Justin Stares | 172 pages | 30 Jun 2010 | Revel Barker | 9780956368652 | English | Brighton, United Kingdom From The Bottom Of The Well | KHD

Many describe this as when the 'horns' of the Moon point upward. This can happen once or twice a year, again depending on the of your location. This change in the appearance of the Moon has been observed for a very long time. And many conflicting definitions have been given to these lunar appearances. Some ancient skywatchers spoke of the crescent Moon when the bottom seems to be lit as the "wet moon". They thought it looked like a bowl which could fill up with the rain and snow of the winter season. However, many other cultures have defined the Moon when lit on the bottom as the "dry moon" since in that configuration, the Moon is "holding in the water". As winter passes into spring and summer, the crescent shape slowly shifts toward the south and begins to "stand on its end". To some ancients, this represented the Moon assuming a pouring position in which it will lose its water and result in the great summer rains. The result was the creation of a "dry moon", one which held no water because it all poured out. On the other hand, other cultures said that such a moon is a wet moon because it allowed the water to pour out! Expand the sub menu TV. Expand the sub menu What To Watch. Expand the sub menu Music. Expand the sub menu Awards. Expand the sub menu Video. Expand the sub menu Dirt. Expand the sub menu Digital. Expand the sub menu Theater. Expand the sub menu VIP. Expand the sub menu More Coverage. Expand the sub menu More Variety. If you want to know more or withdraw your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the cookie policy. By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to the use of cookies. Login Sign Up. Leonardo Sciascia Leonardo Sciascia. Cite this Page: Citation. Related Authors Andrea Camilleri Writer. Luigi Pirandello Dramatist. Italo Calvino Journalist. Salvatore Quasimodo Author. Download The Moon at the Bottom of the Well ePub eBook @

Advanced Do galaxy mergers have a major impact on star formation rates within the galaxies? Intermediate Our universe is still expanding, does that mean things in our daily life are expanding? Intermediate What was the bright, smoothly moving star that I saw? Beginner What happened to the Arecibo Telescope? Beginner Can I buy or name a star? Beginner If I were hypothetically wearing a spacesuit and sitting on one of the Voyager space probes at their current positions in space, how much light would I have? Intermediate What makes certain lunar so special? Beginner Why is Earth's core molten? Intermediate What will happen to Earth's as the moon moves away from us? Editor's Pick. What is the universe expanding into? Intermediate What do I need to do to become an astronomer? Beginner What's the difference between astronomy and astrology? Beginner Why is looking out into space the same as looking back in time? Beginner Can we find the place where the Big Bang happened? Most Popular. What is the difference between a "star" and a ""? Beginner How can a star burn with no oxygen? Beginner How are light and heavy elements formed? Advanced At what speed does the Earth move around the Sun? Beginner What kind of eyepieces do I need to look at planets? Intermediate How do you measure the distance between Earth and the Sun? Intermediate Are there telescopes that can see the flag and lunar rover on the Moon? Beginner Why do the planets orbit the sun? Beginner How does the location of sunrise and sunset change throughout the year? Advanced Which planet is most similar to Earth? Beginner Are there telescopes that can see the flag and lunar rover on the Moon? Beginner How do you measure the distance between Earth and the Sun? Intermediate What kind of eyepieces do I need to look at planets? Intermediate How long could life on Earth survive if the Sun stopped shining? Beginner Which planet is most similar to Earth? Intermediate At what speed does the Earth move around the Sun? Beginner Can artificial gravity be created in space? Intermediate What color is each planet? Intermediate What would happen if an asteroid 10 kilometers across hit the Earth? If gravity isn't a force, how does it accelerate objects? Advanced How do you measure the distance between Earth and the Sun? Intermediate What is the difference between a "star" and a "sun"? Beginner How long could life on Earth survive if the Sun stopped shining? Beginner At what speed does the Earth move around the Sun? Intermediate Which planet is most similar to Earth? Intermediate How does the position of change? What's going to happen on December 21st ? Beginner How far is each planet from Earth? We see the Moon in the night sky because it is reflecting light from the Sun. The Moon does not generate any light of its own. So the lit part of the Moon always points toward the Sun. Now as you can see in the diagram, as the Earth travels aroound the Sun, the tilt of the Earth on its axis sometimes points the northern hemisphere toward the Sun and sometimes points the southern hemisphere toward the Sun. This is why we have seasons here on Earth. But this also changes the apparent path of the Moon across the night sky when you are on the Earth looking out at it. Sometimes it travels at an angle toward the horizon and sometimes it travels straight down toward the horizon. When the crescent Moon travels straight down toward the horizon, you will get the 'U' shaped Moon. Many describe this as when the 'horns' of the Moon point upward. This can happen once or twice a year, again depending on the latitude of your location. This change in the appearance of the Moon has been observed for a very long time. And many conflicting definitions have been given to these lunar appearances. Some ancient skywatchers spoke of the crescent Moon when the bottom seems to be lit as the "wet moon". They thought it looked like a bowl which could fill up with the rain and snow of the winter season. However, many other cultures have defined the Moon when lit on the bottom as the "dry moon" since in that configuration, the Moon is "holding in the water". As winter passes into spring and summer, the crescent shape slowly shifts toward the south and begins to "stand on its end". The Moon at the Bottom of the Well Review | SBS Movies

