lying to those people. They The cost-to-benefit ratio is way out of the aisle, let’s work together to get are simply telling them they will be in balance. I now hear the word ‘‘invest- America back on track, to solve this a situation where their benefits are ment,’’ not ‘‘stimulus.’’ ‘‘Investment’’ problem which, if we do not deal with going to need to be reduced dramati- is another code word for ‘‘stimulus.’’ it, will not allow our economy to pros- cally a few years down the line in order That means it is a code for we will de- per. It will not allow America to con- to keep the programs from going insol- cide where this money goes. tinue to be that beacon of hope and op- vent. The problem is the political animal portunity for the rest of the world. If we really want to care for and look puts its hands around it and the money The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- out for those who are depending on So- goes to beneficiaries or supporters for pore. The Senator from Indiana. cial Security and Medicare for their political reasons. Anyway, government THE BUDGET later years, we need to stand up now, shouldn’t be in this business. Mr. COATS. Mr. President, I find my- tell them the truth, and do what is nec- This is the not so good of the presi- self echoing the words of the previous essary to protect those programs. dent’s budget because it includes $1.5 speaker, my good friend from Ohio. I Standing by and doing nothing, trillion of additional net Federal could have given his speech and he standing by and listening to outside in- spending. At a time when our spending probably could give mine because we terest groups who are trying to scare is out of control, how can we come for- are both on the same track. them to death means we are denying ward with a budget which adds more This is an important day. The Presi- those people the future income benefits than $1.5 trillion of new spending and dent will release his budget for 2014. they are receiving under Social Secu- call it investment when it is really just While it is late, it is welcome. We now rity and Medicare. Let’s have the cour- stimulus? We have been there and done have three budgets in place. The Sen- age to stand up and do what is right, that. It doesn’t work, so why are we ate has voted on a budget, the House and do what is right for the very people going there again? has voted on a budget, and the Presi- who are being told we are trying to Lastly, why are some of these pro- dent will be bringing his budget before take something away from them. posals in this budget, such as the new us. We now have the outlines of the be- Someone said on this budget coming taxes which were suggested by my col- ginning of a discussion and a debate forward—we don’t have all the details. league from Ohio? This budget contains

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.012 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 well over $1 trillion of new taxes on the many of my colleagues on the Senate The question is, Are we going to do American people, after we went floor with me here today. anything about it or will we just sit on through this 3 months ago with one of I wish to start with the unpleasant our hands as we have for 20 years and the largest tax increases in history. part. I think it is important for all of accept the status quo with respect to Has anyone ever seen an increase in my colleagues to understand why we everyday gun violence and these in- the economic growth through an in- are having this debate this week and creased incidences of mass shooting? If crease in taxes? Leaving less money in next week about gun violence, why for we are really serious about doing our people’s paychecks, would this result the first time in decades we were able jobs, we can. in more consumer spending which helps to break the logjam to do something Outside the beltway this isn’t a de- our economy? about the waves of gun violence which bate; this isn’t a discussion. Eighty- Adding new taxes, a new tax burden have plagued this Nation. It is easy to seven percent of Americans think we to the American economy, when has avert our eyes from the horror of what should have universal background that ever created a job? We have stag- happened in Newtown. It is just easy to checks. Everybody who buys a gun gering numbers of people who are drop- close our ears and pretend it didn’t should prove he or she is not a crimi- ping out of the workforce and giving up happen. nal. Two-thirds of Americans think we the search to find jobs. Our unemploy- We can’t ignore the reality because it should restrict these high-capacity am- ment rate, our so-called official rate, is is here. On a disturbingly regular basis munition clips. Seventy-six percent of phony, absolutely phony. it is here—in Columbine, Tucson, Au- Americans believe we should crack People are withdrawing from the rora, and Sandy Hook. The next town’s down on people who buy guns legally workforce because they have given up name is just waiting to be added to the and then go out and sell them in the on ever finding a job. They are simply list if we do nothing. Here is what is community illegally. changing the numbers to make it look happening. The American public knows we need as if we are making progress, but as a Sometime in the early morning hours to do something. Why have we been result we are not making progress. of December 14, a very disturbed, reclu- stuck for so long? First, it is because I notice the majority leader has come sive young man named Adam Lanza Members of Congress have been listen- to the floor. I wish to conclude by say- went into his mother’s room and shot ing to the wrong people. We should be ing we are in a historic time. We are at her dead in her sleep. A few minutes listening to gun owners. They are com- a crossroads in terms of the future of later, maybe hours later, he took his prised of a lower percentage of Ameri- this country. This is the time when we mother’s car and drove to Sandy Hook cans than 30 years ago. need to put aside partisan interests, Elementary School. By 9:35 he shot his About one-third of Americans today political interests, special interest way through locked doors with an AR– own guns, and they are very important groups, and stand up to do what is 15 semiautomatic rifle, which was constituents. The problem is the NRA right for the future. doesn’t speak for gun owners like it What is the future? As someone fa- owned by his mother. He began a methodical 10-minute used to. Yet we listen to that organiza- mously said: The future is now. The fu- rampage which left 20 children, all 6 tion more than we should. ture is now for all of those people out Ten years ago the NRA came here and 7 years old, and six adults who of work. The future is now for all of and argued for universal background cared for them, dead. In 10 minutes, those college kids graduating without checks in the wake of Columbine. Adam Lanza shot off 154 rounds from a a job to go to. The future is now for our Today they oppose those background gun which could shoot up to six bullets senior citizens who have seen some of checks even though 74 percent of NRA a second. This high-powered gun as- their savings eroded through this re- members support universal background sured every single child Adam Lanza cession we experienced. The future is checks. I don’t know the exact reason shot died. Lanza shot most kids mul- now for doing what is necessary to put for that, but maybe it is because in- this country on the right track to pros- tiple times. Noah Pozner was shot 11 creasingly the NRA is financed not by perity. times alone. its members—by everyday, common- The State’s veteran medical exam- Let’s work together. I am willing. I sense gun owners—but by the gun in- iner, who had been on the job for dec- informed the President and my col- dustry. Tens of millions of dollars leagues that I am willing to work with ades, said he had never seen anything come into the NRA from the gun indus- them. I know we will have to make such as this. try—a program that actually allows Several children did escape. Six kids some compromises. the NRA to make a couple bucks off of were courageously hid in a classroom The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- every gun sold in many gun stores pore. The time of the Senator has ex- closet by their teacher, Victoria Soto, across the country. We are not listen- pired. who shielded her kids from the bullets ing to gun owners. If we were, this Mr. COATS. Let’s seize this oppor- and died that day. Five other kids ran wouldn’t be a debate in this Chamber. tunity. out of the room when Lanza had trou- But secondly, and maybe most im- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ble reloading. Five kids are alive today portantly, we have really botched a pore. The Senator from Connecticut. because the shooter needed to stop and conversation in this place about rights, Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, it goes switch ammunition magazines. Wheth- and rights really are at the core of this without saying we all do our jobs here er it is because he had trouble reload- debate. When I am back home in Con- and we seek a seat in the Senate for a ing again or because the police were necticut, I hear a lot of people talking reason. We decided to run for this high coming into the building at about 9:45, about the right to bear arms as an office because of issues which deeply Lanza turned one of his weapons on ‘‘unalienable right’’ or a ‘‘God-given motivated us, whether it be more af- himself and the massacre ended, but right,’’ and of course the Constitution fordable health care, better housing, or not before 26 people were dead. makes no such claim. The idea of an lower taxes. In a job like this we are This is reality. The worst reality is if unalienable right is actually found in driven to find the issues which move we don’t do something right now, it is the Declaration of Independence, and it us. Then sometimes there are issues going to happen again. is a phrase we know very well. which find us. It is happening every day. To this We hold these truths to be self-evident, When I was elected to the Senate last country, which has become so callously that all men are created equal, that they are November, I never imagined my maid- used to gun violence, it is raindrops, endowed by their Creator with certain en speech would be about guns or about background noise. The reality is the unalienable rights, that among these are life, gun violence. I could have never imag- one in which we are losing 30 Ameri- liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ined I would be standing here in the cans a day to gun violence. But liberty isn’t just about having wake of 20 young children dying in This chart illustrates how many peo- any gun you want anytime you want it; Sandy Hook or the six adults who pro- ple have died since December 14 and it liberty has to also be about the right tected them. Sometimes issues find is almost unreadable because it is a to be free from indiscriminate violence. you. cast of thousands. This reality is just I mean, what kind of liberty did these Here I am, pleased to have the major- as unacceptable as what happened in kids have in that classroom in New- ity leader, the majority whip, and so Sandy Hook that day. town, being trapped by an assault

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.005 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2517 weapon-yielding madman? And maybe As to the first argument, Newtown is piano virtuoso. He had already done a more importantly, what kind of liberty part of the answer. Nancy Lanza prob- recital when he was 6 years old. But does a kid just up the street from here ably owned guns for a variety of rea- what he really loved was playing out- in Washington, DC, have when he fears sons, but one of the reasons was that side with his older brother Nate. They for his life every time he wants to walk she was divorced, she lived alone, and loved to play soccer together. The to the corner store or walk home from she wanted guns to protect herself. She morning he was killed, he told his school? That is not the kind of life, lib- was alone a lot of the time. The guns mom, as they were leaving for school, erty, and pursuit of happiness our Nancy Lanza used weren’t used to fire he wanted to be a paleontologist when Founding Fathers talked about. upon intruders into her home; they he grew up. He said, ‘‘That’s what But even if we do accept that part of killed her, and they killed 26 other Nate’s going to be, and I want to do ev- liberty is owning and using a gun, then boys and girls and parents. That is not erything that Nate does.’’ we have to ask ourselves these ques- just an anecdote, that is a reflection of So that is our task—to beat back all tions: To what degree are our liberties a statistical trend. If you have a gun in the naysayers who say that we can’t do really infringed upon if we just suggest your house, it is four times more likely this, that we won’t change the way there are a handful of weapons that are to be used in an accident than it is things are. I believe we can. I believe too dangerous to own? To what extent against an intruder. If you own a gun, we are good enough to drown out the are our freedoms trampled upon by just it is much more likely to be used to voices of the status quo and the lobby- saying you are going to need to reload kill you than it is to kill someone try- ists and the political consultants. I your semiautomatic weapon after ing to break into your home. think that in the next couple of weeks every 10 bullets rather than after every As to the second argument, as author we are good enough to change the way 30 bullets? How gravely do we really Dennis Henigan once put it, guns don’t things are. risk tyranny when we just moderately kill people; they just enable people to Finally, I want to tell you one last restrain the size of a legally purchas- kill people. Guns are employed in only story to explain why I know we are able clip? about 4 percent of felonies, but they good enough. I believe that when we If liberty is really our chief concern, are used in 20 percent of all felonies in- see people in need, when we see chil- then preserving and protecting the life volving bodily injury. Guns enable vio- dren stripped of their dignity, we are of little kids has to weigh pretty favor- lence that is vastly more violent. too compassionate a people to close our ably against marginally restraining a How do we know this? Well, we know eyes. I know sometimes we wonder weapon’s payload. If we can’t agree on it by what happened at Sandy Hook what we really are inside. Are we truly that, what can we agree on? that day, but more importantly we good or is goodness a learned behavior? If we accept this balance, then the know it by what happened on that very And it may sound strange, but after policy prescriptions are pretty simple: same day on the entire other side of December 14, I just know the former to First, guns should be available, but the world. On the same day that 20 kids they should be available to people of be true, because after enduring the died in Newtown, in Henan, China, a sound mind with no criminal record. shooting, as if to swallow up those 10 We have believed that for a long time. madman walked into a school and at- minutes of evil, millions of acts of infi- Since the Brady bill was passed, we tacked 23 schoolchildren with a deadly nite kindness rained down on Newtown, have had about 2 million people who weapon. The same day—20 kids in New- from the teachers who protected those were stopped from buying guns because town, 23 kids in China. In Newtown, all kids, to the firefighters who didn’t they were legally prohibited from 20 kids who were attacked died; in leave that firehouse for days afterward, doing so. The Brady bill has worked. China, all 23 kids who were attacked to the millions of actions of humanity The problem is that 40 percent of weap- lived. Why? Because in Henan, the as- and gifts and phone calls that came in ons sold in this country don’t go sailant had a knife, not a gun that from the rest of the world. through background checks. I hope we could spray six bullets a second. And because of Anne Marie Murphy. will have some good news by the end of So forgive me if I dismiss those—like Anne Marie was a special education the day on this front, but that is a the president of the NRA—who choose teacher charged with the care of Dylan pretty easily accepted premise—crimi- to ignore the effect of the laws we are Hockley, this little boy, a wonderful, nals shouldn’t own guns. debating this week and next week. He gentle little 6-year-old boy who was Second, a small number of guns are said all we are talking about here is living with autism but doing great at just too dangerous for retail sale. We feel-good legislation. Well, he is right Sandy Hook Elementary School. Anne have always accepted that premise as about one thing: It would feel really Marie loved Dylan, and Dylan loved well. We have always drawn a line and good if Daniel Barden got on the bus Anne Marie back. There was a picture said some weapons are reserved for this morning to go to school. Daniel on his refrigerator of Anne Marie, and military hands, and others can be in was an immensely compassionate little almost every day he would point to the hands of private citizens. We know kid. He was always sitting next to the Anne Marie with pride to his parents. assault weapons kill, and we know kids in school who sat alone. He never Nicole, his mom, who is here this what happened when we banned them left a room without turning the lights week, said at Dylan’s funeral that the last time: Gun homicides dropped off. When his family would go to the when she realized Dylan wasn’t going by 37 percent, and nonlethal gun grocery store, they would leave the to show up at the firehouse that day crimes dropped by an equal percentage. store and get halfway across the park- with all the other kids who were re- Third, some ammunition too easily ing lot and turn around and Daniel turning from the school, she hoped she enables mass slaughter. What legiti- wouldn’t be there because he was still would see Mrs. Murphy, but she knew mate reason is there for somebody to holding the door open for people who she wouldn’t. She knew Anne Marie be able to walk into a movie theater or needed a way out. And he loved wouldn’t leave Dylan’s side if he was in a religious institution or a school with s’mores. danger. And she didn’t. When the bul- a 100-round drum of ammunition? Why It would feel really good if Ana lets started flying, she brought Dylan do we need that—100 rounds, never Marquez Greene could still sing all into her arms. She held him tight in- mind 30 rounds? That doesn’t sound too those songs she loved. She sang and side that classroom. And that is just radical, does it? performed everywhere she went. She how the two of them were found. So what does the gun lobby tell us came from a very musical family. Her On Monday, Nicole flew down here to about these ideas? What do they say is mom said that she didn’t walk any- Washington with President Obama and wrong with this approach that is where, that her preferred mode of me to try to make the case that things grounded in data and supported by peo- transportation was dancing. She loved need to change for Dylan, for Anne ple all across the country? Well, spe- most to sing and dance in church. She Marie, and for the thousands of other cifically we hear two things over and loved it when her parents read to her people before and after who have been over again: First, the only way to stop from the Bible. killed by guns. a bad guy with a gun is to have a good It would feel really good if Ben As Nicole and the other parents guy with a gun, and second, guns don’t Wheeler got to enjoy this beautiful walked up the steps of Air Force One, really kill people, people kill people. spring day outside today. He was a one mom raised a piece of paper above

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.007 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 her head with a note she had scribbled have worked hard together to bring us ten, the Connecticut effect is not going on it that day, and the cameras caught to a very promising and profoundly away. This resolve is not dissipated. the moment. The note simply said constructive turning point in this proc- We will keep faith with them. ‘‘Love Wins.’’ I believe today more ess. I want to thank also our leader, Out of the tragedy, the unspeakable than I ever have before that if we are Senator HARRY REID, for his deter- loss, the unimaginable horror of that truly doing our job in this Chamber, mination and resolve. day and the days since then and the then love has to win every single time. On the morning of December 14, par- days to come, we resolve that this Mr. President, I yield the floor. ents throughout Connecticut and New- country will be better and safer. And so The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- town and Sandy Hook brought their as we begin this debate, as colleagues pore. The Senator from Connecticut. children to school. Thinking of the rest of ours at this moment announce a Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I of their days. When they would have very promising compromise that may wish to congratulate and thank my play dates and snack breaks, holiday lead us forward, provide us with a path colleague from Connecticut, Senator parties, Christmas and Hanukkah toward bipartisan action—and it MURPHY, on his profoundly eloquent present wrapping, paper angels, ginger- should be bipartisan; there is nothing and powerful statement to our col- bread, songs and poems. Those are the Republican or Democratic about law leagues and join him in calling atten- memories. And the futures they enforcement or about law enforcement tion to the horrific tragedy that has brought with them. Just hours later, I saving people’s lives. We should resolve brought us to this point in the debate was at Sandy Hook as 20 families of to go forward as one country. I’ve been on gun violence. His very eloquent and those children emerged from a fire- working on this issue for many years. I powerful summary of our losses, I house, and I will never forget the cries helped to author and support Connecti- think, is a way to begin a potential of pain and grief I saw on that day. I cut’s first assault weapons ban in the turning point after Newtown has given went there as a public official because early 1990s. I went to court to defend it us a call to action. Newtown is a tip- I felt a responsibility to be there. But when it was challenged constitu- ping point in this debate, and my col- what I saw was through the eyes of a tionally, argued in the trial and then league from Connecticut and I have parent, as all America did on that day. in the State supreme court to uphold spent literally days and weeks with And I saw the families also of six he- our law. I have worked with law en- that community and have seen the roic educators who perished trying to forcement colleagues for three decades. courage and strength they have save their children. Those sights and And I know they support these meas- brought to this town and to our col- sounds changed America. We are dif- ures. Our State and local police, our leagues, because they have been meet- ferent today than we were before prosecutors around the country sup- ing with our colleagues and they are Sandy Hook. This problem is with us, port a ban on illegal trafficking. They indeed here today. the problem of gun violence is the same support a national background check Benjamin Andrew Wheeler, who was 6 problem that has existed for decades, system. They support school safety and years old—his father David is here but we are different. Because we know they support bans on military-style today. Ana Grace Marquez-Greene, age we can and must do something about weapons that are simply designed to 6—her mother Nelba is here today. it. kill and maim innocent people and Dylan Hockley, age 6—his mother Ni- There was evil that day at Sandy they support a ban on high-capacity cole is here. Daniel Barden, age 7—his Hook, but there was also great good- magazines because they know, those mother Jackie and his father Mark are ness. The goodness of the first respond- are the weapons of war. They enable here. Jesse Lewis, age 6—his father ers who stopped the shooting through criminals to outgun them. They put Neil Heslin is here. Mary Sherlach, one their bravery. When they appeared at their lives at risk. And so I listen to of the six heroic educators killed at the school, the shooter turned the gun my colleagues in law enforcement who Sandy Hook—her husband Bill is here on himself. They saved lives. The tell me we need to do something about today. knowledge and courage and bravery of gun violence. I listen to the people of We can draw inspiration not only the clergy. Father Bob, Monsignor Bob, Newtown who say: Can’t we do some- from the memories of those children Robert Weiss, who that evening con- thing about the guns? And I respect the and great educators who were killed ducted a vigil that we attended, when rights of gun owners, the second but from their strength and resilience many resolved to light candles instead amendment is the law of the land, and and resolve in coming to the Halls of of curse the darkness. The greatness of none of these proposals would take this building, meeting with our col- leadership demonstrated by many of guns out of the hands of responsible leagues. Indeed, at this very moment, our public officials, beginning with Pat and lawful gun owners. But there are they are with one of our colleagues, Llodra, the First Selectwoman of New- some people who should not have them. looking him in the eyes and saying to town, the legislators who passed in There are some guns that should not him: How can you not approve a bill Connecticut a measure that will pro- be in use, and there are some weapons that stops illegal trafficking, strength- vide a model for the country in attack- of war, high-capacity magazines, that ens school safety, and imposes a re- ing the problem of gun violence and the should not be sold in this country. In quirement for criminal background leadership of our Governor, Dannel half the mass killings, high-capacity checks? How can you not stop assault Malloy. And, of course, the great good- magazines enabled the shooting that weapons and high-capacity magazines ness of the educators who threw them- occurred so rapidly and so lethally. In that were integral to that killing in selves at bullets, cradled the young Newtown, the changing of a magazine Newtown? How can you not do some- people seeking to save them, and hero- by the shooter enabled children to es- thing about gun violence that has ically gave their lives. Their models of cape. In Tucson, the killing of a 9-year- caused more than 3,000 deaths since courage and leadership should inspire old girl, Christina Taylor-Green, by the then? How can you not allow a vote? us at this critical moment. They 13th bullet, would not have happened if How can you deprive the American peo- should inspire us to think better and that magazine had been limited to 10 ple of a vote on a measure that is so es- do better and resolve that we will not rounds because the shooter was tackled sential to their safety, their well-being, let this moment pass, we will seize this as he tried to change magazines. The the futures of their children, and their opportunity and we will demonstrate high-capacity magazines enabled Adam communities? the kind of leadership the majority of Lanza to fire 154 bullets in 5 minutes. As the President of the United States Americans expect and deserve and need So these kinds of commonsense meas- has said so eloquently—and his leader- at this point. ures may not prevent all these trage- ship has been so important to this The majority of Americans want dies. They may not enable us to stop cause—the victims of Newtown, of Tuc- commonsense measures to stop gun vi- all the 3,000 killings that have occurred son, Aurora, Virginia Tech, they de- olence. The majority of Americans since Newtown. We cannot look back serve a vote. The likelihood of a vote want a vote and they want action from and say with certainty that Newtown has been increased by the leadership of this body. And we need to keep faith would not have occurred if these meas- my colleagues, Senator SCHUMER, Sen- with them but also with the victims. ures had been in place, but the likeli- ator MANCHIN, Senator TOOMEY, who The victims who should not be forgot- hood would have been reduced, some or

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.008 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2519 all of those children might be alive There has been no impact to the drink- any section of the pipeline can be iso- today, some of those heroic educators ing water, and the oil did not enter any lated remotely thereby closing any of could be in their classrooms now. And lake or waterway. Fourteen vacuum the hundreds of valves on the system the challenge here is to save lives, to trucks and sixteen storage tanks are within minutes. do something to stop the carnage and on site. The claim’s hotline has been After four environmental impact killing on our streets, in our neighbor- established for residents affected by statements and 5 years of review, the hoods, in communities such as New- the spill to register claims and for any- State Department has determined that town, a quintessential New England one who wants information. As of the Keystone XL Pipeline will create town. If it could happen in Newtown, it today about 140 claims have been made. no significant impacts to the environ- could happen anywhere in America. ExxonMobile is paying for the cleanup ment. Again, they have determined it As we go forward in this debate, I and they have committed to honor any will create no significant impacts to hope we will listen to those brave and valid claims. So that is the Arkansas the environment, and that is why sev- resilient and resolved families who are spill that much is being made about by eral weeks ago 62 Senators supported here today. Listen to them when they opponents of approving the Keystone an amendment that was sponsored by say to us that we must keep faith. Lis- XL Pipeline. myself, Senator BAUCUS, and other ten to Nicole Hockley and what she The other one they talked about is in Senators. Again, 62 Senators went on said when the President of the United West Columbia, TX, and that is a pipe- record approving the Keystone XL States visited Connecticut just a cou- line owned by Shell Oil. Let’s talk Pipeline project. Furthermore, 66 Senators, two-thirds ple days ago. She said: about that project for just a minute. But now there is no going back for me. There was approximately 950 barrels of the Senators, voted against an There is no way. If you want to protect your of oil spilled, and 50 barrels of that oil amendment that was put forward by Senator BOXER that would have further children, if you want to avoid this loss, you entered the waterway. All 50 barrels will not turn away either. delayed the project and added more re- have been cleaned up. Let me repeat strictions to the project. Two-thirds of I ask my colleagues, let us face this that: All 50 barrels have already been this body went on record opposing reality. Let us not turn away. Let us cleaned up. The company is now work- more delays and more restrictions; 62 resolve to go forward and keep faith ing to clean up the remaining 900 bar- with the children and the educators Senators then voted to approve the rels of oil that is located on land. project. That is why 70 percent of who, by their example, provide us with This pipeline is an oil-gathering pipe- Americans in a recent poll said they an enormous and historic opportunity line that gathers oil from the gulf. It is to make America safer and better. The want the Keystone XL Pipeline ap- not an oil sands pipeline. The Keystone proved. Nation that we love, the Nation that XL Pipeline, of course, would be an oil we all believe is the greatest in the his- This project is about more energy sands pipeline, and that is not what and more jobs for this country. This tory of the world and will be greater this is. Furthermore, Shell believes the still after we move forward to make it pipeline project is about growing our break in this pipeline happened be- economy and producing tax revenues to safer and better. cause a contractor was working in this I yield the floor. help with our debt and deficit, not by I suggest the absence of a quorum. area and perforated the pipe. There was raising taxes but by growing the econ- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. not a default in the pipe or the pipe omy and stimulating more economic HEITKAMP). The clerk will call the roll. leaking. They believe the injury to the activity. This project is about elimi- The legislative clerk proceeded to pipeline was caused by a worker in that nating our dependence on oil from call the roll. area. places such as the Middle East and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Let’s consider some basic pipeline Venezuela. That is a national security ator from North Dakota. safety facts. Pipelines are the safest issue. Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I and most efficient way to transport oil It is vital that when we are working ask unanimous consent that the and gas. Let’s compare accidents at on important issues, we deal with the quorum call be rescinded. pipelines to accidents for trucks, for facts, and those are the facts. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without barges, or for rail. Accidents are 1,000 I thank the Chair, and I note the ab- objection, it is so ordered. times more likely to occur with a sence of a quorum. KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE truck hauling oil versus a pipeline. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I What was that number? Accidents are clerk will call the roll. rise this morning to speak in regard to 1,000 times more likely to occur when The assistant legislative clerk pro- the Keystone XL Pipeline project. moving oil by truck than by pipeline. ceeded to call the roll. Much has been made recently about An oilspill is 13 times more likely to Mr. LEE. Madam President, I ask pipeline spills in Arkansas and in occur when it is moved by a barge unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. Texas. These spills are being used by versus a pipeline. Oilspills are five The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without times more likely if it is moved by rail opponents of the Keystone XL Pipeline objection, it is so ordered. project as examples or reasons to not than by pipeline. Mr. LEE. Madam President, for sev- approve the Keystone Pipeline. Now, Using a pipeline to transfer oil will eral weeks now Washington and the no one ever wants a spill of any kind, result in 1,000 fewer spills compared to rest of the country have been debating but let’s deal with the facts rather moving it by truck, 13 times fewer several new gun control proposals. than misperception or emotion. This is spills than moving it by barge, and five Along with a number of my colleagues, an important project, and it is impor- times fewer spills than moving it by including the minority leader, I have tant that we deal with the facts. rail. Those are the safety statistics on declared my intention to resist an im- The Exxon spill in Arkansas involves pipelines versus alternative methods of mediate vote on any new restrictions a pipeline known as the Pegasus pipe- moving oil. that would serve primarily to limit the line. This pipeline was built in the The Arkansas pipeline was built in freedoms of law-abiding citizens rather 1940s—1947 and 1948. Approximately the 1940s, so actually the incident high- than reduce violent crime in America. 5,000 barrels of oil were spilled. The lights the need to build new infrastruc- Unfortunately, the current gun con- EPA considers that a major spill be- ture using the latest technology. The trol proposals would do just that. More cause anything above 250 barrels is Keystone XL Pipeline is one of the than 2 weeks ago, we informed the ma- considered a major spill. Emergency most advanced and most studied pipe- jority leader that we will exercise our response personnel were on the ground line projects in our country’s history. procedural right to require a 60-vote within 30 minutes of the leak being de- For example, the Keystone XL Pipeline threshold in order to bring this legisla- tected. Approximately 640 cleanup peo- will be monitored through a central- tion to the floor. We have taken this ple have responded to the incident in ized high-tech center 24 hours a day, step under our Senate rules and proce- addition to Federal, State, and local 365 days a year. Satellite technology dures for three principal reasons. responders. will send data every 5 seconds from First, the Senate serves an important There has been no impact to the 21,000 data points to the monitoring function in our Republic by encour- drinking water. I will repeat that: center. If a drop in pressure is detected, aging deliberation and making it more

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.009 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 difficult for a temporary majority to Right before we have set the vote for THE BUDGET impose its will unilaterally. Unlike the the motion to proceed to the bill, we Mr. THUNE. Madam President, at House of Representatives, the Senate’s still do not know what these critical long last today we have received the rules and procedures allow for mean- components look like. We have no leg- President’s budget. It is several weeks ingful debate and help ensure that a islative text to evaluate the so-called actually months—overdue. It was sup- bare majority of Senators cannot im- compromise language on background posed to have been out on February 4. pose controversial legislation on the checks. We have no sense of what It is generally used to steer or guide American people without robust de- amendments, if any amendments at all, the budget debate we have in Wash- bate, discussion, and broad-based and might be allowed to be offered. ington, DC. In this case, it is going to bipartisan consensus. So requiring a 60-vote threshold helps be a reaction to. It is going to be an Contrary to the statements made by us solve some of those problems. It after-the-fact discussion of the budget, the President and by some of my helps us ensure that we have a mean- as the House and the Senate have both friends across the aisle and even a few ingful debate rather than a series of passed theirs; the Senate for the first from within my own caucus, we have backroom deals to push controversial time in 4 years and the House has no intention of preventing debate or legislation through Congress with sole- passed their budget every year on time. votes. Quite the opposite. By objecting ly a bare majority to back it up. One would wish the President’s budget to the motion to proceed, we guarantee Finally, many of the provisions we would serve as a bridge between the that the Senate and the American peo- expect to see in the bill are both con- House and the Senate. In this point of ple would have at least 3 additional stitutionally problematic and would the process it is so much after the fact days to assess and evaluate exactly serve primarily to limit the freedoms and late in the game the President’s how this particular bill might affect of law-abiding American citizens. Some budget has come to us. the rights of law-abiding citizens and of the proposals—for example, uni- Regrettably, much of the President’s whether it might have any significant versal background checks—would allow budget is going to rely on the same for- impact on violent crime. the Federal Government to surveil law- mula the Senate Democratic budget Already we have seen consensus abiding citizens who exercise their con- did, which is to double down, to in- against passing any new gun legisla- stitutional rights. crease spending, significantly and sub- tion—at least not without broad bipar- One of the provisions we expect to stantially raise taxes, and add massive tisan support. see in the bill, based on what we saw in amounts to the debt. It never balances. During the recent budget debate, I of- the Judiciary Committee on which I The budget which was passed by the fered an amendment to establish a two- sit, would allow the Attorney General House of Representatives did balance. thirds vote requirement for the passage of the United States to promulgate reg- It balanced in 10 years. of any new gun legislation. Six Demo- ulations that could lead to a national The budget which was passed by the cratic Senators voted with a nearly registry system for guns, something Senate did not balance in 10 years. It united Republican caucus to support my constituents in Utah are very con- never balanced. There was a real con- my amendment by a vote of 50 to 49. cerned about, and understandably so. trast in terms of trying to get to a bal- That vote demonstrated that a bare anced budget over a period of time, You see, the Federal Government has majority of Senators, including at knowing full well it will not happen no business monitoring where or how least six Democrats, believe that new overnight. We got into a very big hole often we go to church, what books and gun legislation should have broad bi- over a number of years, and it will take newspapers we read, whom we vote for, partisan support in the Senate before it us a while to get out. our health conditions, what we ate for is passed and before it has the oppor- Nevertheless, the House budget did breakfast, and the details of our pri- tunity to become law. balance in a 10-year window and 10- vate lives, including our lawful exer- A 60-vote threshold will help ensure year timeframe. The Senate Demo- cise of rights protected by the second that new gun laws are not forced cratic budget never balances, nor does amendment and other provisions of the through the Senate with the narrow the budget we received this morning Bill of Rights. support of just one party. from the President. Second, this debate is about a lot Such limitations may, of course, at For a lot of reasons this budget de- more than just magazine clips and pis- times make it harder for the govern- bate is important, not the least of tol grips. It is about the purpose of the ment to do what it believes it needs to which is it is a vision, a blueprint for second amendment and why our con- do. But we have to remember, the Con- the future of the country. This is true stitutionally protected right to self-de- stitution was not written to maximize for each of the respective parties in the fense is an essential part of self-gov- or protect the convenience of our gov- Congress, as well as the President, ernment. ernment. The Constitution was written about where they wish to lead the At its core, the second amendment to protect individual liberty, and country. helps ensure that individuals and local thankfully so. We must not narrow the I mentioned yesterday on the Senate communities can serve as the first line application of constitutional protec- floor I thought the basic criteria which of defense against threats to our per- tions in haste, nor should we allow a should be used to evaluate a budget, sons and our property. Any limitation bare majority to jeopardize the basic the question which should be asked is, on this fundamental right of self-de- rights of the American people, rights What will this budget do to grow the fense makes us more dependent on our protected in the first ten amendments economy, create jobs, and increase the government for our own protection. to the Constitution. take-home pay of middle-class Ameri- Government cannot be everywhere at The Senate and the American people cans? What can we do, in other words, all times, so the practical effect of lim- are engaged in an important debate. I in terms of a budget process here and a iting our individual rights is to make look forward to this debate. I hope oth- budget itself which actually takes us in us less safe. This is troubling to many ers will join me and my colleagues in a direction which would enable more Americans. Any legislation that would demanding that our discussions take Americans to work and enable the restrict our basic rights to self-defense place in full view of the American peo- economy to grow and expand again. deserves serious and open debate. Fur- ple. This would make these fiscal issues ther, as we have seen just today, Wash- I suggest the absence of a quorum. look much smaller by comparison. ington sometimes prefers to negotiate The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. Last week we received employment backroom deals made in secret far BALDWIN). The clerk will call the roll. data statistics which were due. The un- from the eyes of the American people The assistant legislative clerk pro- employment rate as a percentage actu- rather than engaging in thorough, ceeded to call the roll. ally dropped to 6.7 percent but only be- open, and transparent debate right on Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I ask cause another half million people quit the Senate floor. unanimous consent that the order for looking for work. If we look at the real The day before the majority leader the quorum call be rescinded. unemployment rate—which is to in- has set the vote to proceed, the bill’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without clude the people who actually have critical components are still not there. objection, it is so ordered. stopped looking for work, people who

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:24 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.013 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2521 are working part-time because they tory spending, the part of the budget growing government at a slower rate can’t find full-time employment—the which is on autopilot. It includes enti- and moving it back into a more reason- actual unemployment rate is 13.8 per- tlement programs such as Social Secu- able level. This would actually achieve cent. This is 21.7 million Americans. rity, Medicare, and Medicaid. Cur- $5 trillion in savings over the next dec- This is how many people who are either rently, this includes about three-fifths ade in terms of what the Federal Gov- out of work, quit looking for work, or of all Federal spending. At the end of ernment was spending. This is the way are looking for work part-time because the 10-year window it will represent the House approached their budget. they simply can’t find full-time em- about 91 percent of all Federal spend- What the Senate Democrats and the ployment. This is a great number of ing. That is how fast those programs President have both done is called for people. are growing—two to three times the massive new tax increases. The only This is a big part of our economy. A rate of inflation. deficit reduction which will occur lot of folks are out of the workforce The President’s budget doesn’t do under the President’s budget will be today who couldn’t find jobs. Many anything significant or meaningful to cut because of tax increases. He wipes have actually just given up looking for address that crisis. It is flatout serious. out the $1.2 trillion in spending cuts jobs. Having said that, there were some which were in place as a result of se- What this has done, because there are what I would call incremental steps quester. so many Americans who have given up taken. I call them baby steps. The He replaces those and achieves some- looking for jobs out of frustration, is it President agreed in his budget to ad- where on the order of $600 billion in has lowered the labor participation dress the issue of chained CPI, which deficit reduction. This deficit reduc- rate to a rate we haven’t seen, lit- recalculates the formula under which tion would be entirely accomplished by erally, since 1979. The last time the certain government programs are cal- tax increases, raising taxes yet again labor participation rate was at the low culated. It achieves a certain level of after we put in place tax increases on level we saw in the month of March, savings over time. the fiscal cliff on January 1. The Presi- 63.3 percent, was 1979. They assume some savings in Medi- dent received a huge tax increase, In fact, if we had a labor participa- care, most of which, again, are by re- something he had been wanting for for tion rate which was equal to what it ducing payments to providers. We have some time, $620 billion in new taxes. was when the President took office in already cut payments to providers to Add this to the more than $1 trillion in January 2009, the unemployment rate the point many physicians and other new taxes which are in the ObamaCare today would not be 7.6 percent, it health care providers these days are bill passed a couple of years ago and would be 11 percent. This is how many saying they are not going to serve this President, on his watch, has signed people have quit looking for work as a Medicare or Medicaid patients because into law more than $1.7 trillion in new result of this slow and sluggish econ- we keep cutting those reimbursements. taxes. omy. This is not the way to save and pro- This is not a revenue problem, this is The President’s budget, one would tect these programs for future genera- a spending problem. What we need to hope, would try to answer in an affirm- tions. We must restructure or reform be focused on is what do we need to do ative way the question: Does this grow these programs in a way which aligns to rein in out-of-control Federal spend- the economy? Does this create jobs? those programs with the future demo- ing. How are we going to reform and re- Does this increase the take-home pay graphics of this country. Unfortu- structure these programs in a way of working Americans? nately, the President’s budget fails on which protects and saves them, not Unfortunately, rather than growing that account. only for people who depend upon them the economy, the President’s budget, In terms of the direction these var- today but for those who will need them instead, grows the government. Unfor- ious budgets are headed, the Senate’s in the future. This is really the ques- tunately, this is what we have seen in Democratic budget, because it didn’t tion before the House. the budget which was passed by the balance in 10 years, nor does the Presi- Today we receive the President’s Senate a couple of weeks ago. dent’s, both use similar assumptions budget. It will be the latest point at I say this simply because I think about spending. If we look at the new which the President has submitted a there are two very different ideas debt which is piled up by the Presi- budget. Literally, it has been 100 years, about how to solve the fiscal crisis we dent’s budget, he adds $8.2 trillion to let’s put it that way. Around the early face. One includes expanding and grow- the debt over the next decade. 1900s was the last time the President ing government, raising taxes, and add- The Senate Democratic budget added submitted a budget to this Congress at ing even more to the debt. One really $7.3 trillion to the debt over the next this late date. Again, having already focuses on the issue which plagues our decade. Both have net spending in- acted in the House and Senate, I am fiscal house in Washington, DC: not creases. The spending amount over the not sure what meaning it has other that we tax too little but we spend too 10-year period in both the President’s than to perhaps give the President the much. It goes after the spending prob- budget proposal and the Senate Demo- luxury to be able to say he actually at lem we have in Washington, DC, the cratic proposal is on the order of $46.5 least presented a budget. But on most addiction to spending. We have seen trillion. This is the amount of money, of the criteria we ought to be looking this as the percentage of our economy the amount of taxpayer money, the at, in terms of evaluating this budget, grow consistently over the last several Federal Government would spend over that I mentioned earlier, it is not a se- years since this President has been in the next decade under the budgets pro- rious attempt. It doesn’t do anything office. posed by the Senate and House Demo- to rein in these out-of-control pro- The House budget recognized this and crats. grams that are growing at two to three does balance in 10 years. It does it The House budget, passed largely by times the rate of inflation, it has a without increasing taxes. The House of the House Republicans, spends about $5 massive tax increase, a $1 trillion tax Representatives actually produced a trillion less than that over the same increase on top of the $1.7 trillion in budget which balances in 10 years and time period. How does it do that? It new taxes the President has already doesn’t raise taxes. In fact, it calls for does so by reducing the rate of growth signed into law, and it adds $8.2 trillion tax reform. Many of us believe this of Federal spending. If we limit the to the debt over the next decade. So for would do wonders in terms of rate of growth in Federal spending to that reason I think it fails the funda- unleashing economic growth in this 3.4 percent, as opposed to a 4.6-percent mental test of fiscal responsibility, but country, lowering rates, reducing number in the Senate Democratic more important perhaps even than rates, and broadening the base. It also budget or the 5.2 percent-increase in that, it fails to answer the question I takes on what really drives Federal mandatory spending called for in the posed earlier, which was: Does the spending, what really contributes to President’s budget, we may achieve President’s budget grow the economy, the debt crisis we have in this country, significant savings over a period of does it create jobs, and does it increase its runaway spending. time. take-home pay for middle-income This is true for particular areas of This is not cutting government but Americans? The answer to that is sim- the budget, the areas we call manda- simply slowing the rate of growth by ply no.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:24 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.015 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 When you are raising taxes consist- home pay for middle-class Americans. measures that will stop gun violence in ently—raising taxes on the people who That ought to be the criteria we use. this country that has killed 3,000 or create the jobs in our economy—it I would hope before this is all said more people since Newtown. The epi- makes the economy grow at a slower and done, people in this city would re- demic of gun violence is stoppable and rate, we have more sluggish growth, alize we don’t have a taxing problem. we will have a vote in this body that which is what we have seen now for the The problem isn’t that we tax too lit- makes sure all of us are held to answer past several years. When we are grow- tle, it is that we spend too much, and to the American people. The majority ing at 11⁄2 to 2 percent as opposed to 3 that is what needs to be addressed. I of the American people favor these to 4 percent, it makes a huge difference hope we can reconcile these budgets, measures. Ninety percent or more say in terms of the number of people in but it will require the President to be they want a national criminal back- this country who are employed, the engaged on a level he hasn’t dem- ground check. Their voice deserves a number of jobs that are created, and, onstrated so far. I hope he gets to what vote, and I am confident we will have obviously, it makes a huge difference this real issue is and wants to get seri- it. in terms of the fiscal imbalance, be- ous about reining in out-of-control gov- I am confident, in part, because of cause when the economy is growing at ernment spending and we can make the bipartisan compromise that has a faster rate, it means more people are some headway yet. I have not lost been announced today. I am going working and investing and, therefore, hope. There were some incremental through the details, listening to my making money and paying taxes. So gains, some baby steps the President colleagues in law enforcement, the tax revenues go up when the economy took in this, but it is far short of what mayors, and others who have been so is growing and expanding. needs to be done to get our economy responsible and resolute in working That ought to be the goal. That back on track and get government over years and decades for these kinds ought to be our goal—not only to get spending back under control. of measures. And I’m listening to the those 21.7 million Americans who are I yield the floor. families from Newtown. And we will out of work back to work but also to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- make sure this compromise vindicates get the fiscal imbalance we face in a ior Senator from Connecticut. and upholds the vital law enforcement more manageable place. If we are going Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Madam Presi- and safety interests these measures are to get our fiscal house in order, we dent, I am honored to stand again on designed to vindicate and uphold. And I have to do those two things: We have the floor of the Senate, as I will be am confident this compromise is a to restrain Federal spending and we doing, along with my colleague Sen- positive and constructive step toward have to put policies in place that grow ator MURPHY and others who are allied our having a vote, ending unlimited de- the economy. in this effort to make America safer bate on this bill, achieving cloture, and There is a relationship between the and to stop the scourge of gun violence stopping a filibuster, as we have a re- two. It has been well documented, well that has plagued this country for dec- sponsibility to do. studied, well researched that when we ades and has been dramatized so And I want to focus for the moment have spending that is out of control, horrifically and tragically by the on one aspect of these measures I con- when we have a debt as a percentage of nightmarish, unspeakable tragedy that sider critically important. A ban on our GDP that exceeds a certain level, it occurred in Newtown. I stand here on high-capacity magazines—all maga- harms economic growth. It reduces the behalf of the families, but they are zines, all clips that hold more than 10 amount the economy grows on an an- speaking much more eloquently and bullets—that I will be introducing on nual basis and, in so doing, also re- powerfully than I could ever do, as behalf of Senator LAUTENBERG, work- duces the number of jobs created. So they go around to the offices of my col- ing with Senator FEINSTEIN and others, this is the question that should be leagues and look them in the face and to make sure this measure has a vote, asked. Again, when we compare or say: whether it’s as an amendment or a sep- stack up the President’s budget against How could you not favor a ban on il- arate bill. I wish to thank Senator that question—does it grow the econ- legal trafficking and straw purchases? LAUTENBERG for his leadership on this omy, does it create jobs, does it in- How could you not support strength- issue. He has championed it here for crease the take-home pay for middle- ening school safety? How could you not some time, and I will be working with class Americans—the answer is simply favor a national criminal background him and others to make sure this no. check? measure I have introduced has a vote, I would compare again the budget As one police chief told me, a na- and my colleague Senator MURPHY will that was passed by both the House and tional background check makes sure be working with me in this effort. Senate. In the case of the Senate, a we do not put criminals on the honor The statistics show the terrible im- study was done that suggested it would system. Without a criminal back- pact of high-capacity magazines. A re- cost 800,000 jobs a year, again because ground check, criminals are on an cent study of 62 mass shootings since of the tax increases that are included honor system to not buy weapons. 1982 shows that half involved high-ca- and the higher level of Federal spend- What kind of a guarantee of safety pacity magazines. Statistics also show ing. Simply raising taxes to fuel yet would that be? And how could you not bans on high-capacity magazines actu- more Federal spending does nothing to be in favor of banning the kind of ally work. The 1994 ban on these de- grow the private economy. What we weapon that killed the children and vices reduced their use dramatically. A want to see is a smaller Federal econ- educators of Newtown or the high-ca- study of gun violence in Virginia omy and a bigger private economy pacity magazine that enabled and fa- showed just 10 percent of guns recov- where the real good-paying jobs are cilitated that killing to take place? 154 ered by police in 2004 used high-capac- created. Clearly, this budget relies bullets fired in 5 minutes, tearing apart ity magazines, but after the ban was heavily—doubles down on Federal those beautiful, innocent children and allowed to sunset, the prevalence of spending, adds more to the debt, six great educators who perished trying high-capacity magazines more than doesn’t achieve balance, increases to save them. doubled. Garen Wintemute, head of the taxes by $1 trillion, and takes us in ab- We are on the cusp of success in this Violence Prevention Research Program solutely the wrong direction. critical first step, and I am increas- at the University of California at Davis I hope before this is all said and done, ingly hopeful—in fact, I am confident School of Medicine, said: ‘‘I was skep- the House of Representatives and the that we will have a vote in this body on tical that the ban would be effective, Senate—both of which have passed gun safety measures. We will have a and I was wrong.’’ He said the database budgets and now that we have the vote in the United States Senate to im- analysis offers ‘‘about as clear an ex- President’s budget—can somehow sit pose sensible and commonsense meas- ample as we could ask for of evidence down together and figure out how we ures to stop gun violence. We will have that the ban was working.’’ And the get a proposal that would actually deal a vote in the Senate in a matter of limitation I am proposing—that I will with out-of-control spending and would days that will enable America to hold be working on with Senator LAUTEN- focus on growing the economy, cre- accountable its elected representatives BERG and Senator FEINSTEIN and Sen- ating jobs, and increasing the take- here on this floor in the Senate for ator MURPHY and others who have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:24 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.017 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2523 championed this cause—would be even Catholic Charities USA the larger capacity magazines were more le- more effective. Because unlike the 1994 Catholics United thal. law, it will prohibit imports of high-ca- Faiths United To Prevent Gun Violence The fact is that Adam Lanza had Jewish Council for Public Affairs pacity magazines, not just production National Council of Churches smaller capacity magazines that were here but imports of these high-capacity National Episcopal Health Ministries found in his home at the time a search magazines. More than ten rounds, we Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of was conducted. He left those behind. He need to say no. Public Witness used the 30-round clips. He brought We also have to implement a United Methodist Church with him three 30-round magazines for buyback program for the existing high- OTHER ORGANIZATINS that AR–15 because he knew he could capacity magazines in use and circula- American Bar Association fire more bullets more rapidly, more tion today. The proposal I’m advo- Grandmothers for Peace International lethally, with a 30-round clip. David cating allows for better grant funding NAACP Wheeler, who is also here today and is Sierra Club to be used for exactly that purpose. It the father of Benjamin Andrew Wheel- doesn’t require, doesn’t mandate own- LOCALITIES er, said the following: ers of high-capacity magazines partici- U.S. Conference of Mayors National League of Cities. The more bullets you can get out the end pate in a buyback program, but it gives of that gun in the least amount of time, that them that option. And over time, this Mr. BLUMENTHAL. This provision is is the single area that I believe affects measure will reduce the number of supported as well by educators, the lethality. And the size of the magazine high-capacity magazines out there. The civil rights community, health care placed in that weapon is a direct contributor provision I am spearheading was part providers and others. It is a proposal to that—a direct contributor to that factor. that is eminently sensible, reasonable. There is a place for 30-round magazines, in of legislation actually offered by Sen- the military, on the battlefield. ator FEINSTEIN in the Judiciary Com- It’s a matter of common sense. A ma- mittee, approved by that committee on jority of Americans have consistently The families of Sandy Hook have March 14. It’s supported by a long list supported a ban on high-capacity mag- shown tremendous courage and of mayors as well as organizations rep- azines. A poll in January of this year strength. Their resolve and resolute- resenting law enforcement. showed 65 percent of Americans, in- ness are an inspiration and a source of I ask unanimous consent to have cluding 55 percent of gun owners, sup- strength to all of us who have spent time with them, who have come to that list printed in the RECORD. port such a ban. There being no objection, the mate- But the most powerful argument for know them, the privilege of knowing rial was ordered to be printed in the a ban on high-capacity magazines them. They have come here to talk about something no one would want to RECORD, as follows: comes from the experience of Newtown, where the changing of magazines en- talk about, and they have done it so This legislation has been approved by, among others, the following groups: abled children to escape. When the that no mother, no father, no husband, shooter changed magazines, it allowed no wife ever has to again experience LAW ENFORCEMENT time for the children to evade his the unspeakable and unimaginable hor- International Association of Campus Law nightmarish slaughter. ror and tragedy that has befallen them. Enforcement Administrators International Association of Chiefs of Po- In Tucson, we know from CAPT Mark We owe it to them to vote on this lice Kelly, husband of Gabby Giffords, who measure. I’m confident there will be a Major Cities Chiefs Association testified before the Judiciary Com- vote. I’m proud to offer this measure National Association of Women Law En- mittee, that the limitation on that banning high-capacity magazines to re- forcement Executives magazine enabled spectators and by- duce the scourge of gun violence. There National Law Enforcement Partnership to standers to tackle the shooter. If there is no turning back, as Nicole Hockley Prevent Gun Violence had been only 10 rounds in that maga- has said so eloquently. There is no National Organization of Black Law En- zine he was using, Christina-Taylor turning back from a proposal to ban forcement Executives Police Executive Research Forum Green, shot by the 13th bullet, would be high-capacity magazines. Police Foundation alive today. We know high-capacity Madam President, I yield the floor. Women in Federal Law Enforcement magazines enable and facilitate these The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- HEALTH CARE mass killings. They don’t cause them. ator from Florida. American Academy of Nursing They don’t compel them. They enable Mr. NELSON of Florida. Madam American Academy of Pediatrics them. High-capacity magazines al- President, I wish to talk about the American College of Surgeons lowed Adam Lanza to fire more than issue of gun violence. American Congress of Obstetricians and 150 rounds of ammunition in 5 minutes. Our hearts are still heavy from the Gynecologists And we know from men and women reminders of what happened in Con- American Medical Association who have lost loved ones that these de- necticut, and I want to say that I come American Public Health Association to this issue from a position of modera- Association for Ambulatory Behavioral vices are part of the attacks too often. Healthcare Bill Sherlach, the husband of Mary tion and common sense. I come to this Doctors for America Sherlach, who has come to Washington issue having grown up in the country National Association of School Nurses this week to speak out against gun vio- as a hunter. I grew up on a ranch. I National Physicians Alliance lence, had this to say about high-ca- have had guns all my life. I am very fa- Physicians for Social Responsibility pacity magazines. And his wife Mary is miliar with guns. And to this day I still EDUCATION AND CHILD WELFARE with us in this picture today. enjoy hunting quail and pheasant with American Federation of Teachers It’s just simple arithmetic. If you have to my son. But is there anybody who real- Child Welfare League of America change magazines 15 times instead of five istically doesn’t believe we ought to Children’s Defense Fund times, you have three times as many inci- have a criminal background check for National Association of Social Workers dents as where something could jam, some- the person who is purchasing a gun? National PTA thing could be bobbled. You just increase the I am very encouraged to hear that National Education Association time for intervention. You increase the time- Save the Children frame where kids can get out. And there’s 11 Senator MANCHIN and Senator TOOMEY have come together to find a way to GUN SAFETY kids out there today that are still running around on the playground pretty much now close the gun show loophole. That is in- Arizonans for Gun Safety structive. Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence at lunchtime. Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Another Sandy Hook family member In my State of Florida, years ago we Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence who is with us today, Nicole Hockley, amended the State constitution with Mayors Against Illegal Guns mother of Dylan Hockley, said the fol- an overwhelming vote of the people in Newtown Action Alliance lowing: Florida, and then there were ways that RELIGIOUS [W]e looked at the search warrants . . . in practice had been found to subvert African Methodist Episcopal Church and know that [the shooter] left the smaller the law that was the will of the people Alliance of Baptists capacity magazines at home. That was a in our State—that you can’t purchase a American Friends Service Committee choice that the shooter made. He knew that gun at a gun show without having a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:53 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.018 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 criminal background check. What they ment. I just gave you my history of is a failure of our responsibility to do do is they say: I will consider you a growing up in the country with guns, something about it. So I am going to personal friend, and therefore that is having guns all my life and still having spend some time down on the Senate an exception to doing a background a number of guns in my home today. I floor in between others giving speeches check on you. So Senator MANCHIN and support the second amendment. I do so today and tomorrow and next week to Senator TOOMEY have come to an in light of the circumstances in our so- talk about these victims, to just tell agreement to find a way to close that ciety today that have changed. you a little bit about who they are—es- gun show loophole, and that proposal My final comment is that in all of pecially for the little ones, maybe who will also establish a commission to bet- this it is moderation and common they were going to be. ter understand the root causes of how sense that are so much the solution to Let me start in Newtown. Let me to prevent mass violence. facing the issues that confront us start in Sandy Hook. We can put up There is simply no reason we today, and here is another example. some pictures of just a handful of the shouldn’t be able to do a criminal Let’s use a little common sense. victims from Sandy Hook and from cit- background check, which is one way to Madam President, I yield the floor. ies across this country. Let me start find out the intention of somebody who The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- with the little guy in the middle, Dan- is buying a gun. If you bring it back to ator from Connecticut. iel Barden. I talked about him this basics, it is all about common sense, Mr. MURPHY. Madam President, I morning. and it is especially so given the cir- thank my colleague from Florida for Daniel was a pretty amazing little cumstances in which we find ourselves those very thoughtful remarks and, of boy. His parents talked about the unbe- where people are slaughtering children. course, my colleague, the senior Sen- lievable compassion he had. I talked Is there anybody who thinks we need ator from Connecticut. about it this morning. He never failed ammunition clips for 60 rounds? That We are here on the floor today to to turn off a light when he left a room. is not common sense. When I go hunt- help lead a discussion about how this He was always the kid in school who ing, if it is quail, I usually have two Nation can finally own up to its re- was sitting with the kid who did not shotgun shells in the gun. If you are sponsibility to take on the scourge of have anybody to sit with. When his going to give the quail a chance and if gun violence that has certainly been parents would leave a grocery store it is hunting instead of killing, then highlighted by the massacre in Sandy they would get halfway across the gro- let’s see how good a marksman you Hook that I spoke about earlier today cery store parking lot, turn around, are. So I can’t see any reason that in my first speech before this Chamber. and Daniel wasn’t with them because common sense would dictate that we But it has, frankly, become too routine he was still holding the door open for would have more than 10 rounds in a throughout the streets of this country, other people who were leaving the clip. Yet people want to go out and buy with 3,000 to 4,000 people having lost store. He was a pretty amazing little clips for 60 rounds. I think that is tell- their lives to gun violence since Sandy kid. He loved to spend time with his ing us something about their intention. Hook happened. family. He loved riding the waves at I voted on this back in 2004, to extend Lost in a lot of the debate here about the beach. You can see with that long the existing law that came out of the the particular policy prescriptions we hair he was a beach bum. 1990s. We said in that legislation that are talking about, whether it be uni- He played drums in a band with his 10 and fewer is OK. Now, is that not versal background checks supported by brother James and sister Natalie. His reasonable? Is that not common sense? 90 percent of Americans or a ban on family is very musical, so on that So if we don’t reasonably have a need high-capacity magazines supported by morning his father, who is a profes- for more than 10, then that is where we two-thirds of Americans or a Federal sional musician—he is here this week, ought to draw it in the law. law ending illegal gun trafficking sup- actually—taught him how to play Jin- Then there is another element of ported by three-fourths of Americans, gle Bells. common sense; that is, why assault lost amidst all of the political back- He woke up very early that morning. weapons? I served, wearing the uniform and-forth over negotiations between It was funny because he was the last of of this country. The U.S. military has Republicans and Democrats and the the three kids to go to school. They assault weapons. People are going out pronouncements of the NRA and of gun were all in separate schools. His par- and buying these AK–47s that are a de- control groups, lost amidst all of that ents thought it was strange that on rivative of the same weapon that was debate about politics and policy are the that morning he woke up early. In fact used by the North Vietnamese against victims. The victims are the people— it was the first day all year—this was us in the Vietnam war. And I simply boys and girls, men and women, moth- December 14, so they had been in ask this question: Are these guns for ers and fathers, brothers and sisters— school for months—it was the first day hunting or are they for killing? And if who die every single day in this coun- in the entire year that Daniel had the legitimate answer is that they are try. I described it this morning—like awaken before his oldest sibling went not for hunting or for some collector’s raindrops. It is just background noise to school. purposes, then they have another pur- to this country now, the number of As the oldest sibling was walking pose. Obviously, that is what they were people who are dying every day. down the driveway to go to school, designed for—as an assault-type weap- I decided after having given my Daniel ran after him to tell him that on in a combat circumstance. maiden speech this morning that I he loved him. The first time, he had So how do we approach the legiti- would come back to this floor—not to never done that all year. It just shows mate recognition of the second amend- occupy the floor or commandeer the what a compassionate little kid Daniel ment, the right to bear arms, with as- floor, but to the extent that there is was. I actually wear a bracelet for Dan- sault weapons? And I don’t think we time today and tomorrow and next iel. It is a bracelet that links to a can. It seems that among people of week, to spend time on this floor tell- Facebook page called ‘‘What Would good will, using common sense and ing the stories of the victims, telling Daniel Do?’’ It has 16,000 ‘‘likes.’’ The moderation, that we can come to some the stories of the individual people point of this page is people can hear definitions that would ban these types whose lives were tragically cut short about a lot of these kids. The families of assault weapons. Now, we are prob- by guns—because it happens here more have done a lot of amazing things to ably not going to have the votes to so than almost every other nation in try to spread the word about who these pass it here, but we need to take the the world. More people lose their lives, kids were and what they were going to vote and we need to see how everybody more people have their lives ended pre- be. Daniel’s page is, ‘‘What Would Dan- feels about this issue. maturely because of guns here than al- iel Do?’’ It is a forum for people to in- I wish to conclude by saying that most any other corner of the world. vest in little acts of kindness to try to those of us who are portrayed, by tak- It is time that we do something live up to the inspiration this little 6- ing this position of moderation and about it. Yes because of the aggregate year-old set for his family and his common sense, as if we were not for numbers, yes because of the horror in neighborhood. the second amendment, that is false. Of Sandy Hook, but also because every So people posted stories on that Web course I support the second amend- single additional life that is cut short site for the last several months about

