Catholic Telegraph .
CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH . .. "In ]'OJ eee§ s~1l,rij§ Un ii tas. in Du toi is Libe:n.·tas, in 0 In nibu s Cal'i t as." PTJBLISHED llY CONAHAN & BROTHER.) REV. EDWARD PURCELL, EDITOR. (TERMS, $2,SO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XVn.-NO. 5 L CINCINNATI, TI-IURSDAY, DECEMBER ~l, 1848. "VHOLE NUMBER 884. ".,...'"577 . ¥ Frorn the Tablet. tics ure not likely to approve (If C::ltholic February last, I entered the Congregation Ir.racked his own jol,es, at weddings, and THE "LIVES OF THE SAINTS." works of any kind. The Council of Trent of the Or~tory, I. submitted.l';ly wor ~;: t.o the w~s sponsor at the christeni.ngs for n:ore 'Ve allllou oce in another column, with did l1 ot.':! the ,opinions, n.ol' minister to Fathers WIth a VieW to obtall1lDg theJ]' JUdg- 1ch tl dren tha n any othp.r man 10 the pal'lsh. great regret, that this most valuable publi. the whims of heretiCS, whom Jt condemned, m ent on its continu ance. They, for "ari- He could recite whole pllges of Pasto ri ni, 'eatiOlY is s<lspcndp,d , ' Me regret t h is fer Ale~ander VIr., ~heD he condemned Jan- (OUS reasons, put off'their determination till Iand as for Co.lumbkill's prophecies, he· had t he sake of lhe thousand subscribe rs and sel1lsm, did not lespect the f~e llngs of Its the close ofthe)'ear, and u pon what grounds Ith em all at hIS fingers' ends. Shandy was the tre bled numbur of readers.
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