June 20, 2014 – Sivan 22, 5774 Flamingo E Weekly 593 Erev Shabbat Parshat Korach, Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Tammuz. Avot Chapter 3 Shabbat Candles may not be lit until 7:26 pm, but must be lit before 8:44 pm Shabbat ends: 9:57 pm The Family Shul Wishes You Shabbat Shalom!

Weekly Schedule

Friday, June 20 Shabbat (Saturday) June 21 Sunday, June 22 6:30am Maamer Moment 7:00am Shabbat Mevarchim Tehillim 8:00am Early Minyan 6:40am Early Minyan 8:40am The Chassidic Reader- Lekutei Torah 8:30am Teachings! 7:00am Regular Minyan 9:15am Main Shacharit Services 9:15am Regular Minyan 6:40pm Mincha & Sefer 9:30am Youth Minyan 7:30pm Mincha & Sefer Hamitzvot, followed 10:30am All Youth Programs HaMitzvot Class by Kabbalat Shabbat 1:30pm Lavish – anonymously sponsored 8:15 pm Ma’ariv 8:00pm Mincha, Seuda Shlishit, Ma’ariv; followed by screening of Living Torah Kiddush Honours: Seudat Shlisheet Honours: Adler Family and Popper Family Moskoff Family Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: by appt. only 10:45 -12:45am 8:30 -10:30pm Monday, June 23 Tuesday, June 24 Wednesday, June 25 Thursday, June 26 6:30am Parsha Perspectives 6:30am Parsha Perspectives 6:30am Parsha Perspectives 6:30am Parsha Perspectives 6:35am Early Minyan 6:40am Early Minyan 6:40am Early Minyan 6:35am Early Minyan 7:00am Regular Minyan 7:00am Regular Minyan 7:00am Regular Minyan 7:00am Regular Minyan 10:30am Tehillim Class! 7:30pm Mincha & Sefer 7:30pm Mincha & Sefer 7:30pm Mincha 7:30pm Mincha & Sefer HaMitzvot Class HaMitzvot Class 8:15 pm Ma’ariv HaMitzvot Class 8:15 pm Ma’ariv 8:15 pm Ma’ariv 8:30 pm Men’s Chavruta 8:15 pm Ma’ariv 8:30pm Special Lecture!

Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah 8:30 -10:30pm 8:30 -10:30pm 8:30 -10:30pm 8:30 -10:30pm #BringBackOurBoys – The entire Jewish world is praying for the three kidnapped students in Israel. As we all closely follow the situation and the IDF's ongoing search and recovery missions in Chevron and the surrounding areas, there is something we can actually do. Every member of the Global Jewish Family is urged to support .org‘s international Pledge-a-Mitzvah campaign which calls on us to add an extra prayer and a kind deed for the merit of these three young Yeshiva students. Last night Rabbi Menachem Kutner of Chabad Terror Victims Project received an urgent call from the father of Eyal Yifrach asking to meet with him. At the meeting he requested that Shluchim around the world should convey the following: “In every Jewish home… They should light Shabbat candles. Shabbat is for Zachor – remembering, and Shamor – guarding. May Hashem remember the kidnapped students and guard them. In the merit of this mitzvah may save them and bring them back home…” When doing your special good deed, please have these boys in mind. Their names are: Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah, Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim, Eyal ben Iris Teshura. Please visit our website to pledge your mitzvah today. The Rabbi will be visiting the families of these kidnapped students again on Tuesday to present them with a Report of all positive resolutions offered around the world. Be sure that your name is on that document which is intended to bring comfort and strength to them in their awfully challenging, painful and difficult ordeal. In addition, as you read this, thousands of our young IDF soldiers continue to search the cold, dark and dangerous streets of Chevron for Gilad, Eyal and Naftali; tragically, alongside the small heroic Jewish community living in this ancient ancestral Jewish city, a hateful Hamas stronghold resides. Help support our soldiers by sponsoring a pie (or two) of pizza which will be delivered by Chabad of Chevron directly to the Chayalim on the very same day!

