> C \ X V / t


March 4th 1946.


(Ro search Office)


(For internal circulation to the Canrnission)

£ Owing to the winding up of the- United Nations War Crlo®*- Cocnisaion on 31st March, 1948» no furtbor jftgT^wcaCT this Digaat will bo ia a v a Q + J J


CON T E N T S. t


PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/12c311/ S U M H A R Y O F E V E K T S.

B E L G I U H.

Death Sentences on SS Bolgiang.

The Times reported from Antwerp, 8.1*48, that 21 Belgians 9 former members of the SS, had been sentenced to death there for treason by a court martial, and 14 others to life imprisonment*

General von Jfolkenhausen extradited»

The Times, 27*1*48, reported that General von FAIXENHAUSEN, ex-Governor of Belgium, had been placed at the disposal of the Belgian authorities, with a view to trial*


Sentoncea on Bavonabrflok Camp Officials* The Timos reported, 12.1*48, that a court at Prague had sentenced Sophie NIETSCHE to death and five other female officials of the Raven abrsfiok women's Camp to imprisonment for torturing and killing internees.


Suicido of General Otto von Sfr&Lpnaftel*

This general, former comander in France (November, 1940 February, 1942) oonaitted suicide in prison in Paris an 6*2*48, while awaiting trial for killing of hostages and deportations.



328 Arrost of Hermann Cuhorst* (soe Digest Ho. XXXV, p.3)

This ex-official of the Ilinistry of Justice, having been acquitted by tho U.S* Court at Nureriborg (Case No. 3) on 4.11*47, was given a safe conduct by the Court to tho S*enoh Zone. After a protost by the German de-itirifioation Minister, who threatened to resi#i# CUHORST was arrested and brought back for trial by the competent Spruchkammer*

Trial . . . .

PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/12c311/ Gornfriyy« Trials by Gercan Tfovn ------T C o K i J ------

Trial of General Hans Juttner«

News of Geroapy reported that General ffans JUTTNER, Chief of the SS Operational Coex&nd.t »s to be' tried by a Spruohkarmer at Neustadt ( Zone) on 5«2«48.



The Balkan Generals ("Hostages Case11)« Case No« 7» (So® Digest No, XXXV, p. 4) JUdgpent was given in this oaso cn 1 9*2*43 as follows:

Field Marshal Wilheln von ISST«life Iqprisonraent« General XUTfTZE. life icpriaonnent* General R2NDULIC 20 years ir$>risonnont« General SEEIBEL 20 years * iryrisonrjent. General SSUflT 15 years is^riscnuent* General IANZ 12 years imprisonment, General van IgYSSR 10 years icprisonaent« General DKHNER 7 years iapr-aonnent« Genorol vo n Qfil'IKSft acquitted» General FOERTSCH acquitted« Aooarding to Agency Press reports the Court ruled that tho shooting of hostages «as not itself contrary to International law, but that the excessive and inhveane application of that neasure would constitute a arine.

Tho Ministries ("Wilholafltrasso") Trial. Case No« 11 • (See Digest No. XXXV, p«5.) The full list of defendants in this trial, which opened on 6.1 «48, was as follows; Barca WSIZACKER, permanent secretary at tho Foreign Office and later Ambassador to the Vatican; Gustav Steengraoht von MOILAND, who succeeded WEISACKER at the Fcrei^i Office; Wilhelm KEPPL2R, State Secretary at the Foroi/pi Office; Ernst B0HI£, chief of the Nazi foreigrv or^nisatian; Ernst WOER- HANN, of tho Fore i/51 Office, fornerly Gormn Ambassador in Nanking; Karl RITSER, liaison officer between the Foreign Offioe and the German High Coaaand; Otto von EHEKANNSDORiS', political division of the Foreign Offioe and minister to Hungry; Ednund VEESENUAYER, an associate of KSPPLER and envoy in Hungary; Hans LAMMERS, State Secretary and ohiof of the Reich Chancery; Wilheln STUCKART, State Searetary in tho Ministry of the Interior; Richard DARRfi, Reich Minister far Food and Agriculture; Otto KEISSNER, chief of the Presidential Chancery; Otto DIETRICH, Reich Press Chief; Gottlob BERGER, Hinnler’s liaison officer to the Ministry for tho Occupied East; Lutz Sobrorin von KRCSIGK, Minister of Finance* TfrviH. FUHL, vice-president of the Roiohsbank; Karl RASCHE, director of the ; Paul XQSHNER, Goring* s deputy for the four year plan; Paul P1EI&ER, chairman of the Reich Coal Association; Walter SCHETJSNBERG, Hinnler’s chief intelligence officer and Hans KEHRL, chief of the planning offioe in tho Ministry of War Production« Tho «««.

PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/12c311/ • Gormr^-vuaorioanZ obo .

The Second NurembergTrlain. ■ I w ——— (Cont)

The Trial of the "13 Generals". Case No, 12. (Sea Digest No* XXXV, p.5)

In this trial, which opened on 6.2.48, 13 Generals and1 Admiral were axrai&ied.The full list was: Field Marshal, van LEEB; field Marshal von KUECHLSR; Air Marshal SE2RRI£; Generals BIASKOVITZ (who committed suicide on 6.2.48) ,WAR1IKGNT,REINHARDT, REINECKE, HOTH, SAIiHJTH,HOLLIDT, ROQUES, WOEHLER, LEHMANN and Admiral SCHNIE57IND.

