"In ]'OJ eee§ s~1l,rij§ Un ii tas. in Du toi is Libe:n.·tas, in 0 In nibu s Cal'i t as."



".,...'"577 . ¥ Frorn the Tablet. tics ure not likely to approve (If C::ltholic February last, I entered the Congregation Ir.racked his own jol,es, at weddings, and THE "LIVES OF THE SAINTS." works of any kind. The Council of Trent of the Or~tory, I. submitted.l';ly wor ~;: t.o the w~s sponsor at the christeni.ngs for n:ore 'Ve allllou oce in another column, with did l1 ot.':! the ,opinions, n.ol' minister to Fathers WIth a VieW to obtall1lDg theJ]' JUdg- 1ch tl dren tha n any othp.r man 10 the pal'lsh. great regret, that this most valuable publi. the whims of heretiCS, whom Jt condemned, m ent on its continu ance. They, for "ari- He could recite whole pllges of Pasto ri ni, 'eatiOlY is s

MY M' i $ ;, :::::=:::z:= iC 2 -._ l'e peati n'lt 0 v'e r like panots; bu t whin ye fluential and ~mporta n t agency of Colonel j ment, with little attention to her h usband's : ly demancle. the agent of h is father, "which ask them what it manes, 01' when y ou bring lelon, the gentleman already spoken r emonstan('e~ "what right the priest t,o Ii of th?rn dare th. wart me in my projects?" • the m into the deep la nguages, ye'll smot her of )n the second charrte r, and the serond address you on sl1ch a subject? If Archl- "IOUI' own rashness may defeat them.' them all at once." wealthiest commoner in the British parlia- bald be guilty of this charge, why he is "PaO'h! rushRess- folly, my dea r sir.- "An' what's the Hn v brew, MI' . McGu i re?" ment. These, t'ertain ly, were thoughts to g reatly to blame. TIut is the crime inepar- I, Have You .not seen 'Gou I bu rn 's, opin ion OD inqnii'ed Nancy, he :' admirati on for the make any man's heart glad. able? One would suppose, sir, in Ihe sa- these matters? But who is to cal l me to scrirll\rian evidently mC I·easi ng. "Opposite his reverence SRt h is wife, an vage land, the loss or a pcasant girl's repu- acccullt fOl' preci pilancy, in sLich a cause?" "W hat IS it? och, nc h, pOO l' wo man," he Engltsl, ludy, and at her si de his maiuen lalion was some great nal ional evil--so ! "Olle who Ivil l and can , Cnl(,lI1e l Tem- r epli ed . "it's good fOI' ye,ye know little siSler, Miss Canlwell , botn, as it mayreadily much is it talked ofl that this wretched / pI cton himselr-amarlnottobetrifledwit h. about. il." ?e supposed, in the '~sere and yell?",;" and, people 't'alued it highei' than ever did Eng- I He is, no dOllbt, an enemy- -an avo we d "Why-is there a ny ha l' m in knowin' it?" If one coul d Judge fr om looks, ml~ht have land that of her greatest and proudest peer- 'I enemy of po pery--but a man ~erLlpulously "Bann-well 110, no harm, set in case been launched 011 the Ciinent ",r hr.) toge- esses--her BI- - lons, hal' C-ng-ms, ju st il1 the treatment of hi S tenallts. He you cud hea l' it, but it's not ivery brain cud ther. Be that as it may, the perso7!llage, not. and her Port-ths. I can have no patience I'wil l tolerate no interrerence with the legal filan' it, I'll tel l YOll IV hat i tDis, Nancy, it set on ly of the two ladies, hut of es!. a;ld ablest r:1ell oC t.he age uu, how IS It lake me? I11IS SI0n , when we have alreadv dOlle all you, and Insl1lt YOIl too. ,coulcl make It. h lllgS and pl'lnces, and sub- ';Why, then, Nancy I'll te ll yej it's old Ih at our relatiolls with. thc ehlll~ch and the During this InS! pbilipic, the reclor had jects, have applied itj but,! it rniled- an'. rullo' wrinkle: u~d spots, li ke one that governmcnt require of us to extermin ate taken up "The Sainl :s Everlasting Rest," ,why, I know not." '" haa the smalf-pnx." f he Widow wus taken them . H they hal'e cscaped llS, we are not hy bls namesake, and ;;eernecl to be atten- ;'Perhaps, because, pOI~cl'y IS Il11pel'lsha-, compl etely by surprise. to hla111e." tively oc:cupit'!d ill turning uver the pages, ble," salrlthe lady taulltingly. " ;'MlIsi1a, bad luck to, yer imperence, "Noi. you, father, to be sure, 1I0r ~ihe ma- as if .looking fo r somethin g in which he "I mu~~ r.Glnfess, Isabe ll a. Ilotwitslanclinl:\' Snandy," she retoned" ~y l ng the. I'Ibbons of gist.racy in general," interposed Archibald took Interest. !V];ss Reb?cca wa, read in g our conviction tt) the cOI1i.ral'Y, that the,TO hel' cap under he r chm stili light e r, and the ~gell l, "but the enactment itself is to the last Ill1nll'11. ancl A rhlbald ,sut tWirlin g liS a ~ol1let h l\1g-a VllU!tty you may eal l It, m?vl ng back he I', chai I', " bad luck to ye l' blanle', It is nol, stTfTicienlly comprehen- his thulTl ly;, his teet'slrlJtched uut before him, I ill popery, wh ich does seem almost imper­ Jmp cr ~'J1 c e, but It s we ll come up wllh ye, sile; were it to regnru the abettors of rib. and gla:Jcll1 g under hi S dark eyebrows fr ol11 jlshnblej while we attempt to c!Jt dowil the Hah! that's not bad, to be sure; an' wusn't Iboni sm as it does the members of the so- onetOl.hCOlhl!rof' thed isputanls. At length tree, we ollly s h.ake th e bl': ofl explanations. I thotlghl,"dle (;:on- "I wi sh they had lIever met," was the wel:e al l s~a i l