Southeastern Space Supporter

Newsletter of HAL5 – the Huntsville Alabama L5 Society chapter of the 3 Volume 6, Number 4 — July–August 1997 S ______HAL5 was co-founded in 1983 by NSS Campaign for the Future Konrad K. Dannenberg and included the Membership Drive Ends Soon FIRST WORD membership of Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, (by Ronnie Lajoie, HAL5 Campaign Chair) both key members of Dr. Wernher Von HAL5 Record Membership! Braun’s pioneering rocket team that If you are not yet a member of the The Sweet Taste of Success! initiated our age of space exploration. National Space Society, NOW is the time (by Greg Allison, HAL5 President) Members George McKay and Ron Creel to join. The NSS “Campaign for the were instrumental in developing the Future” membership drive is about to HAL5 membership has now soared to a Saturn V rocket. end. Until Labor Day, September 1, NSS record high of 69 members. It is still has lowered the cost of a one-year NSS roughly midyear and we have already Our membership includes Charlie membership from $35 to only $25. The beat last years record membership level Walker, President of the National Space $5 rebate/discount that HAL5 also offers of 65 members. This year we accom- Society and the world’s first commercial is still in effect, bring the cost of NSS plished this feat without running our astronaut to fly into space. Quite a membership down to $20 — the lowest display at TABES (due to a conflict with number of you are supporting laser in the entire nation! our historic rockoon SL-1 mission). propulsion research. HAL5 membership Also, our STEDTRAIN display was includes cutting edge pioneers develop- 15 NSS Members Recruited to Date mostly unmanned due to the fact that we ing low cost hybrid rocket motor and conducted a 680 pound thrust motor rockoon technologies. HAL5 member, 13 HAL5 members have already taken firing that weekend! Our hard work and and last President of the L5 Society, advantage of this offer. They are Wade persistence in pursuing our goals is Gordon Woodcock is now supporting Dorland, Stephen Beach, Robert Powell, paying off tremendously! Space America, a corporation developing Tim Pickens, Bill Brown, John Dodd, a low cost 125,000 pound thrust LOX Gene Young, John Corda, Clay Sawyer, Visionaries, Pioneers, and Doers kerosene motor. Herman Pickens, Chris Pickens, Todd Cayton, and Steve Mustaikis. Rodney You members of HAL5 are an elite set of We explore the applications of micro- Bradford, last month’s speaker, and visionaries, pioneers, and doers. You gravity and ultimately antigravity itself. Janis Tirey have also joined the NSS. represent both the foundation and future One of our latest members, Dr. Ning Li of space exploration and development. of UAH is pushing the far fringes of the (see Campaign on page 7) future by warping space- time itself with her gravity modification experiments. HAL5 Program Night If it can be done, you are Wednesday, September 24, 1997 the guys who can and will 7 to 9 p.m. (with social afterwards) do it! Huntsville Public Library Auditorium The good news is that “X-33 and the Aerospike Engine: HAL5 has only begun to Lockheed’s Big Space Gamble” show the world what it can do! One of the greatest Guest speakers will be Mr. Steve Cook honors I’ve known is to and Mr. Jan Monk of the Reusable share membership with all Launch Vehicle Program Office at the of you. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Together we make a All HAL5 and NSS members are tremendous difference! encouraged to attend, and to bring (see First Word on page 7) interested friends and co-workers. HALO SL-2 hybrid rocket motor fires on August 2 Open to the public. Free admission. with 680 pounds of thrust. See page 3 for details.


