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1Cer Ssigned Eastern Illinois University The Keep September 1998 9-4-1998 Daily Eastern News: September 04, 1998 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1998_sep Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: September 04, 1998" (1998). September. 8. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1998_sep/8 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1998 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in September by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact tabruns@eiu.edu. Friday September 4, 1998 Inside Sports Down home www.den.eiu.edu Panthers Easlem !his UrWersity ~· feelin' Charleslon, II. 61920 win 24·7 Finding a home away from Vol. 84, No. 11 16 pages Home opener successful as home in Charleston, Eastern defeats Division II St. ews Joe's behind big plays See The Verge, Section B "Tell the truth and don't be afraid.,, Story on Page SA 1cer• Tailgating deemed success Eastern students ssigned enjoy band, party department gains, before game By Michelle Powell Foundation loses Activities editor By Tammie Sloup Ryan Pancoast had a goal Administration editor Thursday. The senior physical education ormer executive officer of the EIU major wanted to drink with friends n says she was reassigned by Eastern before the first football game. David Jorns to the campus police Pancoast accomplished his goal l. with about 800 Eastern students "Bobbie" Hilke began her new posi­ during the tailgating party held at director of the night assistant program on O'Brien Stadium . • said University Police Chief Tom "Everyone's having a good time," Pancoast said. Pancoast said Rives. president of the EIU Foundation, the Panthers have a prominent 's reassignment was sudden. defense that should give them their 't feel free to discuss (the reason for the first win. "They (St.Joseph's) might ent), you will have to ask (Eastern 's have the offense. we have the David) Jorns," he said. "She did a great defense," he said. we are sorry lo lose her," Scattered about were students Flock, director of media reJations. said barbecuing, playing Frisbee or chat­ "personnel matter" and the reassignment ting with friends over hot dogs and d upon by Hilke and the administration. comfortable conversation while in began her career at Eastern in 1979 amicipation before the game. !he women's basketball team and was Brian Wayans. sophomore geolo­ lhe Foundation's executive officer in gy major. said the pany v. as some­ press release stated. thing all people can enjoy as a said he thought Hilke was interested in group. even his dog. Max. ork because she had previously tested The Blue Moon Boys performed Charleston Police Department and live and filled the park with its pop was in line to be hired as a police offi­ swing rhythm. said she could not be hired because of a "This (party) is wonderful. lt stating a person must be under the age of was all right walking from the rk as an officer in a city police depart- park," said Frank Weber, senior political science major. Weber and "d members of Eastern's administration his friends agreed that the inconve­ (Top left) Tom him with the reassignment request after nience was not a problem. McCaffrey (top left), an a request for someone to direct the night Some professors came to the tail­ Eastern Alumni, TllTl 's program. gate party to show their school spir­ Schwartz (top right), a the request in because I wanted to hope­ it. junior l:xJsiness major, . ve another police officer (from perform­ "It's great and the party is excel­ Jason Bebe (left), a duties)," he said. lent," said David Bateman. a busi­ jlJ'1ior business major, said currently there is a grant request ness professor. and ArmJN Major PS Universal Grant being reviewed in ''This is a beautiful day for to (ri!jlt), a senior psyad­ on that would pay Hilke's salary. have a party and for the game," said ~major, hang out at ed to housing and we (currently) have Claudia Lane, academic adviser for 1he tailgme party babe funding," Larson said. the Gateway Program. going ilto 1he staciJn to said as executive officer for the Organizations such as the Black cheer on 1he Eastern n, Hilke received solicits and gifts for Student Union, Minority Affairs and Panthers first home tion among other duties. Black Greek Council had sub sand­ game. of Hilke's new duties include supervis­ wiches provided by Blimpies of idence halls, checking up on the resi­ Charleston, pop and chips. (left) Nick Roulette, of istants every hour and assisting when "The tailgate party is positive the band Blue Moon complaints regarding residence halls, he because it allows students to come 8c1f.;. performs Thursday together