l,. bLl~,tlJe priests arc more nu- hiS w a y ~ . She ds->u led hlll1 th,tl such lem-, tll1ued, her anger nSlI1g as she spoke, and I reply; melOLlS than ,e\ er. " 1I11 SCen,ces were by Il{) lTIep l , ~ ,. the proposals m~de by the own e rs of Geth -[taly, buttnroughollt BUI'ope, we re adort- mentof the mS Ul'l'ectlOll ary mOVemfmt, are G t' ht d t d 1 Il,,, low lg semlll1Y and aoprovelj the ptll'ch ase of that ed and I'orward e'i:! to the Pope, \;Ve believe placed in very unenviable Cll'CUll1 stallces at {)ve rn rne n I tnb t' llod-:-- PII OWl , st" I " e ' ~ , - , 'fi d ' , - , ceremony IV llC S I Isp races OUl e ,. place, on the condi tions and lerms speci e that n'l forl1l11 1 acknow ledgement was nv e r ' th e oiher sIde of the J\tlantlC,- "Tne Bache, 011 the 5th of November. -AnnulIl ce l'emon - in the I·epor!. The definite transfe r of the made of the receipt of these, I~OI' pc rhaps M'Evers, which sailed from th is port on ies, as a class, are generally respecta ble ; farm to th8 T rappist has con sequentlv be8 11 was any expeGled; uut tl1a t the Pope has the ;:J th August la::;t, with emigrants for N , I I I J I r t l18 sal-e " riC' "IT I '1 ' I Wd d wewollcprese:'veo(cus _oms lo r ", ' area(ymae;I I d an c1 we Iearn Ir om recent notlol'gottentllJ Ity 0 r "Tl"e ,w Lo r, and York, arl'lvec lllourlarboron er nes ay f th" - ,t' (O' th -- h'-b-I IS'-lldcel- 1 IbM I 'I d f h ' I b' I ' d ' r I 'I ' I' [ d" d fl f 0 ell commemora I '" e ,1 a Ie ~llers t lat a dOllt 145fi ollf"N sal e _ 1 ' ~111 e r In lIi Ilanls, ~lnG IS most eS lll'OUS 0 cu - 1\\I'ltl a carlgo ~ 111 lan corn an °llnl', lll'om ings of Oll r 1 0I'efa th e r~, .so tbn!, however lN'anteS ._towar s 11e 11'st 0 ovem be l' JOt' l livatl ng more Itlt ll11lit e socm l I' e a tl oll s, was t1at port, eavlllg l er pas;;engers a we ,- l- 'ffi' 'th h bl Jel'SOn'lUes ' - - ', d 'h c I erl\lI' ~ 'ay'- , > • r~ ly WII e m' 11 g rfl 8 IJ m m ' "p - vil le be fo ro the end of the month. MARE appropl'lately sty led th e hYf'lhe n of thc Lord E dward Fitzgerald and Arth ur \ - h' . [,' dl' ~ , 't h -I t B t ~r ' II arl- 'b C 'I d' I lei h h O'C I I 1 I ~" P- ' j f Ing t ell , In y IO le ollg 1 . U - a G ethsel11any IS a out lour ml es Istant tIe wor . IV 0 came as l'erJl'ese nt.ln g I e onnol' c U)S , an c t 1e vJC e reS1cent 0 ~ 1 " '~t h " f th Ic' o ' , ' _ , hI' 'II d P 1 I C- I" h J IM' I I II f' I' , L I nua '>elemonlvs IS lsoneo e ,bLle~ f rom N elV I,aven. on t e ,OUI SV I e an -ope, 10 tem er 10 tIe :Iy ant.lo rlties, t, e Oln litC 18, a 0 tllS city etters t bl -. ' t d t - ,t liz, the habit" Nashvi!le turnpike roa'J, and in a ,very thl'ough the Mayor, a se ries of medals, two which arrived he re from New York ~ecd- a e ,- I , Ores n ~J f l ~mr,Otlhal' elll!t '\ r-Il C J~ , T f ld r .. d . - , f I a n fee l In()'~ 0 OU I ole ,I e s, ,It _ I, h8althv locat ion . he re a re , between 13 , 0 go : two 0 Silv e r, an two or bronze, gl,ve no fi attenng ~c co unt 0 tle prosrects it does 1I 0t'" even commemorate th e bet lel' li nd 1400 aCl'es of land, a conSi de rable [l or · \ tl' ansITIltted by the Pope to thiS City, of these eXiled patriots. Many of them now l f 'l' t ' ' th' f ltest bl t the , f I' I ' , r I' - \V ' b I I d " d ' I I I 1ft ' success a ,le VIC 01S III ,1 CO L ,J - ;rlOln 0 WliClblSl l ll ~ a stat,el'l o I C,I] lIvatlon. - - , eglve I.- e, ow t le eSC'- l'l pllons [trll In- regret t1dat tl,ey lave elt tle c Oj,untryf, mhls- IImiliU ffe l' ed the mos t crue l pe l'secutl Oll. Why_ manentestub lSltn8nt, anc It WI nocoubtl t"e -opetot1e S tat80 1 ew lore, IlJ recl · aSl 1C "lac1 seen a glostwlenl e saw a -h Id ' " 'lye lit ove' 'I'e 11I'ISt ' ;-" 'I f 'bl ' (' bl b d r I I d 'c I I" ffi' f' Id s ou we) ea I XL I, , > d,< be nect'ss <'1 I' Y 10 bill ( as soon as POSSI e an procatlon 0 1' a SLl J)e l' y oLIn set 0 t le '1ar up orc so leltor 0 enng a ew 0 'd rtf th,t' '~'t ed ';1 t IS Sc'~ ' o l~ v j ' U L , , , ~\ ., ent -irely new 1\1' on ~ste ry . "hatur;i-,-, I [['- l st.flr J-O.lf N ewi ol'-.k" W1ICl' h was b oocs1 or saIe pu bl'I cyI mtl' I estl'eet.,0 f t1at I I,1 nf th a e 0 - t a pe· GI ve 'J I - F '" l- I ~ ? I' , ' " " d h P 1I1f TT f d I' I d bl" 0 e pRplS s, [lOOI Ill ( 0 rrw , e, , - IV ,ese The 1l'np[llsts diV ide tnell' lime between presente to t e ope by ~ons. vattemare Tee an en Igllene repu IC. t bl' - I 'ht '1 tl . , ' ~' f' S ' F I' " 7 ' I fi II - rem I TlIT slgnR ure mig - renli llC U'l ,la , lahorand rned lnl lonand prayer. lheyc<.I r- III th e name 0 OUI' \:,te, 'ALSE _\.EPORTS ,-n e taK e tle 0 owmg , I' d to , P t es t t h d n t ~ t )'v on ho rticu ltu re and A!! l'I cultu re eve rY These rn ~d a!s are al l of the Ill OS t eX(1uis- from the E vening Mail:- ' In liSt ayevtle n I'o l a1nfs a , 0 orbg~ -t- - ~ ' " -' 'I " C _ ten _OllSI' Ie rac(. weca n y u Ott w here theyare, onth e m ostsc lentlfi ep IDn ~, iteworkmansh ip. havill of any class for th e und er the Pontifi cate of Gr e~ ory XVr. , is head tlrero was set a reward of £ 300, and The mon ey, collected on a bad prelext, i3 a first Y81<1', now r e -i s~ue d to remind posterity of the whose active participati on in the late rebel- furid 10 1' juveoilf:' de baut:hery. Anu thB I'llin o f' BO magnificent a rn onumellt, on lion, more especially in th e affair at Kill en- wo rds whic h the litt le.: ragumu lBl1s have :0 Theological Semi_na?'y af SI. Chm'les Bnr- \V hose rf'ilu ildi nl:' the Rom~ n PO lit i [fs are aule, rendered his captLl re a matter of' grave ; ntte r are a brutal ri ual d ry, un fit for the ea t'