Huntsville Alabama L5 Society 1997 HAL5 Election Results HAL5 Enhances its Motto President — Greg Allison (by Ronnie Lajoie, SSS Editor) For many years, the motto of the Day: 895-2415, Eve: 859-5538 Huntsville Alabama L5 Society has been At the June HAL5 Program Night on Vice-President — Larry Scarborough “Promoting the development of a space Wednesday, June 25, the membership of Day: 881-1944, Eve: 881-4363 faring civilization”. The motto appears Treasurer — Ronnie Lajoie HAL5 (10 were present) voted to elect at the top of our stationary and at the Day: 461-3064, Eve: 721-1083 most of the slate of officers as selected by bottom of our forms. A highly visible Secretary — Peter Ewing the HAL5 Elections Committee. The phrase like this therefore needs to Day: 876-5151, Eve: 876-5151 Committee consisted of members accurately reflect its organization. Membership — Philomena Grodzka Philomena Grodzka and Bill Axenroth. Day: 837-4287, Eve: 536-8638 Ron Lajoie nominated the slate; Recent developments by HAL5, namely Communications — Bill Brown Philomena seconded. Greg Allison Day: 876-5151, Eve: 536-9334 Project HALO, go way beyond mere requested nominations from the floor. Special Projects — Alfred Wright “promoting” space development. We are Peter Ewing nominated Bill Brown for Day: 876-8037, Eve: 420-6273 DOING something! Our history-making the position of Communications Chair; Programming — Wade Dorland rockoon mission on May 11 proves that. which was seconded. No other floor Day: 534-2566, Eve: 534-2566 “Promoting” gives the reader a sense that nominations were made. ------we are waiting for others to do Southeastern Space Supporter something, while we stand on sidelines After a motion to close nominations was Volume 6, Number 4 with banners and signs. passed, the elections were held by silent July / August 1997 ballot. Bill Adams counted the votes. In July, Ron Lajoie made a motion to The Southeastern Space Supporter is a The only contested position went to Bill revise our motto to change the word bimonthly publication of the Huntsville Brown, who received 6 of the 10 votes. “Promoting” to “Accelerating”, which Alabama L5 Society (HAL5), a not-for- The following HAL5 officers and would accurately reflect that we are profit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to the committee chairs were elected and will goal of seeing everyday people living in doing something to speed space serve from July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998: thriving communities beyond the . development. The motion unanimously passed. The new motto will appear on Any opinions expressed in this newsletter President...... Greg Allison our new HAL5 forms and stationary. ¶ are those of the authors or of the Editor, Vice-President...... Larry Scarborough and, unless expressly so stated, are not necessarily those of HAL5 or the NSS. Treasurer ...... Ronnie Lajoie ******************** Secretary...... Peter Ewing Visit the HAL5 Web Page on Internet via: HAL5 Votes to Disband at L5 Membership...... Philomena Grodzka Communications ...... Bill Brown Prior to the merger in 1986, what is now ------Special Projects...... Alfred Wright the National Space Society was two very HAL5 encourages its members to speak out different grassroots organizations: the L5 on space-related issues, and welcome Programming...... Wade Dorland Society and the . submissions of both fact and opinion articles of interest to HAL5 members. One of the fun things about the L5 All HAL5 members should feel free to Society was that its goal was to disband Submit letters or articles to: Ronnie Lajoie contact any of your elected officials (see the organization in a meeting of the 162 Kirby Lane, Madison, AL 35758 sidebar at left for their phone numbers), membership in a space city at the L5 Day phone/message: 205-461-3064 as they are here to service you. Earth-moon Langrange point. Night/Weekend phone: 205-721-1083 Electronic mail address: [email protected] Solar Thermal Talk a Success HAL5 has been so serious as of late, with Deadline for submittal is the last day of the the pressures of getting ready for the following months: February, April, June, Following the HAL5 elections, a joint next Project HALO rockoon mission, August, October, and December. program was held, co-sponsored by that President Greg Allison felt it was HAL5, HATS, and the World Future time to interject some fun back in the Preferred format for text is ASCII on a Society. The guest speaker was Mr. diskette or sent by E-Mail. Preferred organization. In July, he asked the new Rodney Bradford, President of United format for text with graphics is Word on a Executive Committee meeting to renew diskette. Also acceptable are letters and Applied Technologies. He spoke on the spirit of the old L5 Society. Ron articles sent by mail or faxed; however, the “Solar Thermal Propulsion Utilizing Lajoie made a motion to revise our more retyping required, the less likely the Polymid Fresnel Lenses”. He brought bylaws to state that we will disband acceptance. HAL5 is not responsible for some Fresnel lenses his company made, HAL5 during a meeting of the receipt of mailed submissions; none will be which were a big hit. A total of 21 membership in a space city/station at the returned unless sent with a SASE. Hand- adults and children attended the talk. ¶ delivered diskettes will be hand-returned. L5 Earth-moon Langrange point. The No compensation is paid for submissions. motion passed unanimously. ¶

