E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2013 No. 47 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was quester from the Budget Reconciliation light rail, jobs cut immediately. I called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Act and to go to regular order because spoke this weekend to FAA members, pore (Mr. RIBBLE). the people of the United States are air traffic controllers. Don’t think it’s f hurting, and even more so, I would say not being felt, and it will be felt more that they are crying. and more in the summer increase of DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO It’s very easy for us to be able to say travel because of $637 million in losses, TEMPORE there is no impact; we see no impact. I and almost $500 million of that is jobs. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- hope for those who have been in their We are in trouble. $512 million cut fore the House the following commu- districts for the last 2 weeks that they from Customs and Border Patrol over nication from the Speaker: will realize how inaccurate and untrue the international ports of entry. We’re WASHINGTON, DC, that is. In fact, it hurts me to see the talking about comprehensive immigra- April 10, 2013. pain in my constituents’ faces and tion reform and border security. I hereby appoint the Honorable REID J. homes because of sequester—a reckless There’s your border security—cutting RIBBLE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this scheme to move Congress to act and it the very personnel that are ensuring day. did not work. the security of America. That’s wrong- JOHN A. BOEHNER, Some will say whose fault it was, headed, and it’s time to stop now. Speaker of the House of Representatives. whose idea it was. We really don’t care But it really pains my heart, if you f because right now there are people who will, to see the cuts to those innocent have lost Head Start seats, whose par- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE families with those children in Head ents have been told their children can- Start, to see the cuts to workers who The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- not come back to school anymore. have done nothing other than to come ant to the order of the House of Janu- Grown men crying—grown men crying to work every morning, those Federal ary 3, 2013, the Chair will now recog- because their little one cannot go back workers, and the impact on contractors nize Members from lists submitted by to a Head Start class, and they have to the Department of Defense, work the majority and minority leaders for nowhere else for them to go. that is forward-thinking in dealing morning-hour debate. The WIC program that is so des- with technology, cut to the bone, The Chair will alternate recognition perately needed for women, infants, slashing employees. We will see the between the parties, with each party and children—cut to the bone. This is a surge of the economy going down. limited to 1 hour and each Member scheme that is long overdue for us to other than the majority and minority get rid of. This is not the fault of the adminis- leaders and the minority whip limited Food inspectors. Just recently, a food tration. This is the inaction of us in to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall business was shut down in my district. the United States Congress, and I debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. The thought of it is horrible. Many of think it is immediately necessary for f their products in our local grocery Speaker BOEHNER to put on the floor of stores. If we had not had food inspec- the House for a full debate H.R. 900, ELIMINATE THE SEQUESTER tors from the FDA, which we probably eliminate the sequester, simple sen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The won’t have anytime soon because tence, and go to regular order. Begin Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from they’re being slashed and eliminated, the process of the budget. Whether you Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. this product would still be on the mar- like this budget or that budget, begin Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, ket. $85 billion in cuts is too non- the appropriate process of appropria- most of us came here to this place to descript. tions, for if you don’t think that we’re serve the American people and to en- The Federal emergency management going to have one of the darkest sea- sure that the most powerful law-mak- under Homeland Security, $1 billion sons forthcoming, you wait and see ing body answers the needs and the being cut, which means those who are what $85 billion in reckless cuts means. cries of those who cannot speak for still suffering from Superstorm Sandy, It’s a trickle-down effect. You cannot themselves, and yet, as we languish in many of whom are homeless, 40,000 are recoup. Jobs will not come back, and those values, they may be more on still in hotel rooms in New York, they we were moving up, creating jobs. paper than they are in action. won’t be able to be helped. Everybody wants to point the finger I rise today to ask, maybe even Department of Transportation, $1.943 as to whose fault it is, and I believe it plead, that this House puts on the floor billion, and that means the New Starts, is something where we have to come H.R. 900, which is to eliminate the se- mobility, people waiting in line for together. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1863 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP7.000 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1864 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2013 I want to finish on the note that must get it right, because he’s in viola- Despite the media sideshows about medical research funded by the Na- tion of Federal regulators if he doesn’t the artificial sequestration crisis, the tional Institutes is also being cut, and get it right. major issues we have to address to fix we were number one in medical re- The doctors I’ve talked to say this is the budget and our current deficit are search. The time is now. Get rid of the an expensive distraction from treating spending on defense, health care, and sequester and help the American peo- patients. Well, no kidding. It’s red the tax system itself. ple. tape, it’s bureaucracy, and this is what Although the administration has f happens when clueless Big Government started us down a path to manage Pen- here in Washington starts telling peo- tagon spending in the future, we have BUREAUCRATIC CODESPEAK ple out in the workplace—doctors and barely scratched the surface. There are The SPEAKER pro tempore. The patients—what they must do. And too many unnecessary bases at home Chair recognizes the gentleman from when the government intrudes into our and abroad that should be phased down Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. lives with more regulations, the gov- or closed. There’s far too much in- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, let’s ernment continues to make things vested in an antiquated nuclear arsenal say I take one of my 10 grandkids, Bar- more complicated. It finds problems in that we haven’t used in 68 years and rett Houston, to a basketball game he every solution. contains many, many times more is playing in. He gets hit in the face Doctors are really in the business of weapons than we would ever need for with a basketball, so we go to the doc- helping the sick and the injured and deterrence. The $700 billion scheduled tor to see if his nose is broken. The saving lives. Do they really have the to be spent over the next 10 years must doctor asks Barrett Houston this ques- time and money to translate a com- be reduced dramatically. We have yet tion: Is this the first time you’ve been plicated 140,000-codebook when they di- to come to grips with the long-term hit in the face with a basketball, the agnose everything that happens? But costs of an all-volunteer Army and the second time, or do you have a habit of they don’t have a choice. If they right balance between reserve and reg- being hit in the face by a basketball? miscode, they do not get paid. Even ular forces. Until these fundamental issues are addressed, the challenges of Barrett says, I don’t know. Doctor more so, they face the threat of being the future are going to be difficult to says, I’ve got to know because, you see, fined by the Federal Government. I’ve got this codebook here, and the There’s more. To set up this new face because we spend too much time law requires that I make sure I put in 140,000-code philosophy, it’s going to and energy and money preparing for the conflicts of the past while we avoid the codebook the way you were hurt by cost an average single practitioner doc- hard budget reality.
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