Wednesday the Clinton Sex Scandal on Women Voters, the Family His First Album

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Wednesday the Clinton Sex Scandal on Women Voters, the Family His First Album ------------------ ---- • Fat Joe has a new album out. Find out if • Women's News takes a closer look at the effect of the hip-hop artist's second effort lives up to Wednesday the Clinton sex scandal on women voters, the family his first album. and Monica Lewinsky. SEPTEMBER Scene • 10-11 Women's News • 3 30, 1998 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's School violence a ENDING AN ND TRADITION? challenge for Camping-out for foot­ education majors ball tickets could be a By MFGHAN DONAIIUE thing of the past New; \XIrirn Vioii'IH"P in sdwols is a fast-growing problnm in By ERICA THESING today's sor.iPly- and it's turning up tlw prnssurn News Writer J'or lr•ariiPrs and Pduralion majors. llnyond inslrurling lr•arhr·rs in malhnmalirs, Camping out for football tiekots J·:nglish and srir•JH'<' in rlass. prr•sPnt and futurn could take on a new look rwxt year !Par·lwrs must IParn Llw lwsl ways to handll' stu­ aftm- concerns about alcohol consump­ dPnts who lash out or n•sort to violnn'('(• lll'rausP tion and safety were raised by Bill tlwy an· unahlr• to dr•al with frustrations and pnr­ Kirk, assistant vice pr!)Sidtmt for Hnsidence Life. sonallwndiraps. Thn alcohol committee of thr) ll<•lp with tlwl daunting lask is roming from tlw South lli'IHI Community Srhool Corporation. Tlw Campus Life Council ICJ.CI is examin­ ing thn f(>otball tickc)t distribution sys­ organization <TPatPd an PlnmPntary studPnt rodn of rondurl dPsignPd to n•gulatn studnnt bnhavior by tem and plans to makn a rncommen­ dation for changes to the council by outlin- Thanksgiving, according to Mickey i II g Doyle, off-campus snnator and eom­ slipula­ mittee chair. t i II n S ' I'M IN THIS [MAJOR] BECAUSE I The committee's investigation stems a n d LOVE KIDS AND THEY NEED r o n - from concerns expressml by the athlnt­ ic department and campus security Sl'!(lW­ HOPE. IF WE DON'T HELP THEM, after this year's ticket distribution at IH'I'S. WIIO KNOWS WHERE THEY'LL GO?' the Joyce Center, which involved stu­ I s s - dents camping out overnight. u () s "I couldn't in good conscience rec­ docu­ TIIISJJliAJG/1 ommend to the athletic department lll 1111 tl'fl that they continue the distribution rang<' without changes for next year," Kirk from said. lighting to drug possm;sion. Each violation has a contact Besides the alcohol consumption, the administration is especially concerned p<'rson to consult and a rncomnwtHiation for sus­ with student safety during the a.m. pPnsion or nxpulsion. Thnso rules arn made in 5 rush, as people begin crowding toward ordPr to protnr:t tlw students as well as the tnadwrs the ticket windows. and stall'. Kirk also expressed concern over the Though most Pl<'lllPnl.ary schools have social fairness of the systc1m. which allows work<'rs and psychologists on hand to hnlp deal with any situations that arisn. tho nnw code of con­ people to skip ahead in line and the durl is an additional nwasun1 to protnt:l students. large amounts of trash left outside the Joyce Center after the students leavn. tParlwrs and stall'. "I think students shared a lot of our "Tlwn• will always bn problnms in schools." said Trish llaigh, an nducation major at Saint Mary's concerns," Kirk said. "I think some Collngl'. "W<' Ill'<'d to look for thn signs, not just wait students wen~ embarrassed by the for a studnnl to nxplodn. I'm in this lmajorl because way the place looked." I low kids and llwy nnr•d lwpn. If wc1 don't help DoyiP agreed, adding that stud<mts are also concerned about the a.m. llwm. who knows wlwn1 tlwy'll go?'' 5 As a studnnl-t<1ariH·r of fourth gradn at a local rush. "l think everybody r<lalizns some­ srhool. llaigh said slw has dnalt with UIH1XJlOCtnd violr•JH'I' on a fr1w diffpn•nt ocrasions. Luckily, shn thing needs to bn changed," he said. "We're going to do our best to makn said. lhnn• an1 ouliPls within tlw community to lwlp kids wilh diflirultins - among tiH11ll, tho Madison sure the tradition is kept alivn and everyone can have fun." Child Can• CnntPr and Chartnr. llaigh rncalls an inridont not long ago when a see CAMP-OUT I page 6 see VIOLENCE I page 4 McCoy looks at personal ethics By JENNIFER COLEMAN two years in the army, McCoy entitled "Thn Parable of News Writer rnturned to school to complete Sadhu." flo encountered a r<1li­ a Masters in Business gious man. noar doath. in the Bowen McCoy, a retired Administration at llarvard snow. No group that passed