j·omea.-'f'he annual meeting of th e rnana- be strlwinr,; eve ry cat'e and lahol'. importanc() to _th e Government. Previous 'I' of woman 0 1' child. The nuisallce is an ge l' s, So li citors and Subsc ri bers of th e scm- II F Olll'th---- The elTi,[v ot the Pontiff in hi s to his fl ight to Ameri ca, he spent several outrage to decency a nti un opproh ri um to inory, took took place o~ ,Sun~liY, evenin,g m~zelle and stole, with th e in scription Pius days in the town of' Galway, habitecl as a ollr police regulations. last, III the uasement of St. Jonn s Churlr.n , IX .. P onl, J!I[a ,v, Anno, 1. 1. On the re- cle rgyman of th e church of Rome, awaiting It migh t be sllppressed 1\t on ce --iJy a sirq­ ar:cording to rrevioLl s ann(lUIlt.:emet1t . The ve r~e th e colossal statues of th e IJoly A[l os - the departure of a vessel bound fo ], New pie order from the [loli ce. The Home Sec­ H I.. Rev, Bisbop Ke nrick pres ld8d . a nd de· ti es, P<'te r and Paul, e rectecl by the Pon- Yo]'];:. One day, however whtlequ10t y per- retary, we believe, could do it with a stl' oke live red an app l' ofll' iatc speech on the occa- li fY in the piazza or th e Vatican , at the two ambulating the streets, he pel'eeived, by an or hi s pen , If he is ve ry milch afrH id of 'li on, which was li stened to with profuund ext rem itil's flf the Basilica. with thl! In scJ'ir- earnest sta re fro m a passe r-by, he was I' ec- the -ult ra E xeter Halllnfi uence, he ma v 0";)­ <1 ltention: the Very R8v. Mr, Gartland and tion Basil,_ Vat icana i, DellS Addit'll1n aAd 10gni Se~J by a pany whose acquaintanceship ther beart ITI reflecting that No\'elTIb;J~ i~ ,\ lVI I' , SOll l'ill a lso "ddresseci the me etin g in und e rn eath- the da te . he con Sidered w(Juld be more dange rolls long way rrom May, Bnt he could e ll eo'un­ lheir usu al happy style. F ifth-The effi gy of the Pontiff in his than se rviceable atsocritical a period. Ta- te l' noserious orposition , T he nUi sance is W e porcelve by the report read by _Rev. ll1loZelie and stelC'- -with the in 'ic ri pt ion king the a larm, ,h e .tuok a boat un the in- too vile in itself to be defended; and If any M I' . SOUrlll, that t.he numbel' of sluJelJts at PW8 IX, Bfa ,v. Annn, I, 1. L fgalio?le , stant. and set m il for the adjacent Island of kincl of meaning we re imparted to the s te p p resE;Dt 111 the Sem l11 ary IS twenly-live, perfuncl1 s. ad Yi'U'ln IX., Pont, ma,v, Elec- Ar ra n, where he met s helte r a nd protection beyond the si mp le abolition of a street [J ui ­ th irtee n o f whom a re studYlllg Theo logy, tum. Nom i. ll e. JIII(1.gni, Jure, Domini an at the house of an old fri end , He w~ s not sance it would be-too mil d and tTe ntle a n aet b the othe r t w e~ve a re il'i the clas!'l of Philos- MDCCCXXXXVII. The i l : s~riptio n ~r om mil lly minutes I?cated he ~ 'e wht n a war stea- or_ gr'a ce t owa r~s a, secti on, of ou r "fe llo w- ophy. W!thln the lus t yea r, th ree of tbe tBe subject of tlte medal, whlcn was COIned mel' was descrwd bearlug down with ali i cItizens to find vmdlcalol's In ~ver;y CIrcle. 404

PARIS CORRESPONDENCE. to throw do~vn tll'e. l:ailing and to a~t-ll.r.k ~ he 'lthe~r ~dmi ;:ation o~ nis pr~cious sel~., No,w, frierlds "ould -join in taki~g that opin-i~n. infamous bourgerlls!e. The president. of let ~t lie t!llS way ~n fulUle and part,lculady He would'move that a solicitor be it1 st ru~teg PARIS, Nov. ~5. course. thon~h possessed of a powerful durmg thIs cold wmter-of admiratIOn less; to pl'epare a case for the opi'1l-ion, or counsel , I shall resume the s~bject which I treated voice, W!iS unheard, and the captain sneak- and of- blankets more. \Vo'lld you know in the matter,-Tbe chairmRa declared' I~is Inst week, as it is a peculiar but tl,eeting ed away from the tribune, probably fearful the value of a blanket, take your sh ~oes 0fi' conviction, tbat the I'estry c!;JUld get ,out of featu re of our time,s-I n-eao the , CII.l bs.-;- of consequences. and your Ht\l'ln~l, and PUyO~l some tim; cot- the difficulty Dy refusing t@ complete the Indeed, th.f!y cunstitule a fOI:ee ,of no ordioa- Wh h' h: d ,( II subsided Iton covenng vmh holes 111 It, and don teat (!ontraet for granting the lease, wi thout cem­ ry slrength, against which sQciety has to hen,: IS srene ~ b pal ra y t eech' anything all day, and sit down in -the coal­ a promising their honl:>ur, and 1he motion wail' contend; and we well know, when once the I he. PIl'ehSlch0nJ rose a~ b e;an t S~I f! ma'd~ ceilar for two hours afier six in the even, ing, carl'ied, -Mr~ Tiffin then moved that a de­ C lu bs are let loose. what use they make of 'h'v, lC 1 era r ela rfn~ y eat,r. 1 and 'then understand what a blanket rneans, putation wait [m Dr. Wiseman,a6companicd ']"- B "d 'I f' r 1m less learJU (. rnterrup Ion. d' 'II b I " " I'r. tell'h luerty. eSI es, elt leI' rom ear or , . 