July–August 1997 2 SOUTHEASTERN SPACE SUPPORTER HALO NEWS HALO SL-2 Motor Fires! (by Ron Lajoie, HALO team member)

On Saturday, August 2, for the first time since November of last year, 14 members of the Project HALO team, plus 13 other HAL5 members, family members, friends, and guests, met at the HALO Rocket Motor Test Facility at the home of Herman and Chris Pickens. Their goal was to successfully test fire the new, larger, and more powerful asphalt and nitrous-oxide hybrid rocket motor for the upcoming HALO Sky Launch 2 rockoon mission.

The test firing was initially scheduled for the following Sunday, but a conflict HALO SL-2 hybrid rocket motor fires, generating 680 pounds of thrust! arose and Herman requested Saturday. The Data Acquisition Team of Gene prepared to load the nitrous oxide. This Huntsville resulted in a nearly full bottle Young, Clay Sawyer, and Steve time we brought two new bottles. of nitrous. Thanks, Speed Shop! Mustaikis had planned to spend all-day Readers of this newsletter can guess what Saturday installing and checking out the happened next. Yes, of course, the It was getting close to sunset before the new electronics without keeping a lot of HALO curse struck again. Both bottles first firing attempt was made. Upon rocket guys waiting. Well, they got half were empty! Just enough liquid to fool ignition, the motor went “BANG!”, and their wish! We broke for lunch while us when we checked them previously. then quit. A second attempt resulted in waiting to fire the first motor. the same strange short “BANG!”. It It was Saturday, so of course the vendor turns out the ignition squib wires were Following lunch, a now famous hot dog would not be open. After a failed crossing as they got shot out of the motor and hamburger barbecue, the team attempt to contact the owner, we found a and shorted out the nitrous flow valve. car shop who had a bottle we could Once fixed, the motor fired for the borrow. A mad dash planned 3.5 seconds, generating 680 by car back to pounds of thrust. It was awesome! ¶

Steve Mustaikis and Tim Pickens discuss the results of Bill inspects the SL-2 hybrid motor prior to its first firing. the first SL-2 motor firing, while Greg examines motor.

3 July–August 1997 SOUTHEASTERN SPACE SUPPORTER HALO Team Members/Guests Enjoy Appreciation Night (by Ron Lajoie, HALO team member)

On Thursday night, August 7, HALO team members and their spouses came together at the Research Park Holiday Inn to celebrate the history-making first mission of Project HALO.

50 invitations were sent out to HAL5 members who could feasibly attend. 17 members brought 8 guests, for a total of 25 attendees, including guest speaker Konrad Dannenberg. Gene Hornbuckle HALO team members gather together for a group photograph. had planned to attend — but forgot (shame on you!). outstanding work and effort is making a And some matches in my pocket. tremendous difference for the space It’s really be a blast Out of state HALO team members were movement for today and tomorrow.” Just to light up all the fuses, not invited solely due to a lack of Ride the rocket as it cruises, invitations (I thought I would have HALO members receiving the top honor If I only had some gas. plenty). These individuals certainly were were also presented with an award, appreciated, and their Appreciation crafted with care by co-member Larry Balloons would rip right open Certificates were mailed to them. Scarborough. Peter Ewing, Ron Creel, And prob’ly leave me hopin’ and Larry Scarborough received “HALO I didn’t bust my head The event began with a Social Half Hour, Above and Beyond” wooden plaques. As I started to re-enter. followed by a dinner with either a Gene Young and Ronnie Lajoie received I could be an X-prize winner chicken or roast beef entree. Many “Brilliant Asteroid” awards. Alfred If I only had some gas. ¶ people commented on the quality of the Wright and Clay Sawyer received meal. Thank you, Holiday Inn! “Golden Astronaut” awards. Steve Mustaikis, Bill Brown, and Tim Pickens Following the dinner, HAL5 co-founder received “Radiant Rocket” awards. Greg Konrad Dannenberg gave a presentation Allison received a special gift framed on the early developments of amateur SL-1 photograph from the team. rocketry in pre-war Germany. With the help of a video made from 8mm movie Tim Gets HALO Balloonatic Award film, Konrad narrated the history of early rocketry; the successes and failures Following the main award ceremony, encountered by the early pioneers of Greg Allison made a special presentation rocketry. Watching rockets fall over and of a “Balloonatic Award” to Tim go “BOOM!” made a lot of us HALO Pickens, the rocket man who launched members feel pretty good about our first the SL-1 balloon and missed the launch mostly successful flight. of his own rocket (sorry to keep mentioning this Tim). Tim took it all in HALO Awards Presented stride and even sang the accompanying song written by Larry Scarborough to the Following Konrad’s presentation, Greg tune of “If I Only Had a Brain” titled Allison led an awards ceremony. Each “The B’loontic”: HALO team member received an Appreciation Certificate in a blue folder. I’d like to be in motion The certificates were grouped by level of Over land or even ocean. effort, with the highest honor stating: I’d signal as I passed. I’ve already got my lawn chair “For extraordinary contributions leading And balloons and I could go there to the successful historic flight of the If I only had some gas. Project HALO Space Launch 1 rockoon Rocketman Tim Pickens accepts mission on May 11, 1997. Your I’d take along a rocket the HALO Balloonatic Award.