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:24 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.021 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2525 these little kind acts they performed: Let me tell a little about Charlotte kids with autism. There were a number For example, the woman who bought Bacon, 6 years old. I lost count of the of kids in these classrooms who had au- coffee and donuts for a firehouse in her number of funerals and wakes that I tism. They were doing great because of home State of New York, the Missouri went to, but I do remember Charlotte’s the work of people like Rachel and woman who helped restock a food pan- funeral. She had this crazy head of Anne Marie Murphy, who reached out try in Daniel’s honor, the Illinois curly red hair. She was described by to work with these kids. woman who paid for a stranger’s meal her family as sweet and outgoing and Rachel was exceptional because she and on the back of the bill wrote: exuberant, someone who was willing to integrated these kids into her daily ‘‘Love, from Daniel Barden.’’ argue for whatever she believed in, life. She brought the kids to her home. Daniel was going to grow up to be an even at 6 years old. She loved the color She involved the kids in her family. amazing young man. He loved life. He pink, and she loved animals—any ani- She treated the kids like family and did amazing things for people. But we mal she met—but she really loved her they matured. They did better under did not get to know Daniel Barden golden retriever. She wanted to become her care. later in life because he was gunned a veterinarian. A lot of these kids we She probably didn’t know it when she down that day in Sandy Hook. will hear about today knew what they died, but her best friend and her boy- Let me tell the story of someone wanted to do with their lives. These friend, Tony, was about to propose to equally amazing whom we got to know were ambitious kids, in part because her. In fact he had already gone to her for 20 more years than the kids that they had special parents as well. parents to ask permission to ask to she was charged with looking after. She was really looking forward to marry her. He was going to do it on Her name is one that you might know, Christmas because she wanted to show Christmas Eve, just 10 days after the and that is Victoria Soto. Victoria off this new pink dress and pink boots incident. He didn’t get to ask for Ra- Soto was 27 years old. She was a teach- she had gotten. It was a Christmas out- chel’s hand in marriage. Instead, the er at Sandy Hook Elementary School. fit, so she was waiting until Christmas wedding ring he had planned to present That is what she wanted to do. She had to be able to show it off. But on the to her was placed on her finger before wanted to be a teacher, her mom said, morning of December 14—again, an- she was buried. since she was 3 years old. Imagine other theme we will hear is that these Rachel was an amazing teacher, an knowing what you want to do when strange things happened that morn- amazing person who invested herself in you are 3 years old and sticking with ing—that morning she woke up and she these kids, day in and day out. It would it. A lot of people think they know wanted to wear that pink dress. She have been great to know what Rachel what they want to do when they are 3, wanted to wear those pink boots, and Davino would have become as she ma- but they change their minds. She did her mother let her do it. She wore that tured as an educator. not. She worked every day from the special pink dress and those boots to This is just a sampling of the stories time she was 13 to get ready to be a school on Friday, December 14. from 1 day in Newtown, CT. Fewer kids teacher. As early as 13 she was charting Her family has established a non- and adults died in Newtown that day out her classes so she could ultimately profit called Newtown Kindness. The than die every day across this country. be a teacher. Even when she got to organization is comprised of commu- We think how exceptional it was and Sandy Hook Elementary School she nity members who were trying to bring how awful and how horrific that we made time for night classes at South- positivity and strength back to the lost 20 kids and 6 adults—and, by the ern Connecticut State University Newtown community. I talked this way, 2 others in Adam Lanza and his where she was getting her master’s de- morning about the fact that for many mother—yet that number is less than gree in special education. of us who have lived through this trag- the average number of people who are A mentor of hers said she was the edy—not anywhere close to the way in killed every day by gun violence across last one who would have wanted hero which the victims’ families have—but this country. So I want to talk about status, but nobody was surprised to what we see Newtown defined by is not them too. I want to talk about just hear what she did in that classroom the 10 minutes of violence and evil, but over the last couple of weeks and that day. When Adam Lanza walked all the millions of acts of humanity months what we have witnessed across into her classroom, Victoria Soto was that have spilled forth from inside the this country. the only person he saw. Why? Because community and from outside the com- I want to talk about Hadiya Pen- she had ushered her special education munity in the days and weeks since, dleton in Chicago. We have heard a lot teacher, Anne Marie Murphy, and sev- and this is what Newtown Kindness is about her because she was here for the eral of her kids under a desk. She had about. It is encouraging children to do Presidential inauguration. She was pushed a number of other kids into a their own acts of kindness like Char- performing with her school’s majorette closet to hide them. Lanza came into lotte did and submit their stories team in the President’s inauguration the classroom, he faced her and killed through drawings and letters to the or- festivities. She loved performing. She her. Then he killed the kids who were ganization. Newtown Kindness is going was an honor student at King College under the desk. The kids who hid in the to show some light on all these little Prep High School in Chicago. She was closet, many of them lived. Many of wonderful things that kids do every 15 years old. them survived—they were discovered day in the same way that Charlotte did She is remembered by her friends as after the incident—because of the he- for the kids she loved and the family somebody who was always raising her roic actions of this one 27-year-old members she loved and for the animals hand in class. She had all the right an- teacher. she loved. swers in that chemistry class. She wore Imagine what she could have done Let me talk a little bit about another bright lip gloss that made her stand with the rest of her life. Students loved teacher, Rachel Davino. Rachel was out. She loved to dance. She danced on her. Parents loved her. She was made very much like Victoria, in that she the Praise Dance Ministry in her for teaching. Think of all of the im- knew she wanted to work with kids. church, and she was a member of her pact. She probably had 30 more years She had a lot of interests, Rachel cheerleading team as well. She liked in the classroom. She had hundreds if Davino did. She was born in Water- Chinese food, she loved Fig Newtons. not thousands of kids she still could bury, received her undergraduate de- She was thinking about going to col- have touched with her life—gone. Vic- gree from Hartford, she got her mas- lege, thinking about either journalism toria Soto’s genius as a teacher will no ters from Post University. She loved or pharmacology, two pretty different longer be able to be realized because of animals. That is probably why she con- things. Either way, she wanted to go to what happened that day. nected with a lot of these kids. She Harvard. She knew where she wanted If we do not do something about it, loved baking and photography and ka- to go. Victoria Soto will not be the last rate. She drew lots of things, loved to She was 15 years old. She was shot teacher who is going to be gunned draw animals—dogs, frogs, anything and killed while standing with her down. If we don’t take some steps here with scales or feathers or fur she loved friends in a park in Chicago after she this will not be the last selfless educa- to draw. But her passion was working took her final exams, just days after tor we will mourn on the Senate floor. as a behavioral therapist, working with she came back from Washington, DC,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:24 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.025 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 probably one of the most amazing expe- giving. He worked in McDonald’s. He Joey is what she was called by her fam- riences in her life. could not have had a lot of money to go ily. She was a kid with an indomitable I watched some of that parade, and I out and buy gifts for coworkers. He spirit. She was autistic, as were a always think to myself whether I saw worked at that place for a decade. Be- handful of these kids, but she was still her performing with her majorette cause of his generous nature with social. She was very affectionate. She team. She was 15 years old. She was whatever money he had, that he was getting very good care from some going to go to Harvard. She was going scraped together, he made sure people of these paraprofessionals who were to become a journalist or a great danc- knew he loved them. there. er. All the things we missed just be- He was 28 years old when he died ear- She grew up—actually not too far cause she was standing in the way of a lier this week in Akron, OH. from here—in Maryland with a house bullet at a park with her friends after This stuff is happening every day. I full of Ravens fans. Josephine fell in she took her final exams. mean, I will keep on going through love with the color purple. I don’t I think about Lavanial Williams, who them, but this is happening every day know if she bought into the Ravens as in January of this year, was visiting throughout this country. People are a team yet, but she loved the color pur- with his mother and two sisters in dying on our streets by casual gun vio- ple. She had a great sense of humor; Marin City, CA, to celebrate his 17th lence while bringing garbage to a she smiled all the time. birthday. He was checking in on his dumpster outside a McDonald’s, walk- She loved hugs even though she par- sister April to make sure she was fine ing down the stairs to check out some ticipated in rigorous therapy for her because there was some suspicious ac- commotion at a sister’s housing com- disability. She had treatment on a tivity going on in the housing complex plex, and pulling into a driveway after daily basis. She did it without com- that day. He went downstairs to check dropping their kids off at school. These plaining. She loved her Barbie dolls, out the commotion, and moments later were not people who were going out her iPad, and her computer. She loved he was shot dead just because he and looking for trouble. These were to sing and swim and be anywhere her walked down some stairs to check out people who were just doing their reg- sisters were. Joey Gay was killed that some commotion. ular everyday business. day at age 7 in Sandy Hook Elemen- The deputies who arrived on the President Obama came to Con- tary School. scene found a group of people trying to necticut on Monday, and he told the I want to talk about Avielle revive the teenager by CPR, but he was story of a mother who was so frus- Richman. I have gotten to know pronounced dead at the scene. He had trated at the phrase regarding her Avielle’s parents pretty well over the been hit by several bullets. He was daughter’s death due to gun violence course of the last few months. Frankly, there visiting his mother and two sis- that her daughter was ‘‘in the wrong I have gotten to know a lot of these ters to celebrate his 17th birthday. place at the wrong time.’’ She just hap- families over the last few months. Lavanial Williams died on January 11, pened to be in the way of a stray bul- Avielle’s parents have done some- 2013. let. Her mother’s point was, no; she thing remarkable, which I will men- If we talk about the connection to was in the right place at the right tion, but first I will talk about Avielle. the background checks piece of this time. She was walking to school. Guess what color Avielle loved. She discussion, we could talk about This guy was bringing garbage to the loved the color pink. She loved to wear Annemarie Bautch. She returned home dumpster. Anne Marie was coming her pink cowboy boots and adored after dropping off her kids at school on home after dropping off her kids. riding her pony Betty. She turned 6 April 8—just a week or so ago—in Mil- Lavanial was just looking out for his years old just about 2 months before waukee. Her live-in boyfriend pulled in sister. They were not in the wrong the tragedy. behind her in a taxicab he drove for place at the wrong time, they were She moved from Connecticut a few hire. He walked to her van’s window doing what they were supposed to be years ago from San Diego. She loved and shot her in the head. He then took doing. Yet they were gunned down. We San Diego. She was barefoot all the his gun and turned it on himself. have no answer? After 20 years of this, time. She would run on the beaches of He was on probation for recent do- we are not able to step up and do some- San Diego until the Sun went down. mestic violence incidences involving thing about it? It is like raindrops. It Her relatives used to joke about how his daughter. He had beaten up his has just become routine. hard it was to get shoes on Avielle even daughter. He had firearms arrests Let me go back to Newtown and talk after moving to Connecticut. When she going back 20 years. He was a convicted more about these kids. Olivia Rose lived in San Diego, she never used to felon, and he was prohibited from car- Engel was a bright-eyed, brunette, 6- wear shoes, so she certainly was not rying weapons. I don’t have in front of year-old girl. She loved school. She going to wear them even in a colder cli- me why he had the weapon that day or particularly loved reading and math, mate like Connecticut. how he got it, but he was not supposed which is good because a lot of what She had curly brown hair and an in- to have it. He had a long rap sheet first graders do is reading and math. If fectious smile. Her parents kept a blog when it came to convictions regarding you love reading and math, you are about her. They called her their little firearms. probably in good shape. hummingbird. She loved horseback He was ordered to undergo anger Her favorite stuffed animal was a riding, swimming, ice skating, and management training after his most lamb, and her favorite colors were—a superhero adventures. She loved pre- recent conviction, but it is unclear as theme we will hear often—pink and tending to be a superhero. She loved to whether that ever happened. He is purple. She was set to play an angel in the movie ‘‘Brave,’’ and Avielle tried not here to answer those questions and her church’s nativity play on the night out archery, which is a brave thing for neither is his girlfriend Annmarie who of the tragedy. She laughed a lot, and her parents to do as well. She tried out died that day at the age of 39 after her parents said she just lit up a room archery because of her love for the dropping her kids off at school. when she walked in. movie. Earlier this week in Akron, OH, there Olivia played soccer and tennis, and Before her life was taken that De- was a 28-year-old man who was fatally she took art classes. She loved swim- cember, Avielle was obsessed with an shot while taking garbage to a trash ming and ballet classes, and she took Easy Bake Oven she was hoping to get bin in the parking lot of a McDonald’s hip-hop dance lessons. She was also in- for Christmas. restaurant at which he worked. He was volved in her Daisy Girl Scouts. Every Her parents are scientists, and in the taking garbage to a trash dump and he night when they gathered for dinner, wake of Avielle’s death, they started a was shot and died. His name has not her family would have Olivia say grace. nonprofit to raise money to try to get been released, but he had been working She was a great big sister. Olivia to the root cause of the illness that at that McDonald’s for 10 years. His co- really loved her little 3-year-old broth- caused someone like Adam Lanza to workers said: ‘‘He was the kind of per- er Brayden. She was killed that day in pick up a gun. That is an amazing son who would give you his last dol- Sandy Hook Elementary School. thing for the Richmans to do. I talked lar.’’ He would give his coworkers gifts Josephine Gay celebrated her seventh about a number of efforts that have on holidays—Christmas and Thanks- birthday just 3 days before the tragedy. been taken, whether it is a Facebook

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:24 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.026 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2527 page for Daniel Barden, a Web site to Teachers, little girls, and little boys ties. She said that Ross’s wit, humor, try to encourage kids to engage in acts who could have been great people, and insightfulness made him so much of kindness, or what Avielle’s parents great educators—they could have been fun to be around, but his caring for did. This is an amazing thing for them dancers and singers. Daniel Barden said others was also always present. Ross to do. While they are grieving, they are he wanted to be a paleontologist just was one of the 32 victims killed during trying to find a silver lining in all of like his older brother. He could have the Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, this. done great things, but he is gone. 2007. The Richmans’ hope is that they can This isn’t the first massacre we have Christopher James Bishop—‘‘Jamie’’ use the memory of their precious 6- seen. Daniel Barden and Ana Marquez- Bishop—was a German teacher who year-old daughter to go out and raise Green and Dylan Hockley and Ben- was shot at the age of 35. He was a money to try to research the causes of jamin Wheeler—these are all kids who dedicated husband and son. He was a the illness that led to this tragedy. It were killed in Newtown, CT, but unfor- gentle colleague. He was a really gen- is an illness. We talk about it in terms tunately Newtown is just the latest in erous friend. of evil, and I have certainly used that a line of mass shootings. Forty percent He had a long ponytail that he wore. term. It is really illness masquerading of the mass shootings that have hap- That was kind of Jamie’s signature. as evil. pened in this Nation’s history have But he didn’t keep the ponytail for The Richmans are going to do their happened since the assault weapons long because once he grew it, he would part to raise money to try to do a bet- ban expired. Forty percent of all of the regularly cut his hair and donate it to ter job to figure out what is going on in mass shootings in this Nation’s history Locks of Love. He was doing it for the brain to cause someone to leave have happened in the last 8 years—8 style reasons, I am sure, but he saw his their parents’ home, drive to an ele- years—since the assault weapons ban ponytail as a means to donate to other mentary school, and start shooting, or expired. I am not an expert in cause people who needed some help. walk up to a McDonald’s employee as and correlation, but that cannot be a He was another guru. He knew they are delivering garbage to the coincidence. It can’t be a coincidence a lot about complicated gadgets, and dumpster and shoot them. It is a dif- because we also know that during one of those was cameras. He was a ferent kind of illness, I suppose, but it those 10 years of the assault weapons great technician with a camera, but he deserves examination nonetheless. ban, along with a ban on high-capacity was also a very avid photographer. The Richmans are heroic in the fact magazines that was in effect, we saw a Jamie leaves behind a lot of wonderful that they have decided to reach out 37-percent decrease in gun violence. We art that captured the intensity and the and try to make this discovery. beauty that surrounded him in Another teacher to talk about is saw a two-thirds decrease in the crimes committed with assault weapons. Blacksburg. Lauren Rousseau. She wanted to be a He hailed from a very small town— teacher so badly. She was 30 years old. Those are real numbers, real reduc- Pine Mountain, GA—and he was a big Up to the point she was hired as a full- tions in overall gun violence and in gun fan of the Atlanta Braves, so he would time substitute teacher at Sandy Hook violence perpetrated with these dan- probably be pretty excited about the Elementary, she spent 6 years working gerous assault weapons. But the start the Atlanta Braves have had this at part-time jobs just to make ends minute that ban was lifted, a dramatic year. meet so she could substitute teach dur- increase in these mass shootings oc- He was a foreign language teacher. ing the day. During that 6-year period curred. He was a tough teacher—‘‘Herr Bishop’’ of time, she was looking for a full-time Newtown was the second worst school is what they called him—but he really job, and she finally found it. That Oc- shooting. It is seared in our memories believed that understanding language tober she had been hired in Newtown to in a different way because these were was a way for people to engage in the be a full-time substitute teacher. It is precious, young, little kids, and we world. It was a joy, but it was really just what Lauren wanted to do, and she can’t help but grieve in a fundamen- fundamental to understanding human- was really good at it. She was literally tally different way for 6- and 7-year- ity. If people understand languages, on the verge of realizing that 6-year olds. But Virginia Tech was worse. dream when her life was taken. Still to this day, Virginia Tech saw the they understand different cultures and She was very bubbly and outgoing. highest number of people gunned down. they understand something more about She spent the morning of December 14 So I wish to talk about a few of those what it means to be a human being in looking forward to a movie she was people. this world. Jamie believed in what he going to see that night with her friends Ross Alameddine was a Virginia Tech did not just because he wanted to teach and her boyfriend, ‘‘The Hobbit.’’ She sophomore. He loved computer games, kids German but because he wanted to was a huge fan of Tolkien, so it was a and he actually played a lot of them teach kids about the world. He died at big deal to see ‘‘The Hobbit’’ that competitively. He was very much into Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007, at the evening, and that is what she was talk- home computer repair, and it was age of 35. ing about that morning. something he wanted to do with his Brian Bluhm was a graduate student. She loved animals too. She was pas- life. His customers always loved him He was a TA at Virginia Tech. He cared sionate about doing something about because they would bring their com- about water resources—something we child poverty. Part of the reason she puters to him and he was one of the few actually are going to be talking about went into education was she believed people who knew how to fix them. here pretty soon—something not a lot she needed to live her life in a way that He did a lot of stuff outside of his fas- of graduate students think about. He was going to reach out and eradicate cination with computers. He loved cared deeply about a just distribution the scourge of child poverty. rollerblading, whether it was in be- of water assets across the country, and Purple was her favorite color, and so tween classes or going out for long that is what he was working on at Vir- everybody at her funeral wore the color rollerblading expeditions on nice days. ginia Tech. purple. He loved movies, and he loved music. But his real love was for God. He was She was a huge UConn basketball He played the piano, and he actually dedicated to building a relationship fan. In particular, she was a big fan of sang at a local coffeehouse. He had a through his church with his God. the UConn women’s basketball team. fondness for language. He had strong He was one of the friendliest guys So if Lauren is looking down from up opinions too. He was part of the debate one could ever meet, his friends said. above, she is very happy because her club at Austin Prep, where he went to He had a smile for everybody. UConn women are national champions school. He talked in every single one of He was a big sports fan. Brian grew again. She would have been watching these classes. We know these kids who up with a passion for sports, particu- that game last night, and hopefully she always have something to say, and larly baseball, and his favorite team was. Ross was definitely one of them. was the Detroit Tigers. He was one of Lauren Rousseau was right there. He loved life. He sought to make these guys who follow everything Her dream was within her grasp, what other people laugh. He used his music about their favorite team. He watched she had worked for all of her life, and to do that. One of his classmates, Liz all the games, but when the Tigers in an instant it was gone. Hardwick, remembered his many quali- weren’t playing in the winter and in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:24 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.028 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 the early spring, he would be analyzing themselves. But I want to make sure and Dylan and Benjamin who are—and every statistic from the past season guns stay in the ‘‘legal’’ category and Jesse, there is Jesse—who are alive and getting ready for the next season. don’t leach into the ‘‘illegal’’ category. today because Adam Lanza had to He also loved Virginia Tech sports, es- That is why 90 percent of Americans switch clips. He only had to do it about pecially football and basketball. He think we should have a law in this Na- 6 times to get off 154 bullets. We don’t was one of those people others would tion that provides for universal, man- exactly understand why, but he didn’t see on TV who came to all of the games datory background checks for every- actually discharge all of his 30-round with the colors on their chests to show body who buys a gun. That is a really clips. Sometimes he only shot about 10 their support. simple thing to do. or 15 bullets before he switched, but His family says he will be remem- This is just a sampling of the lives some of them he went straight bered for his love of God, family, that could have been protected. The through. He only had to switch clips we friends, the Detroit Tigers, and Vir- gun used in Newtown went through a think about 6 times to get off 154 bul- ginia Tech. He was lost that day, April background check, but so many of the lets in 10 minutes. 16, 2007, as well. guns used to kill boys and girls and If we had on the books today a law Ryan Christopher Clark was known young adults and men and women in such as the law we had back in the to his friends as ‘‘Stack.’’ He main- our cities don’t go through background 1990s and early 2000s that restricted tained a 4.0 GPA when he was a student checks. We think about 40 percent of ammunition clips to 10 rounds—an at Virginia Tech, and he was a kid who guns sold across this country don’t go amendment Senator BLUMENTHAL and I had a mastery of science. He had a tri- through background checks. will bring to the floor next week, ei- ple major. I didn’t even know one could One of the tragedies in this long line ther an amendment or in a separate have a triple major, but Stack had a is directly relevant to this bill. At Col- bill—that shooter would have had to triple major in psychology, biology, umbine High School, the gun used was change ammunition clips 15 times—9 and English. Can my colleagues imag- bought outside of the background more opportunities for kids to run out ine what Stack was going to be able to check system, and the friend of the of the classroom. I know we can’t guar- do with his life? Can we imagine what shooter’s who bought the gun said after antee that things would have been dif- he would have been able to contribute the incident that the reason she bought ferent, but let me tell my colleagues in his life with a triple major? it with the method she did was because there are an awful lot of parents in He was a leader on campus. He played had she gone to a gun store, it wouldn’t Newtown who believe their sons or baritone in the Marching Virginians have passed the background check. daughters might likely be alive today university band, and he was a resident That is the gun show loophole. What had we continued to have a restriction adviser. So he was doing great things has it been—a decade-plus since Col- limiting ammunition clips to 10 on campus and passing along a lot of umbine, and we still haven’t closed the rounds. knowledge to kids underneath him. gun show loophole? We still haven’t What we know is that in Tucson, peo- His friends said: He was a wonderful made the collective decision that we ple would be alive today because that part of our baritone section. He was should make sure criminals don’t buy incident absolutely stopped when the fun. He was loving. He was a delightful guns? She said she couldn’t have shooter switched clips. It was during person to be around. He cared so much bought the gun if she went to a li- the transfer of ammunition magazines for other people. He would befriend censed gun dealer because it would that he was tackled. We know that if anyone. He was a light and he was a have been prohibited. So a bunch of he had 10 rounds rather than a higher joy. kids died at Columbine High School. number, there would still be people Ryan Christopher Clark was going to Someone could make the argument alive there. do great things with his life. He was a that if the gun hadn’t gotten in their We know what happened in the movie student leader. At his young age, he hands that way, it might have gotten theater in Aurora. That guy walked had already shown a compassion for his in their hands another way. I get it. into the movie theater with a 100-round fellow students by being a resident ad- Nothing we are talking about guaran- drum. What on Earth is the reason why viser. He had shown a talent for music tees that another Sandy Hook isn’t somebody needs a 100-round drum? It by going out and performing in the going to happen, and it certainly can’t jammed because these guys are ama- band, and he was a triple major who guarantee that our streets are going to teurs. They have not done this before. was probably going to do something all of a sudden be safer overnight. But People say: It is not going to make a great in the scientific field in this if we make it a little bit harder to get difference—10 rounds, 30 rounds—be- country. But Stack didn’t get to live that gun, if we make it a little bit cause it takes 3 seconds to switch clips, that dream because, along with so more difficult for a criminal to get his so it is not going to provide any dif- many others, he was gunned down that hands on a weapon, the chances look a ferent outcome. day at Virginia Tech. whole lot better to survive on the For a professional shooter, it takes 3 Virginia Tech, Newtown, Aurora, streets of our cities or in our schools seconds. But for a nervous 21-year-old Tucson—these are just the mass shoot- and mosques and movie theaters. kid, hyped up on adrenaline, it is a dif- ings. I will keep on going, but these As Senator BLUMENTHAL pointed out, ferent thing. Five kids escaped in New- victims just don’t end. Stack on top of I can absolutely make the case that if town; the shooting stopped in Tucson; that 40, 50, 60 people every day being we had stronger laws on the books the shooting stopped when the gun killed on our streets. It is important to today, Newtown may not have hap- jammed upon exchange of magazines in talk about these victims. That is why I pened, and even if it did happen, some Aurora. People are alive today because wanted to come to the floor today to of these kids would be alive today. there is something that happens when do this, because if we don’t do some- What happened in one of those class- you have to exchange magazines in thing in the next 2 weeks, these lists rooms is instructive. A handful of kids these incidents of mass violence. More are going to grow. survived because Victoria Soto put exchanges of magazines mean more The illegal guns used on the streets them into a closet, and when the shoot- kids alive today. of Chicago and Bridgeport and New ing was over, they were discovered in Let me talk to you about Porshe Fos- Haven and Washington, DC, and New that closet. ter. She was 15 years old when she was York weren’t always illegal guns. They Another set of kids survived a dif- killed over the Thanksgiving holiday were legal guns before they became il- ferent way. When Lanza went to switch last year in Chicago. She had five sis- legal guns. Somewhere along the line, magazines, there was a delay in the ters—six daughters, and Porshe was the their status transferred. The question shooting and a bunch of kids ran out of youngest of them. Porshe was 15, and is, What can we do to stop that transfer the classroom. Five of them—six were she was shot in the back of the head from happening? found in the closet, and five of them when she was standing with her best I believe in the second amendment. I ran out of the classroom when Lanza friends in a backyard during a believe in the protection that it affords decided to switch magazine clips. sleepover. people to own a gun, to be able to hunt There are five kids who don’t look The intended victim was a gang-re- or to shoot for sport or to protect much different from Ana and Daniel lated individual. They were targeting

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:24 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.029 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2529 somebody else, but she got hit. Twen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I was asked a question not long ago ty-five shots were fired, by the way. ator from Oklahoma. about this. It was on a national TV Twenty-five shots were fired. Porshe Mr. INHOFE. Madam President, I ask show. I was actually down at the bor- was the only victim that was hit. unanimous consent that I be recog- der at the time, the Mexican border. She was a sophomore at ACE Tech. It nized as in morning business for 10 They asked the question: Why is Amer- is a charter school that specializes in minutes. ica so wrong? He talked about a poll getting kids ready for college in archi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that was taken where the results were tecture and construction and engineer- objection, it is so ordered. 90 to 3. The question that was asked ing. This is exactly the kind of student Mr. INHOFE. First of all, Madam was: Do you believe we ought to have we wanted, where, on the floor of the President, let me say, I certainly sym- stronger background checks? Senate and the House of Representa- pathize with the tragedy that took I said: Fine. If you were to ask that tives, we are all the time clamoring for place and those who lost family mem- same question—90 percent of the peo- more girls to go into STEM edu- bers. Having 20 kids and grandkids my- ple, by the way, answered: Yes, we need cation—into science, technology, engi- self, I am probably in a better position to have stronger background checks. neering, and math. Porshe was doing to sympathize with that than many But if you asked the question: Do you it. She was living up to our expecta- others are. believe we should have stronger back- tions. She was going to a charter I have to say I think somewhat of a ground checks on the law-abiding citi- school. It was going to get her ready to disservice is being done to some of zens and not the criminal element, go into a career in architecture, con- these families. It is almost akin to say- then I can assure you, it would be like struction or engineering. Imagine what ing we are looking at legislation that 99 to nothing the other way. she could have done if she lived beyond would have prevented that from hap- That is the thing. That is the one the age of 15. pening—and that is not the case—or we thing people just overlook. We can pass She played volleyball and she played are looking at legislation that would all the laws we want, and the criminal basketball. She sang in the church preclude something such as this hap- element is going to sit back and smile. choir. She loved art. Her classmates ac- pening again. Is anyone naive enough not to think, tually honored her death by holding an I listened to my colleagues on the not to believe that regardless of back- art sale in her memory. Because funer- right side, on the Republican side, and ground checks, a criminal element can als are expensive, especially in inner- on the left, the Democratic side, and find someone who can go and get a gun, city Chicago, they used the proceeds they all have good ideas and they all make $100, and they have a gun. But from the art sale to pay for Porshe’s are sincere in wanting to do something the ratio changes and not in a healthy funeral. and maybe I am looking at it too sim- way. Let me tell you, that is no small ex- plistically. Because I look at the sec- In a way I think it is a disservice to pense. We do not think about that, but ond amendment, I look at what histori- an awful lot of people who have had one of the biggest issues in Hartford, cally has been our privilege in exer- tragedies in their lives to believe we CT, today—a city that has had rel- cising our right to keep and bear are doing something that is truly going atively low gun violence this year but arms—I mean since the very begin- to change that when, in fact, I do not on an average year can have a couple ning—then I see and I have lived believe it is. dozen gun deaths—is how do you pay through, on the State and on the Fed- With that, I yield the floor and sug- for the funerals, how do you come up eral level, all kinds of efforts of people gest the absence of a quorum. with the money as a community to pay to think: We can do something about The PRESIDING OFFICER. The for a funeral every other week in a gun violence, and let’s do it by back- clerk will call the roll. small, little city such as Hartford. ground checks, let’s check everybody The assistant legislative clerk pro- Porshe’s friends decided to do an art out there, let’s do it, and let’s approach ceeded to call the roll. sale to pay for her funeral. the gun shows. Mr. MURPHY. I ask unanimous con- Her family and friends remember her Let’s talk about all these things that sent that the order for the quorum call as happy, as friendly, as a great stu- could be done. We could restrict the be rescinded. dent, always busy, someone ‘‘you number of the cartridges and the maga- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. couldn’t be quiet around.’’ zines and all these things, but it is all HEINRICH). Without objection, it is so Her five sisters had planned to give predicated on one assumption, which I ordered. their youngest sister a guitar for cannot buy. That assumption is that Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I rise Christmas. She was killed on November somehow we think that the criminal again to continue my attempt on the 26, 2012, about a month before she was element will single out this one law to floor of the Senate today, without going to get that guitar. comply with. holding up the Senate or allowing oth- I know there are other people who Let’s look at the facts. When we look ers to speak their mind, to really draw are here to speak, and so I will yield at what they are trying to do, anything attention to the names, faces, and re- the floor at this time. But I will be that is up that we are going to be vot- ality behind this chart. This is prob- back today and tomorrow to talk about ing on in the next 2 or 3 weeks—how- ably difficult to see for some of my col- more victims. I just think we need to ever long it takes—is going to, in some leagues because it represents the over tell their stories. I just think the peo- way, restrict the number of firearms. I 3,300 people who have died since De- ple need to know who these people are think we would all agree with that. cember 14, since the Newtown tragedy. because there are going to be more of Whose firearms will they restrict? Over 3,300 people have died from gun vi- them if things do not change, and we They would restrict the firearms of olence since December 14 and are rep- have the power this week and next law-abiding citizens. That means the resented by all of these individual figu- week to do something about it—not to ratio between guns owned by the crimi- rines, which are so many that the pic- eliminate future victims. We are never, nal element versus the law-abiding cit- ture becomes muddled. It almost looks ever going to change the fact that peo- izen is going to change. like lines going back and forth. Behind ple are going to pick up a gun, are When they talk about the back- each one of those small, tiny figurines going to violate the law, are going to ground checks, I cannot imagine any- is a story of a man, woman, little boy, shoot to kill. We are never going to one being so naive as not to know that or little girl who had their life stolen stop that. But we can do something to if the criminal element is going to get from them and from their family pre- reduce these numbers so next year at a gun, they are going to get a gun. maturely because of gun violence. this time or 2 years at this time we Sure, they would kind of like to have I wish there weren’t enough material cannot come down to the floor with a some of these restrictions. They would to fill today, tomorrow, and next week, binder full of victims just from the like to have that background check be- when others aren’t on the floor speak- past 3 months. cause that eliminates the numbers of ing. I wish there weren’t 3,300 stories in I will be back later today and tomor- guns in circulation. So the criminal the last several months alone with re- row to continue to do this, but at this element is the only one who is not af- spect to people who have died from gun time I yield the floor. fected. violence, but that is the reality.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.031 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2530 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 The reality is that this Nation has pleted her training and would be in a want to be around. He would always become callous over time to the every- residency or be a practicing OB/GYN. pick up our spirits in a gloomy situa- day incidents of gun violence that have We spend a lot of time talking about tion. happened on our streets, in my cities of the fact that we need more preventive He was on the wrestling team. He Hartford, Bridgeport, and New Haven, care doctors practicing medicine. loved playing golf. He was going to and also in your cities of New York, Cassie was gunned down that day. She serve our country. He was 17 years old, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Baltimore. didn’t get to live her dream or con- and Corey never was allowed to live We have come to believe, over the tribute to a field we know is very im- out that dream. course of the last 20 years since we portant. Kelly Ann Fleming was a year young- passed the last major gun violence ini- That wasn’t the only thing Cassie er when she died in Columbine. She was tiative, through the Congress, that we cared about. She loved the outdoors 16 years old. She was an aspiring au- can’t do anything, that we are power- and spent a lot of time in thor. At 16 years old, she had written a less. We have come to delude ourselves Breckenridge. She had a passion for great deal of poetry, prose, and a lot of of that fact. rock climbing, snowboarding, back- stories about her own life. She actually I gave my first speech on the floor of packing, camping, and taking photo- started writing her autobiography. the Senate this morning, and I have graphs of everything she did so she What an amazing thing for a 16-year- been moved to come back and spend could record her love of the outdoors. old. She was writing an autobiography time today talking about the victims She was buried along with a poem covering her life from age 5 until the as a means to try to move us to do her mother wrote: point she died. The library was what something. We know what we need to Bunny Rabbit, my friend, my daughter, my Kelly loved. Her mom said it was her do because people out there have al- mentor, I will love you and miss you forever. one true safe place. She felt right in ready decided what it is. Ninety per- I promise to take good care of your kitty. I that library surrounded by learning cent of Americans support the uni- know that Jesus is elated to have you in His and books. Ironically, in school her fa- versal background checks. Two-thirds presence. vorite subject was math. Her favorite of Americans support a ban on these Cassie would have been an amazing math teacher served as a pallbearer at high-capacity magazine clips. We person and was an amazing person. She her funeral. haven’t figured it out for ourselves. was 17 years old. She hadn’t yet told us Like most teenagers, she was very I wish to speak for a few minutes exactly who she was going to be, but much looking forward to obtaining her about these victims. I will start these she was going to do great things. She driver’s license. She wanted to get out remarks with a school near Littleton, was killed that day at Columbine High there in a Mustang or Corvette and CO. Columbine High School, on the School. drive around with her friends. She was morning of April 20, 1999, was visited Steven Robert Curnow was the very bright and very good at math. We by two very disturbed young men who youngest victim at Columbine. He was need more mathematicians, scientists, walked into the school. Their names only 14 years old when he died. He and engineers in this country. were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, loved his family. All of these kids loved Kelly Ann, who was 16 then, would be and they opened fire in the school. their families, but he was especially about 30 today. She was not allowed to They killed and injured 12 more. It was close with his family. He was pretty fulfill those dreams. at the time certainly one of the worst close to his true passion as well—‘‘Star This is what happened at Columbine. instances of mass shooting in a school Wars.’’ He was 14 years old, and his par- The two students who walked into the this country had ever seen. Of course, ents said he watched the ‘‘Star Wars’’ school and started shooting couldn’t it has now been eclipsed by what hap- movies so much he could speak every get the weapons themselves. They had pened at Virginia Tech and what hap- single line of the movies in sync with a friend buy them for them. The friend pened in my State last December 14 at the actors. He was also a great athlete. knew that if they went to a gun dealer- Sandy Hook Elementary School. At the He played soccer, trained very hard, ship, they wouldn’t get them because time, it shocked the Nation because we and even worked locally at 14 years old they wouldn’t be able to pass the back- didn’t know how to comprehend 10 stu- as a part-time referee. He wanted to go ground check. They went outside the dents going about their day at Col- into the Navy. He was a pretty well- background check to get them a dif- umbine High School being gunned rounded kid who loved ‘‘Star Wars,’’ ferent way—a way thousands of people down by 2 of their fellow students. Now was a great athlete, and wanted to go go to buy their weapons. The vast ma- we are grappling with how to com- into the military and become a Navy jority of them do this not because they prehend the deaths of 20 kids, 6- and 7- pilot. He was great with young kids are trying to get around the back- year-olds at Sandy Hook Elementary too. This is what his friends remember, ground check system but because in School. how compassionate he was with young private sales, gun shows, and on the Although it has now been almost 14 kids. He was 14 years old. Internet, we largely don’t require back- years since the incident on April 20— We already had this window into who ground checks. This is one of the we are about to come up on the anni- this kid was going to be. He loved hav- things we are attempting to fix this versary—we shouldn’t forget the people ing fun and watching ‘‘Star Wars.’’ He week. who were killed. Before the next Sen- was great with kids as a volunteer ref- There is a belief among many of the ator comes down wishing to speak, I eree. He wanted to be a Navy pilot and family members of the Columbine vic- will speak about those kids who were serve our country. He never was able to tims that had background checks been killed in Columbine. do these things because he was gunned universal, possibly the two shooters in Cassie Bernall was a really sweet, down in Columbine High School. the school might not have had those kind little girl. She was active in her Corey DePooter is remembered as a weapons. We can’t guarantee that. I church. Her work in her church meant really courageous kid. He was 17 years don’t want to stand here and say that so much to her that after she died her old, and he had a very strong sense of we know for certain that if we had uni- parents set up the Cassie Bernall Foun- right and wrong, maybe stronger than versal background checks, Kelly Ann, dation, which provides support to he needed to have. When he was grow- Corey, Steven, Cassie, and all the rest youth ministries. I was a part of my ing up and played cops and robbers, he would still be alive today. We don’t youth group in my church growing up, refused to be the robber. He needed al- know that, but chances are a little bet- and I know what a wonderful connec- ways to be law enforcement in that ter. Those families want to have had tion it is, both to God and to your fel- equation. He wanted to be a marine, as the chance that their sons and daugh- low adolescents. It was a big deal for Steven did. Steven wanted to be a Navy ters might be alive today, might have her. She also was fascinated with the pilot; Corey wanted to be a marine. kids of their own today, might be an United Kingdom, and she had a dream After he died, he was named an hon- OB/GYN, a Navy pilot, a marine, or to attend Cambridge University. She orary marine in a ceremony in front of mathematician. They would take those wanted to become an obstetrician. his grave. chances. Today Cassie would be about 30 years His friend Austin said: People said So when we think about these vic- old. She would most likely have com- Corey was just the kind of guy you tims, we need to think about the real

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.033 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2531 policy consequences of what we are de- birthday was actually the following had a career ahead of him. He was bating, and while nothing we are talk- week, and she was telling friends that going to be a basketball star. He was ing about is going to guarantee these she couldn’t wait for her party. She going to the ABA, and a lot of people students who died would be alive was enjoying her friend’s party but she who go to the ABA get to the NBA. today, boy, it gives it a much better couldn’t wait for her Sweet 16 party, So TJ decided he needed to get some chance it would have happened. That is which was happening the following sleep. Unfortunately, TJ never made it just a sampling of the victims in one week. home that night. He pulled over to get high school, in Columbine High School. After the party, her friend’s mom in- a little sleep on the side of the road What we know is the names reflected vited some of the girls to sort of take and a young man, seeing the three boys by these little figurines are largely not the party to her house. It was a warm, asleep on the side of the road, pulled up victims of mass shootings. These are beautiful night, and the girls were sit- next to them and tried to rob them. just the victims since December 14. ting out on the porch when two men When TJ woke up and realized he was These are folks who just got killed by came by and opened fire on the porch being robbed in his car, he resisted, and a stray bullet or as a result of a crime before driving away in a car. Two hours the young man shot and killed him. of passion or, as I explained in an ear- before she was shot, there was a rob- On the verge of a career in the ABA, lier speech today, just because they bery just down the street, and some- a basketball standout in Hamden, CT, were taking out the trash from McDon- how this was connected to it. and at Morgan State University, just ald’s or going to check out some com- She was 15 years old. She was sitting sleeping in his car trying to get a few motion in their housing complex or on the porch with her friends, basking winks before he drove home, being re- driving home after dropping off kids at in the afterglow of a wonderful Sweet sponsible so he didn’t do something school. They were doing what they nor- 16 party, getting ready for her 16th silly like get in a car while he was mally do every day. And because some- birthday and she was gunned down by a tired and run off the road and hurt body else had a gun, legally or ille- drive-by shooting. That is Keijahnae somebody else, he gets robbed and shot. gally, they got killed. Robinson. Just part of the background noise of So let’s talk about some of those vic- Blair Belcher was 17. the people who die every day in this tims as well. As I said, I am going to be This is all Bridgeport, CT. I am just country—30, 40, 50, 60 a day. I will come down here as much as I can today, to- giving one city in 2011 and 2012. down here today and tomorrow and morrow, and next week telling these Blair was dreaming of one day going next week, and I won’t get through a stories as a means to hopefully inspire to college. He wanted to go into elec- few days’ worth of shootings all across us to some bipartisan action on the tronics and computing. He was walking this country. The truth is a lot of these floor. I hope some good things are hap- through an east side park in Bridgeport shootings in cities are happening with pening today while I am down on the on July 31—he was about to enter his illegal guns. Senate floor. I hope we are coming to- senior year at Harding High School— The opponents of gun legislation are gether on this issue. But if these sto- when three shooters gunned him down right in one respect. They are right ries don’t move people, I am not sure in the middle of that park—a life cut that the majority of crimes are not what does. short. committed by assault weapons. Assault On January 7 of last year, 2012, a 14- He was a real talent. Blair had a weapons have become the weapon of year-old boy in Bridgeport, CT, by the penchant for fixing things. He could fix choice for mass shooters. That is true. name of Justin Thompson, and his anything. His mom said it was like a But the reality is these kids I am talk- friends from Barnum Middle School gift, and he wanted to do something ing about—Justin and Keijahnae and went to a Sweet 16 party for a neigh- with it when he graduated. He was 1 Blair and TJ—were killed by hand borhood girl on the east end of Bridge- year away from graduating. He was 17 guns, most of them illegal hand guns. port. Justin was a popular eighth grad- years old and killed in Bridgeport, CT. Why do we have so many illegal hand er. His friends and his family thought He was just in a park and he got guns out there? Because we haven’t he looked exactly like Alex Rodriguez. gunned down in a cross fire. done anything about it here. We allow Down in Bridgeport that is a good It is hard to even figure out why 40 percent of guns to be sold in this thing; up in the rest of Connecticut, these things happen, but they just get country without background checks. maybe not so much. built into the background noise of Hopefully, we are getting closer to The parents of the girl had rented a urban gun violence. changing that, but we don’t have a hall and hired a DJ. There was no alco- ‘‘TJ’’ Mathis was good at a lot of Federal law making gun trafficking il- hol, there was no fighting. It was just things in Bridgeport. Excuse me, TJ, I legal. People don’t understand that a regular Sweet 16 party. Eventually, am sorry. TJ was from New Haven. I someone can take a whole bunch of as more kids showed up, it kind of got to know TJ’s father Lenny well. guns out of a store legally, then sell started to get a little too big and the And Lenny will tell you that TJ was them on the street to people who are police had to come and break it up. But good at a lot of things, but basketball legally prohibited from purchasing Justin left the party and began walk- was at the top of the list. He was the guns, and they have not committed a ing down a street nearby with two star of Hamden High School’s team. He Federal gun trafficking violation. other young people when all of a sud- led them to three division titles. He Maybe they have committed a State den two men appeared and started was all-State and he went on to play violation, but they haven’t committed shooting. Justin was hit in the head Division I basketball at Morgan State a Federal violation. and he was killed in the commotion. University and had just been signed to We can’t solve this problem entirely. He was 14 years old. He was walking a minor league basketball contract We are not going to stop bad people home from a Sweet 16 party. He didn’t with the ABA. He was a star. He was from taking guns out on the street and do anything wrong. He wasn’t in the good at a lot of things—this was a doing bad things, but we can substan- wrong place at the wrong time. He was multitalented kid—but basketball was tially decrease the likelihood that an- in the right place at the right time. He his thing. He did well and led his team. other Columbine or Sandy Hook hap- was doing what he was supposed to be He was going on to a career in basket- pens, that another TJ Mathis, a doing that night—walking home from a ball. standup young kid, a basketball star, Sweet 16 party—and he got killed by On a warm Saturday night in Sep- gets gunned down just because he is in guns. That is Justin Thompson. tember 2011, he and his friends went to the wrong place at the wrong time, or Keijahnae Robinson was 15 years old a party honoring another basketball the right place at the right time with when, on July 21, 2012, she was shot. legend—someone we are really proud of the wrong person with the wrong gun. She told her friends she wanted to be in Connecticut, Ryan Gomes of Water- We can do something about it here. the next Mariah Carey. She was a big bury. Ryan went to Providence College, Throughout the day I have been try- singer. She loved to sing and she loved went to the NBA and had a great ca- ing to talk about the variety of vic- to perform. Guess where she went on reer. After leaving the party, his tims, people on the streets of our cities July 20 in Bridgeport, CT. She went to friends realized they were too tired to but also in our schools. So before I a Sweet 16 party as well. Her 16th drive. They were responsible. This kid yield the floor again, I want to go back

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.035 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 to the reason we are here. I think it is three—you freeze, you run the other tious laugh. You know those laughs important to tell you who the victims way, or you do what Dawn and Mary you hear once and hope you get to hear are, but I think it is particularly im- did. You run to the bullets. That is it again before you leave that person’s portant to tell you who the victims in what she did. Her school was in trou- presence? That was Emilie. Her father Newtown, CT, were because while New- ble, something awful was happening, Robbie described her as bright, cre- town should not have been a tipping and Mary and her principal ran to the ative, and loving. She always wanted point, and it should not have taken gunfire and the gunman. They didn’t to try new things, so much so that at this long for us to have this conversa- run away. 6 years old she was actually learning tion, I think we all recognize we are Now, plenty of people in that school Portuguese. Her father was trying to having this conversation because of the did heroic and courageous things that teach her that and it was part of their 20 6- and 7-year-olds and the 6 adults day—they stowed kids in closets and bond. who were killed that day. And I believe classrooms, they hugged kids as the She was an artist. She loved to draw if we don’t do something about it there bullets rained down, but Mary and with markers and she was talented. At will be another Newtown; that we will Dawn were the first people who died be- 2 years old, she could write her own have another town added to the list of cause they ran right to the bullets. name and she could draw stick figures Aurora and Littleton and Tucson and Mary is a hero not just because of the of her family. She loved art so much Newtown in a matter of weeks or 18 years she spent dedicated to those that her parents Robbie and Alissa months—hopefully longer—if we don’t kids, not just because of all the efforts have decided to spend a part of their take some action. she put in to make that school a better period of mourning and time after that So let me go back, before I yield the place, but because that day she did ev- to set up a fund that honors her cre- floor again today, to talk some more erything in her power to make that ativity. As I said earlier today, what is about the wonderful children and shooting end. She wasn’t successful, amazing is that so many of these fami- adults who were killed in Newtown. but she tried, and we all hope we have lies have dedicated big portions of Mary Sherlach’s husband is here a little bit of Mary Sherlach in us as their time in the horrible 4 months today in DC lobbying on behalf of his well. since trying to figure out ways to bring wife, who was 1 year away from retire- Mary is different than those kids. out some of the goodness and light ment as Sandy Hook’s school psycholo- Those kids had their whole life ahead from these kids’ lives to the rest of the gist when she was murdered that day in of them. We don’t know what they community. So Robbie and Alissa have Sandy Hook Elementary School. He is would have done. So at least we have set up a fund that is going to support here to talk about the insanity of not the benefit of knowing who Mary art programs in schools, so art pro- taking these high-capacity magazines Sherlach was. At least we have the grams have a little more resources so off the streets. That is his passion. He benefit of knowing the wonder that was other kids similar to their daughter believes there is a chance there would her life. But she deserved retirement, can experience the joys of drawing and be boys and girls alive today in New- and Bill deserved to have his wife, who painting. She was learning Portuguese. town had Adam Lanza had 10 bullets had worked so hard and had spent all This is somebody with a very inquisi- per magazine instead of 30 bullets per these nights trying to make her school tive, thoughtful mind, and we never are magazine. a better place—he deserved to have her going to get to know who Emilie But let me tell you about Mary be- for their retirement up in the Finger Parker was going to grow up to be. cause Mary is pretty amazing. Mary Lakes, and he doesn’t. Jack Pinto was 6 years old, and he had worked for years at Sandy Hook Ben Wheeler, whom I talked about was already a jock. He loved the New Elementary. She had actually been earlier today, was a very gifted musi- York Giants, and he had an idol whose there for 18 years. She was not just the cian. Ben was 6 years old when he died name is Victor Cruz. He loved Victor school psychologist, she was involved that morning. Just before December 14, Cruz. He followed everything Victor in basically every school improvement he had performed his first recital at 6 Cruz did. He was ecstatic when the Gi- effort you can imagine. She was a years old. I have a 4-year-old at home, ants won the Super Bowl and Cruz member of the District Conflict Reso- and I know what an amazing thing it is played a big part. Victor was wonderful lution Committee, the Safe School Cli- to have a child be that dedicated to enough in the days following the trag- mate Committee, ironically, the Crisis music that by 6 years old they can per- edy to honor Jack’s memory. During Intervention Team, and the Student form a recital. He loved trains. They the game after the tragedy, he wore Instructional Team. She cared so deep- would go to New York City a lot, and writing on his cleats and his gloves ly about the school, it wasn’t just a 9- he was always more interested in that said: Jack Pinto, my hero. Jack to-5 or 9-to-3 or 7-to-3 job for her. She riding the subway and the train than was buried in a Victor Cruz jersey. put in all sorts of extra hours to make he was in visiting the museums or the He was also a wrestler. I didn’t even the school better. She was 1 year away zoos. That is not uncommon for kids. know that you wrestled at 6 years old, from retirement, and, oh, how she and Maybe doing a recital at age 6 is but but Jack did, and he was pretty good at Bill were looking forward to retire- loving trains is not. it. To show how tough Jack was, in one ment. They had a little cabin on the More than music, more than trains, of his practices, he lost a tooth. When Finger Lakes—still have a cabin in up- more than subways, though, Ben loved a 6-year-old loses a tooth, you would state New York—and they loved going his 9-year-old brother Nate. The two of think that would start the tears flow- up there. They had planned on spend- them did everything together. They ing. But Jack didn’t cry when he lost ing a good part of their retirement up played soccer, they swam. As I said that tooth. He just took the tooth, there when they weren’t spending time this morning in my first speech before handed it to his coach, and went back with their daughters Katie and Maura. this Chamber, on the way to school wrestling with a gapped-tooth smile on Mary loved gardening, reading, and that morning Ben told his mom he his face. That was Jack. He was tough. she loved the theater. She was a great wanted to be an architect when he He was an athlete. He had persever- neighbor. She was a very beautiful per- grew up, but he was going to be a pale- ance. Imagine who Jack Pinto was son, who, on that day, did something a ontologist because that was what his going to be when he grew up. We are lot of us hope we would do, though we brother Nate was going to be, and he not going to know because of what hap- can’t really be sure. About 9:30 that wanted to do everything Nate did. pened that day. morning, Adam Lanza blasted his way Ben was going to be a pretty amazing I get it. I know there is a risk of through the locked doors of Sandy man, that kind of musical talent at an overselling policy change. I don’t want Hook Elementary School. The prin- early age, a love for his family, and, to make it sound like I am coming cipal of the school, Dawn Hochsprung, unfortunately, Ben Wheeler lost his life down to the floor and telling you these and Mary were meeting, I believe, when that day. stories because these kids are going to they heard the bullets and the glass Emilie Parker was 6 years old. The come back to life if we pass some bill crash. They must have known some- one thing you will hear about with re- or that we are going to guarantee this thing horrible had happened. There are spect to Emilie when you talk to the doesn’t happen again. I don’t want to two instincts at that point—maybe Parker family is that she had an infec- oversell what we are going to do.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.036 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2533 But the 3,300 people who have died to evaluate his plan and support it so live high today on the theory somehow since Newtown should tell us that they can put the country and the State it will be paid back in the future by the enough is enough and that we should and the city on a sound financial path. people there. How will it be paid back, try something. Even if we are not abso- Once again, we have had a very irre- interest of $763 billion in 1 year? This is lutely, 100 percent, ironclad guaranteed sponsible approach from the President not responsible. It is an unsustainable that what we are going to do is going on the question of budgeting. course. to work, we should try something. Be- A few weeks ago, this Senate passed Erskine Bowles, who was chosen by cause it is not OK that somebody can a budget for the first time in 4 years. President Obama to head the fiscal walk into a school with a military- The law requires that the Senate bring commission, former President Bill style assault weapon and shoot bullets up a budget in committee by April 1. It Clinton’s Chief of Staff, a successful at the rate of six per second. It is not requires that it be brought to the floor businessman, he told us in the Budget OK that a couple students can do an and passed by April 15. This is the first Committee a couple years ago this Na- end-around on the background check time in 4 years that process has been tion is on an unsustainable course. system to buy guns so they can walk completed; whereas, every year the This Nation ‘‘has never faced a more into their high school and kill 10 people House of Representatives has produced predictable financial crisis.’’ and wound as many more. It is not all a budget, a responsible budget that What he is saying is that if we do not right that there are thousands of ille- would put America on a sound finan- change the course we are on, it is guar- gal guns on our streets that are used to cial course. anteed we are going to have a financial kill 16- and 17-year-olds on their way This year the Senate passed a budget crisis and we should avoid that. We home from Sweet 16 parties. There are that was irresponsible, did not change have the opportunity to avoid that. We no guarantees that what we are going the debt course of America, left an an- do not have to slash spending, as Con- to do this week and next week is going nual deficit virtually the same as if we gressman RYAN has made clear in his to solve everything, but we have to try had no budget at all. It did not improve budget. You can allow spending to in- crease faster than the growth of infla- something. current law. The Senate budget left us So I am going to continue to come with a very substantial budget deficit tion and still balance the budget. But, down to the floor over the course of the in the 10th year of the budget. oh no, not here, not the President of next few days to talk about these vic- On the other hand, the House, Con- the United States, not the Members of tims—the victims from Newtown, from gressman PAUL RYAN, chairman of the this Senate, the majority. They say we Columbine. Hopefully, later today I Budget Committee, produced a budget cannot live with a 3.4-percent increase in spending every year. We will run the will be able to talk about some of the that balances in 10 years. We have risk. victims from Virginia Tech and Wis- heard great complaints that his plan The President said recently he was cuts spending too much. Do you know consin. Of course, there are just bind- not setting a balanced budget as a goal. that plan did not cut spending? It al- ers full of stories that we could put on That is absolutely true because his lows spending to increase every year this floor regarding urban gun violence budget does not balance. It never for 10 years. It allowed spending to in- that plagues our cities every day. comes close to balancing, has no inten- crease at the rate of 3.4 percent a year, These stories are important because tion of it balancing ever. They use the which is higher than the inflation rate too often we trade in this body in sta- words ‘‘sustainable balance,’’ but it is is expected to be in America. Yet it tistics, that we just talk in terms of not a responsible approach to the busi- balances. politics. Underlying this debate are 20 ness of America. I will talk a minute The Senate budget, on the other little kids in Newtown whose lives were about some of the dangers of this debt hand, has a 5-percent-plus increase in cut short but also thousands upon beyond just the fact that interest is spending every year, leaving us on an thousands of other kids, young adults, going to suck huge amounts of money unsustainable debt path, leaving us in- and adults whose stories deserve to be out of our annual budget that we ought creasing deficits every year, nowhere told. to be using to invest in America. At this point, I yield the floor and I close to balancing the budget. That is How do they do it? When you elimi- suggest the absence of a quorum. not the right path. nate the accounting gimmicks and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The What happened today when the Presi- honestly look at the budget presented clerk will call the roll. dent produced his budget? It is no bet- by the President today, over 10 years, The legislative clerk proceeded to ter, maybe even worse, than the Senate the net deficit reduction is only $119 call the roll. bill. For example, in his budget it billion. Each year that is about $12 bil- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask would add, over the 10-year period, $8.2 lion in deficit reduction. The deficit unanimous consent that the order for trillion in new debt to the Nation. We last year, 2012, was 1,080 billion—1,000- the quorum call be rescinded. now have already $17 trillion in gross plus billion, and we are going to aver- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without debt. This would add another $8.2 tril- age an $12 billion reduction in the def- objection, it is so ordered. lion to it; over $25 trillion will then be icit under this budget? That is vir- Mr. SESSIONS. I ask unanimous con- the debt of the United States. The 1- tually nothing. Properly accounted for, sent to speak as if in morning business. year interest in 2023, under the Presi- properly analyzed, based on the current The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dent’s budget, would amount to $763 law, I am correct in giving you those objection, it is so ordered. billion. numbers. It is not an unfair number. THE PRESIDENT’S BUDGET The base defense budget is about $540 What about this year that we are in, Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, the billion; $763 billion exceeds Social Se- 2013, that will end September 30? Does President submitted his budget today. curity—which is the largest expendi- he cut anything from our spending It is very late. It was due February 4. ture. It exceeds Medicare in spending. level this year? No. Spending and debt It is the first time since the Budget It would be the largest single item in increases. The debt is projected to in- Act was passed in 1974 that a President the budget and the fastest growing. It crease, between now and September 30, submitted a budget after the Senate is still assuming relatively low interest by $61 billion, more than where it has voted on one and after the House rates, which are extraordinarily low at would be under current. So it increases has voted on one and both passed budg- this moment but could surge in the fu- the debt this year. et resolutions. That was a dis- ture and would hurt us substantially. What about next year? Does it in- appointing event. The President, as the How much is that? We now spend crease or reduce the deficit? It in- Chief Executive, as any mayor, as any about $3.7 trillion, so $763 billion is a creases the deficit again by approxi- Governor normally that I have ever lot of money just to pay the interest. mately $100 billion-plus—$100 billion. I heard of, wants to be the one who lays The Federal highway bill today is believe that figure is correct. I might out a financial plan for his city or about $40 billion, a little over $40 bil- be incorrect on that figure, but it defi- State to advocate for what would make lion. Interest on the debt would be $763 nitely increases the deficit this year by the State and city better and then en- billion in 1 year. $61 billion. courage the members of the board of Young people, we are indeed bor- Taxes go up by $1.1 trillion—$1,100 directors—the Senate and the House— rowing from their future to spend and billion—in new taxes. So taxes go up