'I an It WI e t1e !Hs t tlme III your 'IJe .-- by IFIe soli citef to the vestl'Y, to represent shame, the FI'ench papel's say \Jot a wo rd "~et~veen Cava l g~lac and LOUIS Na~o e· Poor people suffer all this--thin cotton, tbe difficulty which had arisen, and endea­ of the Cillbs, and this is a cogent. reason on," Sald he, "t,hel'e IS no diffe rence whatso- slashed; a ll this feet without shoes, €I I' shoes vOllr to ineluce him to a friendly withdrawal why I should endeavor to l11flke your read, evpr. Both ~lsh for order and for peRce; wi th thin bottoms; a]] this cold-st()rnach feel­ Hem tbe agreement. This motion was also> ers acquainted with their character and ten- both are ~,ostde to anarchy. F or whom iug; all this worse than your coul-cellar ad opted.-Daily News. dencies. arE' we to vot,e? For the man who ,has the chill, not once in a way, but day after day Since my last letter, the Clubs seem to Ije gre!1,test chance, Now most evidently, and night af'tel'llight. It is but fair that hUl'ried on by a very whirlwind of passion, I ~OUIS Nap.oleon, h~s moce ~oles t~ant ,any lhere should be turfl-about in the other I IRELAND. It was but a few dllYs ago _that a sort. of o,her; so, III oldel to eSlahl,ls,h u s I,on~ world at least; and so there wIl l be_ "My I STATE OF THE COUNTR,Y. , communion ~ook p!ace wllh four loaves pro- Government, we must not dIVide OU I ef- dear, fat, indOlent, and heartl.ess dame, how EVICTIONS,-No ,less than ~fty - slx e.lect- vided by a fraternal associati(ln of bakers. forts." will you manage matters in the o,ther world? ments hU,ve been lnedat thE' h,ilrush Quar­ The loaves were cut up in a thousalid or two The man was Ihus running on through No nice soCt carpet for YOllr tender fee t, and tel' Sessl0l1s. The Hon. Mr. Hal'e has thousand bits, and all eaten at the same his st.r ing of Bonapari~t a l'gnmellts, when a warmth in y,oul' bedroom and warmth in nearl~ cleareu t,hree townl ands of his, pro­ identical moment. The pres'id'e.nt, ill his hurricane of yel'Is and groans fell upon him, yom sitting-room, and nice th ings tv sm~1 1 perty III the pal'lsh of Doon, CCII:Il11:y TJpPf\-, horrid language, compared the l'p.past to To this succeeded t.he concert of al l the per- and nice things t.o . eat, and all manner ofl J'Ury, of Iheir pop~j lation. '€he,l and is lying our Lord's Supper. At the Wauxhall Club, forat.ed keys that were to be found in the nice thing'" and all for YOl!]:self and nOtI:ing waste. The e~l?tec! al:e cemed oU,t-door situatec neal' the Customs House, an un- pockets of tI.e by-stullders, till the very for atly one else, excepting your nasty 11ttle relief by the relIVIng officer, and, whIle 'we fortunate bourgeois, tol e rably well-dressed place rang with the sound. One of the lap-dog? They say many things about tr~e write, ~re squ~tted ill wretchecl huts by thee was well 'nigh murdered, whilst he was vice-presidents, a M. Boudin - Devervre, other world; but of things comfortable for road slde_-Ll.1nenck E,"Cammer , looki'ng for' a seat, and was sent- horne in a then calmly a rose, tumed his back to the such as ~you there, I have heard nothing" TUE GERRARD 'PIWJ'8ItTy--EYICTroN OJ" most melancholy condi'ticJD. Yo~ see that audience, and, add ress ing the members in Come!, send some blankets, that the poor! TENANTRy,--;-Fifteen fa milier; , m:lking in aU the C lulis a re by no means deSirous that a soI'l of I1nder-tone advised them to close sillvel'lng Kent-street or Mlll t, or Borough-I sixty-seven souls, ; ~h i!'.'e j nst been evicted an): othel' but Ihe ~Tl ernbers ,should altend the 'Club for 1h e pl'eaent. with [1 view ofre- woman 1l1~y say a prayer ~Qr ' Y0U. Her from the Connor Vil lnge, a portion of , the thell' brotherly meetIngs, At the Club of openi'ng il~ the course of a week, after du ly cold and dll'ty skw covers an lln010rtal sou l. Gerrdl'd prtlperty. The condition of the th.tJ "Reine Blanche," Barn:abe Chauvelot, COllsiderin o by what means the tyranny ,of on which nodetilement li;s-itiswhite and wretched oll tcasls is rn isera-bl e Hnd cleplor­ With whom my last letter made you ac- the rabble~like Public might be aVOIded . pure; and take heed lhat tnat shlverlDg chlle able in the extreme. Thev have no means, : q'uainted" advised his good fi'~end~ to seareh But ,his wOl'ds were c'lught up by the op- uf the stol:m and of' tb: cold l:igh t I,ise no: I to enable them to o:ee!\ a ;hel'.GI' in thi~ or ~ h e cellal s for the money wl~lch IS I~ldde.n ponents. w-ho, truly Carneleon- like, would to the skIes when YOUI sun dnt! life goe~, ::tny other country'. I hey are wandermg III them. In a nolher, aga.m, At heism IS not heal' of a dissolution. They were de- d~wn III clouds, whlriwillds, and st~rms,-- about- old and, young--wido\V and orphans preached openly;, and a~ some, one c~m - li O',hted ut the idea of torturing their ~ic- ~Iankets! "blal~kets ! ;Jlan:\ets !