From the Japanese Clawed Salamander, Onychodactylus Japonicus (Caudata: Hynobiidae), from Japan
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J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 66(2), 1999 pp. 180-186 Parapharyngodon japonicus sp. n. (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) from the Japanese Clawed Salamander, Onychodactylus japonicus (Caudata: Hynobiidae), from Japan CHARLES R. BURSEYU AND STEPHEN R. GOLDBERG2 1 Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, Shenango Campus, 147 Shenango Avenue, Sharon, Pennsylvania 16146 U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) and 2 Department of Biology, Whittier College, Whittier, California 90608 U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) ABSTRACT: Parapharyngodon japonicus sp. n. from the large intestine of the Japanese clawed salamander, Onychodactylus japonicus (Houttuyn), is described and illustrated. Parapharyngodon japonicus is most similar to P. tyche in that the anterior cloacal lip is smooth, the ovary is postbulbar, and the eggs are thin-walled and oval in outline. These 2 species differ in that the spicule of P. japonicus is half the length of that in P. tyche and the lateral alae of P. japonicus end abruptly about 80 u,m anterior to the cloaca, whereas in P. tyche the lateral alae continue to the end of the body. Two species are transferred from Parapharyngodon to The land ros and represent new combinations: Thelandros awakoyai (Babero and Okpala) comb. n. and T. senisfaciecaiidus (Freitas) comb. n. KEY WORDS: Parapharyngodon japonicus sp. n., Pharyngodonidae, Onychodactylus japonicus, Hynobiidae, Amphibia, salamander, Japan. The validity of Parapharyngodon Chatterji, sally, whereas males of Thelandros have a nar- 1933, has been in question almost since its pro- row, elongated genital cone (sometimes with an posal by Chatterji (1933). Baylis (1936) consid- accessory piece), papillae are outside the genital ered it to be a synonym of Thelandros Wedl, cone, and the tail is terminal. Females of Para- 1862; Karve (1938), Garcia-Calvente (1948), pharyngodon have a conical tail ending in a and Skrjabin et al. (1951) maintained this syn- short spike and the eggs have a subterminal onymy. Freitas (1957) reinstated the genus; Cha- operculum and are in the early stages of cleav- baud (1965) returned it to synonymy with The- age when released. Females of Thelandros have landros. Sharpilo (1976), on the basis of the various caudal morphologies; in some species presence of lateral alae, reinstated Parapharyn- the tail is conical, tapering evenly from the anus, godon, but Fetter and Quentin (1976) did not whereas in others it is rounded and supports a accept lateral alae as a differential character and short filiform appendage. The eggs of Thelan- again synonymized Parapharyngodon with The- dros have a terminal operculum and are larvated landros. Adamson (1981) reestablished Para- at deposition. pharyngodon based on the dietary habits of the The Japanese clawed salamander, Onychodac- host, genital cone morphology (well developed tylus japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782), is restricted to in males of Thelandros, reduced or absent in mountainous areas of Honshu and Shikoku Is- Parapharyngodon), egg morphology (opercu- lands, Japan, where it inhabits coniferous and lum, if present, polar in position, larvated at de- broad-leafed deciduous forests 20-2,000 m position in Thelandros; subpolar operculum, de- above sea level (Kuzmin, 1995). The ancestors posited in early stage of cleavage in Paraphar- of O. japonicus supposedly reached Japan from yngodon), and morphology of the tail of fe- continental Asia by way of the Korean peninsula males. Castano-Fernandez et al. (1987) (Kuzmin, 1995). Previously reported helminths supported retention of Parapharyngodon but re- of Onychodactylus japonicus include: the mono- stricted separation of the 2 genera to morpho- genetic trematode, Pseudopolystoma dendriti- logical characters, not dietary habits. Males of cum (Ozaki, 1948); the digenetic trematodes, Parapharyngodon lack a genital cone, papillae Cephalouterina leoi Uchida, Uchida, and Ka- surround the cloaca, the accessory piece is ab- mei, 1986, and Mesocoelium brevicaecum Ochi, sent, and the tail is subterminal and curved dor- 1930; the cestode, Cylindrotaenia sp. (=Baer- ietta sp., larvae only); and the nematodes, Am- 3 Corresponding author. phibiocapillaria tritonispunctati (Diesing, 1851) 180 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington BURSEY AND GOLDBERG—PARAPHARYNGODON JAPONICUS SP. N. 181 ( = Capillaria filiformis (Linstow, 1885)), Pseu- range): Length 789 (620-1,170). Width 131 doxyascaris japonicus Uchida and Itagaki, 1979, (115—153). Lateral alae beginning near level of Pharyngodon sp., and Rhabditis sp. (Wilkie, esophagus isthmus, increasing gradually in 1930; Pearse, 1932; Ozaki, 1948; Uchida and width and ending