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.038 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 $1.1 trillion, on top of the $650 billion in agencies and departments into shape. There have been studies in Europe. new taxes that were passed in January The OMB is the one who answers to the The International Monetary Fund, the of this year and on top of the $1 trillion President. The OMB is the one who European Central Bank, and the Bank in new taxes passed as part of says: Mr. Secretary of the Interior, Mr. for International Settlements all have ObamaCare, the health care reform. Secretary of Defense, we don’t have economists, and they are concerned That is another huge tax increase. that much money. You can’t spend about high debt in Europe. They have But we are told not to worry because that much money. I send your budget also been analyzing these figures. All this is a balanced plan. As we talked back to you. Take another $10 billion, three of those, through an independent about the budget plan that was on the take another $5 billion out of it. They process of analyzing the impact of high floor—and we had 50 hours of debate, a are the heavies. So she is asking for a debt on economic growth—studies indi- lot of amendments, a lot of discus- tough job, no doubt about it. cated that high debt slows growth. sion—our colleagues kept using the At that hearing, I talked a little bit Well, how much? Looking at each one word ‘‘balanced.’’ They refer to their about a great concern of mine. My con- of those three studies, the U.S. debt is budget, the majority’s—Democratic cern is that our debt is so large now in the range that pulls down growth. budget that they laid forward, they that it is pulling down economic I say to my colleagues today, please used ‘‘balanced’’ over and over again. I growth in America. Let me repeat that. be aware that there is a cost to bor- put up a chart. The numbers kept run- Our debt is so high it is pulling down rowing and spending and adding debt. ning up. We got to 100, 200 times the economic growth, and slow growth The budget the President submitted word ‘‘balanced’’ was used in 15 or 18 means fewer jobs created. The dif- today would add $8.2 trillion in debt. It hours of debate on their side; ‘‘bal- ference between 2 percent growth and 3 would take us from $17 trillion to $25 anced,’’ over 200 times. percent growth is 1 million jobs, ac- trillion in debt. Even with a growing My staff went back and reviewed the cording to Christina Romer, who economy, we would still remain well numbers and it was 230 times. What do served President Obama in the White over 90 percent GDP to debt, and that they mean by the word ‘‘balanced’’? House: So the more growth we have, is an unacceptable figure. Why did they use the word ‘‘balanced’’? the more jobs are created. The less It is deeply disappointing that we do Because some pollster somewhere, growth we have, fewer jobs are created. not have leadership in the White House some political consultant, said people We had a disastrous jobs report last that would lead us to get off of this like to hear that. They want a bal- Friday. It was terrible and deeply dis- path. anced budget. appointing. What it said was we added Mr. President, I see the majority Their budget didn’t balance, nowhere 88,000 jobs when they were predicting leader is here. I know he has extraor- close. So they had several spins on it,— we would add about 200,000. But more dinary duties and challenges in his first, they wanted a lot of people who significantly, 486,000 people dropped busy life, and I will just wrap up and were not following closely to hear the out of the labor force, had given up say that I am disappointed in the word ‘‘balanced’’ and believed they had finding work—almost one-half million, President’s budget. It does not change a balanced budget when they didn’t and less than 100,000 got a job. That the debt course of America in any way. come close to having a budget that bal- was a very dangerous trend. It is not a responsible plan for the fu- It comes around to this question: Is anced. They never said the budget bal- ture. It does not balance the budget our debt so high that it adversely im- anced because they knew that was not ever and has no intention of ever bal- pacts economic growth? Let me explain true. They had deficits every year, $400 ancing the budget. All he talks about is it this way. The Rogoff-Reinhart study billion-plus every year. So a balanced some sort of sustainable debt course. and book that they wrote analyzes debt approach was what I think people who We cannot continue on that course, as in America and it calculated it and kind of kept up with things believed— over the world. They examined econo- Mr. Erskine Bowles, his own fiscal that we would raise taxes by $1 trillion, mies worldwide. What they found was commission chairman, has told us. we would cut spending by $1 trillion, I yield the floor. that when debt reaches 90 percent of and this would be a balanced approach. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. the size of your economy, 90 percent of This is the way to reduce our debt and SCHATZ). The majority leader is recog- GDP, growth begins to slow. It slows a deficit: raise taxes and cut spending. nized. median amount of 1 percent, on aver- That is the responsible balanced ap- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I appreciate age much more, as much as 2 percent. proach to getting our fiscal house in my friend yielding. My time on the Growth—GDP growth begins to slow floor is going to be very brief. order. when debt reaches that high a level. But that is not what the budget did. What kind of debt level is it we are UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT—EXECUTIVE The budget increased taxes by $1.1 tril- dealing with? Many people think, and NOMINATION lion—$1,100 billion—but it increased the President keeps saying, our debt- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- spending by $964 billion. It did not cut to-GDP ratio is 77 percent. sent that at 4 p.m. today the Senate spending at all. It increased spending. We have examined the Rogoff and proceed to executive session to con- Basically, we ended up with only $119 Reinhart study. Rogoff and Reinhart sider Calendar No. 59; that 2 hours of billion in deficit reduction over 10 used a higher figure because they com- debate be equally divided in the usual years—zero, basically, an insignificant pared countries from around the world, form; that upon the use or yielding amount. So it increases taxes and in- and those were the numbers they had. back of that time, the Senate proceed creases spending. It is the classic When the gross debt reaches 90 percent to vote without intervening action or Democratic weakness, I have to say: of GDP, we begin to have an economic debate on the nomination; that the mo- Tax; spend. Tax more; spend more. decline. Our percentage of gross debt to tion to reconsider be considered made Don’t worry about the deficit. GDP is 104 percent. and laid upon the table with no inter- But somebody needs to be worrying I contend and I believe that the pro- vening action or debate; that no fur- about the deficit because it is a very jections for growth for the last 4 years ther motions be in order; that any re- important matter and we have to deal have all been higher than the growth lated statements be printed in the with it. This morning at the Budget we have actually seen. In fact, it has RECORD; and that President Obama be Committee we had a new nominee, Ms. been much lower than projected—even immediately notified of the Senate’s Sylvia Burwell, for the Director of the by the President and the Congressional action and the Senate then resume leg- Office of Management and Budget, one Budget Office. It appears to me that islative session. of the most important positions in the the gross debt figure being over 100 per- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without entire government. She is a delightful cent is indicative of a slowing growth. objection, it is so ordered. lady and I know she wants to do well. Rogoff and Reinhart are not the only Mr. REID. I note the absence of a She held a position in that office some ones who have done studies. Others quorum. time ago under President Clinton, a have done studies as well. Europe has The PRESIDING OFFICER. The deputy position, and she had some ex- high debt rates. Per capita, we have clerk will call the roll. perience in it, but it is a tough job. We more debt than any country in Europe The legislative clerk proceeded to need somebody who can whip these and even more than Greece. call the roll.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.041 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2535 Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I ask coming together on one element of this the shadow of her older brother. Some- unanimous consent that the order for debate: background checks. Hopefully, times to his dismay, she followed him the quorum call be rescinded. this will be looked upon as a very good around everywhere and she adored him. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without week in the midst of this debate. So I Her brother Walker and she were big objection, it is so ordered. want to tell my colleagues whom we New York Yankees fans. Even though Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I gave are talking about. she was only 6 years old, when her fam- my first speech on the floor of the Sen- Let me go back to Newtown. I think ily recently went to Boston for a fam- ate this morning. This week and next this is my fourth time on the Senate ily trip, she refused to walk into week, we will be debating one of the floor today, and I still haven’t told my Fenway Park because she was a de- most fundamental issues that come to colleagues about everybody who per- voted Yankees fan. a body such as this: What can we do to ished in that school. Caroline had a wonderful spirit and better protect our kids and our loved The youngest victim that day was we will never know exactly what she ones from unexpected death? I care barely 6 years old. His name was Noah would grow up to be. She died that day. about this issue not just because it is Pozner. He was the youngest victim Jessica Rekos was 6 years old and, as one that is important to the families of and he was the first to be buried. His do so many little 6-year-old girls, she victims in New Haven, Bridgeport, was the first funeral I went to amongst loved everything about animals. Again, Hartford, and others who have been the countless funerals I lost count of. He another trend. This was a couple of victims of routine gun violence in Con- was young, but he was described by his first grade classes full of animal lovers, necticut but, of course, because of what uncle as ‘‘smart as a whip.’’ He had a and even some of their teachers were happened in Sandy Hook. real rambunctious streak. He could be big animal lovers as well. I spoke this morning more broadly a handful for his family and for his Jessica loved horses. So anything about the awful experience of being in twin sister Arielle who was also in that having to do with a horse, she wanted Connecticut, the personal experience of school on Friday morning. She was it. She watched movies about horses, having been at the firehouse that day, luckily in a different class. Arielle sur- she read books about horses, she drew the wonderful experience of having got- vived; her brother did not. pictures about horses, and she wrote ten to know the families of the Sandy He was already a very good reader. stories about horses. She was murdered Hook victims since then, and to have He was one of the youngest kids in his just 11 days before Christmas. She was witnessed the millions of acts of kind- first grade class, but he was a very hoping that Santa would bring her a ness that have showered down upon good reader and he was looking forward cowgirl hat and cowgirl boots, and her Newtown in the days and weeks and to a book he had just bought at a book family even promised her that maybe, months since. That tragedy has become fair. I will butcher the pronunciation, if she was really good, in a couple years the tipping point that has brought us but it was a Ninjago book he bought at she could get her own horse. here to talk about a solution to at a fair he was excited about. She loved going to Cape Cod and she least some of the epidemic gun vio- He was going to a birthday party on especially loved seeing the whales. She lence that for too long has plagued the the following day, Saturday, that he had a fondness for aquatic life as well, streets of our cities but now comes to was just bubbling about in the hours a big fan of the movie ‘‘Free Willie,’’ us in waves of mass shootings hap- before he went to school. As is true for and she loved going to the cape to see pening in our schools and in our movie so many of the victims, his family de- if she could catch a glimpse of those theaters and in our places of worship. scribes him as having a huge heart. whales. My hope, as a brandnew Member of The Pozners are an amazing family She was curious. That curiosity was the Senate, as someone who has lived who have spoken out. His mother and going to spring forth into a wonderful through this experience as one of the his uncle have been so articulate since young woman who was going to take representatives of Sandy Hook, is to the shooting, calling on the Nation to her loves and her curiosity and her pas- just try to tell my colleagues whom we change. They have been in Washington sion for life and make it into some- are talking about here. I think we get visiting my office, and I know they thing great. We will never get to know caught up in the numbers and the pol- have visited with other Members of the exactly what that would be. Jessica icy debates and we forget these are real Senate—just another one of these fami- died at age 6. kids, these are real people. lies who have somehow found the cour- Ana Marquez-Greene, I talked about This is just a small sample of the vic- age and the strength amidst this awful Ana this morning in my first speech. tims in Newtown and the victims from grieving to come here and explain why Her mother Nelba, who is just amaz- across Connecticut, in Bridgeport and things need to change, how they will ing—Nelba is a social worker who has a in New Haven, who have been gunned not feel any justice until we do some- passion for helping people. She is in DC down prematurely. There are just too thing here. right now as we speak trying to push many of them. Over 3,300 people have Caroline Previdi loved to draw and to us to change things. Her little daugh- died from guns since those 20 kids and dance. She was 6 years old as well. She ter Ana grew up in a musical family. six adults were killed in Newtown. We had one of these big smiles that every- Ana’s father Jimmy is a very well are not powerless. We can do some- body loved. It brought happiness to ev- known saxophone player, a Hartford thing about it. erybody who saw that smile. She and native. The family came back to Con- I have said over and over as I have her family were active members of the necticut to raise their kids. So Ana been here on the floor today that there St. Rose Church. I can’t tell my col- was musical. She used to love to sing are no guarantees. We are not going to leagues enough about St. Rose Church. and dance. She loved most of all doing pass a law that is going to immediately About 10 of the victims were parish- that at church. She was so connected flip a switch and assure that gun vio- ioners there. This hit that church hard- to her church. She loved reading the lence would not continue to be a prob- er than any institution save for the Bible. She loved having the Bible read lem, but it can be less of a problem. It school. The monsignor there has been to her. She loved being part of the can be less of a reality for kids who are an absolute hero to the community, dance and singing experience at her walking to school fearing for their having buried almost a dozen of his church. Her parents said she didn’t lives in urban America. It can be less of kids. He has come down to Washington walk anywhere. That was not her a reality for parents sending their chil- to try to lobby for some sense of method of transportation. Her mode of dren to elementary school, never change, and he has brought that com- transport was to dance from place to thinking that something like what munity together. place. happened at Sandy Hook could occur. At that funeral he presided over, ev- She is survived by her older brother We can do something about it. erybody wore pink. It was Caroline’s Isaiah who is a third grader at Sandy So I wanted to come back again to favorite color. My colleagues have Hook Elementary and who survived continue talking about the victims, to heard me say that about a number of that day. My colleagues can find Ana’s give them a face. I am very encour- little girls who died, a lot of whom performances on YouTube. Ana’s per- aged, as I think all of us are, to see were big fans of the color pink. Her formances have been viewed tens of some movement between both parties mom will always remember Caroline as hundreds of thousands of times online.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.042 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 She was a talent. She had talent in her place. But given the fact we are living tering, MD. She was spending a nice, blood. Who knows whether she was in this terrible, awful reality in which quiet evening at home when a gunman going to choose music and dance as a they are happening on a regular basis, literally kicked down her door and career, but those creative muscles she then we have to be talking about what opened fire. She was shot multiple had and the amazing parents who were we can do to limit the damage and the times while she was in her bed. She was raising her were going to assure that carnage when they do occur. 17 years old—17. She just started her she was going to be something special. I will tell my colleagues while no one senior year at Flowers High School in She died that day, horribly, but her is sure of the difference in outcome at Springdale, MD. She was enrolled in a family—her mother Nelba especially— Sandy Hook had the assault weapons very elite science and technology pro- is just determined to make sure we ban still been in effect, there are plen- gram. honor her memory by doing something ty of parents there who do believe It is crazy, but this is probably the here. there is a pretty good chance some of third or fourth or fifth young woman I Five kids escaped Sandy Hook Ele- their kids might still be alive had that have talked about here today—and I mentary School that day out of those bill still been in effect. Remember, am probably into 30 or 40 people I have classrooms. Eleven kids—around that these were guns and clips purchased le- talked about—another young woman number—survived. Six of them hid in a gally. For all the arguments that all who was pursuing a career in engineer- closet, but five of them escaped be- the laws on the books aren’t going to ing and science. She had big dreams. cause the shooter had to reload. When stop criminals, I am not sure Nancy She was an honors student. She was in he reloaded, he perhaps fumbled the ex- Lanza was going to go onto the black AP classes, and she wanted to go to change, and five kids ran out of a class- market to purchase an AR–15 or ammu- Harvard University and maybe become room and were discovered nearby some nition that was illegal. Things could a doctor. She had the grades to do it. moments later. Five children—unfortu- have been different. She could have gone anywhere she nately, none of those pictured in this But as we know, every day there are wanted. poster—are alive today because as does more people killed in this country by She was also very popular. She was a happen in so many of these mass shoot- guns than were killed at Sandy Hook kid whom people were drawn to. She ings, an opportunity presented itself Elementary that day. I will tell my was a peer leader and she would do when the shooter changed magazines. colleagues that I have heard some very wonderful, magnanimous things for her I wish we didn’t have to get into the visceral anger from parents and gun classmates, such as she would bring detailed nuances of how these mass victims in the cities I represent be- cupcakes to them somewhat spontane- shootings play out to try to find a way cause they rightfully wonder why we ously. One classmate said three words: ‘‘She out of mass violence, but we do because are talking about this issue now—after was amazing’’—until August 23 of last they are happening over and over. So Sandy Hook—when, for the last 20 year, a gunman kicked down her door, we now have some experience. We now, years, young men and women have to our great horror, have some data. opened fire, and Amber was gone. been getting gunned down in our cities How about Angela Player, 37 years Empirically we know what happens. and it didn’t seem as though this place And what happened in Sandy Hook old, shot on February 21 of this year, stood up and cared too much about it. an avid reader who also loved the out- that killed Ana and Jessica and Noah They welcome the conversation, but doors, gardening, and kayaking. She and Caroline and so many others is they wonder where all of this compas- was a fan of everything fun and excit- that he had trouble reloading, five kids sion was when people such as Ronnie ing—fast cars. She liked training dogs. escaped, and either at the end of the 10 Chambers were being killed. She was killed by her ex-husband. minutes because he had trouble reload- Ronnie Chambers was 33 years old A lot of these are random killings, ing, or maybe just because the police when he was shot in January 2012. He but a lot of these killings are by some- were coming in, he decided enough was grew up with his mom and his siblings body you know. Her ex-husband actu- enough and shot himself. In Tucson, in Chicago’s notorious Cabrini-Green ally did not have a history of domestic when the shooter reloaded, it was housing projects and he became in- violence but had a gun ready and avail- enough time for somebody to jump on volved in the gang problem at a young able in a fit of rage, and she left behind him and end that incident. In Aurora, age. But he had to watch something a son and a daughter. again, when the shooter had difficulty that no one should ever have to watch. Mr. President, 3,300 people have died reloading—the gun jammed—the shoot- You think it is terrible that Noah since Newtown, and I think it is impor- ing ended. Pozner’s twin sister has to grow up tant, as we have this debate, to come So 154 bullets in 10 minutes at Sandy with the knowledge that her brother down and talk about who these victims Hook Elementary School killed 26 peo- was gunned down. Think about what are. I will be doing this over the course ple. The shooter had to reload about Ronnie Chambers had to grow up with, of today and tomorrow and this week six times. What would have happened if having watched his other three siblings to try to bring a little bit of color to he had to reload 15 times? How many die at the hands of gun violence. the discussion we are having. more kids would have escaped? How Ronnie became convinced, after At this time, I yield back the floor. many more opportunities would we watching his three other siblings die The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- have had for the shooting to go wrong? from gun violence, that he had to turn ator from Illinois. Would there have been a moment his life around. So he did. He went into Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I wish to where somebody could have jumped on the music industry and he became a thank my colleague, Senator MURPHY, him and stopped him, as they did in music producer and he decided to go who gave his first speech on the floor Tucson? I don’t know the answer to even further and to start to mentor of the Senate this morning on the same these questions. Nobody knows the an- young performers. topic. He is eminently qualified to swer to these questions. But they are People remember him in the industry speak to this issue because of his un- important ones to ask because they are as ‘‘everybody’s hero.’’ He was always happy circumstance of being a Senator- relevant to the conversation we are ‘‘pointing kids in the right direction’’ elect when the Newtown, CT, massacre having. If the answer is that there is a despite his own difficult upbringing. occurred. I have spoken to him and pretty good chance one of those three He was fun too. He loved banana Senator BLUMENTHAL about their per- things would have happened—the gun milkshakes and onion rings. Then he sonal life experiences and memories would have jammed, kids would have was killed—the fourth of four siblings they will never forget about that day escaped, or somebody could have to be gunned down in and around Chi- and those that followed. stopped the shooting—then we should cago. Four brothers and sisters: His I thank him for his voice on this think twice before dismissing the idea brother Carlos shot in 1995; his brother issue, for his inspiration, and for that a limitation on the size of maga- Jerome shot in 2000; his sister LaToya speaking for many in Newtown, CT, zines sold in this Nation wouldn’t have shot just 3 months after Jerome; and and across the Nation who otherwise an effect on future mass shootings. then Ronnie, dead at 33. might not have as strong a voice on the Our first job should be to stop that How about Amber Deanna Stanley, floor of the Senate. I thank the Sen- shooting from happening in the first who was killed last summer in Ket- ator very much for that.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.049 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2537 I would like to speak as in morning Henry Clay, Senator and statesman Professor Remini’s wife Ruth passed business briefly and then return to the Daniel Webster, and Mormon leader Jo- away last year. I wish to express my underlying bill on firearms. I ask unan- seph Smith. condolences to their children, Robert, imous consent to speak in morning As one former colleague said, he Elizabeth, and Joan, their three grand- business. wrote with such immediacy ‘‘that you children, and to Professor Remini’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without might think he’d had lunch . . . with friends, colleagues, and former stu- objection, it is so ordered. Martin Van Buren. He is an American dents. I will close with this: In 2003, the REMEMBERING ROBERT REMINI treasure.’’ National Endowment for the Human- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, in an The subject that interested him the ities invited Professor Remini to de- interview with Roll Call newspaper a most, though, was none of those great liver its inaugural ‘‘Heroes of History’’ while back, Robert Remini—one of the figures but Andrew Jackson. At least 10 lecture. He chose as his subject the great historians of our time—talked of Professor Remini’s books were about Members of the first Congress. about what he hoped for after he died. Jackson, including an influential This is part of what he said of those Professor Remini said his idea of Heav- three-volume biography, the third vol- men in whose footsteps many of us fol- en would be listening with his own ears ume of which won the National Book low: to debates involving congressional gi- Award for nonfiction in 1984. Ordinary. Most of them were ordinary indi- To Professor Remini, Andrew Jack- ants such as Henry Clay, Daniel Web- viduals as far as the record shows, yet they son was ‘‘the embodiment of the new performed heroically. And they deserve to be ster, and John C. Calhoun. American.’’ He was: called heroes because they set aside their On March 28—Holy Thursday—Robert local and regional differences, their eco- Remini died in a suburban Chicago hos- An orphan, poor, and yet talented, who through his own abilities, raised himself to nomic and personal prejudices, in their effort pital from complications of a recent the highest office in the land. He personified to make the Constitution succeed and there- stroke at the age of 91. what the American Dream is all about. That by establish an enduring union. They had I hope his wish comes true. I hope it is not class or money or bloodlines that many disagreements, but they resolved them right now he is listening in awe some- are rewarded in [America], but rather the in compromise. And they did it for the sake where in Heaven as the great issues are ability of each individual to achieve some- of showing the world that a republican gov- thing worthwhile in life. ernment was a viable instrument for the pro- debated in the Great Beyond. tection of liberty and betterment of its citi- Robert Remini lived a good and full Professor Remini did not excuse zens. Jackson for his backward views on life. He spent most of his career at the If Professor Remini were here today, slavery or women’s rights or his harsh University of Illinois at Chicago, where he would tell us that the spirit of prin- treatment of Native Americans. he founded the university’s respected cipled compromise is more than a Institute for the Humanities. He pro- He regarded Jackson as admirable be- cause: noble part of our past; it is the best duced a remarkable body of work that hope for our future. brought important chapters of Amer- He believed in this Union. He believed in Now I will make a statement as part ica’s history to life. this country. . . . [H]e . . . believed that gov- ernment shouldn’t be for only a small seg- of the continuing debate on the out- In 2002, at the age of 80, Professor standing legislation, S. 649. Remini became a distinguished visiting ment of society, but for all of us. That’s what I want in [a] President. As I mentioned before when Senator scholar of American history at the Li- MURPHY spoke, I rise to speak about a brary of Congress. So said Professor Remini. Robert Vincent Remini was born in vote the Senate is going to take tomor- At the request of Librarian of Con- New York City. He graduated from row as we begin debating legislation to gress James Billington, Professor Fordham University in 1943. He wanted reduce gun violence. Remini spent the next 3 years writing to be a lawyer, but that changed after I am glad we are finally having this the history of the House of Representa- he enlisted in the Navy during World vote. There were some who thought we tives. That is where I met him. What a War II. To pass the time on board ship, would never reach this point. It has man, a great historian, a great person- he read history, including all nine vol- been far too long since the Senate held ality, with a smile on his face every umes of Henry Adams’ ‘‘History of the a reasonable debate on how best to pro- minute of the day. United States of America.’’ By the tect our children and families and Professor Remini was once asked how time the war ended, he knew it was his- schools and communities from violent he found the stamina to start writing tory, not law, that he loved the most. shootings. another book at the age of 80. He said He returned to New York to obtain When we talk to the families who he started by setting a goal for himself his master’s and doctorate in history have lost children to gunfire—and it to write nine pages a day. Then he did from Columbia University, and he mar- has been my sad duty to do that over what he had been taught by the Jesuits ried his childhood sweetheart, Ruth and over again—and when we talk to who trained him. He designed a plan to Kuhner. He taught at Fordham Univer- law enforcement officials who are get- reward success and punish failure. This sity for 12 years. ting outgunned by criminals on the historian, this writer, this man who In 1965, he moved to Chicago and be- streets every day, we know this debate had assigned himself nine pages a day, came the first chair of the history de- is long overdue. would only get his reward at the end of partment at the newly established Uni- Some Senators have said they do not the day—a martini—if he met his goal versity of Illinois at Chicago’s Circle want to touch this issue. They have an- of nine pages. Campus. He later founded the univer- nounced their intention to filibuster in His system worked. ‘‘The House’’ was sity’s interdisciplinary Institute for order to try to stop us from even debat- published in the year 2006. the Humanities. He chaired that from ing gun safety. This is an extreme po- In 2005, House Speaker Dennis 1981 to 1987. He became a professor litical position. It is an unfortunate po- Hastert, from Illinois, asked Professor emeritus of history and research pro- sition. But, fortunately, over the last Remini to become the official Histo- fessor emeritus of humanities in 1991. few days, a growing number of Sen- rian of the U.S. House of Representa- He was an institution, not only in the ators from both sides of the aisle have tives. The post of House Historian had field of history but certainly in Chi- made it clear this debate is going to been empty for more than 10 years. cago and at the University of Illinois move forward. Over the next 5 years, Professor at Chicago. I hope the vote tomorrow reflects Remini rebuilt the office’s small staff In addition to the National Book that, and when we get to the point and reestablished its reputation for im- Award, his other honors include the where we are in debate, we can roll up partial scholarship and integrity. Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation our sleeves and get to work. We can He retired from the House in 2010, but Award, the Carl Sandburg Award for look at our Constitution, which we he kept writing until shortly before his Nonfiction, the University Scholar have sworn to uphold, including the death. Award of the University of Illinois, the second amendment, and we can also In all, he wrote and coauthored more American Historical Association’s look to the needs of America to protect than 20 books. His subjects included Award for Scholarly Distinction, and the life, liberty, and opportunity for Presidents John Quincy Adams and the Freedom Award from the U.S. Cap- happiness for the people who live in Martin Van Buren, House Speaker itol Historical Society. this country.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.051 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 According to the Centers for Disease the other 40 percent. Have a nice flight. partisan floor amendment from Sen- Control, over 11,000 Americans—11,000— What would you think about it? You ators MANCHIN and TOOMEY on back- are murdered with guns each year. would think, for goodness’ sake, we ground checks. That is more each year than all the have to do everything we can to check All these proposals are also sup- American lives lost in the 9/11 attacks, everyone if we are truly dedicated to ported by law enforcement. It was Iraq, and Afghanistan combined. safety. That is what this universal about 3 weeks ago. I went to the Chi- When we count suicides and acci- background check is about. cago Police Department headquarters. dental shootings, more than 31,000 We would also create tough Federal Superintendent McCarthy invited me Americans are killed by guns each criminal penalties for illegal straw year. That is 87 Americans killed every purchasing and the trafficking of guns. in. I sat down for about an hour with 10 single day by guns. Another 200 are Get the picture. If you are going to buy beat cops from Chicago. They are ones shot each day but survive. Think of a gun from a licensed dealer, they are who literally get up every morning and those numbers. going to run a background check on go, usually undercover, into neighbor- Gun violence in America is truly at you. If your background check dis- hoods and try to stop the murders and epidemic levels. Gunshots now kill closes, for example, that you have a violence. I sat there. One of them had over four times more Americans per felony conviction or that you are under just gotten back from his 11th surgery. year than HIV/AIDS, and shooting a domestic violence order or that have He got in a shootout with a 15-year-old deaths are projected to surpass car ac- you been adjudged mentally incom- who shattered his leg. He has had 11 cident deaths within the next few petent, unstable, and you should not surgeries trying to get back on his feet years. own a gun, you will not be sold that and get back on the force. These statistics should give us all gun. We talked about what life was like pause. But numbers cannot truly cap- Since we came up with this idea of out there. They talked about 14- and ture the deeply personal impact of gun background checks, up to 2 million un- 15-year-olds packing guns and firing violence. There are too many families qualified people tried to buy them and away. They are not worth a darn as a who now face an empty chair at the we stopped them. That is what the law shot. They, sadly, kill a lot of people dinner table, too many parents who is supposed to do. But under the cur- they do not intend to kill. They are as walk past an empty bedroom, too many rent circumstances, straw purchasers irresponsible as they come, but it is husbands and wives who have lost the go in and buy a gun because they have the reality of the mean streets of many loves of their lives because of guns. a clean record. So the gangster, the cities. So these people in law enforce- It is heartbreaking. But, sadly, it is mobster, the drug gang member, the ment agree we need to do something almost routine—in a park in Chicago; thug sends his girlfriend in to buy the about the straw purchasers, for exam- at a nightclub in my hometown of East gun. She does not have a criminal ple. So do the prosecutors, the medical St. Louis, IL; in a movie theater in record. She buys the gun, comes out- community, the faith community, Auroro, CO; in a shopping center in side and hands it to him. He turns teachers, mayors, colleges, univer- Tucson, AZ; in a Sikh temple in Oak around and uses it to kill someone. sities, and, most important, the family Creek, WI; at military bases in Texas, This bill is going to change what hap- Virginia, and Kentucky; in college lec- pens to her. Of course, he is still going members of gun violence victims. ture halls in DeKalb, IL, and to face the full brunt of the law for his Many of those family members from Blacksburg, VA; sadly, in the first- misdeeds. But she is now going to be Newtown are here today. Senator MUR- grade classrooms in Newtown, CT. held accountable, too, up to 15 years of PHY from Connecticut spoke earlier, as Since the Newtown shooting on De- hard time in Federal prison for buying did Senator BLUMENTHAL, to note their cember 14, more than 3,300 Americans that gun. persuasive lobbying as they walk the have been killed by guns, including at We had a press conference in Chicago Halls of Congress, hoping the sad and least 220 children and teenagers. The and said: Girlfriend, think twice. He awful tragedy they went through on violence continues. Americans all ain’t worth it. To run the risk of spend- December 14 will at least lead to a across the country are saying with one ing 15 years in prison if you buy a gun safer America. voice: Enough. We have to do some- to give to that boyfriend who is going I salute them. In their grief, they are thing. We need to protect our kids, our to turn around and use it in a crime, it standing up to make this a safer na- communities, our schools, and this epi- ain’t worth it. This bill would also au- tion. Unfortunately, some parts of the demic of gun violence has to come to thorize additional resources to keep gun lobby have had a long history of an end. schools safe. opposing even those commonsense On Thursday, we will vote to begin These proposals just make sense. ideas. They have raised objections to debate on a bill that would take com- They have strong support from the them. I want to respond to the main monsense steps to prevent gun vio- American public, including a majority objections the gun lobby has raised. As lence. It is called the Safe Commu- of gun owners. The National Rifle As- it turns out, they just do not stand up nities, Safe Schools Act. The Senate sociation may speak for the gun indus- to scrutiny. Judiciary Committee reported the try, but it does not speak for gun own- parts of the bill last month. The com- ers. Gun owners, and I know them. First, the gun lobby claims that re- mittee held three lengthy hearings and They are part of my family. I have quiring FBI background checks for gun four markups which I attended. grown up with them my entire life. sales will lead to the creation of a na- The Safe Communities, Safe Schools They are good, God-fearing, church- tional gun registry. That claim is abso- Act would do three things: First, it going, patriotic Americans who value lutely totally false. Federal law pro- makes sure that the FBI NICS back- their guns and use them properly, store hibits the Federal Government from es- ground check programs are conducted them safely at home away from kids. tablishing a national gun registry. We on all gun sales with some reasonable These are people who will follow the could argue the merits of it, but we exceptions. Currently, up to 40 percent law. They understand we have to stop have to acknowledge the reality. It of all transfers of firearms include no those who misuse guns from getting does not exist today. It will not exist background check. Someone raised the their hands on them. A majority of as a result of this bill. point in one of our hearings, what if those gun owners across America, I have a copy of a letter signed by 30 you got on the airplane and they an- sportsmen, hunters, those who buy Senators, including 26 Republicans. I nounced to you—the flight attendant guns for self-defense support what we ask unanimous consent to have this said: Welcome to this flight from are doing in this bill. letter printed in the RECORD. Washington to Chicago. The Transpor- The straw purchasing and school tation Security Agency has checked 60 safety proposals passed in committee There being no objection, the mate- percent of the passengers to make sure with strong bipartisan votes. I am rial was ordered to be printed in the they are not carrying a bomb but not hopeful we will be able to adopt the bi- RECORD, as follows:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:53 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.052 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2539

U.S. SENATE, Business Activity. A prohibition on the use protects the privacy of law-abiding gun buy- Washington, DC, November 3, 2011. of funds to deny a Federal Firearms License ers by providing information about legal gun Hon. DANIEL INOUYE, (FFL) or renewal of an FFL on the basis of purchases from being kept by government Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations, business activity. This provision prohibits authorities, and has been included in the law Washington, DC. BATFE from denying federal firearms li- since fiscal year 1999. Hon. BARBARA MIKULSKI, cense applications or renewals based on a There you have it. This letter, signed Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Jus- dealer’s low business volume alone. Congress by Senator MCCONNELL, the Republican tice, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, added this general provision in FY 2005. Senate Committee on Appropriations, Wash- Information Gathering Prohibition. A pro- leader, Senators HATCH, INHOFE, ington, DC. hibition on the use of funds to maintain any GRASSLEY, DEMINT, and many others, Hon. HAROLD ROGERS, information gathered as a part of an instant showed that the claims about a na- Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations, background check or to maintain informa- tional gun registry are baseless. There Washington, DC. tion for more than 24 hours. This provision is no evidence of such a registry. Long- Hon. FRANK WOLF, protects the privacy of law-abiding gun buy- standing Federal laws prevent the cre- Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Science, ers by prohibiting information about legal ation of it. Anyone who continues to gun purchases from being kept by govern- and Related Agencies, House Committee on claim the FBI background check will Appropriations, Washington, DC. ment authorities. It has been included since DEAR CHAIRMEN AND CHAIRWOMAN: As sup- FY 1999. lead to a national gun registry should porters of the Second Amendment and the Firearms Trace Data Disclaimer. A re- be shown this letter signed by Repub- rights of law-abiding gun owners, we are quirement that any trace data released must lican Senators. writing to urge the House and Senate Appro- include a disclaimer stating such trace data Second, the gun lobby claims these priations Committees to maintain several cannot be used to draw broad conclusion proposals would unduly burden law- House-passed firearms provisions in the up- about firearms-related crime. This provision abiding gun owners. What is the bur- coming Conference Report on H.R. 2112, the has been included since FY 2005. legislative vehicle for the Fiscal Year 2012 Firearms Parts Export to Canada. A prohi- den? In 2011, the FBI reported the back- Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS), and Re- bition on the use of funds to require an ex- ground check system had an instant lated Agencies Appropriations Act. While port license for small firearms parts valued determination rate of 91.5 percent. these provisions had broad, bipartisan sup- at less than $500 for export to Canada. This That means 91 percent-plus of back- port in the Senate, the amendments that provision removed an unnecessary and bur- ground checks were resolved in a mat- would have reinstated these provisions in the densome requirement on U.S. gun manufac- ter of minutes. For those other back- Senate version of H.R. 2112 did not receive a turers that was imposed under the Clinton ground checks where the dealer is in- vote. Administration, It has been included since structed to temporarily delay the sale Over the years, Congress has taken many FY 2006. actions to preserve Second Amendment Importation of Curios and Relics. A prohi- to allow for a more thorough check, rights and prevent undue encroachment on bition on the use of funds to arbitrarily deny the FBI must give a response within 3 those rights on the part of the Executive importation of qualifying curio and relic days or the sale will be allowed to go Branch. One of the most common ways in firearms. This provision insures that collect- through. In other words, a background which Congress has accomplished this goal ible firearms that meet all legal require- check is, at most, a minor temporary has been through a number of general provi- ments for importation into the United sions in CJS Appropriations bills. Most of inconvenience to a small percentage of States are not prevented from import by Ex- law-abiding Americans. these protections have been in place for a ecutive Branch fiat. This provision has been number of years—some going back as far as included since FY 2006. Meanwhile, the public safety and law three decades—and none of them have been Once again, these are non-controversial enforcement benefits of background the source of any significant controversy. protective measures that have long had the checks are enormous. Background The House CJS Appropriations bill (H.R. support of members of both parties. Had a checks have stopped unlawful users 2596) made permanent nine separate Second vote taken place, they most certainly would from buying guns over 1.5 million Amendment protections. However, the Sen- have been included in the Senate bill, Once ate version of H.R. 2112 stripped the House times. There is no reason for law-abid- again, we urge the House and Senate Appro- ing Americans to worry about tougher language and extended these protections priations Committees, particularly those only through Fiscal Year 2012. We believe who will serve on the upcoming Conference penalties for straw purchases and gun these protections should not be subject to Committee on H.R. 2112, to work to ensure trafficking. Those activities are al- yearly reinstatement, they should be perma- that the language making these protections ready illegal and law-abiding Ameri- nently fixed in the law. permanent are included in the Conference cans will not be engaged in them. Specifically, the House-passed provisions Report. In short, the proposals before the would make permanent the following protec- Thank you for your attention regarding Senate will not burden law-abiding gun tions: this matter. Firearms Database Prohibition. A prohibi- owners. They will help to save lives, re- Sincerely, tion on the use of funds to create, maintain duce crime, and keep guns from the Orrin G. Hatch; Johnny Isakson; Mark or administer a database of firearms owners Begich; Jim DeMint; Michael B. Enzi; hands of those who misuse them. or their firearms. This prohibition has been Lindsey Graham; Dean Heller; Rob Third claim by the gun lobby. They in place since FY 1979 and prevents the fed- Portman; John Barrasso; Mitch claim we should not pass any new gun eral government from establishing a na- tional gun registry. McConnell; Kelly Ayotte; Tom Coburn; laws until there is more enforcement of Curio and Relic Definition. A prohibition Olympia Snowe; Ron Johnson; James the laws on the books. I am all for on the use of funds to change the definition M. Inhofe; Mike Johanns; Richard that. But it is blatantly hypocritical of of a ‘‘curio or relic.’’ This provision protects Burr; John Thune; Roger Wicker; Pat the gun lobby to say we should just en- the status of collectible firearms for future Roberts; John Boozman; Mike Lee; Jon force the gun laws on the books when generations of firearms collectors. This pro- Tester; Max Baucus; Saxby Chambliss; Chuck Grassley; Marco Rubio; Lisa they constantly work to weaken those vision has been included since Fiscal Year same laws. 1997. Murkowski; David Vitter; Joe Physical Inventory Prohibition. Prohibi- Manchin. For example, in the last few years, tion on a requirement to allow a physical in- Mr. DURBIN. This letter, dated No- the gun lobby has gotten Congress to ventory of Federal Firearms Licensees. The vember 3, 2011, describes a number of change the laws on the books to repeal Clinton Administration proposed a rule in longstanding prohibitions in Federal the Reagan-era prohibition on loaded 2000 to require an annual inventory by all li- guns in national parks, to require Am- censees, While the Bush Administration law. Let me quote the letter’s descrip- tion of two: trak to allow guns to be transported on eventually withdrew the proposal, Congress their trains, to give the gun industry has still passed this preventive provision Firearms database prohibition. A prohibi- every year, beginning in FY 2007. tion on the use of funds to create, maintain unprecedented immunity from liability Information Retrieval Prohibition. A pro- or administer a database of firearm owners under civil law, and to pass appropria- hibition on the use of funds to electronically or their firearms. This prohibition has been tions riders which make it harder for retrieve personally identifying information in place since fiscal year 1979 and prevents law enforcement agencies to enforce gathered by federal firearms licensees. This the Federal Government from establishing a gun laws, such as the ludicrous Tiahrt provision prohibits the creation of a gun reg- national gun registry. amendment that prevents information istry from dealers’ records that are required Information gathering prohibition. A pro- by law to be surrendered to the federal gov- hibition on the use of funds to maintain any sharing about even traces of guns used ernment when a dealer goes out of business. information gathered as part of an instant in the commission of crimes. This provision has been included since FY background check or to maintain informa- Not only does the gun lobby try to 1997. tion for more than 24 hours. This provision get Congress to undo the gun laws on

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.006 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 the books, it has also supported court the hearing as ‘‘an attack on guns.’’ among the majority of Americans and challenges to these same laws across They described the testimony given by gun owners. We should move forward the country. five of our six witnesses, but they said with these measures. Here is the best example: The gun nothing about Sandra Wortham, who Mr. President, I yield the floor. lobby claims to be outraged that there lost her brother, the Chicago police- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. are not more Federal prosecutions man. They pretended her testimony BROWN). The Senator from Virginia. when a person tries to buy a gun but is never happened. They did not want Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I ask denied by the FBI NICS background people to remember her story. unanimous consent I be recognized for check. The Federal agency that re- It is not the only time. A few weeks up to 5 minutes as if in morning busi- views those NICS denial cases to see ago, the NRA proposed a set of redline ness and then Senator LEE be recog- whether they merit prosecution is the changes to the gun trafficking bill that nized for up to 5 minutes following my Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Senators LEAHY, KIRK, COLLINS, GILLI- remarks. and Explosives, or ATF. As we all BRAND, and I are cosponsoring. The key The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without know, the gun lobby has gone to great section of that bill was named after objection, it is so ordered. political lengths to make it harder for Hadiya Pendleton of Chicago. That was The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the ATF to do its job. The gun lobby Senator KIRK’s idea and a darn good ator from Virginia is recognized. has blocked ATF from getting a Sen- one. What was the first change the Mr. KAINE. I thank the Chair. ate-confirmed Director for six straight NRA proposed? Deleting Hadiya Pen- (The remarks of Mr. KAINE per- years. They have pushed appropria- dleton’s name from the bill. They did taining to the introduction of S. 700 are tions riders that limit the ATF’s au- not want to be reminded of this young located in today’s RECORD under thority, and they have sought to repeal girl who lost her life to gun violence. ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and ATF regulations in Court. The gun lobby may hope we forget Joint Resolutions.’’) The best part is, at the same time about Americans such as the Pendle- Mr. KAINE. I yield the floor. the gun lobby tries to prevent ATF tons and the Worthams, but we will The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- from carrying out its enforcement re- not. None of us should. ator from Utah is recognized. sponsibilities, the gun lobby has I urge my colleagues to join with the Mr. LEE. I thank the Senator from pushed a rider into law that explicitly majority of Americans who support Virginia for his cooperation in allowing prevents Congress from transferring commonsense reforms that will reduce me this time. any of ATF’s functions to any other gun deaths and keep guns out of the The President of the United States agency, such as the FBI. So the gun hands of criminals. That is what we has spent the last several weeks evok- lobby says that all we should do is en- should do. I see my colleagues Senator ing the tragedy of Sandy Hook and force the gun laws on the books. Then KAINE and Senator LEE on the floor. highlighting the voices of the victims they make it harder for the Federal Let me close by just reminding those in an effort to promote his gun control Government to do that. who are following this debate what Here is the bottom line. We are going proposals. He has not explained to the other countries have done when they to have votes soon, starting tomorrow, American people how any of these new have experienced tragic mass shoot- to see where the Members of the Sen- gun control measures would have pre- ings. ate stand. Are they going to stand with vented that or any other terrible trag- They have acted to toughen the gun the police officers, the legislatures, the edy or how any of these measures laws, often going far further than any teachers, the prosecutors, the doctors, would reduce gun violence in any meas- proposal we have before the Senate. In the mayors, the victims and their fami- urable way. Instead, his proposals Australia, on April 28, 1996, a gunman lies, and the strong majority of Ameri- would serve primarily to restrict the started shooting at tourists in Port Ar- cans who support proposals that will rights of law-abiding citizens. thur. He killed 35 people. In response, save lives, commonsense gun safety Recently, I launched a project called that nation dramatically toughened proposals? Or are they going to stand Protect2A, which is an attempt to their standards for gun ownership, with the gun lobby that refuses to com- reach out to those who are reluctant to banned assault weapons, and launched promise even when lives could be see changes to our Bill of Rights, our saved? a buyback of hundreds of thousands of Bill of Rights eroded, and believe Mem- I know where I am going to stand. I semiautomatic rifles. I might tell you, bers of Congress should be doing every- stand with Americans such as the fam- that is not included in this bill we are thing in their power to protect the sec- ily of Hadiya Pendleton, the promising, considering. ond amendment rights of citizens. This beautiful young teenage girl gunned After these laws were passed, gun is also as we should be protecting all down just weeks ago in a Chicago park. homicides and suicides decreased dra- the rights protected by our Constitu- She had been out here for President matically, and Australia has not had a tion. Obama’s inauguration. It was a thrill- single mass shooting since 1996. I am pleased to announce the re- ing day for her to be here with her high In Finland, there were two mass sponse to Protect2A has been over- school friends and classmates. In a school shootings in 2007 and 2008. The whelming. In less than 2 days, we have matter of days, she had been gunned first involved a teenager who killed received well over 1,000 responses on down in a park after school. eight people at a high school, and the my Web site. The vast majority of I stand with Sandra Wortham, whose second involved a gunman who killed them recognized that the President’s brother, Chicago police officer Thomas 10 at a culinary school. proposal will not make them safer but Wortham, IV, was shot and killed by In response, Finland raised the min- will, rather, result in limiting their gang members with a straw-purchased imum age for gun ownership and rights as law-abiding citizens. gun while he stood in the driveway of toughened their background check re- It is with this in mind I would now his father’s home. The gun lobby would quirements. like to ensure their voices have become like us to forget about these victims. In Scotland, on March 13, 1996, a gun- an important part of this debate. I But there is no way we can. man entered a primary school in the have several quotes from Americans Sandra Wortham testified at a hear- town of Dunblane and killed 16 young across the country who oppose these ing I chaired in February on gun vio- children and their teacher. In response, measures and wish Senators to stand lence. She talked about how her broth- the United Kingdom actually went so up for them and their constitutional er, a policeman in Chicago, was armed far as to ban virtually all handguns. rights. The measures we are working on in and shot back, but it did not save him. Roger, from my home State of Utah, the Senate today are modest in com- She told us there is nothing anti-gun writes as follows: about doing more to keep guns out of parison with steps other countries took in response to mass shootings. Even As a veteran, I’ve had too many ‘‘brothers’’ the hands of the people who will misuse and ‘‘sisters’’ make sacrifices to uphold the them. It was pretty powerful testi- though we have over 300 million guns Constitution of the United States. Their mony. in America and a strong tradition of blood will not be in vain. While I believe our The NRA posted a summary of my gun ownership, the measures we are rights are not granted by government, I be- hearing on their Web site describing considering have overwhelming support lieve that documentation of these rights in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.054 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2541 the United States Constitution has helped us to have the rest of these statements than any of us today that government in any maintain our freedoms. Why is the Second printed in the RECORD. form can easily become the enemy of the in- Amendment important to me? Because with- There being no objection, the mate- herent freedoms and rights of it’s citizenry. out it, the rest of our rights can simply be rial was ordered to be printed in the The 2nd Amendment was put in place as the wiped away. protectorate and armed guard for each and RECORD, as follows: Jim from Louisiana writes as follows: every other Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Over the last several decades, these I lived through the Los Angeles riots. My Michael—Pennsylvania rights and freedoms provided us through the wife and I were living in Silver Lake. For 5 Thank You for taking This stand . . . Not Constitution have been slowly watered or days we watched the warm glow of busi- only is it the 2nd Amendment at stake here otherwise whittled down by our government, nesses being burned on two sides. For 5 days but the right to protect my family and my and considering our current political and so- we never saw a law enforcement officer. We house . . . I have had 2 encounters since liv- cial climate, the 2nd Amendment is more im- ing in my current house of 28 years . . . with were on our own. My wife and I were un- portant than ever. Unfortunately the oppo- the last one . . . the police told me flat out armed. The couple across the street had a nents of individual freedom are now using an that they couldn’t stop a crime all they do pair of shotguns, and the elderly gentleman axe to chop away at this, our most impor- . . .95% of the time is take a report on the next to them had a .38 service revolver from tant Amendment. I, like all Americans was crime now some want to take this right his days in the LAPD. After it became clear horrified by the recent and senseless murders away from me . . . Guns have been a part of that law enforcement had abandoned the in Colorado & Connecticut, but in our grief, my family for at least 5 generations and citizens of Los Angeles, we took shifts many Americans are failing to realize that watching the street and who was coming and never has there been a bad instance with any the problems of our society cannot be going. Our neighbors brought us coffee in the of our guns . . . washed away simply by removing the inani- middle of the night, a night that was lit with Richard—Pennsylvania mate object from the equation. Was it the the flames of burning buildings. Twice cars I am a law abiding citizen who deserves the fault of the airplane or the Boeing Aircraft came up our street, saw us armed, and right to protect my family from criminals Company for the deaths of innocents in the turned around. I have no doubt that the driv- and tyranny. I abhor violence as do most law 9/11 terrorist attack? No, it was the human ers had things on their minds other than get- abiding citizens but the individuals who beings, with evil in their hearts and minds ting home to loved ones. commit gun crimes are by definition crimi- that were the cause, utilizing an otherwise As soon as I could, I went out and bought nals. This current ‘‘debate’’ has not been useful piece of machinery as the mechanism my first handgun. I will not be disarmed. I about reducing violence and I am dis- of death. It’s times like these when an indi- will not be a victim. And I will not let my appointed in Pro 2A politicians for allowing vidual needs to take a stand, to be respectful boys be victims. Legal or not, I am giving the conversation to be dictated by politi- of those who believe differently than him- them my guns as they get mature enough to cians who neither understand how guns work self, but be resolved to fight for what he be- use them. If our government is so out of nor have the ability to use logic or reason lieves in none the less. I believe strongly in touch they will make law-abiding citizens and use emotions and rhetoric to expand the 2nd Amendment the same way I believe criminals, it’s just something my family will control while putting law abiding citizens that it’s purpose is just as strong today as it have to deal with. But we will not disarm. and freedom at risk. Gun control has not and was in our Founding Father’s day and I will David, from Missouri, wrote the fol- will never work because it does not address be standing up for my rights. Thank you for lowing: the cause. When we as a country decided to standing with me. I am a handicapped 78-year-old male living reduce drunk driving deaths the drivers were Michael—Utah alone. I have applied for and received a con- and are prosecuted not cars or alcohol and it More than ever we need to protect our ceal-carry permit, which I feel is my Second has been successful. Take guns away from God-given liberties and freedoms. While I Amendment right. I hope and pray that I law abiding citizens and neglect to enforce mourn for the loss of life from whatever may never have to use my firearm, but will if and prosecute gun crimes and the result is be the cause, the further eroding of our lib- challenged to do so. Chicago. We need to enforce current laws and erties will make us neither safer nor freer. Please don’t treat the subject of the Sec- have a zero tolerance policy for gun crimes The overwhelming majority of gun owners ond Amendment like you did with my health while addressing mental illness and a culture are law abiding citizens. There will always care, by passing legislation that you didn’t that glorifies violence. be the few that choose to live by their own even read. Please do everything in your power to pro- rules and norms. Carolyn from New Jersey writes: tect our rights and change the focus of this I am the father of a 12 year old and an 8 conversation to the criminals. Protection of the 2A is necessary in order year old and I want them to enjoy the free- to preserve the integrity of our Constitution. Leslie—Minnesota doms that have been enjoyed by previous The ‘‘ruling elite’’ cannot pick and choose Because it a legal right as given by our generations. Do I want them safe? Of course. which amendments they like, and which founding fathers to protect our selves, fam- Do I think further restrictions of firearms they don’t. We, the people, are sovereign ily’s, state and country from harm from any and/or ammunition will do this? No. A men- citizens, and we are protected by the Con- direction. Keep up the good work. tally ill individual will do harm with a 10 round magazine just as they would with a 30 stitution. Holly—Florida round magazine. I would like to see us put Annie, from Georgia, writes the fol- Years ago, I was robbed at gunpoint by 2 more resources toward helping those with lowing: young gang bangers. A call to 911 received no these life changing problems. How sad and Dear Senator, how I wish we as a civilized response from the police—none. After that difficult it must be for the loved ones. nation did not have to go through this in incident, my father gave me one of his small Press forward with protecting the freedoms order to defend our 2nd Amendment that has hand guns & took me to the range to teach and responsibilities of our citizenry. been in place for all these years. It is very me how to use it. I have no record of trans- Jeffrey—Indiana important that we the citizens keep our fer, no background check paperwork, just a The Founders understood that control of weapons to be able to defend ourselves from clear memory of having a gun held to my weaponry, with respect to law abiding citi- criminals as well as to send a message to the head & the knowledge that—if I ever had zens, is not about gun control—it is about government that we are not under any dicta- to—I could defend myself in my home. I fear people control. When the people are no torship. We are a free country, and we are that the knee jerk gun restrictions ema- longer in control of their own destinies, then ready to defend our position against anyone nating from DC and state governments will there is tyranny. The Founders also feared who tries to take away what rights we have. expose me & others like me to harm. I also that once power left the people’s hands, the To me, personally, my guns are my defense fear that the contents of these proposed bills only way to regain that power over their own to protect my family, and I have had to are yet one more excuse for a governmental lives would be with blood. The 2nd Amend- make use of them for that reason in the past money grab. I pray you will meet with suc- ment protects against the need for another and will do it again since the police cannot cess in your efforts. Thank you. revolution of blood. be available fast enough . . . Please protect Rick—Kentucky Vitaliy—Colorado our rights, because once we lose this amend- Senator Lee, Thank you for taking a stand My family and I immigrated here, legally, ment, we are defenseless and others will fol- for our 2nd Amendment rights. The 2nd low. I do not want to live again in a country from Russia/soviet union to live free and to Amendment not only provides the American have opportunity sadly unavailable to most where citizens have no ‘‘voice,’’ where there public an avenue to protect themselves and is no democracy and the people live in fear of in the world. their loved ones when and if the need ever These freedoms and liberties are coming what they say. I am a legal citizen of the arises, a means of hunting to provide food for under attack, starting with the 2nd amend- USA, by choice. I am an American, and I ones family, as a sport to compete and enjoy ment. There is a reason why it is 2nd and not love this country like my own. Thanks so the company of others, but more impor- 5th or 10th—it guarantees us the right to much for what you are doing. Let our voices tantly provides the American people with a protect our freedoms if they are being be heard. means to protect itself from a tyrannical threatened. Mr. President these are just a few of government. Our Founding Fathers and I served in the military and swore to pro- the excerpts. I ask unanimous consent framers of our Constitution knew better tect the constitution of the United States.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.055 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 The entire constitution, not just parts of it family for what $10.00 and no items of value. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under I like. I feel like our president is in violation My husband finally yelled I have a gun and the previous order, there will be 2 of that oath. I know how to use it; I am not sure but the hours of debate equally divided prior to I understand that there is a push to get person on the other side must have decided hands of criminals and those mentally unsta- a vote on the nomination. not to take the chance, seeing our Arkansas The senior Senator from Oregon is ble away from weapons that can potentially plate that we probably did know how to use be used against citizens and kids, but this it, or to find a less threatening home. It took recognized. plan that those on the Left want, do not the officers over 45 minutes to arrive to our Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, this guarantee our safety one bit, instead they home and when I asked what took so long, afternoon we will take up in the Senate take rights of those who are law abiding. one responded, if you had been shot or dying the confirmation of Sally Jewell to I’m also sick to my stomach that the presi- we would have been here sooner. I am a law head the Department of the Interior. dent and those on the left use kids faces and abiding citizen and have the right to defend The Department is one of America’s their parents to stand in front of them like myself, that is why I believe in the 2nd biggest landowners and is the second puppets while the politicians try to abne- amendement. Criminals do believe in the largest source of revenue for the Treas- gate. I cannot believe a human being in such laws and they will find a gun with or without ury after the Internal Revenue Service. power can exploit a tragedy to advance his laws. So if you take away my rights, my political views. death and many others will be on the heads The Department of Interior has the Walter—Florida of foolish goverment officials who do not unique mission of protecting America’s This story was recent . . . On Friday April know what they are doing. For Obama is out treasures while pursuing balanced ap- 6th, 2013 my place of business received a for power not the rights of Americans. I like proaches to promote sustainable eco- phone call that ended with the individual many Americans was so saddened by the nomic development. threatening to kill my receptionist and ev- death of the children and adults by the hand The Department administers the eryone in the building. I immediately placed of a madman, but I need to be armed and Outer Continental Shelf Program, the building on lock down and called the po- have done so legally, to protect my family. which is vital to the gulf coast, and Or- lice. While I was waiting for police to arrive, When are we going to hold people responsible egon’s forest lands in southwestern Or- I retrieved my fire arm from my car and and not the objects they use? Maybe we should ban cars, for they kill more people egon where we are pushing hard to in- began to carry it in my person as I walked crease forest health because we know around and checked all entry points. The po- than guns, or how about a baseball bat, or a lice finally arrived 15 minutes later and very hammer, or my purse (now that is a deadly forest health equals a healthy econ- calmly said that there was no crime com- weapon). People are responsible for their ac- omy. mitted and that they can’t do anything. tions, not objects. Thank you Senator Lee, The Department has significant trust They then left. This really disturbed me as if Eddie Jean Mahurin, a proud American. responsibilities for Native Americans, I did not have a gun in my possession my Maureen—New York and it manages water reclamation employees and I would be nothing but sitting As a woman a firearm is an equalizer projects throughout the West. Public targets. The police are great and I respect against those bigger and stronger than me. I lands, which are administered by the them a great deal, but they are reactive not have the right to protect myself! Department, are a lifeline for our proactive. I equate this to if a fire breaks Patricia—Nebraska ranchers, and they are especially im- out, I want to put it out with an extin- Living in the Midwest, it allows me self- portant given the recent droughts our guisher and not only wait for the fire depart- protection of property and family. We live in country has experienced. ment. At the end of the day I escorted my the country and there are only limited law employees out to their cars and waited until In addition to these traditional re- enforcement here with extremely long re- sponsibilities, increasingly the Depart- they drove off, all while I was armed. I am a sponse times. We need the ability to defend very responsible gun owner who hopes to God ourselves against the ever increasing influx ment of the Interior is responsible for that I never ever have to aim my gun at of crime. providing recreational opportunities someone, let alone shoot and kill someone. I We are also very much of the belief that for millions of our citizens. Today mil- love my family, employees and friends too the Constitution guarantees our right to lions of Americans use these lands to much than to not be armed and just stand bear arms to protect us from tyranny—poli- hunt, camp, fish, hike, and boat. Let’s around if God forbid something were to hap- ticians in power who seek to do our country make no mistake about it. Outdoor pen and I stand helpless watching them be harm. recreation is now a major economic en- injured or killed. Just because I follow the It is your obligation to uphold our rights laws doesn’t mean the person who made the as per the Constitution, as all elected offi- gine for our country, generating more death threat does. Please fight for my right cials took an oath to do just that and We the than $645 billion of revenue each year. to protect the ones I care about most. Thank People will not settle for less . . . This is why I am especially enthused you and God bless! Melissa—Utah today to be able to strongly rec- EddieJean—Utah Being a military wife, my husband is away ommend Sally Jewell to head the De- My family for generations have fought most of the time. I don’t believe the federal partment of the Interior. She has ex- with their lives to protect the constitution government should have the power to tell me ceptional qualifications. Somehow she of the United States. I remember as a child what I need and don’t need in order to keep has managed to pack into just one life- feeling pride in my country by saying the myself and my family safe. They do not time two or three lifetimes of experi- pledge of allegiance. I am still a very proud know my comfort level and ability with fire- ences. She has been a petroleum engi- American and believe in the rights of all arms, so how can they decide what would be neer, corporate CEO, a banker, and a best for me to use? That decision should be Americans. When my husband, daughter and citizen volunteer. Her qualifications I moved from Arkansas to Arizona (while my mine. Whether I decide a rifle or handgun or husband was in the military) it was a shock- none at all, is of no concern to anyone else. clearly made an impression on the En- er to my system. Moving was exhausting, Controlling me will not keep anyone else ergy and Natural Resources Com- and like many new young couples with no safe from criminals. It will only make me mittee, which I chair. Last month our money and moving ourselves, we were so ex- less safe. members voted 19 to 3 to approve her cited to find an affordable home in a not so Our constitutional liberties should never nomination, and I believe she got that scary neighborhood. It was about 2 weeks be up for a vote. This whole thing is quite resounding vote because she is the disturbing. when we woke (we slept in our living room, right person to oversee the multitude we did not have a bed) to someone trying to f of programs at the Department of the open our front door. Terrified, my husband told me to go get our young daughter, while EXECUTIVE SESSION Interior, several of which I have just he grabbed his revolver. I got our daughter, mentioned. She certainly made clear in got behind my husband and called the police. her confirmation hearing that she un- The lady on the line was very concerned and NOMINATION OF SARAH JEWELL derstands there is an enormous respon- talked to me the whole time. The person try- TO BE SECRETARY OF THE INTE- sibility to balance the dual roles of ing to get in was very persistent, and moved RIOR conserving and developing resources. the window. I was so scared and asked where The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under I think we all understand that jobs in are the police, what is taking so long, she ex- the previous order, the Senate will pro- our country come from the private sec- plained that they put calls in order of threat. ceed to executive session to consider tor, and if through this Department we I said this is important and the person or person’s are trying to get in. She asked if we the following nomination, which the can come up with innovative, fresh were armed I said yes, but we did not want clerk will report. policies to set the climate for job to hurt anyone (a crazy statement), because The bill clerk read the nomination of growth while we protect our treasures, I did not know the person on the other side, Sally Jewell, of Washington, to be Sec- that is clearly going to be good for the who would possibly kill me and my whole retary of the Interior. United States of America.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.003 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2543 Let’s look at a few of the areas where But, again, you do not run—and run In several States, the Federal Gov- she is going to be involved. Natural gas well—a nearly $2 billion outdoor equip- ernment controls the majority of the is just one. This resource has been a ment company, as Ms. Jewell has, by land. In Alaska, 64 percent of the State huge, positive development for our osmosis but because you are a good is controlled from here in Washington, country. We have it, the world wants manager, you are good with people, and DC. So that means an individual who it, our prices are lower, and we are see- in particular you understand what the may have an inholding in some Federal ing a significant interest among Amer- challenges are all about. land basically has to get permission to ican manufacturers in bringing jobs At this point, I would like to give get to his or her inholding within a back home. I know this has been of some time to my friend and colleague. park. It is almost hard for many of my great interest to the Presiding Officer I know that Washington Senators are colleagues to believe that so much of today. A lot of these manufacturers are very interested in being part of this de- what it is we do has to go through this saying they want to come back from bate, and before we wrap up this after- process of approval, but that is our re- overseas because America has a price noon, I also would like to talk about ality. advantage in terms of clean natural the wonderful track record of Ms. In Alaska, with the Federal owner- gas. Jewell’s predecessor, our current Sec- ship, there are more than 230 million There are significant environmental retary, Secretary Salazar, who is Sen- acres that are held in Federal owner- questions associated with natural gas. ator MURKOWSKI’s and my personal ship. That is an area which is larger We have already talked about them in friend. than the State of Texas. We always our committee. We are going to have to For purposes of this part of the dis- like to compare ourselves—Alaska to deal with fracking issues and methane cussion, I would only like to say to the Texas—but the fact is that the Federal emissions and underground aquifers. Senate that in Sally Jewell we will public lands in Alaska are larger than Based on some of the discussions we have an individual with the experience the size of the State of Texas. We have have had—and we had a very good dia- and with the expertise and the drive to over 57 million acres of wilderness. log between Frances Beinecke of the lead the Department of the Interior. I That is about the size of the State of Natural Resources Defense Council and believe she will listen to Senators who Minnesota. And that is just sitting in Senator HOEVEN from North Dakota have concerns, listen to Senators who my State. where they have a significant interest want, as Senator MURKOWSKI and so The proportion of Federal land in in natural gas—I believe that under many in our committee have tried to Alaska is exceeded only by that of our Sally Jewell, when it comes to our pub- do, to find common ground. So I colleagues from Nevada. The majority lic lands, we are going to be able to strongly urge the Senate today, when leader and Senator HELLER remind us strike the kind of responsible balance we vote a little bit later on, to join me quite frequently the Federal lands held that will make sense for the Senate in in voting to approve Sally Jewell’s in their State are at about 85 percent. So when you think about what this a bipartisan way. nomination for the Department of the does, the Federal land classifications I see my friend and colleague Senator Interior. I will now be happy to yield to my that we have to deal with, oftentimes MURKOWSKI is here. She has more than it not only severely restricts the usage met me halfway as we have tried to friend and colleague from Alaska. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- of Federal lands by our people, but as a look at the issues associated with these ior Senator from Alaska is recognized. practical matter they restrict the use questions, such as natural gas. Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I I will only say that with someone of State and private lands too. follow my colleague from Oregon, the So, again, the Secretary of the Inte- with the brains and energy and the chairman of the Energy Committee, rior is important to the future of a willingness to reach out that Sally here in discussing the qualifications of State such as Alaska and the West, but Jewell has—and she certainly did that the nominee for Secretary of the Inte- really, as it relates to other Cabinet based on the number of visits she made rior, Sally Jewell. We recognize as members, this is one to which we are to Senators—we may be able to have a westerners that this is an appointment, going to pay serious attention. natural gas policy where we can have it this is a position that has great signifi- I had occasion to come to this floor all, where we can have modest prices cance, great meaning to our States, so several months ago to discuss a deci- for our businesses and consumers that we pay attention to these nominees, we sion that came out of the U.S. Fish and make for a significant economic advan- pay attention to who is the Secretary Wildlife Service. In that decision, they tage, we can bring back some of those of the Interior. somehow found cause to oppose a sin- industries from overseas to Oregon and I have taken the position that our gle-lane gravel road, 10 miles, that Ohio and other parts of the country, constitutional responsibility for advice would connect the community of King and we can do it by using, for example, and consent should begin with very Cove—near the Aleutians—connect it best practices on our public lands as it thoughtful questions on our part, and to the smaller community of less than relates to managing these resources. then, absent any seriously disquali- 100 people of Cold Bay. The reason for But we will only have a chance to ac- fying factors, we should conclude with the need to connect these two commu- complish those kinds of things if we the confirmation of the President’s nities is Cold Bay has the second long- have someone with Sally Jewell’s tal- nominees. Our obligation to get an- est runway in the State of Alaska. ents and professional track record of swers to our questions is always a seri- King Cove, on the other hand, where actually bringing people together on ous one, and the duty weighs most most of the people live—about 900- these kinds of issues. heavily when the interests of our con- some-odd Native Alaskans—has an air- I do not believe you can run a multi- stituents are directly at stake. port that is dicey at best. We have seen billion-dollar company, such as REI, I mention the impact the Depart- accidents, we have seen lives lost as which has been Ms. Jewell’s current po- ment of the Interior has particularly folks have tried to leave King Cove for sition, without showing the ability to on our Western States—our States that medical services. manage, to bring people together, and have so much in public lands, our It was an issue that, for me and for in particular to anticipate some of the States where we have national forests, the people of King Cove, was far beyond exciting trends in the days ahead in where we have BLM lands, rangelands, a discussion about what happens when terms of outdoor recreation, where we refuge lands. In Alaska and really in you put a small road through a refuge. all have enjoyed the American tradi- many parts across the West, the Fed- For the people of King Cove, this was tion of the great outdoors. I think few eral Government’s biggest and most about safety, this was about life and thought it would be a $646 billion con- prominent role is really that of a land- safety, and they felt they were not tributor to the American economy. But lord. Sometimes you have a good rela- being heard by their Federal landlord. that happens because individuals like tionship with your landlord, and other The agencies had not heard the people. Ms. Jewell are willing to step up to times it feels as if the landlord won’t In fact, the Department had not heard take these positions. Because she is even let you put a nail in the wall to the people. Now, they had listened to from our part of the world in the Pa- hang a picture. So, again, we look very the biologists and they had gotten that cific Northwest, we are particularly critically and very carefully at this po- message, but the people had not been pleased to see her secure this position. sition. heard.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.057 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 So through a series of very lengthy amazing public lands in this country. tive, a different lens. Perhaps because discussions with Secretary Salazar, We all need to be working with her. she is not so embedded in the history, through a series of conversations with I have no question about Ms. Jewell’s she will be able to look at this anew. the nominee Sally Jewell, and through intelligence and her competence as a And I think that is good. I think that the impassioned words of many of the manager. I have been very impressed is a positive. I certainly will look for- people of King Cove, who traveled over with what I have seen as her level of ward to engaging substantively with 4,000 miles to come here to Wash- sincerity with her very distinguished her as we complete this process—and ington, DC, to knock on the door of the private sector career. It has been noted beyond—on these issues, on how she Secretary and say: Please hear our that she has probably spent more time can really bring her problem-solving voices, there has been an accommoda- in Alaska prior to coming to the De- skills to bear in a way that will serve tion, there has been an agreement partment of Interior than any other all Americans. reached. And I appreciate my col- nominee outside of Walter Hickel, who I think it is telling—and it was noted league, the chairman, helping us with was our former Governor and served as in the Energy Committee hearing by this. The Department of the Interior Secretary of the Interior. So she gives one of our colleagues—that Ms. Jewell has agreed to have the new Secretary me comfort with that, knowing that brings to the table as the nominee for as well as the Assistant Secretary of she understands much of what we have the Secretary of Interior a business Indian Affairs review the public health to deal with in Alaska. background that is quite considerable. and safety impacts of the decision to These are all important qualities as She is a petroleum engineer who has build this road. we think about her competence as a actually fracked a well, so she has ex- But I think it is important that folks manager, as we think about her intel- perience there. She has experience in understand this wasn’t a parochial ligence. But dealing with an agency the Alaska and worked on the beginning issue I was raising here on the floor. I size, the scope, and the complexity of portion of how we built out the Trans- kept referring to it as the King Cove the Department of Interior really re- Alaska Pipeline. She did it from the issue, but it is not one single issue, and quires the ability to focus not only on Seattle area but has that skill set as it is not parochial. It is obvious to the the debates and conflicts that we are well. people of Alaska why this was such a facing today, but it is going to require It was asked somewhat tongue-in- considerable deal, why it was so impor- an understanding of how we got here, cheek by one of my colleagues on the tant the people of King Cove be heard. the fact that the debates and conflicts Republican side: Well, you have all For them, it was not just about a road, of today often are based on years, dec- these great characteristics. Why would it was an issue of overreach. It was a ades, perhaps even centuries of history. President Obama select you? symbol of Federal overreach on way Those who are steeped in this history So I think it is important to recog- too many policies we see come out of raise the importance of the Secretary nize that we have before us a nominee the Department and the harm that understanding the context for the who brings a unique set of skill sets causes across our Nation. many difficult decisions that will be and experiences to us that I am hopeful The reality is so many of us, particu- made. will be beneficial. This is important to larly those in the Western States, have I had an opportunity to ask a lot of me as an Alaskan, to know we have our own King Cove. We all have those questions of Sally Jewell not only in someone who will be a listener, who instances when issues have come up, our private meeting but before the will be a convener, who will work to where the people from the States we committee and then also in writing. I solve problems. I am looking forward represent have to go knocking on the asked questions about my questions. I to the opportunity to spend time in door of some Federal agency for per- wanted to be thorough. And I do con- Alaska with her as she visits with the mission, have to try to navigate a mo- cede that Ms. Jewell will be on a learn- people up north to better understand rass of regulations, and they do not ing curve as she assumes the position some of the challenges we face and feel as though they are being heard. of Secretary. But in her answers to hopefully work with us on these issues Every day we have Federal restrictions questions at the hearing and in her that are so critically important. making it harder for local people to written submissions, she has pointed I appreciate the good work of my col- live and to prosper. out her experience and her skill at league and the chairman of the com- I made a big effort to make sure the bringing diverse groups of people to- mittee in getting us to this point so incoming Secretary of the Interior not gether to solve difficult problems on that we can move Ms. Jewell’s nomina- only understood the particulars of King which they have been divided histori- tion forward. I look forward to sup- Cove—and I welcome the opportunity cally, and I do take her at her word porting her and working with her dur- to travel with her when she comes to there. I will certainly commit to par- ing her tenure as Secretary of the Inte- Alaska and flies out to King Cove hope- ticipating in that dialog and to bring- rior. fully at the end of the summer—for her ing all of my fellow western constitu- Mr. President, I yield the floor. not only to understand this issue but ents with me, whether it is literally or The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- for her to understand the bigger role figuratively. I believe that is impor- ior Senator from Washington State is she will assume as Secretary of the In- tant. recognized. terior and how important it is for her Ms. Jewell has used the word ‘‘con- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I rise to listen to all sides and to listen to vener’’ when describing herself, and I today to join my colleagues and urge the people she represents. As Secretary think this will be a very important them to vote in support of Sally of the Interior, she is the one to imple- task and role that she will assume. Jewell, who has been nominated to ment that special trust responsibility There are conflicting groups and con- serve as Interior Secretary. I thank the Federal Government has to our flicting interests, and Ms. Jewell has Senator WYDEN for all of his work in first people, to our Native people, so spoken to how she has reconciled that moving her through this process to she needs to see and hear for herself. in the past with her previous work ex- today. I was thrilled when President She also needs to fully understand perience, not only at REI but at other Obama nominated Sally for this posi- what she has in front of her—as Sen- places, and I do believe she has the tion, and I couldn’t be more excited to ator WYDEN mentioned, the massive skill sets to accomplish just that. support her confirmation. public lands that will be under her ju- So with this commitment she has Sally is going to come to the Depart- risdiction as Secretary, understanding made to me and to others on the com- ment of the Interior at a difficult time what that means to ranchers and farm- mittee, I will certainly take the view for our country. As a nation, we are ers and those who are the recreators in that the fact that Ms. Jewell has per- working very hard to protect our envi- our national parks, to those who will haps not been through the full gamut ronment and invest in new tech- harvest timber, to those who will use of the conflicts that surround so much nologies to meet our energy demands. our lands in the manner in which they of what happens within Interior, per- And on the local level, including in my are intended—multiple use—for her to haps that is a good thing because per- home State of Washington, Sally is fully understand what it means to be haps she is able to look at some of going to face some complex issues, the custodian, the landlord of our these issues through a fresh perspec- such as protecting tribal lands and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.058 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2545 treaty rights. But I can think of no one noon to speak in support of the nomi- I hope our colleagues will vote today better prepared for this task than nation of Sally Jewell as Secretary of to move Ms. Jewell out of the Senate Sally. the Interior. Like my colleagues from so we can get her into the Department After she studied at the University of the Northwest, I wish to express how of the Interior so she can begin this im- Washington to become an engineer, much we appreciate her willingness to portant job and continue to move our Sally left the Northwest for the oil- serve and how proud we are of her leg- Nation’s agenda forward. fields of Oklahoma and Colorado, acy and interests in a variety of issues As the chairwoman of the Indian Af- where she learned about the energy so far. fairs Committee I look forward to sector from the inside out. She moved Obviously, the Department of the In- working with Ms. Jewell on all the from the outdoors—as you can see from terior is so important to us, with its issues related to Indian Country as this picture—to the boardroom and broad range of services, including ev- well. There is much to accomplish and spent nearly two decades in finance erything from our national parks, to much to address. I think her back- helping businesses grow and learning wildlife refuge, to offshore drilling ground is exactly what we need in the what it takes to succeed in the market- lease management, to the important Department. I hope my colleagues will place. science done by the USGS Service, and move quickly on this issue. Time and again, Sally has broken the many other things. In fact, I read I thank the chairman, Senator mold to take on tough tasks—often in somewhere kind of humorously that WYDEN, for his leadership in moving male-dominated industries. When she the Department of the Interior was her nomination through the process. joined Recreational Equipment, Incor- called the Department of Everything I yield the floor. porated, the Seattle-based outdoor re- Else. Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, before tailer, it was struggling. But after 8 As a nominee, Ms. Jewell came before she leaves I want to thank Senator years with Sally as CEO, REI is now our committee. I thank her family for CANTWELL for all her good work. As northwesterners know, and I hope the thriving, topping $1 billion in sales, their willingness to support her in her rest of the country knows, Senator while leading the charge to protect our efforts to come to Washington, DC, be- CANTWELL is one of those who under- environment. And finding that bal- cause Sally is the exact type of leader- stands the opportunity in the great ance—navigating the business world ship we need at the Department of the Interior. She represents a balanced per- outdoors. I know she is climbing a while keeping REI’s commitment to son who not only knows how to help a mountain this summer and is always in the outdoors—is what will make Sally growing business, as she did, she has shape. She is always fit and ready for a great as our next Interior Secretary. served on the university board of re- mountain. Perhaps better than anyone, Sally gents and also worked on the non- To have the opportunity to work knows that businesses and the environ- partisan National Conservation Parks with folks in the Pacific Northwest, ment both benefit when we are com- Association. She has done everything particularly with Sally Jewell’s back- mitted to protecting our national in business, from dealing with oilfields ground, as the Senator has eloquently parks and promoting our national in Oklahoma to commercial banking outlined, I think it is going to be an treasures. At REI, Sally has proven to, of late, running REI, one of our advantage not just for our region but that sustainability and responsibility most successful companies in the Pa- for the rest of our country. make sense for the environment and cific Northwest. I know she has the I see our colleague from New Mexico the company’s bottom line. kind of leadership it takes to figure out is here. If he would like to make some In Washington State, she has worked these issues about best use of public remarks at this point, we welcome closely with me to help create the Wild lands or the vigorous challenges the him. I have some additional remarks as Sky Wilderness area and expand our Department faces when it comes to well. other important environmental protec- modernizing the bureaucracy or think- Would my colleague from New Mex- tions throughout our State. She has ing about climate change at the same ico like to make any remarks at this worked with industry and environ- time you are talking about deepwater time? mentalists to expand recreational op- drilling. There are a myriad of things All right. portunities throughout the Northwest we have to forge through, and Sally Let me, then, talk for just a few and has helped us work toward perma- Jewell is the right person with the more minutes about Ms. Jewell and nently protecting BLM lands in the right balance to get that done. some of the challenges ahead of her, San Juan Islands, where my colleague Having grown up in Washington, particularly in natural resources. Obvi- Senator MARIA CANTWELL was at the where over 40 percent of our lands is in ously, with authorities, as my col- forefront. That is truly a gem of Wash- public land, I know Sally understands leagues have outlined, that range from ington State and has recently been de- these western issues, whether it is managing national parks, to offshore clared a national monument. water rights or salmon recovery or un- oil and gas development, to protecting Sally has backed crucial public-pri- derstanding the impact on water levels, fish and wildlife, serving as Secretary vate partnerships that create jobs the fire season, wildlife on BLM lands, of the Interior, it is almost like an ex- through recreation, and she has sup- or the importance of access to hunting treme sport for multitaskers. You are ported groundbreaking programs to get and fishing. I guarantee, because she going to have to juggle. Ms. Jewell young people involved in the outdoors. grew up there, Sally Jewell under- knows a little bit about multitasking, So whether it is our forest lands in stands these issues. I know she has as we have outlined, from being a pe- the Northwest or mineral deposits in been involved in many organizations to troleum engineer, a CEO, a conserva- the Southwest or oil reserves along our express that, and that has been a good tionist, and a banker. coastlines, Sally is going to lead an In- training ground for her. Particularly in my part of the world, terior Department where economic I am confident, because she is a Oregon, there are some especially im- growth and long-term sustainability go trained engineer, she is going to bring portant challenges. The Federal Gov- hand in hand. a very pragmatic, can-do attitude to ernment owns most of our land. Par- I am here today to urge my col- the Interior Department’s management ticularly in forestry, we need to find a leagues to vote in support of Sally and problem-solving efforts. way to bring together all sides—timber Jewell, and I am really pleased she has I know science will be her compass, owners, environmentalists, scientists— been nominated. Again, I thank Sen- and I know she is not going to have an and we need to go in there and clean ator WYDEN for all of his work in get- ideological bent, but she is going to out millions and millions of acres of ting her to this point in this process. have a ‘‘get it done’’ mentality. overstocked timber stands. We can get Mr. President, I yield the floor. Given the importance of the Interior that material to the mills. It is an The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Department’s agencies and very chal- ideal source of biomass, a clean source ator from Washington State is recog- lenging mission, I am excited we are of energy. nized. going to have somebody with a busi- Because we are working to build rela- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I ness background and a science back- tionships with the environmental com- join my colleagues from the Northwest ground at the Department of the Inte- munity, we can also find a way to pro- who have come to the floor this after- rior. tect old growth as we get to harvest