managing partner of Morgan University. was willing to takn full respon­ Stanley & Co., Inc. spoke last In 1982, McCoy began study­ sibility for the man's safety. night in the first in the O'Hara ing ethics. As a result he creat­ McCoy, and eventually the Lecture Series in Business od a sabbatical program for rest of his group left the man. Ethics. His speech, entitled himself that could be devel­ The incident had such a signif­ "The~ parable of Sadhu," opf~d for others in tho company icant impact on McCoy that he focused on the challenge peo­ as well. For three months he reflected upon his actions in ple face in applying their own was in a total immersion expe­ business as well. It madP him ethical values to their business rience in the Himalayas with a reflect where hn stood on an practices. Bible, three companions, and ethical level. "Buzz" McCoy graduated basic survival tools. definition of a leader of The Observer/Ernesto Lacayo from Stanford University in An experience that happened the future tends to lend itself Bowen McCoy addressed challenges people in the business world 1958 with a bachelor's degree on his trip impacted him so face in applying their own ethics to their situations. in economics. After spending much that he wrote an article see MCCOY I page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Wednesday, September 30, 1998 • INSIDE COLUMN Ranting away utside the Dome Compiled from U-Wire reports Well, we haven't even made it through September before the complaining has begun here at Notre Dame. And I'm not talking Student receives early diploma as last dying wish about the perennial whimpering over the AUSTIN, Texas ~--------, which included the songs "Pomp and football. team,. either. 0 ustm· p . F erre II Cynthia Wilson's dying wish was to graduate Circumstance" and "The Eyes of Texas." The v1ewpomt page from the University of Texas. Wilson wore a cap and gown which she was writers and sidewalk Assistant Viewpoint Editor That dream came true just weeks before she later buried in. chalk artists are died at her home on Tuesday, Sept. 22. "It is the most meaningful graduation that I busier than ever, Wilson, 25, had been battling cervical cancer had ever attended and suspect I ever will finding plenty of gripes and complaints to since last Oct. when she was originally diag­ attend," White said. "inform" us about. nosed. She went through extensive chemother­ Wilson had one other wish, to see a UT foot­ Maybe this year we do have some legiti­ apy and was diagnosed as terminal in July. ball game. Friends made arrangements for her mate problems to deal with. Except for the Her graduation was made possible by a col­ to fly to Austin and sit in a skybox. idea of non-discrimination, the PSA hasn't laborative effort of the business school and the univer­ Unfortunately, by the time of the opening game she was found any of them yet. And even its slant on sity. Only nine hours short of her degree, the university too sick to attend, said her mother, Beverly Wilson. that issue is terribly flawed. Additionally, one awarded her a bachelor degree in business administra­ Wilson was a diehard football fan and UT Head Coach member recently wrote in The Observer on tion with a concentration in marketing. Mack Brown called her on the morning of her gradua­ how she planned to hold a vigil outside of the ''I'm very pleased to be associated with a university tion. ROTC building every Tuesday to pray for that would do so much for a student," said Susan "She was the type of fan that if the team wasn't doing peace. One might argue that we have peace White, assistant dean in the graduate school of busi­ well, she never left," Mrs. Wilson said. "She was there right now because we are not fighting a war. ness. yelling to the very end- she loved UT football." But that's just my opinion. I suppose we'll A special graduation ceremony was held in the Friends and family described Wilson as a fighter with just have to humor these shiny, happy protes­ Wilson's home in Houston on Sept. 3. Three UT officials a vivacious personality. Ann-Therese McAdams, tors for now. Speaking of PSA, a recent col­ -White, professor of business Linda Golden, and assis­ Wilson's best friend and roommate during her years at umn advocating "democratic socialism" tant professor of marketing Tomasz Lenartowicz - flew the university, said Wilson had incredible spirit. deserves a mention for being the largest arti­ to Houston for the ceremony. "She fought the sadness and smiled all the time," said cle with the least amount of relevance.
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