Keep Calm, Pray and Farbreng! This Shabbat, preceding Rosh Chodesh is called Mevarchim, because it’s especially empowered to furnish the upcoming new Hebrew month of Tammuz with Hashem’s Bracha - Divine blessings, for our success. In light of the current events in Israel, and the fact that this is a very special month - as detailed below, everyone should make an extra effort to use this unique Shabbat wisely. Tammuz begins as multitudes of Jewish people – whose lives have been touched and changed by the ’s inspired leadership and vast reservoir of Torah teachings – endeavour to intensify their spiritual bonds with the Rebbe’s holy neshama on occasion of Gimmel (the 3rd day of) Tammuz – his Yartzeit-Hilula; this year it falls on Tuesday, July 1. It's followed by the celebration of the Chasidic Festival Yud-Bais (the 12th day of) Tammuz commemorating the stunning victory of Torah Judaism over the dark forces of Communism. In the latter half of the month, we enter the saddest three weeks of the Jewish calendar, beginning with the fast of Shiva Assar (the 17th day) b’Tammuz, commemorating the downfall of Jerusalem and the ultimate destruction of the Holy Temple. We strive to intensify our love for Yerushalayim and our yearning for Mashiach during these days, by envisioning the Third Beit HaMikdash that we pray will be rebuilt speedily in our own days. We urge you to keep calm, and do whatever you can to invoke divine blessings for success in the IDF's search and rescue mission and the broad spectrum of spiritual events punctuating this new month! Join us early on Shabbat morning for the communal recitation of Tehillim (beginning at 7:00 am) which will be dedicated especially to the welfare of our boys being held in captivity. Later on, following the communal Kiddush, the entire community is invited to join us for an extra-special lavish Mivarchim Farbrengen which has been anonymously sponsored by a very splendid member of our Shul community, in honour of the 20 years since Gimmel Tammuz – with the prayerful hope that we be lead us out of Golut now, and in the zechut of our boys – Yaakov Naftali Ben Rachel Devorah, Gilad Michael Ben Bat Galim and Eyal Ben Iris Teshura, may they, please G-d, come home safe and sound; as well, in honour of this Shul member’s Hebrew Birthday on Yud Bais Tammuz! Please make every effort to participate in order to draw forth abundant blessings in real-time fashion.