The Trial of the 23 Doctors and Scientists. (Case No. 1) Sec Digest No. XXXII, p.2) .

The Jewish Chronicle, 27*2.46, stated that the United States Supreme Court had refused, by 5 votes to 3» to consider the oases of the 14- defendants found guilty by the Nuremberg judges in August 1947.

+ + + + + +

ELossenburg Camp Doctor Sentenced.

On 16.12.47» the U.S. Court at Dachau sentenced Heinrich SCHMITZ, oamp doctor at Plosseriburg, to be hanged for the murders of internees.

Nordhausen (Dora) Concentration Camp Trial. Hans MOESER, ex-commandant of Nordhausen, was sentenced, to death by the U.S. Court at Dachau on 30.12.4?. 14 other defendants were sentenced to imprisonment.

/"This judgment concluded the Dachau Trials.^

+ + + + + + + +


PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/12c311/ BRITISH ZCNE.

War Crimes Trials at Hamburg.

Military Courts, sitting at Hamburg, gave judgment as f ollcrns;

The Casa,

Karl BEINE and 5 defendants sentenced to death* 8 others to imprisonment, on 30.12 .47» for killing Russian nationals* The Rhoinbauson Case.

BRUiKHANN sentenced to 2 years* imprisonment on 5*1 *48 for shooting 3 Russians without trial* The Siepjburg Prison Case*

Karl RATH and Otto SCHULZ sentenced, on 22.1.48, to 3 years' imprisonment for the unlawful execution of Luxembourg nationals* The Huchenfeld Case*

Friedrich HAUSER sentenced, on 5*1 *48, to death and two other defendants to imprisonment for murdering 3 officers and 1 sergeant of the Royal Air Force in March, 1945« The Case*

Otto MDKN sentenced to death, on 13.2.48, for the murder of an Indian .

Officers held for Trial*

The Minister for War stated in the House of Conmons on 24. 2*48, that 35 Gorman ex-officers against whom charges wore pending wore being held by his department* A number of others wero held in custody of the Control Commission for Germany* Two additional courts were being built in order to expedite trials*

The Stalag Luft III Case* (See Digest No* XXXII, p* 7)

The Tines reported from , 26.2.48, that 13 of the 14 men condemned to death in the above trial on 3*9»47 had just been executed at iianelin. The death sentence on B08CHHRT was commuted. to imprisonment.

iRENCH ....

PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/12c311/ FRENCH ZONE.

Trial of Gorman Industrialists.

Hermann and Ernst ROCHLDK», Hons G^£ENG£N-HOHNBERG, Albert MA.TER and Wilheln RGDENHA.USER, G e r m n industrialists, were arraigned before a nixed War Crinja Court at Badan BaJUm in the French son. an 1S®2*48, charged with ooqplioity in Nazi aggression and plu.iOo_'w


Life sentence on General Andrao.

A B.U.F no 3 sago, 25.11.47« said that thoGo roan general ANDRAE, was sontencod to «rnprisonnent by tho Athena War Crimea Court for m ss executions in Crete.


Death Sentence on an Infdnner.

/m Agency message, 14.1.48, said that a Jewess, Ans v&n DICK, had been executed for betraying Jews to the Gostapo.

Trial of General Christiansen. Router reported, 12.1.48, that Genora''. PTiedrich CHRISTIAN­ SEN, ex-coraraander-in-ohief in Holland, would be wried at Am h e n in February, 1948»


Extradition of Italians denandecL

Press nossagos, 13*1*48, said that th") Yu^sTa^ Government had asked Italy to hand ovor 27 nan accused t? war crimes .deluding MARAZZA, former Secretary to the Ministry ~ ' *•’ ’ J -.v.oc•. and General Tadl-w ORIANDO, ox Undor Secretary forü j i o u o o.

P O U N D ....

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Trial of Induatrisliats*

The Caanission was inforood of tho opening, 14*2*48, of the trial of Harold SUGET and other officials of tha Lohncn Yierloo, accused of looting Polish enterprises^ forced labour and deportations*

Trial of tho Auschwitz Carp Staff (See Digest No« XXXV, p*8)

On 22.12.47 the Stqpreno National Court at Cracow sentenced to death 23 of the aocused officials including UEBEHENSCHEL, GRABNER, AUMEIER and lfcria MANDL, Director of tho \7onienls oeusp. Thq condemned persons were executed on 28.1 «43*

U. S. S. R.

The Kishineff- Trial. The Tass agency, 8*12*47, reported that tho trial was pro­ ceeding at Kiahineff of Major General DEVITZ-KREBS, fornor ooooandant of that place, and nine other defendants of lowar rank, including sot» Rumanians. /"Results of trial not available^ ^

The Novgorod Trial. ' "~Tt

The Tass Agency announced froza Novgorod, 18*12*47, son toncoa of 25 years' hard labour on the Gernan generals K. HERZOG and J* RUPPR3CHT, and 17 other defendants of lower rank*

The Gooel Trial.

Tho Moscow radio, 20*12*47, announced sontences of 25 years1 hard labour on 16 Gernan defendants* /""no nanes were given ._7

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