-;--lst somethinO' to stav the cravInGs of nature.- - , extinguished, the speal,er l'epEed : "It is far ryinO' matters to extremities, slldderoly ex- fifty pounds; and last S unday, I got only F7'ee112an~ - ,., belter to believe in nothing at all, than :to cla il~ed: "Bourgeois, were you not d~ily to thirteen pounds about. MORE EVICTIONS IN GRAIGUE, ELRC TO­ ,believe in the nonsense which the Pl' i es~s heap insult upon insult against the people, ST. P ANCI1AS VESTRY AKD THE MIDDLJ£ RAL DIVISION OF ilrWPATltICI(, J.{rLRIALJ.OC K tell you." I am sorry to saY,that a Priest, the people wouid not damn you and :liss SC h@OLCA'1' lIOUCS,--O'n \Yednesday a 'meet- UNION ,-Notice h,lS been served on 1\11'. an Abbe Chlintorue, who preSides over ano- you ," Such a mal ignant and wanton ag- ing of the vestry of Sl. PUl1e:-a s took place G allaher, l'l,lieving omcer, elf'.ctoral divi­ ther C lub, do~s by no 11lea~s ma~e use g ression Sl:t tb.e whole pl1'1,ce once more in a t the new vestry room, K ing's,road, Cam- sion, lil'dpatrick, that the following heads the talent and In fluence he e,n.loys, In o,rd er an uproa r, and had not Ihe Public watched den Town, to consider the position in which of families are to be evicted frllrtl the lands to, coullteraCl such h(1terociItlcal doct.r,lnes , OVA I' the safet.y of lhelr tribune. most prob- the Vestry were placed iB ,having consented of G raiglle, t. he property of Weilington An­ 'and he was bold enough to say, a few nights ably he would 1I0t have escaped unhurl from to grant a lease of tbe old ves iry-rooms, in derson Rosse. Esq., Dubl in, It is rl'obab l ~ ago, "that,the people both ~ou l d and ought the rage of tbose be had thus insulted. GOldon-square, to the Rev. D r. \'Vis!Jrnan that before these lilI es shall lnve reached' to govern Itself; that a preSident more In vain did another Bonaparlist endeav- and other Roman Catholics, (or the pur- your office, tbe fa Lhers and thei,' fam ilies nece~~ a, I'Y than a l~lOlla)' ch, both ~el,ng upon OUI: to rl'OfJi l iali~ the rabble in favou r of his IP0 13'; 8 ofa R oman Calh51lic gramrnar, -~eh oo l. will bave been ~ast ou t, to end the ir ,days, a pa~, and the sO: I<:1I ~nd dernocla:lcal Re- candidate by proposing to take a way the Mr. Churc hward,en liealey, hliVli1g bee n Goe alone knows how anrl ,'..- her8, The publIc wanting nelthel the one nOI the ot.h- pale which sepal'ated them from the mem-l called to the chair, lV1 1'. M'(-,ahey, the Ves- following are the lIame" of th8 unhappy er," What stuff! bel'S of the Club; the latte r decided upon try Cle rk, read a ('ommunicati on from Mr. people wbo are 10 be e'ficted :-Martin A}e,w da~ s afU;I" came an0t,~el' sce~ e , at shutting up the Club; and thus defealed th e l-; a::dy " the Steward to his G lace the Dl~ke Daves, John Connell, M iehael Kelly, Pat­ the Chaussee d Antll1 Club. 88 1_n ald vi(l lenee of the operalives. who were {'VI- of Bediold, enclosll1g cenaln pro! e~ ts ','lhlCl! lick O'Brien. Joh1] Carey, MalFicD ReallY, and Bal"tlabe Pub- ~ large [Jdar~ 0 It e o\l'd c assdes el:p.,; ani ,0 I'e"1 ' 0[' 'th' e I'estl'y IJel'SI's -lllg I'] t"ne' le l'I'U <1 t II!JCU t to un "' rst11 " h ow, he DO c. " • - , " Deely, James LyncioJ , Maro0(lret Kel lv, Denis lic was sti ll more nume rous than on the ple- I, seerr.s" 'h b~" " :1' 1 - of' ', he old ,'eotIY j'''O[]]S fiOl' S"C tl '1 I)Ul' ,)ooe'" - I ffe ' o suc as"'1Il 'tl(J' to ta,'e pac'" ~ v ,u, 1 ~ • Kelly, Michael Conndl, James H erbert, <:eding occasions, but us it ~\ as separated by I,ce su I \., f "'I ' ' ~I \ . ,- 10 [J loceed to an ej'cc[men i of Ihe vestrv for JOll<,1 M'])ernlott, Bo,. rillOlorne w Q,.!,ninll'van , I, f I l f I CI b "[ he Oil y way 0 exp alnlllV t)8 r.11('umsla,J- , , J, _ a ral lUg rom t \e mem leI'S 0 tie u , olle, G " I breadws Pi the CO len'lIlts of their leaoe -- alld il Tj'cllael BI"azl'l. '1,'I\'eI1i Y-,<;I',\:_ he"tls nt" 'I I l' elf f' , CCS 18 that lhe llvemrnent pre,ers Javlog I " , ". >¥~ - u ~ rn'glt lave ta"en It lor a puc, 0 UI'IOUS ", h J bl I 'IbiS The le'ter e"!)ressed th e in 'en'iol1 of r"111I"I'le-,", 01' a, t five f.ore'a'·h 1"Ur'lll"lv" one hun- d I) h" \I j to deal WII lln open am pu Icenemy tlUI, < " . ., L 1" " v _ houfl s. .01 par.les were equa yarrent; I" I' , i1,0 'i lUce the Dnke to do a11d walned tI,e d'I'ed allel ',,'lll'['t,y or" (~o[l''',' <>. <,' e," I',11 "'(:',;-" d <>,pI'I'I'ed II ' I' h' " I f'h wllh a SfOcret one; W 111 St, on 1.1e otlle l - , 0 ' " , ." , , - , ~" . _ , equa v anxIous to \nol,v t e le, u to, e " \ I d' f N I "estr} tho' a ~cho (\l bC' !DO" held II' Ja~' to be of house and home,--Linw'ick and Ulw'e debate- now about to e nsue; equalling thrill- h,and . Il IS, perlfaps, di!; a "ols JO'I t 1e na: ~ I"a ue ~"bl" :- popular ~1~lence and misrule, as he' proach ing election of lhe PreSident, yllu Wlih to pe!'feCL the lease and give them pos- of the guardians of Tra \;e e, on Tuesday, Mr. would a schoolboy~ IIOt, He began by de- would h:ll'rl ly imagine that we are yet so seSS IOn 01 the preI11l :3 eS, as the vestry had H. A. fIe rbe-rt:. ,M,P., a tiended, a nd