Login Sign Up. Leonardo Sciascia Leonardo Sciascia. Cite this Page: Citation. Related Authors Andrea Camilleri Writer. Luigi Pirandello Dramatist. Italo Calvino Journalist. Salvatore Quasimodo Author. Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa Writer. Pier Paolo Pasolini Film director. This means that if the concave part of the crescent points "left" in North, it will point "right" in the South. Since the transition from a "left" pointing crescent to a "right" pointing one must be smooth, we require that the Moon be a "boat" instead of a crescent at the equator. Sabrina : The appearance of the crescent moon will also change depending on the season for an observer staying at a single location on the Earth. We know the Earth does not sit right-side-up in its orbit - instead the Earth's axis is tilted and this tilt is what causes the seasons. Just as the Sun's path is different across the sky depending on the season the path is longer during the summer giving us more direct sunlight and hotter days , the Moon's path will be different as well. What part of the Moon gets illuminated i. During summer in the northern hemisphere, we are tipped away from the Moon's orbit, putting the Moon lower in the sky and creating more of a crescent. During winter in the north, we are tipped toward the Moon's orbit, putting the Moon higher in the sky and creating more of a boat. Suniti : The lunar orbital plane is only inclined by about 5 degrees relative to Earth's orbital plane as illustrated by Britannica , so the same phase of the moon would be simultaneously visible to two people at the same longitude but different hemispheres of Earth, as long as the skies are sufficiently dark. However, as described by Kristine and Sabrina, given the near- , people viewing the moon from Earth's northern hemisphere will generally look southward while those in the southern hemisphere will look north. This causes the lunar surface to be viewed in roughly opposite orientations. Consequently, while the same phase of the moon will be visible from both hemispheres, the appearance of the lunar surface and the orientation of the phase as viewed from the northern hemisphere will be inverted relative to those as viewed from the southern hemisphere. This also means that the moon appears to wax from its right limb when viewed from the northern hemisphere and from the left limb when viewed from the southern hemisphere. More details are available at Access Science , Wikipedia , and Britannica. You could simulate the view from Earth's southern hemisphere by inverting the Wikipedia animation with a convex lens or by inverting a tablet PC monitor. Kristine studies the dynamics of galaxies and what they can teach us about dark matter in the universe. She got her Ph. Kristine's email:. Is the Moon seen as a crescent and not a "boat" all over the world? Is the same phase of the moon visible from the Northern and Southern hemispheres? Advanced Recently a friend of mine visited the country of Bali in Africa. About the Author Kristine Spekkens Kristine studies the dynamics of galaxies and what they can teach us about dark matter in the universe. Similar Questions that might Interest You What percent of the time can astronomers observe without interference from the Moon? Beginner How does the position of Moonrise and Moonset change? Intermediate Why is the shadow on the Moon the shape it is? Beginner How can I find out if the has been sighted? Intermediate Does the Moon look different in the northern and southern hemispheres? Random Question. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Director: Vinh Son Nguyen. Added to Watchlist. Top 10 TV Shows of My Favorites. Watched in Movies I Have Collected. The Movie Will See!! Top Vietnamese Movies.