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.060 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 timber. But it is, again, not going to know the Presiding Officer has great I would like to note something else happen just by osmosis or because affection for him as well—our former as well about Secretary Salazar. I somebody waves a wand in Washington, colleague, Ken Salazar. Ken Salazar know Senators on both sides of the DC. It is going to happen because we has been Secretary of the Interior aisle would call him when they had have responsible administrators like throughout the Obama administration those kinds of resource questions. I Sally Jewell who are going to take the to date. It is my view he has done an know Senator MURKOWSKI brought up time to learn the checker-board pat- exceptional job. I think we all under- one of Secretary Salazar’s final acts in tern of O&C lands and our local com- stand in the Senate that when Ken office today. Under his leadership the munities, and particularly understand Salazar is involved, get ready for a State of Idaho and the Fish and Wild- some of our traditions that have great smile, an enormous amount of life Service entered into an arrange- worked particularly well in the past energy, enormous amount of intel- ment so that the State of Idaho’s plan and I think can be of great benefit as ligence, and someone who, in a very for addressing the sage grouse could be we look to future solutions. persistent way, is interested in solving implemented. I know this is a critical Back in 2000 I had the honor of writ- problems. Ken Salazar has sure done issue for Senator RISCH. He and I ing the secure rural schools bill and that in a number of important areas. talked about it often. I am going to the timber payments bill with our For example, before Ken Salazar took work with him on these issues, and former colleague, Senator Larry Craig. office—I am looking at a headline from what Secretary Salazar did today is an What we included in that legislation is when there was a huge scandal at the example of the new kind of partnership the kind of model for collaborative for- Department of the Interior. I am look- that we all are looking to the Interior estry that we are going to see Sally ing at an article from the fall of 2008 Department and the states for, and cer- Jewell pick up on. We established headlined, ‘‘Sex, Drug Use and Graft tainly something I want to promote, Cited In The Interior Department.’’ something called resource advisory and I know Senator MURKOWSKI shares Basically, what it talks about is an councils where, in effect, on the local that view. level people from the timber industry, investigation, a number of reports de- I think it is fair to say that Sally livered by the inspector general, that people from the environmental commu- Jewell has very large boots to fill. We basically document, at the Department nity, scientists, and a whole host of all remember Secretary Salazar’s won- of the Interior, a culture of lax ethics. others—frankly, some people who as a derful western boots and the anecdotes It basically describes something like a general rule had not done much talking about them. She has certainly got a dozen current and former employees of to each other, probably done a lot of challenge to try to step in after a Sec- the Minerals Management Service, an litigating against each other—they retary who has accomplished so much. agency that collected at that time bil- would use these resource advisory But as I and Senator MURKOWSKI and lions of dollars of royalties annually— councils to come together and try to the Washington Senators have outlined you basically had an ‘‘anything goes’’ find some common ground. today, we believe strongly that Sally kind of environment, and the reports It worked. Regarding these resource go on and on. It feels more like a litany Jewell is up to this challenge. I hope advisory councils, when I meet people for a late-night television show. she will receive a resounding vote in from the timber industry, from any of The reports focused on a culture of the Senate. I believe we are close to the extractive industries, and environ- substance abuse and promiscuity in the point where we will be able to vote mental folks, they say: Use that model. what was the Service’s royalty and in- on Ms. Jewell. Use that collaborative model that we kind program—essentially, officials For all the reasons that I and my col- are seeing used in timberlands in who seemed to be exempt from expense leagues have outlined this afternoon, I southwestern Oregon as a way that we accounts limits, one ethical lapse after hope there will be very strong bipar- can build on the opportunity to bring another, as documented in these re- tisan support for Ms. Jewell when we people together. ports. I remember at the hearing, the vote. We have been able to do that with confirmation hearing, Senator Sala- With that I yield the floor. I suggest Forest Service lands in eastern Oregon zar—it was unusual because he had the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to some extent. I think we can do it been my seatmate over the years at the clerk will call the roll. also in western Oregon and in the com- Senate Energy Committee—I said: Sen- munities that are affected by the Bu- The legislative clerk proceeded to ator Salazar, you have to go in there call the roll. reau of Land Management lands. Prob- and drain the swamp at the Minerals ably to do it we are going to have to Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I ask Management Service. unanimous consent the order for a extend the timber payments law for an- In fact, he certainly did that. Essen- other year to give us the time to come quorum call be rescinded. tially, the successor agency has been The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without up with a long-term solution. I have free of scandal. I think that is rep- talked about this with Sally Jewell in objection, it is so ordered. resentative of both the integrity and Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I ask the past and about her willingness to professionalism that Secretary Salazar unanimous consent all remaining time see that this is an issue that now fi- has brought to the agency. on the Jewell nomination be yielded nally has to be addressed, addressed in Also, I note after the gulf spill he back. a way that will get the timber harvest overhauled the offshore drilling prac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without up in O&C lands but also protect our tices, ensured that they were beefed up objection, it is so ordered. All time is treasures. Our old growth is some of in terms of safety while at the same yielded back. the very pristine treasures of America. time allowing for the drilling that is so Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I ask for If we do not figure out a way to pro- important to the industry. the yeas and nays. mote forest health and go in there and I am also going to reflect on Sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a thin out these overstocked stands, retary Salazar’s accomplishments, sufficient second? these fires that we are seeing—they are mention that he has done yeoman work There appears to be a sufficient sec- not natural fires, they are really in terms of promoting green and renew- ond. magnets for infernos because of years able energy. I note in one of the com- There is a sufficient second. and years of neglect—are going to con- ments about his departure that Christy The question is, Will the Senate ad- tinue. Goldfuss, Public Lands Director at the vise and consent to the nomination of I think Sally Jewell is up to the chal- Center for American Progress, stated Sarah Jewell, of Washington, to be Sec- lenge of coming up with the kind of Secretary Salazar championed ‘‘a new retary of the Interior? policies for the O&C lands, for the model of conservation which focused on The clerk will call the roll. lands in eastern Oregon and those my partnerships with private land owners The legislative clerk called the roll. colleagues talked about in Montana and States’’ and ‘‘that approach has Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the and Colorado and Idaho, and I think paid off with cooperatives in the Ever- Senator from New Jersey (Mr. LAUTEN- she is up to that challenge. glades in Florida, the Prairie Potholes BERG) and the Senator from West Vir- Before we wrap up today I want to region of the Dakotas, and other ginia (Mr. ROCKEFELLER) are nec- take a few minutes and talk about—I areas.’’ essarily absent.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.064 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2547 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there them shot multiple times—little tiny going to begin this process before we any other Senators in the Chamber de- kids shot multiple times. The shooting leave here this week. siring to vote? was on December 14, about 4 months I so appreciate the work done by Sen- The result was announced—yeas 87, ago—120 days. So the time has come— ators MANCHIN, TOOMEY, KIRK, and nays 11, as follows: it has arrived—when we have to debate many others. My friend Senator SCHU- [Rollcall Vote No. 94 Ex.] this issue. We have to have a response MER has been working on this issue. My YEAS—87 to this tragedy. friend DICK DURBIN, who has been in- Alexander Franken Moran When this incident took place on De- volved in guns for a long time, has been Ayotte Gillibrand Murkowski cember 14, it struck me, as it did every- involved. I appreciate the work of ev- Baldwin Graham Murphy one in America—virtually everyone in eryone. As the press has indicated, we Baucus Grassley Murray are likely going to get cloture on this Begich Hagan Nelson America; we had been through Aurora, Bennet Harkin Paul CO—that vicious, brutal machine-gun- tomorrow. I hope so. But, as I have told Blumenthal Hatch Portman ning of people going to watch a movie, individual Senators, if we do not get Blunt Heinrich Pryor and then little kids getting killed in an cloture, we are going to have a vote in Boozman Heitkamp Reed the Senate on capacity clips, assault Boxer Heller Reid elementary school, kindergartners, Brown Hirono Risch first-graders—so we need to respond, weapons, background checks, and some Burr Hoeven Roberts this great deliberative body, to what mental health items or item. That we Cantwell Inhofe Sanders the American people want. So we are are going to do. I hope we can do it in Cardin Isakson Schatz the regular process. Carper Johnson (SD) Schumer going to vote. It is time to vote. I hope Casey Johnson (WI) Sessions we get cloture on this matter. We cer- We have had people for a long time Coats Kaine Shaheen tainly should. After that, there is no now—my friends on the other side of Cochran King Shelby reason not to start legislating imme- the aisle—saying: We want regular Collins Kirk Stabenow order. We want to be able to offer Coons Klobuchar Tester diately. I hope we do not have to go Corker Landrieu Thune through this procedural mishmash—30 amendments. Well, I do too. And I hope Cornyn Leahy Toomey people will not see how many amend- hours; somebody on the floor all the Cowan Levin Udall (CO) ments they can offer, not see if they time; if people are not, there are dila- Crapo Manchin Udall (NM) can set a record for how many amend- Cruz McCain Warner tory tactics; only one quorum call— ments can be laid down, because we Donnelly McCaskill Warren and all this. Let’s get past that. If Durbin Menendez Whitehouse should have this as a civil process and somebody has something to say, come Feinstein Merkley Wicker culminating in a better set of laws for Flake Mikulski Wyden and say it. But this week we are going our people in this great country in to start legislating. We are going to NAYS—11 which we live. Barrasso Fischer Rubio start legislating whether there is clo- For those of us who have the oppor- Chambliss Johanns Scott ture or not. One will be a little longer tunity to try to address this issue, I Coburn Lee Vitter process. But we are going to start leg- Enzi McConnell hope we all understand that the world islating on this bill this week. I hope is watching what we do. NOT VOTING—2 we can get to it tomorrow. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Lautenberg Rockefeller I do not think it is any secret, if we ator from Delaware. are on this bill, I am going to—the first The nomination was confirmed. NOMINATION OF SRI SRINIVASAN The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under amendment in order will be the amend- Mr. COONS. Mr. President, earlier the previous order, the motion to re- ment to change the background checks this afternoon I had the opportunity, consider is considered made and laid that has been worked on for weeks by the honor, to chair a hearing of the upon the table and the President will Senator MANCHIN, Senator KIRK, and Senate Judiciary Committee, on which be immediately notified of the Senate’s Senator TOOMEY, and then we will de- we both serve, to consider the Presi- action. cide where we go from there. dent’s nomination of a highly qualified To all my friends, we are going to f lawyer, Sri Srinivasan, to serve on the have amendments. Some of them are DC Circuit Court of Appeals. LEGISLATIVE SESSION going to take a little bit of time. We I am encouraged by what the major- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- are not going to finish the bill this ity leader has just said about the very ate will resume legislative session. week. I do not know if we will finish it real possibility that we will get a vote f next week. But that really does not on the floor of this Senate on vital and matter. Are we going to legislate the important issues affecting guns, immi- SAFE COMMUNITIES, SAFE right way? Are we going to legislate? I gration, and other issues, but what I SCHOOLS ACT OF 2013—MOTION have in my mind these little children speak to today is the absolutely essen- TO PROCEED—Continued who were murdered. What we do here is tial role this Senate must fill of voting The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- not going to prevent all gun violence in on qualified judges who have been nom- jority leader. America, but if we stop a few, isn’t inated to the circuit courts of the Mr. REID. Mr. President, tomorrow that remarkably important for us to United States. at 11 o’clock we are going to vote on do? I think we can do a lot more than Earlier today at this hearing, 10 of cloture on the motion to proceed to the saving the lives of just a few people. our colleagues, Republicans and Demo- gun legislation that is now before this But let’s work on this bill. We are crats, asked thoughtful questions, and body. going to start. If we have to use up the Mr. Srinivasan gave thorough and This morning and throughout the 30 hours, we will use up the 30 hours. I thoughtful answers. I came away con- day, our friend from Connecticut think there are ways around that pro- vinced that he has the background, the spoke, a freshman Senator who was cedurally. I hope we do not have to test education, the skills, and, most impor- brought to the Senate with this trag- that. There are a number of amend- tantly, the temperament to serve as a edy having taken place shortly after he ments. We all know. We have been circuit court judge. And I was encour- arrived. My friend the Presiding Offi- reading about them. There are lots of aged by comments of my colleagues, cer, a longtime attorney general, the amendments; people have been waiting both Republican and Democratic, that chief law enforcement officer of the a long time for this legislation. they too were inclined to support this State of Connecticut, has lived with One of my Republican colleagues yes- nomination. this tragedy that happened at Sandy terday said: I have a number of ger- Under normal historical cir- Hook like nothing that ever happened mane amendments I want to offer. cumstances, today’s hearing would be in his career. And, of course, for Sen- I said: Fine. Good. Do it. the beginning of a deliberate, timely, ator HEINRICH, a new Senator, this was We know we have to do background orderly process—a process required of something he never appreciated he checks, assault weapons, the ammuni- this body by article II, section 2 of our would be faced with. tion capacity of clips or magazines, Constitution by which we advise and I saw the pictures today of those lit- mental health. That is just to name a consent to the President’s nomina- tle babies who were murdered, some of few of the things. And I repeat, we are tions.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.004 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 We should, of course, carefully con- served in the Solicitor General’s office in which I serve, a result that was sider the qualifications of candidates for both Republican and Democratic avoided only at the last moment for and not serve as some rubberstamp, administrations. He has served in the the good of the Senate and the Nation. but neither should we be a firewall private sector and the public sector I urge my colleagues to come together blocking qualified nominees from serv- and has earned bipartisan support from to give this good man a vote and avoid ing. Unfortunately, for some number of those who have worked with him. another such crisis today. years, this Senate has, in some vital In fact, he has been endorsed publicly Let’s do our job so the judges of the instances, served more as a firewall in a letter from 12 former Solicitors DC Circuit Court of Appeals can do than as an advise and consent body. In- General and Principal Deputy Solici- theirs for the people of our Nation. stead of doing our due diligence with tors General, six Democrats, six Repub- I yield the floor. appropriate speed, we have seen delays, licans, for those who have served in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- stalling tactics, and in some instances Democratic and Republican adminis- ator from Oklahoma. filibusters of highly qualified nomi- trations. GAO DUPLICATION REPORT nees. The letter, signed by conservative Mr. COBURN. Mr. President, I would Five years into President Obama’s legal luminaries such as Paul Clement note to my colleague from the State of administration, the courts are still and Ted Olson, notes Mr. Srinivasan is Delaware, if I heard him correctly, we nearly 10 percent vacant. In my view, ‘‘one of the best appellate lawyers in just now have had a hearing on a nomi- our courts should be above politics. the country,’’ with an ‘‘unsurpassed’’ nee for the DC Circuit Court. He is not When the President of either party sub- work ethic who is ‘‘extremely well pre- even on the Executive Calendar be- mits a highly qualified candidate of pared to take on the intellectual rigors cause he has not even been voted out of good character and sound legal mind, of serving on the D.C. Circuit.’’ the Judiciary Committee. So the Sen- absent exceptional circumstances, that At the same time, throughout the ator makes a lot of great points. But I candidate is entitled to a vote. course of his career in private practice think the fact we are talking about a The actions or in this case inaction and as a public servant, he has rep- potential judge who has not even of the Senate with regard to the DC resented clients with causes diverse cleared the Judiciary Committee yet Circuit have consequences. The DC Cir- enough that any individual policy- may be a bit premature. cuit Court of Appeals has a series of va- maker or elected official is likely to He will get a fair hearing. I think we cancies, the result of which, in my disagree with some of them, including have noted that more judicial nomi- view, are to delay and deny justice for me. I disagree with a position he ar- nees were approved in the last two Con- Americans far beyond the boundaries gued in Rumsfeld v. Padilla in support gresses than the two Congresses before of this District of Columbia. of the idea that the government has a under the last 4 years of the Bush ad- The DC Circuit Court is often called right to detain U.S. citizens indefi- ministration. the second most important in the Na- nitely, but I do not ascribe that posi- I rise to say this evening there has tion, because, like the Supreme Court, tion to him. been a lot in the news. One thing that it handles cases that impact Americans One of the most foundational prin- has not been in the news very much is all over our country. Regularly, it ciples of our legal system is that we do the third and final report of the Gov- hears cases on issues ranging from ter- not ascribe to the attorney the posi- ernment Accountability Office in rorism and detention to the scope of tion which he successfully and vigor- terms of looking at duplication within Federal agency power. Yet it is criti- ously advocates on behalf of his client. the Federal Government. cally understaffed. This circuit court I will not block his nomination simply I hope as the American people listen has not seen a nominee confirmed since because I might disagree with the posi- to this, they will take a couple things President George W. Bush’s fourth tion he took on behalf of a client in one away. No. 1, we have a great organiza- nominee to that court was confirmed case. tion called the Government Account- in 2006. Today, more than 1,500 days Sri, in my view, is a highly capable ability Office. They have done a won- after President Obama has taken of- attorney, with the character and de- derful job. We mandated this 4 years fice, 4 of the 11 seats on the DC Circuit meanor to serve on the bench. I will ago. They have been on time with their are open, making it more than one- strongly support his nomination. I am reports. What they have shown us has third vacant and putting the remaining following in this instance the wisdom been tremendously revealing. The first judges under undue strain to decide the of Chief Justice Roberts, who has said: thing I want Americans to note is Con- complex and important cases before ‘‘It’s a tradition of the American Bar gress has failed to act on the first two this court. that goes back before the founding of reports—no substantive action whatso- Contrary to the previous administra- our nation that lawyers are not identi- ever. tion, this administration was recently fied with the positions of their cli- One significant thing in the Senate recognized by the New York Times Edi- ents.’’ was the elimination of the ethanol torial Board as putting forward nomi- So I say to my colleagues, let’s move mandate. With this report today comes nees who are decidedly moderate. forward in that spirit. Let’s return to an estimated $98 billion a year in sav- President Obama first nominated for our historic constitutionally mandated ings. What we take by looking at this this vacancy on this court the excep- role. Let’s give Mr. Srinivasan a speedy report could potentially yield us $98 tionally qualified Caitlin Halligan, who up-or-down vote, which I believe he has billion in savings by eliminating dupli- waited more than 900 days for a simple earned with decades of public service cation in what they just found in this up-or-down vote on the floor of this and public sector experience. one report. Chamber. She came with the American To be honest, if this nomination can- Let me go through it for 1 minute. Bar Association’s highest rating, glow- not move forward, if this nomination is They found 679 different renewable en- ing recommendations from bipartisan filibustered for what can only be polit- ergy programs across 23 agencies—not supporters, and a diverse legal career ical reasons, I cannot imagine what across the Energy Department. If we marked by distinctive service as New nomination could move forward to this are going to have renewable programs, York’s solicitor general. Nevertheless, court. A filibuster of this nomination that is where we should have it. Across sadly, Republican Senators success- would sadly prove to me, just as it did 23 different agencies of which we spend fully filibustered her nomination, and to those of the other party in 2005, that $15 billion a year, they found instances last month President Obama reluc- the judicial nomination standards and where we are giving grants from dif- tantly withdrew Ms. Halligan from procedures at work are unworkable, ferent agencies to the same projects for consideration. the system is broken, and it would lead the same thing, spending three times We have today a chance for a fresh to a reconsideration. as much money as we should be spend- start with Mr. Srinivasan, who would There was a crisis of this sort when ing on the one project even if we did serve equally well and ably on the DC the parties were of opposite configura- not have that. Circuit Court of Appeals. As he dem- tion in 2005 that led the majority to So the potential for us to work our onstrated in today’s hearing, he has a threaten the so-called nuclear option way out of the consequences of the se- sharp and capable legal mind. He has to end judicial filibusters by the party quester is at our fingertips. Here, drug

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.068 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2549 abuse prevention and treatment, 76 have to go to NTIS. All you have to do country, the health of our country, and separate programs, not run through the is Google it. So 75 percent of their the job-creating capacity for our coun- Department of Health and Human budget is spent providing reports to try. Services, run through 10 different de- other government agencies and other Yet what is it about your Senator or partments with overlap that shows no people that you can get with the touch your Congressman which keeps them metrics but multiple agencies having of your iPhone. Why would we continue from having the courage to challenge programs doing exactly the same to do that? the status quo? I know what it is. It is thing: $4.5 billion a year. That is half This is just one example that I bring the desire to get reelected by not of- the size of my Oklahoma State budget up. We are continuing to fund an agen- fending anybody. a year. cy where three-quarters of what they We don’t have tough oversight hear- Catfish inspection. I saw in the Presi- do has no bearing on it. If it went ings. We will not allow bills through dent’s budget today three different away, it would not affect us at all. The committees which actually eliminate agencies where one has to meet the re- other thing is they charge other Fed- waste. There is a bill that has passed quirements before they can have their eral agencies a fee for this information the House sitting on the docket right catfish inspected. The only thing they that the other Federal agencies, at a now called the SKILLS Act. It takes 47 did not recommend in the budget today touch of their computer, can get for job-training programs and puts them is getting rid of the Agriculture De- free. into 6. It saves billions of dollars a year partment. They approve your cheese It is another case of inefficiency. and puts metrics on the outcome. We pizza. But the FDA approves your What else did the GAO report show? will not even bring it to the floor even pepperoni pizza. So if you are a pizza What the GAO report showed is that we though it saves $5 to $6 billion a year maker, you have to comply with one have done nothing of significance in in addition to markedly improving the agency on one type of pizza and an- the last 2 years based on what they outcome of our job-training programs. other agency on a different type of have recommended we do given their It is not here. pizza. first two reports. Our office calculates, It passed the House. The House is Defense foreign language support. based on the three reports that GAO doing oversight in every committee Those are people who come in and help has given us, that we could save in ex- right now. The Senate is not. The House is reading the GAO reports us learn other languages, interpret for cess of $250 billion a year if we would and acting on them. They are not right us other languages so we can have an follow the recommendations of the 100 percent of the time, they are right effective response and not have a com- Government Accountability Office. about 95 percent of the time. Nothing munication error. We have 159 different If you are sitting out there won- is going to be done about it unless we programs in the Pentagon alone. What dering why we are having tax proposals have an oversight hearing to actually they are estimating is that we could increased in the President’s budget and discover information. Nothing actually save tons of money. We do not know that we are having such a hard time happens unless we write a bill to exactly how much it costs because the with the sequester, you only have to change things. Pentagon does not know how much look at one place; that is, Congress. Yet this is not the emphasis in the they are spending on it, which is an- Congress refuses to follow and do the Senate. There can be no greater em- other one of the problems. oversight. We have had GAO do a lot of phasis than for us to get out of the fi- The GAO report said this week one of it. We refuse to pass amendments that nancial troubles we are in. There can the reasons they cannot estimate the eliminate duplication. We refuse to be no greater emphasis than for us to savings more accurately is because the make the tough choices. So, con- create an environment which produces majority of the agencies have no idea sequently, we are spending $250 billion jobs in the country when we stop wast- what they are spending on these pro- a year—that is $2.5 trillion over 10 ing money at the Federal Government grams. The question I have had is, why years—that we should not be spending. level. not? If they do not know what they are Where does the money come from to Our answer is more government—not spending, why are we not doing some- pay for that? It comes from our kids. It less, more. Our answer, according to thing about it? doesn’t just come in dollars, it comes the President’s budget, is more taxes, Higher education assistance: 21 dif- from a reduced standard of living and not less. ferent programs, four different agen- limited opportunities in the future be- I commend the President. He has $25 cies—not all in the Education Depart- cause we don’t have the courage or the billion worth of programs he wishes to ment, which is from where I think we work ethic to address the very real eliminate in his budget, $25.8 billion. would do education assistance, $174.7 issues which are in front us, on the tips He could send over what the GAO said billion a year. That includes Pell of our fingers, where the money is, and eliminate $250 billion a year. grants. That includes student loans, where we could actually save money. The problems are not really with the the cost associated with student loans. We have had almost 1,000 days since President, it is with us: our intran- Veterans employment training. We the first report came out. We have done sigence to do our job and keep in our have six programs, not all of them run one significant thing in the Senate; we focal point what is most important. by the Veterans Affairs Department have eliminated the ethanol tax credit What is most important is our future but run by the Veterans Affairs Depart- and saved $6 billion the first year and and the capability for us to create op- ment and other agencies. We are spend- about $4 to $5 billion afterward. This is portunity in the future for our children ing $1.2 billion. Here is what we know. the one thing we did. We fought tooth and our grandchildren. We are running these programs, and and nail while we did it, but we did it. I have been fighting this for 8 years. veterans unemployment, even though This is one bill to save $6 billion in 3 There is a lot of oversight which has they have a skill when they come out years out of $250 billion. No wonder the been done, tons of reports. The Amer- of the military, is higher than what the confidence level in the Congress is at 13 ican people are going to eventually average is in the country. So it is obvi- percent. What we are actually doing is learn everything that is in this report ously not working. throwing away our kids’ future as we because there is an app coming out Also, in the report is something that fail to address these issues. which will be on people’s cell phones is very important to me. Let me find When we are spending money we very soon, and they may find out any- it, if I might for a moment. GAO’s re- don’t have on things we don’t abso- thing about everything where the gov- port exposes a government office that lutely need, and we are borrowing ernment is wasting money. They will does some good things. It is called the money against our children’s future, I be able to look at an address in their National Technical Information Serv- can’t think of a greater immoral act of own city and see how much money a ice. It was established in 1950 and the Congress. It is not red hot lit up as company, business, or that farmer re- tasked with collecting and distributing some of the more controversial issues ceived from their Federal tax dollars. certain reports. Despite the fact—here such as the gun bill we are doing or im- They will be able to see that in about is what GAO found: 75 percent of the migration; however, I will state it will 3 months. information that NTIS supplies, all have a profound effect if we were to ad- When the American people discover you have to do is Google it. You do not dress it in terms of the future of our our incompetence, it will not matter

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.069 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 that we didn’t offend somebody. They on records. The proposal which comes The first thing which will happen is are going to see we didn’t do our job. from Senator TOOMEY, Senator the Federal firearms licensed dealer We are not doing our job because we MANCHIN, and Senator KIRK is a step will say: I want a fee for transferring are not addressing the things we actu- forward. I will not deny it. However, this gun, for doing the work—and ally have some control over. tell me how a record which will only be rightly so. I don’t blame him. What is What do we do now? Here is what looked at after a crime is committed is the option? GAO explains: Although Congress had going to help anybody who is a victim The option which will happen is the made some limited progress in address- of a crime. It is not. people who are going to make the deal ing the issues we have previously iden- If we really wish to solve this prob- buy the gun. Subsequently, 2 or 3 days tified, additional steps are needed to lem, what we need to do is put into the after the gun show, they will buy the address the remaining areas to achieve hands of Americans who are law abid- gun because they will not be at the gun associated benefits. A number of the ing the ability to know they didn’t sell show anymore. issues are difficult but not impossible. their gun to somebody who is on the Look at the opposite side of that. If Implementing many of the actions will NTIS list. Give me the ability to know we had a portal or we could get a cer- take time and sustained leadership. when I sell my gun to a stranger that tificate which says someone is not on The key word there is ‘‘leadership.’’ they are not on that NTIS list. the NTIS list and are able to buy a gun Who is going to lead in the Senate to This has been rejected out of hand anytime, anywhere, somebody selling a solve our problems? It is not party because there is no record with it. The gun would have a pin code to make identified. Real leadership about solv- reason there doesn’t need to be a sure their identity is correct and see ing the real problem is in front of us. record is because we are putting an their ID. Whether a person is in a gun It is time for each congressional onus on responsible citizens doing the show or outside a gun show, the respon- committee in the Senate to undertake right thing. Also, the government has sible gun seller will know they didn’t the waste and overlap identified by no right to have a record of when I sell a gun to somebody mentally im- GAO within their jurisdiction, begin transfer a gun. They do have a right to paired or a felon. writing bills to consolidate and elimi- expect me to be a responsible citizen We will have all sorts of statements, nate these programs, and put metrics when I sell my gun. but what we are going to do isn’t going as far as performance on every one of The question is, Are we as a body to decrease guns in the hands of felons them. It is also time for the White going to take something which is far and the mentally impaired. We can say House to put real muscle into their less than appropriate to actually keep we need to win. If we want a bill to get proposal coming in through OMB. guns out of the hands of felons and through the Senate and get through I am thankful we will have a new mentally impaired and call it a day? the House which will actually make a OMB Director. She will be terrific. She This is what is getting ready to hap- difference in people’s lives, that felons has the skills, dedication, and quali- pen. Are we going to make a difference and the mentally impaired aren’t em- fications. I praise the President for and not impair second amendment powered to buy guns, we need to do nominating her. She will fly through rights at all and not impair tenth something different. the Senate because she is superquali- amendment rights because we give My friends in the second amendment fied for the job. Also, she knows what States supremacy on that? If they want community don’t even like my pro- she is doing. But it will not matter to give us something more or different, posal. I understand this. But there is what she does if we don’t respond, if we they may. no impairment when all you need to do don’t do our work. We are going to go through a great is go to your cell phone to receive a GUN CONTROL deal of debate and have all these clearance to know somebody is not on Mr. President, I would like to take amendments. I thank Senator REID for the NTIS list. the time now just to spend a moment making it an open amendment process. We get to decide. Are we going to do or two on the guns issue. I called and spoke to him last night. I it in a way which smells good, looks I spent a lot of time over the last few said I was happy to support going to good, but doesn’t do anything? Are we months thinking about Sandy Hook. I this bill provided we use the regular going to fight to do something which actually met with a large number of Senate procedures and we actually are actually makes a difference? I hope we those people today. I am an A-plus- able to offer amendments which are choose the latter. I am not convinced rated member, a lifetime member of germane to this bill in any number of we will. The reason Senator MANCHIN the NRA. I firmly believe in the second ways. He is going to allow this process. couldn’t get me to agree to what he amendment, and I firmly believe in the I take him at his word he will allow had agreed to with Senator TOOMEY is tenth amendment. this. because I don’t think it is going to We are hearing a lot of politics about When it is all said and done, will we work. I think the vast majority of gun the gun situation. What we are not have made a difference to those fami- purchasers at gun shows are going to hearing is how do we really keep guns lies who are wanting us to make a dif- wait to buy them later from the very out of the hands of people who ference? Would we have made a dif- same people who were going to sell shouldn’t have them. This is what we ference? them at a gun show so they do not have need to be addressing. If we don’t allow responsible citizens to pay a fee and wait 3 or 4 days on a Whether this would prevent a Sandy the ability to know whether they are background check. If that happens, Hook, nobody knows. There are some selling their gun to a felon or a men- what good have we done? How have we things we do know. What we do know is tally impaired person, we haven’t made made a difference? We haven’t. the vast majority of people who are any difference. We have made a lot of It is a sad fact, as a practicing physi- convicted the first time of a gun crime noise, but we haven’t made a dif- cian, and having done training and sur- didn’t steal their gun, and they didn’t ference. gery, I have had to operate on a lot of buy it from a federally licensed firearm Let me tell you why the Toomey- people who ended up with the con- dealer. They bought it from one of us. Manchin proposal will not work. The sequences of a weapon being used on The very fact we are going to have a largest gun show in America is in them. piece of legislation go through here Tulsa, OK. It is called the Oklahoma has a gun culture, and I which will not solve the real problem Wanenmacher Gun Show. Tens of thou- own multiple guns. I cherish my second of keeping guns out of the hands of the sands of people come to it twice, maybe amendment right. But with that right mentally impaired and felons is a three times a year. The sale will be im- comes some responsibility to do the shame. There are ways we can do that. peded by requiring an FFL license, right thing. Liberty without responsi- I haven’t spoken to one owner I know which is to say a gun dealer at the bility isn’t liberty, and it will not last who hasn’t agreed with the fact that show will be required to do a back- unless we attach responsibility to it. they would like to know if they sold ground search against the NTIS list for So if we really believe in the second their gun—they don’t want it to go somebody who purchases a gun at the amendment, and if we really believe in into the hands of a felon or somebody show whether they are buying from the tenth amendment, we will relook mentally impaired. Yet we are hung up that dealer or not. at what we are going to do in terms of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.070 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2551 gun transfers. There is a way to do it today, it is only because Reagan and rural character and unspoiled land- that will actually make a big dif- Thatcher were proven so profoundly scape is what defines the Kingdom to ference in people’s lives in this coun- right that everyone now claims to have many, it is also home to an academic try, and it may actually get through always agreed. institution that has educated the House. I should also note that there is a Vermonters for more than 100 years. What we are proposing, what we are temptation for many people remem- Since its founding in 1911, Lyndon seeing proposed right now, is never bering Mrs. Thatcher’s legacy to note State College has served as an eco- going to pass the House. Consequently, that she was the first female prime nomic engine for the region, educating we will have done something in the minister of the United Kingdom. While students in a diverse range of academic Senate with no long-term consequences this is a significant historical fact, to pursuits. Lyndon has distinguished and actually making a difference for mention it as though it was one of her itself by developing academic programs the American people. most important accomplishments that mirror the emerging economic Mr. President, I thank the Presiding comes off as patronizing. needs of the community, such as its Officer for the time. I yield the floor, Margaret Thatcher rejected the iden- first-of-its-kind Mountain Recreation and I suggest the absence of a quorum. tity politics that is so popular today. Management program. At the same The PRESIDING OFFICER. The She said: time, Lyndon remains committed to a clerk will call the roll. I’ve always believed that what matters in liberal arts education and educating The assistant legislative clerk pro- politics, as in the rest of life, isn’t who you students to be well-rounded profes- ceeded to call the roll. are or where you come from, but what you sionals. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask believe and what you want to do with your On Friday, April 19, Lyndon State unanimous consent that the order for life. What matters are your convictions. will inaugurate its fifteenth president, the quorum call be rescinded. Because of her convictions and be- Joe Bertolino. Joe comes to Vermont The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cause she acted on those convictions, from Hunter College in New York, objection, it is so ordered. she restored Britain’s economy, na- where he served as vice president for Mr. GRASSLEY. I ask unanimous tional spirit, and international reputa- enrollment management and academic consent to speak as if in morning busi- tion. Millions of people around the affairs. Joe’s passion for working with ness. world now live in peace and freedom students is evident in his easygoing The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thanks in large part to her efforts. As manner and in how he has engaged stu- objection, it is so ordered. a result, Margaret Thatcher is unques- dents since arriving on campus last TRIBUTE TO MARGARET THATCHER tionably one of the most significant summer. At a college of only 1,400 stu- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I leaders of the 20th century. dents, Joe’s personal touch sets the would like to take a moment to pay Mrs. Thatcher’s legacy shouldn’t clear tone that under his leadership tribute to former British Prime Min- simply be relegated to history though. Lyndon will be a student-centered in- ister Margaret Thatcher who passed We have a lot to learn from her today. stitution. Joe has undertaken a num- away Monday. As the President submits his overdue ber of creative initiatives to build com- In the 1970s, Britain was mired in budget this week, I would ask my col- munity spirit among Lyndon students debt and even had to go to the IMF for leagues to ponder this quote by Mar- and alumni, including an informal pol- a bailout. Britain was known then as garet Thatcher: icy called ‘‘Go Green, Go Gold,’’ that ‘‘The Sick Man of Europe’’—how we If spending money like water was the an- encourages the Lyndon State commu- think of Greece today. swer to our country’s problems, we would nity to wear the school colors on Governments of both political parties have no problems now. If ever a nation has Wednesdays. had tried to stimulate the economy spent, spent, spent and spent again, ours has. Beyond this personal approach, Joe through Keynesian spending policies Today that dream is over. All of that money has laid out an ambitious plan for the and government intervention into the has got us nowhere but it still has to come college’s future. I have had the oppor- economy was widespread. from somewhere. tunity to meet Joe during a recent Britain faced massive strikes in the Those who urge us to relax the squeeze, to visit to Washington and am encouraged spend yet more money indiscriminately in winter of 1978–1979, known as the Win- the belief that it will help the unemployed to welcome his energy and creative ter of Discontent. There was talk that and the small businessman, are not being thinking to Vermont. Lyndon State Britain had become ungovernable. kind—or compassionate—or caring. They are College is a vital part of Vermont’s Then Margaret Thatcher came on the not the friends of the unemployed or the higher education community, and I scene. Her policies of fiscal responsi- small business. They are asking us to do wish Joe the best as he is officially in- bility and promotion of ‘‘free enter- again the very thing that caused the prob- augurated as the college’s next presi- prise’’ completely reversed Britain’s lems in the first place. dent. economic decline. Her foreign policy I yield the floor. I request unanimous consent that an achievements were no less impressive. Mr. REID. Mr. President, are we in a article from Lyndon State about Presi- This was the era of de´tente. period of morning business? dent Bertolino be printed in the Most people accepted that the Soviet The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- RECORD. Union was strong and successful and ate is on the motion to proceed at this There being no objection, the mate- was here to stay so we had to learn to point. rial was ordered to be printed in the live with it. It was fashionable for po- MORNING BUSINESS RECORD, as follows: litical leaders to talk as though the So- Mr. REID. I thought so. Mr. Presi- LOVING LYNDON viet system was just different, but no dent, I ask unanimous consent the Sen- (By Leon Thompson) better or worse than our own. ate proceed to a period of morning [From the Lyndon State College Twin Tower Margaret Thatcher had no hesitation business, with Senators permitted to Topics] in pointing out the truth that the So- speak for up to 10 minutes each. To the director of YMCA Camp viet Union and its satellites held their The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Ockanickon, Joe Bertolino—an accordion- citizens in bondage and she encouraged objection, it is so ordered. playing member of his high school debate team in New Jersey—didn’t seem so suited dissidents who sought freedom. In fact, f for counseling other geeks. Not at first. it was a speech in 1976 when she was INAUGURATION OF JOE ‘‘Do you hike?’’ the director asked. ‘‘No,’’ still just leader of the opposition in Joe said. ‘‘Swim?’’ ‘‘No.’’ ‘‘Boat?’’ ‘‘No.’’ which she warned about the Soviet BERTOLINO ‘‘Arts and crafts?’’ ‘‘Maybe.’’ military buildup that caused a Soviet Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, the The director wondered, ‘‘Is there anything army newspaper to coin her nickname Northeast Kingdom of Vermont is a you do?’’ ‘‘I get along with people,’’ Joe said. the ‘‘Iron Lady.’’ special place. In a State that abounds ‘‘That’s when my life began,’’ Dr. Joseph Bertolino said this fall, a week after deliv- Together with President Reagan, she in natural beauty, the Kingdom, as ering Lyndon State College’s State of the sought every opportunity to undermine many Vermonters affectionately call College Address, as the fifteenth president. the Soviet system until it collapsed. If the State’s northeast corner, is her- ‘‘To me, the meaning of life is relationships, this doesn’t sound like a bold position alded for its rural splendor. While the and leadership is all about relationships.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.072 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 Joe, 49, officially succeeded Interim Presi- some time in seminary school and his sum- this year they took on the local fire de- dent Steve Gold on July 1; LSC offered Joe mers at Camp Ockanickon, where he surpris- partment, with the proceeds from the the position in February. For months, Joe ingly became ‘‘the go-to guy.’’ He worked event going to support a local girl who traveled between Queens College, in New there for eight years, went on to become a suffers from Type I diabetes. Their rep- York City, where he was vice president for board member and president, and will cele- enrollment management and student affairs, brate his 30-year relationship with Camp utation for ‘‘coming to the rescue’’ was and LSC, as part of his transition. Joe began Ockanickon in the summer of 2013. displayed in a different way than their his LSC tenure with a 100-day listening tour ‘‘Somehow, I became this listener, this daily work, but displayed nonetheless, that involved the College and Northeast counselor,’’ he said of camp. ‘‘It just hap- and their efforts certainly are appre- Kingdom communities. He has represented pened.’’ That inherent and well-honed skill ciated by those in need who benefit LSC twice in the nation’s capital, and during helped Joe build an impressive, 10-page cur- from the support raised by their char- his October 4 State of the College Address— riculum vitae filled with publications, work- ity. preceded by a short, Chaplin-esque silent shops, consulting, honors, awards, and prac- I rise not only to celebrate those who film about him—he rode into Academic & tically every facet of education, from teach- Student Activity Center, room 100 on his ing to administration. He earned his doc- serve, but also those we have lost in bike, donning a suit, and conveyed a clear torate from Columbia University’s Teachers service. We are grateful for dedicated message to 200 students, faculty, and staff. College in 2003. officers of the Somerset Police Depart- ‘‘At Lyndon State College, students come After eight years at Queens College, Joe ment who risk their very lives to pro- first.’’ Joe called the state of the college ‘‘ex- left this year with responsibility for 22 de- tect and bring order to their city. cellent.’’ Enrollment is up, the budget is bal- partments and more than 200 employees. He At this time, I would like to applaud anced—with a surplus—and LSC has five new also created veterans’ services and a wellness the Somerset Police Department on faculty and 15 new staff members and admin- center on campus. ‘‘Joe stands out as a presi- istrators this year. dent who will attempt to engage, in an ex- the 125th anniversary of its founding, ‘‘Every student has said to me, without tremely supportive way, every single student and I request that an article recog- fail, ‘Joe, I love it here,’ ’’ he told his audi- we have,’’ said Jonathan Davis, LSC Class of nizing this occasion from a Pulaski ence. Joe aims to bolster internal and exter- ’97 and dean of students. ‘‘I’ve already wit- County, KY, newspaper be printed in nal communications at LSC. His lengthy to- nessed that in the form of students walking the RECORD. do list contains a new public relations cam- into his office to ask a question or simply to There being no objection, the mate- paign, with a focus on social media, and he chat.’’ rial was ordered to be appear in the wants to erase the off-campus community’s Student recruitment and retention is also RECORD as follows: perception of LSC as ‘‘Harvard on the hill’’ part of Joe’s mission at LSC. He has charged [From the Commonwealth Journal, March by continuing to build strong partnerships in Davis with co-chairing a team that would 16, 2013] the Northeast Kingdom. use data and strategies to increase the Col- He said LSC is a key stakeholder in Jay lege’s retention rates. Davis was an LSC stu- 125 YEARS OF SERVICE: SOMERSET POLICE DE- Peak Resort’s plans to invest $500 million in dent when Peggy Williams was president, in PARTMENT FOUNDED MARCH 13, 1888—STAFF the region over the next decade—a plan that the 1990s. Williams was already one of Joe’s REPORT, COMMONWEALTH JOURNAL could mean more internships for LSC stu- mentors when he learned about the presi- SOMERSET.—The Somerset Police Depart- dents and jobs for graduates. dent’s vacancy at LSC last December. ment recently celebrated 125 years of service ‘‘Lyndon State College is the college of the Joe was considering other job offers for in the community. Northeast Kingdom,’’ Joe said. Joe has also higher salaries at larger schools, ‘‘but I just The history of SPD dates all the way back started an electronic suggestion box—‘‘Joe kept coming back to Lyndon,’’ he said. En- to March 13, 1888, when Mayor A. Wolf ap- Wants to Know’’—where anyone can post amored after his first trip to campus, and he pointed John B. Ingram as the first chief of anonymous concerns and comments. During went with no expectations, he called his police for the newly formed City of Som- his one-hour speech, Joe posed challenges to partner, Bil, in New Jersey and said, ‘‘The erset. alums: $1 million for an all-weather athletic good news is I think I interviewed well, and The police department would grow along field, and $1 million for a new version of the I liked it. The bad news is I think I inter- with the city’s population and physical old Vail towers. ‘‘The response from our viewed well, and I liked it.’’ boundaries over the next 125 years. alumni has been great,’’ he said. He elaborated further in his office more re- Still, some have lost their lives in the line Joe also asked faculty and staff to increase cently: ‘‘Initially, I underestimated Lyndon of duty. their in-house contributions, and he imposed in so many ways. Then, when I got here, it ‘‘As the department gets a year older, it is a lighthearted, non-mandatory policy called was nothing like I thought it would be. The important to remember those officers who ‘‘Go Green, Go Gold,’’ where he asks the people are passionate. The College is in great lost their lives serving the citizens of our campus community to wear LSC colors each shape. I fell in love.’’ Bil is in New Jersey for city,’’ stated Lt. Shannon Smith, with SPD. Wednesday. ‘‘If you haven’t figured it out by now, working at Rutgers University and liv- Somerset Chief of Police Silas West was now,’’ he said, after dismounting his bike, ing in the house he and Joe shared before Joe shot and killed in 1928 while attempting to before his speech, ‘‘I like to have fun. Life is moved to Lyndonville. Joe converted the arrest a drunk person on the square. Patrol- too short, and the world is complicated lower level of the LSC president’s house— man Walter McKinley Massingale was shot enough.’’ ‘‘our house,’’ he calls it—to all-purpose and killed on Halloween night in 1929 while ‘‘I believe I am where I’m supposed to be, meeting space. He lives upstairs. investigating a bootlegger on South Maple and I believe I’ll be where I’m supposed to ‘‘I believe I am where I’m supposed to be, Street. And in 1957, Police Chief Harold be,’’ he said. ‘‘It’s been a long time since I’ve and I believe I’ll be where I’m supposed to Catron was shot on his porch on Jasper been in a place where I felt I haven’t be- be,’’ he said. ‘‘It’s been a long time since I’ve Street, and he would later die from those longed.’’ been in a place where I felt I haven’t be- wounds in 1964. Days later, while in his office—‘‘a beautiful longed.’’ ‘‘Our 125th anniversary is a milestone to corner of the world,’’ he said—Joe called f our department,’’ said SPD Acting Police himself a motivated, goal oriented Type A Chief Major Doug Nelson. ‘‘Through hard personality that leads by surrounding him- TRIBUTE TO THE SOMERSET work, rigorous training, and an established self with the talent to implement his vision. POLICE DEPARTMENT level of professionalism, the men and women He is a foodie, a Lion King fan, and textbook Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, of the Somerset Police Department will con- introvert who usually recharges alone. tinue to serve our community to make it a ‘‘As soon as I hit the front of a group, or a I stand here to pay tribute to the hon- safe place to live and work.’’ stage, I’m on,’’ he said. ‘‘I am representing orable men and women, past and and selling LSC. That’s what I am doing. But present, of the Somerset Police Depart- f I’m perfectly comfortable being by myself in ment in Pulaski County, KY, for 125 the house at the end of a long day.’’ Joe’s social circle was small during 16 years of faithful service and tireless dedication. 61ST NATIONAL PRAYER years of Catholic School in Glendora, N.J. BREAKFAST His Italian father, also a Joe, worked for Founded on March 13, 1888, the Som- AT&T. His Irish mother, Eileen, was a nurse. erset Police Department has admirably Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, on be- He played accordion competitively for 10 served the city and surrounding area half of Senator PRYOR and myself, I years (and still plays a little). When Joe en- and to this day represents the best of ask unanimous consent that the tran- tered the University of Scranton, Pa., in our State’s citizens. One example of script of the 61th Annual National 1982, ‘‘There was a group for everyone,’’ he their thorough care for and involve- Prayer Breakfast be printed in the said. ‘‘In high school, there are popular groups. In college, there aren’t popular ment in the community is their annual RECORD. groups. There are different groups.’’ charity basketball game. Typically, There being no objection, the mate- While earning his bachelor’s degree in psy- the officers challenge a local high- rial was ordered to be printed in the chology/sociology in Scranton, Joe spent school team to an exhibition match— RECORD, as follows:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.007 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2553