strong­ dal'lng lhat he WOll!rl endeavour, to r ~fl1le neal' a bloody revolu tion in the past, and entered In to a contracl to do so, At thiS ly recommended that they SilOU ld protest M. ~arnal>e C~auvel~,t; ,but thlB In~IT!8~I~lle- probahly on the eve of another cl:i si s 3lage of the proceedings it was annoullced aGainst so enorHIO llS an expenditure, A re­ ly IJlought fOllh a "tolm of thleats dnd in the futul'e. But more of this herea fl.e l', liml Mr. Southgate, fi'om the offi ce of s;lution (0 th at e l1ect was adopt ed. and th e- r g ruans. However, the sreakel', resolved A I I 'II fiAt be too much to ·,' 'lI " Mesors_ Scad,ding, the clerk to the church "d I '" h' " h ' , " -"not le I' wee C WI u " ~ guarO'lans ec are{ It as t ell' oJ'll1lO n t. at upon not be mg d l sconcert e ~ , el1~eavoll -dred matters a little better. "*" trustees, was in a1(endance, to serve a n0- the true remedy would be a diminution of to pl'ove th at grntultous eCiLIcallOn an a lice OIl lile vest ry clerk in the presence of f' C d f 1. I' 'l..'I' ' I' " "'" _ , ,,",,", t "the area 0 la, xatlOn,- orre~[J olJ ent 0 Tight to Iauour are s leer lmpoSSI",l Illes: tllS ,he Iei'lL} . fhe ,estlY letllsecl ,0 admIt the l1rIorning Chromele. was too bad, and tbe unf'ortu1ale man was ENGLAND. puny 'or such a purpose, and ultimateh the R P R T at ooce stopped by u volley of insults and LONDON, -- SAINT GEORGE'S. __ Cnor,EUA docurnent we~ served upon Ihcl vestry ~Ierk EsrSTANCE TO THE ,oaR ,-ATE. - he h isses_ AND BLANRETS.-We cannot be 'suffieien! if bv bein o' sen t in by one of 1 he bead les. It I measures of the Govern~~lent. have been, for "You are downright brutes!" exclaimed urateiul to God ihat hilhurto this dread ed \~as read. ancl wasa protest signed by seven Ithe present, at le,,~ st, ellectlll:1 m stoppll1g the memhc l' $ of the Glub. "YOll wnnt lib- b ' .. , ' , '~ l 'd'd " M' S, 'd' " " ,,' _ tbe system of fore llile resI3tance to the levy and dreadful disease has visiied so very, ,aIE, pd)el,. lea e uy 1 l., ca C11u o ,agalllst f fi I'll' 'I' f n - erly fol'you rselves, 11 11d youdepriveothers I t I h 'I ' I ,'ftl ld ' '" ',t 0 a ve ,sllll1grate,lltleUI110n O, lJort , very few and far uetween, t 1a t ley arc. y ,Ie COllvelS lon 0 .. le 0 ves lry rooms 1.10 G I II'1 dB' f'D tl1 el 'J,. of ' l' own', You al'e j'IOl.lliu[!" else !u'ut awaken a ttention 'l'h an I{s to \.:1:0. , dl_ B ul a sc h 00. I It' b e'lng a nllsaace, nned UlIt' n- 'county , , a way. . e as' erotlo' uras- canaille. Y Oll deserve t(') be cudgell ed out Wel await the will of God , and feel like sol - mental to Ihe property on the esra!e of the hOl1se, In 11 letter t,n (he Evenwg Post, says : of the place; we wel'E' wrung to spare such d iers on the reserve. Thollgh inaet ive so Vulle of BedtlJrd; and 0.180 gi ving fmiher -'~AlI tl'aces ot ba~'ncades (r,oncern 1[]g 'beings as you!" far, no one call say wben the" death-sh~wei' notice thaI 1\18 vestry roorna tJe ;ng so used, wh Ich ll1

Ilod being about to move into tewn, the peo- take the hopeles's task of coll ecting money cent 10dgi.1gs, puts a thousand ludicrous say- gave this. "rnafl,~' a good ' horse;whippillg pie surrounded them-men, women, and where, in the lil e ral sense. no money was ings into their mouths, a~ "they never we re and disp,e rs,ed ,the people. for which he re­ ghild rell- und swore that the calt'le should to be had , The consequence is. that for reared to do so a nd so," and "some of their ceived the approval and :hanks of the inha- 110t leave the place; the greatest excit ement nearly two terms not a shi lling of the cess relatiens drove in coaches." One ca~ e has bitai1t~. This ·';" persevering in giviDIl: prevailed, and one man raised a shovel and presenl ed for has been demand ed from the come to our knowledge, in which a man in- bad example, Fathe t' Moran, a.s a last resort, ihreatcned to knock t.he head off the col- rate. payers.- Correspondent of thfl Times. dn ced his fri end s to leave their homes by was obl igfld to ,te-Ii hig congl'egallon to avoid lector if he persevered. Things beginning TIrE "Tnu:s" TARING PITY ON [REL.A.ND. ~aming descriptions of his own prosperity. his compan,y, and hold no in tercourse ,vith 10 appeal' seriolls, the coliect0r despatched - On the subject of t he coming ball for the In proof of it he slated Ihat he li ved in a h itT) fOI' two reasolls- fi I'st, lest he would a mounted messcnger Into Cionmel for a Poli sh refugees, the Times of Saturday says : house of four stories, and on their al'l'ival contaminate the we ll disposed, or, second Iv ; police fo rce, wh ich soon after arrived under --"ViTe protestagainsf' the morbid seclar:all ' they found he really did so-but it was in in the hope thut when th e usual courtesi~ ,~ sub-Inspectol' ,F03herl'Y. The people gave ism of ~en li rnent -which has wi ne and oi l for I the ceJlar department. of life we l'e den ied him. this "man" wou ld way when they saw lhat lhe collectol' was the denizens of' Liberia and the slave of l "Vhen People tOllk of luxLllies to which entcr ill tu h~lllself, re pent of his irregul a