A PEOPLE’S GUIDE TO ABOLITION A Collaborative & Working Abolitionist Resource Document PURPOSE Created by Court Watch NYC volunteers, the purpose of this document is to provide a guide to abolitionist texts, videos, organizations, and other resources for movement builders to use to inform theoretical framework and political action. We recognize this document only scratches the surface of the extraordinary work being done by activists, organizers, scholars, and community members every day -- this means this guide is far from complete. This is a collaborative working document, so if you have any resources or organizations you’d like to contribute, please email Tommy at
[email protected]. INFORMATION SOURCES In the creation of this guide, Court Watch NYC referenced various advocacy libraries, research guides, and impactful work of other abolition-focused coalitions. We credit the work of the following organizations and coalitions as informational sources for this document. Abolitionist Futures: a collaboration of community organisers and activists in the UK and Ireland who are working together to build a future without prisons, police and punishment Black Perspectives Blog: an award-winning blog of the African American Intellectual History Society (AAIHS) -- a group of engaged scholars deeply committed to producing and disseminating cutting-edge research that is accessible to the public and is oriented towards advancing the lives of people of African descent and humanity Critical Resistance: an abolitionist coalition that seeks