July–August 1997 4 SOUTHEASTERN SPACE SUPPORTER HAL5 CALENDAR OF MEETINGS AND EVENTS August 1997 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 HALO SL-2 Project HALO HALO SL-2 HAL5 Executive Work Party Tech. Meeting Work Party Comm. Meeting 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Phobos HALO SL-2 Project HALO HALO SL-2 HAL5 Executive Project HALO discovered, Work Party Tech. Meeting Work Party Comm. Meeting Motor Firing 1877 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 12p at H.Pickens

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Voyager flyby HALO SL-2 Project HALO HAL5 Program HAL5 Executive of Neptune, Work Party Tech. Meeting Night Comm. Meeting 1989 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 7pm at Library Noon at Ponds

31 HAL5 August Program Night, Wednesday, August 27, 1997 “Fusion Propulsion: How to Get to Mars in Just Weeks” with guest speaker Mr. William (Bill) Emrich, Jr. of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center I APOLOGIZE TO THOSE OF YOU WHO DID NOT GET A NOTICE ABOUT THIS PROGRAM -- editor September 1997 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 NSS Project HALO HALO SL-2 HAL5 Executive Campaign Tech. Meeting Work Party Comm. Meeting Ends Noon at Ponds 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 HALO SL-2 Project HALO HALO SL-2 HAL5 Executive Luna 2, first craft Work Party Tech. Meeting Work Party Comm. Meeting to hit the Moon, 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 1959 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 HALO SL-2 Project HALO HALO SL-2 HAL5 Executive Work Party Tech. Meeting Work Party Comm. Meeting 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 HALO SL-2 Project HALO HAL5 Program HAL5 Executive Hyperion Work Party Tech. Meeting Night Comm. Meeting discovered, 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 7pm at Library Noon at Ponds 1848

28 29 30 HAL5 September Program Night, Wednesday, September 24, 1997 Shelby Project HALO “X-33 and the Aerospike Engine” Breakfast Tech. Meeting with guest speakers Mr. Steve Cook and Mr. Jan Monk of NASA Marshall 6:30a at Marriot Noon at Ponds 7:00 to 8:30 PM at the Huntsville Public Library, Monroe Street, Huntsville October 1997 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Shelby Breakfast, Monday, September 29, 1997 1 2 3 4 sponsored by UAH, IEEE, AIAA, and HATS HALO SL-2 HAL5 Executive Sputnik 1, 1957, $13 per person or $120 for Corporate table of 10 Work Party Comm. Meeting 40th anniversary 6:30 AM at the Hotel Marriott near Rocket Center 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds space age dawn 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 HALO SL-2 Project HALO HALO SL-2 HAL5 Executive Triton Work Party Tech. Meeting Work Party Comm. Meeting discovered, 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 6 pm at Tim’s Noon at Ponds 1846