r- , suppor:ed by the police, and (nrth:r sel:lIre.s 1Cub a, or tI:? exile.of :oland.; b.l:t whicl,l has i they were accustomed at home, the l'e~ort itic.s, and become what he once was, a good were tben Illade, In sOlne lIl Slances the I nellhcl SCIIP, nO[ co •• r,110 I kindly \IOlds, / nallirallyoccu rs to the best natured mind rnembe l· ofsociety. I know the "man's" s heets hacl to il l:! taken of]' the pOOl' people's Ifor the rniser~ which pines in V.l1 English I why did they not stuy ut home ? E ithe r i~ name, but lest I shou ld wound Ihe feel in gs beds, and stitched up as bags to hold the ' alley 01' an insh hovel," . is l1 gl'eat meanness ar a grflat falsehood to of some friend s e f hi s who ill'P., no doubt. corn which war, ~ounr-l hid l~nder beds and RETURN Oi' All5EXTJj;E~, - 'l'be Earl of: live Tn !1 country' and yet 'hoast eul' ind epen. readers of th e F I'eE' man's Jou rnal I must heaps of seraw 111 tite cabll1s. In some Darnley wlil in lne course of next week,' dence of it. forbear mentioning it at presenl. cases, hO\\'cI'er, security was given and the arri vc at Cltfd cn Lodge, bis re,-;ide nce, in the But, thc most dangerous member of thi s "Vhen "Kirwan's" mothe r was oppress- c?rn Jeft, with th o p,eople, A genllernan re- counly of IVleath , accompanied by his uncle, con sp iracy is certainly Drunkenness. He ed by a rapacious landlo rd, by whose means SI? lI1 g III the nei ghbourhood, seel,n~ t.b~ the Bon . J'IIII:t Duncan Bligll, her Lajesty's robs bis victims of l:ha racter. heRlth, 1:In l'l were her wrongs redressed? I will shew. misery of the people. the cntlcal POSllIOH of Minister at Hanover, who, durin g a period money, ht eRll iN the aid Gil' tbe miliiary to <'!uell the in g class, whu, finding no IlOpe for lheir be- Ib !s diabolical attempt to enslave and de. to hate Protestants. The falsehood ' o ft~li~ dis turbance, 101'ed r~thel'lalld,!c, 110,'V c'rolV '" l Oll l' -,"••,,',a , 111 °,<, ['0,.. , gr:l'.eI a b rave b· ut un,ro i'l. uoate peop Ie, W l 10 hsseJ'tion is so IJ'e ns, Until we becume ac· ~ ,~ ,,, ,.g., '" an d P ro testant mtr!lster .10 III In promulgating 1\IURDE1,. ALlannl 11 of thei r veneru. a~I~II1I~~\atl()l l , ~hy shou ld mycoll.nt lyrnAn lieved) thal a nenllernan of 1,000l. a vear, popu latlLln from helng employed In all of· ble pasLOr - to th eir own destructilln. be dP I,Je,l flCj l~l. c() l1n ted on, and dl lven hke , , ';':, ' , ...... , ' ...',- . ficesoft ru st; II. Toatlach amarktoeach "., ' ? heldof sw,netothe . Jloll ? We tell the III the call II !.y Ol ulille, IC!., belllg, 'llong Villh \1 . hi ' b h l II 1. I II 1 hiS IS tne PJ'lest, no doubt, to whom oAl c'.lal Edilor tital we wil l vol .. litis way ll r '1 ' f- ' I 0 11' 1 t b' t Ii rlS man, Wle:e y e slla "e 010wn to a I{ ' ., II d . ., .. .- a ~ alge alnl y, c mpe ec 0 Stl SIS or I' ' I b IT rJ' " Irwan ' a u es In let!er 9 palTe 88 thai just as we pleaen. ', asl lo glon,wl0was , ,'" , heretofore pursued has not always met with I and Ih e Rev, J os hua M, You ng of L lHlcas- , herself received into the CbuJ'f~h, in this city She \~lng some vel'ses of one of the Psalms , ,tel' wl lost> so' I' J ' ~nd 'I I-n n l' es" lv'· sel' nons I'n I E' t d " to hI S confessor. "Those words we re meant theappl'obationofaseledfew;butthlscan- - < I II, i', ~ V ' I - ast

Mary! repeated these sweet w0rds all the m, The driver descended and eommand- 'I CA'['.alO.ILli{j BOOIi-S, I LING_"-RD'§ the night long; in a few momenls [ shall be "d Ihe fJent.le men to Icave the s tege, which ; TflE u~d e rsign e d ~e spect full~ _announces tha,t HlSTORY OF ENGLA.."N"D, they r efu~e d 10 do. whe n he la id hold and ! h e has Jus t rccev,ed and oifer, for sule the fO I- judged, _ •. but I hope. '. • . " I lowlu>! Catholic Bonks : (CHEAP EDlTION,) I ' cr ' • dragged them Oll t, leavlog the m on the l - Bih les, of di fferent edilions, , E very t lin", was now r eaay. They! road 10 make the ir journe y t.he best way Thomas A' KcllIpis' From tl,,, First to th e Six th Vol, l'eceive(1 and ror sale by COI'lAIIAN & BROTHER, a li ghted from the carl',lage. The sentence It hey cou ld. The Dernoerat" understa nds lI Ga:' den of R?ses, Cornel' "<'!tern How 'IUri 8th sts, was read bya superIOr offic-e l', He rbuei l lhat Ihese "valorous chums were from I GJ.,u. ,l e 'I BIIook , .. . . , .\.ey 0 ' ea vr n. begged that they would not cOI'e l' kis faCi e, I Philadelp hia, I Bt. V,ncenl' s Ma nual. HEEV.E';5 BIBLE HISTORY , d I I Id tr' I' I . If I Child's Prn\'er Book , Rc«'uccfl t~ F ;fity "'CI~ts an Llat t le y wou suder 11m, llmse • to I ' CI11· 'I -tl' "n' 'G ' d I ~ . ~'~ . v , • · . I THE FESTIVAL OF '['H !': J:\IMACU- .'" S III C, Inorde rt0l'lacP.lllisS\a ndardSch ool boolr wn.hillT.he gIve the word of c0mmnnd . It was grant' 'j L " crE' r'0~'CI:;'I:>1'ION l?ady ExerCise. I,each uJ' every o"",l.ho "lIders i ~ " ed ilo , dete""i"e" 10 • • .""l \..) l ' • . l . Chnstw ll SiI(;flUcr. Tf ·dll(·c l h p. rctK;1 pri c. e or it. 10 t.he ,·p.r~' low rate (I f Fift y ed . "I hac! cllura"e" sUld he "for tlip' 1 , . ', ' ". • I Cents per copy , frO lll wh Ich the 1i .'