Moon at the Bottom of the Well | IFFR

Therefore, leaving the solar system or any of the gravity wells of the planets could require less energy than described by the graph, assuming that the launch and slingshots are properly designed and executed. Why is Earth's well's depth listed as km but as km in the inset? Compare with Mars which has in both places. The Oberth Effect mentioned in the title text is well-explained here assuming you are not intimidated by the algebra in squaring a binomial. The higher the kinetic energy at the time of the thrust, the greater the increase in kinetic energy. It works because the energy of the fuel goes into increasing the kinetic energy of the ship and the kinetic energy of the spent fuel. The faster you go, the greater the portion of the energy the ship gets. The Wikipedia explanation is good, especially with its diagram. In it a spaceship or other body accelerates toward a planet or moon, star, etc. An observer at rest with respect to that other body would actually see the ship approach and depart with the same speed. The title text reference to orbital speed is unclear to me. I suppose it just means that the given gravity wells assume you are at rest on the surface of the planet. Then being in orbit and necessarily having an orbital speed would mean you are part way out of the well already. Fewmet talk , 4 July UTC. If the first stage of a rocket is still supplying lift for a while after its fuel is used up and the stage is cut adrift, would there be any saving in waiting for the next phase to cut in when forward motion is almost ended rather than continuing the burn immediately from the second stage? The higher the vehicle gets the more productive the fuel becomes. Or is it preferable to continue the journey as fast as possible? My first instinct would be to say burn as continuously as possible. If you wait until your speed is almost zero, you have to use a whole load of energy fuel to get back to the speed you were going in the first place. It might already incorporate gravity assists and the Oberth effect. That number might even be what NASA was using as the minimum potential with known cost-effective techniques. In the XKCD strip, the artist states above Earth in the lower right popout that the geosynchronous altitude is well below top of Earth's gravity well. While the rest of his strip is a wonderful representation of the science behind gravity wells, this one bit is not accurate. A geosynchronous altitude for Earth is nearly 36, km, not under km. Kudos for the rest of the strip, though. I have a question relating to this topic. I've learnt how to calculate well depth, but how did Randall Munroe calculate the position of things inside the gravity well of planets, for example, or Saturn's rings? If we constructed a spaceport on a mountaintop that was, say, 14, ft Mt. Whitney, CA , or even 20, ft Denali, Alaska , or slightly less after clearing a flat surface, would it significantly reduce the amount of the gravity well a rocket had to climb, and hence the amount of fuel needed to reach LEO? Would thinner air reduce drag and increase efficiency significantly as well? This would be tough to build and maintain, but would it be worth delivering spaceships to mountaintops by truck to reduce the need for fuel to escape Earth's Gravity well? Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb. If you are at the bottom of the well and want to get out to escape , you need enough energy to climb out. The deeper the well, the more energy you will have to expend in order to climb to the top. If you have only enough energy to get half way out, you will eventually fall back to the bottom. The escape velocity is a way of measuring the exact amount of energy needed to reach the lip of the well -- and have no energy left over for walking away. When a ball is thrown up into the air from the surface of the Earth, it does not have enough energy to escape. So it falls back down. How might we enable the ball to escape? Throw it harder, give it more energy. How hard must we throw it? Just hard enough to get over the top, over the edge of the well. We can find this energy directly by saying that the kinetic energy of the thrown ball must exactly equal the 'potential energy' of the well. From basic physics we know that the potential energy for an object at a height above a surface is:. Note what extremely important parameter is not in the escape velocity equation: the mass of the moving object. The escape velocity depends only on the mass and size of the object from which something is trying to escape. The escape velocity from the Earth is the same for a pebble as it would be for the Space Shuttle. Question: Imagine that, just like now, the Earth orbits the Sun. Suddenly, I snap my fingers and turn the Sun into a black hole. What would happen to the Earth? The Kinetic Theory of Gases: What is the speed of a molecule in a gas? Now we know the velocity required to escape from a planet. Luigi Pirandello Dramatist. Italo Calvino Journalist. Salvatore Quasimodo Author. Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa Writer. Pier Paolo Pasolini Film director. Cesare Pavese Poet. Send Report. Mistake: Choose Email for contact not necessary :. republik-7.pdf