Scientists Study Effects of aerospace scientists term ‘mind- Have Breakfast with Shelby shattering terror,’ frightened for their (by Philomena Grodzka) Mortal Terror in Space very lives,” Russian mission director (Internet “News Release”, July 28, 1997) Vladimir Solovoy said. “And we have On the morning of September 29, UAH, not even used the hull-mounted Alien IEEE, AIAA, and HATS will host a U.S. and Russian scientists are increas- puppet that taps on the window yet.” ingly excited about the Mire space Special Breakfast Event at the Marriott Hotel. Breakfast will start at 6:30 AM, station project, which promises to reveal “We have also taken huge leaps in our and will be followed by a program at more than has ever been known about understanding of the patterns created 7:00 AM. Speakers will be the the scientific relationship between when one wets his pants in the weight- Honorable Senator Richard Shelby, and weightlessness and mortal terror. lessness of space,” Solovoy said. “The William Craig, Director U.S. Army urine spreads out in an expanding AMCOM. “By stranding our scientists on a dilapi- sphere, something we did not expect.” dated space station with faulty wiring, The Marriot Hotel is located next to the loose hardware, and malfunctioning air Taking a break from his busy schedule, U.S. Space & Rocket Center. For more systems,” NASA head Daniel Golden astronaut Michael Folly told news information, please call Brian at HATS said, “we have created extremely reporters: “Where is Mommy?” “Please at 837-4287 or Tom Hancock (section favorable conditions for learning about tell me the access code to the Soyuz president of AIAA) at 461-5074. spaceborne panic.” The two Russians capsule,” Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr and one American on board the station Lazuktin said. “I would like to return to The event will cost $13 per person, or are reportedly terrified beyond lucidity. the chaotic government and widespread $120 for a corporate table seating 10. hunger of my homeland.” Among the groundbreaking experiments HATS is welcome other societies (such conducted on board Mire: a June 25 Scientists expect to gain even more as HAL5) to be Associate Sponsors of the collision with a cargo craft that depres- useful data during an experiment at 3 event. HAL5 would get to put up a surized the Spectre Module; last week’s a.m. tomorrow. As the astronauts sleep, banner, present Senator Shelby with a emergency power shortage, caused by a whirling red siren lights will flood the gift (if desired), be there in force, and disconnected cable; and the periodic cabin while an ear-splitting klaxon alarm encourage our members to come. release of “dry ice” steam that simulates jolts them awake. Detailed scientific a shipboard fire. All have been deemed data will then be collected on such HAL5 is interested in becoming an a huge success by agency heads. variables as open weeping, defecation Associate Sponsor, if 10 members can be and hair loss. ¶ “They are in a constant state of what found who can attend. If you are interested in attending this event, send an E-mail message to [email protected], or call Programming Chair Wade Dorland at 922-4897 (day) or 379-3661 (eve). ¶

******************** Galileo Finds Europa Has Atmosphere (NASA Release, July 23, 1997)

NASA’s Galileo spacecraft has found an ionosphere on Jupiter’s moon Europa, an indication that the icy moon also has an atmosphere, Galileo scientists reported today. “Europa is not just some dead hunk of material,” said lead investigator Dr. Arvydas Kliore of NASA JPL, Kliore reports his findings in the July 18 ¶ HAL5 is performing its own terror experiment called Project HELL-O. Stockaded issue of Science magazine. subjects Tim Pickens and Clay Sawyer cannot eat, sleep, or shave until rocket flies.