61ST NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST, THURS- members of the House and Senate and I and the snow come down from the heaven, DAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2013, WASHINGTON, DC, would like to ask all the members of the and do not return to it without watering the CO-CHAIRS: SENATOR JEFF SESSIONS, SEN- House and Senate who are present, to stand earth, and making it bud and flourish so that ATOR MARK PRYOR at this time. We’re also honored to be joined it yields seed for the sower and bread for the Senator MARK PRYOR: Let me open by say- by two prime ministers, the Prime Minister eater, so is my word that goes out from my ing, ‘‘Good morning fellow sinners.’’ My of Serbia, His Excellency Ivica Dacic, and mouth; it will not return to me empty, but name is MARK PRYOR, from Arkansas, and the Prime Minister of the Democratic Re- will accomplish what I desire and achieve this is my brother, JEFF SESSIONS, from Ala- public of Congo, His Excellency Augustin the purpose for which I sent it. You will go bama. Together, Jeff and I chair the weekly Matata Ponyo. Thank you so much for being out in joy and be led forth in peace. The Senate breakfast group, which means we get with us. mountains and hills will burst into song be- Senator PRYOR: I would like to introduce to chair this ‘‘slightly larger’’ event this fore you and all the trees of the fields will the head table that will lead us through this morning. clap their hands. Instead of the thorn bush experience. I’ll start on my right. Today you will grow the juniper and instead of briars Senator JEFF SESSIONS: Thank you all for could say that you ate breakfast with the taking on the adventure of getting here this the myrtle will grow. This will be for the President and a gold medalist. At the end of morning. We have a challenging experience Lord’s renowned for an everlasting sign that our program, our closing prayer will be of- planned for you this morning. We call this will endure forever.’’ fered by Olympic champion, Gabrielle Doug- Representative LOUIE GOHMERT: It is such the Prayer Breakfast, not only because we las, whose new book is appropriately sub- a pleasure to be here and it’s such a pleasure come together to pray, but because so much titled ‘‘My Leap of Faith.’’ Next to her is to share our Thursday morning prayer prayer goes into this event, and hopefully, so former U.S. Senator, Cabinet member and breakfast with you. My co-chair in the House much prayer comes out of it. President of the Red Cross, Elizabeth Dole. is JANICE HAHN. It’s a surprise for some peo- Senator PRYOR: Everything that happens Elizabeth, believe it or not, was our break- ple, after they see the way we go back and over the next 90 minutes has really come fast speaker 26 years ago. She will give a forth and debate, to see that the Prayer about through prayer. As a matter of fact, reading from the Holy Scriptures. Next to Breakfast is truly bipartisan. We work to- one of the hundreds of volunteers that make her is California Representative, JANICE gether. We pray together. And there’s some- this morning possible, literally came in very HAHN, one of two co-chairs of the House thing that really brings people together early this morning and prayed over each prayer breakfast group, and next year she’ll when you pray together. It’s the belief in the place setting here—prayed over each of you. be standing in my place here. Then we have power of prayer that brings us together. Senator SESSIONS: Prayer is not a spec- Admiral and Mrs. Jonathan Greenert. He is My wife and I have tried to teach that to tator sport. We hope this experience enriches the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, which our three girls. When they were old enough your own life of prayer, for the good of the puts him in charge of about 300,000 sailors, to pray, Cathy and I and our three girls nation, for the world and for your family. 300 ships and 3,500 aircraft. He will offer a would gather around one of the girls’ beds Senator PRYOR: Let us join our hearts in prayer for our national leaders. Next, we and we would pray each night. One night we prayer. God of the universe, who we individ- have the spouse of my co-chair, Mary Ses- had some nose spray that a doctor prescribed ually worship in many different ways and sions. And please join me in welcoming the for our middle daughter, Caroline—she’d languages, bring us together this morning in passionate, principled and inspirational been having real serious sinus problems. She a shared experience of praise, understanding First Lady of the United States, Michelle didn’t want it up her nose—but I was bigger and commitment. Our world and our lives Obama. than her. It was going to be good for her ac- fall short of what you created them to be. Senator SESSIONS: Continuing down the cording to the doctor, so we got it up the Use this time to bless us, to bless our lead- table, we have our friend and former col- nose. But there was a lot of crying, wailing ers, and especially our President, with a league, the good Vice President of the United and gnashing of teeth. But once the nose sense of who you are and how we all need to States, JOE BIDEN. On the other side of our spray had been administered and the tears change. We are thankful for the food we are speaker is my colleague and friend, CHUCK subsided, the crying stopped, we gathered for enjoying and friendships old and new. Be SCHUMER. He’s the pride of P.S. 197 in Brook- prayers. Katie prayed first and then Caroline present in each of our hearts today, in your lyn, New York and a dedicated member of and Caroline finished her prayer by saying Holy, precious and matchless name, Amen. Congress for amazingly 30 years, and a key ‘‘And please God, help Sarah (the little one), Senator SESSIONS: Enjoy (what’s left of) member of the Democratic leadership. Chuck mind her own business and quit being such a your breakfast. will be offering a reading from the Holy pest. And help her to just leave me and Katie Good morning. We’ve had a wonderful time Scripture. Next to him is another good friend alone.’’ Little Sarah had the last prayer, and together to discuss issues and have a joyful and former colleague of ours, the U.S. Sec- in her little angelic voice she said, ‘‘Please noise. We thank you for your attention. retary of the Interior, Ken Salazar. In his God, help Daddy stick some more medicine Senator PRYOR: It’s overwhelming to think day job, Ken is responsible for more than 500 up Caroline’s nose.’’ We had taught them of the pathways that each person took to get million acres of United States land. He is a how to pray but not necessarily what it was to this event today. Some from little vil- former chair of this Senate prayer breakfast for. lages halfway around the world and some and will be offering a prayer for world lead- So on Thursday mornings we gather, not to from just 12 blocks away, so thank you all ers. Next to him is JANICE HAHN’s sidekick pray that God will help us to stick some- for coming. for the next year, co-chair of the House thing up our opponent’s nose, but we pray; Senator SESSIONS: This huge event, which breakfast group, LOUIE GOHMERT. He is a and God grants mending and healing and has taken place for 61 years now, began with member of the House for 8 years and is from blessing and leadership, and it’s a beautiful a group of people who happened to be leaders East Texas. And finally, visiting from Italy, thing to see those come together. It does wanting to get together for breakfast and for Mr. Andrea Primicerio, and our soloist, An- make us better. It makes us stronger. And it prayer. One thing I know for sure is that life drea Bocelli. Mr. Bocelli has gone from a makes the government work better. Which is is complicated and is likely to get more com- small farming village near Pisa, Italy to sell- why Benjamin Franklin, in his own words— plicated tomorrow than yesterday. But as ing more than 80 million records worldwide. his own handwriting—said, ‘‘In the beginning members of the weekly Senate prayer break- I read that, at last count, in addition to song contest with Great Britain when we were fast group, we’ve learned that taking time writing, he plays 9 instruments. This morn- sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in each week to meet, to take off the disguises ing, he will play the most beautiful instru- this room. Our prayers are heard and they that we wear and pray and share our lives to- ment God has created, the human voice. Join were graciously answered.’’ Janice and I and gether, makes life better. me in welcoming our soloist, Andrea Bocelli. our other colleagues have seen those prayers Senator PRYOR: In the modern world and [Song.] answered and it’s what brings us together. especially in a city like this, there are thou- Senator CHARLES SCHUMER: Good morning. Thanks for joining with us today. sands of things that drive us apart—politics, In the Jewish tradition, we are given not Representative JANICE HAHN: Good morn- ideology and even religion. Today, though, only an English name but a Hebrew name ing. Mr. President, Madam First Lady, Mr. we come together in the Spirit of Jesus who and my Hebrew name is Yesha’yahu—Isaiah. Vice President, Senators, distinguished taught us to love one another, treat others So I was particularly honored when Mark guests; I’m so delighted to be here this morn- as we want to be treated and to love God asked me to read from the Book of Isaiah. ing with all of you. It’s such an honor to co- with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. This is Isaiah 55:6–13, chair the House Congressional prayer break- It would be a whole lot better world if we ‘‘Seek the Lord, while He may be found, fast with my friend and colleague, Congress- just listened to Him. call on him while he is near. Let the wicked man LOUIE GOHMERT. His colleagues have Senator SESSIONS: As you look around the forsake their ways, and the unrighteous said, ‘‘This is the only chairmanship that room, understand that you’re sharing this their thoughts; let them turn to the Lord Speaker BOEHNER can’t remove him from for meal with people from more than 140 coun- and he will have mercy on them; and to our bad behavior.’’ Only God can do that. tries, all 50 states, heads of government, and God, for He will freely pardon. For my Today’s Prayer Breakfast offers an oppor- leaders of all kinds. Through prayer, we be- thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are tunity for us to set aside political labels and lieve God has brought us together for a rea- your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As come together to be inspired and pray for the son. As you listen closely to the program, the heavens are higher than the earth, so are critical issues that are facing our nation and try to figure out what God is saying to you. my ways higher than your ways, and my the world. I was elected to Congress in the And as you’ve heard, this event is hosted by thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain middle of one of the most bitter, rancorous

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.063 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 and divided periods in our nation’s history. faith we understand that the universe was Chavez was a servant leader who followed But in the midst of that discord, there was formed at God’s command so that what is the teachings of Jesus Christ. He followed one place that I found that we could set seen was not made out of what was visible. the teachings of Gandhi and Dr. Martin Lu- aside our partisan bickering and our dif- And without faith, it is impossible to please ther King. He was ever prayerful to Nuestra ferences and come together—a place where God, because anyone who comes to him must Senora de Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guada- once a week, we could be there for each other believe that he exists and that he rewards lupe). Today as the world, in many different with our God. That place was the weekly those who earnestly seek him. By faith, places, rages in a debate about the peopling Congressional prayer breakfast. I’ve found Noah, when warned about things not yet of our nations and immigration, and as our some unlikely friends in that breakfast. But seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his nation does the same thing, let us pray that they have helped me to be a better member family. By faith, Abraham, even though he all of our world leaders and all of our leaders of Congress and to better serve my God and was past age and Sarah herself was barren here in the United States, will be inspired by my constituents. was unable to become a father because he the true story of the peopling of our nations Faith has always been a strong part of my considered him faithful who had made the and give voice to those who now live in the life and my story. I grew up in the church. promise. By faith, Abraham when God tested fear of the shadows of our society. And so, My grandparents on my mother’s side were him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had inspired by the teachings and life of Saint missionaries to Japan. And my grandmother received the promises was about to sacrifice Francis and Jesus Christ, let us pray as on my father’s side, in a moment of deep de- his one and only son even though God had Cesar Chavez prayed, as he fasted for those spair and helplessness, turned to God for said to him ‘‘it is through Isaac that your who have no voice, who are the most vulner- help in raising her seven little boys under offspring will be reckoned.’’ Abraham rea- able in our society. the age of 10 when her husband died sud- soned that God could raise the dead and figu- He prayed: ‘‘Show me the suffering of the denly. That decision that my grandmother ratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back most miserable, so that I will know my peo- Hattie made, helped me find my journey of from death. By faith, Isaac blessed Jacob and ple’s plight. Free me to pray for others, be- faith. Every week when a member of Con- Esau in regard to their future. By faith, cause you are present in every person. Help gress comes to our prayer breakfast and tells Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of me to take responsibility for my own life, so their own journey of faith, it gives us a bond Joseph’s sons and worshiped as he leaned on that I can be free at last. Grant me the cour- that can’t be broken. We believe in the power the top of his staff. By faith, Joseph, when age to serve others, for in service there is of prayer and every week, we give thanks his end was near, spoke about the exodus of true life. Give me honesty and patience, so when God has answered our prayers. Abra- the Israelites from Egypt. By faith, Moses’ that I can work with others. Bring forth song ham Lincoln said, ‘‘I have been driven many parents hid him for three months after he times to my knees by the overwhelming con- and celebration, so that the Spirit will be was born because they saw he was no ordi- alive among us. Let the Spirit flourish and viction that I have nowhere else to go. My nary child and they were not afraid of the own wisdom and that of all about me seemed grow, so that we will never tire of the strug- king’s edict. By faith Moses, when he had gle. Let us remember those who have died for insufficient for the day.’’ May we all con- grown up, refused to be known as the son of tinue to believe that our own wisdom is in- justice, for they have given us life. Help us Pharaoh’s daughter. By faith, he left Egypt love even those who hate us, so we can sufficient. God bless you all. not fearing the king’s anger. He persevered Admiral Jonathan Greenert: Good Morn- change the world.’’ God bless you, God bless because he saw him who is invisible. By faith the United States of America, God bless all ing. Mr. President, Mrs. Obama, Mr. Vice the people passed through the Red Sea as on President, Senators, Congressmen, distin- of our leaders. dry land. By faith, the walls of Jericho fell Senator SESSIONS: Of all of the complex guished guests. Many times many of you after the people had marched around them have said, even today, to those of us that things in the world, perhaps the most com- for seven days. By faith, the prostitute plex is the human brain. How come I can re- wear the cloth of the nation,’’ thank you for Rehab because she welcomed the spies, was your service.’’ And on behalf of our soldiers, member the words of the preamble of the not killed with those who were disobedient. Constitution but can’t find my glasses? sailors, airmen, Marines and Coastguards- And what more shall I say? I do not have men, may I say thank you for your service We’ve invited as our guest speaker this time to tell about Gideon, Barack, Sampson, morning a gentleman for three reasons: he and your support to your armed forces. Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets Please join me in a prayer for our national loves Jesus, he has a compelling life story who through faith, conquered kingdoms, ad- and he is a distinguished man of science and leaders. ministered justice and gained what was Oh Lord, we come before you today, thank- healing. We hope that he can help us sort promised. Who shut the mouths of lions, ful for the many blessings you have bestowed some things out. May I introduce, the direc- quenched the fury of the flames and escaped upon our nation. And we humbly ask for tor of Pediatric Neurosurgery at one of the the edge of the sword, whose weakness was your continued guidance and strength. On world’s great hospitals, Johns Hopkins in turned to strength. Others were tortured and this day, we are reminded to give thanks for Baltimore, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Sr. refused to be released so that they might the extraordinary freedoms that we enjoy, Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.: Thank you so gain a better resurrection. Some faced years made possible by the efforts of past genera- much. Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, of flogging while still others were chained tions of men and women who have served Mrs. Obama, distinguished guests—which in- and put in prison. They were stoned, they this great nation. Your word tells us of King cludes everybody. Thank you so much for were sawed in two, they were put to death by David whose willingness to place his faith in this wonderful honor to be at this stage the sword. These were all commended for you during difficult times serves as an exam- again. I was here 16 years ago and the fact their faith. Therefore, since we are sur- ple for us all. Like David, there are many in that they’ve invited me back means that I this nation who have answered the call to rounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, didn’t offend too many people—so that was serve, both in and out of uniform. Lord, we let us throw off everything that hinders and great. I want to start by reading four texts, are thankful for their dedication, their pas- the sin that so easily entangles and let us which will put into context what I’m going sion, their perseverance and for the families run with perseverance, the race that is set to say. that support their every effort. When it before us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Proverbs 11:9. ‘‘With his mouth, the godless comes to our search for inspiration, Scrip- author and perfector of our faith, who for the destroys his neighbor, but through knowl- ture clearly speaks about where we should joy set before him, endured the cross, scorn- edge the righteous escape.’’ begin charting our course—we begin with ing its shame and sat down at the right hand Proverbs 11:12, ‘‘A man who lacks judg- prayer. We ask that you continue to guide of the throne of God. Consider him, who en- ment derides his neighbor, but a man of un- our leaders with wisdom and understanding dured such opposition from sinful men so derstanding holds his tongue.’’ as they weather the storms that confront our that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Proverbs 11:25, ‘‘A generous man will pros- nation. Provide them, God, with the vision Make every effort to live in peace with all per; he who refreshes others will himself be necessary to see the way ahead. The strength men and to be holy, for without holiness no refreshed.’’ required to act on difficult decisions and the one will see the Lord.’’ 2nd Chronicles 7:14, ‘‘If my people who are compassion to care for the wellbeing of those The Honorable Ken Salazar: Mr. President, called by my name will humble themselves that they lead. Fortify the resolve of the Mrs. Obama, Vice President BIDEN, members and pray and seek my face and turn from men and women who lead our great nation of the United States Senate, fellow Cabinet their wicked ways, then will I hear from and provide us with bold, confident and ac- members, members of the House of Rep- heaven and will forgive their sins and heal countable leaders capable of carrying out resentatives and distinguished guests. The their land.’’ those actions that your wisdom directs. In following prayer was written by Cesar Cha- I have an opportunity to speak in a lot of your Holy Name we pray, amen. vez, the great leader of the United States venues—this is my fourth speech this week— The Honorable Elizabeth Dole: Mr. Presi- Farm Workers of America. Last year, Presi- and to talk to a lot of people. And I’ve been dent, Mrs. Obama, Mr. Vice President, hon- dent Obama visited the gravesite of Cesar asking people—what concerns you? What are ored guests, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my Chavez and his office at a place in La Paz, you most concerned about in the terms of privilege today to read selected portions of California; and there, he made this place a the spirituality and the direction of our na- Hebrews 11, which has been called the Hall of national monument so that we can honor the tion and our world? I’ve talked to very Faith. And I’ll end with Hebrews 12 versus 1– work of a true hero and a follower of Christ prominent Democrats, and very prominent 3 and verse 14. and a follower of Gandhi. It was a moving Republicans and I was surprised by the uni- ‘‘Now, faith is being sure of what we hope time for the President and all of us who were formity of their answers. And those have in- for and certain of what we do not see. By there that day. formed my comments this morning.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.063 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2555 It’s not my intention to offend anyone. I vorced early on. My mother got married newspaper, could have a political discussion, have discovered, however, in recent years when she was 13. She was one of 24 children; could tell him how the government worked. that it’s very difficult to speak to a large had a horrible life, discovered that her hus- If you really want to be impressed, take a group of people these days and not offend band was a bigamist, had another family, look at the chapter on education in my lat- someone. And I know people walk around and she only had a third grade education. est book, ‘‘America the Beautiful,’’ which I with their feelings on their shoulders wait- She had to take care of us, in dire poverty. wrote with my wife; it came out last year. ing for you to say something—‘‘Ah, did you I had a horrible temper, poor self-esteem; all And in that education chapter, you will see hear that?’’ And they can’t hear anything of the things that you think would preclude questions extracted from a sixth grade Exit else you say. The PC police are out in force success. But I had something very impor- Exam from the 1800’s—a test you had to pass at all times. I remember once I was talking tant. I had a mother who believed in me. And to get your sixth grade certificate. I doubt to a group about the difference between a I had a mother who would never allow her- most college graduates today could pass that human brain and a dog’s brain. And a man self to be a victim, no matter what hap- test. We have dumbed things down to that got offended—he said, ‘‘You can’t talk about pened. She never made excuses and she never level. And the reason that that is so dan- dogs like that.’’ But people just focus in on accepted an excuse from us. And if we ever gerous is because the people who founded that and completely miss the point of what came up with an excuse, she always said, this nation said that our system of govern- you’re saying. We’ve reached the point where ‘‘Do you have a brain?’’ And if the answer ment was designed for a well informed and people are afraid to actually talk about what was ‘‘Yes,’’ then she said, ‘‘Then you could of educated populous. And when they become they want to say—because somebody might thought your way out of it; it doesn’t matter less informed, they become vulnerable. be offended. People are afraid to say, ‘‘Merry what John or Susan or Mary or anybody else Think about that, our system of govern- Christmas’’ at Christmastime. It doesn’t did or said.’’ And it was the most important ment, and that’s why the education is so vi- matter whether the person you’re talking to thing she did for my brother and myself be- tally important. is Jewish or whether they’re any religion— cause if you don’t accept excuses, pretty Now some people say ‘‘Ah, you’re over- that’s a salutation of greeting, of good will. soon people stop giving them and they start blowing it, things aren’t that bad, and you’re We’ve got to get over this sensitivity. It looking for solutions and that is a critical a doctor, a neurosurgeon, why are you con- keeps people from saying what they really issue when it comes to success. cerned about these things?’’ I’ve got news for believe. We did live in dire poverty and one of the you. Five doctors signed the Declaration of I’m reminded of a very successful young things that I hated was poverty. Some people Independence. Doctors were involved in the businessman who loved to buy his mother hate spiders, some people hate snakes—I these exotic gifts for Mother’s Day. And he hated poverty. I couldn’t stand it. But my framing of the Constitution, the Bill of ran out of ideas, and then he ran across these mother couldn’t stand the fact that we were Rights, and a whole bunch of things. It’s birds. These birds were cool. They cost 5,000 doing poorly in school. She prayed, she asked only been in recent decades that we’ve ex- dollars apiece—they could dance, they could God to give her wisdom, what could she do to tracted ourselves—which I think is a big sing, they could talk. He was so excited, he get her young sons to understand the impor- mistake. We need doctors and we need sci- bought two of them; sent them to his moth- tance of developing their minds, so that they entists, engineers, we need all of those peo- er; couldn’t’ wait to call her up on Mother’s could control their own lives? And you know ple involved in government, not just lawyers. Day, ‘‘Mother, mother, what did you think of what? God gave her the wisdom, at least in I don’t have anything against lawyers, but those birds?’’ And she said, ‘‘They was good.’’ her opinion. My brother and I didn’t think it here’s the thing about lawyers—and I’m He said, ‘‘No, no, no, mother, you didn’t eat was that wise because it was to turn off the sorry but I got to be truthful—what do law- those birds; those birds cost 5,000 dollars TV. She let us only watch two or three TV yers learn in law school? To win, by hook or apiece—they could dance, they could sing, programs during the week. And with all that by crook, you got to win. So you’ve got all they could talk.’’ And she said, ‘‘Well, they spare time, read two books apiece from the these Democrat lawyers and you’ve got all should have said something.’’ And that’s Detroit public libraries and submit to her these Republican lawyers and their side where we end up too if we don’t speak up for written book reports, which she couldn’t wants to win. We need to get rid of that. what we believe. What we need to do in this read but we didn’t know that—she’d put What we need to start thinking about is: how PC world is forget about unanimity of speech checkmarks and highlights and stuff. But do we solve problems? and unanimity of thought and we need to you know, I just hated this, and my friends Now, before I get shot, let me finish here. concentrate on being respectful to those peo- were out having a good time. Her friends I don’t like to bring up problems without ple with whom we disagree—that’s when I would criticize her, they would say, ‘‘You coming up with solutions. My wife and I think we begin to make real progress. can’t make boys stay in the house reading started the Carson Scholars Fund 16 years One last thing about political correct- books, they’ll grow up, they’ll hate you.’’ I ago after we heard about an international ness—which I think is a horrible thing, by would overhear them and I would say, ‘‘You survey looking at the ability of eighth grad- the way. I’m very, very compassionate and know, mother, they’re right.’’ But she didn’t ers in 22 countries to solve math and science I’m not ever out to offend anyone, but PC is care. But after a while, I actually began to problems; and we came out number 21 out of dangerous because in this country, one of the enjoy reading those books. Even though we 22, barely beat out number 22, very con- founding principles was freedom of thought were very poor, between the covers of those cerning. And we’d go into schools and we’d and freedom of expression and it muffles peo- books, I could go anywhere, I could be any- see all these trophies, All State basketball, ple, it puts a muzzle on them. And at the body, I could do anything. I began to read All State wrestling, All State this, that and same time, keeps people from discussing im- about people of great accomplishment. And the other. The quarterback was the big man portant issues while the fabric of their soci- as I read those stories, I began to see a con- on campus, What about the intellectual su- ety is being changed. And we cannot fall for necting thread. I began to see that the per- perstar? What did they get? A National that trick. What we need to do is start talk- son that has the most to do with you and Honor Society pin, a pat on the head, ‘‘there, ing about things, talking about things that what happens to you in life is you. You make there little nerd’’—nobody cared about them. are important, things that were important in decisions. You decide how much energy you And is it any wonder that sometimes the the development of our nation. One of those want to put behind that decision. And I came smart kids try to hide; they don’t want any- things was education. I’m very passionate to understand that I had control of my own body to know that they’re smart? This is not about education because it made such a big destiny. At that point, I didn’t hate poverty helping us as a nation. So we started giving difference in my life. But here we are at a anymore because I knew it was only tem- out scholarships to students from all back- time in the world, the information age, the porary. I knew I could change that. It was in- grounds for superior academic performance age of technology, and yet 30 per cent of peo- credibly liberating for me, it made all the and demonstration of humanitarian quali- ple who enter high school in this country do difference. ties. Unless you cared about other people, it not graduate. 44 percent of the people who And to continue on that theme of edu- didn’t matter how smart you were. We’ve got start a four year college program do not fin- cation, in 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville came to plenty of people like that, we don’t need ish it in four years. What is that about? America to study this country. The Euro- those. We need smart people who care about Think back to a darker time in our his- peans were fascinated—how could a fledgling other people. We will give them money, the tory. 200 years ago when slavery was going nation barely 50 years old already be com- money would go into a trust, they would get on, it was illegal to educate a slave, particu- peting with them on virtually every level. interest on it and then when they went to larly to teach him to read. Why do you think This is impossible—de Tocqueville was going college, they get the money. But also, the that was? Because when you educate a man, to sort it out. And he looked at our govern- school gets a trophy, every bit as impressive you liberate the man. And there I was as a ment and he was duly impressed by the three as the sports trophies. It goes right out there youngster placing myself in the same situa- branches of government—four now because with the others. They get a medal. They get tion that a horrible institution did because I now of special interest groups, but it was to go to a banquet. And we try to put them wasn’t taking advantage of the education, only three back in those days. And he said, on the same kind of pedestal as we do the All because I was a horrible student. Most of my ‘‘Wow, this is really something.’’ And then State athletes. classmates thought I was the stupidest per- he said, ‘‘Let me look at their educational Now, I have nothing against athletics or son in the world. They called me ‘‘dummy.’’ system,’’ and he was blown away. Anybody entertainment, please believe me. I’m from I was the butt of all the jokes. Admittedly, finishing second grade was completely lit- Baltimore, the Ravens won, this is great, it was a bad environment—a single parent erate. He could find a mountain man on the okay. But what will maintain our position in home—my mother and father had gotten di- outskirts of society—the man could read a the world, the ability to shoot a 25 foot jump

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.063 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 shot or the ability to solve a quadratic equa- Bible, you know what I see? I see the fairest think we call it the bald eagle because it tion? We need to put things into proper per- individual in the universe, God. And he’s looks like it has a bald head. That’s not the spective. Many teachers have told us that given us a system, it’s called, tithe. Now, we reason. It comes from the Old English word, when we put a Carson Scholar in their class don’t necessarily have to do it 10 per cent, piebald, which means crowned with white; room, the GPA of the whole class goes up but it’s the principle. He didn’t say, ‘‘If your and we just shortened it to bald. Now use over the next year. And it’s been very grati- crops fail, don’t give me any tithes.’’ He that the next time you see somebody who fying. We started 16 years ago with 25 schol- didn’t say, ‘‘If you have a bumper crop, give thinks they know everything—you get them arships in Maryland; now we’ve given out me triple tithes.’’ So there must be some- with that one. But, why is that eagle able to more than 5,000 and we’re in all 50 states. thing inherently fair about proportionality. fly high, to fly forward? Because it has two But we also put in reading rooms. These are You make 10 billion dollars, you put in a bil- wings, a left wing and a right wing. Enough fascinating places that no little kid could lion. You make 10 dollars, you put in one. Of said. possibly pass up. They get points for the course, you’ve got to get rid of the loopholes. And I want to close with this story. 200 amount of time they spend in their reading, But now some people say, ‘‘Well that’s not years ago this nation was involved in a war, the number of books that they read, and fair because it doesn’t hurt the guy who the War of 1812. The British, who are now our they can trade them in for prizes. In the be- made 10 billion dollars as much as the guy good friends, thought that we were young ginning, they do it for the prizes, but it who made 10.’’ Where does it say you have to whippersnappers; it was time for us to be- doesn’t take long before their academic per- hurt the guy? He just put a billion dollars in come a colony again. They were winning formance begins to improve. We particularly the pot; you know we don’t need to hurt him. that war, marching up the Eastern Seaboard, target Title 1 schools where kids come from It’s that kind of thinking that has resulted destroying city after city, destroyed Wash- homes with no books and they go to schools in 602 banks in the Cayman Islands. That ington D.C., burned down the White House; with no libraries. Those are the ones who money needs to be back here building our in- next stop, Baltimore. As they came into the drop out and we need to truncate that proc- frastructure and creating jobs. And we’re Chesapeake Bay, that armada of ships—war ess early on because we can’t afford to waste smart enough to figure out how to do that. ships as far as the eye could see—it was look- any of those young people. For every one of We’ve already started down the path of ing grim; Fort McHenry standing right those people that we keep from going down solving one of the other big problems, health there. General Armistead, who was in charge that path, that path of self-destruction and care. We need to have good health care for of Fort McHenry, had a large American flag mediocrity, that’s one less person you have everybody. It’s the most important thing commissioned to fly in front of the fort. The to protect yourself and your family from. that a person can have. Money means noth- admiral in charge of the British fleet was of- One less person you have to pay for in the ing, titles means nothing, when you don’t fended and said, ‘‘Take that flag down. You penal or the welfare system. One more tax have your health. But, we’ve got to figure have until dusk to take that flag down. If paying productive member of society who out efficient ways to do it. We spend a lot of you don’t take it down, we will reduce you to may invent a new energy source or come up money on health care, twice as much per ashes.’’ There was a young amateur poet on with a cure for cancer. They’re all important capita as anybody else in the world and yet board by the name of Francis Scott Key, to us and we need every single one of them, we’re not very efficient. What can we do? sent by President Madison to try to obtain it makes a difference. When you go home to- Here’s my solution. When a person is born, the release of an American physician who night, please read about it, Carson Scholar give them a birth certificate, an electronic was being held captive. He overheard the Fund, Carsonscholars.org. medical record and a health saving’s account British plans; they were not going to let him But, why is it so important that we edu- to which money can be contributed pre-tax off the ship. He mourned as dusk approached. cate our people? Because we don’t want to go from the time you’re born to the time you He mourned for his fledgling young nation. down the same pathway as many other pin- die. When you die, you can pass it on to your And as the sun fell, the bombardment start- nacle nations have who have preceded us. I family members so that when you’re 85 years ed, bombs bursting in air, missiles, so much think particularly about ancient Rome— old and you’ve got six diseases, you’re not debris. He strained trying to see—was the very powerful, nobody could even challenge trying to spend up everything, you’re happy flag still there? Couldn’t see a thing. All them militarily. But what happened to to pass it on and there’s nobody talking night long it continued. At the crack of them? They destroyed themselves from with- about death panels. That’s number one. And dawn he ran out to the banister, he looked, in—moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility— also, for the people who are indigent, who straining his eyes, but all he could see was they destroyed themselves. And if you don’t don’t have any money; we can make con- dust and debris. And then there was a clear- think that can happen to America, you get tributions to their HSA each month because ing and he beheld the most beautiful sight out your books and you start reading. But we already have this huge pot of money. In- he’d ever seen—the torn and tattered stars you know we can fix it. Why can we fix it? stead of sending it to some bureaucracy, let’s and stripes still waving. And many histo- Because we’re smart; we have some of the put it in their HSA’s. Now they have some rians say that was the turning point in the most intellectually gifted people leading our control over their own health care. And what War of 1812. We went on to win that war and nation. All we need to do is remember what do you think they’re going to do? They’re to retain our freedom. And if you had gone our real responsibilities are so we can solve going to learn very quickly how to be re- onto the grounds of Fort McHenry that day, the problems. I think about these problems sponsible. When Mr. JONES gets that diabetic you would have seen at the base of that flag all the time and my role model was Jesus foot ulcer, he’s not going to the emergency the bodies of soldiers who took turns prop- and he used parables to help people under- room and blowing a big chunk of it. He’s ping up that flag. They would not let that stand things. going to go to the clinic. He learns that very flag go down because they believed in what One of our big problems right now—and quickly. He gets the same treatment in the that flag symbolized. And what did it sym- like I said, I’m not politically correct so, I’m emergency room they send him out to the bolize? One nation under God, indivisible sorry—our deficit is a big problem. Think clinic and say ‘‘Now let’s get your diabetes with liberty and justice for all. Thank you, about it. Our national debt, 161⁄2 trillion dol- under control so you’re not back here in God bless. lars, you think that’s not a lot of money. I three weeks with another problem. That’s Senator PRYOR: Thank you Dr. Carson. It tell you what, count one number per second, how we begin to solve these kinds of prob- is now my great honor to introduce our which you can’t even do because when you lems. It’s much more complex than that and President. One of the striking measures of get to a thousand, you can’t, it’ll take you I don’t have time to go into it all but we can the passage of time since you first were with longer than a second, but one number per do all of these things because we’re smart us Mr. President is the comparison photo- second. You know how long that’ll take you people. graphs of your daughters at your first Inau- to count to 16 trillion? 507,000 years—more And let me just begin to close here by an- guration and you’re second. You have a than a half a million years to get there. We other parable. A sea captain is out on the beautiful and wonderful family. And they re- have to deal with this. Here’s the parable. A sea, near to the area where the Titanic went mind us of the core American values of faith, family falls on hard times—dad loses his job down. He looks ahead and there’s a bright family and optimism in the future. Mr. or is demoted, gets part time work, has five light right there, another ship he figures. He President, we want to express our love and children. He comes to the five children and tells his signaler; signal that ship, ‘‘Deviate our respect for you this morning. You carry he says ‘‘We’re going to have to reduce your 10 degrees to the south.’’ Back comes the burdens none of us in this room can imagine. allowance.’’ Well, they’re not happy about it; message ‘‘No, you deviate 10 degrees to the Thank you for keeping the unbroken com- but he says, ‘‘Except for John and Susan, north.’’ Well he’s a little bit incensed, he mitment of ten former presidents to join us they’re special. They can keep their allow- says, ‘‘Send a message, This is Captain John- for breakfast and prayer. Ladies and gentle- ance; in fact, I may give them more.’’ How son, deviate 10 degrees to the north’.’’ Back men, the President of the United States, do you think that’s going to go down? Not comes the message, ‘‘This is Ensign 4th Class Barack Obama. too well. Same thing happens, enough said. Riley, deviate 10 degrees to the south.’’ Now President Barack Obama: Thank you very What about our taxation system? So com- he’s really upset. He says, ‘‘Send them a much. Please have a seat. Mark, thank you plex there is no one who can possibly comply message, this is a naval destroyer.’’ Back for that introduction. I thought he was going with every jot and tittle of our tax system. comes the message, ‘‘This is a light house.’’ to talk about my gray hair. It is true that If I wanted to get you, I could get you on a Enough said. my daughters are gorgeous. That’s because tax issue. That doesn’t make any sense. What about the symbol of our nation, the my wife is gorgeous. And my goal is to im- What we need to do is come up with some- eagle, the bald eagle. It’s an interesting prove my gene pool. To Mark and Jeff, thank thing that is simple. When I pick up my story how we chose that but a lot of people you for your wonderful work on behalf of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.063 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2557 this breakfast. To all of those who worked so hate; imagined the darkness and the doubt And we have to do that humbly, for no one hard to put this together; to the heads of that must have surrounded him when he was can know the full and encompassing mind of state, members of Congress, and my Cabinet, in that Birmingham jail, and the anger that God. And we have to do it every day, not just religious leaders and distinguished guests. surely rose up in him the night his house was at a prayer breakfast. I have to say this is To our outstanding speaker. To all the faith- bombed with his wife and child inside, and now our fifth prayer breakfast and it is al- ful who’ve journeyed to our capital, Michelle the grief that shook him as he eulogized ways just a wonderful event. But I do worry and I are truly honored to be with you this those four precious girls taken from this sometimes that as soon as we leave the pray- morning. Earth as they gathered in a house of God. er breakfast, everything we’ve been talking Before I begin, I hope people don’t mind me And I was reminded that, yes, Dr. King was about the whole time at the prayer breakfast taking a moment of personal privilege. I a man of audacious hope and a man of relent- seems to be forgotten—on the same day of want to say a quick word about a close less optimism. But he was also a man occa- the prayer breakfast. I mean, you’d like to friend of mine and yours, Joshua Dubois. sionally brought to his knees in fear and in think that the shelf life wasn’t so short. But Now, some of you may not know Joshua, but doubt and in helplessness. And in those mo- I go back to the Oval Office and I start Joshua has been at my side—in work and in ments, we know that he retreated alone to a watching the cable news networks and it’s prayer—for years now. He is a young rev- quiet space so he could reflect and he could like we didn’t pray. erend, but wise in years. He’s worked on my pray and he could grow his faith. And I imag- And so my hope is that that humility car- staff. He’s done an outstanding job as the ine he turned to certain verses that we now ries over every day, every moment. While head of our Faith-Based office. Every morn- read. I imagine him reflecting on Isaiah, that God may reveal His plan to us in portions, ing he sends me via email a daily medita- we wait upon the Lord; that the Lord shall the expanse of His plan is for God, and God tion—a snippet of Scripture for me to reflect renew those who wait; that they shall mount alone, to understand. ‘‘For now we see on. And it has meant the world to me. And up with wings as eagles, and they shall run through a glass, darkly; but then face to despite my pleas, tomorrow will be his last and not be weary, and they shall walk and face; now I know in part, but then shall I day in the White House. So this morning I not faint. We know that in Scripture, Dr. know even as also I am known.’’ Until that want to publically thank Joshua for all that King found strength; in the Bible, he found moment, until we know, and are fully he’s done, and I know that everybody joins conviction. In the words of God, he found a known, all we can do is live our lives in a me in wishing him all the best in his future truth about the dignity of man that, once re- Godly way and assume that those we deal endeavors—including getting married. alized, he never relinquished. with every day, including those in an oppos- It says something about us—as a nation We know Lincoln had such moments as ing party, they’re groping their way, doing and as a people—that every year, for 61 years well. To see this country torn apart, to see their best, going through the same struggles now, this great prayerful tradition has en- his fellow citizens waging a ferocious war we’re going through. And in that pursuit, we dured. It says something about us that every that pitted brother against brother, family are blessed with guidance. God has told us year, in times of triumph and in tragedy, in against family—that was as heavy a burden how He wishes for us to spend our days. His calm and in crisis, we come together, not as as any President will ever have to bear. We Commandments are there to be followed. Democrats or Republicans, but as brothers know Lincoln constantly met with troops Jesus is there to guide us; the Holy Spirit, to and sisters, and as children of God. Every and visited the wounded and honored the help us. Love the Lord God with all your year, in the midst of all our busy and noisy dead. And the toll mounted day after day, heart and with all your soul and with all lives, we set aside one morning to gather as week after week. And you can see in the your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. one community, united in prayer. We do so lines of his face the toll that the war cost See in everyone, even in those with whom because we’re a nation ever humbled by our him. But he did not break. Even as he buried you disagree most vehemently, the face of history, and we’re ever attentive to our im- a beloved son, he did not break. Even as he God. For we are all His children. That’s what perfections—particularly the imperfections struggled to overcome melancholy, despair, I thought of as I took the oath of office a few of our President. We come together because grief, he did not break. And we know that he weeks ago and touched those Bibles—the comfort that Scripture gave Lincoln and we’re a people of faith. We know that faith is surely found solace in Scripture; that he King and so many leaders throughout our something that must be cultivated. Faith is could acknowledge his own doubts, that he history; the verses they cherished, and how not a possession. Faith is a process. was humbled in the face of the Lord. And I was struck by the passage that was read that, I think, allowed him to become a better those words of God are there for us as well, earlier from the Book of Hebrews: ‘‘Without leader. It’s what allowed him in what may be waiting to be read any day that we choose. I faith it is impossible to please God, because one of the greatest speeches ever written, in thought about how their faith gave them the anyone who comes to Him must believe that his second Inaugural, to describe the Union strength to meet the challenges of their He exists and He rewards those who dili- and the Confederate soldier alike—both read- time, just as our faith can give us the strength to meet the challenges of ours. And gently seek Him.’’ He rewards those who dili- ing the same Bible, both prayed to the same most of all, I thought about their humility, gently seek Him—not just for one moment, God, but ‘‘the prayers of both could not be and how we don’t seem to live that out the or one day, but for every moment, and every answered. That of neither has been answered way we should, every day, even when we give day. As Christians, we place our faith in the fully. The Almighty has His own purposes.’’ lip service to it. nail-scarred hands of Jesus Christ. But so In Lincoln’s eyes, the power of faith was As President, sometimes I have to search many other Americans also know the close humbling, allowing us to embrace our limits for the words to console the inconsolable. embrace of faith—Muslims and Jews, Hindus in knowing God’s will. And as a consequence, Sometimes I search Scripture to determine and Sikhs. And all Americans—whether reli- he was able to see God in those who vehe- how best to balance life as a President and as gious or secular—have a deep and abiding mently opposed him. a husband and as a father. I often search for Today, the divisions in this country are, faith in this nation. Scripture to figure out how I can be a better Recently I had occasion to reflect on the thankfully, not as deep or destructive as man as well as a better President. And I be- power of faith. A few weeks ago, during the when Lincoln led, but they are real. The dif- lieve that we are united in these struggles. inauguration, I was blessed to place my hand ferences in how we hope to move our nation But I also believe that we are united in the on the Bibles of two great Americans, two forward are less pronounced than when King knowledge of a redeeming Savior, whose men whose faith still echoes today. One was marched, but they do exist. And as we debate grace is sufficient for the multitude of our the Bible owned by President Abraham Lin- what is right and what is just, what is the sins, and whose love is never failing. And coln, and the other, the Bible owned by Dr. surest way to create a more hopeful—for our most of all, I know that all Americans—men Martin Luther King, Jr. As I prepared to children—how we’re going to reduce our def- and women of different faiths and, yes, those take the sacred oath, I thought about these icit, what kind of tax plans we’re going to of no faith that they can name—are, never- two men, and I thought of how, in times of have, how we’re going to make sure that theless, joined together in common purpose, joy and pain and uncertainty, they turned to every child is getting a great education— believing in something that is bigger than their Bibles to seek the wisdom of God’s and, Doctor, it is very encouraging to me ourselves, and the ideals that lie at the heart word—and thought of how, for as long as that you turned out so well by your mom not of our nation’s founding—that as a people we we’ve been a nation, so many of our leaders, letting you watch TV. I’m going to tell my are bound together. our Presidents, and our preachers, our legis- daughters that when they complain. In the And so this morning, let us summon the lators and our jurists have done the same. midst of all these debates, we must keep that common resolve that comes from our faith. Each one faced their own challenges; each same humility that Dr. King and Lincoln Let us pray to God that we may be worthy of one finding in Scripture their own lessons and Washington and all our great leaders un- the many blessings He has bestowed upon from the Lord. And as I was looking out on derstood is at the core of true leadership. In our nation. Let us retain that humility not the crowd during the inauguration I thought a democracy as big and as diverse as ours, we just during this hour but for every hour. And of Dr. King. We often think of him standing will encounter every opinion. And our task let me suggest that those of us with the most tall in front of the endless crowds, stirring as citizens—whether we are leaders in gov- power and influence need to be the most the nation’s conscience with a bellowing ernment or business or spreading the word— humble. And let us promise Him and to each voice and a mighty dream. But I also is to spend our days with open hearts and other, every day as the sun rises over Amer- thought of his doubts and his fears, for those open minds; to seek out the truth that exists ica that it will rise over a people who are moments came as well—the lonely moments in an opposing view and to find the common striving to make this a more perfect union. when he was left to confront the presence of ground that allows for us as a nation, as a Thank you. God bless you, and God bless the long-festering injustice and undisguised people, to take real and meaningful action. United States of America.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.063 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 Senator SESSIONS: Thank you. Thank you Service over wolf delisting efforts federal government and the desire by the Mr. President. We’re not of the same polit- where the Federal Government quickly government to help pay their way. ical party, sometimes we disagree, but approved their November 2012 claim for Recently, several environmental groups settled with the federal government over speaking as an American, we are one nation $380,000 in attorney fees. That is and we have one President who serves us all. their attorney fees for suing the Fish and Thank you for being my President, thank $380,000 dollars of hard-earned Amer- Wildlife Service on wolf delisting efforts in you for being our President. ican taxpayer dollars this administra- Montana and Idaho. The settlement agreed So let’s all enjoy now a final selection tion’s Justice Department was more to by the federal government will pay the from Andrea Boccelli. than happy to hand over to their polit- groups $380,000 for their attorney fees. This [Song] ical allies. request for money was filed with the courts Mr. Andrea Bocelli: Thank you very much. Ken continues to illustrate the ap- in November of 2012 and the government I’m very ashamed of my English because I didn’t object to this filing. parent political fingerprints and favor- Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Wyo- would like to tell you many, many things itism in the Justice Department by but I can’t because my English is very poor. ming Wolf Coalition through its attorney But I live this moment like a dream, because stating, ‘‘Meanwhile back at the ranch, Harriet Hageman, has asked the federal gov- ernment for their fees under EAJA. These very often my country has been in trouble, the Wyoming Wolf Coalition through fees, a tenth of the environmental claim, just because the left and the right never are its attorney Harriet Hageman, has have been argued over by the same federal able to speak with each other. And in this asked the Federal Government for government since April of 2011. country where I received a lot, a big, big af- their fees under EAJA. These fees, one- Given this interesting development it cer- fection, incredible affection, today I received tenth of the environmental claim, have tainly appears the federal government, also a big teaching. I will try going back to been argued over by the same Federal through the Justice Department, does not my country, Italy, to transmit this will that Government since April of 2011.’’ Let apply justice uniformly. Perhaps the Justice for me is the most important thing—the will me repeat that. Since 2011, the Justice Department is concerned that these multi- to pray together. Thank you very much. million dollar environmental groups should Senator PRYOR: Thank you Andrea. Just Department has been actively arguing over an EAJA claim of approximately be paid because they have resources far be- like your songs that was very beautiful. At yond the troublesome rancher, sportsmen, the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus $36,000 to a group that supported wolf outfitters and local governments and they said, ‘‘Therefore, everyone who hears these delisting when the same Justice De- could use the money but those other entities words of mine and puts them into practice is partment agreed to send $380,000 to en- should be denied because they are poor. like a wise man who built his house on the vironmental groups opposed to the Perhaps they feel that almost $400,000 is rock.’’ Let’s be wise people in the important delisting of wolves. not a big deal, but $36,000 is a huge deal wor- roles that we’re about to step back into in a Based on these facts I would have to thy of Justice Department attorney time to few minutes and put what we’ve heard and file objections. learned here into practice. agree with Ken’s conclusion that, ‘‘the Who knows, but one thing is apparent and Senator SESSIONS: Love God. Love your Equal Access to Justice Act is being that is the Equal Access to Justice Act is neighbor. Let’s make that simple rule our applied less than equally by the Fed- being applied less than equally by the federal guide and make our complex world a better eral Government. It appears that if government. It appears that if they agree one today. And to offer our closing prayer, they agree with you they will send you with you they will send you a check, but if please welcome Olympic gold medalist, a check, but if they do not they will they do not they will send you an attorney’s Gabrielle Douglas. send you an attorney’s response deny- response denying you your money. Ms. Gabrielle Douglas: Thank you. It’s ing you your money.’’ f such an honor to be here today with so many This administration should not be in distinguished leaders, especially Mr. Presi- GRASSBAUGH VETERANS PROJECT the business of playing favorites by re- dent, Mrs. Obama, Mr. Vice President and Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today warding their political friends with the Honorable MARK PRYOR and the Honor- I wish to honor the commencement of taxpayer dollars. I commend Ken for able JEFF SESSIONS. Now please, please join the Captain Jonathan D. Grassbaugh me as we bow our heads and pray. highlighting the apparent inequality Veterans Project. CPT Jonathan Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the and abuse of the so-called Equal Access Grassbaugh and three other soldiers many continued blessings. We uplift every to Justice Act. This is one of the rea- leader from every nation and ask that you were killed in action in Iraq on April 7, sons I plan to continue fighting for real 2007, when an insurgent detonated a continue to give them wisdom as they gov- transparency regarding which groups ern. Teach us to walk in humility, strength- 500-pound explosive beneath their en us as we strive to fulfill your plan, your are receiving EAJA payments, why truck. His wife, CPT Jenna C. purpose for our lives. And as we go from they are receiving it, and how much Grassbaugh, has collaborated with the here, I pray we would all pursue your peace, money—taxpayer money—is being Ohio State University Moritz College your love and your grace, in Jesus’ name, given away. It is time the Equal Access of Law to create the Captain Jonathan Amen. to Justice Act truly live up to its D. Grassbaugh Veterans Project. The Senator PRYOR: We’re done, thank you, name. God bless you. Jonathan D. Grassbaugh Veterans Mr. President, I yield the floor. Project will provide veterans returning There being no objection, the mate- f from deployment with legal assistance, rial was ordered to be printed in the EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR A with the help of law students aided by RECORD, as follows: FEW professional lawyers. [From the Wyoming Farm Bureau CPT Jenna Grassbaugh donated Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I rise Federation Opinion Editorial, Mar. 26, 2013] $250,000 of her husband’s life insurance today to ask unanimous consent to EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR A FEW policy to the Moritz College of Law in have printed in the RECORD an article (By Ken Hamilton, Wyoming Farm Bureau order to honor her husband’s legacy written by Ken Hamilton, Executive Federation, Executive Vice President) and assist returning veterans. The Vice President of the Wyoming Farm Many people are aware of the efforts to re- Grassbaugh Veterans Project will open Bureau that was Published in the April form the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) in April and will be operational by fall 2013 edition of Wyoming Agriculture. in order to bring more transparency to the process of the federal government paying at- 2014. The article’s title is ‘‘Equal Access to I would also like to pay tribute to Justice for a few.’’ torney fees. Based on information researched and brought to light through the Budd-Falen Jonathan D. Grassbaugh and the rich Mr. President, while we continue to law offices we found out that monies were legacy he leaves. His commitment to fight for increased transparency with being awarded without the slightest effort by service is an inspiration to all of us and regards to the Equal Access to Justice the government to keep track of who re- he will not be forgotten. I would also Act, one thing is already clear—the ceived them and why. Thus, the need for like to recognize CPT Jenna Federal Government is picking winners some transparency and oversight. We have Grassbaugh for honoring the legacy of and losers. Mr. Hamilton calls this a also seen some of the recipients fight efforts her husband in such a meaningful way. ‘‘cozy appearance between the groups to bring transparency and why wouldn’t f who sue the Federal Government and they? After all, this is something that helps off-set their cost of suing the federal govern- TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT the desire by the government to help ment. COLONEL KENNETH W. MCDONALD pay their way.’’ He points out in one The other aspect of this that some have recent case of several environmental wondered about is the sometimes cozy ap- Mr. REED. Mr. President, I wish to groups suing the Fish and Wildlife pearance between these groups who sue the recognize the accomplishments of LTC

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.063 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2559 Kenneth McDonald, who is retiring this TRIBUTE TO GORDON MOULTON ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS month after a distinguished career of Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I rise over 28 years of service to the United today to pay tribute to Dr. Gordon States Army and the Nation. FRIENDS OF THE CHILDREN Moulton in honor of his retirement Lieutenant Colonel McDonald grad- ∑ Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, today I after 46 years of service to the Univer- uated from West Point in 1985 with a rise in support of Friends of the Chil- sity of South Alabama. Gordon dedi- degree in Civil Engineering and was dren, FOTC, a revolutionary organiza- cated his life to the success of the uni- commissioned a Second Lieutenant in tion founded and based in my home- versity and its surrounding commu- the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He town of Portland, OR, that provides in- nities and served as university presi- subsequently served as a platoon lead- tensive, long-term mentors to highly dent for 16 years. I am honored to call er, support platoon leader, and execu- vulnerable kids in need. FOTC takes a this remarkable man my friend and fel- tive officer in the 299th Engineer Bat- preventive, early intervention ap- low Alabamian. talion (Corps Combat) at Fort Sill, OK. proach that breaks the cycle of poverty He later commanded Delta Company, Gordon received his B.S. in Industrial and helps children grow up to be pro- 20th Engineer Battalion at Fort Camp- Management from the Georgia Insti- ductive citizens. bell, KY and served as S3 and executive tute of Technology and an M.B.A. from The key to FOTC’s success is its officer for the 577th Engineer Bat- Emory University. He was also award- mentors, called Friends. Each Friend is talion, Fort Leonard Wood, MO. ed an honorary doctorate from Spring full time, paid and professionally Throughout his career, Lieutenant Hill College in 2006. trained. The Friends are matched with Colonel McDonald deployed to Iraq for He began his service at the Univer- the most severely at-risk children at Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, sity of South Alabama 3 years after its an early age—selected in kinder- Kosovo, and Korea. In 2006, Kenny vol- founding in 1966 as a business faculty garten—and make a 121⁄2 year commit- unteered for service in Iraq in support member and went on to launch the ment to each child, guiding them of Operation Iraqi Freedom and served School of Computer and Information through high school graduation. as deputy commander, Gulf Region Di- Sciences as its first dean. He was Friends of the Children was founded vision South District, U.S. Army Corps named president of the university in in 1993 and is celebrating its 20th anni- of Engineers in Basrah. During his 2 1998. Gordon’s numerous successes at versary this year. My friend Duncan year tour, he was responsible for over the university include increasing aca- Campbell, founder of FOTC, grew up in $500 million worth of construction demic programs and scholarships, se- poverty himself, and his persistence, projects, including the Basrah Chil- curing grants for cancer research, ex- hard work and entrepreneurial spirit dren’s Hospital. In 2008, he and mem- panding student opportunities, devel- continue to be a driving force behind bers of his team were severely wounded opment and renovation of various fa- FOTC’s success. in an ambush while they were inspect- cilities, and the creation of the USA The goals for FOTC’s children are ing the hospital. He recovered from his Research and Technology Park which both simple and profound: success in wounds at Walter Reed Army Medical has provided many jobs and opportuni- school with a minimum of a high Center and later was assigned to the ties for high-tech industry partnerships school diploma or GED; avoid involve- West Point Warrior Transition Unit. in south Alabama. ment in the juvenile justice system, While still assigned to the WTU, he re- During his tenure as President, the and avoid early parenting. And inde- quested and was allowed to serve as the University of South Alabama was able pendent research has shown that deputy commander, New York District, to launch ‘‘Campaign USA,’’ a highly Friends of the Children is achieving U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. successful fundraising effort that has those goals: 85 percent of FOTC grad- Lieutenant Colonel McDonald also raised millions for the university. He uates have completed high school, de- served as an instructor and assistant also worked to form a critical partner- spite 54 percent having a parent who professor in the Department of Geog- ship with Infirmary Health System did not graduate; 97 percent of FOTC raphy and Environmental Engineering which has been instrumental in mak- youth are not involved in the juvenile and the Department of Civil and Me- ing improvements in area health care. justice system despite 60 percent hav- chanical Engineering at West Point. In For his work in the area, Gordon was ing a parent who has been incarcer- 2009, he was promoted to associate pro- named ‘‘Mobilian of the Year’’ in 2002. ated; and 98 percent of FOTC adoles- fessor and served as engineering pro- Over the years, Gordon and his wife cents avoid early parenting despite 60 gram director for the Department of Geri have donated generously to the percent having been born to a teen Systems Engineering at West Point. University of South Alabama, most re- mother. During his tenure, the Engineering Friends of the Children works be- cently presenting the University with Management Program was recognized 3 cause it treats every child as an indi- $3 million in order to fund cancer re- years in a row as the top Engineering vidual facing a set of unique cir- search at the USA Mitchell Cancer In- Management Program for under- cumstances, and takes a committed, stitute. Their generosity, compassion, graduate education in the Nation by hands-on approach to improving those and dedication to finding a cure for the American Society for Engineering circumstances. It works because it fo- cancer is both admirable and humbling. Management. cuses on one-on-one relationships using In addition to funding for cancer re- His military awards and decorations a rational, intelligent and proven sys- search, they have given millions to include the Bronze Star; Purple Heart; tem. fund Moulton Tower and Alumni Plaza, Meritorious Service Medal; Joint Serv- While headquartered in Portland, Geri Moulton Children’s Park at the ice Commendation Medal; Army Com- Friends of the Children now has chap- USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital, mendation Medal; Army Achievement ters in four additional cities: Klamath and various scholarships and athletic Medal; Joint Meritorious Unit Award; Falls, Seattle, Boston and New York. endeavors. Meritorious Unit Commendation; Army Today, I am proud to congratulate this Superior Unit Award; Air Assault; Air- Today, it is rare to see an individual remarkable program on its 20th anni- borne; Ranger Tab; and Combat Action so invested in one institution for the versary, and look forward to cele- Badge. larger part of his career, but the work brating many more years of its contin- Kenny and his wife COL Debbie that Gordon Moulton has done at and ued success.∑ for the University of the South will McDonald, who currently serves as the f director of admissions at West Point, forever be remembered by its students, have two grown children. Their daugh- faculty, board of trustees, and the com- BUDGET OF THE UNITED STATES ter Anna is a 1LT Quartermaster Offi- munities in and around Mobile that GOVERNMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR cer and Company Commander and their have benefitted from the University. 2014—PM 7 son Joshua is a cadet at West Point. I I congratulate him on his retirement The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- congratulate Kenny on a job well done, and thank him for his decades of serv- fore the Senate the following message and wish him and his family the very ice to one of Alabama’s great edu- from the President of the United best in the years to come. cational institutions. States, together with an accompanying

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.023 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 report; which was referred jointly, pur- The Budget also includes new initia- through the red tape that has been suant to the order of January 30, 1975 tives to support manufacturing com- holding back even some of the most as modified by the order of April 11, munities, including a new tax credit to carefully planned infrastructure 1986; to the Committees on Appropria- strengthen their ability to attract in- projects. These efforts will help us to tions; and the Budget: vestments and jobs. And it expands my achieve the new goal I set to cut THE BUDGET MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT Administration’s SelectUSA initiative timelines in half for infrastructure To the Congress of the United States: to help draw businesses and investment projects, while creating new incentives Thanks to the hard work and deter- from around the world to our shores. for better outcomes for communities mination of the American people, we If we want to make the best prod- and the environment. have made significant progress over ucts, we also have to invest in the best All of these initiatives in manufac- the last 4 years. After a decade of war, ideas. That is why the Budget main- turing, energy, and infrastructure will our brave men and women in uniform tains a world-class commitment to help entrepreneurs and small business are coming home. After years of reces- science and research, targeting re- owners expand and create new jobs. sion, our businesses have created over sources to those areas most likely to But none of it will matter unless we six million new jobs. We buy more contribute directly to the creation of also equip our citizens with the skills American cars than we have in 5 years, transformational technologies that can and training to fill those jobs. and less foreign oil than we have in 20 create the businesses and jobs of the And that has to start at the earliest years. Our housing market is healing, future. possible age. But today, fewer than 3 in our stock market is rebounding, and No area holds more promise than our 10 4-year-olds are enrolled in a high- consumers, patients, and homeowners investments in American energy. The quality preschool program, and the enjoy stronger protections than ever Budget continues to advance my ‘‘all- high cost of private preschool puts too before. of-the-above’’ strategy on energy, in- much of a financial burden on middle But we know that there are millions vesting in clean energy research and class families. The Budget therefore includes a pro- of Americans whose hard work and development; promoting energy effi- posal that ensures 4-year-olds across dedication have not yet been rewarded. ciency in our cars, homes, and busi- the country have access to high-qual- Our economy is adding jobs—but too nesses; encouraging responsible domes- ity preschool education through a land- many people still cannot find full-time tic energy production; and launching mark new initiative in partnership employment. Corporate profits have new efforts to combat the threat of cli- with the States. And it increases the skyrocketed to all-time highs—but for mate change. more than a decade, wages and incomes Modeled after my successful Race to availability of early learning for our youngest children to help their growth have barely budged. the Top education reform effort, the and development during the formative It is our generation’s task to reignite Budget includes a new Race to the Top the true engine of America’s economic early years of life. energy efficiency challenge for States, Providing a year of free, public pre- growth—a rising, thriving middle class. rewarding those that implement the It is our unfinished task to restore the school education for 4-year-old chil- most effective policies to cut energy dren is an important investment in our basic bargain that built this country— waste. And it establishes a new Energy the idea that if you work hard and future. It will give all our kids the best Security Trust funded by royalty rev- start in life, helping them perform bet- meet your responsibilities, you can get enue from oil and gas leases to support ahead, no matter where you come ter in elementary school and ulti- initiatives to shift our cars and trucks mately helping them, and the country, from, no matter what you look like, or off oil, cutting our Nation’s reliance on whom you love. be better prepared for the demands of foreign oil. the global economy. Not only that, it It is our unfinished task to make Over the last 4 years, we have begun sure that this Government works on could save hard-working families thou- the hard work of rebuilding our Na- sands of dollars each year in child care behalf of the many, and not just the tion’s infrastructure. We have built or few; that it encourages free enterprise, costs. This is an investment we need to improved over 350,000 miles of road and rewards individual initiative, and make, and it is fully paid for in this more than 6,000 miles of rail. And we opens the doors of opportunity to every Budget by imposing a new tax on every have repaired or replaced over 20,000 child across this great Nation. pack of cigarettes sold. A growing economy that creates bridges. But to compete in the 21st The Budget also builds on the his- good, middle class jobs—this must be Century economy and become a mag- toric reforms made during my first the North Star that guides our efforts. net for jobs, we must do more. We need term to improve our elementary and Every day, we should ask ourselves to repair our existing infrastructure, secondary school system by rewarding three questions as a Nation: How do we and invest in the infrastructure of to- excellence and promoting innovation. attract more jobs to our shores? How morrow, including high-speed rail, To help ensure that our high schools do we equip our people with the skills high-tech schools, and self-healing are putting our kids on a path to col- they need to get those jobs? And how power grids. These investments will lege and a good job, the Budget in- do we make sure that hard work leads both lay the foundation for long-term cludes a new competitive fund that will to a decent living? economic growth and put workers back help redesign America’s high schools to This Budget seeks to answer each of on the job now. prepare students with the real world these questions. My Budget includes $50 billion for up- skills they need to find a job right Our first priority is making America front infrastructure investments, in- away or go to college. The fund re- a magnet for new jobs and manufac- cluding a ‘‘Fix-it-First’’ program that wards schools that develop new part- turing. After shedding jobs for more makes an immediate investment to put nerships with colleges and employers, than 10 years, our manufacturers have people to work as soon as possible on and create classes focusing on science, added more than 500,000 jobs over the our most urgent repairs, like the near- technology, engineering and mathe- past 3 years. Companies large and ly 70,000 structurally-deficient bridges matics (STEM)—the skills today’s em- small are increasingly deciding to across the country. And to make sure ployers seek to fill the jobs available bring jobs back to America. taxpayers do not shoulder the whole right now and in the future. To accelerate this trend, the Budget burden, the Budget creates a Rebuild Even with better high schools, most builds on the success of the manufac- America Partnership to attract private young people will still need some high- turing innovation institute we created capital to upgrade what our businesses er education. Through tax credits, in Youngstown, Ohio last year, and need most: modern ports to move our grants, and better loans, we have made calls for the creation of a network of 15 goods; modern pipelines to withstand a college more affordable for millions of of these hubs across the Nation. In storm; and modern schools worthy of students and families over the last 4 these innovation hubs, businesses will our children. years. But skyrocketing costs are still partner with universities and Federal The Budget also supports efforts I an- pricing too many young people out of a agencies to turn regions around our nounced earlier this year to modernize higher education, or saddling them country into global centers of high- and improve the efficiency of the Fed- with unsustainable debt. And tax- tech jobs. eral permitting process, cutting payers cannot continue to subsidize