Soul Energizer Shabbaton – Plans have now been formalized for the upcoming Men’s Shabbat. Please note the following changes: the travel down to NYC will be individually arranged. Some will be flying both ways, some one way and others will be carpooling. We will be streamlining the carpooling coordination, but not providing the transportation. Once in New York, the program will begin on Friday afternoon as members of our Shul community join thousands of other Jews for this very special Shabbat at the Ohel in honour of Gimmel Tammuz. We’ll arrange for lodgings in a luxurious RV, all meals and snacks will be provided for only $149! Those participating will also be able to attend the Soul Encounters program on Sunday (see below) although this must be reserved online individually. We are proud that some of the women from our community will be traveling down to participate in Sunday's special program as well. If you require lodgings for Shabbat, please contact Rebbetzin Faygie Kaplan. We’ll all join together after on Sunday! Close Encounters of the Soul Kind – Honouring the upcoming 20th Yahrtzeit-Hilula of our beloved Rebbe on Sunday, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, June 29, 2014, thousands from around the world will converge in Queens, New York for the first ever International Soul Encounters Convention. This exceptional event will feature some of the world’s most remarkable Torah teachers and motivational speakers, including the internationally revered Rabbi Adin Even-Yisrael (Steinsaltz), the global expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Professor Lawrence H Schiffman and the newly appointed Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, along with more than 20 other outstanding presenters. The event will take place close to the Ohel allowing participants the opportunity to visit the Rebbe’s sacred resting site within 48 hours of the Hilula. You are guaranteed to leave this exceptional day inspired, energized and recommitted to go from strength to strength in your Yiddishkeit. But you must reserve online before Thursday, June 26. For more information, or to book your spot before they sell out, visit soulencounters.org. Transportation to is your own responsibility; this program begins on Sunday morning and concludes late that night. The cost to participate in this amazing day is only $99 (a $299 value!) For more information, please speak to Rabbi Kaplan. The Original Dr. Evil – Fantastic educational fun and games await the children at our awesome Shabbat morning kids program, which will begin as usual at 10:30am with circle time and davening, Parsha learning, snack, and games. This week’s Torah portion is called Korach. In it, we learn all about an evil man named Korach, and the rebellion he instigated to challenge Moshe's leadership and Aharon's priesthood. We'll find out what happened to Korach, his two henchmen: the infamous troublemakers Dathan and Aviram, and the 250 followers who tried to offer incense to prove their own worthiness for the priesthood. We’ll learn all about how Aharon HaKohen’s wooden staff came back to life and blossomed with almonds overnight to reaffirm that Aharon was chosen by Hashem! To help the children understand the many lessons contained in this week’s Parsha, we'll be having an ultimate "Maaser Bean Hunt" and play "Steal the Frying Pans"! Mazal Tov to last week's Shabbat mensch – Aaron Kimchi! Be A Minyan Maker – We are having a challenging time getting a Minyan together on-time for Mincha and Ma’ariv services each evening at 7:30pm. Here's a welcoming call to our entire community: please make every effort to come out and help us, even if only occasionally. Whether it's once a week, once every two weeks, or even just once a month, you never know when you’ll be the Minyan Maker! In response to the feedback we’ve received, Rabbi Kaplan promises that the Sefer Hamitzvot class will be shortened, and if everyone arrives on time, you’ll be out the door in less than an hour! After Life, There Is More… – On Sunday morning, we complete the latest Tanya Teachings series: Death of a Tzadik, that studies the letter of condolences penned by the founder of Chabad to Chassidim living in Eretz Yisrael who suffered the loss of their never-replaced Rebbe in 1788. In it, The Alter Rebbe lucidly explains the mysterious Zoharic conjecture: “a Tzadik is to be found in this world after his passing to a greater extent than when he was physically alive.” This will help you meaningfully observe the Yahrtzeit-Hilula and enable a greater understanding of Chabad’s spiritual operating principles today. Moving Mountains and Liquefying Stone – On Monday, exclusively for women, our Redemption Songs Series on Tehillim will complete the study of Psalm 114, the second chapter of Hallel. Discover the meaning of the Biblical allegoric imagery such as “the mountains skipped like rams” and the “rock turned into a pool of water.” Thanks to an anonymous sponsor, these classes will be recorded, uploaded to our website, so they can later be viewed on demand. But to make the most of this unique Torah study offering it’s always best to join us in person! Leadership Reloaded – On Tuesday, Rabbi Kaplan will present a lecture at a special Lunch n’ Learn entitled Portraits of Jewish Leadership. This event is co- sponsored by Gardiner Roberts LLP and Chabad of Downtown. It takes place from 12 to 1:30 pm at Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West, suite 3100. The general public is invited, however space is limited and attendance is by RSVP only. Call 416-727-0123 or e-mail: [email protected] if you wish to attend. If you don’t work downtown or do, but can't make it anyway, you don’t have to miss anything, as the lecture will be repeated that very same night here at our own Shul following services at 8:30 pm: no food served, and no RSVP is required. All are welcome! A Classless Society – This coming Thursday night’s Talmud class with Rabbi Kaplan is cancelled due to the New York Ohel Shabbaton; however, regular services will be held and the Chavruta men's learning program will continue as usual. Please make an extra effort to participate in the Mincha and Maariv as many of our regulars will be away for the Ohel Shabbaton! The Talmud class will resume on next Thursday, July 3. BMC: The Essence of Awesome! Our recent Bat Mitzvah Club Graduation Celebration was a most memorable and inspirational event! Nearly 450 friends and family gathered, with some guests from as far away as South Africa! The graduates delivered remarkably insightful presentations on topics they learned through the year. Kudos to our BCM instructor Goldy Grossbaum for another exceptionally well done job! A very special Mazal Tov to all the graduates and their families! To view photos of this recent fabulous event, please visit our website. Note that registration for next year's Bat Mitzvah Club is nearly full with just 4 remaining spots for the Tuesday night class option. To be sure your daughter has this wonderful opportunity, please register ASAP! Members Bulletin – We express Mazal Tov and continued Hatzlacha to the children our Shul’s families who have recently graduated with these respective milestones! Ian Brasg from Medical School, son of Colin & Sarah Brasg; – Noah Eklove from High School, son of Mark & Lianne Eklove; – Lindsay Friedman from Law School, daughter of Les & Iris Friedman; – Benji Glowinsky from High School, son of Howard & Claire Glowinsky– Jonathan Gordon from High School, son of David & Clara Gordon; – Lauren Kranc from High School, daughter of Dr. Steven & Jennifer Kranc;- Adam Kula from High School, son of Ron & Maureen Kula– Jordana Maged from High School, daughter of Ian & Sarah Maged; – Adam Rogozinsky from Law School and Lisa Rogozinsky from High School, son and daughter of Michael & Lynn Rogozinsky; Cameron Roll from High School son of Malcolm and Tilda Roll;– Adina Sugar from High School, daughter of Bradley and Annie Sugar; - Renato Zveibil from High School son of Nelson and Raquel Zveibil! Yasher Koach to all!

Shabbat Sponsorships: The congregational Kiddush has been co-sponsored by Tom & Sharon Adler & Imri Adler to celebrate the birth of their granddaughter Ettel Bracha, and Franklin & Sheila Moskoff to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Sheila’s mother OBM. The Mevarchim Farbrengen has been anonymously sponsored by a devoted member of our Shul for reasons enumerated above. The Seudat Shlisheet has sponsored by Yuval & Carol Popper to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Yuval’s late father, OBM. May we be granted to share only Simchas together, Amen!

Chabad @ Flamingo | www.chabadflamingo.com | [email protected] 8001 Bathurst Street | Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8L5 | Phone: (905) 763-4040| Fax: (905) 763-3470 Copyright © 2014 Chabad@Flamingo, All rights reserved.