(First Word, continued from page 1) Tim Pickens has given more of himself (Campaign, continued from page 1) to the HALO Program than one would HALO Appreciation Night think humanly possible. Thank-you very NSS Membership Helps HAL5 Too much Tim for all that you have done. On Thursday, on the 7th of August we For those who have been considering held an appreciation banquet for the I want to extend this gratitude to the making a donation to HAL5, your first volunteers who have labored so long over committee that pulled this event membership (not a renewal) to NSS also the past three years in support of the together. Dr. Larry Scarborough built all contributes to HAL5. All but $15 of your HALO Program. The volunteers that the awards himself. Wade Dorland and membership dues goes to NSS, the rest have worked so hard on this project have Peter Ewing helped develop award stays with HAL5. Essentially, you are made HAL5 the record holder for the categories. Ronnie Lajoie made the joining the NSS for only $15 — which is highest flight (36-38 nautical miles) of arrangements with the Holiday Inn. just enough to cover the cost of sending an amateur rocket, the highest flight of Thank you guys for a job well done! you Ad Astra, the colorful and any hybrid rocket motor, and the first informative magazine of the NSS. confirmed high altitude launch of an Latest SL-2 Rocket Motor Firing amateur rockoon. We are the first group But you get more than a magazine with to fire a hybrid rocket as an upper stage On the 23rd of August 1997 HAL5’s your NSS membership. You also get motor. Our rockoon mission was the HALO Program conducted three rocket discounts to NSS-sponsored events and first to include liquids in the propellant. motor firings. Our SL-2 motor was fired NSS-produced merchandise, as shown in Thanks to the hard late night efforts and twice. Gene Hornbuckle also fired one of the brochure you received with the persistence spread over three years these our old 200 pound thrust motors which January-February HAL5 newsletter. volunteers have given us many things to will be flow in Tim Pickens’ old steam be proud of. Once again, to all of them, rocket. The HALO SL-2 motor was ran Most importantly, the benefits of your a very hearty thank-you! for a ten second burn and also a twelve NSS membership are those you get in the second burn. We shook the mountains future — when space travel is made The one award we gave which really north of Maysville with over 700 pounds affordable to you and your children. stands out was the Balloonatic Award. of thrust! Two different new injector NSS is the largest grass-roots space Though not perhaps the highest honor designs were tried. We need to do a little advocacy organization, with over 25,000 we presented, it was the most fun. Tim more work on injector design to optimize members — however, this pales in Pickens was the recipient of this great fuel regression. If you missed these comparison to some environment groups honor. The award, made by Larry Scar- firings — too bad! They were a real riot! who boasts memberships over 100,000. borough, consisted of a small lawn chair mounted on a plaque with balloons Antigravity Lab Tour HAL5 Could “Borrow” Buzz Aldrin attached. Dr. Ning Li is offering a tour of her The NSS chapter that recruits the most The award was intended to invoke the “gravity modification” laboratory on members wins a free visit from Buzz spirit of the only living recipient of the Wednesday, August 27, at 6:00 PM, just Aldrin, Apollo 11 astronaut and Darwin Prize to survive his exploits, who before our “Fusion Propulsion” program Chairman of the NSS Board of Directors launched himself to 30,000 feet in a lawn at the Huntsville-Madison County Public — who has agreed to speak on behalf of chair with a number of sounding Library. HAL5 members are the chapter at a public forum or a balloons tied to a lawn chair. Tim investigating ways to assist her with her fundraising event. HAL5 really could Pickens, rocket team lead, (who is experiments. use him to help us raise money for known as saying “I hate stinking Project HALO and its educational side balloons”) launched the HALO SL-1 HALO To The Stars! HALO Achievement. balloon and missed the launch of his rocket into the edge of space. Tim took Go outside tonight, look up at the moon With 15 recruited to date, we are the award with great cheer. and the stars. That is your destiny! Ad definitely in the running, but there are Astra per HALO! ¶ other NSS chapters with more than 10. I have to hand it to Tim. His sense of We need a lot more NSS memberships if humor makes him a real champion. He we want to win the contest. happily sung a silly ditty written by ¤ ¥ ¢ | Larry Scarborough to the tune of the ] • ¬ ¯ ± Second and third place chapters win will Wizard of Oz’s scarecrow song “If I receive a Moonlink Internet Mission kit, Only Had a Brain!”. Well, that was a lot ² ³ | T an Internet tool with which up to 24 of fun but we in HAL5 also reserve for • ‹ Z ª ¥ participants at a time will be able to Tim our highest honors. As rocket team experience the excitement of making lead Tim Pickens’ contributions to the scientific discoveries about the Moon live HALO Program are almost incalculable. with the Science Investigation team for