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.008 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2561 higher and higher costs for higher edu- recession. It creates pathways to jobs American leadership and promoting se- cation. for the long-term unemployed and curity, stability, democracy, and eco- To encourage colleges to do their youth who have been hardest hit by the nomic growth. part to keep costs down, the Budget in- downturn. And it strengthens families Importantly, the Budget upholds our cludes reforms that will ensure afford- by removing financial deterrents to solemn obligation to take care of our ability and value are considered in de- marriage and supporting the role of fa- servicemembers and veterans, and to termining which colleges receive cer- thers. protect our diplomats and civilians in tain types of Federal aid. My Adminis- We also know that economic growth the field. It keeps faith with our vet- tration has also released a new ‘‘Col- can only be achieved and sustained if erans, investing in world-class care, in- lege Scorecard’’ that parents and stu- America is safe and secure, both at cluding mental health care for our dents can use to compare schools. home and abroad. At home, the Budget wounded warriors, supporting our mili- To further ensure our educational supports my initiative to help protect tary families, and giving our veterans system is preparing students for ca- our kids, reduce gun violence, and ex- the benefits, education, and job oppor- reers in the 21st Century economy, the pand access to mental health services. tunities that they have earned. Budget includes additional measures to We can protect our Second Amendment The Budget does all of these things promote STEM education, such as rights while coming together around as part of a comprehensive plan that launching a new STEM Master Teacher reforms like eliminating background reduces the deficit. All of these initia- Corps, to leverage the expertise of check loopholes to make it harder for tives and ideas are fully paid for, to en- some of America’s best and brightest criminals to get their hands on a gun— sure they do not increase the deficit by teachers in science and mathematics, common-sense reforms that will help a single dime. and to elevate the teaching of these protect our kids from the scourge of By making investments in our people subjects nationwide. It also includes a gun violence that has plagued too that we pay for responsibly, we will reorganization and consolidation of many communities across the country. strengthen the middle class, make STEM education programs to improve To confront threats outside our bor- America a magnet for jobs and innova- the effectiveness of Federal invest- ders, the Budget ensures our military tion, and grow our economy, which will ments in this area. remains the finest and best-equipped in turn help us to reduce deficits. But The Budget takes other critical steps military force the world has ever economic growth alone will not solve to grow our economy, create jobs, and known, even as we wind down more our Nation’s long-term fiscal chal- strengthen the middle class. It imple- than a decade of war. lenges. ments the Affordable Care Act, giving Already, we have brought home more As we continue to grow our economy, every American access to the high- than 30,000 of our brave service- we must take further action to cut our quality, affordable health care cov- members from Afghanistan. Our re- deficits. We do not have to choose be- erage they deserve, and reducing the maining forces are moving into a sup- tween these two important priorities— deficit by more than $1 trillion over port role, with Afghan security forces we have to do both. Over the last 4 years, both parties the next two decades. It implements taking the lead. And over the next have worked together to reduce the Wall Street reform, ending too-big-to- year, another 34,000 American troops will come home. This drawdown will deficit in a balanced way by more than fail and protecting consumers against $2.5 trillion. That is more than halfway the abuses and reckless behavior that continue and, by the end of next year, our war in Afghanistan will be over. toward the goal of $4 trillion in deficit contributed to the financial collapse in reduction that economists say we need 2008. And it includes measures to Beyond 2014, the Budget supports our continued commitment to a unified to stabilize our finances. As we wind strengthen our housing market and en- and sovereign Afghanistan. down two wars, we have protected our sure that every responsible homeowner To maintain our national security, military families and veterans while has the opportunity to refinance at to- the Budget supports our ongoing fight cutting defense spending on outdated day’s rates, saving $3,000 a year on av- against terrorists, like al Qaeda. The military weapons systems. Domestic erage. organization that attacked us on 9/11 is discretionary spending is approaching Our economy is stronger when we a shadow of its former self. But dif- its lowest levels as a share of the econ- harness the talents and ingenuity of ferent al Qaeda affiliates and extremist omy since President Eisenhower was in striving, hopeful immigrants. That is groups have emerged—from the Ara- office; and we have moved aggressively why I have proposed a plan to fix our bian Peninsula to Africa. We will con- to cut waste, fraud, and abuse. And to- broken immigration system that se- front these emerging security chal- gether, we have begun to ask the cures our borders, cracks down on em- lenges through the full range of U.S. wealthy to do their fair share while ployers who hire undocumented work- capabilities and tools, including diplo- keeping income taxes low for middle ers, attracts highly-skilled entre- matic, security, intelligence, and eco- class families. Overall, we have cut the preneurs and engineers to help create nomic development. deficit in a balanced way that protects jobs and drive economic growth, and The Budget also provides the re- the investments in education, manu- establishes a responsible pathway to sources we need to act on our commit- facturing, clean energy, and small busi- earned citizenship—a path that in- ment to and interests in global devel- nesses we need to grow the economy cludes passing a background check, opment, by promoting food security and strengthen the middle class. There paying taxes and a meaningful penalty, that reduces dependence and increases is more work to do, and this Budget is learning English, and going to the back prosperity; by investing in the increas- designed to finish the job. of the line behind the folks trying to ingly successful drive toward an AIDS- But we should not do it by making come here legally. The Budget makes free generation; and by maintaining harsh and arbitrary cuts that jeop- investments that will make our immi- our leadership as a global provider of ardize our military readiness, dev- gration system more efficient and fair humanitarian assistance that saves astate priorities like education and en- and lay a foundation for this perma- lives and reflects American values. ergy, and cost jobs. That is not how to nent, common-sense reform. We must also confront new dangers, grow the economy. We should not ask The Budget also builds on the like cyber attacks, that threaten our middle class senior citizens and work- progress made over the last 4 years to Nation’s infrastructure, businesses, ing families to pay down the rest of our expand opportunity for every American and people. The Budget supports the deficit while the wealthiest are asked and every community willing to do the expansion of Government-wide efforts for nothing more. That does not grow work to lift themselves up. It creates to counter the full scope of cyber our middle class. new ladders of opportunity to ensure threats, and strengthens our ability to The American people understand that hard work leads to a decent living. collaborate with State and local gov- that we cannot just cut our way to It rewards hard work by increasing the ernments, our partners overseas, and prosperity. That is why I have repeat- minimum wage to $9 an hour so an hon- the private sector to improve our over- edly called for a balanced approach to est day’s work pays more. It partners all cybersecurity. deficit reduction. And that is why I with communities by identifying The Budget also focuses resources on have offered proposals on multiple oc- Promise Zones to help rebuild from the the Asia-Pacific region, reasserting casions that cut wasteful spending,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.009 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 strengthen entitlements, and eliminate MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, the special tax breaks and loopholes so the Railroad Retirement Board’s fiscal year 2012 At 1:00 p.m., a message from the annual report relative to the Notification wealthiest pay their fair share. House of Representatives, delivered by In my negotiations with House and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, and Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Com- Speaker BOEHNER in December over the announced that the House has passed mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- so-called ‘‘fiscal cliff,’’ I again offered a the following bills, in which it requests mental Affairs. compromise proposal that was bal- the concurrence of the Senate: EC–1066. A communication from the Chair- anced and comprehensive, and would man of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, achieve our $4 trillion deficit reduction H.R. 254. An act to authorize the Secretary transmitting, pursuant to law, the Commis- goal. That proposal is still on the of the Interior to facilitate the development sion’s fiscal year 2012 annual report relative of hydroelectric power on the Diamond Fork table. I am including it in this Budget to the Notification and Federal Employee System of the Central Utah Project. Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of to demonstrate my commitment to H.R. 1033. An act to authorize the acquisi- making the kind of tough and balanced 2002; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- tion and protection of nationally significant rity and Governmental Affairs. choices that are needed to put our Na- battlefields and associated sites of the Revo- EC–1067. A communication from the Dep- tion’s finances in order. lutionary War and the War of 1812 under the uty Associate Director for External Affairs, To be clear, the package I am offer- American Battlefield Protection Program. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, ing includes some difficult cuts that I f transmitting, pursuant to law, the Bureau’s do not particularly like. But these fiscal year 2012 annual report relative to the MEASURES REFERRED measures will only become law if con- Notification and Federal Employee Anti- gressional Republicans agree to meet The following bill was read the first discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002; and the second times by unanimous to the Committee on Homeland Security and me in the middle by eliminating spe- Governmental Affairs. cial tax breaks and loopholes so mil- consent, and referred as indicated: EC–1068. A communication from the Chief lionaires and billionaires do their fair H.R. 1033. An act to authorize the acquisi- Judge, Superior Court of the District of Co- share to cut the deficit. I will not agree tion and protection of nationally significant lumbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- to any deal that seeks to cut the def- battlefields and associated sites of the Revo- port relative to the District of Columbia icit on the backs of middle class fami- lutionary War and the War of 1812 under the Family Court Act; to the Committee on lies. I am willing to make tough American Battlefield Protection Program; to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- fairs. choices that may not be popular within sources. EC–1069. A joint communication from the my own party, because there can be no f Chairman and the Acting General Counsel, sacred cows for either party. And I National Labor Relations Board, transmit- look forward to working with any EXECUTIVE AND OTHER ting, pursuant to law, the Board’s Buy Amer- member of Congress who takes a simi- COMMUNICATIONS ican Act Report for fiscal year 2012; to the lar, balanced approach. This plan is The following communications were Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- built on the kind of common ground ernmental Affairs. laid before the Senate, together with EC–1070. A communication from the Ad- that Democrats and Republicans accompanying papers, reports, and doc- ministrator of the Small Business Adminis- should be able to reach. uments, and were referred as indicated: tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the In total, the Budget will cut the def- EC–1060. A communication from the Chief Administration’s Annual Report on The No- icit by another $1.8 trillion over the of the Border Securities Regulations Branch, tification and Federal Employee Anti- next 10 years, bringing the deficit Customs and Border Protection, Department discrimination and Retaliation Act for fiscal below 2 percent of GDP by 2023 and put- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- year 2012; to the Committee on Homeland Se- ting our debt on a declining path. This ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Def- curity and Governmental Affairs. is not an end in and of itself—the best inition of Form I–94 to Include Electronic EC–1071. A communication from the In- spector General, Department of Health and way to grow the economy and cut the Format’’ (RIN1651–AA96) received in the Of- fice of the President of the Senate on March Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to deficit is by creating good middle class law, a report entitled ‘‘U.S. Department of 22, 2013; to the Committee on Homeland Se- jobs. But this plan to reduce the deficit Health and Human Services met Many Re- curity and Governmental Affairs. in a balanced way is a critical step to- quirements of the Improper Payments Infor- EC–1061. A communication from the Direc- mation Act of 2002 but Was Not Fully Com- ward ensuring that we have a solid tor, Office of Personnel Management, trans- pliant’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- foundation on which to build a strong mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule economy and a thriving middle class curity and Governmental Affairs. entitled ‘‘Excepted Service—Appointment of EC–1072. A communication from the Acting for years to come. Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Se- Administrator of the General Services Ad- Finally, this Budget continues my vere Physical Disabilities, and Psychiatric ministration, transmitting, pursuant to law, commitment to reforming and stream- Disabilities’’ (RIN3206–AM07) received during the Administration’s fiscal year 2012 Agency lining our Government for the 21st adjournment of the Senate in the Office of Financial Report; to the Committee on Century. It builds on my Campaign to the President of the Senate on March 26, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Cut Waste by further targeting and 2013; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- fairs. rity and Governmental Affairs. eliminating wasteful spending wher- EC–1073. A communication from the Chair- EC–1062. A communication from the Dis- man of the Council of the District of Colum- ever we find it. It reorganizes and con- trict of Columbia Auditor, transmitting, pur- solidates agencies and programs to bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report suant to law, a report entitled, ‘‘District of on D.C. Act 20–29, ‘‘Medical Marijuana Cul- make them leaner and more efficient. Columbia Agencies’ Compliance with Small tivation Center and Dispensary Location Re- It increases the use of evidence and Business Enterprise Expenditure Goals striction Temporary Amendment Act of evaluation to ensure we are making through the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013’’; 2013’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- smart investments with our scarce tax- to the Committee on Homeland Security and rity and Governmental Affairs. payer dollars. And it harnesses new Governmental Affairs. EC–1074. A communication from the Chair- technologies to allow us to do more EC–1063. A communication from the Dis- man of the Council of the District of Colum- trict of Columbia Auditor, transmitting, pur- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report with less. suant to law, a report entitled, ‘‘Audit of the No single Budget can solve every on D.C. Act 20–40, ‘‘Tax Revision Commission Affordable Housing Mandates for Develop- Report Extension and Procurement Stream- challenge and every problem facing the ment Projects Formerly Managed by the Dis- lining Temporary Amendment Act of 2013’’; country. But this Budget shows how we solved National Capital Revitalization Cor- to the Committee on Homeland Security and can live within our means while grow- poration and Anacostia Waterfront Corpora- Governmental Affairs. ing our economy, strengthening the tion’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- EC–1075. A communication from the Chair- middle class, and securing our Nation’s rity and Governmental Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- future. It is not a Democratic plan or a EC–1064. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Republican plan. It is an American man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 20–30, ‘‘Board of Ethics and Gov- plan. And it is a plan that I hope can bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ernment Accountability Temporary Amend- on D.C. Act 19–670, ‘‘Pharmacy Technician ment Act of 2013’’; to the Committee on serve as an outline for us to write the Amendment Act of 2012’’; to the Committee Homeland Security and Governmental Af- next great chapter of the American on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs. story . . . together. fairs. EC–1076. A communication from the Chair- BARACK OBAMA. EC–1065. A communication from the Sec- man of the Council of the District of Colum- THE WHITE HOUSE, April 10, 2013. retary to the Board, Railroad Retirement bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:35 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.010 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2563 on D.C. Act 20–31, ‘‘Prohibition on Govern- to the Committee on Homeland Security and the proposed sale or export of defense arti- ment Employee Engagement in Political Ac- Governmental Affairs. cles and/or defense services to a Middle East tivity Temporary Amendment Act of 2013’’; EC–1087. A communication from the Chief country regarding any possible affects such a to the Committee on Homeland Security and Executive Officer, Corporation for National sale might have relating to Israel’s Quali- Governmental Affairs. and Community Service, transmitting, pur- tative Military Edge over military threats to EC–1077. A communication from the Direc- suant to law, the Corporation’s fiscal year Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- tor of Equal Employment Opportunity, Secu- 2012 annual report relative to the Notifica- tions. rities and Exchange Commission, transmit- tion and Federal Employee Antidiscrimina- EC–1097. A communication from the Assist- ting, pursuant to law, the Commission’s 2012 tion and Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Com- ant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military annual report relative to the Notification mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination mental Affairs. pursuant to law, an addendum to a certifi- and Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Com- EC–1088. A communication from the Chair- cation, transmittal number: DDTC 13–030, of mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- man, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the proposed sale or export of defense arti- mental Affairs. transmitting, pursuant to law, the Corpora- cles and/or defense services to a Middle East EC–1078. A communication from the Acting tion’s fiscal year 2012 annual report relative country regarding any possible affects such a Director of the Peace Corps, transmitting, to the Notification and Federal Employee sale might have relating to Israel’s Quali- pursuant to law, the Peace Corps’ fiscal year Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of tative Military Edge over military threats to 2012 annual report relative to the Notifica- 2002; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- tion and Federal Employee Antidiscrimina- rity and Governmental Affairs. tions. tion and Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Com- EC–1089. A communication from the Chair- EC–1098. A communication from the Assist- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- man, Consumer Product Safety Commission, ant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military mental Affairs. transmitting, pursuant to law, the Commis- Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, EC–1079. A communication from the Equal sion’s fiscal year 2012 annual report relative pursuant to law, an addendum to a certifi- Employment Opportunity Director, Farm to the Notification and Federal Employee cation, transmittal number: DDTC 13–017, of Credit Administration, transmitting, pursu- Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of the proposed sale or export of defense arti- ant to law, the Farm Credit Administra- 2002; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- cles and/or defense services to a Middle East tion’s fiscal year 2012 annual report relative rity and Governmental Affairs. country regarding any possible affects such a to the Notification and Federal Employee EC–1090. A communication from the Chair- sale might have relating to Israel’s Quali- Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of man of the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- tative Military Edge over military threats to 2002; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- mission, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- rity and Governmental Affairs. Commission’s fiscal year 2012 annual report tions. EC–1080. A communication from the Execu- relative to the Notification and Federal Em- EC–1099. A communication from the Assist- tive Director, United States Access Board, ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation ant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military transmitting, pursuant to law, the Board’s Act of 2002; to the Committee on Homeland Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, fiscal year 2012 annual report relative to the Security and Governmental Affairs. pursuant to law, an addendum to a certifi- Notification and Federal Employee Anti- EC–1091. A communication from the Chair- cation, transmittal number: DDTC 13–015, of discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002; man of the Federal Labor Relations Author- the proposed sale or export of defense arti- to the Committee on Homeland Security and ity, transmitting, pursuant to law, the cles and/or defense services to a Middle East Governmental Affairs. Authority’s fiscal year 2012 annual report country regarding any possible affects such a EC–1081. A communication from the Chief relative to the Notification and Federal Em- sale might have relating to Israel’s Quali- Human Resources Officer, United States ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation tative Military Edge over military threats to Postal Service, transmitting, pursuant to Act of 2002; to the Committee on Homeland Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- law, the Postal Service’s fiscal year 2012 an- Security and Governmental Affairs. tions. EC–1100. A communication from the Acting nual report relative to the Notification and EC–1092. A communication from the Direc- Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, De- Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and tor, Equal Employment Opportunities and partment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Committee on Diversity Programs, National Archives and law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Records Administration, transmitting, pur- Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 13–043); to suant to law, the Administration’s fiscal fairs. the Committee on Foreign Relations. EC–1082. A communication from the Chair year 2012 annual report relative to the Noti- EC–1101. A communication from the Acting of the Recovery Accountability and Trans- fication and Federal Employee Antidiscrimi- Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, De- parency Board, transmitting, pursuant to nation and Retaliation Act of 2002; to the partment of State, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Board’s fiscal year 2012 annual re- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the port relative to the Notification and Federal ernmental Affairs. Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 13–044); to Employee Antidiscrimination and Retalia- EC–1093. A communication from the Equal the Committee on Foreign Relations. tion Act of 2002; to the Committee on Home- Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Di- EC–1102. A communication from the Acting land Security and Governmental Affairs. rector, Farm Credit System Insurance Cor- Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, De- EC–1083. A communication from the Chair- poration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the partment of State, transmitting, pursuant to man of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation’s law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the Review Commission, transmitting, pursuant fiscal year 2012 annual report relative to the Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 13–017); to to law, the Commission’s fiscal year 2012 an- Notification and Federal Employee Anti- the Committee on Foreign Relations. nual report relative to the Notification and discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002; EC–1103. A communication from the Acting Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and to the Committee on Homeland Security and Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, De- Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Committee on Governmental Affairs. partment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- EC–1094. A communication from the Chair- law, a report relative to U.S. support for Tai- fairs. man, Occupational Safety and Health Review wan’s participation as an observer at the EC–1084. A communication from the Asso- Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, 66th World Health Assembly and in the work ciate Commissioner, National Indian Gaming the Commission’s fiscal year 2012 annual re- of the World Health Organization; to the Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, port relative to the Notification and Federal Committee on Foreign Relations. the Commission’s fiscal year 2012 annual re- Employee Antidiscrimination and Retalia- EC–1104. A communication from the Acting port relative to the Notification and Federal tion Act of 2002; to the Committee on Home- Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, De- Employee Antidiscrimination and Retalia- land Security and Governmental Affairs. partment of State, transmitting, pursuant to tion Act of 2002; to the Committee on Home- EC–1095. A communication from the Assist- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Implemen- land Security and Governmental Affairs. ant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military tation of the Defense Trade Cooperation EC–1085. A communication from the Senior Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, Treaty Between the United States and Aus- Vice President, Diversity and Labor Rela- pursuant to law, an addendum to a certifi- tralia’’ (RIN1400–AD38) received in the Office tions, Tennessee Valley Authority, transmit- cation, transmittal number: DDTC 13–035, of of the President of the Senate on April 8, ting, pursuant to law, the fiscal year 2012 an- the proposed sale or export of defense arti- 2012; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. nual report relative to the Notification and cles and/or defense services to a Middle East EC–1105. A communication from the Sec- Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and country regarding any possible affects such a retary of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Committee on sale might have relating to Israel’s Quali- law, a report relative to the current and fu- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- tative Military Edge over military threats to ture military strategy of Iran (OSS 2013– fairs. Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- 0463); to the Committee on Armed Services. EC–1086. A communication from the Acting tions. EC–1106. A communication from the Board Administrator, General Service Administra- EC–1096. A communication from the Assist- of Actuaries, Department of Defense, trans- tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the fis- ant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military mitting, pursuant to law, the 2012 Report of cal year 2012 annual report relative to the Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, the Department of Defense (DoD) Board of Notification and Federal Employee Anti- pursuant to law, an addendum to a certifi- Actuaries; to the Committee on Armed Serv- discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002; cation, transmittal number: DDTC 13–059, of ices.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.014 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013

EC–1107. A communication from the Acting INHOFE, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. JOHANNS, vidual mandate in the Patient Protection Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency, Mr. JOHNSON of Wisconsin, Mr. and Affordable Care Act; to the Committee transmitting, pursuant to law, the Agency’s MCCONNELL, Mr. PAUL, Mr. RISCH, on Finance. annual report on the activities of its Office and Mr. VITTER): By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, of Minority and Women Inclusion; to the S. 692. A bill to rescind certain Federal Mr. MURPHY, Ms. WARREN, and Mr. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban funds identified by States as unwanted and COWAN): Affairs. use the funds to reduce the Federal debt; to S. 702. A bill to designate the Quinebaug EC–1108. A communication from the Presi- the Committee on Appropriations. and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Herit- dent and Chief Executive Officer, Federal By Mr. WYDEN: age Corridor as ‘‘The Last Green Valley Na- Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, transmit- S. 693. A bill to amend the Reclamation tional Heritage Corridor’’; to the Committee ting, pursuant to law, the Bank’s 2012 State- Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Fa- on Energy and Natural Resources. cilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the ment on System of Internal Controls, au- f dited financial statements, Report of Inde- Interior to participate in the City of pendent Registered Public Accounting Firm, Hermiston, Oregon, water recycling and SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND and Report of Independent Registered Public reuse project, and for other purposes; to the SENATE RESOLUTIONS Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Accounting Firm on Compliance and Other The following concurrent resolutions Matters Based on an Audit of Financial sources. Statements Performed in Accordance with By Mrs. GILLIBRAND: and Senate resolutions were read, and Government Auditing Standards; to the S. 694. A bill to remove the authority of referred (or acted upon), as indicated: Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban the Agricultural Marketing Service to in- By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself and Mr. Affairs. spect apples; to the Committee on Agri- BENNET): EC–1109. A communication from the Acting culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. S. Res. 95. A resolution recognizing line- Director, Office of Management and Budget, By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself and Mr. men, the profession of linemen, the contribu- Executive Office of the President, transmit- BEGICH): tions of these brave men and women who ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to se- S. 695. A bill to amend title 38, United protect the public safety, and expressing sup- questration; to the Committee on the Budg- States Code, to extend the authorization of port for the designation of April 18, 2013, as et. appropriations for the Secretary of Veterans National Lineman Appreciation Day; consid- EC–1110. A communication from the Acting Affairs to pay a monthly assistance allow- ered and agreed to. Director, Office of Management and Budget, ance to disabled veterans training or com- By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. Executive Office of the President, transmit- peting for the Paralympic Team and the au- MURPHY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to thorization of appropriations for the Sec- PORTMAN, Mr. TESTER, Mr. CARDIN, discretionary appropriations legislation; to retary of Veterans Affairs to provide assist- Mr. BOOZMAN, and Mrs. HAGAN): the Committee on the Budget. ance to United States Paralympics, Inc., and S. Con. Res. 12. A concurrent resolution ex- EC–1111. A communication from the Direc- for other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- pressing the sense of the Congress that our tor of Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regu- erans’ Affairs. current tax incentives for retirement savings latory Commission, transmitting, pursuant By Mr. REID (for Mr. LAUTENBERG provide important benefits to Americans to to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Report- (for himself, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. help plan for a financially secure retirement; ing Procedure for Mathematical Models Se- SCHUMER, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. MURRAY, to the Committee on Finance. Mrs. BOXER, Mr. UDALL of New Mex- lected to Predict Heated Effluent Dispersion f in Natural Water Bodies’’ (Regulatory Guide ico, Mr. BAUCUS, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. 4.4) received in the Office of the President of BENNET, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS FRANKEN, Mr. TESTER, Mr. WHITE- the Senate on April 8, 2013; to the Committee S. 84 on Environment and Public Works. HOUSE, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. At the request of Ms. MIKULSKI, the EC–1112. A communication from the Assist- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. COWAN, Mr. SAND- ant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), ERS, Ms. WARREN, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. name of the Senator from Montana transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- MERKLEY, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. CARDIN, (Mr. BAUCUS) was added as a cosponsor ative to the Final Integrated Construction Mr. LEAHY, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. of S. 84, a bill to amend the Fair Labor Report and Environmental Impact State- SCHATZ, Mr. NELSON, Ms. CANTWELL, Standards Act of 1938 to provide more ment for the Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA), and Mr. KING)): effective remedies to victims of dis- S. 696. A bill to amend the Toxic Sub- Barataria Basin Barrier Shoreline (BBBS) crimination in the payment of wages Restoration Project, Lafourche, Jefferson stances Control Act to ensure that risks from chemicals are adequately understood on the basis of sex, and for other pur- and Plaquemines Parishes, Louisiana; to the poses. Committee on Environment and Public and managed, and for other purposes; to the Works. Committee on Environment and Public S. 123 Works. f At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, By Mr. BROWN: the name of the Senator from Min- EXECUTIVE REPORT OF S. 697. A bill to reform and improve the oversight of the performance of passenger nesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a COMMITTEE and baggage security screening at domestic cosponsor of S. 123, a bill to modernize The following executive report of a commercial airports by private screening voter registration, promote access to nomination was submitted: companies, and for other purposes; to the voting for individuals with disabilities, Committee on Commerce, Science, and By Mr. HARKIN for the Committee on protect the ability of individuals to ex- Transportation. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. ercise the right to vote in elections for By Mr. CORNYN: *Jenny R. Yang, of the District of Colum- Federal office, and for other purposes. S. 698. A bill to protect prosecutors, judges, bia, to be a Member of the Equal Employ- law enforcement officers, and their families; S. 155 ment Opportunity Commission for a term ex- to the Committee on the Judiciary. At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the piring July 1, 2017. By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. *Nomination was reported with rec- HATCH, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. GRAHAM, BEGICH) was added as a cosponsor of S. ommendation that it be confirmed sub- Mr. CORNYN, Mr. LEE, Mr. CRUZ, and 155, a bill to designate a mountain in ject to the nominee’s commitment to Mr. FLAKE): the State of Alaska as Denali. respond to requests to appear and tes- S. 699. A bill to reallocate Federal judge- S. 231 tify before any duly constituted com- ships for the courts of appeals, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- mittee of the Senate. At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the ary. name of the Senator from Rhode Island f By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. CHAM- (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- BLISS, and Mr. BAUCUS): INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND S. 700. A bill to ensure that the education sponsor of S. 231, a bill to reauthorize JOINT RESOLUTIONS and training provided members of the Armed the Multinational Species Conserva- The following bills and joint resolu- Forces and veterans better assists members tion Funds Semipostal Stamp. tions were introduced, read the first and veterans in obtaining civilian certifi- S. 234 cations and licenses, and for other purposes; and second times by unanimous con- At the request of Mr. REID, the name to the Committee on Armed Services and the of the Senator from New Mexico (Mr. sent, and referred as indicated: Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. HEINRICH) was added as a cosponsor of By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. ALEX- By Ms. COLLINS: ANDER, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BLUNT, S. 701. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- S. 234, a bill to amend title 10, United Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. COATS, Mr. enue Code of 1986 to modify the definition of States Code, to permit certain retired COBURN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. ENZI, Mr. full-time employee for purposes of the indi- members of the uniformed services who

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.016 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2565 have a service-connected disability to S. 462 STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED receive both disability compensation At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS from the Department of Veterans Af- name of the Senator from Minnesota By Mr. WYDEN: fairs for their disability and either re- (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- S. 693. A bill to amend the Reclama- tired pay by reason of their years of sponsor of S. 462, a bill to enhance the tion Wastewater and Groundwater military service or Combat-Related strategic partnership between the Study and Facilities Act to authorize Special Compensation, and for other United States and Israel. the Secretary of the Interior to partici- purposes. S. 480 pate in the City of Hermiston, Oregon, S. 264 At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the water recycling and reuse project, and At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the names of the Senator from Georgia for other purposes; to the Committee name of the Senator from Massachu- (Mr. CHAMBLISS), the Senator from on Energy and Natural Resources. setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- Tennessee (Mr. ALEXANDER) and the Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, today I sponsor of S. 264, a bill to expand ac- Senator from Ohio (Mr. PORTMAN) were rise to reintroduce legislation that will cess to community mental health cen- added as cosponsors of S. 480, a bill to authorize the Bureau of Reclamation ters and improve the quality of mental improve the effectiveness of the Na- to share in the cost of the construction health care for all Americans. tional Instant Criminal Background of a new wastewater treatment plant S. 316 Check System by clarifying reporting for Hermiston, Oregon. This is the At the request of Mr. SANDERS, the requirements related to adjudications same bill that was passed by the House names of the Senator from Montana of mental incompetency, and for other of Representatives, by voice vote, in (Mr. TESTER), the Senator from New purposes. the 111th Congress and reported by the Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ) and the Sen- Senate Energy and Natural Resources S. 557 ator from New Jersey (Mr. LAUTEN- Committee without opposition that BERG) were added as cosponsors of S. At the request of Mrs. HAGAN, the Congress as well. I look forward to 316, a bill to recalculate and restore re- name of the Senator from Pennsyl- working with supporters of this bill to tirement annuity obligations of the vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- advance this important reclamation United States Postal Service, to elimi- sponsor of S. 557, a bill to amend title project. nate the requirement that the United XVIII of the Social Security Act to im- The city of Hermiston will be respon- States Postal Service prefund the Post- prove access to medication therapy sible for the lion’s share of this project. al Service Retiree Health Benefits management under part D of the Medi- CBO has estimated that the Federal Fund, to place restrictions on the clo- care program. share of the $26 million project would sure of postal facilities, to create in- S. 577 be $7 million or just over 1⁄4 of the cost. centives for innovation for the United At the request of Mr. NELSON, the Once constructed, the plant will pro- States Postal Service, to maintain lev- name of the Senator from Michigan vide the Bureau of Reclamation-au- els of postal service, and for other pur- (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- thorized West Extension Irrigation Dis- poses. sor of S. 577, a bill to amend title XVIII trict with enough additional high-qual- S. 338 of the Social Security Act to provide ity water per year to irrigate approxi- At the request of Mr. BAUCUS, the for the distribution of additional resi- mately 600 acres of high value crops. name of the Senator from Michigan dency positions, and for other pur- This will have a significant, long-term (Mr. LEVIN) was added as a cosponsor of poses. benefit to the farming industry in the S. 338, a bill to amend the Land and Hermiston area. S. 649 Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 to The Hermiston project has gotten the provide consistent and reliable author- At the request of Mr. KAINE, his sign-off at every level from the local ir- ity for, and for the funding of, the land name was added as a cosponsor of S. rigation district to Federal agencies. and water conservation fund to maxi- 649, a bill to ensure that all individuals The city and the bureau have com- mize the effectiveness of the fund for who should be prohibited from buying a pleted the required feasibility report future generations, and for other pur- firearm are listed in the national in- and the bureau of reclamation has for- poses. stant criminal background check sys- mally concluded that the project meets S. 381 tem and require a background check the requirements of the Title XVI cost- At the request of Mr. BROWN, the for every firearm sale, and for other sharing program. The regional office of name of the Senator from Vermont purposes. the National Marine Fisheries Service (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- S. 655 at NOAA has completed a biological sor of S. 381, a bill to award a Congres- At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, opinion approving the project. The city sional Gold Medal to the World War II the name of the Senator from Massa- and the West Extension Irrigation Dis- members of the ‘‘Doolittle Raid- chusetts (Mr. COWAN) was added as a trict have signed a memorandum of un- ers’’, for outstanding heroism, valor, cosponsor of S. 655, a bill to amend the derstanding to work together to de- skill, and service to the United States Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to velop the project. The bureau has con- in conducting the bombings of Tokyo. authorize the Secretary of Labor to cluded its environmental review of the S. 450 provide grants for Urban Jobs Pro- authorization to transfer the water to At the request of Mr. SHELBY, the grams, and for other purposes. they district and issued a finding of no name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. S. 687 significant impact, or FONSI. HELLER) was added as a cosponsor of S. The Confederated Tribes of the At the request of Mr. MORAN, the 450, a bill to require enhanced eco- Umatilla Indian Reservation have also names of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. nomic analysis and justification of reg- recognized the benefits of the project CRAPO), the Senator from New Hamp- ulations proposed by certain Federal and support it. These benefits include a shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) and the Senator banking, housing, securities, and com- significant improvement in the quality from Idaho (Mr. RISCH) were added as modity regulators, and for other pur- of water discharged to the Umatilla cosponsors of S. 687, a bill to prohibit poses. River in winter and protection of sen- the closing of air traffic control tow- S. 457 sitive fish habitat during summer. ers, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the These benefits have led the tribe to en- name of the Senator from California S. 689 dorse construction of the Hermiston (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. HARKIN, the Water Recycling System Improvement sponsor of S. 457, a bill to post- names of the Senator from Connecticut Project and the city’s effort to obtain humously award a Congressional gold (Mr. MURPHY) and the Senator from Il- Federal funding. medal to Alice Paul, in recognition of linois (Mr. KIRK) were added as cospon- This project will increase agricul- her role in the women’s suffrage move- sors of S. 689, a bill to reauthorize and tural production while improving the ment and in advancing equal rights for improve programs related to mental local economy, the environment and women. health and substance use disorders. habitat for endangered fish. I intend to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.019 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 work with colleagues to complete ac- GRAHAM, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. LEE, judgeships for the D.C. Circuit from 11 tion on legislation that has advanced Mr. CRUZ, and Mr. FLAKE): to 8. Fourth, it would become effective so far in previous Congresses. S. 699. A bill to reallocate Federal upon enactment. judgeships for the courts of appeals, Adopting this bill would be a step to- By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself and for other purposes; to the Com- wards rectifying the great workload and Mr. BEGICH): mittee on the Judiciary. disparities between the circuit courts. S. 695. A bill to amend title 38, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. President, The Court Efficiency Act would ease United States Code, to extend the au- today I am introducing the Court Effi- some of the pressure on the Second and thorization of appropriations for the ciency Act, a bill that will help some of Eleventh circuits. By moving just one Secretary of Veterans Affairs to pay a the nation’s busiest courts. Hopefully, judgeship each to the Second and Elev- monthly assistance allowance to dis- it will also ease some of the tension abled veterans training or competing enth circuits, we would lower each cir- that arises during debates of D.C. Cir- cuit’s respective workload by approxi- for the Paralympic Team and the au- cuit Court nominees. I am pleased that thorization of appropriations for the mately 7.5 percent. This reduction can Senators HATCH, SESSIONS, GRAHAM, be accomplished without jeopardizing Secretary of Veterans Affairs to pro- CORNYN, LEE, CRUZ, and FLAKE are vide assistance to United States the D.C. Circuit’s status as the ‘‘least- original co-sponsors. busy Circuit.’’ Even after the D.C. Cir- Paralympics, Inc., and for other pur- It is no secret that the D.C. Circuit is poses; to the Committee on Veterans’ cuit is reduced to 8 seats, it would still the least-busy, least-worked appellate be roughly half as busy as the Circuit Affairs. court in the nation. By nearly every Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, phys- median in appeals filed, terminated, measurement taken by the Administra- and pending per authorized judgeship. ical activity offers injured members of tive Office of the U.S. Courts, the D.C. the Armed Forces and veterans addi- I would also like to highlight several Circuit comes in a distant last. Here tional opportunities for rehabilitation things that this bill will not do. First, are three of the most common meas- for both physical and mental health. it would not impact the President’s urements using the most recent data Using the expertise of the United current nominee to the D.C. Circuit, available for the 12 months ending Sep- States Olympic Committee to work Mr. Srinivasan, whose hearing occurred tember 30, 2012. with local programs is a great tool to earlier today. Instead, for the remain- First, ‘‘Total Appeals Filed.’’ Total help our veterans improve their quality ing three seats, it removes one and re- Appeals Filed measures the amount of of life. The U.S. Paralympic Integrated allocates the other two. work coming into the court. Simply Adaptive Sports Program partners put, it is the total number of appeals Second, the bill would not affect the with local organizations to develop that a circuit court received in the last president’s opportunity to nominate programs and skills that meet the 12 months. The D.C. Circuit has 108 ap- two of those Circuit court vacancies. It needs of our wounded warriors. As a re- peals per authorized judgeship, the low- simply reassigns those vacancies to sult of this legislation, the program est in the nation. To put this in per- other circuits that are clearly busier. has reached more than 5,000 partici- spective, the Second Circuit is 4 times Third, this legislation will be effec- pants in more than 150 communities in higher and the Eleventh Circuit, the tive immediately, rather than post- 46 States and has successfully collabo- poning until the beginning of the next rated with 85 VA Medical Centers in 39 busiest in the nation, is more than five times as high, with 583 appeals filed per presidential term, as has been in the States to provide adaptive sports pro- past. Immediate enactment will em- grams to veterans in their local com- authorized judge. Next, ‘‘Total Appeals Terminated’’ power the President to quickly act to munities through outreach programs, measures the amount of work the court alleviate some of the heavy workloads training, practices, camps, clinics, and of the Second and Eleventh Circuits. competitions. For this reason, Senator is accomplishing. Once again, the D.C. Circuit is by far the lowest in the na- The bill will also save the taxpayer a BEGICH and I are introducing Veterans significant amount of money annually. Paralympic Act of 2013, which would tion with 108 total appeals terminated Although the bill has not been scored extend the authorization for the U.S. per authorized judgeship. By compari- yet by the CBO, this estimate is based Paralympic Integrated Adaptive Sports son, the Second Circuit is 4 times high- on previous estimates offered by the Program through 2018. er and the Eleventh Circuit is 5 times Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- higher, at 540 appeals terminated per CBO when it has scored judgeship bills. sent that the text of the bill be printed authorized judgeship. The last time the D.C. Circuit had 11 Finally, ‘‘Total Appeals Pending’’ in the RECORD. nominees was the end of 1999. I want to There being no objection, the text of measures the amount of work before move past the disagreements over the the bill was ordered to be printed in the court. In other words, it is the D.C. Circuit and shift these judges to the RECORD, as follows: number of appeals the court hasn’t yet circuits where there is a greater need S. 695 addressed or the cases that are out- to fill them. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of standing. The D.C. Circuit has 120 ap- This is a common sense bill. It moves Representatives of the United States of America peals pending per authorized judgeship, judges to where they are needed, a sig- in Congress assembled, which means it is essentially tied for nificant step in addressing the severe SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. last with the Tenth Circuit that has imbalance in the workloads of some of This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Veterans 115. In contrast, the Second Circuit and these circuit courts. It saves the tax- Paralympic Act of 2013’’. the Eleventh Circuit have 343 and 323 payers money. It doesn’t negatively SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF AUTHORIZATION OF AP- appeals pending per authorized judge- PROPRIATIONS FOR PAYMENT OF A impact the D.C. Circuit Court. It won’t MONTHLY ASSISTANCE ALLOWANCE ship, respectively. affect President Obama’s current nomi- TO DISABLED VETERANS TRAINING Back during President Bush’s admin- nee, Mr. Srinivasan. I urge my col- OR COMPETING FOR THE istration, my friends on the other side leagues to support this bill. PARALYMPIC TEAM. of the aisle cited the light work load of Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Section 322(d)(4) of title 38, United States that court in order to block qualified, Code, is amended by striking ‘‘2013’’ and in- sent that the text of this bill be printed non-controversial nominees. Since that serting ‘‘2018’’. in the RECORD. SEC. 3. EXTENSION OF AUTHORIZATION OF AP- time, the D.C. Circuit Court workload has only continued to decrease. There being no objection, the text of PROPRIATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE TO the bill was ordered to be printed in UNITED STATES PARALYMPICS, INC. Considering the imbalance between Section 521A of title 38, United States the workloads of the Circuits, my bill the RECORD, as follows: Code, is amended— essentially reallocates those vacancies S. 699 (1) in subsection (g), by striking ‘‘2013’’ and to other circuits that are much busier. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of inserting ‘‘2018’’; and Representatives of the United States of America (2) in subsection (l), by striking ‘‘2013’’ and The Court Efficiency Act does four in Congress assembled, inserting ‘‘2018’’. things. First, it adds one seat to the Second Circuit. Second, it adds one SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, seat to the Eleventh Circuit. Third, it This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Court Effi- Mr. HATCH, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. reduces the number of authorized ciency Act of 2013’’.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.022 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2567 SEC. 2. REALLOCATION OF FEDERAL JUDGE- was told I had no credit for all my mili- ceive the traction they deserve for the SHIPS. tary service as I tried to transition service they provided. It is not just (a) IN GENERAL.—The President shall ap- point, by and with the advice and consent of into the civilian world. about the members themselves, it is the Senate— Another stated: I maintained Naval also about us. We have invested in our (1) 1 additional circuit judge for the second aviation engines for 20 years. Then service men and women. They have circuit court of appeals; and when I finished and tried to do the skills, technical and leadership skills, (2) 1 additional circuit judge for the elev- same thing on the civilian side, I was which would help our society be more enth circuit court of appeals. told I had to go back and start as if I successful. To the extent we do not (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section 44(a) had no experience. allow them traction back in the civil- of title 28, United States Code, is amended in Another: I operated heavy equip- ian life, we are not only depriving the table— (1) in the item relating to the District of ment, but I was told I would need a them, we are depriving ourselves of Columbia circuit court of appeals, by strik- commercial driver’s license. their strengths and talents. ing ‘‘11’’ and inserting ‘‘8’’; Many of the members of our mili- I am pleased to introduce this bill (2) in the item relating to the second cir- tary—all of them are gaining skills and honored to have Senators BAUCUS cuit court of appeals, by striking ‘‘13’’ and along the way, but they go into a civil- and CHAMBLISS as cosponsors. inserting ‘‘14’’; and ian workforce where their skills and Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, today I (3) in the item relating to the eleventh cir- talents are not recognized. In some am offering legislation correcting cuit court of appeals, by striking ‘‘12’’ and ways this is a feature of an all-volun- Obamacare’s definition of a ‘‘full-time’’ inserting ‘‘13’’. teer military. When we had a draft and employee to allow employees to work By Ms. COLLINS: men were compelled to serve, someone 40 hours a week without triggering S. 701. A bill to amend the Internal departing military service would go penalties on the businesses that hire Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the def- into the workforce and say they were a them. Currently, Obamacare defines an inition of full-time employee for pur- gunnery sergeant in the Marine Corps employee working just 30 hours a week poses of the individual mandate in the or an E–5 in the Navy, and someone in as ‘‘full time.’’ Patient Protection and Affordable Care the workforce would know what it was Because Obamacare uses an unrea- Act; to the Committee on Finance. they had done. sonably low threshold of 30 hours a Today only 1 percent of our adults week to define ‘‘full time’’ employees, By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. serve in the military. We appreciate some businesses are restricting their CHAMBLISS, and Mr. BAUCUS): what our military members do, but we employees to no more than 29 hours of S. 700. A bill to ensure that the edu- don’t understand their technical skills work per week, to ensure that their cation and training provided members or their leadership talent. workers are considered ‘‘part time’’ for of the Armed Forces and veterans bet- This is the genesis for the Troop Tal- purposes of Obamacare. This is a con- ter assists members and veterans in ob- ent Act of 2013. It is to make sure mili- sequence of the substantial penalties taining civilian certifications and li- tary members, while they are active, Obamacare imposes on businesses that censes, and for other purposes; to the are getting recognized, credentialed reach a threshold of 50 ‘‘full time’’ em- Committee on Armed Services and the credit for the skills they obtain, which ployees, unless they provide expensive Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. will help them get immediate traction health care coverage which many small Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I rise back into the civilian workforce. businesses simply can’t afford. today to introduce my first bill as a US The True Talent Act has three pil- The penalties imposed by Obamacare Senator. It has been delivered to the lars: The first is the credentialing of begin at $40,000 for businesses with 50 desk. The bill is the Troop Talent Act military members for the skills they employees, plus $2,000 for each addi- of 2013. I am pleased to note it is co- have obtained and the sharing of infor- tional ‘‘full-time equivalent’’ em- sponsored by Senator SAXBY CHAMBLISS mation between the military branches ployee. These penalties serve as a huge and Senator MAX BAUCUS. about the skills they have with service- disincentive for businesses to grow or The bill begins with a problem which members, the private sector, and with add jobs, particularly for firms close to I know concerns all Americans, the un- agencies who would credential them the 50-job trigger. employment rate of our veterans. Cur- with a civilian credential. This is the One Maine business I know has 47 rently, the national unemployment first pillar, credentialing people for the employees, and it would like to hire rate average is 7.6 percent, but the un- skills people obtain. more but won’t because of these oner- employment rate for veterans is 9.4 The second pillar is a bit of a policing ous penalties. If more businesses follow percent. That unemployment rate is function. Sometimes folks will prey suit, millions of American workers particularly acute for veterans who upon people leaving the military and could find their hours, and their earn- have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. say: Pay me $500, and I will administer ings, cut back. According to the Bu- We can’t be comfortable if we see the a test which will give you a credential. reau of Labor Statistics nearly 10.5 statistic that our veterans have a high- Then it turns out their credential is million Americans work between 30 er unemployment rate than the na- worthless. and 35 hours per week. Another 9.7 mil- tional average. It should be otherwise. The VA had a working committee to lion work between 35 and 40 hours per In Virginia, where one in nine of our police these credential-granting agen- week. My bill will help protect these citizens, one in nine of our 8 million cies to ensure no one was being ripped Americans who may otherwise find citizens from birth to death is a vet- off. That committee no longer is in their hours curtailed and their earn- eran, this is a particularly acute chal- service. This bill would restart it. ings cut as a result of Obamacare. lenge. Frankly, it is only going to get Finally, the last thing this bill would Obamacare’s definition of a ‘‘full worse as more and more people exit do would be to take one particular in- time’’ employee is completely out-of- military service in the drawdown from dustry sector, information technology, keeping with standard employment Afghanistan. where there is a huge need to hire peo- practices in the U.S. today. According What is the reason for the veterans’ ple and where our military members to the American Time of Use Survey unemployment rate being higher than have significant skills, and this will ac- published by the Bureau of Labor Sta- the national average? Some of the rea- celerate credentialing traction for tistics, the average American works 8.8 sons have to do with medical chal- those members back into the military hours per day, which equates to 44 lenges and issues which are in the prov- workforce. hours per week. Under Obamacare, ince of the VA. I learned of another There is a current pilot project DOD working only 30 hours a week is consid- reason as I was campaigning across the is working on with certain specialties ered ‘‘full-time’’—nearly one-third State for 19 months. I heard stories but not IT. This would seek to expand lower than actual practice. from veterans, and they would say the the pilot programs to add IT to the list Likewise, the Obamacare definition following: I was in the military. I was where people are credentialed. of ‘‘full-time’’ employee is one-quarter a battlefield medic. I got out of the In conclusion, this is about doing lower than the 40 hours per week used military and tried to get a job as a what the Nation should do for our serv- by the GAO in its study of the budget physician’s assistant or a nurse, and I icemembers and making sure they re- and staffing required by the Internal

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.027 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2568 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 10, 2013 Revenue Service to implement SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- such plans and to strengthen retirement se- Obamacare. In that report, the GAO de- TION 12—EXPRESSING THE curity for all Americans. scribed a ‘‘full time equivelant,’’ or SENSE OF THE CONGRESS THAT f ‘‘FTE,’’ as: ‘‘a measure of staff hours OUR CURRENT TAX INCENTIVES AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO equal to those of an employee who FOR RETIREMENT SAVINGS PRO- MEET works 2,080 hours per year, or 40 hours VIDE IMPORTANT BENEFITS TO per week for 52 weeks.’’ AMERICANS TO HELP PLAN FOR COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION During consideration of the Budget A FINANCIALLY SECURE RETIRE- MENT Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I resolution last month, the Senate ask unanimous consent that the Com- adopted my amendment calling for leg- Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. MUR- mittee on Commerce, Science, and islation setting a more sensible defini- PHY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. PORTMAN, Transportation be authorized to meet tion of a ‘‘full time’’ employee for pur- Mr. TESTER, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BOOZMAN, during the session of the Senate on and Mrs. HAGAN) submitted the fol- poses of Obamacare penalties. That April 10, 2013, at 2:30 p.m. in room 253 of lowing concurrent resolution; which amendment was endorsed by the Na- the Russell Senate Office Building. tional Association of Manufacturers, was referred to the Committee on Fi- The Committee will hold a hearing nance: and the National Education Associa- entitled, ‘‘Expanding the Panama tion. The fact that these two S. CON. RES. 12 Canal: What Does it Mean for Amer- organzitions—typically thought of as Whereas private retirement plans in the ican Freight and Infrastructure?’’ bookends on the political spectrum— United States paid out over $3,824,000,000,000 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without would agree that Obamacare’s defini- in benefits from 2000 through 2009, while pub- lic sector retirement plans paid out objection, it is so ordered. tion of a ‘‘full-time’’ employee is bro- $2,651,000,000,000 during the same period, with COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ken illustrates how out-of-step it truly both playing an essential role in providing Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I is. retirement income for millions of our Na- ask unanimous consent that the Com- Under my bill, a ‘‘full time’’ em- tion’s senior citizens; mittee on Foreign Relations be author- ployee would be someone who works a Whereas there are approximately 670,000 ized to meet during the session of the private-sector defined contribution plans Senate on April 10, 2013, at 11 a.m., to 40-hour week. This is a sensible defini- that are currently covering 67,000,000 partici- tion in keeping with actual practice. I pants, and over 48,000 private-sector defined hold a briefing entitled, ‘‘Intelligence urge my colleagues to support it. benefit plans covering 44,000,000 participants; Update on Syria’’. Whereas $4,700,000,000,000 is held in 401(k), The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without f 403(b), 457 and similar defined contribution objection, it is so ordered. plans, $2,300,000,000,000 is held in private de- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR AND fined benefit plans, and another PENSIONS SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS $4,900,000,000,000 is held in Individual Retire- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I ment Accounts, largely consisting of funds ask unanimous consent that the Com- rolled over from employer-based retirement mittee on Health, Education, Labor, plans; and Pensions be authorized to meet SENATE RESOLUTION 95—RECOG- Whereas from 2000 through 2009, employers during the session of the Senate on NIZING LINEMEN, THE PROFES- have contributed almost $3,500,000,000,000 to April 10, 2013, at 10 a.m. in SD–430. SION OF LINEMEN, THE CON- public and private retirement plans; Whereas tax incentives are an important The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without TRIBUTIONS OF THESE BRAVE impetus for individuals to save for retire- objection, it is so ordered. MEN AND WOMEN WHO PROTECT ment and for employers to offer plans under COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND THE PUBLIC SAFETY, AND EX- our voluntary system; GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE Whereas generally, the taxation of Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I DESIGNATION OF APRIL 18, 2013, amounts contributed to pension and retire- ment plans is simply deferred, not lost; ask unanimous consent that the Com- AS NATIONAL LINEMAN APPRE- mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- CIATION DAY Whereas more than 70 percent of American workers making between $30,000 and $50,000 a ernmental Affairs be authorized to Mr. ISAKSON (for himself and Mr. year contribute to their own retirement meet during the session of the Senate BENNET) submitted the following reso- when covered by a retirement plan at work; on April 10, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. to conduct lution; which was considered and Whereas under current law, if business a hearing entitled ‘‘Border Security: owners and managers sponsor a retirement agreed to: Frontline Perspectives on Progress and plan, they also must cover and provide bene- Remaining Challenges.’’ S. RES. 95 fits to lower-income and middle-income em- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ployees; Whereas the profession of linemen is Whereas 401(k) and similar defined con- objection, it is so ordered. steeped in personal, family, and professional tribution plans have been enhanced over the COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS tradition; years by Congress on a bipartisan basis; Whereas linemen are often first responders Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I Whereas the private retirement system in during storms and other catastrophic events, ask unanimous consent that the Com- the United States is voluntary and is depend- working to make the scene safe for other mittee on Indian Affairs be authorized ent on the willingness of business owners and public safety heroes; to meet during the session of the Sen- corporations to adopt and maintain retire- Whereas linemen work with thousands of ment plans; and ate on April 10, 2013, in room SD–628 of volts of electricity high atop power lines 24 Whereas the United States system of em- the Dirksen Senate Office Building, at hours a day, 365 days a year, to keep elec- ployer-based retirement savings is designed 2:15 p.m., to conduct a hearing entitled tricity flowing; to work together with other personal savings ‘‘Identifying Barriers to Indian Hous- Whereas linemen must often work under and the Social Security program to provide dangerous conditions far from their families ing Development and Finding Solu- meaningful income replacement upon retire- to construct and maintain the energy infra- tions’’. ment: Now, therefore, be it structure of the United States; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- objection, it is so ordered. Whereas linemen put their lives on the line resentatives concurring), That it is the sense every day with little recognition from the of the Congress that— COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY community regarding the danger of their (1) tax incentives for retirement savings Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I work; and play an important role in encouraging em- ask unanimous consent that the Com- Whereas April 18, 2013, would be an appro- ployers to sponsor and maintain retirement mittee on the Judiciary be authorized priate date to designate as National Line- plans and encouraging participants to con- man Appreciation Day: Now, therefore, be it to meet during the session of the Sen- tribute to such plans; ate, on April 10, 2013, at 2:30 p.m., in Resolved, That the Senate— (2) existing tax incentives have increased (1) recognizes the efforts of linemen in the number of Americans who are covered by room SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Of- keeping the power on and protecting public a retirement plan; and fice Building, to conduct a hearing en- safety; and (3) a reformed and simplified Federal tax titled ‘‘Judicial Nominations.’’ (2) supports the designation of April 18, code should include properly structured tax The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 2013, as National Lineman Appreciation Day. incentives to maintain and contribute to objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.029 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2569 SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- for up to 10 minutes, and upon use or Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I imous consent the resolution be agreed yielding back of that time, the Senate ask unanimous consent that the Spe- to, the preamble be agreed to, and the proceed to a cloture vote on the motion cial Committee on Aging be authorized motions to reconsider be laid on the to proceed to S. 649. to meet during the session of the Sen- table, with no intervening action or de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ate on April 10, 2013, to conduct a hear- bate. objection, it is so ordered. ing entitled ‘‘Tax-Related Identity The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without f Theft: An Epidemic Facing Seniors and objection, it is so ordered. Taxpayers.’’ The resolution (S. Res. 95) was agreed PROGRAM The Committee will meet in Room to. Mr. REID. Mr. President, about 11 562 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- The preamble was agreed to. o’clock tomorrow, then, we will have a ing beginning at 2 p.m. (The resolution, with its preamble, is printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- cloture vote on the motion to proceed The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mitted Resolutions.’’) to the gun safety bill. objection, it is so ordered. f f f ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, APRIL ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. 11, 2013 NATIONAL LINEMAN TOMORROW APPRECIATION DAY Mr. REID. I now ask unanimous con- Mr. REID. If there is no further busi- Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent sent that when the Senate completes its business today, it adjourn until 9:30 ness to come before the Senate, I ask the Senate proceed to S. Res. 95. unanimous consent it adjourn under The PRESIDING OFFICER. The a.m. tomorrow morning, Thursday, April 11, 2013; that following the prayer the previous order. clerk will report the resolution by There being no objection, the Senate, title. and pledge, the Journal of proceedings be approved to date and the time for at 6:45 p.m., adjourned until Thursday, The assistant legislative clerk read April 11, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. as follows: the two leaders be reserved for their A resolution (S. Res. 95) recognizing line- use later in the day; that following any f men, the profession of linemen, the contribu- leader remarks, the Senate resume tions of these brave men and women who consideration of the motion to proceed CONFIRMATION protect public safety, and expressing support to S. 649, the gun safety legislation; Executive nomination confirmed by for the designation of April 18, 2013, as Na- further, that the time until 11 a.m. be the Senate April 10, 2013: tional Lineman Appreciation Day. equally divided and controlled between DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR There being no objection, the Senate the two leaders or their designees, with SARAH JEWELL, OF WASHINGTON, TO BE SECRETARY proceeded to consider the resolution. Senators permitted to speak therein OF THE INTERIOR.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A10AP6.032 S10APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E405 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

