Blue Ribbon Committee on Crime Reduction – Terms of Reference Background
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AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2014 7:00 P.M . (1) CALL TO ORDER (2) PUBLIC INPUT PERIOD (3) ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA (4) ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES a) THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on December 9, 2013 be adopted. b) THAT the minutes of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting held on December 18, 2013 be adopted and that the recommendations within be approved. c) THAT the minutes of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of Council held on January 6, 2014 be adopted and that the recommendations within be approved. (5) REGISTERED PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS a) Delegation from Mr. Jeff Ginalias on Electric Fences in Residential Neighbourhoods Mr. Ginalias will present on his proposal to Council to consider adopting options on regulating the usage of electric fences in Rossland. (6) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil (7) RECOMMENDATIONS FROM STAFF FOR DECISION Nil (8) REQUESTS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE a) Request for Council Decision, Waiving the Miners Hall Rental Fee for the Rossland Skatepark Association, Recreation Department THAT Council approves the Rossland Skatepark Association’s request for a reduction of half of the rental cost of $75. January 13, 2014 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 1 1 of 171 b) Letter from the Rossland Figure Skating Club Requesting Hot Chocolate Coupons and City Pins. (9) INFORMATION ITEMS a) UBCM – The Compass Newsletter for December 4, 11 &18, 2013. Recommendation to receive and file. b) Blue Ribbon Panel for Crime Reduction Invitation for Feedback. Recommendation to receive and file. c) West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital District November 2013 Spotlight Newsletter. Recommendation to receive and file. d) Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training Economic Development in BC Newsletter. Recommendation to receive and file. e) Engagement Letter for Audit of City of Rossland Financial Statements ending December 31, 2013. Recommendation to receive and file. f) Audit Planning Letter for the Audit of City of Rossland Financial Statements ending December 31, 2013. Recommendation to receive and file. g) City of Rossland detailed Building Permit Reports from May to October 2013. Recommendation to receive and file. h) Heritage Commission Resolution to award Honorariums. Recommendation to receive and approve recommendation. i) AKBLG Notice of Annual General Meeting and Second Call for 2014 Resolutions. Recommendation to receive and file. j) UBCM Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative. Recommendation to receive and file. k) BC Assessment Risk to Roll Updated and 2014 Roll Report. Recommendation to receive and file. l) City of Rossland Building Permit Reports for November & December 2013. Recommendation to receive and file. m) Email from the office of Mr. Alex Atamanenko, MLA regarding the application deadline for the Enabling Accessibility Fund. Recommendation to receive and file. n) Neighbourhoods of Learning Committee 2013 Annual Report. Recommendation to receive and file. o) Tourism Rossland Monthly Report, Financial Report, Minutes from the November, 2013 Meeting and copy of Bylaws. Recommendation to receive and file. (10) BYLAWS Nil (11) MEMBER REPORTS Mayor Granstrom, Committee Appointments (Policy #02-02 Council Committee System). Councillor Moore, Notice of Motion requesting that Council directs staff to provide Council with a complete summary of the actual costs compared to the approved estimated budge costs for the Columbia Washington renovation project. January 13, 2014 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 2 2 of 171 (12) RECESS TO IN-CAMERA MEETING OF COUNCIL THAT the remainder of the meeting of December 9, 2013 be closed to the public pursuant to Section 90(1)(c)(k)–Labour Relations and Negotiations of the Community Charter. (13) ADJOURNMENT January 13, 2014 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 3 3 of 171 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ROSSLAND REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013 PRESENT: MAYOR GREG GRANSTROM COUNCILLOR JILL SPEARN COUNCILLOR KATHY MOORE COUNCILLOR TIM THATCHER COUNCILLOR CARY FISHER COUNCILLOR KATHY WALLACE COUNCILLOR JODY BLOMME STAFF PRESENT: DEPUTY CAO/CORPORATE OFFICER T. Butler MANAGER OF OPERATIONS D. Albo EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT C. Añonuevo GALLERY CALL TO ORDER: The Mayor called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC INPUT PERIOD: Ms. Deanne Steven, Tourism Rossland, spoke in support of the proposed changes to the Red Resort Association Society’s Bylaw which were ratified at their Annual General Meeting held in October. Ms. Steven briefly summarized the two changes to the bylaw and requested a letter of support from Council in order to proceed with the approval process through the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION: FISHER/MOORE RESOLVED THAT THE DECEMBER 9, 2013 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA BE ADOPTED. CARRIED. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES: MOTION: MOORE/SPEARN RESOLVED THAT THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD ON NOVEMBER 25, 2013 BE ADOPTED. December 9, 2013 REGULAR MEETING Page 1 4 of 171 CARRIED. REGISTERED PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS: a) Delegation from the Elsing Park Lodge Society Mr. Bill Profili, Esling Park Lodge Society, presented to Council on their current financial agreement and their request for renewal of their current interest free loan with the City of Rossland in the amount of $270,000. Mr. Profili stated that in total the Lodge has 23 rooms and 26 tenants where the average age is 85. The provincial government subsidizes 5 units. There are currently 37 people on the waiting list, of which 95% are seniors in Rossland. Mr. Profili summarized the costs and financial picture how Esling Park has benefitted the community. Mr. Profili requested that the interest free loan be continued until the end of the mortgage term when the building would be available to the City to own once the loan is paid off. Mr. Harasin, President of the Esling Park Lodge, manages the reserve fund for upkeep of the Esling Park Lodge. Mr. Harasin summarized the terms of their current mortgage and stated that the balance owing is approximately $1.99 million and will be approximately $38,000-45,000 at the end of the term in 2039. b) Delegation from the Rossland Historical Museum and Archives Association Ms. Libby Martin and Ms. Maureen Brown, Rossland Historical Museum and Archives Association, along with two new board members in attendance (Mr. Jim DeLong and Ms. Lydia Jakovac) presented to Council on their 2013 Final Report and provided some history of the Association. Ms. Brown presented to Council on their current plan in becoming more sustainable and stated that the Musuem will be open for reduced winter hours for the first time this winter. They anticipate an increase in visitors, therefore revenue, due to continuing events and outreach programs. Ms. Brown stated that visits to the museum increased in 2013 from 2012. Ms. Brown stated that the funding received from the City is used for staffing. Ms. Martin requested Council’s continued support and requested the amount of $48,450 in funding. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a) Request for Decision – Cooke Avenue School Site Form and Character Guidelines, Assistant Planner Councillor Blomme declared a conflict of interest at 7:39 p.m. Councillor Fisher declared a conflict of interest at 7:40 p.m. MOTION: MOORE/SPEARN RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL DIRECTS STAFF TO REVIEW THE DRAFT FORM AND CHARACTER GUIDELINES WITH INTERESTED STAKEHOLDERS (E.G. DEVELOPER, DESIGN REVIEW PANEL AND CITIZENS) AND WHEN COMPLETED, DRAFT AN OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT BYLAW THAT UPDATES THE DEVELOPMENT December 9, 2013 REGULAR MEETING Page 2 5 of 171 PERMIT GUIDELINES FOR FORM AND CHARACTER FOR ALL MULTIPLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS IN ROSSLAND. CARRIED. Councillor Blomme returned at 7:48 p.m. Councillor Fisher returned at 7:48 p.m. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM STAFF FOR DECISION: a) Request for Decision – Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Cycling Infrastructure Partnership Program (CIPP) Grant , Deputy Chief Administrative Officer/ Corporate Officer MOTION: SPEARN/MOORE RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZES STAFF TO APPLY FOR THE CYCLING INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (CIPP) GRANT OPPORTUNITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 TO PROVIDE A LINK BETWEEN PINEWOOD AND DOWNTOWN AS INDICATED IN THE ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN. CARRIED. b) Request for Decision – 2014 Regular Meeting Schedule, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer/ Corporate Officer MOTION: THATCHER/MOORE RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVES THE 2014 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE AS PRESENTED AND DIRECTS STAFF TO PUBLISH NOTICE AS REQUIRED BY THE COMMUNITY CHARTER. CARRIED. c) Request for Decision – Grant-In-Aid Policy #03-08 & Community Funding Application, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer/ Corporate Officer MOTION: FISHER/THATCHER RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVES THE GRANT-IN-AID POLICY #03-08 AND THE ACCOMPANYING COMMUNITY FUNDING APPLICATION FORM. CARRIED. REQUESTS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE: a) Letter from Red Resort Association regarding proposed changes to the Red Resort Association Society’s Bylaws. December 9, 2013 REGULAR MEETING Page 3 6 of 171 MOTION: MOORE/SPEARN RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVES RED RESORT ASSOCIATION’S PROPOSED CHANGES TO THEIR SOCIETY’S BYLAWS AS PER THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT’S APPROVAL PROCESS AND PROVIDE A LETTER OF SUPPORT TO BE INCLUDED IN THE APPLICATION TO THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY, SPORT AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. CARRIED. INFORMATION ITEMS: INFORMATION ITEMS NUMBERED 21(a) to 21(l): a) UBCM – The Compass Newsletter for November 20th and 27th, 2013. Recommendation to receive and file.