abruptly about 80 u,m anterior Itagaki, 1979; Uchida et al., 1986). To our to cloaca. Annulations about 2 |xm apart. Esoph- knowledge there are no reports of Paraphaiyn- agus 160 (131-177), bulb length 45 (40-51), godon from Japanese salamanders, although bulb width 43 (37-48). Nerve ring 116 (86- Hasegawa (1988) reported an unidentified spe- 143), excretory pore 57 (40-74) from anterior, cies of Parapharyngodon from the scincid liz- respectively. Tail 27 (23—34), reduced to a slim ard, Ateuchosaurus pellopleurus Hallowell, appendage inserted dorsally and directed 1860, from Okinawa, Japan. The purpose of this obliquely to longitudinal axis of body. Spicule paper is to describe a new species of nematode, 53 (45-57). Testis reflexed behind esophagus. Parapharyngodon japonicus from a salamander Three pairs of caudal papillae: 1 pair ventral, Onychodactylus japonicus from Japan, and to precloacal; 1 pair sublateral, postcloacal; 1 pair provide a current list of species assigned to the on caudal appendage. Posterior cloacal lip thick- genus Parapharyngodon. ened centrally. FEMALE (allotype and 9 paratypes; mean and Materials and Methods range): Length 2,493 (1,820-3,250). Without Sixty-eight Onychodactylus japonicus, mean snout- lateral alae. Width at vulva 469 (306-714). vent length = 62.4 ± 4.3 mm (range 43-72 mm), were Esophagus 298 (257-336), bulb length 85 (68- collected by hand and fixed in neutral buffered 10% 100), bulb width 92 (72-114). Nerve ring 206 formalin, preserved in 70% alcohol, examined for in- testinal helminths, then deposited in the Natural His- (125-239), excretory pore 718 (459-969), vulva tory Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM). Sixty- 1,207 (765-1,785) from anterior, respectively. five were from Hineomata Village (37°01'N, Tail 91 (57—114). Amphidelphic; uteri divergent; 139°23'E), 1,100-1,200 m elevation, Fukushima Pre- anterior uterus directed anteriorly, posterior uter- fecture, Honshu Island, Japan (LACM 143245- 143260, collected 13 June 1995; LACM 143715- us directed posteriorly; ovaries reflexed, remain- 143736, 19 June 1996; LACM 144266-144292, 7 June ing below level of esophageal bulb; muscular 1997), and 3 were from Hakone Mountain (35°12'N, ovijector, nonsalient vulva. Egg oval, in profile 139°00'E), ca. 800 m elevation, Hakone, Kanagawa slightly flattened on 1 side, 92 (77-100) by 42 Prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan (LACM 143714, 28 (34-48), thin-shelled, with subterminal opercu- May 1980; LACM 143712, 13 May 1986; LACM 143713, 8 June 1993). The body cavity was opened lum. Eggs in ovijector at pronucleus stage of by a longitudinal incision from vent to throat and the development. gastrointestinal tract was removed and opened longi- tudinally. Nematodes were removed, placed in undi- Taxonomic summary luted glycerol, allowed to clear, and examined under a light microscope. Measurements are given in micro- TYPE HOST: Onychodactylus japonicus meters. (Houttuyn, 1782). TYPE LOCALITY: Hineomata, Fukushima Pre- Results fecture, Honshu Island, Japan, 37°01'N, Parapharyngodon japonicus sp. n. 139°23'E. (Figs. 1-6) SITE OF INFECTION: Small intestine. Description TYPE SPECIMENS: Holotype: male, U.S. Na- tional Parasite Collection, Beltsville, Maryland, GENERAL: Robust nematodes with prominent USNPC 88238; allotype, female, USNPC annulations beginning just behind cephalic ex- 88239; paratypes (9 males, 9 females), USNPC tremity and continuing to anus. Moderate sexual 88240. dimorphism. Triangular oral opening surrounded ETYMOLOGY: The new species is named in by 3 bilobed lips. One small, pedunculate am- reference to the country of origin. phid on each ventrolateral lip. Lateral alae pre- sent in males, absent in females. Males without Discussion caudal alae; caudal filament directed dorsally. We consider the most significant character for Females with conical tail terminating in short, separation of Parapharyngodon and Thelandros stiff spike. to be egg morphology. Based on egg morphol- MALE (holotype and 9 paratypes; mean and ogy, as defined by Castano-Fernandez et al. Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 182 JOURNAL OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 66(2), JULY 1999 E n o CM 50pm 40|jm O m Figures 1-6. Parapharyngodon japonicus sp. n. 1. Female, entire, lateral view. 2. Male, entire, lateral view. 3. Female, en face view. 4. Egg, pronuclear stage. 5. Male, posterior end, lateral view. 6. Male, posterior end, ventral view. Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Table 1. Current list and selected characters of species assigned to Parapharyngodon. Biogeographical realm Species of Parapharyngodon Spicule (u,m) Cloacal lip Ovary Egg size ((Jim) Reference Australian Realm P. anomalus Hobbs, 1996 63 echinate prebulbar 83-95 X 43-50 Hobbs, 1996 P. fitzroyi Jones, 1 992 80-92 echinate prebulbar 88-96 X 48-56 Jones, 1992 P. kartana (Johnston and Mawson, 1941) 55