for one purpose, to root for 8Y81ling during the tail­ 's position) relates to another sergeant our team," said Michael Evans, gate party at O'Brien · " he said. junior physical education major. Field stacium tot ·ble, former dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was appointed as the Foundation executive officer on Aug. 24. are very fortunate that Jon Laible was and was willing to step in," Rives said. Dining service lacks enough variety ing to do an excellent job." goal is to maintain the high level of ser­ Editor's note: This is the second in a "Where's the variety?" ing center is serving the same types of Bobbie Hilke provided to benefactors series of three stories examining the The new Panther Dining system food for both lunch and dinner. In ," Laible stated in a press release. changes made to Dining Services and introduced this semester has caused addition to changing some of the stated in a press release that she is "truJy their impact on students. several students to become agitated. hours and times the dining centers are for her experience at the EIU Foundation During previous semesters, there was open, every residence hall has a dif­ t three years. By Geneva White an assortment of options for dinner in ferent entree for dinner, forcing stu­ e tremendous respect for the University Staff writer all of the dining centers that included dents to walk to other locations if they · n and its Board of Directors," she said. a different nightly entree in each resi­ prefer a change in their menu. ve worked diligently to increase the Instead of "Where's the beef?," the dence hall, a salad bar, cereal, and "I think right now we're not getting t for the benefit of Eastepi students and outpouring cry of students dining in peanut butter and jelly. the residence halls at Eastern is Currently, each residence hall din- See VARIETY Page 2 2A Friday, September 4, 1998 TbeDally bursed for meals they don't use Wtem on the cards. P,olice Variety "Personally, I thin!.: (dining from Page 1 services) were not ready when News school first opened," he said. what we paid for.'' said Randi "There was too much confu­ The Daily Eastern News IS published daily, Monday throt9l Friday. in Charleston. rm.• dur· Morris, a senior English and the- sion." ing fall and spfing semesters and twice weekly ater major. "When I decided to Making a long haul to break dunng the summer lerm except dunng scllool Jive in Stevenson it was partially the repetition of her daily menu IO vacations or examinations, by ~vN1, the studenls of Eastern lllilois because of the fact that they had has Tia Newson. a senior psy­ Five cars were s Universrty. Subscnptlon price: a variety downstairs nightly and chology major from Lawson university parking lots S38 per semester. $16 for summer only, $68 all brunch on Saturday and Hall. greatly dissatisfied wilh year. The Dady Eastern News is a member of were damaged in hit The Associated Press, ~ich Is entitled to Sunday." the new dining plan. accidents during lhe exciusM! use of all articles appeanng Morris, the publicity co-chair "I think the dining services is • Mike Bruce, 20, in this. paper. The ecitorials on Page 4 ~ for Stevenson Hall Council. is in atrocious," she said. "They did­ represent the majolity opinion of the W Gabbard in Universi edi!ooal board; all other opinion pieces the process of organizing a sug- n 't make any changes like they reponed obscenities are si!Jled, The Daily Eastern News editorial gestion committee of ·•students said they would. You have to and business offices are located In Bllzzatd into his vehicle at 11 who would like to see change" either eat the same thing every Hall, Eastern HUnols UnM!rsity. Aug. 27, a police re where dining is concerned. day or travel across campus to fl8rio(jcal postage paid al Charleston, IL 61920. photo by Katherine Thomas His vehicle was park ISSN 0894-1599. "We just wam what we pay get something different. staff photographer north side of Gab Printed by Eastern Hllnols UnM!rsrty, for," Morris said. "We're not "They need to make some police report stated. Char1eston, IL 61920. looking to have a violent change vast improvements and everyone Jaqueline Stelter, a junior account­ Kanosky, 21, of 14 Postmas1er: Send address changes to or a protest. We'd like to see I've talked to has said the same The Daily Eastern News ing/finance major, tries the limited reported obscenities Hall one representative from each thing," she said. Buzzard options of pasta sauces given at the into her car, a poll Eastern lllilois Unive<sity residence hall.'' Some students would not Charleston, IL 61920. Thomas Hall dining service. The stated.
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