IN MEMORY OF RICHARD A.HILL, woods on the point of the Monterey Peninsula, gently to ensure the Santa Barbara community JR. and in 1875 the Pacific Grove Retreat Asso- is engaged on this issue of great importance. ciation was formed. Modeled after the popular Recent acts of protest in Tibet have served HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY Chautauqua program in New York, the Retreat as a disturbing reminder of the suffering that Tibetans continue to endure. We are wit- OF NEW YORK attracted hundreds of campers every year. A hall was built to house the Chautauqua events nessing the profound struggle of a people that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and provide a place of worship. Lots were sold seek to preserve their traditions and religion. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 and a tent village emerged. The healthy cli- SBST recently held the First Annual ‘‘Tibet Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- mate and beautiful scenery attracted a year– Week Awareness Celebration’’ to honor the er, I rise today to ask that we acknowledge round population and over time the tents were perseverance and resiliency of the Tibetan the significant contributions of a great public replaced with permanent homes. In 1888, the people and their culture, and to demonstrate servant and loyal family man, Richard A. Hill, cornerstone was laid for a sanctuary and the our shared cultural values. This celebration Jr., who was taken away too soon from us, following year Pacific Grove was incorporated will raise awareness in our community sur- and from his beloved wife Anne and their two as a town. rounding the struggle faced by Tibetans and fine children Regina and John. Richard Hill The old church building was famous for its promote the universal values of compassion joined the Department of Health and Human twin spires and lighted, revolving cross that and non-violent practices. Services in 1989, and later the Social Security could be seen for miles out to sea. Over the To express my commitment to this issue, I Administration in 1995, following successful years, guest speakers included Presidents recently joined many of my colleagues in the completion of Fordham School of Law where Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, and House of Representatives in sending Presi- he earned honors, demonstrating the same Theodore Roosevelt, as well as Susan B. An- dent Obama a letter, urging him to prioritize dedication and drive that was to characterize thony, Georgia Harkness, and Maud Booth. By addressing human rights issues in Tibet during his successful performance of duty in later the 1950s, the structure was falling into dis- his second term. Like SBST and the residents years. Richard Hill was always mindful of the repair and areas of it were declared unsafe. of Santa Barbara, I believe the U.S. should vital role that the Social Security Administra- The Sunday School had to rent the movie the- take a leading role to engage partner nations tion’s program played in the lives of the Amer- ater across the street to meet in and the office on measures to bring improvements in the ican people. He received numerous awards was moved downstairs where the heavy fur- human rights situation in Tibet. recognizing his service, including Vice Presi- niture would not be a hazard. The beloved old Today, we stand with the people of Tibet dent Albert Gore’s Government Reinvention building would have to be replaced; the ques- and express our solidarity with them and to all ‘‘Hammer’’ Award, Commissioner of Social Se- tion remained whether to rebuild on the same people suffering oppression around the world. curity Citations, and most recently the Louis J. site or find another location. As your Representative in Congress, I com- Lefkowitz Public Service Award from his alma In the end, it was found that rebuilding on mend and thank you for your deep commit- mater, Fordham School of Law. As attorney, the same site would be more expensive than ment to this issue. supervisor, Deputy Regional Chief Counsel, moving. The new site on Seventeen Mile Drive f and Director of Learning Initiatives at the So- just outside the gate into Pebble Beach of- HONORING THE LIFE OF DR. cial Security Administration’s Office of the fered space for parking and room to build and JACQUELIN PERRY General Counsel, Richard Hill had inexhaust- grow. A quiet spot in a pine forest and home ible passion, a natural intellectual curiosity, to a large herd of mule deer, it evoked memo- HON. STEVE COHEN ries of the original Retreat from so many years and a never–ending wealth of information re- OF TENNESSEE ago. Ground was broken in 1962 on Palm garding the work he did at the Social Security IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Administration. As Director of Learning Initia- Sunday, and on April 7, 1963, again on Palm tives, Richard Hill developed, shaped, and im- Sunday, the first worship service was held. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 plemented the Office of the General Counsel’s Sunday, April 7, 2013 marked the fiftieth anni- Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to national training program for its new attorneys, versary of that first service. honor the life of Dr. Jacquelin Perry, a re- and he was most proud of his part in training First United Methodist Church has been a nowned orthopedic surgeon and physical ther- young attorneys en route to careers dedicated beacon of love and of spiritual health and re- apist known for her revolutionary work on to helping others. Richard Hill’s warm and kind newal in this community. The contributions treating Polio. Dr. Perry was born on May 31, spirit, collaborative nature, and unparalleled and efforts that they have made and will con- 1918 in Denver, Colorado and was raised in dedication to federal service and the American tinue to make are invaluable, and I am hon- Los Angeles, California. She attended the Uni- people will truly be missed. ored to be able to recognize their achieve- versity of California, Los Angeles and grad- f ments. uated in 1940 with a bachelor’s degree in Mr. Speaker, I know the whole House joins Physical Education. After earning her degree, IN HONOR OF THE FIRST UNITED me in heartfelt congratulations on this auspi- she joined the United States Army and trained METHODIST CHURCH OF PACIFIC cious day and wishing the congregation good to be a physical therapist at Walter Reed GROVE luck in all of their future endeavors. Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. She f was then assigned to a hospital in Hot HON. SAM FARR Springs, Arkansas, where many polio patients IN RECOGNITION OF THE SANTA OF CALIFORNIA were being treated. BARBARA SUMMIT FOR TIBET IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She continued her education and in 1950, Dr. Perry was one of seven women who re- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 HON. LOIS CAPPS ceived a medical degree from the University of Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- OF CALIFORNIA California, San Francisco in a class of sev- gratulate the First United Methodist Church of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES enty-six graduates. When her residency was Pacific Grove on the 50th anniversary of the completed in San Francisco, Dr. Perry was re- relocation of their campus from downtown to Wednesday, April 10, 2013 cruited to work at Rancho Los Amigos Na- its current site at the corner of Sunset Drive Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to tional Rehabilitation Center. While there, she and the historic Seventeen Mile Drive. recognize the distinguished efforts of the created a program for patients suffering from In the early 1870s, a group of ministers of Santa Barbara Summit for Tibet (SBST) in polio and other diseases and helped develop the Methodist Episcopal Church in California raising awareness about the vibrant culture, the ‘‘Halo,’’ a metal ring that screwed into the began the search for a site to build a summer deep spirituality, and peaceful philosophy of skull to immobilize a patient’s spine and neck retreat. They found the perfect spot in the pine the Tibetan people. SBST has worked dili- that were weakened by polio complications.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10AP8.001 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 From 1972 to the late 1990s, she taught at Though the people of Taiwan now enjoy 21 countries worldwide that base part or all of the University of Southern California’s School fundamental human rights and civil liberties, their national building codes on the ACI 318 of Medicine. While there, Perry established a they continue to live day after day under the Structural Concrete Building Code provisions. scholarship for the study of the human gait, ominous shadow cast by over 1400 short- and On April 18, 2013, Professor Wight will com- which she used to research how forward mo- medium-range ballistic missiles that the Peo- plete his service as president of ACI, the cul- tion is achieved in the legs. During her life- ple’s Republic of China (PRC) has aimed at mination of 40 years of volunteer service. time, she wrote over four hundred peer-re- them. The PRC persists in claiming Taiwan as Wight was named a Fellow of the Institute in viewed papers and contributed to numerous a ‘renegade province,’ refusing to renounce 1984 and previously served on the ACI Board scientific publications. Her book, ‘‘Gait Anal- the use of force to prevent formal de jure inde- of Direction. He is a past Chair of the ACI ysis: Normal and Pathological Function,’’ pub- pendence, even codifying its right to military Technical Activities Committee; ACI Com- lished in 1992, has become a standard text- action via passage of the so-called ‘‘Anti-Se- mittee 318, Structural Concrete Building Code; book for orthopedists, physical therapists and cession Law’’ on March 14, 2005. The United and Joint ACI–ASCE Committee 352, Joints other rehabilitation professionals. States Congress strongly condemned the and Connections in Monolithic Concrete Struc- Dr. Jacquelin Perry passed away on March ‘‘Anti-Secession Law’’ in House Concurrent tures. He is a Past President of the ACI Great- 11, 2013, at 94 years of age in her Downey, Resolution 98, passed on March 16, 2005. er Michigan Chapter. California home. Although she suffered from The TRA affirmed that the United States’ ACI has honored him with the Delmar L. Parkinson’s disease, it did not deter her from decision to establish diplomatic relations with Bloem Distinguished Service Award, the Joe attending work a week before her death. Dr. the People’s Republic of China was based on W. Kelly Award, the Arthur J. Boase Award, Perry leaves behind a legacy as an inventive the expectation that the future of Taiwan the Alfred E. Lindau Award, the Chester Paul physician, author and teacher. She lived an would be determined by peaceful means. Fur- Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Re- extraordinary life, and gave her time, her effort thermore, it stipulates that it is the policy of search, and the Wason Medal for the Most and her expertise to the advancement of med- the United States ‘‘to consider any effort to de- Meritorious Paper in 2011. He has also re- icine, and to the struggle to defeat Polio and termine the future of Taiwan by other than ceived the Arthur Y. Moy Award from the ACI Post-Polio syndrome. As a survivor of Polio peaceful means . . . a threat to the peace Greater Michigan Chapter for outstanding myself, I ask my colleagues to join me in rec- and security of the Western Pacific area and service in the field of concrete technology. ognizing the life and work of Dr. Jacquelin of grave concern to the United States.’’ The Also of note, James K. Wight, who received Perry. unambiguous and principled stance contained his undergraduate education at Michigan State University, is the F.E. Richart Jr. Collegiate f in these provisions has been instrumental to the maintenance of peace and stability across Professor of Civil Engineering at the University TAIWAN RELATIONS ACT the Taiwan Strait for more than thirty years, in of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. He has been a spite of the growing military threat posed by professor in the structural engineering area of HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL the PRC. the civil and environmental engineering de- OF TEXAS I therefore invite my colleagues to join me in partment since September 1973, where he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commemorating the 34th anniversary of the teaches undergraduate and graduate classes on structural analysis and design of concrete Wednesday, April 10, 2013 TRA, to further underline our unwavering com- mitment to the TRA and our support for the structures. Wight is known for his work in Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- strong and deepening relationship between earthquake–resistant design of concrete struc- memorate the 34th anniversary of the enact- the U.S. and Taiwan. tures. His more recent research has con- ment of the Taiwan Relations Act. centrated on the strength and inelastic behav- f Since the end of World War II, the United ior of connections in composite structures (re- States and Taiwan have fostered a close rela- IN RECOGNITION OF JAMES K. inforced concrete and steel) and the use of tionship that has been of enormous strategic WIGHT’S LEADERSHIP TO THE high–performance fiber–reinforced concrete and economic benefit to both countries. When AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE composites for earthquake–resistant design of the United States shifted diplomatic relations critical members in concrete structures. He from Taiwan to the People’s Republic of China HON. GARY C. PETERS has been involved with post–earthquake dam- in January 1979, Congress moved quickly to OF MICHIGAN age studies following earthquakes in Mexico, pass the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to en- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chile, Armenia, Egypt, California, Japan, and sure that the United States would continue its India. robust engagement with Taiwan in the areas Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me of commerce, culture, and security coopera- Mr. PETERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I today to honor Dr. James Wight’s leadership tion. With President Carter’s signature on April rise today to recognize James K. Wight, a and service to the American Concrete Insti- 10, 1979, this important and lasting piece of resident of Michigan, for his volunteer leader- tute. legislation became the law of the land and ship to the American Concrete Institute (ACI) f served as the statutory basis for U.S.-Taiwan headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, HONORING THE LIFE OF MR. relations going forward. an organization whose work is fundamental to LOUIS C. DEBERGALIS After 34 years, the TRA still stands as a our nation’s critical infrastructure, key to our model of congressional leadership in the his- economic competitiveness. As a Member of tory of our foreign relations, and, together with Congress, I am privileged and honored to rec- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS the 1982 ‘‘Six Assurances,’’ it remains the cor- ognize Dr. Wight for his leadership and life- OF NEW YORK nerstone of a very mutually beneficial relation- long commitment to this organization and to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship between the United States and Taiwan. advancing concrete knowledge in the United Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Through three decades marked by momen- States and abroad. Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tous social, economic, and political trans- ACI has been the pioneer in all concrete–re- honor the life of Louis C. DeBergalis, who formations, Taiwan has remained a trusted lated fields: research and development, struc- passed away on Saturday, February 2, 2013 ally of the United States that now shares with tural design, architectural design, construction, at the age of 69. us the ideals of freedom, democracy and self- and product manufacture. With 99 chapters, A proud member of Ironworkers Local 6 determination. The foresight of the TRA’s 65 student chapters, and nearly 20,000 mem- who shared a family–owned small business, drafters in providing that ‘‘the United States bers spanning over 120 countries, the Amer- Mr. DeBergalis exemplified the American will make available to Taiwan such defense ican Concrete Institute provides knowledge Dream. Along with his brother, Rocco Jr., he articles and defense services . . . to enable and information for the best use of concrete. co–owned Rod Placing, a steel reinforcing Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense Through a host of activities including con- company started by his father, Rocco. capability,’’ and affirming ‘‘the preservation tinuing education, certification, seminars, publi- Mr. DeBergalis was a family man. In addi- and enhancement of the human rights of all cations, and conventions, ACI plays an active tion to his role and pride in the family busi- the people on Taiwan’’ as explicit objectives of and vital role in the concrete industry. Core to ness, he loved his wife, Christine; daughters, the United States, has contributed in large ACI is the development of codes and stand- Tonya Balash and Jacquelyn Criola; son, Jef- measure to make Taiwan what it is today—a ards, adopted by reference in building codes frey; mother, Olympia; sister, Mary Rose vibrant, open society governed by democratic impacting potentially every concrete project in Gaughan; and three brothers Joseph, Paul, institutions. the United States. Additionally, there are some and Rocco Jr.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10AP8.004 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E407 Mr. DeBergalis lived most of his life in Buf- ilies and provide for the basic rights and fair- CONTRACT SCREENER REFORM falo’s Lovejoy neighborhood. He took pride in ness of 51 percent of the U.S. population. AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT his heritage and community, holding member- f ship in the Big Timers Italian–American Club. 34TH ANNIVERSARY OF TAIWAN HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON In his down time, he enjoyed a variety of ac- OF MISSISSIPPI RELATIONS ACT tivities including gardening, cooking, and stone IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES carving. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Mr. Speaker, I kindly ask you to join me and HON. ALAN S. LOWENTHAL our colleagues as we stand in this moment to OF CALIFORNIA Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- honor the life of Mr. Louis C. DeBergalis and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES er, I rise today in strong support of the ‘‘Con- tract Screener Reform and Accountability Act.’’ offer our deepest condolences to his family. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Together with my colleagues in the House, f Mr. LOWENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, for sixty Representative NITA LOWEY of New York and EQUAL PAY DAY years the United States and Taiwan have fos- CEDRIC RICHMOND of Louisiana, I am intro- tered a close relationship that has been of mu- ducing this legislation to reform, enhance HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY tual political, economic, cultural and strategic oversight of, and provide greater workforce benefit. When the United States shifted diplo- protections to the Transportation Security Ad- OF NEW YORK matic relations from the Republic of China ministration’s (TSA) contract screener program IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Taiwan) to the People’s Republic of China in known as the Screening Partnership Program Wednesday, April 10, 2013 January 1979, Congress moved quickly to (SPP). I am very pleased that a companion Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. pass the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to en- measure is being introduced in the other Mr. Speaker, women played a tremendous sure that the United States would have contin- chamber by Senator SHERROD BROWN of Ohio. role in the 2012 elections—including fighting ued commercial and cultural relations with Tai- Specifically, the ‘‘Contract Screener Reform for equal pay. Today, we commemorate Equal wan. This year marks the 34th anniversary of and Accountability Act’’ would: Pay Day, the time typically three months into the TRA. Bar subsidiaries of foreign owned corpora- the new year that it takes for women’s wages This important piece of legislation codified tions from providing for security screening at to catch up to what men were paid in the pre- the basis for relations between the U.S. and domestic airports under the SPP; vious year. This is an annual reminder that the Taiwan and has been instrumental in main- Mandate covert testing of contract screeners wallets of America’s women are not as heavy taining peace, security and stability across the so that their performance can be monitored as they should be because women face pay Taiwan Strait. and compared to airports where screening is discrimination. Even when accounting for edu- Today, Taiwan is one of the leading U.S carried out by TSA and protect the integrity of cation, industry, and hours worked there re- trading partners and, in my district, accounts those tests by imposing penalties for compro- mains a wage gap. for the second-largest percentage of cargo ac- mising such testing; Require security breaches at airports with Women’s lifetime earnings will never re- tivity at the Port of Long Beach. contracted screening services to be reported; cover from the persistent reduction in wages It is my hope that the United States and Tai- Ensure national security through requiring they receive relative to their male counter- wan will continue to work together to promote training for the proper handling of sensitive se- parts. Nationwide, women make 77 cents for enduring peace, stability, and prosperity in the curity information at SPP airports; every dollar earned by a man. While these Asia-Pacific region. f Provide new compensation, benefits, and sound like pennies, in fact they add up to a whistleblower protections for screeners; and yearly gap of $11,084 between full-time work- HONORING MS. LANA FELTON- Enhance customer service for the flying ing men and women. This decrease in take GHEE public who are screened at SPP airports. home pay affects not just women but also With enactment of the ‘‘FAA Modernization their families. and Reform Act of 2012’’ (P.L. 112–95), sub- In New York City, which I’m proud to rep- HON. ROBERT A. BRADY OF PENNSYLVANIA sidiaries of foreign owned corporations are resent, women who work full time are paid 85 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES permitted, for the first time since the terrorist cents for every dollar paid to men who work attacks of September 11, 2001, to provide Wednesday, April 10, 2013 full time, adding up to a yearly gap of $8,429. screening services at our nation’s commercial As a result, New York City’s women collec- Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I service airports. This change in law was en- tively lose more than $23 million a year be- rise today to honor Ms. Lana Felton-Ghee, a acted without debate about the security impli- cause of the wage gap. This is simply unac- constituent of Pennsylvania’s 1st District, for cations and despite the need, in the current ceptable for working women and their families her 66th birthday. economic climate, to encourage opportunities in New York and nationwide. Born, raised and educated in Philadelphia, for U.S. companies rather than outsourcing In the 111th Congress, I was proud to serve Lana is well known for her successes in busi- work and diverting taxpayer dollars to subsidi- as the first female Chair of the Joint Economic ness and politics. Graduating from Temple aries of foreign owned corporations. Committee. At the end of my tenure I issued University, Ms. Felton-Ghee led a longtime, The reforms concerning covert testing are the report, ‘‘Invest in Women, Invest in Amer- high profile career in marketing and public re- necessary in light of the Department of Home- ica: A Comprehensive Review of Women in lations. She established her own business in land Security Office of Inspector General’s the U.S. Economy.’’ This comprehensive re- 1995, Lana Felton-Ghee Associates, Inc., and previous finding that the contractor for screen- port included research done by the Com- took on challenging projects in our area and ing services at San Francisco International Air- mittee, testimony from several hearings, and throughout the country. Her expertise was rec- port (SFO), the nation’s largest and busiest GAO reports assessing the detrimental gender ognized nationally, and she became a key airport with contract screeners, compromised wage gap for part-time workers and older consultant on campaigns for figures such as covert testing. Americans as well as wider discussions of Mayor Ed Rendell and President Bill Clinton. It is imperative that the integrity of covert women’s continued under-representation in Throughout her busy and successful career, security testing be protected so that we are management level positions. As I said in that Ms. Felton-Ghee also made time for a fulfilling assured that contract screeners perform at the report, ‘‘The decisions we make today will family life and is a proud mother of four and same level as Transportation Security Officers. have dramatic impacts on our nation’s future grandmother of ten. TSA has reported numerous security economic well-being, and we must carefully I ask that you and my other distinguished breaches occurring regularly at airports with consider what those decisions will mean for colleagues help me in honoring Ms. Felton- contract screeners, including at SFO. These women, both as consumers and as pro- Ghee and her birthday. Ms. Felton-Ghee is the breaches include contract screener personnel ducers.’’ epitome of a life-long Philadelphian and a not detecting prohibited items such as knives There is a remedy to this persistent problem model citizen. We can all learn something and bullets in carry-on baggage, improperly of unequal pay. I have consistently supported from her fortitude and her commitment to her clearing passengers without verification of the Paycheck Fairness Act, commonsense career, her city and her family. She has been their identity, and not conducting the required legislation that gives women the tools to fight known to say that ‘‘there is no place like Phila- additional screening of passengers referred to wage discrimination and provides stronger delphia,’’ but Philadelphia would not be nearly secondary screening. workplace protections for working women. as bright a place without her vibrant and dedi- For example, on August 21, 2009, a pas- This Congress must stand up for working fam- cated personality. senger at SFO alarmed the walk-through

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10AP8.007 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 metal detector and was referred to the sec- vance their ultimate goal—the dismantling of Art’s reputation as a champion of equality ondary area for additional screening. The pas- TSA. At the same time, they have willfully spread. Ahead of his time, Art supported many senger promptly let herself out of the holding turned a blind eye to lapses, breaches, and issues that remain relevant today, including area and collected her accessible property. It problems at airports secured by contract legislation in favor of expanded access to was three minutes before an employee of the screeners. healthcare and against hate crimes. By the private screening company noticed that she Just as we must act to strengthen TSA’s se- 1970s, colleges in New York had established was missing. curity operations, it is imperative that we ad- the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Oppor- More needs to be done to prevent security dress SPP’s glaring security challenges. tunity Program to aid students without scho- breaches at SPP airports. It is my hope that the ‘‘Contract Screener lastic or financial resources. In 1988, the Ken- Similarly, given that the documented mis- Reform and Accountability Act’’ be enacted to nedy Center recognized Art’s legacy with their handling of sensitive information can have ensure that we do just that. prestigious Distinguished Leadership in Arts tragic consequences, more needs to be done f and Education Award. to prevent such violations as well. In 1979, Art became Deputy Speaker of the Today, TSA does not have a process in HONORING THE 80TH BIRTHDAY OF New York State Assembly. His tireless work place for ensuring that all employees of cor- ARTHUR EVE towards equality and human rights brought na- porations with contracts for screening services tional attention to the New York State Assem- receive training on the proper handling of sen- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS bly. As Deputy Speaker, he was the highest sitive information. OF NEW YORK ranking African American in the New York This is the case despite several instances of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State Legislature. He was a founding member sensitive security information having been mis- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 of the New York State Black and Puerto Rican handled by employees of corporations with Legislative Caucus, and served on the com- contracts for screening services under the Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to mittee of public officials who attempted to SPP. honor the former Deputy Speaker of the New quell the conflict at Attica State Prison. He re- For example, on July 18, 2010, a new hire York State Assembly, and my former col- mained Deputy Speaker until his retirement training manual containing sensitive security league, Arthur O. Eve, on the occasion of his from the State Assembly in 2002. information (SSI) about screening practices 80th birthday. A Korean war veteran, factory Art’s rise to political prominence dem- was stolen after a private security company worker, national political activist, and tireless onstrated great strides for the African–Amer- employee in possession of the manual re- advocate for all those forced to occupy the ican community. In Buffalo, Art became the moved it from SFO. In response, TSA sent a margins of society, Art’s selfless public service first African American to win the Buffalo May- letter to the company that conducts screening inspires me to this day. oral Democratic Primary. During his campaign, services for SFO, as well as to all other SPP Born in New York City and raised in Florida he led a historic voter registration drive, reg- contractors, directing that any SSI materials during segregation, Art arrived in Buffalo in istering thousands of new African–American be retained in a secure fashion at the airport February 1953. Having just earned his Bach- voters. Nationally, Art served as an adviser to and only removed with expressed, written per- elor’s of Science from West Virginia State Col- Jesse Jackson’s 1984 presidential campaign. mission of a TSA Contracting Officer. lege, he enlisted in the United State Army. Art I feel highly privileged to have served with I understand that similar incidents have oc- honorably served our country, fighting in the Art in the State Assembly from 1999 to 2002. curred at other SPP airports. However, since Korean War from 1953 to 1955. While serving During my time there, I valued Art’s advice TSA has not always taken action or docu- his tour of duty in Germany, he managed a and counsel. As a new legislator in Albany, I mented their actions to correct the mis- program for orphans, foreshadowing his leg- treasured the wisdom and companionship of handling of the SSI information, reports on acy of advocacy for children, the elderly, the my colleague and fellow advocate for Western such incidents are currently unavailable. homeless, the poor, and all others who suffer New York. To this day, I feel extremely fortu- Regarding workforce protections, the bill discrimination. nate to have shared time in the New York would protect workers’ pay and benefits by re- In 1955, Art completed his service and re- State Legislature with Art. quiring that when an airport privatizes, the pri- turned to Buffalo, securing a job at a local Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for allowing me to vate screening company provide Transpor- Chevrolet plant. It was there he first observed celebrate Arthur Eve’s extraordinary work in tation Security Officers employed at the time the desperate plight Buffalo’s youth. Due to a honor of his 80th birthday. I am profoundly of the switch the right of first refusal to screen- complete absence of role models and guid- grateful for his service and friendship, and ing jobs and offer compensation and benefits ance, young people often succumbed to drugs continue to be inspired by his incredible leg- equal to or greater than what they received at and other criminal activities. A former All–High acy. basketball player in Florida and an All–Euro- the time the contract was awarded. f No worker on the front lines in securing our pean player in Germany, Art intimately under- aviation system should lose their job, see a re- stood the immeasurable benefits of role mod- IN OBSERVANCE OF HOLOCAUST duction in pay, or lose benefits because an els and organized activities in children’s lives. REMEMBRANCE DAY airport opts to utilize a private screening com- Art became inspired to quit his job at Chev- pany. rolet to seek a position in parks and recre- HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN As all of my colleagues can attest to, cus- ation. He found civil service jobs, the founda- OF CALIFORNIA tomer service at airports, and in particular in tion of our city, were rarely awarded based on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the security screening lanes, is an issue that merit. Determined to transform the system evokes passionate reactions from constituents from within, Art joined the local Democratic Wednesday, April 10, 2013 all across the country. Party and soon earned his position in the Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Currently, there is no requirement that pri- Parks Department. remember those who perished during the Hol- vate screening companies report customer A true reformer, Art was the sole ward lead- ocaust and to honor those who survived. complaints regarding their screening experi- er who remained separate from the political This week, when the world observes Yom ence to TSA or Congress. The bill would pro- establishment by 1958. He became known for Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, we vide the public an avenue for expressing con- his courageous independent activism and civil recall the 6 million who died at the hands of cerns with screening at airports with contract rights advocacy, which led to his election to the Nazis. We remember their stories—as screeners, thus ensuring that the flying the New York State Assembly in 1966. sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. Whole public’s concerns can be addressed. Art dedicated his extraordinary tenure in the communities have been lost. In the wake of the deadly attacks of Sep- Assembly to representing those who others ig- This week, Congress will assemble for a tember 11, 2001, TSA was created to secure nored. During his first term, he pioneered ef- memorial service for the Days of Remem- all modes of transportation so that a terrorist forts to secure $500,000 to begin the State brance to pay our respects to the victims of attack on the scale of 9/11 would never hap- University of New York system’s SEEK/Edu- the Holocaust. pen again. cational Opportunity Program. The program In Washington, DC, Yom Hashoah is com- Since TSA’s earliest days, it has struggled provides financially disadvantaged students memorated as part of the Days of Remem- to fulfill its mission, but, with every passing with academic support and supplemental fund- brance sponsored by U.S. Holocaust Memorial year, it matures and improves as a security ing to facilitate their pursuit of higher edu- Museum in Washington, DC. The theme of agency. Opponents of TSA have not forgone cation. As of 2013, the program had $3.5 mil- this year’s event is ‘‘Never Again: Heeding the any opportunity to exploit a misstep to ad- lion worth of funding. Warning Signs.’’ The theme raises questions:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.004 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E409 When faced with opportunities to stop the Additionally: that ensures America’s safety and won them Nazis, why did we miss the warning signs? Alcohol is the number one drug of choice for this esteemed award. How could we have failed to act? These ques- America’s young people, and is more likely to f tions speak to us today about our responsi- kill young people than all illegal drugs com- bility to act—even when others don’t. bined. HONORING FRANCIS B. GIBBS I would also like to acknowledge the work of Each day, 7,000 kids in the United States the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. under the age of 16 take their first drink. HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER This year, they convened an intergenerational More than 1,700 college students in the OF LOUISIANA walk with Holocaust survivors to bring aware- U.S. are killed each year—about 4.65 a day— IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness to the community. Pan Pacific Park was as a result of alcohol-related injuries. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 transformed into a timeline of the events of the 25% of U.S. children are exposed to alco- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Holocaust so that participants could learn hol-use disorders in their family. Underage al- to honor the achievements and the unwaver- more about the deep tragedy of Nazi atroc- cohol use costs the nation an estimated $62 ing commitment to public service of Francis B. ities. This event also shows survivors that they billion annually. Gibbs. are not alone. They have a community around And yet, these statistics don’t fully convey It seems like yesterday that Francis came to them to support them. the danger of underage drinking. The more we Washington to work for his hometown con- It is my honor to represent the Los Angeles learn about the human brain, the more we gressman, Ander Crenshaw. He went on to be area, which is home to approximately 10,000 learn how dangerous early drinking is for un- a trusted aide and friend to U.S. Rep. Connie survivors. This week—and every week—we derage drinkers. Mack. Francis spent over five years by Con- honor their courage and their strength. At a Reducing underage drinking is critical to se- gressman Mack’s side, and his fingerprints time when fewer and fewer survivors are alive curing a healthy future for America’s youth could be found on legislative matters con- to tell their stories, we must all bear witness and requires a cooperative effort from parents, cerning government expansion, protection of to their tremendous legacy. schools, community organizations, business our Constitution and the principles of fed- f leaders, government agencies, the entertain- eralism. RECOGNIZING THE 27TH ANNUAL ment industry and alcohol manufacturers/re- Francis is a man rooted in principle. From NATIONAL ALCOHOL AWARENESS tailers. Underage drinking is a complex issue, his work on the Patriot Act to defending free- MONTH one that can only be solved through a sus- dom for people in Venezuela and around the tained and cooperative effort. As a nation, we Western Hemisphere, Francis served as a tire- need to wake up to the reality that for some, less advocate for making this government a HON. TIM RYAN alcoholism and addiction develop at a young OF OHIO ‘‘more perfect Union’’ by protecting people’s age and that prevention, intervention, treat- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES individual rights and liberty. ment and recovery support are essential for After his son Couper was born, Francis and Wednesday, April 10, 2013 them and their families. We can’t afford to wait his wife LeAnne—who worked for Congress- Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, April marks any longer. man Mike Pence—decided to leave Wash- the 27th annual National Alcohol Awareness Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to high- ington to raise their new family in the Sun- Month. light this important issue with a National Alco- shine State. Francis took his drive and pas- As co-chair of the House Addiction, Treat- hol Awareness Month event in their districts. sion back to the Florida Department of Trans- ment and Recovery (ATR) caucus, I rise today This is a problem that plagues all of our com- portation, where he serves as the chief of to talk about the importance of this milestone munities but working together, we can restore staff, leveraging his experience in Washington and to applaud the National Council on Alco- hope to our young people and their families. with his knack for building consensus to get holism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), f the right things done for the right reasons. which since 1987 has sponsored Alcohol Mr. Speaker, we know all too well that the Awareness Month to increase public aware- GEORGIA NATIONAL GUARD WINS political arena can be viewed as a cold and ness and understanding, reduce stigma and TOP ACOE AWARD cynical process. Francis’s approach has al- encourage local communities to focus on alco- ways been different. He builds bridges and holism and alcohol-related issues. HON. PHIL GINGREY more importantly, he creates enduring friend- Alcohol abuse is one of the leading causes OF GEORGIA ships that remind us that there is a way to of death in this country and is a huge contrib- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serve honorably. utor to other pressing health care problems Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Francis is now facing a fight with colon can- like hypertension, high blood pressure, heart cer. He has fought this with the same tenacity disease and stroke. Not a day goes by that we Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, he exuded during his congressional days as a Caucus don’t hear another story about today I rise to honor the Georgia National when he battled legislative threats to the Con- the tragedy wrought by the abuse of alcohol. Guard on being selected as the winner of the stitution—with passion and grace. Some have even gone so far as to call the National Guard Special Category in the 2013 LeAnne, has been a constant source of abuse of alcohol and other drugs the number Army Communities of Excellence (ACOE) strength, compassion and grace. Ernest Hem- one public health crisis facing this country. awards competition. ingway had somebody like LeAnne in mind This year, National Alcohol Awareness It is a source of pride to see Georgia’s own when he wrote ‘‘courage is grace under fire.’’ Month is highlighting the important public National Guard recognized for excellence. Their anchors are two beautiful children, health issue of underage drinking, a problem These servicemen and women have gone Couper and Riley. with devastating individual, family and commu- above and beyond the call of duty to earn this Francis has a long-term view of what Amer- nity consequences. With this year’s theme, prestigious award. ica can and should be. He believes that ulti- ‘‘Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow,’’ the The yearly ACOE competition reviews lead- mately America promises a better life for the month of April will be filled with local, state, ership, strategic planning, customer focus, and next generation. He embodies everything that and national events aimed at educating people performance criteria to rank installations on this promise stands for, and his children will about the treatment and prevention of alco- their overall Army readiness and quality man- live out this American Dream that their dad holism. Local NCADD Affiliates as well as agement. The U.S. Army chief of staff choos- shaped. Over the years, legislative achieve- schools, colleges, churches, and countless es National Guard installations that best ex- ments are forgotten by the public and often other community organizations will sponsor emplify these qualities. become footnotes in a textbook. However, the activities that create awareness and encour- As this year’s deserving winner, the Georgia difference that Francis made—the issues he age individuals and families to get help for al- National Guard’s prize will include funding to- worked on—will carry on. More importantly, cohol-related problems. wards installation upgrades that will improve the way he treated people will not be forgotten Alcohol use by young people is extremely facilities, and boost morale of soldiers, retir- by those of us fortunate enough to spend time dangerous—both to themselves and to soci- ees, and civilians serving there. in these hallowed halls. ety, and is directly associated with traffic fatali- Mr. Speaker, this is a momentous occasion Mr. Speaker, let us today celebrate Francis ties, violence, suicide, educational failure, al- for the State of Georgia, and it is with sincere Gibbs, honor his wife LeAnne, and tell his chil- cohol overdose, unsafe sex and other problem gratitude that I would like to extend my deep- dren that America will be a better place for behaviors. Annually, over 6,500 people under est thanks and appreciation to the Georgia them because of the work, love and devotion the age of 21 die from alcohol-related injuries. National Guard for the sacrifice and hard work of their parents.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP8.009 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E410 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 HONORING PATAGONIA FOUNDER achievement that can be attained with hard import market, Taiwan and the United States YVON CHOUINARD, RECIPIENT work and perseverance. It is essential stu- shared in $63.2 billion in total trade. It is clear OF THE LOS PADRES FOREST dents at all levels strive to make the most of that Taiwan is already a close and valuable WATCH WILDERNESS LEGACY their education and develop a work ethic trade partner for the United States but there is AWARD which will guide them for the rest of their lives. more work to be done. We are glad that TIFA I extend my deepest congratulations to John talks were resumed and that the most recent HON. JULIA BROWNLEY Patrick Fischbach for winning the Arvada round was concluded in a satisfying fashion. OF CALIFORNIA Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth As a next step, our U.S. Trade Representative IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the should begin negotiations on a Bilateral In- same dedication and character in all of his fu- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 vestment Agreement. A free trade agreement ture accomplishments. with Taiwan should be our ultimate goal and Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, f it is my hope that we can begin negotiations today, I congratulate Yvon Chouinard, the in the near future. The United States should 2013 recipient of the Los Padres Forest Watch HONORING THE 34TH ANNIVER- SARY OF THE TAIWAN RELA- also support Taiwan receiving observer status Wilderness Legacy Award. in the International Civil Aviation Organization. Mr. Chouinard started out as a self-taught TIONS ACT We, as a nation, are fortunate to have Tai- blacksmith, selling aluminum pitons for moun- wan as an ally, friend, and one of our largest tain climbing out of the trunk of his car. The HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN trading partners. Taiwan is a nation we truly only pitons available at that time were made of OF FLORIDA can depend upon; a people who share the soft iron, placed once, and then left in the rock IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES same dreams and aspirations as we do here to rust. In Yosemite, multiday ascents requir- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 in the United States. Today, we remember our ing hundreds of placements had left these Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, today, predecessors here in the United States Con- once-smooth majestic surfaces scarred and on the 34th anniversary of the Taiwan Rela- gress who created the Taiwan Relations Act, pocked. Aluminum pitons revolutionized the tions Act, I want to take a moment to recog- as well as the founding members of the Con- sport, preventing further damage and pre- nize this landmark legislation, the special rela- gressional Taiwan Caucus, who have helped serving awe-inspiring peaks across the United tionship that exists between the United States the relationship between our two nations blos- States. This past year, the company Mr. and Taiwan, and the exceptional work by this som into an enduring partnership. Chouinard founded, Patagonia, Inc., grossed Congress to reinforce the bond between our $414 million dollars in sales. peoples. Yesterday also marked another im- f As his business expanded to outdoor gear portant date in U.S. Taiwan relations: the 11th and clothing, Mr. Chouinard has brought these RECOGNIZING KEVIN KRIGGER anniversary of the founding of the Congres- same ethical principles to bear by using recy- sional Taiwan Caucus. Since April 9, 2002, cled and organic materials and adapting en- the Taiwan Caucus has grown into one of the HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN ergy efficient production methods. Every year, most prominent caucuses in Congress with al- OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Patagonia pledges 1% of its yearly sales to most 140 current members, and has led the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES further conservation work across the globe. way in strengthening diplomatic, security, and Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Patagonia’s tireless commitment has proven economic relations between our two nations. that in business the planet does not need to Since this Congress came together 34 years Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, when be sacrificed for profit. ago to pass the Taiwan Relations Act, the leg- the horses line up in Churchill Downs for the Patagonia is an invaluable partner in the islation has constituted the cornerstone of our running of the Kentucky Derby next month, all Ventura County community, working with local unique relationship with one of the world’s eyes in my district, the U.S. Virgin Islands, will organizations like Los Padres Forest Watch to most vibrant democracies. For 30 years, the be on young Kevin Krigger, a jockey from my protect California’s wild places. Shortly after United States recognized the Republic of home island of St. Croix, who will be riding the Los Padres Forest Watch held its first board China (Taiwan) as the legitimate representa- horse Goldencents. meeting in 2004, they received a grant from tive of the Chinese people. Yet, in 1979, the We are all proud of Kevin, who grew up in Patagonia. Since that time, Patagonia has Carter administration switched sides and rec- LaVallee and attended Central High School. generously given grants to support their impor- ognized the People’s Republic of China, and According to Kevin, he has always wanted to tant local forest protection work, as well as at the same time derecognized the Republic of be a jockey and grew up in the sport, riding volunteering their employees, donating their China (Taiwan). In an effort to counter this act horses on the beaches and country roads of products, and organizing fundraising events of injustice, a unified United States Congress the island and challenging anyone he could to like the annual 5k Salmon Run. Yvon came together to pass the Taiwan Relations a race. Before he was recruited by other Vir- Chouinard and Patagonia have had a positive Act. To this day, our great nations continue to gin Islands born jockeys who race in the and lasting influence on the preservation of prosper through mutually beneficial trade rela- States to join their ranks, he was well known the Los Padres National Forest. tions, shared security interests, and the poli- on the tracks of St. Croix, St. Thomas and I am pleased to join Los Padres Forest cies codified by the Taiwan Relations Act. Tortola as a talent to watch. He proved him- Watch in honoring Mr. Chouinard for his leg- Mr. Speaker, while recognizing the accom- self riding on the West Coast, in particular at acy of environmental activism and ensuring plishments of the Taiwan Relations Act, we Emerald Downs in Seattle, Washington before Patagonia is an exemplary model of environ- must also recognize the need to strengthen his historic win on Saturday at the Santa Anita mental corporate stewardship. our commitment to Taiwan through expanded Derby. f diplomatic, security, and trade ties. Earlier this With Saturday’s win, Kevin Krigger has be- JOHN PATRICK FISCHBACH year, I was proud to introduce, with my col- come the first African American to win the leagues, the co-chairs of the Congressional Santa Anita Derby. Last fall, he was the first HON. ED PERLMUTTER Taiwan Caucus, Representatives MARIO DIAZ- African American jockey to win a million dollar BALART, JOHN CARTER, ALBIO SIRES, GERALD race in Louisiana’s Delta Jackpot. If he rides OF COLORADO CONNOLLY, the Taiwan Policy Act, which seeks Goldencents to victory in the Kentucky Derby IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to accomplish these goals. If enacted, our pro- next month, he will become the first African Wednesday, April 10, 2013 posed legislation would permit Taiwan’s lead- American to do so since 1902. Goldencents is Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise ers to meet with U.S. officials in all executive co-owned by the stable of Louisville basketball today to recognize and applaud John Patrick branches, authorize the transfer of decommis- coach Rick Pitino and is trained by Doug Fischbach for receiving the Arvada Wheat sioned Perry class guided missile frigates, and O’Neill. Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. support the sale of F16 C/D fighter jets to the Mr. Speaker, Kevin Krigger’s family and John Patrick Fischbach is a 12th grader at Armed Forces of Taiwan. With the growing an- fans in the U.S. Virgin Islands will be cheering Ralston Valley High School and received this tagonism of North Korea and the ever expand- wildly on the first Saturday in May. I congratu- award because his determination and hard ing territorial ambitions of China, our alliance late his mother Averil Simmonds and father Al- work have allowed him to overcome adversi- with the democratic nation of Taiwan is even bert Krigger, Jr. We are all proud of this young ties. more important. man and his accomplishments and wish him The dedication demonstrated by John Pat- In 2012, as our 11th largest trading partner, Godspeed in this and all of his future endeav- rick Fischbach is exemplary of the type of 16th largest export market, and 11th largest ors.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP8.013 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E411 HONORING INVESTIGATOR Mr. Speaker, in the decade since the unfor- bilitates those living with Parkinson’s and af- FRANCESCO Z. MCBRIDE tunate passing of Anthony Telesca, the foun- fects their families, as well. In the U.S. there dation that was established in his honor has are an estimated 500,000 to 1.5 million people HON. ROBERT A. BRADY represented the best of the human spirit, and with Parkinson’s disease, with some pre- OF PENNSYLVANIA the organization has become a shining exam- dictions showing the prevalence will more than IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ple of how to turn an unfortunate tragedy into double by 2040. something meaningful. The Anthony Telesca Currently, there is no therapy or drug to Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Foundation’s humanitarian efforts and suc- slow its progression and a cure has yet to be Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I cesses exemplify the strength and compassion found. This resolution supports continued edu- rise today to honor Investigator Francesco Z. within people, and I commend them for their cation and research to find more effective McBride, a constituent of my district, who has contributions. treatments and eventually a cure. It also ap- been chosen to receive the distinguished f plauds the dedicated organizations, volun- honor of the Amtrak Police Department’s Offi- teers, medical researchers, and millions of cer of the Year for 2012 for his numerous and JOEY ROOT Americans working to improve the quality of significant contributions to the department. life of persons living with Parkinson’s disease A resident of Sharon Hill, Investigator HON. ED PERLMUTTER and their families. McBride joined the Amtrak Police Department OF COLORADO As the loved one of someone afflicted by (APD) in 2001 initially as an Officer, and is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Parkinson’s disease, I witnessed personally now an Investigator in Amtrak’s Mid-Atlantic the effect of Parkinson’s disease on my father. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Division. He is a member of the APD Pipe and As a result, I know firsthand that we must pro- Drum Unit. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise vide support to the loved ones, caregivers and Investigator McBride’s exemplary service today to recognize and applaud Joey Root for researchers attempting to improve the welfare has resulted in arrests in cases that have a receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service of those living with Parkinson’s. I urge my col- combined monetary value of approximately Ambassadors for Youth award. Joey Root is a leagues to support this resolution. $325,000. These cases include copper wire 12th grader at Warren Tech North and re- f theft in Baltimore that has resulted in damage ceived this award because his determination and serious disruptions to train operations; re- and hard work have allowed him to overcome HONORING TAIWAN covering Amtrak-owned tools and equipment adversities. from burglar’s barn; and tracking down the cul- The dedication demonstrated by Joey Root HON. LUKE MESSER prits of the theft of copper materials in Phila- is exemplary of the type of achievement that OF INDIANA delphia. These are just a few examples of In- can be attained with hard work and persever- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vestigator McBride’s invaluable work that has ance. It is essential students at all levels strive Wednesday, April 10, 2013 earned him the distinction of Amtrak Police Of- to make the most of their education and de- ficer of the Year. velop a work ethic which will guide them for Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I ask that you and my other distinguished the rest of their lives. commemorate the Taiwan Relations Act colleagues help me in honoring the Officer of I extend my deepest congratulations to Joey (TRA). On April 10th, the United States and the Year, Investigator McBride, for his admi- Root for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge the Republic of China, more commonly re- rable work with Amtrak. Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have ferred to as Taiwan, will celebrate the 34th an- f no doubt he will exhibit the same dedication niversary of the TRA, which is the premier law and character in all of his future accomplish- that governs U.S.-Taiwan bilateral relations. In COMMENDING THE ANTHONY ments. 1979, President Jimmy Carter signed the TRA TELESCA FOUNDATION f into law and since that time it has been the cornerstone to maintaining peace, security, HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS PERSONAL EXPLANATION and stability in the Western Pacific. The TRA OF FLORIDA has held up well for over 34 years and is an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM important reminder of the strong alliance be- tween our two sides. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 OF NEW MEXICO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES All facets of the U.S.-Taiwan bilateral rela- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tionship—cultural, economic, and strategic— commend the Anthony Telesca Foundation for Wednesday, April 10, 2013 have expanded and grown stronger since the selflessly working to improve the safety of Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New signing into law of the TRA. Taiwan is the communities in Florida by promoting safe driv- Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably de- United States’ 10th largest trading partner. ing habits to Florida’s teenagers. The organi- tained and so I missed rollcall vote No. 90 ‘‘to Taiwan is the seventh largest export market zation helps to educate and encourage teen- authorize the Secretary of the Interior to facili- for U.S. agriculture. Since 1998, Taiwan has agers to drive safely by hosting safety aware- tate the development of hydroelectric power purchased over $5.5 billion dollars in corn and ness functions with local high schools and law on the Diamond Fork System of the Central $4 billion in soybeans from the United States. enforcement officials. Utah Project’’ (H.R. 254). Had I been present, For my home state of Indiana, Taiwan is one In December 2002, 16-year-old Anthony Jo- I would have voted ‘‘yes’’. of its top export markets in Asia. Recently, seph Telesca passed away as the result of a f Taiwan signed a multi-million dollar agreement reckless driving incident. As a result of this un- with the State of Indiana for the purchase of fortunate and tragic incident, the Anthony RESOLUTION ON APRIL AS corn and soybeans for the years 2012 and Telesca Foundation was created to work with PARKINSON’S DISEASE MONTH 2013. Without a doubt, Hoosier farmers and local high school and law enforcement officials my state’s economy have benefitted greatly to increase driver safety awareness among HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY from trade agreements with Taiwan. teenagers. The Foundation also provides OF NEW YORK As a new member of the House Sub- scholarships and philanthropic support in order IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES committee on Asia and the Pacific and the to meet its mission of preventing reckless Congressional Taiwan Caucus, I have had the teenage driving and driving accidents, injuries, Wednesday, April 10, 2013 pleasure to meet with Ambassador Pu-tsung and fatalities. Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. King, Taiwan’s Representative serving in Among other activities, the Foundation has Mr. Speaker, along with my fellow co-chairs of Washington, DC. We discussed the unique cir- hosted events with the Pinellas County Sher- the Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Dis- cumstances that define our two countries’ rela- iff’s Office and high schools in northern ease, Reps. Peter King and Chris Van Hollen, tions. I look forward to working with Ambas- Pinellas County, Florida, which I represent, to today I am introducing a resolution designating sador King on additional initiatives that could reward teenagers who have been observed April as Parkinson’s Awareness Month. As co- benefit the people of Indiana and Taiwan. practicing safe driving habits. Educating and chairs of the Caucus we have worked to bring I was pleased to learn from Ambassador rewarding teenagers to drive safe has helped attention to the second most common neuro- King of the many steps Taiwan has taken to to prevent needless motor accidents from oc- logical disease in the United States. This reduce tensions with China, their neighbors curring. chronic, progressive neurological disease de- along the Taiwan Strait. Although Taiwan and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.007 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 China split amid civil war in 1949, bilateral re- RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING Mr. Speaker, this bill is a continuation of the lations between the two are at an all-time SERVICE OF GLEN DOHERTY, efforts the Administration has put forth on the high. Today, China is Taiwan’s largest trading VICTIM OF THE ATTACK ON THE issue of scientific integrity. In March of 2009, partner. Starting in 2008, Taiwan and China U.S. EMBASSY IN BENGHAZI President Obama issued a Presidential memo- signed an agreement to improve direct links randum directing the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to require federal between the two countries. This agreement HON. DARRELL E. ISSA departments and agencies to develop proce- has been a resounding success eliminating OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dures ‘‘for restoring scientific integrity to gov- barriers to air and sea travel between the two ernment decision making.’’ sides. As a result, there are about 600 direct Wednesday, April 10, 2013 At the beginning of last year, the President passenger flights that operate each week be- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- continued this work by issuing Executive tween Taiwan and China. Cargo ships now ognize the service of Mr. Glen Doherty, who Order 13563, ‘‘Improving Regulation and Reg- transit directly between the two sides. Building was tragically killed on September 11, 2012 at ulatory Review,’’ which stated that each agen- upon the successes of the 2008 agreement, in the age of 42 in the armed assault against the cy ‘‘shall ensure the objectivity of any scientific 2010, Taiwan and China signed a landmark U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. I and technological information and processes trade agreement called the Economic Co- commend Mr. Doherty’s career and offer my used to support the agency’s regulatory ac- operation Framework Agreement, which re- sincerest thanks for his dedicated service in tions.’’ protecting our nation. Since that process began, departments and duced tariffs and commercial barriers between A desire to push himself and to use his tal- agencies have developed their own policies to the two sides. The people of China and Tai- ents to make genuine change in the world led address the President’s concerns. Unfortu- wan are more connected today than ever be- Glen to join the Navy SEALs in 1995, where nately, not all agencies have made an equal fore. he served as a paramedic and sniper in the commitment to scientific integrity. Like many of my colleagues in the House, Middle East. Among other missions, his team In fact, earlier this month, the Union of Con- I believe that a strong Taiwan is vital for main- responded to the terrorist attack on the USS cerned Scientists (UCS), released a report on taining stability in the region. Like Congress- Cole in 2000. Following knee reconstruction in the status of such policies—now four years man ROYCE, Chairman of the House Foreign 2001, Glen had planned on leaving the military after this process started. Unfortunately, a va- riety of Departments and agencies have re- Affairs Committee, I, too, support the sale of but when our nation was attacked on Sep- tember 11th, Glen decided to remain with the ceived an unfavorable review from UCS, in- newer, diesel submarines and F–16s up- SEALs. cluding the Department of Energy, Health and grades to Taiwan’s government, which will Mr. Doherty twice deployed in support of Human Services, and the USDA to name a serve to protect U.S. national interests in the Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. On his first tour, few. UCS notes that these departments have region. I intend to work closely with my Con- he joined the earliest Marine contingents on developed ‘‘policies that do not make ade- gressional colleagues to encourage the Ad- their march to Baghdad. He was taken from quate commitments to scientific integrity.’’ ministration to expedite the U.S. sale of need- his unit for sniper duty for several days, but This bill attempts to address some of the in- ed military hardware to Taiwan’s government. returned to them before they took Baghdad adequacies highlighted by UCS and builds on the Administration’s initiative by codifying the Simply put, a strong, prosperous Taiwan and continued with them to take Saddam Hus- sein’s hometown of Tikrit as well. Glen be- requirement that the Director of the Office of serves both our nations’ interests. I am cer- lieved that the possibility of liberating a trou- Science and Technology Policy compel each tainly thankful to my predecessors who bled country from a tyrant and making democ- federal agency to develop guidelines regarding passed the Taiwan Relations Act, which re- racy possible for the Iraqi people was some- the scientific information used by federal agen- mains the hallmark of the U.S.-Taiwan alli- thing worth risking his life. cies. ance. In 2005, Glen left the SEALs, but remained Additionally, this legislation clarifies that sci- focused on the Middle East as a private secu- entific information be supported by peer re- f rity contractor. He worked for peace and secu- view when appropriate; ensures that scientific rity in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Leb- studies used in making decisions be disclosed JESUS LOZANO anon, and other high threat areas in the re- to the public, and requires an opportunity for gion. stakeholder input. I again offer Mr. Doherty my sincerest It also requires federal agencies to give HON. ED PERLMUTTER thanks and hope that his family and those who greatest weight to information based on repro- OF COLORADO knew him best can find comfort in the out- ducible data that is developed in accordance standing service he gave his nation, as well as with the scientific method. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the passion and conviction that drove him into Finally, the bill establishes any regulatory action in violation of an agency’s internal sci- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 a career and life of defending others. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues entific integrity guidelines be deemed arbitrary Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise please join me in recognizing the distinguished and subject to challenge by affected stake- today to recognize and applaud Jesus Lozano career of Glen Doherty and his selfless sac- holders. for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service rifice to a grateful nation. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to sup- port this bill to ensure that government deci- Ambassadors for Youth award. Jesus Lozano f sions are fact-based and made in sound is an 11th grader at Jefferson High School IN SUPPORT OF H.R. 1287 science. and received this award because his deter- f mination and hard work have allowed him to HON. MIKE McINTYRE HONORING ARMY CORPORAL overcome adversities. OF NORTH CAROLINA WILLIAM L. MCMILLAN III The dedication demonstrated by Jesus IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lozano is exemplary of the type of achieve- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 ment that can be attained with hard work and HON. ANDY BARR Mr. MCINTYRE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak OF KENTUCKY perseverance. It is essential students at all in support of H.R.1287, the Sound Science IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES levels strive to make the most of their edu- Act of 2013. Congressman STEPHEN FINCHER cation and develop a work ethic which will and I introduced this bill on March 20, 2013 to Wednesday, April 10, 2013 guide them for the rest of their lives. ensure the highest level of Scientific Integrity Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, nearly five years I extend my deepest congratulations to at our federal agencies. ago Army Corporal William L. McMillan III Our bill is a sensible approach requiring fed- gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation. He Jesus Lozano for winning the Arvada Wheat eral agencies to develop scientific integrity was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 21st Infan- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. policies that adhere to the scientific method, try Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- therefore maximizing the quality and integrity Team, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Bar- cation and character in all of his future accom- of science used in the regulatory decision- racks, Hawaii, and was only 22 years of age plishments. making process. when he gave his life for this country.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.011 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E413 There is nothing as noble as the character through subscription and on-line edition, the Medicare, many cancer clinic patients will of a man who so willingly dedicates his life for newspaper knows no geographic bounds have to go to hospitals for outpatient chemo- others. The American warriors serving our around the globe. therapy at sharply higher costs, or face re- military, and their families, understand that Our Founders were quick to add in the first duced access to treatment. More than a mil- better than anybody. They embody what it amendment to our Constitution, declaring Con- lion federal employees may be furloughed, means to be an American. gress shall make no law to abridge the free- which will result in reduced pay. It is simply William McMillan gave his life on June 8, dom of the press. Our Republic has been unfair for well-paid Members of Congress to 2008 in Baghdad when his patrol was struck buoyed over the centuries by dedicated jour- subject federal employees, who not only usu- by an improvised explosive device. CPL Mc- nalists doing a yeoman’s task of reporting the ally earn considerably less but are now also in Millan is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; his news of the day regardless of whose ox is their third year of frozen wages, to pay cuts parents, Marge and Lloyd McMillan; his broth- being gored. As a recent Banner editorial pro- that Members are unwilling to take them- er Brad, sister Laura Buchanan and husband claimed, within its pages, the reader gets the selves. Rob, niece Paige, and nephew Chance. good, the bad, and the ugly of insightful news Under the 1985 law that established the se- William grew up in Lexington, Kentucky, and impacting their lives. questration process, the Balanced Budget and was always going to be a military man like his Every member of the Logan Banner’s team Emergency Deficit Control Act (also known as father, who graduated from West Point and can take due pride in knowing that with every the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act), Congress served in Vietnam. He was a star athlete at edition of the Banner they publish, they expressly exempted certain federal programs, Hargrave Military Academy in Virginia, where strengthen the bulwark of our Republic, a activities, and projects, including the Presi- he was captain of the football, wrestling, and more informed citizen. Mr. Speaker, fellow col- dent’s pay, from sequestration. The pay of lacrosse teams. He attended Virginia Military leagues, in recognition of its lasting contribu- Members of Congress is not expressly ex- Institute for one year before enlisting in the tion to our Nation, please join me in wishing empt. Nevertheless, the Office of Management Army. William was serving his first tour of duty Godspeed to the Logan Banner in its next 125 and Budget has interpreted the law to exempt in Iraq, and his awards include the Bronze years of publishing. the pay of Members. I would hope that today’s Congress would revise the law. My bill would Star Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple f Heart, Combat Action Badge, National De- subject Member pay to any future sequestra- fense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal JENNICA TROVER tion implemented under the Gramm-Rudman- with Bronze Service Star, Global War on Ter- Hollings Act, including the Budget Control Act rorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, HON. ED PERLMUTTER of 2011 and the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010. In order to comply with the 27th Overseas Service Ribbon, and the Weapons OF COLORADO Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which Qualifications Badge of Expert. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We grieve the loss of this American warrior, prohibits changes to Member pay until an in- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 but we celebrate and honor his life and his tervening election, this bill would take effect service. William stood for the best of the Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise next Congress. I ask my colleagues to follow the example American ideals and values exemplified in our today to recognize and applaud Jennica Tro- we set for ourselves when, in passing the fighting infantrymen. He served this Nation as ver for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Congressional Accountability Act, we pledged the fine soldier he always wanted to be. He Service Ambassadors for Youth award. that the laws that apply to the American peo- fought for liberty for a people he did not know Jennica Trover is a 10th grader at Standley ple would also apply to Members of Congress. in a land where he had never been. Lake High School and received this award be- As a U.S. Congressman, I am forever grate- cause her determination and hard work have f ful for William McMillan’s service to our coun- allowed her to overcome adversities. A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF THE try and am both humbled and honored by the The dedication demonstrated by Jennica LIFE OF OLIVE ‘‘OLLIE’’ MAYER sacrifice he made for the price of our freedom. Trover is exemplary of the type of achieve- Because of his bravery and that of his fellow ment that can be attained with hard work and HON. ANNA G. ESHOO perseverance. It is essential students at all men and women in uniform, our American OF CALIFORNIA levels strive to make the most of their edu- freedoms are protected for future generations. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Truly, he is a hero to us all. cation and develop a work ethic which will Wednesday, April 10, 2013 f guide them for the rest of their lives. I extend my deepest congratulations to Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to LOGAN BANNER 125 YEAR Jennica Trover for winning the Arvada Wheat honor the extraordinary life of an extraordinary ANNIVERSARY Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. woman. Ollie Mayer died at the age of 94, in I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- Woodside, California, after a lifetime of firsts, HON. NICK J. RAHALL II cation and character in all of her future ac- mosts, and bests. She was a force of nature, OF WEST VIRGINIA complishments. a force for nature, and a force for all things IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f good and just. She was ahead of her time in everything she did, and the list of challenges Wednesday, April 10, 2013 THE INTRODUCTION OF THE MEM- she dared to face is long and daunting. Our Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to BER OF CONGRESS PAY SEQUES- beloved San Francisco Peninsula has been honor the work of a local newspaper in the TRATION AND FAIRNESS ACT the beneficiary of so much of her brilliance heart of the coalfields of southern West Vir- and activism, and our world is a better place ginia. This year, the Logan Banner celebrates HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON because she graced it. 125 years of excellence in journalism and OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Olive Hendricks was born on the East Coast service to the greater Logan County area and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and studied engineering at Swarthmore Col- beyond. lege. She and her husband, Dr. Henry Mayer, For a century and a quarter, the Logan Ban- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 met while hiking the Rocky Mountains. They ner has made banner headlines out of local Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to moved to Woodside, California, where Ollie and regional news stories that inform its read- introduce the Member of Congress Pay Se- started a machine shop, then a science edu- ers on matters most important to them, what questration and Fairness Act, which would cation company, and then began devoting all is happening in their own backyards. subject the pay of Members of the House and her energies to environmental causes in the In a world awash in news and information Senate to any future sequestration, or auto- early 1970s. She was an activist for free services, there is still no substitute for home- matic, across-the-board spending cuts. While speech during the McCarthy era and provided grown news coverage on the important events Members of Congress may differ on the merits support for victims of blacklisting. She was an and happenings that only a local community of sequestration, once the cuts are a matter of organizer of cultural exchanges between U.S. paper can provide. From the city crime report law, Members should abide by the laws we and Soviet women in the early 1960s. She to the latest little league scores, the Banner is impose on the American people. The most se- was an early opponent of the Vietnam war the face of the community. rious effects of these arbitrary, across-the- and an early civil rights activist. She fearlessly Through thick and thin, the Banner has op- board cuts are being felt by the American peo- took on unpopular causes, often alone. What erated as a reliable news source for Southern ple. For example, during the remainder of this an extraordinary example she set for genera- West Virginia’s coal counties, and today, fiscal year, as a result of sequestration cuts to tions to come.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.014 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E414 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 Ollie’s husband, Dr. Mayer, preceded her in The dedication demonstrated by Jazmin ment. These exceptional women have worked death. She was the loving mother of Judy and Montoya is exemplary of the type of achieve- diligently to recruit citizens and involve them in Robert, and the devoted grandmother of four. ment that can be attained with hard work and the political process, and promote the under- She leaves behind countless friends, and I perseverance. It is essential students at all standing of the conservative philosophy. feel privileged to count myself among that levels strive to make the most of their edu- It is encouraging to see these leaders from group. I ask my colleagues to join me in ex- cation and develop a work ethic which will Texas’s Twenty-Fourth District do such great tending our condolences to her family and her guide them for the rest of their lives. things. I continue to applaud them for their ac- friends who mourn the passing of this great I extend my deepest congratulations to complishments over the last 60 years in rais- and good woman who did so much to Jazmin Montoya for winning the Arvada Wheat ing awareness of their values, promoting the strengthen our democracy and protect our en- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. voice of women in North Dallas and being a vironment, and lived a life that stands as an I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- guard for conservative beliefs. eloquent statement for the ages. cation and character in all of her future ac- Mr. Speaker, it is a great privilege to honor complishments. f the members of the Preston West Republican THE INTRODUCTION OF THE f Women for their 60 years of achievement and SIMON WIESENTHAL HOLOCAUST SRIRAM HATHWAR CLINCHES unwavering resolution in building this organi- EDUCATION ACT SPOT FOR HIS FOURTH TRIP TO zation for the conservative women of North THE NATIONAL SCRIPPS SPELL- Dallas. I join their family, friends, and col- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY ING BEE IN WASHINGTON, DC leagues in congratulating them and wishing OF NEW YORK them continued growth and success. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TOM REED f Wednesday, April 10, 2013 OF NEW YORK Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN OBSERVANCE OF HOLOCAUST Mr. Speaker, as we commemorate Holocaust Wednesday, April 10, 2013 REMEMBRANCE DAY Remembrance Week, I am pleased to reintro- Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- duce the bipartisan Simon Wiesenthal Holo- ognize Sriram Hathwar who, this May, will HON. GENE GREEN caust Education Act, along with Representa- compete in the National Scripps Spelling Bee tives RANGEL, WAXMAN, PIERLUISI, and GRIMM. for the fourth time in his scholastic career. OF TEXAS Named for the honored Holocaust survivor During his first attendance in 2008, Hathwar IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Simon Wiesenthal, who spent his life working notably became the youngest speller in the for justice for those murdered by the Nazis history of the event but was eliminated in the Wednesday, April 10, 2013 and to hunt down those who perpetrated such preliminaries. He performed increasingly better Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, atrocities, this legislation would provide federal in 2009 and 2011, finishing sixth in 2011. grants to educational organizations to teach I rise in observance of the six million Jewish Sriram, a 12-year-old from Painted Post, victims and millions of other victims who per- students about the Holocaust. Through grants New York, attends Corning’s Alternative from the Department of Education, Holocaust ished during the Shoah on Holocaust Remem- School for Math and Science. This year marks brance Day. organization programs would be able to apply his sixth time contending in the Regional As we commit ourselves to the memories of for funds to improve the awareness and un- Spelling Bee, but it came with a new chal- those lost, we must also remember the heroes derstanding of the Holocaust through classes, lenge: his younger brother. Out of 40 contest- and survivors of the Holocaust, whose seminars, conferences, educational materials, ants, Sriram came head to head with his 10- strength and perseverance continue to inspire and teacher training. year-old brother, Jairam Hathwar, in the final We must ensure that we learn from the leg- us to this day. round. The last two standing flawlessly spelled acy of previous generations of Holocaust sur- out words such as ‘‘liquesce’’ and ‘‘flexuosity’’ Our nation and the international community vivors. Over 11 million people, including 6 mil- for three rounds, until Jairam stumbled on must never forget what took place throughout lion European Jews as well as gypsies, the ‘‘jicama.’’ Sriram then clinched the regional Europe during the Second World War at the disabled and mentally ill, homosexuals, and title with the word ‘‘mobiliary.’’ hands of the murderous Nazis. Nor can we others, were systematically and brutally mur- The National Scripps Spelling Bee, run on a forget the government-sponsored discrimina- dered in the Holocaust as the Nazis swept not-for-profit basis by the E.W. Scripps Com- tion, repression, and persecution that took across Europe, destroying entire villages and pany and local spelling bee sponsors across place before the beginning of the war. communities. the country, is the longest-running and largest More than half a century later, persecution Throughout our country, Americans can ob- educational promotion in the United States. and murder on the basis of religion, ethnicity, serve the Holocaust at local community Sriram will compete live on ESPN in the and sexuality continue across the globe. We events, military bases, workplaces, schools, 88th National Scripps Spelling Bee from May need programs in our schools that allow stu- churches, synagogues, and museums. The 28th–30th in our nation’s capital. I wish him dents to learn about the consequences of in- U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Wash- the best of luck in May. tolerance and hate, so that we can truly say, ington, DC, has designated ‘‘Never Again: ‘‘never again.’’ f Heeding the Warning Signs’’ as the theme for the 2013 observance. The Simon Wiesenthal Holocaust Education CELEBRATING THE 60TH ANNIVER- Assistance Act is a positive step toward that SARY OF THE PRESTON WEST In my hometown of Houston, Texas, the end. I urge my colleagues to support this leg- REPUBLICAN WOMEN Holocaust Museum Houston is observing Hol- islation. ocaust Remembrance Day with testimonials f from survivors and for concerned Houstonians HON. KENNY MARCHANT to share their views about genocide and see JAZMIN MONTOYA OF TEXAS what can be done to end genocide in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES present day. HON. ED PERLMUTTER Wednesday, April 10, 2013 In Israel, Yom Hashoah is remembered an- OF COLORADO Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today nually with a two minute siren where the coun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the try comes to a standstill to pay tribute to the Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Preston West Republican Women. This group dead. Flags are flown at half mast and cere- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise organized in 1953 and has continued its mis- monies and services are locally held through- today to recognize and applaud Jazmin Mon- sion to represent and strengthen the voice of out the country. toya for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge women in northern-most developmental areas Mr. Speaker, I would like to conclude by Service Ambassadors for Youth award. of Dallas. asking our fellow citizens to take a moment Jazmin Montoya is a 12th grader at Jefferson This organization’s leadership has provided this week to remember the memories of those High School and received this award because their community and their neighbors with the who did not survive the Holocaust and to re- her determination and hard work have allowed opportunity to meet and know their represent- flect on what we can do, as Americans, to pre- her to overcome adversities. atives in local, state and the federal govern- vent such a tragedy from happening again.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.017 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E415 JOHN JONES It is with heartfelt appreciation that I recog- Mr. Aguilar holds an associate degree in ac- nize their legacy. Please join me in honoring counting from the Laredo Community College, HON. ED PERLMUTTER the Florida Highwaymen for their contributions and attended Laredo State University and Uni- OF COLORADO to the world of art. versity of Texas at Arlington. He is a Senior Executive Fellow of the John F. Kennedy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f School of Government at Harvard University. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 RECOGNIZING DAVID V. AGUILAR Mr. Aguilar is the recipient of the 2005 Presi- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise dent’s Meritorious Excellence Award and in today to recognize and applaud John Jones HON. HENRY CUELLAR 2008 was a recipient of the Presidential Rank for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service OF TEXAS Award. Ambassadors for Youth award. John Jones is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I am honored and privileged to have the opportunity to pay tribute to Mr. a 12th grader at Arvada High School and re- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 ceived this award because his determination Aguilar for his outstanding service in pro- and hard work have allowed him to overcome Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tecting our communities and his extraordinary adversities. recognize Mr. David V. Aguilar for his retire- commitment to our country. He has truly con- The dedication demonstrated by John Jones ment from his position as Deputy Commis- tributed to this nation in his efforts to protect is exemplary of the type of achievement that sioner with the U.S. Customs and Border Pro- our borders. can be attained with hard work and persever- tection. Mr. Aguilar has dedicated his service f ance. It is essential students at all levels strive leading the agency in protecting our nation’s HONORING CALIFORNIA STATE to make the most of their education and de- borders and its communities. SENATOR NICHOLAS PETRIS velop a work ethic which will guide them for Mr. Aguilar joined the Border Patrol in June the rest of their lives. 1978 at Laredo, Texas, where he held posi- HON. BARBARA LEE I extend my deepest congratulations to John tions of Assistant Patrol Agent in Charge and Patrol Agent in Charge. OF CALIFORNIA Jones for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have From 1988 to August 1996, Mr. Aguilar no doubt he will exhibit the same dedication served as Patrol Agent in Charge of three Bor- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 and character in all of his future accomplish- der Patrol Stations in Texas (Dallas, Rio Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise ments. Grande Valley and Brownsville). Under his today to honor the exceptional life of California f command, the Dallas and Brownsville stations State Senator Nicholas Petris. Known through- were awarded the Commissioner’s Award for out California politics as a brilliant democratic HONORING THE FLORIDA Group Achievement. lawmaker with visionary foresight, Nicholas HIGHWAYMEN From August 1996 to November 1999, Mr. Petris was also renowned for his profes- Aguilar served as Assistant Regional Director sionalism, speaking prowess, and tireless ad- HON. FREDERICA S. WILSON for the Border Patrol in the central region of vocacy for the underserved. With his passing, OF FLORIDA the former Immigration and Naturalization we look to Senator Petris’ political legacy and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Service. As such, Mr. Aguilar was the principal the outstanding quality of his life’s work. advisor to the Regional Director, where he Over a career that spanned four decades, Wednesday, April 10, 2013 managed, directed and guided the regional Senator Petris was a hero to many—pio- Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is program. neering initiatives far ahead of their time in with great pride that I rise to honor the Florida Mr. Aguilar was subsequently appointed as areas like environmental protection, mental Highwaymen, a group of twenty-six landscape Chief Patrol Agent of the Tucson Sector. As health rights, and low-income housing. A child artists who have been called ‘‘The Last Great Tucson Sector Chief, he had more than 2,000 of Greek immigrants, Nicholas Petris was born American Art Movement of the 20th century.’’ agents and 200 support personnel under his in Oakland and educated in the Bay Area, Against tremendous odds and severe racial command. Mr. Aguilar had oversight of eight graduating from the University of California, discrimination, these African American artists geographically dispersed Border Patrol sta- Berkeley and Stanford University Law School. were able to define themselves as artistic tions along 261 miles of the Arizona/Mexico He served in the Office of Strategic Service innovators, producing more than 200,000 cele- border. In 2003, the Tucson sector earned the during World War II and practiced law for brated paintings. CBP Commissioner’s anti-terrorism award for about a decade before being elected to the The works of the Florida Highwaymen are achievements under Operation Desert Safe- California Assembly in 1959. In 1965, as an assemblyman, he famously unique. They developed their own individual guard, an operation planned, designed and collaborated with State Senator Eugene techniques and captured waterscapes, implemented in the high-risk areas of the Tuc- McAteer to write the bill that created the San backcountry marshes, and inlets before resi- son sector. Francisco Bay Conservation and Development dential and industrial development. Their In March 2004, the Department of Home- Commission, laying the foundation for the non- work—which is now proudly displayed in the land Security designated Mr. Aguilar as the profit Save The Bay to protect the resource Florida Capitol and the United States Sen- Border and Transportation Security Integrator from harmful development. He also worked to ate—marks the beginning of Florida’s contem- for the execution of the Arizona Border Control direct crucial resources to expand the Univer- porary art tradition and the ‘‘Indian River Initiative. In 2004, Mr. Aguilar was also elected sity of California system. School’’ art movement. as the President of the Southern Arizona Fed- Upon being elected to the State Senate in Painting in the era of Jim Crow, the High- eral Executive Association. 1967, he immediately worked to pass the waymen could not sell their paintings through In July 2004, Mr. Aguilar was named Na- Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, which prohibited traditional channels. Galleries and art festivals tional Chief of the Border Patrol, assuming the involuntary commitment and made quality would not accept their works. The Highway- position as the nation’s highest-ranking Border mental health services more accessible. Fur- men were forced to sell their artwork along Patrol agent. With expertise and knowledge thermore, he continued the decade fearlessly roadsides in towns and cities throughout the gained from more than 31 years of service taking on controversial battles: challenging the eastern coastal roads of Florida. From the with the Border Patrol, Mr. Aguilar directed the internal-combustion engine and emission prac- 1950s to the 1980s, the Highwaymen pressed enforcement efforts of more than 20,000 tices of the auto industry and writing laws to forward, offering their works at bargain prices agents nationwide. ban smoking on airplanes and public transpor- to the public. Until recently, countless Ameri- In April 2010, Mr. Aguilar was appointed tation. These efforts eventually helped to cans appreciated their artistry without knowing Deputy Commissioner of U.S. Customs and usher in an era of air quality and clean-fuel their identities. Border Protection. From December 2011 to regulation in California that was often stricter The twenty-six members of the original August 2012, Mr. Aguilar served as acting than the national standard. He also introduced Highwaymen are still alive. These men and Commissioner, CBP’s highest-ranking official, bills to ban DDT and control ballooning vehicle women have earned their place in history. On leading the agency in border security, while numbers, which, although unsuccessful, dem- Saturday, March 30, 2013, in the City of Pem- fostering our Nation’s economic security onstrated remarkable prescience in the face of broke Pines at the South West Focal Point through lawful international trade and travel. today’s environmental challenges. Community Center their unique depictions of Mr. Aguilar led a workforce of 60,000, includ- As a passionate advocate for the poor, Sen- artwork will be displayed for the community to ing 43,000 uniformed law enforcement offi- ator Petris passed legislation that required re- appreciate and view. cers. development agencies to build housing for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10AP8.019 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 low-income families. He also championed ten- Had I been present, I would have voted as nate this mandate we have to address the re- ants’ and workers’ rights, inspiring lawmakers follows: ality that we are being confronted and reform in both major parties to listen to the voices of Rollcall no. 90: ‘‘yea’’ (On motion to sus- the broken RFS policy. average Californians. All the while, he was a pend the rules and pass H.R. 254, to author- That is why I have joined with several col- loving husband to his wife of 60 years, the late ize the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate the leagues in introducing legislation to reform the Anna Vlahos. development of hydroelectric power on the RFS. The Renewable Fuel Standard Reform On a personal note, I was incredibly hon- Diamon Fork System of the Central Utah Act eliminates the corn based ethanol require- ored to succeed Senator Petris upon his re- Project.) ments and caps the amount of ethanol that tirement due to term limits in 1996. He was a Rollcall no. 91: ‘‘nay’’ (On motion to sus- can be blended into conventional gasoline at steadfast friend and provided wise counsel to pend the rules and pass H.R. 1033, to author- 10 percent—a level that is safe for all vehicle me throughout my time in the California Legis- ize the acquisition and protection of nationally models. And this legislation will require the lature. Particularly, I will always remember significant battlefields and associated sites of EPA to set cellulosic biofuels levels at produc- Senator Petris and his beloved wife, Anna, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 tion levels—oil and gas refiners should not be taking me to dinner prior to my first visit to under the American Battlefield Protection Pro- fined for not being able to blend products that Greece. They provided me with invaluable gram.) do not exist. travel tips for restaurants, shopping, and tour- Rollcall no. 92: ‘‘yea’’ (On approving the More than 40 diverse organizations are join- ist attractions that made my first visit so excit- Journal.) ing us to call for action to address the prob- ing. Senator Petris’ beloved Greece became lems created by the RFS mandate. This is no f one of my favorite countries to visit. longer just a debate about fuel or food. It is Today, we mourn the loss of a wise political INTRODUCTION OF RFS REFORM also a debate about jobs, small business, and pioneer, a respected lawmaker, and an inno- ACT AND RFS ELIMINATION ACT economic growth. This mandate has wide vative thinker who helped shape the State of reaching and negative impacts on a broad California as we know it. His legislative insight, swath of industries. Congress created this arti- legendary eloquence, and the camaraderie he HON. BOB GOODLATTE ficial market that is distorting the food and inspired among his colleagues is unmatched. OF VIRGINIA feed market, and we must provide relief of its Senator Nicholas Petris’ legacy continues to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unintended consequences. I urge the Con- thrive among generations of advocates com- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 gress to pass this legislation. mitted to championing progressive California f policy as a model for environmental and social Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I have long justice throughout the world. I offer my sin- been a critic of the renewable fuel standard PERSONAL EXPLANATION cerest condolences to his surviving family and and we must act now to fix this broken policy. to the many friends and associates whose While the livestock industry has been wit- HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM nessing the effects of the RFS mandate for lives he touched over the course of his long OF NEW MEXICO several years, the drought last year high- and fruitful life. He will be deeply missed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lighted for many the extreme reach of the RFS f throughout our economy. But even before the Wednesday, April 10, 2013 JHAMIER RYAN drought, by diverting feed stocks to fuel there Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New have been diminished corn supplies for live- Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably de- HON. ED PERLMUTTER stock and food producers. Tightening supplies tained and so I missed rollcall vote Number 91 have driven up the price of corn. The higher OF COLORADO ‘‘To authorize the acquisition and protection of cost for corn is passed on to livestock and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nationally significant battlefields and associ- food producers. In turn, consumers see that ated sites of the Revolutionary War and the Wednesday, April 10, 2013 price reflected in the price of food on the gro- War of 1812 under the American Battlefield Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise cery store shelves and restaurants. Protection Program’’ (H.R. 1033). Had I been today to recognize and applaud Jhamier Ryan This year, the U.S. is expected to hit the present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ blend wall—where the ethanol mandate will for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service f Ambassadors for Youth award. Jhamier Ryan require more ethanol be produced than can be is a 12th grader at Jefferson High School and safely blended into gasoline. In order to ad- JEREMIAH BATES received this award because his determination dress the blend wall by reducing the RFS and hard work have allowed him to overcome mandate, EPA is working to push E15. EPA HON. ED PERLMUTTER adversities. has granted a partial waiver to allow E15 OF COLORADO blends for model cars 2001 and newer, de- The dedication demonstrated by Jhamier IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ryan is exemplary of the type of achievement spite the fact that a study from the Coordi- that can be attained with hard work and perse- nating Research Council, commissioned by Wednesday, April 10, 2013 verance. It is essential students at all levels U.S. automakers and oil companies, found Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise strive to make the most of their education and that 25 percent of cars approved by the EPA today to recognize and applaud Jeremiah develop a work ethic which will guide them for to run on E15 experienced engine damage— Bates for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge the rest of their lives. and even failure. The EPA should not be pro- Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Jere- I extend my deepest congratulations to moting fuel that is unsafe on the roadways just miah Bates is an 11th grader at Jeffco’s 21st Jhamier Ryan for winning the Arvada Wheat to meet a mandate. Century Virtual Academy and received this Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. EPA administrators from both parties have award because his determination and hard I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- constantly refused to use the flexibility granted work have allowed him to overcome adversi- cation and character in all of his future accom- to them by law to alter the RFS, so Congress ties. plishments. must act. That is why I am introducing two The dedication demonstrated by Jeremiah f bills that would alter this artificially created Bates is exemplary of the type of achievement government market. that can be attained with hard work and perse- PERSONAL EXPLANATION The first bill, the Renewable Fuel Standard verance. It is essential students at all levels Elimination Act is simple; it would eliminate strive to make the most of their education and HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS the RFS and make ethanol compete in a free develop a work ethic which will guide them for OF FLORIDA market. The government should not be cre- the rest of their lives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ating a market to sustain an entire industry. I extend my deepest congratulations to While, I believe that we should completely Jeremiah Bates for winning the Arvada Wheat Wednesday, April 10, 2013 eliminate the RFS, I recognize that there may Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, not yet be the political will in Congress to I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- April 9th, 2013, I missed rollcall vote numbers completely eliminate this mandate. And while cation and character in all of his future accom- 90, 91, and 92 for unavoidable reasons. there may not yet be the political will to elimi- plishments.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.024 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E417 NATIONAL ASSISTANT emy in honor of Saint Margurite D’Youville, JAZMIN PHELPS PRINCIPALS WEEK who founded the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart. Since then, The Grey Nun Academy HON. ED PERLMUTTER has evolved into a school of 200 boys and HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA OF COLORADO OF CALIFORNIA girls. In 2009, the faculty of Gray Nun’s edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cational work was recognized on the national Wednesday, April 10, 2013 level when the school was named a Blue Rib- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 bon School of Excellence by the US Depart- Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise ment of Education. Grey Nun Academy prides today to recognize and applaud Jazmin press my support for National Assistant Prin- itself in creating a nurturing educational envi- cipals Week, April 8 through April 12, 2013. Phelps for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge ronment that encourages students to learn Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Assistant principals are vital school leaders re- about themselves, and their faith. sponsible for establishing a positive learning Jazmin Phelps is an 8th grader at Oberon As a lifelong resident of Bucks county, I Middle School and received this award be- environment and building strong school com- greatly admire the Grey Nun Academy. Their munity relationships. The National Association cause her determination and hard work have commitment to creating exceptional students allowed her to overcome adversities. of Secondary School Principals/Virco National is highly valued within the community. Institu- The dedication demonstrated by Jazmin Assistant Principal of the Year program began tions such as the Grey Nun Academy are Phelps is exemplary of the type of achieve- in 2004 to recognize outstanding middle and learning environments graced with dedicated ment that can be attained with hard work and high school assistant principals who have teachers, administrators, and students. Grey perseverance. It is essential students at all demonstrated success in leadership, cur- Nun provides students with a strong founda- levels strive to make the most of their edu- riculum, and personalization. This week, 47 tion for success that influences their young cation and develop a work ethic which will assistant principals from across the country students well into adulthood. guide them for the rest of their lives. will participate in professional development, I am pleased to congratulate the Grey Nun I extend my deepest congratulations to networking, and advocacy to share best prac- Academy on its successes over the past 50 Jazmin Phelps for winning the Arvada Wheat tices and discuss the issues facing school years and I hope that the Grey Nun Academy Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. leaders today. may provide a safe and compassionate learn- I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- As a former principal, I would like to recog- ing environment in the coming years. nize these distinguished school leaders for the cation and character in all of her future ac- pivotal role they play in their school commu- f complishments. nities. Assistant principals interact with all sec- HONORING DR. MARKLEY SUTTON tors of the school community, including sup- f port and instructional staff members, students, HON. MIKE THOMPSON and parents. Assistant principals play a signifi- RECOGNIZING DURHAM, NORTH OF CALIFORNIA cant role in the instructional leadership of the CAROLINA AS THE ‘‘TASTIEST IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school by conducting instructional supervision, TOWN IN THE SOUTH’’ mentoring teachers, encouraging collaboration, Wednesday, April 10, 2013 and ensuring the implementation of best prac- Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, HON. G. K. BUTTERFIELD tices. Assistant principals also monitor stu- I rise today to recognize Dr. Markley Sutton, OF NORTH CAROLINA dent-achievement goals and progress, facili- who is retiring after 31 years of service to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tate and model data-driven decision making to Sonoma Developmental Center. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 inform instruction, and foster continual school Dr. Markley Sutton served in several dif- improvement. Furthermore, assistant principals ferent capacities at the Sonoma Develop- Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to support the day-to-day logistical operations of mental Center, most recently as the Senior congratulate the city of Durham, North Caro- facility management, attendance, transpor- Supervising Psychologist from 2003–2011. In lina that was recently recognized as the tation, and scheduling, as well as supervise this role he not only solved issues that arose ‘‘Tastiest Town in the South,’’ by Southern Liv- extra- and co-curricular events. Lastly, assist- with residents with behavioral problems, but ing magazine. ant principals are entrusted with maintaining also acted as a mentor and friend to the psy- This year, from mid-January to February, an inviting, safe, and orderly school environ- chologists he supervised. He was always ten Southern regions competed for the ulti- ment that supports the growth and achieve- ready to pass on his considerable knowledge, mate title of ‘‘Tastiest Town in the South.’’ ment of each and every student by nurturing and has taught at many universities on a During the voting period, over half a million positive peer relationships, recognizing student range of topics centering on clinical issues, votes were cast. The editors of Southern Liv- achievement, analyzing behavior patterns, pro- behavior concerns, and psychopharmacology ing magazine highlighted Durham’s unique ties viding interventions, and conducting discipline. for those with multiple diagnoses. to the land and its great prices—noting the I applaud the work of assistant principals Dr. Sutton has received awards for his lead- burgeoning food scene has quietly made Dur- and recognize their contributions to the suc- ership including the Superior Accomplishment ham one of the best food destinations in the cess of students in schools in the United Award Supervisory Bonus Program from the South. In addition, many chef-owners, such as States. I encourage the people of the United State of California in both 1986 and 1992. He James Beard of Nana’s Diner, have really States to observe National Assistant Principals received the Outstanding Leadership Pioneer helped to establish a diverse assortment of Week with appropriate ceremonies and activi- Award in 1998 and the Who’s Who in Cali- landmark restaurants—ranging from breweries ties that promote awareness of the primacy of fornia award in 1982, 1988 and 1989. and cafe´’s to comfort food. school leadership in ensuring that every child Dr. Sutton has a long and distinguished ca- Southern Living magazine listed several has access to a high-quality education. reer in working with individuals with mental ill- other notable places to eat in Durham includ- f ness, developmental disabilities, and individ- ing: Fullsteam Brewery, Pizzeria Toro, Geer Street Garden, Mateo Tapas, Monuts Donuts, IN HONOR OF GREY NUN uals with some of the most challenging behav- Cocoa Cinnamon, Counter Culture Coffee, ACADEMY’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY ioral problems. Yet it is his ability to remain engaged, curious and always ready to pitch in and Scratch Bakery. Other great Durham res- when needed that most exemplifies him. taurants include Blue Coffee Cafe´, Beyu HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK There is no issue too challenging, no resident Caffe, and Bistro Vin Rouge, just to name a OF PENNSYLVANIA too difficult, nor any task beneath him. few. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, Dr. Sutton has a long and dis- Mr. Speaker, when considering that Durham Wednesday, April 10, 2013 tinguished career of service to others, most was competing against many more widely Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker I rise today notably to the developmentally disabled popu- known Southern locales known for excellent to congratulate the 50th Anniversary of the lation at Sonoma Developmental Center and cuisine, such as New Orleans, Atlanta, and Grey Nun Academy, a private Catholic school those who seek his support in his private prac- Charleston, it’s quite remarkable and impres- located within my district that serves pre- tice. It is therefore appropriate that we ac- sive that Durham has created its own culinary kindergarteners through the eighth grade. knowledge Dr. Sutton today and wish him well niche. I share Durham County Commissioner Founded in 1963, the Grey Nun Academy in his retirement from Sonoma Developmental Fred Foster’s opinion that this award’s impact opened in 1963 as the D’Youville Manor Acad- Center. will be felt for years to come.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.028 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 This award is truly a tribute to the pioneers tions have improved the lives of hundreds of JAMES CLEARY and current residents of Durham and the re- thousands of impoverished Haitians, who with- gion. It is with great pleasure that I congratu- out him may never have been able to find late Durham for its recognition as the ‘‘Tastiest adequate care. Jerry has offered more than HON. ED PERLMUTTER Town in the South.’’ health and dental services to these people; he OF COLORADO f has offered them hope. Despite his grueling IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES schedule running a busy dental practice and HONORING THE ACCOMPLISH- managing the Haitian clinic he also is active in Wednesday, April 10, 2013 MENTS AND SERVICE OF JERE- the Norwich community lending a hand to civic MIAH LOWNEY Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise and charitable causes of every type. His fam- today to recognize and applaud James Cleary ily, his hometown of Norwich, and all of east- for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service HON. JOE COURTNEY ern Connecticut are proud of Jerry Lowney’s Ambassadors for Youth award. James Cleary OF CONNECTICUT remarkable success, and I applaud the White is an 8th grader at Arvada K–8 and received IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House for recognizing his accomplishments. this award because his determination and Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Mr. Speaker, I ask all my colleagues to join hard work have allowed him to overcome ad- me in honoring the service and accomplish- Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, it is with versities. ments of Jeremiah Lowney. great pride and admiration that I rise today to The dedication demonstrated by James share with you the accomplishments of Jere- Cleary is exemplary of the type of achieve- miah Lowney of Norwich, Connecticut. f ment that can be attained with hard work and I am pleased that the White House is hon- HONORING MARY O’RIORDAN, PAR- perseverance. It is essential students at all oring Jeremiah Lowney as a Champion of ENT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION levels strive to make the most of their edu- Change, which is a well deserved honor. On COUNTY OF SONOMA cation and develop a work ethic which will April 5, 2013 Jerry was honored with 11 other guide them for the rest of their lives. Rotary International Members that have im- I extend my deepest congratulations to proved the lives of thousands both in the HON. MIKE THOMPSON James Cleary for winning the Arvada Wheat United States and abroad. For over thirty OF CALIFORNIA Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. years, Jeremiah ‘‘Jerry’’ Lowney has success- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- fully applied his exceptional skills in ortho- cation and character in all of his future accom- dontia and medicine to helping those living in Wednesday, April 10, 2013 plishments. some of the world’s most inhospitable condi- Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, tions. After cultivating a fruitful career as an I rise today to recognize Mary O’Riordan, who f orthodontist, Jerry became focused on pro- is retiring after nine years as President of the REMEMBERING THE LEGACY OF viding the most basic and necessary health Parent Hospital Association (PHA) at Sonoma POLISH PRESIDENT LECH services to those who needed it more than al- Developmental Center. KACZYNSKI most anyone in the world: the citizens of Port- Ms. O’Riordan dedicated her life to serving au-Prince, Haiti. In doing so, Jerry selflessly persons with developmental disabilities. As prioritized his own health concerns below President of PSA, she was in constant contact HON. MICHELE BACHMANN those of his future patients: he was recovering with state legislators in Sacramento and fed- OF MINNESOTA from surgery and radiation following treatment eral representatives in Washington, DC, trav- of a rare form of cancer when he embarked eling multiple times to both capitals to advo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on his first mission trip to Haiti in 1982. cate on behalf of association members. She Wednesday, April 10, 2013 After dedicating three years of service to- also served six years on the board of directors ward Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity pro- of VOR, the national advocacy group for per- Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, three years viding free dental care to Haitians in Port-au- sons with developmental disabilities. ago, the Air Force TU 154 plane carrying Pol- Prince, Jerry was asked by Mother Teresa to ish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria, Ms. O’Riordon’s advocacy is rooted in her branch out to Jeromie, a rural city in South- and 94 other top Polish officials crashed near personal experience. Michael, the second of western Haiti suffering from severe defi- Smolensk, Russia. The delegation had been her four sons, was severally disabled and ciencies in both the quality and availability of on their way to Katyn to commemorate the lived at Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC) health care. Jerry’s tireless efforts led what deaths of 4400 Polish Army officers who were until his death in January 2011. It was his ex- was initially a small outreach group to blossom ruthlessly executed by the Soviets in 1943. periences at SDC, the place he called home, into the Haitian Health Foundation (HHF), a that led her to champion the institution, its In the 1970s, Kaczynski, a staunch anti- stalwart organization that has offered health staff and its residents. communist, made a name for himself as an care services to Jeromie and over 100 of the Ms. O’Riordon was passionate about her underground oppositionist, and, in 1980, when rural and remote mountain villages which sur- the Solidarity workers’ union was founded, he round it. calling, stating, ‘‘I look forward to the day when every family—those who have a devel- assisted in the Gdansk Shipyard strike and Though the Foundation’s successes are in- later served as the group’s legal adviser. In numerable in quantity, some recent highlights opmentally disabled child and those who do not—are equally involved, engaged and con- 1981, after the imposition of the martial law, include: a 90 percent immunization rate, al- he was put in prison. most 100 percent reduction in diarrhea deaths, cerned about the special needs of our devel- In free Poland, Kaczynski served many a national award for Vitamin A program which opmentally disabled citizens and to the day roles—Senator, Mayor of Warsaw, Attorney prevents child blindness, and a reduction in when all legislators have their needs on the General, Minister of Justice, and, in 2001, he childhood deaths from bacterial pneumonia by top of their list of priorities.’’ was elected President. more than 50 percent. In addition, the HHF In addition to her advocacy on behalf of maintains programs which distribute hot meals SDC, Ms. O’Riordon was the administrative President Kaczynski was always supportive and take-home food for thousands of malnour- assistant for the Deputy Chief of Administra- of strong Poland–U.S. relations, and was ished children, as well as a family sponsorship tion at the San Francisco Fire Department for skeptical of close relations with the German/ program that sends thousands of children to 35 years. In this capacity, she was honored by French dominated European Union. Kaczynski school each year. the San Francisco Board of Supervisors for rightly feared that reliance on Russian energy As a recipient of dozens of humanitarian her outstanding service. supplies would inhibit sober evaluation of Rus- awards, Jerry’s efforts have certainly not gone Mr. Speaker, Mary O’Riordan has a long sian policies at home and abroad. unrecognized. Yet despite his philanthropic ac- and distinguished career in service to others, Americans appreciate our country’s alliance complishments, Jerry has never lost his quiet, most notably to our developmentally disabled with this great nation in the ongoing fight for humble sense of duty and compassion for population. Her tireless commitment to her freedom across the world. Today, three years those less fortunate. Jerry’s unwavering deter- community is apparent and it is therefore ap- after the tragic crash, we stand in solidarity mination, skills, and philanthropic nature have propriate that we acknowledge her today and with the people of Poland and mourn the loss led him to extraordinary success in one of the wish her well in her retirement as President of of their President and countrymen. world’s most impoverished regions. His ac- the Parent Hospital Association.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.031 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E419 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS peaceful and credible resolution of Committee on Homeland Security and Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, electoral disputes in the courts, the Governmental Affairs nomination of Jacob J. Lew, of New To hold hearings to examine the Presi- agreed to by the Senate of February 4, York, to be United States Governor of dent’s proposed budget request for fis- 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- the International Monetary Fund, cal year 2014 for the Department of tem for a computerized schedule of all United States Governor of the Inter- Homeland Security. meetings and hearings of Senate com- national Bank for Reconstruction and SD–342 mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Development, United States Governor Committee on Small Business and Entre- tees, and committees of conference. of the Inter-American Development preneurship This title requires all such committees Bank, and United States Governor of To hold hearings to examine the Presi- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily the European Bank for Reconstruction dent’s proposed budget request for fis- and Development, and lists in the For- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- cal year 2014 for the Small Business eign Service. Administration. mittee—of the time, place and purpose S–116 SR–428A of the meetings, when scheduled and 2:30 p.m. 2 p.m. any cancellations or changes in the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Committee on Armed Services meetings as they occur. Transportation Subcommittee on Personnel As an additional procedure along To hold hearings to examine aviation To hold hearings to examine the Active, with the computerization of this infor- safety, focusing on the Federal Avia- Guard, Reserve, and civilian personnel mation, the Office of the Senate Daily tion Administration’s (FAA) progress programs in review of the Defense Au- Digest will prepare this information for on key safety initiatives. thorization Request for fiscal year 2014 SR–253 printing in the Extensions of Remarks and the Future Years Defense Pro- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- gram. section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD sources SR–232A on Monday and Wednesday of each Subcommittee on Water and Power 2:30 p.m. week. To hold hearings to examine S. 211, to Committee on Appropriations Meetings scheduled for Thursday, amend certain definitions contained in Subcommittee on Energy and Water Devel- April 11, 2013 may be found in the Daily the Provo River Project Transfer Act opment Digest of today’s record. for purposes of clarifying certain prop- To hold hearings to examine proposed erty descriptions, S. 284, a bill to trans- budget estimates for fiscal year 2014 for fer certain facilities, easements, and MEETINGS SCHEDULED the National Nuclear Security Admin- rights-of-way to Fort Sumner Irriga- istration. APRIL 15 tion District, New Mexico, S. 510, to SD–192 2:30 p.m. authorize the Secretary of the Interior Committee on Armed Services Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to convey certain interests in Federal Subcommittee on Strategic Forces To hold hearings to examine the Presi- land acquired for the Scofield Project To hold hearings to examine nuclear in Carbon County, Utah S. 659, to reau- dent’s proposed budget request for fis- forces and policies in review of the De- thorize the Reclamation States Emer- cal year 2014 for Veterans’ Programs. fense Authorization Request for fiscal gency Drought Relief Act of 1991, S. SR–418 year 2014 and the Future Years Defense J.Res. 12, to consent to certain amend- Program; to be immediately followed ments enacted by the legislature of the APRIL 16 by a closed session SVC–217. State of Hawaii to the Hawaiian Homes SR–222 9:30 a.m. Commission, Act, 1920 and H.R. 316, to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Committee on Armed Services reinstate and transfer certain hydro- Transportation To hold hearings to examine the situa- electric licenses and extend the dead- To hold hearings to examine the future tion in Afghanistan. line for commencement of construction SH–216 of certain hydroelectric projects. of passenger rail, focusing on what’s 9:45 a.m. SD–366 next for the Northeast Corridor. Committee on Foreign Relations Committee on the Judiciary SR–253 Subcommittee on African Affairs Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Committee on the Judiciary To hold hearings to examine ongoing Policy and Consumer Rights To hold hearings to examine comprehen- conflict in Eastern Congo. To hold an oversight hearing to examine sive immigration reform legislation. SD–419 the enforcement of the antitrust laws. SD–226 10 a.m. SD–226 Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Select Committee on Intelligence APRIL 18 sources To hold closed hearings to examine cer- 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the Presi- tain intelligence matters. Joint Economic Committee dent’s proposed budget request for fis- SH–219 To hold hearings to examine the Federal cal year 2014 for the Forest Service. 3 p.m. Reserve System at 100, focusing on SD–366 Committee on the Budget monetary policy. Committee on Finance To hold hearings to examine the Presi- SH–216 To hold hearings to examine tax fraud dent’s proposed budget and revenue re- 10 a.m. and tax identity theft, focusing on quest for fiscal year 2014. Committee on Armed Services moving forward with solutions. SD–608 To hold hearings to examine the current SD–215 and future worldwide threats to the na- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, APRIL 17 tional security of the United States; and Pensions 9:30 a.m. with the possibility of a closed session To hold hearings to examine college af- Committee on Armed Services in SVC–217 following the open session. fordability. To hold hearings to examine the Defense SD–106 SD–430 Authorization Request for fiscal year Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Committee on the Judiciary 2014 and the Future Years Defense Pro- sources Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil gram; to be immediately followed by a To hold hearings to examine the Presi- Rights and Human Rights briefing on the situation in Syria. dent’s proposed budget request for fis- To hold hearings to examine drone wars, SH–216 cal year 2014 for the Department of En- focusing on the constitutional and 10 a.m. ergy. counterterrorism implications of tar- Committee on Appropriations SD–366 geted killing. Subcommittee on Departments of Labor, 2:30 p.m. SD–226 Health and Human Services, and Edu- Committee on Armed Services 2:15 p.m. cation, and Related Agencies Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Committee on Foreign Relations To hold hearings to examine proposed Capabilities Business meeting to consider S. 657, to budget estimates for fiscal year 2014 for To hold hearings to examine the role of eliminate conditions in foreign prisons the Department of Education. the Department of Defense science and and other detention facilities that do SD–138 technology enterprise for innovation not meet primary indicators of health, Committee on Finance and affordability in review of the De- sanitation, and safety, S. Res. 90, To hold hearings to examine the Presi- fense Authorization Request for fiscal standing with the people of Kenya fol- dent’s proposed budget request for fis- year 2014 and the Future Years Defense lowing their national and local elec- cal year 2014. Program. tions on March 4, 2013, and urging a SD–215 SR–232A

