S&I 3, no. 1 (2009): 33-47 ISSN 1975-7123 Happiness Manifested in Book I of the Psalter* Sora Kang BaekSeok University, Korea
[email protected] Abstract The eight yr'#$;)a sayings in Book I of the Psalter (1–41), forming a prominent structure at the beginning (Pss 1–2), the middle (Pss 32– 34), and the end (Pss 40–41), evidence structural unity and purpose- ful arrangement. The first (Pss 1–2) and the last clusters (Pss 40–41) present two foundations for happiness in life: delighting in God’s in- struction and trusting in God. The second cluster of yr'#$;)a sayings (Pss 32–34) resolves the issue of sin by declaring God’s forgiveness (Ps 32), God’s election of his own people (Ps 33), and by offering instruc- tions for wisdom and happiness in life (Ps 34). These compositional links allow for more holistic readings of Book I and indeed, the whole Psalter. (Keywords: Psalms, ’ashrei sayings, structural and linguistic approaches) I. Introduction The term yr'#$;)a (“how happy” or “how blessed”)1 in Psalm 1:1 calls for the reader’s attention because it is the opening word of the Psalter2 and because it is distributed in places of particular attention in the Psal- * This article is a summary of my dissertation, “Reading Book I of the Psalter through the yr'#$;)a Sayings” (Ph.D. diss., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2007). 1 The term yr'#$;)a is found 26 times in 19 psalms in the book of Psalms (Pss 1:1; 2:12; 32:1, 2; 33:12; 34:8; 40:4; 41:1; 65:4; 84:4, 5, 12; 89:15; 94:12; 106:3; 112:1; 119:1, 2; 127:5; 128:1, 2; 137:8, 9; 144:15 [2x]; 146:5).