· "DI dis,'o ulII will Ioe . ." , , ' I I, 1'ldaY of this weel(, bl' lng Decembe !' the ~!'nl ,'tili c Ke~ of Heaven . ",.d·,to th elrat!e . Vler"),"tell, ildji, iou.Jnstil.U ,io !1 s and cl'lme; why s hould I not ha ve It fO l' the ex- 8 1h, is Ihe Feslival oflhe B les ~erl Vi rgin . .I,' cl rop ollta u Calhollc Alma nac, Colic"swili Ioe.llo \\, eo tllC dl>countwlle n ordcring in · , 9" IJ' b d h ' d cfl I . r I' G I I " ("""5 vi J) evolJon . laree quan, il.i•• , plutlon; - e l nellum race t e pl'ICst all I ,1e s{lC OInl'Y a t llS east las . 1owC!v e l' Oriental Pearl . ,,'J' liis r c"tI~Jio' , ,:e n.J ~ r ~ .Ihis hOok ?"" _Or thc:h~'J1es t , ' d h I· t hi · 1" 1 0(-) 011 t"ull~(e rr e d to ~he S Und 'I)' Wlthlll t be "· tl· 1"13·'d Schoolbool, s flow,nu.c aH,LcOntOllls1,Qp."c,u"t,avn, lecelve t e ,lS esslng o n 11 ~ { o ces. - . . , v ·, 10 Ie 11 c' . 1l P.8f lyiJoUlld 11l 8 he e!~ ilU l'! It IS oll ly Wi th t ne liopeD I ex J h d .1 lid' I r U cla v", GCI'IIl 'HI P ray cr Books of diflij"e nt puhli cations tenrlin g its usefnlness II", rerlu,'I.ion of Irrt.-r i" now made, I.le L e n tLlrne tOll'arus i le so ie rs IV 10 ! I ." I 'L.' rl I I" , ' .. . . ' 'j Orde rs reeC ived loy F , LUVAS .11'. , " " . . ,' , , I WI JC! lC!n)l'tn ' ·Ie tlat t.l ls 1:- nolV ~\Iso-AII "Ind s o~ Beads, Medals, Holy VVa,te r Nov . 16-4t J\'0_70naIL . ~I. , ,!lal t itllore . wele c ha lgeu With the execulio n olthe S<'I1 - Ollr IE!t!Ol1ul rel igiOUS festlvul. How far It Fonls, 'Wood , Hrassalld Stiver l:rosses, Crnclux- I ------tence-"CotTlrades," said he, in a Ii I'm vOice, \ wil l iudeed be celebJ'ateti a~ sllch will Gu- es, Pictures \VillI and wilhout fram es, &c, &e. I J\fONEY RE.I\II'fTED - ' C " B . f J .1 'I ' ' I' I c Vi'h ele"" Illu nv or the abovc Books are of the .. 1 d Ie a hl'lstlan . ,ehold the II na(re 0 I PE' tl( Oil , Dilu pe l HlpS S lnw, lOW UI I' we ."'. J . ' j'I " II '.11'0 ~ ' .u-,[1E OiLD <[;'11HJ.N 'll· i~'if , • • <:>, \ ... Po •• C' !' .. I . ... _...... 11 01\1\-'81 b l nd ln ~, With beautl_u engrav ln gs, n T Ollr L o rd J ~'S ll<; Chl'lst," presenting the IIT! - i i'll' " ,a., ,l ea l,l y a,t:l.ool~ ~f,' O, ric" l,t ' ~ (,. '~ll'll lI p.CISOIlS intending to .p r oc~,re I3cluks and ,otber :J r-. he uncl ersiglleti has made 'Hnlll ge ll1 [}nts to . ., . . 1 1.H:·ll~ (\ 1 e dI110n~::'l 11 :::; v.i . holies :-::ulllClp.n t i n !l clf'!=: nbov(' lHl!l1 t..'d for C llrtst mas and .N ew Yeat tran.s. rnit mOtley di rec t to Enaland, Ireland, ~cot -

  • en {! etl I1i n p. and spur ioliH Act. Tt is rlf'cd- DRY GOO D S ------less to add i.lUtl we hope t.his beautiful work will h av~ a I · > .. N Orr! C 11? cirCl.}lali \Jll at Icast eq ual to its me1'ifS, Jlld that t.h e liher- 1 • 'f S I "r' d "'t::tf'l ' St l .E1. L ARD OIL FACTORY. alltyof M r, Hewet,wh? is alreao}ls.o\ov().lI.kHOWI.1 asanINo.JO,Fl th t.;- !Jet. If,atn an yyanut r eets, illnstrator of «anilanl Ii terat"re hy hi. ed ition 01 Shako Cincinnati O. JOSEPH KLINE, MFRCHANT TAILOR, NO . 27 I'IATER STREET, BET. MAIN AN WALNUT. epellre, will be we ll rewarded for II1 ~ e nterprtse . NOlle ' but a liheral· llii u: defJ ma n, alul a 7.c aI9\lR lo,.-or or a r~ .olthl The suhf,cribers wis h to inrorm their friends ami th~ No. 3:J Fifth St., bel'ween lIlain a?ld p ll hllC, t.hat thp.y have cnnst3.ntl.v on hJ:I-ld, a superior Rave veuturea r ticuJa r literature onthe day. The il lt1strntions whic h Rdorn patlt BUCKEYE LARD OIL FACTORY. PREPARATION FOR DEATH; referenec to ,-be wants of hi~ 1:lIs10mers , and which he is : pa!!:e are of chaste a nd most. h~a u t ifll l description, e ~lIal­ a d c te rmilH'd lie II on as l!ood as any other f"stal' iI!lI­ D . CALLAGHAN .It Proprietors of the BUORP.Yfl in!!, if not excelliug, those o f Harpers' Biblp. . They are Or. Consid erations on the Eternal M;:u:ims. U!eful for all to ten ns eo., ment. Many years experience i ll t. lle IIlH! ine!!ls flnabnn ~ Lard Oil Factory, focat of L awrence s~. eppo!!ite t.he Np.w~ · e£cellent specimens~ of the hi:rh rerfeclion t.e wlli~h thp.: as a Hook of Med itations, &c. By, st. A/phon8us okl. Li· port Ferry lalldin ~, wo\! thelrtncnris alld the put... art has heen carried- not pictures;: Jt1p.I'ely. bItt in dQs ign and g'U,ori, him ttl execu te a ll work in hisline , iu the belStmrn nc r and on tho shortesl t-lo t ice . lie that they h ave for sa le 8)\ articl~ of t ile hcst pure refinef'1 excr,t1ti('n impressive p reseAtations of t he l ead ill ~ suhj~ct .Ai. supply of the above work recei ved and for !!Iale at t he P. S.--J. K. k.eps .1.0 on hand a larr. e stock o f R.,dy L a rri O il , which they will sell 9! cl.. ea fJ a s the r:h.capeul, Ii }fl ef eactl chapter, a nd do g reat credit tf' t he artist. The Catholic Book,tore of Made C lothin !!;, whicll he otfers OR t he lowest .tf:rUll!l , bl)th on the most acc omm o~atiJ'!iJ! terms, and solICIt a IUte r. fronti~piere is the Cro~s. and Crown ofThtlrns, i. bronze CONAHAN &t BROTHER !hafB of public PQtf()J\ea~e. Jlfor(}RGe, 'l'M. T 1"l' beautifully done; then fellow thu eastern Magi, warship- June 7 I Wb"I".. !. sRd Retail. 31>' U, 1S47.