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M10AP8.000 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 Committee on Armed Services shore Recreational Area, S. 507, to es- tee’s jurisdiction of the proposed Na- Subcommittee on Readiness and Manage- tablish the Manhattan Project Na- tional Defense Authorization Act for ment Support tional Historical Park in Oak Ridge, fiscal year 2014. To hold hearings to examine the current Tennessee, Los Alamos, New Mexico, SD–G50 readiness of U.S. forces in review of the and Hanford, Washington, and S. 615, to 11 a.m. Defense Authorization Request for fis- establish Coltsville National Historical Committee on Armed Services cal year 2014 and the Future Years De- Park in the State of Connecticut. Subcommittee on Readiness and Manage- fense Program. SD–366 ment Support SR–222 Business meeting to markup those provi- Select Committee on Intelligence APRIL 24 sions which fall under the subcommit- To hold closed hearings to examine cer- 10 a.m. tain intelligence matters. tee’s jurisdiction of the proposed Na- Committee on Armed Services tional Defense Authorization Act for SH–219 Subcommittee on Personnel fiscal year 2014. To resume hearings to examine the Ac- APRIL 23 tive, Guard, Reserve, and civilian per- SD–G50 9:30 a.m. sonnel programs in review of the De- 2 p.m. Committee on Armed Services fense Authorization Request for fiscal Committee on Armed Services To hold hearings to examine the Depart- year 2014 and the Future Years Defense Subcommittee on Personnel ment of the Army in review of the De- Program. Business meeting to markup those provi- fense Authorization Request for fiscal SR–222 sions which fall under the subcommit- year 2014 and the Future Years Defense 2:30 p.m. tee’s jurisdiction of the proposed Na- Program. Committee on Armed Services tional Defense Authorization Act for SD–106 Subcommittee on Readiness and Manage- fiscal year 2014. 10 a.m. ment Support SD–G50 Committee on Energy and Natural Re- To hold hearings to examine military 3:30 p.m. sources construction, environmental, and base Committee on Armed Services To hold hearings to examine S. 306, to closure programs in review of the De- Subcommittee on Strategic Forces authorize all Bureau of Reclamation fense Authorization Request for fiscal Closed business meeting to markup those conduit facilities for hydropower devel- year 2014 and the Future Years Defense provisions which fall under the sub- opment under Federal Reclamation Program. committee’s jurisdiction of the pro- law, S. 545, to improve hydropower, and SR–232A an original bill to promote energy sav- posed National Defense Authorization ings in residential and commercial APRIL 25 Act for fiscal year 2014. SR–232A buildings and industry. 9:30 a.m. 6 p.m. SD–366 Committee on Armed Services 2:30 p.m. To hold hearings to examine the Depart- Committee on Armed Services Committee on Energy and Natural Re- ment of the Navy in review of the De- Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and sources fense Authorization Request for fiscal Capabilities To hold hearings to examine S. 59, to des- year 2014 and the Future Years Defense Closed business meeting to markup those ignate a Distinguished Flying Cross Program; with the possibility of a provisions which fall under the sub- National Memorial at the March Field closed session in SVC–217 following the committee’s jurisdiction of the pro- Air Museum in Riverside, California, S. open session. posed National Defense Authorization 155, to designate a mountain in the SD–106 Act for fiscal year 2014. State of Alaska as Denali, S. 156, to SR–232A allow for the harvest of gull eggs by MAY 7 the Huna Tlingit people within Glacier 9:30 a.m. JUNE 12 Bay National Park in the State of Committee on Armed Services Alaska, S. 219, to establish the Susque- 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the Depart- hanna Gateway National Heritage Area Committee on Armed Services ment of the Air Force in review of the in the State of Pennsylvania, S. 225, to Subcommittee on SeaPower Defense Authorization Request for fis- authorize the Secretary of the Interior Closed business meeting to markup those cal year 2014 and the Future Years De- to conduct a study of alternatives for provisions which fall under the sub- fense Program. commemorating and interpreting the committee’s jurisdiction of the pro- SH–216 role of the Buffalo Soldiers in the early posed National Defense Authorization years of the National Parks, S. 228, to MAY 8 Act for fiscal year 2014. establish the Sacramento-San Joaquin SR–222 9:30 a.m. Delta National Heritage Area, S. 285, to 2:30 p.m. Committee on Armed Services designate the Valles Caldera National Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Airland Preserve as a unit of the National Park Closed business meeting to markup the System, S. 305, to authorize the acqui- To hold hearings to examine Army mod- proposed National Defense Authoriza- sition of core battlefield land at Cham- ernization in review of the Defense Au- tion Act for fiscal year 2014. pion Hill, Port Gibson, and Raymond thorization Request for fiscal year 2014 for addition to Vicksburg National and the Future Years Defense Pro- SR–222 Military Park, S. 349, to amend the gram. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to des- SR–222 JUNE 13 ignate a segment of the Beaver, Committee on Armed Services 9:30 a.m. Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Subcommittee on SeaPower Committee on Armed Services Rivers in the States of Connecticut and To hold hearings to examine Navy ship- Closed business meeting to continue to Rhode Island for study for potential ad- building programs in review of the De- markup the proposed National Defense fense Authorization Request for fiscal dition to the National Wild and Scenic Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014. year 2014 and the Future Years Defense Rivers System, S. 371, to establish the SR–222 Blackstone River Valley National His- Program. SR–232A torical Park, to dedicate the Park to JUNE 14 John H. Chafee, S. 476, to amend the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Develop- JUNE 11 9:30 a.m. ment Act to extend to the Chesapeake 9:30 a.m. Committee on Armed Services and Ohio Canal National Historical Committee on Armed Services Closed business meeting to continue to Park Commission, S. 486, to authorize Subcommittee on Airland markup the proposed National Defense pedestrian and motorized vehicular ac- Business meeting to markup those provi- Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014. cess in Cape Hatteras National Sea- sions which fall under the subcommit- SR–222

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M10AP8.000 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Daily Digest

HIGHLIGHTS Senate confirmed the nomination of Sarah Jewell, of Washington, to be Secretary of the Interior. Senate which was referred to the Committees on Appropria- Chamber Action tions; and the Budget. (PM–7) Pages S2559–62 Routine Proceedings, pages S2511–S2569 Nomination Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- Measures Introduced: Eleven bills and two resolu- lowing nomination: tions were introduced, as follows: S. 692–702, S. By 87 yeas to 11 nays (Vote No. EX. 94), Sarah Res. 95, and S. Con. Res. 12. Page S2564 Jewell, of Washington, to be Secretary of the Inte- Measures Passed: rior. Pages S2542–47, S2569 National Lineman Appreciation Day: Senate Messages from the House: Page S2562 agreed to S. Res. 95, recognizing linemen, the pro- Measures Referred: Page S2562 fession of linemen, the contributions of these brave Measures Placed on the Calendar: men and women who protect the public safety, and expressing support for the designation of April 18, Pages S2511, S2562 2013, as National Lineman Appreciation Day. Executive Communications: Pages S2562–64 Page S2569 Executive Reports of Committees: Page S2564 Measures Considered: Additional Cosponsors: Pages S2564–65 Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act—Agreement: Senate Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: continued consideration of the motion to proceed to Pages S2565–68 consideration of S. 649, to ensure that all individuals Additional Statements: Page S2559 who should be prohibited from buying a firearm are listed in the national instant criminal background Authorities for Committees to Meet: check system and require a background check for Pages S2568–69 every firearm sale. Pages S2512–42, S2547–51 Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached (Total—94) Page S2547 providing for further consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill at approximately Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, April 11, 2013; that the adjourned at 6:45 p.m., until 9:30 a.m. on Thurs- time until 11 a.m. be equally divided and controlled day, April 11, 2013. (For Senate’s program, see the between the two Leaders, or their designees, with remarks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on Senators permitted to speak therein for up to ten page S2569.) minutes, and that upon the use or yielding back of time, Senate vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Committee Meetings the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill. (Committees not listed did not meet) Page S2569 Message from the President: Senate received the NOMINATION following message from the President of the United Committee on the Budget: Committee concluded a hear- States: ing to examine the nomination of Sylvia Mathews Transmitting, pursuant to law, the Budget of the Burwell, of West Virginia, to be Director of the Of- United States Government for Fiscal Year 2014; re- fice of Management and Budget, after the nominee, ferred jointly, pursuant to the order of January 30, who was introduced by Senator Manchin, testified 1975 as modified by the order of April 11, 1986; and answered questions in her own behalf. D289

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Sep 13, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 J:\CRONLINE\2013-BATCH-APR\2013 NEW REC FILES\D10AP3.REC D10AP3 bjneal on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST April 10, 2013

AMERICAN FREIGHT AND The nomination of Jenny R. Yang, of the District INFRASTRUCTURE of Columbia, to be a Member of the Equal Employ- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: ment Opportunity Commission. Committee concluded a hearing to examine expand- ing the Panama Canal, focusing on what it means for INDIAN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT American freight and infrastructure, after receiving Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded an testimony from Jeff Keever, Virginia Port Authority, oversight hearing to examine identifying barriers to Senior Deputy Executive Director, Norfolk; John Indian housing development and finding solutions, Vickerman, Vickerman and Associates, Williams- after receiving testimony from Rodger J. Boyd, Dep- burg, Virginia; Edward R. Hamberger, Association uty Assistant Secretary, Office of Native American of American Railroads, Washington, DC; and Philip Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing, De- L. Byrd, Sr., Bulldog Hiway Express, Arlington, Vir- partment of Housing and Urban Development; ginia, on behalf of The American Trucking Associa- Cheryl A. Causley, National American Indian Hous- tions. ing Council, Washington, DC; Annette Bryan, Puy- INTELLIGENCE UPDATE ON SYRIA allup Nation Housing Authority, Tacoma, Wash- Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee received a ington; Paul Iron Cloud, Oglala Sioux (Lakota) closed briefing on an intelligence update on Syria Housing, Pine Ridge, South Dakota; and Russell from national security briefers. Sossamon, Choctaw National Housing Authority, Durant, Oklahoma. BORDER SECURITY Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- NOMINATION fairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a border security, focusing on frontline perspectives on hearing to examine the nomination of Srikanth progress and remaining challenges, after receiving Srinivasan, of Virginia, to be United States Circuit testimony from Randolph Alles, Assistant Commis- Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, after the sioner, Office of Air and Marine, Michael J. Fisher, nominee, who was introduced by Senators Warner Chief, United States Border Patrol, and Kevin and Kaine, testified and answered questions in his McAleenan, Acting Deputy Commissioner, all of own behalf. United States Customs and Border Protection, and James A. Dinkins, Executive Associate Director, TAX-RELATED IDENTITY THEFT Homeland Security Investigations, United States Im- migration and Customs Enforcement, all of the De- Special Committee on Aging: Committee concluded a partment of Homeland Security. hearing to examine tax-related identity theft, focus- ing on an epidemic facing seniors and taxpayers, BUSINESS MEETING after receiving testimony from Kathryn Keneally, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Assistant Attorney General, Tax Division, Depart- Committee ordered favorably reported the following ment of Justice; J. Russell George, Treasury Inspec- business items: tor General for Tax Administration, Department of S. 689, Mental Health Awareness and Improve- the Treasury; Sal Augeri, Tampa Police Department, ment Act of 2013, with an amendment in the nature Tampa, Florida; and Marcy Hossli, Palm Beach, of a substitute; and Florida. h House of Representatives Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: Chamber Action H. Res. 146, providing for consideration of the Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 29 pub- bill (H.R. 1120) to prohibit the National Labor Re- lic bills, H.R. 1454–1482; and 7 resolutions, H. lations Board from taking any action that requires a Con. Res. 29–30; and H.Res. 145, 147–150 were quorum of the members of the Board until such introduced. Pages H1908–09 time as Board constituting a quorum shall have been Additional Cosponsors: Pages H1910–12 confirmed by the Senate, the Supreme Court issues

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:21 Sep 13, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 J:\CRONLINE\2013-BATCH-APR\2013 NEW REC FILES\D10AP3.REC D10AP3 bjneal on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D291 a decision on the constitutionality of the appoint- vious question was ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of ments to the Board made in January 2012, or the 236 yeas to 190 nays, Roll No. 93. Pages H1874–78 adjournment sine die of the first session of the 113th Presidential Message: Read a message from the Congress (H. Rept. 113–32). President wherein he transmitted to Congress his Pages H1899–H1900, H1908 Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he Year 2014—referred to the Committee on Appro- appointed Representative Ribble to act as Speaker priations and ordered to be printed (H. Doc. 113–3). pro tempore for today. Page H1863 Pages H1890–92 Recess: The House recessed at 10:56 a.m. and re- Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes convened at 12 noon. Page H1869 and one recorded vote developed during the pro- Electing Members to the Joint Committee of ceedings of today and appear on pages H1877–78, Congress on the Library and the Joint Com- H1887–88, H1889, H1889–90. There were no mittee on Printing: The House agreed to discharge quorum calls. from committee and agree to H. Res. 142, to elect Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- Members to the Joint Committee of Congress on the journed at 6:42 p.m. Library and the Joint Committee on Printing. Page H1878 Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydro- Committee Meetings power Development and Rural Jobs Act: The House passed H.R. 678, to authorize all Bureau of APPROPRIATIONS—U.S. PACIFIC Reclamation conduit facilities for hydropower devel- COMMAND AND U.S. FORCES KOREA opment under Federal Reclamation law, by a yea- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense and-nay vote of 416 yeas to 7 nays, Roll No. 96. held a hearing on U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Pages H1874–78, H1878–90 Forces Korea. Testimony was heard from Admiral Rejected the Garamendi motion to recommit the Samuel J. Locklear III, U.S. Navy, Commander, bill to the Committee on Natural Resources with in- United States Pacific Command; General James D. structions to report the same back to the House Thurman, U.S. Army, Commander, United Nations forthwith with an amendment, by a yea-and-nay vote Command; Commander, Republic of Korea-United of 194 yeas to 226 nays, Roll No. 95. Pages H1888–89 States Combined Forces Command; and Commander Agreed to: Tipton amendment (No. 3 printed in the Con- United States Forces Korea. gressional Record of April 9, 2013) that requires the Bureau of Reclamation to apply its categorical exclu- APPROPRIATIONS—CAPITOL POLICE sion process under the National Environmental Pol- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Legisla- icy Act of 1969 to small conduit hydropower devel- tive Branch held a hearing on U.S. Capitol Police. opment, excluding siting of associated transmission Testimony was heard from Chief Kim Dine, Chief of facilities on Federal lands and Pages H1884–85 Police. Tipton amendment (No. 2 printed in the Con- gressional Record of April 9, 2013) that makes tech- APPROPRIATIONS—SMALL BUSINESS nical changes relating to policy and procedure-set- ADMINISTRATION OVERSIGHT ting with respect to irrigation districts or water Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Finan- users associations. Pages H1886–87 cial Services and General Government held a hearing Rejected: on Small Business Administration Oversight. Testi- Napolitano amendment (No. 1 printed in the mony was heard from Peggy Gustafson, Inspector Congressional Record of April 9, 2013) that sought General, Small Business Administration. to strike the paragraph in the bill containing re- quirements regarding the application of the National APPROPRIATIONS—REGULATORY Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to small conduit hydropower development and to change the defini- APPROACHES TO FOSTER ECONOMIC tion of small conduit hydropower to mean a facility GROWTH capable of producing 15 megawatts or less of electric Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, capacity (by a recorded vote of 189 ayes to 232 noes, Health and Human Services, and Education held a Roll No. 94). Pages H1885–86, H1887–88 hearing entitled ‘‘Regulatory Approaches to Foster H. Res. 140, the rule providing for consideration Economic Growth’’. Testimony was heard from pub- of the bill, was agreed to by voice vote after the pre- lic witnesses.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:21 Sep 13, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 J:\CRONLINE\2013-BATCH-APR\2013 NEW REC FILES\D10AP3.REC D10AP3 bjneal on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST April 10, 2013 MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH EXAMINING CREDIT UNION REGULATORY Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Mili- BURDENS tary Personnel held a hearing on mental health re- Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Fi- search. Testimony was heard from Jonathan Wood- nancial Institutions held a hearing entitled ‘‘Exam- son, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Af- ining Credit Union Regulatory Burdens’’. Testimony fairs, U.S. Department of Defense; Lieutenant Gen- was heard from public witnesses. eral Patricia D. Horoho, USA, Surgeon General, U.S. LUXURY JETS AND EMPTY PRISONS: Army; Vice Admiral Matthew L. Nathan, MC, USN, WASTEFUL AND DUPLICATIVE SPENDING Surgeon General, U.S. Navy; Lieutenant General AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Thomas W. Travis, USAF, Surgeon General, U.S. Air Force; and Commander Russell B. Carr, M.D., Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, USN, Service Chief, Adult Behavioral Health Clinic, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, U.S. held a hearing entitled ‘‘Luxury Jets and Empty Navy. Prisons: Wasteful and Duplicative Spending at the Department of Justice’’. Testimony was heard from REVIEWING STEM EDUCATION IN Senator Coburn; Lee J. Lofthus, Assistant Attorney AMERICA General for Administration, Department of Justice; Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General, Department Committee on Education and the Workforce: Sub- of Justice, David C. Maurer, Director, Homeland Se- committee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Sec- curity and Justice, Government Accountability Of- ondary Education held a hearing entitled ‘‘Raising fice; and public witnesses. the Bar: Reviewing STEM Education in America’’. Testimony was heard from George A. Scott, Director U.S. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE: WHAT for Education, Workforce, and Income Security OVERSIGHT MECHANISMS ARE IN PLACE Issues, Government Accountability Office; and pub- TO ENSURE ACCOUNTABILITY lic witnesses. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Full Committee held a hearing entitled ‘‘U.S. Foreign As- NORTHERN ROUTE APPROVAL ACT sistance: What Oversight Mechanisms are in Place to Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Ensure Accountability?’’. Testimony was heard from Energy and Power held a hearing on H.R. 3, the Harold W. Geisel, Deputy Inspector General, De- ‘‘Northern Route Approval Act’’. Testimony was partment of State; Kenneth Moorefield, Deputy In- heard from public witnesses. spector General for Special Plans and Operations, Department of Defense; Michael G. Carroll, Deputy OUR NATION OF BUILDERS: POWERING Inspector General, Agency for International Develop- U.S. AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURING ment; John F. Sopko, Special Inspector General for FORWARD Afghanistan Reconstruction; Paul Cooksey, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade held a hearing AHEAD OF POSTAL REFORM: HEARING entitled ‘‘Our Nation of Builders: Powering U.S. FROM USPS BUSINESS PARTNERS Automobile Manufacturing Forward’’. Testimony Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- was heard from public witnesses. committee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Serv- ice, and the Census held a hearing entitled ‘‘Ahead MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE of Postal Reform: Hearing from USPS Business Part- Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on ners’’. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Communications and Technology began a markup PREVENTING GREATER UNCERTAINTY IN on legislation to affirm the policy of the United LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS ACT States regarding Internet governance. Committee on Rules: Full Committee held a hearing on H.R. 1120, the ‘‘Preventing Greater Uncertainty in SUSTAINABLE HOUSING FINANCE: Labor-Management Relations Act’’. The Committee PERSPECTIVES ON REFORMING THE FHA granted, by record vote of 7–3, a closed rule for Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on H.R. 1120. The rule provides one hour of general Housing and Insurance held a hearing entitled ‘‘Sus- debate equally divided and controlled by the chair tainable Housing Finance: Perspectives on Reform- and ranking minority member of the Committee on ing the FHA’’. Testimony was heard from public Education and the Workforce. The rule waives all witnesses. points of order against consideration of the bill. The

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:21 Sep 13, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 J:\CRONLINE\2013-BATCH-APR\2013 NEW REC FILES\D10AP3.REC D10AP3 bjneal on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D293 rule provides that an amendment in the nature of a for certain activities by individuals receiving edu- substitute consisting of the text of the Rules Com- cational assistance by the Secretary of Veterans Af- mittee Print 113–6 shall be considered as adopted. fairs. Testimony was heard from Curtis L. Coy, Dep- The bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. uty Under Secretary for Economic Opportunity, Vet- The rule waives all points of order against provisions erans Benefits Administration, Department of Vet- in the bill, as amended. The rule provides one mo- erans Affairs; Susan Kelly, Deputy Director, Transi- tion to recommit with or without instructions. Tes- tion to Veterans Program Office, Department of De- timony was heard from Chairman Kline and Rep- fense; Keith Kelly, Assistant Secretary, Veterans’ resentative Andrews. Employment and Training Service, Department of REVIEW OF PRIVATE SECTOR EFFORTS TO Labor; and public witnesses. TRACK AND MITIGATE ASTEROIDS AND SUSTAINING THE SACRED TRUST: AN METEORS UPDATE ON OUR NATIONAL CEMETERIES Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on Dis- mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Threats from Space, ability and Memorial Affairs held a hearing entitled Part II: A Review of Private Sector Efforts to Track ‘‘Sustaining the Sacred Trust: An Update on our Na- and Mitigate Asteroids and Meteors’’. Testimony was tional Cemeteries’’. Testimony was heard from Steve heard from public witnesses. L. Muro, Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs, Na- SMALL BUSINESS TAX REFORM: GROWTH tional Cemetery Administration, Department of Vet- THROUGH SIMPLICITY erans Affairs; Kathryn Condon, Executive Director of Army National Cemeteries Program, Department of Committee on Small Business: Full Committee held a Defense; Raymond Wollman, Deputy Secretary, hearing entitled ‘‘Small Business Tax Reform: American Battle Monuments Commission; Linda Growth Through Simplicity’’. Testimony was heard Halliday, Assistant Inspector General for Audits and from Chairman Camp; and public witnesses. Evaluations, Department of Veterans Affairs Office UPDATE OF EFFORTS TO COMBAT PIRACY of Inspector General; and public witnesses. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Sub- ABILITY OF THE GOVERNMENT TO committee on Coast Guard and Maritime held a PRIORITIZE ITS OBLIGATIONS SHOULD hearing on the efforts to combat piracy. Testimony THE U.S. TREASURY REACH ITS was heard from Rear Admiral Servidio, Assistant STATUTORY DEBT LIMIT Commandant for Prevention Policy, United States Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Coast Guard; Rear Admiral Joseph Kuzmick, Direc- Oversight held a hearing on examining the govern- tor, Operations and Plans, United States Navy; ment’s ability to prioritize its obligations and con- David Matsuda, Administrator, Maritime Adminis- tinue operations should the U.S. Treasury reach its tration; Thomas Kelly, Principal Deputy Assistant statutory debt limit. Testimony was heard from Rep- Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, De- resentatives Bachmann, McClintock, Scalise, partment of State; and a public witness. Schweikert, and Webster (FL). LEGISLATIVE MEASURES MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on Eco- House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Full nomic Opportunity held a hearing on H.R. 357, the Committee held a markup on H.R. 624, the ‘‘Cyber ‘‘GI Bill Tuition Fairness Act of 2013’’; H.R. 562, Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act’’. The bill the ‘‘VRAP Extension Act of 2013’’; H.R. 631, the was ordered reported, with amendments. ‘‘Servicemembers’ Choice in Transition Act of 2013’’; H.R. 844, the ‘‘VetSuccess Enhancement Act’’; H.R. Joint Meetings 1305, to amend title 38, United States Code, to pro- No joint committee meetings were held. vide clarification regarding eligibility for services under the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Pro- f gram; H.R. 1316, to amend title 38, United States COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, Code, to specify the responsibilities of the Directors APRIL 11, 2013 and Assistant Directors of Veterans’ Employment (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) and Training; H.R. 1402, the ‘‘Veterans Paralympic Act of 2013’’; H.R. 1453, the ‘‘Improving Job Op- Senate portunities for Veterans Act of 2013’’; and H.R. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Com- 1453 to amend title 39, United States Code, to ex- merce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, to hold tend the authority to provide work-study allowance hearings to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal

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year 2014 for the Department of Commerce, 10 a.m., Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related SD–192. Agencies, hearing on Department of the Interior Budget Subcommittee on Transportation and Housing and Request for Fiscal Year 2014, 1 p.m., B–308 Rayburn. Urban Development, and Related Agencies, to hold hear- Committee on Armed Services, Full Committee, hearing on ings to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal year Fiscal Year 2014 National Defense Authorization Budget 2014 for the Department of Housing and Urban Devel- Request from the Department of Defense, 10 a.m., 2118 opment, 10 a.m., SD–138. Rayburn. Committee on Armed Services: to hold hearings to examine Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, hear- the nomination of General Philip M. Breedlove, USAF for ing on Equipping the Individual Soldier and Marine: reappointment to the grade of general and to be Com- Current and Future Year Acquisition and Modernization mander, United States European Command and Supreme Strategies and the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Request, 3:30 Allied Commander, Europe, 9:30 a.m., SD–G50. p.m., 2118 Rayburn. Full Committee, to receive a briefing on the situation Committee on the Budget, Full Committee, hearing enti- in Syria, 2:30 p.m., SD–G50. tled ‘‘The President’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budget’’, 10 a.m., Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Sub- 210 Cannon. committee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Pro- Committee on Education and the Workforce, Subcommittee tection, to hold hearings to examine outsourcing account- on Workforce Protections, hearing on H.R. 1406, the ability, focusing on examining the role of independent ‘‘Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013’’, 10 a.m., consultants, 10 a.m., SD–538. 2175 Rayburn. Committee on the Budget: to hold hearings to examine the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on President’s proposed budget request for fiscal year 2014, Health, hearing entitled ‘‘Strengthening Medicare for 2 p.m., SD–608. Seniors: Understanding the Challenges of Traditional Committee on Environment and Public Works: to hold hear- Medicare’s Benefit Design’’, 10 a.m., 2322 Rayburn. ings to examine the nomination of Regina McCarthy, of Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy, hear- Massachusetts, to be Administrator of the Environmental ing on a draft discussion on the ‘‘Coal Ash Recycling and Protection Agency, 10:30 a.m., SD–406. Oversight Act of 2013’’, 10:30 a.m., 2123 Rayburn. Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology President’s proposed budget request for fiscal year 2014, continued markup on legislation to affirm the policy of 2:30 p.m., SD–215. the United States regarding Internet governance, 2:15 Committee on Foreign Relations: to hold hearings to exam- p.m., 2123 Rayburn. ine United States policy toward Syria, 2:15 p.m., Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Capital SD–419. Markets, hearing entitled ‘‘Legislative Proposals Regard- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: to ing Derivatives and SEC Economic Analysis’’, 10 a.m., hold hearings to examine an open marketplace, focusing 2128 Rayburn. on the effect of guaranteed issue and new rating rules, 10 Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Africa, a.m., SD–430. Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider Organizations, hearing entitled ‘‘Highlighting Viet- the nominations of Kenneth John Gonzales, to be United namese Government Human Rights Violations in Ad- States District Judge for the District of New Mexico, vance of the U.S.-Vietnam Dialogue’’, 10 a.m., 2172 Gregory Alan Phillips, of Wyoming, to be United States Rayburn. Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit, and Karol Virginia Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa; Mason, of Georgia, to be an Assistant Attorney General, Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific; and Subcommittee Department of Justice, 10 a.m., SD–226. on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, hearing enti- Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to tled ‘‘Breaking the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nexus’’, examine certain intelligence matters, 2:30 p.m., SH–219. 2:30 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, hearing enti- House tled ‘‘Energy Opportunities in Latin America and the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Labor, Caribbean’’, 3 p.m., 2200 Rayburn. Health and Human Services, and Education, hearing on Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on the Department of Education, 10 a.m., 2358–C Rayburn. Counterterrorism and Intelligence, hearing entitled Subcommittee on Homeland Security, hearing on FY ‘‘Counterterrorism Efforts to Combat a Chemical, Biologi- 2014 Budget Request for the Department of Homeland cal, Radiological, and Nuclear Attack on the Homeland’’, Security, 10 a.m., 2359 Rayburn. 10 a.m., 311 Cannon. Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Subcommittee on Transportation Security, hearing en- hearing on Oversight Hearing: Nuclear Waste Programs titled ‘‘TSA’s Efforts to Advance Risk-Based Security: and Strategies, 10 a.m., 2362–B Rayburn. Stakeholder Perspectives’’, 1 p.m., 311 Cannon. Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Re- Committee on the Judiciary, Full Committee, markup on lated Agencies, Department of Commerce Budget Re- H.R. 367, the ‘‘Regulations From the Executive in Need quest, 1:30 p.m., 2359 Rayburn. of Scrutiny Act of 2013’’, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn.

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Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Public Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013’’, 10 a.m., Lands and Environmental Regulation, hearing on the fol- 2318 Rayburn. lowing: legislation regarding ‘‘Restoring Healthy Forests Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Investiga- for Healthy Communities Act’’; H.R. 1294, the ‘‘Self-Suf- tions, Oversight and Regulations, hearing entitled ‘‘JOBS ficient Community Lands Act’’; H.R. 818, the ‘‘Healthy Act Implementation Update’’, 10 a.m., 2360 Rayburn. Forest Management and Wildfire Prevention Act’’; H.R. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Sub- 1345, the ‘‘Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Act of committee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Mate- 2013’’; legislation regarding the ‘‘O&C Trust, Conserva- rials, hearing entitled ‘‘Amtrak’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budg- tion, and Jobs Act’’; and legislation regarding the ‘‘De- et: The Starting Point for Reauthorization’’, 10 a.m., pleting Risk from Insect Infestation, Soil Erosion, and 2167 Rayburn. Catastrophic Fire Act of 2013’’, 10 a.m., 1324 Long- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Full Committee, hearing worth. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Sub- on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Budget Request committee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service, and for Fiscal Year 2014, 10 a.m., 334 Cannon. the Census, hearing entitled ‘‘The Federal Employees Committee on Ways and Means, Full Committee, hearing Health Benefit Program: Is It a Good Value for Federal on President’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Proposal with Employees?’’, 10 a.m., 2154 Rayburn. U.S. Department of the Treasury, 10 a.m., 1100 Long- Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Full Com- worth. mittee, markup on H.R. 875, to provide for a com- House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence, Full prehensive assessment of the scientific and technical re- Committee, hearing entitled ‘‘Worldwide Threats’’, 10 search on the implications of the use of mid-level ethanol a.m., HVC–210. Portions of this meeting may close, blends, and for other purposes; and H.R. 1422, the ‘‘EPA HVC–304.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9:30 a.m., Thursday, April 11 10 a.m., Thursday, April 11

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Thursday: Begin consideration of H.R. ation of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 649, 1120—Preventing Greater Uncertainty in Labor-Manage- Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act, with a vote on the ment Relations Act (Subject to a Rule). motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill at approximately 11 a.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Farr, Sam, Calif., E405 Marchant, Kenny, Tex., E414 Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E417 Messer, Luke, Ind., E411 Alexander, Rodney, La.,E409 Gingrey, Phil, Ga., E409 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, D.C., E413 Bachmann, Michele, Minn., E418 Goodlatte, Bob, Va., E416 Perlmutter, Ed, Colo., E410, E411, E412, E413, E414, Barr, Andy, Ky., E412 Green, Gene, Tex., E414 E415, E416, E416, E417, E418 Bilirakis, Gus M., Fla., E411, E416 Higgins, Brian, N.Y., E406, E408 Peters, Gary C., Mich., E406 Brady, Robert A., Pa., E407, E411 Honda, Michael M., Calif., E417 Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E413 Brownley, Julia, Calif., E410 Issa, Darrell E., Calif., E412 Reed, Tom, N.Y., E414 Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E417 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E415 Capps, Lois, Calif., E405 Lowenthal, Alan S., Calif., E407 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Fla., E410 Christensen, Donna M., The Virgin Islands, E410 Lujan Grisham, Michelle, N.M., E411, E416 Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E409 Cohen, Steve, Tenn., E405 McCarthy, Carolyn, N.Y., E405 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E407 Courtney, Joe, Conn., E418 McCaul, Michael T., Tex., E406 Thompson, Mike, Calif., E417, E418 Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E415 McIntyre, Mike, N.C., E412 Waxman, Henry A., Calif., E408 Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E413 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E407, E411, E414 Wilson, Frederica S., Fla., E415

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