7 July–August 1997 SOUTHEASTERN SPACE SUPPORTER the Lunar Prospector probe. This could membership of HAL5, which includes 41 were very glad to have most of them with be really fun — and even us hard renewals (a new record) and 28 new us when we made rocket history in working HAL5 members could use some members, for a total of 69. Also shown Hampstead on May 11. fun now and then! is a new subscriber to our newsletter. Welcome to all our new and renewed HAL5 also welcomes its new local Also, the person who recruits the most members and subscribers! members, including Regan Carlile, Todd NSS members will receive a free two-day Cayton, John Corda, John Dodd, Hans trip to either Huntsville, Alabama for a William Axenroth (R) Kennel, Ning Li, George McKay, Robert special behind-the-scenes tour of Steve Beach (N) Powell, and Ted Rochford. John Corda Boeing’s space station facilities, or to Jan Bijvoet (R) has already become active in Project Washington, DC for a special visit to Regan Carlile (N) HALO. John Dodd is editor of the NSS and NASA headquarters. Plus Todd Cayton (N, C) Huntsville Virtual Times. Dr. Ning Li is anyone recruiting 5 or more NSS John Corda (N) researching gravity modification members will receive a free Fisher Space Ronald Creel (R) techniques at UAH (see below). George Pen (a $50 value). John Ed Dodd (N) has been assisting HALO for many Jory Earl (N) months and we finally roped him in! NSS Needs YOUR Membership! David Hewitt (R) John Jones (N) HAL5 also welcomes its new out of state Simply put, NSS needs more members. Hans Kennel (N) members, including Steve Beach (PA), WE NEED YOUR MEMBERSHIP — Peder Kilness (R) Jory Earl (WA), John Jones (TN), Glen and we need it NOW! There is LOT Dr. Ning Li (N) May (MS), Allen Meece (FL), Gregory happening in the space movement Glen May (N, D) Walker (TN), and Michael Willis (NC). beyond the little you see in the HAL5 George McKay (N) 20 members of HAL5 (29 percent) reside newsletter. Yes, HAL5 is doing GOOD Allen Meece (N) outside of Alabama. Glen has already deeds, and because of our association Steve Mustaikis (R, C) attended two HALO motor firings and with the NSS, the media and the rest of Eugene Peresich, III (R) has shared his rocketry experiences with the world is taking notice. Robert Powell (N) the HALO team. ¶ Ted Rochford (N) If you would like to join NSS, please fill Clayton Sawyer, Jr. (R, C) ********************** out and mail the enclosed form ASAP. Gregory Walker (N) HAL5 Member Fights Gravity If you have an questions, call me at 461- Michael Willis (N) (excerpt from July 1997 issue of Inside NSS) 3064 (day) or 721-1083 (night), or send Hermano Cabral (S) E-mail to: “[email protected]”. ¶ Dr. Ning Li of UAH in 1989 first real- (N) - New Member ized the vital importance of the massive ********************** (R) - Renewed Member and charged lattice ion rotations for HAL5 Membership Breaks New (C) - New NSS Member via Campaign superconductivity, and predicted in her Record in August (S) - Newsletter Subscriber three published papers (latest in 1991) (D) - Included a Donation (by Ronnie Lajoie, HAL5 Treasurer) that lattice ion rotations in a supercon- ductor provide a unique means of trans- HAL5 welcomes back its previous 1997 is turning out to be an even better fer of the applied electromagnetic energy members including long-time members to the gravitational energy. year for HAL5 in terms of membership. Bill Axenroth and Jan Bijvoet, and Just last week, we beat last year’s record recent members Peder Kilness, Gene membership count of 65. As of August UAH and NASA MSFC have been Peresich, Ron Creel, David Hewitt, Steve cooperating on a joint research project to 24, we now stand at 69, plus 10 Mustaikis, and Clay Sawyer. Ron, Steve, newsletter subscriptions. The following validate Dr. Li’s theory of gravity David, and Clay have worked very hard modification via superconductor. ¶ is a list of additions to the current paid to make Project HALO a success, and we

Huntsville Alabama L5 Society Place Special Announcement 1019-A Old Monrovia Rd, Suite 168 First Class Huntsville, AL 35806 Stamp NSS Campaign for the Future ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Here HAL5 needs your membership to NSS NOW! NSS contest ends on Labor Day. See page 1 for details.

July–August 1997 8